V i - Uuif whwctc iricnL n, ' . ' ' t-ij after uMk.JLJ.L , , V . .hVlur ,'tn-a l!m gra rd,.c uir So fjr Jay wvei.'J u? wy , e fc-jn I . .t.l.t 1, . X Tin ,,J IK.' i 1V J.,. a f... . .. . . . wis f r ? - " 1'J L i. :sbV i i .protd j Ml'l 'J h. . t ' .,, y . fegrcMrd It ! f ,t , rj'j.x.jKfiom lU'il pvri- bd. J iy , w . doubt le$ troJ j.-id ar; . : ft f 'J-'l'Hr t'lrntJ ! imauhv; ar.tJ.we hivx? n r.. t:,'t 1 i ,.! r. i 1. -'t :: . i i a i t !i J ppe:jtj tj th h'irri- il tin .o uny in . ipprchcasi-.in f thf "."',)ri!' r- A.J rl.I, cod, thc.f:iawin re v. ir f hi L-i o .K rt ih ; 4 '( - ' ' , J'JVIinUNDKnD U0LLAR3 REWARD! .Tfi ;.l,vq r f a ill fc- p . V( a fri'i.p a p i.r. . . ! Ill I) l.tt'iiii '. D.WA I M.tf ! , U iibr.ut f,.rty Vciri of t-l tCit Iudi-s hih. t-a t!ue c nrjJ dark. -iJj ttir li.'iii , ' ric: f.nni, ' -i'ly inclined io trput-ncy. iti iih ivatjt.crst: nruua udd .ul iJjli tjr'oft.no of the ni'Jit aiructous . . Trm ( Miy ri'nr n'i!l nNri eft r a hr" . r. . ' ur J for! prelnrnsion. P' ' " . JOHN A. ttuiR,-' .rCTER IJOISSKAU, ' " a. t, " "j j l1: j Tfio La(o cvi from MZnslana. 'i't:v -rrci nt .rinligice :fnrrt ."linland ,. uouM'lif j;r(j it iiiUTCsl to this .country, ijf ' -ir-no tnoru ihun nnaodii td ihv cliargeyn ihe" . , llfjila'i M.nUiry. "f lf irtin-nlent from iflice J Vtu li a LV tniT ns Sir Rutx rt Pet'l, and. of iMfli b!crMi',Mr,4 L-ird AliVrduco and , iTkj asVicialt oflicsc' two the sJu'ion .! .f .in Aln'nUtii:i n wKoie' rt irt of.pDvvt-r ' twrn na ip.cb Untish history fthyh i . tull t vtr bo rrmrntbered ttiih.admirnUotiand r.-ip ct Pr :u iidf,m; it inoderotinnnd lis v Mfcr?s nU t vein of too much cunatquer.ee i t Mls foreign n.jiIJ?bs uell ai.ittUre.ii 'iMit.trn In ,s !f, iv.t t exeftb much atteniion J m. this iijt?0r the Atlantic- Coupfvf with' I pp pa.v- by, j he .r of titer Corn Liw, nd cVmncJ, us nas the ast utomer.t' ti tho , stt-i.c-o of this MiiiivUy, iilithe'A'u!emcat f a J.mu kii;i,lin.., .ifiTcu-'t, nni pfriIoiis.Cn.' ; t4oiersy vv iih iho' Unitrd S.ti'rs, tht news of i .ho rnipcmcutfif tU.hol MrwUryf(oxa pt , 4,the NVstor of i.bo kjr.Ium.'tJie I.n Damy i'iat birt bt gcnf'Valij reMr-tu d lathis coun v. . Arid, iJ i-j , without rtferei;cc to Uieirsuc.'1 ssnrs.in effu-e, pi hIiW liawds-, so fnr as, ; ., Vt-ii'ivds on hh now iVi miefs kivw scnH n nts, uc lir n.) reason to expeot any vari. uii'jii.iii iis rori-n p(Vic acIvltsh to te myst (ncrutly relations tviih'thu .UiVitcd States Wo rosy liopr- ,!5,o, th it under wh.il- may 1 TliJW DO tiittriL'n rl m.i'i. cnl. ,1 ,i tha DrhhU Goverinurrf-'the peqce of tl.e jf iU my catjiinue to be pronvd. . 1 licidt nt tt t ic cbangft of the Biitkh Min. :r. ry ii; vrrif .impor tent ., gpett h ;jof Sir R. I I'd on ltyin-itn, fiomhic!h we x irnci o day a'J that pcrtnms to ho fort ign ,JHhcy of thc ate. A.Jiriimstration. Deeply m iutt it:,Liivg,is Uml p'itt of it which relate i lhj ConvcrtlKMIa-ty coucluded between thrs . gantry and C eat liriUiin f.,r the stlement of the OiT6n rrn!rocrjy. l?rym this speVch lenrn, onrlusiicly, la wMmt b'rpch of lifts jcmm-it we are indtbliyJ for Uic iionota. 'lie and s'iti4fac lory adjartmcnt of it.1 In'the r in led, farm in wh ;ch it was upod dpon Coo--, with s touch perrver:uiei by the Ad. . ini.?iKtfa,tint atid.its r;ms; t,c learn that the .. Xoticfv'" taken in cornejton viUti thef ti . ? "!.nnf tfo. A i b;t ration proposed by Great' d tf an UMatisi'actory 'on Aoti.V cliarac- t; .. . .? I.p lutthrlt.huIiJuVn, first prrposc; bv f 4 S, n,te unV nftw w-rdaFred J bvboth I 'tis, mte Il..u,ts;of thcxi.resn ,f a bbno that ih. ! t..rnV.fi ,n,.f U " . : . 'pit'U'i ."ntilj the mom utropgy imnre.ss t . vuw nrrit-j lor'necessiiy -of ami-' rjd'.! yiiTubt,V'rrwvnl ihe barrier.' 1oa renew t r th a:irv-i1 io sell ifyh 'ehfernci k Sul jhus ihU "a fL rmru"' come .tw ho stU yl'ed; orrit now .scims'-n'lmost cerfairtJ it never im;,i nave i ;vn urtth il lm by -w.'if b'Jn ri ;"I1,,k' 'eur tl.et.ther. i.tlRi); ,r.R Wrt, .liiiutly rxu'Ung in the ctvnt, this wlu!d , I u v e bet n iv--iSj r i j o r 1 1 entt hf u d . j--l those d-fl" fences which uilless spiedilv ii''j'4cd, mgh'i hi v lerminaUd iu w ar 'w " H u.liVh.helMh ':icVt0fthMi;untry to hcir adVice. ,u belMltof the Umted SLatc.s, giJP "nctc.dmil.cUi- ,t,f ibi-xOVc - nVonVlf i, ?" fr, d.dino by such M.jy, the Q.en of the 'Uni. tW.v.w. w, bduve hedid th'.gl.Jll r,r J V l Ki? s,c' udviee , t; rent RI1(flio and rchmf,' fw- ' ? -. . , f . . . . , i r ' I 'tor To rPr-sH n ijpuotm ' ihe s.ibr.-ci. 1 i 'A ltie 1 nd ,,f .v'c fnonths- from a?)d ?pcy wi-lhrt.f siCiecre,rJ m.mousj,, .h fn . 1 .iheM.liverr ot lhf mcsents by the . fa,njol pcaeo Wuvuu l ;e two countues r. ;(, .J, rl o "Kayoy ErWd.Vr; ,,r.d A VniV fTthesAke.J U.U, Clot Ik d ,r.li adscn-1 h J a10 n,aumVHp -her.,h ? f temnry of ,he Untted Stated L.rdul 'To4 vm ry pn.cby In, Govm nment f acfor llfom a. ,;ncll nf , ,ry ht r R.itantcM.iy or to her MniestAnrin II M IrTi F 11 I nr. .'.! 4 luv. r.k ' il,.....:i . . . . 1 I'" u,f'-'r. : t I-.. . . . : '-'"vv. . ow . ii v io n t upon nts if.sft ccrionj, iKi ine .;iVej(,. i.fKi tJi)'ii -nf Vi Li i. i .-t ' i ; v rn-ilS WiJi.:,rei( f ' p V iV; i ..; ri.r btUi;. ri-fwr .'..-r At i',4J h.! , """v" lJ' ,4lrtl l l"Wonf under : cro'ary of St-jie for i'ore.gn Affaire " . r,t , ; aate oi the 'h -t .Vpril ia tlirectln 1 ?1ta iiveun shalt be- annulled a InsGoVerc.n.Mit, he d.sirgd this occur.'. ntl,Tr( s. ..p,.n. 5 .; . .1. . n' ,T l foHestinhV Ul.im.r " t o,ir .nd ,n the.Lpgn, of .r Uote.t, filttr r,0 dlllTrr thft lQQ ? ,- Uifthe United Sta'es to be hereunto.nf. ij lhi, ji 0...1. on ih own ,scrti,.n, , vrMto'of A.nI the (i.h, lS27fand els J", ihb a.y of April. A.,D. Vishtctn . IV ouiunor, ,,(.1 liniein for. Ier-Jcp. ,,f lbe DlllCC imu-d to hU for- tint f ,y.six, anJ of Jw ,rj -cn. r nj.nnt. n of tho ar b.Uve.n the U. S:ates j puqnt, tgctW Vnht iaf i, kn n. di,' ji' 'ih6,.4rtS15iaW4eihceymi.th a4 MrMrhasl.Ave now awl.oriMi.dy rR,rb h( thnl MrnNvrMo jfhe" Secretiry t'f 1 By;,iM; ,rrs' ; "JAMICSK POLK" I,arp,lycntcHenil,or is.to be s.trerrd. -Suie.'U;.! mLte- the &h IMiy hst.' I' James Ucchanan . Secretary of State It is fmpows.LUr to rend tins pu4C h wV.hont ' ( -j . , f J'!JI3 POLIv ' " '- . , WjuR-rt-adp fdly terr:'h'r ol the .f Ipccrity.of sulngtos, June: 4l 645. , , ; ' " j Mr McLive to ;Ir, tiu'ehttnanr Extract t.u ins Mii.i?H -in rs exprtiors to 3juVJ. , f. , . . , , ' ? London; May is 1845 vfT l,l.,JJKl:u,,T. fti,lh 'lSuies PROTOCOL.; -Hi " I dred hie in ihe tloy oft the 15th int . ' Jin. tali svocuor,, n,d v n j v. nr its ; d'onfrrf.nce a fdd vvl the 'D.;pirmi r Friday.) wur dVp,tch r,umoeVed tuW, -jTCr 4rrt s,di,Ir-PM-JSt-atM theSJSih of AprUt-184Gf-irans. 1 fJ:'J1'- ;rrd;7"4-r l'Jr -al lie feet , h,.mTab:e.4 Jjnie . liurrrinan ecretaiy .of "g nee for the ubrogntmn qf thc Con. - -!'?,.?. e,v:r r tbn b-l,,r rP S!ale'i & PifripHtentiarV. "and ? nt im, of tho tBJ, of A ugust, l'827t between :1V ' x '7 Jr '"Ir'r.htW'R.chafd PAedm, the r BritWil States' art i Great Britain, in oc. toil cerycnu,e ol Vun 1 , h tkQi ni ;leflli hel; iho jjorf . rp. oord-nco-; with, ihe terms prwrribed in the iciairrj o L frier we :ft Atlantic is hpi.c, , . 0a ,m Tt rntory was ftsumed. cnJ anicL-, instructing me to deliver tbj .r.nn.ciL :..oruUI,uct.Vrwerz ' , The CntIj rier.-p.rfmil.irr "wide 'a4 v erb-il " 'f Crihic Mxy W p,rson (,r V" ' ; Z .n.' . T ' ' jetpbnuioaof ihe motives vfoch Ind inured ',i hor; !-.?4-4,y, i Secretary fir For- 1 t r-i. V 7"",, K :,!lr,1. C,Pt: .rr Iit,y'sAovrmot fa instruct Lim "f'f11". 4"H f"-cable to . J.,bnlef o svh d;-d m ihV u'.apotn-r propittioi, the' Gov. JJs ihsf nnl i , . :mic ,f.,eoatll.i y'riA..!. dfflie uj'g, for Ao ,-oI ,lravmgthc nuofthc ddivery . ...c to- .jMarrrcm.rtui.. -owl of f. nger, Wlicnoq.l-bmg cViing, U.fTicuhies The rm'r "V. wrtur,,.. , " ''tr Sliss'.Jt'j'l.for r' Loufc. Co tslrx oyage up "'U woaotl o sjtr.rd a niore xjoVi.i t)pt, and " 'Ye Uarn frtntu. St- Lmns t'Hrs ih&V - he !.:!ied-u-loxrl:fbe steamer o'q--tbrJ'10 h inst. 4 hen a few miles ahoVtj tlo mouth (of the Ohio. ; Irs'. I'd was xvi Jrliim' at Ids' tleathr h His tmaiijs.w'cre takf nioS:. Louis foi jn!crnr?ut i W'""S.IIMBM TI: ? Oregon Treaty. - rt? itdcWd to-a. frir :. f lur the. fi!!ov. ' svr- arid " 'Tp".ri.iirt 1 coetirre&ts. aicr tt t!.ie' "(V giyj Trr " ka i i -'gild I"' ij"iL'(o? Li-tn ll'th'S r u 'S important b'; jo j.lsin tins co'intrvreimr Wa.Tn. cort-J.put fur'nhci i.s more triina month td.nctirnpit t yBripsts (,'f iha Trtaly ai Ci(rrt''oijun?e;'af the Si'n-.te hai 'fiv. en its f.t to theJDrvnct,'r.'l :s l5.o. rai -fk.-ati in by i:,e ttctjish tSjrnnif nt ii ov vi jts" w3 Lcwi'ihe- A'bi .L-ur.r. all We iour3 feumk, however, uyr WujsJ tn on roVrt 8pont!ent," I n.f,penJrMit hs show n in h s . feiter'of th 10, h insf., thanhe navi UonoJ'i'iH 0.IuiTibia rvtr is "li nl'ed t j ' rhe cuist net of ho IhiTTs'Mi Ijv C.n'.plny. Mr.'Mi-L'Uie Ml .into error, perhaps, b. caii-ita nver s stv the propfiMii-m and hid ni ipttrvurw with Lord ..-.Aberdeen .bctvyeen d.sriath.'' N dojbt at-the oonfern.cft to - wtrirbJtQ nHud.s, Loid 'Aberdeen had' not oeterntintfl 10 n lu.quuM Jl c cium jto tlie forpktiiiriiht of riavij'ar'or liui that fte must hive. abJdoiK-d i &ub'qt-r.t'.y, is now Urrarrnt frorrnhe. 1'nniv itselt. and the cxplaniitoni of our cOrrcspo'ndout. 4 ' . U " li-' 1 - ' !; Cusfidkntial AhstaiefrotMthePreflUntoftfieZ'nheJldfes eontiiunicatinPn projection oil the inn ri 0t ' the- flrtii&h Gwernnenfifar Lfic a?iustment', . June 10, 1810 r-nd. - ' To theScwite of.lhf Uttilal Slates: ' r 'A la b to re the St-nauJ"a .proposal in tht; Cij-m of "a Convention. nrrert.''d tn.il'A S.ro. tav Of fcsLile nn ihffi'ii mat I.J u.- Lxtrat)rdmarv and Mitiisur" PleninutdritiarV l ' requift thu'radvico pato the action '.which in thi ir ju:ment, l tnriy 60 proper to tak'e in reterenco to it. 'In the rarlv peYjo 's -of lhff Give rrtu)'Mitt f theopijwop o.ni udvice of th(; Jennie " :ere'J often' tik en in advance' ij?ion intpwrtcitii. ques lions of our tort igo policy. . Ut n. Washing. Ion repeottdry cotisiitied th-5 St uap anosked their pi evieus advice lo uhreh he always confo rncd'hi actictn;,- This practice, 'though r.itc!y,rt sorted to th" lau-er'tmits, w.i?, ?n .MJ ' lit tnm..n' . .1.. ' . : i v j p';n,,n-"",Ni'j wise-, iiuu rn 1 , o;i orcisiou'i of great import nice, bd proper- Iv revitid. The ST.a:i?nrr hiif.fi. ..1 v j p , ' . 1. 1 ui 1 1 1. wist-, iiuu rni ircatVjhi'i'Urg p,.i;Vr;ntd-l,y cnnsultin'.thpin rn navancc pt his ow n actin.unon iiwiortant inPAciiMt'iif f.i'K i..n '..l.i.;'.. I .: measures-Hi. lortign noMCy wh:ch ra;v ulii- :mnte!yr come bu6ro tlictri fur cotisideralion, the President secures thaymony ff action" be, tvvecn tIAt, bo'dy and !hifi"tc!f. Tiie- SenSte arc moreover -a part of the war making power, and it maybe: rmlhcnlly p-niper fori uiu iecoiivc lo.'uke the opinion utid advice ftf thai body in advancc'upon any gre;it qtres lion wb.ch may involve fn its di cisinn the is.' sua of pvat-te or t or.. On fhe present oecio flm,.n:.,TlA '.r..l..: : . ' .'. - ... 7 . u.-uhuji. .sunjcr would intuce me, tinder any cireu'ai'-tonccs, Io deslrp-'- the 'previous advice af tht; S.jmtennd that desire is increased by 'the recetit. debiti s ,and nro Ceedings tnCongre5t; vv htf h render it ut my judgment not oijy re-pcctful to. the Senate, buj netessn rynV.d prdpW , if not i'ndi s'jvMii. p.o in narmnious action, betwren t and the -Etecutiv.v n' conferring mm ooav oii .the Executive-flM? authority toufve the : notire for the abrogation of thf cJnrrntion f 1827,'ihe SenTte'iictrd j?ubncly s- large a 'part, that fhcdeqisioo on the prfWwu! 'tvny midc bV . - : - inein.in ijjvernnTi'rrt, w Nhouf a dt finite !, m N,'C ll n,'ghil rJer ilie quciMon still more compli- lUU nd L':1""!111. . '? nl. For iV "P, iovi:e the consiilor.if?:rn of ih. enn)e.to the propyl ot,the lUitUh Gavern nrnt tur t.f,- ftejtjv-fnenf. of t!.o 0-ert, o-toi Hn, o h!,Ut$k Xhti r nd ice on the. subji ct: ' ; .iy opinion4 and mj iirtimi on the Or-m qriesliarf weie fl'y main4 .known tti Congress 'ly"nhtMl.tnn-"ts4ige if ijie De.-Nnher fAsiraLi the opinion theiiT'n tpnsed re n'iin im-haf"( d, "Sihiorld the Senile;, by the cot s'itti'ional mijintyy quired for the. ratification of;Ttea. ties, aivifMJthc acceptinco of ihiv pr)p.siti.m wr: id-vise .h ..itL' sudi inotiifieaiicinivus( '."'fhe v. in ij joii uiH OL)i;tl-atKin U terms u hit St ho ( had lro-n inteied to . pro- pose to ilwi iGovcrtsit4.f-tiw-ifnlu d State t'.rs cVl,siA:e,t.rJcuuv-i-irailho ant- .-'r!i J. A .cpjicate ot the snme , ity r,Mh publtctt Y-e lh t Tcu7fic:s ue w iransmttited, , t bo plared on tha file rn h ive d;ternJnfd4o Uv o j& fnP-fs halj archirM cf y-" " ' V J Here sabnM:cdta the Sjn'.te U-f.,ru'o rrraJ- As t'yrt"B tht Convention'is an of VrUM;iiuo iUosiy fo'r ihu rt.ijuitment t . MrtaM'ii&in and Krclnd, f.ir the of the Oregon qu- An ;tnr ther .tt :l! a pro- fpt-'riyfn fears, and afterwt rds innderti. tool of this (.Mxcredin. 'T iub.-rji't lfii pro. "'Y txtodcd and'Contiuueij inrforce by an, posdl to thu conM.le ration ' of h- S.-n-.t,. f.nrl 0il'cr convention of tl.'e sntne nrtiert eonclu- l oi i iijioiK IUH Ol i ration t mA t.r,.v 1 001 AULfUj. dT'i. Iheieten nvl Ml oecictnry tj i;. ;c t .xoreS!;n hus satitaCtion- . ' ' " 1 '"f"luu Jl,"r mi uith-iieT.lcnJIy tnotives.whiobshadaivm.xted I af e tnrlir pracs: b!rnoanr.f. - j,irKrwFK. oi m iiui enueavor. n " ... , - "'jsiys When upoii, ,tW Bri-teh P:emTenriarv j v,s!,ts rtIl,ch adirecied i, r.mault.. thro' st.b.rmudtto the creiarr 4liadraiMrhtid' 1,,e pnncipid Sees clary .f .Side for ForeiVn ih if..i..-i; tvs ::. . .i . : 7 i .ifypr. l couuj tut v aertrn.i p. t. ii f !iiF.reiTii.m . m.Lir a I Auiirs. suhictetlt lirae fiaa 'rui v.- Ioh - -r ?jr tSb sctilemeat 0V'n r-v fiti.i i -' - . - . - niciiA-ni; i'AKt:xn'.i. '. Ilrn folroi til d run -z'A f i'ie Conui. ;iv.n wh'teh n t praUAiaruVoibc" treaty iWasVmtun, Apr.lVlBlS. $ i herewith transmit a notice for the ahfga ;tion cf C.t cnon!i.n 'of tke 'C h. Aijut, 1827,. bvtween Great rritia and the Uniitd, iatt, i.i.acccirciaricf..itii the tfrms . ,pre - fccnbt J ia it cci ariidb. - 'll.i- f ap"r rymi n ill .delirer l trfjr Urjtanic'vMjJsty in -prrsoa or to her Mjei?y ? pritiCipnl b.crcta- ry for ro reign AfTursj after you nhVI lMveraser.lof the'oibcr; yrt, in. the present in ascertained hicb '-'of lhe,-n moles of prrawnt - it.iIe 'I105.1 Q accorUt'Co with her aciiao important aul solemn chuacterj toeHivey ot the- notice ourjht o oticst- td rti all due foFnnhtyv T.he mSe.is left et.tirtlj to"yoir own disctttion"; but! would 0!?t-ln'i it .might be rnade the t,l.jtvt of a prf.:ocol, itv Uipjicate; one copy of: which shuiilJV'rmt'ii wittv the Uritt-sh (lovernmein , arihcr with t-he Lfitmn in : London, and the third to , by transmitted to thi I) parf 1 1 remarks which you trnfr b-avo" oc. ic,,sl W:M Uu-yleltcry of the 7t):icr, - ti . pi oiujo jimium.e io i.ie "jomt f Reu-" cne'ct niu the Orrgo,1 Trrrlrorv," Im:?1 t'ssanly y-our.tr jiju i ""K'8 havo .Len tr.tr will n.tnn'lh subjtct, in..;heir Joint Rf sololiod, 'ft'nd to this .'l is h!(tU .ricod"!!.) stH vur duty to n"fnn fir far Mnjrs'i VICTOR IS; Qurru e United, Kir gdom oJL.Greht Jiri'air and re!aneiccic-' ' T " Vlx-na tlia Ci1nsrc-s of th" -Unft?(f SlMcbltave adopted a "Joiiu llesoluthm coil cermo tho Oregon TtrritoryV'-pf abidi the fuliiti .is a copj: ' ( ; . ' ... -, HEEEASj.oy the convention concluded the twt titteih f CX-tobr,; cihtei n h,in dred flud elghteeifbriiveetrthe Unit. di??trite f t.tjlicih c'u a.-Amorjca-art.l the, Km;' of the United Kmff. .1 on .r 1,16 t,l'-) t,3 cf Augustan tllfc car of otir f L"!'4 V50- tbtusand'figjit jmndritj! and (wbnty.- Ps.;vtn, it was agncd thaX rmy country.- that ,rn-v t'n-.bv ei.lier paily bejonJ' the nv?w!,w ?vM ArrienCii,-. westvvard'of the Stony or Rocky MountainV,. cow vcmtnonlv callej tho. Oregon tTrritory.3 'should, togctb. c r witli'. i is Lj 1 bv r s, by fori .creek s , . ltd Uvi nivigifiun of 'alu rivers t within the samt bo. free and. opefi1 to tiie : veiscls', citizen af:d &utrji cts'wf ihetw'o. Rowers, .but 'withou' j. ' -J ...vi.Miiii.1 ui 1 i1Us n,rrihl h 4e anyparfof t!te slid unJith this! furiherr tM-utision.' prrju hcc to-anv cl-um wlucll t-nher of ihe par," fcau'n- . . . . . in ttie ?bSct.,narllc'! '"e siJ contention of 'the K1','0r 'AirgurS,,t?n hundred and l wen seven, that'ttiher pj'rty might abrogate and a;,nu! said convention; oniving diitf'tilii'co" of 4wrlve n.onihs; to ihj otjit contracting par.' ... ' . . AnJ Whereas, ft Ins .ow become fa sirable tint-the respective ch.ims of-the Unu ted States an J Great Unta'ta.&hnu'rJ be dfi. mtely M-ttfH, - 5nd thn U ' territory rnny.'no Jonrr ttihn need b' rr-mnih '.wWji ml to the i-nl'constqucnccs of tlie d:idcd tji giunce nt its Ajirrican, n-nd'firttiy'i p.pulftttori. 'and of thct confusion twd confl ,-t nt nMi.irAt' juVudietmiJ dangerous to the cheVishpd peace :aqd good'sndeisiandmgof the two countrirs S '-Wuh a.Xiovv thereffie th U steps be taken, for.the'abrngi.'.io'n ofth aid. convention of lh(nutlr of 'August', cirghtccn ImndrcrJ, and twenty. seven, in th mode ij.esc! ibed in. jts .second article, and thit ihe intention ofhf stVyo Governments ol both count rp s ' rnay, be ;mof? :";ut'fclly,tJircetr.d td tho hdop-ion of afl proper memoirs' for a spoY'dv find nraicv ,fj',e- adj.j-mcm-pf ihe thfll rente's nnd-dis-ute in regard, to isart territory: j tllesolncd iy ie Senate nd Ilouse oC Rep TeseMVres of ihe United. StaL't of America ;n Congress aszemllfd, Th.it the -rfsiJent bf .the United'StAtes bo' 8 rid lie is herc1y;au ifmr.zrJ, at, f.U -xfisCrel.im, u give to. the vjovernment of Great Britain the notice required by hd' s- rood . artic!o,of tiie :,ai I n nwon or the 0th ot August r-627, !for tht; abn.g ition of t!vo same.'" r 1 cso oi mo Biithf.rity- -an .' discretion vested in m& bvtnos iid Joiui Resolution conem. i-ngthOrten Territory," dnd in pursuance of ihe sex-ond arjn-Ie 'of ihe Convention of oJi Auifuj. -1M Viriia for !!iat pufpJ pni- irj the mist of i s" rr,P,rTi',D r despatches fo'the r.ewn. Nnvv, tin reiore, nfter'a c'arbful -enrsiderai r-oo of the premise I, JAMIJSv K PpLK, t?iesrLv:t of tiievUirtd S .u.-s, nt,hc t-xer. ft t.j jrrtnv, my e' j menl4 t th Foreign 0i,v, cr.r.trc...,i vvjtn o:;; of the iop;e- cf this Liter,- it J rvt t-'ii x, m j.Vr ta gi' to a t ; ct cf so'rtKich imp-r ioca ihu del..Tdt'oti whic'i 1, a, a u-.b!f a p'vper cui-ic" ot tjf tojrru.i, cvinftijl to run'itre'o Tmorruw, hje n,r, I par powi t "Oclx inurviPw with Iord AU4r Jiri. ftr ll.ia jr( o,v;an-l w nh nit :-9 i f ti-ne finit'v tp -cxttutvi your ms'r.irtions in r mj(Jtt ill at -nrt V bi dterr.ei rr.tnt taJ".-ctuil.' 1 miy a'dJ, thut'alihoi'r it i !:o;ctlier prob- Ut ihit the prc$rc:&tioa cf th cottco la hr , MJjy in pt-rn eili nntT3 a Imisbinjt, nu th W w here treaty .mi be annulled 'upon j notice,;: y one-party; tli niodo ,of. deflverin i the notice" n-l 'nofb.- dcpdid'-nt upon the ! fcHncr, I d not apprehend there will ba a,ny difliru'ty Sa'gfviri and recfivin the, niicc in a modb rflvrr'nlly 4itijfdctory and in "Con. fonni'.y .wuh.us?ein such caies. : i.i - I hate now to acuntni vou tint nffcr llef receipt ofjour. dopi;ehcs a the inn j I-. the CileWonia,,i had a lerthy conference wiih'Lord AberdeeiiYoo whichi. occnsion-the resumption of the tiegottititm fjr'anan;.ieab!e cttlem iit (,( tho Orea quostion, and the nilure uf" the' proportion ' he ci'nTrYnplatcd itbinjttinj for that purpisr, fj jitct of a full and free conn r. jnacattii suti- rsation.- 1 have now to-statvtht instructions vrill be trans, nutted to Mr. Pftkenhani by tho steamer of to jndrrow, to submit a Jirw a'nd former pro. 1 portion on the part of lh?s piernment, for a pinuton o! me territory in dispute. The proposition, most'probiblv, wi!l ofL su1huhuH ' ' Fifstr To divVethe territory by the cxttn- stonjifiho line on ihe pSrallek of fv rlylnine to tho sathit to say,, to the arm of the Sa called Rirpirs by,"thchce ly fne Cinal do Arro und'.Siraits of I'uca to the ocoan; arid owiirming to the Uniieikbtntes, whit indoed they wouh poss"s "vrithoui any sjiecial ror.firrnatioh, theViglit freely to ue and navi.j offer, ns I underfitind it, tVy would rot po- gate theSJnit throughout its extent. . ,.setnt. In, point of fict, tlrre Jre, the subsinn. $econt.l fl secure To the Jjntish, subjects ...-c,. ,.u....ii pcnn unuersu-iKJ, ta, tot; ilirisdiction and iovt'-rftintv nl th. llntt.t ! I. , .M ....... ... a , . hates', as oitizens'tif ihu United Stales. Sun- mav ivc saiiernents north, of the 49 tr mra!'f i- thou-'h'! I'piesjme it U prLtty vvt 11 o; dersm.i-t tlial there aieriobLltkmnms upon whiclfthis nom- mai, muiuaiuy could" operate. - I jnVo no li lllnnpmiiv' li.m . 'iT3! iew, private larms and iwo or tiireo forts and stations.. I have already in a I"... ... . j- . - prr viobs ck tpatchiaken the hherty to remnd Hi ,inai. oy meir chirtrr. Hods in fi iv Compiny are prohibited from acomnnfr ink to hiid-3,and ih ii i.ho occupations t beatHct. ed , 5y,thts reservation have b.-em einnr bv the snuaittrs of tho Coiimanv or the P.ri; oyi3L,-jnJ Company, for1 the purpose 'of j vi-'woyuiwproniDHUir. ot'ihe flJisons Bay Charter. The ifre jn' p int oX fscl also, nc". cotin-toCipi. Wdke-i account, cultivated audited chufly blithe person employed ,10 the service1 of ihe-former C.m-wnv, and a.s auxiliary to their general buinc f hui.tin. tapping, rt.lher . thn wjih a vicw,fv' It .has been generally supposed, of color.izim' o.r of permnnont ettlttncut.1' ' Lasiy -'I hi ')hposnion will dmind foi .1 ft r - i .io Mumon tity Utmpiny the rtgh't of Irre. ly tiNMgatifg theC6!umbia riyei4'. It will, . - .--rv.T.4 "-. v'svi'"". iiictaca ot sov. riign-iy, wr of th Tight of exercising any junviictior. : or police whatever, on the nan of thergnvern'Ticrjtor')ftbfConipany, nnd will xjMur.npwiuoniy me Tight of'mvgiting il;e i tiver upqnhe sime "moling and ficeordinVto j the same regulations ns may be onpIic-TbUM io .neciiize-tisol the lnited Statrs. 1 h.ivt jilreody acqtnimed yHi that L-.rd Aberdeen Ims very positively and expiieity h chned to "rul Wl mi? navigation ol the St La 1 connection with flat of tho finUmUi iwrrncc that even -fuwerf dtstrable lo us to propose to offer one foT tho other,- he . would on' no account enter into r.nv negotiation in' rfrA to t"1e St. Ljwrencd ' J . .4hv.secn no cause lo change the sipjr.ion, thol n any attempt 10 divide the Oregon fPrriforyviho(nb.g(Jii.in fdt by this govnnmcKt to pro-cct the' Sights of their slj-cts; which ma have growp up d'urirt the joint odcupnicm, would most probably in! I'-rpose the groati-a difficulty in the1 ay of en amicablf adj.i.rment. A'nd" it is now vh. xiouthat ilnV .proposed reser.vmion. of the nghi to tho Hudson Bay Company of 'freely nattgaiiii the- Columbu and iha'l in favor orthij British oc-npar.ts north of tho rivtr' proceed' from biijs source. nlihnnnH. o tis prob ible' that rtorb oF less prfde m-Ty be tell nt L'lvinT im nAtu :.i 1 ..1 deem an adequate vouivalenlwhV4 no.been tendered by our negotiators. ' In fact, except in h tnrnrl-- ,1 where in the region north oKth Cidumbia j jectionabto, re lifttum'ire 4th in ihe cmhodi- ( deed, the prese;t governuinil jniy be' mi und south bfthj' forty;ninth parHVel, a prr. f merit of the various' offer and suggestions j po d to' he prepared to acrrot tin' 'Q'taLfipa pct-ual tuio tp'ii!J thi'ir lands arid stations of lw Inch at dilT-rnt tim's,i ive , in sonte form j tionsvhen pi .jnoe-J by liuj !-.--;, r lv I Hhifh V.i hin ....rf ... i' it..!'.,, ,,tin r..i r,.. i ;,... .i 1 .'A 1. Vcb means of accurately 7 ascertaining tiny extent ' "u',",,M,i Compaity, norjih aj.d aou'h of-J In- accm da-t vvrh ihe re,tutin of iIkj of the preer,l Bmsh sittfrments between ' J?" .lh. P"ira,!0- lintcrtaiijing great cor-. S-n of J24frnnt., tlial " ;he President he Chimbj'i end.' the fortv-nmih piralld" j u-,t'ne iu ,' l hit opinion, and Jeen.in it only ' ,,f t!,r irltf S'ate b- and h hei by advucd They arc-not bcheved by Lo7d Aberdeen lfJ i rcas''r4?1'&l-, I Confrs? that, fronv::Jn e.trlv ! l' at ept th4 proinoi t!. f rjih Govern. nd j Unitfd Slates vt ihe.tiila of the hnds not oc ' copied by RrmsnKubjecrs between the Co. rumoii ina Iho 45jLh parallel, and also-Ihe surrender of tU- JlinsdicUon over :he river and Ihe courHry xvithiri the fame limits, I em .f....u.i iMv.wiii, some plausibility, U con-icnd-d that therms no mMei W difference be .twern i! jvcnt .prop-.s.in anJ tint ',f feM by Mr. Gallatin to AlciSis,- AdJinUcn an uutntnsson th? J5dt:8h negotiators: in. It is scaredy.nee-ssary for me to' slate that ttie proposition, - now -vubmiiiiftl.' has nt icccived my jcountenanc. J I, lave therefore felt inn v duly to' d-our. age iheexpem.ioQ that ii would .beicccbttd by the President;, if Lnitted t, t!m fody, approved by the Senate. g ' -l do nut think there can bo mIdou1: however, timanimpression has been pro duce-d here thu' il.e Senate -would aeccnt tbs propositi nov. ofT.rt d, u 0t WIlhtlJ,t iny material modification, hni thu the Pres. jcent wjij noi ukc the resnonsiMiir of re' irT iJ" fionsbhing tho Senate." It there bj any responsible ground ror er.ter-i-i,.injuebon impresnon. however nrr.no r -ot,oas ou9,out,ffSr lew uhj.ction.Vo'e, in the firs As bow.' instance st f A r,r,u'. ' ' " , t . ; ' - r ;. " X'J "a ICI.-1'JU. it may bo considered certain, aLo, io !my qiiwon that jhe ofT.r now to Ue m.de i, Jt tob sabmmedas.an ultimitum'; hnd is not intended as such: though I -have reason lo ktww that iPakerrkam' will not,bo -authored to eccrptor rrr cl any rno hfirahon flnl may bfc pfopovj un oor irt; l-t hil I. a u-.lL in uciw, ,,,..u yry.r r.s m!.. thr mctsuret recttothb pwWr rf - !.hntUjbedStt.J ..nco IVrsl. Curt, Bill hMfngoJ Anatw Xed :X ' tho, n a. u will dtt,,h J ,f ,.ipirt , U; f F - M, b.e, n ronfueflhn no" Miition in is tut.," . i.. i .., : . 'i-r any c. 3rr- or T ,y cxtrciw I trirtionit prtv, , h tVnc 1 ' S . rl" course h...lDne cf ,5ur or fa V upon tV,"prrot. occasioni!t!ie PieMjt-nt ttiou.d thsak proper to proi .-o. nnt nio.Jifi- 4 cm w n of the ofK-rtolic mn-Je'l v Mr, Paken hnrn, that tho modification should, b- finder, stood as posicsing tho concurrence', of the co.rdtoatt brancJi of the treaty nowrr. H i$. out easy, to cpnvcturi, with any ct r. tainty, the extent p whidi tle O rrgncnt I mi glit be. inductd to mddv ihe t.itxntinn eveOi iflhev should be asVu rod that the Si.n. te, n.J less tharf ine Prfsufunt ifminded it. It uiut i.ot eWapo ohw-rvati4 n that, during the pfcecdingo,dmv,isUation of our govern m?ni, 'thcextcnsloti i f the Iina vn ttto 4;):h pxrolh l, to in4 Strn.9 ol I'Vi,!' now pro. pond by Lord AbefJet n vra nctually sng. g sou iy rny immeoiaie pre'iecK-ior as c.ne tie tlTo'iht his frnvernmrnt mikt accrpt; 4nd ti.atiD regird totho'jf? Lngl kh subjects who would bojeft within Aim rifiin jui indict on by n .opting the boundary he ca-odered jhe pioHS'onsr of thoseconff article of Jjy'y treaty as a procet'tnt fur' a convenient vnxic of Oral ing vtlh thrm. nytho" .s-cond nnidc of J j 's Treaty, hcAvevpr, IritMi tebj-ct);' 'OidJ r.ot only be secured in the abstihitC; til lA of elf tneir land and t iTect-i, as fully, asdjy Lord" Aberd en's proposiuofin but woo'd be allowed too option to ronunue as British uhipcts Ulnd without unv pfna without unv Jegnne9 tothe government V.f, ;he Lnittd States, -which! according to Lord Aberdeen' ttal points of the present eil.?i ,janilfihosc which , . w , " - "rs.; , . . . I 'have mvsrlf nlwm .rlihwd Jf tk- n" f the line of boundary on the 49th to the aea would i w v:ct-i:aoe io 'our iroverriment. that t he dennnd cTa right fredv io nAvi.rtito the Co. I lumbia rivir cou'd bo ccnij-r imiseJ uoo'i P,,,nt0'i!nt y c-xneding it (or ied) a pr-ri. . mlcni 00 vessnry for the uadc of ihe h aj.d hou'h of I I . fit 1 i . r I n .. : . ... .."..I '...I' 1 I '".'"J powsr to reconeuj uori: jnr. I dtn, 'lJ fe,J?h a limitation; arid;ahhough l;um ; . aaf.t thnt; with a nortii.apf the JirM W, j ' on nnnoriance it ly no means di serves ! 18 attJCe(' to the navigithu M th'eCo'umbm 1 riVcr- n lnat' in others it is undesrv't dly i rp,?rirV '.as a point of rjde, Lhavr4 been j;s. I aPPfJ,cd by tho pertinacity vith which it has vnrv .. . l . i . . ' I ' . ,y j : bure,;nowever, uiav the present oiler is n mideor intended as nn ulJimnlum, I thmk "only rrxsnnibleto inft r an exportation on 'hf4 part of thoaewho are off-ring it, not only that CTiodificaijons may ,bf 81 (1 but thit they miy be reayinably req-i5,rd. Andtjj-re. fore, I stillentertain the npinjfintrjnt, although frornj a. varre'tv of causfts-i-ul''; nnrt . nerb inn from. an cxpectn! ton tint in tFjV United States j ims pKiim may.not be absolutely ins-isted upon, ! - . - 1 ""J-in pnrl from di ference interes's and i impressions aiMiome thvy douH not be in. I aueed in ihe jirst instance iof mke an !TerH with stub a no ilifirniirirt--i U ;r.k.. alj(it. meeti of the jquesrion sh6'dd bf fiiund to le. : . -. i "",. ?.. n . 1 1 ir; . au t ui Ppnd uPn this point only, .jKey wot ey would yield ,'iinii lo the pennan navigati .r. of ihe river, and boonnfio arccnt iT for such a n"ml,or of Vn" a would 'nffird all the substantial advnntigts tolhoJe intereo.s rhcy paniMiiariy m Vicwrthat ould bcrca: soAably drtro d' ' If the tjplv miestion upon uhichthu ad1Ust mcnt of the Ou-gin qucstron impended slnuld be whether the n-iv igatinn- i f the. Colurnbii tivr should be granted fira period sufficient to subserve all jtio purpofps) of British sub. jeets xvKhin the d.spulej territory, or whether the tight .should be extended indefinitely to a particular class of, British ulfects, I must be. bcyelhii no ; English ntatesdian ' in the face of his denial of n similar privilege to Arner icap, citizens in Tegfird te Thi St.?Lawreoce, would take tie Inlr-.Hrd ojiori 1 ijs point alone of disturbing thd- peace t tTje world, dm deed, if the s imemmist,ry rrom whom the present- offer -proceeds shoulc continue mis. te rs of 1 hc.i r'. o wn p r drs 1 1 ,'on by rerni i n i ng i n ofiice until the qualification Ij ani adverting to would ha ye lobe dee It ,witll, I shou'd fed entire ..confidence m ihe belief pressed. 1 - i I regret to s-iy however. I have now. ex. that I hive not 1 lie Jva t expectation tha l a lijss reservation if propyl J m favor of ihe occupants of land JC,Hl' 115 wiutuDi And tha fortv-'niflth parallel would be. assented toL- f may' repeat my conviction, founded' upoa all the disc irs sions.(n which I have: been 1 engaged here, t'.at.ln making pa nnion of 4hs Oregon trTri-to-yihe protection of fliose inie rests w.n'oh h .o grjwn up during the joint occupation is tegirded as .an in'disp nab o obligation 00 Ihe score of .fnor aid as ijrpossiblf; to be ti-'.-crt d. I am qnitc sure iat it wna at one I l,fri0 ln contemplation to insist ' upon ihe free t natation of tho Colurhbia river for Biitish s K'jccft and british commerce generally; itrrd uidii, nas been u hi ma tefyj cod fined to the Huilson"'s Bay Company a fierjgrat resistance andin the end 'most rdOctanrly. t Being so 'irmed, howevcrj it wou'dlbe onlv reason j -' limit the employment vf the right to a 1 r : 1 beyond which the Company might l-ave r- it object lo use the river for, the pur. I - - fflrldo.- B6t tlie interests of.the Bril is'i subjects who have'setlJejd upon and .aro o-'-jpytng lands North of thejforty ninth, areJ considered as perrrtan.en, and' entitled when passing under a new jurisdiction, lo have their possession secured. ,e3sl ' the View . taken r.f the subjects bjyMhis Govern, rn nt, and not : a.( JiK'dy iimy opinion to be changed." - ' ' 1 huay .'add, loo; that 1 have: not the least reason to supposed, would bej possible to ob tain ihe extension cf U f? 49'.h parallel to.the aesr, so :as,lo gu;ethc SoQihcrn Cape of VanJ drivers IsJauJ ty the (J. States.. ' It, max' not ? bo amiss before leavinir this Ill J . Ijl I f I 1 1 ' I subcr, to.ctfll your site ntiori, to theposition 1 ' ' " : ; 4 I - cf lao present M,r.;r. T. tit ierto rreat resprcti 'i!nt iftev , . "tu-rcJ u tbeleader of ihe Whig pirt,',; ct J.,3 u-wn UnjPt anJ llJi -Ahea lB ri ,.lhey will ha o (m, p-rprtd- to froi I M.tster.s to resign.' Ibrtn-o taknow lont.at present, Mm.eri thPt'.H Jtk U a d'arge to la in-vitxbV, arid are C.inid rln only the m-do and the tune in wlvch it 5 n-'l likely htppro.4 It will not bo Un'S if ' jcr the s.icc.5sxf tho meaJrea'for the rVr-! of ihe' uough for ts9 rcj.nplishmem of this cfrt wi.l orcur. -TlW-fV-iory bill" wguU?, the hour, ot la!c; will Word oae, snd rr -proUbl, ihat on whuh change w.il ,a;, plJce. ltu a Itnotvledgc that tho char,- nertr htrf, roUsl U una voidable aBj thauhffee bn'brfn male Co the proball, head of a ne Dm itry to Select his 'own ume, miy u notbii expected thal insttaj f wsun.g quU-Uy to 9w tho Wh.g i leader lo sdect ihe time of commg in, the present Minuter w.JI ruilcrelext his own lime act moiof go??g c,UIt and, with, In'' usual sa gucfTy so regulaie bis reltrtmenl ns t Imvb aa few ob-ticles as possible to IU rcsloptn' to power? In that a9e, it is oi ery v.dike. ! ly he wnuli! prefer gnng mjut upon the "Fsc opportuiv.iitti lory oiii, Driorotilmg ground upon mre t iin;Krt.nr tfnesnrii .-.r.H .r ... i. .,.; i sjrprivo me to wii.rie?s the cumiu in t th vv Mwiiij-v t th ,i I . b . Wnh a "keo'wkdge of the proportion now to Uo made, I jm not fripired t! sav tint j more object fwnbV tnight' have bcn appre - i.mi j support: in, tt be" d-irablu- thai tht l'modirie:iif..-n.-'. v ri i . n- : .. r . comteg i:) of a yw Mii.tef whn rVm.n, only .:tij: aV4:4 of.,'his pre.le; ors, without i Knowrcow-ot lii?4. inn-ti! i.nt . nVi.r ' reidv i tike t!u a I to a? chan' . - - t. . J - , . " -iottie Jena's r.j (tr Unlit d S'att'fi " In accoi Jj-tv wrh the retutii mei.t,-:.croinpinvu'g h:s iii'-sm"' ri the Sen. atc,-' ..U-d Ivlih&n..; 1 j? Jrj, U a ConventioaT to w ttie bo'iud irent bitwfi,n the Unitd States an j Grtrti Britain, wT-t of the Rocky or . Stony Mumuaio4 C-nvetuiou wot', conculded an I aigded ort'lhe 7) h :nstbytle Sccictary f S'.a'e.on dit- p irlt ,f ihe United Smr-s, uni ihe Livoy. CxtraordinxTy aH Minister Pienipot i.tiary" tt ht r ilnunulc M.ij-sly on Um part of Greut,Rnfairi. 1 I I .... f i .... f I . . . . L r " ; . j ""n""" o-w i oeioix; ue csen. j aT, fur 'I'' .cdsai J, laliou v.iha view to its ' rPl: tic i:i ' 1 . ' f . JAMES K. )0LK. f Washin-un, Jino j,'lK3.' " j " ta " I ' ctv,niLTur-p , . - ! Convention between the h'tnted .State of ' firmer . 1 crtiiid hrr.Mljcrl'j the'Qtttch of the United Kivlvm of Great. Jirtfuin ani 'Ireland, coicutltul ii Washington the 15.'A of June, 184G. ' ' ' V, -Juuo IG.1S10 R ad a first time. June 17. l845-ft-.Mj a vcond iim-.an1 .1 . - . .- ; . ..... . . 1 . . ' I ord,'red 1 b" priute.d in confidence fur the " ",f!?eB1a'J- s 1 . ... . ' " ' "ic uuiieu oiaifs oi Arm-rira a.narier Miij'jstjMhe : Queen of tht United KtrigdoiYiof Great. Rntiiin and Irelaodf deemihg it t be d-irabltr, for tt?? kilure wdfarfe of boih couo. trii s, that the sta-te'd' douhl -and uncertainv' . 1. ? .... 1 .i ... 1 . ... ' r . , wiiicn t tv- nit tie rio. privdiuu respcjctir.g 1: s sovereignty and government of the territory ori the North West Coast bf Am-ri6a, if westward of ,ilie Rocky'or Stonv Moun'a , ' should bt; finttliy 'lerminitcd by ah aniic '3 I compromise uf be' lights. rnut dally a:.- ' hv the two pariie v'cr'aiJ territory, ha ; respectively narnfcd.pienipotentiants to'trciU and agree i-oneerntng . the terms of s-jcb s'ttlemcnijithit is to say, ,thc J'rt-sidenl of the United States of Americ-t., lias orl his part ' hrrriishd with fulfpowers Jmes B icliun, Secretary or'S-ati of. the UniM Stahs.a&J ' 1 her Majesty, the Qjeen of ihs Unit?d K rg- djm of Great Britain and f rdaudhas ot. her -part appointed Jtho Right lijnoraple Richard ! Pakenham, a. memb-r of her Majesty,,s.most j h inorable Privy Council, and her Majetv 5 Envoy Extrrtordtrfary and Minister Plenipo tentiary to ihe Jmted'Siate.s, w ho after bar ing 'commuoicftted to e.tchxjihep their respec tive full powers, ' format! , In good and d't form; have agreed-upon and cooclud'-d the following articles: . - ! ' Ar.TICEU 1. " ' - 4 -"From the po;nt'un' the 49th pira-'Uof north latituJ, xvhere the boundary laid rjo3 in existing jreaiies nnd-cnnrrptions bclweed Great Britain and the UnitcdStates trmio atrs,ethe line vf boundary between the terri tories of-her Britanic Majesty and thosof tlx United ? States shall .be: oontlnued wes'.wru along the 49th para lid. of, north latitude W tho middle of the. channel which. s"paralti the continent from Vancouver's 'Island, tri thence southerly through ihei middle of sa3f, channel, and of;,Fucas Straits, to thJic'fi' i t)cean: provided, -however. lhaMne i8vT:-1 tion of the .said channel and; straits, south of the 49. h parnllef of north "latitude, rernaitf free and open to both. parties1 rf - .' v auticle2.(, "From the point at which ihe 40h parallel j of north falitude shall be found lo intcr' the great .northern, branch of 'the' Columb -river, thoriavigation of -tho said branch sli4 be free and epen to the Hudson's Biy Co pany; and to all British subjects Iradingf the same, to the pointy wliere the said brae meqts the main trnm of the Coliiaib and thence down the ;ii(J main stream totn ocean, with free "uccess'into and tbrou;!1' said river or rivers, it being understood all. the usual portages along 'thejine tho6, si ibed, shall in Jine manu&r.be frc? In navigating the. said, rifrer or rivers, Br," f be treated on the sama footing ascii'1, the United States: it being, however, alw, understood that nothing in this article . I I Ill'Ul LU: I fill 1 r I IVM r m . I. , 'l vvu r T4 1 : 1 '

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