V -2 ..S t. 3 iDn.' i ,j J: -tr-Ct- :f "-in. U. t J . a bnYf r; "" ch f n i frt f.ror of cccciii: the . i'fce I, H executivs t U : ; ft 2 1 t """ ;rn;j were cT tf:r- were tt'. I J way iST (""SOT it J c n " ;it 'ill "riiuca'ipr'itn- , .. t'.3 j'.-J.-pu.;?:! t j. en C r.it:!ed .vh.et!ief,Kt';'t$ i-.fi;. ji-cr fro n Ohio.; '- - ' " 1 1. a wouU mniwer the deraind I r: r- .afratl ta 'order.? and Lrr f - - round ihe parties Uho wej'c rx:.:. ' .- -.. J; : lie.: . ,,rTxr4x-4 to lake lh2"qasrf:n f-7'f t'ho Bidit't'nt '; lo'tlieIiill; and en a I 'H' "! - J jw CC..tvU'tcef on I'orrfgn AITiirs; .! . r i '! ' : ; :"::,' fiavo at , length . I . tnr .. , -I nhrir ' .!-.-kC, , i.ir.nliei report on t it ft.,s; 'y; V ir " "i f -Vajige -wlch-'reUiv. ' . I vitcp, j' CwUiinluee will report'",. ft ri .! ticnH in ! 1 fayiir cfa '&in nd by the t ! Jent up i a :. 'si IcOf forth? fu! .1 !mnl of be r treaty stipuUimn! . ' i":U;,; ' .:VasmSspNl'!afch ' 'i Aftmrkal!e notice was cycri bv'MrVA'ti' Ttn,in ifia benatcJt!u.Vmonui,:ay6hairmtCB( f t!.a Cni(TiiUe ort Foreign AlTairi, to wit: i . That on Monday oxt, as ttrnti as the morn- J ; t 4lhs .wna(e to p- into Executive session "upon i: a most irrirtant subject; which d u;inded.i; ' mediate Httsi.tlun, aj.d wold.pcilnri occupy' '.'"' four or. five d.iys. : f fv'-;':1 M";; Soma t Jppts3 that": thlii matter relatts' tor Jlexieo oihsrs thai it has some conhccUon . 4j.:,vftitb Great Briiain;''-rf f-"2'-f5 ' "1 " "' M r. Ah!ey'. "staled that 4.bo anou!dfui'the . , ifciursa the dy, move that i tliij iJnate-r- j .!iou!d go Into Etecullve aeiilon oporfa sub-: W i j?rt wliicH was before them y eWfdnyi r it' is V :! T referred to the noihin)6 jal Mr. ; . ; , cUalh es S i Auditor ni ihoi IVeaSbrtfJ '?"? i .r. U.-ktmott. wuhdit-w a rcinlrK 'which , ! iniJat! J oiheir day,;that thQitotth ; To' 'ft r.5 wsaper were io b:cqns(dcriiV&thV !?. rr t iiha victirni of;mi!in(ormatidtllhift'as - -i diiUratf shnderefa..'!le'h'ttd:',bevn':eohvin. l cJ :t?f lui error ty tho artictc'i $incepib!iahV ; ..jted iu tliat pi :r-'?''i'-i'ty ';' !": 1 resolution was offered U carrv mtn cHect tho rrcommendntion of-the rtpoit; tf iiie : L.timmtttec nt (r.vfsti-ntion: tor tha exclusion 4r.it, ! , Tli Oregri question was t&Ken?M no HUt la enl unqualified nmice, as o dignified, a'p: J 'opriitb and peaceful ineasurcj M ?'- proprtato ' IIo also a upponeu jue rpsiov nv iq Ids auf'jcct, and was; fo , favdr . of 1 course on this -i : ri.. cj '..ti.. V..K .A'i.,li.''i'i:rt,'f-:.t.A" , !. i no ocuuio my lurnt u otlt mt iiiuim.iu ja nu. f Iiue , " t he R i ve r o nd ' II a r bo r Bill .'jwas taken up, nijluuet the new irule tic . I!ouo procccdud to t.nko tho. question upon 'the several ' item'! tnuresston,i which is a tf'.,!kia Luincs. Tlio i louse ; did notVjgct: -throu-h with the Jabir.." XxX1 Uj'.i:..:C' i.Qotnawdnre-; t'rane.of tho Bureay,or,tOr,', rlnanco an J Hidrngraphy, died last evening "bv bit own Inndj.-":..'"- ,";,. rJi -.ma' " . r.;-:: ,-. k; :;Foris;i Iutcl!l2cncc.r- By tho Stettm r il.bernta, whicharrvved at r.lt,iUfas on the 17th" tti'st. ;ancl 'V'Uio "news'' "Jy, 'm Inch was brought by cit jircsi lo4lie Tribuho :':" Office, New' York i we we 59 'dayUtcr news' - fforn Europe , llm by previous a rrW ds. Sir, Uobcrt iVeta Tariffbill passed its"c'tU ' ai.M In tlio iIo?rnc cf C.mmmua aVIJt.o clock Jvodtharaoriiii- .d i!.-:i-'4ith ultbyMluideei; !r oiye. vote of.) in io '21'X .liTCvbfl: the . ;4nttfla to t ; i iu 1 bill-a Wst fueVt'oo. i Tho h?d will doubtless p-ss IU40 bv a h-:t Onc'Uuiidfed Mir:ity Ji'l :.' Tha European Jjmcssiya thercJMil a ?ult hethera lhe tepeal of ths Carirpxttf i 1 1 bo' immediate:-;;; -f i-t -.; i-- 'i; VHJ :';': There, has becnJa grrat battlo". lp Jodia ,'be. , t w ee n w. Sikh of the 'Pam-iuJaii4t, Bdti v j Jah Army," which terniinatedirt tbel( fnt of Y tai formtr.ThttBrhiJos'$y;3,0U the j " From tho ifebates ;in the Frcrcb (Jhbcrs, lv it lis evident llvt.thVre is a coolncsstou ,ud ini count ryt onwnjj ,uu w : - tne rreswen airssag?:. ,. t r '. Accounts of the Cwiftni Market t ;the 3rd of ih preser.t month; cUto'-'tbat though Cot' ton hd t uknoue-ctgmii io uae.iiuri u pen ne 1 1 r lb. it hfvd rten onain one-eigth. Tlie i I ill wit iP2 to a want of facililjcs-for di ; ! , cliUnt.; ' v J ,yv v . j--:,.V i.,;. j 1 5 - v I G real Mittu ri preparations! a re i making A j n Englta-A;, Tartn j,1s..I ..to"' bn increased 10.C03 men; the mMitia are to bo m rca.'iness w ' j foR.tr. -reflate traiiang '.tho, -ordnaoca corps f; J are. tr rrrctvo an accession cf 1 ,nCD met1.; the royal rnarines?,Q3 "men; and ' "thS'-land .'Vrrimer.lsof tha Una" CjOODCiTrnV Increase iaCa.tavy' will b abo'ut'I ,Qdf ineo.f l'v -:.it ,;r; '.. "'...' .r','.'v' .ytKt- r,;, ; 'v.,.,ir::'rr::rf tf Vessel to fteBlack: $'m. : :"--'Yc'. :. !. re now allowed V eBtcr thel'spho. ' -tui, u r , and to aoc.bf ia tl 3 port of '. ; pUytii i'i)r'k;l which ! they have",. previously ! been p rchihhed trorri ldoicg, under pemltjrl '"-Vbcin Cred into, from tha".fiit:tress"V.Ty , ,. . ,rr i- 't i.;'; '-T' T!-'nnitaa'Ti .cUtrlltatCS.t'.ai lahti .Ai. v ..... H . 1 n midA a oonu oa w inaiw i t ihe' cut tort, prt pri Ufrsuqdrcp V7Hrt Irom ttjo Senate gMlcry. ;ftc . ii;:i.ThaYice.PrfsidentVatatedWt.noU(ivan a; ... .1 J .. ,r nip T- .'cry tli u:-cr-l lii.hntan, I, 'Iicua1 t' 1 Enirtr '- ""-h cf hti; C-. C " I v.,f t::"3 I'.. h-vs Let'ti cur wa varied lo-cjy - .:r.4f bv d?,af c:f &iurp.s!iouiir I .n ' .-'--4, owtUn- toward :euleliri'' ihe . .v a iujii t-; party, 'vtlca Dcmocrau ".would I hare causd Oiucb , cxcitcn:eni a r:,: i Z'M r bat cow ' " t! . z e oc. : currrr.ee arc mv.tcr sj frrquen:ly happen- l rr ne t have coacladH to let noth ing cif tho kind ;db:urb iny cquanit&I:y; and ttitrcsforeto-nrsft' pitlcBtly'far-- the grand r s:;1t -Oill!jf'es I lJl ;iys,.-,tlia ; baitc f.- milk ccincs out of t hi iiir.abcui. "" "" " . :-' , If the Democracy dti mt 1 ilmi peio't flni parallcV ilh . ft, butLcr miik''.;fiheo"" it ilnts com-,'- be Ruur enough ta luro tho Sto&schs tf tho hole coumry.,;" ..vriJ' : 1 jOa Th'j'vdayi io tho Satiate, !r. Atchin iojTni fi i .e fo'.Jowin hypothct cal attack on t!ic .rrrtidtrat;'. It w not as acre re as thai f ::Ur ll'iuneaii, butool -kss' poisted and significant: 'li '1''" " " . . ' ,4'iIi:AaaidliC'rri05tti:Cre;bc iwcd to jo ' t :'ta the ..begip ninj, and refer far - a 'uith. i... !:t.tc the vinws which rwid been contained Io iihcf Baltimore! resolutions, becausa thev were n reauiy tho fiundation of the whole proceeding. : tier did not fer to those res olatioti With any attempt to show; that thV y were biodinz oti the Senator from Mainn (If. Evans.) tW Senator from New" Jersey ( Mr. D tyton,) "of the Senator from Maryland, nson,; n.jr . inat tney were Dtnding on ti in a -res. ofjtiie Pemocratic : -party;., .but tisj pi j i . vo mat on every princi; lc ot gootj rnorali ti.o$3 resofutions 'v . -; binding on the members of that Conv: , aud oh those who wcnVits nnmr-cs. i he declaratlda of that Cont't i" 'sun wa in substance, that bur titld to' the whale ol Oregon ay as clear and unVucsiionable"-jk '' '..-" v' Mr. A", iiisisted that the President of ihe United Ciatesj and the Vice Presi lent, or :t II .... ll .11: . .' ?. u.i. - i.urri) ou,ijj w tnuwcu jus. IL-i w'.k t J -Gcorse 'MDillas, -were louhd by that 'resolution because, they drt J Iron it in the sentiment, comraoa honesty required thrm ta irifdrrri thu Convention of tfi n f "ct,'und to" dcclir.y "t!i? -'nomination. V u3t not, this rlghttyould .r.ny gentleman diisent from ill Hence it was that the' .Sen:. ators from , .'India no, and Ohio had alluded to tKe'on vent ion ins that-, connexion. Though ,the. resolutions at B jhiinore Were not blading oo tuo Senator rom Maine,'! nny mote" than tKis New Testa mehi was binding on a: Mus. aulnnn, or the ''tycstmiastcr'.&nfession'' of Divipes on a Methodist! or Baptist, still, if theys actfepted the jWminationJ but dissented frbrti the resolutions, ihey ought, to havof ta ted the fuctand given iheir ; reasons, , f vlrvAadmfttq4 ihat tie great mas'css of ! v,mv??rtUc par'ty; were ootbound by all lhe;it?1ution3;Whcn ol rrnn ioned a polit. joned a pall tea i party, or join a church, though there mi!u bo in the tenets of jthat? party -or that chu re 1 1 ' s o mo w h icH keeped objac't ion ble Ho i , ne weighed lhowho!e case,; and if,- on ti. ' hoto, he belied; t he creed of that party .or c! jrch to be botUrjhaiu that of, any other he might conclude w j in it, though he jiid ttll Objections to sijrno of.its opinions. - Co, jf MrV A. b-iieved,tl3 Doniocriitic to be sound n its ;d uc 1 1 itK'a; or , cd the! whole, bcticrJhan Jhe pnjrlypppiosed toliLXvhe did not. tbere by bind "himseltoyadopU every opinion it niiritit; put forth. "-'.'. Oa this cround it was .that hehcld thai jibe : masses of ihe Democracy fffre released f rom ie obligation of resolu-" Hons, bassed ?it Balifrtiore; ! But the President of the Seriate, and ihiji President of the United States, having aerated the nominations i'f the Convention then) assembled, Which. Con', vent ion had put Tort! those rcsoiuti ins, were Certainly t in omtnor't honesty ,boUnd by tliem; Hence tho kriown ground taken by the PreV. idem, 'iti the fact of Ir? accepting the.'nornlim tioh liken in! Cannes; ja with tho language of hla jnfssagb';' and jhVJanguage of: his in: augurbl, left no douhf as tolwhat bis opinions really ero. -And who could think; for a riib. mont that the President 'would sVcrinca rights I whiclrhe bad fims;lf prohuunced'' to be clear and unquestionable, nnd liO., a . Democratic Prcsiidt:? If tho President could " do "this. then fr. A. had no clear notlei.s'of right or wroDJv li ne; na oecn a jointed .guardi on over a ward, and iu wa bcr a wtiro, bbu n waru uao a viear into ccr .m l V ' -sr :-.-. fv, ,.; r - had a clear title third pirty, bo; w ould; put if to, ihe- eommoti sunset nnu common uonesiy 01 au men, wnein. er he should no: bo 4relict'to the sacred dot ty.heoed 1h'fatberle"ss, if ihe yielded up a half or a quatlpt )T tlje land. Then, if the President of tlio Uhitled Stales in 'the very first aci if his joOiciajf "Iffe fead; declared our litlc to jOregonl to be clear and unquestionable and the peonttjj' wcrVlfast. coltng' into Orejion to consummate thai tjitlo by actual possession how. coulcF ho how g buck from that ground anil relinauish llhe territcrv t bv comnromise! I &heiiW pcopja ofJhd .West Jieard his dec J UrftUift on. this: sul.jCjCt, the whole Democrat ic.parivi as ono niaii, onu urga musses 01 ine Whiir nartv aUr, threw "up their crcasvxaDs a and hUrVacd Ibrj Polli and Dillas. '- V- -VtTrxas' iZmisrarUsl--This count rv does not appear! , to be exactljf the promised land tficr all; v Somo of thb'inhabilants of the border States 1 who; were most, arixious for annexation, appear to have, after ia personal examination, L'rallieir a contemptuojs opinion of ouf.new sis- ter. A writer to the Lule Uock Arkansas Ga. Tettr . cxclaimsl !' '.it t'..V'.,,V' -Wl ;v V !ci tyiank Uudiram here'agaia.tNew Or leans!) IsaaUOC in ynion ountyt irmusas, .. - .... - ; " ; 1 in a few Jrtys lag anagsge oavir.g ai read Cnioved enpu-h of the .blessings of Tex. as!"- l am satisfied, and shall 1 nuo rnjscu in Dniosi Countv-i-totaHy used ur ! HX C Plcasa ttit lorWU lour Iriends, that; if they wish to gi io Tcxas j jost see it in tho winteri tnd not move until thev have sen iV:l I will w rite you agai n wheh -1. setlTe.-!, ; , "' I knitti jthis: will surprise you; bull hava refer seen al counify "so niuch overrated ai Texas. Hundreds psrsjons would return if they could,i tut "ipaanoti "1A"oor coin has.' no bosu ness.th;re, if he kneW it'l 'T.?. 7ci? fcciiJs.' rr.i n's Jou rna I TJotices T-rrt1 t?ct Jtis,: ,. ; ,'lne I .... ::zl. . f r : .... ; ... C- .h ci" L J i j ihis s :5 r;i - , 1 i a .... 1. 1. !,! !' t: U ll we pro;. o e, 111 aic. ..r;- -1 1 f a a t :?t t:5 a ca a IT ""? a rul!".c 4 . i 3 res - ::t "a Lrie mrratttrc: j . IVil.-rt ror:ei-C..'"t.:;,Q.s5 ur.umelf . dcuth a v;h.!c:: xa"ry it now deplortn, having birr-J tUt E. Z. C. Jadibn" had Elated that r.2 L ..I l.-.J crtmir.l intercourse with Uii, Vo terHcvJ win.""souht an interview' with : the Utter, ua AVedncsday" last, tn presence ol several individuals, to oso of ahosn, it was iJ.JuJjonliad mi'" lha S'.atensnt. lliat ir. JIiJ-il, when asltd, ia Judson s presence. if such statement had been made, to him.'.bj I Judson, promptly answered tnthe nirmtive. Judsaa strenuously denied it; but, Portcru J placing qj confidtJnce in his denial, drew u ptslul and would have shot him on the ?p t; had be not been prevented from doing so by thoxe present.. ..H On the evening t":Uerdjv in which this interview look place, the hid M vidua! at whose olliee jt wa he' ..V nsiJe known to Mr. John Portetfield, tlui t 1 er of the deceased, that prior to the-. lnWr iowi Jud&on had called uHon him .and confessed that be Ind made the statement id question t the i ndi vidual a bout to be t'ro ulit lor w a t d us p '.Mt nets', but ti. ; for the j pose T s iviog i..i l.i, whiclkhe knew wo-.i ' be "taken 1y the PorterficUts, if the fact weee. proven ujkhi him, !jo i etc n Jed to deny.eer iairfg said anvt ? of the kind. Both tht Messrs. Por. terfield became entirely , aatUhcd that - Jii'dM sou had made the infamous. statement chred upon him, and, we are informed,' upon rcli- auie eutnomy, tnat tnere canaoi uo a doubt of his having made. it. -y'iC''dl'i: Notwithstanding this ' however, the affair might have been dropted here, but fr tile fact that on Friday, Juisonand Mrs. Porter v field were known to be alone together for a cm tiatrable time al the grave yard in the vicinity of town When, this circumstance was re. vealed jo her unfortunate husband he fell to tne noor, as it a ball nad penetrated his heact. ' r He was of a singularly amiable and con. natng aisposttion - ana aevotedit attached to bis wifcL . . Ho had in the depth of his attach mcnt, and in the purity of his Xwn pure heart j hitherto shut his eves to curtain acts of imnra. priety'oli the part his wifo in connectiou wiih Judson, which came to. Ids know ledge a ud he apparently 'refused ; to deduce from them conclusions hich readily found their way to the reinds'of others. But when aDorized of 1 the i t3i ilea! .at (tie grave ! yard, ;hti'ugby of j r..i. as oeyondi acscnptioo. lie, suffered moie ; than a thousand rieatlis. His nerves were,w.ho!!y ' unstrung he became .sick in body as well as mindit. seemed aji it he would be bereft of reason; and apprehensions were entettained lest he might do some act of violence to Idmself. Ia thelanguageofone who was with him ie his agony, ha -looked far worse before death than he "did afterwards!" a In this frame of body and mind he proposed l to his brother, John Porterfield, on Siturd--i ,.1 i...tr .. f,- u.a. . 1 k . r about li'ilf afttjfj jlree "0 iock"r to takdV'walk wunoui any expeciauon 11 is connuentiaiiy belieyed,)" of meeiin,g-rwith iudson. Unfur. tunatelyr! however1, ' lney met with- jjudson near the Sulphur Spring, whon, a rencounter immediately took, place. ThreS shots were fired at Judson, as we understand, he back., ing the 'WhileVa'ndprnjfessinga disinciirnHton tohoot, :j Afterj tho thfrd shot " he firebrand shot Robert Porterfield in the forehead,? juit above the right tye; of which wound the Litter died about 1 1 o'chx !: thai pigh!. The" news that Judson had ki Porterfield soon spread like wild fire. 4 i The public or J wound up hi a pitch of deep and madde: excitement; was Io acdrtdition . . I ? trown utfits balance. Hero wai a yoiirig mau iu thrf prime of man hood; (he was(jnof rthlryyears of "age) the dutiful land affectionate son of a widowed mother tf tender; confiding and devoted husband most exemplary and highly e4lecml ed in all the relations of life first stricken to the heart bv hi wio'a dishonor, as was be. lievedl andlthcn shot through the head Ly the author of the destroyer of his happiness j ! f A large Crowd soon collected in and a round the - Court-house, where JudsOn, Who had been immediately apprehended, was- brought before an exarnlntng Court. ,$ The w Court was in the act of preparing an order for", his Icom. mitrricnt to jail, when, J. Porterfield, frantic at his brother's death and injurfes. rnade hisap. pearance in the court room, and the cry burts forth from the crowd 1 make way for J. iPor- necrowa :maKe way tor J.iror bim kill Judson.1 The Sheriff La--as iu he Clerk V box , wherej IVo 1. Sorans foward'a'nlmet Potit rr. terhe'd; lot h neir,-who,was 7 ! :- ' I was JuJson, sp j . . . . . . , f, 1 I'M ,.-5 i 1 mn nar about midiaitiApnrthnailmy and mc oar aoout midway between tho railing and the oox, setzeu, aod with the aiij ;oi one 01 his assistants, beldl hiln fpr some moments Portei'field trugling; violently lo i rr lease bimsell from their grasp, This he filially ef fected with ihe aid tf sojne ftiends who over powerd. tho Sheriff, iand t drawing a re vol v. ihg pistol, commenced firingjat JudsOn, who started in a -uo out of ,,the Jiouse, Porterfield following in close "pu'rsuit and . firing at himh as olten as i occasion 14 would, permit " down the steps, across! from the ; Court -house to the City Hotel, and ppjbesepsof thettaif.J case of, the Hotel. Otteo'crr dwogentlemcn endavoredtoj aid Jpdson fa' escaping lo the Hotel, but Porterfield and his friends followed so closely in pursuit, that they were compelled to retire, and Judson in hopes of effecting his escape, jumped, of more probably swung himself off, from ihe portico of the third story and fell to the 1? round, stunned bv the fall; Not less than eight or ten shots were fired at him --all, it is said, by Porier field but not one of which too effect' T lt was knocked dowo with a rock between ihe Courl.house and the Hotel, and only escaped for. the moment by jumping from the portico of the third story lo the ground, which he effected without break, ing or dislocating a limb! v Thence he was conveyed by the officers to jail without fur. ther molestation or inierferrer.ie on the part of any one. "Vji' ';i':r-:'v:r,? ''V:--" j J V' Here we most sincerely wish we'could end bur painful narrative. X1 But if is not permit, ted to usJ r About ten ioclock that? night a considerable number persons, amohg whom we are. informed, were "some of our most respectable citizens still laDonng under the intense ctcitemeot v hich l.ji occurrences of the day had produced, proceeded to the jail , and acainst thai remonstrances;" andln ldefi ante cf the resistance cf the JiilorJ possessed thernscltes-of th keys seized Judson and prcceeded with Mm to the Publio Square, witbf ibe at owl Mc!entioi. of binsin'ff Mra.r however i?s no dooe. 1 C ct" ' The re;; ft ii s'i:tw tfnipted -tViJt :. hinv.br t"i j t-ii-i" rJj.;.-... . .J' i 1 : ;a torvi,;... i'i -) f.u!'y cut'uM ..; L t.. iuVMho hani. ih s at- t it tc, I'. - 1 1! 'j. ,1 v. Mis 0.!, WC er. JcrstarsJ. a-ir.i what preean s . '" ' .. .. : I I - : ! v IK-tr: ffotr"mr?ellnteroiJ ir jury accasii?e J : by r.ts falUfoiu tho pnr,Lcn.""i - , ; : 4 - l'i; ibo Govt the i T:;clc::itc:itiaVy QuesU;i. JThU;. ct, - are glad to- Had, ii attract, ing'-gcncrul or.v..;ioa ' throu-hout the-Siate. Tno'freeinen cf Narth Cjrttinnat our el.-c. tioo io Aogot,-WHI hive to yoto lc or Tsot on tho'question of adopting iho' system, and it is right, therefore, that by free discussion they should beuliVed to form a $ iotelHg';t ipin!bn as to tho esr iiency or inexpediency of the change, wi..o the cstabhsment of a Penitentiary wovild Lave upon our w'bI body en Jea k or to keep! ju? this q isi ionj from; being c uriTiin'ii IjWj ljei every , isw .... iaixed op with the poliucs of :ne day, nu ei it be decided m its merits, so' that there my be no doubt i tl&l tlo decision of ihe peop.e. w hatever it m? v 1 be. is unbiassed nud ; free from all extraneous influences. A od ye would here lymark wahl pleasure, mat we Jiave wen no attcinpt 'on itHer side, to tonnectthis iinoortanti :iuestrn'.' with ; political'' ileins. The presses ardrUerfi ofboih parties are anrmnrr ih n 'htit jn rro anJ coal ana Wlln envml ability. , 'r-'Ykr.,: 1. -:';'. : ...... k'1 ' . . ' : ii fact, ; that wherovor the Pnitetiti:ir ?SstenV Ail nisiorv win. v e ooiicve. iuiiv nufstniir. M steadilypursued, according t(i the princi pies which experience has shown Io be cor. rect, iner" c-'int oti nine or no -oouoi-oi us success, liy success, we do not mean nai all crinvs ill be prevented, nor all prisoners reformed; but that enough will be tflV'cled to justify the labor expended. -Tho indulgence of extravagant epeJctalions oq this point, has beenprodtiiciiiveof pueh dis'ippointiment; -nnj what is. worss,. liasi;! rendered men skeptical as to tho reaj ,.n'd vantage's 'of" ttie jpjlan, jarid relaxed their '.efforts lor lis aJ ptionjf It is not contended ilvit "U i perfect, but that! it is much superior toi the old irrodc of punishment, and affords he best ifnetiins at presebtvlii bur pow. er for tho prveitioi or crime! To eflcel jlhis object ilbo" o)dsy stum relied aimpfy on the principlejol fjrfor; the niodernj adds that 0f tho criminal's ieformulion. Andjtfiorsame jncans which are used to restore hirn tovirtue are mido instrumental in deterring ; others from offending, i Confinement and hard,- la. bur arc subsiituted in , the room of death fin almost all leases A sCourwinsr. branain? 'mufti- ttion. And Jt can uaruiv oe doubted t thai hc chnei is, tor thej better, even thbugh,' we look no farther than to the relative inqjehce of the two modesbf punishment, in deterring from cjrirne. j As loathe pjunishment of doaih',if is so abhorrent to the feelings of our communi ty, imd consequently the clnncq o escape, frotn scrupulosity of Courts, juries, and wit: nesses is so great, that we cannot bt lieve the tear of it operates si powerfully, as ihe cer tuinty of a tedious confinement on re isonabto PF0' 9 SM'I M1 KS'-iotKe otherl HwJ:-noinii;!rtliis punfthmems which e have . : 1 i i ..jj I. .1... L.S.it I mcoiioneui wu wouio runinrK, ins. jjrnuiiiii is generallyi a man of lunhridled passions, aud little s uro les tie sense of character, - Pain and ahame less dreadful t" him than restraint. His reckless habits gene rnJe a. bruthl ha rdihood, 44 which bidsoefiince to corporal nui ishment add deprivinghim of jchar'icter; rectler ..hirn. insensioie 10 sname. jDJi resirini no joosi cojrdially hates! a nd 1 d read 4 The want ;of self control ilinpl"him to thecomitiission of crime. 'And litis impulse will be most effect, ually checked by ..the prospect of confinement nd strict discipline, j : ,But greatcrjefficacy inthc prevention of ertme is by no meansjthe only advantage aitending ihe! Penitentiary sys'.erj! It preventsthe growth of j th it savage callousness, which springs from the frequent siirht of pulic executions and eorporafpunislitTierits. By confining :the onenaer, 11 relieves socieiy irom ine iear oi hisj depredationsj and the pollution of his - ex. ample; while- ihe old system would hare turn, ed jhim loose," repderod doubly ferocious by the smarCof bodily pain. It compels him to la bor, for his own sunbort J instead of nrevjnir nr. on the spoils1 of his fellow men, and offers nirn tne means ori re:ormauon, wnicnj 11 prop. etfy applied j can hardly fail tn a majority of of casps, orcismissing h(m a belter man, than when he entered. the Prison ; More anon. j Sensible Advice. In his speech on the Oregon question in the (House I of Representatives a 4ew 4s?oJ Mr. Bed We r, one of the members ays from Virginia, gve some vbr.'salotary and hojojt counsel to jihose fiery sons of Mir who are so prone, to. indy!! their warlike rr.lr- penalties perhaps foe lhe reasort tl tat, in tho hours . of battlit. ihey i will bo unexnosed lo personal daitgir. It ;nay,bo very true. ns. these gentlemen so often and In i sucll bad taste v.iunttpgiy Si: ' s ts entirely I proclaim, ttvtt thef. United able to j fivg G-eut Bitain, ureii that it will be no childk iut we may be as play, and thatr wehall ' riot ourselves, 'even though we be vtclorioiTs i. the cud, "escape serious and lasting itijury ' from the conflict. 1 believe" said .&r BedingerV:if cornpell. ed to measure jBtrengih with Great Britain we are even "now ,' morio than a match , for heri though 1 amjremnded of a very Sensible remarkimado to me on a certain occasion by one oi my consiiiueuis, a man ol gigantie pbysical powers and remarkable for his bravery as well as his giKid nature. He had a heigtJof r1a Hercules lor strength and wess Jwv h o ? tva s Co n s t an 1 1 y d isturbin pro. nim with petty annoyances. f; j He frequently com. plamo J to me ofithis f neighbor's conduct; and ''J to vat pponone occasion, Why do you nof 4 hini?..' are;; able iti i itJ" fYes 'sir, jhy, replied, I know- that I can lick him, but n't will strain mefto dj it, and 1 don't choose " undertake it until ilam actually compeUedi!- May we hot profit by it?. I know we cat) lick GresifBritain; bt bel ie vo me , it yvb uld it ra i o us to do : i l , i n d we bad. better postpone it until there i 1 nn alternative; and then we will da it.M ,jJc4. Quit' spitting that nastv iolacco on lh ftlior, JoshrlH whip ye IK ."Li, mother. why dont you speak; proper v 1 You hJlA have saidcease ejeeling that offeosiv6 sajiva f ihYirgin'a wee! upon the promenade, or 4 shall administer jto you a severe castia. tion That s propel ma ahem In ' i ' ' f; : Sf j' '.'-'' .' Z- A curse is like a stone thrown n; tnU' .'i c uvea ! ' 't'Tvs . , in Ih: -u cur I . 1 1" 3 ii. ! xl. . .. i j ii i ' : end r ..' ; I , - ,-hpn 'oro-rrssive muciicicrrur i. t. "- t .. : :,.iL.ey " scetn .incuiiuu vo i "-,.,o ; : .1 .fished principles Tuj,un :cur ' n ,1-i.t uasfjut. Vdand.to remve u!l ' .ndmarks )f lltj ublicanism, it be. i .j . . ri .1 n tt.t rlouiro I? stabdiiv ofour InsiitujiouS, and, the well.be, i p. of "the pcoj'U; to ixaiuine well and can. didlv, the principles of ihe rliucal pnrtics or the dayj-and then, net 'in f sUcif a mi anner . .r,s will bo mosYconducWe- of their common country.' ; p ' ; ; believe the principles and opinions, sdvocaiedbyiho Whig parly, are correct, oud wiih if vfully 'ierricd ool, advance the general prosperity of Ue pcapU. h must be arknovled ed ry an reasooin uu- v-v..-men?thaf,?ho psi'nvWf. the .elf-aiyN W4.ro, atio, wii.i., . v r . 1; o-tt Pf.mtn f North. Wirol a Siato and N iiiotvtf pirty, Jheyar c v. dod. In some portions of the couturv , they are in favor of i!rtt ctinj; the! homo v industry lof.our people, and; in other : ptrtidus,; iru r iofaa wide the door of Free i, Trade, and: M I a Ooon u- , tne goous,.i 1 , , v : ; y , of nil the foreign' work Uis and-fiehs or the worlds Income States, ihey ajre in tavor 1 wellTrt-gulatedi B ink tn "oir ; portion-, of thd Sup.Trcasurv? V-ia-f w'ould the so called Democracy! of. this Siatery , if: the She.. rWbf ihe sc'vcral fulics ald-jiut-tbeir nrinrlnipsio nructicerhnd c! nr.H of iliem,in navment for Taxes5Gf .da SuSer; tlie-real and true Constitutional Currency ; about which they say and .resolve a much!; Would not thev think it, and ttuly l!db'; ahard and moafi busme- -l'J v'll . A-J--.'if';'1 In North Ctrolinajhwejhavo tinmbcrs, enerirv. nftrSoverurice, T0-.1 fiiwd climate, a fertile soil, a free G.ivcrumcn and, we wynt such U ws; and sucli a policy , us will inviu; abtoad. to md u lur dev.lopin the mighty resources ofour . $5tate.r It. 'I1?10 part ef wisdom- onlr of ijpf tide nee Io enact such laws. ; '.' Y '" -1': ti '! " ; The VVhigs of the Old' North ' have,-in the coming contest j higii and responsiblW duties t perform. 'Hiey liiust rioti slumber, or iiip lor victory 111 iu uisuinitrw n m wpj.iicuj. They may quarrel before the Taction r ana tell a great many truths1 of each other, great many honest truihsjj but i when, the day til trial comes, thoy always unite, and all go in for the same candid ite, regard les of . princi ples or measures, looking alon'i td the irimph of heir partyl 1'.vM -':f "V' "' We say to tho Whigs,' bo up apd- active; wo r kpne rgetlcal lype r sever ingly a rill li ie W big ba n ne r w il I float i n victory j ih rowghout our Siato in AugustU But, jif we are indo. tent, land egTrdiesof the jb-st j interests of our State and Jpountry, defeat wiil.be our ortionrund tho prosperity of onj Suitev reitidii by mbitious, j reckless and ) Will tin- iirir.m rtrr1 rifm!l jri'ief Ik Work jvorK,, and alls v CWl-Ralehh RegUteri Col. .loliiisoti. . C.'l. Jo'hrfsnn has" writ ten o!jr Letter, tn an swer to an invitation ; to a irautl Texas and Oregon ball, in tho cily f i New York , on the 8th of January, last.! Hel' says we have a jight urthe whole of j Oregon, bu a'pproves 01 tne 4Vtn uergree, py .'resident ;i oiK, ana againpproves of his claimsj to the Rbssian boundtiiyof 54401 It is very kind in Cl j Johnson if approve otall that Air. Polk does, and to g ve tho, s mction of his namo and influence to the doctrine that 49 is right and that 54 40 is right. Thu Col., then adds, that iP'Greitt. Britain has dete'rmiued(to havu" war with tho U. States,' and shall fail to Hccepl the 49th" as our mutual boundary, she canihave wary and war I to tho knifc ns soon an'us long as sheplases.1 But not. withstanding what th Col. says about the knifej-' her is still' most decidedly a man of peacCj btxause in : another part; nf the letter he sas his feelings as u man are inverse to war. From this we infer that as a man he prefers peace, but as a Colonel ho likes war., lie even compliments the Quakers-nd nai, "in feeling I am identified with thi pmiaole fpterufty' r-pecting war." jYut, Keverihw.' less, the Colonel is willing to let Great Britu. in have war; 'as soon and as long as . she pleases.?? ... ;-i -, , " ; ''ir ' .'"j .y-. XX'. We think , will) lie Editor ofluhe .-Ijouisi ville Journal, that tf Col., -Johnson CLetter'' docs riot please every body, why, ij very body must be particularly h;trd lo plcasie, tis this war clearly ' the design of ihe author. Inde vendent 1X 'V ' :i V r ; ,;.,., ? . ITlakiu s liu Odd Fellow Quite an "amusing trial camo off 1 last week brfore theCourt "ot Common j-pleasjfbf fthis D ist rict. i i J t a ppea red ; that . a ja rt y iof m i . chie vus Sa nd. tl ill wagsi pe ruadcd ; an ini doleut fellow named barrentjnq, that he could get rid ol the nceesity ol working if he would conent to tfcf thom make him an fOdd Kl. low: that the. Order" in! Coliimbia woid allow: bim'twentyfiv dollars; a 1 lite, when be was initiated, which was to oe aonffhy'-raniirtVThe' persuajsions, of uis xomraaes and the prospect of ease and .Mjiu, umueuuu tiiuuencea me suiy fellow to submit to the opera lion; ; hie!" was done in f a most hit b arous ma pner with a common cattle brand with tho letter R and a diamond on ft; applied to the flshypart of ; 'E7 ; , l he ; teHow stated in his evidence thai the first ' application of the brand hurt so much that ho begged ihem lo desist; but - they told him thai unless it was weir done; he could not pass, examloati Vit.-. 1 Vhe 1 crossiq"stiontd by the defendanis, counsel , with an implied doubl of the truih ot r; jus evKknco.he offered: to - exhibit t'i ilcrn reality Itself in corroboration, but ; Honor the Judge said h s would i dispense wii'i that sort cf testimony.,,;"; The 'facti how ever, was established to the : satisflcJion of the Court by other testis . any. :The pepetra. tors of' the: outrage r: re found guilty, but appealed; from the. . . Jicti ofi the' jury' Columbia Chronicle. X. ;"''': '"'''"? -i ' x j ii " 'XAn fn$Muathh;- printers "money i says the on Democratic Union, may commonly be found securely stowed "away in his subscri bers pockets. ... X -v An Irishman 'seeing his 'friend jyingcead drunk in theutter, exclaimed, Ah poor Jammiej Stnt surft J wklj I could lake h&lf your disease en roeself. "'"';-. . iA LXXXr ' iJ-' ' - Cci::ilr" ' C"iPT":.":i I. " "!i;Ul.;: - 7 turb itiusi ai;;ji" .. p.f tj, c;4 t: j,, : J to v -i vt i tj :a!i:' t 2.'. AC'l t cou-'d no i ! (, C 0 t ' f t prcvaiSv J. ) i cj: .err.- if H t v u, I.. Co.; i j -re cer; Co-c.i" i O'hofM :iirncj I"" mini in t: t afores ii-i themselves together ' granJ oir.l.drir.i, i'" called Di' '" w .n n d - V Jen'anJ ..crjimia, I v.al'.d: Sa.;, and.th.ey uid ' converu O'' 5 -ize,n,..e;. .'' ihoy.bethbit 1 1 it ili e rose 1 c s ti.t u c ertaia rr," . called Jan.-., likewise V.'. p ud, would frf r them from tho danger., .which-; so ijures pressed upon. there Lv.-.'- ; ' ; V-'v'-y-"' 1.. 4i But bcholdl, a stranger had come, destroved the 1? lannnny 01 tueir prty- v certain mii of great: might; railed Donca ; otherwise MacRae, arose ond disturbed tin I harmony of ihe meetingj and - tiioro waast;j g rent f ' i t u 1 b i 0 :i 1 1 1 r oughu ut t he la nd. . ; I 1 5.i Yet, it was not rmrmitied, 4haf a flocif placed in so dan parous a situatfooaaouM i without a Shepherd.' " " i , ' ;Jt l 6. -A nd, tlierefore; Ja" :s , i. a great 0e cil afterwards hcldwcs dutjr requested Q takeuppn himself thfc tlangerous task ofguari inglho scattered fl ekjr"i thie sheep steal w,. dgs Wide h ran 2c r.bout C SC( kug - what tluj . may devour. Itah'gh Rrghter 5 ' j tf .A Thel Clergy anljkc.AdmfaklMlM h:eTllu'lt tl in iiiioihernrtvcV,' tovllie fjql "J. tltat many of the Northern Clergymen inteaJli. I ded to ct i t J 1 1 ' rfk i r 13 I t . I ctt prate ine zim 01 irceruiry - oji ; fr thtconUnualtjec' td peace Tbi'i ! prtiycf' New New imfc b vetung risi., as; wesee uy tlw, f j Yrk Express, lakes; theiD: rindry tjV , task for thw heinous ofilncrind hold orti i s' follows: )-::.-'-X; ) ', IJj', ' .;''Ch rgymcnjiowTvcr welf informed o other teVjQrolipl- tu-blniidof, io-'fxliieiy- - j from mere want of kWwb-du rn bn ..u ''" jc - iThc grvatet ptrf of-1 hat classf,; injllitit '( part ol the ctmntry at ?cast happen to btj; coa.'J nested with the W hig patV , a nd such jsupetH ficial information as they pof8,css,'ia- gerMa;v ly derived from the rcadiuof a tiinglo' Yhi i paper J from which" they .receive almost n V ctrret-t a notion 01 ine merits 01 any pmoica.1 -.question as on may gt-i.ot thj,. Iru propose : liorj til visible ohf tU by v te w i g them to a concave mirror. ;-; k -f; , ;vL. Now here is a veryrextnior finVry adm?; sion by one of imnibh'st sV'tw most influential 0 the cession of Gen. C:iipman;of.r; Michigan, tliat Cioocaiion is an cnnty ijk-nnjcrjo v, nmi proV '"haixihtr tf prifieiplesuire thoe, wii U which.inecordinir to tho Kh)win of their own ndrocateS, Reh'uon will have nothing to do, andiwhich fly fnm th p 1 ese nee of k m w I, edge nsj. hats 'aiid ow Is eonreiil . themselves 1re?invihe beajrn of ! the; using .sun! --fcA,' vwna h lug'-' . .- a- :. OaH Supen'or CCoiirh tiu in stssfofli Judge CaIcJvVi;Irjrcidihg A far tthe. trial tf F seyeruj important ivir eft use" the Xfimiiwl r .Mbr'tL-:Tnlcrn tin. . l'hf firsl Ptitfl tfiel. - w State ersj Nouh Fty , prv an Invjietmint frr pttH ; g coy n'ei fvif'tfollar,".caineup-b s na day tnorniifs'. 11 ?v;is a'"inUjicV iT mJ Fri- was convicteiUAlm nfext. ise' iakro opwas the State vsrJobn Bullock ,.for stealing VCfrre ' bo v f Colo r ha me d 1 Is; i hyDad!ey . ltiliard. son. irom nis fHt rents in uti. iciu apo unn'Tv ing him jo thi place J where' lm claimed. the o y as ms property, an i i.-rco s'ii nun. The irisc was clearly maJeout uHhit1pirl of thn Saie , and tifter ao nb'si n: e f ten minutes, the'Juty returned a verdirt utguillu. The offender in this case js wt l kn wtt iitlhe We. , U rn part of the, biattr3 iroMt villain, hav. ing been kwioo iwhi,p.'d, once at Wiidboro"' and 6hc3 at A-hoviliH.,VThe iae n-xt trK'd W.ls the S-ate vs. the ntujikos J iin 9 Rirh. ! nrds, ojan Indicrmcnt for no tisHuilt nwI Int. ' ; tery coinoihtod a ga i 6s t V) liam Gri bbb , we Tliiuk, at Gold H.ilL tl- was a's convicted s? Ii wilt be Irentemberecl ihaH4tjmlifr was i hra nih cl at J ho last .TernV-ftilMJr',. Jijierior iurt, tor tne. ,-siH in; of I hoinas Luk't G61dHinj.JohnWEIIi9;wai theDX fendants counsel in , all the above-case and H. C. Jones - Esq , (Solicibif,-)" AirtheFSiato.' cmo'iatic ppers in the 'land, a hd we begV; ;1 reader, to ntvto the fact.' J he 2 real'. ; m 'j ''iy- " me uiry. "fv. t'- -1 kk, -t 1 in ctitinectioii with ihis. the renrvirkiblo cnn.1t i ' .i.L. r.LlWw'?.:.:'..:. tvi.!- . m t. lis.' k. .Belw We give a list of the Lawyers pres. t ent.Ol;.,C.t.J 'lt a ndn r,' B 0 ftnn Cr a ig, D ni't C.Ictrianr" James E. Kerri Q. AMillr, Jj; AV. Elli, J, Clarke. V' J: ..CIemmoinst:Uufiw B in inger'J ;j Lillin. ' ton; John B; Lrd;J vp, Caldwell; X -Wr (hX rn Rt K-LnveJFA.- Alellon; CoL EI i " onooer aou p- oinman , 1 'P "J '.. tU X . ''! 1 e '- . i-L'-" o-utiy too trial. Ol UUVG Peytijn iHskef, chng' d with IWing parttci panls'ttithihurfJeroi Mr. West;tkes place, 4 i .wbtch;.e .wiil ioticH tnoi extealedly taouv'i :'?:"'.''"v 1'X . ' '"'. -i "v ''Xt'X't IV ' ;; iYO Scwr?.-The &llIwauk'ie'ntiie7syV, I the mail cpn.t factor on the Voule between ytX Green Biy bnd Copper Harbor has got rather?- Vl a tough; job 00 his hand.- He carries the mail i each, way once a" rconth during ; the "winter, -travelling?on foot.";: Whence first took the H-f contrMt, the mail did not,' probably exceed ?x a few pounds weii?ht- But tha nwpmU.m,;! T.i weighed ::75 pounds c and " that for January inn ; .i i,?' i .t ' ' ; ' . . ucr iw uuuus, w men ine contract had to "back I'Vll the way lo Copper Oarbor.through. n covered wildernesW.yf,f iz&m 't!'S a snow Comr.erctajj says that ai rnob.of ioosons J ' la'.felv u r round erl tKi rll:. - p t. . -1 " . , ituujiueu IM Me inff.nf hrn ' f, ne of tha Milbrit? fcadpv KrA.-. .-..I broken cpenhen- he flad .What lead. par., ticularly to this .state of .things was Vstoi cnculated, over the city, that Jacobs hatf a ' woman concealed three-, days '"In" hi. office'' : and that a .letter.- received by Wm, tecoow mending the CpirTal' Wife System, was to be;-read onil.3ni0.t ia. stfotW' 4 Thi letter", wasatd to I "rom one of the higher disci. ? l lr rlusion now at Akron. The tact of- the ti est ruction of tU tx-n, r r-r;. lies by this impostor, and- the driving! of one woma 1 mad, h raised a verranrT fet'Iins - " I ttli.J. i ,:, ,-Life; to the young attaint riale but just opened, toihe old it is .e. t?ltl,f ea4f through, ending with death: . J i :"vv . . - -. - --v... ; - r ' ; ' ! ''i: We never knew the tr in disposeo to scorn ih? humble4; who was uct himself a fairobjecl of scorn to tha htirhllesur ht. ,...!,.';,...: . -".j. :r .; . . ",'.,.'..:, T -, ''..i ba tK : '; he " p 01 tl ;f i r : i 1 r f .3. ,i; t- 1 rnt; ":--' -.!"" "I '.' . ;'": '.. iW " . - ;, r.--': ' X "v:;,...1 i si . ' -J."" " ' " ' "'-.'''jr,' " "

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