VOL. I.] CU.mT.OTTE, X. C. TIESV.U, XOVEMliKR 10, 48S4. [XO. 7. * rVni.lSltF.D WEEKLY nvLTRMlJKL BINIJIIAM, T- tIIIIEK llOLtAUS A YKAU, PAID IN ADVANCE. »|3 Ko paper will be discontiniieil, unless at the ^jcr/lion of tlie cilitor, until all aiTciinijjcs arc A.UVF.RTISKMF.XTS Will bc inscrtcd at the usual Rtcs. I’crsons scn4inff in adveiliscnicnts, arc f((in‘stc(l to note on the nvirgin the numhev of jertii'Hs, or they will he continued until forbid, ,il f liar.^cd accordingly. I QUANTirO CANAL liOTTEIIY. FUCUTJI CfJiSS. A. M'ixTY]{i:rMAXAtn;ij. 1/V X w V \ SCMKMi:. 1 PRizi; Of iSOOO IS f5000 5 - - 2U{)0 - K.ihkj C - - lOUO - (i(iHO 0 - - 6>ji) - o(KjO 6 - - old . -J040 138 . - ;,0 . 6900 Gyo . . lU . 6900 6072 - - 5 - r,0.-!6G ;^70,‘joo 69-4 pnizr.s. ^ 17,550 10f>26 HLA.VKS. ^ TICKKTS 'I liis is a Lottt-i’v fonncd by a ternary combi nation and pt-nnutation of 27 numbers! Tii‘ drawinjf will Uikc place on Thvrsdntf, the 25‘h day of Aoi'finher, (n- at a much earlier day, if the sale of tickets will warrant it. 'I'li KKTs and Sharks may be had on aj)plica- tion at the POST-OFFICE, FAYKTTF.VII.I.F,, where explanations of this Scheme and l.ottrry, and information generally, may be tiad Whole TicIvET {?5 00 [ |i,AtiTKHS §1 25 !Iai,f 2 .50 I I’ackai^cs of 9 tickets, warranted to draw at least #20, less the 15 per cent., may also be had for 4.i dollars. —Ivl— Vulufible Flousc and l.ut Fon S.1LK. ^ AVIXG a desire to remove to my farm, I will scil my v»iu;*!>le J. IIEILBROX’S MeiUcnl Steam & Vapor Iktths, No. 74 CinincH-sr. Chaulestox, T is generally aeknowledged by writers on , the siil)ject, and experience corroborates fict, that the Tar l'inni'ution lowers tiie vilse, renders coupiis less troublesome, and pro- salutary cll'ects in tlie I'ldmonary ysttni; and it is,remarkable, that persons eng-a- cd in rope manufactfu'ics seldom labor until r oiuiiuiptions, and that a residence on cedar or )iiie ijarrens during the summer, has been cfii- icious in pulmonan cases. Ample testmioiiials cun be given, that the new node of treating diseases by the futnr.'i nf snl- ihiir and other Aui>stances, pailicidarly the ht- (ihit.on tif t!\e fun.es of tar in coii.minptive dis- inlei's, ii .mediately by the fauces and lun^s, lasbei n emiiu ntl\ successful. Profi ssor (Jhap ian, _ot I'iiilaiii.Iphia, one ot tlu; higiietl au-1 H ! 5 *! sessions in the town of Charlotte, \u liorlt'ies in t!iis coiimrv, most cogently in hiS| flLis&Bgla front and back lot on the south side of (^tures impres^es on the iniiidsof his sliidi nts, i Coiirt-1 (ouse and on the west side ofTr\on ji^ i thcac) and success ot this uioile oi treat-, stri ct, situated near the public square, eoi;ta.n* iiLiit in various (listaes, stating also that i)r. ; yf ground, an excellent viwelLnp,, ,'ituiiT»i\, phys;oia!i to t!'.c Court ot St. I’eter.s-1 store, aiv.l all necessary out-houses, and is a de- ;rgli. treated several eonsuinptive cases in this ji'n-;tblc situation for a private family, and an e\- liaiuur. wilii the most triumpiiant success. ^ j cellent stand for a store ; also, a nevir tailing iroctor .Iamks Sal nm;iis, one ot the I’resi-^ ^-l.h qj’^^ater, ecpial to any in the town ; a good Liit^ of the Ho\ al Medical and iMiysieal Socie- i g-m-dcn \ and on the back lot a hnc clover patch, lie-, at r.ihnbiirgh, highly recommends, in ins all in goovl order and repair. I w ill sell low, for k;iy elaborate treatise on pnlnionary consump- cash; or I will take three or four negro bojs, lion, (,p. Ud) tlie utdits and etficacy ot inhulut^ between the HgC of 12 aiul 2o years, in part pa\- pertain sii!>stuncc.s, to promote the reco\cry ot lacni, orgool lotes on ilen\and. '1 he jince un . raied lungs. And in lJussia, several patients, I be known te pei’son who may wish to pur |;i.)Oi;riiig uMa r paln oiiary consumption, whose , chase, by apph ing to the subscriber on the pi e despaired o by the n.oat eminent niises. ' SAM’L. M’COMU jli\sicians ot that C(juntr\ , have been curetl by j ihg atuiosplienc air with the Vupourof 7'ar, lii'it r ItK‘ direction of Doctors lUi iim and \ an j ((ii'i.-;. liidivil, so successtiil lias this treatuieiit 1 Ii, that iniiKireds c>l pri\ate as wellas public j is! t'H i’i.', lia\e been ei'eeted tlirouf’!iuut Ku- ■ |)c f.inli.1 t;.e d'.iecliou cf tile most eminent )h\.sic all'. 1 'le nu.^t inujucstionalile sancti>.ii j is g'Vi ii t(, tli.s in. w mode ot trealmeiU, by 1 Jiu \!i dical reports from the iugiiest ai.thonties | IK-tobrr 11, 1824.—3tf IXTYTILL be sold, foreash, at the Court-IIous^' V y in Charlotte, on Monday, the 22d day ot November next, the following tracts of land, CASH. r. subscribers having* er.' red Into part- iL ner.ship in the Mercantile LJusiness, under the firm of Smith Canton, ' ros]H'rtfully infvirn\ the pnhlic, that they will receive from the 1st to the loth of this month, a general assortnu'nt of Fancy and Seasonable Goods, which they will sell low for cash or produce only. It is e\i)ccted one of us will bc a consid- i rable part of the y ear in the markets of New- Vorlv, Philadelphia or Charleston ; by this means we expect to be constantly supplied w ith a gen eral assortment of new and seasonble goods, bought at the lowest cash prices. Our slock of CiUOCEUlES will be large and of the best quality. >VM. SMmi, WM. CAUSON. Kov. 1, 1824.—5* Auction ^5 Commission Store Jl FAYETTKVJLLE, N. C. The subscribers hare generally on hand a large supply of GrocerieHf Dry Goods^ Cutlery, 'I'he following articles are at present in Store, which they otler for sale at reduced prices;— o pipes superior Cogniac Itrand), 5 lihds. and 15 bbls. N. E. Hum, 72 do. Surinam Molasse.s, 4 do. prime Muscovado Sujar, 15 bbls. countr} tiin, 5 do. Copperas, r>4 do. Loaf Su}';ar, 35 do. excellent itrown Sugxr, 7 qK”casks Swfil W me, I'J box.cs Madcria and ShtjTy ’Wine, 10 CHsks C:heese, 2 do. d Irons, Ci bags ». .flee, 20 fk). I’eppir, 5 do. I’uiKnlo, [rMass, 150 boxes and half boxes 8 >ty 10 AVmdi. vv 50 do. do. 10 by U lic 1^3 do. Fanc> tilass, Tumblers Decanters, 25 do, Fa) ctte\ille .Moula Candles, 10 do. IJar Soap, 2 do. (.'lub Ax.», 5 do. Mustard, 6 vlo. W hitimnre Cardi, 5 do. Ameiicaii Cigi.rJ, 10 tons a.'i£,yrttd 6wi d';s and ,Tflrs?v Iron. AUo, a genend assortment ot 1>1\ t.OcliS, ccri.r.ia, ^c, vuLi.KiM..n o' Cl). lai/iitirille, X C. Oct. 12, 182.1.—,• A tract of land, the propi-rty of ^iiainel J. Hutcheson, containing two !!undrel acre's, on ,, , , , , ,, ,, which he now lives, aO joining W jlli.nn Da.iilsuii nt l..,iu|.a.. i-ublm. !.dinburg,i, Paris >t. • t,, sati.^tv‘Ti.ree ex. ■ utmns, one in ,h. a;ui (.. imaiiy. I he uiu ers-.gned, fj^vor ot Tl.onias ti. I’olk, Cuunlian ; one in f..- h..ve‘n -.., h..pesth.a sucu te.tnnoi.y from men ■, and one iu favor of )l ror Uan.m.iTand exper,em.% (utuch ,,ammil, against said llutchcs.,!.. ^t luony .s ;.uw .n iiis po.ssession, and l.^ opui ^ „f Jnhii lut:,. n>pcct.on ot cverx enqiinvr.) uil a^ nu-e adjoining .lames D. l.nras and ot,. ,n, iT.ui cate any uMavoraole impressions that may an execution in tav.)r of I’airick Joiui. |iav.,; r. nia.ncl ;ii tnc public unnd. I'nmden. e ■m ;I ii s I i,u«..i\ors so tar, i.iat in.iii\ p^r- a tract of land, tiie propertv oi' thr heir^ bons a;, ict. u As.th I nHHtrn hdwus deciaserl, adjoining Mo- Inltnaltod /mt-, I al.v, i.out, cxecutn n % jup-.v the viinvus hnHs oj l.rup- 5,^ ,1, ^sq. _ S;;j,luh., M> rcunul ( onsiunju,n„.s, ^ p,.„p,,,.ty of William .■ist/iiHitti, and Swe J f,rn{:t.', h:\\ c oeen ij.jr^rovc, to satisfy an excciition in favor ot 1). nirrd [)y lus diltLrent Stka.m and vft ] Ii,\ ras. I’ersons unable to walk, nnd brought, aIsi'i, a tract of land, containing twenty acrc.s, 11 vchic es to the l?ath have b.-en able after a ■ ,,,opcrtv of Walter Fairas, and his inti rest few applications to walk home. In these in- the undivided lands ot .lohn Wilson, deceas'd. Et:mre^ actions speak louder than words.- to sati.sfv an execution in favor of .loseph Heed. ^oine ot our most u ..rtliy aiul respectable citi- propertv of William ns^can tcstit} to tne truth ot tlie auovc state-. u^^j-tt^ .^t Beattie’s Ford, to satisfy an execution in tavor of Kobert Black. Also, a tract of land of fifty acres, joining . , , , ,, , , Rrinkly Uichardson, on Cane creek, the jiropi r. ffraiiily aftorded to any person v. ho will take the inhered Jones, to sati.sfy an execution in Hrouble to call on J. JlLlLIiUo.N. | li.oj. of Wilham MWeely. 'l lie subsrnbcr also atten«ls the Hatlis to sick , Also, a tract of land, containing 150 acres, the ^ dunks to Ins IVi egrucs, wiiere he has a particular apurtiuent. | property of William Johnson, on which he now p,|hli- t'orthe libVrd 11 1 onn,'-i-m Client. Hefercnccs of a nature not to be doubted, can H-iven ; and the utmost satisfaction will l>e ' l*arkets ibr lMiilalel|»lu:i. r.r,i- 7 nil!' subscriber having i jtaldi.-.lied a Ji I.inc of PA( KF’f'S ix.lwcen rlul.i d' iphia and AVilmington, N (j. t:iki s t!ii.nu thod to aciniaint tlic public, that a vsm 1 will K a vc il- muijvton, X. C. eviry 10dii\s, I’ro.Iiice mtt ndi.d for this ci'iu i;, ance, will i>e rec. ivei! .*nd forwHfil- ed by Dinican ■riii>iiip«on, F,t:.|. >f l .o « Mi \ ilh-, and Messrs. Stow U W'hiltii r, if \\ ilinlni'-t m, at till' lovve.st ran s of freight, and lc.>',t. e' p ;isc ].(jssible. Having tlirei good \('SMeb 111 th>' 'iitdc, commanded by car-.tVii iiaptain^^, w ■ I! I' qininii d w.th the coast, and rabins wib li'tcd for thi; .i commodation of pas.,i,ngihe inisls t'> m* witli encouragement. l’h.lade')»hi.i, ^^i1iliKl n- Mi-ons, has beCMiiO .s'o grc.;' a m iniifactiniii;;' ]>face, that cotton can Ik sold tn s i yi.-iit, ami advantage to the owm ''s, ilic onsii’iii)tii)U being at present a!)oiit tw.niy tlK'Os:ia 1 i.>al perauiuim, and will no douiit lie ^f'.ni gr' a^i.r JAMES PA r t'ON, j'l’i. ('iinun,■It Al' rt/iinil. No. 2.J, Korth Front-si. I’hiiadelpbia. S(jift'i:ih/‘r .>U, 1S21 —.>int! t \VV\V.VAa*\\, Coac/i^ Ilnusf^' Onianientul ('opU of a Crrli/iarte in my posse.'ision. e, I'.ie subscribers, having made us- of the team liatli.-. eoiiducted b\ .1. Mciibron, No. 7-i liiir' h-st. ( harlestoii, S. C. and ha. mg icceivci! !;r utmost beni.lit from the same, do licrcbv rc- ii\es, to satisly an execution in favor of John j Lawson. Abo, a tract of land, the property of Alexan d(.r lobi;,on, adjoining Jas. .Ma.xwt 11 and others 10 satist) an .execution in lavor of James II. ilu son. :md tin 1' u liieli ttiil!'.' solicit ')•- pared and cus- > coMinn iul them to the public. Sign, d bv i Also, a tract of land, the property of SaiTinel 1. Thumax ( 'udircu, Couuni^s.on Mc'rchiuit Farr, .uljoining William IJrown, to satisfy an cx- ^lul lirokcr, llroad-st. ^ i edition in. fa\or of John M’Coy. 2. t,c(,ri:c MrJiJki/, Merchant, Clmrcli-st. | AKo, a tract of land, the pro]Krty of Andrew 3. (in,ru:f ( hisiiliii, \1. F.ietor, rhisolin's sJiarf. Diinii, adjoining .Viutrew^l.ew ing and others, ‘1. J’Ir/f, firm of Muntgomciy I’l.Ut, to salistX two executions, one in fa\oi‘of John UoMnii'y 'jii Merchant. ' ' 1 (graham, and one in f.i\or of l.awson M’('ov. j. Jltrin/ l‘t:rkn\ Churcli-st. A No, tw u tr..cts of lain), the in'opertv i>i'T.well ■'. J/ir. r. /i'm/7.v, Aiehn.ct, Mlet'.ng-M. 1 Ale\:indt r, (me {/t two or three hundrid ai res, 7. Sumiirl MrAti/, ol the tifiii ot Ih'.idiurf.l L ''.n which iie now liv. s, adjoining M’Cu.skey ' ^ McNe.l, s. j ;ind oth( IS, ar.il one t,f om- Inindretl arr.es, ad pilbli dl’ea 1_\ ri'Crise 1. 'ilill i'"Sni a Cont inuani e of p;i1rni;:ii;e. Ilf It to do all kind.-> of Fainting in his line tomers nia_\ dep( ml un Ir.n iiii; tiieir work neat 1\ CM'Clile'l, :ind V, I'.ll liviipateli. 2.) Faiutii’.g in the co'ia'iy vi!! bc done on sliori notire Chorlflfr, Ortnhrr A, IhJ}.—Itf IMaiiliilion, StDck, Ncp;r)es. I'ur Sa/e. a/ Puhlic •lnc.llon. \ f "iV 'I'hnr d.iy, 2nd of 1 Decem!)er iicaI, t!ie will sell, al '‘/'w i, vuhi-^j^‘.i-^ l>esw\tc)vy. DESPEITATE ASSASSINS. A couple ofdesperadocs^ arc tnivorsing our country and tiiakin.e: dreaiU'nl havoc ol‘ property and lives, of old atid youiii;. I’hey ha\e already slain more of the in habitants than wfr»' slain in battle, and perislunl in ])rison ships,during the Aruer-. ican war ; aiul al the saru* time they have wasted more snhstance than wouhl pay the lutiioiial ch hi. 'I'heir stretigih is in vincible. Their method of attack is to strike people on the head ; tiien instantly to trij) up their heels, pick their [)ockets and f.ontinne their blows on the head uti- il they have ([tiile beat out ih'cir brains. I'hongh they itii’est pMi)lie houses chielly, they are also at ])ri\ale closets of private houses, in orkshops of meciianics, atul the field of farmers. In some instances whole families have fallen victims to these murderers ; nay, whole towns have been avaged and ruined by them. One poor mat! herealiouts, that had formerly been an industrious thrivins^ mechanic, has lately been murdered by them in a maimer too shocking to relate ; and there arc se veral others in the vicinity who have lecn lately attacked by them, robbed of heir money, smitten on the 1 l ain-pan, knocked down, and in al! respects so vi olently handled, that an a'.arminfj stiij)or had succeeded, and they aie already brouu;ht to death’s door. In a woril, the ouiitry is iu imniitieiit danger, from a ouple of out lundish miscreants, vho mock'at reason, trample upon the pie- cious rights of men, aiul equally bid deti- nce to the law and gospel. 'I'he names f these two nifTians are Hum atul Uruvdy, .lud we might add Jl hiskey i'or a third, md all of tliese perfectly innocent and good propei'ly imj)ro\ed. But the sin and all lie on the urifurtuu*tc \ictiin w ho ruin^ himi,elf by them. part of the whole ; that the third denom ination, viz. Christians, now include onc- fonrlh part of tiie whole; and that the Mahotnedans, w;ho sprung six centuries after the Christians, and threatened to aunihil.iie them, occupy the space of one- sixth part of the whole. It is also ob servable, that when an estimate of this kinil was made about fifty years sincc, it was sup[)Osed th;it Christians amounted to one-si\h part, now they have increas ed to one-fourth. A step i'tirther in this inquiry disposes of the Cl-.risiians thus, in their subdivi sions :— (ireek and Eastern Churches, ."0,000,000 Konian Catholics, l()0,00i),()t)0 I’rotestaius, includingallsects, 70,000,000 Total, 200,000,000 7'hose iiave all risen sitice the promul gating of the L'niversal Clu’ihtiau Cfiurch, (,o0t) A. M. of w hich :— The AVt'stei n and I’.astern Cburche.s be gan atid united iu the 6th century, 'I'heir sejiarution, 9tli -do. Mahomed, 7 th do. C'liribtianiiy in Great Britain, 7th do. Darkness of I’opery and Mu- hornedunism, f)ih to U)th. Waldenses, 12lh do. WickliffisHuss,and Jerome, l.jth to 15th, Luther and Calvin, l^b 1>- Kt'forniation, ItHh do. Remonstrants, 17 th do. Protestant .sects, 17th Sc 18th. It is unnecessary to enlarge ijiis scale ; the objeci is thus answered by showinjj the divisions of people, and their denom inations and dates; by which any person conversant iu researches, will find occu pation enough for his reilection, upon the probal)le slate of mankind during the enauing hitif cenlury, under the advanta ges of an unexampled improvement, in every country and condition, I>oth in arts, navigation and commerce, domestic atui universal; an enriched acf|ulsition of ev ery embellishment of Intellect, literature, the iiiic dl ls, aud rhemistry. THE INQUISITION. A work ealitlcd Lettkhs NounAVnts, pub lished 111 Fiiris in 1S20, contains the following Account of a mode of tonuve practiced in the Inqijistion of'foledo. Cien'-r.d Las^ale being at 7'oledo, went to vrsii the place of the inquisitioi'; I'or in Sniiiu the humility of iniiuisitors is . 1 , I- .1 I ■. . , sneaks ol th; ntsiiliitions aud iistoins like that ot other monks; It wears a coarst' F, . ... . , r , , I I It ■ II I \. o( t us country in so high a style ol com- c loak, and dwells in a mar!)le palace. At 1 _ From the TCcw-York Daily Advertiser. Tlie ]•■,(!inbin’!*- Ue\iew for July contains an article on the United State.s of .\meri- ca, founded t-.j the travels of Duncan, Hodgson, an I an anonymotis author, and tiic sii,^ht of the instrunu nt of torture, the (Jenr-rul as veil as t!ie niVicers who were w ill) him were seen to shudder ;for it whs more horrible lhau any tiling presented by t!ie held of battle. An>ong these instru ments there was one which more particu larly fixeil the atlentionof the visitiints,!)y p;iving the impression of a sort of sacri lege. At the farther etid of a subterrane ous dungeon, near the chair of the, iiupii-^i- tor w hose duty it was to interrogalt? those who were accused of heresy, theic was placed iu a niche a statue of'^the V irgin. A golden halo surrounded her head, atid her drapery descended in silken folds from her shoulders to her leet. In her ri)>ht hand she held the ancient s'andard of the Kings, and a breast plate was just visible under the folds of her robe. Al- pliment, a.s to form a perTeci crmtrast tJ the language of the J-oiulon KevlewfM’.s. \Vilh regard tf> eouioiny in j)ul)lic sala ries, it is siattfl lhai no country is so well governed as ours, or at so small an ex- pe;isc ; and on the su!)ject of religion, the revi('wi;r says we enjoy hOer/ii, while th«; Fn^lisll can boast of nothing more than toleration. 'I'he incotivenienccs of American roadi and inns utul stage coaches, and indeedl the whole lis{ of grieviinces which the i Quarterly Htvi«*w has long since made ' the themes of complaint aud satire, are ‘ disposed of in as easy and suiiwuary a , manner as an American could have done ; himself. “Her coaches must be given tip; so must the roads, and so must the inns.— ./. //. ('luihornCf son-in-law of Kei'shaw !V. Pl.iiitt r. 77:i. (iilisiin, at .lohn Fr;i/ei'ts ('o. 1 I. 'J'luiinaa J'liiuiiii::;, :ipl,ot the Line .'shiji 34 I’le.sidelit. 1!. If. Piilinrr, brother to K'v- Dr. I'»liiicr. IJ. Jti/in.s-.1, Hi.'iirurh'. 1 >. hiirii/ VV,7.v(/(//, (}ne n-'-t. It. /iiiviif I h:I .ineoliiton, F). linunt Kiin'/tf, Nt.rclun!. lo. Hmn) Sii hri'iil;, Flai.tir, !‘ili In I'h'oii. ir. 7'. ( loolar, Captain ol slop lor I.iver|)ool. IS. -I'hc Ilev. Dr, ]llUinm ll.pui, I'MladJ pliia. iMiniiUi'St:irn> llarti:-,, to satinN an evecution ill f:i\or -!' .loiiu l,'o!)iton, agair.st saul Fwel AieXaiiilcr, ^>le|)heii Me\aiuier ;tiul tieu. Alien. .sA\F1. M’» OMii. .s/icnlf '/ J/( i7.7' (.'i'uiiit/. rV/c.’r'-11, if !{FFFl!I'\C!v To tlie Hev. Dr. I’inla.li ijtliis .b'liN I II\/.r.i(,,'v. t'o. Cli.n h-all'll. *•1.1110;K Pi. > n-, (!u. T iimi AS (’()( Mn V V, do. Sam. VU'Ni.ii, ,Io. J(M1\ M, J’,1 IIVKj (lo. IV I’. VSON, do, >>'vu'.Ci.\i riiv, Lincolntim. \, C. Du Ml UnMi.vHiiT, F. ,\i. 1-1!.cull.ton, r •it7 . •’I SlicriiV S;i!c. i IH i: I’./dowing t M. t; r»t tm.l w ill be sol.l for ' h, at the (;oiirt-ll'ms" in ( h: rltilt'*, on th' loii’-tli .\i'ni'la\ III .Novi'inber, to s.iti^t) llic i.iNes dee for lij2J ;iik1 /ii i'.ijitaiit Ilu'xv 8('i Vi lurneil i>y Anderson lle itv, 1 '.2.'. 1 I'l aen s, I'l turnc(! h\ .‘.iiilreu Dun. '. snbserilie;' Auction, lii ■|aiil. IM.oit'jtion. eonsisiii.g of 240 acrc'>, I>mg (HI l!ie 1 :i\v}crs' r"ad, miles t.;k t fniin cii.il- le.tie ’!'!y '•oil is good, and i ,1 adi'pteii to ill.- ciiltnre of t urn, eotU»ii, .'■;(■ , and a Jiavt of tlx f O'M IS line mcado'.i land. '1 here i;- a good i!v, t II r ;-hoii.-,e nil the iilaniatien, l);ii’n, 'intl oth er ne'e^-.ai'\ oet-bousi's ; an eM 'ihnt spring, ;*iid a goini veil consiiiient to tlo- li;.ni lot.— V. ii! a!.iO ■■'I il, ai the .-..one ili:i'. n:id 1 >3L lus corn, h.i\. fuiiii' i’; togeth.er th‘ statue resembled Joan oft i hey are ol course what ili»*se accom- Arc at Orleans. C)*n examining it a little ; modations are in all new countries ; ami nt'arer they perceived that the breast plate | much llk(t whi'.t J'^nglish gi eal-grand-ta- w as glisteninp* with a vast number of lit- j tiie.rs talk alxnit as exibtinjf iti this coun- tie knives, and of nails sharpened like i.ee-, try at the first period of t hoir ret ollection. dies. The arms of the statue were i:iO\ea-1 Tiu* great luconv ef.i-nce, however, in the ble ; and a handle placed behind the par- Kngiislimi'u. is on* wliirh more tition retjulalcd its motions, (jenerul | less ;«.cutely— Lassale gave orders for pMting the ma- we mrun the impossil)i!it> *d'being alone, chine in oi)eration ; and the sack of a pol- or ha\ ing a room separately from the rest ish grenadier v\ as pul in the place of thi" of the comiiauy. ’1 liere is r.ollimg whicli heretic. When tl-.e handle was turned, | an Knglishman enjoys niori than sulki- ihe statue extended its arms and pressed | noss—of iiot^ l>etng foiced t.j |,t ar a w^tud the sack chisely to its breast. When it i i'hixed its grasp the sack v\ as found lobe .'.o'.i ai res, rt,?'inie! h', .loloi \S . K.n;,'', l'>2.?. l.)0 acres, be’.inn;!ir;' to ihe licivsi t 1,'ohcrl .M‘( or.l, (lec'-:iM (), not listed for IHJ'.’, 1,1 ) acre.;, i\tu;i.cd b\ (.corgc Niehoi.sor, for IK.'.i. longing to the hcu's ised, not listed ier 'VuWAWV \V‘.\W\vh\. |»1 IIIL 'aili ,criber w i.-ili. s to (.L'tain .^oiKe p'^rrion It f‘‘’' Van], ^nd on* or I hands 1,') learn the trade. J,i'u;i*5(l ereour- eiiu nt Will be .u^isen t.o :i pi rso-.i tint v.illcome ‘ tveonimi lule.l, ,\ in.in w ith a ••ii. ^!1 i'aiiiih "’lid I).- pn tcrred, as there is a guo(! .Iw . Fling- »i-'Use on ihv prc’.nisej j. ^'.'0 arr- s, less or more, b Ilf Koiiert .\le\.,iulcr, (Itci iior /;/ ( 'djitiiin 1)1(1 r1nr(,ntVs Curnpiinn. fi.S ii'-n S wheicon M:>rlha jirown nowhvi.' nr;i li-teJ tor 1 MJi nor 1« ?.]. ■)it f'c.'cs. III li.n"in;‘; to h;iniue! II. io iS2? and liiJ.'i, lliit l;^1t il. .'50 acri s, h (ir un.re, the prop' ’ty >'f Owens, for Ii^'J-' and not h-teil. 1 ,')li a( la . less nr nujre, belnngiii'.; to ‘dll' 'lOir ol'l'ivineis Lewis, deceased, io.- t.-' J a.;.i not bated. i \y,\ KL M*( OM!’.. Sf'rnlf. /?V A. ( /' '7 (Vt. V- r riiild. poss( s- tour likely N( groes, \i.’. two i'ellows, a weiicli mul li d ‘s;ri IIS ot oll^il!lin'^ a \ abi d'l sion, and of iicddiig ^ooil b o'gains, \. ill do well lo atte’.il. i\ 'iiiS ill be made kr.own on 'In d »v of sale JA( nl5 Jl LIEN. Orlnl,tr 1S24. I'.t'f a pi rl'ec I sieve : it was pierced with a tlioiisaii.l. holes, and the kni\es had enter ed s(jiiie lines ill depth. 'I'husthe merci- I'ul Maty, the iiiotliei- of the Saviour ot men. l)eeame in the hands of itifinisilors, •he bloody instrument of fanaticism ; and 1 hat nothing mighl be w antins^ to this Iior- riidi- prolaTiation, they called this ima;.;e by ;iii odious pun, (Jur I.uiIijiiJ Soi'ioU'n! [From a late London paper.] .? (iciui'iil 'cn.sus.—'I'lie jiresent census oi t!ie whole worhl is said to stand ihus : all •V i\\ \c V. i 7THK1S’: ind' i.ted to tju l.it- firms of D^vtr.- ! J. MIX ( '.Mriit i i., a’ d C 11. .V Hi.AKt., I t.’e e' r’’i .•'•b, l■e(p!'•^t^d in s( tt|i t!,i ,r nceunM'' I :it ::• liclore iMir I’.cNl Couiitv (’(iiirt, (which will ' een:::\ence the I’niiith .Mon.l.iV in .\o\ei!ih' r long(,r indulgence (.Miimt bi; givtii. lOje n!'cj'her f.f tin: snhsf'r'.bei n w ill ;d\i;i\sbe I in f'iriHotte, vendy to m.ik. scttK nientv i ( I'ou ( (itlon, at the cuirenl jiric . \ iH l>e re- j ce 'ed Ml pu':iu lit. D (’\ Nll’lii I I , ■ J.l'd \KK. Jews, l’ai-;ans, Mahomedin', - Ciirislians, - 4,'>00,000 110,000,'.'00 20^ 1,0:^0,000 80(),')>0,'K)0 'I'r.kcrV * --I. . r -V '' Total, D(‘l‘-ts and Athiests are compieheuded. hut tiot flistinguished In either of these enuiiieratiiins, as thevdoiitj*. avow them- sel\( s by uMv formation into bodies, but uie oiioiiudies in ' a h (lass. It is w f)rthy fif notice that ilie most an- ( lent congre;;aiion, ' i/. I'agans. s'ill snli- sist through tl\e globe, and comprise more than one-half of its }',eiieral pfjpulaUon : tbal the secoiu!, in order of lime, \iz. Jews, havt-, since the (!e;iiruction of tlieir t iiiple and ciiy, in .\. D. 7i), lallen to so ;ie d- IV, ri-^ to (. onlv « 2 0th from any body which ma\ occasion lo him the. necessity of replying, it is not so mtuh that Mr, lJull disdain.s lo talk, as that .Mr. liull has rioihing to say. Ili;i fon fa'hers have been out of spii its for six or- seven hnndred years, and seeing notliini:;- but fog and vapor, lu‘ is fjut (jf sjdiits loo; anl vvhen there is no sf Hing; nor bnving, or tio busine.-s to settle, he prefers being aloiH' and looklni; at the fire. 'I’ht y (the I'.ngilsh) aii‘ lontent with the Magna Chart.I aiul Trial by Jury; and think thev are not bound to excel the rest (jf the world in small l)ehuviour, if the/ are stip('i lor lollu ni_i!’. gieat Insiittilions.’* “ \Ve are terribly afraid that some A- mei leans s))il upon the tloor, even when that lh.)or is covered by p^ood cai|)ets.— Now, all claims to ei\ili/.aiion are stispen- ded till this secretion is otherwise dispo sed jf. No I'.nglish gent Ionian has spit ui)on the lloor sltu.'(’ the Ileptaixhy.” “ Thotrdi America is j, eonli’deratif>n of rt'piddies, the\ are iu many e.ises mm h more amalgamated than the \aiious parts of (ireat lJr;tain. U' a ( iiizen of the United Slates cm make a shoe, he is at libel ly to make a shoe anv wlieic be'ween Lake Oniario an I New-(it leai.s ; lie may sole on the .MIsslssijipi—h' «d on liie Mis- sout i-—nieasuie Mi. Lit kl^ei k on the Lit tle \\ abash, Ol lake (who h (nirhest pol iticians d(> not filid an. eas\ matte r' the kinvtli of Mr. Moaiue's fuuL or; t.hc b.uik?

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