C \\v V u\ \o\^ —\ \rg\uuv. MK. .iKTrr.Kx)N's T.r;nr.R. art' tavoi od, sn} n tr.o Richmoiul I'in'Hiircr, of A]tr'l l,v. i1h tlic follow in'; Irltci- ndiln to ii ^(’iitlcinon of thiscitv. 'fhc ir.ipoTtnnro of its siihjcf't. fMid lhi‘ t(,'f of hs :iuthcr, \vi'I en title it U) the niot’t |iroround iittenlioii ; I'lon’.'Killo, April 19. IbJl. D'r\i! Sip—I ed in due timt vonr of the I2tli, requestinr niy Mjiinion on the pi'opo^ition to rull ;i ron- •, !i!i')ti fu!' ;itnriidinr; the ronstitotion f)l ■•>10 st;Ue. 'I'lKit this should not he [icr- t(.i t cnnnnt he :i sniiject ofwonder, when if is (' Mi>id'^ied th.'it o’li's \v;i.s nut onlv (lie fii ->t, of the Aniericjin st;ites, hnt tlie iij't Hii'ivn in the world, jit least within th(. I’ccords of hi-'}i)ry w Ijirh peaceably, hv il,s \\ i>c‘ fnrNH'd cm freelflih( r- M.on. 0 roji,»; iidl ((>11 ol' t;ovecnnient lor iSell, ;!nd depo>.iied it in wrilint; iinion:; tiie;r .'i’^i-Niwn ;idy ;tnd open to the ripi.'cd (jT (.'Viry ciii/,iii. 'I’iie oth('r M.i;! ",. who sii(‘cv-^!vi'l\' formed for t hc'.nveh ( c, ;)1., >, h;'d the henelit of oin' outlihe. ;i:irl ha’.e made on it douhlless s c. iini.i (ivt nienls. One, in the ■( ery on!->ei, :ind wliich ha^^ hi’cn adopted in Mihs.'ijU. nt conslitnlion, was to j i\ il.s f(jnndalion in tin/ anthorily of the iMtion. 'i’(j oui' ('oii\-ention no special anthoi'ilv had heen (.lfle_u,al'd hy the peo- ■jile to form a ])ernianent constitution, ^ver which their successors in lu;isla- tnre should havono power of .ilteration. '{'ht'V had hten dei tcd for the- tirdinary ])ii:iiovcs of l''!'is!.t1ioii (inly, and at a JiiU'' when tlr' es|.d)lis!inienl of a new I'nmi'at had not hecn jiroposcd or (;onii.'n plat^ i. Aith-)np;h, thei’efore, Jhe\ s;ave to this ae| ihe title of consti tution, yt t it could he no nioi’o than an ;ici (>f It'i^islaluro. suhjcct, as their other :icts we e, to ahrratioii hy their succes- f.or.v Jl has l)(>en said indeed, that the ; ' I iesceiue of the peoph; j)as supplied fhr want oforit;inal power. Jhit i! is a dan';Mdu.s h-'-s ’iitosa\’ to them, “wl'.en- ( \er your funetlonai ies -\eiTise u^d.iw- fni aulhorit\' over you, if you do not ;!(• juto actual resi.st.;jnc(', it will he deenie(! j:'(ni;(.'sctnce and conlirniat ion.lie- side'-, no anthoiity has yet decided ■eJii tlier liie resjsi;uice ip.ust he instan- 1 UH'Oirs ? W hen tlie i'i:;ht to resist ceas- r- ' >r whether it h.is yet ceased i‘ Of the J l slates now organized, have I’ovi (1 (>;’.!• do' *rine and eN:mipli‘, :>•!•! hi’Ve deeuic’d llte I'ornial autlioiiiv 1 their pcop'c- a lleoe.s^,;u■y foundaiion ior it coiiS’iiiiiticn. Aii'ii'ier di'‘•(•I wi)ich has liv Cn coi-- Jv.! l:,;d liy UK/sf Oi' the otiier si ites is, Ih'.tt (hf; hasis of our constitution is in opij(.siiion to iht' prihf'ijde (d’( (|Uai jto- iitlcal l i'^hts, i’elusinri: to all but free holders any jjai'ticipation in the natural rii^'ht of self-i;’o\-orninent. It is believed, fur exauiple, thst a very rrc'at r.iajorit\ f-: the iiiililia on whom the hurllien of inilila’-y duly was imposed in the lal(* w:u'. wci'C men unn-prescnlefl in the 1 'i^isijitiirL* which imposed this Innlhe'i on till in. Hovc\( r ttalure may, by riental or phy sical (pialilications, ha\ e iiiarli^'d infanis and the ucaker se\ for the protectii;!!, ratlK-r than the dirc'ctioii (i| trovei’umenl. yet aujuiLT the iiien who ( iilier pay, or firht f( r theii’ eountrw 1.0 line (t/ rj:ht can he draw n. 'The e\- ehiiioii of a ma jority ol'our J i eenit'U iVoni the 'iulii ol I ( pi'es(Mit at ion is m.’rd V a i'- ijit:.uy. and rui usurpation of the luincu'- il’, o\ i'> h''n;a jiir 1 \. I’orii ;s b(‘r!e\ed lie,: ?'!)'.-Ill t nd(h.!s comp()''''j the in; ; oi our iVec'. adidl niahciti/eiis. '.n'tV'“i anuiiej; oni’ f:ii:'.ens >.vho u I f p.iTe in t!ie 11 jd'esenlaiive' pi'ivi- 1 liie efp;j' iy I'i' pojilif.d ri'.vhls i> ei.lirely p!-,;tr.i!"d h\ our ceu'-l ilu?'(m. I po;: V,',': pru"' f:i'- oi iii:;iil oi r( .ison e any I • ;i‘ p;-111 V 1 !'e u.' 11 liC t n e wr \ •".i /!•:, m! \\ . r'\ :^'iv :'s niUi !i e. ei'd't in i! ' ti;o\ 11 a> 1.' t\\ I'Ui \ ;wo eon a! d i /)(' io' i: . A i.i! »,:n'lar in- ..ijio: li'.e i ‘iIh',’ com;;!.!* -- 1 i’ u.r".’;iU;i j •'.iieipli'N ;ire ol’ no '■■e i . ;i' !i;al V(-i lur.erit, lluni III I . Morlast. a-;tl it a> ./.ei ■ .e li t ' !lic . im'- . I.'MO-: I lo: ' ,‘U Cl • !,ro- .h’e to jn-’pie for ti.en‘ise]'',-r--: tiian ‘hoif villi a:e'sii;l;ini;un(ler the waiu ol h'llii. if tlie seiisG of our citizens on liieipies- lio'; of a eon\'ention can b(>. liiirly ;iud fully taken, its result will, I am sure, be v.-ise and s dnliiry ; and tar from ar- ro^alinjxthe olVice (*f a(h ic(', no one will more p:.^si\rly acqniesce it) it thatr my- s' lf. IJetirintr, therefore, to the Iran- (juiiity c dl' d for by incrc'asin-r years and dei)iiil\-, I isli not to intermeddle in lliis (pK^tion : and to my prayers ior the j;'neral p;ood, I have only lo add as surances fo yoursidf of niy j^realesl es- te'.ni and resjjccl. THOMAS .ir.J TElJ.'sON. r.\viN(. ori'. It isprr'amied that tiot Icsr, that 190,000 dollars lui\c i)('en j)aid lo ihc .seunicn of llif I'T'anklin 71, (jii her rctdiii from a three M'ars’ cruise: (r>t!s(;(jueiitly ’ach man received a considerable sum. ll is a!i old adai'c, that scariu ii their nu)- ncy like hor-cs an'l spend it likt'asses ; and altholl^•!l of iaU' yeai--. ihe character of the sailor has niuler!';one soiv.c aUcra- lion, lhat is, iIk'v aic a more rellecli\ e and pi'udctu class of heinq-s l!iaii they I'oi'mcrly were, yet tiiey stili retain u smack of llieir o!rl }j”iicrous, cai’cless, inditlereiit nian- iiei'. 1 bis has In.-n cxcnipliricd in tlie I'l^ndiici crew of t-U' 1 I’ai 'din. Jh fore ihe i'’iii'ser w.is pi'epmcd if) pay them ofV, tliev raisf (1 the w j >1 on shore fur a fcvv da\s by bori'ow iiiLC lens to repae 1 weiities, and ihcy cai’riecl siiii'sail iliruu.qb liie (ilv. I'he first hixin-y and ciii'iosity of a sail or ('II sbore is u ride on liurie!jack or in a carriai;;e,';ind no ani;nul on earlh is more awkward iban a sailor mounted. 'I’liey lasbeil their Imrses \\ith a small bit ol’ a roj)e, ( lin!;-iii;^ I’oi'cibly by tiu' nianc at ihe same time. uiili tbeir beads jiearly on ibe |)iimmcl of ihe s>idd!e, and, thus th» ir iiorses V, eiil kickituj and plnii!';in^’ u]) Hroaduay. Several lallered huroin ht s, iilb'd wiib the iVail sistt'rbood I’orm Cor- lacrs } look, dressed in lawdry crapes, be- spaiif^ded.and cro\> ned n i(b artificial llow- ers, wiiii tbeir sailor i'tlentls, dro\e ihru’ oiir f.'sbionable streets, hailing- cver\ lliinj; on the wuy. 'I he hacks have bad a harvest. One sailor would lakeposs('s- sion of u couch. “ Where shall I f;o,” said the toaehtnan. “ \ny wh'-re, cvei’\ where—bear up for the I'rattklin.” “She is over at ibc lun y yard,” said the whip. “•AX ell, lay your course fur her, you lub ber—Keep her X. N. 1'.. you shark.” A jolly lar had just charlered one of Cooper’s handsome hacks, and had moiinled the box vith the dri\er, at the i’aik fjate, when he as hailed by a mess- m;it(‘, “Ilo! ship ahoy—liere are you bound to “'I’o t be ilook. ” “[leave too, and lakt' me on boai'd.” “ Voa may !;•() Ik'Io V in tlie caliin, but, d—n me, if v('.u come on deck.” “ 1 a't dow n your comj^uii'.n ludtler.” The steps \^e)e let dov, n and in steppcil honest Jack, who roart'd out, “lleaj) her I’m!1.” 'I’bey have also honored the pit of the llu'atre w ilh their picsence in udcrablc u'inibers, and tolerably in for it. ‘*() that's ev'.-cllent”—“ that’s iitu',” said on(\ in apj)l;nuliui-; a sentiment of ll;e phiy ; aiul, w lien Pat ker danced a sailor's boi-n- pipe, in ( haracter, tbeir cheers were en thusiastic. “1 know bill',” said one: ‘‘It's Jack Crawly, turned player-man : he’s dancc'd that a hundred times on our ii:un-ib‘ck Saturday nif^lil. Hallo, Jack, don't yon know us r” 'i'hus eiijovin;;^ ibetnr,elves, tutd alTord- inty m('rrin;ent to (jlh.crs, these sons r)f fri'edom are taUiiifj for awhile the joys of itein.f' released fforn conlitfuienl and ri'.^d di:>cipiine ; and, when relieved I’l'ftin th( ir loose' cash, wliieh soon ninsl !m* the ease, the\ enit r i'or another cruise. ;-aily sinu^intrf “ ben n>.y nionc}'s all j^one, wlutl ijained in tb.e war^;.” 3*. I". Ectnin.'r ro-sf. darn in 01'o—Kxti act of a letter da ted Ciiuinuiti, Auir. 2:^ 1821:—“ Aiiv ii.antiixof Co! 11 inav be had al t iijhi ( eni's per buslu 1, deii\'eia!)le inlounas ■'Ol n as it is fit lo pull, say in two or three week-, as it is \ »'i \ ku'ward and tlu' crop more aljtitidjut llian was e\er known.” I^ranionu’, in bi> well known Memoirs, iri'es the l’ol!o\> in;.:; skelcli of .-Vntie de .Mi.titniorem i, Con-ital)le (jf 1 ranee, and a distitii^uished thief in the w ar of the Iea;.’UC : " s;iys till lilsfiir'ian, “ wlic- ’■ II ilii , (111 11 n.:i’'cli. I -; .'lOU'^iu o'jit ■l.ili.. (d's:.);' li.cre (icida ii ’!'ii atuui y .1 ■. '11 j ove M in of i! liul i “ I ,\ i -y nionim.n', tiici’ In V. lit tiDii:’ (IV ill (M’/. j. he 1;.'\ .T 111 ll I i • !’ ln ;(l 1 Hut ll V. ;is :i s i\IP r iciiuiii!,'-t!’i' : iluli'V--. • i'.ikr riO i- ol’ ti,i' |j;,f, )•! d^trl s ol' ,M 'll- .••.■ui-Oi ■ ( uii lu.jie,' \\l,ii>l ll w iiiut-.i !•- i.,!; lih Hi (All’, j.e v.en.il \ii.n\i I’l hy v.:e, et' j'.','! i.t'.i ;is I’.ic. i(in i)i ijji'iu' (>r v.;ir ll ti,.' 1, IX T KI,!, I (iKNei:. i-DPrjisy. rnnM t.\t.‘: i.osimin JVnr in jlprur.— I lie hist ai counts re- C( i\ed from Caj'.e Coast Castle slate, tluil the r’anlees bad si j)a!-ated from the liril- ish troops, and bad se\erid ^kirmishes with the Asluiiitees. One il the London j>apers says, il is t;-enera!l)’ believed, in thi' first niilitury (ii rles, tliat the(pieslion of tlie expediency of preserviiie; our pos sessions in ('/item Africa, al l!u‘ cx.- pens(' of increasinif the arrny,l’.as at Icnivth be^'Ti determined in the anirmative. 'I'he reinforccmenls, however, will be raised in a niamicr ihe least objectioiialile to those who ure advocates for abandonint*- the scene (if so miu h recent disaster. Two black re.t^imenls are to be levied, which will prevent the expense and delay of re- criiitintf in this cotuitry. 'I'wo uliite lei'inK'nts are-at tlie same time intended to l)e formed 1‘i'oni convicts, in the same manner as ihe OOth was first raised, which will streni>-thcn the white j)(>pulation in our African i)Os‘^essioiis. '1‘hese f(jur ref^imcnls, w ith the increased slrent;-lh of the second ^^'esl India ret^-i- ment, and Koyal Afi icun Colonial Corps, will, il is supposed, prove siifticient to make such a demonstration ag^ainsl the Asbatilees, and our other enemies, as sludl obtain a settled peace, and prevent a rc- ciirrenc*' of such reviu'ses as have been lately e\perienced. Of this force Major (icneral Turner takes the conunand : Col. Sut.lu'i hind second in command ; and Ma jor C-bisholni will retain the important post of Cape Coast Castle. niroin'AM' fuom st’ain. JHII..\liKl,l‘lllA., SKIT. 18. Ca[)tain IJutler, of the ship l’halia, ar rived at this p(»i t yestei'day I’rom the Is land of Sicily, and .16 days iVom (iibral- tar, stales that on the 7lh of Aut^ust, he was informed by a respectal)le inb.d)ilant (»f (librallar, lhal a reunion of I or .lOO of the banislied (>)nstilutionalIsis, who hud been secre'cd alonj^lbe coasts, had landed at 'I’arifa on the 4lh of Auf^tisl, where they wire amicably received and joined bv the (.iariison, and have since been joiiH^l by V. lar^e number of persons from the interior. His informant could nol say whether these persons had committed any act of (lesi)erali(in, or whether it was a jjartof a ireueral plan of insurrection. (i‘U( ral O'Donnel, who was at Al^:e- siras, had sent two companies (jn tiu; 5th to reconnoitre in the neii^hboi Iiood of’i’a rifa, w b.o, on their arrival there, immedi ately joined the insurj.;-enls. He hatl ar rested thirty iudividuals at Alf^^eslras, sus pected of beiiii,^ connected with the cap tors of Tarifa, and ordered them for Cue- ta. Tiie insui',t^eiits at'l'arii’a liavin;.^ re ceived iulimalion of it, fuied out a boat, and cai)iurcd the vessel llial was carryiiij,^ the |)ris'Uiei's lo Cuela. 'I'vvo I’reiich iVio;aUand a Spanish schooner of v' ur, h;ul been cannonaditi'.'; Tarifa on the 7th, but-U^c wind blowin;v I’l-esh from the w('.^, aii'il the current set- liir: strot'.i^ throui^h the .t^tit, they could of A! '■i'sii’?-‘i'’'‘rc rr:!i h dis.=;:tisiied.ow;ii;; lo Ihc i;adi!es.i of their clolliiu'.," and pay. I ROM (.IIU’AI.T Mf. Files of the («i!)raltar C lironiclc have reached us, to the 2-lth July, in vvdiich we find an extract of a letter copied from the Aui sSiir;; (Ja/ette, dated Alc\an(!ria, May the 1st, stulinr^ that tlie Subluue Pone had, al the retjuest of the } roy of Ki;ypl, confided the j)acifu ation ol (ireece to that jirince, wlio had ai^rt^ed to pav the wdi(jle ex|)ense ol the expedition. In couse(jiunce ol this, slejis, il is s.iid, bad been taken to accomplish lliujjbject, by ceni'erriiii^ unlimited powers on Ibra- ham Facba, who was to open the cam- pai^’i bv oiferinq; safety and protection to the inhabitants, if they returned to tlii'ir foriuer vassalage ; but it they ob- slin ilely “ reject ecpiitable proposilioni,’ the\ will be extirminatcd. Ten i’riy;ales had been sent by the Poric to assist hi this humane business, to which the \ iijerov had added 35 other vessels, vv hich were to convey 3.j,00() troops lo the ^lorea, tvvt-thirds of which had been trained al ter the Kiiropeaii system.^ This letter is said to be o(/icial, and to have been sent to ^ the A'ui^sburij Ciazette bv the ayent of Mthemel Ali, residiuLj at J rieste. 'vVhelher this staiemewl be true or false, it appears by letters from Smyrna, that the Turks under the Captain Pacha, true to their svstem of exteriiiinalion, drench ed themselves in biood al every [)lace warre they touched, on their arrival iir tl-e Dardanelies. 'I’o stimulate them to llese acts of barbarity, the i;overnnienl is slated to have wilhheld fr(un them their fi.od and jiay, calculating^ lhal ihey would llius enter more warmly into a conlest v»h(.'re abundance of plunder was l(» be cblained, than if their hands were full. vvccoriiin^Iy, on enierini^ tiu* Meleiiia tiey pul lo the sword all the Christians anjve eii;ht years of a^e, and acted these s enes of carnaj^e in all ihe hamlets with in a circuit of 10 leai>iies. Uiil this was li..^^hl, coiilinues the writer, “compared vilh Pertjamos, where 10,0oo Christians vere brutally massacred in 38 hours.” 'I'bese disi,n-accful and barbarous pro- (eediii!;s, it is added, produced an eifecl V bich was naturally lo ije expected. Al ter i^hillin!^ himself with the blood of the aihabitanis of Melenia and I’ergamos, i.!ul plunderin;^ iheir dwellings, the Cap tain Pacha steered to the Thermaic Citilph ■■■) attack the Isle of Sciathos, wliere, it ']ipoars, the Greeks were expectinij him. lieint^ ignorant of theirnu'asiires, he fir 'd more than 7000 gun.s, and then landed I numerous corps. *\n action imineili- .tely look place, in which the Patriots al- •acked the Turks with such fury, that the ‘aciia alone escaped in a .qondola. On •e.tching his vessel, he sailed for baloni- '•a, where he was reiJiesen'.ed to be in the '(l ealest embarrassment, the contingents w'jich he sacriiicec!, being comp'osed of '1' irks recruited in the environs of Cas- sandria, Naoussa and Macedfuda. It is alwavs a source of gratiiication to find, that, nolwithslanding l!ie details of horrid cruellies comniitled by the I'urks llial so I’refjiienllv reach us, they are ac- not hold lo windward, and bore up for Aj- '>>’ nccoun|s of resistance and gesiras, w hete thev anchored about 6, P. M. One report says 500, another 1000. French troops had advanced. ti])on 'I'arii'a,! frcMii the neighlxn hood of Cadiz. | A body of ‘joo ICxiles, who had been livin,c\- on board diil'ereut crafl, in the har bor of (iibraUar, i’or sev eral months past. bravery on the jiarl of the Cireeks which atl’(jrd ground to hope that they will fmal- i Iv succeed in securiii!; iudependeiice. j [.V. }'. £ve. .Imhi^nous E.rpla/ia fion.—'I'he fo 11ow in g laconic, cori'cspondence has ri'ceiitly got .broad among the upper circlcs, to the left there on the night (jf the 7ib, in small i geeat annoyance of a Jt male nj hiirh fi,s/ihn vessels, for the purpose of attmpiing a’ '' ho is known to be the subject of it ; the I.I. iiri I >i.( U'l 1 r, i:'l 'M(‘ (d vv '1 ll I ‘ I iai'il;' !1U' ll.llt i'l ii'iw jiiC'-i i;.'' i!;:!? (itiuv tlirnuL'-li ilic biiP'..;' 1;.| li:lli. r t'i;it Il.HIi iei.! slnjdt li lii lu t(iVi 1 lie expi ir-es ,1 ifs oil: iti;':ilioil. 'iiii^lra- to oi /n '■ '• • ide- il not pi'.-.’IlH ! -.e po!;t :-.ll I le c a'‘T ^t,ltl;t!'))ls (,! I’.y ( pi'lJiet, ;i(i ! tl.ili 1 ill il' iiioiulieafiiei ; liiiiiii'> 1 ;‘4 my scil , - tiDiis ol 'f (■ jii ! he i:i- p’!let t or i(11- ih’I V •in;4' I-' ni_\ t.'.C'- ; ('lit Kie ill |j.i (■ ; 11 r'l ;»i (l.icidiis ;i'. Ui iK i t'u- I' Hii.;' ; i)i!rii me tli;it tl.e ( Diiiil-. i'l ;• .1 (|ii'ivt. uni! ;il! t' Ir- w ruilil iiH ■s ;iH tlid till- .I'l- OI!l till, i - I 111- Wdulil ll j Ilian', VII ■/■r ■i'riij)t D’l u 'I'l llj.;:,! It trin h . 10 / \\ ill i;;i. ; .SI I ill. Ill :,|l I' Ilf :i I' :,,;.;''li' r-)iinil V ;iiii. ll.'’. I- i! iiie wiih- lll--tlr\ etioll'i, M ll l'!l s'li III (U I'l'r anotlii r k it ;i (I ' to 1 h(;''( M"! ai’e I" p:n 1 n i:iali I he liistoi'V of the ( ’.vil wars ef I nu'- lo h av( . ■>i aiotni I'l^iii’b very many ins • : , ; like (ciiili'i i.'i ••S' Ilf roiisriciirr, aiid ' ' ''(■ ^,(0(! I I ( \ ii ’hf \' l!i;.v p odi'ee. | ^ i 1 le • ll ( -enl gi'i'i :':;! Mill Ii:.\'e the ))/'>if ' ’ v-i'i-rj:( ' eriiiiie!it v. Iiiihlh(. iri' es of •V Ilf roiisriciirr, aiid seruj)li- ital id' p'-: y“i's, (Ml tiie part f ^ mil t>i \ (i.in'inaijilei’s. Tlie h’ussian gcn- ' I c! a!'' ,,iid s(j!dii rs iii'rli.-na their di'votious ’ V, :.''i iMim-tiiio'is i'e;'iila!'i*v in the mid^t iia:- vr_^M' ' I e lor !!• '1 tt.e 1110 ,1 fei et. iouij liavo'. Ill’ W i i.V'/'. desc'iit someihit'g similar lo that of 'I'a rifa, some>vhere in the neigli!jorhood of A1alai.^'a. Cnpt. ]i. left (iibrallar at six o'clock in th('I'vening of the f!lh, at whirli lime the wind was fresh from the east, but th(‘ two French frii!;ates in .\lgesirai road showed no disposition t(> i;el undet w 'ly wh('n he ])a;Aod them. At I'', P. M. oiVthe point of (iaulnu.'si, 4 miles (a:-,t O' 'I'arifa, saw the ilaslies and heard the re port (d‘ a sharp skirndsh («f mu..(pu:'ry, a I be tower of (lat lmesi, which lasted alioti. Iiv(' minutes. At 11, being abreast of'I'arifa, and tw .. miles from the tow n, saw aiul heard j cannonading on the iiillsbai k (>f the t(>v,v, iiiul could jilaiidy seethe course of li,: balls or rock( is, w hi( h appeared lo b(> il! !ii ed in one direction, v i/. diagon dly i- cross and tow ards the back of the lovvi, .•s ilie nio(n A\ a.s at the full, and sho’.e very bright, and ctniid distliigiU'ih objec s on shore tol(M'ai>Iy we!!, w hii b enablul him to remark that the isl.inrl and tovn ol’Taril’,1 w('t'(' pel feet j_\ (juiet, tbe iiri ir !>i iiig coti!i!ii d to tliree small hills, apf. i- r-uillv al)oul one mile !ja( k (d' the town, t'l oni \\ I'lii !i !ie concluded lh;it tbe (h)iif i- tjitionalists bad not onlv kcjit possess'm (if the id,Hid and t(M\n, but made gc »d iheir i'oiitiiig' on iIm' main. ■\t ball' past 1 1, tlu' firing es'ased, w ih tlie evf{i)rioii of a siinde !;un at longin- terv a!>, o!id at tbirl v miuuti's jiasi ir d- ni:;ht. tbe canmitradiug recommenc;d, a.nd cduliuued to iucrea' i' in v iolein e, n- til half past 2. ,\. M. when il Ix'came re- mendoir. ; and in the sliorl interval of the eauuonarh', heavy and t ontiuued .ol- hes of niiisipu try (ould be plainly he; rd, as the wind Mas I'a.s*. and Tari!’a_ l.ore east. I iduld bear the iii'iiig until A. M. at wliii li tim«' It was ln>t in the dista ce. I he !a't Mail Ircm Madrid, bad td't arcounts of a f;iiari'el ; nd all'rav bet\ ern tbe Spaiii -I’l i iid I'reiicb troops in dial i iiy. 111 wbirh rnanv li\es had !>ee)i 'r)si. 1 ho '^j’wi#')h ti’oo'is i'n~'!ie ■.ii.ty'l'ibor M^od words we have put in italics are under* scoi’cd in the originals :— “ Saturday, .Itily 17. “Lord is C'W'? /'■> tiiat Sir li:is iiflir.ni'cl in u piiijlic company, tliat v\.i.-, ii person of (/ ■iihtft,! r.',;rachr. 1 \vl,t 1 \A'— Liuly Lord U' (lid ihiike sue!) ass-, rt'cii, and it' he did, iK'g'st') iisk for an e.\pl.kiiatiuii. ’i hc bL-arerwill wait his answer.” A\>\vf;n. “Satnrdny, .Tiilv 17. “ Sir W does not recolli (I to hu\ c ii .ed the expression n ferred to rt sp( ctinp tlic rli;i- rac'ter of Lady , nor doe» lie tliink it likel\ he should, as he does not iciiow any lt ni;i!e in the eirel'- of fushioii of w hose c!i;ir;\cti r tin n- ca.i be has doubt.” Lundon pujnr. DOM Esric. From the (Ilarrl.-ilinrp;) rennsyb iifKin, Sejit. 11. HOIU5LIJS A.\l) Ml i{I)Ki!I',l{S. We are indebted lo the poli'.tiiess of a Iriend, iijr being able lo |)ubli-,h the fol lowing infoimalion, received I’rom a gen- th'man of respectability residing at llig Flat, in the slate of New \Urk. I’he b I- it'r I'rom which >\elake (Uir exlracls, is dated Sc])tendjer 1, 1M.M. Last week as (uie of ibe 'I'uscai'cu'a lrib(> oflndiaie-, b\ the name of Douglas, who had been in Hath j;iil, for ])assing- couii- lerfeil mou('y, and been b;iiled out, w as jKissifig a Mr. Ives, to vvlujin he had pass- ('(1 the money, a liglu ensued hetwa'en them, when Douglas drew a dirk and sla!)l)ed Ives tbiee tinu's, so that he died in ten minute:,. Douglas lied to the woods and immedia'e pursuit -vvas inadt' by the Sh(‘riil iuid pfjssi'. l)iiring the pursuit a cave vvas diseovt'red, w hich con tained two boxes, a bed, and chidr; a trunk was als(i afterwards i’ouiid, -.v bich contained silks seven watches, dol lars counterl’eit money. 'I'be SheriiV, al'- ler this, proceeded to st'nrcb the liouse td' a man by the name of Mavlierrv, v\ iiere he i'oiitid fii’ty-one w alcl.es bid ’under a -iloor—a b!(jo(ly sliirl v/a.s foaiid uo stai-.-r. two crriVTits we:\' also r.>i,fid,('onccD.Iofl'.ii ati under lx*d, one of which w as cut in tvv(, or three places, but in such a manner that when the cravat'was i’olded up ill made but one cut. A silver watch waj also found, marked w iih the same Ielt(*i's| as the shirts and cravals. 'I'he day aftei* this, the search being still continnecj,. 1000 doIla"s of good money was founil conceah'd behindj Mayberry’s chiivui('\^ and subsei'iuenlly another chest w as de;. covered, containing valualde silks ami other goods, to the amount, as is stippr^. sed, of six luuidred dollars. The following jiersons have beew coin- mitted to jaik Mayberry's i’uniily, Wi\. liam Ik Jones, (IriiV Jones, James Jones, S a man by the tranie of Wallace, anothe;- ' by the name of Halhvvay,one by the iianu; oi’C(de. .and another by the muiie ofHel- merCole. Douglas had not been caught when the loiter was wrilteu. POISON I'.V Ml SHROOM.^. Five or six persons, composing tko family of Mr. (>eorge Harnard, of liar;- ford,Conn. were poismied hy eatinij mush rooms at breakl’asi. One (d‘ them, .i hitl named James Sevinour, 11 years of agr, e\i)ired on the secoij^ day, and acliild of Mr. li's was dangerously ill. So deleti;. rious were lb.e t'liecls of this \eg'etabl(, that a cat whi( h sul)se(piently licked l!h; platiel's in wbi>. h it had been served up, expired in a short time ai'ter. 'I'he spr- cies of plant used in this instance, is de nominated the ir>iifc iiiunlirooiiu which ii v, ell known to be a deadly poison. Frcovcri/ from a Thnnilcr Sfrnkr. 'I'he i’(dlovving extract of a h'tler I’roin a gentleman at Dellbrook, in the slate i f Ohio, to bis i’l'iend in ibis city, dated August J !, gives a \i\id sketch (d’a dis tressing scene, wi:!i an account oi'a suc cessful attempt to resnscicite a person a])- pa.rently killed by lightning, which may indue*' others hereafler placed in .simiku’ situations to use like exertions : Xif. Ink'!. “I have now only time lo give you i\ brief sketch of a m- 1 inclioly occurrence w hi(di took place’ on Fridav last about .> o’clock : A few minutes id'ier 1 liad been sealed in a i’rcnl ro(;ni. (with a cotipK* of strangers, who bad called l')r slieltcr dur ring a light show er of raiiL a sluirp fl.ish of lightning ■ip])eared. accompanied v. itli loud thutidi r, thoug'.i apparently ulaflis- tance. Intvo minutes alter, a general tremendous blaze aiipeared-*-to e\ery one. whose eyes were towards the slree'., balls (>f liquid iire were seen falling on the earth, whicli, for a m(»mcni, desiruved the power,of V i'lion. The explosion, whi^'h was apparently at the same iini(‘ vith tV ■ flash, raised me (luiie erect. Fc iruVi the conse(pie:He, 1 i;uii lo a room in which'| my w'd’e lay si^k; on opening the door, n.y eyes were biii.d('d with sui(d,e. and v. :th a strong suljdiurous vapor. Seein-;- no lire, I s'.ipjx^sed the store v. a > stru J , uU 1 that tl.e giini).iw e’er liad cxj)loded. When 1 got ne:ir ti'ie store, 1 v> as i:;tt bv on* V (iude lii.ir.tiui'’ wards the l',;isl end of the Nd; lii jioicli. | I then turned my courst> ;ind ran with my j eyes elevatiil. t'Xpeciin;,^ every step to meet v. ilh a ( dunm (d‘ Hame, uti^il I al most tn.d u])(/i tlu- bl'tde s bodv id’ my j son ^^'il!iam. I tool; him inst..nlly in my arms, ;ind ran out iVtw.i the smoke and dust which still rem;iined, to the (p»'n air, turned up his face to the rain f r .i moment, then returned t(j tlie jxir'li. lilessed be (iod, w lio g;ive me thoir.’'li' and presence o*' mind I In less tlian ten minutes after the sh(»ek, I hail a v ein open ed in each of mv son’s arms, his I'eet ;’id hands in warm i.alt v. aler, and bathed !iis i'ace with cami)h. rated s]>ii its. 'I'be mo ment of the application of the last, he a;av e the first signs oi returning- life, w In ii his liings gave a faint !iea\eforair, ihoug'ii al first wiibont ef'ect. It was at IJ or 1 o’clock at nighl licl'ore his lungs weresnf- llciently inliated lo !>;ive respiration any thing like its nata.'al ordei’. During this process no ])eii c;'n dese; il)e the misery whirli be endured. It could only be ex pressed by i!ie con‘vO!'tio’is id’ his face and limlis, and Ids fee!)!e attempts to utter thanks Im' to (iod. be is imo" groans. 1' o i’ar r‘( (jv ered reason. :diliotedi p:trtly to exercise !ii> is v'erv weak and Ik..-. !■;( iicrallv i|lieuce ( much s!i alii'di fever—a naUiral c.onse- ’ such ;i e;.s ■. 'I'be house i i iti('red ;rnd Ujmi; tb.e kitclieii Ulensib.. bo:i!’(h every direction. iiid stoiu'"-, hurled in —Mi "s;;fs. (i a!cs and Seaton, eciiiors (d’ the Nationid le* telligrcncer, luivc announced tbeir inteii- lion of publishiui'' a rei.is'er (d’ Debates in Congres.-:, to bee,-in with tlu* lu'xl ses sion, and to conlain a i t p(;rt of tbi' speeches on io|)lcs (;f puljiic interest, in IxHh bousf's. It is to be published in the octavo form, super rfival, as f;isi as ma terials a;e aiVorded for halt a sl-.eet, and to hr i' .rvvarded to subscriber- in shv'e‘.> by mail, or retained uii'.il th • volume '; !ini^b^d, al theii- opli(ut. 'i he subsi.'rii)- lion pric(* i’or tbe n»'\t session, and fur e.tch oi t!ie rad ' efjuent .short st‘ssio;i^i will be tlii'ee (!(;ll;..s, ae 1 i’or the Ion;'' s.‘:-isions, six dollars. is compute-! tli;it the short se'.sior.s will rdTord a vchirno ci live hundred page?., d ihe others. of a tiiousand pages. A work of th:s Und will !)•' e:‘‘j-ene'y useful, atidi we h' ji^the ])u! li:.i;i'r.-; ill rerei' .- sufiicler : ( ncouragviiient t j tiie''.i y. • f.) I \* I ^

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