At J l. :-r a: ! i .it v. s i ! S 'the'i c i ;r i.) te i.s r rt !"ry t. .". 1 . to rr : l. n;.d r rv, or dclitcr i enlaii,i f-f V,. : to or ;:!. a :n to H. lexicart n -i rr. i 1 l over"-""?! .0 fir ." levies- c I ,l !i j , f,t -ti" i i f s..1 :h r :rcs: cn.3 ,:a pay the ;enancear,d tjvcj1;' tv j, rv.-.i vi incurs J ,r in tha ircjin'itr.', Ij Itl-iIJ vvt 't !; " utmost hospifility y tiiS A'r.";ricin )ri;it;3 at iho j het? v. l;;.'rc liny us y L '. if ikl frn- ! -m t-f ih Unit. tlfi'.ci, L.-Dre rtcvin r.uti"' fr.j: M. hwuU ob'.iin in- t-'Ir;', !;.''", fUrtJ'-'!i ;ii:y okcr channel, of thj cxis:it:ce ol MtxicaruMjitivcs w'ithin its tt ritory, it wi'l proct-e-d forthwith io ttrct tf.'-ir rcloiss aaJ delivery Iq' iho-Mexicuti 6;'iit uk ubove biipulatci). Fo,' thc purpose of giving o theso'stip uUliotis' the fullest' possible t-fiisacy, ihoru ' by Affording the" security 'anJ redre-j4' do iinnJfd by theif true spirit ani intent, the governmyni of the United Siates Wiil now, and hurcjfter -piss, wLhtrjt unnecessary dtlny , and always vigilantly enforce; such as the nature of ihu subject may rc q'rr". And fih'ally, ihu iacrednes of this ob!i T4t,oa hiill never b lost stgfu of by the slid g(ivonm)pnt wlv.'n pruvtding fir thot renuval ot the IntliatiS from any portion of thy said tenilories, or for its being settled by citizens Df the United States; but, on the contrary, special csre, slnli thou by taken, not In pl.tcu its f r.diin'uccjpants under j'he? necessity of seeking new hr:i!?, by com' milting thoe invasions which the Unilt'd States tuvo sj'cinnly oblig'xl thernselres q re;tr?.ii. . ' " - '- ;v ;VV la c r1- rt ; ; .! jratiun cf the extension acq.iireQ by tl.e h-K.l.irira of the L'uited iStotes, ni i!. f.j' tl'j fl t r !i article of tho jircscnt irc.ty, government of tl;o United States ipjv;i'3 to pay lo th it of the Mexican re public tho sjm ol filtapn millions at do'iirs. Irnmediaiply ufieiihis treaty s'.iil! Invo been duly raiiljid by the - govermivjnt ol ir.o ..lexicjn repuoiic, t ho, stm or truee niliions or dollars shall be piidto-tho said cilffinimpril tit t! if nf ihn ITm'tnrl toloo nt ihs city ol Mexico, in tho g-ld or silw coin of lexico; TV rrnnining wehc millions ot dollars shall b j paid at tha same place and ia thesamo coin, in'tinnual "in stalir.enis of three mi'honi cf dollar teli, toother with tr.'r. ht'o.'i tho same nt th rata of six per cewu-i per annum. .Ti.;. interest sliaH bjin lo ru.i upon :he whole s.;tn of twelve inlliious from tha day of th ratitveaii'oncf tha prc3cnttri..iiy by. t!i " Mexican govonunfrit, ntid tha f?Dt of ' llie 'nxf:ilritnt h'lll h mi"! .". c x r:i '. .,".ri .of one year from tha stum day. ,'Togethor ni'.h each annual inslahr. ""us it falls d'j ' i!;e w hoi interest ncc. g nn such thall a!3j be instalment from ihe beinnio ' - ; Article 13. Tha United States cngg", m jrcovsr, to . "cssurr.i b:i J'pajr trra "claimanti all tlie a monrits now d.u them, and the-e:, hreaftsr to I -cum o :s. by reas. :i v. . t:.j ci.ii.iij ready lijuiditt-d and d.ici ' -d cimst tli-j Mexican rrruV.ic. un !er ih. convcniio:is between the two 'republics isevera'ly cunclj ded on the t-lever-th da 7 of April, eighteen hundred and thirty. nine, an 1 mi the thir tieth d y of January, eighteen hundred ur.d fsrl'lhre; s, llrit the Mexican republic shall be absolutely f x?rpi for t!ie . fj:ur from cr, expenso v!Uvc c:o account .1.3 said cUutti. . Articjle 1-1. TIi3 United States do furthprmorc -di chu.;1; tJui Mexican roi-uhhe from all claims U ett'.ens i if th"- U..i.i J States not h.r n:i-l t! :. "n previou of ihis t C. r. 1 a r. J r ..I lj ri rrt-nt, wi i'c!i i:iy ta date r.I li.o t: ':i which dicti3cg" yi.all -r th- by i: r in i 0 1 ,1 1 it- - r s r'.lo-Acd.- l! c to. 1 ur: rj- Th,- U-t f.-u.a all d.K.... I, t f Ihcir citi'.vr.s r: ::.g artielo.i.J J ;A. ! f.rtVer ca"ci :r.our.t rr. v 1!;:. iv-r l. ; j; i::: dicg thr: c cri . t. . To -i r. ' m :-r.t ill.' j c'.-' r s . " . j ; I ' i t-V, f v oil :-CC- en'ti'jru in L t j ?. "i r i t'.'i a L r t i-f i U 1 i -,i o - Mil- .lid f.lV.i u . . - I t " j t i ; J 5, ir l. ..c,: .. '.its, f v'j i in tir peesi; in .:.:t.e.-::.d ,.:.. -s or tx .) to L? lr -.-milted to i-r, (cr v.:;' :? . f tl. 1 'in' I.. ii ! ;J - :r.".iry cf b. i:c , v h slll ir.i '.UlJ c.tfv r !.i.'n ovor i' ir.o mu f J of c r.'-i Prcilz I. .That iOJii ,.i !i i.t bipii-uyf or ai'lL; iu i-e cf, any tf!aima:t,' until the j di'i tth'cli it is expected to prove by such L .a, record, or documents, shU . have t.M stitcJ under eaih or alHrraitioa. Article IG. cf tha extracting parlies reserves Ivi iiivlfiKi entire ri'U la fortify -whatever ' .: ;". i ' .; i. " ..' - . 1"! " .. pjir.i HT.r.m us territory u nay juug-piup. , ; uh i, ii w rv far its M-i'iiritv. Articlh.17. ' The treaty cf atnity , commerce, ani navi-ition, concluded at the city of .Mexico on" lit fth djy of-Aprir, A. D.1831.," be tv n t'n Untied States cf America a'- ' lbs United' Mexican States, excpt the r ditionai ariicle, and except, so' far fl" stipulations of -the 'saTd'trcJity may bo . cotj.piliblo wtih any miputJtion' c- in tiu present treaty, is hereby i tha prtrioJ of eiglitears rom t' the exchange ot ratification" hhthe sitr.jforco and v"u. rated therein; it boidg unders' of -tho contracting, partial rt-s. iho right, at' any lime ufter tho of eight years shall have boon terminate the same by givi notice of such intention to ' - Article 1' All supplies wliatever f .-f tho United Statesin V at purls in the ucctipv. ; .e- vious to the hint , " though sub-' the cuitoji :.. Uo entirely e ,d chars- cs of an :t i f ihoiunU J ted Siu faith to i , all possible t ot, Mexico, under co cles o'.h -rtuintity . use nr ' Unit- tly to vniorce, : the revenue . importation,. '.jt, of nay aril . ,'lvinl and ,in I ; vjnted .for the : tl.j forces 'of the r linn . they may i xn end it shall rs an 1 rgni of iho 'rzz to the Mexican t active ports any at U uyjz of this . stipu iy Lisw of, " or, may rtirr b'ih 1 to give to such . ir n-jwer with y such attempt .Llls'a 3 J by . sen T.-i-.inil shall be . cation of ihs proper . j frau lulunlly mtro .r, 19.," effects,' ver, imported ' tntu i.i ih occupation of - vh?ther by citi .:r ov citizens or ! :v;tion4 tha follow. . !l-e, cfTjcts, anJ. previously to the res- s !-:. io the Mexi w.-i for, in the 3d " ' . rnlnt I " u" 1 f . 1 . df . Lv tha CIciican tar. cxcrr.j-Aion -hall - bo rf', e fleet's, .,Lst:quen;ly to the. a 1, -is5, and pre ;.:d in iho follow" . inta force of ihe pirts repscttvety; cl -ct., and proper; i t-.m-j of im- e payriiuiit of duties," . Ul UU1IVS. .1 i i illov.ic C" irticle T"1'. ' PP1" LiriAiminir j ct the place i ti.t fi .avinj: suca frjin'all t wf c.,ry kh.'d, under - -! .n.iT'ion. Nor .', lo any chirire - ' ; ih-ercof. .. ,t ..".ets,, arid- prop ";.,! tiTst ana scconj ruis, . r. 1 to any plac ' : i . ' ' s-: : w as in ths T.-jc: th. U. Statesj c j.-.'i mince ilierein, b . veon ir.e- sjlm .or cja- froi:i tvery kind' -of ' ' t . v.r. ' r whatsoever r i s r z M an 3 is a , ; o'c t s o r "L 'd i: r- )vc ' l.rr.? L l'. -V i' iho iii at and second to any not tho fjreos "of ihe ill, uo m their intro- , or 'ct ci their sale - . -1 1 o t.i. .-sarno exi i'1 r .i v u pay CO.. ) li Through cc"is;'de :i fjr I'.v, it n r ih-ouU .el; -f commerce jrvr ss il. ;n atxiv : b bol'.seL:) treat' the dite cf t: . :t:re ci i: the restoration tfthj custb.-i-i.: fortnabty wii'i th i-t;p'.rdti jh in article in such a:z iv.crch' fects, and pr.n.riy wlntsoavc the M-'xic a k'.s ay-r the i the said cJtoav-houies, nnd the expiration of sixty days 'a ' . th'3 signAlurc of this treaty, ted to .entry; Biji'nD th" ' levied thereon than th'; hy the tariirfoiiiv! in for houses at the li"-" mo.- And fec,ts, and f the prccedir If u- ; I'trjIJ hrr 'r ' - tv. o tviwii- ,:: i, wl,:lhcr with . ,d of any stijju , .r ' '.th respect to any . rr.iiij the political or .3 of th'j two nations tha . .:: ......j, in ,ih: nimc of those ni. ?:',-'. to each other that, they -:t in tho mi?t sincere -and r, to s'utila iho diflerences so j i res-jrve tho slate of peace .i i.j yhich tha two. counties i I'.'ing'ihemjeites; using, f r this inuljil representations audjweific tie )a itiiiiis.' Aud ifUy theso means, ihey .. jld c jt be enabled lo Corho to an-agrec-.ut, a resort 4halt not, on this Account, ! had to reprisals, aggression, or hostility of any kind, by the one republic against the other, until the government of that which dcms iiself aggrieved shall haye mutually considered, in the spirit of peaCe and good neighborship,, whether it would hot bo. bet ter that such uttlenmce should b- settled by. the arburutiuii of commissioners appointed on each side, or by tint of a friendly na tion. . And should such course be pronos- ed by either parly, it shall be acceded to r:d pledging itsKy the other,, unless deemed by it altogeth- cr tncompaubto wtih the Daturo of thq, dif. ference, or the circumstances ol iho case. 1 Article 22. I If (which is not to be expected, and which God forbid!) war should unhappily break, ottt between the two republics, they fo now', with a view to such, calamity, solemrriy pledge themselves to caclk oiher and lo the world, to observe the fallowing rules; ab solutely, where the -nature of tha sublet permits, ana us c iy as posstoio in an dases where such'absolnto observahces shall be iiiiposstble., v ; -; P ., 1. Ihe merchants of either republic then residing in the Other,' shall be allowed . to remain twelve months; (tor those dwelling in the interior,. and, six months (for ihosa dwelling at the seaports,) to collect their debts and settle. their allurs; during which periods thjjy shall enjoy tho.. same rrrotec ilon, and be on tho same footing, in all re spects, as 'the citizens or 'subjects of the most inenaiy nanotis;. ano,. ai me expira tion thereof, or at noy timo before, ; they shall havr lull?irO'irty to depart, carrying oil all theif etfocts without 'molestation or hinderance; conforming therein to the samo lvs which the citizens or subjects of . the most fneualy nauons are required to coil form to.' Upon tho entrance the armies of either natjon into tho territories of ihe other, womVn and children, ecclesiastics,' scholars ot every facuiiy, cultivators Ol tha earih, merchants, arUzins, manufacturers .and fishermen, unarmed and Inhabiting un i fortified towns, vuiases,'or puces, and in . t ' - u - .; ' for the conimon. subsistence and bunehl of mankind, shall be' allowed cio continue their respective "employments unmolested tn their persons. -'Nor-shaJI, their houses' or goods be burnt or otherwise destroyed nor their caitlo taken, nor their fields was ted, by. the armed force into vyhose power by the events of war,-they . may happen to fall; but if tho necessity arts to lake any thing from them for tha use of such armed r ce' iaosamQuan 03Pa'a or aiao equit I t ill a t-crKnnla rn!tfrr tiKmrioq n nrt fit hm r pni K liilunenlst for charitable and benencant purposes, shill b3 respected, and all" par saas connected with the same? protected . in in the discharge of tfieir duties, and the nursuil of their vocations: . . In.order that tha fate of prisoners of war may ba-alleviafed, all such practices as those of sending ihem into distant, inctom cat, ot unwholesome districts or crowding them into close and noxious places, shall b& tuJlousIy avoided. Thev shall not be conlined fo dungeons, prison-shipsor pris ous; nor be pui in ironsor bound, or oth rwise restrained in tho uSe of their limb Tha olTicers shall enjoy liberty on their 'pa role3, within convenient districts, and have comfortable quarters; and the common sjbl d:ers blrill be. uisrjoscd- in cantonments l-'e ii and extensive enough for air and ex eriUcv and lodged ia barracks as roomy andgo-jd as are provided by the party in whose cower they'are, for us own troops Gat if any officer shall breal; his parole by leaving tha district so assigned 'him, or I any ui.icr puiuusr s.iuir esG'jpj : irota in ttmtts ci. nis cantonment, a:tur ir.ey -..n been dji.ignitt.-d la liim, such md;v.d ual, ofncerr othr prioaet, fclu'.i fcrfe so n.jcn oi mo ucnc:.i ci u.ts arm: j as mo rj: and v, ith cr ;nsnion real or :cver . .. ; -ty'.j!!L3 allowed to ..j ucra, appointed - i , rv czr.' ;:::ri:niyt'pris-J-, ;;n ii tha oil. :r; -which com '. .11 .s-'O the often a -; ;iv.!l b allowed lo receive, cx ; s all duties or taxes,-and-to dis- v. i 'iivcrcon)f uts sent lo i by tlicir fiiends; and bhdll be free to i tr i., In. reports in open letters 10 uie -irty by whom he is employed, ' . And it is declared ihat neither ihe pre toco tht war dissolves all treaties, nor any othet whatever, shall be considered as annulling or suspending the solemn cove, nam contained in this ariicla. Oa the contrary, the. state f war is precisely ht for which it is provided, and during which its stipulations are to be as sacredly ob served as the most acknowledged obliga tions under the law of nature ox nstioas. , i Article 23. . ' ' The treaty shall be raiilied by. the Pres ident of the United States of Americat'by and with tho advice and consent of the Senate thereof; and by the President cf the Mexican Republic, with the;prrious ap probation .of its general Congress; and the ratification shall be exchanged in the city ofVa?hiogionf or at the. "seat of., govern. m4nt of Mexico, in four months From the date of the signature hereof,1 or sooner if practicable. . n faith' whereof, we,.ihe respective plenipolentiarics, have signed this treaty of peace, friendship, limits, and settlement, and have hereunto' affixed our .seals "res? pecilvely. j Dine in quijituplicate, at the city of Guadalupe Hidalgo, tfn Che second day of February, hihls year' of our ord one thousand eig'tt hundredand forty-eighl. N. P. TIUST, LUiaG. cuEVAS,: BERNARDO COUTU,: M)GL. ATRISTAtN. L. S.J L. S. L.' S -J ' .Correspondence of the Courier WA$niNGTON;July 15. Congress closes' another weak without making any sensible approximation to the termination of "the? session. The Uompro miss Committee is now, tha' object of uni versal t attention. Ihev selected a Com mittee room yesterday, and hv3 held nne meeting, and,thnt is all thaits known con- cerninir g.their movetnemchls. The merrj bersof that Cummtlteo have', a sincere de sir tA propose a compromise tht will settle the silvery question in regard to tho . ! 1M "' . i icrruories. . i uey suau propose someming ii ihe general belief and probWy,lhe.ex tensioo.of the lino of the Missouri compro. misetn the racJtic: but as the expediency ol esublisjhiog'.atihis tim-j territorial govern. msnt over OthTornii : and New Mexico, ihey will disagree, an. I may perhaps report some plan fdriiheir temporary pryction. ma compromise wtn, uis saia, D3 sup? ported bv forty Senators at least, should the S-naie be full, but the raioo'nty . will opposu it. Mr. Westeot, of Fa., will cer tainly oppose it, but t know of no other Souihern Senator who is n-jw commiltifil a ninst it. . .Mr. '"V thinks it will a?:?ra vato the difficulty ..and increase ah escite ment which would otherwise, evaporate in the . i residential election. As lo the terriloriil government, -Mr. W. stated, in hi4 speech, that ho djd not think, them nee- essary at preaont, Liuisiana and Flori- da tfer in the possession of ihs U. Slates several years before the territorial govern ments avere established.'- Thti House; will, I am now certain, re sisl the I compromise, afier it' shall pass the oenate. The near approach oftho elec. lions in' the Northern-Slates -the desire of member-; to bs re-elected, anJ .the Vast and . increasing: agitation and diffusion nf the tnti-Uvery docirules, will causa ihem to hesitate. - They already argils that a compromise will not settle the question. npr allay.'; tbaiactittous excitemenf which tho Vdii Curen party have cot up. - It is now apprehended by ifir Northern whigs, that 'U tha- BolTi'fo Convention should nominate 4r. Van Buren, fho vole ol INew' York wul be given lo him, and the ciectun h3 thus brought Into the Hous s Ihe proceediflirs . airainsi Gen. Scatt. have been abandoned. A public dinner is to be given to him by members of Congress of both parties.! , ; . t The Senate1 have been two days engag. ed id secret session, on the nomination ot General rilow There .3 little. doubt that he will bs? confirmed. WASHINGTON, JULY. 13. . "Brmiy Lirid Warrants meat .with ready sale hcra from 110 lo 0112. Xna- claims tot warrants up. to this tims. that have been put ,iq forca at tho Pension Or; fice, .number about 33,000 of these, a bout 19,o6bG have been acted upj.n 'war rants issued, and bslween 3 and 4,000 of thosa issued,, havo been returned to lha General Land OXice, cr.i patents issued iherefor. ft is ' estimflci thu the whole number, of claims for land warrants on ac count of the Mixicaa war, will reach 70. ooj. -: , . v ' V1 War Bi-inty Script is selling at 95i a 333. 0103,515 cf thU s:ripl has ba is- ti" ij tiiJlIPj: the Wi!' I'"--'"1'? 'T ff - - , i i its , , "i '"' , ' .j.: cf tL. J.. 'l " "!! It Jta'. i t'.;crc'.:r. Kit U1 '.s t-r-Mr. H "inl?. 'Mr. i ? nui.lJ i" f "i le tliaiJ.n J t it i ofL.s t tl -u;tU c"?cI.1!U3;'otis; aivJ .Mr. HAia..n an.: cl aa armacnt ia oVr'fln ts iL Mr.'bylon. n.r' s U.'ckmvt3, C-.!Imun " and lijrrlea, " occa-si-ilV resid- cxplanalij-na of tho view of tha, Crniu'ttec, ur?J vf t!e co!slructi- to ts put ca ton-is of Ihe . ' of Ihe bill. The opW)siiioo maintaiued that the Coia.i.t tee had tclt l!ie t ibjert vherf thy tbun J itlliat tbey ctfiri'tl r conipromi-e--lhat it wai fl ta-cjur-gement'to tUa introduction of s-Uv.rj tlw trrim't and it proviJ'-d for iLc cj. tubltshnctit cf a common law in f.ivbr o slavery, by a cow pf judicial -Uciiions, 4ic. A motion was mada which was considered a l?t of the B"nso of this tjenata as to tho. bi'l. Mr. Baldwin moved l strike oat all ths.t prt of ibo bill rt latin j lo California and New MoAico, and it was rf jecteiyeat 17, mya 37. Tha" strength' of tU opposition Ut tha biii, on ill final parage, will not exceed twenty. ' - There ia an- .undertaking amonj the Senators that the final vole shall Vf Ukcn on Wediifudav. Mr. Diyion will open thc'debatij ca Monday, a g'aint tlie bill. " Mr. l)ix havinj tali tn Ina late letter to tha ratification IJarnbamin Committee, of N. York, that he would be witii them to" the death, nat, of coarse, tnika, a speech in opposition to Li Hanker Colloajae, Mr.'uasoa, who is an ad vocate of the bill.. . " Mr. liix has expressed the opinion hers that tho IjiunburiKT's ticket would carry the State of New York. Tha Evening Put, jcrhp from policy, declares the saiud opioiin.- Wenarea rumor that tlie uanaio Vyonvcniion will nominile Mr. Dix, aud if so; Mr. Van JBuren will decline in his favor. ' The lIoue was obliged, to paas the Civil andj Diplomatic, with the objectionable item Jr the improvement of the mouth of the isavannah rivcrttru5tirig'to ih aetia! .for its -reject ion .- They have bat one more, appropriation bill that for the army. - Every one is an lions for Ihe IcfT raination of the session. There is soma prospect of an adjournment by tha 4ih of August. - WASHINGTON. JULY 23. Mr. Clayton Ts quite resolved to press the Com promiftT.bin to a final vole to-morrow night, and bo thinks he will be curtained by lite friend of the' bill, who conttituto two-thirds of the Senata. As soori as thia bill shall pi?B the Senate, the ad. juurnment resolution willbv Ukcn up, and a U y lor terminating the session fixed. ' 1 . eupoosc me. Senate will frtwjse a day" not lattf than the 10th of A'ugust.-' The House wilt certainly Concur. What the House may do with the Compromise bill is ancertain. They will dispose of it in one way or another, perhaps on the Very day it reach es them. If they are disposed .lo pass - it, they wilt do so without debate which would be fatal to it at this late day of the Session. , It is more probable, however, that thy wilt refuse to con. sidtir the bill. ..Gen. Pillow's defence is spread before (lit country by the Union. It has certainly produt ced eomr impression in his' ftvor. The minor that tho President will nominate him as one of the Hoard ol Commissioners to sellle tne JUii. can claims is not ifcnrobuble. Tno Mexican tuiindiils, by their united and persevering ttrrts, forced the administration lo take incasurr s which led lo War. Thev are much disappointed at the narrow measure of ri-com- penw 'ahowed to them by lh& treaty. Ui luml t tiiree ana a quarier minions wnicai iv nies win not pay. a fifth part or what they Claim. 1 his city continues very healthy notwitlistan ding' the hot - weather. Among the' members of Uonrcss there has not been a case of fcerious in disiwsitiDJ far-some time. " , It apucars that soma letters returned to the Dead Irfitter from baton Koue were yt.s. lerday scrft back to be delivered to Ueneral lay iur. inerr is n Tuuior urat niun iicbc n an inu famous nomination letter, as' to which there has -I'l - : - .. . Jl - . J .1. - .1. been so. much inyrtcry. Hat, according to the statement midti m the Union, the other day, the nomination letter, "if 'mailed, "as alleged, on, the 9lh June, would not bo sent to the dead letter of fice tilt the 1st September. ' - ..' Xom the fifativnat Intclligenceri ' , COMPROMISE. . Odf readers are'appried that one of the most imroriant of those questions which sometimes. - arise as if to try the strength and durabiljtv of our Union, was referred lo a select committee of eight members in the buna ta of the United Statas on the 13ih Inst, ,:ln the formation of;this Committee every sectional interest was consulted and represented, andoachof the political di visions had an equal weight. We may easily" suppose thai the most opposite views wee presented and defend ed bv tha distinguished Senators who' for med this Committee;- a'nilhoso who were best informed of .the inherent difficulties which stood in the way of an adjustment and favorable report, had but faint hope that this question could bo settled during ibt present session. And yet many ard ent friends of tha Union and of their coun try, Whig and Democratic, were of opirt ion that by deferring an adjustment the oiuicu'.ties auenuing r. WDuia increase; greater exacerbation would ensue; and thai geographical parties would arise, 'efldan gering at no distant day that union of-free and independent Siatas which can alone ensure peace at home, and respect' abroad. a uia, oommuiue, ;iiuwevcr, reporieu a tl ' T . . J . i t i ' bill' on i uesuay.avnicn we sincerely nope will put this question forever lo. lest. This bill proposes lo establish Govern ments for the Territories of Oregon, Cali. fornia, and 'New Mexico, upon such prin ciples of "universal jusiice and constitution, al right as it ru'pcd will challenge the approval of every calm and reflecting mind. . ' ; Tha bill provides i Terriforial Govern, ment for Oregon continuing in forco the laws which have been passed by the pres rnl temporary Government mini thy leg iiifature, to ba created by this act, shall pass other laws in conformity to lhs wish, es and . interests of the-peopte Whom they will represent, '- . As it regards New Mexico and Califor nia, it provide for each 'a Governrncnt such ai that first given Jo the Michigan Territory; but ai tho same limo retains iisz Territories from pasiing' Iavrs od th . 4 li i,J h.ih.j.j.i -i icrr.iify ir. ai . vi-j-7 win La rccrDiied, l';-? fj-. lure charter cf U,:a States' will tho t u-.- the chjr.icter, the habits, au'd tha wi?:i?sot lha people who shall hfercafuf ' f onn thStato Consiitutiacs those Ter. ' r iterisj. vt , ' . I We sincarih trust that jhi' sclimr proceedirg as it undoubtedly doe3 frem iha ' ' mo3t patriotic motives, may put au'end forever to a question, frpm - the .agitation ; of which aloha the enemies cf odr gfeat -and -glorious Uniork derive any hups cf succeeding in ihir insane purpose. Xiitiirestin Corrcspouilcnrc The annexed important Correspondence , -iuay lo'relicj on "as not from lhe fanriful pen of the author of tha latter; with tha name of May field Johnson signed at tli bottom whicli appeared in lha last'ofHc'.i holder1 org m. This correapijndence, un- J like th'at, hai every ayiearanct of beiog ;'; ' genuine, i . - Jackson SjvlKrori.' Jl Summons of Genhbal Cass -fof Geesal i i ' ; , : Tailor; , . .. OJiceholters' Camp, Baltimore i Conteniiw'i May '21tll$i$. j ; 1 Sir: Altar a tortuous and Z'g ztg mtrch . j of several years, 1 am now, in this strong position, with a. large force and abucdancts of pairouajelhe sinews of politkaUwaN ; ; You arc sutrounded by my Well drilled '; h-ilanx of 1)0,000 officeholders, with all ;- he patronage aud oihar appliances neces- iry to . my success; and ;ou cannot, in n human prohacihty, avoid . luflering a, total rout n November. Bat, as you de serve conaidera'.ion and piniculsr esteem, J wish to tave vou and the raw milma uii-- ' dar your command frorn total annihilation, -, and iharsfore give you t lis timely jica,-. in ordiT'thit! vnu m" aurrtuider al di&cra- - tion with the, assurance that you and'yoir. , ; ... . ,. ........... . - - - li.--! I undisciplinfeu at my will b treated with, the, jiberaltiy and forbearance characteristic ol. ; a genuine Locufoco, und only aiked t pay ih9 piper whilst'we ar& dancing. You " will liae until iho 7th of November iit lo make up, your mind, (unless,, in ih, - inonntlinA mini linn t lllllldrffil Ht -:intTfl A ' o commeoce, from the time ,iny flgof, iruca roach-s;your sav(mil."in the Cypris ' ? "Swimp, Jeflorsen county, Mississippi. ; - To further this end; I assure youot my. . particular considaratioir. God and Liber i lj j rolk and Santa -Anna! Marcy ana the Spoils forever! '' " . t " LOUIS PllILLlPPE CASS. ; Late of the Tuilleries . P.-S. I fotbidyou nottu 'briak your, word whn you aurrandrr, thai ii an hul pSn'oii nut menliooed in hlslo.- -i j t "i " . ry, for which I have secured a patent. Head Uuarters Amy .uwut. Plantation, Mississippi, July 4, 1848- y - j" . Sir; In rt ply to vyour polite invitatlo ' Summoning me to surrender the people.; T who have sctecled me for a leader, al dis-i . . ii cretion, I bag leave most - respecmniy w4 decline your requast, 1 " With sentimcms of high consideration, t ; Your obedient servant, 'v' ! 7a. TAYLOR, f. . . .i rt j I . Uammanding trie reoyie m nrwy. ; ! , To Monsi Louis Phillippe Cass. --V . Officeholders' Camp . Deri Hi ol Hon JUbcuvzrr Pel- . , - -. igrcw : We regret to hea( o,f the death of this eenlleman, . lo whom the following jusf T tribute is paid by the NorfaU Argus: I "it is with painful Regret thai we an, noutice the death of , lion. Ehanttzer Pel. igreWj'of Lake' Scuopernpnvj, Nonh Car olina. We learn lhai he 'died suddenly al hi residence in Tyrrell county oriSalufT " day last,4q tha.aixty thud year of his aj;e. Mr. Pctigrew.wAs a member ol the 24t!i Congress, , from1 iheKdgecomba District having reluctantly consented to become a candidate in opposition' to Dr. Hall. He Berved his constituents with fidelity and ability during the lerha for which he Jiad been elected, at tbo expiroYun of which fro voiantarily ' retired from public life W return to nts lavorue purfjiios rivuiiwi-. lie wss' a graduate of " iha University -d North Carolina, a centlcman o! well cul tivated mind, of fha most accute, sensibil ity, of the highest sense of honor, and in all the rtlaiions in life a model for rrniia-lion-. He was a very efTi:ienl and useful , cftizen in the c'otrur.uniiy in which hj livedo and -one ol the . mot practical od successful planters id the Southern coun try. . ' General Taylor in Michigan. The New York Evening Post publijhes tha foi " lowing extract of. a letter from Michigf from, an eminent Democrat and friend of Cass, who writes r from "Grand Rapids, . in Michigan, under data of July 5th. ' "As to -politics, we hardly know where- we are. We have Cass men and Taylor.' men and Van Buren men." I hope if .. most Cass men, but it is not improwbw that we may lose the .Slate." When tho friends of candidate Cass in his own State,, can only hope for major ity, the friends of General Taylor may in -defd look uporr."lhis expression of ppr bcnsion"as "full pf significance'" Ihn ii not the only source frorn whence wa de rive the strongest encouragement that Michigan will repudiate tho roan with two lives;' North American. Ver::oxt1 The Democratic Slate Con vejition nominated Hon. tut Dilhn-ham, Jr., fof'Gavcrnor; Charles K. Field, fof Licut. Governor. .'. , ..' ti -

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