Pi?Ksii>K\ r! \L iii.Kr riox. I’KoiM.r/s ’ncKKi'. Tli(‘ foPow M (' the cmulidalos o?i llic JWp.f's Tuhtf, scli-cl.'cl l)v llu- pi‘op!«' llu".iisf!\c. ; and lucall the fii-Jii friends ol’tlK' .M(,nro(', ol'liis wise ]»u!i- t y, :Ui(l ali'c ro-all'i1or',: John (ti/rs\ of liowMii. Mi»/fnrl AVwW-.v, . f Wilkrs. yV/fV’ /'onif':/, oi' l.incolii. Itiibvrt 1)1' II;U V\nr.(l. • hii^uidit //. Shrjipt’rd, of S'oUes. John J/. I\!(trcln'(iil, of (■iiil!oul. Jttutc.s Mcti(nic, of ^iT.nii'O. .Am/V/// Crvd''!'/), of \V;iki‘. li'd/lri' /\ /,rc/,c, of ft illunu , J. Fihiuul^ oi ijL'aufurl. 77//r .7/// ;;, (tf ('r;u f'ii. // rl'! 1(17)1 Murltti, of l*;is,'|Uolaiik. jri/!nn I)rru\ of JI.-iM'tv. fl m. !]. I Met,'hart, of \orlh:impl()n. Eilward /;. of W 'I'hc oU'ction ^^ll! take* phtcc on T/mrs- dn>/. lh(‘ lull of N’ovf'Mhcr; aL v.hith tini;‘ >,oiih-Caroiiii:i I'XjK'Cls c\ci’y mun do Ills du'v. IROM 'rni, iiviKKiii .sfjii. T.rtivrrnci' : ni ill th^' Po(;-is- p..i 1 ;f an adtli-t :;s of ,k.sse 1. ilic ciiar- l'h«‘ I’l'iiiiiiiuii r 3/ f>srs. n, I; i I haM' |ii tor lilC j). ’(HI. of 'l’rni’.',> u-i. ' acici’ )f (it'ii. Jackson. i.T ,'ioinis('d. 1 sa>.v lliis v. lili Mii jyrlso, 3;(Ji ihut rso.'itoii should a>. i lu- this an\ thin-else lint \.oiiId {^raJifv his inali-^'- i;;int temper, l)iii th;it a pjjK*r. v.hirli luis ciaiins iipon i)al)lic rc.'-oK f. shr>idd pul li . characte;’ at stake I v pi'oninl ratii!L>- .‘■’hinders-ai;'l lalst'liii) i-, wliieii e\rn lii:- caiTiis p .pei' ill '!' n'ie>s.-e h.'d refpsed ]) i:)lish. Ijiii. 11 ii.‘s! at i‘i (1 on I i.l a uili ]>’,it d»\. n the siandcii: as lo\v us the fclan(h”'er iiim .ei!‘ i'-. Jit nton Ie|.n's:‘ii(s Jarksoii to have I,>een llie tyiant /l the anrri’. NxV., hat ar' the feeli'i^-s (jf this sanu' army and of t!;e whole j)( op!e of 'I’ehnessee lo'.;nd.'. ( t ii. Jari hijiir lie is their iUnI, Ti'e .Milii.a (.)i!'.c'’r'.. ov';:- v, I.om lie Is s^id to tyI'.in:-ii'd, ars' his wai iii IrK nils aM(i si!>>- : a;u; i h..rul’d :io!h^i,;-in asseil- ini,-; tha> t!'(‘v w uii^i defend iTe. cliaraevci liTid jMT'-f/ii ai iheri'.' i)f ii\, s—ma ny >i| tl.( 111 V,fi’e 1(11 i'\ht .s i’ i'v,’ L"'^-Is- k t'!i e at l!ie tiinV ( m- n. .!ac);.s!;’i ’.va-: ('lecf- cd Senator. a: d (\ iri/ (,/'/; rni rca\e him their \oU'. No.e of tl:e I'l-e.siiior.- ti.'i! canfiidales ;u'e ■>') ({j; (iiallv sionoi'le ; by those who I.iiow thei.i l as (Wneia. Jatlsson. This e.n(|i!cst.i'. r.aMv- fu( t is am ple roiifulalion of die fa) .e ; :s^('r'a(;i>s ar/ base insiniia! !,j'is(;( 1 jeiilois, w Im> is kti(r»\ n. I and has been for tlu'se iinnv yi'ars, ih'. ‘oiiid «‘n 111} of .eii. J^'ei^son. 'I'his ronini-M eiK iny of u liutrvc r is t>r(‘at and good ; tl\e indi^pialion is (lisl a!ul lioTK'st) liii'Is fMise of rcns'irc that Ja' kson appoinied his two tiepl,ews-in- Ja'v ’ ((Jen. ('(ifi're and H.ivs’ ff> (/!';. ces in his anny. It is not n;-. >'^'-.aiy to >1' sic a won! in \ iiuiii-.aiiii.^' iht wisMoia ol 'Ids choice. 'I'iust; l>ia\e lu!n ha\e di^i'.e it for il'.v'nisehe.s. hy tlieir .S',' ords in till'll’ warfAVf’ wit!) ih('Indians, an;l in con- ^I’lev'.np- the eo’ujif'roi s ol' T.-irope. Jackson i s re]ire--.entcci as an eh ctirni- ter:i!i7 and inii ir;niii.ir ir.an. ’I’his is a Ji cha.raclt'r J'er .Jackson to a],pe: r In, I’.i'd so nnlike the oi'iu-itial, that it \vas re- j;er\td to th(‘ ha.idil'.ood and pei id’ai Jnoial {iiialities oi‘ lleiiion, (,.r his lii/ed »jitill-dr'.\ e; s, to make the assei ti(>n.— -Now. I h^};p> lied lo !iave Ih’cii in I enfie-- lice at the time .latkson was ajipo nted hirnator. and have a jierfect jed!;e oi the cii ('iinisi;,uc( ■'. Hei'.l. n's iacts he i ^ a nionii-Mn,( k v/.ad inar. r:r, 1 .tihia- elite ill i!ie set ij)lnral sense of the \v;>rii— a semi-suvai^e, u iio. al)oiii fi\o years situc, v> itlulrew liiinself from the society of his feUow-nien ; anrl. with this same hro'Jicr N:it, (/jftr iinfiiU'settled tliein- s(dves on the hanks rf the .\!ississip[)i, in company v. it!i two f>r three rii!,niiv( s from justice, liundK'ds c! niih-s from aiiv w Idle inhaliited sruleni'-nt. He olfi rs iiimseif lo tlie people o’f his district as a candi- ihile lor an l'wt ( lor. and has (K'clai ed him- ‘■I'lf in favor »)f Mr. ('rawford ; hut, mi- lorl'inalely ior htm, he cijuid ,iot even i;et ihe Caucus and’ (,’ra^^ford j)ap i- to ji'ihlici'y to ids ad!re,ss, so well wa.-> iie kiio’.Mi and des[>lsed. I am assured, by two .re:^pec!able «.i;ent!ei,ien jast liv'in llie (‘hici;e>-u’,. I'ercbase, lliat J}-. nton v.ill not ret .;() \oies in the district, and not .j of I'lem would say that he is a r(‘sj)eeta!)le or correct inuii. One ir/to k,t(jWo\ k1!ov.-i '.‘.i/'"".', i, r.jv,' prc- s;-nletl ;o yoe. i'or Uie i'lsL (.ffiia- in the of a nation of fi ecincn. liiot out the l)ase aspersions whicli J>.f;lis!i wi'iters have cast npoTi i::;, tiial cir.r comiirv is nn- 'rateful—pay, as IVr as it may ix* in vonr FDII TUT. TATW.-IlN .lOl ltV\T,. .^fr. ]lun'/iit>ii: I j)ercei\e, from j our prospeclits. that althoHL,-Ii you avou' si'lf tlie open friend fjj' Ale. Aijams in th.e approaeiiiiic;;' »deetion (,'iiief M;";-isl;-ate of the countr_\, yet y(ni are not dlsju^^c!! to close yoiir cohimns ;-s;aiii:.t the IVienrls ol eitt'.c!' ()1 tl (> ft’Ivr (u.^'!iif^ui:.lied com- peftors. /ivailinir m;self oi' the ]>ri\i- tul you for pi;l)liea- >t MlM'.tln'l- power, the (U-!)t ol' ^l atitude' w hirli is due loihe patriot atul the hero. IJally arf)and tile j)oIis, on the niornin.^- of the lith. armeci u ii!i the People's Tich'rf; and if you j)io\e true to yoiirsches, tlii' deep h!ow that has been attempted lo be luid at the root of American iiljertv, will foi-the pre sent be ar-ested. ' WYOMlNCi. to In'. N't'W \v\/.\'riy novel ('\pcctcd pnear about tb.e end of Nover.iber. roiti'.K’t.v, le;,;e tims oil'c’cil. 1 lion, in the th n.1 Journal, tiie |ii of W Cnr/,-. H'piibli'-s e;in oidy exist, n Idle the pi'o- ph', trni' to tiie!iisel\(•'„ sliuli adhere to ljr;i!( ipies and to virtue ; tin; instani tjiese . l e ;.!!andone.l, ireedoin mu u of ueee-isi- ly deeiine. a,id nltimatdy be laid j)ros- traU'. { he pali itJis ol Lli(‘ revoluti(;n, and with them tlio.-e (devat-d s'Miiiments ol tlie ruviits oi' man, w iiic'.h e!iaraciei i>;(> 1 liial |)'') iovi. !!a'«.‘ j.eaily parser! a^\ ;iv ; tind iiiliiviie is last !)ecoi lin;.'^ that pass- i>/; t to ollii ('• and jjrelr; iiieni, v.hieh, in i(>!'M! r •,ini''s, was yielded lo virtue, and lo luitlxiul se;-'. i(\. ('(n'lra'-t thi‘ men H'lw in p(j\.er, \i'.ih tlio-,e who direeied the atl'aiis of llie national li'il pni-xl, V. hi h eMablisiied ti e liberty of this cfjn-i- iry and there v.ill be I'oniid bnl linle ri'a- son lo infer lliat the mind is o'l Jie iir.'r* h, or tl'.e iia’.iim ]);is:.iii,>-lo "lhal proud ad- \aneeir.eiu whicIi h* r sani^'uiiie iViend', I ad ai!ti( ipal.-'d. 'i'iiere v. as a time, w hen i>ithin the vs alls d'('onrress virtue, in- ell i;-,•nee. and se'itii'.ients of lofty pali i- oti,sin \vere tcj be. {bni.d ; then was llie of- lev- oC a represrntali\e of the people so eon.-.ieeied !jy t!ie h'dric r. atid i)y tho-,.- V. hom he I'eprerieiited, tiiat nothins^ lii:^;h- e: was asuiied t,), nothing- hi;..-l.- ei was j'tesun'jjd w'itiii'\ ilu‘ gift f>f tiu* utive. \\’/i did iu;t I'leii, a:; we do now, see onr n.i i'.i!:ei . oi' ronr;rrss im- I ori'iidt ;; h r ih.' liiiitdi! • ajjpoiutiiiani oi' coil'-ctor of a port, po: ,i',:aste^'of a litti • vi;ia;>;e, ore-.e-i Mee-i-.er or Ue,^j ster t>f :;.ome laiul tlislrict. ^^■i^y are lliese i hii).C;s sf)W hy is :t iha.l the pi oud intiej/, ij. deiire vvl’.iel-i s!iou!d aaaJi to our Ji.eiii- i)ei-s of ('oi,t^res«, is ijy the e\am!,!e s('t I'l modern time>, .^o much to be di'urust- e.l .“ J iial man v*'u; h.'s Avalelif'd ilii- course ai tl enri. itt ofe.mls {'or soiue \i-ars j)asl. will l e ei;.-b!ed al (-nee. to aii- sv.ei'. Wv are not as on. e we wei\; ; ilie peo;/e i i'C E.lum’ anr! Ills insinuations and IrfLr- ciisKjited, ciic‘s are bo'li i;;>se and false. .^aclison's iionor and lii‘e;;-ritv, and ri' f,'a!’i for the honor and intc re ,ts of tin lialiwii. c.,M!iot be dciiibltd ati'! never in 'he who).- e'.ins- of a Ii;iv and aeli' i life. Jie.'ilonj).:'; sa\ tlul “ihe ,ii-,t co;;. spicne.us i.' of'his life in 'rtiuH .sSit mu' ])'■ i'(»ni.d at ih.e r.i>’'‘-'’iOHr!d and oi k- 11^-h', a.;:il liiat ! jjei a’.e." .I.a'k'-.on, rcj nuire va.‘ e\eiKj,i from \ (/.ill.‘'ni ( :.e-, rs. Jiu; i oi!, in lia.re siisi! the nali.i !’"fdiy ol l}i( il’ lui! .irle, i,— *.'o'!i ; i e Tiii ii w lio ha\e c'.iilri'-i'i.'il tlian Tiilllion'' of o.dinarv s; "to ii'!,” s ;a‘' ;-ua!j;-e w ..s llj ^\’aslii'!!- J\’r. .b ire''S(n fctire of tl.eir C' If it w e. e ni'i be' oi;d : Ik biiii ;-d of.f lii.; I; \ . ” •'S'U.! \ lo iioiice an ;■ mail!'ii:l'.. and e\ )ii. ••llie me,i- 1 hii;, i'Je'ie. ‘ i JiC •Sl.Mli j to iM'; I tl. a! I (1 ■a.ll 1 m.ii ( e d (ipwii this ■ a:d a/-.dnl its \e;.(.m, b w iiile lo iiKMiire. v, bi w e s'loiil i iu'i.e' e ins a- ] 1 as tha’ laiii' lie • a' ae j’.lld d V. hi« 'i i j|' Heiilf;n’s, il mi, ill l)v this Ilian . I l(l!s (. I' iiin.s 11 111 stall 1 'ipi'ii a' i' !ii|i' t() hea\ e the :• an 1 epiitaiion •..i’ i noi'it ;■ "I'Im ediu rs of tl-.e I;e;;.s,'!-, in order 10 ei'.e (.ii.i'ai ie" to .I' sse i!enlon. s.i\- he i:. ,’i.e biothi'r of { ol. 'I'ho. !,'. Ht uton, a Si'.'ia'Or Irom tlie St^.te ol‘ .Miss./U :.— ’’l ili') i > \ei ) l! lie ; but no’. 11 .■ he is aKo 1 lie bi o.Im r cd lieiitm. w ho but a ft .. nien;hs sinee. sIujI a iiK.'i w'l!) \\ as under his > hai t;e as a pi isoner ior four (ii) an.I af er his ba\ - jii;;- !'t\en^ him hi . so!t inn ass- laiu e of lli^ prt^let 'd»n. A'Sk the petddl' ol 1 eil- ne-'.ee. v. !i-. ihi'' s^me .le.iM' H-'nioii i-— I . luiii. I., o! (l .i;.( ksoii, ,\(’u:ns, (. a!- iiviiU iiiiul otiiei 1'^ al Lieir p(ys!s ; \ n-- ii'e is oTi the w,,". ; and liie prinoijdes v'ilii whieii we set o’ll a”e fast dee.linitic. 'I'o re-,i\e anr! sustain larm Im’Iojiijs to you. mv i'ellow-eir.y.ei.s ; anl the 11th of iSo\emhej’ will, i inc.t, sho*v tha. ihe ^.rojjlr are no’ immiiull'ul oi’ the iliii blass- ili;.^'s tiU'V eiijo;,, I he h aim rs of ilie roiistilution did nol jierci ive the arri'al o! a pv'riod, when li'.,: coiins( liors ol ihe 1‘residenl wi,uld be found intri^iiiii!.'; r.^r hi ; jjiai e, f»i- they v.oiild dc)id)llcss ha’.f inh-i’iKjsrd a rt nif'- dy. '1 o allemj)'. a:i ..Iieraiion h jw. ha, bee'll thou'^'ht (d bv nui.iv : aiifl it Uii'.’Iit be Well, !vul lhalivy j'r('(|ujtu c’lan'^'es aiid .Jierations. reverenre f>jr t!;.' insi! timeut j may be impaired : aiul beeau^*-, in the ' !'ood sense and sober relleclion d' tl’.c Au.. rioaii ))«‘i.j)l, if txt. an aiop'e n-nx’dy alrea’d} e\i>.is. \'v ere th.ere uoee olher*. in llie country fit ani ()Uaii,’ied i'oi liii i h'!;-ii station, sa\t‘ our Seen ta.rie .. tben tlu-ri“ u oiild lie s.n,.e i \c;is(’ j'or sau. - tioiiiiii' sueii a (oiirse: lliis. liu\\e\er. I aniiot be .'•erisnisK j)re'.ei'.ded. L r,oii ihi' subjv'i t I am ii( partisan, nor hurried av'ay h_\ a.iiy tliiny of feelin;^ or iuter' /t : b\ me JKiliiiiii;- is w iiiited or soik.mi; iov, but to susialii our lepi.dilii an pr iiCiples. and to see my eoimtry rise lo diat proud and lofty eie\;.ij(ui. to wl'.iei'. ll>e ;-e. j-'e beitiu;- '.irtiious. she is capable ( i' aHaiiiiuif. /\nd how is ihi; lo lie ei'- !' ted 1 lie answei’ is plain : b'. ( aldar, loth'’ Tre •.Kirntial eiiair liie m:i'i who, of ..ii oi! ( rs, iias the best e.' tabllshed (ia.'m [(j 'iii.r niii/i(h iici. our If//, ■ /,(.,■i.'i ;a;d our .'"i/f—1 me.iu AN 1-*I-:I A'.' J.\v'l\.S( )N. T,ATT',S T rnOM r.NCT.AND. DK.rrfi OF rm: Ki.\a of j'/uycE. By the ref^ular packet sliip JaiiK's Crop per. in '27 days from Liverpool, the (di- tors of the Xew'Vork i'.veniu!,^ i’osl have' received the'!’ usual liles of London and Li'erpooi j)a[)ers to the loih September i’.K lusi\(\ 'I'I'.e only arti( le of interest ih.ey brin;’^ is «:i aceoiiiit (d‘the d(’ath (d' liie Ivin;;- of Fraii'(’, w liich is announced i.l a s'-eoiifl edition of the LondoJi C’ouri- ei’idtlie 1 llh. 'I’he intelii_(rcnce is siuted to h:.\e been received by expri’ss IVf)m Tai is. A correspt.Mdent of if.e Livei po(jl Courier, w rites ;.s. follow s :— “ I.i\ Kiirniii, CfirriM! Orrn r, ^ 77//, St/ilfinljir \6, ot minn. S e ha\e kepi ti.e [)arc; i ojx'ii untii this moment, ill tht,’ e-.peclalion, that llie Ljiidon mornint,^ j)apers of yesterda;. (\N ednesday) would contain some partic ulars of tlie demise of the Kint^of Trance: a'l eviuil whii liis jumounced in all ihe eveiiin- ]vi|)ers of'rue.sday. 'I'liey ha\e just armed ; bui, straii;.^M' as iljnay ap- jy'ai’, they ail slate tliat tio t)Ricial inte!^ !i';- nc-; of.sucli an event had been receiv ed in Loudoti iij) to midui^-bt on Tue'idav. ai;hou;;h fiom the slate of t!ie I'reuch isiii'x’s di.-i(it’de;\ no doubt was entertain ed of hi'i dentil havin;; taken ])lace, as slated ill Ihe 'venin.^’journals,” lle'vill be succeeded by his brntl.or Count DWrtcis. under llie title; of Charles A. wl;.-- i;; now in the f)5th y^er of his ai;e. We have already e\j)res;;t a an oj)iuion 11'.at ihe ilealh oi J.ouis w'ould mai.e no I alteration in llie polities of the i n'licdi ;ov eminent. The London C'ouri-'r of the i:llh Seplenibee in antiripatiii';’ tlie eveiit whie.il hati happc ii( fl, afuT ( \.j.!\';:siiij,'’ a siiudar o])iuion s^ys, that the iieir to the ilie;>iie i.-, popular with ike army, as well as i'.!i the j>cople.” TlfK Accciinis (r./iii Coil’u of the 1st ^;!)eak ol ihedri’eks ha. iiii^’obtained suc cesses over the Ti'r;. i:di Teel -ubser|neniiy to lu.' aii.iii'ot ipsaia. 'A h** re-.nuins d' tuelr na',al lorc.e .s sairl to liav ■ bi'en al- FriVti ihe Xru' York ('ommtrrial .‘Idvcrfiner. 'J'he Mtn'iiiri!' Herald slates il as tl«e opinion (>f some ]>ersons w ho take an in terest in I'rencii politics, and luive means of ini'ormalion. that the Count D’Artois, on his accession, would dismiss INL de ''ilhde. a!id recall M. Chat(>aubriaiid. Il is this expectation, confidenlly entertain ed by the Ultras of the Chateaubriand party, that has kept them steady to their Chief. Considerable' alarm existed in conse- (juenee of a turn out of the cotton sjiiii- ners in various parts of Lancaster and Scotland. In all jiarls ofClreat Britain the harvest |)i’oniises l(j be o?ie of the most productive that has been known in the memory of man ; the reports from Irelaiul are e(|iial- ly favorabli.', and. uj)on the continent tin' crops are no less abundant. A fudd of reaped wheat at lie worth, has produced a croj) of H14 sheaves per acre, 'i'he pa- jKTH of Sherborne, Westmoredaiid, l^ot- tery, Worcester, Durham, kc. al! speak of nn)st luxuriant eroj)S of ^•rain, and of universal content amoni;;’ the |)eople, as w(dl as uiiivi'i’sal ;.^ratitud(* to the .■\lmi."'h- ty IJein^;, to whose bountiful goodness tli('y are indebted. Mr. M. Rothschild has contracted for a loan to the \('apo!itan (loverninent to tiie amount of and which, it is exjiecU'd, w ill in tin* course of a few days be brotii^lil into the money market. It w ill be a stock, bcarini^ .5 jierccnt. in- t(u-es;, r'presentiii;; either ducats or ster- lin;^ money, w iih dividends pay'able cith er in Lomioii at a fixed rate of cxchani^a', or in Naples al the choice of the holder. 'I’lii' (Ireek ,t>-overnineiit has published an official accoutil of the re-capture of Ipsara, from whicli, notvvitlistandinj^ the ample details hereiofoi'c {jiveih, we ex tract tlie foUowinj^ : ‘‘The Captain I’acha landed 4.),000 I’his is a tlcsi'rlpllon of men lict oj,;i lo be divcrteil iVom tlu‘ir monev m-i. • trade. They are unlike those'des>'5 does whose intemperance and other \|" would soon terminate by death. On.^ contrary they are men oi' resources, e ful of life, and w hen rotited from place can settle dow'u unmolested iimf ther. and at any time find a refuge um;" the I ’j'-ular p,’overninent of the Is!-. ! ^^’hiIe C'aptain Hiiodes was unload" his niuies, thei'e camc on board dailv,^ or more men to purchase, who app^j^ lik' ref^ular bred merchants or planter, I'rom these facts the conclusion is ifij sistible. that the i;o\ernment of il)(.r land is privy to these oiitra,q;es ujjon law of nations and of all civilized soeic>. 'i’lie tjfov ermiieiit should be made sible for them. “ 1‘CSpO! r.MK'.RATlON TO IIAYTT. n'kw-vohk, oiTiinr.n 13 The ship Concordia is ( ^peeled to ♦his afternoon, or to-morrow morniiv. from this j)ot i for Ilayti. with about i/', colored persons cif both sexes. Si\ vps. sels at I’hikidelphia, one at Port KHzj, betii, one at Alexandria,ancl several otlipn .It liahimore. are on the eve of sailing for the same destination. It is calculated tliat Ijelw een thi'i e and four thousand of these persons will leave ihe United Sia;e, within a few days, ar.d that every lor. !ii;.;’iil adiiitional num!)crs will be shippi.j off under tlie direction of President liuv. er's airciit, who pays the expense of iIh'.,- transmission, by authority ol‘ the llavtijj government, ( >ne htindi ed of those aljiM;: to sail from this port, are from the St^tj ol a\’vv-Jersey, and there can benodoj r that Ihe j^reat advuntaf,a's held out wiH induce the mass of this part of our poii;. iation to wiiiidravv from the country. Ertni/iq Post, mo annii fUe;l lhal Jij;. a^-seitioied at for an ai...ck fiii the i^,i.Uld il lie, and il'e Caj)i:ii,i j’arha Ir.ai ;,ou'.;h: n I'aj^^e ill the (;ulfS.iiy; u.i. l.t l'er;i !:a*e been reieived ini.oiidou froiii/i'rieste of ’Jie !sl Au|’;ii:>t. ei,ula'"iiu;>,’ late acc(Huls Lo’^i Sniyrua. by vvuieli it aj);'.e:ireil that Hie 'It'ilii'.h stpu'iiron was to suil fi om . lytil'Mie (ill ihe 7'ih of that muiitr.. to embark a nurribm’ of tr»o Se-.da \uo »'l'Samos, which, accordini; to advices Il cm Con';tanlii‘f ph.’, was to take ])Iiic,e p.-ev ious to the iMu. The l'..'?ypliau lleet irid a’.Ti\(’d Ol! tbelskiiiil ol fikodes, iMUl •il was said t-iiatli.e J'urkish (!')v ('ri,n;enl eiilei'l’.iitieil the T'loj m l (,f repiovi".;- iI'r* Chi'islii'.n po]Kilalif;u iu liio 'vlM-ea to L- e.ypt. and supjily ji.ij their place vvitli i)iians. SI'ATV. 1 vvo coiivenlifjjis betwern Louis ti;ul I'Vrdii’.aud are publislif ri l,i tl-.a Paris ofii- eial fr).irua’. by w iiicii it is .stipulated that |j,i;00 I'rencii le*.'0,;s v\ ere [o rer.iaiii in Si>ain till the 1st of J.iU!:,:ry, i.jj.-;. wiieri It was e ;p(cliitl ti’aii'jui.Mil'. '.lould be res- to.’ec! to t'ee laMer ( oiiniry. I'erdinujid liad a.^-reed to j»ay tv.o i)iiilic;i'of francs per le.omh as lo U;e rxiri iiu:inl:i:jiiii1 h. . avni\' bt'i'di; !i had bet'i ori:.'.:iuiiI'. stii>; W e: e to e’jnlillUe in U e ro..!:,' not beli-M I d. h'>»\ ever, b\ aiv the'Loni'.oii i,re-.^, lhai 'Iieafi'.’ w ouid be s ) so u led ;ii tli aiiiieip.i'ed. It v, a ; !-.uom ii i xiH use eu I lie |ie;V)(i alt (I' tiie;> It w;e, ion (d ■soi'Spain iio-i-bcns \ aides /iin.i. \ ill our lit; lu tlie ale sini'r I ol.itioii idl'd, and eiieoiii.tered e\f- aiid iiearlv the w boi ■ t.f his lira.,’ little I.and (if r.diov. ers id'' r ihe l. kiu;; (*d"i’a- riia by lae i leiu n, h..d e i ajied t) T:iu- ■rier, and il is adr.ii’t-;[-j,, the Couiiei’, lliai tl'.ev i;,ieii(led to w ait there •* lor a mere r.rtuiiuie jjeriod lo nmke a new ai- i.eliers l:om (libraltar d’ the :'li Ai:;;i'';d io •eonlii ni t!i“ state.nicnt tliat ••ba.i'Istd' Consiitut ioualisis still ap- |'e:aed, and in (-(-ii dderable numbers.” Two biiiietins. i sued b_\ th- jialriois at ! arila, breailiin;;- veunvaiKe a;;ainst the iiivad; r‘. and calliii!;’ (;ii llie peopk- lo unile Ml their xpiilsii ii, had been indus- iriouslv eii eulated in the soiithei n pro\ in- I ces, where they jjr(>dueed ;i !.:;reat seiisa- lioii. Aeeoi il:r’!’,’ to aeeoauts receive d at I’aiis f.-om .M;.d'’id, I'erdiiiantl iuid order ed li.e arrest oi ibi (loveiiu'r of'rarifa. who lied fi'Mii ;l.e j iaee on ihe kindijij.; of tin- Coiistiiuii(ma!ists, and j.diu d (.en.’ . ^ iJoiiiK I at Ali^e siras. Several vessels Jark-.ou stood lorlh the e hampiou, the ( bei lini;-the Cedo.ubian iiav, w ere hover- deteiieer, the deliverer of his c .iintry, ' in.; e>n i!ie coas ts of Spain, and ajmeared h abrillianev. thal lo thi-eate-n a laiidin:". w r_\ privalioii. ‘!!!(; Hfcliori llis is no lukew arm. iire- I'or his eoiintrv. Wliile I e storm d' battle r.e.;v';;—wliile ;• wtdl- ir.diied army hovered on enii’ coast, and evtiy patriot ireiiibled at the result of a (;ii w'hith was stak''d t!.e onlv nth’. eo;il more so. tiu.u r.-nnuiiit of fibeilv that e’xisted e>n N at lianii and Closed (Mir ited Uj) pilliot. iiidin:;. .im: vr i’.iM i’Aix, Ii'idand is at-.uii saiil i(> he in a distiirb- ‘ N'd sl.ale, ;;nd eousideral)le aLirm had !)een excited iti coi!sc(pu’iu e d' a lurn out of iii 'iJ'ljus paiU ed’ smile (jii the' brtjw ijl' e\, j.y s|)read throiii;h ou/' kLud— ill'iminatioiis aiirl fete-s v^ere evt j'v where witnessed : and even the war-worn seddier j d the it'\(duti')u fori^ot his infiiaiiti":, in | eott and I’jey v. iJl ttll )0U jilietian.nortof ihemoiiicnl. Thi-. i'i the I JLauea''iiip; and Ln^daiuk in Jjisara, commanded by Ismael Pacha, nephew to .vii Pacha of Joannina. I lie enemy was found in possession of lhe‘j;Teat battery employed in b6nibard- inp; the forts of Mitvlene, Palseocastron. defended by 2,S00 (ireeks of Ipsara and Chior;. and some companies of Christi.m Schy])elars. It was on the 7lh of Jul\, (iod, w ho jirotects (ireece and her cliil- dreii, si iuiai;'; a violent tempest from the south, the (}a])tain Pacha leariui.' the sbij)wreek of his lleet, w'as obliged to ptit te) sea, and lo separate from his army on shore. 'The infidels thiiikint; llienistdves abandoned, hnriied to the beaeh. 'I’hev perceived ihe (u-eek squadre.n, and tlio’l only of r.it>iil, seizin;^ all the boats thev coidtl iiiul. Nicetas laiids ; the Ipsarots sally from llie fui is ; ihe Tui ks are o .er- ihiown; the (Leek vessels discharge showers of [^-rape-shot on all that |>ui out at sea; tiiree fiii^ales and te.ibiii^s ran a„'‘round oa the Mb July : in the mor- niiif-’ the lurks had escaped. Amt^n;.' ihe dead an; Iwo Pa( iias—Ismael Peasia ujtdOrnier Coiiiisbans. e,f Ar,^io C'astron. The bofuy i(> immense—t!ie victorv com plete:” At the same moment ll.al the Senate of rraiiktort publlslied a law rt lalivi to the Lsraelilcs oi i r; nklurt, the I'aaperor of Hussia iss’a- :1 ,i L ka'c ae.ooi din.'^ to w !iieb Pfdi.sh j.,;v.s, e\(,i'pti:i.; those who are doe'.(a'i (A' c\U !’.:,i'.(! iiK rehanls, aie rli- recled to renoiince bcfoie the lirsL of J.tn- uary 1820, iheii’ trade (d‘Haw kers atui to return to tiie traiic of their fulher.s— vi/: liusbiaidm(ui atul saej)herds. 1 Or l!iis pur_;o-,e the ,q;ov ernr.ie,*jt h;..s assi.'^n- eel tliem, ill ch.- iriupe r.Je parls of tins '^mpire, laiid.-., vvith evei y thin;,; nece:,-ai v lt>rct,ilivati!i!i t!iem. lu-case they should uot V. isii to aee“))t lliese eoiaiilions, ilii’v will be dii’ected to (ji.it Htis.sia entirelv. Tin: i llAd'ffOHli, (CT.') OCT. 1?. The cai)tain and cif w- (d' ihe’bri^M'len- ry, belon.^nii):,’ t«j this city, and lat.dy cap tured by the pirate’s, reai lied ib.e’ir hoiiu's l.ist weed;. AltlKaif^b every arrival briiii';'.. :mi aec(/Unl (d new oiilrafjes eonanitied bv I ic iiiK cauf'ei’.i (/t the \*> est Indies, \rt it !■> fiiily vvIk'ii they are iidli' jeei upon om- near n(d,9,!ibors aeid jjersoual a'Mpii iiilau- ces, lha: it briiil^'S the .subiv'cl bor.ie lo' fair l(lai;.,s. It is with Iio-rror weceai- temphue the narrow, li:ir-breadlli e-s- ( ajje (^i C-apt. Ixhodes and his men. w lio, v'.ere evi ry mail (d' the'i.i lo have been eoealy murdered th(* mon)in^• after llu y we're reseued by Capt. Crahani. of the British sloop of w.u. 'i’he ni-’ii have al! ed'lhem their wives and (h'ldren or |>ar- eiil-i aud broliiers and si.’.tei s in this e ity and U4'i;^’lil;orlio(jel. One ed'them I’eiuru- e’d with I,is ai'®i broken by a blow v\itli the back (/!' a swea’d, anotliej- his cliei k ‘diced down wilh a salire, and all eiir.a i-i aled by st.a’valieai and tiiir.it. The ae-■ count i;iyeiiof these l>ii’a!es bv Ca.p'aiii I Khode.', is tridy alai’niin;.; to ('wrv on-] who.se busine.ss na.y cail him to aeiveutun- i t;-;.i:,ii!: on lh( se seas. They ai.'pei.r to be a we il [ liiembe or,e;auized body ol outlaw % e.fainienaured, j er dislrit t.., will iHiiijoritie . W A vvliolpsalc nost of roincrsand counterfo of Hank Notes has bt i ii discovert, d at ('ovi:,'. ton, Keiiliickv, Mid tin ir iintinisiietl notes m; api):irutiis have, with some t>f the villams, h; n secured, and will be led to the bar of jiisi. ' iinticr ciiTimist.inces that leave no room lo dou; their com ictioii. r.iMi: cA.VAT., ^Ve are infoi’ined, says 'he Xevv-Yo’k Statesman, that so ?^reat has been the' rr crease ol nav illation and commerce upon the \\'e’stei n ('anal,, lhat, for some i; m past, a firm at Koclu'sler—the Krie- C.-u, Company'—have jiaid in tolls to the st; upon an ave‘rai;’e, o/ie tlimihnni!(iijlkirn n 7 1 his is but a single item of the revenue vv htcli the stale eii New-Vork is now cc- rivinj^’ from ifial t>;reat work. “ \Vr.L('(*».MK I,\ rAVr.TTE.” At JliM'^ham, on the loih ull. an inf.int son ot Mr. (iiles (iaiclner,' was bapli-.'d l>v the Ke”.. Mr. !{iel ardson, bv llie nar.ic of “ I'ulmiiic L'l Fi."fc/ft:.'’ '1 he name nf lae .^^reat Ki’aie.ifathe-r of this ciidd ffas •Welcome Luuoln.'—Su/cm (j!>n. La Payette is the order e-f life day not only in the ])Iaces :,^raced iih his prts- e'nei', bill throu;.;hout t!ie Lnieai. Kvorv lhinL’, says t!ie N'isitor, auim.ae and in- ani’a.de, is La 1 ave’tu*. 'I'iie next gen eration w ill be a .'generation of La Fnj;e,'hs in iianie il not in j)rincip!es. We areas likely loo, lo have a La I’ ayette President, as any othei’: all the candl'Ja*.e*’, we ht'- beve, are thrown enti.ely itiio the baU ;,"ie/Uiid. I’uluiii';, siande'r and iniri.:,i.i, are alii;e uitavaidu,-. All mii^l yield, fn.- a time al leas', to tiie euilliusiasm ef tr,-’. l>;’Oi.de. i he* de ;po*s and nobles of Iv.;- rope :uid their minions w ill iifleei ;n Iauf.';h al aii this display, but it will be rather.i i^riii, th(' e He( 1 (d‘ sour i^'i api’s, than a b'-;.!!y shake d‘ the sides.—'l'l.ey ku'i'.v iis pejwer, and wetru-,t iheir subject.s will later reap iis beMielii-i. Pi,'. Ink!. sooner Binder JliH ^[oll'nv€nl.—'I'he site of ilic battle ol Bunker Hill lia'T-be’en lale’ly pur- cii.ised lor the purjiose of ei eetini^ a p’raii- lie M',;'niieiil, in eommeai'iiaiion la lie; batlle, •.••;ii( h w ill be tht‘ hd'tiest in i!u; world. It is e\|;eeted tlial (ieneral Li 1 ayette will hiy the e eiriier sttaie of tii;; slriielnre on the I'.Jih of Jun.' ne'xl, ha^- mi',’e-.piess.'d a w illlu;;ia->.j to (hdav hi:! tlepari.ire till^ th.M auaiv ersai y. 'Tie; \V a'diii'L,'-tou Be'ie\olei:' J'ioeie’v li.iv.'’s'l'.- si ribed lor thi- oljjei t ;.I)out JO'r) (itdl.a b)v. Pliilios, K'lio ; t). Sear::. Lso. ; Hon. P. C. Biook,. ;n)()—-nd live *ol I-,-'•> have suba'i ioed i'Ki (fdlars t'ae h. i'ir; eesi is vslim.tlt'd al >r,')a ; titdlai's. .i\ 1 \e\f •() rier.ii'-. manv as .’o pt rffai by the \ eiio w 1 'e\ e so late as w ere dv in: a'l'.t. It'. e'vei’V day W lilt ^et, .Ad- dai!'" if nd nejt aitled by the* Sjiaiiish i^over >!!>•. Vl» \'|S IN \) ve\ I.ANO. e have c'.me'i sed dd, nhji iiiu,.,^ an inHueiilad repubbr.ni from .Som nil.) assure-, u .. ih. t tli.' cau,-.e d' .M anis n.it only bolds its ov\n. but i. sidei’ab!;' aopiisition !i.il : !u electoi’, in the !ov\ - I riiimjdi by most dt-eitie.l I'),,. ,, ■ . ■- ••iii' i'l- !• We ha’vc (lin'ci and positive ‘ i\i'>s' n-^Tr^ t‘>>i“!'h('rdislrirts ill this state, iiHus od Havana. Besides, ilie i w hich e ijuall'/ llalteriuP’. We ai;;iitJ llieM-p,ntt,.ssi!ows tin 111 lo I repeat, the eurn’ut of puldie oj)inion is fne.. 1..', Mia, and to nave in lavoi’oi' t!ie' “(ireiU 'S'.tiesnruiit i' issocaled vvitii respeetJdt'society. No-i not like the noi.v and boist^'rous (^itaracl, h'.t Ihe.r cruelly aiai mode ,d life ! but clear, smooib and de.’p. Thousands o1^;’iav, a!.d moral aud reli^^ieais iieople*- Will o’o I') t!:e; [)(»'ls on i lie dav of election, le.ul I’t'iired, peaceable' lives, and who Hi ()ii iidiiiar\ oceasions are seareelv seen uiiu iiui uuciMhii tiicir hi;ii.’”My’('. | (n’ l.e.ird,--/iV'7/v,e;rc /V/, sixiy cliaracter of be inhabiian's of rht’. 11 assoc thin" d^istiu;.';iiislie.s them fi’om the first men ea'' that city. 1 hey are between iwe'jity and tliirtv-i who I .!\e years of a-e, dn'ssed, t ’m;;eral di’iiikin