. ... . . ii . : - ow t c a r. :i all ft v ytpnnt.Xcn 1610. I, i. vs., i j- v V r Ihrr . - . . f -t tl c I I .Vnjr b t f Sl.i1 i)4- infant- ' I'd, tnj proolH r ." rcf::', Co. t 1' y tin - ' . ' Ji-dt!itf ,Vk( twin hi iiiwc in ti , , . 1 .c4 -it f ... !lC r 1 r t.i , . u r.'f. : .to to tui J. Lf I'rac ut t it " msUvi-tin the S;''vJr,Jay "after . Us taken r a' J the ii.!,it.ttn Uard, , ' f. J. If C.lomafc, "Clr'.t cf said Courtat i - yl, M ;Jij uftt ibc AV, , .Monday exf J ' ' j, ii. tou:M :r, crk., V T. r-UMMEY Mi'I n, vi io the nn ofnoles at iha Dank of ". ; ' ,"it,'rm Asrf(evtjo pitficr for discoont of rniev, count of rnieVi 5r "lirtsrnrRw mav B r. ! inroMir'r nirn wua t:i irTirtstnrsii may r(Jri!Hy f!! uftrndfd lo pn i..-'!v and care fu'. - art i-Cfiint tfriw Irin-.tption. n w n.n'e t( refer to any of 'f th promincnl P 0 U T Ii A I T. P A 1 N U H G . IIKRIILV in forma the -citizen of Ah die and alt r-'.hpr per nl f.tainjl -re, that be will remain, here a f' rt irno1, durmj WrhicJit anv person deiroutf of c' 'j.ii fceorid vcrsslon of bimwlf, at hmelf,. 3 Kv r-e pnj icd.at tho cheap jfosref 015.' If tw -. i -jurrs n intrpdticed fon- thcearpe pieqo it Vnay Jiad A 23. . Nowork'ihall bemid for.or.lakcn ly tlie toiiftVer. wdeF it rive tnttsfaction lo tbf tf m.-:. llnqitirtA ran Le'tnadi at M at ' M'Df.vx' IN. Ifr-Lndies can be waited - on at Ueitr-ovptt lnKrr,rr at tlje residence of Mr. Uutsefl. , ' May . v . 1 ' 300tf t-j Awiatl lfit f badwrrto Castings received at uio vlirlti Mori of , v I They uir gin cwT rapit.', call Boaa or youlnay AjtU2I , 1 8irsS96-tf. ; t ;OTEEM JLTCII EOmJfTcWTIlS, Ane.bor braTidaskortcd rumbera-waranted. Just rvceived" and for plc at the I.wvpsl tte?, by April 21 1340,-231: tf. Flourl. Iloui-!! ; Just rceiveJ, frepji .finpply of CoLliwry's au- crfJnc B iur, warrautud'of'tlie betCqtd!ily. ' , . v J PATTON OSBOltX Jnms 12 ' " . . tf ' 4TATI?' OVr IOXiTH CAKOLS A, , I?tjroo! bounty, ji : T grii'ilis ."Tcra 1SIG. .i.-. IIkta ok Jamf.s Holland, r:'.? '-A " Jon Cow, FrLit AxVfcf, - ' - Tirte ' J.C.TMH14;. W.II.Tiiomas. 7 ",f;,. WIIEirUAH; It Jppearn to the Ciurt that 'John . Crow and William II. Thonsaa two of the defendants In this caw, re -nqruroKlents of hU Stale, and leal y rroecs ca'jt t r served on, them, It is lliercfore or-. ..I...A I iki.'-. . .. . i :..:h.li ti" . .. 1 . in u ui.ir p iuiiiawgii u , mayo in" nit; iii;iuua "i Mier?t r f sr mv fijcee:sivo weelta, notffyinff the .said Jolui t'j ow snd M'iain H. Thoiuaa'to'appcar at the next .ipru ior Coiyt of lo be oprnrd and , lnjld fvr.the Ciiuaty of Haywood, at t'te Court House iu WajneiviSlo on I he 4tu 3I'nday inSiptcnihcr next, t pki'h anwcr,'or. demur to Jbia isefQ and liov caue why the ''grant vf the; raid Jolsn Crow .7!iairirol be cnnceHed vacated, annulled and made i void or Judgment iro . cmcmi will . be rendered 1 'against them. ( ,v 1 ' , W ltiu s- John Ii. Smith Cl rk of our saiil Court : y ': Mcfiicr 1110 lih'Mondav m Marcb't846li '? : haued ' Wh day of Ma ldJ, - " - " h SMITH. Clfrk. 1 pnnttrV lee 5- "l.I6t ' I .. ' J ;; suKuirrs sale. : . i I 11 r' fit ei-h; on the 5th Mondny lifter the - 4:k'.MiidHyJn Jane, a the f otirt-hoyse door in Ma-j-"roi, M 1 will county, "N. "i. " .2CV negroes;-;' oY Charles C ortri, ronjji.ting of men, ' women uni 'tJnldrefi, (a s.itif sundry .venditioni I t'.KriaV9 ami ll. fi.V.-lited. from 'Burke,1 Caldwell, ;Mcl)v 1 1', .nd .RUerrofd Superior Courts, and I'uki (Vi'i'i'V (iiart, n tjf.or of Jame IJrwtn, Guardian, lo the use oJ inhn Car?on, William .Mur.. ptiy-a AihmniiU'atori iind otht;r8,' against : Charles C,rrton? Due attciidaiicc will fivcn.1 a . - j. N.conws. sv. - ' Juy 3.181G,, tda ; 3 )o ' Sta vc or North Carolina, t Ain.NOKRsON CvUXlV. - ' Superior Cvurl vf'LmwJ)trieErmtil. - MTy Ann Ward, J,- . . f . I '.' ; Boiijanun Ward.. v '. : f'H pr.TiTioNroit DlYORpn ' Ai pp.ani'g UitUc F,Mfaetion of the fnurt lliat . thu dekndant, ncnj imin V ard, is not an inhabitant of lhh fctalTatid llmt pMcnM cannot be pt-rnoiially rvtd fon btwi, it ir ordered that rmtiliculmn be mad ii) ,im .i.'"f iiirt d Me&seAZTi1 and the Raleigh Re siitek .fur Ir'nnlhs, nindn'g t! said Hv-hJ fniio W ird to apjxar at our next Superior Court pf Iaw tdlf; held for the' 'county of JlendeN flm(",. at the Courturmtise ta Ili-ndersontdJe, on the lir.-t Mo:i Jjj aftcrthe fourth Monday tn ScaVelnber next, tlijii 00 1 t!t re to plead to or answer the said j titiiin.-rtthefa ic Iho same w ill be heard erparte. Wi",h -, J fl.iT ('. Gulhck, CK rk of fuid Court, at rifiicc tlwi foilrtl Mundav fn JuncA. D.,"1S16 f, ; j.c.-HULLICKCl'k;. Jrt! 3, llf). Gw ' IV'rit. r'r. fi S-i. ' .306 - ' "JSTATcor N out 1 1- Caiiolin, . - t . Utj.NcoMhE CuCr.iV, 1 - . -'Superior -Court (yf"JJa.!C--Snring Tern, 1816. -4 r . Jisun Walker, ' k .;"' " " ' .V?" "l - ' : -.:'. ' " : Marvno Walker. " ' r - v,' --.- 1 'relilum. for Divorce. 1 t ' Upon thv im of the Shtrifl", that the defendant . r a'unot be found, ud- I roclaniatiefir haVng .been r rnadu at the door of the Conrt-liouso by the -ishcrjff under th order -f ho Conrt, for the defendant to ap-' je3r aol an-fACr as4 ponioiariiJtd by the -subpoena. Then fre, otJt red by the CWt that riubhcation lc in .d. an tne nijuianu .uessger, t A she villi . and tliC Kle'gli .licgistir, at, Ualejb for ;' three months, tv quiring of the defendant to: b?,ar.d appear "at tho next t act of this Court to ba held At the Court lion'i t A-:)1 lv, n the 2nd Monday after U 4lh Monday of Stptf inber next, or tliatjudginentwiU be, jUikenrroeonrifj l'iC r,"''l-,on hoard,,' Witmcts, JilK C'oloman,. Itrk of said Covd "'Offiee, tle 2ndIoday afUr the 4tb. Monday of March, 18 1G. ' - " . , jrH.COLEMANfCns. , Justrcccivedahd'wdl be IJ -at the lowest pri CCS? "i RANldN & rULLT'A.V; April 3, 1846. ANT ! 1 VJi VJi Va 1 riive now rm riiw'i n k-iiih tvrf van.-ty r.f CrryaU, iJu.xv, ar. 1 nvovJ 1' Ct-rmsihan tlio J-amc article., hui V. r have row on f sd an! w U cntinee to ep Waunt frc b.rnr-r red in t!,..-i r'-irktt. Ourtoa. f . v; j " pi Lir"", on'4,iT"T f " -i.-;- .1 fi'i .ivy; fi Or. f? -i IrVrnW f " . l ,C p"oJu C Of I III ,' 'fV. ' J.N INBORN Jan.D, t'n If 4 . t.iii t For sals by - iiCct and, parasols. , ' 17. TTLLJ US. , , . riatced Oil , By ih "-"r n orlarrtl. for f by i ' inurcU tf W. WILIJA.' addlcbl Qcddlcslt Z7, E tf. dtrcctlv from tw York, whrch ajS ill S be ablejto sell very law fr oash, or produce of'thc rounlry AberIIT Jan,a2,M6. tf. J ' 281 f .; NOTicg- , . i ; 0 the mUerat,tdnim tht time of holding ike Tuia. :." Meigf Baptist. Association.: A the Western Convention now meets at thVun. rkial time of hot din? that bod v therefore. aVr-ed tht said Association convene Friday before the 3rd J fcabbath lnepterxibcr next, with the Church ata Tannaii. dlaeon county.' W. C. : i ' 'July 3, 1846. 6t DU.-G. 11. FREEM.X, 'would reppcclfully tender bjs professional 'services to 'the citizens of Western North Carolina in the vrfnous branches ofbis Profession, but especially in th? cure of Can. cers and Uleevs tf long 'standing which hava.bith. trio been pronounced Incurable. Dr. Freeman baa a tiumber of certificates of ctfre's performed by hrra, that place the matter beroml doubt that he can cure arty Cancer in from four4 to sif days, while Ihtre are svvtral pcrvona now' in JJuncombe. County to whom..rcference is mado who will cheerfully testjfy to the fact of b baring performed radical cures, lie may bo eon? n! ted at his residence oa Bear Crek, yirec miles from Col. Cltunn's Hndgr, on theWgst ide)f French Broad Ilivef. pr by letter Post paid airedled lo JLrphtnd Post Ofiice, Buncombe County, cv Ut, Freeman would visit Patiej)t any where in North or South Carplina: Georgia, an-i XnncBoe, and would-receive patients at his own house, whye they would baVe the advantage of bis medical atter dance until a cure was perfeily effected. His charges will at all timQp be moderate andjn proportipn to the BcrviCffl rendered. , lcfcrtoCoK HODCCRABiJN, ; j. at,, rice, Esq. - f . t , . ' ' LITTLETON. PARIIAM. i--,' 1 ii " ; 1 Buncombe Co., Nt C May' 1, J 840. , 4m. 297 "'J IVOT1CJB. ' I "have been credibly informed that "Joeiah : II Carter has beeh ofTcjing to sell tvvo small notes pur. pdrtin to be signed by mc, which notes aro spurious or t forged, ahd of vatue: I therefore forwarn al? person from purchasing the same.- 1 " - SAMUEL SMITH, i Murphey, Jape 12, 1849. 5t 303 cotton yarn at wholesale ' and retail. 4 ' : ! . WILLIAM WILLIAMS, :!. .-Has or hand a - largo quantity of very superior O rrON YARN, fmin the Faluna Tactory, Co, -lubia, S. C, for 6ftle at retail attho usual prices, om which a liberal deduction will he made to-those ;vhobuy to sell again. r ', ': Orders-from any of the neighboring eounfies for VarUi will be promptly attended to': at "the rates at which thrrf factories have been furnmhfnsrf it. -.The quality of the Yarn- is fully equal to any spun in ' AJ)rd 10, 1846. tf. , . " Indigo, JUaddcr9 ' Uopncras. Epsom Salts. "Surar. Coffee.- Si,e. &,e for aale as cheap as thp'clicapcst, or a'httle more Vby - v J. S.&.J. P. SMITH. J. Fi-i.27, tf V NOTICE. - TIIo subscriber ha? taken charge, of the Eagle Hqtd ip Ashcville, NC, formerly kept -by James W. Patto.-v, Esq.. -An ; taking m charge this large and-eommodious Establishment, He assures the pub. lie tlat .'he.-"will. give Vis whole attention, to the Uoopr Jkvherft he will be ppoVidcd with good Bcrvsfnts .ind hostlers, and well stocked With provisions of all kinds ; enmmort.. in Tlie couotry. GRAIN. ANJ) SOOD DRY-LOTS FOR DROVERS, $C. j i - In tnakmz this announcement he Aoea not flitter himself wijh tlie prospeet of' increasing tbo alreadj large "pMronsge Jho bouse hae, iHit' hopes to keep race, with ins predecessor, if he can de thishe will be satisfied.. In the sorpmcr. season tberj .will be keptflr the Ilascmcnt of the bnil-dmg and entirely private', A; WE Ll REGULATED BAR for the accom inodudon of Travellers and Boardirrf. - ' i t . - RL W. ALEXANDER. Ashcville, N. C, Jan, 33 1846., j' ,v i CALL & 'EXAMINE Oia stiUk of American, Engli&I and French PfTn.1-, berorejpurchasmgtlscwlire.. Also, our stock of Gir.gham, Cambrics, Jackcrnett,, Swi?, Book and plain "Alushns, and drrs? habdkcrchief and if you ro not purchase of us it will jml be becajuse you thinlt our prices high, foe wo soil a 4,leeUc" cheaper than apy body else. Tryns. i -i y ' US. & J. P 'SMITH.. n 'Ashcville, OoU31t18U..tf ; 272.. l . A .large - lot jut! received 'unusually low: for cash.' . i l. ' M r '. . - : . -5 RANKlJf &, PULLLA.TT. ' .Apfd3rI846. ' V First quality pf Irn at ..'i. cents -a -pound, i Casi Steel at 25 German tcdat 20, and aiks at 8 ctuts- , a t' ". t ALSO, . r , AYlwte Tad and Window Gtasa, just re'cVjvcd and fortaloW ' JESijC S. Si J. p. SMITH. NUWiAXD EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT . ' ' 7. . . OF,, NowTamin? at er NEW STORD in Ashe: jH, avineh wui be su'J at either - WIIOLELALE OR IiCTAlL J 1 at the very lofrest prices for eastf. - Pec' trs. Covr.try Merchant aidtcadrof fami lies m Western North Cn.ro' ni,vba have liUlicrla it ,izbd the Au'T'Jc-ta ar ( t LirJeton markets. j-n j:l L.iJ", by examination, acciuV.natior pfinqgec- ment t laalte their ptfrchase of us. i? are grate ful (at Vic libt'r44 ptroBage we have 'received since thecomiyvTicement of Li-'nes here, and promis in. ereaflcd nfFortslo furnish goola at sati.faVtery rate. v. 'RANKIN &. rtJLLfAM. Asheillle, .ifptil 3Iti3 , , j ' . . t SCR PrL)XTES -FOR SALE. k . - Ftrty jf the beai.-t.fal JJngraving's, iiscd in t-J'o 5LadyV BKik,wiII lie sent to any person. on rccc.pt of One Dollar. .They are all from S1 eel plates, and aC a handsome add.lion to ay crap Book.- ' " Address t. . - , 1 A. GODEY, . rubikknr IInU Pkilaielphitt.' June U4Lt Superior Cou LarnTrntlSl5A ... - J , t wfctw 7 cori. uat an JLVra '1 crm J t:- f ijSth Mondajrin August fixt,.ani to w.tmud. on? ni aidtiful aro1 r , -tn iitM ntia - 'met.- , It s lLrtl.er utc, rv J, t.'i l V. cation ut V. r raintf be made tn the fLUjnJ .lcesviicr t itlrevil!c for fir Fifrct-Mire wei k. . . j , . ' ,? V.'itncs, John ttaiJi, Clerk "f,iaid - Court; a cfUce, ti(e it!i AI IrJaj i l Mreh 1 1(3, nod ia xtiC T0t!i year 6f our Iisdpenilpc, . i " nt " (" . I-sujJ the fcCh d jj of Jarr, , A. D. 1$ I I i. 1. SMUHC1 It. . Jun-, 1J1S1. , tPr; ff 331 6vr , RICHEST UXUZ C? LIFE ISIICALTIL - i i I c " .'. l l CI.,. !r t, i H . AKE the "cheapest and ni'ist approrei - Farnily Medicine ever ofFercd'la the Public. They are ex, treraely mild inAieir opjpralion, neither ra using sick net8 of the stomach, nor any unpleasant sensation m the systeni, as id loo frequently, the ca9c with medicines given to act upon the bowels; hence mul titfUdes, who have been unable lo Uke' other pills or preparations of. mcd'ctne. en account 'of their1 pau. seating effects, use these pills without the Ughtest disagreeable, feeling. i . ' . ' - By their rrAniftBt and sensible action rjpa.r the. chyU3,.Vluch ur tbe fountain. hcad f fialth ordis-7 ease, they may jus'tly be c4nsidered . Universal Medicine, and thfi. complau.ts that coma most di rectly under their influence, and for which theare so particularly d( signed, are as follews: BililioUs Fever,- Fever and YAgue'; D'spepsia, Liver Com nlaints,.Sick lieud-achc. Enlargement of the Spleen, Jaundice, Aslbiua. Propsy, Uhetimatisnu Piles, Chohc, Bowl an i suVnmcr complaints, Impurities, ol tne blood, female obtruclmn , Ileartburp, Kan sea, Farced Tongue. Distention of the Stomath and BowcJ,' Iocijient Piarrtcha, Flatulence, Habmars Coslivjenessi letcrqii nation of blood to the head," Lops of Appetite," Blot chejd of (Sallow Complexion. and in. all cases of Torpor of the, ; bowel, where a cathartic or apperient medicine is needed. . As many of lhaabovc cnunicrated diseases come on, irrrjwrv ceptiblv, and becomeffat adVanaed fn-lh$ir vrojrrcss before rt i suspected that they caist in Uie systeni,' no ono s'lould expect in such casca, to be at once relieved entire ft,-: but alrouldfcontlnue Jheaiso of the pills for a poosj4arahl lengih of tjm6. FuU .direc- tmns accompany the medicines for their tisvih alJ mose cvinpiaiuia jor wnicn mcy are rccommepoed. .rricpyo pents per box. n it: . - WORjlS cause iho eatli of thousands; and suf fering to million. Dr. Hull's worm lozenges arc 'he surest and safest preparation eyr;discovered for expelling woxmsf.. They are vo ' pleasant to the taste' tnai eiuiaren wur xry ior inem as tiiey would canay. Only read what thiroedicine haVaone. . ' : Yorkvillei Gihscm Co.. Tenn.. Doc. 21. 1643. " Dr. C. E. llnlU-sSomc mnnths incc your agent left with me for sale, what he considered a large sup.: nly of your Worm Lozenges, butl have sold all out,' ard could have sold tnrce .tunes as, many more,, had I been pupplied to. tlikt amount.' I Uopc :you will instruct your agenJL to leave: a intich greater suplj when ho comes tais Way. again. Their use In my famil? has been of gieal benefit. , E.tfward McGor cle, IJ.str.- gave soniov to a euld of his, fcAir jrears old, epd the., first .dose brought away Oetwecn thirty and forty norms. r. ityam Mc Daniel had a child whonuthc nlivsicians pronounced irlcrable, and paid it would die," but.tbQ child was cured 1 Osing.Dr. Ilulf'a Worm Lozenges, ' j v - " . .-: " :V t YoUTS, trtll V, ' ' ." - ' .- STEJ'HEN LCNKIN. Price 25 centspcr dot. 1 PR, HULL'S . :t EVERY- Family in the United States should keep a supply of Dr.'IIuir$ Cough Loxcngcsm the house, not onlv.to cftuijteruct thc conspmptive tendencies of the climate.vbot to bo used f s a preventive medi. cine in all cass of colds, coughs, spitting of. blood, paTrTin the sidd.ioti chest, wlftlopmg eough, irnta. tion end soreBcsrof the lung!, broichitis, difficulty of breath ing.'ht-ctic fevrr, night sweats, emaciation, general debihf y, 'astlinu. in'icpza and croups. A single -boxof lKi'mcdctne' w ill veal jts. astonish. ing'jVirtncB, and open at once the fountain of 'health and strength to 4hc" afflicted. ""Price- 25 ecnts per bok.' " r - . IT iras been,' and tomc $ldf consider that the lootb-ache cannot Be cured without extraction. This however 'm an errqjneous sentiment. .Dr- La count's Elixir wilk, if procrJy applied" deaden 'tho sensibility of tho inflamed nerve, and efU'd a -speedy and permanent cure. It U sold at the low price, of only -JO cents per .vial. ' - . . These, truly, valuable medicines, are: for salo m Ashcville Ay Messrs Patfon & Osborn; .in Hen deraonville by- IiPpley Ac, Nation;. '.II. C. Hamilton, Rutherfordton; )t. Rabc, GrecnvllJe, S. G.; and on enquiry may be fvund in almost cvry Stor e and. Post-office m .N CL, and the Southern States. April 24, 1746,. 298 Cm, ok; Josirv n. xiappoldt Having Fettled In the low n of Morganton,' ten ders his professional services, in. the various branch. estof. his profession, to the public. . - i- . 5 , If. a devotion of twcnty-lhree years entirely to the practice-of his profession, .keeping pace with the improvements in medical acience,: and cjoee, studious habits ilurtxtg that period, entitlo iny; one to reward, then he twou!d humbly: hoe toi receive such a patronage as merit- claims) anjj such as he k& heretofoesecurej,a . lie would call the attention of nival. da who suf fer from the various chronic affeetiorreY such asCys. pepsia in its diversified forms arid associations, dis eases of tho liver, lungs, heart, .ttomach, bowclsj kidwys, &c. &.C., a'rid also the landular disorders, which are sa-.o.nmon of a serofulods and cancer. I ous nature. Female dibljrders, sooten distressing i and complicated as Jo ; produce, despondency in the patient anl pifczle the doctor, have been and are .uccssfully treated b him., His mode of treats. A?nt is different, in a gtca, degree froiA what is '. .. n . J 1 . i ...t? : gei-rany -puisucu u) wmih, unu m uiaaing inwro. mirk he would-be mindful of due deferenee to his professional bretlirr;it. lie .would be ;unde,rstiKd 'simpiy fo Kirtic me laci, witnout arrogatrng to uim jiell a fupcricrity, and Uiercby detract from llieahe- fiff others, fc . Y Tlie many and complicaleff diseases' of tho Ere have been cured by him after others have faited. Dis eases requiring Surgical treatment and Sjir"icat op. "orations, baxc claimed no unull share of his atleu-. tion, and he is plcasc,d to say, in this respect, that .success has rcwardcd htUurgieal efforts., Ile'will, promptly attend 'all calls, far or near. Epistolary advice Will be given wlien required. He is juLso prepared to rfccive an,d accom mod. itcv at his fcsidcnoe, S nalid"? from a ditSncc, and woufd pre fer treating eases at his repidence that Tequirc sur gical cpor&tjon airdhis e subsepient attention. . lie may be consulted at all times at his resrdonce orofTiJc in Mbrganton, except when absent. - ti; poo shall recjive bis -professional serviced without any fee- , , Alorganton, March 3, I85-3rr., - 290 DIRECT from rhiJ.-ii''-Ybia; ch paper bears the hbelr and warranty cf . vnt Landrcth. For sal? by ' liArvKIM i UL.L.IAJH. mrnmy mm yviM.ii, lercd at the lowest , s prices!! .iirr.ii Johnston Cei leave Jo inform hi&bid friends and IheTHilu he rcnerallv. that he Is n iv receiving aod opcomg. direct from New "Y.ork, a splendid tock of liU-h, bavin; been pure! ased cutm ly for cash, he tlitfte rs himself he rii t-.cU' a little, totctr. tbau any j othf r ia thss marki' , v. H is ftoek ia gone f-al erhl eoxrvpMe, embracing ev. ery ihmg usually billed fof m tbU section of cwun try. - His aswjrtcueot of :: ..: - 1 ' DOOT'S AND SliOES . ' Kjeriusualhr band;omc aj well us very cheap. The bcU - -' . , . . , i Y Lt'CHSIN HATS o the town are at, kia store, as well as the cheapest. -.SAIlIOILlBIItlY, -. ra splendid rarvety, positively "cheap a dirt." Ilia stock of ViW I S be hortestly believes is unequalled in Vthese d:f rma, both in quality and pnefe.- CUTLERY of vcrV description- First qualify I sxjlc leather at 2 cetjtsa pound; Upper Leather in Proporlioiv Groceries of all kinds kejt constantly on hand, of the best quality, and at prices a 'Uetlen cbeapir than the cheapest! i. As those who wish to buy will'of course call and examine for themselves, it is needless to give a long Just of article's and. prices. v It is sufficient to say that I have bfplendid stock of choice and desirable Goods, which I am determined tb sell at prices which eartnot fail to please. v ; j 'JIUGIIJOIINSTOX. f Aieville,Jne 12 If" - "313 ; Great Attraction!, ' mLLLUl YILLTAMS ,, Is now opening at his cheap store in Xsheville 'a beautiful jtotk,of new and fashionable spring and summer , t 1 - - . , comprising every -vur.'ctv :0f Drv Goods for ladies and gentlemfen'e wear, many of which are entirely .:i-4, 4 4, 5!4, J5 4 Bleached and brown slicct iogi and shjitinos, boots, shoes, bats, ' . bonnet,1 & fine bonnet trimmings, t hardware cuilery,, English l - ' T & Gerniari mowing and , ' J ra'dling scythes, ta- 4 ' ' , , tjle nnd pocket , ' ' ' ; . I 'A KMIVjSS ( ' , - hinges, and t ! screws, &c. &c, , , GflpClRlES-Spicb, v . , P"PPcri ginepaints, med - icines, dye stuff), Smart's steam rrfid candymatlieral, rico,molasscf crockery apd glass,- wore, &c. djc. &c. &ci' These goods added (o;-tbqsc already on hand, makes a rich assort-nienty and 'are offered for sale at prices Ihatannot fail lo give.satisfaction. All per. Sons in search of" good, handsome and cheap goods aretesjKictfulTyinvjted l giye mo a. call. As cheap as inc cncapesi; is now tlie word.: W. WILLIAMS. . Juno 12, 1816 tf . " Sale of Valuable Real Estate : : By ,virtuc of a- decree 'made in the Court of Kqoi. tj-for Buncombe County, at Spring Term, 1846, in .the lease in said - Court pending, wherein Mira Vance, Guardian of the infant heirs of D. Vance, tie. ceased, is Complainant .and M.L. Neilson Snd his wife Laura II; are D.eferWante. I shall offer that var. Sable farm and all the adjoining land on Ream's Creek belonging to the Heirs of Daid Vanee, Deceased, for sale trftho highest bidder on the 23 24, and 23 days of September next. The salo to birjnde on the premises, and hi one. ormore tracts 'or parcels as may then be thought- best, on a credit of one, Awo, ttiree, lour, and live yearsf . withintcrest; . from-date. One third of the purchase money to fall duo the jSn-t, year, and the remainder in Jour equal instal: n ents, the purchaser or purchasers giviilg bond and approved security. j C i. V -: r, ALSO, at-thq Mills en Ivy, formerly the- properly of E. II, Ilughcyr shall sell the said Mills and one hundred acres of adjoining land, on a credit prone and two years,, with interest from date," on 'the 22d ,day of- September next. The putcaaser givinr bo.id.and approved security. To be sold by virtue of the same decree. . l L B' SAWYER, c. "Su m. e. May 81846. -2-tds. " 293 i Edgewohh Fehialc Seminary. - Rbv. Profoor ITIor'san, Principal and Tt achcr of. the Latin. Greek and English, TAj EUagcs; Mathematics and Philosophy; Mental .and Moral Science. i , Mrs. ITIaria ITIorsan, Viee Principal. ?Iis n. p. Sa I K3urj, "Teacher of' tlie t rench, Italian and Spanish Languages; prawinjr and oil Paintin?. i . , ITJKs Xv M. nrowil, 'Assistiint Tcao.her in the higher rtudiV and ornamental branches. Mi", CliarIeIcicrMlie, Ttacher f Music on the Piano, Guitar and Organ; also the Teacher of vocal Music. . The term of 23 w'eeks wilf open on the 2nd July. Exjwnses 75;'50 paid in? advance; Mu.icon to I lano S20; a foreio-n hino-naire Dnw ... f.m. od Pai0ting$2o. 45 v v ' as uie number pf bevding pupils is: limited to p early application should Be' made ; for those wbo are preparing to enter Edgeworth. 'Letters may be addressed to the Principal, or to Gov. Morchead, Greensboroneh N. C. Jane, 26 1846. 3D5 3tf ' OMBRE SHADED, f Lisle, threadrand Bcrage scarfs and hawls, for sale client, by- ' w: WILLIAMS, June 12 tf SIIADJED StfXPIIIDJE, Printed JaconetsTmd Lawns, a splendid aHieTe for ladicB jdresses, fir sale by v , H - " r r. IIjIjIAMS. , 1 t-"- enume i Brandj-olh'spiIIsjut received at the new Apoth. ceary'a Store .together with Lee's, ' Cook's, 'and Larpcnlcrs Ths, Houck's Panacea, Jayne'e Expec- ..ordial, Sherman's Cough and worm Lozenges &.c, for sale by . , ' 1 ( , 1ct, 4 ' 1 ' T. C. LESTER. June 12 t . ; - . 3Q3. r ? ' Flour. Tirst quality Ttnnessee Floor, at 2$ cents per rvuyu, ,cit ju ijTJAniuiea io sun porchascrs, by Feb. 27 tf . - . mo corFER, c 10,000 poundof best no coftjast received and at the lowest rates. ' ':collit;s' axes,- thechea.to;eofJ;1 WforMle.t Hails, Casting, PIoK-'a Jloulds. 2.1 Icpdk rAim inl Mr-T 5 r ' . .- : ' -'. " ' '. ."" "vv";iOj assorted sizes. Also a ood assortment; of Castings and a few Ptugh Moulds, afl.of which will be sold at the Wert market prices. , to . t , PATTON & OSBORN : . an - ' , ' -r. 3'J2.f s .....v a..u iiw ioiuc, nay s.iniment, Swayne's yfap of W ijd Cherry, Thompson's Eje Water, Mc. Mtmn s LI;xir Baleman's Drops, British OtL.Dal. by s Oarm native. SttcPs OnoilehW r.nArra'. ' i .ii 'ii-ni i i ii f jNHlm1' "i""inMll, y.j.f'Jm"'"''W 'm ,; ' L- ':' - m i :- j. iV ;? , fou aVokms. . . . A h"ily';ThwUe-: preparation, CRpahlc from the promptitude of ils.action of clearing the-system in a trw hours .of cveTy worm-; 1 i Hi'o, exceeding mi all iquantlty of this medicmt required to test the existence of. worms or to remove e-vtry one from lbe sytni, il'vn! m a few hours. - together with "itsfgreat certavj,tv of effect. constitute it one of the nH lrhnnt discoveries of the age. It scKlom needs. to be repeated and never lobe followed bv anyollur purer-. TUn fore, M unrent ease?, as those of mTS, SPASMS or CON. VUIjMONS, caust d by iorirs, it vprivahd sufn ri ority w-manifcKtcd. : FewfriK dicines are bellercalco. lale'd to improve the heal ill uf children, wen where no' worms exist: as it removes tlrose m ,-s-s of erudi tiea lhat Inland eio?t"ly adiu r - to iho toIlIlcll and howelrf. ffivifi rise to aymptoms lhat. counterfeit, every anety of vor'nj 5l tc d.e. ' Though prompt and certain in its rptraioivanil not unpleasant to the taste, it is pcrf't-ly ls;ifvt ar,d .adup.ted to the tenderrst age.- ' ,; a- .. - :(..-.., JO -,. The following tcktiinotiials arv rihtted from a multitude of olherj as evidence of its great rutdicins vahie:1 ", .1'. -:' - ' The following ra from ain. eminent PliTsiei:m. , Joniit-Wrougl, Tenn.. Dee. 3d, 1811. Dr. II.lFv Pery Ijakc great picaj-ure in recom mending to the public your aluabloVerrn.fuge, properly called Dead iSho I'have been vendrng it for two years Netiingof the kind liava I ever old' that, has ',giren such tinivortar eftti.-f-ietion. There- was onoeae m my innnediate ne.ghtwrhtHid that I now recollect of in which ono dote caused the expulsion of 50 worrns from a small child, as the parent' informed jue ac-rwards. : '. ' y. : .; .: Very rrsxret fully r - JOIJN YANCEY, M. IX Extract from a lcter-ietnted from a Merchant in h , : . , -Kenti chj.' J f": ! Prestonb a rg, Ky., June 10, 18 14. Dr II- F. ,Perry I rcci-ived the medicine (Dead 'Shot) 'sent me a few( wctl s since, an' it is all gone and the people are"4vantir g nlore. If I had 1,00') bottles Tcou Id soon tell th m,' it taken before any thing of -the kind cver-ollbrcdT lit TCf and hfid gi ven entire satisfaction; the deiniwn j ia coifManMy mereas ln?. new applications In ihls mad' every diy. Phae tvnte and k t inc knpw liuw 1 can get'a large qunaf u No niore',' tut remain ly: shipped from Balliinord; yours in great h-lste, ,' . ( ; ' 4 James a jiatciier. ExIracV fmvi a letter l-rcehed fiom JJr? Wharton JNewcastle, u.j Jju. 2J, 19 1 Dr. Ptrryr ' Dear-Sir I gave a vial fl f 'the Dead Shot" you : of trs.tina; Us merits, to IcU with rne . tor Hie )urjK. a friend of inmel who mlroii iiiccd Us n-e in ma mily by giving it to a patient scittUd irs a i-UUable ca-e.' It . waS'.'-admirnstcrad accn d:ng to - the directions around the vjal, .ami To mi aftani-lunent, the first operation brought awny aloul 3.j worms. " I Imve 'afmmiterj d it' in njvir.if oilier innlanc "i mnce, With sifuilar 'good success and . it will afford me much pleasure in doing all ti my oivcr to recom mend it fo the.; notice of frtends and the public generally. With respect yoit, &e. -. 'Iil)&. J. WHARTON. Lynr-hburgJ V'a., Nov. 2 1st. 14 1. This is to certify lhat 1 InlvC sold I'hc V-cnnifuffc (DEAD SHOT) prepared By Dr. H.'F. P.iry.for about twelve months and cacy in marly cases-in one avc wrlncssed i's base particuIarlv--a" pa- tu nt (middle-tigcd man) w hrd hid bet n tro-iblcd w ith f Tape-Worm for several "ycirp, exhibited to rue a large quantity (say aurqta pint,) which-lie inJonncd . .:..,' i.. .,: - ' . ,me had passed, by liTe'UHe ol one or. two-vials; and iret.t ih it tlie pit cut w 1 1 hi 1 1 1 1 y k n rw led ge in no case wnere u was upp .had worms, has it ever failed jLYMAN, lirugg, I. r Price 25 CenfsWr viah:'. Prepared bvDV; II. F. Pi rv. &rd siId whnle.ii to and retail by A"B h D. irjj-, .Irng-lH, J 0t Ful- toh'bt., cornciof Will. am, Yufk. ! & .1.1 i.l-M hv 1..f ln X iV.f. rnf Ashcville; McRee & Gunlcr MoV.-mton; W Shams, Haywood- &Go.j Raleigh. and by DruggUils gcjnerally tiicouhout tlift United Jstatcs.i SAKDWH WAR. APARpXTjA, i FOR Tl IB Jl EM OV A 1, A.NP rER(MA.vr.NT CCRK OF A IX . -tlSKASES AHIS1VO JROM A.i.'JMIt'JlE STATE OF r, ; i THE 6I.OOO OR 1IABJT3-OF THE SVSTE. VIZ;- - ' - Scrofiilaor KitzJErfl, Rci matpiii, O'lmate Cu : tancon EruptiSn, Pimp!t 9 or Pustule on the ; Fiicc,) niofckfif, Rtte. (hr-thie -Sore J2yt lltni ; Wond pr Tetter, Scald ll nd, Eiilarsmnpnt and Pain of, the Bonei and J tint, Stuhlotn Ulcers, . Syphilid SytnjSiimt, Scia'wt or Lnmhta and DiKCasrt arising fioiwun n judicium rv of Ma. XcurVy Ascites or Dropittj, Epn.irife or Iwu ndenre .. ' Life. ; jAUOi Chronic Con it tt'u tonal Disorders. The vaVe of this preparation is now widely known, and every day hj fi Id of its usefulness is CT.n ' .-r. li B approved anil highly rccoifi mended by 1 uy.icians,.and is admitted to be the mosj. pow erful and searching prepuratic n. from tue root that his ever "been employed in m -dical practice.' It is not 1 1 in its operation,. b'jt grntr.il, extenping through the whole system.; It neutralizes the poison" ous dements vm. -the blHd arid restores a healthy tone to - tlie organs -which' 'gejnfralc. the flu'd. In' scrofulous and all external disorders, t he result is a rapid healing of the sores an.J nrrstules. Wi rhr.nma. tism and other painful afttctibcs of fKe muscular k. n .!... . . ... ' uulci pcpujr rtinouai nt me pain, nnd in all cases arcncwal of strcri'th, keepmgjpace with the retreat or me disease Irom the fysteili. it ' ia put up in a highly" concentrate foryi,f convenience and por tability, -and when dilul'tl aCi.ording. to the three lions, each bottle w ill mike sit timt s ihe quantity, equal to one quart,rand M then superior in medicinal Value lo the various preparations bearing the name. The proprietor r.re almost daily receiving tCBiimo. nialsoff r ' mt,prctahlc elfir.icttr, ttstifiing to '' ' - 3 tin active antf curative medicine. 4 -II. l: , .-.-..ving, i ti fore tirg case is presented," and uie ic.n.-.r ,'i(-d io its carcfu perusal. ,. Comment on. eue.ievi n tmn'-cersary'. " 'i L Hark N.J. iistrn). l6t, IM1P. Jtwv. A. ii'.-D. SatkdtyLu Oliver' child,' of uns p.yce, was attached with aj scrofula when two .yvaiacHu, wrjicn soon reduced Her to a mere, skele ton. The disease pervaded thd whole ej'stcm and man.fcs.U.d itself irtmallffni)nt lorCH on Ihe head, body andlimb.4. D'fferent phUfidnS in Newark, Utilevide and New York prescribed for. her at vari ous tibies, but finally jave op the case as perfectly honrU,. At last Mr. Ol i vv.t Lji:- iTirtnr-f ft tn trv y . r Sar.ipari!Ja, and aocordirtgly procured four ' ' "vh'h was4 sparingly idrpinibttred, with I'.-i.ij J.erruuons, yet with the niosi decided benfiU Abvut ,tv.o months agt rbccajrhr kequainted with the circumstance. .of the case. iTlte child, who is bow aged our years, was one colnph-tc mas ofelis- wm., urj'i. incupabje ol using aiy of her JihiN Her-Lu , Bivollcn to nearly twice ita natural size, tho u i , Lrnhs Snd body Wore almost entirely cover JJ v i , ,i I . rc sores. , b-fe wjw unable to moyo, anT ,v ' 1 no notice of iinylhmg"i pnly .lo hrin ' , ', touehrd even' by, her mother. Ihe c. ' , at the same time, vs equally severe inwaroi y tten'dcd with bloody evacuations every fty honjs.. They procured some nore of the Sarsa panti'j, ar.d,. bc.foTc. she . had taken one , bottle slip could slip down, from the eJiair anjr creep across the room. .She has now juht fiius-l cd laking the scemd bottle, and the soecsare iir arlv all healed, the limbs are restored to their natural use, sfic is quite cheer- Aui,aoa..ijat impru'mg iirhcalt.t - . - . ' . Yours vt ry rdi-w ctfidTy, ' , . " - C. J. WARNER. ' ' ' - Sco! of Ylnlh'a State Tern, boc. - The following is an extract frorri a letter received frowIMrs. IJevaji.'wht had been afRictco" for several yers w,th Serofulous UIccVs, Dys!m-psia,v&,c., and recently .h an ajf Uion if tljcXuront and Chest: T'.a.kvvbmgh, y.P k .. 1 3th, 184. ' Messrs. AI HT&C U S4nd B.fre I commenced using y0.:r Sarsaparilfa wy sufffrkjs were ahnoa k . '- - ' pit nnrefs on, my l' ro jtwas f omplctely uw; I I . vd a dreads cough, and tlu're were Yre.'t' J veeks togitlher at 1 cjm a not pcak above t ' cn and. beside, tho ir.!liiij imtion fr tnv!it l.i frtv head. S) tli irlv hfurln ,h l' I1 henn'fijt K4, t-'i ig thb (ui.).', ivi d andjnv Uirokli t nmi 4i 1 1 n rw, t re J . Alter, tu hort time mv heanu unpT jved andjnv tlmm . 1 -1 wtll I am r freo from ci-Ji and tightnen chest as ev.r I was, and fan hear' quite d Myl'irwt biqbttn wei.hl..t.t t,r e icmi:- -T My t.irwt uanetn weuaiN.u; M,r e icmi fure of , which his been eff CU d eiji,r-lv by t1 7 J Jour iar3phll4. Your I. 'id, " , Tiifc fi.l nvu-li tffr, rret ivcd fryi C. ; t; ' i fitnUeman wil known and ol t!nv Ii.lust rra, r tb.hty, retul tig n Mn' sh iwS c onclusivi'jj" value and t,ffuacy & Sa J S rp ihio c iZ r!u uuiatwrni - i M ble, Ala, July -3, lilt , AJfessrs. Sands cTenfA-,! we. afflieted foria' Ihifa ttn years with rhcurnatijcn, and it is witapU suro I avail myself of thi opjrlunity to CTprt s )oi tl o salutary ff.jet our tar- tprtl'a bad cm n. In Jatiwry, l?-,. I ptircJi;ed of: ywit Mr-rM. Moley Tuck' r, fie hotth-s, U-C ( loo' agreeably to the printed d.rocvle.n.4, w.hi 1 -If nrti rtmoied tho coin p unt, and I he,noW rtahou to behove my httfuh ia permanently r.f ' j : ''.. -'Youts, very' rrspcetfujly, '. "' ' Vt . nURoT. 1 or farther partitjtda- and conclive'tvUric iti superior vaUre and tllkicy, see dinp.Met,i,k4 may be o'lUmud of Agents gratis. i Prepared and sokl," wholesale and ret a it;-by A. 1' I), SANDS, Wholesale Druggists,' 103 Full a 1 corner of Wjlhart. New York. s Sold also by Battonv Oi.btj, Ashev.il ij CB Oates,- Charlotte; Wilhams,' Iliivtvood & Co leigh; and by Druggists genera 1 y -ihrouglie'i't ttj United tates. Price 1 pcr bottle; 'six botUri-fc; . HZTTho public are respectfully renucsted in.? u cinVr thatvit jsS-mds's SiiBapMnl!a thai lw 0t and. is oonstanflv achieving such remarkable tu of the most-. difficult. cbssi ofjdiscasesjo which Ue human, frame is ii! e.t; therefore atlt fof Ssndrf Sarsapat ilia, and takf no other.' 1 - . Aprd 21, 13tf.-v.396 ly. i i .French jLa'si meres, ( , Orcgrn fancies, rtriped and checked linens, w' a great variety of blhcr pantalooT stuffi, ununal. ch.ap.bv ' W, WILLIAMS. . June 13 ... if Tlie subscriber Aishcs, to disose of Tract W Land, coniju'nng uparili of 200 acrcssduate rn ilea east of 'Ashenllc and lying prtly ort th n. vcr rad. . There i- a firtt rate A W-lILLa Iho pl.irc,: new, and not to br ' surpitsged by any the county. AWi, sou 12 tf 13 acres of trti ch ared bTid. Persons 'Wihlng to , pirr.1me wich prtp-rtv wf.nli riouill le,i'l jnd eiCaniuic. ral.temiH will he gvin tothif piirehase.- For fur, ther mfuiuijiion cufl o'n. inv trtilu r or brother os fewamiaiiO. or myf-cW at Marion, N,;C ; . " f i J. McD. WIHTSOX. Mirch C. 13i ir. t (r((il :ln?)$ihisf .UYT r'w nC-VT IN LL IRCillOl!! I , 'pall and .v;; r.s: A. r. &? CIUA Are jiihtrecoivia nnd of-nung a splendid -X STOCK . OF GOODS; fresli from-tl'.e eastern ; culrs, wh:e!i. thry promie and p'i.ti civ d i liirn shll be sold ui lo'; if not lower, t!i .in any . otlu r Goo'ds, let tin in come fro(n whit quarter tin y miv. i . It is usual to;bias't through tlie medium of ami-vertidemf-rit, and promise a. irreal m my' thmjs,n6t expected to- be pi-jformod, ' Dot we only ask a call, that wo may prove how. : far -,our aset ions way bo behaved. If you want a. big load of Goods llr lit. tlu'inonoy .come and aco u., and you jtoball iiotbs dis.ippoi-it d. M , . "I- "t ' It, wul he - vofiiciejiMy Fafitsfactoiy,' we hope,' to say that our "stock is general and romplrte, cornprit. ing almost-evcryart'cle nlia!ly nv dein ind -in this tountrv. Hi - Mock Ji.is h fi s(bet(,d with cars 'andjuiiirnieiil, nwd.fr .jm our knowledjrtjf hi' irtirtltfrs -apiertaMiing to this luisim euiinot be bcattp for leauty, 'laiiiy and chvupnti's lyiy where in the back b 'imtrv. t i , ! ' . ,' " ' .. )Yjth due defi re ci tr i)i:r " r ninjH-litors, wev will ay w c irctcrtd to b. it, tju in, if we can by fa if ind honorable mparts, aird-jf -we hnd we can't, why tnett we caif't. . ,- -;. .f W e intend to do s4nuc1i rtrt posviblc a prompt bu siiietrs, as we n:ieil our profit 4o be so low lhat lit . dult,nce e uuiot.'nur oiijht riot, to be expected., ' ,W c kindly admonish opr old cii&tomers not to,flf . .?crt us, and we pledge- oujr(ves tlwy shall not bs sorry for"Tt. Stick to us like brothers, and wc a;, uuri! you that no good reaswn for complaint, shall ba iven, either for want of accommodation or eooq b.irga-n. A. B, &' J. CHUNN. N. II. All kindsof country produce will Be takenv in exchange for Goods, on the most accommodating: terms, such as Beeswax, Fcatliers, W'ool, Tallow ; and Fur Skins fn proper. season. v i , Abbeville, Feb. 20 If v . , , .' 287 I Pl.TUAIiITl ( Wc would remind jliose hf.our customers who' have open accour-ts I with us,' of tho fact' of their c, having bien made With the fxjnenet understanding lhat they were to be settled by the first of January, i 1816. whicJi tiielns already: passed. We are un.' der the necessity of makin; - collections, and bof llfat those mdubted to useithtir by note, judgment, ot hook account, will ; make payment between this . , and our April Court, for by s6 doing-they, wiir sate ft us trouble a'nd tlii'iusolyes cost for necessity cosir j. jfl Us us to celled. , '-u . . - . YTQX OSBORN -. A .. t. . : t i r.L,'nn .l i? ... : vn- . -.. .- ' . f - JW:& T 'RE CJQ1 VEDi "' A FRKS'H and full Supply of School Books, ffjch as are most gefierally used in this countryconsist- . . ing in part of Ihe following, yi. : ' Comstock's' Pbilosophj; Corastock's Chemistry; . Davie's, Smrth's. Emmcrsim'si and Smuey's Arctb- - nlatics; Smith's Grainmar-Smith's and. Mitchell's j School Googaphy "and ; Atlas:; BlairsLeeture'; Darte's Algebra- D.me's Geometry; UjAam's Men tal Philosophy; Jlacs Logic; Worcester's IIiBlory; i Grigfr and Elliot's' Common School Readers, No 1 2;3,and '4; Elementary Spelling Books; Prjniary -du; RationaLVocabuIary; , , ' , ' . - : ALSCt, 1 '- '.r' . ' A few hand iomo Picket Bibles; I j .; Melliodist llymns; Psalms and Hymns; js ; V Baptist Harmony; Mercer's Clustery : ? , j : Southern Harmony, (for Singing Schools).- f( j . 1 i Plain bound "Bibles at 25 cents; , ''' i'1 . ", ) rri. - a rt. tC,A. nI, ,r Pili)An: i - lilt' illllWItall VIIMHIlKIUi WUU':V. A "'"!""' ,1 Dauglilers Own Book;: besides nearly anfc vane- y ty 'of books usually kept in this country. " . ; I ALSO, " . r A good assortment of Fools Capand Lettct paper; ...J,. Wafers; Scaling 'Wav a beautiful assortment; Meei ; All pf whichfwili be sold on the most acomrn-.. r dating terms by-" '- :i- May J, 1816. 297 tf. . . ..ilannfaciired TinMVare. ' We have a very larrre. assortment of i every- kind ! . manufactured by Hosra Lindsay, of superior TF; whicii we will " sell by . wholcsala or retail, at very (, low prices. . . PxVTTON &, OSBdRN. I 1 Ashcville, Nov. 27, 1845 - ' v , T II. Lindsiy will do all kinds of repairing in his" hneot business, and will execute orders for Gutter- ! ing and pipes for houses. : His shdp just below PaU ' . (nn .t- nln. ...: . : . '? ,-l "FLOUR' FIX)UR! ' t t9 Either bj Ihe bag or barrel, both from Tennessee ' and from Col. Lijwry's mHI. : ' i ; ' ; RANKIN it, PDLLIAM. April 3, 1846. - ; iberrri Mroiu Just received lot of CranWry Iron, wiich b the reputation obemg equal if noi superior to soy. , a manufactorein"lh United States, and for sale cheap . v Abbeville. " PATTON oc JJuiie, 20 1345, '. - 305 tf. - - B0KN, 1

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