t W 1 . .3 C UK TRY I,! v fr. t i rc?.t secret woa C : I C ! tl r"? nt l' it 1' -"5 i pacr ' ArJ I ; 'n.r'" ; T f.'-o; Ltci t , 1 1 iac'i ever .'.:- L i.ac! v.c-- i to fro'..?. i trr.:.'. :$ Iru ; r,.-i iLfi tear, . A'. I ti j V. r.rctn gruff." t10' ar1 f'13f . 1 V,s bri'itc-t iour we're known pssi. ' f. t.e f'r ar.J rrr ''a cf crili, trows daz.r T k:'.t en'd tl.at beings of licav'uly l!rth- Hi I I jr. led on my TffU; Ytt I've kcd i!cra rcl!e Willi eortow and grief, .-...And wane in the Mar end yellaut leaf," . t ... - I've scpn t)is )ia;'":'-J proud And gay, , Gate wilfy kind..ng eye. 1 , 'Fo i p.Ies of wtalth, liead away, ' ' ' v ' - As if they'd never die; . n 1 . f I've look'J ajiia for that apleml. J fcisht ' And they own'd not even Mthe witJoMr, rate. 'iTve known trtia friends, in early. life," - ! ; Bound by atilction chain, -That thought lie worU's contending slrifa . Could never give them pain; i. - . .. That the jar and broil that shake mankind, -Would pas unheeded as the ev'niu g wind; 4 That fond rcmemb'rance still would hold, . Those tweet afTt-ct ions fist, ' t. , That wa'rm'd each heart in days ofoJoV' 4 jfKpr'chan g'd not wit the blast, . , but in one boor, with a peal like thunder, ' -'"-DcBtinT inapp'd each, chord assund:riv . ,-... -. , . ' Men may talk andaay "there'a rest" ' "la many a sunny spot, 5 ' . ' ELt 1f such the case, Uiej'rc sure boen blest , Ht'yopd the- general lot ' . , ' Ffir-l've Jiv'd, and muvM, and had ray bing, , - And think you I've lir'd without feeling or sceingt ? ,r 1 1 i - k - ' Bot there is a season of eternal joy . ; . rla Ileav'n, the hijjh and holy niace! '; : Acd sorrow and grief can fie'er'annoy .The Redecm'd of Jesus grac;. " - ' ' , ' i . Ha scenck of earth forever will close, ' " ' ? ' VJcrid sweet, oh serene, Is the spirit's repose! J r" - " " ' ' ' ; Jllia halii of glory that 'circles our Cod,. CriIir tLan beams of thosurr, Will hjlit- up with beauty that bleat abode, - An4 ve'll muijlo our spirits in Osk; iWhile eternity reigns and centuries roll, f , - ' 'Twill ever be a joyful feast fir the soall , -, Aslienllc, December" 9, IB47. ' lW v 1 ! ?; 1 i. - v - : v ; ;; ; r -? JTIarriajc J- 1 , Nature and nature's GoJ smiles 4 upon the Union ; thai is sweetened by lo?d. and sanctioned by. law. Hie ppbero of o,ur af. feclion is enlarged nnd our pleasures take tant and respected among men, and exis " tence itself is doubly enjoyed with 'this 'our softer self. Misfortune loses hall its an cuish beneath the soothing influence of her fimirest. and triumph becomes .more : tru "umolunf. !w hen shared 'with her. With- out herwlmt is man? A rovini? and rest . iessbeins; driven at pleasure by romantic Speculation, and cheated into misery by " -futilo hopes,' ,lhe mad victim cf untamed ' passions, iqd the diss ppointetl puhuit of fruitless joy?. But with ber he awakens . to a new ate, ue loiiows a pauir-wiuer ' rand nobler than the narrow road to selfag "Crandisement-i-'thai is scattered with more fragrant fbwers, and illuminated by a clear ' A. .oiriGCLAR. lsciD5NT.-rA lew years 02 6ever.il men in this city or .vicinity vero gambling wiih cOrdi with the usual occotnpanimenl of linuar. In thet dealing ;outoftbcpck,oneulthecirdswas tbrowii ' in ucl a manner -thrltr.it struf'k, wuh! its jptigeone of the tumblers And' cut it intieo - as square and smooths as though it had "bceasofmo sharps instrument. The inci dent was so unusual and stalling, that the gamb'ers were greatly ? frightrpeq. :, They -thought it Tnight be ominous of some ap. proaching . , calamity." They were unwil lin to.continuc the game, and under ' the influe nee "perhapv of h' superstitious feel, ing mitjld with a conciousness of guilt, thvy ceased puiying. In less than a week r rroin thl time, tht one vho dtatl out the ; card xchitfc ul 1he glait, di(l The iuci dent at tlio timo produced, ns4 might be ex : Reeled, tfrcnt .excitempnt. Svme - who wero. engaged in the gam.e are now living1. v jjosion iraveuer. . . ArrcTrx& Incidents. Th ; followinsi ifT-citng extracts are Irom a letter ritteo by.Capt. .Merril, of Bitavia, to'his brother. was. in all tho battles: ' ' tl "cannot forbear noticing two touching incidents jhat fell under ray observation. Among the braver and gvod wlv have thi Jayfallen was my friend Bur well, of the 5th Infantfyv' lie fell eArly in the action, froiri a wound in the leg.. On the slight tep.ulse of our troops ; he was .inhumanly murdered "by tho enemy's -lancers. His faithful 'dog, a beautiful pointer, had ac i?ompanied him there; he also was woun ied, v Dofiog the fiction ho became separ ated frdin' his 'master. AAer it had subsi ded; jht noble form of Burwrll, mmly as fniiflMvas'tiiscoicred, -'and beside him. acd even Jickhig' his fuce'and wounds, waa Ris pordog, who rogaidless 01 ins.owa piin, hid sought lus generous inster iu tne ljur of danger, and there, upon the sam ffflX t. dlo. This airtfctionate 'scene . teuched the hcq'rtsnf mahy. . t Ag'iio, after the. fury of the battle ; was over J saw acamp woman, of tho infantry . who 'came upon the field to loot for her Iwsbartd. Alnjst frantic with dcj-ptr.she ran from-tme ta another to' inquire afier him, but gvtting no nfor;niation hi.immed -ia'tvly'Acnt ',to search for him arwing the si Vis&irz tbrg, at letigih found t bim-de'ad. -. Kneeling over, his corpse she f, I..kvuud 'lo'raiie iibut finding life ci'.ict, she gio utteranco to shrieks' and ' l-r'-'.iar tcvJyvtovichJng to hear. I lor ' f.rc Sho coi.tinuoi to'reir.ua '- on t... "'ld (unver firo.of the enemy) until - his lir.!' bdy, was carried ofT, which ;he ff. -. - i in l1 3 iecp2t fjricf. ; Such it af- j c f : Jr.' t t 4 L . . 3. .... J t cf C- r- :s in r" - : -as - ' ill' r.:cL,!;v cf Vcrh to ..3 t.ir.i :curj?. c..:rscter tf tl 2 O"? i3 crJ.re ' to repair i.cr t3 zzi the to third to Tftbiscnd. Dt'siJes thesa oHlcial rrnny cf tho your :er members cf i.s r-rcfjision ore procctuirg diily at tlelrcwn cxrcr.se and wiih the same i2v tof regions now ravaged by t tie Cholera. T! i New York Hera! J siys ihsj two piriks prevail amon thj Whis of that cify at the present time oso wr.h the NevV xork Courier at its heid, and ailed by New Jersey and New Eng'and for Gcner at ScoTT tor the Prc$idnci$r ani another wan me i rtoune, tor iienrt kult. it says: ' ' . The ticket inletioed by the Tiibune party, wo have understood, is Henry Clay (or the Presidency, and Wm.'H. Seward for the Vice Presidency that by the other section, General Scot- for tho Presidency, and some Southern or Western man for the Vica Presidency, not yet determined on by the Secret Committee at New Jer sey. These movements and disclosures a, re Important. Thev are imDortant, as giving direction to those :evenis on which tlie Mexican question and .the Presidential question may both be determined in this country,' Why is the editor of the Louisville! Jour nil's career through hfo like a celebrated tune! Because it is the rogues match. AlabamV Flag. "t. " Why will thr editor of the Flag, at the close of his career through' lifo be like n tune of Paganini's? Because be will be V executed on a single string. "Prentice. .Good Toast. ; Uncle SamM A , re ap ectdbTe' branch of the Bull family. He broke tho bonds, of parental authority, and went into business on his own account, in 1775. ; He is now well to do in the world, clothing himself, and feeding his poor re lations in the bargain." , .. ' . ';; (t New Inflated HossE-CoLtAtt. As. a thing derioffng ihe general regard to the Comfort of animals -is extending in these days ofrrtovement, we notice this new in vention in England., The invention con. sists "of a collar-shaped tube, made either of leather or a caoutchouc materia which is, filkd wiih 1 common air. The in (lation is completed in a lew seconds, by mean's of an ornamental valve. at the top ql the collar; the latter can bo rendered tense'or elastic, or, tho air can, be expelled' from it at a minuted notice. s, . . A Good Appetite r A Havre journal has the following in. credible story: At lliu list fair at Avelol two persons, one of them of sickly appear ance, entered an inn, and ordered a din 'ner, consistigg of: twelve muttonchops, a 'large turkey, twelve Neuchatel cheeses, twelve pots of cider and a six pound loaf. The servant of the inn, thinking -that so substantial a meal was for twelve persons, consequently prepared the table for the re. ceptiojn of twelve guests; but her surprise was great o see the two individuals e.nter at lite appointed time unaccompanied by any one, and tho surprise increased t$ perfect astonishment when the sickly "-looking man said that the dinner was' for hirt alone! At the same moment he nt .himself down at the table? and iri c'oursa of a-short time succeeded in swallowing all the immense masv of food which. hid been prepared. He had laid a wager with ths other man to eat ihij formidable dinner, the stake being a sheep. When the glutton had won his wagerhe cooly ofTer.eiithe astonished loser to make a, similar bet, to be decided in two hours; but the tatter refused. Galignani's Messenger. Sauta Auua.Tricd for Stc:ilinsr. A letter from Mexic; dtied the 20th of October, and published in the Tampico Sentinel, states that Sinta Anni his taken up his revsidonco at Tehuacan, where he injlertds to defend himself ugainst the char- ?2r brought ncnu'ist him." ,he abandvind the city on - the night of the 13'h or Sci.rmber last, tith his inny , in a -most covrardly manner, ,lcavjr;g' the city withuui protection, but that previous to his leaving lie robbed the treasury department of ailxtnds nnd every other spetues of a. v.j liable loeons. And to cast oil all sus picion from hiirisQlf. ho.the'n ordered thil the prison of tlie ., Accorda'da be opened, and its convicts let . loos? upon the com munity, ' The hall of tho J louse ' of Rep resentatives was entered- by them, its chandeliers broken in a thousand pieces, the fifth tapestry torn from the windows and strewn about the flior, - and the' rcsi- i'due of the splendid hall, mutilalcd, if not entirely uestroyed. ; .Mr. Georps H. Colton, the Editor of the American Wh'g- U'evicw, died 'm New York last Vreek ajed 23. i t I JF ool carding . chine. The Subscriber l,ave their WOOL IXG MACHINE in full wo'.!;.. ; . undes the management of Ir- Kic'ijrJj' CARD. .Iv.r, anJ ,tv here tim be-st any quantity of wool will bo carJed . y manner wim great care ana w on the terms, cliarjrr d by other hrvtit ant jlr lsy I.i.i, it is re quested that any wool sent should bs previously udbScd, picked and clear rrn t! rt. WOODEN &. .MURDOCK. AJicv'i A, :i 15 U. iU-tl ins i'.cal CII. J r-.J for fa.';, either by the barrel or galluii. - vti 3: if. T"T ' -" .r 1 wt m, Y"V ..." '; ::llz, Haywood Co!, , I v.rfi Carolina. -lr, Z30 Dse.2i, lei "1 ZilT, ,r fla aX ' jtrecc.7. 1 aai f and rtta.l k7 r'ATTo:; &. oscorvN. Asl.ev', Cct- 7, liI7. S717L new pall and WINTER y " v . - w now reccivm; at hia Cdsh Store, dcct from New York'and Philadelphia, an excellent Stock of T'Ld i "JfcZvr - , , mr C ZTX"" CrrZi"3 suilaMe far Fall and Winter, which h inrites his old customers and the public generally, to call and examine. - Aidashe both bays aadscllstfor Cash, he warrants to sell as low as goods of the same quality and styra can-be sold ifthi mark- et. Ashe vilTe, Octber 7.: IS 47. 371 -if. s .A beautiful lot of handsome and desirable patterns of mouslcine de Janes are offlrtdat nnprccedentedly Inw price,' by RANA'IN & PULLlASr. Aosrust 5. tf Apprentices YVttQtCfL' Four or five apprentice, to the Mill Wri-ht business, will be - taken by the subscriber, upon t,V ik. ...Xr;r application to him one mile and a half west of Franihn, N. C. Any ioformatioa regarding the subscriber' character as a workman, can b had by apply in to James M.' Smith or N. W. Wood n, lqr8, of AsheviMe. . , STEPHEN -MUND A Vv Dec. 1847, ,3t . 379 RANKIN & PULL1AJI ' Have a heavy ktock of niatltvcts Finn Iicls, Liliseys, and Winter gwods generally, which they are selling at reduce J prices, especial. If Overcoats, Vests nnd Pantaloons. . ' ABhevdle. Dec. 2, IS47. tf . . . Winter Boots, Caps, and Hals. A large stock, very low, just opened vt , ; RANKIN &, rULLlAM'S, Dec. 2. leT47.' tf ... School and Classical Books, an Stationary, a large slock sullta? si unroll profits. ' T , IIAXKIX 4 1WLLIAM. Dec. 2, ISn. If Utalc cfVortK Carolina HcCyicood County. . .. ' ? Superior, Court of Law, Fall Term, 1847; i : Isaac flenfon,' J V Vs. ' ' ElizaWth riensorrl 4 f ' Petition for Divorce. - Oa motion and judgtrfent pro cpnfesso, it Is or dered by Court that publication be made in the II iffhland Messenger and Rulherfordton Repub. lican, for three, successive months, notifying the aeieoaant lo appear before lne Judge at ine next cburl to be heldfor the county of Haywood, at the CourUlIouse in Waynesville, on the 4th ulonday in March next, therr and there to- plead answer or demur, or this case will be heard ex parte, and judgment rendered against her. ' . . Witness, John L. Smith, Clerk of aid C;urt at office, the 4th Monday in September, 1847 . i JOHN L. SMITH, elk Nov. 4, 1847. , Prs fee, 6. ! 3753m. - SALT, . I A large supply of Virginia and Liverpool Salt, just received. , ' ' 1 V i ' ' ( RANKIN 4- PULLIAM. t Dec. 2, 1847. , ' tf ' , ' ', . . Circular Sawing ,The subscriber has a Circular Sawing Mill in full operation and is ready to supply any descrip tion of dumber un the shortest notice; except where other agreements are made all lumber lo bo paid for on removal. '''-. The $u!scnbcr has also for sale Six Saxon or fine Wuoled Bucks; also a a quanty of prjnie seed Barley.1 , ' - , , ; f . MURDOCH. AsbcviUft, April 8, 1847. - ' , 3 4 If. ' HEAD 111.11 QK. DIE! Stolen from my tent, at Shaw's Creek Camp ground, on the night of the 15th of August last, LAPINE GOLD WATCH, No. 7124 (I tlnnk,) with the word. Godamcr. engraved on the same case with the Nt Thc watch is very thin, with an old-fashioned face.- The above 'reward of ten dollars will be given Car its recovery. Repairers of watches are requested to be on tfic look out for said watch, as campmecting thieves, above all others, ought to be detcctgd. Address to L. S. Gash, Claytofville, or. to me at Hcndersonvilte, N. C, and oblige, ' . . J. LIVINGSTON. October 21, 1847. . 373 3m. '., HARD W ARE $ CUTLERY, . English aryl : American, including scythes and sickles, of the very best mannUcturc just reefcu ved, and will be sold at the lowest prices. Among lliese GooJs can be fouhd many seldom' brought to the country, and worthy tho attention of me chanics and farmers. M"-:1 . RANKIN & PULLIAM. may 13, 3o0tf- Heady made Clothing Handsome assortment of Coats Vests a Pants fq,r sximmer wear. - ' .- : - :. , . RANKIN PULLIAM tnay 23, 1847.tf - ' . ' 353 if. Tq all Teachers, AZD)SC1IC0L COMMITTEES. Valkyr's S chool Dictionqiry. t ' NW EDITION. From Neio Stereotype Plates greatly Im proved and printfd on Whit Paper. A Critical pronouncing Dictionary and Ex. position of the English Lungvage, in which the mraning of every Word' i . explained, anJ the pound of every Syllable distinctly shown; To which is prefixed, an Abstractor English Pronun ciation, &nd directions to fiireigncrs for acquir ing a knowledge of the use of this Dictjpnary. Bv John Walker author of '-Elements 6f Elocu tion," llh yraiirq; ..Dictionary &.c. &.c Abrti'ged fy tiic use or iipois, by an American Citizen. Publisbcd and for sale by . V GRIGG, ELLIOT, & Co. 4 . 14 NorthFourth Street, PUila'dctpbia, and br Pat ton & Oihornagd' Rankin & Pull Ashcville, N. tCM 'and'by Merchants geueraV,1 ihroughbut.lhe South and W-est, -. P. 8. . . This is a New Edition, on Fine Paper, and improved in Trusting and Binding. 'Tea chers will please examine "Grigg, Ellnt &, Go's. Imprnved JLditjoa, 376 St. Itivaliiablc Ointment, roa sAts jx AsnEviLLK ir , The onlyAgcnl West of the Blue Eidge August 16.l547.esv 3S3 1 1 I J.4V0 r Uowe,r, 1 c t infi. ror i.- any re t IM, f'r.cc I! . 1.-1 f.e r-o" 1: ! rr ia tl.e c.ty cf .New Y-' I will icacli tw o i : I 1 ' - " aun.l coir; per.?.. - Cuttii w..! t to hare Work r.;i If I rxuke a i.t s-.. t. leava your good on my n Ji, and I w ill fay for it, i lam in reru!ar rrreipt uf t a Ijc JCew Ywrk, and rhuadclphia I a: ..: -:s. ACrkt rate Journeyman wa-.l- i. f U. V.. XING. ScPl2,is47. ' v 'trsyci . : I : ts.en up- sometime l.t June by L '.a V-'tks, about 15 miles down Uiwassee m t..rL-.vPe county, ana aiier aj. vrtisint id r-.rtre at tlm tin1, and several times afterwards, it l.n ttn 6triyed by Drury Weeks. Said mare nil hanJs i-i 'ht and w said ta be 5 nr (1 Tpi,r4 n' 1 ;t 14 uvrrf I t.liTn fare. Und some white on both hnd pastures, and a wr5te pton i' l,J l- ' '"J. iOW ui imtu oaiu marc lias ocvn at C-- e owner, by proving property aoa paying erpenscs, can have her. She is io the scs-ion of Drury eeks. ,, . - y ABRAHAM COLLETt. Ranger. October" 23, IS47. 374-3t. ' , Casinptt) Fancy Casimcrcs, A general assortment very low. just received. j RANKIN PULLIAM. January, 23, 1847, 33 tf. CLOTHS, CLOTHS. Super. Blue, Black, Brown, Oreen and.Invisr. ble Green 'Cloths, English, French, and Anxru can CasBiicrercs, jst opened and ofFeretl at very low pricesy Call and see ? i RANKIN &. PULLIAM. Oct. 7, tS47 ll-r 37.f s' Wanted.- The ipubftienber wishes lo employ a- S;tl (1 1 C r aild IltfirilCSS Hakcr. A sober, .indus trious mani who is a good workman, can find a comfortable situation by applying to me Immedi ately. - : 1?. CLAYTON." ttendersonville, pt. 16, 1847 if, - 368 WANTED,, "Waggoiiii to haul Salt from the Virginia Sail Works. The roads are fine, and price ffberal. Apply soorA RANKIN &. PULLIAL Oct. 7, 1847. . 1 . 371 tf. Leather! . Leather!! Upper and Sole Leather, Harness and Skirtmg A large lot just received, at verv low frices at . . RANKIN & PULLIA.M'S. , Oct. 7, 1847, 371 tf. ' 'Chronical Diseases. Thee diseases would never be known if -the principles' of Brandrethianwm -were . adopted . in the; commencement ': of disease. ' Let purging. vegetable purging be universally adopted, and Diceamg ana au mineral meoicines iscaroca, and there Will soon be no chronicat disea see in our laqd. 1 All diseases are chronical whose duration lias exceeded forty days, s . 4 , No cure can be expected unless the Pills are used four or five timesevery week. The suspen sion Yor'a few days pr a week, or. morc? musl'dc pend upon circumstances. During the suspension of the purgation, the pa tient recovers new humor? in place of those dis eased ones he has evacuated.- But so long as any of the diseased humors remain in the . system. they will 'tend, according to their quantity, lo vi tiate the new sound humors. jm the purration must be rcrjeaited, suspended, repeated and; sus pended, until tho cure is perfect. One thing is sure, that the continuance will do no harm: and further, that all the good will be done towards a perfect cleanning the blood, v that 'it is capable lot.iiiedieine: ta -do, as has been proved in i ten thousand cases. . " " To obtain a perfect cure not' a particle of the humors, which were depraved whi'eick;'must re main in the system. .Mew sTouihi liumors must be supplied when the old Yiliated ' ones are re moved,-common sense tells us this. ' These Pills are for sale irevery'county in this state, at ZZ cents per oox and may , be had of the lollowmg agents: - PATTON &. OSBORN, Ashcville, . J. M. ALEXANDER, French Broad. JAS C. SMYTHMorganton. W. L. G1LI & CO Marion. '' M. P. PENLAND, Bumsville. KELSEY & MAXWELL, liula Ivy: R. DEAVER. Sulphur Springs.1 - J E. PATTON, Warm Spring. SMITH & BAIRD, Lapland. V Lady's French Uorocco and Kid Slippers, and walking Shoes, , Philadcl: phia make. Also,,, ecntlemen's Call Bootees. finest cloth quarters and other styles for summer wear, gusi receivea ai . - RANKIN $ PULLIAM S. rqay 13," 1847.: 3-(i tf. HATS, CAPS, SHOES . HOOTS; . A. large quantity, every variety, and at very low prices, just recei'ved at " RANKIN & PULLIAM'S. Oct 7, 1847. 371 if. -GUN LOOKS. A superior article, just revived. i-1 RANKIN 4- PULLIAM. April, 22, 1847 . 335 tf. Youth's and Geiitlcmcii's ClothCaps, of different styles and price, by" RANKING $ULLIAM. Aog09t(9. 'if lvnwv AH i? ixTn ..;,:;;ilwli;.,VA AJilAH 'f Every variety of Dry Goods. Groceries. II lard- ware and Cutlery; suited td the present And ap proaching seasons. , RANKIN PULLIAM. Ocu 71847. , . , , 371 if. Sujjar, Coflec &Tea 100 Bags prime. Rib Coffee; 300 lbs. Sugar, just received and fur rale vrry low, at . RAAKIN & PULLIAM'S. m Oc.7. 1S47. 371-tM- KERSEYS, TWEEDS, LINSGYS. AND ,,' Flannels of every variety,' just received at' - RANKIN & PULLIAM'S. Oct. 7. 1847. 371 tf. Notice. Tlie undersigned still continues to attend to "General Commission Busihess . . in this town, and respectfully solidiU consign, ments of He&cnANoisK lo beT forwarded, and rao! duck 0 be sold. He will give his prompt personal attentiontto the above, and also to .the ' purchase of - Goods to order. - J. F. GRIFFIN. Hamburg, S.C, July, 22, 1846wfcn,' , , , 7hoIesalo Bookseller .Ko. O Kortli PHILADELPHIA,! KEtPconstar-tTyon hand, a very extensive assortment of BCKjKS as d STATIONERY ' as are addled and usually purchased for Country Sale; which they will sell M as tit ti:r.ms as the articles can be purchased in. this eity, Jew Vorjk, or Bo&Un. ' Ilitir? an extensive CINDERV ronneiled with thcr establishment, thev aro enabled i ' orders. for all the varieties f Clank Wokk, in the' wiiircni or uaiiKs nua vw.i irftQ our uLAiMtv uuivs equal, u not superior to- ftnjjaey Lave ever I? Cou.tTaT rjERcUA.vrs will be promptly attended to. - i j ; vf 'i Particular attention will also be pn'd t all Orders," tbrouoh Country Me Lvr, Medical, and MiceUanco9 Dotks, for public and private' Libraries, fpjired to complete all ueh orders, on the most reasonable tehns. : ;. . r ', - ; U Country Dealers wul find it lo their advantage ikijj tbejr purchases. ' Tp AH Teachers and Parents. STANDARD Published and for sale by Gaico, Eixi jtt H Co.,; rhila.. and for Sale by Booksellers, and Country Merchants generally in the SomiKaj States, a ud by Booksellers 4n New" York and Philadelphia. Eor sale as above, RUSCIIEN: BERGER'S - ' ' - ; 1 Elements of Anatomy and Pbplology,' for beginners, 45 cuts. ' 2 Elements of Mammalogy, the Natural His torv of Quadrupeds, for beginners cuts. v 3 Elements of Ornitliology, the Natural IKs. tory of Birds, for beginner 8.1 cuts. T 4 Elements of IIcpetolgy and Ichthyology, the Natural History of Reptiles and Fishes, for beginners, 66 cuts. 5 Elements of Choncology; the. Natural His tory of Shells and Mollusca, lor beginners, 119 cols. .- S Elements of Entomology, the Natural Hisi tdrv of .InaccTJ"for becinners, 91 cjits. ; . ' 7 Elements of Botanv, the Natural History of Plant for beginners, 194 cuts. 8 Elements of Geology, the Natural History ofj the Earth's Structure, for beginners, with 3Jvl eots. . , , , ' Tle above series is 'considered one of the most valuable contributions to the cause of education, whicti has eve been puHWiedm this cntmtry. .- Each book of the scries is complVrto in hsrff, and bas a fall glossary appended. The illustra lions are numerously and beautifully executed. v A earners . arc rctjutrnieu io can aim cjibiuuid these wo.-ks before selecting for their schools any book on Natural History, these being very cheap. and having been' ajtproved by distinguished and scientific men. ' "I have examined Dr. RuscliofibcrgerV pobli cation "Elements of Geolojrv,' from the text of Beudant, itt.'ner, Cdwaru &. Acliill, t-ompte 'I think this an excellent worieondcncd. lucid, cxafl, and comprehensive- a safe guide for the pupil, and a useful review for the teacher. The illustrations are numerous and exact. (Signed) B.SILLIMAN.' . Ya.le College, Dec. 19, 1845." ; The above -valuable series of books have been introduced into many of the public and private schools of 'New York, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine,'- Ohio, Pennsylvania, ; Illinois, Indiana, &.c; &c, and arc pronounced by all, among, the most valuable scries ever issued from the Amer ican press: Grimshaw s History of England, ' Questions lo Do., , Key te - do., History of Rome,1 Y Questions to do., Key to do., " bound stitched stitched . - bound stitched l stitched i " History of the United Slates, bound " Questions to, do., stitched . " Key lo do., ; ' : History of Greece, ? Questions to do., . Key to do.t .. Iliistnrv rT Wjrn ctitched bound stitched stitched bound ' u - .' Keys & Questions lo do., stitched l . , History of Napolean, bound - . Tvv v. OilPtinna In 1n ctifelipfl GRIMSHAW'S LADIES AND. GENTLE. MAN'S LEXI CON, and Pa rlor Com pa n ion : coo : taininj- ncarlv everi 1 word in the English Ian-' gnage; nnd uliibitmg .Ihe plurals of nouns and ihe1 participles pf Verbflr being also particularly adapted to the use of .academics and schools. By 1 William GrimsHaV, " Esq., author of the above histories. , . . . . The editor of thi North American Review, speaking of- these Histories, observes, that 'A mong Ihe elementary books of American Histo ry; (we do not remember, to have seen any one more deserving approbation than Mr. Grimhaw's History of the United States. Il is a small vol. ume and a grcal deal of rmlter Is broiiJ!it into a narrow space but thu nnttior has succeeded so well. in ; the construction of his periods, and the arrangement of his materials, that perspicuity is ratcly sacrificed to. brevity. : - .: . The chain of narativc is skilfully preserved, and. the author's reflections are . frequently such as make the facts mole impressive, and lead the youthful mind to observe causes and consequen ces which might otherwise be.overlooked. As a school-book, it may be justly recommended. ; .. ; What has been said of this volume will apply generally to liis other historical Works. They are each nearly of : the same sua as the one just knoticed anddesigned for the same object, that is, .11V UfV I.IUMV3 111 EUUUUIB. 'All these books are1 accompanied with rcrv .full ' and well digested tables of questionjng for inc uquut pt pupils, and also with Key to the same for the tJoftvefiienCe of teachers. ' ; i Teachers geiierally,' who have e aroined'Mr. orimshaw's Histories or the United States and England, and improved editions of Goldsmith's Greece amd Rome, have riven thm xteeiHp.H preference to anytother Histories in use as school books, and any person wlo will examine them, will find about one thousand errors in each cor rected; and teachers ordering these wjprks, will do well to say; "Grimshaw's Improved Ed'u lions.' ' 1 ' " CONVERSATIONS ON NATURAL PHI. LOOPllY-in which'thc elements of that science are fatriitttArly explained. Illustrated with plates. By tlie author ot ConvflrsaUonj? qn Chemistry," &C. With coV8iderbIe additions; corrections and improvements ip the body of the work, ap propriate questions and a gloSsasy. By Dr. Thus P. Jones. - ' k " ' COxWERSATIONS ON CHEMISTRY in which the elements of that science are familiarly explained and illustrated br experiments a jfd' en. gravings Wood. From" Ufc. last London edi tum in which all the late diveries and im provements arc brought np to tTie present time, by br. .Tl.os-P.4on. . .; , ...Tlx; learned and distinguishd Professors Silli. man and BigeIowt speaking of these works, ob erve "Tly:y are satisfied lhat the. works contain the fundamental principle and truths of the sciences, expressed in a elear, tntelligtble, and interesting manner, and that the present editions lire decidedly more valuable than anv preceding nw, uign cnaraster of the author, as lecturert and a man of science, will, we doubt not, -secure for these works the good opinion of the public, and cause their extensive adoption among semmaries and students." Teachers in ordering would do well to say, "Jones' Improved Editions. SMILEY'S ARITHMETIC & KEY. Gngg, & 'Ehott'a new series of Comniwn School Readers. , Nos. 1.2. 3. and 4. Gngg &. Elliott's series of Common School ..v..uv.ib i vnc ui me mosi vaiuaoie a ijcsoreri publisbed. : Country Merchant' arc .ordering, T "1 ' "l Stationery Oi . J. .? .. Four ill St.v best manner, and at thehortesl notice. cierKt aiconnir fjottrtf, . .-t i Uad in use, andQ.-1 i; rchants or by buT and n? effort ji to call and examine our lare stocl, b;W ! t ; February 2a2S ljt ; them by the prwee for tho supply 0f tEe scLoi in their nefirht.jrhoods. . . , BlttLAND'S NATURAL HISTORY of I mU. Bird, FUhea, Reptiks and lnaeeU, 2 trated wtth nuwtroun and beautiful en inr uv wyun pigianu, auuior. o a "View of JL World,T jLetters on Universal Hmtorv r Complete itt I ol. 12mo. - . r Thiaworkfiptrrtiiirlarl) adapted for tit i, of Schools Wnd families, forminv the mmt written and complete work on the subject Natural Ilitorv ever oublwhd: 4 t.... of the ppeiiI attention of the Tcachefsf our icimuiwanii scaaemies. THE BEAUTIES OF HISTXXIY, for IS. ot laaviiief ano:scnooIs,wiU questions. R, t M..S(n:tch i 1 f ITie Publishers invite all the Teachers hnvft thn irate.mit nf :thitr mm.). - I . . amine thcuj valuable series of school Wk Uk-i introducing any others. Fcbruar 2o, ' . . ' jJS-Ty. X tihrseXbt. . . - Of Coffef, brown and crushed Sugar, fur sit, by , I RANKIN PULUA3L Atiffiist If ' Bpols & tationct HUNTINGTON & SAVAGE, PCBUSHElip, CoOKSKLLETRS dc $TATIO-Xli, . 116, ?mi STREET, SE? lORl, Have constantly for sale a very large uti vt selected slodk of School, CIasstll and Mweclli. ncohs Books, Blank Books and Stationery ty . which they would call the attention)! BvmhL' crs, Mcrcharits, and ofliers. ' I I: A. i?. are the publishers' of some of the bat and most saleable School : Books now- rnost ia thelJnited llutes, among which are, . - durritt's jGcoGRArnt ot tiic. IIeavenv tni XL ' las, the only- treatise on Astronomy new in ea, eral usei, ,! v.-. -Vry; (:; .. ' .. j ' Petee Parlit's Nc,w GxooRArnf for Beriuarn. Illustrated with IS maps and 150 beautiful ta. graymgs, anjj neatly bound with ' stiff coven.- This is decidedly ihe cheapest and best introdue. tory geography published in the country. ' Mas.' LixcjoLN'i BotAXT. ' This work feat te. ccnlly been improved by the aJditkm oft!)bt genera of Sduthern arid Western plants. : ,WiTB8TER'8 UMVERSITT "DlCTlONART. . Thiieflt t ion contain many tliousands more words uW Walker's large Dictionary, and very lew pcrtow require a larger work. ; Webster'i School Dictionaries. PocttriW SornocLEs' Greek Grammar, the Text Book f Yale, Harvard, and lhers of the besC-CoIVjti and Literary Institutions, of lhe U. S. : " . . Prof. Feltons' Greek Readu. Do. do. Zt. ercise. I .Goodrich's National Geography, I Schools in qiiar!o form.' with maps in the book. PHELPS; NAT. PHILOSOPHY, 12m. - j , Cliem ist ry , ; - do. I Nat. Philosophy for Beginners, I 1 , ,18rao.cMT Chemistry, " ,H,. 4 Rilany, -) do. V These elementary books are peculiarly pl ed to Commonchools.". ' II, Sl. S. have just published a series of Astra ncmical, Maps, embracing 16' numbers, eachmip 3 Jy 3J feet, licaulifully printed on a black grouni and neatly colored. Price per set, mounted rollers, with j&oth backs, witli case and book, $20 00J The same, on thick' paper, without clotk backs, 15 00. , No Academy or Common Schosl should be without a set of these maps. cThtj have been fuily. recommended by the best aitm omers. iu the country, as1 well as by the most sew enlifie; Teachers, and with them a iTeacher ton imparl a greater amount ot . iniormaiwo. his pupils iri six months, than he could possibly do; in -a yean by the old method, besides nukinf the study m-fire interesting to them August 26j 1847., , ' 364 U. WARE-UOUSE. -I AND : F.pC'TOIZ.lGE. TM. - t" ..l.i.-t I . L. -t I V.lhlB . . iiu;ouu9i.jiiiit;ii nave pun.iin.u ,iuim . L.Jrilnn, Esij. the Colton War eil louse in IJara. burg, recently occupied by Dr. J. F. Griffin, rd formerly by Ntcssi?. H. L. Jcffers &, Co., situated at theTcot ofilthe Hill, nd imraejtiftiely attha' head ot the nain business.strect. From its perior location,, and being surromvod by tresm of wate,rVrit : if comparatively exeit Trom tht ; casuality of fire'and entirely' above : the hijk ' TIipv nrortrwft to carrv on exclusively th ' WARE.HO USE AND ! GENERAL T, H -TO RAGE BJJSINESSi under the fina .4 qElGEC.jPARTLOWXj,:,Y-; ' .J Having1 engaged an experienced and .wipe tent assibtant, jin addition lo their own pew ; al attention, and, possessing mehs to make lb." eral advances jon Produce" consigned to v care, they here yy tender their services to PUbU crs, MerchantflJand others, in the Storage m Sale of Clton FJour Bacon, .and other n duce, Hi Receiving and Forwarding Mercbta.' disc, and purchasing good s io order. ;; ' ' , - , "Tlicir charges will be regulated by the nsoai rates of the place. . v 1 . JAS.Y.L.PARTLOW. , June 17, .1847 r:, 3oi torn. SADLEllY. Of every Description. ' A general stejek of women'aand mn's S4 dies at unparalleled low prices. Call aDd sea. i I ! RANKIN f PULLIAM. may 13,j ' " . j ; ' ;; 330 tf. . ; v ,; ' To 7tlf. Wtt Vt0c"'"" w . Ane suoscriDer oegi but? w "" 717 ji friends and customers, Ihatl i "titf at his Stand, in-the South end of 'Ashevnie, where n . , ," ... :.rn his ma r mr'i.ta frnrk inhf, I!m ! CieCUlefl I best manner, Axes repaired and new ones m?de at short notice ami at red uced,prices; Corn" Wheat taken m exchange for work. .J.-.: ' ' WILLIA MSON WARLICK. : Asbeville, Noyl A4 1847. 1 375:5i'' ATTOkSET AT hkVL- Will attend regularly me " Haywood, Buncombe, Yncj td McDowej 'All business entrusted to his care will be PomP. Iy attended to. I . Abbeville, N, C.AprU 9, T81T.. y f " vrcrr.vtn v v

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