VOI CUAItLUTTE, ;s\ C. riESHAr, XOFEMUKIl 2, tHi-l. I’L'iii.isiiKi) \vi:i;ki.t r,v l.KMl EL DJMillAM, •r THllEE DOLLAUS A TKAH, PAID I\ ADVANCE. No paper will be discontinued, unless at tlie i., r»tion of tlie editor, until all arreurag'cs art- liii. Ai)VEnTisKMF.>TS will be inserted at the usual iti'S. Persons scndinfj in advcitiseim nts, are cinicsted to note on the niari;-in the niniiber of iiscrlions, or they will be continucil until forbid, nd charjfcd accordini,^y. QUANTK’O ( A\ VL LOITEUY. FOUimi CLdSS. A. M’lNTYia:, MANACEU. v%x vw si: 111; mi:. pnizE OF 5?.50(JU IS $5000 - . 2(IUU . lUUOO luJU - 600U 500 - 3000 340 - i>040 50 - (3900 10 - 6900 5 - 30300 :> t) 6 b 13« b'JO C'J72 $70,200 fi'.'Jt rnT/.KS. ^ 17,550 m.ANKS. S Tll-KKTH lliii is a Lottery fonneil by u ternary conibi- ,atioii and jjernuitution of 27 nviml)i.rs. li." dniwiiijc will tjke phice on 'J'fiursdiiij, lu' :25tli tliiy tif Soft nilitr, dr at a niurl\ earlier , if the sale of liekcts \sili uaiTant it. Tii kkts and 5w:aiiks may be bad on ui.plica- lOii at thc‘ i*()s r-orriri',, i a\ F/rrF:vn,i,r., lure evplanations of this S'clienir and Lottery, lul iiiforniation g-' iier^lly, may l>e bad \ II0 1,1; Tkk-UT i' 5 I Qi Ain tiis >'l 25 ' Ialk I I’at ka^i's of 9 tick'warranted to draw at casl irJO, l( S3 tlic 15 per cent., may also l)c had or 45 ih>ll ii's. —111 — Spencer ^ Merrill, HAVIN(J lately entered into a Co-ljartnersliip iu the (.’.ui- III \i)K M A KI .N(» and H I. \( K s *i n ii V Ili siNKss, inform tlieir fn».iuls and the public, tliat llicy will have on han.l, in a ve ry sliorttime, two or three Wa.tons, ])lain Car- riaj^es, and alniMst every other kind of vehicle now in use, and w ill warrant their work to be bnisbed einal in style to any m.'ide at Ihr North, as it has been th IrNtudy for some niontlis back to supply themselves with the best mattrials; and they will be ready to supply their customers w itii work t)ii as short notice, ajid ecpiali} as uur- ai)le as any in the hitate. N. H. (>ld work repaired with neatness and despatch. 'I hey will const!iii(i\- kecjj on hand a lar^fe (piantity of Horse Shoes, to prevent the delay of the traveller. All orders tiom pul.lie ])laevs of the villag’e and country, will be strict ly attended to. A tew first rate AXF.S, waTTn\ited Tast Steel, on hand, and will be ‘■old low for cash, if applied for soon. IS AAC Sri'A'CKJ?, TJIK()J)()I{K MF’dfHII.L. Charlotte, \. Oct. 20, 1824.—otG J. HElUmON’S JSIedlcnl Steam Vapor Baths, No. 74 Chi iu h-st. CiiAHLESTo.f. is fjenerally aeknowleilg-ed by writers on the sid)jeet, and experience coiToborates the fact, that the Tar Fumigation lowers the j)ulse, renders couplis less troublesome, and pro duces very salutary cliiccts in the Pulmonary system ; and it is remarkable that persons cng'a- ged in rope manufactories seldom labor nnd r consumptions, and that a residence on cedar n’ pine barrens tlurinj^ the summer, has been efTi- cacieus in pulmonary cases. Ample testimonials can be given, that the new mode of treating' (Useases by the fvmts of sul phur and other substances, particularly the ni- huhition of the fumes of tar in consumptive dis orders, immediati ly by the lances and lunjis, has been eminently successful. Professor ('har- MAN, of Pi'.iladelphia, one of the hi^'-hest au thorities in this eountr\, most co»-eiilly in his Ipcti. es impresses on the minds of his stuvlents, the efhe\cy and '■ueeess of this mode of treat ment in various diseases. st:.lin^ also that Dr. C'.nn nTov, physician to the Coui't of St. Peters bur»'h, treated several consumptive -as‘s in this manner, with the most triunt|diant sue. ess. Doctor .Iamks Saimh.hs, one of tne I’resi- IIOSK inurbted to the bile firms of Datii.- . of the Hoval Medical and Phvsieal Sori^. SON M.AMHHF.LL, and(;AMi>uKu, klh.AKK,-ticsat K-linburKh, l.icblv reeomnien.ls, in lus are earnestly recpiested to settle their aeeonnts very elaborate treatise on pubnonarv eon.Mimp- ^ IV r* W»*l IIVI \/| LJ y (lood (.otton, at the current price, will be re- j physicians of that country, h enedm ])aymen1. D. ('AMP1$F-1 1.., inhaling'atniosplieric ■j.ir wit.it J. II. m.AKK. for sale 3tt) 200 pair country 'made Negro SHOES, on good terms. C. lor riiil;iU‘Iplii:i. snbsc:il)tr having esiablisheil a J. J.ine of PACKP'Ts l>(tween Piiila- lelpiiia an! \\ ilm:iigt(ni, N. C. takes thismeth('d ou'uiuaint i!u- public, that a \ esm-l wiil leave \\ il iin.;’ton, N. C. ever) liJda\s. |l;’(;hie intended iirt!iiseon\ «'\ anee, w il! be rer. i m d and forw urd- il by Ilunean '1 lu.mpson, Ksij. ci^' Pa\ et’i \ ille, liil Messrs. Stow iV M bittier, oi’ V' ihinng'ton, it tile low est rales of freigi.t, and least expense )0>si;de. 1 laving thr-e good vessels in tin' trade, •onimaiided by I'arefiil captams, \v ell .ie(|u:iinti‘d ili till- eoast, and cabins well (itted for the ac- oinniodation of passengers, he trusts lo niei t vitii eiu-ourag-iiient. I’biladelphia, with itsen- irolis, has b.'eoiiie so great a inaiiiifaelurin IrtOi-, tiiat eotlon can be sold to some i-\tent, ml ad\ 'int:ige to t!ie (>\i ners, the cor.sniiiption )i ing at present about twenty thous;uid bah s peruiiiiuui, and will no doubt i)o s(,on greater. JAMF.S PA l ’l'ON, jnn. ('(/f)tiuls-'i(iii Mrn/iiiuf, No. 23, North Pront-sl. Plnladel{'hia. •''fpfe.in/.^r 3(J, 1.S24.—3nitl4 A I,I, who are ind,el)ted to t'le subscribers for \i ork, t iiliiT b_\ note or book aecotmt, :iri’ Teijiiesled to make payment prev ious to the lUth November luM, ort’iiey wiUfind their note's ami ill counts in the haiuis of an attorney for ool- '••cUoii, a.i no'longer iiuliih'enee ean be given. srr.ULiNt; c'v coultp.k. N. II. The above co-piirtnership of i>url:iiii Coulter dissolves on that day. AVe also make known to those wjio have in ])osst;ssion borrowed to(d.->, 'Jie projierty ofs;iid Sterling Coulter, ii' tin y are not returned by liie 30tli October, they will be considered as bold, and if in>t j)aid for, sued fur as above. 3t() S. S. ValuuUle llonsi* niul Lot joii J, ^ tTIl.\VlN(; a dc‘.ir>'‘'Kr n move to my li farm, I v\lil sell ni} valuable ))os- sessions ill tiie town of ( b.irlotte-, \’i7 i.i front and back lot on the south side of Coii;-t-llouse and on tlie west side of'I’rvon lave been cured b\ ling atmospberic .■j.ir w ith the nf 7’u 'r, under the direction e>f Doctors lin.siM :uul \W Ineleed, so sueeessful has this treatirie; t bi'en, that hundreds of private as w.ll as piihlie Institutions, have been ei-ected throughout Ku- rope uniler the dlrecUon of the most t nniient physicians. 1'he most nmpiestioi'able saiieiioii also, is given totiiis new mode of triatntenl, by thP M( (Heal r. ports from the hij^liesl authorities of I.onilon, Dublin, Kdlnburgh, Paris, St. Pe- tersburgli, and tleimany. 'Ihe undir.signcd, therefoii-, hopes that sueb ti;stim(,nv from me;i I of .superior le-:u’ning and experience, (which [Prom late l.oiulou papers.] L*07ii\\cau's Ihi'ee lhinij;s needful.— J. J. lioussc-au ahvnys n\2;ar(l(‘(l a;(‘nlk> iH’.ss as the first (|uality in vvoiiKin.— Whenever lie heanl any one h(>astiMi>;ly (lelailinsj; (he qnalilicalion.s, l:ilonls aiitl rluirnis of younji; feniales, he used lo a few ci|)lier.s one after tlie other, and then‘ronc’lnde hy askinj; “ i.s she g('ntle?” If tlie rej)!y was in the aflirm- ative, he then j)laced it before the nnni- her of ciphers, aecordina; with the vahie he attoched to this quality. Sometimes he would a.'sk, “ ha,s sht Ihe three lhin»;s needful ?” His iViend well knew these ihree thine;s on which he set so fjri'at a value ; they were, a sweet voice, a sweet temper, and a sniuuih bkin.—\^\Voi'ldoj Fa^hiun. WII.I., be sold, for cash, at the Court-TIouse in Charlotte, on .Monday, the 22d day of tiacts of land, { testimony is now iu his posse^^sion, and is op;n to the inspection of every eiupiirer,) w ill at once November ne.\t, the followin \ 1/. Tract of land, the property of Samuel J. Ilulcbeson, containing' two hundred acres, on w hicli h( now lives, adjoining W illiani Davidson and others, to satisfy three e\ecuii(uis, one in favor of 'Phonias (i. i’olk, (iuardian ; one in fa vor of illiam Carson; and one in favor of llainmit, against said Ilutchcson. Also, a tract of land, the ])ropcrty of John Connaly, adjoining .liM’ics 1). Lucas and others, to satisfy ;:n e xecution in favor t»f Patrick John son, against said Connaly and .lames 1>. Lucas. Also, a tract of land, the property of the heJrs at lav, of Isaac Ik'nty, deceased, adjoining .Mo- se's IJeaty anil others, to satisfy an cxccutio/i in favor of'I’hoinas iioyd, Lsj. Also, a tract t>i’ land, the property of ^ViHiam Hargrove, lo satisfy an e.vectition in favor of D. 'I'honipson. Also, a tract of l.-’ncl, containing tw'entv acres, the property of >\’alter Tairas, and his Inte rest in the undivided lands of .lohn Wilson, deceas’d, tos.iti IS an execution in favor of Joseph Hetd. Also, a tract of hind, the property of illiani Hartt, at 15eat;ie’s Poid, to Satisiy an execution in favor of IJobcrt lilack. Also, a tract of laiul of fifiy acres, joining Ihinkly I’i'chards«'ii, on (,’ane creek, tlie proper ty of Shered Jones, to satisfy an c.\ecutioii in favor of W illiani NPNeely. Also, a tract of land, containing I.jO acres, the property of William .lobii.son, on which he now liveVto satisfy an execution in favor of .Jolui Lawson. Also, a tract of I.ind, the property of Alexan der Kobisoii, adjoiring .las. Mixwell and others,! Commission Mer>-!;aiit. eradicate any unfavorable impn >si0ns that ir.ay hav e- reniaiiied in the public iniiid. Prov idence has ble ssed bis cneleavors s.o far, tiiat many ])cr- sons affiicted with i'nunlrf;, /HI.viis, Atrrouy, filter,-iiiifruf J-'iTi’r, lUu iiiiiiiltnin, I’nlxu, (h,ct, Htppepf^ia, Scriift'lii, ih'^ rariuiif; l;i>til, nf Jvruji- tii/iis, S^ip/iilis, yii.n tiridl Ilisrasi'M. ('iii).'Uiiij.tiii/ir, L'on^/ii, Jsthi.ian, and ‘^'ore 'rhrciit.i, h:'ve be* ii cun d by his dill'erent Si'kv.'w and I'.iin.iMi P.ATiis. Persons iiiuidc to walk, :.nl bi'oivgh! in vehicles to the ll^tii, luive li-jcn -.l!)!!.- fevs^ applications to walk home, hi tlu.N.- in stances, actions speak louder th.ui v»ord->.— Some of our most worMiy and respe-ctul)l‘ citi zens can testii’y to ibe iriith ot the ybove state ment. I’eferences of a nature r.ol to be doubted, can be given; and vie; utmost s:l^i!^factlo■.l vill be readily ali'orded to aii) per.son u I-o will take the ed the (.lilcll trouble to call on .1, I11'.H,I!1>’(jN. 'I'he subscribiT also aUemls the iiallis to sick n' ' .. .i"' negroe.-,, w here he has a particular apurtmenU Copy of a Ccrlifiaile i,i v y pofiscmon. We, the subscribe/s, ba\ing made u.se (-f the Steam Ilaths condoc'.ed by J. Ifeilbroii, No. 74 Church-.st. (jharlest{)ii, S. C. anil havivig n-i l i'ed the utmost benefit fV((in tie- .same, do hereby is- commend tliem vo the public. Signed i.)y 1. T/io.’iius ('•:i'hri,n. Commission Me.T’ianl and I5roker, Hn,ai'-st. 2, (ri(>r"C Mc.iidUij, Merchant, Chur'h-st. .3. 6V'/,"g/- (Jlii.'iol/ii, IV. Factor, Chisolm’s v, Inirf. 4. iitor^v Phtit, firm of Moiaj^oiiiery Plait, to satisfy an execution in favor of James II. Hu- son. Also, a tract «,f land, the property of Samutd Farr, adjoining William P>row n, to satisfy an e\.- ecution in favor of J hn M’Coy. Also, a tract of land, the properly of An(lre'*w’ Dunn, adjoining Aiulreiw Lew in^' anil othem, to salisty two executions, one in t'avor of John tirabam, and one in fiivor of Law son M’C.’oy. .,..\lso, tuo tracts of land, tl\e.properly of F.vvell Alexaiiih r, one' of two or three hunelred acres, oti which he now llv i s, adjoining M’Crot'key and others, '"‘d one of one hundred acret, ad- tiieet, situated near the p-il.lie square, c m»ain- ': f-- satisfy an e'eeiitioii - ■ '--I tiivor of John Holfison, against said F.well K ;.':uider, st phen AlexaiuU rand o. Allen. n^' one acre of ground, an cxcelleuj. dNvdhn;:-, ilWV, aiiel all neees:;a;y out-hoiisi*., and 1'. a do- iira!)le situation for a |,':-.vatc ;i„d an ex- filleiit stand ior a store'; alse. aiu'ver failing V'lell of vvati r, eipi.il to anv in the tow n ; ;i i';(-oel ['■ uvleii; and on the buck hvt a lii i lov( r patcli; ;ill n goinl order and I'cpair. _ I v.ill s(ll b>\\ , I'or e ish ; (.1- I w'ili t'.ike three or tour nej';ri hn\s, hetwei n tile ,ige c,l 1 2 and J'J \ e-e.''^ in part p,i_\- iiienl, or good note s on m iiianl. 'I'in prie known to am |n I'-on v\lion;:.v wi-ii to ch.iie, l)_\ .tppiv In; -to ilie -.nb-.cri!)er o'l the [ire- ’ ■ ' .^AM i. 0,7,iVr 11, S VN^'L. .M'CONJP, if Micl.ltiilnirg i'ouiili/. il, lS:i.—5i7 VvK.MUV.W*. subscriber his r.-moved from hi-, late stand, to the: ItHit K S l Ul.’L, ailjoiniiig' Mr. .lohn Irwin’s, on tin nortb cin'in r; vvlieie be v\lll i)i hiipjiv to wait on ios custoiinis, :is h. r toCnre, ^^ ,1] i,,, i.y. i tiom to giNC s.il!st,ie'ion 1(1 ;dl vUiomav c.'ill on liiiii. lie re(piest- all thos'- iiid- bt. it to hiiii, either by book acciiiint or note, toe-idhiMi! settle ; but put cularlv those vvl'osi' iioti s and U( counts are w oiu; aiui two )e ;irs' stund.ng. D.W II) I’AUKS. ('h'lrl.ittr, Oct. 15, 1S2 I.—.'.t.‘> SlicriiV Suit*. Tlin follow irg- tracts of land will be sold for c;eli, at the (diir'-Uoiise ill Charlotte, on can I tiie foii’'tli Moiul >\ in Nove iiiber, to t.ali.sfy the mr- t e\e:; diK' for 1.S.'2 and 1S2J :— /// t I'l ti'iii JJiir^ron's Cotnprnii/. RC) acres, returned bv Anderson I’eaty, 1K23. 1..4 acres, n liiriie d iiv Ai.dreu Dun, li52.3. aeri"i, ri turneilbv Joliii W. King, liS.]3. 1 I'J iieres, lie longing to tile' heirs e>t Kobert M‘t onl, di e.'Mied, not li te d f-r 1S22; i 15.J ;ici-es, relur.ied iiv l.corj,-e Nicholson, for j 1S2.5. ' j 200 acres, less or more, belonging to the heirs f'f Ilobert Alexander, deei ased, not h.■^led for 1«22 nor IH; a. w\\\.\'.\.v,u, ^oue'i, iSiipn ()nu(})i('n(a! r VL\ 5 KiJ. J Ll I IJ.Ns hi^. thanks to hi'i friends and thi; - pul'lie, for tlie lii)( ral i iieonr.igi nieiit wl'iieh has ali'eailj received, and ri'i.pecifiiHv solicits 'ontimiaiiee of p;itr(uiage. He is pia pared [ '* do all kinds of P;.:ntiiijv in his line ; aiidcus- j '••ners n'ii_\ di pend oii haeing their >w>rk m at- I' cx. enUi!, ;.nd w,i>i despalch. _ I ... / Pa.nting' ill the c(>uiiti-v wil! be ]one on Iwii.rt notice. /y/o/.'c, Octi'b'\ 4, H-v’4, - ut .5. lUnr'i l'iiil:ir, C!iiirch-st. (). J/;-'. P. Jl'tn.--. Ar' lilteet, Meeting-st. 7. Siiiniul .'/cAc//, of llie firm of JJradfurd it McNeil, P.ay. 8. Jl. ( ■ui!>o>/.f', son-in-law of Kershaw Si Luis, Plant' r. 9. 'J'iiii. (iiL'nii, at John Fra;’.er & Co. ItJ. 'i’/;'.i’iu-s J'uiiniii:^, (Ju’it. o'f the Line Ship President. 11. !i'. I’liliitrr, bnnlicr lo Hcv. Dr. Palmer. 12. ,!. llaiieiii'k. l.>. 'J'nu'yih II, (iiicen-st. 1 1. JJi.i'ii! ( linihiii, ! .incolutoii, N. C. 1j. Hi lpit hftii:!-!, .Mei’chaiil. I ti. It'uri/•'■•n.i'n i'k, rl:inte-r, Fdisto Is’and 17. 7', Croii/itr, ( aptain of sliip ,l:isper, for Liv ei'poi I. l(i. 'Ihe Itev. Dr. WillinDi Jli‘7iiiU Philadel phia. 1!F.I F.WIACF. - To the h’ev. Dr. Ilo.. . V, Philadi !;-hIa. Jiois I'll V/;.It i Cl). ( hill iesteii. (iKoHui; Pi.A TI', fi''. '^lltl^l * n n•' '‘■'’t *■'*• ■ SeM. Me.Ni ii, h). .loiiv M Ui i!N», do. W . P. 1'. e>«.N. ilo. ji;reat chamber we had at first entered. —Kv('ii siip})o.''ins; w(; look the shortest road, il was but too probable oiu’strentjth wiitdd f;iil u.s before we arrivetl. Wo had each of us, separately, and unknown to one another, observed aUentively tho dillerent shajiesof the stones which j>ro- jected into tlu^ a;allerics we had passed, .so that each had ;ui imjierfect elue to the labyrinth we had now to retrace. \Vc comjiared notes, and only on one occa sion liad a dispute*, the American difler- ina; from my IViend and myself; in this dilemma we were determined by the majority, ai)d, fortunately, were rip;ht. Exhausted with fati«;ue and terror, we. reached the ed2;e of the deep tn'iich, which remained lo be crossed before we 2,ot into the ^reat chamber. Musterin';- all my streni;vJN 1 leaped, and was fol lowed by the American. Sn>ell stood on th‘ brink ready to drop \vifb fati^jiie. lie called to us—‘ For Clod’s sake to help him over llu'. fosse, or at least to stop, if only for livtj niinutt's, to allow him ti recover liis strength.’ Itwas imi.ossl- ble—to >tay was death, and we could not re.sisl Iho desire to jKishon and read' the o])en air. ^Ve eiic0iu’au:(‘d him tu summon all his force, and he clean'd the trencli. hen we reached the opei> air, it was (*ne (»’clock, and the heat in the stin about KiO de"i'ees. Our sailor-? who Wise wailino; for us, had luckily ;i bardak full of walt.-r, th(>y sprinkled i' ()V('r us; but thouji,h a little refr'shetl, it A\as iitM possible to ciitnb the sides »d“ ihe ])it; tln-y tnifolded their turbans, and, slin^iti'i; them around our bodies, di'cw us to the top. Otn* appear;!uc.e alone, v.-ithout our "iiifles, natuially astonisht'd tlic Arab, who had tcirained at ti e entrance of tin' c.jivern, and he anxiously iiwjuireu lo." his friends, 'I’o have coulessed the\ were dead, wotdd have excited su.-| i cion ; he wotild have supposed v/e h id miu'dered th'm, and have alarmed the inhabilants rd'Amabdi to pursi^e us, and revent;*; the death of their friends. rejilied, therefore, they were comlnj.^, and ^vel•e employed in bringiufi; out the: mummies we ha'I found, which was the cause of Iheir delay. VVc lost no time) in mounlin**; our as.ses, rccrossed the de sert, and pass('d hastily by the village, lo regain the ferry at INIanfalout. [l.cif'li's Jimrncy in Egypt- MR. CUAWFOIH) IN VP.UMONT. Some sagacious traveller hasfurnisl.pd the Editor of Ihe Warren Kccorderwitli the foilovvlnu; intelligence: I “ \ KiiMdN'f.—A gentleman who has reccntlv^ pa'ised llirouLjh a part of this state,is dccieledly r.l?AVF,RY AND ADVENTUTIE. il//’. Ijci,a;h\s (h'scent inU) ihe cavern of the Croendileft.—Tht^ only remnant left among u.s of that i-oninntie s])irit, which, in former times, i-ent so )uany bold peers of Chri.stendom in t]uest of adveiiturt's, is, uncjuestionably, the cu riosity of those indefatigable travellers, wlio go a!)road to gather tame, by col lecting materials for publication. The Very leat of the hardshi|)s which Mr. Leigh sulTered, would have furnished a h.ng chapter to the lenglhiest romance wi iler of the brigld»- st days of ehiv ahy. It is (lucstionable, indeed, if ever Or landes himself met with an adventine more ?p])alliug than this gentleman’s de scent itil.o th(! caverns of the Crocodiles atManfalout: “Wo had been W’andering (says he,) for nutria than an hour in low subterra nean j)as.sages, and felt considerably Ai- tigueil by the irksomeness of the po.s- ture iu vv hich we had been obliged to raove, and the heat of our toiclics in those narrow and low gallerie.s. JJut the A.-. !is s|)()ke so conhdontly of suc ceedin''; in this second trial, that we v/ere induced once more to attend them. W e !’c)und the openirig of the ebainber whicii \vi; now ap[ir lached guarded by an un- knowii deplh, and wide enough tf> re- (juire a good leap. I'he first Ar.d) jum])- (.liteh, {'.nd we all follow(mI him. ige we enteicd v.as extremely small) Kiid so low in .‘^ome places as to oblige us to crawl Hat on the ground, and ulnu>st always on ottr hand?; and kne»;s. 'J'lie intricacies of. its witidings resem'ol 'd a lahyrijith ; and it termina ted at length in a chamber much small er than that 've had left; hut, like it, containing nothing to .salisfy our em;ios-j of opinion that Mr. Crawford will get the voti rf itv- CHir search hitherto had been It nil-1 •'♦’ ’b.at slate, lb- »ays, since the adjournniein I ' 1 , .1 • • li 4 I I’ I of the hirislature, there Ills been a (Treat chanter les.s ; but the numiinnvs miiiilit not lie 1,'U’ . , , > , i .i-,i.,,f , , , . . I in public, seniiment in that state—he tliinks that. dlst.uit,—anolher and we nngn! Vennont v^ill, on the great national (luestion. still be succe.s'ftd. Tlie Arab whom I followed, and ,ho go with .Ne w-Vork.’ 'J'o this statement we would add, led tiie way, now entered anotlu r galle-^ inci-c]v w itli tiu: view’of aflbrding nu)re ry, and we all coniintied lo mo\c in the conchtsive evidence of the pojiularity of s;inie manner as before, each jirer.edeil Mr. (Crawford’s cause in V'ermont, that I)y a guide. 'Wc h id not gone tar be- we have at this moment the terrors of k fore the heal became excessi\e ; for m;.-1 pro.secution iVjt a false and malicious libel pait, 1 found my breatliing extn mely j hanging over our hea>s, for permitting dillictdt,—my head began to acl«' most i a eorre.^pontk'nt to nuike our lolumns violently, and 1 had a most iii''tres?)ing , t!ie medium lor di^^cnlinatlllg an opin- sensation of fulness about the breast. —! ion, that one of the unstiec*ssful can- e tell we had gone too far, ai.d yet} didates at our late election was a (.raw- were almost deprived of the power of, forelite. jMithUehurij (Jaz. returning. At this moment the torch of ^— Dvviii CuritiN, I.iiK'ohiton. N. C. D.'.vin WKiMiAUitr, P. .M. I.incidiiton, N.yC. •itr IManlatitm, Stock, Nr^Too.'i, ^jc. I'nr S(/fe, ot VnUiic net ion. :i \\ 'I'burMlav . 2nd of I-Iobert Alexander, debased, not h.-,led for | J■^),'c'•\\'l!H r next, the -'2 n:.r 1H2.'. , I -j ii'A suliscrlber will sell, at In Cap.'iii.i rihrkvooil.« ( imipinn/. , p,,Auction, his \ahi.,^^, - 68 acres whereon Martha Urown ;in““|M:;i.t’;a;on. consi.stnig of 210 acres, Ivn.g It liste d tor liS22 nor 182 I. ] tlic I ,'iw vers’roail, .1' miles east from Char- :,1) acre.s be longing to Samuel II. LlhoU, ior , j :r>. ui\^ , t!ie first Arab wt'iit out. I was (dose to him, and saw him fall on his sile ; he . ■ , ,,, ,r ... , srx-cirnen ol the decencv ol the I raw- iitlrred a groan—his legs were -tn.iigly , r,i Deeeney.—The following is fair he d i funl Dresses, One of them, spcakinu; of iKM I - , * . ' n rnul-.-.!, ill,. 1 on pa- ,,, lus ti,roal-li.: was M I l.c .\ra.i. I'r.m, ll„. liall.-r, Iiv the me-CNiin my li„|„ „.j„, (■„> his I ;uuon ex iniiui'hed, an( concei\'inii he , i i • ; i . , , 7 I 1 11 !>•"> :*»d his itik is th had stuniided, tiassec me, and adta'iceo I ' r , . i ’ , . . ’ ' , I , , I essence ol lats-uaiue. his assistance, and slopjied. 1 no- double-distillud not ISJJ and 182S, not listed. jU acres, les-i or more, the jirnperty of Sarah (Iweiis, tor 1S2.’ and lS2.i, not listed. 15(1 r.f-rc^, h '--. r more, be lougirg to tlic b( irs ()!' I r .ncis l.cv.i:., eh cejscd, for lh>22 and 182.'», not hste d. SAMCr.L M'CCIMH, S/n -iff. Thj A. CLAKK, Jl'initij Sinrijj. Oct. 12, 1H21. I.-. \\V\V>KS. \NXlOe'S to recruit my library, and having' i'cimm a numt'er of volume's |)romisciioi>lv lent, I n'uxi. a. w ill be i.;r:;U rul for iiiformatiiin of their lorahty. Ditend. 1 I., j '1 el ii.s w ill lie inade know 11 on the flav of gale. "T. ; 'e' 1 ” ,~r' ■ J \( (»n jvLii'.N IhMMis lor ;it tins >:'j the cnhurc ot' corn, cotton, o.c.; and a jiart ot the firm is line ni'-adow land. 'I'hei*' is a geod ilw elling-liousi on ihe- pbiiil.illoii, b'urn, ;md oth er necessan oiit-hous( s; nn exc Ih nl s|.riiig, an 1 a good well eoini iiicnl to the- bam lot.— lie will also SI II, at tlie's.one time and placi, all bis corn, bav, fodder; iioK^r.s, y mill fthick'of uU l. infis; ^ 'du ly wo fellows, a v>ench and her cinld rsoiis lie- I'oi'.s of (ibtaining a viduable pus>'s. and of inaking good bargains, will ilo well to Ins assistance, and slopjied. 1 o') servetl ^liin lo ajjjiear faint, totter and fall in a moment—lie also wa'} dead.— 'I’he third Aralicame forward, and niad“ an elinrt to apjiroach tlie bodies, but siopprd short. W e looked at each oth er in silent horror. 'I’lie danger increas ed c'very instant ; fitir torches bin’iit faintlv—our bi'eathing berame more dii- liruli—our knees tottend under us, and we f'dt our strength nearly gene. 'I’here was no time to be lost. 'I’he American, riarlhow , ciieil to ti> to take coniag'-, and wc began to n:o\e hack as l;isf as we (ould. We luaid the I'c- niaiiiii.g Arab sliouting ail( r ti'', callii g ns (':tlir(', iniplorin": our asslslance, am. upbraiding us with deserting him. Hut we w ere obliged to leave him to his latf, expectingev ery ni'init nt to share it w ith him. 'I'lie winditigs of tlu,* jia-sasres tliTough which we h; d come iiien‘a"e' the diHiciilty of our escaj e ; we iiiigh' 1 take u wioiii^ turn, uud never i tucli the NN’illium Stculicn Smith, I'sq. of Wa’-h- iili;;ton, hns ])iil>lislied u puiH|)idel of iti rei'ututioii of the iisj.t rsiens cast upon the ( lull iU'ler.uf liis lute fatlier, Cobmel W m. Sicpbcns Siuith, by tlo' IlOti. ’1 imo- Ihy l'i( kerint.;' in his lute p;.U'pldel. e sliull take occasion to co; \ the evidtnce which .Mr. Sibilh has udihieed lo lepel. the ( alumnies lieaped u])oii his ])arcrit. Apro[)Os of this it may he Jiotcj that the trumpeter'^ of Mr. l'iekeriiii,^’s pampiilet, all partizuns ot Mr. Crawford, !ia\e been iliiuwn into jauAvsms (d' ni- (iienutimi hy tlu‘ mere mention in ^'r. Ailatii’s leply, ut ^Ir. ( id)ot as 1 lesiilt nt i)f the 11 arlf. I'll C;oi;veiiM(-tt. while tliey can ovcilouk ^11. 1 .ekii’ng's tic.itment ol the nuinuiies ol ( e !• iiel Snrah . nd Mr. (ieii\, A smi| Ic iii\iilu.us alli siun lo the (Cod is iii'i)nrd(-tud)le in ihc part of Mr. A. ; inn ii ih ii};hi in ^■.r. 1'. lo traih'cc thini hv elui) lers or sections I bueh is elceuc.ucerihK jUsiuc Oac:.