1 v.. :t. V I I - ...i vt tr r -t , '." " " " , ' . :t:.-s: ;-..;-.-ft. '... - , '-',-:.-, ,:..- j .i:l..ly : ..,,.,'''' :' ' 1 - V r vol. fj-g0;,: ,, "V 'j ; asjiyille;. a, :fKiday;: AtJGtfstr'';7,; iaic:": :'- "... - ; ' ' unor'r: r . i:MTOii and 'nioruiCToa. ' TtKi or TiiK jiur&su.icciV rn 1 J'STirt-v CrNTrrr a'nnu'n in " i.irincr,rT Ito"-" wrthint j "-aj ' , Yj.,),, v "Pi, lin-coutitru-d. exre, at tha ojv. 1,n of fV I. J -r, ;I ,rri irj5cl I 'J . - Aivrrti"ififp Vlh' mv'rl.cd pt Ovs Dollar M-r iw-urr uf ft ri J ncn nr K Tj- l!j ; f.rl i ,-t lUm, irv! THfJrT-IT.t I't'TI T"h ontiruure.- JV nn. !ff f in-rjti.m ..,t.ij rift marked ked . .ir n, twit.. t. the Jrftrtwc!o'Ot willl ironlinu. r5. 4 nrdjn-ty. - Cr 0,-,J .t,!!1,n. iMttmUr - hjuihmo; l.'n nmc of a rtiodi. ! riiri will iturJr'o ty.c (r,Ti-r ii 2 5'J in - ahrp, $3 W if pdj-: I t!tf tu Uie TIi tor must cuit re of jxxitage c Ni:W YOUK' AI)VERTI3CMPN'r.v lorph.I' Trippc, ; -(- ' ' IiiipoiltT iV WlioWalc 'Dniist,' o. 1' .TI:Wcn L,:te, 'ryv Yoirlv Wojn.n rffp-pf.fdllf rnvile (heltrntion'of roun. v J)riis"f'"i I'liyici". Munnfwcturrrti, anf rrer chirAs m pcnf r-J vtt tl' city 't'i hi extendi t- wVtck of -rriKiiMc'Drua und Mldicin, Ciinttc'ald, rjriit.lM i'rr Slufl a;iJ MjnufdCtuH ra 'Article a '&.c, ahirli lit t'lH-r for al ciMitr lc ca;4h or ap. jirmod fnjHirrn tliamir liberal tctm, and tat tbr luviui niarkrt Tdi?. Ilia- oclc tviJi al.way b f.uwl comlt l' arvd will .tmbracc a full assortmeiif. if Knl !i Jifiil Kri ndi Cht-iuicIf-, hiiricul Instu , -nini, Ap'Hi r-iYK', Jlasi'im', Irfi.uif ry, v9 t)rJ rs from riiyrtiauruwilL rrct-n e hj?iiI atton. ; tion.. ' " i . . . r .V 'i : 1 -tw Vc'nk, July 17, Ifill 3m " 2J3 . ' ImiUDlTNAJIEE, X ,Xo. IS William Street," , . (AJj(mmif ILtwen Jr'NamtV.) ' . Ifr. ) j 0-Hy, ml fun Mvrthivl '.vihitinj New Yrk iltu jtrchcntinxin tbat h liaa complfU- Sftork ' o.l lNoif t! Wl wvmj di'Mirtmeiit4; vu: -) ii. lii;j;LI,AS5 ANDI'AUaOLS. ".US UVI J ' f til-UOOJ'S ANDSIIOKS. " rariicularjriicnlj ii rrquctjtcd tu li is rich Stock vf ... . l. PARASOIaS. r iit'prj-Niijr it! l!ie fa-'uona!)Ic ofVu-jrcd tibd Srol.ifH-d.fuT").-, rJtrasoUctt. and j-r Miadt-, nxii.' from tlu-rjnstrvjVnstvr Sk'k an'' fmiwbHl with aoMlv ii (.ijiitpi'rs; together with a large.'af'nor merit -f i r J v- IVipp rf 4'l.itl "to the 'coiintry 'tr'af;, ? 1" t.n j . I'IJtAV,t.UODS?.U depart incut 'pur - v i u w i,i int an ':aHtiTjin nt, Nc cltnr, and Tf r 1 l Hi ill tli i mi l.islitaiiI un't.'riiMj iinil strliw in--tiJitv nf FI'vwrtr. rld.-JInjrfii.h TuUnt Kut-1! , ianj.-hnv, 'aM-tli-r btiiida.. Ala. af lull Hsorl.-H f it ii r in i, Ltglioru and r.tlinkaf-'llatm.'A'rti- ''"'u! I I'jwt ri. A.c. ' . , - . . .. .. , . In 'L'OO t . A. SIUVUD do-1rtmr-,t jv-iH l.ofinin.l itioieV ction of f-jb ffi)odj,coni.tiii' !.. I. I l'p . . .. .. .u-ns .tturiicitin, aii-u ciiuan.-iiM wear, ail oi wfi.i h hh- irclvadupttJ lb STirvf -trade, and ,Ub-H.dd . JJi..t .i i I -i..-)o Sutiun Win. MjthtJ. ' i ..rk," Marrh 27, lilf. ..' ' i . - .-AT .... ; - v ' .. . i i i .i '('.!, a.1 i niMce, to tuc iiijii,t utdaerin bidderjTir( r ' ''-!' in-At, at the t ourt II.ium. m Mmmiv. M )., .J rounty, N. .C.t tho ) b did .tract-'of f. I t t-i rh ownrd by i'lnth a (irsun, piiiitjti i .1: tifvunLsi yKl'.HJ acrr8if llotttun Lanit i rt- a r .! j 'i i .l ctiliival ik'n, lyinjon btli ciJrsvf the i i i"1 i r ,r. ai'ifim I'h .i.int (I urti( ()m 1 ; r "' ; .Merchant Mill, and a suitable iLi'i iw M,H. The oitlunil-, nWj nninij are "VtA'i n-w , ori t HjHat dc.il of H fine iiprtnd'. j llMj I a.i ly hulj twVti tract, and is r.ardid as un. ! ' ; n' d in I rt.l.t ir, the nnsr d Mrahle !ace, com - inn nfiviivttru.i:-sthan any cither tract tc the it .iii Ilie w eh tern V-itt t-C North Ca ruin a. I I'wn v itt he. be.Vnuide td rrdei m it, but'fajl.ngy I Vi r. ..( i .n. un rket uiin stale that,wi11 noicrhiiis t - V I'll? (fj nd ,im. , " - - ' A,, rn.m oV i!ie purchase nvncy may be required i 'i, j ( t, r((H be as Kecommodatinj aa jhji'.' " ' U p-iULtual puVcftaier. - I'slflcu'ars made KiMiwi if:i liliy of sale, i ' ' - i . ; '. - T. C. C ARSON, . v I-t, lyifi. jiN. v'. H-H-r : ' J - Kvmiin.unj in ll.tr r.t'Oiliee at Ashevilfe, X.'C, t" tiv :t iih Jmu-.'IJ, which, if not taken utin '!rr? tiumth., xV,U bccnt tithc Uencrar Tost-Of, fi ad 4 htt.w:. , A! n.ir'JI.Yy Mifc , dving DaieeV ; -' ' . A. ii Jessf.nr Hhenhe!ti Ijiivm!!. n 'J.ir'tcnn f ' i I.vmf J D y L M Lv;le JoJ?u" ' M'lJkr I'ttir lartjn'Jacob ' Porter A IVnit r H , Vatloii.Tuo ; ration T-T. ' IVine Miry A li rrtf. II. rl Risky, Ij , f 1 HjC4'ts A J Hector A or 3 HaWle John Smith J H Jsorrcls rriscilta 'Smith Sainl , Sharp II P Smnry Georje itk.Uc iJie f-attfr) ' :-!''i;..l (J . - . . I'r Jl.Ii.i ' j J . -. 'i ' -. 1 ''.f-oli' in ) - t iur; v 3 1 '-'k vm , , I' kon J ,in 4 WiA U,.v , . - l-vJAdrJi. Xhoa I - irtN Alkn x t-i r(MM 1 "r W.Uuirj, ' '3 Smith Ualeb . Smith Wilha'tn Shep'urrd John Tatebott Tod way A or" J . -Whelma AUeC . ; Wright AartMi Woodsor Matthew Wcstall William-. .U'-'i'iW "' A It,""- . lfcSV'lllH . Mi ' . - tr. M. PATTOXtr, M. . - . -307, --Vhine.3iilylO. CAMP .MEETIAC At r 1,r f P?eocf, Havwood coun'tj, will com- Oil tlio Iv.t .r '.. ... r:..:.. ian aUerd i" f XilK a!J,,in'nS cirouiU are invited to anJ i the labors of the meeting-. , - . A. P..I5ROYLCS, JJai..J - 1 . 3D7 lhUlle. District Camp .TIcctJu. l7rcek. t Au; us-t 7th. f.Ws CVeck, - ranklm' 14th. . ' - f 21st. . . 2Sth.. September 4tb. - 11th. lStb- j. 11 askew" in. .'look's lI--H.on( Jrnviile, , Rnu, Creek,. Vat,te(1 inunccliatcly! Apply A Piven. 303 r. SALT1 'I-.f&llW ..foV nU by kt i iri Nankin a. Iuluam. JJF?;srt maker! S A W . I - "-""uarui.w lowes ,arUttVs. I ArA!3tj3l6 NANKIN PULLIA. A jjcrrllituan tvclJm J tLrnucJ Hhnuis, th fall ;o dlij-,intenc4 wilh r.Ri.jftVT!i lYxx. AO the Ivctcr of tbe vi;riard lie would tare! die, as' tiotnr cijJ htm but free Llcc-diu-xand caljl rnel. H stuck to tlie pill'n, botfvc Ok; day hi tik thirl v t wo p.ynkil charge wertus black as jwtclj. lie -Atlliqa xrvek. j , t - : ' , ' 'iiripf.W Case , ' In .Vig'.otjri, anothcx ntIcinaA waa taken. with ,sonjrrMiv- inlc rnnttetA ti'vtit. llo tioL t thIT m j ii s s U-b if fouttftn n unc i -. jr. Ho jfit, l(. J , He 6omme.,ed thkm,r Ibe plUsaa.n ,mU ..ti-jh ronfim-d t.M.is bfd Ipr fourtv-n dTiys, .twd ni.ttiinir bt liy fiKida HTC1 Ji"m FOintT cilanicl. Hut that n me otily d-jnf, as iie riiade fthcm all prommff linn, tnai hliouia tidatn b decnou,- they i vould jrive oirn ndifunj but 1r,m)rkth .rixi every three bourn. If iinn j hm sicknt-Ws he luil oper Hiirtf pounds n wcijfl.t. Thia prty catlqdon Dr. Brandretli direct!- ufl'T hm arnvul in Nw York from the "AeoV and told kna the above; anil- that in .twrnty daya after jre Iti r j, h had pitback BcarlTrall h.a tloft .although lie hd been sciu-da a dv w ithout takrn more nr )cMof the nth, as he foupd hi? c(irjbtitatioa yet dflccd by the dtuble utWick, u it w'rr, of Con. jreatrva fever, llc-faid he (til jsiitc surp thlt tbo l'randrcth IU, under rrltvititnct-, were thft ant of aivtoj hyJ fp. '.:' t !": v.;s, k- These IMU arc fur sale, in evety county in this Sutr, at 23 cjnta icr boi; and btiy bo had oRtha f follow .hfr ajcU: . I k- " i'.rn)x a-. onoiiNT. Ahcvi'ic, n. c- J. .V. A LKJtA N I K n, J rrtich L'ruad, N.JC. . J AS C. SMYTH, ' Morjrantrtrt, N". C. C WM. Ii- (IL. Minun, N.. fX , 31. P. I'llNHAN I, I)um-i lle, N..C; KLLSCY MAVKLUiLdUL Jvy, Ni C. lt. DCAVEIC. Sulphur Spr&ijji. . J.P. lATTt)X, W-vrin Sphi)gs. fc . .. SMITH. lUIRDr Ldiilajid. . ' Jnn 'J f Im ' , ' . 334 ' A Kiil'all uanUl of decidedly tlie fuirst Tea ever broujjh: mtu liiMCowatry, at vev-iijLvv' prices, i A15i!) " Rifi'id HoraV, Silaratus, IsInjJasn saltpetre, together wflh a g;?ncral 6S!6rti8ut of sundries on band-und for paJa by ; - .. ;S .;. ,. . " , - ' ; . T. C, LUSTER. -Jurio 10 - tf - , , ' i ; " 303 SiIJLE i)F IZMtI, jRSTklTi:. Ily viltCie of a derrec mide in the.Coiirt of En-iity fof Hnneombe County at Spring T(r'rt 181G, in the ease in vaid (ouTt pending, wherein. Robert . Bell atid w ife and others arc coinplinants, and Jesse Pal. tner is ijt fcndaiit.'f shall oiler a . , . . , 'Tract of Hand i on Bee Diarjelf (nar Col. Ijowry'.s', formerly ,thc rojxrtv of John I'almcrDec'd ,'eOntaiiyng mopo.orlqss, for sale to. tuC'hijriL5t. bidder 'on the 7th'fAuiwl iKit, at the, Court House -door ' in Asheville, on a''redit of Twelve niontha. Thb pur. chaser will be required to Jjive Dovd with, approved security. '.". .i ' "5 t .. - 1 L Bc.SAWY.ER,' c. m . . Jjnc2, 131(5. ' , . 335 Us., ' JiSES V. UtRQr, lshtrilit,'..'c ,. .. -AVill attend tu the olllrifig of Nott" cither for, dis. count or r.cncwnl, at, the Uranch ;oC the' Daik of Oapt Tear "ht this place, aud w'llljmake the settle m 'tils nd payments upon Nutes i&ch renewal day. Tlie Vtiatl facilaieei Iroi'n this plaqc ito every part juf the eunlry u re such, tint notes may be pcrrt ahd the thonev received rby mail with but little if any risk. The rnot prompt attention will bc given to ill Filch tusm confi'jed to ny cafe, and an accu rate account icnderedlfn every. m?lancc, while "my ;hares will p iideratc 1 ! - , - ivh.iiu, la 16. tf. ' K ; .23 - -.TO TUE hADlESr Wl, are nov pcY.iiip a rtcw atnl beautiful ftoclc of blifc, bTai.1i and 3-cllow bAWAH. ... ' Some Fplcndid pew stylo calicoes, worsted nctt fiha" U, fine p,lraifs, siin shades,&.5 ..c. , ;kz,&bt'' ' Some, new and tteautifuk blacli Alpaccas, d lundkeichicf!, -vVc., A-c' f ' - ; ' " t . - "'V .lZ,SO, ,! ; . ' Ncek,scarf3 and handkerchiefs fof gentlemen ''Call and esaminc our stock. : ' . N - ' ' . J. S. , J.i P. SfMITII. .1 Aahcv.UeVAp'rinT.'lSlG. tf 25: , (JIVE- WYOUB TAXES. : . i ' .... 1 ; . . c : I was ?fpjointcd by the Countv Cpurt of Uuneombe Countv, tutfakc in a. ht of the Taxable property .and polls, ui the Abbeville pibtncl for Ibjj'presrnt fear, 1'eison'di.iirous of gtvingjn w ill plcsc call at my iore wjivru uiu nil i uuwf uau, , 'juunr venicnco to kit parlies will" be avoided by. attention to ths notice. . ' promptof WUXIAJ WILLIAMS. , r " t Tax Goitnmsstoner.' - J oh, 3 1 1 8 4J ; . ' ; Ea$t Tennessee Univcrsitr. ' , .The neit Collegiate j-ear of thw Jnstitotion will comrrtenrte on the lothday of Orlobcr. Tlie Fa culty .will then consisi of fivr OfScjers; the.yacan-, cy which litis occurrxdjin the, Dojartiiicnt of Jatu ral History b-"g hirtty to be filled. ' , ' TUITl!jri in the Collegiate Departhicnt is a the-Preparatory and English Dcpartincnt' 10 per scsrf n . " ' ", , ' ' : ' BOARDING & the Public llaU is ! private, families $ I 50 jx?r week. - " , i The entire annual ExrEXjS; . inolvtding clothing, aftd boarding in vacation, need not, trith strict eeon. omt, exceed 140. . , v. . ' i I- - . Tlie iocautx is" exceedingly hcalthfuL and has proved particularly 6tq student's fr&ui the Soiith. t i or intbrtnalioa, see iataiogue, wnicii may oenaa on apphcation'by letter to the President of the Uni versity. . . i ' V .t ' ' D. A. DKADERICK, . Secretary ef'tke Board f Trusters. ' Knoxvill,TennJuIylS46. 4 3l . Plain and Fancv .BOOK AND JOB HUNTING' executed with Neatness audatvery Reduced Price Al THE OFFICE' CF THE ESSENfJER,' - - WHERE EVERY VARIETY OF , wrLL be-doaNE at the' short:: t 1 NQTICE. ATD ON THE MOST (. ' Ha vdbiixS, I'HTTTATrro CAapi, Na, Elkc-ho Tickets; Blank Notes or II amj,,uat , ; Watch am Saij?lk . Tick rrs,i , Goorw UlLLS, OP ALL SIZES, Vt HOU . Hocse ad Jack iitis, - TicLef in ted iq s-Ujirtor ttyle NO. 2. MACKERAU, Rice, molasses: poder, lead, fcnd rtlt. for J by JuneJ tf. ' rKCSTEO WITH NEATXES3 AND fJESPATCTI. - . . , U.ti-dJLabrls and Zall , ; v; rrixc Lo-t Heart.: ' UV as. siiun.j(. ciIaaxzI S,iy, have you found the heart I lost, ?.,' A you and 1, Iai.t night, TUi fragrant newnKwn meadow crossed,. J ' lVneaih'lhj sweef Ur-hhl'"' ' i - . ' ' , I-hv a heart bat rni I how it,' ' ' 1 Ti fair thou t2oulJt defino. "- -.' . The firirate ruika by which thou'It know it . Norubt the heart is thine.", t " " .rVf n,'-!twa not hard, not .very atroh : ' ' ; l .A luvmJttlle he art ' F.Iled wrb awrcl raptures, and wild noti". liLt all unskilled mart. . Twa hke, 'u jt free joVous youth, A bird t'pun tfi wm Nt A.woo-litpper of love and truth, ; . v An4 'vry;blc!Msed thing." . r ''tlt, here' t!,V Heart so fond.an true, J ,never could forsak'e it; . - , Yct rightfully belong, to you ' The pnceltfaa eai then take it'.t , "1 thanl yrit,.srr. - Kut hold, look here!' -I.aaid my heart wa small-- . - . ' " Tins great warm; throbbing heart,' rti clear. It not my heart at aU. . , . 'J f ' Aha, a roguish cplundercr thou! . . o thii nice heart is thine'.' No matter though",; 111. keep it now, ' ; Tjs most as g6od as mine," ' i , The Captaiiri Vaifii. ; , .v , Thc.fwllowtn excellent story waa publislf. od in a'Taio number of the- IJjajon Weeklv Symbol: . . v - . ' CotiFiing with"lhc'coptaiii 'of a- vesstr the oiliuf, day; he relattnJ tlie fuUowiu'j anccJ dote: , t '. ,lhadva first rato officer who sailed wiilv mo tor ieverdl yrtwj. 'jle was an exctller seaman -and, a perfect gvntlemao.- ) remern: bir I took, him once lo-jhe Itahan "CLera iii L'ihdon, and.ho xprcsse-d himself pjrfectly saMfifd with- iho performances, though he hutf tio car for iiiumc, didnY understandvtW I ...... ' .. 1 . . .' . .1. .-.. . . : . Miiuiigu, unu qs too chfsniui 10 lot k at the. figiranlcs. A particular and very .amiable trail of his character was his domestic allVc lunv SaiIovr.i,' roving 'abjut the -world.- Are SilJom Very- cvnstani;. ifact, toooften act ui. to the libertine nronosition nf Marmon. tet -Quand un jta 1x1s ce quon ttimt il faut ui"' iff ji u. ouj. nijs iimowas a pericci rnvJel ol conjugal fidelity. He .wat alwts speaking of his wife he had 110 children ulwtijs buying presents for fier in every pbrf he Visited. v , ' ' We!J,o4nc'day-ve were ling off tho ,ru vcf Gimtiia, in Ad'ica my mate, after din. uci,ie.iiifu u,ii;k( in tiis cnair unci teir asleep; I went on deck .to smoker a t:i2 ir. When I Icame bicK-I fOund j)oo.- M. lying on tbo ettb- in lioor a corpse; 4 A sudden atrokc of ap'. poptoNy oan icil irn off. I. was inexpressibly siockLd, !e had a saifor s, grave -aod ev'. ery heart on board'llic brig was heavy 'at iiis hiss. On the h hne voyage I -was thir.kinj all iho w,hi!c of Ihc agony .of Ms poor wife Mien. sue learned ,ol Ins death, .and .how 1 should Jjrealv the mvvs a her. '. 'hUo always Ikw down 10 tii rSier as soon as she heard bur bug wwis comiag up the ba'yy and I belicv bue,couu ,teau cery signal Hag thai was throw n out from the istaon. i'- VVell, w'e Vod no Sooner undo fat o the.whrf, when down amca lwndsom.;hack "and Out springs the mate s wrfevtfg'd-0u; frtm top lo too liker nrst raie. frigate on a gal day, with a fajhogi or two 01 ribbon towurg astern of her. Toor, girl, thought I, how, soon my tale, will blanch .the. roses of vour : :cheL:' "Afv; lmvn.?,, she euquired, as she s-pryn lightly on deck J ui, lJcJ a swori1 except ' if miy 00 a holiday showing 'a'pojc of tiny let ased in the daint. r11.1. re P-iceJ aboVe U?tlr hvJM , ' et satin boofei that cvc&a Fccnrch shoenin- or iu rnru out. v 1 tm sorry lo say, mada m , J" aid, I, "-trnt he has bvea. very 5itk.1,, "Wy color-CtftW-'on!' went on her itieck. T'eTl answer, bhe was asliore and pff agairi in the lying of a rtcf point rand the next week she wai ioirn'cd toa merchahi's cleik. Th captain tilnnscd 1ms han'dideen inlhe norkrts his pilotcoal.' ."I'm a bachclorvsaid he. "The worse, for you' whs our answer! "Kv ceplions only provo rules.' " .' . -: , v Fttr6mge'of tltf,Fress.-Vc scC! that 6ur4cp temjo.ranes throughout tho State are braznin' ol tlie reccti access mtis to their sub,ciption. This U an encouraging sign-in the Old North Sate We qan brag a little ourselves, but we are nxious to hrag a iftile more. W? are con empla ling -considerable impTovemeat in pur paper, out we must' hava more encourage.. met; tt is sickening t()hear North Croli. niaivi depreciating the character of the press of the. Siate', turning up their noses at olmctil every paper published in. their own common wealthy who have never moved a fuiger to wards sustuiniftg them. ' There are no set'of men in the State, who w.ork harder and di? serVe more, ihao the printers; but who are o poorly sustained they have no heart-to lay oul all their strength for the improvement of the pcpp'e. Let the ptople sustaia -the pressjbet-i icr, ana wenau near no more ol poor papers. A man who is always dpcrying his own State," her resources, her public men, her measures fof improement and her press aud who doc nolhing to advance her interests, ousjht to be that without benefit of cleiy.' We some limes foci like doing the thing for him lor the Vr.-t of the State; to getnd tofsuch cronk ersjnot. reader " ,!;h i powder and : bafft but iiith our '"'gray gjosz qmli." Ncmiaiu ' -1 Ycn2crfut rhezomenQn!n English fa per remarks that a'-wonderful pWnomenon occurred recently, qq the Brighton, railway. A geni!eman and ldy, wero sitting poIta to each other, .the Zadjr hiving a piece of court.plasicroa herlip. On emerging from ontfof the dark lunnejs,' marvellous to relafe,. the court. plaster was observed to have passed oyer hi the gctillesu.71 lips. H" , v Potatoes. Tho Wilininglon J.vir-al snys "'We have just learned ;that the rot has I suddenly steze,d uobn th early potatoes u? iniseciion ot country, ana tnat rfsa! destruc tion has'tecn sutTcifcd wiihi? a few- davs. me afljihe dried, grasping my itrm: VTeil then rnadn m , V. siij l j f if. I mos say it , Ihj is defid." ' l0ladof it, ly Jingo," was-her JVow the Richmond it ht'.' K. We announced ia vtfittrtl.ii x tr, t?;e appointment vf a few of the o'JiccfS who ilw imguislied themselves io the baithva on the Kiu Grfnde, to be assist.) nt fcdjutapts geopr. l, with'irerrf rank, a grftdc bighef, to rach case. iian Unci r actual rank. . n L'ust vie aupmiM!, is the full extent. of the . reward be Ustowed upon these gallant men for the valor displayed ia thoso desperate engage, racnts.- .'So far from entitling the Presiderjt to any gratitude, these merely rmtniftal diatinc lions for as ' we understand 1 itr'a .bW,vet Captaio.if ranked by a LeulenanUof olJef commission, and so in other gradesare bul a poor reward for inch aigoal mrrif'i cspe. cially when these gallant olficcrs fir. J them- aclves holding inferior posls to "rrn . taken from the -walks of civil life, hr Xk only j destitute of nil clairuio lho distinction, 1. i,t I a'tinst - the appointment of soioe of whonf, "part from the ttlilical influence bAiujrht to beaf io their fa,vor the mostsjubsianual objec. tions existed. . , v , ' " ' ' .Many of the officers, too who Jisu::uiahcd thierhselve. arc vei Uunoticed. Amnn-j ibftin a rft QoU Pay no and ,'Col? Mcl nlosh , vVoth no w sutlenng from the severity of theji wounds, and pf the former of whom it is Veiled, tha (ly intho action bf-Resaca do Palma, 114 was wounaea, ny a grape or musKesnot, yet nevjer dinmpianttJ unt4I tho bAttlc" was over, and then had mbe-iUn from his horc. Wh. has : promotion been denjed to him", whTo Pilluwof Tlenn., Pattcrso:i of Poihd., larficr of Ohio, and others ofieven less ce lebrity, are made Alnpr and Bngadipr CJJen erals? "".',' - . 1 ; ; . The N. Y...Cburier"fand Erirjgiircr records other instances of signal merit, passed uvqt in cna;emptupus sileicf. ; It says: - ' 11 Young Lieut. Morris of .this city, Jn,-a like manner kept.the fieliT of "bauJcf the whule day ano marched four miles itl the bullet of' the cnemy in him refusing, to leave his post while aught of service w.t.s to be dme, or of peril to bd encountered; yffct'he too wa's passed over, in lho recent promotidris. ; 1 f Another gallant- Ntw Yoikfr, Lh'iy. Sackett otiWalc,rtuwn1 Jefferson fe.o.f in the fine and dccUive cavalry charge led by Oipt May against ihe enemy s batter)' "-had- bis horse, kilrcd. under; Jiinr at ' thu moment of plunging upon the foe. He ittsbntly sprung to h feet , mounted ihe horse of one of his wounded dragoons, jrdj bor.r'owing his swbrd rr- havin;1ys: U'ti owa in 'ihi$ fall-rrode-.into-,the thickest of the fight, Raided io cUjaring tho battery or hose who wetroofving.its cannon njramst our columes.' Yet not for Sackett. anjr rnbre'.than for Morris, or Payne, or njp, or iMcl nlosh or Ganantf, Lewis Morrlss Willson, Bainbriilge, or lho; other gallant spifciii whoillustraiBd'iur arms on. the Rio vjiiciuui.-, i tiuiui iavur 7 Jit-iimi v , i juaiiu"? to5)c expected at tho hinds, of tiie Adminis. tr alien. . -. j M Thc g'lory. there won for our arm, it "seems, 'is. to ba appopriaiod by pohtrcal spec lilaipr; while thdjo who gathered th Inrvesl are dfscourogtd'by. neglect, or what is worse, insulted, by hav'ibg thrust over1 or among them; poriythf.cks, lac'kiiig that inslinet.ol honor vvhjch is a soldier's life, arid lacking as wlII flic knowledge and accomplishments,, that dignify a eold;en"a profession,"1 " Is il not cruel mockery to parade the names of some 'five or six ; ol the luSoie'imnis and ca'pvains engaged in lha bloody battles of thc 8ih and Oih "Uf .Mayi asuhrevel captains and majors which, substantially j meansioihing. eat'all, since ft. gives them ho higher rauk t nor ie believe additional pay whil Jone thirty or jottv' obscure citizens who have never Li hid official report, Cao'tahi Morris, of ihe 3d infantry, re-lutvs the following poblo incit dent ol 'onc of hisanon commissioned officers: I must , not omit to notice in this report the condiicls,of Corporal O Sullivan, of .Com pany E, 4JJ infantry j who fired at a body' of the eoiimy and immbdiately Yuhed jn among them and seized jx lieutenant by . ihe coll jt, disarmed him, and delivered fiim a prisoner la'LieuL'Graham.'". He afterwards wert wifli q parly under Sergeant Kendal, of. F Cinpa. J ny, 3 J mfaDify,:cuptured a gem from thq ene. my, rolled it out iotd tha road, an J turnud it over, to a'n officer of the, 5ih infahtry.Vv ' .rt-, Bonipar'.S would have given such a niin his epaulettes; Evn in aristocr'atic Qreal Brit, am, we aro told, that a large number of the xlon.commissioned officers who disiingu.ishcd 'themselves in the recent engagements In InoV, '.. . 1.. n . r ' . piuuiiiy - pi uuiuiru. ' uui vivi po: 1 O-'Sullivan . wjll Jn all probability never : be. heard of again, unless indeed he should iigain perform some heroic feat, 1000 chronicled in the official report, to hp 'again forgotten.- Ihe rank anrj file are fit, food .tor gunpfiwdet -b,ul thc must not presume lo fcoine b. lvit the wind1 and (heaven save ihe mark!) our Demociqtic nobility!" He has no political infljence, and do . influential friends9 to be conciliated. - Why throw, swayi; t4ie spoils1 upon men of his stamp, wher f 'the honorable V ToT;ns, : Dic.ks and ; Harrys have!, sons and nephews. and cousins to be provided fur? ! - We arc bol surprised that even some of the Administration '.paners murmur at this rank injustice. A' nervous writer in ,the, New Yurie Evening Post, comments opon it with Pgreal force, and peaks of some of ihe ne; anpoiuimems in urms not vejy naitcnng 10 tne discernment of the appointing power. We invite aUvnltuq to hi? rjauflic remarks. He says:,- : . V 'H After ?S victory gained ever such fearful odds,-would not captains like Washington, Frederick '-the Great and Napoleon have- re-we-rded the valor of those officers and mn by promoting the -most distinguished lo' va. cancies ih tho service? ' Wa? it not called for by the brst interests, of the service and the country? ' j it not hive been wise, ren'- erqu at,. ..' Bat", with two or thrwe es tferjtiujs, wlfiroiheoHicersof t! regiment? W hat ha-vo ihpy done to. entitle V .r to the p -sition3 lifch havo been. 50 niniv won j(rr deserved at reasi)y tha army in Texas7 Id contrasting" the clairns of Capl3in M.ty a,nd the mojr;of the Lew corps, 9 morning print has spoken of the latter a ihe- most unheard of Mr. Burbrirfg-; it wouU;hate been fortunate "if many other officers of the. vTegifljbnt had been' as 'unheard of as Major 1 1,. ralof thrm we re once in' rvice; ne bs a comm?ssioatd..ollicer, b:d rU r n cadets. Tiw former wai forcvJ $ iesiin to n vid a court-martial; -to pf the Uner klt. Uisl tVmt for causes not diser'-dilabM; but a numUf of oihra were disct red. oh hv rccimmct5jtnon of the Acad. -,ic; IJjard of jjMal "Jtion, for ,ffnentalor moral invapa. tuv.i, out ui iricse euusieu ICtO me first re-1 . '-: 11..,. . I? . 1 1 . . " .1 J. im'ent of ortifJcry, and was madea s rgaut; but i) was -soon reduced torthVJ auks ori the recommendation of, bis otilcers, anJ was fi nailyv discharged from tho scwice. .These are tpccjimens of the new officers selected to command an, important corps in time of rtu aiwar. , Kcan only h6pe, that utheunheard uf V jjortion of :hesp officers can present bcl. ter .''Credentials: tbaa their compeers of more unenviable notoriety! ..-' . .:,., But with, what justice to the arrhy have these persons been appointed! ; : Their mcat. TTtiteswho were cursed with a little 'nwre character and '.capacity, graduated at WasI Point with honor, anH have-tince served faithfully fo r'.years ; in the army. :;- Some of ihem.hive been killed n battle in Florida and, Texas.'and many of : them were cntcuous for their gallantry and . good Condutt in the recent -battles on the flio Grande". The po. Ml ions of these new officers are almost inva riably such as to gie(thera military refnk and precedence over their former class mates, and somr months hence, the officers on'tha Rio Grande will see themselves placed under the command of these veterans, all of whose campaigns have been made about the lobbies or lho , war office acl Senate chamber ar AVashihgtoo. s this afuir' requital for Ihs5 services with Which the country is- rebuild ing from Mexico tp New Brunswick? . Many ?f our army'officers hve labored' hard to fit Wcmserves for the higher duu'es of their pro. feisioh, Jnd havu provd, lo tho s'al it faction of thc . cQuatry upoo' the field of batilo, that thy have no: bech unsuccessful; and. this is ihetrtre'ward. 9 .'iDes not this look like trafficking off the giUaniry of the army for a' coniideration of iHfluyicr' in ihe adjustment of some nice po-' fiticuf-bargain? Is it not "procluifnini; to the army that distinguished professional acqqire. meok, und long; faiihful, and gallant serviocs area po-iiivo disqualification for advance, mcnt, while to be a dvfjulier at the treasury dj'partJvfnt, and incapacity ? to succed'at AVest Point, are certain passports to fatilt ahdjjonideration in the arniy?t Is it not ari. nounefng pMetically t ihe country, tW po litical. influence and military wocthlcssness combined, are moro cprtairt to attain pronio ti;n, than Idng service-and professional mer il?11 , ' ; 7 "In the -organization of the 2ad--regiment ofdrngoons, in 183G, 30 officers warro ap pointed from civil life and4 fro m the army: Ahendy 22- of thoie from ciikhfe havo bcrn dr-.missed from , service, or have rfs'gned; pearly al) tho Inter class hiving done so lo p ve, themselves from dismission. Il is nbto rUui in the army, and the records of the war department w!l prove the fuel, that ' ihU g-l-lunt regiment wa? kept for )e:rs in; a state.ot difiOrga'mV. ition, from lho bad quality of ih officers. Who js not prepired to ' ex. pe.ct simildr, consequences in the . rifia regi menx? . , - Fitr tlie Vtternburg Intelligencer. July 18, ' . ITlost Atrocious "tiurder. v SThe mysierioos disappearance of Mr.F Adolphus Muir an advertisement of which has appe-lrcd several times in our paper hd at last bi.-tn aecounlcd for. His body has been louu.d a,nd identified ,i He- was mwr'der.-ed-hy Cfiplain Wa Dandride Eies, of the fcouni) of Dinwiddie,.. who. has, for the re sent, mada his recipe, but who, we ifust, will be. arrested and sulhr ihe punishment ue to his enormo.us 'offence ag int tho hws of God apd mart. j . , t The annals - of crime scarcely furnish as ggfa.a-trd" ar case of; cool and deliberate m'ur der. Whether we Iook nt -ilw. character of the parlies,, ihrriotivcs which promntf d the vi. uiuuu ui us uLcoiiipusiirn-c-m, uic ofJe nee 'Stands .out with an appal!inly bold relief.. , . , . - 1 ' The murdered-' ma 0 was one bf the most rspeciablu, amiable find inoffirnsive men in ou. country. ;He was connecud wiih one of the mot respectable, families in our State, and posicswd qualities which com mended 4iim tp the esteem and lovepf all who knew him.-U-There,, .wai .not in Dinw id die "county a man rnrtre universally popular than F. Adolphus Iis murderer is also connected with a-. fam ily, as' respectable as any in the country. Hjs own cha'facter,, as far ns we heard, ;was uft. impeached up to Ihis horrible affair end he was upon terms of friendship' with bis victim to tW very moment tint he slew him --indeed', .31$. Mu.ir had beert at the Hjuso of Epes on thp very. day ho was killed and harf accepted an invitation to return there. Jo dinner; but the man who. tendered, him his ho?pitliiy became his murderer. ; AVhat, ii will bkasked, was tho motive which prompted Epcs to lb hor: rible, deed? ."The accursed lovo qS money prompted iheocf. Muir lipid a bond,-or bood; Amounting to 3,200 againtEiw it being r.K i.iL r ' l t ' r.. . 1 : mi. uaiJi ti; ui wnicn .ines iweu. lor n iraci of land bought by him of Miim It was Un g-t possession of this bond that Epes murder-! ea Muir. j . The circumstances .which'first created the impe.sson.lhat Mr. Muir bad been foully dtalt with,. and .whi h finally led to the detec tion of the manner of his death, anJ the su. tlror of it, are explained -f?) the following ext tract from rtie advertisement, which appeared laicly in our piper: . , ' . Oii the 2J of February Usfy F. Adolphus Myir, left the house of his Brother, John A. Muir, in the county of Diuwiddie Ho had not advised his brother or any of hit friends, that he contemplated a protracted absence ffem the county. - About the.l tib'of FsbrtU iry, his, brother, John A. iltr, received the following letter; m--- -a - -' - ' . "PETEMB-jsc.Fcb:4il84fL "Dear John I have arrived in4h I and will rive you a small sketch of llwsiirn.. On my way fiere my horse threw me, strain? od my right hand, and gut away from inc. ; Sly hand is at this time s,paiofrj 1 am obi: gd lo get a. friend to Write tbis'Icttcr for mo. 1:0.311-. I" hoj4? mv horse 1. is rrUu-J ti:! - r to )of -houej or PotcrV Foitu . Usly lor 1.2 a grn tlcmah cat;c algnji in a bir-y at, J u;r;redi ' -j me a jBciit to town, which 1 accvpttd. ' .'j' bis p4id me every dollar doe upo'j his land, 1 ' Ate. I have had no cfT?r ta go mro, business .' ,.; in this place. I s !u!l,l uto imaxdiatel for ' the north, w.hsre I sT:iII remain seferal weeks s arj sele the pro5,- ; 1 f hying in a stock of god. I shall uol be ia yonr part opthv country for several'witk. Mv hio'm alt. . 44 Yownbrother, F. AD0LPIIU3 MUHL' 1 " Abdul the 27th Feb. a leilar dated i,Vw ' tfvrk , X2th Feb. 18 IO," and !gieJ MF..' A- djiplrus Muir, directed to John A. Muir, aoJ . po$tm 11 Vt.1 lVtersburg, was received,- U still cu- ' . il.av.lus hind was piinfoH ami sajjl.c i.is heard from bis ftUfivcf Irr Mis. " ' sourly and that it ii proper he should visit thai' 1 State-ihat 'he slnll travel by privte convey, ance the, greater-part of ih- way. I! f,i. . lher sa)s, thai he will, tend lho 'letter he U ' wiuui- uj u unjuuniaDcc, and gn him to mail it at n Petersburg1" for 'Old Darville -It Is believed that tlusdctier; . h purport. ' ing to be written by F. Adolj-'iuj ..luir, U no' ' ' id his hiand writing..!;" 1 - ,""- Nothing further was heard from or about bim, uritil the last of May or firuof Jurje, when John' A. Mulr received a letter signed M,Iuniui PJ Rollins, and dated Petsrtf, . ' . ' May 23d," (o? 23ih,) 1840' The wriicr states that he is by birth a, Virginian thai ... omey-jars ago ho moved to Arkansas, end ? i; . thonce t-a.Texas, where he now resides tht A - ' on his' war to this place he met with F. A- r' dulpbusjMuir.in New Orlcans-hariiaJrart ', '; known ihim in Richmond, and afterwards iu t MUourthat ho saw. the simo evening aT ' gentltman whi said he had travelled wiih P.' -Adolphiis Muir, in February, from New-York, , . to th,t idice,-that ht'spoksol going, into business! in New.Orlet ns, and seemed to have a plenty! of money that the nest, morning aler this; he understc.od tliat a hat was pick. td up floating in ihe Mississippi river .and un. ' ' aemsmvi, tne leather lining, 4,F Ado'nh muir, Aniwiujie, va. "-was written thai neuncr Kawor heard of Inm afierward. Ho " states he feels it his duty to write; , though it w& .patjiful to do so that upon enquiry , he ' ftid fuu(id that he (John A, Muir,) was a brother of F, Adolphus Muir- This.iwkwardly fabricated account of the cause of Mr. Muir's absence from horne, ' of course bxcited the supicion-of his friends. The bhiik, as It appears in the, first letter, i and which refers tojhs payment for, tho hndywa, in the' original, fille'd witli tlw ' name of -Captain Da nd ridge Kpes. ' 1 . 1 v.- Oii enquiry if wa found that,- en' the 21 " of I'Vbrtiuy, AIr,; AIuir had gone to the houso . . of Mr". Hpcs that after rie- had remained thrre some time, pes remarked to him thauWo was a deer in ihe woods, and pro-' posed that M.i should accomnanv htm 6nJ , kr'c ,m f4;" i1o'J,re'url hun to" din-' j oer; Tii' this M. coftsentedj and they logilu - .11.,.. ; . fcr teft th 'house on horseback. Eres with . a doublejbarrelled gjri and Muir enifrely tin " larmed'. This was ihe 1a&t time Muii wi seen - in 'ife.n ' ' ' This account was given by the amiable and. most dejjlly distressed wifij of Kpes, be-' lore sho Wat awais that her husband wo v uspcctcd ofuhe crime She further slautf . that Epes returned to hfs home. aJono, and op being;asked by her, why Mr. Muir had not redeemed his promiso lo reiuriitodinncr1 replied, tliat Muir had found it n citsary W .gVitp Brdnswick. The first letter, da led 4Pf. tersburgj Fe6.i 1840,V having stated 'that' . .Epes hadj ' f aid ihe. rnooey due on . the j lands ' E. ws upked where ho paid the inoneyi He -replied iliat he p,id M; 011 the 4h of February , al Jarratsj Ho:el, In ihi- town. ' On, making fnquiry at Mf. Jarrat Muir's friends ascer-V taired th: t neitlier Mr. Jarratt or any, otitf else htjd eh hun there nor Could any' Ope be found in PeleriihuVg,' where Muir was' weLt knowc, tvhdliad seen him in town at tha c -time. , A careful examination was neit made of thb hand Writing of the three letter mention ed id ihe advertisement and it was asentahTr -' ed th'ai they were nil wfitien by ihe mme per. son, tlmuh an attempt had evidently "besn -mide to vjary ihe'. Jnnd-writingi Tho-e let. i tern were next compared wiih the Und-vrri. ting of - E, and a rcscrollance letwcenw ih m dt-iecled. Suspicion aain-?t,Epts was now trong erough to Warrtrot Muir's fronds i in ; parching. E's premiser, .and charging him , wiih the murder. , - ' . t . : Accordingly, on Thursday' nf lact week; ft largo pajty want to Epea house. The found hirr at home, and Uld him he was sus pected of ihe murder. He, of course, assev. erated his innocenco most strongly, but (or . being told he would bit suvd upon tbe bond, or Bonds for, $3,200 whjch he had in his possession, he replied that father than havo 1 any trouble about it he would pay the bunds over ngair. The plantation and woods were then searched, but no tracti or vestige of tfo -body could be found; and the friends of Muir - not think iijig that they had any right lo arrest Epcs at thiol lime, permitted him to remain at large - r. 5 , , . .,. .Matters stood iJius tusiit Sunday fasfwticft -Mr. Lamsdco. a respectable Watch makr of ibis town-, stated, that, in May last. Mr - Epes had iold him or traded io him, a Gold Watch, which watch to had in Ifll.l nh".,.u ; for Mr.Muir, apdtaken down the number. On examirjaimn the numbers Corresponded " aed 'the- friend- of Mr Muir identiSeJ the' watch as hqvmg belonged to, and been worn ' by him at (ha time of Lis reappearance.- ' This derelppmenii coupled wiih othcy circom stances;j4tifird ihcarrt of Epcs,scdac. ' cordingly si wairant ws ,suCd for his apprc. tension. U was, twevcr; is ued too late, asLpcsfci his Louse onAIondavsnd-h-f ' not since Hen licard from- 1 : Qa Wednesday a purty went to tho Kon.se of EpCsjnJ were there informed by his cm r. teer,Mbat h,s believed a certain negro tn the planatfon could tell where Muir's body could be f jood.-1 HI reaou for thinking so was. ' ilY. u- "'-'-P-r-uipr Ihnl ir... u.... Iv4 . . . . The negro wss, called 'p and intei r 'gated. .m.j- j.-I. . and, Jorthwjitn proceeaea 10 a spot aout COO yards disujot- from the jrhoue, and pointed ' out tho grave. On opening it, the body was found and, although a good deal decayed was nradily identifisd by all the acouainUncei r-

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