i ' . i - ' " f- I Vjj:j f :: re er 1 .v. . A-L'Lly vKnb!e preparation, eepaole hjm Ihl frin tit Me of iHtfctliMi, of tL-ari'i lie r-ytcn to a f w lnu(()( every errn. ' "- , ' ilmiri ''iimj( qnani ry -oi ims medicine, i rroomd to ' li' j t jLc-tf ncc T uormior to removo $ . vtrj ur'ur.i Mos3Man.-.Hvralm3irt hour?, Uf nib its great rtinfv of ef.i ct, ; - .. " ' el 'h C''"lS tie lj Mni torn 1 jl rmimerit'ii tttv tarit.fT nd i t rlnin Sn.ita ratiorj, and rot"titipt;sant tg int. u, ii i.t jk jti.tiij ran., uuu sutiucu iu itv titulf rtfl e. .f. : v:' ' 'lite T'(-oWfj itcstiirjonials are fttcctcd. frrnj a. inidtilnde of otluxi us evidence of v ral oudiciii:a! TJic fvJltr In it from ao errjricnl TIftrcMn. ' Jr. IK Fi IVrry I tukfrrral .ilcaur-1n reeom J prori,riy called Dmd hot. I have b' n tending it (r two jeura. K,otlnnrf the kind Jiati: I"ever M that lias given eucli in n verba I atifetf'n 'i1i re wait one cat in my ininirdiate neighborhood thai I now rccoll.pct.ofn which one tlvi cftiised I he expulhion f 150 .wormfc front a vuwll rial d., as IIU f.'U II II fc It Ul till p I1IC IIUKIIIUJ. ... - ' . Very "ixvtfi 1,'y i ..' . 1 . 11 rJOU.VyANCDY.'X'D. 'Lfttart Jiom a letter rtet.vfd f t (,m Nto chant in : ' , -Kentucky. , 1 . " re onx ir g,'" Ky J n'n'c I Q', 1 8 1 1 s . !r II. F. Terri I r cvied lUc medieirMJ (Dead Khot)'w nlme'fttcjv" weck'Pinej; arV. it ts irme : . and the people nro iwanting more. If I'liarJ OQU - liotllin I ecmid tv on bcM tlurrx, as it takes Lefore any. tUinj of the kind i-er flVred here, and lius giVeii utjre fnin-fdCtiDn; tjbe demand is cmlantly increas ing, new applications bMng madeevery day, l'lasc wrili and lit inc. know hur I c.in gel hrc-qunati. ly fchipA'd from Bilimorc. No nwrc, butrvinain. our in great liattol . - ' fLxtnxet Jrim a leltrT.jriv'rr(F- frtjm Dr. Wharton '. ,. KcwV MtlcVa.1, Jan. 4-2d, 1814. ' rr. Terry: . - .4 ' - " - . ' ' IVnr Sir I gave u iul of the, Di m 1 ShoV you left with me - for tli( purjKse af tejjting it rneritit, to afrxndi ( inmc, wIih uitr"di.efl Hs ue inhts fdiuily by git ng tt to a pnlient feUtctid s uitat)k( iane. ' It Aa adminietitl d aecordtng to he directions around the vial, arid to my a-"loiii litnLnt,-the first .operation bfoiight away about 35 -t worms."" b.re dinini.tcrcd it. 1h ivovcraf :othrr NnUncrs since. wTUv Biniilar. d succotp; prid it" will uord me . -.1. i i -t :.,.. . I.... ..-. ..... : ....... . : . .. .-. ;...: i 11141 u (m iinirc in uorng nil m rny power .10 reconi utend it fo the notice 'of my fncnvU and .the public tfcnudUf; .With reepect vanrj, &c. - " , - , ' r4 TI!OS.J.;VII.UITOX. .J 1. L3hichburVa.,V.5Ist. 144. Thia it to cirtify that I hav tolJ the 'Vermifuge (DKAU 'SII(JT)j. pifcparcd' bjCDr.ill. F. Perry, for v"Uvut twelve:, montii,..and have witnessed its cfli M ary In inany rusein one ease particntarljj- rt pa rit jit (HiMldlf.aged njian) who hadtxvn troubled with Tuge.W'oriiK fof several y", exliibiUd to rm1 a lajge qitanlity, (nay i boo la pin,) vl;ph lie informed t'leiad pled by I he use of one or two vrals; and in no curt MlnitfltJ wat appurt-nt that 1h patient liad woiu)., has'U ever failed wtlin my knowledge , I IRt.LYJU liu5SisU , Prior 25i Conta nor vial. " , " ' J'renred by Dr. II. F. Ferry, s ltd fjord' whple-a?e and ritHil by A If." & I. Sands, dAig;ittl, 100 JFuI- ton s t corner or V,illmin, rlew Ynrk. i5oldalobyPattnO,borrt,Ashdv.lle; WctWi ,iii.ncv linn. .. ' Of uunRT, morgamoni twiiains:; xiayvvooa weo., Uuleigh, and by. Ur,stsl generally .throughout the United States. 'j , ,t ' . ' ' ' J TOR TI!K REMOVAt, Al TERMANCS r CVRR OF AIX 1 s. . jiisk.8f.s "aHisino from jMryAs sYaTk or r . ... f L. . .. ; Wlhams! Haywood &Co., T Shnfalflvr King's fail, JlhtamcftiOhstimSe Cu.? ' toucoiu 'Tlriijftioti'tt, ptpple$ or2U3frt!es on the if I'ttce, Blotches lliletfChronic !V Eytsr Ring Hoi i r Tetter. ScnU Head. JJnlar emeht arid l'-i!n of the Bunt antf Jmntfi, Stuhhorn Ulttta, . Fqphillic ' Siftnpnrt j$ciut(cu'ot Lumhago, and itxeysrs anting jrtnn-an.tnjuairioua useoj iuev cury, Atrtlesjo? Profit, Exposure or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chronic Vpnttitutiofw' Vuwdtrti - ' The. value ; of lliw preparation;' .--is now widely known, and evvry !.); 11m; field of jts usffulness ifti extending. lt.isplrovedhtfb5tfk.ly rn;omitj'cndtd' .-lit? I'll vipwn. jind 14 udmiMrtt 1 rt tirf fli mndt now. f ' rv- r -r . - 4 . ... , ituil and sjcurcmng preparation I roni Ivic root llat 1ms ever been t mpUj cd.m m dicat 'practice ; It 19 not locuL in its operation, but .gvnsat, .ex tapping ....I. .T .. . 1. I.. .... ' ' I.s .1. . . ti. . r U rung 11 i ye w ooit-rjit.iii. dii fiuuifaimsiiiv ao;). .ou ileinentr in the blood ald restores , a lualthy tonc'to the organs; -which 'generate th fivjid.t 'In i scrofulous and tli external. tjisorkts, the re?U's a , raprd healing of,thfc sores ano pustiiles; .ia nieuma tism and other painful affe'fciior.s'.of fho niuseular1 fibre, a'vpeedy rcjiioval of the pain, nd uVU cases . n renewal of strength, 'keeping pace with the retreat of the tWasc, frrin the sjntmu It is put up m a Inghly c,oiict.ntraU 1 - form fo,r convenience . lability, andwhrn diluted kccMrJ'mg to tjn .lirec jtwns, each bottle will make tox tuies the qtnntity, equal to one quart, tnd.ia then superior iii'mcdicirral Vidnc to lhc varioug pnixi rations bearing' the name. !ihe proprietors are !moft d.iJy receiruig- trshiiio luals of the inos-t repctalk- character, testilying to its great (alue as u-n active Xtid curative vi'hcinc. ' The'. fiUo wing iii?ciitirg case 1 pretcnlcd, :and Ibc icadihivi'ed to its careful pefuul. - Cotntncut on eucIi tvidehce is ohrfeiect.Hry. 4 1 'Newark. N. J.. .March 12X1846. .' Messrs, A. B. tf- Jt. &'wa M r. J iv 1 r cbih this.' place, was 'attacked with a scrofula. when two ' yrarsold, which konm reduced hi r to 1 more skelc . ton. Hie ihseac --pervaded the whole system; and. : itianifested Ueclfn mahjinatit "sores, pn the' head, body, and lunba iMIeriiit pli)ncians in Newark,. Ui lle'ViIle and Nc.wYoik prescr.beJ for her.at'vari..' , oasirnis, tut finally gave tip, the cis-b as perfectly bopthhs. At la.t Mr, t)Iivtr wra induced to try ... your arsaparill;i, und ureerdoiIjf procured-, tour bottlvs, Vrhich fp:eriigly atlmiiiistertd, with ; . many interruption yel -Willi the most de cided benfit; About two luonjh. agol became' .acquainted with ' tha circuuistanecs of the case. . Tle childwtio is v .- jiow a?ed four years, wua one comple te mass of d.ut . ' rase, and ucapabc.of Usiiia any. of her hmbs. .. 11 r body was t-wcllen. ti marly iAA iea its natural siz the head, luuha ,d bolv wew almost entirely , covered with larje sons. , Mi waui.ibie; to move; ami , would Ukf no notica tj anything; only t - Vhrink fi-on being1 .toucbi d eejs by her mother'. The t!-casr, at Hie sauit-tune. uenually severe '-, in ware !r. uttend(d with bloody evacuations every Jew hour-. JTliej jrocured snjuie more of tha arrj. rwuld fclipdowu from tlie chair nd erven across the rooru-' Mo ha.no ju; tiuishcd taking th second bottle, ajid the !sires arc nearly alt healed. lh limbs "l are restored to their natural .use, she id qite chctr "till, and is faat nuproving in lKalih.--'!. ' " " f Youri very ebpoetfully, . C J. WARNER. Sec. of Youlir SUU Ttra. Soc. -'4 Ite "following is an extract from alcttcf received . fromtMr. Bean, w'ho had been aSicled forwveral years wilii Scrofulous Ulceus Dyspepsia, 4tc..and racentlv with an afilctn of the Throat and CheeU . v C; - " Bteiltysburgh. Va..Dex. 13th, 1845. ? 1 Mtsrs..A; tt: & D &iiid Bcfur I commenced V rg jour Sawnarilb my susFiring were, almoa confute if.nne ! Ihe, t ln.r.dil Ccuvrri ol , i r , t . , Yunt, v. r rrc. ff..T, . luc e.- It !d.ra nr cu 10 cjj tt pcafM utut nevtr f .-V - i. ..- ; , : .. II GXPTOW' ioU fullofl. d It' fty'o'f-' ' ;V rtW, in 1t fir:Iur'Krt'.cifhi.'n1 concIiiMre cvidct 'ce'f U JUi 4i. d by worn, it unral. d tul rL- 4fT, 0;,,ain,'d hf Afentu graii. ' ' ' nr.ry i n (c t.d , F cw mcd.ci.tf arc better Cairo. prer-afed 31 J sol J, hole nd iTtaiVbT A.. I,iid V,itnproc1! ticahh f ot;jldfn,fert u lcere & .SAMM. WtHJeaaTe Dru-ffiiU. lOO -Full at. i fMst expr. Won, nT throat was eompMely ulcerate J l nwi !ftijr cough, and tHrre wore Irequentiy u'it -t'ni I n-M Tot rtxrr-3 a ' whi?p- . f - rr my iiiroat ii ( i.tv !. jr. - wcry . J ikilT I' ' I " I . mn.i-cm ten? q-::'j distinrilr. tit u ". d ia much Bill) r. pure r U ftjJ of ytitrarsjipAj r:! fcs ri. J enl iV ,y rv the u c . Vo.ir . ..!, . - A " . I i II'IO 4 fV TV at W . Th'Vr. in letter, rtCfireJ " in Cpt. Garrcw, p nti'jm1ft w t .I lnr rt- :U I i h -,,,rt f AIrB. isdi f7n.---l W ! s iHlictcd f.r more tore Ii.wiini..!f.of4 -.....Lnrivir. L ff-u f.eWuI.rv rfT.ct or rFpJr;!, i K. J onoci ej.i' .ire..' to the rr.nJc I , .Mioih. uh,t' ' fr " "" '" vi'u i .miu k. .! a ate now :. 4 rely n r.nt- ,.ic emu, Liu t, ht.J I have now , to bcUvc.my bcaUi ;4 permanently r.tc?, r(.j . t 1 r,t r,lirl,nir Ilitunnrf r Ra trfh; and by Dmli gtncrIJy ifiroughoi t 'thv Uiwfed States. . . Tnctf 6 1 , pet Lottie; ux ijottU rr' S5, 'j OTl'lift piiMiii are "n speci fully reqne'Vlrd to e mnuV r tliat(it in'Sands't ri-apari'llii that Uat'rxeJ nd 1a constantly' nrinev'mjj wich, rxtaarkable tures of tlie mf t Ii2icuU.i'iaM of dixeattcs to which ', the iiniriJT fraoie'w kubieel; therefore ak for JSandu' ; . o . r . 1 ' .1 ' .j Ari?$ tl81G uairajwiiiii, aim ikc iivuutLr. "'", ' " " ' , ly. , - jVa'ciicIi Cniixicrcs," ' j Oregon fancies; rtripd and checked linens, trillr a great variety of other pantaloon fluff,; imirsnally clieap.br t " - ' ' W. WILLIAMS. . r " iu4cTUAi,rri ; "'"'l H''i " ' I ' '' " : (", ':, :1" ".'.'.M."'. . Wo would enfiiid thoao' or our - customers who h'.iv oprii acroUi t with u of the fact xf their luunrtjj becrj made'xvith the, exptest undrrslartdug that they , wrrr to be nettled by the first pf Janpary, 116. Vhicri tune bin ulready pated. We arc 'utr- dtlr ihe ncpraaity .f making collections, and Iiopc" Uiat tlioc indebted to us, either by note,', judgrpent, or book accnuntt WiH malec pajiocnt. between' this and par April Court, for by bo doing ihey will tiivd us troubUj'and theAclres pos-lfor neC;aaity coni pIla us to ct.Uect: . " . f -FATTON JL OSDORff. AsVyille, Feb.. SO; 16-16. . ' i tf k. i':' Joseph. E. Trippewj Iiifportcr & Wholesale Druggist, 128 balden' La'iie, cv ,Vork. .Won.u respectfully invite the attention of coun try DruggistSj'( Physician, Manufacturers, and mer chant y general visiting the city ;to hi extensive tftock bf genuine Drug and Medicine Chenj'cald, ruinl.tl.lrt. Dye StufTi ii Manufacturers Articles, &C, Which he olli rs for sale- ci h?r forcasb or ap. rrwed paper on tiiauiost liberal; terms and at the lowest market rates. His toc wjll always-bt fonnd completfe and wjl f nraco a full assortment oT.-English an French Chemicals, Surgical Instru-: merits,- AholhccaruV Glassware. Perfumery. ' UrdcrB from Fhyaiciaria will cceJvespecurattcn1 tionn , -i , ; 1 , , 'NewVotk, JuW H, 154S.--3m f- v -203' ; lUGHA'RD.M'NAMEE,' ; .'' William direct, ... ' I ; (AjHning. Bowcn MNamee, ' f ''.naeCtfniry; infoYms Jlcrchants visiting Jiew Vork llrje prt sentToapciri that he has a complete Stock ofGoaasoftha following departments, viz: - (lst ITiURELLAS AND PAUASOLS. " 2a STUAW GOODS.' " - ' SviT-DOOTiBf'AND SHOES. ,: " - FdrtJxJir attention id requested to his ricli Stock of 'A t " . : t f embracing all fiie filshionaMc styles! oJFrJngcd'and u. 1 . . ,i ... .. .... . ffaw,-. TarasolktLs and un fehades. "1 ,,V'"'n V mV on ana pniaua wjiij co!-Hymountings, together with a large sssortment 01 iEr"ljow'lTice jm adapted to the couiflry trade. In the BjTSTKAW qJODSjrj department pur chascja w ill find an aVsortmt'nt, INeWi ulcan and Ptr-"" IiC in af the-inoet fashionable, materials and stvbis Con.isiinj of Floirncc, Pedal, English Pat. nt ftuU land. Rice, and oilier braids. Also, a full asuort. mc-Dt rif Panajna Lcgbora and Palutlcaf jLrut, Arti- Flbwt y lowrrn. . . l ' -r ; . . tlie ETDOUT & ; SHOJ? department will IT.111 be foi U.rMr found a clicr.n sefrclion df fresh roods.' conwstintr Mei,H'S,v.riicns,..-na,ciHlurens wenr, ail oh w nicii aretprr&bi auapicy xp opring iraue, .ana willboSotaJort. ! : B jot and' Shoe Salesman Win. Mansfield. , ' New.York, Farch 27,1845. . ' U ' -Great kAttractionJ; ' WILLIAM IYILLTAms a , ' Ii new openlng'at his ehcap'storo in Asbeyille a licautiful stock ol new and iab!iiomabld! spring and summer ; 1 1 nprisi..g every variety of JJry.Goxjds for ladies and tgenlle'ineri's woar, many ofSwhich ars entirely newan the. market. " c Ai- 3 , 4" 4,'p .4, 0r4Bltch- and browti slieet v i0!i and aliirtinys,' bcnits slwcs, hats, - bif)iK-4!, 5fAne bonnet trimmings,' u; .' hVnUaru & cut4ery, English- n" 5c!Gernmn fnr.wjng and r cfantng Rcytl.ps, la ' ' ? j . LIq and" pop lft GU0CERIB8-Stce,i- j p'pprr, gtnVr.'ptiitts, mcJ. j vicipcstlyestuir; S uyrCs steam ; rtfiM canJyjmurlfr.i, rice,rBo!asr?, C cr(kery.( ani glass worH?, 6cc. &C &c' &c. Tliesegoodi, addcdM those already "oh band, makes a rich atsrtmcnlv ami art ofTorcI fir saleal prices thalr annot ita giye satisfaction. .; All per. sons in seart'h of rood, handsome and cheap "goods are respectfully invited to give me; a call.- ; A cheap as. Ihe cheap st! i jww tbe w"ord. , . " - 4, M ' W. WILLIAMS June ,12, IS46. tf ' . r - ' . S;ilc of 'Valujbtc Real Osteite 1 By vvftoa of ilecrc tnade in the Court of pqu'' ty fof liuncombo Count. v, at Spring Te-rrn, 1846, n the 'taein teahK Court pCndinz, wlierein Jllra Vinee. GuanVm of the. infant heirs of D...Va cc,un peased, is Con ilainant and AL L. Neilson.anti.ns wif Lunra H. uro .Defnndant I sljftll o!Tr tJiatval Hbl.e farm and all the adjoining land on Ream's rek belnftging to the Heirs of David Vance, lirctased, for sah3 1 tba hitrbcst bidder - on the 23, t, U id 0 4 yys b( sVjvtembcr DCXtf. Tlit sal to be made en 1! e pre-oiira and u one or more iracis nr in-n- . :. ai. 1. 1 ...L... .1.1 l. t ...1 : . omilit nf nn 1 4i'n tA,. w.t rpsr.: wiih interest' froln cfate. i One third 'of t."ic ourohase raom-y.to fa.U due the fist vcar. and" the remain-t m four eoual instal. a eni-, e purrnae.t vi j.un.naa.ia t"" , -appmvud secunty. " r ' 9 A LSO at tic Mtls on Ivy formerly O.o prerrty of E. U HtiT (yt I shall ae.Uhe said ::.'."' one hundred acn" of adjoirungland, - on a" crcd.t of one and two years, with mtercbt from date, n the 3d tjny of CM-ptcmber next. The purchaser giving boad and approved secqntyv To bcsoldby virtue o(,tLe umt decree, i ' LB. SAWYER, t. ic at. e. UV 8, l?iC.-H.ls, ' f 4 23d Stvtjl: or JSonin C J " . Jlarp ifd A. Uronn,, - . H. V. Drmrn. ' . i. Vftilhn for Ditorce - tVinth retorn it t?r .JirrifT, tfiij flic ' t dnnt be four4!, snd'r'' - !am.tc hni t . at tlic door rtl Coi.it I loue"hr tfw !if-r :T, under thr ri?f,r fjI'-Conrf, fnr ltilieaJinl',, to I UfJ.TaiTj Mo ;T-r,tl Aft'.fTi'lc, and rin'J.ir- f11t in ru.l i.-'an, al Un, "rf.Iu-n, f.w lLree nmtJ s. rciitrir the dcfcnf,, ,t if be ami rpa at l! U-'1' M"d-7 f SepumVr noxt,-.r th.l j,id?. nC" , tulcn rpri) cemfesso and the pf l.l;oa .'iWilnera. J: )t.Cnt'omnV Clerk, of satdConrtv U iJ re, (he i J Monday afur the 4th 5m.lo ' j. ii. ror.rf 'v tM ir ;- ' .a.csusssBi'.;,., , iJVVJ attend to the oHerin of .Holes at tb (Jank of n V.e Fear in A&IieviIIo citlitt fnr ditconnltir'renew. i Persons chtrasling Inm with jh ir basinets may rt.Jy upon if Ix ing attended Jrt pronjpsly and e.trefou P 0 R T -R A I T P A LN TI N 0 IIERCB informs the eltir,nif AOivflleflnd lf other persons sta.,3; Irere, thai Lo yiVd remain here a brt tiftw d'onn ihieh,ny person destroys of. obtaining' a second vt'rt-toh'of himef, or heinrlf, miy be supplied httbe cheap coct of 813. If. two figure are introduced Unon; the same picco it may' be. had for 'Sj.' Ko work shall be paid for,'r taken: by thepmplovO nnlpfs rit- giv ratisfactK)a to the same 'Enqvirie enn It tnacU at -Mil... M'Dvn.n's Tailoring luttaUishfiient. :,--x. . , 2 , N.B. Itadips canjbe. waited bnat their pjvn honscs, nr at the residence of Mt lltsU. - MaySi , - 3t)0tf MlST2vVerS. j small lot of handsome Castings just received at tUo Cheap Storof , ' , . Tliev ire going off rapidly,'call soon or j-ou may Anrd 34. J4n:2.16 tf! SIPERIOB DLTC1I BULTIXC CLDTflS, . , Anchor brand-afeorled ifumbcr waranted. v (uflt rtcciyed and for sale til the lowest rates, by '.,4s'- ' " RANKIN t rULLIAiM. April 21, ieiG.29e tf. ' ' ;- Floitr! Flour!! ; , "', " Just re'eeiyed, a frctdr supply of Coi. Lowry's so. pcrSnc flour, warranted bf the best quality. . M ' " PATTON y OS BORN.' Jane 12 ' . , lf v' ST ATI OF IOUTII CAUOLIA, - . tlnjwoacl Cfoituff M . . . T Superior Court, of " Xmr' r Spring Xcnii Heirs of James Holland, Joti-M f!lintr? Fitr.fT Ati.icy. , Sc'ia To vacate GianL I, I). Tramel, W. li. Thomas. WHEREAS, it appears l the CWt that 'John Crow ahd Wilfiam II. Thomas two of lhc defendants in this case, are non-rcsidents of.! his State, and legal rodess -cannot be served on them, it is therefore : or dered that publication "be made-in the.llighland Messenger for six successive weeks noliTying the tafd, John Crow and William If. ThomaB. to appear at the next Sopciir Court oMvv t be opened and bchl for the County of Haywood, at the' Court House ip aynesvillc on lue 4tJi .ll'indar in rpf ember next, to plead, answer, or demur to this tScifa and show cause why lhc grant of the? said John Crow shall not be cancelled, vacated, annulled and made void or Judgment pro. confesso will be rendered against them. . . t ' t ' . - ' - f TviirsRss jonn i..'m;iii Vxiera 01 our satu vouri : atofiacfl the 4th Monday in March 18 16. ! Usued the 1 Cth Jatf of May IrflG, x I ' . ,-J. L. SMITH, Ci,frk., printer's fee ?G. f ' 301 Gt - Statu of Nositii Car(u?ta, 1 1 1 - IIENDKRON COUNTY. . 1 -I . ' . ... . i r. - ' " Superior Court of Law June Term , 1 80. . i ' ' Mary Ann Ward, 'r ' - - , . "Benjamin Ward. t . Jf ' PETITION FOR DIVORCE. ' . Ik appearing to the satisfaction of the Corirt that tbe defendant, Bepjam Wtfrd, isviot an inhabitant .f .1 ! ... ' ' 1 .1 . - '.. . A I' 1 1. . ... .... ...., . 01 19m C)iaicvano uiai process canafuoe personally servexl uiJon him, tt is ordered that publication .be. made in the IligMand- jtfirsserter. and the Raleigh Register ''lor three months, Comfnanding tho-sard Bntamin Ward.lo appear. at our next Superior CoutI of "Law to b held for the county of Hender son;' at ibe Court-house in Hendcrsonwilleon the. first Il,onda) 'after the fourth" ''Monday In Septcmher next, tnen and -inere to pit-aa 10 ,or answer uie sain petition, otherwise the "same Will be heard erparte. Witoes, Jobn-C. Gulhclt, Clerk of said Court, at offide. fourtli Vwndav in Junu, A. D., 1846. V ' J.dnULLlCKCl'k. Jurya.'ieiG.fiw -PryntfT'sTfelSie. . 316 ! State of .NoitTrt Carolina, ; BOCOMEE Ci JftTY," T Superior Court rf Ldie--Sprmg Term, 18407 t' - . Jason Walker, ' Mary Ann Atalker. .1 rlilion for Divorce.. XlpontCe return of lire SIieniT, tbat the defendant cannot be found, nnd iroclHination bivin?f. been j(hade al.tbe.door oftha vourt-hmise by tfie. S!icrjfT and t!e I. i'cizb Rc2)ster,.at Raleiih, - for three mo.. , i' 'iinng'of tho di-fuin!ant to bear r ,itir 1 , at the Rcxttermof tbisCVrtlo beheld at tLe Court-1 boase at Asheviilc, on the Vnd Monday sfu r the 4th '1 1 . .n.- --.'.1. . : ' i' . ifL. .wonaayoi prpupocr nnxi, or enaejiit -innnwiu uo taken pro coi.feaso and the petilion'hi'VirJ. , Witncss.-J.IL ColcinaCIerk f slid Cart at OUiee, tha Sad Monday after tlie lib Mondy of Marth, ltt6. ' . ' . J. U. COlXMAN.Crk. , June 5th IS46.4 Prs.feo yCJ " 3U23m.: lf. . A.WLSASD'Vi KS, Just received, and will L oli. at the-lowest pri , t - . R AN K IN & FU LLlAJf. - April 3, ,1816. . s ' , , TO THE; LADIES. WE are no opening a 8 ew and beautiful stbek ' of Xtue,4 Mac k and yellow U V YA S. ,V v Some splendid new style calicoes, worsted nett aha w la, fine parasols,' sun sliades, Jk.c. &,q . '-J- Some new-and beautiful black Alpaccas d hahdkerchiefs, Vci etc. - 1 NecV scarfs and handkerchief for gentlemen , :. Call and examine our )stotlu . " . .. ' I 4 J. S..4t . P. SMITH. Asbcville, April 17,13 tf. 205. . 14, sti.it lin 11 1 I 1 n u T ki .,.. . I I an ae ot "of bis 7t on ' ' .T't U- ftlLirofeiKp" ci l'A'LJ,0J lhcWnC':1 ''.V Hu,rTnan,fe.t .ndtensiMe action n the Feb 3? "I'SIG-Vf ' '-"' ' " 'f-'i- -V ' ; ' 5i'i cb.v''- wbipKs;the fonntarn hea! of Jiealth r.dis- ' . - . '. " V bt liny may "justly be conideled a Ur.Aernal UDIcr Inp order ciluc l-oii'-J, u t H.edeit'iJtianllo.ap pa!r and answer ascomi inkd by the subpeenjt, Ti'-'f-jre, ordered by ll Codrttha pubTrcat' 1 be. 1 . 1 ' intp Highland Mi 'sengef, at Aslrcti .IX v. n I C urt,, t i T.x'rt 'fcr-n of Out t( 1, t tls,r lUyw I i the Ct-ll.i in U tj ;i, ' ;.e 5-h M wee. iutn 1 t'a re. ail t :rf ii i -t i in ttid Cwrt otv tc;u"red to t- in alteudj .'.v. It IrfijC, nd,tlal rjV.istniiif tji-"t h ni!x.f t 't ''' .i w-'wir-r, at A'i.tvi itn--, ,tt lu L. S n':!i,r;kji .f Tk at criot,li.e;l 'i M i i.'jv ii M io'i li4'),fmd t-t'.' 7Uth year of ifur!ndfjendMV vf - ' iVuid ir:c? till u tj: cf June, ;v. v. 1 ic. . . Jtinp, 10 1S4G , Prs. flc JgoJ 3,11 6w . i;ie nin;::sT cllssix? ok Lire n health. 1 31 ' AUK tbc. cb"-ir't ni'.st appmrcd Fann'v Medlinecver u. r. d t j the Fiibl r. .Tliv are ex. ! Irem'v mild .in lL ir rtx'rad i, neillier causins sick- bgjs f'f lluf'if.tornarh,' nors auy unpleasant sensation in the system, as is' too-frt'Kw.ty the ca? with ftiedicH-s'givcn to act -upon the bowck;-bencg mul titudes; -who hate been vnab.let stake other pills r prtpari of med-cinc, on acri'imt of tbejr rm1- Medicine, and lb' : Aomplatuts that come nst di hctry nnder their itiSuenC, ahd for which they sre to 'particularly -.di signed, svm as foUowsrHlilious Fever, Fever and Ague, Dysnepta,- Uver Com plaints, Sick bead-ache, Enlar;' uciilof Ihe Spleen, jaundice, . Asthma, IXropy, vhoumatvm, Pile-u, Cholie',r Bowel anisuriftifer complttirtts, ; Impurities of thr blood. Female (JM-triiMi(in. He irtfmrn. t?ea, Furred Tongue, DiV' ntion nf lhetStomach and I IJrls, Incipicn't Dialr. 1, HaUlmce, IIaliual Cosliveuess, Delcrnrtn 1 n of blood Ao. the head, Ijoss of Appetite, Blofei - il nr Sallow Complexion, and in ll cases tf Torjor nf .the liowels", where a Cathartic or apperirfnt mt'dicine is ridded, Ai many of the above frfumcrit 'l-r-wases comd tin imjcr ceplibly, and become f ; advanced in their priori ss before it is suspected I vf the exist in the syt-lcm, np o biioiild rpeet men Ciscs, to be at once relieve J inlire! , , but biio jM eonl inue tha ue of the pilUfora considerable length of Time. Full direc. tiojis accompany me motuiemes 1 r iticr use, in u,L those complaints for which they t ro rcGOinmeudcdi Fricc Co cents per box; ,: ' .- WORMS canse tbo death or thousands, and suf fering tp millions Dr. Hull's worm loienges are ho surest and safest preparation eer discovered for cxpelhngVorms- They are ro plrasanl to the taste 'that children will cry for fiici.i as'fiicy would candy. Only rrttd What this medicine has done; -v " j. ... X-".- YorVvilfe, G.bsorr C.lt Tcnncc. 21, 1-845. Df, C, E, Hull Some iii'jnlhg'fMnce your agent .left "With me for sale, what he considered a largo sup. ply of your Worm Lozenge, but I have sold all out, artl could have sold three f imea. as many more, bad I been, supplier! jo that aniounti I hope you w.ifl mrtrutjour ivgent to'lrave a much greater slq'ply wlicn he' comes this" way mrntn. Their ncin-my family has been of great benefit. ' Edward McCor. cle, Eaijr. gave some- to a child of Im, four years 'old, and the first dose hroupM fway bftw,cen tlirly and foriy wormt ' v rv- Witluun-'McDaniel had a child whom thc-phyfcician"i "pronoonced incurable, ant said it 'would die,' bnt tlio child was cujed by using Dr. Hull's Worm Lzpnges. . Yours. ml y. : ' " STEPHEN LUNKIN. Trice 25 cents per box. ; DR. HULL'S. EVERY Family in ire Umtod Stales should keep a supply of Dr. Hall's Cough Lozenges in the house, not onlv to counteract the consumptive tendmries of'lhe climate, but to bo u$ed as a preventive medi cine in all cases of Colds, poughs, spitting of blood, painMn the sido and cbcM, whooping-cough, irriga tion and soreness 'of;.theluigH, bronchitis, difficulty of breath inj. heclrp;feycr, night sweats, emaciation, general debility, asthma, influenza and croups." A single box of this medicine -..will reveal its astonish, iny virtues, and open at onco the fountain of health tnd elrcngth io the aClictcel. 'Trice 2a cents, per box. , I k . v IT has been, and.: some still consider thafthe trjotb-acho cannot be cured .without extraction.- This however is art erroneous sentiment. Dr. La coOot's Elixir wilt, if properly, apiicd, deaden the sensibility of the inflamed ni rvf, and eC et a "speedy and permanent cure, . It id mAI at the low price of only" 50 cm per V13T. I ThcBe truly valuable rnddicincs are for sale m Ashville by r Messrs, .Patton A, Osborn; m .Hen- dersonville : by Uipley 4V1 Patton; II. C. Hamilton, Kulherfordtonj.-lr..-;U'. Kabc, Greenville, h. C; and 011 enquiry may bo found in ahhost every Stor o . ' 1 r'iii" XT i i- : il . c ..!. .o. .. t snv i ertwjiuce ui-u. v, unu inu oouiiiern oiuijs. AprilSl, 17 16.206Crti. ; f, VtlOV 1 8 15. L " 'DIRECT from I'bilaili lplna; each ict bears the label and warranty of David Landrcth. ror sara by - ' 1 " RANKJN &, rULLIAM". April, 3. 1816. . GIVE IN YOUR TAXES. I wasapt t .td-by tha County Court of Buncombe Co ji.tv. t.. in A lift of tboTaxaU i perty an I polls ni t' c Ai-hcville; District for the prrsent year Pern i -roiiji of giving In wil pfeao call at my ?tore v ,ero the list ii now ready, Jfuch incon- i nj' tec to all parties will be. avoided bv a prompt '. lion to this notice. - ' !, WILLIAM WlLLIA3fS. : o ;; ' ' Tax Cetnmissioner. ! July, 31 ISVj; '. - v . 1 - yl East Tennessee University. ,, . ;Thc next Collegiate; year of tins Tnstitntion will commence on the ,15th flay of Oi toVr. Tbe Fa culty -will tbe,n consist, of five OIHcers; the carw cy which has occurred m tbo Department of NUtn. raj History being shortly to be filled. r lv " . , TUITION in th Collegiate Department is SL1; in the Preparatory jhn4 English . Departments 10 per sesiv. . - . ',-.?''.:.,;.! . . ,-. . ''. . ...... .... ' . BOAlClNa in the Public Hall Ts &1 20; in private families -1 iiOpcrwck. 1 ' '''The cnirrc; ANstjAL expense, including cloll.g, and boirdirg.m rncation.nceifot w ih strict tn. iiw,lexcecd 6 1 13 . " Tho locality 1 is txceedmgly hearhhful, and has proved particularly So to students frcm the s.- . Tor infbrmatron, sic CafIogue,Vhich fna v be had on application by letter to the President of the Uni versity. , - i -v --'v " t- ' r" D. A. J)E DERICK, , r- ' . , .Secretary uf th Board of Trm-t'e. i Jvnoxvillc,T.;nrK, July, Wit?. 'Ml 310 ' -sf - Al Foriia'of Rgeov Haywovd totmty, will com mencc on th-letli ih" c'pLcmbernexU Minister ing bretbrcrt -the-adjoining fircnits are invited to attend and a;.;il itflhs la,borsTf the meetingr ' 1 ' AI b. BROYLES, -T; Itr.in charge. .July 10 'tm.' 307 Staa c or.Noiinr.f n man ": '"TSr; .: . ?x ANT "VAGUON :v.JJi 't Con I ' i ' Of fl fM l, 'IV r: 'i n. t vcr be. f ar" i i f f.r' -. h nTed t '.' ' O. rfi if '' LEATHER. 1 ' ' tv! tNvIXS-. i -It prices, i ; 01;: ;l t.aot. ' 'l 'IAVS. If t 1 ; .?:;,'. . All ot w ii.4v is -oiUn d it l'.;--.r ( r-i'n j - v rf tJm n.u l,r. - " r:rivt hm Mm :Itv For rv!eby Hj1 thee. 1 i or barrel, 'for said Vt ' mirth Ik tf ' : 4V. WILLI AS, griddles ! aaaies!! r We are. now rrerivinrr iargeisiipplyof SA'D- If r, la isy dirrctly irom iNew xork wtnch we will beWetu-' scil'Tcrjr j low fr 6asb jetr produce of the PATTON & o&Bon?:. A-henIle. Jan. 14. MG, . 11 ; ZOTICB C ic alteration in ' t tnt of .folding the Tncka. eie l -1 t .IiwuIi'm, ." "As the Western C.invcii'.iotl nof meets at the an. nual time of ,bo!dy-v thatwidy-ftherefora agreed that said Association cnnvti n Friday before the 3rd Sabbath in September r rxt, with the Clnrch ot Sa- vanfiah, Macon .county, !.L'. !w. hay; r.A. 3)fi July 3, 1846.' 6t DR. G. H. FREEMAN, Would r'r- , tender his professional service to the e .! v im of Western North Carolina id tha "various brim' ! s of bis Profession but especially in , the cure of Can. cera nd Ulcers of long standiogf Which have lulh. crto been pronounced mcuraMe. )x. Freeman las n number of ficKtifieatey ot cures performed by him, that place the mattrf beyond dno'iL that he can cure any Canccrinvfrdrn ltir to sit flais' while there are several persons now in lTur,:ombe County to whom reference is made who will cheerfully testify to the fact 'of hia bating perfomfed ; radical cures, Ho may be consulted at Ins residence on Bear Creek, three n!cs .from, Col j f.'JunnV Bridge,, on the West side of Frcrtcn Ilroj'.d itivcf or'hv letter Post paid directed to Lapland Post Oilioe, ltjncembe County, N. C. ' Dr. Freeman' woutrl visit Palitttts any where in North or South Cr Unj, (Jrorgia ani Tennee, and vrould receive patients. at hisjoyi housc, Vhere they would have the tidv.Mitage orihrs medical atten dance until a cure'wasperftclly efi' cted. Ills charges will at all times be moderate find 1 1 Jjroporlion to the aery 1 ccs rendered. 1 , ? ; ; - 1 - . , " Refer lo' Col., HODGT RABUN, ; ! J. M. RlE,Eq. - .., , LITTLETON rARHAM. Bancolraho Co., N. C. May 1, 1816. 4ra. 237 . , NOTICE. I hae been credibly informed that Josiah-H Carter has been offering to Sell twovrnall notes pun porting to be signed by me, which holes aro'spunoui or JTorgrd, and fi ho- v hie, Vilhee fore for warn uW persona frOirT purchasing thu samel v - ' SAMt'EL SMITIf. Murphey, June 12, lS4tt.r-3t ' ; - 303 COTTON YA'UN AT WHOLESALE f AVILLliJLWJLLUMS, ' llli on hand a large, .'quantify) of 'sry superior. OlfrpN YARN, from fh. aluna Factory.'Co mih a, S. C, far sale' at retail atj'hcuual prices, om which a liberal detluclion w-jll by Made to those .ho buy to sell again , ' ' ' . ' f Orders-from any of the neig1ib"rinif So'tnics for Yarn, will bi promptly attended 14 n thfl rates at which the faetoTKs have been' furnishing it. The qualiiy of the Yarn is fully equal to any spun in North : or South Carolina. 1 v f. April 10, 1816. tf.' ' I ) ' ' : 4 Iridigo, JUaddcr ' Copperas, Epsom Salts, Sugar, CotTee, . ee Acc., Utt sale fis cheap as the cheapest Jor u "litile more so,1' by' J, JH. & J. P. MiriI. Feb. 27. . tf NOTICE. Tliei sulwcnber, has taker! .,chagef of the Eagle Holi J in Ashnvrile, . N. C, formerly kept ; by James .WPatton, Esq. In taking in thargc this. large and'CommodiotM Establish moirt, hrj assures tho pup. liy 1114 4 114-44 111 j;iTT3 HIS VtHU nill llllOII '' 4 lltj House, u here he will be provided with good servanls and holler, a"nd well stocked with provisions oft all kinds cdmmon in the rourrtrv. s GRAIN AnD 9V0D DRY LOTS I.R DROVERS, J C i Irt. making this announcement he docnot flatter himself -with the prospect of increasing tire already lare patronage the house lias, bot htpei to keep oafjc with bis. predecessor if he can . do this he will bo satisfied. InHhe'umnie season jlhcro will be kept hi "tha ..Basement, of the boiHling, and entirely private, A WEIL REGULATED BAH for the aecorn-' modation of Iravclkis and lardtfrm r - . . . ' M. W. ALEXANDER i Abbeville, N,. C.,"Jan. 30 lb46. ; - ' . . , GALE & EXAMINE Our slock of American, 'English and French Printe, before plirchafting ehewhere Also, our slock of. Ginghams, Cambrics, Jackernctt,- Swiss. Book and p! in .Muslins, and dns handkefebif f-i, and if you Co not purchase of us it will nt be liecause you tbinlrour prices high, for we sell "leetlc cheaper .4. 4. I . .1 r1 1 J iuan any uuut eia, 'trj ut.ii f :. . . .; ' J. S. &. J. P. SMITH. A8beville,Oct.ll, 1845. If 1 -272 '. .QA3)3i3S,4Si4V2)3Da.SS, A large lot just received untffiually low for cash. ' lv "" - . RANKIN A. PULLIA.U April 3. 1846. ' Firs.t quality of Irort at5i cCnti a -pound. Cast Steel at 22. : German' Steel at 27, and Nails at 8 cents. v , . . h( t also, L - ' y .. 1 ' " , . i r. ; . " .... - , : i ,.j . .v. -; .,.- , ' ;While Lead and Window Glassi, just received ani .r sale by - JESSE S, ot J. P. $MTH. Jb,-l3. tf - . . ; . - NEW AND EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT - SPRING GOODS, . ' Nfoy arriving at "iwr':NEW STpRE in .Ashe, ville, -which "Wiij h4 sold atfilher) , WIIOXEI4ALE OR RETAIL . , at the try lowest prices for cash1. , . . ' Pedlar's! Country Merchants ad beads of fami bei in Wentern North Carohna, who have hitherto patronized the AoUf,ta and'Chtrleston markets, will find, by examination, a combmat'iort of maucc. mnts to mak their purchase of us We are grate ful for the liberal patronage. we hU received since the commencement of Ldsmess bcirc, and promise in creased efiyrtsto furnish -good ( salisfactcty rates. RANKIN & cPULLIAM. Asbcville, pnl 3,1816. " f . ! SlnP FlsATES FOR SALE. Forty'of tbc beautiful .Engravings, sed in tbe Lady's Book,will be sent to any1 person on receipt of One' Dollar. They are all from Steel plate, and L are a handsome addition (oji Scrap Book , ' f , Address, L- AIGODEY, . Tublisher liil rjiuatelphia 303 QAUUYAIX , ' ' CAS. fXWSTlVE rErhR A ge 1 isi:. w l t' 'v CO Dje' r, pf ; oot" J CO'l' 1 1 1 . I ,h. IDIVfrr t 4 fr. tnn av . swrreasllari, too ttyrtv tuopmsi .1 - I."-' " pitch. Ha got veil in In (tfifcnnrl, another r,l' J"31 congestive inWmitte nt ft v,r doses. as hgli'al fonttec t in cue o t't.irnd started i n'b sjTuni,y. r b t-l a T' ' tp" jllr r: "irpf' ,l ' and alibiMigh confined to h s b J n-rd not' v cW,ae (' ir- 1 ' of l.u friernk gms h it e ' , 1 was the only d.jKe, ns" b w'i A lim, that1 j!J tjt. b5 t!J s-:"? btm neilhinig hut BiiAMT.riTH 1 hours.nuring bu Plckne-ss b''h t n, t t beU But that- 1 1 promise -y woubl tery tlirtff ty pounV m weigbt. - Ths .party, called en Vi . ; reetly after hb irrivaUniNt w X'rvm til- thtl.:" wet. 10.1. him tv.hr, ar-d ' a j lrn4r Pc!' ?S "Pi be hid gofbaiA j Hn flej ciiikh 1 0 iift,j tjtvn scarce at vwiihovt takn- timre nr l o , U, 3 I J his eoit tutwi ytl affected by I he double at? Mil were, of Con. retire Trrer. He taid filt quite sure that Vm 1-randrct'i Fillsndcr Providence, were the' meansr nicsa I" "iare for sale-in eVrry county Tn tbU Mate, at 2i e nts'per boj and mdy be bad ir th folloWin ! ': .".'. j .: ' " "j PAfl 1 11 IKIIOH N , Afch-v.lle, N-. i - J. 31. l t UN DER, 1 revh Proud, N. C. dASrjt ' nr, Morr.i -..N.C. -WM. L.I.ILI. A CO.. Manon, N. C. M P. 1 f MNt. V rnwille, N. C. 4 ' KLL u M ix Utile IvyN. C. IL DEr.!l.NJ'..f Sprint. . , J- K PATTON Warm Srringn.' -'. -. SMITH A BA1RD, Lijlaud. June 26 lm-t , , , 3,n A brou sm ill qu.imdy of decidedly tl finrst Tea ever ' ght into tllisrauntry, atvej-y low prices.. ' Refined Botax Falarafus,, I-jrgg1as, salfjietrr,' together with ja general assortment of sundries -hand and for stUe by : , '. i 3 " , T.CLE&TER. - June 12 tf . ( ' 1 . 3fJ s.tjji:,-;o in:. jiTxism ti By virtus of -a deerftfrii idn m th' CnntT'f Equity --for Duncoinbf! Count at SprinVTcrm Htfi, In tlio case in said Court jen dm gi. wherein Robert Ih U , and wife and olhefs ar fjinf hinatits, and Jese Tab mer is defendant I shallllTer a V , TifotofLand' on Bee Branch tneaf Col. LVry,V to4mrrlyrlli9' propt rly of Join Palm' r, Di r'd , i oatainiti 00 acrcsj, ; moreor Jew, f if S1,. 1 , ij,. bt-bi btdrler on the 7th of Augu. next,' at 1h .Court IIiuhu dwor 'in Asheville, ort t. rrtdit f Twlvr ninths. The pMlt. chaser will bcirquired to five Bid with approvVd" security." ' . '. ' ; r r . ....... ' Junf26, 1PW. 33.". td. , ' , nr. W4U jniESIMJinDTAihnillr. N C, Will attend fr the? nlferir.r of Notes either for die. fount or rtnewal, at the Branrh of the 13 irk of 2ape Fear nt this plar?, -and will .make lhc settle.. nienis anil pavinems uimn notes eacu renew ui u;iv. 1 he mad facilities from this p! - c t bt-u ; ' i t . rSi,f t . M nlace-to cv-ry psrtof jTjr ites mi lie-sent ariif I." 1 without blile if any I -u ntiott'will be ijiren to , , (he country ate such liial-note the money rtetived by mail riskt The- nlrt prompt1 attentiou sllslicb biiHiiiejs confided to my care, and tin urn- rale account lendertd in every inMj'Ice, whiijiijj marges win net modtTaic. . -: .; . .. f Feb. 20. ItflC. tf. . 2-7 NO. s.'MACsKISKAL, I Ricr, mnlassr-ji, -powder, frad. and silt, fnrsiV hj 1 June 12 If , -IV. WlLIifAVS. J jrxrs in u e cjri bik A FRESH eind .full supply of School Books, sitrh ; A7n as are rnoxt ptfrallv ued in this rouutrj, cmst . "A ing ?n part of t be fnliowing,vix t , , L, Comstoek's irliUosnpUy; Comstuek's Cheiuislrr; ... rrr Davit's, Sin i ?!i. Emmerson's, und Smiley's Areth V matins; Smithls Grammar; Smith's and lMiteli'-!l;o.' ftm School (;-ograihv and .Atlas.; , Blair's.-IjectureV,-:- W Davie's Alg bra t)avfe's (ieoni'etry; Uphsm's .Mfn- t J tai J Illiosopil Vi 1 igoen ijie:, 't " (( -. i; ( Grirfs' and Ii1iit'j-Citmnon SchooP Reader, N L 2, 3, and 4; E iiieiitiiry Spelling Lwk do; national peabulary; ALSO,-. ' ! A few handmomc Packet. B.bles; . . ' 'f Methdd'ist Hymns; Psalms'and IFj;mns;- : y i f Baptist Harmony; Mercrtf's Cluster, Southern JIarnimy, (lor mging scnooifi:j -1. Plain bound Bjbbs-at S5'nls; ' Tlie American, 'Chesterfield; Book, of To'il-h'"; H DtUfrhlf rswn B okf beides nearly any varie ty of books usually kept in tjifs country, .t . A rr vrl asoottment of FooU Can and Ietter pawrt i Wafers; Sealing Wax, a beautiful assortment; Mctl Pens; English; Quills; Ate, . . -: '; '. Alt of' which' will bo soldjtm the most acomrou-' dating terms by May 1, J81R. 237 tf. , Mantifacnred' Tin. Ware. f W have talvrrv larcre assortment of every k"") Tmanula c I uretiLJiy ;l losea L.mdsay , oi superior which wi will sell by who!ealef retail, aivr; low prices. . AshcviHe, Nov.yiT, 1845 : : - , H. Lindsayj will, do all 1 hinds ot repairing .in line ot busfhcss. and will- executtJ orders. for Gili ing" and pipes -for house His shop just UJow Tit v ton &Oaborns store '-' v'"i J J9W GoOilHl f..: Just.rccpivccV and of:1 lereu at uiq.iowcsu ' pricqs!! . : high JonNvsT04 Bcrs leave! to inform bi3 old 'friends and 4tb lie generallyJthat be is n iw receiving and rrpta' .t direct from Njew. YoTk, a. splendid stock of i , which, baying been ptlrcia'sea entirely for1 ca4 flatters himself he Can sell httle.. loxccr than -t other in this roatket. " j . A'X: His stock if general and completembracintf . , ery ihing usually called tor in this section of . try. His assortment of .. ;T - 7 t t BOOTS AND SHOES 1 ' is unusually handsome, as well as tcry cbesp- bCbt I 1 - M - ". '' LEGHORN flATS n the town are at bis store, "as well as Ui ciKi nJialitir 1 UU ILiLtUX 01 evCrv-ocscTipiion- i t Sole Leather at 22 cents a pound; Upper proportion. Groceries of all kinds kept topM on hand; of the bcM equably, and at prices , cheaper tharilne cheapestJ 1, As those who wish to buy.will of course cm k examine for tfiemst 1 ves, it 1 needless to If' J Jist af 'articles and prices. It Is ruffici'M that I have asplrndid stock pf choice and i- j Good", which I amJCtcrmJ1','dtosellatpf', I cannot fail to please. .'..tro'r DUG It jouwy 'Asbcville June 12 f Blanks of air . kinds ..constant -V- ' . nantf.- . SAiBIDEJIllV.' - '-V. a splendid variety, ji. .lively "cheap as 'dirt"1 . stock of PRINTS be hyncslfy bebetes is flneJ " ...1 1 , 1 iV. ; n iwanil nrirp. At III l'ieij u-t'E'iis, itJt.it 111 u-iuHw 1 1 , 1 1 1 i .-Tit il t ai ; -- i Tor V Tli 1 r if it U'l ' ; i. - t! ft L L- o i ' T T II T II li Ai Tl Ti Ye An Nc A,r f Till An God .Ma3 m

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