I! to f r. 10 : 1 ..j f.-r C . i t i ! v .,1- !'.-.::! : ', . ' : " . f.. i ; : ' i r ir ' it i V .' -; -1 "' " 'nl'Mll'M'.il1 ' : ' - . ',) i' piny. If t' V.'iii I :t r : ::"! t".;ir v.holj du'y, ul , ,, i , i L ; i .. 4 i 1 - 1 . . : . .. 1 n:.iu:-..: . r ri: t i . . - . I .... , ! . . . . ' '.! rs! ; T'i- S - f C"j. To t -1 f hi Turniju. V.: - -. . - r -'V,, .".. very nnf. 1 1 ; pounds and s " i.-.Ji- ill ( il r new ' clI'j.'M r.r,' ; ' j i..l t k..i.;s,i'U0C, nr.c half I t. ; ( ; ; J.. iic", the other half by t r i-. Iiia in--. ..L -r,ti.tf" ba ineligihltr . "'I. ! " . ; V- , ..l . 1 r. ' i wi I 1 this J-C;-;;! tr Lr.n '..jrii - iver.;. r.t. " 1 1 . . . . V , a'..; !-; 1 P-.t it"'y !rtl !. ' i voi-f.ii in of !:-,!t 1.1 I. r- - v r" ly, in jf-wi.: cf !!(.: .-j i i a .i i.f t'..'j .i t.-.jsi sure. j ccrd in I T t 'c vj t!)si!vir t'.. j Tolii kin;". n p! i 1 i -. I Hi1 H(J It'll . J tf) . u CAirri.-.t'y f.rtc, an J lit. r. i". I ( f I.t-r r: .-.j"rv. 'tiwjson' ci:.' . mccs, t .. : '! --'.fj- t ... . , . . ... ' , ; ; inu.um.-if uM n IiPuilf,i,r!,nnllvrirnv.f..r.::niiPt!1:. .mn i i .. i. ::ai..t-ri to tun between Xcv Yor.. r.:: I Liv.jfirlun-.Jj. t'rlcsl-i i JJcn iaaia- - ' - -y .., . z i, . j, , ,,,, - I ki I..! a Ul ' ' ' f ? t r as . ii i : a r i .-v, u, t t: i' ir . i !rl.!-iPT, , :. i ! i.v.:. j ; I..-! "t !-s i:;vui u liicli ; ..i. I f.iii'.ivr, - W- , r r...j in. !. f ir t! .; i.'jxl lo 7 :vFrr; .Vd p.;:.: ,J.r- t. ti..inl Ir.'t'-!' : : -: ' , 1ifarif nf i' -" - i,: "r ' '' 'Scnut.M.r i!-: IL... - ' '-llie ifi-tin-ui,':--! ' f " 1 '"-'l ; . U'or;,U( IS t'" ; ' 'V ffi-j in ann,,in"iT,;t to : : V '- ' fYJH" 'l.ftrft i.f I.m ' ""--J i r.ccrpt I.h n-' i: i,f' I iy t1 :r ' " ra:vy . . '.'' ." t !rd t ' . : vi.u i3 t;..: t - id j7 '. . I"'v;.i r ,! ; , r.f t! - i.!:. ' T"'1 '' " : ' ; . . I'rcvk, '1 . 1 t ' ' V tn sv" ' ' . melli'f tLt L-: , ; ly ttioqr nix'riU, t:y:iZ : " A j iry 1 not bn obtnincd. fir the: tri.il - f Tally PjJii.3 for la murJcr rl Mrs. ITiutcnun iii.J rt.iU. h Ii prob-iL'o t!.:it i-vrry ctlizcsi in t!.a tounly, "comirrr vIihm . . , ... jij.j. ,w tvij be Riitn'monuJ, as only nine l r".;.4.j'ir.nrs.'h'tvc L.-i-tj cbtuinccl, ujt of C:3'J sum. inur.nL ,';Th;' i:t)tori-ty !tu-'.i thii caw Ins '.:;tincJt Ikh IvJ all 1 m Pc an opinum, Tlu ouijid fir liie pri.Si)iicrad Jrtsv enett as ihry cm up, 11 Have you four d ir expressed an ipitiiiti ns totha gul'l r. inr-rro ofllie prjrf.jr.rrl1 - The usual answer is, I have, sir, huh." This .extraordinary . farce has '"'E: i J f.jrtwi lvc Jiy.f, t;l a cost of vJ,.rJ J t f.p d)!io money. . . , . ' - T!.3 Anu-rioaii stcarn propi.-l!r MjssTC.hu. : t'rrrr' a passage cf Iwcnty.nine .days) anivtdon Wednesday with three d iys latt r now from LivcrpMI, The Dritannia arrived at BiMtun on Tburiiday, wish thirteen diya laier nr.wsi, of iho highest importance. J The mticipntud new hid the ttTjct f checking fpvrui(in ; Vnd t'.u: nnrkutu during the wei k were q iiul. C tori was dutfj ,ilet and I qu.u-i! t4 cent lc.s. ' Flour was uUo ullcred fit n ilit ricduciMn. THa" arrival of i!ie news, liowtverniadc Situid tyfa buy ilay: "800l UUvof fl mr clia n d hnda ini from 69 OS I A to C7 iM'furc-, the market closed, there was a nucihm. and ' holders jivero wiliinf to ccrpt 07; -jTIic. fjinntity orfiour onMiand is very reat, and Jargcarrirala arc daily. fe jwrted ; r.nd aj the transacsions, arc mostly for prculatinnf a redaction in price U nt im. prohibit'. - Tliti cotton market .was depressed by ilic Liifivorubln occi)n!3 frornthe ramn. fictnrir: tlistricts, unJ il i- tlnight prlc v.ill "uo way. : . I' ' The. weath-r his been' re.au kubly fine rather ciIJ,init no other igas of winter. '. . Ynuri;-'' : n: d. FOREIGN M po. i r. i-rii lii i unen J thrtc I nl.: to 'Iessa-" t'A tatocs has aj pcared. - We learn that Mr. Dexter V1U, (who shct Mr. Ileadden r.t GrecnviMe C II., on i..o 1st of Jjly 1 st,) was tried und found guilty of rrvjrdtfr, an Thursday, 13th u!l.t beforo hi honir Judgr; Frobt. vm 'sentenced lobe hun on tfu? third Friday in February next. Abbeville Banner. - I t i : f.-y r - - ' A..J, in t ; ;'.r?t -!! J t?y ' tij.i it r.p-c.irj :'r:i ! ' " :t f;r me r.t ; cr. ! t i i: . ,j L ; v . rlr J : , (jrtvjrnir"::. f r t!.; v. .'j ! It was l-ecnu J f.v j C ji ;r:. . , agrciia to t!.o pn -r t'! ; " -i rf t'.- t?:rl: ry, cr Aipon any uhcr s"iiir..;ry err": .:, tl.M i.i I :i3 t:.f u,J.:r : i en -' r. ' j c t --.i ti t t .it. I C - t!.j : t: . j cr":...j c .::'.... : ! r ... j u ;-.:u:'.r;. s .. I ;..ry ccu!J :.r.-.2 la r""5 nr.. i wc;:v. .ird ; i".t 1.2 t -l it. ."ArJ, . -r: - I r.L.- , Ly r! ' spirit, .this Gov?rc.T.e:.tJ &t tlircs c..rcr.:U;i-:Hl'.l t.ty rcrch t'..2 ti.r.es.in 13 13,'n 1, in 1:3, has pr-c.;. ii we'd Lcawatht, cLuu! . ;..ra i;.:C::.. " a ed tothc Hritir! C-jverr.r.vt a sir-:-!.:!" i ;Icr cro.--wo : i r -i-i.'cl. it r.:ikcj r. ! :rn ccc jpilun u dersl.ir.Jir r 1 1 - A bit of romance, says' a Now York pi per, h is j ist occurred nt Lowell. A weahhy young man, a J:.uih Ct'rolir.ian, being on a visit there to r ximino tlie mmuf iciuring won ders of, that city, fell in lov with onu of ' the factory girta, proposed oiarriago tu her, was accepted, and h about to rcmova her from the scene of her labor to nnoiher of n les laba riotn nnd irksome character in $1ig sunnv liouth, . - . - -1 . . . c Arrival or ihe firUarttiu Thirteen Djs Ls ' icr Jrc.:i'JE:irope. - ; , ' . , I'ew.Yokk, Nov. 22 . The foreign news ii important in a cum r rei d p.ih'.t -t view. A revoljit o Ins la. ' - i;i England in ruilway ypeculatioii-, v-st vsit:m of swindling is fully t x ,'t is found that that out of S'lsvt of o -nlli -Tlie Orojoia Question. : 'V There, was u Whig -meeting' at Fane nil II ill,, Bjston, aew'days previous to the lat6 M issachtMetis State election. Ai.thls meet. ingMr. Webster appeared" and rnadeTone of hU great ""rffjrts.. - That portion of it which we uuhj do, relating to tho vexed Oreg-mf 1 qucj. lion ,'fs peculiarly interesting, . Oc.ntlemeji i One of the most prominent and most,: important - duties confided to the (leneraHJIoyernmcnt is the care and rcscr vationof the foreign rehtionsof the country. The foreign relations, n a peculiar .manner; "aire. entrusted to the discretion, lha authority; nnd the power of the" General, Government, At the present: moment all perceive tint in regard to pur foreign relations there IsTone and I am ihappy to jay but one, question of exciting interest. ' It is of a niture sa deli enieand important, that whilo there rests rp. on it the peace and happiness of the country, it is nevertheless a question upon which it is not easy to speak with security and care be f re a" public audience. - I refer, gentlemen! I f the. question now pending, as a question o rra;un interest between tl)3 United Slates aud Great Britain, on the subject of Oregon. V , 'I suppose; it is ilia sentiment of every 5en". ni'.ile and just "man that tha preservation of the pence of the country on honorable terms, ord under circumstance favor-1' ' - to l!ie grent interest of tho country, is -bject in itself- highly desirable. 1 sjppse I rr-iy lake il fr granted that, in the jjdg-sr ::t. .of this as-i-rn'.ily, th.2 public p:icctjf two great com-; ;niltees tho nama nf o:vj ;ntv , i li.ncsiwo o'.hers 19 iinio, ilirtt- j mCrcnl countries, whith hold tgether a dai , r.-utteen 11 t;;v.esti thirty. ti.rcc 3 "ntv-niro 9 time', ail t T twenty lines' ! - -Chow ing I ' s!:;ly th t lh--1 . . t. , -.,:..rt I it m rvirJt' 1 I l!""ti l-s.UI : l.irvcal.an l !n iciuted s.'.ircity JcT li... ; ,'cr.eral i. i 3 i-b!:""d t J I llr.Al'j 5v intercourse - excee- ' Hut between any other two c'itries in '.. o world, shall not be I; : tii. i.i t:i(v found ltt in : s iv n word or two j that ih-' g-iverti- ir .yA a UL".-cl which ccij within a few dav r.:t g-uid.;y.i. , iy, cx consIJorahlo ahrm. all iV.: e tvh.ch Invo cxr.: J r.::cr.!tnn Lctwcv: ccuntrlc?, is tuj r ;-ien nf the Orc :: itjri.niijf. u i. tt i. a t --.i'j.i. . . decs it stand I - Ti;3 Ore -on Territory em brucca t!r.t rirlc T t!.i c .'." .cut hlc'.ilic west of t''.o JJ:cr.y TwUritiivis, ar.i betv. ccn rrJt-.ar-oif i. l r -' re. i, i:ift ar.xi'j-jaiy ! c.'-"',ct-,J t.rl !, if r. : t c- . ; it i i r.'f i . ir du!i' :rai; f r, but I: is r-r'ri , b ' ir.aJj r.-;. .j rt cfr-in, tn-yther wi;.i t..a . :r i:.jCic'; .f Crgi-.-iu rai ? - - " -.ercilfromS 1- $ f r ccr.t., r ' ' - Chrc r fn Lav- fj:: of civUion, tu.? ;irr" 1 t f ; "j - , c!I c; v.hich should baVsr---. ! " J, -,ri cjl auiu t j Arpri " . .h:. t!"j Ij""'. !r. " l!s!i Gvverr4...-;.t dlJ i.-. t to t!.r' t-; s:iion cl c jr Govcnin.c;.:, ,it did . i : upon cny "ri'-htt-j the hoo cf Ore-c: . Therefere - the . position of the question, by the admission cf fcjth Gjvcjnrr.cnts thrc !i this long series of year3 ist!.atof a ci;.-s. tion for discussion, und negotiation, and com promise, and amicable settlement. Prctang. cd opplausel j.y - ' . , Now, gentlemen, ( Vcad, $vith interest cf course, tho discussion, upoa this subject in the House of Commons" three months ao. resulting in ,cn expression cf opinion from the British Premier, which received the sriiio. tion of that House, and 1 am willing to avail myself of the language of tliat Minister upon this subject, nnd. apply-it to bur side tf the question, as he did to hisl I h tve nothing t? c'omplainof as to the tcmpcr'cf that language: am free to say that It was a '.tr -riper becom. ing a large-minded, liberal, and just'statcs mam But what the British Minister said in die IIjU3cof Commons in its sum and s-b. stance was that K rgland had rights in re gard to thiJ question that must la cr.dwc'uld hd respected I adopt t!."5 samg hrgungo on our side, and say that wo aUo have rights that ooght t he, must be, and will be respect, ed. 7 (Cheers; ;' . v "r -f :- " Now gentlemen, I do not purpose to ex. press to jou an epir.iori. upon this subjict i .I have no bettcr opinion tlian'any'ono of you as to the manner ia.tvhich this adjustment ought to be made, but I have full confidence, the utmost confidence, that it can be made ; thai il can bo made by wise and . moderate measures in n manner perfectly consistent with the honor and with ail the, rights cf oil parties. Cheers.) .--'-, i 1 am the more confident cf this when I look a little forward and sec the stale of things which is no! far in advance. : V he re is Ore gon? . On the s'.jores oMtas Pacific, three thousand miles frora us, and twice as far from rinrri.iMf! Vfii uli eol I !- Ii 7 i r-rf -i V J . ' ' - 'V -""'""- mainly ; -somi FCltlcrs undoubtedly from Urg land; but all Arjfo Suxas ; all mn educa ted in nayons' of independent .government, and all slf-depcndanf. ' i And now Li ina zsV if lliere benny FnrihlcTman in t!:" whnlrt U, Srnieswho will siy fir k momc 1 t when f'yora hundred thousand (-rr . cf, this description shall finl themsel'. s cn ihesl.orcs of tho Pacific Ocean, that they will long con. sent to hi under the rules either of the Acer, iraii Cmgrcss or tho British Parliament. Thvyivill raise r ttandard for! thci.sclvrs, ar 1 th.ey o-jght to di it. ' I "look1, fjr7ard to ihufiiod when th.ey will do this ca r. .t far diitant, but t! t many y.v present, ar.d these nut amrg th? your-gest cf us, wi'l f ?a r. rrt Pacif.j i . t ul'ican r.atian. I lilicve t'.at a i i.a ihj ccurcicf" Providirr.cj trid cf human destiny that a grc: Ciateis toar:;-, cf Urg l::'i and Arr.;r:-a . r.t, , ,.os-2 r-.cr .'i!l i..;r!y s it r.. .a; ery wc... t.iC.,- to l' J ,Z',1 i.a.Ui in J I rr Vl'Cil. ir :. J c f :rlh, re say, this river, v.hich I." Vi J, - , 3 t3 tha n r.: rarJ; :..ukir.j vi;h it a great lzi.' to l! 2 vill 1 ave it, nrd goon str-igh: tr l!:; P.'.r: ocean n this parallel of 49 degrees. -"For th.i sat:., rvason, it is unnatural for ths Uui'.tJ States to iy, since it prove that th river makes a circuit to tI..T"so;iih-ihteJ t.l fel. lowing that circuit, wo will go straight crcn the 4C:!i parallel tdl wc rr.pctthe shore cf lhs Pacific ocean. - - - ' . This propnshion has been rv 1 i ta th Brit, ish Government three' succesa.va tin:es. " It wosmadein 1813, in 121, and in 1S23, gain and again to fallow up the 4Cth parallel, westward from the Lake cf the. Wujds; not only to the foot of the Boctty Mountains but over the mountains and onw?.rd to the ocean. I am not about to say whether this is a proper division of the territory cr cot. B-t I do say, that, as it has bi.cn si often rf pc"Ul in this mrncr twenty-five; and twenty, und eighteen jLjrs go,"h is nn admission that there is oiaet.i!ng 1o negotiate -about-crJ treat aboui for ciilier .ide that it is no; a question frccrom diClculty oa cither side. Applause. .'..'.u L L.. .17. Now, gentlemen, whot ulTiorrtan at-the head of either Government who will take upon - " t'i:Lv. '" :"." -i A 1 ; i . mmscu .no respocsioiu:y. ui, unnging on a war, betw een lo nations Iik Great Britain and America, upon, a question ofthi kind," until ho is prepared to show that any thing and every thing that he could do has been dune to avoid such- a terrible ultimate result." Mr. Wvwas interrupted here by renewed cheers. If 0 British Minister under whose administra tion a AYar, should ensue on iheque&tfonjtan not stand up !n Parliament and show that it i not his fault cannot how that he has done every thing which an honest and sensible man could do to avert the conflict, undertake to say that no power or popularity , can uphold his shaking position for an hour. '"Cheers. And in the same eensc r.nd spirit I say, that if, in t.U coui.lry," nny paily!.all, Ic.'jrc v,3 aro av,are ( it, plunga 113 into a irar t'"tn this question, it mu-it expect to r t a very severe inierrt;viry from the American p-- pie "must expect to ' prewar 3 itself to ' that it lias done all il could, without 'any Li. o from the pride ofsucccss or, tho loe of war- all that it could do to keep the nation safj from so great a calamity, vt i:h lh.2 preccrya. ti jnef its rights and itsh jnor. Gentlemen, it rppcarsto rr.3 that ry rr.m, . i c f ( f, ', I'.?- " f.relil . C- ":. '.. i.i 1.. ' c' will ' r l:t - ar.J r ths cr her I a " e'.-III..... circle will go r - ? Jtrs. : - ,: v'hy Co f" 1 1 . 7 r 1 .- .1 i ; " . . Drandreth's V-t.l-.i:i '. I' frrrrcc to any, r ".A 1.'! r ' : fo'JavrinT co-- J " J t'-- 1 - J. As n fiirlwr (f f ?!' - . t L i tho stciacii a;.. I I.: w.j I... y 1 3J. . Tl;t-j &ro ilic : iny p"rjrativi in i '". , -' 4:li..N3 C",r? r;;vr: I ii t r.t e:h. Thsij'-i.vs::. a dv?. . -- . " i ' 7lh. Maj Is t-ditn r"r-'-,-"!, cr ' ' '. "V a ecrtahity cf go d r.--lu. . "- " -T. n. f tVe Time nor c'hnata ai U l!.;.a not. '..! 9ih. ITict rive unircr- d .nil faztir.-. -fT -.' urethem epeak In. the highest terms eft.. - j Jlemenitxr, non .pb cna oa ma-A V"" utate. 1 - r 4 rAiTON & a. a.c .c, :;. r. - . 6ctors, or AfiollM'eariM. " '-" " " 7. 1 TTicto tt:S are iJt sala.fa evf-y cs-.ly 1 . ate, at S3 cents per box znA r jj fc-'" ly tVs !?uM-miT aTpnti " ' . sS "I .1 JAS.C. t; MYTH, wm.L.(-iu4 r ?.!. r. rr.NL.Mii. "It-' T'T-T f.T. .July Hrlr?4a.- - ir. i t-i - vi- t.;j Ll.-r.y .'ol n-;t r.jccssary d. . - .' it H :.j tha I.li'.ury cf tl.3 11 r I rr 1 1 3 i; and th J 1 1 c - ' :cn 1:1 -v. rv L c-'.abli.rd ever t! ef th3 Pacific; and th?t all v. :i3 ri; r.-.tural r.r.i ; ' 'itic-I l.b-rty,' il tV . 2 '-irtci -!."? T '- '1 r-'.i-T.s ! -vs i" 1 fre.it!ieir ul a ta hr.7t .. i. ..di ih r ."j.d.r r ' jr.lry c:i il -, .;:i latra: ::v . . .:cs his J rrctit . Left Por.d Crc.'-, f.?"trr"5 Cuui.iy, . Tt r - r fn- rmt-i mikno-An for "!r f lo rir '"it1 ' till, of sei.n dollars whijh him f r ncwrpapcrs. i and r v ' - i:i 7 -irilcn wsr t f i ir. I -he rf ., t "t r'c:-.r t V,v I : 1:-.V tV: . -c-- : ..-ti. J I. ... r., .1 t..2rj .il cilt r.t t! Prin'.e Minister "cf the U. Srates, v.ho i' '1 . : up ih; fli.r.cs cf v,ir rp"n r (fames, let me add, that will r v,!.ilo fV'j,) may v.tll c c' '..'j c.:--try addrer ir jt ll.crar r.f P.',.r.V -77-: ' ' I.ije-rtry rr-'J rddr. : no; r( :ll lh3 C.-:lir..i c . c-j:.i Icllo rasi-i1 H"r Z'-"' , r ' fcclJ crdclurU; tj.::i le f.L:.' No, -:r'.-r..-ri! ,f.. , . - - vcrjl!j kr.-. .. 1 1 I .'J 1 rant.) i 1 y f .- lc r rrsort t-': k.iv, t.' I ' t!.-: -v;of l' -t f - - ' rant, t! - c.rr-. y : lebt f.r tl.c f.,1. ' - - -ifjriven i-i rr- -r r.'. -t?. It " '. trats. the f'stt" cor: n pat;eut,:- 1 , 1. -. t . V...'. 1' . .1 ..1 j; f..r!.' .;...i erjzi 1 13 .r 1. j i . 1 1 .y-.ir.t 1; V l-b .. i 1. 1 ? -7.

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