:-'. A j' -.; . . y -;i '! i ; ;f; yyHy ; ' r ! ;V ;. '. r "' A. : ry,. . v.-;yy .. . ;. , v ' " y . . yi. v. 4 : tl. I O.xtiir Bill re UebistiictIku th b Stats, v Hon f Common; 15, 1$ is. I i . ; I fcttL TO &I SS B J.' liLUid'S XTH f ' V ' . V AUB OTHERS., '. V,.' . - r " Mr Hayw e said,, it t yaa!4 hr ? Elected "jbellijogtf,; hi la ui opening , Speech, on lhii jue$iibo j ie had bid dorw fi ; " dsiUocifv'.'ihe, 'g'roMod,ia, Uch'tfiipmpq; : ' ' fd ir.tfaure couUTm! tustaind lhai, be . had at i least 'aitemt.cd 'to Ho;. boiftiM ' -j coaslitutionaliiy ond eAJIeqcy, Ccord ? ipS to Uie strict pncip!es of ios'tca'. b r :; fDCQtation. 'AuJ U sio faim fnaitef i ' ( gratulatwn, 2?hat-! ht i nrgumentsinU i '-'t'ttooa untcruclicd, and he rnjg.hi almost 'say l unaSMiled vrhcy Jifid not beeri qoiiWred. ? . AtFor ' rtoj.irti'hstapilis (saiJ.Mr. i5 ) thy in f " ccuipu ,Vpeey,h . ot. iha jedtioman from evido oU,th . ; jprommen puifiis of iny iiv ?;.-'t:.gurnent,;'.hs re pre sjeiited mbT-S; absurdlv :. f.VJ'.'nAintainiig Zfoctrkiea. which 1 1 hcier as- r atrtedi and ba 1ndurt) in gnIraHtus ! V Aofa8lra prmoitWn9 which , have noih- ingo do wiih:rny arguiwnt, au4 jnnos , Vl vncu i neartuy concur; ; ! i-.-,. '' .. -I ; ' : -ThcgenMeiThah from "nwnin . says that .v'; :'$':. :.;,;-tnd ; power bf:thii Gbnerah AsembH toe '. A: . diitrict the Slate at tWs. tirne, "as claimed : ; by me, is th violatioAt'f thrninori'tVprml - ? : T'pie:oiine'';:co;osiuo-n.; ' .; '. : , . - genileman gives us, his. ow'o assertions ffl: hk-$?"':v; : "merely. 'What provin;or;jthe;consuiu' ' . tioo ho alluded lo hedhi noi; dejigtOj In.' ii'y.- 'M I forrnsutJ i'If)o; rnei nK-ihai'. gri.-a.fj-p ri nciiplt ?f representation rifit a n( justice, which a nI that' in i ho hfral.fihd :cst tement liiical co'oiesis,?.mM irUte? yi Dist riciVas' to. "Ive Ah entifve tiotj to ih nrtv-tenrKJrdr Idahii au4 Atu dexrire. lare apT.-reprunianve nower - i cornea it t'appticatkwj: of the r' principled 1 laid. dt)wn-it COnipactness, community, eqaitity;; d:i,;-Hijch the g't'rit!c"iQ-in;eems o nave, so entirely lort4!en. If these three VftraiiIuis: Le obieirVed. tocetheT fi;h the pruvfcitf of tho net of Cnress I somodelUibth S;afelrin At Wreen!i; iertvoifheWi ov,; . H; v f iT2t rp f;A fVarrpmeutM cl tip(aiwti, lie could, cunlccdins ore .f ti,: ilv iit1,e ascea. If tWBwre' oVMTt n , ;XuJ il! rotjl tear :of 1 v -"r K'Mi thq ;cbn. PU-?; ;hnt the lUnxW ci 1 iears are k2rktiS tit nlwMll -i fif; tU know Hat thcif: ncuo.f is. bufel 4;, ;V hn iarnc mW wishes of Ills cor.siituer.ii' fIn i "V3J t' ctTLi :revisuu' bflervvarJ : 0J4t ; W.WTOWviki ari;yT'- , VV liy Bat thereotlctnau.lron. hJv : f. tnc 8ubi;F . ? ; Fot itwHA A - J r,IIs mat gre shciilti jissi B rifeVVi Ii4 1 itur ana ocbtor living its w.--iaie' ,nJ should kaveit tjv.,t1dSairf Lsi,Vtit- i yrejj to a pply '..'Us ' :prou5ia 'Vrettitor Land iitotors . botU livir, ij ih s ro? ct-u, revision' : niierwai: a1 f ;r.v-jyr- t ;-vj - .r ny.p'- iu; ie.centlfauu.ruw nrt-: iii8v. uib ) Lwrict: snail do of cootisruaus M Uiey Mimju ace friTr ; to do v a.v territory j and cVect but one metuber Vac1t1 wi AiiTsUtoro of a State sli'Wq lu ef ery avenuo Fur 'partizan Trauidltirml; ii; ctiukl it poij orterward" dispense oppre5Jou yiltbo enl-cUAllY blickedup.: I vinhritV oi" change the mtva of iitAtcutloii, fu iiH.-k: consiaeraiior.s vein" proporiv J iiUse nrc' ti i s ulmos t !Sfijsib!e;;t;c:h 1 ceive ifi asnj wh$re tlie mmtrt;y ; c'artY-W ocortved iio't itietrl duo lanuence. t And if a1 t b -A nan hv the bTatiS-UaLtrts.iiT any i.ine.;preted'"tli!t. ihe.jbiate ccnilinot after owvi'tnuii-er tisrre.i;ru -o cnmnctnc fi im. iiLi::atntn2 trie lt.it nets Ti:Mucr-y.r j --y.. v ten vvVarsri "yeaier t!no .-iliat'.' ivhich . J'rri io rmir:lhc Uhc dichargs of; 'lii'iip, i"6 u"i; 1unie iiKuaiiy proyiorica oy . in? aernis-oi tho 'Ttj w it'3ft!0 ;'-;:;3unp.o;fsur;b' a dw": wcre -tO'lii've'issqis.'pf frau$. a risiiiaTodcf ; .Vt .tfutfombtaiiajpa suit of giving thelrnjrity.party; in a State, whether Wnijj cip"! Detnoc ratio, ' the entire deieiraHon in Cwocrcssj still it ts one of tlic itpperlieeMpns; nrbessarily "aitendanj on all. 4iuman invcitiontrr bannof be aVoided. .l?o fnsti sco AJ'i-ehia, n . a nd ,M iss.iu r J;, have afreafjy Fltr4pt rltt-ir delegijtion to ths next Congress,-''llie; j; JuJ bytli St?i?e8 ! are.r usianupousJy; Democratic..--; .,:Ni?W; ff - thej,:HU.reJot.h.e;:- ates in '? i' "pffinf Ctfri ressiu ra I ; Disj ricts "', coat. .sulteti f coropneth?- ciorrvriuuity , and ei quality; and ?yet itj (blind that v!ies couJd not beso. eon.bined as o -leave i'0 of : 7 ,000 iu the ! Tuv act . f Con huduv.-er A-kd 'ihaC is.- Wicn-a forM i;TH-onUh-4n:si oht iis; to. Uwarrnnv ,i a;-f ir;pi!ivicii nupncal minor W VK' PT t'A tte;n:stTje;:i;fnp ia.naruc cnts..Vaat;I : alluded Vihur.erJ!? wardi cbaiige its Staiate in regard to- the si.ilectioph wcimnnini rt -anti cmpan belli og of l a ro? ;-lV;iiiTd-; J-tlie .fciTtc 3 ' be ; "p r i nbit cd from acting u!;Yi) jfjoness ii;uj legislated .fi:th?r? : ; jTbls ' pfestVS' a ca.se. exactly rauei io inn myoivpu ia. ino- question WfUnd ;discusion; ,i In tht : xaso- sup- pu!ed-- ineairhe trial; of; 'issijfi'S-'rj.'-th'e t.?'u:,C4)y ri0ingrs.i y oufd .eivAj foiie of ihe inei4ntai;detailof tha ecwion' of a -law to the State relmns. . J it si i rf Rard to .'taytnWfT lit I)ist rtcJ.'-;! In e'.thr. casfynivided th'ej' rerjtion th6-ij?1 of C tigress I are'?aiTiofieil ;-w,ni, proi'Jd a I rcon f4'ct ?et weeh; '1st;1 to; 'a:ad'.f ti:igfe$,s; a Siat-I Iiappens Dytwiuentto. oot u-: t JVV '.v 't . r. in.thtlast-Voto : for -i-' tV,-ap powVr hvh;ch 1hj' iajori. a.rc. f p t HCtrTT " V m- "W1 io'JtoWan.hklself that i, ev" edba-thnanas of frc.mc,n twusf'.r.ai.t : inwxy itUrc., I erjtti y p,:, i.r, ! ; t3.t '.. n; draudiiseJ, for ton l.netr..- Hwl i; f.l rc,ii'Vi;,;rl J J.3t ! n .u-n A i, j!ke nf, i ceu-.Tcnnn iecms .to dread is an mrs,. I1 "r rv: ii-"l ?ru tit r ? -v I y prcvt ; ut-twecn- -"9 " rihlnVrrnnnuta eascO the cW m'W? -' inct, ai,.ny ;:uii:,-i .riicyc....!..! , -. r-' r r. ! .:.v ivt 'RH-'P V ' .1 cnerjsiv-snd i pervades the structure- of ojr nyVnment-,4 ask tie gentleman ( npm, Rowan, ; i. it single Whig District io ciiherV State V! ipnal actvnf s ayoidf4,-.jita Vie c f n't i f : 1 1 i n done br-not I 1. For my self, I say 4:was- : On' the oilier h.and, if these .con siderations vvero riot conaUhed, then 1; in sisl jt is the utyof the VVhi pajrty - if tliy; e y e ge j' .; t n oa we r:., to f eonst r uct (We piktricisv so!as t"b subsurvc.-these "oriels. . ' ; Bixiitf party vitiU-nce. lilcely to-produce the evils' spiken &( by ttia gejtlerna n jimn Il)wan, ;and. to usurp the entire dfleg;i. U'on To Congress frorp any one State s Vs one party,1 or: the other guni the ascendin-' cy; why is tiot.sueli ';-;--p.!tv injostici' likely to prevail . t every 1eeeiiiiiut e.rroai, 7 in fact ; if. the- i)jn t ion; c Jassuaied ,: ;bii the 'arangBnirntufahe;DHtri it usl' remah't for leri veurs u'ualtered wii( qot rival paiv -s't rugg!;e ,'ino re-f violent ly for ;.sup'rerna cy at every election just, rjfccfdtrtg:;;.'ith,e;:de'i cehijial periods of:rtf iringitvg tte 0ongfev; stadal Districtsl fA'na'. will not the suc if . he irieans that fair and equal distribution :" ' '"-;; Jv" ";; of power J;hejwcen rival interests-' arid cbh: . ; , ' ". " . ' ; ' .fli'oting-views of public- policy vhich enters i)' ; ' ' ' t " ,i.n!o the basis of alljf-free; itisfitution?; .if:' r': f ..vV'-'v f -'U:...i-,,!n 'I'alie issue with lijm., A (ii I will; i , ; - y x:uU hack jus revcollcloh':to the vjcw'svl ' ;': ' ('; . ''-'i' u'b- tt' V.v? ? olcotrrjf,gtt.he. 'grenHele i : :::'') v'H.v.'i ';'-j'::'Cv;:. -' e -V'lnerHs riliicii;.shoiild...en ti .ito n a-iira ng. ; ' .'. rr-mCn-l'.ivf llw iMill'sornsli'asuI't io divi. ': '' i.;;:' ;. .-r.:;;;'-;i;.'-'dingf'a fairly ; as pisiW4 thh tprse'nta. t ' , .'i , . ; Vive rowr. of !the. State, between -the two ' ' ' ' ' V" . ';, ' political) parties..! -AVhat;';'thebt.ves-';-fhe:- . . ' r p : 'Kenilcrtiah ;ftieat.i:..by. lheitin:o.rityriicip)eT , ' f , - Doeshe . thean the bright th3 iiijliiibrity tx ' " .' " : i 1 '' have the 'pred .',' , ',.'..', n the natidnal rrpresi;nt.atuM), as provided . , for by ,tho" act, of '4.3? 'If ihat is "Democrat- ' l' "!': ' '? ' ri fliwrrinf"". tioh f lnv itirrt i-i n nv ciijIi i' ' , - . .principle reeogn.ized'vb'y i 6 iConstfluti'jri; ; : -' '"'.' ; : ! ''hrrJ ,1 cali'fo ; !? ; . 1 . ; v The ". gcntU'inau c'ompW nji Iniost blttp rl j , - V ; v '! . ' ' . . : nnd eeras tp rc'gd it as; aii 'ac,t v of pafty . , . v. . ; t"anny; tJai under : ; :';, vi ' v :' U 1 4 ihe AVhigpariy-witha fnoj T . , : . . v , iu iih; oiuic, wiu-4iaye iio. jrepoinjerpin;u : .:'':?.,:';'.;'":"!.: ' . - , of reprpsentation . m,'Congfe$3. lie says '4 : ' ; " viif?;-I i ".'i'rvr-rC . undei'.itbi';'bi11. irie: AV fs ; will -baire'&jx ' 1 , ! ' iiienibrsand. tfiG'4.Iemo i . ' ' showed in rhy first speech on thisques ' ' ' ' . tton, that the Democrats Vbuld naUconis U . 'l '''tently t'.thatt'his Wn;'gV?e-:;thCrn''-)ur - ! . ' ' jrie mbe r's but s ii'p pp so-it t o be' ' b s t lie c e tt . ; j ; .' ' " ;t1em3ii. says." -;4f it i ; . ' V v Whig with a .majority. of V7,(K)0; in ihe will so'iar 'forget. t;ghvc V . - ! have six members out oT tunc under ; : . : . 'f 1 ' ' i - i ' this biIf-4low much gfeatef tyranny is it, i 1 liowr; iuuch;;:;mbre intbleTabI.,rvatlce1 ;. ' ; at under the act: of : '43 ;.Jie-penobrJits ii 'r.h"; , " ; 1 "ia -n' nority' "of .TjOOtt' ' 8fib'u!d jwV .if .. ' ' : ' , )Ut uf t,;e nine? 3, this Dompcratic jus. :Ji! :; ' . 1 ' lirh h't Democratic cquaf:iy?v U th)s Domocratle aovot ion ;o, popular ghts? ;' 1 If the'iVrlmnaieof that majority is sb i '.LuLiit.it'kTi.U , I 'fldepenrltnce ofa rWrard to deUail wivi:re dorrielhtrig 'Ts left for tlm Sj.ate to do;ri crdert'the'proper Execution ftjfifidjuwhr.-lit anytriKj "-a'ii . ;f i ' I . freeman: how much "more in to"Jll witlj -.1 I ; -i lle jusvdestgn bf'ut-:i'njs-i itutt&TJS.i WH13 -V: thi; despotic tuh of ii inoiiryjbvb P ioritv winch warcfcteiJw?fth&-;-,'tic:!-- '"--.i .? ; 5:4 f and ivl'iic'n" - the bill before: 'ti'i .-: ' Jutedjo prevent for the fjtums ' I l ts W preenj. unchpri.nl against n ty ' - . - 'i " The gemicinat. Cisiiful party, embjuered by. the scenes of a-icprnesi j'isi . enueu, ..oe. ntore' tixeiy to secure their own pnver, ornd .to rivet the much more firmlv on can : have an. asr surarice that theii work is to be uutouclred firl ieo tears? W til not I say,, thaC'amv bJtiort and aspiratiori f)f power11 of which thegintrVarr 'spb isr,1 .be ' ynbirft I likely ;: t6; Work' ';d pp r ess io n if ; j f s e xercise ca not Iff. thwarted for ten .years; than if it is " exeK tCd with, acknowledge that a day of rqtri button may. ojpef comet;.-; lit bir, estab. i a ptK'v iu power and. i ust ice. as to uisrgrd the gre?t vonsfrtutlooal require-, rnents which should prevail in'the arrangev ; iit5Bi pf,hc-pis.ietisHl.;-4i succeeding .Ljegislaiyire rpsf: revjcrse thcrf action; on,d yopwill. ihtis hatfjthe's.t'rtmt7 guiiranty tjjati; they . Vie.r.Ckse ) thei if power wiirt moderation ;a.n.d discfetibn:- It strikes " me that the.' geatlemnn's argument. ,"Aitate'st'. di rect ly agiiiiist'iho conclusion, to w h loJv he: wistics to arwve.r;, i concur in . every tiling he f has. said in regard to the evils growing t out of a ly ra ntcal :'.xerpis.e of : power . by nvajorilics, f The .oijeet.bf lo-bill 'before uris io enect no sucu purpose, oo lar from, it, it U 'de'si?ie".l end; calculated ; lb ebnx'iihKd tiorioJ.is;of I;incAln an.d.Uaiaivib.v,.l Ji-,.. , v. ' .5 T t'! ' ' ' cnerjsa -snd r?ru sVmbglitaily antti;'iliis new COtwj 3' Tv r: : 'r-i lw iw-rnunue. Mktg which .iticoatuoandr tSKrvbVt) jinaHtyi.. chl racier. ,,1' ;K i ::Tio Wentlemnvfrbni RoW ;AC,fif to i hat . eAnt;Bvhv-,iat to an; tr' rlieCohstiu r :Tlfeti. hew-Cbur.'i: 'souhiJftn ' )r; f H w ?;nor tl.-:r a:ri- ; t, : a; U,iA V-Vn ice h; CtU. J .7' ' urtdi.r the', A pvointhiient. -Act'of V'A'2 cabt16isjj!aiHUr 9 nd ingeniou ingirjwrtiil. "w ,u i c h he oVal t wi t.h tj ii jj'i r t Lf i he u'hjet 'is well duei)atct! t;; mlf ad, unless 'etvisf-ly.' sfrruiinizod. ?y Sp'Aking of tlAv:Appi)Vti.un. '.rije nt ;Ac t o ; ho sr. hi ,' rim Cong ress IWd there', to; a certain txten jassoined ihH power oyer ,the nianney of Hcctions-V.and to tbt e xi e;hi the tes'iw ers- dt-pt iyto of if v; '.TMs ! I 'ha yo ;rd mi t ted a ga n a nU h ga i n.; LB tit,;- tcK what; ,xtetw?.Mi-hflt f-is :';ihe sjiniel n e"st i o n la ve :, snown uht ' lis w ; e it;c ri t tlt ihtU Drafjrrsi. r ;i Muv 'thev.hot:-; fiHWv L'ountk's to!-une district kr Uui'.' i conn !!, ii ' a rkl t bus '. rc n ?ss iVv.i to re vise Ihri r ar ran ge rfeat '.;?ilit5Tst ryery -.sessib Tuiihir ."5':Ite th vt wir n w i i -ij e& -iilu'Fi hlo g'ij Vj ncci difetmetly ilvat wiien tivaf -Vas klone ;'l the- osuic )s.j..t.-f. .itfi-ai ui. f un. ii uctv i a iv. 'fJoq t a rr02iibht ; Ii e " w.i H sg b . t hh t li e ;i s . en i lirel v; mi sia ksn. , "I ne : n ppui n.t nien t of ;I1 1' shall he rnade', the mode in which the t-otes of ifiLseveraGo.uiiies shall bo corVipared," Avhelher-.a' npiriv ytii 'ai lut-al'itv jlhall 'elect, w lusher the, v)lmg shall b;i;hy ballot cr vica voce, ore aj l pawers over Uie irian ner Of LvkcHoss,. w Inch arc h'lt, to? lli'O 'i. u h : y , ' ii n J . c h i ige J ii ii .'. -s.; .Vay- bl tl.olieberali t: Iy''ap'eivi tis ne w clb(iyjf V;VgVb;Ui distrieU;toyr uousand.' the.rv'byi'.-ti) f StrJitthe0: t.w 4lmfp,'J; 'ent'.lwhy'-'iiot to anj-; or ;t ,.d.jatric.ts;ij;, 1'".? liitcrfui'e' constantl v"'4 1. a ii tt, i 1 O-I.-O.SS -HSiV: IirVVf evef v;deceb ,!'!' ' relvvs n JieKrfioa ..f wl: lbs , chafaeter uu t U'. l ii(H;bcr;:;h;iWniation -a:r j n I ! -Jh .: n ,i i n; - . :iiu.t t";-c V thf f?taUv .'!:id': fK (i-'ir Tylv-nvV- jhe 'ilbrVe fif .'his. mrb.-v ,;! i : .. . i : . . ...... i .1 j. w&only as-to "cbnuguity of territor antt to one passage m inv 1 ' " y?.x-' .""v ' ' 'r; """ 1 slile'dtstr&btl'dys -: bk''V;th:svJae. i1 .1! V ieo,lVe:!Jen!f t wHUst ne-VctutiousTy bainr frn anv'vjtUrmfv , thiri!:; hi - f l&WV rHll til- I'h, rjefitute pxpisiUo.ri.''-of'lfe? "ecrtulfi exfeup I hurry : t!i il 'a.s".i it c: HelT uinPs T)''rKvV ! ' mentKned'bV:ji'!n.- Ub -tumped', to' tho I : iiUodb' 'ih t par lW :PV lr;b;o(r:n.:c!i ephclui.Vn, Hwweverv h i tire? onlv, pfuver Javsir 'djwn iihai' Vf .CorrV,4s,tJ.;.. srj .loy d;rr -n lefi to the-Sies, by lire ? Aetof Cngres aiJil httre.'Starf1. ,ho f'r?1:' ti;-MminHVft ove r the.' maiinero'f elections,! iv; ?U 'n rV' thb .vrylsbf : j Vu f"$9?1-&A I Z h rabgemebt bf the '.dit.ciSr-iltid lie Staled tiicl 'e ;a;hvi,a. etlon- ', iji;re;.;.j ment- op the Moiiikrr ; rw '".'wuiu uci luiiti--; ' !S truei'in oumjUi-. " -i hv v4 u-iatodby l we;h;defi,y.hlm;4 H!filVfefricts.shbulJj;,;(f:tfc i.mat.n l.iit.mu'.'ab until i: f.vfr-f.-, :.;'i c-rr 'c n. .. :so'dbi): si rrtrtlernin ' f; iiMderj; m iiioij'thb mal.hc.!ciji)b:Wfp41j"jc yitfuV iv ' rltim ah if.i-t3'md . iitb a: ikii v Avlti -h r'.i . crcatti di region;?. ' Ti re' gr;i(e rn "$ n from J ..m ihiS. tithe s 'jfthd1!--?;."1 en ; .e;rf7;- K9?B5i" VP1?0 1 : a-r ur-H ; c-.,; rt; ..f to J Sad'r? f.. : ' . poh J 1 'iJ'4 liH-.y .J!ierefbre.i.1 hy he,:;gci!?-m5n ;,: .;: ;tid h fsm r mi h &r.ru$-iti 0m if .'.uh, ( ' j jf ilKiltafhalfp I?urOiCa.1outn,nin3yJcf;fd on.. iyltli.vPmraonimeixt j urier.ifle:;'fr w, ofu regulated; by ; IVc.al a? lSi: Co;. utu pr.nhh s f,r ' .1. i-.,. oj.p-iiU p..:.;..-., . i j iawV:rri.u:-ma,-Il'iat n:bd;lti rW th pceple and c,i: I- Ii -drVuv ist.:xi,:.c,,k 'teJ&rriJfixeti.aifr unalterable. - lh;oii:! iqrit anpiirtiooicn n't Kforrniftv v.'? ;'ir;:.':T,. - .i.i " ; 'i J:'' he:trdjrry;in -ij, : ciectn sg;.: - f re si J f j f . w.ii;.sa A-;ri I n.V ifr"..'.M',y a4 i.io.rciee.-T :.niroKce inoYc ta tlir O v-i ' i r v r -f ; :,UJ,.'.';L'.o biviio: ism jJ!ie tor liVV.ro:W.!.t;oliuyr i MUHy.r.! i .w.y.j.ji'jrf; aiiiiir nit, sbiid ariioaent. ;t;ie gx ;;tl-rwt4 :fr3'si;:fl.'vi'an iiwn?', 0v;.0wjng ,:til of j ivv.'l'j.l'havWialViJi!? or, 'ivas: f);K the vuiVi:. d.T'iy. ..-ii iliiV'S 'iiviuuu .TVasurtllt.v h.f te iWV''ti ci In 'ed -b';.jh-;;: 'h:-'';;' v s r-tc-V:0i',pPS rcp!:t:3"MV-iinNVMTS 'or ij;,' tlri't : there fnrc( ' : rr. h hj. iy v,?;n"rg'5 ':' Congr'e.ss. migry4ien;jhe ?ti4 ! AsiiVi' vi 7' 1 r!i pfc-dr 1 be-i r-d . ii - 4 :Vl' t i 1 s-"' ! : 1 i..' ' jldcr " 1 11 Ds t; m-an; Mou;toiuH.'t'ti?o;p.rovi.si JMh'i ij-nt;bche;i;' flie t in-H'ii pi jii !f:;a-pS r wnrm-tttil this y .s'iki';. the States..;; All - this' hbor VwasllrJcU fiUt'aIsa i:cin"aia jan,d tlie.oiily ..object w tm.s biir V.n.s;t' ftp'tyris ' i the.'astebdant party tn-l lie ;'e- tiie-niV I'.ntv vcdiVpresVniatives in.'the Cbngj-css ol "jhe Uiiitetf States.' A nd he'went'i on tb; ftiaw ''at -', C()nrUenti!e .lcnUi, the;. evils, ihat v-ctjld necc.sa:jil- result" Trdm a coA ctant change of j ih'.e.)is'irictsiane..ar-Vv' nr ,100 Oluer,'inii'nt u .i io o: ui . oowe,r. Stated; 4nd the'exerc;iVef :tu lV'f '-poprcTvi,; flmuct .il,' Sinlo-'-. VViH- 1vVr.rf..;Unfl-"LJ"0 1 IJ' Ull luetl IIKJ; p''' lf i v I Mill ill ,;. I -Sia ICtl ' tiSfi .v.. ' ii t c?.' t. iJX-'i 1J ' &k. -ii : Li i: A'en'; m ilia tf jp.;i si':bib bf-tS'ff I'c'ntir" t a 1 !bd" d-!:'?i ! if ili i'it ' ' 'fl nPrM'ti v find at anv rtev alter-,anV;oue; of cr.nrst r.c. Icffl t)iSric,if , wa reguiatVns as ta ihe .niaiiBct' td.'hoiilir .'&pt& lci wnn.:? , lT--;iiir tW-4Vv',;;..; iw'i4" byw:,laij. ?f,bnrgres. I fi 1 Uii atidrorornt As 1 r;si such "ci-.-'"--!-:?-;7 trn e-.tfn'K-fw.! ' arri3Birv;rie'rn ;nf .Jh. .'v.w,.;-"':fcHf', ! for texi yrryt s 4 'F,r f -n'a y.,, (;(n! K' ihi,?urrl!fy "of' that'-v iti" tc rfi'.;-:" of-Vby' ; j,',; 1 1 0 d c r..'.;;' t. ;te (.- f : y .,x i .; -,fe .: ' (-. ; IIH: u,': 1 r.'jtfncr 'o -3 ie'-. a, fast -..n$ tntirh 3 r v iJtsJfr:e.ts bfring kit to.ltititai.,.s. a-tter. i.Vdone, they can not again reiiiu liji y'V, wiiMdutthe Otnsent ;if iQ 'ngresl ,.: tb e b tiicl r J i n i?; t-oi 1 1 us r ea's .ui h'sr . " pat fll t;Fif'im4ner, as lhek.afra 11 t;3di iient f;t a .... r pnifii-.i' t,r tr-ot 'course toe hi jr. ' tdler AI sui r'lavj, in ' rr g:ird 1 3 ' T 1 1 f t-M r. f r 1 ! 1 ; 1 i 1 ti 1 1 pit .' i i V t nl v r. 5 I v Ca It 'r ;-T-r-f -'.'? JbTrcc vith.all 'the;- ieneriil'.r. e'asbh"tn2 of i cxercisb -in. the -absence -of Congress 'i?iv:i'fet iW'cehllcnia ts'ulv-.tvilfttacy-j4h ' r- t'; :i - '':ra.uv 'Vni t tG'-uoh"V'lmiivei, as ; iicj hn s ' siiiodMo a 'certain extentj ni -not; in !' ' I' :.-.;.'i " .' I rt,Jt,wl l Vl' i" It , ti"--"i 1 h ;'.' l'1! Is flor not " ibncli -I t?w nirk 1 1 " rrtw ' hr U as 1 ;'ii d it do 111 V V ' . j j- -iv;no;ii!inna- ;;'.I woutii-'apnea 1 to thff i'ciii case's clr such', coniuint bovveis.' ' I "'a'd-m i - . r- . r 'i - i a j . - i vi v i ii-; ii i i til w.m i nn ; vuiiri i Junius -i itrw r-rt that 10- tiC'.cnvnkt cofooint t ta win reuoiiy.aumir, io,i;r - - : -vy ;.---evr ..."': ; exerCio'i nowe.r Dy Uoucress arg-.n icju, uiai hus o . . ty. ,; ; -, -- :y-?- -y - .- uy ' IS" , ' J ; 7T . . ; " i -J i - .' ' ..i .feM i:i.l kt'cn fi K::i iv'ii ' lb,, ri.-i -ri' I ii, I mnlrt-.Sn V ? ;'-By :cdrri binti' rm.wcv.f ,f ;untler . -nono i,ur.asi;ices. of ,uiy - VV-J j ,!ii;;!'C V;-''-1 T; "' Vr7 lo nieaii fm the. Course ' of h, Ubei.V:isnit tlm ume. ptac. howr- hiclnho -States m:.v i'IIo UU' ? -" vr,!U eciious m iue ru- natne, -in ; vJit nrsi .tnsiaiice.--- (Jdnfrresss'-ha ; tlqma n'V ca ndor, "n d 'as k .him if i i is a.fair ' . i . ; ! " ; ; iinuke.upl iisucs whtcji fo n I Jf'pUupately; -; '"?.':; croVi out uf the.lsAbjecttiU(ler .. disC:ussiynl ? ; ";' i-' die rprerus roe a- .insist in that; the disy : ; '- ; 'f.tV'yvf, 'triiuitiyn ;.f.polii'icil 'pvawer H'jaiertfsgreat j r, . C ' ' r -f prnnajy consiueraiion wn.rcii-uuu.-j 'oy1 ;-;':;,,;;:-..yi-'::'."1--;;-.;-iy.-.'0. i'litb' ;thq jnr;rangemnv':bf'.;; V . ; V.-' -DiKt'riets', " ! aw davrb no -stjti'i .doctrin ;-'! 1 Jii: .'Ji ' ' l-Tli?) 1 ibise ;;-w;i1f -';bear-:bie !. Vitmwsi Jjiai -:?J - ' . . -f :' ;V-'UhV.iiictly. seated t!w ! ' th:ch' n.iufti!t-n!er;;in,ii sueh:;'.i'ii!' :Hfrngi- ; -y; . ) , i cnenifc re? coi n j'vituas 01 -x i'.1; . '.T '.munity of interests,- an i equality of nunv " i ' i ; yiiersaiiJ; :Jiat Wies sh u.UJV if. possibici, ;.' ' ... I . ;be so liarmsmizcd as. to" w'ork -vui-lhe'ltfecy ' . - ' endary. a nd- incUental re'sotfof a fair ?and " ; . ., 'pMportionatbdisrhuttoir 'of power ;be - . .'. ikveeo mb rival ibteRes - TheWnt!et:an from ;;ftowah. stated in .. . -" .... ; his speech,. rfoweri, the takes' all the '-Stales; 'stood him .1 riJtinwnf fi. -.- i- -r . . -I... .....): k 1 I 1 in.Tivtl nr M r i.,hf i .-ft h i f rtvautxe a.nia":-' X T: V i no.' aUty ci(Voies ?.o.,' v','.r !.n the: tiianite returns tiy;-r v - ihe'f shiill: all : fees mf V.'j.t; v" .:, "::-i M1C , S'a" 'Tirpo tnesririo' CJljlie itS- !ilui-V;,Vitri ivuuu , ujf -tutu ui-' ; ; ... . . .- Cwigressj. but buly iciihejextenir of the con" diet bei w eebvi lie m I W he ce C j n g res i o n ; al action, enes,; uiere. pto 'action "com nwbees, and ?HUinucS' ds valiil and bind tubas' befo re Cim g re'j , V j n t e red . 1 ad- . Aq. of C mil, tliiat us far ,b's Q.ngreSs has 1 in' rrgafd?.lb,t;be'Dii:tc its' authority op igarory a -no pa ra ay wintj, a nd no Weill 'tot, whatf extent' h'is ;l. muress rffiri:.,-.-i., t.-:M;r( 'C.r.r;aiii. rjiMaieralioiv '; uui -no'liuvotai't-f c f j hr' s:(o'n'?.r.r5siona I ' polTtiea! "cVt:..:i 1 1 g tiV , -J I ft u thofv' I- ly oi.tf::if r, '"' - S,.e--lt lM:d i i'VJV :i,- ;g ' sk I. - H 'tr ..jr. t't :s,b:u-f,;!," muKti?ti:vH I'fevb iji.at Si.'r?;." . gd swt-;t;mc?ait anjuchVonrartictiwitaii fb r: .s?n -'-'years1 s muVi--'-tuVcs-Vh:jv',cv'r;c besiu-."-" Vw y' -Ikj ra.tioifdly- placed ;;t;n nYy la'nguagi'-f Slie ether. -Thiftns TtrgVni;?: and f : :ia:r::Ari'fi;V "ieediu-s-of i- -Vi A bo; ti.ridr;.lrjaijs ;ttinibg ; . ''rrurited yiyb.ri;. stif tv;,ililt.Vo:e' St Vs'i; fcf -nnifoitr-' 'h I Hx'i'M Relieve, r iV-..'ii a 1 Myy jff they L;;-giIa!ureV of Sraie,iT:i;eh3r)g(jd;tha I3t'ct6j;al t )itit-cfiinj tM. ibbat t ;!Ufiia, ;'jtitjj -;;oytaicM-.:.. gj tor lh jt-pvi of . th,' upon immediately j and th'it jf-titij ; ii-' -f r!,n . J- ;. j , ,. j . j. .Chih-a a nh'CTlinis : toflchnjitm-ttia!; powers and ! had! never Lvrn .uilJrif.'.i , ... f-' ,'.. r, ,...,.,. ;,.rwn'--.' i ;XiHs oljth'i S'Mef.; ;-n I in the. very' pis' cornmente;! on by. the igjurenan'trbrn; 1 1 1 c :j'v o r u .rVL..eisiatur err ttsuincv tJiy p-jwer ovt-r th--. manner, , in part only: . -Tj v wer of States over fl.o fem;!njr)p.H iiou of tjie mauner.left them, is MiJJ iiuj-.vinrr as that over lite times asjd pfaeesiy; 'An d I,tJo rtvtir)tri., wbich" cannot potijTr;)ijr;,p'fVjpic- rjliff'uljy ehanl at an oiukrii re v on ml (Hrt iVrii -.4.. . ll,u:-P 'I - . iM inv (jipiinorii on inc i ; TheiHretnayfVp ed me as s.ayipg,1 ;;th-it t .n"n'-;;n ?rf.n it .o.. fg jm. ..t;ieir :-,s-"p'r:iT0 a.y. u;' r -- logy jdietwe'eii-: fh'e.l i'e:,i:'jb;is--: sii jl.sttArt e'.bi;!'"t oinl Iflstticts, Jo "sCCJi; Jiy;' beei I ire,.'tli-'tii t'-aH.rgh''-- it ; i?H! tVmrv'of tijnbv k'vinft .a oJ ni; s-iod iliio'aSsnVuiJv ":i' n- ." ur j're1'irVy.mt'slJ'tpM: .i.-lie's: d' -" ; ' "-' f vsr' f, :s. oi swi 'd.e poUiia! iri'iiii-T 'lit. u i i ii ii"! f i''i.ii.iu ut' (U'tiif ii : i i ir n iio-m' ,t i m v;. , t i,-,,f .i.a i.j i - . ... - 1 thS fer &e.Tl'due VmVhiWr -oi!( Cit"cn'ii:s. yci.,1.1 ie ta.3 .or. lhrt. Vas;i braetieailv. nttainablci ' ! s,i J ! to ar?aflehiati-K? w0' tBSs;;!)-'il 't:) again ,lurtrtha,t--fi5def; f j iii' isLt'd 1 ; P,tv I es t T. X ? v-c r. nann.?r:cu,.i.ie.r,i limes, an qypiarcs onec nxi-a py o.tate legis- is;! tiuT f ' t u,7 . ".''.. ;Vl!STf :. M'vi :p.w- oe msovunrefaDie: tor inc. same pe. JrWtis-l-SNw.f.-5' f ' l " - ..;Muji.ioriiv j.-ojtiu ,jii-jB- uiinectio. aie sapid con- r me '. manner ot . eieoiions.- IV eej o ra r nrj 4 (J j vg rc s Us t ,-;, re. my 'b w n :p'os i v i o rl decicledly in nqmtVas'to of the ai ciiment bnUhndFi-rjv-:l' ' ; - ' '".'f bur'f. i.- r: A ifl 'lt'.e polib' -: f I: :a! rui : rearr-Vf." r.tl 1 ui: .mtj. vj'i x;t t dn f tj S; as is V :f:lL" bidorb '-t: ll-Ii i Vii lo r; iv wbs:ns'berfeeH jiyth.ed itibbbiivi' bf'i-h" i.'--(oi'.r!.uf-aiiV.h coufj raa' tfl T he" ntIWTi3n rrd.s'm'-.' :M"'.-' tdm-i.:' iile: dersfood m e grfc.a'y-..; p , : f shjd -.bb' s tip h ' tfvi rtgi:; "ixyif f..:bir t,c'd: b;.lrer I said, cbfjde'ribcf the p-fulifsr .fornV ofihe-l'nineTif; kigas Stated nd'the diversity df :ki: ''in'tcre??f3' ?.Ii-'ls an abkhbg blaepin oar dic-usioris ihei Hmiu,'I look t bus l(v'it-eh us ouw Democratic Vl'stHcts'in til e gerrymander I ..Wa s' fa sortou.; t.i proyiJed 'th- ; siire-s lf, 7 ,rOMfiSVny;i'' Lstrnis 'of f: le gonitis, of I' , lnn.1.. f-; ai ser iccab-'?. fif'pg'ih andje'ft-y liie coufedcracv 'iand o pie ;) ,dvj ; 'dill on !th ;d ' tic Hh '.at ,?at di do dl' dated.m;rarcl.t.;thi.em-ressh tHciri..rVh C Ablina? rFirst; Jha. ,lu. ,1 is ,t d, a- brer. . I he Act State hill Jiavb bufinin,, m.mb.r j Well j o'l Wno,y r.f wmpr ;.the; Sir;the"Wir..byurVa!e provides: botdor f::J'l'rnt of .n'te-f;?'rS,,1!f,Tsi iv- .j- . - o Vi . r .' r ..j Ud compT ring r the voters- as to wheihr nine Districts ; StcooJIy, that th.,! Districtsr ' ..y r , . ', - ; ' i "o w "; t : t " - l u major-in- pr pluratitv s hull-jnakeau -J'C s!al be cotpoo-scd of contiguous territory r: yJ , f r- , t - -" uyj- i t'i , : -"7 be-'certihed.-- Aud u the; Act -of GMifess no one denies, it. X u.rdIvAtKit;-no.:i , . . y. y, r ;. :'.'.. Ilow does'lhb;gentle;mai' nibet f V' v?.f -1' f.i1 f X Is ' '5f-.!C.';n H'.i;lv ; i kt ?;'";- a? -ie ''titt is trl' jr tv?-1 co.-ri tf o' k.c r i i l; ILlfe'ip i 4 1 r i ic i are 1 -: s'-pfW "t0' W at! a" lij lie krws t lid; cnno. ' Inrf fnctioh ,:ges,' n ;'fa r' her thaii District sha 11 elt;ct fh re ' t ha p. ' o ne re cbnform-d t-" Congre.V"'11 tills.;1 ';e has taken these .byvers from the '-Stale;,' it wcmld be'uMei ly trot lV f!.i1'Trrs:l: : - ':; ; -;. ': V . Tli-j g :v.leoii:i from Rj-.vati6, cited the aiithoi ityf;.; M Aibdison in. the Federal Coi.jvei;; hAtf v 'M r. Da vis j" of Kui tod;;yV;ith;- fI-4Us.eK.of Ui'presematives; ,f i ; r . . the':j$:i o ' ;i uf 7; s, u t n i 0 i n g ii 1 1 v i e w iX b'iv. iv h hi tv U'diie' de fertjAcq ; tr tsSie. ge nt Je ,in ,: 1 Mhnik" both' a rc ;' dec jd.r-cily 'rgainst 'iv.in. f: M 4iVI r. di it i i'juf rei b arks a 1 1 tided ho very cup ninglv' avoids all aMusiotHw my . gaVd till he shape, the siztvlie;co? UK 1;.;':;.! ;-; j;; ; ;Usiiioiis; iii rc'irji (cjHb:pafcfw prj)c ?of dime - a.,;?;' ,(" ; i . ;" &-,iryt-:coirtcnudi' equ-v jxange Qnnceycrat Uisiri.cts,.;r...;.j 4; , y r-" ; 1 -i Uy f nutnbk'VsUiCl, rj.tpt'ed -toVb'): 'jetVittTbti. ; Qongreiis-: . ri?;i':.liy'i fl-5s'? :-t : Li,!. ,.r.v-,Vr?t' Ke thb aci of r43 -Ids 'irrfbldicrJ the noc'f-of the' fe1:i'7d!' fl r : n-ud: takes is'siib with m? upn the pes:; ton, i y that. d(strihusbn.tifVHt! f i leading idijf ctfd-the: bijl Kv'lorei us.v: Tid : : - r ' J? . j 1 1 .i'.u.: ...-.1.., ii -. y;': j. ' -issue j no Far .te u ic rcu , . un u., ui . cwm ic -'; , : ;i cannot now' force ii on me.' .That; Which : ' l laid down at an iticild'vuv.al roii't grow-- t.' ' iog out ot Certain fundamental prefeuis.; i rrfii: ;-.;- ties,; lietfbnresenis "iriev-as '''in$'iiii'b;-.::to; Wj ; : ;.'y y tbe.leading and primary object of ouryac. ;y;y ;.-'': s? . . vi...' - i ; .iJ. i.u.,, : bestowed 0 on ihi'branelr. of the ;;ubj abor ect has been iri vain down a man of ba had ' never intbrfercdJ; v 7 i 'rliaj gebtlernan by way iHustntu.n, iited "t'fi'4 power !uf CobgriV to esmbljsh'-.; a bnifbm Bankrupt lawh fxerci.ses.that power ': Vlt:s V ! " gislatb or the feihjeu 8 v r'id,'i it Qh would be"utsteily .j:upOsiio to ..cxecuci th'e,. t, 1 wis pfakni t thb nroivridtv of "ivin iavv ,y ( io.r-grt.jjsjih.- si;i,.ivi.sjrvy power over ; T'rhb ftjlfa'VsiJi.'-wh f.rdml:''w'an-riae'y';: to'-; ;tlve;ei;:rbf j'tlief ;'r rtfrcd ,? .':;i 1 :tV';:0 m-tit i;:r 1 : t 1 y:: lie '"'"Was ro n &.i dtjf at iobi3;i ve rb; d!u Ty '.: I n reply tr the pi'sitiot ilie' Democratic fp'arJv 1 i tnrre- (jeeti:a v-; 'smi .iiu:u.rae i- . r; - ji i ne Stare- unless j interference Vith car vighisby uJ , j abnio" etrnt - rr i nral Goverbnit .J Ba : 1 ,f se:;t.lirebtead K?c -,ir ,v -yj y .. .4' ' i L f I li .-"s."!!? JllU.1 f .5urbed, that here? y,h rniiA h.ve Ueen. ' rr!irivnM-thirf-florr " u-n. I .was.' IB a ri"' Jnum tiie- vy'";- -- estorbl frbrvi'-'s'avin thf n;c-tf;t .! b!v. Far.: l!io 5-.ssiun pi- UK) ii.Vs AKg; af;'erihbving0 " - . M of Mriiligzs: inCprrgreSlhv" ypttri . for i c)ftgrcs4na;;:DiS'vcts.-was: -n.- y- he him yff;; SaJb.-vthelferi .k'?h ;comp.a;iMit8, . of iWan.'ro!iy'tlknHiiW':'WW aniouirag-e on jbr' jiwsh.-is. beea .,, FJo bft-.n"oiv'A ,nUlv;.f-'..Ui: T;:!- t -ijt ; t-rinv.l ' i iu' iotv of i Reso.tiuopy - i -1 pvliver a -sstiiu'e'd liy 0mgrys4 bver Lhe ;: er of elections; tv a that J.mgn ;,th e:;a;tv; - point jhg f)r- he ey i;,s thaimigh t; supe r ene cs--y?i-rtd ; 1? ftjebbwe;i;b Irft to the StbtW.'Whhon lia.fe riieti4 'ti ' akb as nbjjeb ( bvar ' f mm 'cont roi TrV'cW li :'b". : n k.;! w b rd quat'd ihe. States as-shitd bo liecessii-vy to sc'oye -j 'Tfobi -f,V(fis!j'n l;:Jiobry i Coocur- the; ne ouj'.vci' snti.iijt.eDt, .ot lite i nv us,ei:. . i.in his 1 Agree iHvhhy the i .-gent Icmarir y fJt vervy f vi tiven Vrf.rVVnt.?i H r.c the sir-pose in paVt,;- Vongres ;acts, 5ie,n - '" ' At ;U v'vlrd!L AsTar as they Kill'-ha! f u : n;,K Ui -l,;c.?-f 1-iritf,;' K'j' n.4tU'iiaa Va.rton f his, as f ' :.' ' : -; . 'itu lhe'-cer.'JI Hre aptne-s his TheivlcminaF-ues thaf the pM-liKustration. V'"n arpuwm Jtrcdtly in nlwoore4hUly to set, will be constant- my fa for. - Rit UPP C',n?rcs hMu1d ' Jycsortedtd in the mutations pf .party 'J pa a Uw oi I"- 8lT',Jocit of BmkrJjJtcy, w-nriji, was t tie, oijr;oc ; ana mtent -wt tjie taw... v rt mv.d.v.in Uis 1 evil r foreseen, by M r.: iLiiyheijeaiing t'lw;:Xbel-a.ld;b :Jsslemr:.ja;riddi) -'tr' i vi'- j.-in! rodjjbt r;: A ithobgtj; tli'e Aet of Cobgress did-'Sfbr; tlit: Dikt net. svsteni.'.'ro Uivt:; ini. trof-di'dirl lirii:rfU.fiv' tvirh t'i..vRjrtta u 3 bi)bi!es1;''a- ri'prbt -Io i.-ns ;::tci;eeWa1'T..-.i p'isteni;-;yet it did : not! hi.$':; X-alsb ngirftej .with him By t .'what ,; a,' : UyJfc re'; far ..eibuglr'-t; y p'reve n t -t h: 'tfy ili; strange and tridiaWpf coridasior; d v.sy-ho -' foredd iy'; ) chU$n , The very?en d raw '.frdrri i-tl;spren)iies h tiic!iy)ie..''ten$i' fi'tW-f'fi Kl.Ttyiybb's. ''remarks Iiieii bMj"s.iullyatreet :- Beslys Uthe Svatrl; i dieubleibfinU read with n ;:to?tiy urd"of AHao-t every-esnon;wnhwir dnnl; ij,V ca- j Crcssionfddislatj:;was L'y:. ; :Ai.L.', .... c, T.;..ot to riainr al- dnUurJioiH ;i , iiU of n-lortJthbW, a vrrv con S-..ti. wa- prolonged almost - fJ ,ilhy iib mbbn a" lesirimnre ttimlv tmooth of Jiuary ,'in tbe ;cJis us. , y .- .i fvrtng. an h fgnrnn'-tiv :1'k!.imvs iliti 1 passage of .Rolikion.ii.for, the. ,-jof ma y redhsl rjet -at. pleasure ,VthV nil v xir lu$lly''X&6tG the (5ener.il pjcket. svs'tem, by'- .o, r r a ngi bg-1 ha-d 'is ricts ' am ri-i. 1 i i; vio-'"-Lmce of party eoutebts, ns to give h? po litical i'Jirity the erdtrc represtit unis ie Congress. NVw as I Lut e said byfbYc, mUeS.cmph': ;he'c'nTed pciQrJIJy-rifi jety:-,. Is-.4i strongest .a ru. merit 'in ftWrt 'fhc'b. ;dt' is this7 '''Whencvpt th.L-gM.wures had a favorite mdsuro to. carry, tlve jvould '. ta.fce cale cj Sc m,-v.!'l th'iir regulations' as tp favor :r r-;: :: : c ' j ';r:''';U-.. v . ' '- ..- i'b Cb.bgt4jf.s bneyJ?iTfha''e . -uieir ;cnnstiwems, nisri inn Nes oi.jviessrs t'oston,- pt-anjfVynn.T others Hits U venient ofnn'swr me ger.Uemivi cbnsaJei si :th r.oi:ion of himself abd bis na'-r v b,Wukr(i-V.n.A All the; cases ;jrjer!t.if aerl bv-h'm; are'tiio of S-mtr.rs. .! WHi; ivhatj" k dheSbetnn . c .1. . ii''- . . : i, . . -. . j . . -i.. ii ir.e iiijt nnfiv ftrr.'hi sh .fori V. ,.M dpwn In. my '; first IS t!l! tfwt w Joist tl. tT... .. e r - .. ! . - I ' . - . . 'flwtjhe wished even,, of the po;u'arVwindlilib.;S(?bate vvbs deigr'd by i htf .Gbnsi i ! u it m V. (b ihocon ervat'ye ;hrabeh-f!e baV ric rVb n t Jiimv u'i, -;nctio;i ;nJ inbova'in. ; .And tint i:i;brdii;vJto IheUccbmtd shmerjt ,;of jtHe )ti rposes pf r! i cfpa ! rob"',-its mbberi should tr;i'? : pPf Pl ; freedbm f'b i; i-bdeppndenee : t act i. in. ': " 1 f in ibis vdbc'tjrinc we.'-JrfT', wb are at Jens! e-p.istenr, And-it vvas on the ')rc. of" Co;lstcncy, I jinsUteil liit thp nmovfaus. on xlih fT'jor ciould noUak'Mhe ci th, wi ti.c.ijHg pariv on. 'nis waff the-dbctr;T latjj d Spreei'ooth?Jr.i-n? Jt is ,if MAlnn,T: whrchinow encun.- iiaVes. cl" wmr Statute Diwk; r ona rty politics ore very right and . -vhen ilit gentleman's part H-lJlpC - . y. i in a najority;t:thenare; an ; , j -all decency' and propfjetyi. ,.5. Whigs Jiappen H W'if P? : The grntlemar. from Orange . . think the Whp objections to the -Bdl of 43, Dau . Vhigs.in the Soiute vo.cd for ; , pointed myatiflp'njf . iumnh, to J'k book called g : ; V with which Jte.satd, it c"r r '.. sbppde, ! :' was m'!,ailr ' . . . 'l -.. k a.fharitvT- geinicmH -ir.aj ' - 'de ;h be Pr u: Koi more hcedfuj occaMon.l . I anvj iw l, Uiou-h with that bob! ca.l;i ui'- , to know that theseveight . V the Bill through sheer dre ; of , ; rri ' Jre ion ltIl, ' hti '1ft an; taer Jcfj .""l ,) y ... -:4'"': it' . It T: :-:. - tv I. I ''-' t 71'

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