' . ' 1 t . ' ,!"' . ' -t . ; . . . ... . . ' ' , ':'.'. j ''-1. v," - .:' -,, . 1 : '. : I .. .... . - rr- -n rr -n--rr i r tC - -Y -rtx -r r t -v. . "TVi r n . ."HI SA i V WHOLE KC. soo: ' . 1 M 117 N M I'M- ,. A 1 ' ) h i I . Jr.rr. j 1 1 j I)n, Jb r pl at 1!ie l OIlllIHIilltC iMii. r r1.i-n.. nt itl 1' conl.nu- 1 . - . : .1 i n 2 i ) i J -i'i ur ?3, OJ if jm v. iirnl li' 'Uv'J; 'I , ' 1, ju,t r, c, lT. J 4 luljoi v.i"i- j .mi, w ijiv.il tias If on, fjitl t t;prior to ana li.r s ii; chr j, rvrroN- J 3i5 if. s - OF II JZST.1TH. : r 'Itti.lll1)f CoiiKfy iriHg T ini 1 ? Ifi, m the '"." " , j , !!-. !..! - '...I 1 ... t .11: i hM,i Hfd Wh.r Hire rofliplamantp, and Jchsc Pal. Tract of lA)id .' 1 00 acrctii n'r ! f " 'I Ibe Iii'.j'mt jttidiliT on 1 the ! ! 7,li ul rut jit xf j at thf turt Ilogstc t!mrt in J r- , , !. '5 '4 "l-T'Uc Iimifitlm Tin Uf. ( in, r, 1. I r j 1 d in give riuml v;n aPIroVt d :ur.tvi iliv.swvynti, 3)-, T'.l - A. T: HUiiJlKY--. CTfiS 13 Ttvixr' W ii'. i, U!iiltotb;'' imjid'i.oH sj ut tin IiiSk of (' j j it- )')'! in AidicyillV' i!Lr jor diit'oant or rainv. , il J'- r i t ntrixHn hut) illl th ir isin s.i m iv 11 U 101 ttfbunyntlrndcd -to jirolnptly and'can l'ufl Iv tn4 In' will m allfi i'f rii lnfn a tuoii a pornh!i' Mti 11 l i.iint 1 J J -jlruiMi timii., " II lir't, I. .ivi i. t f 1 r to any of j the prominrnt li:ur Hit .1 ul I hf ..H'0. - I' "! ' t :, imi.. if - c?t 4 ni lnr hranJ assorted niniilwrrt -warantod. Ju-t fiOi ivid u n 4 l'r k.iI." Ihoi IovvcmI ratcw, by -,i.ni t. i$io.-'n--tr. ; ,. Mour! Flour!! . Jut rvct'iv'il, a t '!i tn flv of iol.''ltowry' id of tin-ji -t illihl V, tt f !' hi', ' rant . J,l-ir 12 : . tr VIM'S'!: ' C 1 S. a ll 't'AKOItnA, i .1 I ! 11 y wood CJomily. Superior, (U)uvt of IjC. skriii? Term I IG. i f T 1.1 k- JlMH UolXO, i . ' S i. . Sfifn To mrnle- tuns fuinv . Yi 1 it Am fv, i- 1 1: 'i'u, 1 Y. It "I'iiomin 1 (it (Hit. xU'lir.Hi; N "t VnarH-Joi the ji'oiirt 'that Jolm 1 ai J !!til 'I)to:n is tv (i of w di ft jut in'i in tin- ii, mh iii t V, ntdcntd of I h ( State, and h1 il mii'i'M ciuuirtil hi- srviul on tlnaii, It w tlirrcforr. or J'Tid ll.it p IJiiliKU bi' oi'di ui till Ilhlnul MiNoi'C( r for m j ui rr-t ivi' v' ks, notifying llu; .ul Jvhtl (ii)vltil Wii, un II. 'lliointiH to appear i tut mpl v' Ti(lr foutt of Law tii bir ojk iic d and ii . id for tin' i'o'ull f of I.tywood, at the loiirt Iln;ist 1 l Wayikivlllii mm tho -llli .M uijiy in Soiilnnhor 1 Si,t Ic.ii!, aftiAvvr or.di tnup to thm Scita and t i-'w,; i.).n y In rthe runt of tTTc Kaul Jolp fmw ,l t I L in ill-.- f.iri.-i.fl.Vd, varatid, ptuiuHid yid mado. v i'. ur JiiiliiKj' :j pra cow raw nvall, be. j-endt-rt'd- . . ii-t tr 1 id. ' j 1 " WiiwJ J i'uiil. Snlith Clcrkvof. our said Court . a! 1 tvi i'th, 'hlMcm'n larrl lt" ttu IvVi'r,. ,n, JvttJ, . , , ; " W . ' 'A. I, . MM1TII; Ci.khk: 1 pr 1 r'- t.t-' 3dlGt 1 Srvn: tuj Noktii Ovuolina, lljlM OM1 I C(H NTY, Tcrtti IS 10 Mai ia t A.. Uron ti, - ' iJll:W. Urown.i . . Vit'ifyn for Divorce. ' Vr rvn Mf rtiturn n" th ShfrifJ. that the dtTen- 1 1 1 iiiT'int b A, nndtrolJaation having bctn. i' leatl.i do. r oil'iO IVnrf Iuso by the MhtiIV, r T tut1 ordi-r tj 0 ("oifrt, iuV the defendant to r .ipd uiowr .i 'ruirm mded by the mbpoona; .-inr, tr,!Tf th.it'iuhiicatirMu made in the U '.'ai .1 Mot i, r, at A-hrville, andAhe'Kuthcr 1 1 , K,i. i 1 ,n nt jt!t, rfordtort, for three months, 1 ' 1 r.ou; tin- tKlt iuiaMt to be nd apiK-f at th .iir.'!.i ie in A ie ilV on tho Snd' 'Monday, after t.u. jh M.widny.af Seteiubcr rlext, or . that judg "'i t II be iakln iru ronf..-oand llld petition luil. j : ViWicsi.J H rv1omfti,'Clc$e of saitr" Coprt, at ,1'J-U Momtiy niter the 4th Monday of Ma'til, lIt. .:H ' ' 1 li ; ' -1, It. rOLKMAN, CTk. KICllARI) .M'xXAMEE, IS jwillinui Street, , n.nn'jj llov, i U M'amee,) ( lv,l 'eettnily iniiornw1 Marchanla riaitmjt Nbw ' ; 1 ' Uidl present tasoti that he has a eompleje' Stock " ' ' ,u,i" t'ie Hiow mjr depart'oicnt?, u: l'-U liUJJLLAS. AND IW1JASOLS. -J-STJIAW GOODS, ! AND SIIOCS. . I artirn! . ...t-J-.L.,-.: . - . i.:. :A Stnk t,t I 1 i VRAOLS- i in'-f ? all tl, i Jr, f Frinitfil and ' ' ?; !l"i irtsol4 raraaolletuj jbikI'Sui. fcliadesv i ri1 'S;' irmu the niuet expensive Silk and finished1 with Vr 7' ,,IMllB,,"S1,,-to5ither w itji a Urge assorting f 'f'K'rt adapted to the country trade. ..''T'l'tJTSl IiVV GOODS tl department pur. I,- r 'j find a ft"rtmt-nt4 5e w, c lear, and Per , 1 ' :-!if''e iiut faalnonable matoriaU and styto rA VIol Florence, lVdaJ, HagMM lUul Kut u cc.nd li-her bra d-4. Also, a full assort j i',1, P"lrtt11 shorn and Palmlcaf Hats, ArU- ',' nlKHVr SIlbE;ni deparVment w ill l.e k.utidacinrt.,vgciecllon of fresh jroodir, CQiibifcting :,r,," M9. Women, and children wear, aU.of w i.h h art r fjrt-.klv adapttd to Spring trade, and will h"c '41o.l ' . I 'II i,t and Mk4 Salesman Nro. Mautfield. ' ' w Vo.k, Mirch7,ljlJ. ' A tniall lot oriiandsome Castings just received at JChea Mureof ' . . WILLIAMS. . i nry are go,tlg off rapidly, CaU sooa.or you may not rvt h'iy. i . -Vac GpttlsZ Jut rccuiVod, ,aiul ofr fercd at the Jowost prices!! uccir JOHNSTON' ( , , , I j Io5i vc lr jrii'orfti h' oM t"nH'.'i I J.ic. .;.i""j 'C f TlTd'Hv, if'l IjC S n ' TTi U!V ( n Ox T direct lrojA New Yrk,"n f!' rJ J sl"iof tutlrr b...m-ii..hu can well lilt. .lotcvr t:n mo 1 : ' r ' ,"-, , ,, V 'l t a ' 1 1 c " - : '.k:;v- 01 itr in i a ,a imrLi 1 . 1 - . . i - . - - 1 - . - - d . -; LEGH-ON KT3 . n the low h u.r al !i h t-tort J w i'l 'i- lendfd Vartrtv jioHivtlv "c!i ' 'r 1' -t ft(jck.of PRIMS h,'jn-jt!y Ii-"! cvm m m rty. in ;"thrd 2?ti, '. intj'.af ! . J j VVTLIlllYut rv ! J'. . 1 ii Sle leather at -'"2' cevs 4 twa-.ii I j'ir I priprtrlin. (imrnc f ul! k nJ ! on hand, of tlic I UuUty, an Jal ic ClM ajicr than th('rhctiK'M7 j . .. A Ihoko who fi'5 to b'lj v .1 oi i f"r rxauf.Av ir theni-' 'v it i n t '"'i fist of arilca and yx 'vJ It: s s-.5li that J Jiae,a tplcni'd ork uf f &' :u Go)dHT hifi'h I am dt-tcrnnwd to'.st l! nt ' ' Mi ; tin irijt t'v Ki v ..it' ' catfiot fait tiilva; Ff7 J()N? STO Y, As.hcii:c, jtji.f 10' tr" 1 ' "3 J Great AtU'ncfiozi! WlUJASl WILLIAMS' I now. ijm !n at h rli, ap . fu 'I'Ae IV a iMuiliful bloek ol. n w aii iu.-l ie t-jirmj arid kuunncr. , , . " " i ';" enrnprif iiij; rer ur it v lrv i;J- lr. 1 1' ami Liiuli mi li"i w cat , . .1. 'o Ii .1 h'i. ei, ijv 3,4, -1 4, 1 , ti t ImJtHcil An-! lu'n i ; , tugs ujKl.slmtiti's, bitAs," .I.v s j- l.ai-j, .. ' t bonuetvvV; fiii.c nuu t u.inji. r., . hatijwaio-. c; cutU j, ; l.'i-'r , i : ..; ;tV". I ii'tiriun tm;vn a'nj . ' ei lifting -ctVsi U' 1 piH-kt-t- KMViN ' .; i '. ' . ; ' i.ook, . . :', .'. '. ' . liuiiCi;,; .tuiiN" ;w 7 ; . : .. : . rn''-.S, V:. . t" ' ' ' . (iUuCKUK:s-s,K-t pepper, m ni'.r.',T 1 1 1: t , inr A .. ri fi"4 cuuJ Miliaria r ;14 ,ui'i-.-' . cruHuTV and ;( -s, m af , .v . f. ' These pnodVi add'fcl 1'v!lWr.-aJri a;h on" !v-u mk'a r it li irUin ul,'afui ate ,1 t d i-'r i jinreu that e.ititn!j I 1 j;im .1'. .11 f , 1 1 - , j . in h in nearetrof !:.cd, liatiditucTVifid Ji" ;v: i". aie e-pft t(iillA m v id d'' ' 1 t" p;i .( t.j'i A- ' ih the luaIltl!t irjvv liu'wo.d. . - , ; .v. .u.im June l'-!''.. II " 1 L . ". .1, ()Mnni:siLini;i, liMe.'llinad. adiL ISiia'tf v"ii ;n I sha salt c heap; by 4 tV. tl ILLiAMp.', . ' it Juno !; t 1 Mi vi)i:i fiaiuiSM; I'rnitt d Jai u't-, und TT.'iw n a T--, n I 1 .nji for latui'H dresses, for sale by .:' ' . . jme ii. tr i ' i iFk r iLU n.v Ilrundrcth'sfiilfciist. reeit-virl -at -'.the nrv.: .ApA o:ifv'n Store, ! together w ih 'lft (;,., ', t 'oukV-. :i CsinH-nlc r's iil!s, I loiir-k's I anareru -Jf vtu V I tortint an"d Hair TlmftT. i I.i 's Liniment, Ywvayn Svrupof W'lhl t'lierrv, 'riiiiuipsniiV J'.; o ui;:r,9le-. (.Mnnn's Kliir, lJateman's jl'rops t'h- t.'il, :.I;i. bj's ' Carminative, Mu rV 01di ftiof, 4 ordial, Nhcrnnn'ii Couli and uoihi L'vn ; s-e. fur palely . .'-: - .;- i . . " . r T.C tITJ R June 12 tr t ' - . eau oi . vainanio iieai iridic ; ' Ky'v.rtu ojfa. di en r.inlide i.ithi Cotnt.f ' tv fur I!jne)njhriiint v. at N-i n' Ji..i,!" ! , i r k t, I 1 fi 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ' 1 , I I ' 4 it eas-c in nauL ( onrt peiidm, vhi rim .Ahra. ane. Cnarthau of the mf i.U W im of 1. Yuar-. ur. I reaped. i Coiiml uM.i'l and Al. L. .Vii- t:t a.)?! In j wile Itmra Il.aro. LK-lend-.ttt?; I .ylwlf oiie.r .ihat .ral-.j. nabIcf.mitandallihe-t,lJ.ij..Ll)di iltr u i't k, belonirinir to the Hi ir oi pavid ii i lie 1$' x! f u're? 0 "i 1' h- ij'aT ' on ihe ' f.ir tale to the" lii'hi:tfc'hMf r- on d.yt ol siptnnher n 'At. 'l'litf al tj premises and in i . one or.iiiitre tricis or parcwl. a jjtii k-.it kt a v., -hi .,- ,4ttf, j e tar-, w it!i W u f "tun J inav than K thVnU three, four, and fit One third of the-Oi.MititJ nioot'3 io i.i .!-.: a .-nv; firs vcar. and the rrniaiiU- r in. lima en.u inraii. n cu&, the ptin-haVr yr puiihav-xs Ut1" Ki'" ,lJ itpproVd seitirily. I - '. ALSO, at the Mill on Iw, 1 . n f p" of K. U llujhry, I t-IiiM m-M ih i-a i. Mi 1 : v.. dT one and two years, uViriu-rest Iro'm vjj'iv. oivint J 2'2d day of Siptnn-berin.it, , Tut puith'pir sr boTid and appnntli-Lcurilft. 'lalu-jtdl. ,rl;-' j of the same decree; ' tl , , . . hundred arrt ol kin'. t t' rei'j " J ' ' I - i- Tilav 8 tds. . i llomony, Uorn tile ' Kim's Creek, a a Septcmbtr tlii. mil. . . ; ; -. : l-it!i.. J- IIASXKW, Wanted Iimuciliflitely! . , All kinds or Poultry audTitsh llitl.'rr. .pph at the Eayle Ifottl, or ti? ratron ,yOj-H. , ..A-. Asuev,Ve' ' 1,1,0 V' St'i 3J3 SCR MP rLATHfi oi: sali: . r. forty pi Ihe beautiful '.ivrraTi"?. "d m tl JyVBook, will-Iks sent to any- ptis'lti on rrcei the of One Dollar, (They are al irom r-ieet platen, and arcahandsMue add-on' to a btrap licok. ' . 4 Address,. - j I- A. J.plM.l. T 1-1 fit 1 l " 'J luiw j ' ,t - m. ri 1 i: I t ' ittorrir rl each paper trawl've i.n i: nd warrant of Ia.d I-increm 1 r sJio Wk. and n.raotj ot KlS PULUAM, . April, & 1S4oV - . I . f ii i : '-. --.... N.:' niif :-fi( bii ciiiih.lt'ni'p lite SJ.-. rtn rv .ca Afhvlllc 'MiHtric-t Camp .rllirj. ;,. j.,.,,, uol3i'jJbe naming! in ; 11 -Turkey Cnvk, '. ;. . t-it!f..J -'u,y itn yontyif he wer'to'persist iri Funkhn" rCtk ' ' ' i Ul rnim,llij:i': ' imposing upon ycu thi cL..:,V-,.. .r .-;-i. '--i!ciii. i rammniKl oi t li T : ' ',it" TV ' , Toc -"Sty T J llf -infill PmiMnio Snini irr Llli-Onil i HUatC qCiniaar).!. T mi? o a- j p. ',rhv; JtciuP aid A! ir. ?Jai ia lorsai, Vice rrmcJpaU r.u.b. I w NMw'fcli Uol'mzus D,nX , i t l 117. the Vnncyil, tr to- l. !)' ii. tr 1 n"loiouU N. C. f oir. I'.r-t fiii'v Tfirus'e 1'Ioty, 8t 1?J Ptat4 per Ht, l'jr. fit f 1:) :-ua:ivnics ip pint pnrcna!rn, oy ;'.WO L'OFL-Ki:,- . ' t lOJi;1! iVinr.ch rT U st r",o co!IVc just'rcckivcd 'and nvMvi.v &. pulli v -if. NO. t! MACKLUAL, ilvii , -Vi ! 1 powder, lead, and paU. fwr.palcgbv Jm IJ tf , . w: WIl;tlJl&l " k' I 1 !s U.t "Ctiv'etl Of ai-Otltt .i 1 o 1 1 a-Mitnu ii of Catms and a f-w t'lo-niIii!:, aijkfu h:cji will be cold at the lowest li . 1 t , r r s.' ft ji. ryrrox&.osp.oRN Jo- e . ' ' " 3 l-Jlf COiJJA'S'.-AXES,' A .li vt r ii ri 1-, j ' j t rtcrijcd and Jul alc ' the -cvii'-ni cash tar oj . . ' ' .. . : I I C T---4 1 4JltTIT I 1V l-ilo tl UtUlll' iwaIim ! A'v illi arii-'iiil. rctnriybr;yicc ut the XgaU tt.il td tlavJ Meiai solJicis with a viMit'rsiti'jni for tho lionorablo scaru which i- ho-! uf I'.ich bears ftJin.desper nc yi1und j..;civiii ,iii tluj V a r i oi .181.2 with a respwtj tvt n lu" -t'h.ir 'tfharactM us civilians, whilst i tr; :.;VU Irclil ii.ii'1 net rcquiro lii.eir presence -j-uc 'haw read with- unmixeJ siifpriso a yd rwiK. i;'i'i'.( wrorrespona't'nee vithi.ho Dt'pirU r i i ,! i, . lor h tho Sep. ue. Oen.. i .ts'.:lii rs. "reatiAJ bv loo puhlicutiou of n lit 4.-, Imi (Ji.i). liaises absoluifly i.niu- ?-2 i'I ! 1 i Ti!p h"'!i.iko -i i y volununbiis. urT" ; . .. . ..!'.. " ' i- 1 uy : b'-.ynd rapacHy uf our colunnis y, .-.'. -t b cnr.u lit thcrtfbre with a 'bticJ si ji !ii( i,i ul kif-, ti c tun s: ' j i' :i "apj-'cars- J,n-m lro li r.idt ill's .jstatrrnnnt i" S n. tii tii I ht j;Jih M.bV, the tjj 0.)i"jn.vpasseJ.lh2act cleclijir war 'to 'vi t, 'hi -"iil ioi Cif). t'olt, ami volimimi. '!y ,ii.vi!;i.t d i'lni, vtrb:iNyV 'o tho command.- i tbi ilil fg.ll'al Mt C: J whjtjl tho .iii -ral "ns:ir.t.iir arl immtdi ttrly coinmcn. v o . ui'Uvu. pn pitaiion for.: ornnizfn .the at it iu! lot l.i, own d at lure. :!n days ol'Wr'i Ahis, (on hn 2lst.) Ger.. io:t; o t!.i"St.crt.l"iiy of Var, rccoijnt- ecoit i'i;g iKo great -labor' ho was indergoirrg A) pro p nuii' fiM'1 tli campaipi; and nddingjthat !); ha 1 ii'- nd (rumiha Seert-tary that "inucli iin'palirr.cc is.ivlifHly 11.11;- perhaps in higfi iia rU;rs, Uitit 1 havo not already pul, myself en r.vje o ult. i.tt jraft-oe. tic was cam p i it ii UlM. r c. tr k miKiiit'O in me quiiicr- prion 'K a. ii!?. H' wns loo old , a soldier, .-notk i 1,1.1, rt; n.iiftitc imiruiiec oi si cui ing iiimJ i.rU iigiiiY, da'nrer (ill "will or pre-cjlndLirun- t.o.r, in'ft.N ti ar tjv'tore aivMnein upon im l)(lc lhy u sj 'xjup ,')n',of , .. i i . ; he eo'iird not have 'the tho 'Government to rest bo infinittlv better, that some . k. .-' . r r fpmrn , inA of tho new army NC..e J. "M t ptrilt moaning s,-(l hould be 10 adds,) i',i-it I do got' dosu'c to place r myself in. the 1 1 ;t pi.it1JlJS Cltrtii piS;tn,ns rt Trc Tno?i Tfar-.Jrm Vashaigtnn , rtt a jirc in frbnl fro, x iT Mt'ih t4!ii." ' Ho iroes ob to arnue lril annv Cifaid not be fully. Collected to (, 'lUr C:mpn -n U Aire the 1st of Sept. , k, ; i. , , . , . , iH'i'ie..! .M.i lev rvpiitu, la mis ou uie Jo'.h', tli u, ihe li'tier was an cxiraordmnry o .iT ii ll ,irg upon tiio Viouvcs and objects of l',e 1?ii -i it nt in ttfjdrnng him ':ha torn- i. S ...,. I . '1!. .1 it ti-wt v'nili.thi .tnro-'.irl' IUHli ' t 114 1. ifc llJ 1-A.JIU llll t?U S I , .-lis U Illl 4-j ..I. lit. 1rAdlini i.v l. u ' ' I jIV l till' J ll.JlltV.lll l' li UMIUril with ill will and pre-cor.deTtiHttion toMaTd.s n1f oHnvnrliiv movei, bad faith, -tie. Ai:d Mtor a lonsViatrmuiI lo show tho in. il.-icli isia'li iir.in'.'itmrX arnm?t th Prrs. ',1'"- , , ' , im;,; wiio ino jni "iven nun ie Hi;nesi army ic . Hi w ouid profe-ibly rhisunderstand thy ub,ict you hid in tjew m writing your letter, and Ji-sapp iiiU vour expectations, if he-did not 'bit.eie th'i't ' it ti;t; mtendtd to efTect & cFi.".iige liliiU purpose in this respvt.. I aru thn-lre, directed by bun to say that yotj w-ijl bo coiilrn.ued yi , your Drescnt'position l.ijp, and will devote $our efforts in making aririgerrentJ and preparations, for the early an ii vipiuiv'js prosecution of hostilities a. g;pnsf;.-Mex.ico.. - - . . , 1 ' aI-oo. Scott received this, so he writes irt n i lv," r'abjut G P. M., a? sat down n iake I i Lasty. p'a'e of seup;" and he forthwith pro-, creds-.To. rcpryV audio remove the, impressions, hlVtorti.rjr Liter hatjmade. By,"M.igh quar , tcrsj" he. argues thai Yip couUi not havfc'iiirant j ".(!) 'highest 1u.rters.,, That he allulcd to i'lhcSeeret-arv, aid to-thoie members rf Con- jres', leading friends of the'Presjdent, who h id c m Jem n. d I iim. ' .And tw procecds to i!.ri.5U'r the i '-reswent any Secretary h 1 the foil"" in r ul.crnause'anrsj .minner " , V I;AVish. 1 h id timc'to d,o justice to my re- n.ecisou ol too i r;s:cjii s excel lent sens, J miluarv corriprehen'sionpatience', arid cour- tesres in t'-oi. interviews: I hate smc often Upoken of the ' admirable . quaKltes he dilaf' , c.l on th--ccasirtni witM honor as far as power t0 dl lim honor; ' to you; ir, aljjw'mo to say, I i have nit ; L..I. Krnwsi, Aslant icaci.cr , ,ry. . un 1 r)ca)n the-27ih. mcU .IK re- ?r. C hnrlc. r- J-r J - orcd lb- coAfr,nJ .vwJ ), w ootmunuoccu flikll irnusyl0 discredit ln aaihecam. manjer first Ccvgncd lor te new otiny thit U ta invade Mexico. ' I bear in mjnl t:h p'eavjrf the many personal couriers that 1 have long years, rccciVcJ at . your h ill!- ltc Sretary rcp.jcs birtfijr to ih. on th:iGih; audnht General rtitcrates ar.d - en- army Oa tho 2J of June the " Secretary a bi.ci' uoteoVcIiuinej further tji fqf on. detice- ori thtjj. subject, "kind staiicg thatiiho rns.'.dent would not change or modify hi di ruction, of the , - r ' - iar for GertjScgtt. ' ' Tb GineUorrc-poiidencc tier. U vcr neat a year past. It shows that the ..Derhirl metit hd ordertd Gen. To tor to the cin. mand in .Texas to the ,iter disrx garJ ol'his .Mipcrior rir.cet, Gen. Gaines, ihe command er of thetWestern Division of tho army; Mial .;.-.. j .fi.i.:. L j . .-.w-. VJt-iincj compi.uue.-u ui'ii n, ui nam u-iu contiesy to h m, and respect fur rauk a'.d his rights; imputing it aP, in Tlvo bitterest linguagc to the ill till of'Gen. Sco't "liut it appears ih u Scott had no hand iif it; rhat it v3 done becn)" the Department vsani. ed confidence tri the? pruJji;c if GaitesA !. In August last Games called; on the Gov- eruorof ffiiiiiana, without 'any aulhQrily tor two regiments and two companies oi viilunJers, yo go .to Texas, on tba supposition Trom reports that Mexico bad declared, war. fn reply to tlVu, tho department. againin forms himHhat the command in Texas. has ibit'm given la Taylorj and he h polite-lrh tpirsted notin in'erfere,ccrpt to carryput Tavior's views hen made known to lrim.i ' f)n ihe23J of August, Gaim s vvriks, tint hi the event of war ho desires -nutiigrrtj1: to raise'. 2ol) bittjllAjns of nnunlrd gun-men'! which w O.U Id eiuo'e hirrt to i s-i t tho c'ny ol Mextc.oin November "and .after placing anfiimt city uti'dertlhc protection of l!ie fctar spangleU bantier.ot 'the Vnian, we sliall l ,-iblti and willing To givclho Mcx'Cafls peace on terms tlpt wi'-i secure their civlhz i. lii'viT, self-govLVrnmen!', anj fyturti happiness, an'i. their loVe and gratitode forever! :: : ' : On the'2J Sepu Gaines was .infermbd th,nt his d'tdoM xtrrcslin the march of a company of trois'wbo'had ecn otdercd toTtaas was disapproved: 1 On thc2d Sept. Gimcs wr,ote a long let ter conta'iuitfg his. .pl.rs for concluding a w'-ir wyfi' Me.vtco.0r Enlarid, u 'bftigrapbicnl .-account .of himself,, a bulletin of his health pnd matters and things ih generat, with. b:U ter ' imputations on' Gen. Sco'.t in paFfHcular.-' .The following i 'a specimen of- this singular pisiK . ! , , . '.was; sixty.i.-ight years (Jf ago oa'lhe 20:h uf Marcli last, and ani the uri!y United Slates soldicrow living : vi ho i ever won. o Ifitifo at tho head of a'tli.visior' over a. Brit, ish.-army. Under these ! eircumstanct'S claii.t as a rigid the command of Hit pro-poM-d t xpedifioii. ' : "I havx tlvlermirvcd ta "sjjl)!n.t-my claim to t be ljreidenl of tho United Sutes ttt'J to the Seciftary'of Var4, : confidchtlv; trusting ; to their ki own wisJom.niu' .is'ice'?or f dcci.i'in which will prove to tlo army and 'lb the-na. thin that th rights oi thj uvprclcndc4 soditr alVa'ys foujid upon th6 frontier wli'cn menaced by war,. wr!L-bu as much respected as those ot the practical tactfeian, long accustomed to, cringo nnd cloiiehiiv and about ihV .-political Mcirppd'as, scnficihg'-ihe. interest and honor o'" the servicrf) at -il:a hiinojof that mot bid 'thirst for ihe presidency , Vhiqh unhappily loir a Jong timix past' turned tho ;lieallt,ol many .worthy chirfs of cliques' "Sec- &u. . .' On tho lOthSept. Giiucs'ls again refer red to " the direction . not to interfere wivh' Ta lor's command . , ( , On tjie 3d Sejil. G'n'ncs writes lhal hi is glad ,Io. find hift call for -volunteers virtually fi pi roved b ihe Department. l'o this the Secretarywrites him int. a Yory crusty and pfrcmptory manner, tjiat'his ftirp'riscd, to find that what was intended as a rebuke was jtoristrupdjnfo a virtual npproa''t and agnn j informs1 him th1l Taylor has author $ to calf for troops, but 'thai " Taylor sr- command:! entirely indepeub nt of his. INext follows "another very long letter from Gaines, full' of abuie l coH, and '.self, glorification all exceedingly ' out, of place in an ofTtiaJ despatch. Thu following 'fire spccimetfsj (In the fiHst" pirgrph.. q idled, he is supposed to allude to Seotij: . : 'Such writeri''s marked' ihq clnracter of tbeadvocates of the II irtfinl eonvemion 'in the ie eai j&M A.and such dastardly wnte.rs.as ic one ho '(jficially denounced me as A?f the jXT5BLorER, while heovas cjficialy cndeaVoE. l-ingto alarve my galltint army and m.st.lf iof ouciimg my services -oi.-a .regiment, ol brave .Louisiana volunteers,-and flying with Jhefli to' the rescue of the citizens of Florida whf.o frontier 'was rbleedlng at tier) pm-c; and for bectin!? thretiemv ami forein't) tliRrrt to fjr a co befora 1- had limb to no tii rough -tin forms of whaoncof pur bureau heroes deems?' to bo . regular rcqnititkrM" "l scorn, detect, and defy ulKsuclr wfl.l tors' . ' . . 1 Wo should leave to tjg veteran members of the, press such as our friends -Ililcliie and Dalits rthe liitiary and political wbik of settling the grave r)ue"iition3 ll'iav may from lime arise, as to what general this tint I or the other army has been confided an(H u;.. ' :. n' ... .1. it'. :i'l tuai yiiisi j;uiitiujs jbUOUUl Illil ,7ilCUUie Willi it. 1 lu, among.men of mibrary mind, would seem very like children's plav-rsuch ' ai that aius'le?' was given to Tom and neither Dick nor llarrj should rfieddlo with it, A war carried on in this way will not fail to result in doing much good and' lul Utile harm to tJie troops and well-disposed people of both ratiotns;,for it' will rnajke us betler acquainted wuh each o'her and it may urnc. ulnmitely la Alike us, love; one, another, -as the Ml o-y ScYipturesq'irres U3 alMo. love our nei&xvors.:- t ,,4Jhefp is, I amKureJ but om.man in, ihi naion capable .. of chafmnsr rmv with . th crime's toff.Cial!y ailedged ag ii:iat me by officer, and that man fa M officer, und that man is Maj. Gen. Scott. Un- f'rtunate(y for the army and iho, country, be isouiciii.j asspcKiied Willi the W ar Depart ment. Not, however il is hoped an J believed ' V . .... . - 1 in such nay as in,Crt;e(.t -'ir rt 'i,J"lIV him. in his fuvore i fTirt.4 to Wror.iT ail oui 'CI or k..'i.f,rt to ceti'inc h.n'i-Jf to the asaeutidl rest i a nts of military law. . : . i Ger. Scott ,cndoricd upon this bt. tiled away in his bureau, a denial that h had any th.ng to with Jbc onjers atil orr ing-J. meats ot which Gen-Gaines complained, he t3fvtn2 been ut of the city, t ll4 adds: W.ny du '.I not prefer charges and jpeci G.2ationingiict thf t ofiker?' ) will tepeat the reply nbicb 1 have heretofore Wonry limvs made in writing. ' " li If i we.ro 1 1 do so. there has been no probabiiityin more thirlTonr years, th the Ptcsi'Jent. would have ordered a, court for Lis trtal. r . v-2. Ill I ad been placed upon ta conrt or juyr tt try Gen. G , in the last ten or more years", for any crime conduct unbecoming an oflicef. and gentleman, mutiny, Ureach, of ufdcrs,'or nmidor I should havo acnitted him, no-vnattcr 'how dearth piof pfjbe crime, on itie ground of inrtial insinity ai leas ti" nnd bene it would' be . ngauast honor and humanity to ask to luve bim . brought to trial, ( . ! 'Tho' remedy fo'r General Gaines's ir regit. brilles, arning maiqly, ia I atn in charily bjJnd to suppose, from insanity, ! or ido'grj is to place hirn on an indefinite l'ave ,)f ab. sence. , This bourse I' have- repeiitcuiy re rfimmeKdnil in t!i last .thren Years:' ": Ther'e is a vast deal more of tho corrcs. pondence, but it is unnecessary to follow 'it further, The impression which il.nl! leaves 'upon tiro mind, is, tint boih of ihe Generals, CiCotl an4 Gaineshavr, to,usc anifxpresivc prirase, ,rued themscIves up.V-i:,''yft''Vc pbscner. - 4 . , fyom thf America n-FjrmT. t Tin? National Falri j , As. mmv of o.ur friehJs, mav Jtot as vet, Uiave visited, and as some cannot visit ; this great American exhibition of the progress of J science and art, wo purpose a bnpf .outline oi us prominent cnracicftsucs, uuij unifies .exhibitvd. ; : . . ' SeCti )u"al pn judices arid party prcposses. sions aro for a tUe huslied, wlltle each American, be he niliye b'rn or adopted, gazes down th? brilliant vista nf his country's truest glory, with an eye f I'f;y' rride;ind licodstis gorgeously decorated avenues, with live firn) step of conscious national, icflppen dencf f- . ( i ' ' 1 ; Manufaclurcs embraces as well ihe extrac tion and. the i;rafiu!atioriof, SorrirL the picK- iny and pressing of CoHon, tlio: preparation gl iobacco, lirmp and rna.t. and therigrinu ingol KloUjf, asihe more advancedslngcsjof hibiiCitton and hrnsh identical in kind al though different ,in degree, hence the Na. tional Exhibition embraces from the pin to tho t((cam engine iti ihe metahc; Ino raw sta-1 pV to the finest finish1' in wool, cuitog,' and silk Tho progress otpccuniary success q American manufactures, has been .'character. ized bj fitful gleams of light, wfihimny and long enduring obscurations;, owing in a IrK flnu; dVgice U nitural causes, but miifJly'to -the iinstabln condition of. "the Tariff laws and ytiw legislation-1 whilo tho progrets cjf im- those ' of anv other -nation, irj their corrcs ponding varieties. ': . . . . , Since Slater, having foiled to detect in his vigilant hoiirs, first dreamed that a .band had "ohppexl off n wheel, which prevented thecy- olution; of his machinery and rising ij tho night, actually realized his waking ywion, down to tho present moment, whriihc card rnak'i'ng machine, wilh iron, yet graceful fim gers, pierces the leather .vseWs most. a.cteu' rately . in, bent's nnd" severs the wjres t-A merica, from a puny bmlator of Ins grown to bo an examplo 'in mtchmiear invtntion to ifier traus-allatilic nhtional bVclhrcn. ;Ilaving indulged in a' few Excursive re. marks, it now bbcoms our duty to 'purchase a ticket at a sliilhng,,an l conduct lyoyt in at ihesoiuth ntrnnce,. where you aro politely informed you arc to -mako your exit by, the .western door. . , v 1 Tho first objects On cither side of tlic door,1 'which arrest the attention, arf pjeces'ot eabi. net furniture, inHutling fhe tvonperful 2,500 beslead on which, by l!ie Way,', it is sug. gested, that, anti-tariff members be 'allowed to lake a siesta, previous to ihplr vote the Tariff bill.1 -These beautrfully carved picces arc of. Philadelphia manufacture where t'te Messrs. William nrfd a dpzen others of . our own city? The mirror wo leuTtij has been srjecled as n present for a hrtde ;very appnl priate, is it not? It is very chaste 'alid beau, tiful no.w, but how much more so whn the fo'velv- form of the to he Mrs. S-2 1 fills hh rcflciivo lens? ' ' 1 ' Next, and-for some (distance down, sinu pies of cottyn fobrics are tastefully displayed Then succeed beautiful styles yX Moushne do laines, which nro now worn hy those who would sdbrn a domestic dresj, did ihey know it to be so .(. ' . -. : : On the right, next iho sidf, aro specimens of rugs and carpttings, rivallipg in cobrs and texture, rrnported Wiltons, Sixonfs und Brusrb. , . , 4 '". , I- , Will, on the left, rind lower. 3fown on tlte right, there is such an infinite varieiy f little eUiry things, the catalgue4 did we attempt it, would! bo- endless? Plumbe-Doguerreoiypes in colors, (appropos of death and hftstrug; gling for mastery! the latter apparently the Victor.) ; - . : . ' ; , '' ': , ' Among the Mechanical nOtalles in this-the main department, as to -extent, we must not omit mentioning the glass bonnets four, or five of which ar exhibited wmposed each of 6$me hundred and thirty thousand (?) y a rds ofglass, spun to tho fineness of hair, apd very beau'.ifuf rtve regret!, having neglected t;o' ascertain the oamoi of the manufaeruref, for two reason, first for his skill, nnd se condly for hirfclcverncss in som other lhingsr: lift presented one t the lady of the President wilh the request thai she wpulJ wear it to the fair, with which shf? kindly complied 4md on VMn , tho22f, at 2 P. vi.;the Pretdeptand .Cibinef, ace" panying Mrs. :Pi!k and. her .!,-.. I v npc0 made tScir BDoearince. Mrs. adorriing iind adorned by the bonoef? antj tfwikirt'T. an said ffood iudje. even better than at the Reception of the previous evening.- pfovemeut 4owards per eftion, has been slead ily oriwarti; in .spite of all dbiiacVs, andnow, our productions equal, and freri'ionily .rival Jow, although the lady ;of his. . excellency . mo it ituii.'tu.iv uv-ir i , iir'', u c;innot Lut tnr'i'.e discri-x'ttat .t to ; r. ceire, on gizu ui tier;' mrrnr, .him. an , At nerian class Liinci aifuds the pd t l3 coining rrofccnori to tier Bjjrceuoiojjco . Three! mosaic representations , of pi :tur csqner sen nei-yt Irepi Italian sews, tha cbs sii jirodprtitins ot "r fel'nw towns man, Charles it. Urrr 1 ,' w 1..! punuing rt xieu'tttrereap - ; '"r '".Jorttsiic, is to convince us i. ,.nrcr, that !. o, iheroia talent cur prvf. s ion does not exclui'e , a disjilayjef pcrftci, tto in the fine arta , ,'tlie lft transtept is occupied, by tho vafi... ous woollen fabric mh iiru-r biw. sucli blanket' but look forward to eej lying n. piir , .. or sv,ne,tt Christmas eve Jt an, lulhil Llrt aeya, Satin;tts, Caisimetc an 1 ..nndyloths,' 1 from twcnty fivo cents to ten dt '.Urs; of "eve rj hueenctn ' .rtl.o pljtform. . . In the pr ieuJturai department, (which' u-fl -hive been endeavoring to rcich some time,) v Messrs.: illt. Sinclair, ( r. & Co.-and Erm Wlipmnri, Jr., arc,i't:uAl, tho ihiist prom., mentj Messrs. Muby, Giwihorp, and others, . wcro also present with their implements anil machinery; and ot some Tut ulc lima wo pur pose some notice of all ihe recent invention . adapted j husbandry ,. , . In firie.'MarylaniJ; -was well rrpresented and asaj Baliimorran, pride scl' i irlws-. om as-evcry now and thertwe rroopt ..cd a fiitniliat faco and .n J, surrounded by me chamcal; ingenuity and usefulness. . . 1 ' i I ; : Ylkc'CIoiritc'iiC of lUotlou ; -. ' ' I - ii ' ....'. " i ' ':.--''- .f ' -i 4 Wii. C. rrestyii.--Every ouo has read jf action, iiclt'on, action of Dosnisthenes, and of what a variety yf emotions and passions Hoscius could express by mere gestures; let: it not b ; supp 3od, however lint such jcf fi ction' of art I long to the ncients only.- The following anecdote of Wm.'C. Preston, is illustrative of our remark: , ' ' : SijrrK years ago, among a thousand of others, ac were listening to one of hisspten-ili-i "harnngues from tho slump. . Beside us wus one, as denf as. a post, in breathless at. if ntion, catching, npparcnily every word that fellfroin the orutor's Hps. lVow the tears of delight (would roll down his cheek sj and . now in'ap ti igoverniJble ecstacy, hn wijfjlJ shout out applause, which might -have been mista . ken for, the noise of a small thunderstorm. .At length Preston l iunchuJ out one ofthoo p'astageaol missive declamation which those who haVe heard, knor him to bo j6 capable ! of utieijng. In magnificent splondor it was w hat By run lias descibed thet moufilain storms of Jura. Its effect upon the multitude was like a : whir l,w$dv Our deaf 'friend coul.con tain himself no longr r; but biwling into our ear, as Sf. ho woyld blow it open with a terh ' nest , 'i who's that a spcakine!' cried h. VVih. G. Preston," replied .Wii as loud as puj-llungs would let us." . f "Vho?1,cnquircd he-'still louder than -be. lore. 'Wrn.v rrcston. ol bjutli UarOlina. re hed .wcfahnos.l 8p!iiting uur throat In tbe 't. tUorl. "Wrill! welll 'returncfJ he-r-,l cinl 4hcar a rlarn word ho ors)ou:are flying, but gfjrat Jhenco don I he do the motions $jlen did pouth, Carolinian. 1 ' The ponfcssion.J-K cloud wjis seen - to pass fcuridenly-ovcr tho features 'of Maria. Tho:lustrc forsook her daik eyes, i Her spi rit ficcnicd troubled. ; j-- t , .-'Triumphs tha. liily - now on that young, cbejt where bloomed, the..roso."' ! - Many times that evening djd.Harvy impure tupo )iei to acquaint him with ; thor cause oV, her sadness, but not a werdf scaped her lips. : S idly and silently she sat; i ' , 'And now and then a siglf she stole, i And ears bpgan to" flow." t "Breathes there a Wretch so base as to in.) jurc'yud--mv(deafesl-s.hy wprd oi action?! aoii iiiuf unu, oy iijiik; uutiri ns puFO wi- Ueaytni J-lwill never fest rve rodresspd ibvwroiigs! la any awful 'mystery locked op in '.hy bosom 1 ha t I .must notvknow? Tejl mei fhe secret itpd by the ringlets of thy hairp I If never reveal it, though tho bhckestl larmeois rack tnef- Pour out ibv souT,,tell Thine, own llaryi what ties heavy ' in thy bt.east? - : Sht: b u sped -she placed her 1 fair hands 1 across Jl(er bosom looked languidly into her lovrjrslace, and soTily "Jiko the last, low brcathinWof n expiring ,saint' he thus1 confessed; : 'iTislhcm darned gtcenapirfes. Hurmh for Grange The IlillsWo B- corder of thelltli ulb. savs that 344 men have ;vluoteered"frorn that couniy; yThere ore three r2iments: which on bem:z muster. td each, furnished more than, one , hundred men! Mr.; lllugh , Waddell addressed f the 47ih flegim'lnt fn a stirrina and patriotic speech', atHillshoro1 on the Olh Tho Colonel, .Lieut. .-Colonel, Major ana 'Adjulaut, of tbo 47ih all VoJunUerc'd. , ;;, ;. ' . ? ;i. . '- .". '; . r. .- i Jjorutl'! The Washington t' Pal, lit port-' erV M.iiy ; 2Qti; says the locusts are here! ; The woods aro vocal with their fnpsic. Up , told millions cluster tipvm ,ihe byughs of ,lha forcsf tree's, and the orchards re literally . black wuh them. Whriher ornol our fruit trees arje m fall a prey lo their, voracity ox only their, foliage is to suffjr,' future obacrva lion must oVcide. " ' , j,m - i i- f Jco y Cloy, (senr ) is al present on a visit -i to.Cmcnnati-iind, ilcnryGlay , jr is raising , a company of Kcntwckiacsio march lo Texos. ' Earthquake.-A smart touch of an earth " quake was .felt at ' Newburtport, -Mass. on tridsy night last. , The shock was bo heavr that it ijoused more than one half of the pod- uiaiioujiroui auunu sictp, lo msde a very powoifuj impresuon upon nil who hmAi-nerl lo bo awake at the moment. ' 4 r - A 'fVilty Krply -i-Two young lawyers w.ero riding into jth. rouniVy and passed by some. farmers sowing seed. ' One of tho lawyers,' by way of boasting, said to them: " Wellj old codgers, ou sow, but we lawyers wiH mp the benefit thsrrof." . "I ha've no doubt jf it," said one of them, Mlor wo aro Sowin Hemp." i ! :' : 4- 4 ' it , ' -1.

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