n 4.. .4- y: , i ' .:....- - p..K':c4 ,1 it- i tl Urr.ottwVcr;' trJ-Tc0,"03(l V" r tV iVe uVoJji " TMr'Ej" . " j j trcuJ. J five, him. Aoi'.tn crur if re rai1 oncsxtK.f the cur .-own 'r- . li IM larg- - - 11',' ilJ on cx':ifr','':'lJJ- "ttl j I'rmip, I hit; ili fc 11 i (ra J.caf char;; by a .tf alt i'i lit T.''f c- cur nolicy. ty the t -J .; .Ur Jfc'.BJkCl'- propyl p j lion.' !l t ri ,l nurrtnr.) 1 1 OS the M'vuue by Jarse invoice,;.- u 'a ii k . it wiU 'ywofk a ml crioJ5 n-jur;- Air.crici.l ' r t"ortrrs o-nj A't r. :i C' "itnt-rce ' . ' . M ..- .1 hi i mJ in t!i "MnJ of jn'n.fj. It TI dt-slro) ' thaaJi iiot of du'i 1. rroj'jirci'ty the cdt ' ; . nrJ fiiia'i'.vofcol-jf j a C T r r ul cr.r rule ' will rKcj-iviri'y d cnJ 'up-n Use Various juMnT.U oftl.e' tI.J";rL-nt or 4 r-ix T3.' , Ii U IiIj, .t thi grt'it uhjtolioniLif, nhfrj tl.e niiitk-' U nH.t in l maji J thopric pprfs't"-, Wlirii jlie article: Is lie()tt .nti-J tlio Is-'st i Jt'- itiJ.ihe ijty wlirjiu.the i V 1 Ij'cs;'t3iel tn j)tyilo were n Lie t corj. sjme, hn?r iU duty roi . 6:id4 uha uur in-Ia-i'ry of ull' kip 'i rr tVdrJ 'the prtcc:k)h ttiy"' ' J ;vt iuch it) nndV littnV y lepst uitJi. j i! ihey Uould gvi thu iiiowt. I'tiftt enurc!yjpp')ed to Mils t ba Hnritilo'as "a f(-nerar bv- m ft wixjKi apply ty many articles,- but it i la wljol y fjrt nj-plred to ctht-ii. "nfiJcs, (. it u nfw systcm.'Hrtd I urn opposed to fex jm rm-ro'i, uuliks I am sure it would rfc .r,l.t in nrif li It rin horn Tip rTil ri rA ire. J . i . i i v r , -j fujli.ucil liy r.iir uoverijmcrt, inu never I a. if.yii J as ftp xcl mv systrrn by tny .wise llowrrimenl vn tLe face' of the" GlobvJ.ij It fiot ti5 s litem of Knyland of Erancj, or . V. rll. Vercln.j which -is. bo- rnp'ully exlendirfg w-i cvei hl tha iirih of Rurp.e? Oar mIviI Amoiicarr commrrcil community has eipr'ii.J jtlx-ir oppositional it, and on wisest ktitnxn lavtf uIwhj n jeered ft.Mrr Jhicn.' ttmti, 1:uitH n hii 'greitt BMi-c1i on-th biil ol l whv'cli lMid, ihcn pronmMCPu i!k Hi'Ht einplutic cmi lrnm ilion ufil us im. wise i,iJ hnpr'tcMc-ibV, 'I hntt stvni hn 1 at. -'s iiptTSitifhi st which emu liiK'd n niiitu! i ad viforrqiS wftd specifics; iiijd 'pr tivi, ) an fir' tidhcriMj; unuJ I am connacfd W-tl u ifr md hi Iter J I n c;in lx- ndpUid. Tli" nt'w.nritT prmluitrd on' a' revcifut tHin!arJ,is pmptis, .1 jiu a icy m'.tsurt,-f a i.d In Kf ilili inrn Avho yrufcss au Jtcort' m..t ;M ur u ir, aii'l. nppotiiio.i d im iiu'rr a?t -of thf f ii tU.J Vu'CciMrrirs of I'l : y t it pMitTit; ti f y on tc i aw I c'u'Jrt'i. i'ti.n i's t ',t- iji ut pin war rturoV ' W'J '( .r: '.lt; i. i..-..w,,.,.v;.n.'),.1l ntl ) t r t 'iit d.n v Jij-itiid '('jurr ilie c vj-teneo id llv-' war vvili M -ic-. Thisp. st ti'rbs an; lu.v few; and, : 1 'n 1114 in 1 ur country ut all, a duty 'u 1 at i ii jv jrnrv I'tx firtlni, r lm-;um -It ii ri !;:,. -j.ijb'e Ot cvso 4 fri'r'o cleailv !mwn lo t awt ui time'of w r for this tiiJc,'- .1 ...... Ill' -,. ': . -..;.-. . J , .1 ..wnuij uj vt'ii.iiig ta voia tor 11; u hi cven iner. i f'l.nil f be Mir 1 it. It 11 triit neceSsarv now, ii'. f kis j.jr: i-a uj ru -the tifi)do proposed ia I 'i'nv du;cro is. Wh'ilMs -that-mod-, iir? tk ro is j4.ru jt extriiordmnry ffature'in thipj Tlu'i President is directed 1o have this i.vn i-i liieild li puKjimct.o.i Gn'leWn -.run.. ' V " I J-1 -'.f'J j ..aV.ar !u imru-r1'jl. I . !(. o nhrjn from the' respous.biliiv of . uiT'L8ti.mulite impottationSj and We bring in more Jj-'SIflvr-ft "Jh mM.lves and directly . Whfnev rncy.occu'rs (as -it certainjy w'lili n It- reii ii I. . . jiUi-, rresidebf is to rnve tht .vfordefrjig this duly, to "bo lev ! t u ' " . ancient Anglo-S ixon'principle wis tri r servo to ijie rehresentativcs of the neopici 1.1V i-tc!u.ivj; power ol liva lion and of holdm .Lie purse oil th fini.n. Th -ifepect, bVbrieken from the bill. "You call. w pNS it heie without thi provision incfu. Hji, j,r, itsinsl-rti.in intbc bill-has evMnudiK t'isition of those ; ha iitj ",a, "nijnr;ty iuttiis House To imposa thii uncalled; ff LjrJ.'n on h; pcopje, cvtn in tllj time of, T'Zl and it fuither demonstrates, conelu-l k'fc'y, the u-JU of the Ira'mcrs of this bill, itf the Adiiiinistration in poeit hut tire' 'i:.iern( ofnuttuo now iuiiaed upon by them 5e ins-intent to meet the fisc .1 w&nls of tV Government, : ' V' - ' Ifis.-e caq.iot be a r4uestiin of this resuTl, ttrn in timo' of peace.1 'canLOt meat ord.nary expensts of theGovernment jun nts operation, much less the extraordinary which will be required for the energetic P'L'ioa uf tha"Mexicaji war. . ,1 have 10 foT ihiJeclaratioaif the existehee of ith tl.e Republic cd MexicovDd I ex . PliovptQ 'fur everv prrp.r measure and j 5 il nt'ces:iry moneys'lo' tri: that war to a i t-'"1! successful, andhonorable termination.' Unot now inquire into.the causes bf that I -'j,Bud iha;our hinor an- iaercs.t ; requires j 'js taHt torn.tQatiwn. I hive felt prouJ .ot !t" g-l.am spirit-which our people have, 't 0f .1. ! , an l nh mom KO i tl m jhe cheerful promptitude with 'which the. Cll'2T.tof TTH Inn n V,f n'ml nnSU Stat)' , r-w my own .pstrLiicand nob ,ctl esptdaliy protll cf th Kalla 'J I W d",tr;' the first in the State . I 'I"" "" " . patriotism- luntry ol mm t- ten. services of an fir-icVid corrMnv of y'ir.teerk jj.,. this war is to bo' yro r-ishqrt one It will be a very expen e shall- have t -iy r .-1 ti foot i,. . . ?exrnse .oftl-j riorida'war will Sfna.l in comparison v.'1) -ihe iriinbl ' tl thl . f aJj .I'Ttrtfif that t?n 0,e coyest with Mexico, they shou'J ff010)0; eparat war bill of c'uts, .r .. Josdurati on to thi continanr.ce 8 r. , A rwnr. ,.Ki . , K t Uxor. , uuia 1 vuut v. - M a n " ur'"'l'r,'i the sources' of revenue , lo?htnyour patriotism demands mora, Wi m mC" 'eme' n.unjustifcroLo. .um.!ilir' lheend "of this nbsurd.lyt .rel s7pe:-!ed sort again to the t and most odioosTorm of loan, -in i ii ni. f f Tr - -r'v t s 'Jr ! ' ..t.i - Mti h thj'i tef ..,L CVilnnaii of Co.-n cf .IV ; 'I'l ! , io, .s"; t i ; s .i c-4 , ( . j al - urj , rf , rn'i'i !, tsi ' ' " n i d.-'i." V - fc:t -or M.ula.,; ,rr" n : .f ahirr .'- W 2V ( f j a!! r,a rncr M t3" the C-VerB. Je li) bc 1 -Vtcr, Vft-t wcc.i "r.- Th'-i Trta.-ry h'.ttstire . : ' ' j cr: c;;: .: r,1. r, fl i iiia very lis:, il. tyji, 1 11 eVfc?',',ry r.i.I-ir 1 ."s . n G jcrcirr.l curr' ! r "-.i' ii circtilalioa, i'. i ' . 3rs..'ia ll'j vJi credit. era, Crr.i mo powers Kb.t-d in the Treasury Department .1 "re i enc contingency-art which i wn!, l-li for he s4 Treasury, jnote that ' t h? d .o doiU will tx;&kt-d for fijom Corigrt-ss, n";id t!dt ;s, tint hey, s1iaH be shown lot lr tnd's)erisably "iiFcessary to meet our jc1 f iftU'.ine of . war;' and even .Wn I . wuu'dnrefcr the- gnbd 'od . fashionld ' as i. hnc ' iet!nd ot a loan. Doth modes ctp- ftio a. public TeU; but ' easily otJvrituoti by t one is opeq; an j 'ntbodv oft' rpcbIe. whde'tba aihi. ,i ,jzuised and de- ce)tivc. ' liuf, air, I ' ait. rk, this,Hou and the country w-. tat .coed the folly and ir-"-uUeyt of red,; . v: v our income while t enses ate incr-iW' What airf u,lu tfwught nf'the wisdofti orforc(iaiit of an r lividualr in any avocation in hfet T ' ,. ) at tha same rnurneut increase: his . - f J j .--:: l l : . . i J : - i ' : snu uuiiiuiaii iu iut.-a.iJ3 oi utscuarj. a' ;'.jenilcmen deny thi 'C.oneque'ncc and4 ii;f.-t iln Jhe mrans cA : (TjVernrneol twiH be ? creased by "a redo :u.n (4 the, djtiojjj Soir.o mot rem'irkabi i-i I miraculous irtucs o're atlribu'.eil n this AVhcn thu larpof 1312 wfts eitic4ed one fV'a gretit objections urg;ed ngiitiit if was thv t it- .vould not product; enough revenue and ucl.J " diminish the importations. ; , ..." , , When the prediction w; s fdUified byictur.I resulu at the Treasury and custom-house, U was then oljf cted ogait thu faw because it raised too much revenue! a ;stern of im ports rcalLr.' s a permanent urtkas in time of peace, and when Ihe country i out of debt it certainly would require modification by a 'reduction of duties. liutt sir, vhat wonderful propurlies arc Jliscovercd in 'this new sell m11' of finance and revenue! .The profound staies-manship-of, the Secretary of the Tri'iMiry, preser.is the same ,measuro to suit 'every .conungenoy of the necessities of the GoerniTieut. Jtvarfswer both the purposes nf pface and'Ot war. ' The me atgiJtXjenrs! have beerjajplied to both- con'i ti.iu. llw j.hiJsophy , tenches that' -when ibere U a furplu.V. rcduhs 'duties,; and when there is a (lit fn-it, sliil-redjee . the'-diUies, afed nil will be right! WheqVve have, too much money in the Treasury 3'' Sow duties ate the panacea toreduce the pltmofa oi" itic sys-Jem; but vhen u c want n.ur ; 'money low ' duties are nili the nostrum by which lhaerteiies of the Government. artr to be replenished wiih th.e str(am:of i!t! t 3his pul ty is like the nostrum tf. a quack which operates Equally well in , directly opposite conditions' of .the jsVsiem. H'r? this was not"' the j wisdom cd Jnir.' predofesscrs. ln Jhetlasti war wilb t!reat lJijlain', without ike aid of rrccilt lits; our tVaesnVn..rfottiM all it Ti e duilrsoq,' im ports to increie tile revenue.' Bui ice jare ta hiive un SHicrease of the importations .to increase the means of he .Treasury.! Do )oa "oxpecti iir, to' enlarge the- tabiliiy of jhe people to:: co,nsumtf .-foreign, good's,' by the patsTgeof this biii?-. Will you not- rather lessen ir, .by crippling the resources - of tbe couuicy ,tm I' dtroying the projsfjerlty of the peopU-J Hiul suppose ."by this measuee-voa good th.ui we arc able lu.pny lefr by our own -native p roducti, a k'child .1 might see "that , to mt-litho bdanco ui' trpde thu3- thrown a'giinst u.s, sjetit mut g) oulof tbe"ctunry, the Ccicilitiva of "ur bical tanks to discount will bo impiireiJ and , a genera) distress :pr$:van in tha' lamd. : The evils excessive import itions are uuviqu-. Uar ;-wnoi ex prritne; has taught. us tbat," when to balance kX trat!e continued ong against Jus, abiotir )eeic vvbs drained fro pi .he cc?unty. to go abroa'i, a financial and .commercial revuUion it 1 r "n 1 -vus tiip nievitaoio cons q icnce, lonowtu 'by a general prostration -a- the industrial re. sources huj energies 01 tue great, oozy 01 uie i Uie man whose expend; jra ennstanuy ex 'cced his income must fail; end sin.ilar rndis. fcretion 'must assuredly I t ?' g-. bke disustcr bon nations. At precrA'c ar imp9rU aver, tte nbout tn6 hupdrcd .and one: millions. rvbile qur expotta redrh wiihin a fraclion of 0j6 Jiundred mdliur.s.. , ihe balance is, weil fjUktcJ. Mt is", a'fjooi rule, q let well enough alone.- U hy. disturb matenary aft act which provides wUbr.lbe requisite rev enju for the,, wants of, the' Government and under 'Which the country is generally prosper. ot? , o W li'y , too , 1 ask, ma k e this ; g real -change in the midst of a war?J. But ir, we Uns in remarkable times. This.is!said to K : tbc -age of prdgrcst. Take Care tbf woc' rt 4progrcss backwards!" ' ' ' '' Tbcrc are kindred measures on yur table, a parts of the great Extcutivc s'c heme j which wsare urgtAi to pass,' because, 'among. other reasons 'pressed on the consideration of the Itc,prese"ntative3 of a free peep!?, tb?y are the mexsurts cf iht Admhu'sirclkrJ ' Sjr,i'tle spitit of freedom 2cd frora this hall?, J!..all Kxji'cuiive' i:.j2uence pcedomnate ov:r end gol;rn the judgrrjets and cenductof ti.c if . melinite rcpresenutiveof the true sover- i'-utv of 'Ihe land! .We re" asked to reduce and"! graduate the pr'ica of, the public lands, and to cstablUi the warehousing S7Sem.r-, A'nd it is -said iRat each of .these measures ti!Hncreaseethe revep. I do not, believe that 'such a result willbs producfei by .cither. In rVprd to ths first, you cannot corrpel the pC: o u'Viv rirc land than they peed,' and experience, in ordinary limes, has shbwniat .".-,1 n ""c3 about, two rrK'ior-s of t'res 1 wi'I y nothing of U pros'ins. Vce -d 'n- 1 1 il'c oU States of his Unn by such' a I III as is pr.-osed, ur ?S v.-jllf," ,ra:e as a irtua1 cession of the 1 . dcm'un.to the Sites' ia wlch Jhey he: . y ncan tr, . .u .u'prnw n t bj irrcrease1, SBV'Hianilu ivy. , . 1.... . -t , 1 hv i . Tl, 5. w si chousing b-J, without, any genffal merit his, in fact ' in fcUfft.r;ceji. pffjnauqc' my decided-- much, and ccrtaxoly place, to a most can-rwtU-n cf thu coarse of p" Jints peroue'xleci, iJ: cqrVy cf our n. 'jstry i damj'-Toua.-unj1 a cress vihuo oC tiq and trade; undt-rtho control cf fu-'i'n Wbor, .expression ot. an c.; .:wj w . i cwill tavelhi same tensency. iwuw, uy v VJ v j:jL"i ,: ,4.;,, i-; 4:.;;'f g't; ''''',, ,;' ':'-i' - - f fc-' (f'-: " i'!'-. ' 'i- ' -y ..j"! ?.S" . -'.-'j rricr" , n.tqe nrjUc"C c .lone 1.1 :'iotJ ti i.; ii.ny and ihe most favorable at'hU trasare w u;a tV.i ;hree years. . XJy ! tLc verj'b.ll'fcow before l it is provided th'.' imror'J lAort llie 2J Di:ccber, IS lZt i :v a ia i.$trstom bouc, tr. y bv .. V.'ba iljcs cot sei that i: operan wbere ocnff?-tltbbroHJf&nryohT)ea. - Af.a .f l. -.it v.1 icI fjr ihl tiexvh'ilf Vfr, muSt',Je -.r, .!nJtfrcrs woe! I i the U.lla ta creane.thf income bf ihe Ci jvercmeMj -"j, mon; it' tbey wou'.d fcrm a Wj,? JTorcat cpiii; i Dul !drCba.'.:rmant I Vi'd no: longer, evr,nj0f Conroob ci iuinbaV.--. " . -'' : i ioy boar rrutlted mct ictaj.1 thelxmm;l.J general rodf thai try worst fara mi" not be reuiizidt from kSe dcsfrUction of a plcy do. t'?r ihichwe hiva thus fa propred, and Lie apiiGn of. -one hicn mar injure us e pltal, nd leg0,ationw I tru-t ui the re ? :s of, biitcrexpi'nce u n A Lcrequir. ed to teach us wisdnmwKen it is too lateV For one, if tbi tx become a law, I am wPdjig Id give it a fair trid.tni let it b .approved 05 condemned by i;s ttcfual froits. Whatever rnuy b its fnte, the goVid old North Smie," ; from which J come, wtf jContinue to desire no eiiecj rom tftis dr.ar'y other act of leition but what hall bind faster ibqUands e the' Union! a j ' to the bfessir-s of K' y. anl. promote ihe hnpp.npjss of ihe people. i V 11 ile tan peur" rrldy, Annyt 21, IS1C. rtiteur:MA80X c- ':'UTTLrJ, American Neittjmper SubSription l, AdttrUin Aztnttt I'tutt? Umldtnpg, an r cf HdnQter end Dea. ter Crt et,-New.Yor, err Agtnt far thi jager iq thai cit, " . 1 ' :.RAL XLQtf) ?' HEXING. r- . ilio citizens 01 the b '.nty ot liuni ue. arc req-dcVte3 t -meet at Ashe;, icon Sjtnr. day the22n,l iiraV, take into consideo. lion the co: 1 led tllil load frc i Colum bia to - Grrtnvi..j; Sijurh Carolina. 1?rerrf the yast in porDftce of such a work to our up-country, wc hope io ha Ve a full attendance do tha,t'tJay. We iexpec! to have some gen-1 tjemeji -'ot aisUD?tion ; Ifpm ooutn Carolina with us. ' . . t ' ' . MANY CITIZENS". , j AshevUletr August 3, 1946. North Carolina $ia?lds Eretl! ? Victory still perches on Whig banner! .FOE TtJE HONEST OLD STATE! Ohl tthar did yo came Iranit-strang or! quickly ell? Ohi whar did', you come from, you look so ..mighty I caraq. from the Old North; State, tthar tke people : can't be bought. , , ' And we've played ?em up'a lone' -called the. 'sftJ And thar? where I canie frennj , o - . 4 - It iS aleiost-(mpo?ibJe for uato find If nuajje Sdf. fkicntly ttron j; Id dcsctrlbe the fulness of feeling, the deep-seated thankfulness syid cxultatiop, which fill oui bosom in: annooncin to Ih6 WbigS of tbe Union that North Carolina'stdl. remains the.'Unfal taring advocate of Liberty and the -Constitution. -We are now warranted an pr6claimuir that, at the election juut held, we have succeeded in securing a .4 177(7 COVLRXOR! . A 'lVHIG-.SENA TIT! !' . A Whi? Ilotisc Of Couimonv.':: ' And two 17. Slates Senators!.!!; Calmly, but firmly, have the Whigs of North Car. ojina,, cortfident in their own strength, strong in tbe faith of a good causey unmoved by rermKs elaewhcre, met the crisis bke ttibn. an d patriots. -Tbe reault ia alike honorable to them, and inspiriting to the VV'higs of the whole Union- Thcy,Uke Hbeir place by right, in the tan--of the Wjitg army.' They have planted their flag -staff and pledged our honest old .State now, and henceforth, to th uncompromising sup.. port:of Whig principles.' We have met our oppo nents on' their chosen issues, and otterty overwhelm, ed them. 4 Proud, mdee-d, is our posivionl . t So far as the (governor's election is concerned, we know that a few who have heretofore been against Us,bave contribiited to' our victory; and -we honor tlicra for that firmness and independence which have prompted tbem.to burt the shackles tf party, aid array ihcmselres among the true friends of the State. . . ; f , , We have, a rikt to rejoice, yet we t!. - Jd be mag nanimous m victory. Jvow, as ever, we mai&tain that our co "s i'ntjfird 'wi'di the true interest, the "honor and glary of our country. To oar ppo ncn!s, t.-f - ho are honest, yet whose attachment top..rTy h ll.nded tbcm to the r duty, vt would ssy now nfttt t r e election, as earnestly -ap hfaxt y'oar struie U a hopeless onevand if you wcild be true to yourselves, you will aban.' u a party, the . Jcrs of u t..h are only beqt on ech . -rand,zo'. i rnent, and who woitld sacrifice you and your's for tbo Vpo.la of .victory." . To sttr j, tUctr ybi2t we say stxoto voch Awsf ; ' Be Uue to yovc v cs and your princ - s , adlthroujh'yt)ir ir, mtality, tbe eofintry uaj yet be rescued, from fillers, ajid oar free insti. ti-t.-ons piT ";dsv - ?rcd! '' 1 It :w m-postille io saj'what point Gov. Graharns majority . v' -rh, bk.t it cannot, fall sljcrl of ten trrauanOl f 1 - ri iurna'are now consjolte'd rather aa a matter cf rLT-osity than, interest. , . 1 1 the : tte, w shall have a "ta r!ty of from Ia tbe IIjiisc jof Commons' ow roajorltj 11 be about 16. '? , : ' 1 I rc-t tb's Jo ry enough for one campaign Rs " !. v t wet:k webU be abje to lay before our read- era tl c r. : e v oLe of the. States 2' -J ,tiory (Queciton; Ti.e voters cf I.' have-decided by an overwhelming mor- . .st the' adoption cvt the renilcnLary system. GraZvalipi iiZI ri Lid till to n reduce and gradufeths p-rico of ethd- public lands jSs-as laitob the ab. by the House of Re oa bein? retur'-d from the at.CfCs decided i it ioy Lour prutueJ mct cctaai uie u)mm;t. Wevmxtrprixj ta .ce an artic te, t.y. :orf rm:soQuch ir.:.b:cd for LeicrjJod.abeve.ia "si their Linl 'a;ttcti'n. " .This. bill, I Relieve, lu;nr. Lir int?1' of wIM pasC-i If o, i heje, (r.$he sake of thejtiHenvJ ?anTcnilv fotKa tilGliilND MESSENGER. .. r nrii-lillllp . .crj.-. and to speak oi ltr c'. J and tfii jLteiwd co raur!tr Io notx V-'-'V : t . We wof wrpf w Z ta .see n article cT icchar. of ur lito elcc of tha people of ila eoirity tJ tte priat'e ciths W!u p--tj, ridiculea lis fur aRfJpcrUnj the TarJ attd-aaysi not in so many worU k uUusbot to iiltlnce, that tad people of Hancoqtbe ere a etW ,innies, - nol capable of j'jJ'm 9. fat ttteottelrta as to w hat coaiaa tbcourbtto parsus. The axUcJa bronliQut is! jarattcied by gTttt wantof faraess,ad abouod with contempt for th poetical opinions f the peopla , We preso-Ry, boweTer, tbat it is rf lite iainataml toUie Wlygs vt Bnneojnbc woat piniuw may be etftirtajned of them by tha- jLocofoca editor of 'd Monntaiaeer, hrjrr oal? ccounb'e for the aenliments to thrtr'( country aii4 thear Gyd - ja iampt0ii.-XV'etbii determined 'noi totioCee a jam ibe vtvalieni editor of the Jrccklcnborj d rsoxiiantSat m paragraph m hi, last paper w . jko a--mutMng-, eo richrt!at re cannot deny ta uch cfoar 1 readers a raay ebance U know'the animal, .either personally or by character, tbe feearty ; .ati thc will enj Jy at 4t contents. ? 11 r !y threatens to jive :s agenU W!.pe dfm wfth a cow-fctdc! New, ain't thit 9rful! But a aomo' fulk hare ennosity onhe subjectrpriy UH 113, ,oecT, how many tarn yoa have cow-hided during yoor hritliaut edlUria.1 cureerJoEabyfjiwey, cas orfbe, fact ja, aai you naay Qt be aware of it, we know .you "just like a bookrt" your'bisty! for tlijs la&t' ten year, is "as farailiar to us to Vouir next door neighbor, and if j we were sokl-.-j-ised, n i oald give some graphic oeacrrpijons 01 your career cprinj ; that timj 5 tig tag C -bit baa been at interrato Jut in met;, cy tOj the cbaracter of our jlaper: we tpard yoo? lea Tinj yoa to the eajoyrciit to ba derived from tbe tons-iousncea of being . anivcrpally"i'di,ispiBed . by hoqorable men. i areweU.jo? may you yet, Re pent of your sins, and live a 41ieueand' ycan; and abvealt, nevef find whitkey more than two ebil- ling a quart: ' ? , , , For ihe jVffwjier.i ' . Having taken tho liberty during .fite -' late cam. paign, of writing sevcralarhclcsoVey- diSlreut names, and ame time over no name, to ' the Editor , of the Standard and other democratic prints In tfie Slate, keeping them informed ooca'sionally f the bright arid growing profpeets of Mr. SJiicpard,the Demo oct's t ic candidattC m ifits distridt, particu'.atly i$ the exXremo western counties, e.pecial!y ' dherok ee his pragtrstit movements, and the strong impres sion made in themountains by hi tuper iVf',eloqucnce, I am now desirous of atoning for the error into which Hiad fallen, mis taken ly" of course, and through your columns to inform 'the Editerofthe tftndard and his friends .of 'the fact that,' although "the' Vioud tains labored, the result was only a "mouse." ' ,: I have thought fit to aclopt this coupe, lest the good people f the State might charge' tao wiflx? It Ing a "mulish." Democrat, j"n-, persisting ia Brrar merely because I so desire it. i With the, assistance of "bit, Sbepard, our great leader, I gave, them as fa- voTafcLe views, as I possibly could, consistent-with, : " . 1. : 1 l g- .11 1 c t tuutt n-Liiiuiisncps, wuitn mey wen Knov k liwaTS profc. I thought it might have fome ipfiuenee in dtlftrr parts of the State, and I yt hope it'has had particurarly that piece tee wrote from Cherokee of lfth July, giving Mr. SJierd a large majomy and, showinjg as clear as therun at noon.day, 'the dissatisfaction b'fhe people of that county Jh GovemorGraham. Also that prece tee manufac tured not a 100 miles Arom Wavncsville.' for 1 the "Charlotte Jeffersonia;nt quoted by th St.andard-re- -moving the .evij impressions created by our male Ik lesfljadcrat A6heviIIe,br atasoal remark or two. A roe, inetciescriptioa ot tnai little loible by yourseu, Mr; Editor, differed little from burs, and although we cndcaTord to brOic-beat you some,we 'did not quite come it. laving been fed on'the "milk of the word. Democracy,' ' we were unable to partake oftka' 'ffrori'3' meats so 'aVishlv nluced before us in 0ur Editorial on that matter.- - V . Wo had further hone? hepard swallowed 'Franl cis. jn Macon and Cherokee biati it tons 'out as old I Joiyih swallowed the whale,' ,4nV go." . . - ' r- But let bot lh Editor of the Stacrard think for a moment tiiat Our gallant, startdard-bearer .is at all I to blame. The rcsblt, unfavorable a it 'may ecctn' 14 Tint ntf rlhfit aST Intnv tk-atit nf ! iU U.n.tlr he lef no cornertuneerch'ed, no stone .unturned to: ensure success. t rje lashed tha 'Wblgs nnspsriny 85rae were tn.u-l-i-t-h, lhera tblack hearted rsit orp'J Spm, however, got oil with the, familiar so. briquet, "F ' -rahsts." ; - ', . . Mr." She,- rd 6 J blow bis speech poking ihtQvJyi the columns of ihe Standard anil declaredon b.s uturn from Cherokee, tba he would beat .Grahaof S9i) votes in that county tW he had caused the tide of Democracy to flowso (Ejigb in Macon uanty, it!vould ol ebb ia jthe next: half century; and wfyojeap question his'Urtfir. a zeal and industry in writing for the Standard and other kindred prints? At A&bev.Qe be bojdly asserted, although o.t without a blosji and I 'a! sr at Waynesville, batan tly famous -Internal Ir -rovement convention, Vie voted gint asking Uie S'ate for hjr credit in if. f-tiag thai loan- of S500,C0a for tli Ti .r- I:. Koad yost in Rutlitrf-H-dtcn surely .1 ' -ed himscT : riving tbe 4iy, and lhl"i: 7 .i-c." But what tk 11 emjoo .'.e when Li; tccreea.'lT The rasr.I.j, Whigs, I fear, have oyerdone th mat ter iltl sJk-i-M believe, in n?y soul, the ajf l,ke Uidchild,- i of Israel, "the more they are pert seciited - faster they f row." . ' ' But aftr all, m the :dt of defeat, ve ba ou spit o id victory. woo, in the C r f-ce of teener. Wb,.. Tursn bad a l.re. Whir "con. The vVhigssr -rjirsAn bad a lrg Wbir neiion at . - bfi been a Wh'g I oself pistil very recently, and ta a yet, nnabl Iq dne .his 'posfnem as a Democrat;and that personal c!jcctjn to his con.;vi;ttr were tlw so)e cause of fcu,,tloclioii.' But what eare we lor tnaq .we . broqght; Fcrraow' out; w hen he tts to Calc"- rl w,U put ttc collar on, and after a.driveoTt-po around the ecursev lie will Work hie a-a-an ox. JflLe otUer porton of the Sute hava bcea aa viilatit as we, surely , there n be co doubt of success in the LegAlatme, heo how ca.ly can W not, is in find some excuse for tba populs vote in the Guberaatorial fleeliom, " The lditor oi'lhal invaluable paper,' Uie Suhd-' ard, wduld aA netbiq less than in Uke this rsiffh ot tberei work for hi tak. Betfbc 'that , a": it my? at "Aevcr give np tbe abip.-lost or wt lost," and while Um last plank flWta, we most wave tbe rlorioaa banner of vr?rtssiv demacraev.'and wTth,an-fjpirin? krralh, crook our fin?r ia token 6f disobfdk.ee to Whif rule,. i.J U gowning rifs to her lordly ;vi. , i J," ::: : :'';'. V , . - - . - Jk- ; At atioct!. 5 c." tb Carl t? LToewa. - Ue r""i'f J ft'w I-t irsU JLa 1 irao.. i v. crt a i c r -s -dliT t . .. . .-it. trjti!n;' endcrthe pain. xeJ'm'n-Vr'of vat Soittrty f 1 a'iM" v p, that a b. Jam? A.; Chrinian, b'f ' a-p la tmn !eatJ.: Tl: teorr4-tv-i f u ir.- "-- tire iivcS in i bfjrt tin . ! -if . " ' , --.i t ci, prC' ;t t bj ome-ej.TCi-, n cf nr fx;I:nj, tbI:o;T that, we fC-'t f t';itt, f nd, -Tl.cxcfjw, be ft - , ! !:'.', T..1 iL.s L) . cC; rtur.t lie losatbt bfe tustamcJ in ili(zl9 ittr br:l.rr tnember, Ja:..wJ A. T! -''.13, ind ir.p0.?s witb Uie relative cf tthe 1 : . : ;d ia tbtir bereavement. JZc!cct, Tbat jt.a i-.. c. t fjr lu 'mrj-, the mnibera othelijccuci wU wrartiii usaul tadj upon tbe kft arm fur t" rty day. V 1 t Helpt4t Tha tbs Fresldcntand ScftUrj, be d'Tcetedte fend sciypyof .thwi rcfou:nn t- tbe family of the deceeed( its to forward Ibcnt U the ftor at Aeitviyesadrtpclatj1.' rtq-scst .at tbe j be pubbfhjTci in tlieirrefpect r-rrr - , W1ir.COANC,rrean.'.' j.' U JoiiMcr, rfy. ; ; ',4. ' Cartoojacbaye, Macon Co. N. Cn'AuS Ih lQ. Veto of i:ierrcnc.!&roailon CHI. ' L appears-from bur Wwihington' letter thut the Pieaidrnthassenl'a Mysssge'to Congress, Contaiuiughi-ii jreto pf thw- French Spoliation lltll. XhiU-.aa eyerciao of the lSxecu e power which lbs people of th JJoited Stales cannot approve.,. It is the uncalled for'defeat of an act of lardy justice. These claims haye. tectlveij t.e" r.i.ction of successive Committees in tbe Kaiional lcisliturc, who j have well examined their foundation in eewiiy ana naye ceen cccr-v.einea to iue aiienuou of Congress by every. President, from, Mr, Madison doWft. vVe have not seen Jhe Ivies--.ge of rtlje President buft lh4j elate ot the national finances cannot form , one of the reason of the veto, from the apprehension lhauhs claimarnts msy throw Into market the land given them in payment, and, thence obstruct one of the sources of xcvetuxo o he treasury; for, it is estimated, tbttromiwo to four' years must elapse Jbtfura na acre of land 'can be drawxi.udcx tth twards'of those Comiissbners hex were t(i. havs been nj. poimed by the - &ct.A"f7(m Evening 1 ' ' THE S&SION OF CONGRESS i . ENDED. - ; -5 Al 11 o'clock yesterday, the hour having arrived. in the very rhi.'sl and crash of ope half of the business cf the Session, tho Ses moo as, . according" to tha. joint resolution passed on thr I6th bltiinor brought -to a cfose. TheianbUal appropnuKm bills were ail passed; bet avast amount .of business hts lu,in L J. :' n fi ni Ki.rl j in unrLnii d ! df pro-rress.1 ' i ' ' ' j . . - " iiiok 'grew paiua ' yv3tiujr youi:i. tain) what fas been actually don$, and with so me- success as uur readers wiiihnu iron) the List of Acts in our .columns to-day. We bhali as promptly as 'possible, bojcvev fcr collect such information as may fee, de4 wred by' pur readcts of what has, bcfn left Undone, ; bnd place it .before .tbern.r-iNaon;. al InleWgencer. 2 . . - i- -Death if Ex Gov. : Hoioard Wc regret to annuuncc fhis morning the death oj OetKg Howard, Esq. formerly Governor. of Mary land, by apoplexy. This melancholy ' event took place on Sunday night f ycry uexpecu edly tahts familynd friends, athit residence ip Howard District, j The health tof the i ceased has been feeble for some time past, but none who saw him at divide service on the morning'prenotis to his death coulq have an licipated so sudden a termination of his life Gv. I Id ward- was a man of hih and noble impulses. and krihd and generous to a fiiull Hd' -has k ft 'behind him a ver) large uumbef of friends, who will nev?r cease to cherish his , fNi memory. -nacumorc American ora inn Aaron Hnrraud ifiM lUoncrfcf .THe.New York Sun is giving reininisccn .ces of ancient, buildm'g, S:c. in Gothnm.r- In speaking of a huue ,Tiear Ihe Iiattrry known ""as-No. 1, Broadways tho flowing ''parn'zraph occurs: , ' " ' ' - t "Here Miss Moncrief, the celobr.vtetf Brit-. Jh spy, was held in cuMody, os ph'soner of .war, ifte was arretted near the Fort' nl West 'Poipt, riding on horseback', andmccom-. panied by a servant., -She Wss nermitied to enjoy the largest liberty, a rnl indulged freely 1 S...J . . - j : . '.... j . i : . .. f J J . i t'-j. send to her f'ther, but they accidentally passed through the Jinndy of Aaron urr? who" astonished the V- S. ofccr$ by detect ing under the paintings, nccu rate plans of.lh'e Americanirtificaiionsi intended as a guide to ;he Britiih in their proposed attack on West Point? -Burr was upi to all . wxu-f mischief and intrigue, snd-ihis fortunate dls rovery ins tired linn SfiaMpaFt to the acfjuain-' fnnce ofthe young' Ainakon., : The resujt was, the heartless Burr seduced her -probji-b'y i' e yfis a Willing Victim," as ihe -knew - ..r;'..of .human .nature Jo lynqw tha'l i a wreicn Jwha wot! betray female woulcf te-i tray his country, a'nd she undoubtedly expect ed to find a traitor in her seducer. Eul Bh was dij"'(iftied. Burr's property, .iathis frit stance, arietul held biraftA his allegiance', and his irjence tvuh.the American Govern matss well as her own sex, saved, her from the ignominious death of yourrg Andre.' j I Td I eon theth mstt, after rijr "2 Mrs, Wt Ro.EaT, eonsortIr, David EobTta; l l.e deceased wa boraJnhe lUb,' lj2,, isciarriedjto Mr. HoberM in, ber 18th yVar j??ir.edtbe M." E. Cbarcb in 1 toi, and in 1 803, pri. wd faith in Christ, in the coaverr-ion ,cf .ber orn ' .Sister Robert lived an exemplary JiffuffillT in r T , n eminent degree, tbe fanctioo' of- the C - stian oface; and from the ay'of.heeeoaveTsion tnjtil ared awy fr lbor to vewnj- 'abe, rnw'rv." tained Ui assurance of her acceptance with .God. Ia ber Ust moment, particnlarly, she gavi strong proofs of ber confidence jn God, and urged ber cbib' dren ta try to vweet;lcr in Ueaven, jurij;r?ng 4hen' that sb bad lor g prayed, for 'LenK cfha talked nroch on the subject of death; rerd.rtg .it a pleapl ji-fg them's, aad expressing nsrveli a beinj.not "a frakl lo die. v Her, bereaved bnsband. , deeply feels bis loea, bat ntourna sot aa those who have no hope": Vie fgbt of painting; Every One admired the beautiful H4vzSte raid Jc K,ee and Spencer U.c , r . , . - - . . , t . L I i iXo oe-nd .ppear Ix-firc the JuliC3s of the 'next ' '' productions of her Kenrus,which she desired Sew jfPll n,Ur,. ,i L,a rereUtion ajmarra bira of.a final re-nninn of a prc' character in Heaven. Tfce; children she has left Live , i her -"e -s a better wortd, bnklnj j thejT' cf etern.ly.My tna fojmily T meet iL-th Ifrsven! - ' - " C. f I Vl.'it. r lTof t'"' lfserj.t ebx tfit sixi'i r if 1 ban.' We f. ijcn -t p-t'd 1 1 a'c'-t 1 tk3 T t . f a'ff-i Vt'e trott our ; rl it'nco it p-t-ct! i o , t tvry ,n.AX9 not;k wl.t- i 1 e. ow, we . . f ,t h ncis l! e . ?V O.t-r have pi i i;8 ..; cnvJ tt.,1 fiut m--cxt lb4 . eaU; fir we bsve a!rc a Jy been at the epf nof sm .. v d n a etCIctt'srlo le of mp, r.ire than it OTWe. 1,1 he fact 1s wiihoot ary virKcctwary waste of wofy s, wa nfrf money aa'd e nave-it r frinttosf ho owe, cs, and we ,b-pe none will put $ ta-i1e diaa;Tf-Iavrcta-;ty of ed'eeting by law Come, TcK-ads, make yowr, arranjenr'!!. to p-iy j unmediWjy; and ye-'ow V.l cntit!i y crsclttcTlSour - i lalin jrralit"'ic. ' !- Owr A jent, Mr. Alexander P.k w-H atten.1 At . 4 all t.e LoutU w this p.f'.r-it.f .jiinin j at Ukcru kee nexjt ra-Hith, a..i wc tru.t -au w:i b prepird to give j im, a nlfome rwj t op. -1 .. , ate r.Vrfi-Carolina' l HcbrsiiK Co xrif. 1 ' 7 tisihr-i'! Terri. 181(1. ' George phrt. oj others. , Pi,wfi pjrfif s II a.npnsirfng to the C'cUrt' that -George-Weet WiUiani l)rr and r fa Marv. Joho Wn!i f. r tbi-lh Wfse,j l-zekitl -Wearer nd Wife Anna, tlnrv 1 Weese and Margaret Wvese, r nr,n ra4bjnts of ' V State. It is thr-serire order. -d tht pdbacatkm ' be mad in the U gh.'ind M sontr for 4 works. tomroil;'tj thvra aad each of tUcin, SKTMonally ta , be andKppcr before he Judje of th Conrtof E.jn,- 7, fr the Countv of IK-nderson. at the CuUrt-httuM in Hendrrsonvjle, on Ure lit Monday after lh'4'1r ; lojicay,m tetaber Kitxl, and plead answerer dj. mur to lii sSid rtilion, or jmljjrni nt pro leonfem will be endcred aga;nst thvm.aad -tlw caie'set for ' Hearing xparte. ' L 1 .Witness. Wif.iani Urvvon, CWk anJ Matcr f Uie Courf -uf IT; : ty tr the ounty r flcdcroor at Ol.cwiift Jv.it..tr94TivilIe, 6a ilie Kt Monaay af. ler l$e ut s:o6dy in .Vutch, A. U , if v" 1 , ' i." - " VL'KVMjfyCl'k. ' Auzufl!, 1040. i r 1. 1, e ? i. J owr. oTJATC OF ..NORTH UAKOL1NA. In Equity 1'all Term 1845. " I-1 VV.; Hodge,. " ,- -; :1 -- Elijib King'.and ollirri. Oath bivin been trua bv PawW lt.de. theepmp" - .nt. that W. MurNy; Win- l IW.' and wile A, . i,,"W. (5. MrO.on, and Auililnr Mr. -Carum efdddants in tlsi tnll are -nunn-sidtnis of fiiis Stale, and live: without ihe. iwrimdrtmn Ir.f Court: Itl ikenToro order . 1 that "publication bo madein tfie li'TanH M-"riier, fnr snucetvir weeks, fori Jhe n id V, Murray, W.. V, Pocur, arxJf snfe Mtraj W. Q: McCwtoa, Arthur M- Carooni, pernonalryi 4 be and cpneer heforetlm Cxirt of Equi ty, for deCoUnty of lien Jron, M tho (oanlhuo-Hr in Her.ffct-ponville, on the 1st MdnJy afU-r tfce 4th Monday in bVptembef jl.;xt. and nlcad. fcriiwer.- or demur, jto. llie oomplamanls'.biU of complaint or judgment prti-.tovfoa wdl be rendered againts themand the ease et"for beannj expartc'.-' , :' . Witaes William Bryson, Clerk' and Maitfcr tf our said Cbtirt Lorac'v Wticn'derun'villeoi tho let Mflflitav tftr. l.n Ai M,. I.. I. t 1846.. . ; ' - ' -" WM. BRy&ON, c. xl 4 ' ,-Aagosi,SI, I86 Prs. ft-e 8J 3I3-6w " Sta4c bi; Noixtii Cauouna. , ; lnJCqmyrU Tenn. 1846. V. Brysnn, Trout e, " di:0K- ',: Vs.- -.. ,t. . - : John JI. Gjodwm, and other. Jdlti liHIm been made bv Ihe ri.m!inant tlmt John,!!. .Gtjin, JZhn M.'K.ma-y, JrWm lbdgoK, r Jor-VvAv atjah Kiilgnre and WilliSm Choice, Esq., oefcndafiU in-tW-suit, are non-residenrs al' thu State; a..nd live w.itliout the juridictn of 'this' Com. It js theref ore ordered llial pubhcatiorjl be' madein h5 thehland Meserivrcr far si wrek ft?"' theaaid John H. Goodwin, JJhn M. Kimsev, John IJodjes, Jpjin Ohborn, ofish Killgure. and William Choice, pcramall lo.be and appear bef .re the Judge of the tui1 of Equity, far the County of IIcndcT. son, St Ihe Gourt-houe in Henderhonville, 1 the tut Monday; after Ihe 4lh Monday in September' next, and. plea J answer, or dimur to the complain. , artt'K Jill of Bpjaiiirt, Ar'u-d-f iv.ewt pro ConfeSM -be renderef against them, ar.u iiecanc set fur fit r- , in exparfe . , I v WitnePfi, IWiHiaml Rrynn, C!t rk andfc.Ma&ttr of lje said Qoiirt of liquily, fur the Count rf I Fended' s, at Umiiein IlenU-rwnville, on ttie "1st Mondny- nuar .Lue aia ionuV in March. A I). 1MIH. ... ABg.ltl4G. : P,V $5. 52-61 S tat 'or No it ti r C no lis a t '-I . . VVCV Cot-NTV. f purf sAVd J- Qtarl't Seiu,n,Jt,Uj Term, IIG. " Petit i.n for 1). Hpeneer liicq, fc olh'-r. "It appearig.o lfc SaTirfafctiHrrof ihe CVurt.diut ; b-peuccf i?iCii and JiseKfc rf. ti-.o of tfie defend, hfetsun tLiaCiiso. arenon.rentd.nl- of rl.; fitt's therefor ordered 4hat iMih'jrution Ihj made in Tanev Counliv ht the l.r.... .r.' n,.n..;n tho 34 Monday after the 4th Monday in Septemfl r f : next, to ifhowiratin'. it anV llv v can. whtr ll.a nfaJ, r of PeCtroncr4lia1l not Ue lizard. tVifnes'.,' II C.-.Wjluon, Clerk of said Court at Of- r icv, 2d Moiiiiv after the 4th M mdav in Ju,i . rt xov, 4 , ......... v'.. .. . -' .... . r,. .' - ; I. C. WILSON, c. cc. Aug. 22d, WIB. - PiV fec-SG. 52 6wi ff-JMotise- JPalnlingU ;v , DOOLY,, '-t RcTpeclfuIIy; inform tli eil izens of Akhcvillo. pri'-j inc. stirr.'jwutiinr- cuuinrj 1114111c w pTeparOi 19 f i iecote with neaUtcss and di-palch, al week CT.tr q-U ' A spec men nfU)n w-orli may be seen at Jatai . M Smith's ne h'ouse, one-raifc arid half south i of this place, TWhTo gentlemen are iniied to w.l and examine for themselves. f . 's. 1 I shevKK-Angusl 21, l?iG. ( 313 4t. " .JiWTICJE. . ; tb'cafKm 4i'lbem-i'lc Mtlir next Trr;lJfi.-. 9j, . .uprnvw, w,vlij -iaviuon Kiver ttn. Win urin,mu.l.' r .!. . t . - ft . -J I.-' ' C iflfrp n...J'. ' Asheville,AiTust 2f, lyl(. 313-4t fliM.'ItiKf.'.I Ul... - . :,r ', .: J ...:.: most ratable, jas ,t , d,cM, d!y ihe mot poh.rlar) ISlS tlJT f wr " m thi7.-s.rc-h- - 'IWcand for ,t has Uer, constant and incrrasJ i from the t,m u wa fir,t otr. rpd for , lte to thft , - nt t.mc;numer-stesUnion.als of its real w'nrt! i and U-erymw, from ver fo. 1 ', be produced, b-rt a tr.al will saliif r !!. C.at fl J a speedy tre frt Cotifch. Colds, Ift A.thl ..vl0v..T mg0, Wood, and all kind ,f PjJ monary a.ct.oos Binr (Me.) Duty Wh,r.! 1 trim the fLtr. 4. . Utncktey. " Dear Sir wJ 1 wwroo, Y-, July 27Isil.' wnt sirnie more of vnurmprfii-in. prfrticubarly the Expeetrranl,' which give universal iausfactior. R rH.clfuI.y yours, " ' T . '". ;; far! D. Jayne. ' ThcM medtci izixt3t)S at WiixiAjrs.. ... - ' - 1 ! inee roeaicinra ;-re jtr aw n AsHeviIH KJ In Ilendcrsmivuli IWby ! Recsc Clav.-o-, Ji SB i