:i. l. . oteri.: i f" 1 i 1 1. , b'.'CUIHO r. It'll" " i.b.iob ', ' !, r ' ,' t' . ' C . ' f i., ,1 - . ... l.;Utbe l.stt., hre.-.h f,-.,;i, ... . ,, I.-. J e, sir., tin n .i.g i. jiri oi-i.laii .!! i!. i. ! J 1.. ( !) tin ' I.. i:,..t l j,,,m tt, i( j j , id pi tee tvh-ru ii h.t . lt: ,t j lr j i 'i i::t",HH'H to tun, ii, I , ,t t i!ic !...:.!Kf Hi.., i r.iiw cuie l.i. wr.nrj Mj-I t!..ii tho ii.i-.is Ji"' '!.. . fi i. t . . f "t!. ur;.r ml ' c-i.ii-J t. ii -,r ,;,.,! ,-, ll.ll.J, lo I Wilile lilt Vuii e til (.iillilut iv:in,j,. W..,t ..4 3 itt i.it "wis uw.ii. .nii iii ,( i'if! unli-il- ihti! j c:mm-j,i !. tt:iS t-,ni-.!i u, l'p:l i.i!!ou'ut I. ciri i.; i,-.l t -ii-Ji s.-tn-. u d it whs m.i tu tt.m,;, ,t , ;it .f f ,r t.. 'r.ut,t, f!.-: cli.imj)iw.. i ;' UMi'jH--ia..ei' 'urunk b u-k .ilnKt imJ in tciiie, wl.. n iir.':nd Rffiiit'il trt iiirs-ikr 1 iii(iu I (.ft to h.I tut--i) iu 'i ! : t .i-.!J n.it b.jt m: re. rreaiitiy., if, uj.ii n n.vti.m, h- ji,1,irdup I.i hitixruiniuiion, I r tiivil iii"Lrious!v Id i: I'M-d rot. o ciivii!Mit.it:e s. nrurt ... r . .1 .1 i : ii- r. itb tiuii o( i,,v! jst of duty w lu-ii imihk-cIi i w t -fi .m) n :iuise us ibul o leinpt-r i::ce. Tir; Ii-ris; er.uu't) cai.se w-s o.we l!.; f. .or lie ol tlie-jiewjlc; it:d to jt.s .;.it)d inl !mn.!reds ut. ! tl.viui.-uida II cL(.d,' ns in a refuo from tb'- ; u r uf u in'r',!iiy Ko. ft '.. ta Urn but f ( par m'mimmiio Ud American com. . , , (i lu tiilv. re- trdoJ it us a mark of i. -.j r Ik ..." in.tisiiUd into thrt ranks of the (.! I -vv.itt r urmv;" a 'mi tho other h ind, .oi!-;.!i-n ! .t :i .i.t , , and despicable, .to Ljf.i...i' i.( e.i.. t:y. with the itubii.ite, un I'-st it une i(jonJ,-; to reform hi In' iVs, if ossd:i"atid brin him Jot snl-j retion' to ler. . i:w:r nm rim nt, it had, in f.ie.t.bo, Ciifr.u a ei hut'oI rare occurrenee (or a drunk, tird. to ' oar iu onjn d iy-lihi,- (ntich was tho e- u. iy hi-pfd u'n tho f l lowers f I icflnH.)- nn.r if nny at nil (i.uouli of the nildeim diTu-;hi, they took caru to seek n rt ';:o iium t!;e axc d" lho virtuous, in or t'er t.iore socc.-sIhIIv to fuirMio t!u:ir dat:-- ,vtcc. - I nere m emeu o oe prurrmo of n Iju Con'.iiiuaiict' of prutfpciity conjiected i:'i to vi:.d u Vi,! jet t, "pariieti! irly ti-i ii anpraredto btj tho ciiust: of God, and to brf sta;:pod" uilb the tiruk id" ,il.s' fa.vnr. ' JJjI alts! circum. slaneis. Idvc pioveJ uil.eru vr tnucb to the forroWuf the true pliilutii!oopit ; and an al. in si general 'doclonsioit i apparent .among ibo aJliereiits to Q.iluro j itimla;;:. ' , -It ini ;!it well bo supposed "tL.i, that a- . moiig tho numerous ;ccsti.ns ihat iho tern-j-..-":. -o cause, in l!iy bright ,J't:-- j-1 "-pcri'y, it-.." r:d to its number, ther s- !.i be sumo that woald prove uusublo an I eoardly, and win:' ! s.-i.iii sin ink back ngain iuio their old hal:;, i'l'd th'.t.iu lliis w;iy tho timers of the f i.'u I wo-'!, ;.t times, be'cjiliivlerably weakened ; y t i!i! was not t!io rinin Irifiu cruu: broagh; : - :r u, in t!;e found ltto.is pf ! the mllily f biie, ar:d u wo eT, has w'tll !f:ih kucc eh d io i:s sap; oj-r ration. .rU' v.it v ...- f tl.e - Wk bio Condi. -tiont-f l1:-' f vjper.ice i iii WcXula in Ihe ileplorablo fft that unny i. id connected ll't:isrlves vitii the cause, an J pledged them selves to adlu'ror s:rietly So I appointed . rulcy" whit nrevrtt t.i be ! ,jt vi!", rr.alicioun designers on tho prosp' i ,'y of t'j It is a fact loop dpabliJ '- i be tl::: ny, who of late did by pledge selves with the . lcin:er;tt. ur' e institution, cd, lb it ina- :-ijte l!.m cU u.uer" ndvuc;ite?, made, sport i-f thc r.: ' ' -'', -ii ' bad no sooner signified lbe;r " erenL'11 ' " . temperance principles, than t! vero (. u . I carousing among iho ranks oi . I b luohees. And this was a ir'.'.ter of i !cr.!tc;j Miihtb.em.- It was their yvrposs to Liie the ysltti of cold water1 drtnkirj i.:t - - - j'ute. , The final object of th:.3 j jrj.. 1 .ss . . lo secure a t...-re Vxteusivo f !' ff t. , intemperate, ibat their causj ...ij. Ljc .r. popular, and that the eye of , virtual: - - : might 1-2 weakened in i'.s leveling ' s up- cn tli'.'ir r rofliacv and slnnu. -'I be tcqut-J i ' s proved to u'ir rorrow th"t ' t " "ces. fal. In i.sany pi" -V.!ks filioad, difd.iip.ing r' l..:v j been ntv tv. ay ;rg an trisolence , i-. ilit' v tb prrpetu '' as n peop'e. -'jch conduct as that main'.'11 fi-. j l!.ose ' t:veresl he" ' iter. nccnii"-' 1 . rccrc-r.s to public good, t'; B :t wb-it avail rcl'.: i . air.st such cn ire ccci . y rici tht will purj .: i : co:;r r ! t'.-t:- j to those r' " l c.'.r r.ituro il'.at raiiC us above ..j L. to those r' j i a to t.. c.i-'rcl r t!rt ! ir. ,uuJ f ' : 1 j their 3 V IL .vl i iy v o not 1 1 m: i :..:nlh'M. '.all I ;v- n I ru:; r e; i tl.c i.i.J? t j i !.cavo l'.....i ft I i L ir.J il.itnc r i practicub! worship, -t ... r t.J. 1 4 c- .i i . ,i sit a in h- -ir cv:..', j ;-..s-I ' - rs I.er-j .jou pas I .:. hap. ..rjed ii t! o t . . :.i i.i i ..,..ct Lruj,;!.! ' : -r ; I Vt.l it ii a sub. ' I troM, we Lei a mutual inter, iv i!o v. ! ca?f?VL'ih Jiih ond -1 i- ri-irJ . i:h f.tvor '!.! i .' - cif advnc-itr of Tctn- ' i le nmnfpotizj tlie A-cLIa arm ... it .-..(! ' iti.K, ;r.:iy coiia t' a-(ifjfid. "'t'rry r:.-. - c. v: c. t i. p-rt: , '.IVr l!.c II" ' l.ri Messenger. . lnxra. I liavu. returned tSiij mirn;n, fa l..cr Di:mcri;..i, ncc.rJii: Id your iuviraiiju, nd risii ;I-id l t; b'sj I.jj': erU n.it. ilht;nJir the wt-jther is sj'da'mp ;md 'iKiiijy. nn.I si very apt tuivj oca li.j va purs, B Jt I Iiopo we ittall !jivc kti.-i pL-as. unt ucaihcr after th!, fti a c;i!in' genersdly buccefdj.a itorn. !Apd Ii'iw.fte have I ndiiiiri'J llic cul-ii y.ud beautifjl u.;jci:I ol tilings undur the blue heavens aAer a ti:under. . Vj."iocritus'.--Trur tlicre is somctliin'? nc. CllTillrlv nlirucilvt In mi(i n fitipniwiicnnri' rii.fi slurm tiro allowed U lie great purifier? oftha iin.p!ii'r. 'And the" buy ili.it cu :.:r. I so. ' terns "tuidit i!iu vivid flalx and ihund. r of t!u j fjriou.i tlemcnla", may bet noted as one uf a.a 1 ti'i-iuHy bold und inlrrjpid spirit. BjI ibis I vvIi'-b'you admire so much, mnv, I think, ro- i n I. , o a irnn-whoso, ubol.inn to lua M tker i been iubJued Ijv trraee. and ilia u:tliolv or.suf whose soul havo ben huhed ia. to nuipt'nnd repose, and who now ails nt tlio I1-1 v wisdom, elotbed ta tho mantle of Kive E . . i i -i ii " ' . i " . ' '. 1 :hij uumuity. ;no man cai vj truly great who is not !ood. i , ii Jjntro. 'i'iiat seems trttc. . put I wis!i now to congratulate myjIl or your acquain'ancc, nod to t pres.i my iurpriae at the many tbings that present themselves to excite my risibili i.its since I b';an to follow your advice, to keep my tyes and ears open, i And if know. le,djc wilt ripen youth into manhood, ! flatter myself that ihobo apples yonder, half buried in yt llow fliae, shall not nVitute faster, un der u congenial sun, thanj I will from your in si ructions. And I hope you will not become weary ur ex imperilled ft! iny visits and inter, rogations.' . . ti Dem, Dy no moans, lnaroV I will. answer your questions, so far us I can, with the- gre.fi. Oal pleasure, li.tt let met assuro you that an ijnoramm nny ak questions, a philosopher can't answer with propriety. . L7mro I hyc been thinking recently" of t!,.' ri-t strength nnd influence a little wealth ! J nia-. "verbis fellow, who may bo his Miperior-n t very ouierpoint. uuv, not lung ao i he re as old father ihmmunv ns we call him, w!u :ust I know r.ot how many ne- irors," an J ever so much land, rides in his finoirria:!'l and the like, but is one of the mot niggardly, ihiti-lif;;t.d old misers yon ever saw, such n.s would travel with pleasure from. Maine to Texas for,si.xpence, and is re. Hideq! by all as ono uf t!io meanest men in thoworid,- well, I sayr wcamc to our house tha.other day, and what qi sensation!, l.Hp- py to' bo honored with y6ur company, says mother, Mdo ba comforjably . seated and sister Lizzy : ran off as lij;ht as a feather to nrder dinner, ond Osir it was no mean affiir, I assure you.' But tho little bell had hardly tinkled the first lima, when !d Sy.lvanus, who is certainly one of the most pjeus, unassum ing jMKjr men in all the neighborhood, was announced, -.when,"; to my astonishment, the doors were closed and ; we declared not ut home. " CMMreo," whimpered mother, "this is the way to keep up family distinction' a. monj; us.V ,. Whui! thinks I,-by lying nnd dissimulaiion J and I "confess I fclt rather bbrk. - ' - !i 'r ' : - L'jw. This was dertaiuly strange . conduct in a chris:iin wo.-vin ; but why wealth exerts such an influence over tLe. great mass of ! a man minds, will not appear marvellous when we look ut things in tl.j light of philosophy. Tho desire of happiness is a very considers, bta constituent in tho composition of bumao beings. A nd prompted - by . this feeling, we arc lead to form Uj:.s ct happiness- V """it ourselves, and when formed, we 'chase ihe otnsiic fugitive from ibc cradle lo tho grave. Tvo man has ever yet grasped ..that thing he. c.al'i..1 happiness. "0ii3 imagines i: to consist h ono thing, ond 'somq in another. 'This v... MI...-, ill inl.autyY that in virtue, the oil or in f-me, while the great., majority of inai-kinJ have settled down in the opinion that cons1 .;m:l happiness consists alone in that rr!rivr"T.t' derived from ease and f.luence. Bat it nv.'si beobvions that'the richest ari.sto'. crt, il. hough sun icivrsiae-" id with all the pomp f i.:gh life, is far from be. t?:. !erpl r.t of true happi- . ith. red and died tuJer . .!i ff 'ti.i," and grows to v. : transplanted in su- pcrnal - J tO i.VC, r :'.2 l.'ppiness, Ukc " dtiTused, and 1 i. :-tri :1 V b: . , t . 3 t-.,r"''-ir as i: ,!-V ' : tf-tt i ' " sf-ts i.' i, . . barmess co:i - ' i . . .::.i s: . -1 r. 3 a ""r to L..:r.::..- : ...is stores, t .:n a c; nd .la- .r SCan : . ,.!. cr:- turc t r V..:io : i: r G 3 IrtiUn c! I ' !y ; c- ! for. v.n.'A::: T l : , f ; - "?c::ic:lI i:l - v-" .: L " Uil night, . ' r L.Z.ZS' in vindi. f ccrlia t n.teri:ics, tho s.ame L Wo v.c:-j 1 : round tho ,rr";;cr,t!:5V.-::!r"n ... f i-- the an J commenting oa lha events of ihe Cfed!-j day, r.r. J I w:. tiding myself chil dren, when n-y r.r:-r.:i.m w: T acted by aur.t Lncy '.b-i ! thinks I, y.'r;i plagueing filer Lizy ab;-t her Lcuu, young, Ur. B?ao! champ, whercjpoa. w is Mketi witli a kind of s'-por in which ono .'tiucls not to he'ar or see, .jt I wiJawake anJ mjre bcpsiblt: than ever. Now aunt L':ry was an old amorous mai len,' and reputed the best match-maker io alt thcrcouritry. " I bop'suid she, 'yoii will nut dfgrade your family, r.nd juln your, self by associiiing-wiih.surli tb'aracte'rt as Dr. Beauc'iamp. Admit thai he wvrrv hand, some, a young man of piety, taLmv and ed. oeaiion,;et you ihould consider yiiur family connections, ' and, that your education and P'TSonnt attractions te such pa to 'command the attention of young'geiitletrieu of foriuac. Oidy think of tho advantages! yourself ami family m;;y derive from affinity', with the wealthy and accomplished family s of yoUnr Mr. II.immon3.,, v U.Miduc.srt! thinks It that's a good one I E lueaiion I ytni surp bo never read mush" beyond an old tdimnacj ond is a complete swinish bacehamUank debauchee.- U.ily survey in. your imiginalion thuso cs- tensive farms, that so'.endid mansion, and nil. ihe circumstances of Jurat v ; inndYhi-'ri life auJ yourself made mistre.is of all byuo bon. or;ib!e marriage f r But U t mo advise you Liz-, zy not o .insult ihe Doctor, butlriithier soiitho and tnc(urago h:s iuteutions, gain bis alTec- uo.is, anu men you iiave t :i at four com- mand, ty bold'Vour horso and pouduct you tNq jMuirs ,ami un,- iucf uuui'Vim can iry uio hrts of I'iscinatloa on the-accomplished Mr. Mammons, and, it you fail there, why: you know the Djctorwill dolhen well enough. This, Lizzy, is the way wo did, ihiogs "when f firsl came on iho stag? . os a cuudidate , for the mean lime, I propose a tea Warty for your 1 special benciU. . ' . - J - t , -Dcih. I can't think, Igaaro, 'this is. the v course generally pursued by our fair specula tors' now; but 1 assure you tha I have often witnessed the predominancy of! wealth over virtue aad every intellectual endowment f th.i4 it is ihe chief desideratum iu a bosom com. pinion ;Mhat-it will more than counterpoise every moral and physical defect ; that U will invest thogreaicsi facial abnormity with sym metry and an irresistible fuci nation ; it will replace tho teeth sweeim the breath) and is an excellent bair luuic, and will tmpart.ta its possessors, whether widowers or waspish inaidensj-grand. widows, or old! bachelors, all the advantages of rejuvinescence. Nay. more, ilwill make every professional man! popular, und weave a spacious cloak forlthe .bypocrit, ihe bberiinethe debauchee, the infamous de faulter; and will cover the blackest crimes: As you remarked, I do from imy jsoui bate the ways of . an old bachelor, who has a com petency arid is. one from choice1. , While ma. ny .who now revel in single blessedness" do so from a fastidious taste, or a proud, aristo. cralic feeling the grea majority- are unable to coVnmand a sufficiency of that; precious shining racial to reflect tbo imago qf .Venus, excite ihe tender paasion. . Pride and avarice, inerclore, keep many warm hearts ftssuncier, that else would, flow together in blissful and liarmouious unitv. . .Pridu is a 'danm-rous cl ement in our nature, .and if cherished will hot only consume our happiness, but ruin the soul. It is the very same reptile monster that entered heaven, exciting sedition and rebellion them, and;dragging'thence millions of bappy spirits, ludened with chains of darkness, into the regions of woe. ..The Very - same slimy hydra that (insidiously entered .tbo nuptial ar-' bor of Paradise and poisone l.tho ery fuun. tain head of human existence, still lingers on earth, and is suffered lo lie coiled in the bo som of loo; many, while virtue J lies dead be neath his inaky folds., Acd. what is better alculated f - nourish this monster than wealth undari y j .I knowslbatiriches are not lobe oV, ' J, but should be earnestly Sought by all laudable mqans, for wise!nnd good pur poses. : Jjqi let every human being stand up on bis intellectual .and too rat character, .and not upon the basis' cf sordid wealth. - - "Were I "so tall to reach the pole, ' Or grasp the pecan in my i-pan, , I would be measured by my soul ' " V The Mind's tho standard of l!ie man.",, : . Ignaro. entirely concur in this sentiment, hut Uow very different is thu "standard among us! r Let a; maa but dress" finelyimoko pre t. lily, bow grflccfuil y ,"sm:Ie bewitchintlv, flour ish in btuiidjloquen.ee, why directly bo will be n.etamorposeu into a utile, cemt-god, - ami must preid! as tutelary at every wedding and tea party ; ;and the fair ones (some, not all,) will bow-.to icccive but a smile from his be- niguity, and if frowned upon wilt swoon away into a kind pf hysterical syncope, A dandy may have tho exterior of-true politeness, but will lack thrisoul.j will visit you again after our. tea party. ' ! '- : . :v. :- . . - TACITURNUS. ' Fcr the Highland Messcncri " - "PcaceitkiiJ tliO Oatit!." (" T, Editor i Wi!l .yoj sulTer me -to-en. dorse tho 'bove sentiment, which I c;iip a crosslhe other diy in re;;: - -"ir .'paper ! "Yes sir I cr, "orsVit, a:.d endorse it too i a that ;-jf i-.V.:r r. r. J f Jrijc r cor.:.cciun I. A C T.I . iJ - 1 , .niJ .'i:c 1 i j ',. ,i rLC(.l!cctf r;cLr.T, tbe connection, bet Iho idea, at any rate, ishut ".siuee: Hie r ' 1 " ' " s a'.K"! ' wli'i ii n sort cf . f r ever-'! trJ,' cr.;'' Tf." -B-K-v nioj fcir, il i t i.p . w i r.rt .-jv,-r i t'. - r' 1 T?r i 1. frcx :...acra r sriJ 'to Joe J.-ks t! jrc.i - 1 o ' U:r. Vi ,' :'s net. -ng matrimony; ano i assure you u argues very little for n young lady1 wit or beauiv, wba is not skilled in these arts of Venus.! . And iu jci;cc -ri:. t'. rough tbo . ' 1 ir.a.n v. fiin'-.'-liifr? J T : give you, notomVf t;s-j t'...' c mI:I t.i il.at t!..; i old i.uer fj,',iio::ns.- f t.ver i u'a : Uiiow and : lOit crazy to-tus.. T, lvi j,t:nJ, in ihreo'shakcs ( f a s' tail, i - up id V.: c. .a u t,-"-.1 r.;.. . ;. L il My si:.: ! what magis i;: f rd! ut there is congeniality? of som.' J what it is, exactly, I cinnot tell, ti .. s to drive riglit through yuu; taking caie, i.j .v: ever, alwuys to settle snugiy " do h into the heart, and, ;j a liil! l; than r.J t;:;:.1, y j arc induced to imagine ihlt you are ia a r.. worlda world of angelic charms and nii!, dreaming of i.irtir7:ncr.1;il ,$!iss. - Now this is as near thet' '.agas I caVi get. , And agai i ..iy dear Edaor, let r.la nssur5 yc; 'drat 1 ctn not uruppriicd of cnoshcr in lercsting licm found in ihe article referred lo. True it is that ' a good hottest sqxcrzs of ih band is equivalent to a posjtive declaration Of love, ft is love itseJf. Nw Tdoii'l wi Jit j betray our fab ones, (by mo" means,) but "will be ttiiltng to swallow a crab apple if ilis not exaelly so.f. Rly tipaa ii lhat when yoq get one of these Af arlg s!iks it is. just as good as if s.he bad said, -ifrtt have a homci:i m$ heart. Why sir, it Speaks in p-ls uj thunder., ft cannot bo, misunderstood, . -peJ ei..!!y if it ? bo 'atteuded with iho signiiican c rn.!.', and tho soft allurtniroll of the ce. Now these pretty litila ifri(,aiurei are not trt be blamed for ,lhis unless"- they be coqucttsJ and then i they ought tu. bejpaid back in ihe own coin.'" -V, '"."''" And now Mr I5Ii:or imend to quit j anc I reckon you afe glad of it.. Yuucan have! my name . . jAClt DOWNING: 1 j. Other Opinions,- ; Every body is interest in the qo(;s i mof peace, and, consequently, almost every body! is anxious to hear what others say. A Jeiti r srom a irenweman rcsiaenx in ljonaon to friend in this city, .speaking; of ihe chances o war. remarks lout Ihe Mmvstrv and the onnJ cipat talesmen are by - no means impressed. with ,a oeuef . that war will occur between thu country and Ureat Britain. They art lorcnared for iust what MrJ PolkMias uiierecS in his rnessagp; end it is not believed that1 there is to boNa preclusion; of the ordinary means of settling the difTeiVnce bciwrcn two nations, where sossimplo a matter is at issue As to the corn uws. thv of course ard doomed ; and it is believed!, that Indian corn wouiu -nave oeen aomuiea tree ot autiesiii there bad been a little better spirit manifested' on this sido of thc'waler.Y Indian corn is the, grain which almost exclusively concerns this, country. Wheat is raise d.(n the north and: the east of Europe in greaV abundance, and; can be placed ia the warebfiiuscs of England' cheaper than Irrtm Americ. Ay . ' . -rZ s Tho panic in he money 'market, it is said,' is subsiding in London, and moneyx will sooni be plentiful. ; ; ' ' ", " j ' ' ; ' ' ' " . j 'These are items whlcb- como from ono who is in a situation to forrrj an opinion.V tWe give them to our. readers in - ihe - hopc&ud; belief lha.t they will be fijund eustainedNby cominj cvents.-fc-Z7. .S. Gat. . A! The people of -Alabama-have decided in' favors)!,' Dienniai sessions bi ihe Legislature! of tthal State; b);a majorityi.of 50,652 nlyj 5,1C7 votes having been ca'l in favor of an-j nuat : sessions. They olsof voted lo remove) tl'.o seat of government fnim Tuscaloosa.-H Before these changes can bj made, however, tlirku mnct lo rn ! i fiirl hv n tiwn.ihird Viiti rtfi the present Legi&lalure. ' j' . l When did 'Fruit' begtn.io swear 1 When the first Apple d d " the Pair.r Tbehrge number of 89 1 emigrants arri ved at New Orleans on the 20th ult.", of whotrt 770 were direct from Hivrti ancf Bremen. -v A fop js like a cinnamon treethc bark is wovtli more man tne oouy. . Husband, do you believe in Fpccial judgi ments of Providence upon individuals in this lifdM. : . , .1 - Yes: mv dear. ' "' "!'. - - Do you 'indeed ? Did 'pno of the judgj ments ever happen to you f -.Yes, my love '' 'v- " " ' " When was it, husband." " : , . . When t married you, my dcar. . , A Terrible 'Mixture. . warehouse ". iri Portland, in which were: sto;red fi-ti, tobacco oil, molasses, "&c. ,' gave' waV under thepres sure, and ihe wholo contents, amoun'.ing td nearly 4t),0i)U worth ol goods, were com mingled together in ihe dock-, - f. r." ' i NoveI.V?c have heard of travelling booli stores, hat stores, but ii is tho first limi that ever we recollect ot tieatmgoia ira veiling printing office. ! Hero is one. It is ai J tha the wagons tbat arc to convev the" Mormon to California will number 50)0, ni;:l w ill forir n lino ii mi!p liinir I In tho front is to ber press and types from which-will bv issued every mnrning a pipcr, to,bs sent back v inform the rear guaid what 3s going on In th$ van ; - M - : -.- -j " DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. "Jti'l as our "paper is going to press hav tec sta: J the Baleii'h Register of the 9m inf ... - - i tho day -after iho assembling of thfr Democratic Convention. The Kjitor says s "fi.is bjdy asseib'cd io i..:s city yesterday;,' ' -vl.-gto p .t - j :-j to Prtcs ut np we .r rc unable i I.. ar.it'.. S ta lt.. iiioro co.-.crn.. tr.o .: ' - - - .'.- r r.l it rr-;n:jeslo Uj re .is." T:..fj ii a . jor curi do not w..;',i lion Charles 1 tbaCor.Vv.-'.ion, r,o:.....-oO"v , .leii . iuou'.i ur .r'.ievc, th.it ibe rittcn r Iter to dc c '.'.ri;.- ;!' ' :'f' 'Fi.'1" ''' 1 ' 1 '. .('"""" ... - ':. '"-- b. -. I : vr? . 'I i:-. m'em : t r; ;kt i Miter ;--J C 1 - -.'rnr i. :-'-.:.ts o j si ro i ,..( rea. j rCi.n-I I. IIS t -.1 (-i Accord: n;;lv, wo ! nra; tl.i! i i i, .. ter tho saL- of the lloa , t;.j i;irt ;rv J;,r.i ad :ipp..i;.:t.d Webi.-; US", ur, C., t;..i present valuab!j S-ipcib.teu Lu:t cfi: Ili.-.J, Iresid-nt of th same. . We rc g . I ':.. imtm.Lnt of Mr. IL-IIicler rs a . !ous o"e and d not btlievc lhil " . i uai io i!ki L.ale," unJor pn.sent ciic. .i :inJ crs,C(AiId diehirgo llie ..'ies of t;. j it deot 'more satisfactorily to tl. pul.!!?, or more efiiciently for I be interests of i!i6 Slate. Ne is a practically scieniif.; man, and u id co.i-linii-j lo devote, ns be his done, hi.? br-a cner git's to lae successful rpvraiions: of the lto;:d WOU ICS OI NATURE. : .1 Jx a stats of bealth t'ao intsti n it c.uju! may comnarrd to a riv-r whn'r v.- o-r Tow over the hch ioiiim? lanck throe?h tho. '! oatu-t-or art ha- inure, and improre tavir -; ana m keco u;' UiejroniTttuisj?! of-tho i.. ianj a it runs ur.. prrtuot'i'y th" CjhanueN a;v .. . t j aro and healt'iy ; bat if uy soine causo the course of tho river i' tfj pcdf then lao at.r in tlta canals is no lo-ijjer pjrc, hut soou bfcom' stagnant.- Th'Jra is but ono law of circulation in nat .:e. When thrrc is a enra bundancoof hum 'rial llu'd (crosity) in l!ie intesti nal tubrs, and cosliveness lakes place, it iL-.vs bark info the Mood rossols, and infiltrates itself iftto tup circulation. - To cMablih Uio free course of the ri ver, vc must remove tin olitroctioos whicli stdif its free course, and those of i's tributary 6trcnis. Willi the body, follow the ariK' natural principle remove Iho obstruction's from the botvel -with - f ' ESAXDKETII S TILLS, v . ' which never injure, 'it ar3 always effjetuu Lr the perftcl rlcansing of the Fyste'm ifroni fou!:nxas or dis ease. By persevering in this practice, ,t!i ways of the emulation will t!en be restored to the full exer cise f their natural funcl.ons, arH a etateof hcitltli will be finnly established. ' U?mi inb.'i t.e vcr Eiuff.T a drop of blood lo be taken froraynQ. -Evacuate the humors ns often and as hii j a3 lliey aro doranj cd, oras long as you ar a'S : x i ' These .Pills, are for sale in every eocnty in this tsatc, ntiJa cents per Sjx arid mjy be navl by lae fyHowiiii ajrn's : . 1 ': PA ITO NT &T OSBOH, Asheville, N. - J. N. ALKXAXDKK, French Broad, N. C. - JAS. C. SM YTtI, IMorgantoQ, fi. C. r WM. L: CI LI. & CO.; .Marion, N. C. M. P. ISSN LAND, Burnsville, N. C. ' KELSE V & MAXWELL; Little Ivy, N." C - July Id. Itf J3 " , - t 3iL . 1 In this county, on the 1 1th Dec., by Kcr. Tliomas Ilarkins, W. C. Baldwin and '.iiss Margaret Lino. In tliis county, on tbeyllh Dje., by the pauie, Peter tkceman, end AIihs . Aune&va A. boa ' In this county, on the 2jth Doc, by the fame, Ejjas M. Jo.nrs and Miss Margaret E. Owessbv. In: Burke county, on' the 3 let Dec.iby Rev.-Ai F. tJlmstcad.Col. W. M. Walton and Miss II. L. 3Idr- Ta Moranton, on the 3 1st ult., by XI C. Tearsan, i..sq. Lkamde Lefevres. and alms Amanda um MoasdaiiIitcr of Mrs. Mtlindi Caroline Suciniurs. i Oa the 3rd ins'..,' at his rtsidonce oa Braver Durri, in this county. Ma. James r. Bassett, in 11m; dtth ear of-It is age, leaving a- disconsolate wife and five children lo mourn 'tluar' loss. Mr. Bassclt was a member ot the Alelli .dist etmrcli, and crnoye! the confidence and . esteem of a wide circle of. friendj and acquaintances. - ' , : . ' In Colombia, S. C, on ,lhc 2rih ult., of Con'sqmp lhinrMaM. B. Tori.v, Printer, aged about 3J years Mount' Plcaskiit. Academy. , I TiiE WinleH Sih-ioa of this Academy, situated near .John's liivfr. 7 im'cs uorih of Mor'janton, in one of the moil h-enlthy rcHons of Burke coouty, and nor under. a direction of D:A Wjlsox, a graduate of 6ie of tho Northern Colleges, will cam inencc t!i3 1st of Fcbxuirv. 131a'. . v.. . - 1 Tito course of instrrictio!i embraces a thorough tudy of all the branches of sin English education toTethcrwilh jVlathemattca and the Latin and Greek lanuaes; though parcnl have the" priviledje of dentrnatitj ihose studies . tow.uica they may wish tlicir ciiutiren pasucuJany io avter.d. M, ' Tuilidn per Scsaian cf .live Souths: . Fur tho English Branehas, ;-' 8 7 00 " EnsU55'1 Mathematics, ' 9. CO . : r. " andLan- 'Ptiarrcp.'. 1' ' " -- 13 00 Boarding, aiil all accommoddttoas necessary for pupils from borne, can be obtafhed conveh,icnt to thu Academy at Q5 per month for youths undar 15, and at 85 for those over this aje. - . " " ' - V Satisiatturv' testimonials of the character and qualifications of the preceptor caii be presented if dr-fired.'. 1 - J - i : - - Fur further, information address M. Wilson r Ir. D. Corpening-, at'.Morgaatba, C. , -"'. " Jan. y, lolu. ot 1 il . idministratOi's Sale. There will be sold onT'lay; tlm 27lh day of January, 1845 at the late residence of Fidelio raU ton on wn:ir:uiuf all tne personal cstato or saia i. Pal ton,- CG-uS'sting cf ah jut ' i" ' - . OO. iiiic2y ncssoes, Horses, Caltle,, 2ogrs,.hccpt Cora, ; ' . Oats, 21ay , . Ib'arsnlng A credit of 12 months will lie given. Purchaser will be required lo give bond with approved security Sale to continue from iuy to day unt.l completed. Al persons having claims ajrainsl said estate are requested to rrc-ent them within the time prepci.bed by law, or this notice will be plead m bar of their recovery. 1 - " JOSHUA HO BERTS . , t ' Adminutvultir. There -will he so!J at the same tin;? and p:ace, and on the Fame terms, TTEirefl ii'".rro, -e loii-rin to Jce, Mary, Cordelia and Lf-ivX-Iien G.I l.nJ. . . . M. PATTOX, (Jwrdian. Jarr. 2dl - " - - . roii- is: a f. . Gr" Elliot t's Common School Header, j. Pahn8 and Ilm, , ' """, '-Mith. do'.4 . . ' . , ' JSo;. .Tn Ii irmony, , - " J Tv Books,' " " v B siikB'jkof e ry variety, ' Ill '.i cts- c '.'luTt. ; ' , ' ' ' Wi I ive ait-o a'few .nuruVrs rf Se;;rT popul.ir : . ! i L.ifsf:r vork. ' j wii :-Ii.r.S,.-r t,( ihe I'.i. Lie, B hie' B.oraphy, Wonders of .tl.c World, ; b !:-.- nearly every var: of t-'ch.Jil i-.-iks r nai'y kept by country rurtlonls, "Ail tf uch 1 La sold ot l'o moil, :-.i'C:nro . latin jr ten..s 1 . . pat i on osBt) : ." , Jan.D, lSU.-tf.-p t Sol 1 i t fi on i'r.c i. .1 in i, r (' ..!!;:: : A..o: ' " . , . -V - a;v;u ; Alc.v..Jtr J;T ..... iL J " . , ' ' - j:; - . .f . , 11 II J.. : s ' , Btrs Jn'm- " . i . : - ' L at k T Iv.', 1 "v . - .! ' BrfMik!':r It - 1 ",r Bi'I .- , . V.,. Ann Mrs" ' ' 1 ' "i U tvt.ri J -,S XV-a ill-" j; " ? "! :-in . T ." , , ' Chu"k r I i ; - ' C'reasj.ia i J II - " - , . 1 ,' CI urn: . 1 !- . w.I. Canditr l: v.r- ' ' ' ' ' Ch.:: ! A M 3 I'a--.. 'a J jli.i , : . A l Francis ? I .'i , . ' Fraakl-n L ? ' IVisbv Is-vi'i Sm.:a A U-. t J "i - rl' - . NsitliJII. t M ' t Judder 1.. .....a Tdrs Sinatam Jjmcs . - ' tliilhraith ' ' -crs J A j (Lntle Jose;ih' - - "'lary T-t tIniiuii.Wiii A ' I. Hardy Ibnma - ' , - "' ' ? Hay VC . ' j J , . ' . Iluny Joi-.u A. .-t J Li IIil!JoIn Wuodsoa riatliC-Jf H t-hey Kll - ' Wcs'a'lT.i.. C-r" ' Jnhnsun W II " .v Warren NVi'iaia Jones Vv' CI 2 'VJf J-.u .... ... " " Keener U Ilov " : Williams S F ' ' ' ' Ku-j.C " . - WaikiaT II ' . Lindsiiv Ilosoa' ' - -, Williams Willuw- 2 LilhrjfPnr.:y " ' W.iliant E II tl 2 iMlchc!l Eiish-i Tier .1'- W(- 'mJJ . Mallnry A ' . - - Yo 1 1 ' - . " McKce William - - ... - :. p. ti. 31 Asbeyilb, Jan. 9, IB 13. notice;. Tec undersign , adniiriiaLrator of tho f state of Pamacl A. Lyh-, deceased, will attend ihe Courts of McDowell and Bancombe fur ihe harp ) -2 of settling ' said estate, uud ail prions iudehtft rf'ier by nota r otherwise,. wiLI coma forw ard tni ..i-ikc cttle meiit. All persons bavin cl.nmi aiin-l Fiid cs. tatt: are. requested to "present them within tho 1im prcs'eribod by law, or otherwise this notice fcLiULa plead bt bar of thci recovery ( " . -a . . , JUU.N Ll LE. Jn. 10, teis,--3t.' ' - . - dissolution. ; ; v Hint Copaitnefshin lerelofro exisiinjr brf'Tca iJie snbscribrris under the firm orTurncr Jt'IT j;Ik-i, ia th: day dissolved by mutual content. - II ; D. TurnerJs a'one antl. - zed t(fcl's9 the business; nj all persona Indebted l-j the late firm aru rcci'icstvd to make Immediate payment to hint. . v - : NELSUN li. HUGIIE. naUbh,Jan.l,I313. 4t - 23l Saddles ! .dd!c Wi arc,- nowTcceiyin; a larpeisupply of S.ID DLES, directly from New York, vbteh vc will bi able lo sell very Jov.fjr cash, or produce of tiro C4 u itry. " - ' - , PATTUN &. OSE.X. - tAhernic, Jan. 12, 'J6. tf.. 31 ZO ALL WHOM IT, MAX CPXCZUN. . 1 Whereas, my wife Ei!zub'-lh having my bed. nndb.ard wltbout'a'ny cai,; 1 or provocation, I L'?re- T. by forwurnail j'rsoii3 fiom. harboring of tradin ' with heras I will notpiy any of her contract." . : Isaac r. Claris , , Haywood co., Jan. D, 18 151 3 1. . 231 . r These medicines are reioti):nnded and cx .-iive-.. ' Jy used by the niosl intelligent persons m Lie ' t-i , bv numerous rrofe.;S.rs toij.l'reidr fC 7?, Fiivsician of llloJirmy and 'Navy, u..d of h ?im."' tills and AIiTihouscs,an! by nt-ire t.:ia j.vo r: Clergymen of various detioraitintionA. . ;lhey arc expressly prcpan. J jjrjdi:. base aecirred an ar.DrrociicnleJ r j - ' iTvut t:ie.U..Su:cs ; and- as tliey -re o a.I j, cvlculatcd ti preserve be.il'.h r-.J - e d I.--n- . ' family fchonld ef rbi v-io-ut t..ei-u Ihe prop . toroX tiepc valuaL'.o pr'.-.:r.iti ' r" ved Ut. catioVat-one of the best ntsdi fs n u . !btatcsand.ha hsd t.venty y--- ' " ! y: ! -' cxtensMJe and d.yrr.ified"pr;Ht;cc ty v .,.0.1 . 3 .ia 'nad ample - opji unities of acj-iiri.i- ; -t i Jyiowledjeof dwasanJ of thsxtnuJs b -.fal. , . c'ulated to remove them. B Names end j rich of . x?. iy.:zs - Medicines, viz t "Jayne's Espccloranl, pcp-bylile, - . . . . Hiir I' .nte, . , ALTERATIVE, or Life IVescrva tive. per Lottie, ' " 1 1 CJ i a' ".'" " " Tonic Vcrmifujp, 1 '--r .25 artd . 1 c'. Carmin-tlivc il.tam ' 25a...!rJ( . - Sar.utivo P.lls P1 r box ' " "' Anfii( ...1 I'jir Uye, - ' ' ll 'All l'iCa!n-e r.i iiiimud ijij'- :nca af , . d t:LY by Dr. I). Jiyiu-, Inventor a:ul Su! j V . ." r. No. 8 outh'Ti-ird Mrect, P;.ih.d-.'.. ..:. hu fio besitT ' .1 in recommenc:. . . t ' '.'- c'-i-miu",:l3' a ; -tia'fi wotli.y cf 1'.. r '. rj v. dcOc'e, is l''.'.y prriuad:d f. !. 1 ; i-tt-'T' :2v, t'.it 1:. y iv;;: 1 "nd ( :'i : 'iy !. miv:i t! o?e ( . . - fo; wl.. . i' cy ej fci.vcr-Iy ii-' cl...- rc for s-il 5 v-r- PA'i ;o:. rronv'.'!M ; ."3 I- I ctuWTo:: Oct. 10,1313. .1 O O 1 w: a. .,ti i " - i. . '.vtr, t-ilber by the Bnr"l rrC-. ' " K - - 'k 11 AN KIN & 1 ULUA. :. 1 i ? Ii i f - 1 -. ' Ii L d

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