I';:t;j Till! AiiriY ; Ldjcrfrct a iistii.ihs i: t rrerri.lad in I ":-.-' - Tatceaya, An-. 2-2,1847. . I smaller eal.bre. , His right was ' almost arc sfe. ,v. cannct be n-I?rt?Y thank-1 i equally strong; and, tfier crdsslr the raJfu1, n f re:.ay lie i: ",. l or prayers cf : vine, oppr achM over 'Smooth ground in , our frkr.ds U our l'..:x;f.- TL- gfC-.'-ng the form cf a n-Uiral triads, and taken in tot OtuiiA -Scon by the triors after the reverse Lv a body of raucherus and lancers, faction, on seeir" the success, tf The I AVe 'are t. w U-atcJ in or vn?ol me Arch'j.V.iop palace.. Cbapulteccc, .with i - n.r.:T.i rrbve. is tdore us, an'J .3 bv a bo-y of raucherus and lancers. j action, on seeir" the success, tf e.S ms icaJs ot the J.lTercnt divisions were plans, was -loud anJ' vociferous, li must t: j j i . . it c::y, rp'JTiJcu uy us if. - jniwi in its mountains. I i vr rr ' i.i beauty of the valley of iuc v j u-til t reached thistoL To ace it r, m, lighted by the, soft, bright moon, m'.:'a every village, spirt,. Ian, and mouo i . . n r ,,"! vtUin its s.lver lakes, you would i'.r it even surpassed the ilcscriplions we r- 1 cf it. There arc some stupendous w.' if art around' us. Dut I can tell :j : !i',fi'. far I have ntrt irtbeen in-tho c',y, tl -gUM have knocked at Its gate. Ii .s absence, then,' of something more i:.terei!i.ag, I hll have to tul you oi the operations of ihe army". , Oa tho 7;h instant, Gen. Twiggs11 divis ion left Pufbla. ,lt was followed on the . 6.h by Gen. Quitman's, on the 9di by Gen. Worth ani on the lQ;h by Gen. IM lowi. ' Gn. Sbott .left on the 8:h, a-nd overtook Gen. Twir ihat niyht at San Martin. Our march over the mountains .'was unJi'turbcd, except oy rumors of gue rillas and iesistar.ee. . D y.h disappeared as we approached, ana we toil their aoanoon cd works as we found them. Oaihe.lIth Gen. Twiggs encamped at Avoytlay 15 . mi lea from Mexico, on the direct road.- The other divisions, on each succeeding day, came up in ordernd t-aok positions in the rcar-i-Gen, Worth occupying Chal co. . Tho rcconnoisancea of the 12th and t mys defenc5s in ourfront. The princi at dele nee was at LP I enon.conimanuin tho causeway betVveeri the lakes of Tezcuco and Cinlco. The hiuof VA IVnoni-i about 300 feet h'gh, bavin-; tba'o pUteaus of d.f firent clcvuiions. " i .-inJ-j in the 'waters of Like Xefoco. lid Iriso is surroundi by ft dry 'trench, and ha sidv . arranged " with breastworks from its base to its "crest. It was bnn:-d with! thirty pieces tjf cannon, and defended, by 000 mcn under Santa Anna in person.-Tho cajscway passed V directly by its b:i$e-ihc . waters , of 'the '.lake wasiiir.g each side of tho causeway ' for two miles in from j and the "wfoole did . Isnrfl invrn mi h. th niv." I hero was v : ; r - t-v .... .. . ; a battery on the caqscway about four bun . d.red yards in advance of the , Penan, ano iher by its side, a third about a . milo' in V front of the entrance to the' city, and a -. fourth at the -entrance; " About" two miles ' in front of tho Penon a roid brauched off J to the -left , and crossed the outlet of Like llochimillco, at lhe ullage of - Mcxicalcin : J go, six miles from the main road. . This -' . Village, surrounded by a marsh, was en- ve'.oped in ' batteries, and only approached over d' paved causway a mile in length. " Beyond, tho "cause way x:optinucd through " the marsh for two mites farther, and open ed on terra . finna ct the villago of Churu " busco, whi"c,b wa also fortified, and which i c snail seq more. u prescmiy.- -inu re- connoissance of tho 14th 'satisfied os that the route south of Lake Cinlco wa9 practi- - cable fjr our wagons, or could be made 60 ' , TJiaT day Geo. Pilju'w's division dosed up on the VAlbo of Llialco, and the tizxl inorninii (15) Wortlv. led off south of . l .i . rt'L L l:J.: ' I-.. ... ; me lane. ,inu uiviuua ihjh up m muw ' : of march in' succession, Gen. Twiggs bringing vp the rear, and We turned -.c;ir- . , . backs upon tno tjftuioations ol the renoiv and AloticalciifgoJ- Gi n. Valencia,' with -ft fV4 nn an n 1 1 orrnl . !r"n r nrw. r r A rear asit turaecl ljak-e OnaiCA)t out Uen- Twiggs liaviVg bis' ra:n in from", -and bis ( ' the left,- and, with one disciiarge'of Tay .'lor's battery , fumbled over some men and , Jiorsc3, nndj sont tho r&t flying over lire hills he the' wild tljcks from the-Iukcs! - He theu broke agiia into cftlanjn, and re- -sunied Jjis" njarcn. Tha fincheros and , gucrriiijrosuJjcnn; uiija vr 'o g-wc-us 'iiulu tioubV: ' aid the woiking parties fi.'jcd up the art nehes", an vj- rolled away the rocis that bad1xi p'accd there tn retard (V "us; without stopi, g our march. On f " 17vh Gen. 'WJtth .oiicarriped nt San Au ' ' ptinin", on tbe Aca'pulco roa 3; and mtved (lownon hb lS.h jtwdni a half mttus in " 1-front of ?an Antonio, ti make room for the d'.bcr division to'clos-e upon him. r The -; lt?th was-levotctl to;recnooisanccs,- San .Antonio was 'jatcil similarly lo Msxical- :in'n. nittcr.vs cdmmanded tlw cause.. fAvay in frontanJ swept pver the marshes. " 6 - tu the loft as far' as the lie'. The poire pal or Volcanic" rocks, jeodored the; ri jhf impasblo for everything but jafantrv, tir.d xImUcuIi for thenw .One. and a half miles-i,n "the rear were situated the- defences vi Churubusco, c ...nandiu the approach "over the pcdrcgil, and by the way- of y, jxiealcingo. A nj.V.o ias' discovered v t-1 frtn ian A i Justin over the spurs of j j-o;tio;;i cuu'd bo turned. Ti,"!s? d'.viMon corning Up en -. r i V 1 Tih, wr- thrown fir- accordingly changed to the right; and, -each leaving their hordes ipd batteries behind. Siiawi? veriuC titctr vav. amocff the vol- cfuic. rocks, to the jvine. which ther passed in frunl of the small village of San Kaymond, out , of jrunshcl of Valencia s batteries.: TImy were 1 now oa the firm San Angel road, djst ween Valencia and relief; buf Santa Anna oifting out to bis support with seven thousand infantry and cavalry, '.drew up, in battle array on'the hilji of Lontreros, la our right. Col. ur ey s brigade, that hid beon moved to tlw right ea.rher in the. day, o co-operate with a front attack, and had passed beyond the San Angel road, row Jailing back upon the. village which v.o had taken possession of, Cen. Smith at once determined to drive away lhe force ibreaicning our right, Isy the time bis disposition were made, the sun had set, and night drawing on," it wds feared wc should -not have light'enough for our work. The attack was therefore- sus pended -n.v morning. .'The 'troops bivou acked around the village 'without ' food, without shelter,, and, without fire,. It wai aftqrwards ceiermitKdlo return to the original intention of asaultiug Valencia's entrenchments as the dispersion of oanta pa object. - . 1 : At 3, A. M. Col. Rilcv " brigade was pui in inuuuii. lUMuwtxi 'uw vneut i, . wallader's-J-Gen. Shields hotdin the v'ill ago. Daring the uighr, the Dth rcgioaenll, avhh a company of rifles and sOme "tJelach tuuiH liiuit nay oi'i'it iiuuwu uui uic jin;v ious day, were moved to the. ravine in fro t of the eneniys iiositi-oa: and, .after "driving in thei nlcquxits in ihe cray of the morning, filed oft to the right, and 'took sheltered position on their left, ready to co-operate wiih'the uitackmg forcp in rear I his force, miving around lhe base om: bill on which the battery was placed", cot ed t.v.rri iheirvicw 'and fire, began al sun rise, to1 slww themselves over" its cri it. Col. Ilileyls bri'Tade, sweeping ar. ..1 their rear and niiht, moved down wih great impetuosity,, while Gcn. Snr.lih c- . X I ' . I J. T '.. f " - 1 .1 tacKca tiicir. leu trum ma rear, m t:.e meantime Col, iviusom', pushing r.cro? the ravine the force in front, epered hij fire wpon the rr front and left. -Ti cr.umy finding iitmself thus attacked, ar.J appre hending the main, attack frotn-tho di rec ti oji in which we approach .: tho previous day onened his heavy t?t!. rv cn his front. have shaken ih "Ualls .m the Mot.u mas.''. Their enthusiasm seemed to cheer ihe Mexican cHi-.-ert tu their "captivity., Thc army bus implicit confidence iu himt and apprf hena ootbng wiitre 4:e ..com- ihccost of every tceasufe; .anu lfic knotv and f rl thai their lives pud i labor will uol be uselessly expenedt d. Purir.g the days, we ifKikCTUO prisouers, 8 generals, S7 pieces of sriillery, and ammunition cicgh rlor a whole camn-iicn.. iheir Utlenee were completely turned, and thtir plan ifpset. We . could have; entered. Mexico that evening ar the next morning,- at our p!ea.-ure, so complete was the organiza tion of ihcit army of 32,000 men. We earn that 27,003 men were opposed to us at all. points on ihe"'20"di, anl they acknow. leage m killed fand wounded vo,(.ioJ. Ua tho 2 1 si, as Vhe army was in motion to. . iris the city, Gen: bcott was inct by a position for a cessation -of hostilities, lr the purpose of taking care of the kiltec and woundud. This ho refused: but ii tl 5 evening tigreed V on armifties, "to e comrnissioners tp meet " Mr. Tric' , - - treai - for peace. This arrr ,: 1 ' : ofaiially ratified. ,Ii is d' . . . 7. - a. f . the result; laouga 1 can vt it rs for Santa ' Anna's ; ' peace. So far I can tr ' ;,Tbe JLteuteant Joru ntphew of Lieut. ' tieurs. I Was hh- y was can i I -1.-cannon ball. II . . - fav", an 1 fts merry i The Armistice .Cuaclddci :.W nc'jneponc t i:rt ,t:iiV a' heir j the l)ca'.!;i cf Gens. U vr: African YtorjGcn - CiNcf 2uCilco Gens, i' -J Ktl'cd. and Snfa .1-. . Letters cf Santo A1 , terminating the Armhiu if Mr. Tmt Pro; fans, -c, 4"c The steamship Jas. I. O'Grady, "arrived i Cruz which place of the 2lst insu, I . the greatest if , r: ' the receipt cf i.jr-p end G . r c - 1 V V i a ; i e -ji Jo ct "i a. s i : Vie laSUQU li'.i brit f, but oaity, ar ' the ur: j, which 1 tho pr ' rt- . I A C M t. i v lor i. .IsOJt V.t --. bri'-k than l s , ; . -.11j to r.scer. ' ' (irs d rs n t J Z ) c . -deJ. , , g .arly cl clt , , ., -i ivtiringlo Chapultepc. ;'vr ord'.rg to ihe confession cf t . , ii !; came otr to us in the i e:.'. ' r, earned oil 40 liead and 000 or TJVwo. del. Ye have-to lament lhe J.-; cf G.-n: Leon, since deadj that of Col. .r cf tne valiant toli. iiuerta and ti, ar i of the determined Capt. Mateos t- ir.. ; i w iio conJucteu liimseu. like a- 1 1 h-ero, uhing his soldiers, on the point of ' i.'Vith. ihit thev imt never for"t thev vere' Pu-:beans, and to fight vahcnily to t' o d ntli-i We will ttiko care that he shall buriidin the Pantheon, ai.d that his w . 1 uv fc!-y! receive a-pession. If t!:" cavalry hid takea the position as t:"fi-d: thcurat 1 o'clock in the morn if ir, by nidjf ol Gen. Santa Anna, and it ftKnv. pU ifev had trade the charge whicl as on!- red at the moment that the enemy i i,.. G. 1 TV:;tcd"us from he-rinT tvr saw the smoke. 'i, ! Itisnidthat to.mrowA i:!i forly.pitc oalhe WJ iurn tbe moment m8 an Cn-lish wcrdal,; :hna' ihe im.xediatn vicinity of ci: tha rrvenuo( U colleeieu.C) -j" hnps bombV.nl th c"nV frZ -tf situated m the neighborhood rf vnbneol ricda-J, uhicla U1 ihcv.wiU xlct after takir gantas particularly i!le ;rZl rio. Abad, which iV iho r ! V'o . , a w .a g uui ne h ( pa;ac: x iiu i li.lll UUU LUKt-l in appears u.ai itie themv u . 1 1 -T V '..,.,1 . "it! at PI Uv inclpnd of cf 'V r ' V,,'g JMi VIJJH4li: t u VI I vii numu u.v tht hjit:h;ics had , an ! been : i. it j make bv .t th- jTciornm!! rs a I -v at j-; side of i' r- n 1 v I. serviri:,' d, was the cf the vol h:m when Lnee by a a rail anl liule fel r i.'.s work all the ly. lie f II by ihe d been cfllciively ;:w.I:i:!i l' ,Geti, I tl: i:i i. r ,r;it;s formed froa Pilloav ....oa. iiv i; n. r.i.wo In .noueil tho hill., and ;. --Vosched lh j i . ii ns of f.c aunr , wii.i lu.ir ivio f Taht.ria's er.trenchx. .c Sari An-cl road, an ! , ntch thr-" .Ti ) their ; . nrs, j only ; apt r vclcanic r? o rct-rfi''- i ait:- s v lh tools, rc-pad- ' to cis'od..- e? . i . th roa it ... r. ' u; v;.:.;n c-..;s x. worksacrosj tl.o r:id, 1 aaiihe Juwitz-r 1?'.' that the groiil( J i .i - csV .-aivar.'.ng, j i.f : ' . cuirertched, on r : JJtp raint ab-Lit m! : to nhlch-t! groun 1 b j'h . -oiie'-lions. 11. 1. i 1 f i :r 'lrich iui'.r, 11 4 O LVltilK vv -ching I", j f.v" ' nnl Jrivirg ij his cd brhind brcist- ' a M:grwJcr. it nj foj.;d :.Jl!.- -rvit uui ttiiey s urigaac, before! tlicm, drove th. fires of Smith and . U Shields. They broko ing their artillcr tion, ccc. We t Generals: 1 Sa'a , Garcia; 4 Colon.'. ; Brigades' and Srj" in' proportion. pieces ofarji." ; belonging to . -i at Bnena w u i the 4ih artillc-; , 'r they orrginall of theW'deaJ . ? did not ejee " trocpsalLllc wcro pyt - in n - - road, to "take in f -San Antonio r ! t . . my, f;0ing ! t com m 'J ncc d lo -. . -: mo; but we; mow ! he "hdd t(-' a!bio i i Worth'i xlivUlon; tk ' fiour,' followed f to drive lu's rcr busco. In lb. had taken -his t battery surro. General Wor, ing the bridge, tO-McxicO. r A - that side. GcnV brtgaJes were ? Advancing towar.. un'il they had passu of Churubusco, th oil their right, and i. leading from Churr1 T'' is, causeway v body of inf i ntry r extendi- eJ part ico." The norril be 5,000; andxf Shields lorming ! of the- enemy, n .-... on .some buddings left,: and gaining flink a -possible, ' ly into action. . quickly up, 'took j the' hovi:zcrlitttrv Tho McXicaos. rna Jo an J the reserve under 1 p.' 1 of the Tifl rrg" uf . : g ioi.'?, was br Dy tho lime ihey'b trie 1 1 mv began: T!; ' d foi . ucic l.i 'riyt;.' soon c-j ihv. . ay as , they $vryt wver ti; :p to the .cry gatc was crrptiedvby th Lrt 1 ' Kcrv. Copt. r,f his ucno t'icir work ct' ion rev-j s 3 and w tl. -,:d q,od a rvc Jiy niim!. v ... iy 1,000. . r,-:. CjI. - . i i ti i! I th .t night, lOih instant, 1 (.' i. n )t hear of hi ..death i! it ! ;t irr...-t,' He was standing in V. '-! eip'ijrud entrenchment, flushed - ' : '. r r.t victory; bis frame shrunk . ; .uet with agony, and I wept to his "crief. It is tho living for whom v j fclould mourn, and not tho dead. -The crg:.;:jrs did good service ba both ..days Sir'wns tho rngineer company behind in any undertaking. . t every tliing a l t between lire .That of , -jts, abandon. tiain, ,ammuni v3 pfineis four ' r.a, Blane'o and - Commanders of , rnd other officers i ho twenty -two v-o, were ?the lo 'n's battery, taken y 'wdro retaken by 1 1 "imtnt to which - " We buried 000 l;e fiela.-" Our loss .Viler, allowing the refreshment, they jn n . the San Angel 3 thp position of r-busco; Tho ens-::S-4,' immediately 3 his lines at Anto- ro japidly that ' " ,'ns. ( Gcuuid! i .a-ked him A n ! n heels as s of Churn M; ral Twiggs .i V J fioiit on ilie : Oouvmtj v,iif. ' i that t!-fenJ : t ''.'A lead i . lierceiy!"cn '. j;i ce1s i,i rr ir. - f ." v.-'o i-i i r i .i-fivid t . .i - hv i y , ; i ly a large , f ! .Uer . :ie.v- . to af ht. From another letter. . We have .been favored with another letter from Tacubaya, dated August 22 lj which covers ground verv similar to the above, Wu uke from it the following ex tract: "t . "Wc took altogether 2,500 prisoners, 8 generals, 37 pieces of cannon, ammuni tion enough or a whole - campaign, ..and completely disorganized their -army; The following day, (2 Is: r) oil taking our posi tion 'hearer the pity, w e were met by some proposition from Santa Anna, which the General declined, txce'pi far as to say that if undistuibcd he would 'hot attack. That night we hud formed propositions for an armistice, commissioners, were, pppoint-' cd,,and nn armistice cnleredtlntq fof.the purpose cf allowing commissioners to meet Mr. Tiist, or the purpose of treating of peace. - ,What the.- rc&illt will be I "do not know. "I have but little confidence in them. It is reasonable to suppose that Santa Anna wishes peace, but whether ho will bo' able to accomplish ii l ; kriow not. , There re various; rumors ' of. pronunciamcntos, iScc. It 'is Raid vhsi . Uustamenp and Paredes have formed 'on ono-sie't; Val(fncia'and 'Almonte, on the other, &c. 1 feaf there.is more wlirk. for ib. baonet. Aficr each of the battles, -When the troops, saw the complete .success, of General Sotti? plans, he was received with the most: vociferous cheers throughout the .whole iirmy. The shouts must have reached 'Sfexico.. Jven the captive Mexican e-iTicers 'seemed checri ed in their mjtress, Ij witness their en. ihii-iasm. lhe army have tho greatest confidence-m lum, and justly. They know bi3.ca,re for thcni - they know his worth He weighs his p ans well, calcul-atcs the cost of t.vcry measure, and attempt noth irg wiioo'Ji a ftasoiTiWe prospect i suc cess, t liOce'- our g9ve-ntncnt wijf noi think the war at an end, stop .our rein (orcementsr. .Now is the time to CVe lhl-ir on, and show that lhe country is - not only ours,-feut' that we Avijl. hold it until- our demands are acceded to. It is this tem porizing policy , which ' has protracted the war. i.hs march of.General Scott with his Iitllecarmy upon the capital has, been the boldest move in modem' warfare." It is ascertained that tho Mexican army wbb " -itty-nv.t tinmsan J strong i wcnty.setcn thou .-and men, - from thcic own account. tit lis on tho 20ih, They are in-tlw i. ji j.i.jx.ir iu owrcfsj' we are. -a great - :".ir.co Kom -curs. , t - t, . .- -..e r. iijpa!ed in Oiir paper of 'yes i'..j i. jotiations resulted in nothing. ! st Ltltf from Mn-.lndall js'tlated C.h inbi., and ouf file of the DioHd del G-bicrno, (5aes- not come 'down later man thj 4th, but- the- Area Irwof Vera Uruz has a letted from the city f Mexico, daieu iho 10th inst.,' togeihet with extracts from tho Diaro Del Gobierno and the Uiieim ol Athxcoi to tha which, together with the letter' we publish. The manner in which the armUtite was terminated wilt be learned from tho extracts wo copy A. perusal of Mr. Kendall's letters, however. will at oncb show that a feeling of hostility was growing with the people of hu capita'-, as early even as tho--'30;h of last month, and llie CongrefS of, the State of Mexico in session at Tolciea had declared against peace. Notwithstanding repeated behge rent demonstrations by the enemy, and a poiitive violation of the ormftiiea in our wagons not .being permitted $y tlic-'inuj to enter .the city for provisions,' negotiations were.siill pending to as late a date, as the 6:h. , The . Area Iris received letters from Mexico under date of the 9th, stating tliat on the 7th the Iexwan conimissioncis de clared that the propositions made byMV. Tr i s t vi e r e i n a d nai s si b 1 e , i n c o n se'q 1 1 q ncc o f which Gen. Santa Anna convoked a coun cil of generals, - who tdeejded that notice s hould be gi ven i m medjaloly to "Gen. Sc'o 1 1 , that ihe armistice was at an end, and p' pointed tha 9ili for xo fecummencemeot, of dioslilitirs. - - t 1 . . s . On the 7th, Gen. Herrer,-as command ant of the city of Me.vico,. addressed . the clergy, exhorting them to cxrl juII their influence to excite the peohleuarriribcrii selves and prepare lo res-Lst-lhe' American army. .', 'Flowing -up. events as closely as the somewhat disconnected accounts wiil per mit -in'the order jn which they occurred, wc find tlut on the 8th,'Gn. S.'oU artackf ed the Mill del It'iy, or King's Mill, in' the immediate vicinity of Clppokepec, and ac rording'lo tho Diario del Gobierno and the Bolelin,-pubhshed at --Atlixc6,-uur army was repuUcdafter.al'jBHvere confl'ct; in which welost abml 400 in killed and from 000 to 700 in wou:ade.d4 and fell back ujion' Ta c u ba yn. : Vc gi ve ; ,bl o w n t ra n sj a tion of the UolttinV de.riplian of the engage ment; presuming,'thuV tlw rea'de r w i 1 1 be a r in tnind it is MexicjM) ixt! ds:j in; all proba bility a great exjiggerauerf, if .-not aft entire misrepresentation.j4-ltrTr"isn an tx.ra of the BolHint, isiiedon -ihe 9kh insvt; At half past five this, morning' (ihe lrninitt'd caTly; and the triumph would have becn'cmpleic. 11 Jt ahey did noi take ihe . position to which thpy wcio. or 'dored, much less the charge as command. ed. Gen. AlvarpZ being obliged to state nfficially or through his adjutant that he did 'not make the charge, because .bis subordinate -.ofiicers refused on account of the ground being loo uneven and broken for cavalry , as if it 'were not the same for" the 'eat airy of the enemy. . . ' is believed that the enemy will renew the attack to.-mof row ..by another, route--either by that of La Pitdad, or by that of Sari Antonio. May God protect our caose fill Ml lf-rt , " i - . y ; V : - 'J OoG of '. the cneioys guerrillas, who Carrie with Scott, was made a prisoner and idiot on the spot. , - . From the Diario del Gobierno.:. .At half "past 4 o'clock this morninjMite Americans -attacked the position., of the mill of VA Rey, close to ihej fortress o' Chapuftepec. - His numerous and bravo columns - were however iepulstfd - three times by our - valiant, soldiers, wnoiius day" gave brilliant .proofs, of their patriotism and bravery, , Morn than a tnousun-J ol tlio enemy remained on the field b bittlc, and on our side the loss has been le-s tnau one-half thai number," having to lament the death of the gallant Col. : .Djh Lucas Balderas, and Gwn, Doiv Antonio do L,jou bei-ng wounded, together wiih several flihur distinguished chiefs and ollicers. ' , ' : The "traitor,' Santa Anna, commanded in person ' the column, . which forced tiie American? to retreat, taking wjth thorn, without doubt , the conviction that ii is only through rivers . of . blood th it they can penjetrate iho city of - Mexico, nnd that ut all events tliey.w ill there j fiud their sp ulc'.ire. - We translate the, subj-aincd letter from J-ilapatothe Arcolrisj without vouching for its Correctness: When Gen. Pert z abandoned tne mill del ll-y.-a bmb was discher.-d from .TTLur.s Wanted. The State 'of Ar .sjs invites c::vgranu to corns and take -s wl.icli h ;c L:en forfeited-' for taxes, I r. iprv Tt will bo required forlhcm L::;! llzk J.1 mr.?r ays the auditor, -i pr, fef:i'L. wid makea deed, ih iiv i the Suprtmc Court of lhe State cri 'j J auM t-j vahd. The forfeited :c .r( i'. E.-aj of the finest lands in .v'b, now is iho chance fora :p hor.:?, or a f peculalion. . . A c: C-ws,ix Vws-iknx TtiAs A letter - i Ilish county, Teia- lo the editor of ? : .vt-S rith Hcrall, says: Jho cri.ps ih-'s p art '. of Texas are .said lo be the -t vt r t ji.n in tho country, and as to the U :r cap it Icjoks ver well. - Corn I ( cji, -.will h3 worth about twemy-fiVe j ?r biush--li this fall, in this neighbor 8ih) the fire commenced on iho two flui .. C fl'l . ..I. M'l. I . r. . . : r v .wi eu.tju.irp"e', - I u-i it-it wn roiing ou the mill of El Ryt r.hie- to tht. f.jre.-t o! Cha'pullepec. Tnis point was' cofnindexl by Gen. Leon, and uwdec his ordei were the battnlion'of Mini," wlnsc, ColoiTJ was the patriotic and'valunt Baldcras, anojlje battPiions union auG La i atria, ot uaxat, Chnpulvi pec and fell among the utnin jnition wagons if the cnemv in the vaid A tin mill, causing .fur of them to explout;, bj liicjh 3l)0, Arh3ncai!s are said, to Vae been blown up,' (immit!,) inchuhng - Ge it. Worth, who oceo.rJfug to tho acccuiit; had ooJ been seen or heuid of llie next day at Tucubaya., . . 'The next accounts we have fro.ii the capital Copie in a letter to. the Arco Iris; dateJ the 10th inst. Weilhjoin'a iranala tion of it: ' " ; , Mexico, Sept 10, IS 17. Mij Esfctmcd i'ci.Tno w hylvi vday , " :. vug eccctny.Hna takei thema Citk it appears that the i-h ?. L lalby any other means, becau?- I no doi.bt thil be has lost 903 p'. who were placed htrs dc tion t?f tho 8 th, nn j mon -!u.m v tvJutl wounded. I,t appears tht f" ol Gen, Pillow r1s uncertain. . " 8 .In compensation fr this t;r jou hke, ihey hung yps:e'f. Arigi l all ihe prisoners of "V St. Patrick they look atUa "!, alltba worttt jhooght the?-di been ? pa red capiiat panful" . have expelled from their houj habitants 'of lhe village t,f Mix ler '.o-t-aiablih-ihere ifctif t' head qaruTS. ' . 1 ' Lasi night a parcel of ma! K, work at the fortification'-' at tin justices of the peace, ammiu-difi lively feelings', lides ilc pr; Chapulteeci Where from the ."j vantages were Mrng defenca - ' there are first; and second a-idVj of defence, Jill the. ;nciiiiin. J loflified, hu-mg b.3uh beuj dad nud San Antonio Abjj tiipj. u.1 and one trench whujj traeri E -l the -grazing' ground ui.d ua'ijs "garitas "' v -SElTEMi'EU 12.-At 5 o'cVj morning, tb'j behs yufcc Uj ty nounceinunt of an.ii.WfD. Tlicx o! Sail Artfouiu Abiiandean ing battery of the fnnijnjr o.i each oth-r. We Lave urn? ' by a enemv a ntuititu'lo of 1 greater mini hex of which tars( jo' nnd.long bv:lore they. rtacWdaur At; the same ho'ii'a firing comr: Cn ipultepec, on tlvv ri-tit v4de r and in Die mouniron 5?tac8 attack, at a shout d ista nee from ih aru s'.ationed our forces of cavvt fautry, w h.y are watcliing tbe tj-'-. We opene'd 3t half part(i,ffj3 tcry of the ,,guiia" t)fC.teij,r froom that ttaU'u g frnra iTieiiid i N.uevo, which is bituaied ;ii n' l rmcd by the camovnj h ac I village of LaT.ed-id and T..v ' wheiu the vv.t n:y directed l'l 1 arppdrs to be the ,girii" of i ' Abad. The ft i.v:mt is ttllitt clesi. the alarm ItU it.'ilcuo;.. I Th:-? brings u lo.tlie 12 h, k j hour of thoiliy the httcr a-, arejiol informed. Of theti'' rrif nt we huve only a brief v piiit-U'nt lo assure us 'tWiiff ' achieved a brilliant lnuirpT army is' rcvelhng.irt tiie hssJs tezumak' The "only rclik: have of1 llie last struggle k!,f is in.n l'.:tter 'addressed to J our'Coihctor nt Vera Citt " which will be.'lo-und b--iyw. U pondt-nt fit Vera Cruz v-jo ha s been putssed 'without on auack.. '"Al 2 curacy-j.ond.we ,.havv. relic: t jn the? aliemoon an .alarm was created- b) lhe juppearaiice of wo columns trrrd two guerrilla parties, wjuch wore sw.ii on the causeway - of Piedad. A lew fchots w i re exchanged 'and ihe enemy wirh'Jrrw-s-Accdrding to nil appearances . we shall attacked to m rrow ut three points, irs the enemy during ihe nighl, has been reeon- noitenng the 'country "by means of camp in one of which was included the eompa-j lanterns foraldp catiipznu1) The Govern, nies of Puebla,aUo a bidy from Qjerci-iro tment has taken iSSOO.OOO which were bo-, and some others all comnosmg ihi N4- O'g sent by.-a commeicial house to th tional Gfard,. the house is iroui rio ame f-ourcc os giving the lir.t and accr the battles of UuutlYras m". -'- OrtadI, Dear Sir: I h:ie tin! h" you that ui -exprtss arrivtJ'i r;g fi'om iM'ico, 'which hr. gence that Gen. Sojtt' wn!!t I till. AILv)j llit 'IJ llv - 1 j troops took Ch.ij'id: pei: cwl inmi wein into uv.vuy in" Atiiv-j w 3 j k.lled. fitiHi'-D-M i rt'ard,. The fright1, fl-ink rested on cmp of llie enemy' ' if "'J1 f'' ' '''jrir' so of "Mata, at iho distance of a j - Ven. Smith j .'has expired, os;d by th"f ' Mt of a league from Chapultcppc, and cn.c'oscd slipyou wilUeo .-ihat tho Airvii-t ' "' 1 us t-in i tre-; C kzyok WARTii occ Tho lark' of a i'.mIow tree burred to ashes and mixed ... h Ftrr;; iinegar", and applied lo tho n'.s Dw -ctt.J. will remove nil w.irt mm. - : .:'..', . ' - ,.t j er orrCi-Eccsi in any pari of ihe body. Vt'W of Erj Cvontv,.P.a.,'have hi convention nouiititd Henry C.av fr tT. j Presidency. . f" quarter occupied bv 1500 of the regular army, commanded by ; ,Gen. Pen z. -The enemv in two cjlumns,- w ith bi5 usual .dating,'-attacked thesje points firs.1 with artillery. and at a. tjuarier to 6 with ii ; rapid fire of masketry - Gen. Pere sustained thia fire very well for; about half an hour,. , when, for Causes vot; present unknown, hc-'reiired w ith his forces, although he' had not .lost 10 men. , Tlie rrtreat must have been fatal for Mexico, if, fortunately en. Leon and Ins brigade had not shown prodigies of va. lor. Twice he repulsed the colunan that attacked him, and jn the seeon he allied Irom his position to recover the aniilery uen. i erez nacl lost; .but then he received mortal wound, and a few moments af. terwardj the valient lia deras wa nf; wounde,d and died on the field. , Tho'ene my with additional forces, again charccd anj 100K possession ot-nie. miiL Twice ho was cislodgfd, but on his reuking ii the third time it was found impossible to bring our troops to the charge. . Via Spite of these two advantages wiiu-h they had gained in their endeavor to mi" t UUJUitV ptv, ,nrv couio noi.eueci a jannf-r advance, which may be owing to their being .intimidated bylheresistanceof 6ur forces and ihe considerable loss they had iiflercd. , The result was. that at 0 nV.lnrd, in the tnornjDg the fire of small arms 'had nearly ceased; and they, were seen em ployed in collecting their killed and wound ed. , At 11 o'clock the tnemy, comn "need a retrograde mcgm, and by the anernoon he . withdrew all hi fnrr-t i rn , , . . - -"; l lacuoaya, abandoning the two points he -a occupied and blowing up tha house f B,wa Bhhousnsome say it-was sel ow fire by a bomb firpjf frum'Capuhepec. ftis believed that Gens. Twfiggs aDd Pierce 3i. -ecicd the i ,ack, arl that ihcy put in mo cansinuiimtedhnd crui'ilv assasisiiiaieil ih,.' .ur,fort)aie Irish; who were taken' at i.h'e battle fcf Churub'ts'c'o. '"' ' - 1 csqncnbcr li.-It is 7; o clock in the "on. tbju SQOO.mcD. It i. snorning ind thus far nothing has 'tronspir-f cd. ' ' . f ih -addition, w'o find the subjoined . ex4 tract from lhe tiotelin de Atiscor conbilir-1. ing ihtelh'gencb from. the capnal under da ofth'oUth and lih inst.. whirh nvi i Pfint I riUOfl fill rri'l J '..n r . . - ..? . i I v......uvt M"iiiiic ui mo operaiious oiu : - - - -. 5 two arnu'es: .- s I ' Mexico, Seph 11, 1847. i : 11.. T."i.. .S y ' ' . '. . ,i. iuy lsLtun&j. rnena: unctpr cover's what j sent 6u last mght'I staled 'noth;! hew, at which we were surprised, as it 1 not rain, and we expected to be nttacii Thus we passed the morning until ilJJ ,1 r-nr In lK I I umnv iu me tiiiig, wnen me ala belj.was rung and' it was ascertained ) there was firing of artillery at ChapulL and fsan Antonio Abad. In the first r it was earned by the approach of a forf Vj menced'on tfje 18th, and tho enemy's cavalry, which took no 'Itith mrtrp or !p nptivitV . iiii.ia- ui . 1 acuoaya; movip inat linage towards Morales, - .and sttirmkh with a parly of our eava ptace, in w hich a Captain and Be rtiin ...M 1 - ti i j -1 ouiuicis were Kineu anu sum of the enemv wounded wiih la In Sa'n Antonio Abad the fire tit u... .. ., .. .......... 1 oauery 01 me enemv.- which in hermitage Half in ruins and sitnatrfl at ilin enp 'of the Causeway del Nino Perdido or La Piedad,. which leads to San Anel, the enemy nred lrom six to eight bombs, of Jvhirh buj, one fell - without-exploding? The others we saw burst in the air. AVe then gave them several shots well directed, one of which felt ..within the Verv hermit- hge, raising a-greal Ju?l: in conscnu-nce of which the enemy tlid not fire more than liirec or four, shots lv Ir fi nYfnr-k, J uci DS.5 f I I : icre.a look j f-al of wenty 6n the In- into cenaia tlidt; etrohg tiorthcrf which "xias ''blowing, pre- 'sir v - , 'bro f if 1 r , ml lL f t Tirvr.yTt t?Tr L. r n fear this new victory Ins notbi without great loss of life. Tfcj accounts show that active bo'- 1 bv lhe'James L: Day, informs- was reported nrnong the Mcx'jf raCruz, that lost 1700 ' and wounded ,' but he cou'd t&f authentic source. Another f limates Gen.' Scott's loss tlfc la one .third of his armfi wounded,. but upon what opinion we cannot learn, aw '- tcrjnink it is purely1 ctjujec'! I hate only time to. writ i before lhe express rider sJ -.? rio of last evenfng contain tti ' .u- 1 u: .i me ureaKiug open itiu gous, and says that sorrw l with koivts, took a handj" . tiqa. 1 uer eiuior aod