tatea,' the dm?crij I ectej nlWh, rre ao, iriasnvJch'- ll"7 fr Ki- Ve vrhj. JU trt-i the oeore tf iho-ule-.-J joun f-1 , Mr. Trai-cii Oico t -i'uptU "-""f. "-"1 ' five f ?r- 5. och a euttm r-bwke cs " -t - - . ; . II . i if She- L- ? pa do iji . 'ta a Driiiitr7i -'nder a s. .rV U I wo thd&aod dyMrs 4 ct annum, be could Do) -"s. ' . fc.tir sieechiu thoir favor; lie nay in j vi . -1 . yhcalook,c"i S:at millers, an-: ' -wrd 'the r Sbcnard ohile a. men. - ,.s "V-Marr; and first, hed'f J l!.e - 3. ...aa -"lo point out or vote .tki he 1 e -.ven fur t e west, liutcad of W.. P the "west, be ' -jrr'y veJ r '-st it, as Mr. ?, proceL -cd to'1 show from 1. ? rnL; he '-voted artinrt the l.u,.i..j.alah. 1 . i . road at tho same ti'nc morcato strike out the trord "l" a and.iasert fiAv" ,liousiDd dol. Jars, to eocIiM- capitot square al RsL.h-'al. ao fjra loan toPJorfc! r 'Irgeof f ! " " j. mo fur rendorins oal liable- Col' 7. 5. : in DIadenand New Ifsnovrr p'onotic . tcJ epinst thn.iuvef tf. WewcrnTt-rb: f .e ri id, and against ftn appropriaiioi; fr a ' TCidit) VVjIkcf, although ht Uxi vofc-rjrthe t irvcvof acacal botwr . .1 Lufhlcfi.. j Ca Fcnr rivfvv; Mr. r(-urrtdt . cse viei "'40 8,ior't'i5l-r- i J had no Ijvc for the -.people iK iKe wr?t fr v ' ho fxressld kjh an ancli.'!-:jt. Mr. F. Ifcerv e.xMbi!' . i!jc gemlcmaVa ?'L"I jr ilie 1 :,'ef Jof 11.4 , pepj'lt" ad aftor f T- J 1' Mild its author v in all thrir deformity 7 flowed morronciiK t rely tint it was hu ;. rywr'i '. r! ppnilcman, as !i rot.ed'a ncn tn t: .;.al r. : 41iff biIIat the same ecssian.' . 11 thert, do-' f rMii Gov. Graham on tuc ,tlm .Load jurS. tijn; gnve.Ue gentl--. in a " w ipo" fur his ccj f?m; kept S crowd n' a --rfeci Toorfc? lauter durii his ho",e -' c!C. by histpicy anecdotes and sharp sh t.r. His n'pumcr.ts had a most glorfoys efiiici in arc us. ing the wh, antfl ba'ficv doubt but Gra. Jiam willgfl tlie iui) litvoT1atljis countv. "Mft Sh-pard arose and ayernpted t rc iutbw pas.ion l;i d got'thcj , ' ? ( ! r of bisj rc"iy. rca. on,and ha wns, t tw -noting ike argu" ilom; ci!?cd P.lfv'Francia Scotchman r' iaii M Jwuni very h Jcni n'nd ,t roubles o'tne.. (1 Jiuvt- nodoLill I ' iljjujlito.) ' ' '.1 4 , Mr. Fran-ii, in rrply, mkJ h waytrtie he nvat'a S,o!mjan, thawbe d1ft'rJfi between Mm and the pr;tcman, was, thatVe (Fran- r:cis) was republican from thtict --hile the gsr.tleman was one from chance;, ntid be Ijad no douLt that if the gcntrem,n, had Seen lorn it S'd'lm I Iff Wrtllti! ittV-'Vi ll'a knu'n n Jir::ton, jiJing frum his argmrn'.s on'tho Tor. .7. I . " , - Mr. HJinonson, the rknir'ratc ' candidate fur theSiii'e, tlen anise OfrJ docbircd'htm self a can ate J but as Mr. Sbpard hadste Jen bis speech , he' had nothing more ' to, say. It d to the people of .Cherokee county rj s'fiie that Mr.'ShepirJ was reject fJ.'y lreat d; o!;li0h since his treparture it bus bftn reertairi(.d that n sugcsliori wanad? to him tr it hq'wouU bj mab'jc d, v l..li aliuii as infamously ftil so Tit. d f tJ.r:lv .ground less, and the author a yite CiIjovciitoT. Ow. inj-io the posiiian Mr. Shleparcl1 occuniei in" his party, the people of ChercWa (possessed ; cf tint rrJJ;nimJty. which is clnracterisiic of Ncrih C.iraTioian,) gave him a. respecta- i'o escort, con.posed of 10 wfcjand 3 Jem." ocrtt, out cf the tHIaeon liU deparfurr. ' : : ' ' ".t A.H.T. D... ' -Murphy, July 13, "-t f,'i'"l. M H. SI1EPAUD AT ilENDERSO. 1 'VII.LE. , i - . r. Atlin No djbt L-jI you bavq heard from Mr-. S'.crard'a speech u IIcndersorvine tn t., lC.h. Therein a decided improvei- f"'.,l Sflrrr'C F"f! tnmo in liw miliar - . ....1. w.w . , . H.r bvihv III fw (IIji -ce !.c aJ'rxsed - at Ashcville. Whe tier thu4r: t rcver:ient owing, to lUe Inn's bo received from the Mtsscrjger,.o'r ?IiCiher lio is iadtbted to Mr. Grftham at Waynesville, rto Mr. Francis at Frnknd and MurpSey, s unknowct6 tisnn '.Mhcse diggins;M. but tbat trra has been an improveraent made in sbme. iy, r rs ui!i dJubl heard hm at batb flaccs. II3 t:J none of his swaggering blackguardism at Hcndersonvi1l; aside .from iait,-he said over the same peech, bpt having laarncd it betlef" of course said it a little lei I!Iejn'his last reply, requesting the privi. ledge otpreaching Gov. Grahamja funeral .-"a the first of next January, and nronounced aa extravagant eulogy-on Presidtnt Polkjbr . aettliD? tha 0.-een nupttion' The remain. i ccioris speech was taken up la denuncia tion of 'Whig men and measures,. 'a liberal part of which was dealt oat to thw Raleigh ..-Muaston Rail Jload, with aweepmg de. nunciatioo of Internal Improvements by he Sia;a or .Federal government. He argued that the county oX WaA bad got and alwaya "oa! J pet hundred thousand dollars to where the hub county of Ilendertoo had or. woulJ get on? dollar; - and Tor the take cf gettrag ihousand dollars annranriatrJ fur the -west, the people. of Henderson would be'tax. ed two millions for tbe?easts the whole bus toess of internal Improven. 'at was a '44lo2. rolling Cair; and for two thousand TloIIars to the west ihej must psy tvo' million to the ' - ?prdis certainly below tnccrity JnongicaUty of mind apd maiter, arJ I am uara 10 eIihat the candid and fcflectin r-.- i ms c ,n party will auppott him. lljey wou'J , rtainly bo 'ashamed of the Ia mil. . r . '. . . . ? V ,J -fM of such materials. He Ce-v can't dr;re ."J r. jt bur"borcf th. "tr.t him . when l-j acti a vs j u. b l com vaLair' l!l'rt v7",- : fcal , he, hoped . -...d, would retreat in jjod or. J c;i.....er;c8hia retreat thee i f rot ta disturb Uc order la relreiiln. &j -...ihe know, insonea of ihn T-t Mrtr. determined ta know ! they do and "r'jjnore, ana wt. ,i!vexpect a cufeni v rerreat ;iu adj- & ndmbfr of the Tory pilla-rs.of V v k -s amonj the rc At thr clpse of Mr". ra!cj in' this' connty 'rvCaptaio'a crowd. jrmn's spccc!t aeve, 1 hjar Mr,' Sheprud ral c rn ret i! reply, at he c!o jof whtch'lhcy again brojte up in Locofoco 6rde, ;)tamping,.cl '.pping hands; cr . After rttinthe hottiC cleared ol.aiic'h pat rials,' Mr. Cligjroaa-f.;.ihcd : his . ' A retklcss as-' iiOcofccoUm is, 1 have heard-of no Derriocrat baL what r 'cnowled es'Mr. Shopard cmplet overthrow.; Mr ClinnaB renrf portiorw of Shepard's relief ,plJ, tnd.lliobi.ll making Jt t penal oflepce to vvn mjwo,ment or pasie loeiner, or ner fornte ajbank notie, and begged Mr Shepard to j.orrh hiTt (fur lie,' Alf. C , really was ig noroci) what meant by those bills, add whether Jie ,was siill in favor -of' them, rind uhetherif elected,., he; intended tq rctom. menJtl. r ppssage to .the; next Legislature? All or which Shrpard studiously avoided p ri ywcrins. ' ' ' . . 1 have' no time; to sa irnre. I haveVno Joubt ytu w4t( receive a 'JJ account of the 'whJo tfTair. i Suffice It to ta, the VThigs have lost nothing - by Mr.; Slicprda vbit to fir nders)nville. ' ' Celebration of I'hcJttf uljr In BarnsTillt..: ' Trip to the ?M K&Bntain, It. f-di-rc Anniyersary of the 4th - Ju,jlne dy of American depn- dt nee, was celebrated in pur village. The scene was jru'y solerrtn and interesting. T2ie dy being'.fJ'ir and phas.intiilje people Is. sembled Inwn 4'rent garters. The mejs brs of the! TfimerajTice r Society, ' anrihe Sabbath Scliool ' scholars rconvescd atv ihe Courj House at i I o'clock, A. hV" 1". Ak Ru. bd, r'rcsideiu f tlie former, a'roseandjnade some remarks. relative to the meeting; aAe.r which, J. . Wjlliams, 'marshal of the day, formed a proctssion. .After a majcb, lh? company returned to the Court House. ' The exercises -w ere opened with nusic by the choir and prayer by tb? Rev.-6. Godbey. The Declaration , of Indeperjdere" was next rirad by Col. J. McElray. After mOsic U. G. Dntiain delicrc.i i,n address, princi cipalJy pry tcrrcrapce. He sci ouf wiiH a brief dissertation on the bravery' and labors of qur father? their success ia. battle, and the blessings resuhing therefrom; secondly (he baneful t fleets, of 'intcrnperance; thirdly, answrrd ho various objections made against the temperance: eauso, by-; la whhstanding partyj which w'as dne successfully. : ve ex. peeled an oration on American Independence, but the orator failed to appear. ' The temperance eaua in Yahc!y is flour ishlng rapidly. Wj hve ,722 birs in society, ' The, cause is good, end shoold be. warrrly advocated by every . American pau , riot; and we hope the day is near.wHcn lemv pcranc shall triumph, and every slaye under Prince Alcohol be liberated. - ' ; ., ? . . . . t The above is buf a short history of the cel ebration. ' A full description of oory thing. wouia 09 iooieu,ous 1 Ou company, -eighteen in humher,"5 that visit edthe B tld Mountain ota the 8th instant, consisted of .ladies ,ahd gentlemen from. Bun-' Kcombe and'Yancy. AVe rjire favored with 'finewealher during the trip and on eur. way inline r we cnjoyeamucn pleasure in our so cial arnHsem-ntsandfroiTitha surreundingcb- jects that attracted our ; attention'. '.The ze- phys of the west gently galed through tlw forest, while the feathered tribe bf.the ain, tuping their softest notes of;rrtelody praised the Creator in an unknown, language.- The small animals of the woodland, so msterl6us. to.zoolocisf. soortinz from olace tonlaee. andl rills flowing from surrounding summits, dc clared the power., majesty, and wrisdom of the'- great I AM. ; Vith sonje! difficulty . and fa,, tigue, we asce'nded to lhrtop of the highest peak, which is entirely ba;d for some distance, yet Jcovcrea wttn grass ana nowerq oi me richest huej llore is a beautiful picturesque scenery .of distant mountains presepiing a splendid aspect to' the beholder. The 'grass upoti which we trod served asfcarpet," adorn- ed with flowers of diflereot colors. There Wre no lofty stems to upread'their" paving branches o"er our heads, but that 'wrjich is more .splendid, tho ethereal sky, in which worlds innumerable fltit . for ages-V I said thosemountainsor lofty pyramids of nature, ofesent a sfublirQo appearance, to the Whold mr; yea,' and hat is still foure, in, ail iheir rnai-sty and exquisite grandeur they declare the glory. 01 00a ana sua uuu Mryi. lADer traversing the woodless sumrmt, we descended t3 a spot on, the south j where we prepared to'lodge for the night. AH. nature was serene, and theb!uVy bespoke the fair. ninf th weather. Al fanset ro rcturPcd t rhAhold the fetiicff sun. :Tn scene was in- rnmnji rah! v 6ei he o uitted 'the western ho. t-it'TiMill lii f fTul'.eoci. nd bid adieu' to the inhabitants cf the western continent. But r a . r' h oil her silvery " 1 cf a ' 1 ''-''Z or' re 1 :rc'i Ctc j'i t3 irae&les3 .iJcJ Ij t:r.wriber-d - 'options in the iicarecsr o 2 i' :r.ir.2 car.'a (Lit n .6 same J. I r rir.2 - : r,v. Ttrd-;. eai-.;.,. The 00c tu reel shades pre. yai!ed,'nd,we returned lo our place af rr.st.' Vc indole J fT diversions for same lima,- ua. nature Sn.wdaito Akearest Bpn out ariMy couches, i ;uawo or m rc Jay soon appeared, anti ,ie returned again to hail the approaching sup. Ha soon appeared vip all his ryt iaheddlng forth hh cheering beams on surrounding worlii, and-in Con', nection With i; .je vallfes filled with yapor.- T e scene appeared rnpre beautiful and pic turesque. There, are a thousand objects cn nected with tne H lid to arresnbe attention ott the visitor. TL4 . arod iff ions1 balk of moun: tainsr their lofty tops seemingly to arise abdve the clouds; the vallles, and the crystal. fout. tains Rawing - from thait elevated heads, re- cnecgh (o carry t'lie wondering mind-through nature up 4p-nature'ls God,1 and to try out in t' j language of T)ayid4 ""O nordjiow manu fold a.rcthy: works;. in wUdonV bast thou mnde them all." , ! ' ' ' ' 1 I)n fore our final departure, we visited ihe hera.itage of the wpnderful David 'Grier, hO'J resided there abouufweoty ears. His ouse wae situated nn a flat rock about twty " one feet square, cIt the west'stdeof the rnounlain. Xbovc this Tdetc is another, the two forming a cave to? which Grie resorted ie case. of atojm. Potatoes were principally his diet1. He treated v teitors with as much friendship t. d bospiull- as Gen. Marion did the ferit ish officer. .He had algo a Itre orchard, with a good selection of fruit, ahoui a hall mile below his curious residence. ' The life 0f this man togetherwith the scene rv of the Bald , woulj be enough to fill a small - Volume. AndTjdw tftcr all we must alf fade lileo he beauiirs of nature in a comi day. ftnd sltould prepare for heavtn, whose splendor 'ir. ; 1 ' y : ..: I I" t1 f .,, 1 I .. . '4 ,' wifi jas ncn worlds snau crusn ana ee no more. . , ( . T ; ' '.Yours, respectfu'y , ..." 1 . . ( t ; LOWSiJO-D, rOTEGT. ' furnsville,5uly 15, V ,; f From the N. O. Commeri;s4il'Timestih in$t.l . J Iatcr Ipoiu Texas. .. , TheiSsteamslnp- Galveston- arrived yester- diy, bringing us files of Texas pa'pes to-tu'e 4th ihst. The Galveston'left Bralos'-Santia. gp' on theTaOth ultimo. Cept.. M. I. Snell, who rr ached Galveston on board of the steamship has authority to raise. from three to five companies of foot.; , v . Gen. A. Sidney JahAson has'be'en elected Qolonel of th,o lstRegim'ent liexas fn'fantty; li. iMcLane, .Lieutenant Uolonel; and Mr. Weils, cf Nacogdoches, Major. Air.. (.low. ard has been elected to ihe commapd of the "Galveston Kinsmen, in place of Captain Me Lane..' The,' Uf. Regimenjt ,of Texas In'- famryxis composed of the following eight companies: Captains Snail's, Ostrander's, the Galveston Riflemen, jBenr.eltV company from Montgornery, the Nacogdoches compa. ny Chevallo s, Seenejd's, and bhevor's companies-, in a,lt about 500 men' I- The election in lhe 1st' Texas Regiment of mounted .men, .res-tilted as' follows: J. C. Havt, Colonel; WalkerrLieutenant, Colonelf Cheva1Iy, Major. For the 2d legimettt of 1 exas mounted mei tnere were aireaoy about 400 when Captain S.' left, and this regiment wulsoon be completed by. those comingin. lhe most prominent candidate. for Bnga. dierXjeneral of the-Texas forces i General Lamar. It la believed that.tren. Uurleson will net .oppose him. . .. .'' -On tho 30th ultimo, says the Galveston News, CpU Laurence,' three'. men and one boy, started in a smalF boat to reach the L, M. Hitchcock, lying outside the Mr at the Brazos.'" The boat was capsized and two' of the men and boy were drowned. One man swam, ashore, and Captain L 't after holdipg upon the boat a long time, finally swam lo tho point of Padres Island, where Capt. Na. g,le went lo his assistance and-.brought him oft 'safe.'.' Ho wai much bruisedJ and creally exhausted, having remained in the .water from ,our 10 six Hours. An affray took place at the Camn opposite Mataroorts. on the 29th ult.; between two Texas mounted men, in which one by the name of. Walker was shot and immediately kiifed. ' . . :-- We copy the following from a Galveston paper of thep4Ch inst.:; ' ' t "" ,t ,4The . high . pressu.ro steamer. troioYnae, which left this' port a few days sioce jor; the Rio Qfaoe fa wrecked, asW leirn,'?, in the recent heavy gale, about six'miles beyond the pass of Sao Louis, Our information as that she sprung aleak, which continued to in crease' until .the Captain was -compelled to run heron shote. ;She had about 1000 busruf els of coal on board, and freight. Gaptatn Lnmsden and some otf his company were nassenrcrs. The boat it is said, will, be a total loss, and the ' freight greatly damaged.?' ' tjamp ,ai atamoras, June X4, i04u,-t It may be interesting to yo'4r reade.rs to know something.ef the domestic cortdKion of the Army of Occupation at the commence roeni of the raioy season. Uf. the situation of the larjre bodVofhe: volunteers at Saiui' ago and Barita I know vry little'. -having recehred no intellirrflTace from them oincelhe rainy weather-sei in, 'but prAum that it difierlr vcrynttlc fj-orn that of lha troops near Matamoras. u are aware Wx very tew of our troops are in'the city just enough Iff form a guard, which is cMr:;i$i every day. For two days.it has r d Jncessamiy, and last nihvt'ie dew cin. Jowa in torre-' TJ -'fuels' are 8 3 full of wa!ef as they c ?a bol l. 1 they do not leak much, being pecu. liar' ipted to4sbii-g up the blessings that arc uw being so liberally bestowed upon us. put ih- in pisfxccedingly attraetive'lhia soonrtre nron. t ,.wu b:ory, 1. ctory if rr tir.h. -Ml de- sonw. Cl - ? w9 wCKe xi.is svUc,cd b j0fr0lIl lhe whole rimber, bose claraury - ;it itc, . r v nslb!ecin-'l'T .V' Jfl',CIf. Li services hive been U-rJc-ral u'n-ier the Tm. T :Z V I 1 toV" l WVe,r ,t r"Ch ,b 'd re arraod in ibo urd.r in are past CnwogouL Those s?zrhcZ main.! The volumccn can ? on the opposite V,ich tl.,y were drawn, i: - L;r,ina sabove,Nke so cnr balls of r. Mde .of the river, .., tf bossib.e, ma stul J v ' r '" f t.tcn irrhes cp on aa aver jlHT,rc out, rr.o i3 c: pl-sci no c"? I. .s I - j ri.y t'et tern, -4, to fiihuv it.Vl nouv. 1 cne Li- of oC.ce rs tec ts jit now, x.L.h ivr svnnd.rg in water from ihree vtcK-s to a foot in Ic:th. Soldiers were c a J.'r tbJjtt anU.3 L'cV4" ar.J enoc- i.iure tnoieavy r2;r$ comencen, butccj v it is a perfect rnud-pddJI. Hvery precaution has been taken tu avoid this the best fields in the vicinity ' 1 e selected, tranches dug t and tho earth throw ni np in mounds' in many plsces far tho tents to rest on. To escape from Ke tain 'the men have fo huddle into their smaU lents, which barely aflord.roomto tie down in.'! Mud is neces$aT ril canveved on thn :fri . intahe'se harrow enclosures', where blankets have to bo spread anon the Ground for W. or trIW 11V ami used for seats. The tents of the volunteers . .: . are mada oT cotton, which allows a sufficien cy of water to pass through to saturate every thing insiJ.. .The tents of the regulais are nearly worn out; many of the soldiers hnve none at a!!, and have manufactured flight shelieriiOuiof thalr own blankets. Of course the clothing, ccc., of botK ofiicers and men, wiK much of it be ruined. . Should the rainy season continue .tontil. August r Septerri4?er, as it .Usually does, here, oui Ihtle army wiM lead.a luxurious fift! V.They tako things very coolly; bowever and scarcely mutmuraf, the. little inconveniences I have aljuded o. .Ail, the duties that can possibly be attended to' are performed with a.lacrfty,, by both lhe volunteers , and regulars. Thrf -sentinels walk their posts as cahwly as eye r; the ban d'. practlce.in their tents whilst the ruin 'is pour, ing down,. affording some relief .to ihe gloom iness of the scene; and thersick are carefully looked after by lihe attentive surgeons, whose activity and sjall daring the campaign have won for ih'em; so; much praise. i - - V ' H. "The following copied from the 'Republic of theRio Grar -iM,pf the 2318,27.011. a paper that Was U-tfn commenced at Mata- mdras by hn Americans since the. aVriyal of Gn. I'aptor and is printed n ai? office which Was Deen hired irom a Mexicans a - Mouth cf the IHo Grtnde.-rV& learn from &pttrtTpsoti,'thal rher mouth tf thjs river is closed, even to boats of the, Jighlesj draft; tne recent .heavy galps. have caused the for mation bf a bar, over hich 'there ' is. only from two to three feet 'water. The Steamers Sea,,and Cincinnati, schooners Aurelia, liTa, and several otheFs whose 'names are not re 'Collected, are locked in . by this' obstruction nd trhless the rise in the river which is now taking place, cuts away a channel,, thev will be detained forjsome time.w When the "fron tier went out there waar five feet Water on the bar, Iwt whep she returned to come in and was wrecked, thej-e was not a depth of more than ihrep feet. This is much, to b regretted, as the.navtgati 1 . of this stream we had hoD'ed. would creatlv convenience our citizens here, and be ;of immeasurable .benefit to the army at tKYstime. f We discover that the Mexicans are much elatod at .lafrmaiiion received, .that .all the wealth and property ol the Churcn has been tendered 1o the Government- Jo suppori.-ihe. war. We learn that Lieut. Cqlonrf Antonio Tenoria, of the 12ih pgiment of Mexican infantry, has arrived m Linares with four hutr. dred riien ohd' pieces of cannon, from Tarn- pico ,Col. Tenora was formerly a cizilfn-of ibis rjlaq.e, and his family now live in the city. We also learn that 'every Department In the uepubiic have made a' voluntary ; tender of their quota jof men and money for the proe: cuiien pf the war, and from our own obser vation, we dfccovcf, that'lho' Mexicans .feel a greater artxiety abbut the receipt of a mail than" we do ourselves,, wishing id- ascertain how affairs s'and between 5 oh n 'Bu'l Bod Brother Jonathan', as if -anticipating relief ir.om a piiierence oeween uiese worthies. - " f . . i-tr- . 1 . . t : . . ( Died.-On.lho 18ih.fnston the opposite side' of the Rio Grande, inCiol. Sanil Mark9 Regiment of Ltinisfans-'Vorunteers, Da Wm. A. Norns, late ef Bayou,' Lv ' 1 ; Dr. Norn's was a native of Columbia So. Carolina was educated in the Gollpge in that place", under. the pupilage of Dr. -.Thomas Cooper, of that.'institution. Dr. Norris em. irated to Mississippi in 84, and settled in Woodvitle, Wilkinson county, which he rep. resented with ability in the,' Legislature of that Stale fo-slx years.-' He connectjed him. sdf with th'epresVm 1.833, 'and the papers he edited; ('he VPwopleV Advocate,'1 Wood- ville Repvbiiran, and VBiyou. Sara Ledg. er,") were distinguished 'or . their candor and usefulness J. O. Ficayvnet . 'Capt.. Walkcri ' : , ' ihxillnol Acctpt.tlih New; Haven R. cister sa.yst ' A frentleman from Gaipuslhns- li, who is lotiruately acquainted wiih caplai& WalTAcr,.'elIs us (hat ;he will notaecrp ,any post-in tne army -tnat -nts tact ues m fighting' Mexicans by instioct;'and that the discipline of the regular army would; dcsiroy' ms usriokuess. iv a st.ui, vr, BKirimaocr he has not a superior; but as soldier; auiom. aton, to be movui by others, perhaps his: inferiors in tpirit, or knowledge of warfare, he, would never submit" to it. ; He may feet compUmcn'ted by thjs aci o the go,verrment bat hi$ adventurous spirit' wilt never . brook the trammta of the- regular army." ' C'apt Pre.'Thls gallant officer -w hs wts so dtperaiely wounded in the acuon of the 8th of .May, left town yesterday on the steam, boa Missouri' for Jefferson barracks He was accompanied by Mrs. Page, who arrived on the Alabama on Mohday; AlthougrtCapt. Pageis very feeble and exirernlyreduced,vre are happy to say that the surgeons who have bten in attendance upon him aero ntertnio strong hopes of his ultimato recovery, i Not. '"Withstanding tho severity of his wound, 'that in time, as he recovers strength, the depria. tionhisji'iV and mouth1 have, CvtrJ may be rvpautd by artificial mcar. 1 3 not if?e "--""d,. however, . tl.ut the present ' iiti 1 " Oapt. 1 ngo is critical. In his ai fiidion hohas lha. strong sympathies of his countrymen- rneratly, who - will haU whh unfei ei delight bis restoration to health. '.,'; i - & O. Picayune, 8i tn. '. ! Mrs. Gore, the Novelist, the published tho third. novel within three months. . OFFICIAL, S vOtfice of .Apjutist' CcrrrsAt; ' , , IU.W. July 10; lbii. J T?c fallow In Comranrv of Volumccrs from lo. 1 to No. .10 incf.sMe,'tve bcin 13. Ouncombe 4. Lenoir - 5. Ashe . C. Surry , 7.' Dai 1 8.- Cherbkce 4 0. MrDuwtll 10. Caswell' WillD Jones James D tvU ; A. J, Vantiov; :' Geo, V.'Brwn D, V. Siih v J fV A. Powr.' John S Bown Archer Lea , . it t The 'Captains xornmanding the foregoing )Cmpanies will immediately .forward. u this (.Office, Rolls' of theiT rcfpectivt commands, i ajning the ramcs ,of the Commissioned ' .... 1 r :. n 'T..,.. O. u and Non Commifsionet dfficers and Privates. tThe Adjutant General is instructed Jiy hi Iv i flencv, 'Gov. Graham,- to tender to r.'l tho citizens of the Siute, who have vduntetr ed tender the late requisition of. ilie. President f te Dqitcd S;ates, his very cordial thanks fur the promptness and zoul with which the Ciiii Ajij.muir pairjouiri wi o-.ii inn wjf.iiK.-iu By order, of the General and Commander in-Chief of North Carolina. ROBERT W. HAYWOOD,, . Adj't Gcn"l N. jfj. .L .A true Picture: Mr. Toombs, of GVorgia, in tits speech in the 1Ihjso on Thursday isl cnaracttrized the Lmrofoco party as one that had no fixed or scttted? printipies a Py thtt got up theiOrgon question'. far political effect that' claimed tho whole of that tawriio. ry fir political effect that, gave away from 54 . .40.dnwn.to 49 for political :cflect-that mafthed our army to' the Rio Grande and got into a war witu Mexico ir, -.political fect that got up the. Sub Treasury Bill for political effect thai djes all acts toi political tfioct, to secure iKmcrami spoils, iihoul ever indulinnxa thought for the besc iuterests; of the natiofif Heaven grant trat sisch a party my.be destroyed !1T FACTS AND FANCIES. Hore stealing is carried on in Illinois at a tremendous rate. There is a plai'e in the northern pRrtof the State, where 100 horses were concealed v "P-"1"'''1! yu know the fate ofdrinkfr ing and sprceingV "Fate! don't' I stand on as betutifu4a- pair, as yeVe ever .eiil?"' A son of Col. Thomas H. Benton; at.a vil lage in Indiana, was' killed-a short tune' since by the accidental djscharge of a gun in the hands of a 'companion wiilr:wb"om he wis out i.U'tiing. The cntr're ch.argo passed through his neck, caus ng instant death. iPhiJly phonr Phorty', or Phightt" ins now phortuiiately phallfh to -rhiiial4 pi 1 la l looted, phixing at phor:-nine,' w'uhnut the'j'iiiGHt" against a phyreigo phoe. JV. O 7Vo;jc. Th(? counterfvil 81 hotes on ,the Ibnk of thoS;ate of North, Cn rutins are still seen oc casionally. Lookout;. Col. Thos. F. Marshall of Kentucky, nar. rowly 'escaped death by shooting t the lundN 1 of sme of the Volunteers who l,i enlisted, under ' him at LjoutsVille, on MonJayVcvk. Adiffifulty had arisen between hint audthm ;hich led to tho Attempt upon his life. 1 A duct was fought on the of July, be tween 'a Southcin ant Cistern gerHlemin,' sjornewbere in 'the Slte of Delaware':. The Southerner received a severe .floeh wound: v-f .McNuIty, tho hie defaulting Cbrk:.of the House oi jieprKH(iiuiiv."5v 11 is puuusucru n letter In' the CineinnHti Alia, 'in which he makes the Government his debtor o Vlie'a -mount of $1500. ' , A Bark 7'ransftChon A f'lmd Ethiopran with an extinguished caDdlem a dark cullar at midnight searching after a.blick cat," . Charles J. .Ihgerolls blunderbuss served him ns ujjly atrick a ngunj oore on .a'iimy did.-an, Irtshman,! who shut both eyes"--anl fired a. way '.at a squirrel. The squur l was not injured, but poor Parwa.r kicked over.. ' ' . ' Louiivift Jot(rn(il. A writer in the N. Y. Spirit of the' Tunes relates a-'tipw ancedcte ol tjren. Tptor Secretary Marty, tt is sofd, vomplaincdin Gen.VT. that "his dj?patchs were nut frifii- ciently in detail; to which.".. Did ll Ready14 replied, with ehatacteristie- ana point, tnai no was sorry lor ii-t-uiai iiv 1 .. 1 .... . ... e j . ; k -. . i put into them nil tie had lo frcry : I:i this place, on Tuesday eveninirv lhe SWst irtt by the Kev. Jvratus Rowley, Ma. Wulivm- W, Mc t-owEi.t and -Miss fiAaAii L., daughter of Jiitua M. Smith, Eq. . -iTliedeed ia-3one the vow is known., Swi on the mngs of love :-; The anpels, wifch -the contract fiown . Have written it above; -. t .: 'Tis wnMen on the eternal pa?. : ' 'Brfgf.1 a the flano sun, ; , . That you, from youth to hoary age,, v , In hand and hert are one." - ? i Who Would like to ppend- 3 r 4 months .in tra- vellme over ' Western -'North Carohr'a, and who ia qualified to act a$ Aehl fr a ncwspapT5-and hi energy and biMnes babita, can pet such a aslant ion n advantagfeoua terms, by immcSAt. application to XilOS. .. A 1 ivl.l. Asheville, July 21. v ' ; ' Wajwx,N.YOct.2(3;i8i. Dr. D. Javw Dear Sir YoUr llair Tonic w an Virellent aitire. Many -rvp'ctable persons aNo oTer their certificate n favor of your Expvctorant. I beheve y ur niedcine are the l9t- preparation that have ever ten oUerea i: me public, Jor liie relief .of lhe aftiicled, and fnt' the cure of the eaa for which they were thUnded. " " , : Yor Expectorant I think will toon be txcluKive- r , 1 ,f4rvV . KMH 1-"' " " I L r .' x I """ c ' t ' ' )' n a' nil.'. IAM nd a v,i : 1 u 1 f fci.p C:i:n- c i l 1 was turvJof tiU ei.r ty a h Jy cf un? ri' ti-J 1. and requc-.t -J loimxe itpnM c fr l1 tc:r oUk-. 31junt rU'iitt ( Va.) Jifjt r., I jMcauirs ii Ui it rrc rmncnj iqriiit inn wm tlietst ealfu?4tcd fop p'urpw tf e'iri cnjh, cciJi!, ore tfiroal, at!i"ais, anJ a'l Tct.'uiit ir th tnnj... From atony jicrsotitrt acqwaiuianoa with Dr. lyneT i know thtit b i notjuark, ani4 hia meduiM aTe not Uuii f lrOilorn cry ej butajre th3 rcsmA ofhl Ion;' eiprivt.e n a praC ticlnp p'lriian, anIJi expnc rrvK .Ubwr-S-ttaryor Daily Tt. r, . .. f . " . l J . m. 1 . . t . . .. t . i ? . . ; . I - . ..' ; Nlw York, March 10, 1CH. Df. Jajs.etJoar.'; fc-.r B.insj rrxcur - xTl-ctcd wirhfiNFx.ecNSA- ba'rd Ccwh -mA'A: .f-i4-Cndivery ineam tm of rtil.CTin me, .; Ct,matop.' fjrt.npar-d inevitalK--tut itr in l'wa ,bottJca of ytiur EXrECTOHAXT.l w r-s'orcd to per. feet hraltlu f, Re-ipet-tfjlly yo Ija!cfastor of ilie Hptit C Church, StiaiirurJ, Ct. rnrrnri-d onfv b-r Dr. D. J.irn. fi 'SotitU TWir pfr t, rtula: ami ild bj !l respecta-' bfo frruL&l. throughout -the Uaued titw. Tlbfo iitedicrtK-s :arc for ,sata iq A-bil!n by 1 Injlft-nJonvilleby - ' . J? renew Clavtov. Vef nojVH.riEcd to anntKvice JoI. JToItlX 'CaXlr a a randilatc ti n-presen't IfeiKlpFon rounly in the R-prcsrntatire branch cf 'the next L-p-ifcUtore. . . . .: (.- " "- are author hr In annota ..T..II Cntlv IIOll as a ranf!-: ' in to rrpivs-jnt 1 nico'tibc county t in tN Ift prfwrituli vv ? rancti of tl.- n-t lyislamrri f Aik: You Are rvquwlrd to fay Ihwt Major MV, U1CWJAY COMMON it Candidate la rc-p h r.t th- eoontic-s of Cfierokrc, JVlicon and Hay. woodjin the JSmnte of the n-xt lcsfivKture. Mr. Com rtnn i a -pnM.earv (food and tiae,of tfiO old Jef. fir.'H and M iron School. ' . Wis are nuthoritd to annmmco AXTIIOXY CtnY a candidate to r prcufnt- CjnromW tonnfy in the kw-r branch f ihu next fygialatarr, I in gnJt-fiil to the ntiicns of Iscon eounty For pint f.ivoM, nd am a-jHm a candidat for the ofHeo o'.Shenfi'. ELI McK.EC , Joly 3, 115s . .t t' I TtTfllTLADlKS. of bllw, I.LfJt and yellow I, A U'A'S. f S.l:1ie :pirt)diJ new ft we Ciiljtor, worsted nctt lmvM,fiMC puraf-olf, anirtlmilca, ic, ile. r Sotn new anJ bea-atlful Wack Alnaecak i ' handkcVchiefii,-&.C., &c.i.- - Nrk sci?f and IrandkcrcliicfH'ftjr ccnUt-men Cjli anil'L-jAm n- wit ftock. ' 1 ? . . J. iS. &. 3. V. SMITH, ' Ah ulef Apr 1 1.7, 18 l(j tf. 29. 4 , U , J L. ' At ttn pohndv to the dollar, trn,bf had o" - ' ' ' " - - - w.williams. . nwcli 6.-M.f ' I 1 . ' . i , ' TAKLE CIJ r)LVAlYt POCKET & I'ENKNIVES Tlwlarccrt- and firvest nlock we ever bad the pleaaire of exhibiting, al ibf mit reduced prices KA.Mvl4 & l'ULLIAM. Ar.l 3,146. t. - rt cdny, AriiEAT, oats, . rfH'lKl-j. .Wool, Dceswat and Tttfw, received in exen-Mogc fr (iood-s by W, WILLIAMS. march . j tf . . . ' DU. JOI."V SI. UXWOImUT- Ilnrjnir .sellled in ih town of Morpanton, ten ; drr l is" prorcFBional tscrvi-ces, in the various branch es of hi profS"kn, to the public. ,. s If divolToo of twenty tiiree-years entirely to 1hft pinrtree of his profts!nn, k t pn(r pace with the if iprovrnrrits m md cil fHtiea, .and ,eIoe, ftydi' ii lifibils timing tlutt pi-nod, rnt.tTe any one ' to rcv.wdj then l.e wrililliiiitnli'y hope to receive fil h i patroiwic int-nl iclairrts and tuch aa l. liau h rctoforc Curcd. ' kIIe' Vio'iM rill Ihs qttfsion of' inva'id who fnf- fcr fn. rrt i!lvS various ciironicffi-clifmn, each ai Dy-,-pia in ft4 Arersirh.d frinwd' aisoriation, di-, vh&k of the ''liver, lung, ;licarVtomeh, bowct,' kiutirVj, flcr.-.ec!., anl aHo tla glanvlular onMrdi:r whiclj are r eo.nrnon pf n -ficrolulocs and canicr- ou nature. TVni t'e dtird' r-, ko often ditrrni!i and ciiiTipl cattd as to produce d p')d.ney j the . pnijrrt.and pirzlo-lhr doctor, li'ive bf-en and, are piiertHfuliy .trrati-d '"by him. il nr-de of treM-. ! mntjj tlifiitent, 'in a c'rtat dt--ex Iroih wtiit ir . fjn rally fui'tied by rth.-r, and in ni tkltiir ibis . f mnrkHS would be -mindful- or duo d',fnnc to hi : profcffcionat br-stfirf-n. would br un.b-rnt.noM pimply fo .t!t ihcvfact, without arroirirl jw" to iin-m-lf hi fnipcnonly, and thereby detract from the iac-. and corn plicated dfa.e STxhc J-y have benfltSvd bv hwiraftet thrrt hare tu4ed. l)tl. easerequirinSurjK-jil treatment and -rffirgisdl ojv.. 4L-ra!jrins.haxe-',;uaird no mull thare -f lU atti- tiori, and he i alraas-fl to av, in. this, ref otct tbat succca has te w ded his t'jrKir-al efTorl. IW will orom jtlyaMrrd all talU, Ur or near.- Epjftplart; adrido will bo givri. When rrquircd. Ho is also prrparrdfto receive and aCcoinmdate at hi, remddnce, inv;idi froin a diMance, and would-prfi.. fer if4atinir eaee at bis reid'?mre ihat reqiire uf. pieal npcmfio and hm-eloM mbjeq'tent aMenti'im- . Ilej maybe jbonwiiltyi.at all. times al in reiaoncft orrsfe lit Morranton, except when absent, . - fclT! poor aliall reowve hi p'ofeaaional, :.cr vices with.'iiit any uv. i . : s . . " JSVjrjfJiriVon, March 13, IB lo-Jini xjt. 74 'SALT! SAL'lti Finv Rack nr&uTj'M freejVed anr . fr at bf V- t . , RANKIN A. PtJ.LlAMv May I, 1811. UPPER f SO LB LB A TAER , Ci4 sfanily on Jiand at th" Inwra mrkli rales. ' RANKIN & rULhlA. ArI 3, lc4(. f 311 rall"ns Unseed o;T inst receded tid fnf Vats ' by 1, U. LL.rS I UK. Jine o - v ... '3C2lr iL ; . . NO. 2. MACKEfeAL.' ' . nvijave. powder. lead,-nd sain for sale' bv Janfe.12 tf . Ur. WILLIAMS, CHOP 1848'.'. ' DIRECT frofti Fl.ibd-!phia;eacb paper heart the, kbel and warranty Pf WtkI t.anarein . ror sale , - - f RANKIN & FULLIAM. .. Arjil, 3. 1846. . , n . , . y