mm mmmmm . iT) lit iYi THE WEEKLY LEDGER OFFICE ON FRANKLIN STREET. ! , SUBSCUiPTION UATH3 - The WEEKLY I.EDGER uYunVbie'd' V oithHite T1IE ST0U1: OF J. W. (.'ARK to subscribe at one dollar ami filtyj- KATES OF AlVEHTISNO: , cents per copy per annum, lnvanauiy "hi advance; ' r.-- '-!' Six xnoruths, oue.dollar. , ., r. Eleven coplesj one year, fllteeu dollar Twentj'-lwc" copies, ope year, thirty '; dollars. j s ). .'l-j.-'j-Ar., r'A Address all onlers to -The WKKJILV LEDGER,"! Chapel Hill, X C. !, . 1,1... ,iuare, one insertion,'-on dollar. (Jiie- square, each subsequent insertion. ,eei"d miiitracls made for larger advex- VOLUMK II. JOK, TllEJ PtTjBtiq GOOD. 1 , ; t , : , , ; :- , . , ' . t 1 1 1 - . . . . . . - j 1 IN UlRIB Jb2IC 1 jC5i, J .thement. t - . v.lvertiments should be jsent in by TliwrwIiO" bel.orc e:lcb day uf. J Ti T : . .GHAPBL HILL, N.;'a f THE GREATEST 3ARQAINS ' 1 OF THE SEASON lnonler to close otfr stock' as rapk till ifla&et. We have a nice assortment (. ;! I- .,. I ' '"( NKv!TAPLE DftY 0OQDS, JiEibjY MADE CLOTHING," BOUTS & SHOES, hard- wIre, CROCKERY, i i 4IUII V" - V-T X . MK'I VFedecu it imnceessaiy to nve crtfb- t:ition.j.? yeh advertising only leads to euttiug on S A few J . 1 - JL . leading goods bv tho nKrehants without securing any ad t ijssipie. we snail ouer our enure Sock ot Merchandise for 30 days, lor :it;nrices never reached; before in t vantage tcj puivhasers in their general bill.-. " We can safely, say that our goods i li ne been I bought at the lowest prices ? rC:uMied this season, and will be' sold at 3vrry'inaU advance oil cost.- We are " now selling some goods at 25 per cent i.iler nuotatious.givejrby ot lers. All 1 and ex- I are respectiuuy uivueu iu yu " ... n . ..... amine. In.y TJi , O lei SeoroH We tender our thanks to our friends ttfttf have stood by us so" faithfully and ' paid us so promptly f. And- Would re mind those indebted to us that we are reatly in need ef the money. We have waited long aild patteutly with some of voh. and we know that times are hard, that the prices for produce are low, and it may be that you can't pay all at one time. Come and. see. us. We. will al io you liberal prices and deal liberally with'vou. : Our inability-to call on 3-011 but increases your obligation to call Ami see us and pay" whatyou va1 Very respectfully, tf.i LONG & NOR WOOD' ? Chapel Hill, N. C,, Pec. 7, 1878. , IT THE KST. Webster's XJnliilt?;I- ' 'md Engravings ; 1S40 Pnge.4 (iiarto. rour faics of.roiorcJ fbics. ' rubli-Jjcd by G. & C. MniiKiAji.' at 'SpringHold, MaVsT j TTRML V INDORSED B Y B:iutroft. : . y. , ' i ' Preool " ' 1 -3Iotisv, Is ! George 1. Marsh. F..Greene Halleck. John G. Whitiit'r, ! X. P. Willis, . John G. &',, , r , Elihu Burritt," ..Daniel Webster, Ihilus Cboate. 11. Colerhlge. Smart, . Horace Maun, j More than fifty college 'residents, . And the best American and European .. . ; ! Scholars, "YTTebrter uLs the Dictionary used in YY the Government l'ifitirig Oflce., T7 very School and Family should have . JOi it for constant use am reference. B est family help'iu training -qhiidren to become intelligent men. Several years later, has 1-5 more mat ter, than any other Dictionary.) I The authorized authority in Courts of Justice, for the meaning of words. E tymologies aud definitions far in ad 1 .... . 1 vance of any -other Dictionary. Liecommendedby ;Ghiet Jiwuce. w wte 1 It as "best authority ior derinitiong.f ' ! : ! TffE BEST. .; FAG rn Q v v Recommended by the State Supt'si of 35 different States and by over 55 O .College Presidents. About 3S,000 liave been placed in Public Schools by law or b3 School authorities. J ' ' ; ' It contains i3r,0 OO illustrations, HearJy three times as many as an' other Bictonarv. , ' 1 " ' ! Three pictures of a.ahip, on page 1751, illustrate the meaning - of more than lOOiwords. . j The sale of-Webster's Dictionary is 0 times as great as tlwt ot any ether "series of Dictionaries. . . . ?: -: - ; maw., - . 1 WEBSTER'S NATIOXAi; PIC- .TORIAL DICTIONARY. 1010 Pages Octavo. COO Engravings. . - I Is it not rightly claliwcd that WEBS-TER ( ' IS THE ' " J . INntioiiwI Standard?! . ; - 81,000 IX -l!fls! AXD COMMISSIONS TO AL AGENTS ARE WANTED r ' in every' ost tow'u in Uie United SUtps to send subscriptions fo" th j AJurliiifcjtoii Ilii-wlcoyo.- " ! ' i . , . J bend' five cents for copy and teams to a eats.- " ' ' 'f HAWKEYE PUB. CO., Burlington. Iowa WHAT. WHISKEY DID FOR ME. My eyes were of the deepest blue, Nor lUstre Hid heV lack J . But now you see they both-are rel, And one is also black ! lily nose was never beaiitiful, , i But still was not amiss ; , Old Alcohol, he touched it up, And what dye think of this ? lie promised i .should ('ourage have .For all the ills of lifiii; . . The bravest thing he made me do Was beat my 1 ttle wile , . He promised he .would give me wit, And I should neVr be Instead of which he took ii way . The little sense J.-had- The health and wealth he promised me,, r He never, never gave; But when hel taken all I had, 1 foud mvseif a slave. So now 111 tight lor him no more; J For woe H? all his pay ; He's cheated me and lied to me I'll sign the pledge toklay ! 1 i ; TIVE. t BY JUDGE CLARK. We were' five passengers in .all ; two ladies on the back seat, a mid-die-aged gentleman and a Quaker ori the middle, and' myself on the one in front. I i The two ladies misfit; have been mother and daughter, aunt- and niece,! governess . and charge, or might have sustained any other re lationship which made jit proper for two ladies to travel together un attended.1 1 The middle-aged gentleman was sprightly and talkative. He soon struck up au acquaintance with the ladies, towards wl(oni, in his zeal to i.tlo, he rather ovcrd id jlie agreeable bowin-jrand smiling atul chattering over his shoulder in a way jtainfullyj susreestive, at his time' ot hie. ol a "crick' in the neck. He was evi dently a jray Lotharioi The Quaker wore tlie uniform of hia pect, and confined ids speech, as many a parliamentarian would save his credit by doing1, to simple yeas" and "nays." , As for myself I mate it an invariable rule of the road to be merely a looker-on! and v . 1 Hstener.. ' - . I - Howards evening, T, was aroused ffrom one of those reveries into which a young man, without being either a' poet or a lover, will some times fall, by the abrupt query from Uhe talkative gentleman : "Are you, armed, sir j?". "I atn not," I answered, astonish ed, no doubt, visibly, 'at the question.. "I am sofry to hear, it," he re plied ; "for before 5 reaching our next stopping-place it will be sev eral hours in the bigh'tj arid we must pass over a portion of thes road on I which more than one robbery is re- n . , llppn cAmmitted." j ms-jm v v w j The ladies turned pole, but the stranger did his best to re-assure them. - - "Not that I'' think, there' is the slightest danger ' at1 pj-escnt." he re sumed , "only when qn6 is responsi ble for the safety of ladic you know, "such a thing as a. pistol in reach would materially add to one's confidence." "Your principles, my friend' ad dressing the Quaker, 'jl presume are as muclropposed to carrying as to using carnal weapois. "eart was the response. ; "Have the villians murdered any of their victims the elder lady nervously inquired. . .'Qr haye; tjiey, contented them selves with plundering them ?n add ed the younger,, in a timorous voice. "Decidedly the latter," the amia ble gentleman hastened to , give as: surance ; "and as wo are nope of us prepared to .offer resistance in ease of an attack, nothing w6rse than robbery can possibly befall us." ' . Then, after blaming his thought lessness in having . unnecessarily in troduced a disagreeable subject, the gentleman quite excelled himself in efforts to . Vaise ;the jsirits of the company, . and, had succeeded so welllby the time night set in, that alb had : quite forgone",' or only re- ttiembered their, fears to laugh at theai. , ' - , ;; i- i ' . Our genial companion fairly talk ed himself bourse. Perceiving which, he took from his pocket a' package of newly invented " Cough Candy" and after passing it first to the la dies," he helped himself to the bal ance, and tossed the paper otiti of the window. ' 1 ! j He! was in the - midst of a bigh, encomium on the new nostrum, more than half the efficacy of wbichy he insisted, depended' on its being taken; by suctidnr wben j a thrill whistle was heardj, and almost im mediately ihcf coach stopped wbile two faces, hideously blacked, pre sented themselves, one at each window. "Sorry to trouble, you," said the man on , the right, acknowledging with a bow two lady-like screams from the back seat ; "but ; 'business is business,1 and ours will , soon be over, it things go on smoothly. "Of course gentlemen, yon will spare, as far as may be consistent with your disagreeable duCy, the feelings of these ladies," appealed the polite stranger in his; blandest manner. "Oh ! certainly ; they shall be the first attended to, and shall not be required to leave ther places, or sub mit to a search, unless their conduct renders it necessary." "And now, ladies' continued the robber, the barrel of his pistol glit tering in the light ot the coach lamp, "be sq good as to 'pass out lyour purses, watches, and such other trinkets as may oe -aecessiuie wiui out loo much trouble.'' : ' The ladies .came down handsome ly, and were no further molested. One by one the rest of lis u ere compelled to get out, the Tmiddle aged gentlemairs Murn conimg firt. lie subfnitted with a winning grace, and was robbed like ;ia very Ches- tcrfiehl. v ' ! My own affair, like; the sum I lost,; is scarcely : wortb mentioning! The' Quaker's nun came next. He qui- etly handed over hispocket-book: and Vatch, ami when asked ; if he had any other valuables, said 'Nay A Quaker's word is good ; even; among thieves ; so, after a hasty; "go6d-night,M thesr robber thrust his! pistol in his "pocket, and; with his two. companions, one of whom. had held the reins of the leaders, was; about taking his departure "Stop f'.exclaimed the Quaker, in a tone more of eommand than re- quests. - - ' ' 'Stop! what f for?" returned Jhej other, in evident surprise, i . . ... f . "For at least ftco good reasons; was the rejdy, emphasized with aj couple of Derringers cocked andj presented. "Help !" shouted the robber. "Stop 1" the Quaker again exclaim-j ed. "And if one of thy sinful comj panions advances a step to thy jre-j lief, the spirit will surely move mei to blow thy brains out." . . The robber at the opposite win dow, and the: one at the leaders' heads, thought a;, sV ' V A -: j leave. " "Nw. set' iny friend said the Quaker, still covering his man, "and take the middle seat ; but first deliv er tip thy pistol . ; ; , ,. j 1 The other hesitated. . ; "Thee had better not delay l feel the 1 spirit beginning to move' my right fbre-finger." !''".' . The robber did as he , wa? directed, and the Quaker took his 'place by his side, giving the neW-cbmer 'th0 middle of the seat. ' j ' . 1 The driver, . who was Jfnghtened half out- of his wits, no w set lorM-ard at a' rapid rate. The liVbty. genth man soon1 recovered ' his Jvivacity. He was especially, facetious 'on. the Quaker's prowess. - ouveji rum; Quaker, you are, Wliy, you don't quake worth a cenU ! 'monosyllables, the conversation flag- bed. I - Tune sped, and sootier than we expected,: the coach stOppedi where ;we Were to haye supper and a change of Horees. ,W:0''liad-'-'deferred-,; nf rf kiistt ibutipn "'ot Your eliects Hill f -j we' should' reach this placej as " tlie dim light, of! the coach lamp would have A rendered the process somewhat dif-, hcuit;before.v- i ---t v . - j It was now necessary, ho wovcy, that it should be attended to at once, as our jovial -companion had previ ously announced his intention of jleavingjus at this point;- He pro jposed 'a postpohenreut until' after supper, which he offered to go and jorder, t . I : .- j Nay," urgel j the (Quaker, with ian approach id abruptness, and jlaying hisLhand; on the other's arm," I" 'business .before bieasnfe, , and 'for' ibusinessi there is no lime like (the present. ' : t "Wif! thee be good enough to jsearch the? 'prisoner ?" lie said, to me,' IstilLkeeping his hand,; in a; 'friendly jAvay, on the passengers, arm. ! I did so, but not 011$ of the stolen "articles could be found ! . "He jiiiust . have gotten : rid of lihem in the oach," the gay gentle: man suggested, and immediately of fered to go and search 4lStop !" thundered tightening his grasp. . tlie Quaker, The man turned pale, and strug gled to rcicasci his arm. - In an in stant one of the DerriTgefsrwa's lev elicjj.n(l KJKri t j C4 . llUUt J -'ASSKVX V T v yt a dead ! 'J'he man !'' - Quaker ' must have been awfully excited so completely Ho .forget ootn . tne ianfiage, anq ;me principles of his persuasion l'lacing the other, hand, with directions, first of; the two ' men suspicious movement, work on Lothario, Iistol iurmy ;o".'fire on the that"; made '.a li e " w.ehV to from , whose pockets - in less tiraeLthan it takes -to tell it, J he ? producedYeVcrjf -itent of the missing' pfopef x yfb the uttr ainazeraen't oC teh tvvp ladies who had begun, in noj measured terms, to, remonstrato-'agahvsti jthfe: shahaeful treatment Ihe "eiitleman was re- .'- i . '. ' '.''i . ceiving. : t - , The;; Quakerneed, scarcely add, was no Quakei- t-a1J but a shrewd detective, who had been seVori the track of a band of desperadoes, of whorn bur .middJe-agTriendwho; didn't ; look ?)ear iso middle aged 'when his wig Avas oflwas the chief The robbery had been f adroitly planned. The- leader of the! gang hKd taken- passage in. the eoach,'and after feariun g, 'a's he supposed, ' our defenceless condition, (had given the signal to his companions by throw ing out tlie scrap of pape)-already mentioned. ; After the Unexpected capture of tlie first robber, it was;at-' tempted to save the booty, by. se- cretly passing it . .to the accomplice BUIl UUlIUVCU'i til UC uilouoJcvi,cvA, who counted oir being able to make on wim h nexi bioppingi place. ; j- ' The result' was that both, for a season, did the Stated some' service.1' .Twq;i acute traders -d3 , a lively business in hams at ;San. , Francisco every night, One draws . up his Ivagoii,1 lights hra 'torch, and. annoUn ces ham for i sale ; atY 12. cents .per pound.1, : Hs . partner ; stations .him self alongside; as if he were a.riva and announces liams at 1Q cents the pher wagpi , ,f;t. iiyjfA. j "I'm not a f 'Shaking , Quakerj, if ithafs what thee:-means.. ; r , "Ot the Hickory or rather of the 'Old Hickory stripe, 1 1 should say, r etorted the t Uyep' 5 man , rbut ;tha Quaker relapsing into, his ustial pound. The public, imagining mai scraicucu.-. -f - - . r ; . i. ...u:u AUrw ; mhm. s a sieli helkafink if vou ask .partner s slock, .h ww.w at ?f ' .'t:: .iri 'iWTvnvp q u.u laiiei -vaj ; to tinie - steaithilv jeplenishedfero hinvtJQM iiihnfclxlh !vh rhf,rNi'if' lo ?iealu Y"' f:f JrAVPpl'nni'Rwefitheartk ssJan-. A g ood exampleis the bet eiTOom ..' .' ' ' !.-;'-J'7 .Y: .l A; HEAVY 1 STOCKHOLDER. : A granger entered one of our rail road oflfices tlie otheryand fbtitid a young1 rhari 1 'withiiu ; 'TKe5 farming man spo iter up and said Is this the' superihteridht f ' . F ' V V f ' f V Tha'ybtmgYmau ;was iimmeiisely flat tered, and just to.let himself do w H easy, said- ''N-n not exactlyr not superintendent but I pam a heavy stockiioldeiv Anything I cando jfor. The grangerjsaid;"No,V- anI;j :wari: jderedff iuWtlinextroomttjetlra clerk, and pointing With hiW ' thinih over 'his shoulder' to wards. ihle fde- panmeni tie naju just eil t.fl 0 aia;;. 1 "; Young manYthiit", a; heavy stockholder ori; th s road.?' . - stockholder' is he !" " Yes, oh, yes," said the clerk ing purple in the face. 1 ; ' lltrrr- ' "What arnoutrt of stock do you suppose . lie. holds now ? saidlth curious granger. ; fl yY;! ' "Well," said1 the clerk, with "the f air of a parson at .a funeral,' "well, he nt; iiuius tut;. BviLJuuiivvuucui- a ; sometimes,'." f . ,Y v Y; The granger 1 wouldn't hear thing else, so' the c'lerk had ottfl and tate something. f torse any- o iro SET UP A RAH AT HOME.; f J aikeepers in this ;cHy, says tlie jFfy rpier.and dfecTiajIc of. Raleigh, N. a,payrQrtvavfirig 1 or s fb r - whiskey. fOn .egallpir. Leon t ai is .an average bfsi xty-fi ve d rinks, and at ten' cents a drink the poor in a n. pays ; -isi !?n flKis w hiskey. Iij.Uiejv. words he spays 32 rythe Wlriskeand $4:M to-a mapYfbir-' habdingit - Over -ihel bar." Mvbu'Wvimvo 'Ldkiidj ,hers;; Uto , buy, . a ..gain., oi wl iskey for a beginning,. and fjyery tl n i esyob- want ' a d rink! go to he r and i pay' ten ents 'ipr ft'.! : Ry lhf time v'o Yliavo'j drank' a 'irallon r she wilt hale , srx doliars and. ,a , half, . , or chough: v money.' to refund thej. two doll am borrowed of 'you and to pay for ' another 'gallon or ' liquof, and ha re: a balance of $2.50. ' She will be able to conduct future operations on her own capital, and when you become an inebriate,5 tinable to sup- po rt: yburmf,'sh hnnbdn and despised by ail . respectaoie persons, yum wife x will have money: ; enofe l to keepiyon until you get ready to fill a drimkard's raVe Y ''?. ' ' 'THE -DRUNKEN CAPTf IN.9: - f Lower :theUife-boats, save; Ml the pa ; s en ge is, a nap itch mq o v e rbo a rd ," is : 'wliatl Captain t;Ho waivl, .W the ste amsbip Georgia, is . repp rted . to ha v e Yaid at ie iv tfi e vessel wenl' upon llie ;i ocks. If all else that is said of hiitiY he Jtrue says; an::excha?ngeit w6uYd hav-e served'hiin righlfo have casst . hitnj into the wvayes. lie was cO m m a fd o f a g r ea t :; vessel and many lives' Were m his keeping:'' Tlie pasengerssayYhe was 'continually dr lihkfrom the-time of star tiugj! and that .he. wasjnYa' level Jn hiaj-abin when the shock came. : He staggered on'dfecknu ga6 : 'orders until led ! '.. I'' ( - "J-:t ..' . , t i .. : itfv 'The ner s of the sea I are mlnyiunder thniost ditions but it must be admitted that they are' greatly increased if the. voy age is made with adruriken captain;' rPV. lose5 modGV.,''isIa 'sijmibf bad luck, i . . J. r . .. : '.f . To nieet a lun.erai is a siot oi death; I To take' home a piece of beefsteak 'i' (ri the IS i Slllu.liivic. n iii.utj t A-yl Y fekiss ,pFe girl; will is art sign y Qu5U i get :your faco up w ,tm i,sgii , ru ,wui The ' cl e rk took a squint sn w -ho il n .cjauuiuitu . iiu ; 11,1111; T4. es, cpntmued tlie granger ."Di f iLl l.i.'A'.7.i .t flu: U".'::iiM :'t -iv 4.-;- be d diapnointedni, a lpyftitlair;, :-,t, ; i. .ii "i ; 1 X. MeArJliljlVH ' Stock of Goods isnow cbfiipiete hi every Departttfent,'itnd will be void at BOTTOll, PRICKS FOR CASH, or to prompt, paying customers. 2 His Stock consists hi part of . CASSIMERES' CLOTHS, CO V j I ' ' -'A SVi . : 4J kir 7 fVr , A Full Line of Domestic 10-4 bleach! and Unbleached SHEETLa.'TJLLO N CASE GoodsJ T. AKEGEORGK 1 Ai V, f ?TW'E - WPte iA Full Line of v V4.;; ! FIGURED A"nD lLAIN 4 LAWNS; Style- ' M V mxkn for LADiisurrs , ) ' j nxh TRAVELLING DRKSSErf I HAMBURG EDGINGS,' lri rfefy fiyt ' lVoinf!3 cents 1 wp. f LflfKJf TOWELS audi ? ! ...CR'ASIl.-,;,. ; . r Y f-i.. M A RSE I LLES QUILTS, a Urjf lot.. KEKPS SHIRTS aiid COlX AR9.W if full line. - .. . : ; Y.Y.' ' Y- Y.'l JMILES a ni ZIEGLK RS hand made Bhocs iir. every Style, for Geii:tlemen, Laches, Jli?ses and Cbll-; dren. iAlso a larsre lot of other coocT anil popular maiies oi .?uoe M c C A UL E Y ' S Y" " :--..j J' ."-.4 Is lead qua'rters for I " BACON; LARD and GROOE i.ti .' I ft... I 'L: .!' : ' -..) !.: r ! RIES, CAN VASSED cfe SUGAI CURED fHAMS on hand all the time at Bdttoni Prices ; .1 . .j.j '' N O. -HMS and SIDES at lOdU. i GOOt) BROWN SUGAR at -tOctrf Casi?. GRANULATED, GUT LOAF and best BftON SU GAfc at lowest pfi6eif. GRITS and HOMINY, always Oh Jaand A fCTLL tE OF iM ' N. ; cl 1 CUT HERRING, MULLKm- . BttfE FISO; Ac. ; BEST. CUBA MOLASSES and ruitijy HONEY DHI' SRUP. PU RE- t'llVER VINEG Alt a'nd JSILJIICEY . . 1 ,V full StoeT5 of .iVa'rmef's Friend) PlowsJ Points . and Bolts, nl ways otr hand. J , I . J SWKEDS1 Relinod, .Rwl, Square aud Round Iron 'on hand,' of all the dllTerf eiit ze at the lowest caslv price. ; ; COTfON IHOKS in all the latest and; improved stales. ! ". HORSE aid MULE SHOhS nncT NAILS. " , ' . s ! CUT and ITNISIUNO. NAIIi o every sicr UraIN and GRA'SS BLADES. '' ' Vlufaet, eyerythiiigf in f the lUrdwtre jjumy . . ( .... - j.;'di'aiitlfiilltiieofi-''' ' 'V L ' r , ) ":. .i " s ... i . i FLADIES JUSSES; and CHILDREN I I TRIM MED and UXTRIMMED- JjHATS. RIBBONS. RUFFS, CUFFS nd COL i f i. L ARS'lii1 every Style.' n .(r ' ; IA full Line of GentlemttinUd IjiJI NECKTIES. Gentlemen and Boys' FKLT ant tnd STRAW HATS, in nil the .'.latest aiid ,newest Styles. I , : . , ; . Y A' full linebf Men and BoyV. READY MADE CLOTHING at prices tliat cai not be beat.! s " ! . . 1 . : .1 UM BRKL1-AS and PARASOLS that beats Jhem all nom'15: cents td'fJ. ' ' I - If voh want to save money, come tof WcCAULEYS.' where you .will And what vdTntanr,rpr1ces-to'sntrvcry- Tnankinf ine puouc iui iiwim 1 aiiil trive them 4hfe V worth ' of their mouey ,t .j ,:; cii;iK;l Hi llN. C.;r Hy 18.1H7d. TONADES, LINEN DRILLS patrouage ffiven mcr heretofore, L pieafe myself hi Hue future, as I have tiioil to' .low the To' tr:it eveh'body rirhC 5 7 a ...I , ! ! r . 3 i. . 1 , $ r If

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