Eft Fecli ti I IV e . :i la t'.i irj 17. i v. ... e in; 1 r o U M . ve of Tit, ivei- tatt, j on . aad fifty II I ft. 1 J. ' est, I.p b:.i, dt-au- 1 iJ.m o l! , I r, . i i.:,.- c:i li p.U; CI ' t r : jti; '1 " I -i of i..c corn wat J hj nir ;' Mornn ."fi.u! .Jr.iiobh.witb t I .!.t o kucc ; . is (Hjn- anJ Inppy ::.i!y cn-i- J in ,.tt ;, xfyvv . jruV., - Tliat : aficrnoju ho lirtj cccl.li ntnlly UlunJIcofl. tu-rs,-..!1ii;jM:ll-Jfif,Mi. l hiJ 'wif, before InJ iritn "it in rtie door. ' It" was a jbrrc pondinco i;i'"c:!;f"i: " 4 .."'.' ts hi.ii. -T i-!ilul -IjumoiS, tii.J i iifi tit . .i.-.i, Wiihi." tiios a.'t-c;in!y employ tJ, t' rrpoit of n riflo'wai bcartl j'anytlit'r U. I 'vi .! in quikk succession. V't l f-;.rt.j I i l.tfoct flils vvitb ran to th 1) Jl they "iJul1a;ouVly rxcKiiiuedt f 1. .k I . The dim r vyas immediately faffed cnd'tlie ' v:xr moment ttitir fears vverojjrealized! by a L ,1d' aid s"iiri:i. ai,.c'.; tS a ?i,iuii ' iiy of "Iu 'ianj. ' The cabin could nolc successfully Ji'feaiIedt and tinid w as reci;i. i Jordan, cool, bravo and prompt, soon decided, i AViiiN lies was io tlm act of oonecul.'; A I. Is uifd'un d:r Hjc- fl-iW,x a mother sjifccling over. e wne "hershe' aroski''i;.cd hjr infant, hat " nfraJ that i".jric3 ,vou;U Vol my " !.t u vSho oncQ t..oi;e pte-s . w. ...i ..it4ii o lie nilV.J bo.-ijfni,' n iin Mid Vfliiu kisseJ litlMiiipassicinl tenderness, T',(5 iot iMarmcfat the p- JV: n of t-"irs . iV.m fell it'icitijtd cheek. l'ioktJii.iinus"cioi!i. .cr's face, ihrcw'HsMUtlu-'armldroucJ her r.cek(- nnd 'ep uloud; InthV'narr. j of t "lieavcri, Eliza", release "jhaTc.hi1d or be lost,: liJ thedistuicted liuband, in A soft, iiripjofi ing voice, nihe, 'fttrcVd- iho iilant' from "jli.'s wife, huitilv took, up Lis sWklSfVhKd hatch" . rt; ran up llie Udder th:U led 1d' the garret' nd (frew it after JuinX-lna mojiient the door was burst open; nud the: savag?s cnicu J iho house I1- ? -f.;r ' ' v f .1 ' Hy this time MorganfiaJ! scflircd his c in a bag, nndjishca. .itto h back; t! .-n throw Int. nfT r.,K.sj"" .v.l pprtiacucd, he knocked him it .... uiihihc tutt of r his: c.un; 7 The JolheV flu-. need whh wpUfted tonahawk. Mdrgan U) full hls'gur and closed iii. ;The 'savage niadi br..-,v, missed liio 000.1 ' i.jL'.-1' ' . ' - ,v,uvu uic turu UJiii oou;. i 1 infant to' hi' back, and ! iffcltV The contest over now became war. 1 and fiercci u'j -na carried on with, knivw only. TLj robustaod'alhletie Morgan at jlngihgot't .-acendancj; both' were "badly cut "and b" ! freely, but jhe stab,, Qf lhe .Whj Io man c . 3 tetter and deeper, wdhbe sVvlfee foc'a sup; 13 the, earth,. .Morgaa'histiljj'.tock .up Ms chid, and htjrricd'cflT. V'v'-''o4 ri;ij Inalans in' the boii-. ' in,ttvAV - ! I. .-. 1 1 ri r -. r I . . . t - . - - - agjfcr.J seen cul- , . , -f ttl j1i trajutd I.- cf .1 t- ' ' ti. ' yaru -n. I rhts brct' t, it;-- " f' - M a Lis vivW; - or -d. 3 if ' .nn;pand plurJering, we, not'r " -ed ftaecont-tin-thexardu-Jthe c: .. : ;;r;1 kna -vn EAVeig::) cf.rciur.." ' 'I- cal! tbero". tothe sc&Vt f vcn . i .if i ri -'.t I.. In 11 .r a t'Je ground, i.ij bil n ri ! fjvifhc dg, t' by fir5, tin ll.j ruins f.uJ o c w .ect Si'p9 ci rue!. Cart u brarnh-s of a ! ei.erab!e' oak. ;tcd by the purest ai.J hv'ie.n rccob Lction uys ap.prthu Morgan i..uc;ged ! a err.:,-1 .: ixl tl.c Uloe Licks.- The I t , . ( - . 1. 1 ...... , . ..." . .. Cm.-j t , uctors anl the sutvivin 'i::-3 returr. I errors the Licking pursued by the enemy fjr a dlancc of six and thiity iniles.'S fi- :;: T ' &j &tpPt;ii. i'' James-Morgan wasnmong! the last who crossed the river, and was tn'the rear until the hi!!. was di scented 5C)onnshr-iMdipH the Iudians r'e.apj .Jr on "the rid-ej he felt and wrois and ricUaed :ho Udy objects of his" Lotions. ILijui-jed on'hi's horse, and prcssM t i t'.j frqnt. . , Whilo in the net of It-aping fron- th3 eaiidlcJic recc-ir. cd a lifb tall in ildgh andfell; nn Indian sprang upon Urn, seiV-d hhn by ho hair, and npplicd the scalping knife. A? this moment, Morgin.cast up tiiryvs and rccoghlzL-d tio JiandVcrehief that bound-i'hc head of'thtf s?i- ige, and whL-h' ho knew to; be Iih wif s. T:.is added renewed strength lo his body, and increased biinivi: lo' fury.': Yle q-nVkly threw, his left arm around the, Indian and with a dtaihfic gr'asp hr --d!' him lo ' som txpired in his ar-"-..-.- . -'i-. v t- - li-cifasin himself from v-.o, "Iurg-in crawled U'jder the swult mk, on an clevru'd piece of ground a short duaucc fiorn hiijn. The scene' of action shifted, and ha, remained uncliscovcred nd unsc-dped, an anxious ypectator of the battle'.' was nowroiJoight.-y Thct savago band l; i J, 'after .taking j alt iho" scajps they could fiaJ, left the buttle ground. ''Morgan .was seated at the jfoot jof theVak jj :its'.tr'unli sup. pjrtcd hU, :ead. The ground f was' covered with lliG slain the once whitaahci projcetjng r6cks b ached with the min'ond the sun of cen turies wxre Clinton with blood that had w arm., cchhe heart :ind iwmated the bosom of iho p'at. riot and s jlJioi'.' Th palo glimmering of ;hc moon cceasionallylihri w a fuininighl upon the m hg!ed bodies of the dead, then npnssing cloud enveloped all in darknessand give additional htjrror to tlio feeble, cries of a ftiWslillTirg'-r. hl in the last, agonies of. protracted death, rendering doub!y"appalling 'by" iha1: hoarse growl of the' bear, '.the IjliI hovtlof the' wolf,' the shrill and jvaried ntHes of ihpivild cat an. p-'.nthcr, feeding o,u tho -dead-and dviug. Morgaube,!itld'the'sccnd witl) luiirt.iending sensation,. tind; looked forward to the apathy of dtsp.iir to bfs own end.' t T ' ' iA largp,! ferocious, looking .boar, cove rc4 alj ovcr-with blood,: now approached him ; he j slowly passed on : wiihout noticingjiim. Mor .;a r.:ieu h;s beau wasr about 'to r:ier face vand in silt-,,c,ny aw5iipd his"fctte. fIe,riibVhclirda'TusjrDgln trie bushes ;' steps "approached ; -a cod chill. ran over, him. Im. nginationcreaiive,'ibu3y.-Jmpgina;ion, iwas. r.cticly employed ; death die tnost liorrible death ay.-aitcd1 him';ihi3 limbs would irr al! probability be, torn from "Him, and be 'devour cJ, alive. He fjit a-louchlhevital spark almost ex'ipjuished; another touch more v! . v.l than tlto" first," and htr vrhu turned over; The cold sweat Tan"1 down Mb'tof rents Ins haLiv!- " ere vjktilly, forced'frcrh his face--' tj.a :.. picd from mder a,qoud a faint J, .... ' he. Wlieid his win.,' who in scarce auJ'.ble vu: . - -clalmcd, My husband ! my !...-b 1 "r. 1 fell ron his bosom. ' , ' I T'Tan cow rncd : from bis - wife,- that ' i'..e L.ii ir.s icdt!:o Lj-jec, ll.oy t'iiii-s Jr-. irteiiy ; nn c'.i.jrcailcn l.-li j --c. cf. them rc.-.ivcJ a (.'ir:-:'l ii-b i 'U ' : n:. il.rr j' t! : 1 Mf Tcn I.rr. " ' ip: 't t :!ie ; hcri.---:- t - jou- t T l;;.cJ her nec cf co4.:. p ' S!:o" was imecljitly t-en n::J boun I. T. 3 J rtyt cfr -Ulrj fir 3 to lip hoy.o ro- CC r-Cu 10 ir t . . n r.tV S'stion...- 0.1 iho'c .v cf . ! f..;.nd some Lores bu: ;.:; ashes wearisome V nr fj"- "I'V-rcJ ' a ntlv mrixl,t', am3 'ht7.,cav' a!crp. t!:e Hculacs ;:..ir mi'cAi bilh the f iruf 1 rwdor ihc ppui threw tmselpon'ihc grbutid,;""Sifently,,com mcr !d his soul to Ilcaven, and irVbVeathless aaxLiv aw aiied his fate.- - The satiated animal ft'"1 1 " I bill! 2 of the lae Licks," a l.Drse, with a'ssd 'i'n Dr3'"-s I rushed 1. :.cr, OVj she knew w- --r I.-j f s. pi: were left.'... "7 th j r.ci;. .1 tl e -:p,; lirJrcs- . :1 ih purs..!;' r... j . . " . 'ot..:r th 1 Mr- Dcxeu-i'i the -kacTuJ t .s. All our mo J rd p-MtvM cisl i.) - !''. t r::-i cf j our ler.r'.srs shuuld t i to il.Vcr: and cr.'i them fort1), but t! : is lluy lLin!c 'j!;e lca?i cf. Vt i;iwut i: -.:,:;r.c; them;. Ives r.s to whether the house Lo already full, they only intelligible.'-. - ypeak to little children of C ;J, ii in t r words to present to thcir conteir .pi ttior; ti ubjct to which all srj!s oi.!,t io tend. C i: iho sentiment i i r: fixity to recognise itstil in the prescrsco rf t'.o infinite God, and no tiling will be-lost even amidst our lerrestriat p tsssiaW, if from thct'dt pth of their darkness man has still a glimpse of tiu radicnt path Ui heaven. - -- ' - Is there on earth a vice. which willj not-falh beforo'the- - - "Ul. " - ulillu".IUi; n error wlucH i I"'1' "ul val"By, before .lhe h o( reason.?. and is nut conscience more powerful; ha n the swnrdi ihcfaggot, lortureor pleasure? Dei vel.tpo in, Crcsir the, moral hontimcnt which animated Cito, and Romo will be Tree and' Caesar will be great. Dovelope in AlexandL-r' the sentiment of ?tl e bctutiful w jiiclv onimi.ted Socrates; give to his ambition the iufipits 'f, virtue, and instead of conquering ihct world Alesndar wobld render ii.happy. ' A generuusi thought in the soul of the mother was hcn only rcqtrred Jo save the human race. ..' .... 1 .;: - k ' ' ' . ' -j 1 - ' J 1 j .--y a , ,ji Another chapter in the slate cm --Cut tin. rine Lindsay, j he servant girl.of .Mrfljodgi t 0 LP iv'i n n t h . Ga . ; who was arrested ?ind taken before Jiid.ro I iJw.TT-'rnpton. on a writ of h ibeas corpus, jhrough thcagen cy of Dr. Hudson, of ( .West Springfield," ha$ sued Hudson for fjhc imprisonment, l iving her damages at OlOOoV, LTbo suit is brought in the common pleas court: for Suffolk, which meets t Jl 'ston in October.' ;'. As IIud.snnre. fused 1 0 -ivc the neccssn'ry -ball, ($1,500,) he was couiniHted to jiil, in this town, on Monday last.' 'In the arrest" and commitment, he played the part of a good.'non.rcsistant," and. was about as.helpless as a big of cwtton. Springfietd Mass ) Jlfpubh'can. '. ''- : In addition to this' wc understand that MrV Hodgson has presented four; individuals ;d( lhe "mob who came jo the hotel with the iherifl; to-Mho grand jury who. will doubtless Indict'thenr for Ylot.- 'A suit Svill afso be in stiiuted for the oss of services consequent on (he Jiabeas corpus. v r . 1.. Those legal, proceedings of Mr. Hodgson v ill conn ibutc;. to arrcit,: in; so me. degree, at ieast, the gros? outrnges which arc constant." 1 per pet rated by thebolitionists' upon Sou? them citizens. Washington Unions It. Is saTdthat ; Weeding Ja partially blind iiorso at the tiose.vvill restore him to si ht. otnuclifor the horse.' , To;onen a mans eyes, yoi must bleed him in the pocket; Jj The Hon. Wm:. C, Preston, whi!o- rcturtu ing from 'hts.Vift works to Abi-'i- ! n, Va., was st ized wiih a sudden yufT ' n of the braio,.a'rjd immediately.' deprived of fcight. . Trie disease assumed the character rf Cjn gesttve fever,. and for some days his life . w as despaired f. ; Our latest; information is, that he has recovered his sight, and is now thought W bo out of. danger. South Carolinian,. . ; ,; k The Fruits of Gambling. Wo have been in possession, for some d.tys past, of he cir cumtinces connected 'with a case of high, banded swindling, which -occurred some two weeks, since in one of. the numerous. hells,15 which notwithstanding the . praiseworthy ef forts that have been made to suppress them, w;e regret to sny yel infest oarciiy.: . A young gentleman , from tho country (Iaac Jones,) l .tely.came in possession of. about .:G 12,000, and was induced by one of lhe-many 'pigeons Connected with a gar 'ing house, in Cilverl street, to visit it, and in one short night .rpb bed cf his entire ' patrimony." The pigeon, ittippeors, succeeded in finding "out his cir. cumstanccs, and ia tho most ingenious and friendly . manner entrapped him into1 tho denj where a costly entertainment was set out, "of h:ch be was invited to partake.- ' Afier sup. per he. was supplied freely wiilv. champaigiie, and, when vjf.Lcicnlly un .'cr ihtx iulljence oi inebriation, tho gsme of robbing iommcn. ecd. - TWy succeeded before morning in not c.!y all ilia 'money contained hojuI -.ii.:,ljt actually "LCoreJ his eliecks f-r ihacr.lirc sttm'of'QlOioc:); whicl) he liad s.:: bwi-o deposited in Dack. He v. "3 n-l tLi.rcJ lo rcli: ct daylight , hut de." t - ': cd ! ;.' f 'rcp cr.:il tho -, ..ing of tho B'ink ; .'.r!V " : t'.o payincr.t cf iho cl.ccs b? tt ( 1 by l.'.mscii or, fiLnds.. "At the I.sur cf tiino they hurried to'i!.j C.u;k and drew lhe -Ci.'.r.ey, ":.J are'n-v.v rusticating throughout l. j . .'ry 1 fri:":s cf il.jir vi'Iinv..', O.'.-; . . L.-.n, --. unierbtri.J, prr. co-tscu :.i i. ..: ia c..o uiy i- . -tR, a . horsj, Tjt v.hli h3p;id in c..oh C I C !) ; nn '" t "' . - .: 1 .t a ' l cf..r I . I.'i fa' "y i t.. 1 ' p .t t cf T! . r.-rcr -"3 r t..:-? cf cur ;- :. i. cic:.. r r, vj :.--t.j, - . - - "i ".Udeipbii fjr 'c " TV r. i 1 1 . 'har-J cr " i : , : Uny mem selves !..;:;;!. :ng it." Thev i. pmcil... :i Norths .."ten c. -r IV C':ri:..:nir.g, cmopj o:!:er reso- luti.-s, one, in thc- words:; i-12a ' thai . 0 are, (uoiu' itanJ;pg thj "e.s'rtirns of rur po ! :t i c a r ; ; - r c v s ,) s!:'l in favor cfa protective tir'J'i teithi 1 tc revenue standard ,1 which, as cur leaders know, is the- irua Whig doctrine, -and Ins; ;bccn .solemnly repudiated by the Southern Locofocos, who go for Vdis. eiimi.iatirg against protection,". if there be :my discrimination! at all. A We areVbcrom. i:j indeed, inure mid more satisfied, everv dtyythut,- so far as :! - prineiplo of prottc. tion is concerned- '. that is ihr- trir.f t' . controversy 'between thu two parlies there Hho! iho slightest icason to apprehend any change in the existing system. T!ie Locos uny 'aher some of ifhe details of the system ; but lhpy will not dJrcto assail the great prin! 1 ipso 01, protection,, except iq .words. Yet they stand pledged1 to iho country if they are pledged !o; a ny tiling to aboli.-di "vrolcc live duties ; and to this p!edgc' c shall hold them. No mere reduction of the duty on cut ton and woolen 1 gouefs; while they continue to "discriminate on PennsyfvarJ 1 coal and iron and Louisiana sugar, w,IJ satisfy iho S.nuhcrn portion of their p.nrtyr-for that will concede both the. constitutionality of protoetivc duties and the e jrpe ndicneif 'of resorting to them in special cases i concession which yields id I tliat the Vhi;-s claim, leaving the timo and the manner' of lite! 'exercise of the power thereby admitted la Vxisf enfin !y to the dis cretion x)f the rnjiriiy. The Charleston Mercury denounces this temporising policy io advance, -and predicts the overthrow of the administration, and the party hich supports it, if it be adhered to. - r. ' 1 "f'i;i' oTSr-pe m tl, ,can be made; is furnished in suh Tacts as h,. Y.iniho"subI joined fetter, winch we fiud in t. Now Or. leans 4 ropic ; . j , .Florida 'Politics .Tariff" vf 1842 Sou then 7 wkKHf - Manufactures-- Cotton- Factorv-A word to Free' Traders - r - - j -i t AKCAiJt.x., r, ; oiun Aug., 154.J. ' Deak.Sir : I have, no news of much hn portaneetto give you about lhe doings of our squadron which appears, for tho time beings quite sta'ionary :n "Pensacola, I will scribble about something else, -and give you a. few re- marks" on l6lLetiS alone. State - By tho date of the present you will perceive that I am actually oh a short journey in the interior of Florida, about 33 miles distant from Pen--jacola. I received yesterday i n due course toy mail from New Orleansand had lhe plea." $We ofn.thoroagli perusal of -your good pn. er. I am here 'in; St. Rosa county where the good folks'arc acinic and staunch Whigs, yhW the exception of a few! straggling ones, vvlio migfit easily be mtdo "converts" j the 11 true faith.'l-l handed the Tropic" to some Cf ihoscgood farmers here, and ihcy'rcgrcu" ted ery inogh to hear of tho Whins doiivso badly in Tennessee and Indiana. They are row burnishing up once more their armor, and gettingrbady fJrtheVcontcst on. tho first Monday in'; October.- ' The clcctijii will be for a member of Congress,' in place of Mr, Lew: elected to the' United Slates Senate. White chatt:ng "on the so mueh hScknejcd subject atf politics t let me advise some of our Locbfoco fri?nU pay a ?hott visit to this jjlace.' They will then be able.to judge for lemselvra". und l hi. once convinced of th(; falsity of - the assertion," viz:' ' The Tariff i . .' " .. . .- - of 1842 was framed entirely for thu benefit of the Northern C. ites, nnd to the direct prejudice of lhe wh!le South.11, Indeed, one vvjJ think it ha idly credible that in the piney woods, of the young S;;tte of Florid.!,-! siiirit:- f ; o fur South, there Is now buildin-: i. Are . 1. 1, a viil situated bbjut four miles r-lm T?r,i. '".,, ! i iS" ' "'t ' " " from Black water iUver, and whence I write. . ' :i Cotton factory, which will c ;sume y.f'ol) bales of. Cotton, for) tho first year,' as a ii.ero beginning. The different buildings being in rapid progress, by J muary-ncxi it will be in fu iFopc ra : ion , a n :1 wit ma 11 u f i c t u r e cJ i Ti rt n t numbers of Ly. iS, and oli.er heavy do. mestics," and in 1 he progress of time will ex tend t o e : he t kinds of g i(j-.?s. Fu r 1 ! : 2 fe w dayspasl, I -have 'visited the premises often, and alie ow tiers U-ll; n;o tint 1!. - -;j con fident of.' realizing grcut profit, in tl.e vi cinity If "the. Fa-tory tl.ere is a Pail cnJ Ducket Msirm factory, . i.ijli l.:s b.-en ::i ope ration for better than tsvo years ; it is trulv "'Cry ing.-niou? "piece of -M ichinory Tl is also scrtou-dy contemplated to establish short ly a "S-W Manufactory','- about' ihrce miles from this, place in: the town of Mil'ori'M have con ve rise d vvirii the two "gentlemen en gged in Jim enterprise, and they t.avc -i. sured.ms tbat'it would go int operati6:V with, in six months. 1 wou!J ' , -:lt.j cf 1 1 :r- here hsjzs'ycL'so oi l i.t sin, io como -I , t l- Lc- -Hf-rr cf c::r cc. t.. I Tar. Tab tz-::.j c-tiz. ".r, lvz.:1" t! ) ' I ' .Tj to li. i:.'.-.b".'...r.ls . ... ' ) I l - t' ' t ihsfr ICY Ojr.auer.l... r:: arts an.U!o in difTirrr.t parts of the countr'vv ,s ii -i ,4 o.inacjur Mater Suites! .-.a -i .subject. Ti.ahas : tural Societies within l.er I -f A-i.M. H N.I.iih, tv.K ircir enterprising and er.c;. hir towards britig'r-T r.hjv.i r nd, practic.d, t!.J 1. 'go of AgricpJ. r.. .to ; nci.'iiue is ti.;.- u ! - ; -tid i:.;:g:.ifui c ; - . . r,' "T.ture to s.iy prf, , . ; .'A ; particu. i..' ; jrally sp?n!;. on b . ' t . ''" call bo. !; thry ; ' ' : Vr j !oJhtg f ..1. ! tnek from tl.i ,r s' ihfv f - Ji':ii..i c: ' ::j t'-': t ti:iv are d.y, w!sen his .-.rrr. ' isik) t,f n. re v. .1 i tJie air.jp:r. our f.nN a greatest, thj moat iuicrcNiii r.w of t.. !W,j tt v - is t!:2 c imdJrs:. Jjrlyi .-.he Smth. . Ruip ing, l.-ive un aversion to vt Ii u f 'rind i'fp.p.i,M thru; . ...oiti -i edd be... of their fat!,. , r.nJ fa:' consequence j, ti. ; mrg a phmtalion, it h wwin driven to the nec!ssitv ch aring more luid iha old i i"UViUW"r, voru lac lanor to till t. .ui : 1 hey are 11 turned ouinand in a year or t . rains wash great piping gullies throu'i : .-i, and to the present ovuier lhe land is ! :. This system it kept up for a few years, a:.J !ie farmer becomes dissatisfi J with tl.j gloomy prospect presented him of you:: -t pines and sassafrasrgrowing all around l.i..: and of thn Vf)ung ch.ims gaping wherever he looks hs if waiijng to swallow him. He re solves to s'll his eld homestead. Io can never do that part by his familv that ho should do, if he remains there. ; S he advertises i -irivmg cttermined on rerp.jving to iho Trsf the subscriber oflers for sale hu iMlle plantation, lying on th . .iiers f Pan, thcr Creek,1' ecc., ccr. i .ds phtstation once valuable indeed, is sold nt a pricif filling omv two,; three,; or four thousand dollars b.v low fir-it cost; iind its ijtc possessor leave it, perh ips with less means at his cwtmnand than when he first" entered it. ' This isimo s)stem of Agriculture, nud n very " destructive and sharrteful system it is nevertheless,' it is a very common one la many parts of our coun try. 'Klr Tho purchaser of ihcse worn. out field and Irightful gullies, happens 10 bo ti diflUrent sort of irvin: He is a firm believer in loo!; farming, il you please for every spare mo Hu nt , f rom his out dor labors spent in' i,,,,! - .:.... ti .... t. - "i- - 1 UVwaTches with the nviditvofn 1.1 f LrMVs made.-nr nn'nin.r cnlfu'ritprl t.j l I t w r.' make, soma nV development of the se.iencc of Agriculture. Vriculture is a scp nce with this man one that:N'easiog and dJightfi:!, nnd'not drudgery, .a gi'.'.lg 3"ke, as sot. men regard it, -in which theyTreiTcrl.a!ily sul). m't, to obtain felive to five!, "" r" 1 Six or seven years rolling. by, and 0511. entific farmer, tifl labui inn on tho old home. stead, his become lhe pride and boast of the neighborhood. - The K.pplo just nround him' ihough't ho was "a silly; shallowibrained fel: low,-at first,; else ho would never bought such n place to settle on ; and they would frequent-' ly indulge in very.heiiriy ' laughs -at his ex pensc, when he chanced to speak "bl his plans. Bui now, things have taken u change'; Instead of i .ughing when tht-y mccl with lim; their e . cars and mouths are all open to catch every word 1 Mr iters f and when they. vU'it his firm, will curiosity uf frn ones, they go Iocs.. j ....is thing nnd that about the prcmiscsj In ti n , t hey arc utieffy astonished to see whui . oiiderlul thapge has been wrought-opiu the uld fields: "The gullies have U. been stopped and the' red elay decliv." ilics through which they ran ; now' bear a luxu-' riant crop of com. The old fields, lalo the flaunt of "wild torkics, hsl'jheep" and hors and straye ! caPl j, coder the 'hands of ibis new, scLmific farmer, have hhed their pinei sassafras ' and percimmon bushes, and- now. benr upon iheir bosoms rich waving vvjieat, bi.arley," rye-and oats, or else f delight lhe eye w ith Hbd; deep green it a hefavy clover carj et.' - , ' . ' . i ! This 'is nf fioilon no Ciocy sketch. w:-Thc farmers of Pennsyvania,'New Y?rk and olh.' er Northern Srjtes present" a more" striking contrasr with those of North Carolina than the" foregoing, or any one would imagine, who has not seen theirr. .The -reason why il is so; is very evident : . The'.farmcrs of those States are a'rVading, reasoning, and conc.' queolly enfigbteced ' people, enlightened, particularly oft the-pursuiTor occupation of i Uieir'Tivesl Tl ey imt only Jibor'in the fields I hjt ,h,7 Ub 'r m ''irjtouses, I bey hot on- I ly labor within their hands hut a?so with their , -v ... f ., - heads. - r rom. bocks they learn the consutu. tney le irntne consutu ent qualities of all the vari.H products of the farmland from them also learn t!:c nature Vi the soil (;. .y I. ive to work, as wcllnsth-j kinds of 1.1 arcs suitable to ihoie f rils r. r.d m. cts-ity to f.u-il'.tatc the growth and increase the proJtlJt of each and every crop they v. i.s'j to grow. - - , - - - Let not man despUe-. book farming ;"' but c") r! cor.trury every e u embrace all cp. ; .rtun'tics t fctorc his m'u.J with many use. f ' ! vr.I.i iblo miii:.s r l.ir,' r-- v. ell as t. ... . , .iv ... 1 1 - To ii D lliis ', knr - . ) l.tter i .' -iri . i ''-s. :it is aro j;tJ, which at, 1 f; r.ct, ar.d 1 'i!o -L f re san, on ever;. ; ere of . :t; ice t )" ' zo t!--t liyt;..: Ladj 1: e c 1 .erpris'n ie:d. f ':- -. '.V.- t' So::::. Ct ,:.- 1 tho in ; 'Tt.-i-JC I 1 '- -' Geo '2 1.1 .1" A v.-eri tl 3" en, a re a f n the propi.riiy tf thei sir.: elves. L-rcA... 1. a lew 7r ia.i '.Jam, m ' : . iog I. i . ; . ' , . j . j ti.'.ered :.' . . 'I r.i l got a C . ;, str-r 'Weil, Ha rr.-.r, tJ t. ,t v-i !- ' ' -1 - . . . ".j W 1 .:i a .;..! c i. r-i c i. jUor is: la r.e my cLUrzx, ..,.ca we aw out of milk?. to 1.: j; 1 J,-1 to ri; V t'po.i t.,. i Ml i.f t!,. 1 1. . Jl.' plain, the ra: th-y : cnii... ot:.:rarr.i3 t it p 1 il.3irkr.ivv, 1 1! - r t' t'.rrou?Ji a 1 - Cue s axe w Is: . j'vej 3 uLo Ci-t wi'Jt Hit window, ;.r. 1 The light dow'n .wiili knives; ih gunner U.Vruuj in iVVc 'LlJ rtisiiv; i' j hatel; ic!?cov"i. I ll.j i:. - ' .; luio: inrcatening to blow up.i..i t:. t. i Mcf il ine had by tl.U lii.;e ; :t ; of a fowling.ri -ce. t I t '. !,a loaded .with it he fin-d r.;i 1 v, , v 1 the rvw ner in lhe thrglt. .The poor r. -'.i crl :d'cvt for tncicy, but ttiil threatened l- u! - - 1 1 1".,' ship. ' A lasso 1 was g it ly and ti.ro-.7n over ' his head, wish wh;. . 'ieo . ' i I ; f.: deck apj s-cuu I .. . T. t ' brought here, and Ins bi-en c- :,r.inJ fr, trt.u, uiteran rxannr. pion ojiotj . . n.. -r. tho.iiclmg mannj 1.1 r:-:rate. .. It is pleasing to statu lhal after the affray v-aa over and thn ship's coursa . was r. ii 1 1 ; K ' ibr.Hong lvpgtCapt. M.i-.r-irliv" i.-- :z. '. tho crownnd off' red up prawrs and tl.ai ';( giving for their delivenuuj fit ..1 i;p.:..'...onl.' " dan;- r." ', . - " ' ; Taking-n negro by the hvad 1 -cause he rci '! -'". fuses obedienc. ' A'-" ire w'- vc:l i:i ..!'- fault of 'duties.1' o... -.7 'i. .CJ1."- . . i1- t- ; - ' -Zi'tt : Messrs. William Gr'7, II. Hutcl.iPiSoar.J? . others, will apply to the L.isldture t;f '';'r Uarolma. ct its next session. lor acnaner cr- ; a'company .for . mar.'-f .r' r! : purpoes.-p, We learn-that, thy. will "..l'' ha factory?- ncnr'Hsmburg. , Io all iLi!s -, they.will .v- mike a cafe-inveitrr..;". -jjr capital. : ExlraSfk Idler fron Hichr.. 't- T.T' ' County, '.Kentucky, dated Sept. 14., 184 " , 'Our 'country has been thrown i-.'o n: :::h excitement, in consequpnee ( f nr. '-rir frfi;. me governor Jor three,' hundred volunteers: -i from the Cjventh Urigadi-, to rep.r to Man Chester, Clay county, to quell cn i:.sjrjrctio,l got up for the purpose of rescuing Dr, Abner. C vker,' under 'senternc'of (i -jth ft. Cf. : - jiil, for iho murder c f Daniel Bates. ."A pVr.j" ty of lawless men to thVnurnber of one bun- dred, having de!rmicpd on his rccct:-. Thn. order va4 promptly enforced. -Col. J.-':n fli! :. terana iNiuior jam3 UHf-'c ; t! .-rorrt mind. They ? J r, rj.v PTry n v morning' with. It. o p ro v i ' o a , a n d c r oV.". , , mounted and .well nounted and.well . d. .'"Greet anxi.'ty '. j'" : '"' ill be felt lor. the result of ih" 3 camnain. ' ,1 j willjrvvard.you the, re - to tho'timeofl '-' i is execution which' is to pbee on tf..v" m'S". i '. ! " will I .;. I' The murder referred1 to above -vas com." ', milled nbout a year since. We b-r-v iuit Dr. Biker is' connected with f...e.cf ihe'first -fimilifS of Keiuckv, and is a rid a live of Gv. .i.c v-.i t-utiwu, .imivh j- u puce on i;..j. -ji . , 2d day of October." . . ' ' L - Letcher of this State Chz:ksich Crrn'fr. ? ' j- " - AGoodr Character:-?- I l good character.?! i'.' to a young mail what a firm foundation U tr. I - - the arlisnn' who proposes to erect a builJip -on it;, he can buifd with .safety and 'all wHo. upnou ii win l-.ive co:;iJer: v. ,.j soiitv J a o.-V:Dg nucu win never bo wa;.:ed Lul Isj a ?;ng!e pirt .of this te defective, r'r ! vou Vo ' a .zard, nrnidsl don .in- f-d di-r'-st tri ten to one it will, tumble'd jwn et last r.ni, mingle :ili that was L jilt on k iri ruin.. ' With' out-ogjod character, povertv Ij n CL'r;- V with it, it 13 s.-arcely 'ah evil. . Ilar'r.i-sT cannot cxNt wl ' - "ood' :haract?r is Good. TtiG 'lov th'it Mr 'Cirey', vv i , ?poI.e Exprcci ?iys " a r'-!,t-or twoT 1 :etir. J, iif- agrt.ni: the iri.'prr- 2 - t. the' Park, told ;-. g. J - ,rv c;i that occK,. sion.- .Lie f-ivJ at a f ion- .lie F.J I! at a f,- d-, Vince nn .rirnt:., (-'.:.e of .Father ":ti. ,,s n-- ' .: .c-d at the wharf in NeWYeik, Ucn io I was . accosted Ly nn c'.i fri'-r..h I at, I am I i to - ryu-i.i t:.;:fr try; come e- ere a lit: r - I t ' 'A. m-'. ould 1 Tri-iR.r . " No I!.-..-" 4 th: 11'' broe h-r' A o p:d Father fiys his 'Iri - fr 5 co'j"V , ' yei t.:: ivo" 1 ie;: r-y rrjl ini :PK'.; is. not I rel , 1 V err 5 r: r; .-.cry -jj V! :and poop. were sc t! - "3 rirl i.i Us hf, :r.p' -1 .6 . ...