.i i : hater. Cc. i..' o:i.:;u: d.try, the w your biyor t Lit-ri y : . . sn Dr rs t! .ir.-jn ciiedjout "Duv..: 1 m a-eI l- winch th A. T It. t' "Vi 1 i:l .rr.t,s wu.i l.-' j 4 ..VtsUi.:. J C. Iain c! : t. r cy cf;!.; O.-r- -s t give notice t j Ore il Brit. :.'.-i.liori cf l? '"'r:i w.cepan ;.i tenl:.;ry, r ' '3 House Y- u,e t prt c. j at a i si.; i. .J thsr in-tl. Wo j- a p.irlir?3 cf this d iy "i pro. reccing, InctuJinj Mr. AdamVereteh,: bui hate r..t roor.i for i"l.u wh-K "TI19 said res. -.j j " ." ' , . r ., . - ,.,'.. o utu'O, tn pasji J, u aj fu, . n . ttetoUei Ij tf Senate l..vt itousc cf tit- yrescnluttrescf the United :!tt of America in Cvn'Tresj aisemb.'ed. Tint tho President of the United tiic cusr notice to b-; jnven to the G-ve rnment of Great , Britain ihil the convention berwteii !he United States of A merica and Great Britain, concerning the territory on the tmrihwet coast of Ariica; wt-atof the Siony Mount niu. of the, Cth of I attack' they k foresaw would be midc. They August, Ib'J7tfl'gneiliif Lmid.ni, klnll oh an- formed, however, do well digested, definite nulled' aru! br..g.ud twelve months after !an umj cocerttlj no orier or bmle. Ail giving sd n-.tire. , ...... . , - 1 . . 2. Aallellfur&rtresnfrnl Thit n thm w" i? .; I crcin (-.inuiiiKl b intended la iniprft-re with I to bo ";40eJ nJ hwj communications the riI.j nnJ discretion, of ihe proper author. were to bo kept up. Mi Martin was rcqulried Ities of tho two contracting irties to renew to draw un a Droclamationi n their bebulf. to orjiursuHnmuttonsioru.. .imcaule settle be rentj nmnrAn i T tj wis fu'l f an-rv ..i the 1 V.c.j .'i . same d y the fu- neril t f "f rcr'll;'VLs wns 'a'P- kd LtCI''JcI f!i WlDw.hl'jlr'.-. Ti-?'j i.ii. mtr 'CulIecli.iRf of penpat, ut.c. : :!;o ntcu- liar cir- .'nir.:cP5 of thes flmo cou'J r.ot fafj to to ntictidrtf tritu e.xcucment and cbuuition Every whcrlhfeatsjnere J;eard, f!:rce touks were seen, combat only" was talked or thought of. .jThc trial having been adjourned tothoO.h, every vorte in Lyons understotwl th it on that" dy the opnJosins- farces would coma in cooijicn ,Tho reIuiou of ha gen etal corrinriillpc (;icq jIiote ns we hae een with the plan and pid tfi ihilita ry move. tn;nU which i wero in progress, and which were advisedly calculate I iV precipitate Con flicl) was taken on the nlht of the 8h noi to attack: but to renclV lii the utmost "ihe- :-. 1 r t .it" . - i..:st:.-: -Jt) ..1. .'.!. v 4 ju..r p."ftr a fciv wrt, froti the IltLih Ufter. T'.iii 1 hivec' tts fjr t' 2 rcu- 1 that the au thor cf that,e-iy did not seem to me ti have rmw.ihii';- 1- k: . I a the f ' .:jlict ' J. -v .". . "f . ' !i iast. tv.vi 5 h run rs r.!oi . Trt:'!t ir mi:e.Vj s is cht-ese; ' SA'l IU I t!i nt rrttc I to rt p w i;h Jrr, hut this j ' M r. 't Ihinkii", and that l 1 hour 4 Tt Ort";o! resolutions were lakeU up, u ti niter tcnutl-H-K. . 1 - Tivi n S-niih, of Cnectu-ut, u-vv in an. iui stv . by .it' . iai ..f iK.. tnnvt ' r rcmirkji Ir. A. I it..-., ( it l.j i.aj v.?..zt4 finl re;- jit, r;:t ''.ruc'i t'. j vt;:- :ue 0:1 . 1 : ra AlTir . rm.nedti M 10 report i:i lavor ofgivtnY uwtoi t:.3 lerrrniwtiwf Go viiNt. .11 ; m I .1 ....... 1. nura. outi iiKii v '" - .-ifirr heir- fcnu-ly in ted, !icn I tell one i j o .llvl.rnnent over it; r.n 1 leare ttu tr.ariircJ tl.e ! --ri car.',. Jiv an tTfjirlv a 1 ;. t i.:t. ..n nml II . I li.Kifch wss o j : . 1 inrfv iiata . .. laiiimiu ,. ftiVckvi f---t . 1 rtsl lor cmiji . such an important r'iA3'?on demacds. but has I r, u.a : a t X ..nr fiii'er on t ..t... im.t V.is manner wn very anunatHi ,f , , I tOTIi I'lHH IIOIU II BUIU -.l JIIW , . J I in reahty riven alone the arg-jcnta on one , -m inj jie a;n tthar." 2 And! wnt to know UIr suj.portea in. . iiKrnu..rC j 4 . jiide'cf the quosiirn, wt:!iout -ven referring 1 ,fny ,n; ny man tell me how fnr oj wlicie he would 1 M- DarS n'.wTi nd wni; - to the many povt rful rensons adduced on the UnJ ptjed w iumn Villi the samel I 1 ; ,hc u,,,., ju tvo of iirgotiji. oilier. I shall content mjseil iwwr at velocity and, distance; in ptorKirtion this lime wt:h cn leavoriog to expl tn his or. J wciMJlof fraf perfrJi,c some astr rwir.uion twelve -J - cr. t . .i.!,..tl. I oorf. ' s "-V',n ,Vf -JT .c"'."t- p.i-M (Mr. (J i-;:;3LT. v t ron-i i v ' , u ul tt S 1 1 1 , . , . " .' .i . .... ........' nl i!h i-iitTi au'.iioii--o it ji -...f. Wliene-nMt cnileiiiea :.t-; her l!n Mr. A- i1' fxpress. :.id la liar n t rf mil tee as state incut. , LH'Vhniw, reir.cmot hiAS-If us hcin . I isiiwt civm; to Ihelf. (tflirjui nmicablt tti-llko t of th mcnt of thu controversy respecting the Ore-" gn Trrrt'.ory. , t . , , , , Vo Icars oar ' readers lo judge fur, them It Ives as to the prospect of a rupture with G. Brill'iin, bin !y remarking, that it is the be. Itefof many juu-lligent men, whoa have' the best of tpportuuitics for knuwin2. that such . . , .,- . , o result isjfnure than probate. ' ' Lvery Represent alive from this State voted fir the Mot ice, except Mr. Dockery. 1 .. ; -- L) , TIlo XVcaihcr. 1 I, Lat Thursday, in thcTcoursc of two hours ext worntng. j It 5as full spifit, yet it (lid nut positively make an onpeal ThQ huthorilics who Could have calmed all this tumult, were,' however, ns before said, fixed in the determination bid an occasion totally to suppress and crush the revolutionary and republican spirit. A bout ten thousand 'rljen were already on the spiit, and to this formidable! army they could . .1 . i... IT- .....fMwl hiniit'lt to two tioints ujusome jsirimu'r kiuK'"'1 "lllc - -- . ii if i -it Mitfiner WJic,rM , .,t1....iiv to iive UK noirce - mrr.! nr.l chce them as he his! failed toJ"i ,:. . ti.u ' If ih 1 .1st. whether Uo J . . !' I W lUUklll ailTTI VtlH-l3 !, i " 1 . i " d, in their proper light before y wur reacers, cacuat-hm should bo attempted, I would s iy II? first declares as the opinion of cenevo. I lntt wej cnt-minded men the very proposition which J tne' in discussing ! subject I should have laid anJ down, i. e.,' ' I he prevention of crime is sin object greatly to be desired, therefore we fa ation should bo attempted, I would!) - ivin lUv nuiic uould rspeJin.i. tight of the roan 150 pounds,' provided ct;olended that Coi'irw h"d no wuihori ia be one of i hose obimt n jenr ld, y lo gjyo ihe'noiief; or it it l.:-d, 0u-4.it rot act and long leg$- but should the flea be lu exeicise it. lie U a I 'i.:ir:;:lll!u':.t:iv hoping thu.Ta a ft.vv d-y-; a rvp.m o , wuc; it ,woM be SS- 3r: uhj.i:I f cu.Jr. t . H.,i. as btin' t.ne i.f mr.y lujihlvi.rpo.tantmrurrs.11,0 revi . mr -wwiu ul!ow ilV-To liwSnl Brut...cikl wiilnntluee dajs nf cr.tlw report r.o;v fcriom the committee was ,nsde; and,-9 he h.d du siren: 11 was maue loud voice. vor the institotion of a Penitentiary." y He then proceeds to state that from this opinion, a from a delusion, the mind of the public should be freed.; Hu gives, however, merelj r .u...: . r..o rli f,n. ! ir. with a e'ear , . .fe . ' , V .... i Mr, Alkmson, -S - Vwincnwuiprooiy ueinese ...ucj M1J ,rcd u : 1 r . t . 1 . . , . more easily cnugtu,; 1 men viaim 1110 mcijjm jep.l4jtH udm . of the heavirbtman i) Uonress. - 1 l-Mr. jpv solution ' 1 1 L I .it r i It tr nnlnton i. fivltlxO J.Mlrilull.vn.l thai I IMF K 1'OLKl 11' J 1' 'T - I " " ., .u ' : ! j i i i.lA.t . i ..u .... I mi1f4 n noof . SIR C Cli; ine inuii. nruviucu no inaue: ius . it-a j ujui i " I i' : riiil importance fo!i cpnsn-... aion iy thtfi ' fioor . . r 1 r. ih nitli,l 11? I. which he proposes to establish his proposition. ind about the place I oncu lieaTd a preacher I QUCSf0Q of honor and wot cl duihi s ond I shall therefore merely .value them at what hay the Garden of, Ee'o wasaway tuwardi Ce,lU. ' " ! . ' At two o cl ick a Message mu i. ionsof a sinule man-and shall endeavor ti ' o . A Jt i 'J. h .1 from the Presiuent, covering an: imporw in I . h t: - x " - " - !. . I oecoHoiy, 1 want iu rd(" : ih nonilffS imm a Irnin it nndmihrpil mul ml.nlt I I ted facts that oq institution of this! kind can. I '..,n..,Anrf. HC follows: I be soma Galvanic B altera formed with suui. . . 1 A i,,.rrIt i niichanih to Mr. i ill I I XI. IL.Lfct ' 1 to turn their course in prderfi procure omce, 21. A letter irom iur. uuuwuii J tu-y or iu other words, those who are making such McLane.dated December 13, and asking the . . 1 .. 1 .1 , ( ., . , means of CnslUh war preparations., . , .,ib!.ih. :ddB: ,M!ll'to dOS Til A ,L from Mr. Melime lo Mr. ndd ns fast os more troops the neighboring posts and 11. observable tliat the militar 1 , it lWeved and sneiced, and friz"- but did n 1 1 Lyons were i generally i less disposed to vio. 'Afu"b j'ti: lull!' were wanted, from garrisons. It was r t'-. - ''., v i men who were in cieni bower to enable those persons who wish I p,.u. 6tby any -possibility have any eflect except U) turQ ,he,r course in'prder o procure ofRce, I 2i. A letter from MrV Buchanan lo Mr. ! - J. d ' ' I J ' II. r ' . f . ,. . ii . . t . . an uuvuuugeuus ouu ucsirauio 1 on j community, . j , 1 wlU!,"DeK orieuy na possioie ine wiln 5UCCess! . If a ir.achine can b nrocur- U.'i.I " Tmn.nrvS. statins. that be various punishments for whxh in a comma. etj lhul win enable them to jump as far as the had an interview with Lord Aberdeen, who 1:1 :. .l .. i. . 1 . I - i . : " - l : . 1 :.: ..i oijr Huvuni h uiougui uesiruuje 10 suo. flea man i .kjnt ,hev bnwAI tome it. assured him that the war prrpnruuou i ',. Jur! il . ... ...k.. . Rmrlrid had no reference to American N i- -r r'.' :. ' ' fairs believes Lord Aberdeen sincere still nu. ;.i..yt .ur u acu.ua .u u.o I lhinkai it pSMwibla that hoslilities may come- wiuisnwuiimcur iooi hi ins proper giu aj i m wj,;cu Knlarid would be prrpareq u oeai man. notwithstanding his weiizht. could leap nowerful blows against the United 5Utes in.nr'iZfr Auiinrnffii 'M 4:h. A 'elter from Mr. Paekenham to I nronlse loo Galvanic Batter for ihe rea. Mr. Buehanan, dated December 27, prop wing .. ' ...;::! . As yet, wo hear of no opposition to Gov. Graham, and it seems that the public'1 have settled down in the belief that there will be V. A well written communication upor the Penitentiary question will be found in our pa pcrto-day, Tho writer, it will be observed, advocates the nd iitioh of the system.;! It is lent measures. It was tthp prudent advice of Lt. Geh. Ayihar thala poVc!rfulboJy of troops should occupy oyer night the . approaches of the? tribunal so as to prevent a collision. (low much bloodshed and misery would have been spared, if, this counsel hall; been followed. But he was overruled, j The. last orders were given late at pighii to.the d Efferent corps post.! edin the ciivl which the mnrninj; of the 9th found no longer town put a enrnn intended ns a reply to, and refutation of, the ,r"is ..wcre jKO disposed A rjuiucmscoiiintnedln the communlclmoo. blow io, the revolt at the.od Tht i s to cive a severe arguments cuiiintQcd In the communlcattoo, P,aw lo. ,,ie rVu" f 1 ine;1s 1 ol t:ie t'vl No. 2,tf Sylvnus,,copiedMmoouf paper C(J cpmiiai. ana tnetr, stinasrus were raised, n few wvvks since from the RaMub Register. 11,01 vccorqiBg to usage; evry ueserter might JWe learn from the lUlcij: Star that the kil,tJ niW 'I'M C'.ihodr il , which informHtion'whkh the last Legislature direct. rrs ontue puce fit jenn was niieu with cd Gov Graham to procure and spread bo- j loops' whose bayonets, glittered among iu foro the -people of the State, is soon to ap. uar Suur 'Vccscs- J ' iKnt ..tJ uwn.i t. kT." t.. At the very. Hriak of, d I'bUI 9VI MW IWVUIV W J V. vv S- 1 : ' , . j ... , nLhed shortly, not wilh theories alone, bui on lequy Antony, " . " T 1 . . '. . k '.. . ' I uru . If ihno A Iho.l ' n n, ttiih tacts and atatisties. lurnishetl tivtlicm-ju. 'c'' m y,; three men met These were Mes- Lim;iffe. As they agcrs and directors of the dilTeroul PWeti. Iuueu caut.psiyj around hem, tlw:y saw at thrits m thu United States: (1 ' ? once tiiatjiie-cruts was Abnc. ,lhey were ; : 1 ij ; all importanisinen'iiu the rabksof .the people. ' If war shuuld unfortunately ensue between' Separating tb go1 lo iheirrespeciivo- posts, Great Brittainand'ourown country, wonder, lhey bade each utbler i !lait and solemn fare. if those Democratic editors who have , , been wt:if gnying f we shall' ncil see each other an ramDant upon tuo Ureiroo - ouestionas sorting, among other very foolish thing tha ar:in. Limge was slain before night. llisnow half past ten. A moment before we could whip the British before breakfast crowded withj the popul.ftiip, St. Joan is all wouiu suouiuer ineir musKcis imu murcu io at unce 8lran,cfy deserted L In the neighbor the tented fitdd! "Vo think it doubtful, for ;w 8lreets wine bovs are hrowin u hai. 1 the reason thai wc have always. observed that Caits (inajeLnhe pavini'sione p.led across f those who mode the. greatest' noise did the , 1 ; st filiiing. v Judge Woodward,'--The . Native Atner. ; iean' presses charge the U. S. Senate' with having rtjtcti d the, numiivition of this gen ! ilemni to a eat , the II. S. Cwuit Bench, ! because ho wns an n vowed kupjKirier of the -,1 N itivo Amc:can party. ! ' ''f'U:iX -' , "' SfJ.i ' 1 tiac Johnson, Dom., is tleeud Governor J'tt( Louiiftnu. ' The Drmocruts havo a! ma. -J Jurity in bo:h. branches of the Legislature.- .. Godeys Lady Boikiot February li has ' , reached" u., -As uul, it iseuitx-irilud with several, rich .an J hrausifu) iMiravinvs-, I and fillel with ehiertililing mailer. Ii a v.lu- .bleigaziro, Mid every lady who can should subscribe f.n u. . j .; ' 1 ',! the wuy to stop tho passage forma sort o the pcopl breast work) ! under the cyt's who tuukat them in silence of troops and In ihe inside 4f the h ill jof Justice tho judges are sitting, evidently uneasy , and paying a very unrjuiet Jules F.vrc. j Suddenly a faring is heard spring to lljejr feet and,. Wale with horror, behold a ainj;brought. in cilvcred with blood, who was naidto bci "an insurgent shot io the v ..rs net of building a burricailcjV ! What was the his coat was found "nSKULLIidJI CF I5H O LYOB. 1 ; ' -1 - , - co.xtixukd.J , Toe law foi bidding ihe formation and ope. 4 raiion.of all usociaiions fell s heavily on - thr societies of I he various trades as oa those , , of a poliiicttl. e ha meter. The resistance . ( t'.. ' fore" was universal. Workmen of every y class, meitibers of everj fraternity, became Soldiers in the Kame cause. No more hesita t lion no more disuu-tt. I Vive At Repnllquef ri .was tho con.moD cryJ Giiurd, one of the - .executive council of the Mutuulists, look the . - lead, and general rommittce was furmedTor " the emergency, eomp.ised of, men chosen- by r the seeral societies. ' ! , . i : When . it was suggested that iho peop!e lwwfrefUuprovide'fith arms, tho' reply was, ' The "sol liers, have them. ', They will not ...kill their, brethren While this violent out. ?.ur:1.? f-li"5 was manifesting itself in the .raa, l'. .nre intelligrct ho saw, the dn- ' TPr CJ n collision, heoiuted ing, though they held m h iiitercoursc vvith a rriiYioo of ihe trrrr-? and particularly, with somtiluf the or . li!!er , ns : be v quainttd with the plans and o! : ds i r r r inmanding-ofjcerSvin all , thi ir movi nu nt. Sjch was the ktate ! things when the 5.h of "April, ihe day fixed for ihe . . - r i I'ltJ f. .-'"i m triaioi nu arrcsieu iMuiuaiisis, arnveu. iu ' :iV"'. . 1 " "-...,. i I : 11 : , f""; ''""!! .if!. " '"nr ' 'VtJ honor their chiif, nt.d perl, to ovtr surprise ofalli when under the badge of anagert ot twi police, thusti'S been an emissary 1 to decoy the peo. sliluto ike Penitentiary. ; They arelhe pillo jry, whipping post, and j sometimes the gal lows, as also common jail imprisonment and sometimes . the State's prison. Of the first ... i . . 'I - r- 1 h . . class of these punishments, it is justly com plained that by their hardening effect, offeiing io malefactors a fair opportunity to exhibit their courage and hardihood, it takes awny the disgrace of punishment; of the other clas.s, thai ihey j afford to the criminal l a. com. fortablc asjluniand abundant leisure for mcd. itating and contriving a renewal of his villa. ny.r "The Devil loves idleness" say ''the Spaniards', and truly he could desire n lieitcr opportunity for working j his. will on the Jar. dened and seared conscience of a malefactor already buried in guilt to the lips, than the solitude of j a Stale's Prison or a county jail. Ii isdcsimble, therefore, that in chosms I , II ... I . , ! ... ; u substitute, for the preseal modes of punish, jfneui uo should adopt that .which will Com. him suffirteot severity with mercv, ns far as jit can injustice os well to ihe rriminal as the jcornmunityj le shown, that will neither allow 'him to Jive a life of ease or give! him an ip. !poitunity to acquire what he cals glory, lut hC" Whipping. post or U13 gallows. j All these desirable ends v chum are at tained in the institution of the Peniteutiarv.- There the idleness or leisure so justly .com p'ained of in other modes of imprisonment, gives place loan active, useful and industrious employment, the best suited in each particu lar case toenablo the culprit to live in future i. :. .. II1. a ... i f'l f:i. " "t .ii -;. - ' ' an nonoraoie anu useiui niu. , . t The whole of the argument embodied in i 1 1 , - - 1 i the l.vtlcr part ot his essrtv resolves itself in to the si ngiK question "Is crime an appro, priate object of revenue?'' I shall answer this query by another, Is it desirable that the crimes of inhabitants should be a source of expense ito any State? - If tha answer be given iu iho affirmative, tl say then abolish he present plan oi jinrs, and establish in its place a system of rewards toolfendcrs against the laws, and take my word for it that the end of absorbing the revenue; of the. State for the benefit of evil-doers will be as completely at tained by proposing a premium as it is at present by .holding out a penalty for crime, j I If, on the contrary, my question is.answeiv i in the wgatiye, then ' In us adopt some mode of punishment by which the crmilua son that I see by Crabti's Dictionary of Gen eral Knowledge that Galvanism was first dis covered from the effects of metal (silver of coutse)and wet rags,(B ink paper I suppose,) and . when it was. brought to touch a skinned frog it made him bounCp again. However J I wiu!d advise- the nt;i) weo undertakes the leHp to keep well his eq'uilibt iuw, lest he might smasfi his napper agoipu ine. moont or lano the other side ot the 7Ujh oeree ui Uregnn - I PHIS-U-DIUK. t raying the fact that he had of nhe aulhories employcil pie inioan acvoi muunt! j; That shot (was the kikrn-il. Pished back by the troop, ilie flying operatives were crowded ib the adjacent slrj ets; these try ing to gam their own quarter ol f the town; those stopping at tjie crossings of the streets to form barricades there; whi p others still ran furiously heirts afldjthcr, eqtially undecided nd helpless.. 2 i Fari from giving orders to the multitude to commence htr resistance, the - I 1 j 1 i - ' ? I " f . . f " - . general committee was carried away by the movement,' and no orders were or could be waited for. j - j; . , L j , . Up to this ime it would have been perfect ly asy for. the.nuthoritied to arrest all. the chiefs of the ' insurgeots for they were all known, thoir pots ascertained, and the way open to reach them at oi.ee. j Was M.'Gaspa. rin too serf - Jiouj; lovcommtt. so arbitrary an act? -Jodgo from the 'nature of his order tiven lo the' isoldiers "Fijre on everyone who shall appear in tho J street!" an "order limited indeed to some portions of the city. but which, where it' was executed, produred scenes the mast fearful and j&hochingan or (icr which, without a speciajcare and guard to prevent it, ouU h:ve proved latai to the jm.les tnems- us :iiuy rviirc-u rom lut seat'of just; .!, ' J ."To.be continad, 'Tlirra is a 're j fa Llief llowr article from tha Lou 5V...0 Jonrniil, wracli wi.I 3 iu s.rpnew: "Aiao Urndall sa js that he i , . ' la Lo able in a fhort liire to pay everything fcw in lie world. Ai. aul ttitre a fceavy debt thai, he has gtl to setllu in th other wort J'. J A NOBLK MOVE. It must thrill; the heart of every good man in the stale with joy to learn, that withirj the last three weeks, upwards of one hundred bf the young gentlemen connected with the University, at Chapel Hill, hae signed the TOTAL ABSTIN ENCE PLEDGE1 We hope the re maining students will speedily fc I low their noble example; and ?c trust, too that their parents, and the distinguished k men ot.thc btajt whose influence is, felt at that insti tution and among the educated yoilg men of the State every where, will give countenance, and encourage ment to this manly step in the path way of an elevated morality and vir tuous self-denial. ;1 Let them lock up their liquors in the medicine chest, and cease to oppose the lei perance reform, if they will n themselves sign the pledge. But why will thev not come out at once and rally under tfie" Temperance bannerf Does their happiness d penu upon tne use j 01 a contempt ble artificial stimulant Are thdy so weak,' that 'they cannot abandon a habit the most useless, and at the same tiine the most' dangerous 6 all habits? Raleigh Star arbitration. 1 : 5ih. A letter from Mr. Buchanan to Mr. ackenham. dated January 3, declining aibi t ration yet cherishing the hope hat ditiioul. ties may bo amicably settled bv i neirou-uiou 6th.' Mr. Packenham to :Mr. Buchanan dated Janu iry 3, staling that hejwfll send ihe answer of Mr. Polk, transmuted above by Mr. Buchanan, to the British Minister iu Lon don. , r I ' 7th. Another letter from Mr Packenham to Mr. Buchanan, dated Januiiiy 16ih, in which he argues the question ofj arbitration. and-, controverting ' Mr. . rulk s objciion to aibitration drclarinf; that Lowland ho hts in Oregon. He asks, wlulher th1? United States Government is w filing to sub mit to arbitration thv ir claim to the ichofe $ Oregon. !' 8ih. A Utter from Mr. Buchinm to Mr. Packenham, dated February -C. declining their last proposition for arbitration, and st t ling the reiiMon why. . E T lie receipt of ihe' Mcssige caused a deep SfnBili'Ui iu she Houc, and thoi reading f tho. c.o responds nee was listened to witlideep interes'. i , I may ba made to ffiel that it is to his indiviuu it ' 1 1 .. I J . ' ' .' interest asjwell hs thai of the community in nfaich he lives that he should net honestly and uprightly. But do not tell him that by breaking the laws he wi!ligain an asylum in which he muy defyvthe fear of poverty, nc quire the means'' living1 an easy, lazy and independent life. For there are some so hardened in guilt, so losljo every sense Vf moral right or dftty as to glory ia the fart tha 'their guilt dots uot involve misery or misfbrtu;. to if.omselvcs, but only doubles the taxes troubles of the unhappy poor, whose oij'y crime is th:it they are innocent. , I Again, is it not a well known fact that pub- lie o dicers An many instances, conscious of the expense! and trouble to the country attend ing imprisonment as ai present applied, are strongly icrnptcd to. let the guilty go free rather than burden the. State with their sup. port in. indolence? . After a candid view of these facts what does it become us as people to do?i Shall we help to fasten the, rope stilj tighter around ourg on necks? i.Shall we pm it'in'iihe power of any band of rebels against the law to involve in their merited punishment ihe destruction of the ..onest poor ' around them, the bank ruricyof the State "and the annihilation of her resources? . Or shall we cot rather, bold Iy following and pr 'g by fhe;etample ot our partners in eat firm jf.naiions make crime it.s ti, -uppor ler and punish-' meet dreaded raiher l..au desired? . . .... f..A v.onlintu il .ir0nU MT v , nii't iihu " w ...... w - i i present: -; - ' f V I "r i' had t..i .i siid that ;,hc was innrJ-., c :iIon toaddres the Housfc rcit!. r the it r-isite power of bty ihr of inind; and iio, nasin u situation now wbich rendered hm ,t far more incompetent than he. had beeo tlwir.. At that lime he stated expressly that." "' great deliberation and great 'rehtcpsce, fctf .. had twelve mnih before, itcjared that hw .. mind wa made up in favor of giviS ,fco. n , lice to Great Britaio tl.ut the, ernver.HoA re VetiimOreroii.sl;iniM. be terminated after . , ...... i. - the cxpM-oiiun of twelve mon-nsi via. tinued to ihinkvnnd lbl he renrly, , ll-n,to adept nnyresulution giving tuaitw. Since lhat lime tho Iloine hau teen enga, ed with'ullth.M.hilitv he had ttrr witnessed, nd which, he.inul s iy, wi s unsurpassable, ; and with a patrio iim utisuipaxsva oyt&Tiy deliberative ssemblv of anvMopl til the woill, npu tha quest ton. 1 nis nInu hhu no: be n made up alrcndy lht tlf. Ii ro mo for pi v in- such Tititice. it would . bsivn - e- - f- . - - .... ... v beeit so from the Higim.eiit broughl lowaiu r during thtt debui; a di brie t. fably. conducted; and luiiKumaied on both sides ui. I ha queitHuj' ' f. as any he had ever witnessed. , Ho h:id, eni jj t deavoretl, thwugliout, to kt rphhrs niiit J: . a calm nndlmpartial a H'ate jits if he Iwd h'ji . eonsid;red the qut bti m U hirivMle hud h- p ( tened wi ImiII .the attention. Je. culdf, eornr. . , rins lii I i.i tint lu.rl ) t teJviitieed nh botk sides, an-l it his mind hid nut been 'mad Vj f j f irilho most! pusi live and lufle.xibu manner, ' - he did not know vh-t might have l en tho - s result ol thu d.biie mma liis opinion 12 vr. irv :irniinotit . I'verv tart- ewrv C MIRIUOP' Z ,- 4 :'h 5 j, r r t SENATE MONDAY, February, 9, 184fi Amoin; the n solutions of inquiry Kubrnii ted, was one bv Mr. Cass, requestingthe S" crelarv otllieNavy to report -'whethr r therr is now any naval armament on Llake Sojioi ior and whether an armioient .is'noi ne. s-irv there; ulsi'i what would be ihi; bus t kind of de fence. It was laid over.., j Alter the disjos.'l of a mass ot private ho sineKt the Senate resumed )hu. considianon of the bill; providing for. the construction of ten iron war S'enme n. s, Mr. Westeotl havin ihe floor,, resijmed and cot:c!udod hi n'murks in favor t( ihe bill.' lhj,s .v.: , v.' ,-..:.,.;.!,.;.:,i':: r.;.,'-'.J.jr;' Mr. Dickenson said that in consequence ot the una voidable alnsi-nce of Mr. F-tii field, lie proposed thu the bill .should be Sjtid over iir formally.-' On this a very exciting disusVinu arose, during which Mr. Mauguni .look occa-. s:on to say that premeditated excitement and agitation had been resorted to fori ihtt purps of d slui bing 'he pcan: of the country. lie said that a system of mystification and con. cealment had been indulged in for . the pur pose of raising tho lea rot war, when the party in power never dreampUof war. lid also said QUIVI& Jlirtha Cray thq widosr or the discoverer of tha CalanihiaHivcr. baS Qemuralized Con grew on the enbject f the services of her hasbandv CapL Gray, aad asking a pensi'm. I ' - i GOLD DOLLARS. The subject of issuing, gold dol lars from the U. S. mint, has been in troduced in Congress, and there ap pears little doubt that a bill for thjs purpose will be passed during the present session. They will he a tri fle smaller than our1 ten cent peices will be very convenient for rem'U tance by. mail, and,: if we can have them sufficiently plenty,' will answer very well for small cliangcScrcr -iific American. - v v-i 2"1 ' -L: t ' ,J,r...;' ; " ;;. X Murder., In Sampson county, u few days ago,' Mr. Alfred1! Flowers was killed by Jofiti "Barfield. The parties Avc'ro neighbors,-anji Jiail been dririM. togetlier -Aquafrcl ensued, in tlu course 6f which Flow ers is srvdto have seized a chair ti) strike -Barf : J, but fell 6ver itl an Barfield stabbed hmT; Barficld wa arrested, and is injail. A -Mr. Simpson was - murdered by a negro; we understand, in Bla den county,' v.days ago. We have not iieara the particulars. We find the folio . i;;nr humorous hi! atthe present state of affairs be tween tnis country and iMexico in ablate number of tho Charleston ratno;: - -; V A Cad. Mexico bess the Unii" ted States to excuse her. She hi so'much.to do with ierjamilu' ai thoKi: now should feci thnt if he 'had more confilencc in conducting ihe negotiation, he more comiomtom, . - - Mr. Haywood moved to lav ilie bill on the table fir the present." Mr. Sevier moved, to postpone.!- He said jt ought to come up tfter more ' iinportant measures. X After a continuation of tha deb it between Messrs. Mangnm,' Bagby, Alleni Cssr- and -i. .l i .... . : j . .i outers, i no miter ueuounceo ine policy ol go ing nothing because we ctJufd not Jo everv thins Me desired to augment the navv nl .i w . - . . . J . mougn we mignt not make it.supenor to that of Great Britain. As lo ihe reanrks of Mr. Mangum relative to ihe disturbance of busi." ness, ii was true the evil would be lamentable 1 i . j ni . - - ... , out a uisrupuon oi an uusmess was preferable to a loss ot national honor.- We were de fenceless in the last war. and we ftredefenrn less now this C t y and., Bladeniburi;x stand where they ,did in 1814. - , After a rejoinder from Mr. Mangum. on rhotion of Mr. Clay ton, the Senate adjourned in oroer to oe present at- ttve voting of the Housp uprm the Orecon notice nro' itin - HOUSE OFREWRKSENTATi . ES.. " ': beveral other miscellaneous maitera hay. ing been dispoy of, the ILus'ei thcD.'went into a committee of the whole, and resu med the,cunsiueratHio f)f tl,eJoinTr Resolutions authorizing the President to give the Ori:on ..i.vc iui liiwoo. -rtuer aspeecri ironv fllr Jlr. ADAMS commenced -by' observin that this was not one of ' those ocrasion in which, nutwithstandini! the estiniatioii of hi. good friend from. Pennsylvania,, the. speech he-had formerly delivered no the subject be-' mre tne committee took from him the ri"ht of aaureKKing it at this lime. - The on!- ccca . . "emu auuressect the Uouso i.; ail ourmgine present se.ioo was bnrlhe bill or.nigni i.ere by. the: rlnirrmn .of the Com v-.,., xifiim ior in? r.aisipf tiuti f ev ry sort ihaiVotild hve jniwer ovi r f lhi.hniin inii:d; had hei n ; brought forward 1 -: n buih sidty. t'was. i.ot bi him lv draw J th b tluuet-ol ability ut'twve ii tncin; ouino would Ray that never had there been a iiebuio I , in whieU the subject it ciispi.tuhad; been mtire - ' thoitMighly e.xuiniiied au-l more erferlly n. hau'd th:n in.ih:sJ.. T tk bite . had, j l him jo, wliere ho. va .when it itMmeiicoii; with a eotivicii ti fortified by all hud bei s nd, that the lime "was ;eome;in whlrh notice Might to Jo, given 'o Great' Bri:aio tha' ot ihe Xjirtioi o , twt-ivH nnmiiis,. jIh; convention in igrd to tin On le y .. must be tertpinaUd and tln.t nt ihat'lime ih United States would put an end to its : further ( ontmu.ioce. . ', ; - On this p.iint,)ioxVeveri Mr .A j hot but 'lit tle, to sny in addition to what he had obervi'd . Lef tie,, Hid to tuld that he ud.pt d itit tiHt ir umeom it tljosij. geinlemeiv w bo i lad main t tirjed tht tM'ttTie side of the queslion. i 1 But he coulvi lift lulp siying tlK-t, in aomo ir.s the debate, the djscUsStoii .d lii'en iwn'oi much intiv pt.rsnuluy, Mr. A. had been clu r- d with inconHit ik:v hi his.. own c itirs and geiflleirien had sotnetinu-a rmpu- ten "omul motives nol Uie inwi, patriotic or pri.iseivoi thy. It h;id been wiid that Grci.t Br.ta n had some claims, f hr-'n: s me' urcU. were il io ihe reporter: Vaud m elaiin L-. ond tint was admitted bv the convention beV i ween ihe two n iiion :' ' - v. - i Mr. A. said thit hi Kitinu'on. vv ta 'aueii might ask some apology tjilie eonVrmttee for the desultory cha riicter of wh'tl 'ihe hhoord s iy, ami ifaisr for res!ao witlr which he shoulJ no trouble ihe House." . ,r - U had been recently "urged by his friends oaiy aoniuil.ing oh the auestuin bffrkra - coinminee, hut for a timh he ft:id thoii"hL it nof to bf Hcceawiry; td win u h eaine t. the tiouKS IhlS moif.ing h-v vrj fjUtCt dvxnarin of an oppartuniiy.to take any part irrihedis. cusstou; nor should hti have altemnied to do so" now bui lor Ihe personal .'amnl i.. ;enihman (Mr. fea. of Geonmt C,ral, . heen-eruined greiU respecii niKl with wVmi his personal relations ha nlwiiys-been f ihe most friendly kind, and who h ,d htthi"n .wJ er.observrd the duties of tlnf rel.tiion. - B il ' o:i Ihe present occasion,- the gent lern'VnJid eommei.ced by what, be . conceived "to Iwvo bet n a dis irderly Hppeal 1 5 nini of a personal . character, and which Was,..t. in' eoufoTroitv watt the rules Jaid L'own to regul!, tlH :Cour of debate inthe-Huse. r luwai ifreeular in. asmurh as the gentleman "had p&t he, question to Mr?AJioprjoiifcns h tothe Chair, ; .Wttight had that gentleman . n K a i 1 K . VL' 8iokeiu explanatiW Ha, had addressed, bis c iestie'n :.VK nu..;.. he had said that ... wilu . hll ' do i " shuuld liketo a. .thehomirjibl. M . ;t - 'iiJirora . assaehusetts one nueiir,n. 1 iff-- Robert home tiiat she cahnot'at end to her 'Prims,?t3 of,linen fr"ih'e amiy.p s r foreign relafwns. - f ; . " -1 r,rJro,n. -lh" quetioo ilieii.bcfDa ifw , as that now before the committee nme .i .. . me main secmed toassent.Vndlihenho hU put his ' question. 1 hi-, as he understood it Lz unparliamentary or' frregula r. He. certainly had not, intended anyihin- that Nr menfry or disrespectful. . .r . ' hnV.t did-. not 'believe that t,M geotlemaa.meant to,ba disrespectful or.unparUam-ritary,yet he certainly thou-ht ' bisqicstion pr,pafl,alf.ntary. he J ? Iy wilhng tuliev h wat not personally, respectful. Mr. A; hid an.4J.i i.lr. undiuWedlyas directives his hear't ..o. uuitu couia suggest; and wiih 'ihreplw he might have concluded, what he had toky He rrlcrrcd to the circumstance 0Ow only because it was tho. fina nnd indeed ,he only reason why he ad Jressed theWmmhtee. - 7 CTIfeon rlsn .SS;. SV Pn? -Mch:had-.crou-hthiratoihai Concluslonr- He hadbeep wnlin to leave the halnnfn it a i l' thecomminee;nri tosay ay u-vtny ono ' the proposttonsisto -the fcrmtf civ!"'t V J notice of iho terQulioafcoe!! J !;.,; '.':;.:-.:': i.i..-;' v v --,":... :.. ,& r. ;M V ,: : -A , ' ." .''. . :' -' : r O i'" '. ' i-x I- v 4" r 41;.

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