to r r--..Shed by thrjjtai I Ms). . f Mr. D. hiJ vcJ nt J";; utii "J, i th li.m,.. t . m j".!...n.rfnfn . t. ViwL..I . returned .h the nau-cor . urr W the H-u I M.KuJ.ncn . . . j; L.!lV,i,:i rr.,:;.v, Mr. D.. hud 5 anil V I m cr.- cf.'h rrin..-.:i i.n loo part ...... t to ihi iiirnJ-'""1- .1 i "VU. , . -.l.-.L ttl(, . d.,n4 so to or Jar l - " ; " L.-a but he b--lav- lai ilu n be n-. tit! 'irttitc hi LVa fl-i'i lh-t Cjfsv i;,ur;,l1,: a b' alio,, ..f U.; S'Jtcoi. on liie f -u .he rw tin-. -Surwrvctrtjui - Wr'ui itt v-Lyvard h now ad. mined thai h wrorg m d..ivX, :,;rJ.d; Inn ji'stify U'o"rPJ,i:Wn-ll,e- KlTf! ? now , when the inw vgu. f'd ;l iir fo a ni-amm inltiM-J U,tiicl ihe vunn an3 tr. Htdt' .h. once p. l,.;h L D. S'i-w, l"m a Curtu, or-; ) irnti;,s t.tim-nt 9 icac'.e :J and r. J? ;i I. A COUIJ W if I e "t!.-a'fcW i ; n-ii J r. U un. ( backbit. I rtfusd 11 ci;.;j tji'l t; e help ol v;i, ;: tl!K:i I r-r.i Ii:m :.! t-j tend !' i-icafii ii-v. 'i"!.:s v. ti.--iirtni-rrlc fce hao riurt its cufoe i;- n tur coumrv? Tbe nore .f, public tu.izets receivtn" enoium'.nl i!ni (nr. i tovia U ho -c!arvd Hint itwbu! J - 1 (i3 i'ur-e n t-ur ccumrvs - 40 ! nwrc niwyiwjacBsiin wuuij concert tua wjniirii rtronuca'ltie auuseaou uiiineo me rinrriii. ,iKr); yytj the gentleman vfroYii Virginia impu-; :!t-Ci i liim 8n loint5'.Tit.rouraet ihuujh !lr , j!t tin sq' rtfiKni?5i ,lfiJ unlfonnly givt 11 hi-vote?"- If tlic mrsmu now pnKsed wai !oVicci tuJ icrCIcieiit; b nl ihe pen. ilejnm liiswn r rt cif l. s, tinJ :d hirt by jr r'tl'iioi; it tfitctive on J cunijiletv? ! lie iiit isi J h;uV to uj so. UUI 4 b rcai can, an J iri-.uIJ e lh;n bri'fr tnaru il Iir .id iiitriK tm ofor. law1; in mi jct'hojwoul.b called i'l iNot U.xVm . 'iduiiiiiblwr il fis of ihe land. lUA W'b'tii i Johmv u crji. ! thin -wTiuiU; nl-a re: sutipuryry uituurj in u 1 'Jf" f f icttiia i' " tii'l'Ju jlb'nV!;.!! ike j h vt,u!i traiiMtnu'.c A tifltltoi y (;irv rc.A .11 itiou c irurju-it 8 v worth! tiotn trvs , pf. it." iWii'i Ji f Tito ''Dt-in-icrary.' My ft c inn Vrntlujr.' Vi) Jne I I tti li If V If I- n 04 wtml.i traiMtn'u'.c H tiltoi. into a spy or warninif vhico ut- rial ai-Mij:reuiri.ts ub UifilUei WBifciraio 01 this Uijionii'j.u(:li! ag Jcitijn.-itu f the mrio l surtd ihe ct.unlry nvvcr WHU uh.a. i;!i-ri' rtfht'rtif nts,4 fillt'd tin' metis, r 1 ' 11 r- ;:rV'h5t--mc-its. 4 filled tiu, metis. iif. of lticonfnt slorr' jiTlie Richmund EHtiuify.! W0 .iiid tlo Subtr.Jwiiry, and denfu(v!e j ill J Tliu llicmnnod Cnquirer. Avlnut .fio. kifiT"llthhtuJrncil h irt round 'Villi I V W iltlV. JI 11. (III. d him-' us a demi. and hn Jcdtliij ai " o 1 4 1 1 oVrn1. n - u o 1 p ; gtd, a lid vKiiiout ;i biulil nd in the face nl henvi n. nJoninticd ftii m th(',fiilit oT all men 'reNi-lt'iiual ch .in Ulidkrt nr iiti'8 the nenilfinun in in such tVHUcd : mi 11 :Ufaiic f peniy Ml niv:iui.'!t i(i jurntu tiuuui .iuu, s the ohsv cqnstiuvioiiil dfHsito.j . - .1 ... .1.. k)Ul!(: tnwW'V. St. lo liie Llncrsorrt cnuracKT. tw prais dt ry for tlw mm s prwato d')oi tuierjl iu donieptic licard;atg the ;di!or hrajjiini:; Uatw a poliiit-i in and t ll'l; Hill lCllll.ll )UU i .1 I, OtlV living 1 illuMrati n of such pwti'vnajjc on uol thiY rnhhllt; oriiillni? t iufie lowest .blddtT. .3 p S fur ns 10 si) rue 1 njr ihmis foib u!ti Wo did want a Coygress nod trustlvor ifcufacy son & 0 the prinii below 1 lie MrJ I) the profiii IJtiio.i, I? L .. . . i!. LSxeculiv nyin-,; uo copses or to s'.iow n profit proOt on ife 'Tli? same vet or. !!r. I), had noe- of a 1 Ku!;iii WM1 ihe vt:rlaUeii n J n -ver I MrJ Ws extent, jt'no nd?, to in Hijopjiqn of 4i 1 1 . .1 - ..1 i .a . J. f. ,1 . . t tk. i.f'ir I Inns llltlt u n..r. f r . " ,. " 1 .....; "' I it' ".. , . . i 1 L m. u t. :;. .1 t nJ. .. tl4aiis "ivitjj; til aiiwfsnni 10 mm im u.t , nat priirto taaike!, vpnu khhi i im- YjiAiitnaud tirati ul rntirti''tir. Until within! i dent would thin graLcivUli4ficakcr A gn- 'koihe tfnof ftltcen ytars past sucr a Jotti tne h-r liid Letrii li-orq oi; nnj wiw i TIfV imuiit jtiiily u rut iiv J L:n ta-V win) h 'd inTro.Ju 'ed thy s'r hik less rii,ii; h K'J it I)V l O :ro fl'i-jurvibli; w Ci;'i-,'l'i-,n f it- Kubai-q lent prac. da' 1 i.iii.i'ii bv U't'.U pirtica. h vvaj Uiii -tLnMt niiiim lU it hd, proved t! fruitful kiiVu ol d ""d v rpi Mdn cori.up.ioii. if iujHC 'Ver v tt.princp.e uhieh, rc, d to prajtii-'at wetljn, wu8.caiuSad to ; tli(it!r' f-n;nlitiin of our civil polity I ov'urr'io 1110 ur-it'i-i unii iii u 1 v. fiii.uit'u w t-, iliia I ,riu:tji'l : f up iU C i o'jru.t an I its rfto iiy with Hi pliry uJ the i.-ti.'f uMJ ;r tho Aduiiniiti ili m uf ih ven- 1 1 fill tha iljl.; mi J dl.i:n U 5'Miil-iirni. fro(m M mi. itts, (Mr. Ad him) i Jri u pure bat niueh .11 . 1 1 i 1 u... ..... . . 1 itifnuiiieu iiKiii ! ' iiiuuiwi iJJi' iwoi nuu- itricvrji during, hifc who!o term of ollieei J in l)i!i r'uKT f r cmw, an l! nucIi. erusci wirti'd ii'ivo farms'wd jutif bl groon' C nraclMTttitT Ir. I), tfdvf rtod to k" Al iijinilr'itiu'i Wtt!t u )n.-t pride; Jx bold il op to ciiiS of lb- world t and c-peenlly v wuUJ .isnni 'n it to t!i imita'ion of iho . 1 1 . 1 1 . . 1 :....ft HI Hir.J I'lW irh'tlli I H I IS U.Niil:'.j IlUrilV" Hit ill). Ill nn-ori ijuiiIjI pat riot is in. N Ioig m t!ji! I pouor, l! e 41mu)ti-UU in held ihq iiire o powof," S'leli loul I ll'.lt t iiim2 .h ilits spoil system had u (t'comu'inlu prt A iiir. U.u fuvv wai it now! V h it i ii:pxM.. liu k of uiiibluiiiing xp.'tl venality olDiid 'd tin n'wl;r;iroin coining in troops, flocking from all the borders of the. land to this city; yes, for public plunder! " Men ci,u i r-d ihu public service from nn spirit of p-ati i. i hpiih, wijh'Hit even n thought of beiit filiio tr- iM-nitry, but in spirit ol so nnny and I ret b nj'.ers, publicly rtbbinj tho flu pillr-vd ni'n iht? centh-rmn from Virgin. 1, unt o'n all on b ilh sides' of ilv lloic j? nivt lii mi in r',iUna; f id of th it i corruptiwjj which debased l!u pabSic piossand boiivci li 11 it into tlie toot 01 !:icll-tu. US S 1 ntierlv disannul tlie fipoil piineinK-. L t I'iJi h,r"o teh b.: rii longer heatd bv : n. uii tlijtt MliO coboi've priuciplo ol l!n: ..j'ii!s u m ii 1 i-i it licit tne IJ.-nioeratie tiartv lo'ctn r.'1- So.-h a ivprnaeo hud b. en uttered, and a ho. liu supposed, was i-nlllled to from nii iuliniutc -kntnvled of the pi iiietp'.n which 'act uited liu) .party, i t . . At ibif fust , Session of ih ,1 ist Congress a uunetiU'd member of this Iluuio Crl"i ttu outl iiu n's own . Slate (tho late MrJ Gilmer) h .ei iai rJidiieeil proposition having the s um till in" iew w iih the amendmuiu Mr: 0. hud i.iov t.ll" led, viz: ihcseveranco of the iiatrin. i.f 1 jovf rtitiit-tit from tho publiq r press; jd Mr. I), had piven il Iiis vtite. M1 ciih troio u Virginian no J - jioni a Djoiocih'; i was nh'': 11 commended ilsel:' Mr. D's i" -.-t U ,zrt 11(1 I he tavethis cordi t snpiort Yti lio 'M-..tbnvin charcred Mr, D.'th :n -iju;-;i. (iev, t illved'ab'iut his 4nci -born zal,' 'ml iHiius-itd lit the Kami! lime prtnt si'pprn. lhAjgVhot itnj o!j-.fet of thr innundnicrit.. Tli j.TvOi'miiii 1 10, winted to Pepaiat . I ho ,G-v. t;i.'i p.itr. ui drum ihe pro-si . lht-ii..what his 7"! o! j.-ca-tii to :hti t)ivp'titio for that very ob- j-et! W hyti the in Je of pursuing tho ob. ri'l.wasj th riht morfe, and tha time j 11 it i.i- 'r.l...':.".iiiJj::liL. iw.i"i'..rii tinnirv undone "tc d i:T? idnv-t t'A rv "!.'" n -!iftion1; Ucf'3irrff.. Who lud. cmru -d J, "v. t; can comin' . Giifcial Jackson's j fetv :n' n tlrin lrnii.he b urite. at.J ihe P.... 1 hi n ho'div:ovvrvd t'nupeiior (ju-if-1-01 td" clJief peop'ej. Can4 o say . much f jriiU ido!ety', wljien he it nov apir ng to ihe hi'ghe&t oiTtiw 1(1 ld nnti ?"" Who he! i nuch tlintVijze .rcpcttnsjf tiiu" 'olJ Ro. rnau?" f j 'JfiieJiRichrptiiia, Enquirer. AViio wait tbat j,orinouncieJ tjj ile owiritry thai Andrew Jackspn. wa ";iq Utllo; ol t stale?!. iinnw( rtihfl t'w violent in his terpper -4)is measure tomucb icchneJ aibitrary pov- !upnort ol i He : ;ior ol ton jiaiier; iv,ptvf, I 11 tb'it iiW-d with wdnti'T i voice this sot- rno -Is was tC U hinorfd, Cnqnirvr. ho a fci'irplejobj Vhai rf theso liurriblo prac- lical nn;c.iuniv printers tc!lyoui tlrat liiey can, even at ibe irate tliey .cfler, make more monwy by the public printing in a singV se sion tt'Sn years' hard Jubor as journey, men. Now, jent,lenian Democrats, what say voo?.-AVilI ydu, lK.-Torc tho American o. p!e, vofo to give tlie editor of lh Union more juotivy in one jingle session of Congress thSn ten vears Iiard mrrdngs- ofJone of ihe tnb-r-ing people? ViII you? If you do, you may inJeed ic.ill yovrsche Domricrat-i, but be as- , t . II.; I V-J.-itf : J carVtot.Ii Vitrei t:.tuVil ffcajx J trn lv "-:iJ illjl.j ul.x'i J,-Ii i ; heir,.- I . t - - . r . ! r . t i : . c. . .'-t- t L i ; '! f i, -A r.J Lni'I ! co:e;':i1 f .r it!. he:.:. ! L:a virt-. .-, tat i... .' ' I..-n mei,. i i Price -a ctr.u r- r IjX trl-c-vrd tniirJv. bjt s!.-; !! ror.v..vao taa o of tle r mu',rt'.e I.-. .? -f lasi- 'luA i.ntc. i "'- ' . ..... r. .1 .c ? r.-." 1 .-..- .t'iJ. Tipt-Wcjrm. for several yea, .-tbfciA---Da. f larjo q-miiitT, (sy aTout a pint,) whih te infnrraed nid"l)aJ by Ihe ue. f one it two vials; M n n.icw -ASjrreit. wa appart :it t!:it tLa ptient, J un.: ., Las i; faded w.lir.-i my knovr'.cJ-. fcV D. R. LYMAN, Druiu ). Pr:.-i.p".rJiit nr rnl. 1 1 rrv, ktlJ S')IJ W.Ti"aia to ..Va -cc; li ; frc3s f t i wcIJ." " II: j - : - J - I a J r, lad by A -B. & V. S ,n Is Jjui.t!.. IJ J i ul- bcrof pcop;,-. fc'J of whom tmc4 &vpl tiiMT.! he anj safo rrf,.,r..-. ,a rr d-cov fd h r (latter. M-rrantai; W.lSia.u--; lUyvvA i.Cjv, of "the Kss of o eicellt-nl ej;U worthy member oCf ixrKim- worm. Tuer are s-m p!t a-aut U tL atc i I: .-h, and hy Dru joists generd!! llirribout U ) If , bo ever ,, Wis own proposition should fail, ih'ife wa a prdposat for which h shnadd vie. Mr. IL' here "read the ofTer q Jesse' E. Dow jd; Co. tq do the priritiitg ati rvihietion of forty 'per cent, bvdow ibe rate established by ihe law of iyi9, and twenty per cent. bohw ih-jsi i established by khe law of !at session ! v . i . . I m . - I inw l-aiUJ 5lr. JJ ) inu win you : .Jul Ii hAh tv.K kVi l iiii vtill I'U ri t it editor tl i ho "union. (ti)'j give mill uoyri vtx'uu 1 vwu jmuim aock-tr. 4 We ofTor our slnccieondolcnce to th family of theeecased, and cx'iort tti'cm to adopt an thi-r own tbi lanjuji, ''Th? lrd gave and tU I. . lias takf n, bka d be tjie u'ame of the LAni."1 hid polit wanted a ;prac rtJjy, w) and dei llj compensation. veteran degree. s'imurild One or two cases of the Small Pox have appeared i i - I : 4 ' : at Hillsborough, in thia Stale, recently. jThe town autJwritJcs have taken eveiy precaution to '.prevent lis pjurtad. , : tr Tjjue C'h&rlotie3JournaI nay tiie Wheat crop in that Bcction looks unusually tSromismjj. ' -J f 1 . Govtfncr Graham ha3 made appointments fur the Ijstcr1ipart othc; State, reaching to the 7th day. of May.': Ve pfepnme l,ie intends to caftvasathc State thoroujldy. U e hall todeaver to ket ponr readers apprized, othe moves on the political bjard. ' lin WlSli M tirce mutt' h lost by lhU5e off foolish ren-ijifs, iirli as Lbedni", or mrrcory, fit they both onlj p'..t r.T tlie ev:U wy to nake it iwre fi'al. Erejf in i:j!3 tuiatory l!icafies, bleed.iij nei-er t. jiit to be resorted to, lor i$ nitie case? out of leiu i wU! tae away the power f i-atiir torfTcct Uki cure, CTen w"ben aTded bj; Drndrh'a 1M1. .They ran take -bat 18 i Impurities df the b!ood but alas 4 they cannot Qt new" olo-xl i1o JJths bdy,- thia re. quires'" time, but tl?y c.r sfcesl'saiTB out fc&oon,, but the old "blood must be thfere. ! Il is at all Winn easier to eradicate" rnercflrv rfrorn the nystem apJi rt-itorc the mercorialiaed'rxin'r to I full health? than it is lortTict the retontionf the niaft who tiao rcfKatedly been bled. Bleeding and the eflVcl o opium are the grealepl anlainists the. Rrandrelh'ii I'dU have to 'content avainsi; Iyt u- therefore b "wijip, and when eickness arsaiN yis, alistract the dl. caso olt oi Tiie blooo, not t'i Vtkxl out of the body which bhrd"m does. ' i' I . Now, Drandretirs PilJs not pn It purifies the lliud bul they IcfOTt the qtiantity at the name time they srutie the qualify hetter." ITbejr oriily take the worn out part from the bkwdj tluise which, if retained.. u.i- i.. . J "i a .1 which are derived from t randrcth's Pills have to bo fctt to be beJievfd. The ecda of idccay can he con. tartly eradicated by their use, frnd'the IVixciplu of IjrcTu DLooDfrtTcn:lheiicd. 1 Thus prc tractinw fior of body nr.d wind to -a period when we have been accustomed t.f see 'the faltering step and the enfeebled intellect. '': ! i - these' fills are lor pale erjc ry county id ihm State, at 25 cents per b-u; and may be bad of the followinjr aeenU: i . ' PA ITON JL OSliQRN, AsheviTk, N. C. J. M. ALCXANDIil Fre iclr Broad, N. C. JAS.C SMYTH, V organ ton, N. C. - .3 r WM.1L IHU. iu Cih Mnrion, C M. PPEXLAND;iriiRvlUe, N..Cr . - KELSEY i MAXWELU Little IvyN. C. July IS. Idli.- i i I i. , 123 rH.-limr woruis. 1 hev are t that ch'tUt-fa Will crv f.r tiurn asi'iev would CanOv, ly read what this "medicine ha dane. . VorkviBe. G.bsoa Cj, Tcnn., D?e. 21,13 H. 4L. LL Hull orus ui nlhs irce roura-ent pdt me fe -s hat he cun-li. J a ltrjv sup ply of your.Worui Loxtn-, but 1 have !J alt out, ad eou.'J fvtve ko!J thn-e tun -a as jnnnv more, bud I been ipp.,d lo that a:;vi.iuU It ,e yoj wi'J ntrut vour acenl" to have a muc'r renter sr.ppll jivhsu ho cornea li.ia way fi-i'n. TiHr use in mv family has been of gicat b.ncSt. Edward, MoCor cle, E-jr. fava tom t j a cftitd of hia, fuur yeara oid, and the flrtst dose bronchi a way oetween Uiirty )iad forty worms, iir. A lUiaui MeUanicl had .i hild whom the phj&icians pronounced incurable, feqd said it 'would 4ie, but the child was cured tj Utnj ur. lluua worm uanTca, ! ,; I ,- - i Your.4ru!r. " " " ; STEPHEN LUNkINy Price 25 cents per bor. ' " ' . IF.anof ournonniv Fub-scrabetn wish to nay their subscription 1 in Fodder, IlHy, or,Q.ils, tlieycan tfo so, .by !chveriRj the article m Ihe course of two weeks: ; " . ."(, -: i--r i . j : 1 " . S -$ ; ' ' ,,: April 24, i84G; j. l Xhufsday,Hic lplhinst., wag' fixed upon -by.lhe Senate to deefde the Orejron conlroverev. We have not yet learned thd result of the vote upon the Reo- lutiona. i , Tlie w Su eaui y woi s! r I I lid Byconliautic ffnpj.n J wasr.iK thelcofrupting itTecls o ho pubic' press tgtitid:rem.dy by letiin a biin tried, i; puriG prrfss GJv stic bes'dt vernment. avi Whu sucn i a incisure ican for our printer! iciU mechanic, ski I fid oidd do the worl; villi utcci, .jand for a reisonij Thfy di'd not- waot a editor whether! of high .or of tay They did 1 want u; partisan tiji bisj .parly v:nimCy payjug (or b.tterncss mid fal vjioodJ L And tbknjas to !ic saving of public money which wt uld resultj Iron) Inn adaption ot hi umendme nl, Air, lj. ti-iii nil ms unu.i uie oner of pfaetiv'ul pi inters to iio ibo work on terms truJ) Iok-r than lluifiJ now allowed. IMr-. I), here f tad n printed pro) isat from JelF;r- According to a paragraph in the Xtw YVrk Journal of Cunijoncrc'e, a caucus of the dJminar t 'party in the Senate has be.-n bold iu Washington, which il was resolvid to paws the Sub-Treai'i ry jitt as if Came from! the Ilouse.i The J.'Yoik Expressi ffieaking of the money market, 'naysi Stocks , continue decline, owing to the alarm crea cd joy the passage ol lae 5ub.drea, aury. There i; quite a 'sensitiveness in ihe money market. , 'i j ; . '" :;'. ''; -r.;. ' "i The Journal o( Commerce says there--is a real parue on acco jut of Ihe, Sub.TreaBuryj. Even the Ortgon war h s ldtt its terrors in comparison with tins monster wita his iron chests. Stocks have Etill further dlclirlcd, and the tendency is quite ;n favor of further decline. 3 : &S5y 'SilW-A'Mli: Tlie above reward will b$ given for the" apprehen sion of Culf!iii;iti I lrliirrsiY. ff1.o was let out of the Jait of Newport jTennc-ee, by wans of ja!e ey., on the niht of! the 1 1th inst. He had nrrwbtm lie; was in prison, a crej mixed janes coat. brown janes punts and hbek hat, all much worn: t is 50 or 55 yt-ar of a jje has dark Lair slightly grey; lias a' .large hear on tho back of his nd, I Ifcdieve the' Vibt hand, which t-cema to have be n canned hy an edred intruinVut; weighs 160 or 1(!5 pounds, is about 5 feet t or IU mclies ijiji'i. ; Said Murray was in printwri aire for patikinj coun terfcit Jjoldicnin, and is suipocd to btdom to a elan of counterluiU'rs in this ennany, and the counties., of 1'uneoaibel and Yrscy, N.-v. Uentlemcn of t!ici ...l V..-.I. sJ, C,h.... in. .,-.; . 1 v ' . SCENCEU TlENRY, i ' . -.a r J ' Jailor ol ''Gorki Count 'v, Tenaesset. April 2 l4g. 236 It.'j ' on.L'rinjg,'if rightly Iicardj to do ig pit ' a reduction ot per ccn pl icb jiow uhdv-ed by law. nere wept jinio a caicuuuiou us io ihlttj vvtuild r.elul to ihe editor of thb i li'ijd bejidajn tlio printing -of the ; Message o'nlvj with iho accomp-f. ijinents. He cited 4ho number rif !i red by cuoli lJoue, and went on ih -it from onb Ilouse ho wtuiid derive of S-20,0)3, d.nej from the other of Dowllng's History cf Rornanism. By the kind, nessof the plblishcr, Mr. E. WalkefJ 114 Fulton street. New York, we have been furnished with the above valuable work. We have.not jas yet had leisure; to give il a careful examination, but from the recommendations the book has received from the most distinguished Protestant Clergymen in the countrv, we arc not left in uncertainly as to its character. 'It contains about fifty -splendid -engravings, and" the mechanical exeeufioh throughout is of tlie ' fijies.t-"order.." ,Pi ice 3. -j Address E. Walker J lit Fulton HreeTU K.-Y. ' i . ) - Unite ! State?. . ." Tin: Scrofulter K.'r ; r-i-)r fit i'-'- I'.'cr, ' Yariit or Tc 1 in 0 tk' - Svp?JUu Symptoms, Sci. m n ww w- . v: T Cl :: rr ALL ; i , ; : e:;u !?tats of . :i i'i tV or 1 . s ' ' ., C'C S iJy--, - n:nl J :, ' ' '"' Uers It t "i r. ..". BR. HULL'S - ': 18-. - -Vie aruti2 from nn i,ti u.cuut use oj j..?r etiry, Aicite air Lxntiyrt or Imnrudence. i Llfa. A!k Ubronic (Jvustitxi-Mal DiiJrtiers. .Tle ; vahieof thi preparation s now widely, known, and- ereryday the tield f .it uufubwsa extending. li U aoprYd an 1 i.ij'dy reeomm :ndi by I'liv-htciatis, and i'a-hnl. i to ba tlto nnxl powr Ierful and arvhi:i; prcpiral.on Jrtnn I.1' root Ihat has ever b-. i t r.i; " -ved in ludi.-al It is nut i'K-i iu us iTanon, not sr-Trai. exiennrns e syteni. Il ieu rallies the poisin inr.mgn mo witotie t-ytem. i ijeu ral.zcstae poison. ous ek-inenta in i!icb)l and restores L health ton to tho organs whict rv-erale the II aid. In RCTHtfu'tMia and lt i-lt. aisor.t -r Ihn rMiill i n EYEUY Faioilv ir t-e United Slate hhu!d ktp ranid he' ..n of tkosares und ttu'n'i-a: in rlienwis. a supply of Dr. Hull's Cough Lorengrs in the- hour', .twin, and other pahiful ir.ctior. of. the musculat not only to counteract the consumptive tendencies fibre, tfpeedy remoa! of ih pain, nd in all case of the climate, but to be- used as preventive medi- a renewal of strength, Tupping pace wilhthe'retreat icine in all eases of colds, couwhs," splttinjr of blood, uf the disease from th svtein. It ii mitimlaa nain n the sido and chest, whooping cough, irrila--j highly coitctitrattd ( .?ui for eonvenieoe and por- troo and aorer.ess ol tuc lunr', bnncums, c.iacuny j tabiiity, ' and wIiqii dJutert nccirdmg to the n,rrc of breathinsr. beetle f vet. nieht awctits.ruiaciation, I iloas. each "buttle will mike six tin-'a tha nuantitv! general debuilv; n-uaja. innncnza ana croups, liriuat loons q urt, ar.Jis then s.nenor in riTjiiicinsur sinfe imxoi i: ,.i.u;:me wui rcvrai us huhimu- i value to tne various ir;-p iraii'tm bfannrr Hie name. in? virtues, ariw . pen ul onc the fountain of health 1 rj,e pronrletofs are almost dailv recLivin? tfistiinv and strength t tlic afflicted. Price 35 cents per na of the most reipcdable "character, tcstifyin3r to b.ix. fx i I iLx frrciit vabip a an active and curat iea inodic.ine.. . rhc fiilIowiu2 in'cre-tics case is presented, aud th reader invi'ed to iUCureful perusab Comment on uch evidence is unnecessary. Newark. N. J AUrcTi 12lh, 184P Jlt8srM.JL.B.$J Sds Mr. Oliver'a chdi, of . rr :. l-i. . ..n ;ii'r ,m.l..r il,,tlh!. w veu viui n mifotUKi wuvuaww . . ... . . , . i t years ol waicli aoon reduced Inr to a m?T9 aneie count's Elixir, wilf, if properly applied, deaden liu 'T lt- v iv .5 . V 'v w .-;i.;i.i . r tb- ,.?fl..nJ .d ..ffi-rt - wrd Vd7 'Hnd il,nb rcnt physicians in -Newark, J . . . '. I H,l!ui !li unit 'd ..V i-krtr iiji.r tn Vtnr ut van. and permanent cure. It is t.ul4 --at tlie low prwo ol 1 . ..en- .i r .i , r-.. , , , J ous t-mcs, but nnaMv uttw up the case asperfecur nnlv .ill CPIll' nT vial. . i. 1 . . -. - 1 ' . -Tliise Irulv valuable inr die i: I: w A In hi ics are" for eah: in AshcnlK bt "Messrs, I'.itton-i- Uaborn; in Ucn derstinviile iy Ripley & I'ation, and onenq'iirv may lie ftund in aiinost every Store and Post-offico ui N.- Cj and the Southern States. - ,' i i A'praSi, 30G6m. Vl - hopeless. At lat Mr. Oliver was induced lo try' your SarsapariHa, and. accordingly, procured four boUlcrf, which was, sparingly administered, . with many interruption yet with the most decided benut. .vuuui w nioni.'ia ago i ocume acquamica won the circumstances of the case. -The child, who is now a?ed four VcftrsL wai one comolote m-iss of dis ease, and incapable! of lining any of her limbs, , Iter body was swollen to . nearly twice its natural A few-sack, of Sail for alc bvW sack or boalicl h iUf hndmbt, aftd body were almost entirely tike every thing cTse,rs 11, cheap for CASH. t r.iut iiriii-in imnr ' m -t W. WILLIAMS April 2 Ir IS 16.-296 If.. . r:'ivvr,,:''WtflfFBf!f5. 'AIKiiofc indebted tq Ur. 'Jolin LiicKsnn, will nnq their ace "iunts and nol s in the bands of lae uudcr signed, who is- bin authorized a?ent to settle bis burliness. ';' - M. ' Persons owing, and whose notes or accounts are due are earnestly requested to fnFko payment. April 2 1. i 'Al T. SUALMEY. -4t, . ' We ca'nnot in 1 ho J r.etp ..iW. Will, if so, ihvK M.. D. wruld coui.iiti d .i tjiho aGiliiy and to inf!u n.e witli the nnprty, which all w wuld coneedo to tlie 4 geiHleaMu, and he would nk him Ut'h propose ...jfoine plan of his imp., , If ho would biin forw-irj any 'feasible praciicah'tr phn for di . orcin ih-.- Cluwi nment from th' public pn-fc- auTfor redjein the price of; ublic printing, i In- would indic.tte more efli-etn illy - his own consb-iK-y, nti-5 wouid bo in a belter posi- non lo m tUe anatt;i-k upon Sir 1). Tii) geiitlonnn liked tlio princip? of the iimenliKMjt. O'i 'yvn, hut lin, V Ilouie would be left without n-pcinter. N k the aniMndmrnt cxpreas! provided aji-iiust that difficulty: however, innro i fTectuallV to obrl aio .that oty'Clion, Mr. D. would modify his amcudment. , Ho modified it accordin-ly, so as to allow twenty days' uoticc before it-tint, u-l aljuwinrr the Clerk discretion in the moan , 'toget tlio necessary pritiiinj; Vseouted. Wo foiled tllget a copy Df th0 moiiGaj" a. t mendrnen'. . Now, if tho amendment in thi form should prevail, who would pet the printing in the mean Inlet . Wo wouM get it? l)i f he na Inowj tTiat itwouldba given to hrit very Jrn4.l,niis on whom ho bad pronuunced so a panegyric? - vi iVr. B. wbtild now onw more a'sfcl the. hon- orabio gentleman. vhcth:.r "ho -wan'ed a press S'JsUtned by the Government? ' Did the ren. t-enuu helievB-that a prea so sustained could "MHiret It he did, the gentleman 'rit tVc of cfredjjlity for-w i.-ri:iu 'd , ivin- iijiiu tno pen sum oj o4,uvi the printin'j df ui sing'e document. - Annlvinfi. ihe ofij r of theso printprs lo the siirt! wdik, he calculated tho saving on tljie Message tvi be 8I4'lho!k the "Treasury.- Now, ilJc oentlenin 'pioressed democrocy: oh yes, lie Wtui iprjHiir icyii"inn:ai uuuiiiii-ii.i. tii.'.ioi t'.;e Uoverjimrrtt., tic was .tor puriiy close this hurried police without a(J. NOTICE.; -w iTakcn uobv tho subscribers in Henderson county. North Carotin, 6fl the 13: niV., a certain ntro man by the name of AaMTEID, who was re cent!)' tajtcri irum tliis codnly h-j.Iijnj. King," Esqr and f-old in Sou'li Canjina. j. - V Sii;d nt'irro is lodged in lid, and tuo owner is rs- rlcctfuMyi rcqoei.tai' to cnufc forward, pay charges and take taid YiCffro. or I he will be dealt with a cordin to law. i . 7V.' V TAXLUli. ;W. .MftUllELL, Sr. has been immense thenuttber before us being the 12lh edition in the E-bort .space - of eight vising our friends wbq wish a standard work of this character to srnd on their orders immediately. The ral of monlhs. Thje 'publisher's advertisement thali ap-' pear nexi ween. 1 i h:' , Several articles prepaitd' for thU numbfr are ur aroidaliilv crJwded out. a ! buhl.c prcisSliy divorcing it from Gov- al i:iti'ni.;i!io. ViJI: and how iiul be t t W u if hit troin menu! 'lOJi a hi ir."i hk the , whv and l-t- Tjijji.-.feia" Irrltaywopd eoiinly, ori the I2lh of TVIareh, by J.' Vkkers, F?q., i William Liurf .'and Mtss Caro ,i . .. . . ' ;V. ', . . , 'L - ' '. I y - LINE ElDlX. On the same dayi by the same, Mr. Alexander Ile.NRf and Mrs. S a rati Miller. Oa rTirurddy, Uie 23lh of Mirehj by the Fame Ma. La-wson CALDWELL'and Miss Adalixk Owins. I. fnever given him. credit. Tha rrenilemin jy u adverted to the character of the National f ly tnellirrencer," and admitted ahaL with ceat J Jl uniiea as muclr political brinesty as iaw be found in;.. other riublic pfint. Mil jm commen Jatio.i Ml. LT he rtily concurred yd he would add that of dt f truth, dczo. lmt& patriotism, that noble and ancient oor- ,al had more than an ordinary shire. He Culd was possess l.h Mr..K ii liTrs-'i"' ti'ng h injjo th fir's gy-'itT, run his arm into' th? public 'flrejasuTy ilpTtMlie shoulder, in e . -'.Trior;, his first. jo isfprintino? ; Tho j;en. lis ; . ui did bimsilt! jdnuit before this House ' . such patrbnjrigp did, in some de27ce, f prostitute the public; prc, and he wishbd o n ' Ipojrcat n!n evil, i How did li show i:? press vas.ld;c relipn;' neither cruTc'be p,serveu purtfi ii rwice me uovernmeni. ex -ende tho podufed f.nd polluting rnintje 'bf itsi patronage berlii ?Doth nut bo leftutt.- people. 'Mc-II.' one stfri toward rontaniTcaied andidistmct from all Gevern ment action, to the pp)ntaneou&iction of the nrtlposition .went at.Icast ntiuinipg uclt. a state of things?- W hv did fnehcentleman opnoseill , tie w-otuu jojier tiienrp-Kiemnn ms cnoica betwA-ns the systtrw. If he would vote for ihis a mrndrTi!r,t njvr, Mr. D. would ihen fH;r him t o.practji;a! ipiinirir?, ,hard fited opjqra tites, honest, clomp 'ten, skilful, and respect nblej whJ froM f ithe work for S20,000 Ics ihan his frietH . He challenged, hirn to stan-i, Hp in his pl. :ewiih such a proposal, one n It made in ilhd fiiee it ihft country! and ' elect a political editor jo dotht same workat 'ahicjicr price.) L t lliayeoplbe witness of his choice. He told the geniljeman thatisurh profligifeanJ dndisj'niyer.vraMpancc would wakJtjteaiMU'O ups'end when pwr that li,m wakedi wo b hinrynndjwo to the trust! that peonti had put in.hi baiMls" H ri ' ?, Ale. oriiroinlo in the matter: Ouj Sum Caraet I SER. On the Smathkrs covered jrith large sores. Sho was unable" p mov" and would tako-no no!ico of anything, only to shrink from beinglonched even by her molher.-- iKJ Oisease, at tho same timu, was erprally. severo . inwardly,- attendod; with bloody evacuations every lew. hoars. I hey procured semis more of trie Sarsa. paiilla, jmd;j tdio had la'en one boMle-cho could blip down from tlie chair and creep across tho ro'irn. - She has nof just hnjshed taking tiie secorfd bottle, and the soreere ii early all healed, the lmib are restored to their! n;iturul isc, she is quite cheer. fulf-and is fast imprjoving in heatlii.- . Yours very rcBjectruIIv, .-' y ' C J. WARNER. . . &eo. ot i ouiu s oiaifi i tra. ooc. The followinjr i an extract from & letter received f M O ...t. I .fflil..l fr.r .,'.rl Anchor br.tnd-assorted numbcrs-warant. d.; 4 wjlh Scrijf1)U. u;ccri,, Dyspepsia, '&.C-. and Just received and for wile t. the lowest ra!c:, by t T,. . T . .rArnt. 1 lUtf: n"--"""- ' . - , - V A small lot of handsome Castings! just received at the CXieai Jytore of - .r They are going olT.rapi'dly, call soon or yoiTmay noi gei any. J " . -. April 24, ltS46. 296 tf. SlPrr.!(lR J3LTCH BOLTING CLOT'S; RANKIN t PULLIAM. April 21, IS 16. 296" tf. ?: . . April 21, 184G. 296 3BjI 'MJ. i- n- ttrm ifuge, dr. "Heart i i , . Ton wo ii ms. tly vf rlaileyi-hurgb, Va.,"Dee. 1 3th, iSli .. ' Messrs AC U. Sands B 'fore I commenced uing your Sarsapiriila niy sufferings wefj almost pi'st expression, niy throat wai completely ulcerated, I had a dreadful cqugn. and tllere were irequenny : weeks together that I could not speafk above a whis. ! per.! and, besides, the inflammation' from my throat j extended to my lieid, so that my hearing Vas very. lunch. impaired... APer taking the SarsapariHa a t-liorltime niy healitTi improyed'and my Throat is now w';li, I ara ax tree lrom cougti ana lig.itncss ot mo t ln'fct as ever I wHs, a-rwl can hear ffuite disiiuctly. . "Mrthnat has been jvell abmt three injnths, tho cure uf which h.14 bet n ff ct d entirely by tne uso of your Saraparilla. "Yputfrend, t . ' '-L.UU15A Uj BliVA?!. . t I ho loHowi owing'falter, received from Capt. Garrow, a gentleman well known "and "of tbeJiigli'sA rc!p:c- j ta'j, irsidtngja Mobile, I101WS pDnclusively tUo va'uo and crJucaeyioi oiluj o irsuparUU in cases 01 r'.i.'umailm. M s8. Sand ' Mob If, Ala., July 3, 1841.- Gertts:l was afil cted for mora I WILL sJl. as Trustceito ihe hiarhe-t bidder, on the 2?th ot Jjuly next,'at thd Court House In Mnrioji, McDowell county, r, C.IJ the tpkndid tract Ar Land formerly rwreU by Ulurles Carson, .contain ing hi and; formerly nwnrd by OlnrleS t arson, .con tail g upwards of "3a)0 a'erestiof Cott'om Land inl gh state of cultivation!, Islington both sides of U Catawba: river, adjoining ijPleaRant Gardens. Qu A- highly aluable prcpararon,,d?pabIq from t.its Hja ten years. wit!i rheainitifrn, and it is with plcaJ prompliludc of lis aclroii, of cleaning the system in ture I avail myself of tins opportunity to'express Joj a few hour-' of every worm- . v "' - ?ou ",e fc-tlutrv effect your SarsapariHa had on me. Tiie1 exceed-ng unall qu inttty of this medicme i. J u try ,v 142, I purchased of yur agunts, required to- test the cxislcnco"f wormsor t remnf .Mrs-ra. Motley Tucker, five bolt!, ' which 'I every ono from th- sycru its ojieratnr in, a few 0y 'agreeably la tha printed directions, whitfb trl- hours, togftlur witu .its great e-r:ai-nTy ot cuect, 1 tirrly removed tnf complaint, amll bare n w every ay, the 19th irftt., bv fh rrTTmr rrrDr"n""iaT"- V lb right, Jr. and ; Miss. Elizabeth Mes .same, day, by , the . same,' Mr. Altred' and Miss-IIaxnau IIfatt. ; ln Cocii c" county, Tennessee, by . Baxter, Ef-q., Mr, Willia M. Howell' and Ma's Sarau IxurtAM, both of Haywood county. "On Tht rsday, the I6tb' inst., ,j E.S. Howell, Esq, Ms A. McFalls and Miss Raciuil Barns. (The gentkmen'V-ho rnt us the aSorc, "remark : "As you secrn to jiave quifmarrying in.. Buncombe, we will 8hOwyou what Haywood can do'WeAan but say, well done Haywood !-r If juiatters go on so a fewyeajs we guesa there will not be much-difS- cnlty in peopling Oregon. ' ? - the place is a - tine Merchant MiH.' and y cuitafcle seat lor a Kaw HUM. j ine i ouu.-jn T aejoining aro yety!excnsivc, and a.gieat 'deal oi4. fine upland . It viitfatlbo suld-in onejtraqUand is regarded it an -equaled 11 fertility, the most desirable place, com bining more ad vantages, thaii any titlu-r tract to the size of it, in the western p:irt 'of North Carolina. T" ft'.rt liua I.Aon",nirt.'tii rcJrein it. but fditinf. has placed in market pa eatbihaV will not perhaps fur 'fures-be c ft-red arrain. i-i . 1 ' " ' i M' ' A portion of the purdiase moneys miy be rcqurred . ' 1. ... .;lf t,. .rlJti ..Antiimnlulin a 4vl4- -iju II I ills uyi- o vuv.-""-"-ft , ( doWijfitI(7-J 'purjctiasCfs.- Particulars 'mado sible to nun ctTjVf "ir 1 '!''"i a ' known on day of sa lt-Tr I rui- T-L"TvJ 1 . ' - ' f i f T. c: c-inZi; Apnl.24, 1S46. 235-Id3.' - -r- - 1 " constitute it owe of" the most brilliant diseoverit nf the ag It seldom needs' to be' repeated and never to btr1 f-illowed by .'any other pary'd. : Therefore, in urgent case?, as those of FiTd," SPASMS or CON. yULIl)NS, caused by worm, its unrivaled superi-' or tv' is oinifested I'ew.medieines are bettetjalcn--lalcd lo ihipioycihc balth of-cfiildren, even w!n?Te no worm vx-l; as it removes those masses of crudu ties that t.n'e aiid.'losely adhers to the stomach and bowels, giving rise to. symptoms thai countcrieit every variety of worm-disease. Though prompt and certain in its. operation, and nut U'lpUasant to tile 'Jfeas'c, H is perfectly sale, and adapted; to the ttjnderest affc. . 1 j The folio w'inff testimonials are selected 'from a m:tdo lBiulntu Je of -others as evidence of its great medicinal 1 valuer . " 1 - . . The following m from an eminent f hysiemn. ir uec. dd, leu, snre in recom- 'r';; --tf-r betlTeTli'eis'':: All person belonging to tlie Cavalry Company, arc required to aUendaCiip Thomas Filter's, ou Swannano, on the yonlh of May iwxt, by ten o'clock, in order to muiter, with thcii'arm in good order,! with ten- cartridgeajn each bix. ' Dj order of - . .1' y - - ' ' 1 - I . .17, JONES, Captain. :April2l, 134S. 205 3t. '? . -A reason to bebeva my health is perlnanehUy rccov ered.- - A- - " ' ' " Yours, very respcci fully, ' i V - . G ARROW. , . , iFor farther particulU-s and conclusive evidenee'of its tup.-rior VaknH and t lhcacy,.s.:e pamphlets, whicji may be obtaincd 'jf AgentgrHtis. t - ll iep irrtd and ol.l4 wltoles.ilcind retail, by A. Uj Sd D. SANDS, yiroltoul.: Drug gftts, I0d Fullon Bt. corn.-rof Williapi, N" w York. ; " I Sold also by Paltun &. O-iborn, Ash"ViIle; B. -Oat., Charloti'-; Wi'.tiains, Hay wo;d & Co., K- ' ( lfjiTli; aud by Druggists generally tlimughout th ' Uui ed States. r. Price 1 porboille; six bottles for f- 13" The publip are'ri:speclfully.reqnested tore- is-em'ier tiiat'it is Sandd'sSarsaparitla that has b'l i and is.consUntl Achieving such rernarkab'3 cures of tiie m jp( dtdicuit class of diseases to which the ' tSarsfpanlla, alidldKelfF-'of B iston7"T . April 24wrS!l6 293-ly." -7 .vJZ tiie, RirnEsx fiysssisu F life is nEUTii; r 'ro say so much for any public print which Mid been edited by thijentlcrnanV highly. nbtt-but H n-rcol jit olT-wherever it cvld ba ;,dUdJ ihe r-arhrlof the Government do. ied thwthi? interests of the penpld. 6 it. A pui l W lhrgnileman to say ier this work tnnld aai De uiii cnenper it would 'bo if, P to his nena 01 ine If could; And no nwn-cou-u w na-an ..'.M-.ti.iL ki rves-tO be UCl. I e US I' ..w . ' . rreac mn munde wTiet than Union? hard nentlUan claimed lo'fcs a purbi; did MrlJ At his father's resideiirn fti Iffsndprson conn I v. C, on the I9th i nst.. after 'a low and tevero illness, Mr. James CaAwroKD, in tli 21Uj year of his age. v' (:. J '-. - ' We would do violence Ij obr fceimas did we per, mit the. death of this truTy excellent youngman to pass withj only the bore -Tor mat annoo,rceanent.-- pcath iat alt times and under all circumstances an ei-clcorrw messenger, yet when the youug, the goocf, the! noble, the pure are stricken dowvv there is something . peculiarly awful connected with tlje-j pirn lerill of all human distinctions. Mr. Craw ford sei-vpd a regular and honorable apprcnticesirip ijjm this ojEEca, the last twJ years of the time wil ne present Alitor, and- never sincewe have been engaged in business fiadTwe amore Londrable, up- i-ngnt, conscientious, ana faithful Tcnt. Combmin-r f Uie atrlc test -iiJegntV and. mist promising usiness 1 babits. with thatVhich is at the present cay so rar? among- -our young men ipiety of n liigli order -ii bid fair to become tr useful and Jionorod rriernbef'of society; lol an aJJ-wise rrovidenca decreed itotuer wise. He S gone ! Ay! gope bio to enjoy the fru ilioiof the good m-Sn's hope! Though we loved hira in life, and would lhat he fiad been kft to bless Ins lund, y e wemd not, if we could; bring him back. nfK.irrt-i iiima , tfivTl! snbieci; tlierelors asJC ttr, oatvus1 I Jr. II-1 I- IVrril tu i. i-.-. . . .... . ... .. . - v.. , .. rTW.ihr . - - ,.. 1 ., mending to ,the.f ublic your valuable Vermifuge, properly called Dead Shot. I have been Vending it lor two.years. . Noihmgxf the kind have I ever, sold that has given such universal in. There was one case, in-my immediate neighborhood inat'l no recollect of ;n which one dose Canted the expulsion of 150 worms fiom. a small child; as the parent infunrfed me afterwards- . ; , Vtryrespcci fully ! -- -i ; : W JOHN YANCEY, M. D.' ' ARE the -cheanest and nvst approved Fwnily Medicine ever offered to the Public. They uVq ex tremely mild in their operation", neither causing sick ness of the stomach, -nor any "unpleasant sensation iu tha system, as is too' frequently the as with medicines given toact upon the bowels;: hence mul- titndes, w&obave been unable Jo' late othcV pilla orl Extract from a Utter received frQm a Merchant in y- ' " Kentucky. . Prestonbjrg, Ky'Jafte 10, 1844.: Dr IL"F Prry I received the medicine (Dead Sho4) Bent rac a few weeks since, an.' it i ah gone and the people are wanting mnrel If I had 1,00 J bullies I could on sell them, as it lakes before any thing of the kind ever oftred here, and has given clire satisfaction; the demand is constantly inert as-ingj-neSr applications being" made every day. neasc write and let me know bow 1 ean jet a lara qunati- ty shipped Jrom Baltimore, i -No M more, but remain yours ju grta' 1muI, ! . y- - ' ' ' . James, g. hatcher. - Extract ffttn a ZrrTer received from Dr. Wlarton. V . Newcastle,' Va Jan. 2d, J.& 14. Dr. I'errv preparations" of, med-cine, tn. acconntt of their nau sealing cft;cts usetcse pilla witbout'lhe fcligbtest disagreeable feclinjjs. - - 1 "' ..f - j i uy iuii u:aiiijetL buu stosioih jenon upon me I Hear fcir l a ve c T$ of Vie , ucaa crnoi - you chyle, which b the fountain head, of : health pr j Jeft with me for the purpose ef leUr)g its'wicrils, to Madn-iVie, "and the complaints tht coma mstdi- rectly unler Jrreit ir.Jatjjce, and tor-which tljey are M. particularly di signed, am as ToUows: f:! j ever, Jc ever and A-tie, Dyspepsia, La verj Com plaints, Sick bead-ache. Enlargement of the Sp'een; Jaundice,' Asl,hmi, : .Dropsy, llUeuitialism'J- Piles, Cliolicv TTA el an i summer com pWnfcv 'Impurities of the b!. Female obstruct ia, Herfrlbuxmi Nau seaFurrd Tnoci Digteatkn oUii&tomacbancT Bowrla, Inewnt DmrrceTiaV FIaiulejc, Habitual CoslivertKss, J) -terminalion jt. blwrdto the! head," Isf Appetite, B:ptc!odor Salldw Coin-p'exion, and in alt cases T-Topor f tficbawe!, where a cath-irtieoMpperienl medicine is needed. As many of the aboVe rirsmerated - diseases come ovilimp r- crpbbfy, and become to advanced ia their progress J cacy in many cas;-s in ue case particularly a pa- before it suspected that they sxist in tbe lystera, iknt (middle-aged man) Who had been troubled - th a frier.d of rrnne. mho introduccdjls nte hi his family by eivin-r il to a nut fen t selected us A sitab!oac. It, .was administer! according to !the ihrections around the vial, and I my .s!ouiurneni tne.urtt oix-ralion bnmght away 'abont 3i worms. I have administered il in , several i other instances since, wilb4 similar .pd success; and it wrtl itffbrd roe much nleasai1! in dnj2all'i:i my power to recom mend it to the notice of ruy'frifnds and tho'public ffenfcrairy itu rcrpect your?, etc. i : V .. .THOS. JWHA11TON. , Lyncbbarg, Va.oir.aist. U. TliisMs to errtity that 1 have sold tlie - Wrmifno-p. (DC AD HOT). prepared by Dr. II. F. Perry, jbr about twelve monins,- and bav : i.aaefised its vfS- was re. WHO CAN l;ObTT. THE VI R rrJES OF JA,YNE3 IIAI It TONIC i - f I ; - . "fetnn mer ville, N, J.,Nov. 26. 1842. ; Dr. Jayne-r-fDi'ar Sir: I send Von the folUwiny certificate obtAin"d fr.'m Mr. Gblick." Iwoulijust stat4 tbat I became accaor-L J w?Ui him about two years ag h-V A thaf- tilde be .was'eritirely bald, with tiie. exception of a'fock'oC hair ori the back part of ms ueauaooui- me ,f'Z3 oi a nan do'lar, and that 1jk oi nair ne m a .me naa been ulade to gruvrW" the use4( your Tonic; wbicb be p.. lively aver, hp had not A single hair on his bcad ' TUe hair nowj completely covers Hi head and si from f.iur lo jfie inches long.' Ver resojctfnlr ' -1 : J v - - . P. MASON.- nr TonK.-fTh 9 wilt tsertifv.tlfcit 1 li.'iii- bald for about thrco ye ., when I was 'recofmincnd-" -edtotry Dr. Javne's HairTonre. vI . betiTes of MrJ Mtson. in 1 Sii.-nmprtii . -. ' tne ronfor flxmt fifteen month-, my bair cam3 i all over my hjad, .n.d, al.hoih not quite as thick as .v...-, . .iManuy growing. This surnri. sing retorattdu of niy hair b eiched the astonish, mini of all my acnuaintRK-a .ni..j .. - . . 4 f at isup lliu an u A J"lul T ?y maay. I , Dlw 55 yoars of , m iVh lit p""? 1 rtfrd lb8 invenlor' of Uiis I jnatchle lUr Pome us a pubbc benefactor. beyr Gernaatotvn, N; J.,'Nov, 26, ld42. vTbes: MeUicioea-artfforlMle Ashevilh by l. V , U '--"-' Pattoji a. Osbokn;. ' -f' Inllender: ivdleby. . . - -- . ' ? " Reobej Ciatto.v. , 1,loi5. .. ; . , , - fv V ' Axe' Manufacture. Therr is an Bx,tac " tory at Col(iiisviIJet Con.,, in Which toitylfiva men turn oiui eight hundred axes per day.-L. , a trey are oi me dssi quality, anu nnd a rapid sile. "I . . t . ' 1 Jii .1 . 1 I CI "" -' . . : '. ' ; ' ."V -V t X ,r.'i;.

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