..M. T y r I. . :i I - ' AKcf tire from - STr. jfSrawn- ' . AW. WUT t"0"T TOU T1KB A fifM, OWl ' Why don you Uke a-paper Brown? ' . I'm furc it w a shame, TJ t we tint the n-ws from tsrra r Before it' oU end tame! ( There's deacon Jous acrna theayt t Who get on erery wrtk, y , -And he cn beat you all'lliey say, y. - When ca"cJ coon'to speak., , ' ? n "The reason, 'rfc is pVm you know, ' fur when lie tet it through, ' - )t word I.ke m Ik oi honey fl.w, AnI fell he tJls i.new . , So he, is takro by the ItanJ, . -i ; .... y For what he can iat$t li , ' j - V7Lloun?tnJldarodnd bwn stand, V An 4 y the, deacon' smart! ? s Oli! t it not a sham, I say, To hug your purseso tight, . . Vka a mre bit of yellow c!uy, , f. Would eetthts matterr.ight? What good m fold, now ca'a yoa 'tell, , ' -T any of our ktndj v ' .vi Unless it kerpa the body well ' . 4 1 o And Lencu the minl? . 7 , Why don't yoa lake a taper, Brown?' , .' 1,'m sure tt in thame. That we cant get the new from town Before it's old and lame? 1 Now let quit thia simple way! , ' And take worthy start, .-. , ', And ere a year our friends will say, ' 'The Browns a rattling sin art I?' ' VotVIl all bo Icad, too. Notwithstanding the.variout merrrntoes of mortality with which wo oSilv meet notwithstanding death has established his empirrf over all the works f tiature, yVi through ume strange nnJ, unacieauniae-le iofaloaiiuni we forget that wc too sffoHorr) ' to die. , ' A rather musing illustration of -.tbts '. ' emn truth toccurr?d at one of 'thbank of ficc of a neij;htoring luwru A rrsprdta bleoolting old genifemtn, appnrenily up wards of i-ichjy Tenrs ifi fic, anJ whose ' garb and accent proclaimed him a Qerma-n , by parentaga tl least, entered th ufjicp, and after Cozing nrout.d the room for ome moments, eviiiently in sarch'or a familiar ' fCC,f rle'rigtli enquired . " VVherea Browar 'the gentleman wh wa tho cashier of' the ban-k some fifteen ycar ti-forc. Mr. Brown has been dead about ten , jers, was tin? reply. ; Well, wWre1s Junea?, ' 1 f 'Dead, .. - ' '., J" Vhce?iSlettarl?, Dad, tcs.i.7 . ' Um! AVvll", I. want thi money at the aamo time pro-iucinj; a dreek which was promptly cashed, ' - ' ' ' : l?iw loir? is it 'since you wefe 1iere last, Mr, Schwartz?' inqufrtd . the cashrer .'Writ, it lus been smrta fifteeif year; and so Drown, nni Jones, nnJ Stewarl.are ' all dea l; 'eh? c Dn3 itranje! (jfood byo. When I comej again, I s'ptjso you'Jt tilt ' be dfiaJtoo'.V i v- ' V - ' " Uiteral iiainos, - ; . ' A few 'noJiicea in regard -ti thel lifa of 4his gallant 'olfict-r may not bo flninierctt. trig to our reaIer at tho present time. Edrnoitd iNjtVdletoin tiihs was born on the 'SOthf March, 177, "in Culpepper crnnty, "Virginia; Ins tatner commanded a com", pany of volunteers in the lattwr part of the rcvylutFiwar) , wur, and wis. afterwards a rpember of the North C'irolina logishture, and subsequently of hc state convention, to which the federal constitution was sub mitted. Mr. Gouies .moved to tho easier u part of Tetjnrssre about the . timO.his sou Kdrhond att'jined' ui ijurteenth year'.- Here, whilo a ebtMrdft-s boy, tW i'un hero 8iudit jff' lb L a rl w n r u 11 b' m; f ' ' and this in. the tnumthaio vicinity of tjtf: Creeks nnd.Chfokees, yith ,whnm,we r were then nt war. His- superior: SKtU iu " the use of j;s. border weapon of niiack Dnd ' defencft whs c neraHy uckuow lodged,- and to tht9 ho tyy pecjiiips. 'consider' buiiirdf jnd. btedlbr InsTii'st Jimmitn, th.il of 'lieutenant in Cnpnin Clouds voSutiU-er 'company ot iffi men. ;y Oi the KJUi ofjanu-iry, 1793,v hfe was ' appu'intt'd aitf inifiU .m tho arm) ; yi the following fall he. ac" promoted to a se cond lieutt niincvi Trt the'Mirafwr of 1801 CXT Butter was' i"tniju d hy, Presidait Jefreranr, to select 11k kiu dt-rn oK his re v iment fr nykitig n iffpgMphtcal sur V ve'y from Nt4h vVte . to -Xatchi z, for - the ; location tf; a ; rou I. lie lipfViimed: Lrt.U- enaut Camel. For the satifaclory rrtan. her in whu:n h discharged the arduous duiits of his- s'ltthm, "bo received from President Jettcibuii in 1802t the appoint- V ment of first -lu utenant. In '1804 while the Spanish tfoops werjr .iri jxidseisioq '.of i Mobile and Baton Huuge, he was oppohited military- coiLtinf of that territory; and in 18UQ,'was en'tiuud,.in addition, with 'dudes of poitni.isic'r,aiid tspeciil agent of the t'osfniastejrjtre'nernl, and clothed witir the nuthuci'ty to susptfiiJ, certain pustnias ' tcrsand mail eorWarAors whose df hnquen- V qics were altribuib!j- to the influence of ' persons engagffJ "iti tlic tyurr "war. lu obedienceUo die proclamation of die Pies- idenl' ho arrested Col. Burf,- wh-nj.ur- nejin through the eounVry , and sent hirrvj' ' . under the Cire of M-f. Perkins, to, RicKjf ..-.-.mohd Va., (ot JrjaL , ', . . , ' ' . I - . Mks. ' Partington --"The summer is no time to irv ihc strength of r.fK cion, ... said Mrs. Partington, though it is pretty well to sin'" love sorsgs-beneath. a window, : atwidni:hrin ia rain sirm, or sund lib: ,liRg and cooing on tbco ,door lt p till Jwo o'clock in the morning. The winter scav son is 'ho timel ' Many 's the time my poor Paul has rid five mi'es. to seO me thi colt, est weather, qbd. ofien the dear tre-.tj-e has been found in the moving fast r.5 s p in the middle of the-: cow yard, -with '. o . saddle onbis. shoulders from fati.n; : v- i.h . cour'tin'g mc olnd ridipg a,, bard uu; burse. There kcas devotion. 1 never se a covr wuhi'Vit .tiunking id poor Palll;s, and savins 'wliivh, the old' lady hobbled S ia bed. Boston .Post. - CreamCracKcr.' - One pint c; Vn, and"six eggs--beat- ih wnite to frato; if the, cremn is sour, . ' .nP,nnfui olsaraius must be used; the dough TeryElitT, aud pounJ it halfaap . Dvntti of J2r. .tlr,i::i. t The end of this great bcJ f i t .-n s- pu!ar!y apcorded with, bis uf'. . He died like Chatham, at .: p: a thfrkg s. Utive h-I!cf LU country , U io tdvaoced age of f ihty ' vears. OaMondar, the 21st of Februanr. 1913, Mr. Adnm was In bs seat, as usual, in the lloa.ot Rep" resentatiTc., at Vahiogton. -About hatf- pi'st one ocl'Kkl he" ftl under a'stroke of paralysis, nia scene of excilement thai followed, we will give in the language of tb editor of the N tiooil intelligencer, Every ne , will. perusa the account wth dee'p interest-: , ' Ju?t after the vea and nays- xrere- ta. ken on a question i ana the Speaker bid rise n to put another cj.ucst.itfn to the floue, a sudden cry was hear on the-Jcfl f the chair Mr. Adams U dyfng!V Turning our eyes t llie spo!, wc beheld the venera hie. man to the act of. falling over :ae left ,arm of hi chair, while bis right arrh .was extended, grasping bis desk for spp rt. ,He would (havc dropped upon the fl-jor had ,h 1 not been cauuht in the arms or trie member sluing next him. A great sensa liort was created in the,. House-i members from all q'ifariers rushing from their stats bnd gathering Tound the i fallen statesman who was -immediately hfteq mto the a-a in front tf the ClurU's table. , The Speaker instantly ' uggfsted that some gent teman move an adjournment , which being prompt ly done, the House adjourned. -'. . ; ; 'A "A sof;i was brought, arid Mr. Adams, in a state of perfect helplessness, though not of entire in-jensibdiiy, wns gm-fy Ttid ' rr-w r i J upon u. i4ie sota wistnen taneq up auj borne -om of trro Hillni-thir3l'iuda, where it was set down, and the members of bOih ..'Houses and strangers, whowere fast 'crowding around, were. withsome dimculty represpd,. and an op.t-n spffc cleared in its' . immediate vteinity: but medical gentleman, member'of the flouse (who was promnt. active and ae'f-possess ed throtisliout" the whoio painful scene,) advised that -he be removed to fhe rjoor of the ' R()unda optmtng oni the . eas portico, where a fresh wind was blowing.' "This was d me; bui the air being ctutly 1 and hiaded .with va'nor. ihe sufa was, at' the sbggestion of Mr, -Wtnjhrop. onqe more .tjKe'n up and . removed Jo th. speaker's apartment, ihe doors of which were torth with .cloied to' all but professional gentle- men, several oi wr.om arrivea in succes sion 'as the .news spread in the, city. ' "While )y ing in this apartment, . IVt r Adams partially , recovered the use of his speech, and .observed; m faltering accents "This is the end of earth; but-quickly ad drl'I dm compfed. Meiribers had7 by this lime reached Mrs. As abode'with the, melancholy intelligence, and,' soon after Mrs. Adams and her. nephew and n eie arrived,' and .matle their , way to the np pilling scene, v vfllr 'A". ns deeply aflect or . and for some moments quite prostrated by .the sight of lcr, husband, now, insensi ble, the patloT of, death upon his counte nance, -and thofse sad premonilories fast making their appearance, which fall 'wjth such n chill upon the heart. r ''In the flatl, meanwhile, . a glorfmy pause occurred in the' usual hum'pl voices thit hds it: borne memners- sat in mute suspense? others stood in' groups, and mad r?r an&wend Inquiries as to the rifiusQ'and tbo, prnbabtc 'issuo of the buackj 6ihers hastened toward the Speaker's roam; to got the latesr intelligence m the sultercr i condition: white1 man y ; were bij-iily '. en gugfd, in w'rititJg tq their friends at homy th olarrnhig ncivs, A remark' very fre qtiemly hcird .was, WeM, this is just what Mr.1 Adams could havo wished; it is an appropriate ending of his public career; he fflk, like .a second Chatham, in the benate V'Mr. Adams, though for somo months very, feeble," waswhen lie entered tho hall in tfet 'morning1, in .his usual health, and h.uL hut a fev' minutes before deliv&red his1 vote i1; on n motion before tbtt House in an onusually'distinct and emphatic man ne'. Th attack was believed, at- first o hate been a finting fit, but this idea soon jj'ave olace to the appalling conviction that it &asa recurrence of piralysis which has .twice before adt-cted Mr. . Adams,' though in a milder dcirce."- '; , ; No attempt was made to remove him fiom the .Speaker's chamber, where ho lingered until (.Jntsdav ev-enms, atw ex pirtd tror.q'iiily a little after seven oV. From the time of his attack until the last sands' fell from lifes hoUr-glaba', he -re- mniiKid, to nil appearance, iinseniible and unro-nscious.: " ! ') 'in July last, Mr Adams1 attained his eightieth year. i - f "'Hiushs f.llen a man, o v.-hoe intega rityi firr.r?--? end fearless' adv cacy of good and tri-o pricip'es in political econo my, his country is indebted beyond esti- mtfpn. To fovv men wtili be giveft 'as brilliant a. pr3 in bfsiory as th"l. which recoros t: i.fv' oi jou vti.ui niA.us.. FCoal iu AIa!v.u:ia ami ?"2i-islsippl. V, The Mobile Ikruld anJ tTnbuce bun- taint ap imercsiinjj letter from Surnpter catinty f jtvin an account ot extrnsive cai -btMs in cct.tral Alabama amf Misbisiippi( 4p'ne 'i ttl.io1! 1.3 been! on firo and com it- : j'; Lrt.'r'x three years. ' At one point i' : rus 1 1 rouni hive fallen in, 'by tie cjM--f; uoa of the coal bt low tho sirfere. This immensq waste of -a valua hie fel is ir.uchto be-regretted. Al strikes us t!.'-t l!. - C"ir.b'jstiWe enn be extinguish edl ci.l.cr by digging down and cutting off th.r ttrausf bMwcpn the main bed and the T.rv, or ly . cllccruajly shutting out the air. and Uio prcvcntinw al. i c4 oxygen gas to the beef; if no vital ir t?. prescot, the coal cannot be con- ' posits of coal in the regions named ,o J 1) be 250 ;miles in lengjh,.anj, to .tel. ti nterae breadth of. from' 12 to' 15 iV. . The lime ia close alt hand .when 1 r-iss of available fuel, wi'l be used for r vr, '.ifac'iuring- rlurposea, for driving loco ivf s and steamers, as well tie for varro. ; : J in f"?, cooking food in ciwesand s, and for all other purposes where fcru.::M ncai w nceucu. j f - 7 I :rmin citizens of Asheri!! and surToiinJiOjr, cotintry, that they are pre parrd to get ep every vanct j of articles of etotfnn m V. c neat-;tL fj-ioiae ana mot tlurab'e fSs. Thoso Ctvoiin t:s wU!i their patroae,eiayTc!j ttsUi cerafity voa earnest endeavors to render MtiMciKn- ' WOOD t WILSON, JVIarch l 6.713.-5331 " ' , , Circat Tciupcrancjc .Work, 'The Ilistorr of tko Ilottlc. Ti.;. i-.l. T,mM with. 8 lr m.h!i,hfd in ih Hew York Or an. is nam ready. It i Uie most powerfuJJy drawn picture of intemperance evtr p'lhitshcd. A copy shoald be plJccd in (he haiiJ of every rnoderle iirink er. It U a bcaiNifuItjr prmled painp!ik-t of 3 largocUo pages, on fine .paper, r IVtcc ghe copy lyj ccBi4, ten copies one uunureu c Orders t iroujh the Iostt office, port paidwjill receive prornjn aiiennoa. .cws agents, peaiars VcM Wi.J tii,J a ready sale tor hts work. Ad dress'' ' ..' OLIVER & BROTHER, N. YCity. march, 16, 333 2t, Ptiptrs H vmr tins advertisement, entire, two contpicuout iniTionr, will he ent.tled to twrtve copies of the History. of tho iiottlo, to be - lar- warded to lei1 order. . ' ' I - RANKIN & PULLUM tlarea heairv ttn:k of niatlRcts, flan nels, Sill?VS nd Winter jotli generally, winch they ar sellthg at reduced prices, espcci al ft Ovcrcoafp, Yvi-f and Pantaloons. , , At.hev4!e Pee. 2, Ic47. tf ' sjrvjv cottojYi From the w'st -Factories in South Carohoa for sale, whoiCbalc, and retail. . - . 1LNKL & PCLLIAM. Feb.17. ' - ' - . SUPERFINE FtOUR From CoL Lnwrev's mill, and best Tennessee br.inds, by the 'barrel- and half barrcL . Constant v on hand.- , ' - '"-.''.. nXNKlX Sf PULLIAM. - Liverpool and Virginia ' SALT. , " .. Just receiving a largo .quantity, which, they, will sell very low. FATTOX SUMMEY January 120. tf WANTED, . . Waggons to haul Salt from tlic Virginia Salt Works. The roads are fine, aoid price liberal.--. Apn'ysoon. ' ., RANKING PULLUM. Oct. 7, 1847. - 371 tf. TIC IS. r; Tlie subscriber .have ihA day r formed a 'Co partnership, under the firm of PATTON SUAiMEY, . for Ihe-pa-fposeof; inercliandizma in ' r the town of AshcviH. :. llioy will keep a full and .complete assortment, ; comprising" t'very variety "usihilly wanted, and rcsp'wLfuUy ask .a 'call from to the examination of their stock, arid hope from their strict attention and acconimnJdtmg tereis' to merit a com! nuance, of the hberJl. patronage heretofore extended to the lute finrr - J; ' ' J AS. W. PATTON, i" - ALBERT T.SjUMMEV. January 1, iei3.-r.tr . , - ' t. jr There was comtnitted to the Jaj-1 of Bun combe County, on the l,)th uf Jariiutry- last, a negro jnan, who says ims nuWc-, is .. S: A.M.: V Sail! Nrg'ro is" aboMt21 ycar& old; ahonl 5 foet 6 or 7 inches highi of a d.ark'bro,. i clu.', t r5(i-ht and well m ule, and h,ti the evidence on li is hack that he has been severely whipped. . He says he is a tree mat ho.igh he h' no free paper! --and that Robert Miller; m Cleuvoland County, N..C, raicd lorn. t . , . The owner, (i?hc is a sla'vc, will eomc forward and prove his. projM. rly and pay thy fee, i.or he lit be dealt wilhas the law directs .. . . . j.vMEs ltjn'k:, ; " - i ' " Jtjuar. . Feb. 3, IrflS, ' ' " ' 3-tf.V : ' Lowcry iijJcfiiiic Ilor. ! A few .'Barrels jusf- -Tccciv.ed-frek'i from, the Mill, for Safe at '.... . " PATTOX 4 SUMttA'S. FcbTlO, 1343.'.' " , 3S(J if: ; . -Snpir, Cotnc & Tea. '100 Bags, prim - Rio ' CoiUo'f 3!0U lir,. Suar; 'just received and for pale verylovvat '..' - . . t ' ' HAN KIN &. riJLLlAM'S. . Oc.7, 147. " - . 371 tf. We have received several haqs ff h very chriec article. Also, sc. "-al b.irrcl of good Sugtr, to be Sold at a very Small udvanee. k . . l:TTON A.&UMMCy. Jan. 20 tf r . - ' ' KERSEYS, TWEEDS,: LIXSEYS, AXD : Flannels of ever v variety, juVt received at - RANKING rULLI.M'S. Oct. 7, 1S47. " .. 321 tf. . f A large. supply of Virginia and Liverpool-, trait, just tec ei ved RAX K IX PULLIAM.' Dec. 2, 184 7. A Tiar?c liCt Of Cotfec, br.o n and cruhe-d, Saa.r, for sale by f RAXKIX J- PCLLIAM. August u. ; tf '4:- X-EWTO.;COfiK.lLViV:i :M ATT.O RJE Y A.T LAW.' ,WiH attend regularly the Court.-? of Micoif, I Liy wood, Buncdtnbii, ..Yanc w a red ,-3lc Dow elk All business entrusted to h is "ca re will be prompl.,. ly attended to. ' i Ashevill-, N. C. Ajril a, 1 317'. 3 Li ly t Wanted , : - The FubhfribTwihtOo c;itpby a JSartdlcr" and IIaruc aker. a" sober,- hkIii trlous man, who is a gtxrd wrkm iT, t can find a comfortablt situation hy'pp!) ing.to 'me immedi ately. , 1 . - . R. CLAYTON., IndersonviHc, $ept.-lo; !Si7 tf 363 . .. SALT, SALT. . I am manufacturing a large quant. ty of thk purest Salt equal -rn quality to ariy m the world, which I am selling now at - s - - ' SiO.Cciits Ycv pnhel, . .. at the Wort. '.-".Tlie cit2trns-of ; Western' North Carolina will find it upon . trial, - the rr mterosttb adopt itsrtgenerni uf. ' ' - Messrs. Rankin 4- Pnllan, of , Ath'rciUin are mv authorized agnnts f.r si U ng older for" the! South WestcVo counties of Nona Carolina, vho ! will themselves keep a constant .supply iorsahvi i THOMAS L PRESTON. Saltworks. Va., Jarr 13, ISl' 3S5lf HATS CJAP-S Si llOHS & MOOTS. , A large-qulrxtity, 'very variety, and at very low prices, just receivrf-jj at ' . PULLIAM'S. Oct. 7, IS47; 5:i-tf.'. STATE OF'SORT. Henderson. C 1 - In Equity Fall Tti Bill for tale and font- - -M.K: " vs. Lesley Hawkins, .Thr?.I ' ' h G.KjdHi.i, A J. L. Motor, J. Cites. John It.appearto t j . ' n l t!.t J. J. Hates, on of the defendants n t! s ci U a noit-residnt of this State, and 1 t v, "vui ihe jaiwdiclion oi this Court; it is t' ' ; t .,o red tlat pablicatbn bo made m'tho i. , i Jiv:ff. newspaper printed in the town of AsHcvi't?. ,3t wreKS, J.J ITitfS penin to oo Vand bcfjrc t! vTif-xt .u,.ot tjuity xq te hdfor thecr.o-tr oT Uinm-? at tne v-oon Hoone in IlendLTVv,:',-, on th3 Ht mon.day af ter thc4th mondav in J!.'irc!i rxt, and plead, an- u.-t np demur to tho coK!tatnaots bill of coro- bUInt, or the tame will bo taken pro confess. ii nd set for hears r:t esuarte as to hi to. Witness; Wra. Bryson, Clerk and -Vaster in E-ialty for Henderson county, at oc in Ilcnr dtrsonTiIie, -Uu day ol January, Jc.4a..- . - W. CJiVSOXr C. X. K. . Jan. 13. Ct rrintcr'tt fc $U, .Zi::CIIA?T TAILOR, First dwelling south of Fetlan - Summey'r I have and will keep a neat lot uf cl6lhs, cat- isinercs, vestings and trimmings, heap as can be eold tn this uparket. Onie a year 1 sbail vis it the North, to secure whatever; is new, and failoonable, to interest my ' exist-nners and secure patronage. iScat and fashionable work, with promptness In business, sh&a ba our motto. I. Mc DUNN Iareh 2, 1843. tf - t ' ' , ' : State of .Yor Hi Carolina BURKE COUXTY. - ' Superior Court f Law, Fall Term, .1849 ( Joshua r iiicrtcr and wjic lnzibetn, ' - vs. ' . 5 GeoTjrcW. B. Wee, Ktecutor of George flise deceased, Elizabeth Hi??, widow and rtlicttof ; paid deceased,' Jacob litsc,: John i?tarns ana ' wifi Mary, Emaniu-l Iioso. and w.ifc Margaret John Linc-bac land' Wife tsirah, being deceased lt-aving heirs whose names are not known; Ordered bv the Court that pnblicat-ion bo made for six successive weeks in tho Hiblaiiu .Mcsscn ger, nolifving the non-resident named in com pl&inants petition, to the. inle'nt that said non-re Hidchts be and appear at the next Superior Court for said county, Ht the Court' lloiise in Morgan ton., on thc4ih Monday aflir the 4th Monday m March, 1 1? 13, to sec proceedings then and there to be had, touch in"-,, the probate in solemn form oi me i.ifi wm ana les-uincm or ucurw iiisc- t-r., deenscu. " Test, - W. S. TARiO C S. C, March 2, ie"48 Gt Printer's fee ' STA1E OF NORTJl CAROLINA , "Henderson Count u. Sunci ior Court of Law1, Fall Term, A. D-r.1817 Leali Henry, ) . - .. , VS. 1 Tclition for Divorpc. Albert (1. ilerry. S . " .' It appearing to tlw -satisfaelicn of . the iurt that AtJ. crt t. Henry the defendant in thw case, is not a-r. resident of thw State: r It iy therefore ordered tlwt .publieaTion-be made in -the. Highland Mebengcr, for mx weeks, jiotilymj ttie said Al bcrt G. Henry, that on the first day oL.pril at the awrrmj liouc oi- nugti jonnson in he County of Henderson, and; State of North Carolina, the .riaintin, oy. ner: Attorney, .wwt pro iceed to takcthcttstimnv1 of Wilharn Anderson and others, to be read in her behalf in sid."uit now pendm? in the Superior Court of - Law for Tlnftderson-: County. In itcstiraonv whereof, :1 have hereunto !ft my hand, at office, irflcntkir eonville, the 2l!i of Janjary A- loi": ' J, C. GULLICK Clk. Fcb3.1813. -3i3-Cw.- Pr? fee 6. ' STATE OF TiORTll CAROLINA Iiulherford County; ,' , , - Iu Equity. - .' ' Charles .VcDiwill & ' "1 Win: F. .VcKibson, . Vs f Injunction. A. Il-'Sunms fend others. J ' ,.," ' i It fljipcaring to the satisfaction of tbp- ;CoMrt that- part-of the dofennaals iu'th.s case to wit Janirfsf-Simms', Hllham Simtns; John T. Price nnd wife Jane; lieorgc Clonenneo and wife. EIi7,;- ' ab-th, Litikton O-boni and wife, Rarliel, Al.'en Melton and wife Na'icy,' und Thnm is Jt fforpoji are norx rt-idi nts of th s Sate,, publication ,is or, dcfc-il to hi m )ie fjrM'x weeks iiThe Highland Lspnger, notifying aid ci.ifendants to appear Kit'tlie Hexf term yf this. Curt: to lie heM for the c-onntyoF Rutlierford, at thet'ourt -irmse'in Ruth erfiirdton. on the vth Monday after, the 4ih Mon-' .'dy: iq Marcji next, and plead answer or .' demur .to plaint irl;,s b.', or judgment will, be taken pro.' eo'ifesvi.as to them. . ' . Wrtne-i, L." B. Bryan, Clerk &. .Master of paid Court of Hquitv, atolhVc, the 7th dry of Februa ry, A.' V., I 4S. - " L. B DRYW, c. m. e.' ."v.":IIitflrcf-fordtonf February, 17,- f 2 3, Priiktcr! Lc ,5,6. - ' 3D'J tG. ' . STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA: ' , . IIe Doicf County. tIn li.jutty Fall Tirm, IS 17. Original and amended bill to sell. Heal Estate. - 4. hotnas V. Wilson, W. Arehibald Graham, the heir? of - Edward Gni-' ham, tlie heirs.of.J.. F. Cara(hcr,vand'. Jamus IK J'!iisb,-a:id Slrhen K, Snced, or the hera at law- of taid John-Hvm and Snced, - It appearing up.n the aGdnvit of the romplain nrl in this chihn fik'l according to tl.Cjactof As-S!"mb!y in siieh' cac made and provided: that all of the. said i:fendunls 'are- rruients without the Iftnits of tfits : .-Stale;; .--publication for sm puc 0rre weeks is hereby Jflide, notifying ail and t eryorre of fjiid Tdtfendai.t-. to Ve jind ap- ar be. fore ihe Honofabl Ju'l"i of the Court of Eqmtyt t be held .for slid county, at thes Court house in tin.";. town 'of M vrioiij on. the 6th Mondaj --after, the 4lh .Monday m .March next, then and there -to: ph.'d answer 0t demur to .said b'id, or tiie eaTne w i!l bchefird exparte, and. the decree rendered aceordiitgly. ' ' Witne-s J. C. Whitson"; Clerk and Mister of fiid Court at o,1ie.-. Hjp Gth after the 4th Moudd mSiptembtr, A. I)., It IS. - . . t" ' J. C. WIIlTsON, c. m. e. - Teb. 17,ld4S. IVs. cali. 300 tG. DRS. LESTER k IHLLIARD, -fcM Havrng this'-day formed acopart. fV ncr-'l"rN r th-" Professional strvi fcj ' ccs to the c.tizcns of this, and the ad-hsii-i joining counties. They can always found, at the Drif? Store, unl ehs nro f-Ksn inn ! 1 v ajtscnt ' T.jC. LESTLU, . W. L.HILL1A.RD. All persons indebted taT. C.,LcFter, re ear nestly ,rrqutted to call and settle'humediatelv. Feb. 17, 154.-' 1 330-;6t. . Scl'iooi and Classical Books and Stationery, a large Ftock' P'fl!rr! at small profiis. PULL I am:, RiXKIX. tf 5 Dec 21817. WANTED AT Patton & SuHjmcv's, ; i In ccliangc for Goods, Country Janes and Lm Vpy. Flaxseed, Wool, Feathers, Benax anI' 7v'7tvfor which fVie hirhe.t market priee w ill b gwen. Also, Cotton and Limn Rnpi bQurrhtr for w hVh Goods will be cxchanj:ed. , ' " -j'trf. 27. . - . KOIICE TO BANK DEALERS Xa2TTOV, Lilian 'islcnt laCfffrjE; Xct for Eix. aat and EcncTral r.t l&i AshcriUe Branr h cf the Bank of Caps .Fear, .and . : tharfc the Customary Fct"' -for his scnicti. . AsbeTille, April! 13, 47..- . 34Gly. n Tood .& Wilson, g TAILORS., One DoorKorth TVest of ; , J. M. SMITH'S HMEi; . u M 34 5t -ft AsnEvtu.E,'N.C. -Feb. 10. tf. 5 i Books atitT Stationery. ? xv h unit tcill constantly keep , on hand, a ffenial assortment of School llook comprising neurty every vanciy ruseu in i-vuhiknh v the higher Schools, . Alo. Steel Pens, Letter &. Foolscap Paper, fiom 'W- cents, up to the fi nest quality. Altfionaes, $c.t all of. winch arc offered at Bhort profits at ' PATTOJS SUM Mb w Jan. 27, 1843 , ' ,337-tf. g DAYID STRAULEY, . g , " HOUSE PAINTER, U It 'Offers his -services to tho citizens of Bn'ru H & combo an.d the adjoining t'oanties. His R li work shall be well done, and: his charges R 1 lower than those of any other Paioter in 1 f the State'. . IX n Asheville, Feb 24, lJSlS-331-7t. , . It ww w w w w w vf ," Tf x t vc .i 3Ws iS V 'Wt- X fi" ' Jmportanhrrom llcxitp. WOOL CAKDlXGv MACUIX KS can be purchased at. our shop. 11-2 miles - est ol (Schools m ou-irto form, w nh imps mll boot i !..' ,or nn hv hoin made andJ I'll III. I'S" V IV fill I Mv-rtnTiT- , , nuiiu.m,iT.m.v -v- .lf tvMihan ihe-lat thirty years, and where a supply is now "on hand. inc machines made and sold at this Shop, have been in use. upward" of 30 years,-are' still good,- an.d mating good roles, k " " . ' i 3 . We 'will not here, vanntinly loast of the "quaUty or workmanship, but will icarrqnt our ni-achipes to'bc good, and v. ill do good work if properly attended. -For durability nd good rolls, they cannot be excelled. Vewill sell very low for cash, and, also, upon-liberal credit. - The cards' will ; be oif the best', quality.. The un. dcrf igncd will set up the machine when sold, put them into operation, and see that ,. they taialte, good rolls and give. ihe- nccesay irts' ruction to lieep them in pood order. letters addressed to the uoderMgnvd, at' Aeiiov, Va. W'iU be proaiplly attemled t-.. , ' .ABRAM ZIMMERMAN VtSOT. , ,;Rbruary J2,'iei3-GE. - . , . " 'Will una nare any claims for 'applicants for thp . Bount Loids dne to Soldiers, who, have served in the; warajjatiMit .Mexico. And m nis absence from AshcvVlIci William William will represent him in the bubiues. ' - Feb. 17, ' 'V ' 300 tf. - A general assortment, very RAXK1S .January 2Sr 1847. lew, just receiver." d PULLIAM, - 33T-tf. 'Constantly on Hand At ration &, Sumtncy's the very bet quality of Upper, Sole and Harness Leather Calf.and Deer Skins.. -Atso, .ih ag"oit Harness. All of which will be sold on the most . reasqnable terms.. Jan.-20 tf- Cioodsat tho . liOve'.t .Kate4, exchanged for' fcan 1 Cotton and Linen .-".Rags, Wool, Feathers, .-TalTnw! Beef li.des, Flax, seed. j and other' nrtioleg of country produce, ! usually ( K..n,rKf in ill, .r-.." : . -. . JIANK1N PULLIAM. ; SOUTULILTi IIAU.YIOXV. New cdiUon," jut received, and for sile at ' JRANKIN PULLIAM'S. Dec. 30, tf a rtw. WHITE POTATOES can be had bv upplvi" soon to M. W, ALEVNI)i:il," " , ' ' ' - Eagle Hotel. :bdrch2t'I3l3 tf . VJ2I SIZIy& GOODS, oow.'C'-nrjIng to hand, and constarrtly Ix'ing open rd, . embracing. every. article known to he wanted by the country. lWc are Utrrnined to' oiler our goods at prices that wi-atrsfy cuUimers, RAXKIX $ PULLIAM. march, 0. atton'tfc.-Summcy keep constantly on hand a large quantity of Tin Ware, which thciy are pre pared Jo sell, either ot wholesale or retail, nt ns low rates es it can be bought m Western North 1 aroina,.manii!etured irt the best mnncr bv- lIora l.-iidfy, who i also prepared lo'do any p.,,,v ,., wyrii(guiii-ring, COVCnilg liolisCS, .C. 'Jan, 20 tf,- . ' f The eubsctibers ..have on, hands a -large Hock of Gofds, embracing ' ' '. . 0 .- .' Bhtnkcts, ' ',.'-' ' Kcrey, ' ' y .1 -. -' - 1 lanneN,. ' . Tccd , ... i ' s '- Oyercoats, " . -, :' Vests - , : . Fanli, A-c, 1 winch, a? th,e peason is advanced, will be sold at reduced prices. . . ; k 1 t ' . RAXKIX $ PULLIAM.- WOOI CARaJING Machines. ..l.Thc. Subscriber takes this jnetbod to 'bring te--fore the pubhe, tJic snrxior article of . ' Wool Carding, .HaclYinc, , Iwth single and doubly w hich ly? ia now putting up, and rcspcctrullv jnvitrss aH vhc .wish IrvpurT ehde a good article of.th'w kifld, to call and-e.x-anunc hi manufacture bef ores pu'rc7jasi ng elsewhere.- He can give the roost: satisfactory refer, ehces as to the qualfty of the material tmploycd. and the supeVior-ty of hd workman-hip on his mch nes oger any made in the Country. 1J.n all capcs.w here the subscriber sr Us a machine, he puts if into operation and makes it pei&rm first rate work before leavjngJt. - ' - Address - . THEO-S P. CLAPP, : ' - , Abingdon.1 Va. March lS48.-Ct; I Leather! Leather!! AUpper and Sole Leather, Harnds and STtirting- tiargcjiotjusi received, at ytrv low prices at -i RANKI.V aTtCLLIAuS. Oct. 7, 1817 ' ; . 371--tf. ;W .Flax Seed HI. Just received and" for sale, either ? by the barrel or gallon. Apply to " ' - RANKIN i PULLIAM. '. rna-v27f 1847. 352 tf. - The opartnership herctofors ftistiog andcr th firm of ration & 0born, is thi dy dj. ved by motual consent. Either of the under" signed ia authorised to settle the affairs ,f u late firm. ' - - ' , . . V JAS. W.PATTOX. - . ff' i.TL OSBOR.N. -January 1, 1SH tf . Saddles & Saddlery GoodT. Our slock of men's and lady's Saddles is Cry' extensive and chcape'than rverr- - ' KAMvlX ii. PULLIAM, oct.7.is47. ;r Books & Stationery, HUNTINGTON & 5AVAGK, rcBLisuiyis, Booksellers & Statio.nerj .f 16, TE1RL STREET, SpF:WSIt !' Have constantly Cor' sale a. very lar?e and r (wmus . jjiiiu joum ana clationerr t' which they would, tall the attention of BooW w crs. Merchants, and others. ' ' . T1..aU !--1. i ''-. . ii. ol. o.are iiie puonpnersof some ofthebwt and mot saleable Reboot Bks now in om be the United States, among which arc Ct'Riurr's Gkocraput of thk Heatevs, snil At' las, tlie only treatise on Astronomy now in s eral use. . - . rrrER Parlev's New GEoosrfrr for BeeinncJr Illustrated with 18.rodps and 150 beautiful . -gravings, and neatly bound with st.fl cove This is decidedly the cheapest and b?t iritrojie ' torv geography published in tb.; country. M as. Lincoln's " Botanv. Tins work hai re. ccntly been improved by the aiditiun of all tht genera of Southern aid VsuTr plants: t Webster's UxivpRsnv.-lict.vv. Th'n er tmn contains maniuthousands niW wordi than Walker's large D.ciary, und very few rfoiis" require i larger w oik. . i r . Wtcsn:Rs Sciiooi, Diction tarp. P,-j. l ale. Harvard, and others ot itic bett '..'.... and Literary Institution of tftc'U, S. - V PR0K.VxtoS ;SKKE ReiPKR. Do. do. Elv r.ni ion. . . viuiunn,us 1iH I IU 41 I ictt-m . .... -j .....v.jui i , a m. Chcmitlrv, do. Nat. Phd Kvip'jy for Bt'jlrinrra, ' Is mo- ckilh. C hemistry; . Botanv : - u . j TllTPO. "so. leint-ntary UTWiks vc nrriiTiartv cd to Common Sr hooN. " . j H. A. S. l,lveju-t pi:t.liln'il rr; oU,' nomie il Maps, ernhraeij I G nun,!), rV, eseli ,,n 3 by 3 J fei t. beautifully printed on a black jrmund and neatly obred. . Px.Vc ikt hirt, inoiinle, on rollers, Willi -cloth bucks,-; Willi ras: and book,' ; : .550 00. The same, on thick p:!r, without cloUf '" backs, 15 00. No Aeademy or Coihhion Sehl -should be wi-llpjut, a s;j of i1h4sc in;'iji. They ' have been ful fy recoiumendcd by the liept alron-' orners in the rountrr, as well as bv the mot set cnlific Tranhef", and w,th tlie'm a' Teacher raa '', impart 9. j;rea(r amount of jukrniaiion to his pup.ls in s:x mon Dili, ban Iicr'ould poibly do m a ye.ir by t lie ijld 'method, Asides making thetstudy more mforestipg-to thcrt ' - August 26, 147. . aCl tf. ' CHEAT ES'T IN THE WORLD!! ' Steam Jiefinefl' Suar Candies 12 1.2 -Centf yer pounl Wholesale. J J. R1CUAIWSOX,Xok -12 Market Street; Philadelphia, takc yjiluiAsiirc- iu informing tlir pubhe, that he still. conttnut'S to' pelt- his very' ' Superior Steam Ri fined, Candy at lbs low pricw of 12.50 per 100 pound, and the . quality is e ' qii.i1 to any inaniifdctun d in the United Slttre. He also offers.. all .-kinds of goods in the Cvn- . -Jeclionary and Friul line at correcponding low" ' prices, as quick sales -and small irohls ars the -t .-. orderof the day.- ' . - - - ; Call or", send your orders, and you ca'anot fil . to. be - satisfied. Don't, forget the number, 42 Market Street, PhKaJel.h.a. ', - J. J. RICHARDSON.' mircli, J54"5.- s JJJ , IIiptic Nrin?s9 - Carriage trimmings,-Harness, mountings, va rious styles, jtsst reci'ived and for sale bv . ' UNAiN A. PULLIAM. Ashev ill-, march ,9. ' ' 1 . . .... '..r fl ' f; f. - :: fr.. '; - . . . I S a id wa re V n 1 1 c r y . A largo assortiivjiit, r-mbrdcing a gn.nt variety r of new and desirable firtiflcn, j:ist "received, and will fee .sold t very low prices for csh. r. RAXKIX $ FJJUAA1U march, 0. ' .Va' Agent. ' ' Will. attend tothe ofllrmg of Notes, fyr Renew. al and Discount at tlc 'Asheville . Branch of the -Bank of -Capp Fear. '. Bii.-iness entrusted to his" care will Ijg prom;tly and fiithfujly attended to -His charges will be as low as arty. , - Asheville, Dec. 30, Ii-17. lj&w 3?3 : ; jss&WASBia. - Just received by llio - Subscribers, a general supply of English and American Hardware, and' CUTLERY, i .uii,' Pistols, and Rifles, which they will sell to Country Merchants at' v'ry Jow prices on libr rul term", consiMmg of Tracrv and Ox Chains, Weeding Hoe, Manure Forks, Anvil, Vites arid -Smith's Hummer,-. , ! Eras and Enammellnd Presenting Kettles, ' ' Locks and , Latches, jn crcat- variety. Bone, . Bunk and Iron niwtted Knicci and Forit, POCKET' KNIVE.aiid RAZORS, with cele brated devices in-irked thereon Rvigh ty Ready, Vue.na rtxfa Monfeiey, tj-r. and. every oilier , article bt longing to the 'business, ard respectful ly ask the merchants of;, this vicinilf to. -faver them with a call when thy next -vimt llut Cj(J. WM. T.' HOWELL, & GO., !' ' - No. 23 1 Market St. Philddelphia; Feb.-1S,3V 301t6. E. Tennessee KehiaU Institute The next session of thisXiri.titution will com' mence on Friday before the. ?d .1on day of ilia rchf tlic.lOih day of "the month. , y . Tuition In the Literary Department "from $10' to 915 per session, according to the studies. - Board in good families, al 'from y I L5L to 2 00" per wetk. ' , - v The extra charges are: ; ' - For incidental cxprnsca m all cases, .1 per.-, BRssion. Music on the piano' or (Juitar, -10? drawing. Painting, Embroidery or Needle Work 1.0. No extra charges ,for teaching languages, for the use of the musical instruments, or tlieap-' aratus. :. '.- v ' -V- .:r . c . D. R. Mc AN ALLY. . Knoxvillc, Tcnn. JariuarySO, 1843 3112 3t. AVILI.IAJI WILl.IA'nS .Will take. a limited number pf young -gentle-' men to board, who may wfelf to' avail themselves of the advantages of the JIale Acadcinf. here. t , . His charges will be as follows: For Board . i 6 Washing ' r Lights and fuel per month 50 January 13, 1817 tf , . 1 IS A A 11. SA I KYER S t " Will fake R arthrs at the perrie rates.' Junuary 13, 1? tf ' 'BLANKS FOR SALE HERE. 3 - i I f -r tour. : ' 1