u I.N M VOL. I.] ciLiniorTE, X. c. Tncsvjv, xovemi',er 23, i8S4. [NO. 8. n KI.IVIIEU WKKKI.Y Br LEMUEL B1\(UTAM, I .AT THUEt DI»LLA1IS A YEAH, I’AII) IN ADVASCK. No pnpcr will he disrontimicfl, unless at the I discretion of the editor, until all lUToarag-cs arc I paiil. AuvEKTiBF.MENTs will bc ijisertfd !\t tl\c usual I rates. Pt;rsons sendings in Hilvertiscnionts, an- rcqiicstccl to note on the »iarg-in tlic uiinjbcr of insi rt’ons, or they will bc continued until forbid, uiul cliarg-ed accoruint;ly. (^UAiSTU () t ANAl. LOTTERY. IVriiTIM'LASS. A. I'l’INTYUK, MANAGER. V^v vC V SCJIK.MK. I pnizE or J5000 is $5000 5 - - ‘2'JM - luuOO 6 - - ItJUO . 6UU0 6 • • 500 - 3000 6 • - o‘10 - 2U40 1J8 - - 50 - cyoo 6y0 - • 10 - 6900 6072 - • -5 - 0O06O ?70,200 6'.L’4 pni7.ES. 7 17,550 10636 BLANKS. Si:'!"’- is a Lottery fori^^ by a te rnary conr^/i- ration and perniutatio'n numbers. 'I'lie lira'.viiit^ N^ili tak’tf^ilace on Thnrfilay, \ the 23'li day of Aiivimhcr, or at a niueh earlier tlay, if tlie sale of tickets will warrant it, Tukkts and Siiakks may be had on applica- [ tieii at the FOST-OrFtCE, FAYnTTFAlI.LK, I where I xphiiiat'.ons of this Scheme and Lottery, and int'unnation generally, may be had ^'■rw/z.v. ■’.ViniLi. Ticket J5 uU 1 Qiaktkh* ^1 25 I 1! (; F 2 50 I P;icka)^cs of 9 tickets waiTanted to draw at I IcH^t Jt). kss tiie 15 per cent., may also be had ( for 45 dollars. —1y1 — Viihuible lliuisi* and Lot roji s.U.K. nAVL\(i a desire to remove to my ^ farm, I will sell my valuable pos- I S OR ' *'* *’f Charlotte, ^i/ : b ‘ iront and buck lot on the south .side of 4'ourt-House and on the west side of'I'r^’on Ito. t, s'tii:it i! near the public scpiun-, contain- r one acri- of {■round, an eNci.llcnt ilucllmir, , life, and ail nco ssary out-houses, and is a de- I hirible sit\iation for a j»ri\aU- i'aniih , ami :in (-x- I roflent slanil for a .store ; also, a ncM-r failinj^ veil if '.Miter, j()ual to any in the town , a g'ood [ jrarden ; and on the back lot a fine clovi-r patch; :dl m (food order and repair. 1 will sell low, for f;ish ; or I will trtke three or four ne,^ro bo_\ s, i ! b' tivei n the a^-c ot 12 and 20 years, in part ])ay- iiu nt, •Ts^ood notes on ilemand. 'I'ht price can I'c known to any person who may wisii to pur-1 • liase, by applying; to the sui)scriber on the prc-1 1 luises. ' SAM’L. M’CU.MB. | Jklober 11, 1824.—3 tf P{»ck‘ts for l'hiladol[)lii;i. tffi ^T^HK subscriber havinj^ establibhed a i. I.iiie of I’ACKF. I s betwe en IMiila- lel|>niaand M dminpton, N.C. takes tiusmethod toaocjna.nt the public,that a vessel will lea\ e U’ll- Jnni;;ton, N. C. every lUdays. I’roduce intended fortiiiSc\)nveyancc, will be received and forw ard- 1 d by Duncan rhompson, F.sij. of i’ayetteville, I and Messrs. Stow &. V\ hittier, of W dmini^toii, at the lowest rates of freii^lit, and least expense po.ssiDle. Having three ji'ood vtsseis in the trade, rommaniled by caret’ul captains, \\ ell acijuainted I With the coast, and cabins well fitterl for the ac-. commodation of passeng-ers, he trusts to meet with I'licouratfenieiit. IMiiladelphia, with ifsen- % irons, has become so j;;reai a manufactur.ni^ I place, tiiat cotton can be sol'l to some e.vteiit, I and advantag-e to the owners, tiie consuniption j being' at present about tw nty thoiisaml bales I ^er ariauni, and will no doutit be soon j^rcater. JAMLS l*A r ro\, ju'ii. / \)/nmis.sion MircliunI, No. 23, North Front-st. i'iiiladelphia. •'^cpfrniUr oO, 1821.—.Imtl l ' .\7 \v~v\V.V. Concha iSii;n, Unniuinifa/ ivvjN'ir.ii, F/l'l'llNS his tlianks to his friends and the i pnhlif, iur llu hbt ral i-nioui'agi iiu nt v. liicli l;e h:;. alri ad_\ riM'eived, aiui re>| t i ljiil!_\ ^obeits fl ('ont'.nn;ia'e of p:ttvoi,ag'i'. lie is prepared to do all kinds of I’,; iitiiiiv in his line ; and eu'^- t(jinrr.'i may ilepeiul 011 ha\iiit;’ llKir work lu at- ty i Vei iiti'd, and w itli di. Sjjati li. •si.) Paiiitiii}^ in Ibv couii1i\ will be done «ii‘ tho;-; iiotici'. I hor/dlii, (h'tnhrr 1, 1H:1—Itf ^*V.W tiOOViS, fov C.ISU. ^11HF, subscribers ha\ing' entered into part- 1. ner-.hip ill the Mercantile Business, under tile iirni of Smith Cavsnn^ respectfully inform the public, that thev will receive from the 1st to the 15th of this n'lonth, a general assortment of Fnnrv and Seasonable Goods. w Inch they will sell low for cash or produce only. It IS expected one of us will bc a consid erable part of the year in the markets of New- \ork, IMiiladelphia or Charleston : by this means we expect to be consttmtly supplied w ith a gen- iM'iil assortment of new ujul sc*:isoiible g'cods, boug-ht at the lowest cash prices. Our stock of (iHOCEUlES will be larpc and of the best quality. WM. SMl'lir, >\M. CAKSON. Nov. 1, 1824.—5* James Kvie, Formcrli/ of Richmond, llr^iniay Is now opening in the lurg'e F.rick House for- merly occupied by Hugh Caiiipbill, Ksq. three hundred and eighty-nine packages of Dry Goods, Hardware, Groceries, &c. all of which will he offered wliolesale and retail, at very reduced prices, A constant sup ply .of the best liOLTlNti CLO'l HS, New g-oods will be received every arrival from New- Vork, I'liyeftevllle, X. C. (kf. 27, 1834.—4t9 Auction ( omniission Store .?/ FJYLTTEriLLK, A. C. TIIF, subscribers have generally on hand a large sujiply of GrocerivSf Dry Gooth, Cutlery^ Sf'C. The I'ollowing articles are at present in Store, whiph they otl'er for sale a1 reduced prices;-— 3 pipes superior (Ogniac Hrandy, 5 lihds. aiKt 15 bbls. N. F,, Kum, 72 fio. Surinam Mtilai-ses, 4 do. pnnie Musco\ado Su^ar, 15 b!)ls. country bin, 5 do, Ci'pperas, 34 do, J.oaf Sugar, 35 do. e.xcelli nt Mrown Su^ar, 7 cjr. casks Swrt t \\ i>ie, lu boxes Maderia a!'.d bl.'.rry Win'*, 10 casks Ciieese, 2 do. Sad Irons, 6) bags (Joileij, 2'J do. Pe|)])er, 5 do. Fimt iito, ') [(ih«is, 150 boxe.s and half fioxrs P by 10 '\Vinlow 50 do, do. 10 l)y L} do. 23 do. Fancy (jlass, ’runibk I S ^ l)ecant r«, do. Fayetteville Mould Candles, lo, I’ar Soap, do. Club Axes, do. Mustard, do. hittlmorc Cards, do. American Cig'ars, 10 tons assorted Swedes and Jer.^py Iron.' Also, a general assortment of DUY liOOUS, CL'I LFUV, &c. ^MLl,Kl^t.S U CO. Fayitieville, N. C. Oct. 12, 1821-.—4* J. V. ^ .JOHN MPPITT, 11 liolcgale (li'ocers, Hay-sthf.et, Fayetteviii.>:, N. C. OFFER FOU SALE FOU CASH OH PRODUCK, 15 hhds. ■) 35 bbls. S SLGAR, 10 do l.oaf do 65 bags C(;Heo, ' ' 20 bags Pepper, Alspice and Cing-cr, 20 hhds. Mola.sse.s, 25 bbls. N. K, Rum, 10 do Northern (iin, 5 do .Malaga Wine, [\0J. 200 kegs Cut Nails &. Rr.ids, assorted, 4/. to oO tons Swedes Jron, assorted, 1500 do Hoop do 2000 do Sheet do 1000 do tierman Steel, 1.550 do Blistered do 250 do Cast do 2500 Share Moulds, 1500 bushels I.,iverpool Salt, 700 do Souml Sail, 40 boxes No. 10 Cotton Cwrds, 10 do No. 6 M ool do 30 do 8 by 10) , 10 do 10 by 12 S 100 reams Wmpping Paper, 25 do \\ ritiiig- Pap( r, 50 kt gs FFF Dupont’s Powder, 3 do Shot, assorted, 2 do liar r,ead, 10 bbls. Taimers* Oil, 20 lo and 20 half bbls. Mackerel, 8 crates Stone .lugs, assorted, 1500 11,s. Salt Petre, 500 do Alum, 500 do Brimstone, Bag-g;ng, Bale Rope and Twine; WITH AX ABSdUTMENT OF Paints^ Oil and Jhje Sttiffs, ^ AI.iO, A constant supply of Orfi.hir 28, 1824. 8tl3 10 2 5 6 5 I’ianlnlion. Stock, e;j;i-oes, fur Sd/\ at 1‘nltlt - .Lu'fion, I 1 2ml i.T \)r sul)s(“riij( r r 111 v.iil 2ml i.r 'V Nt. the ill, at l’‘diiie .\ii(-ti(,ii, 111-, ' lyi f bar ed to art o!’ ''OOi 1 I’ialit ,il mil, coiisl^l iof J "II tl.e I 1 vs’ roinl, hiile, i ' l(it!c, ’111,. x,,|j isgdii'!, iiiid \^eil : ■■I" riiiiiii'i* !,| c )i’ii, ( otiiin, i've.; ;in '•'e !:,rni IS ;liie 111' ad:).'. I.iiii!. 'I'lii 1', 'Iw '•l!in!c-iiiiii’,.- on pl.iii' iiion, iiani, and otli- H. f-ess:ivv (.Iil-lioil: cs ; ;i:i iM'i liuit siHMI)'.', i'';d a wi-il eon. I'liu r)( t,i tiie rn h/t.— ^tV, 111 .ilso ' 1, it 1 li' v.iiiii t !iic ;ilid niace, all ^^-7. h'Heorn, !ia\. Kiili'cr; K.. * *" ' ■ rroe oil, [ , .I” ';!.!, i > ’ Uis riluiinh: ■“C-'0'-i'''d >'.i:r iiki l\ • • • ’am t’i V C neb and Iu r eluid i iieli aiul lu r e- I'li'. ’iru'i; ' a \:ilual'! ['.om,. s.- I' ldvliii; goo.\ I'a.'.u.i'iis, \mI1 do v.; !l ' I'.' i'!e know n on tho d:.\ '>f s ,].- J AC(i:$ ,11 L!:A. 1, »*k;rs’ I! I’jin*s, _ this (»‘li, c. lor I {.is OfVice. Sheet Iro?2f IJrass, Copper, and Tin JVarc Man i/fachirer, ip) E'l'^^lLNS his most sincere thanks to his a i frieiuls and customers, for the liberal en- conrageiiieiit which he has received in his line of business, and solicits a continuance ol' their liivors; more particularly at this season of the year, w hen a strong- opposition blows a hea^y gale from our horthern brethren. 1 have a pood .issortnien’ of 'I in Ware on hand at this time, consisting ol tiie ibilowing ariicles, viz;—(;nps, CoH'ec Pots, I’ans, I’uckets, l.anthorns, Mi as- iiivs, Scales and W eights, W ash Bow Is, I’.low Horns, Candle .Moulds, Batter Pans, of every di scriptlon, Hi'arts, Diamonds, Scollops, kc.-SiC. I ha\e a tesv elegant Street (dass l.anthorns, of all sizes ; all of which 1 will s( 11 (jii moderate ternis lor cash or produce; Out no rri(ht. N. B. 1 have a few Notes and Accounts on hand, which ma\ hi tak n up in the course of tliiri\ d;i} 3, and be a disappointment 1o Mr. 'l\,m ('ollnis. 1 shall receive in a few days a considerable (|n;iiitit_\ of Tin Pl.iti and '•111 ! t Iron. A li'.iif- ;d pi le'' will bc gi\ n for old (,'opper, lir.iss and Piwter. LDV* AUD M. F.1{().\S(iN. 5" () I (^e)ils ilncaril, "Y\^1I.I. l)e paid for the deli\ery to me at my ' 7 lioiisi' III l.ineolnton, of IWILt.in dri/if an indented apprcnllee, who ri.n a\.;i^ on tkw 7tli iii't. I iieii by vaution all pi rso:is iiot*Ti liari’or s;ii(l ;ij)prciitiee. Said (ir;. l e v as r;iistd on .Mountain t'"(. ek, l.ineoln ( (inntv . .ion's (i.rv , r.iiicolnto!!, No\. 1!, 18 ?1.—J/(,ltn\ For ^.l!e. or I’enl. ^'^IHIF. Iloti.-,e and Lot where Mr. Staidy no'A li\es. For terni>, i pplv to M M. in DiSll.L, 'kr/oh'r, 1 J ♦V u\ \e e. ■'TlHOSr ii'.d '!)U i to tiu late firms of Dvvin- J SUN c, ( \ r It I I.:,, and v m riu i i i5' r>;, :ire tarnc'.'ly r.-tiiK sU il l.i setiU- tiic !■ 'lec'/iirS at T brt'oi''' (/iir iH'si ( oiint\ t Our', (u I.icii \\ lil l oiiijiu iici' till' .\loiii!a\ nt \ aiii.'mI' iteNi,') a-i !oii,; r indiil,;'f!U’e e..nni t 1 e n. One or nllu i'ot' tht' >ui)•icrlln v, il! ;d\>a\s be ■n ( ii;,r!(,'t'', n ■. !y * i iif ke .-.i i‘ li ii!' nt (lo.iii ( '.t;oi>, il', t! e eii;'i\ i!t v, il Ii' ceiM (I ill p"\ni it. D. (' M l'!i ;’.j ' .1. HI ^ NK. FAYEITEVILLE. L*ol)ert JaflVav Co. Have rt-ceived llieir Tall IniporUtion of imr (uwDs, direct from England and New -York. Their as sortment incliKles almost every article needed in a country Store. 'I’hey in\ite all responsible dealers to come anti, buy on .is liberal terms of credit as are g'iv. en by any Importer in the Tnited Stales. Other houses in this town have imported so largely this season, that the anumnt of (.oods here, at present, far exceeds that of any former time in our experience. The stock of C.R0CEU1ES is ct]ual1y txttn- 'ivc, ('onntry de;dcr.s, therefore, have many more advantages now. than heretofore, in this market. I'ayettmlk, 2bth Oct. 1824.—8tl3 FKOM TIIJ: tONDON XEW MONTHLT MAOAZINE, PK0CLA^LVTI0N BY AN EMPKROR, Being his firat attempt in Poetry, ■\Vhekeas we took an opportu nity of stating- to the U- niversity, our royal view, And g-iving our opinions, I'hat w e much rather felt the need of quiet slaves w ho couldn’t read, Than learned me n, an idle breed, In these oiir dark dominions;— And as. wu; question the alle giance of all those meddling fe* males, who form a coterie, 'Fo hatch all sorts of criinin* al designs with those- illu- niinata: designed Blue stocking's, and the scribbling cre\7 Of Literary women ;— ■We do command that Lady 0x« ford be set within the Stocks, U'caug'ht in this our oHliodox And holy Romaii empire : And, furtln rmorc, if Mrs. Hutch inson should fall witliin tin. .r clutch^ Let her, w hen recog-nized by such. Be hoisted up with hemp hiijher. And as we have a most cspec* ial objection to the Pr.-ss, That democrat.c, A^haless, And diabolic organ. If caught in Austria, we des're That all her books may form a pjte. And in her own rebelhous hre» Demolish Lady Morg.tn. Moreover, as our subjects kno>r Lord Holland to be anti-rao* narchical, and a Carbo* naro in his fancies, If he should fall into their net, c order them to tell Count Met- teraich.—Whereto our hand we set. Given at Frankfort—“ Fhamcih !” mix mums, 166 Piifkages of Ditv Goods, JUST received by the last aiTivals, and are offered at If'fioksale and lie tail, at a small advance from cost. ALSO, 25 casks Straw Bonnets, 100 ne.sts Band Boxes, 5 trunks Shell, Ivory and Imitation Combs, (Cotton and AV'ool Cards, AVocil Hats, &c. &c. The above Goods are w ell silectedfor this ^ market, anti adapted to the season. Merchants | from the country ait; resj)ectfnlly invited to call and examine the g-oods and pi-ices, K. F., LEWLS. Fayettcvillcy Oct. 28, 1824.—6tll TO COUX I KY IMERCILVNTS. Stuart, liirdsall ^ Go. FAYE'n KVILLE, Have ro-ceived and are now opening- their Fall supply of New and Seasonaide’ooods, consistiiig of an e\tt nsive assortment f)f Slaptc and iMuvif dnods, suited to the Carolinaniarket, and to w hich they in\'ti‘ the attention of the public, Ik ing ikt^r- jiiined to sell on the nios* liberal tiiino, Fuydfii'lllr, Oct. 28, 1821.—it!) ~ 11AII I) A\ A ^ rOl Ll~: irv7~ J5. Ci'ane ('o. Have jiut reci ivi il tlieir fill ini])ortation of Ifnnhrare (utd Vullry, dit-ei t IVoni r.n;’.-|aiul, ’IlKir presi lit asso’.’tnu n1 consists of alniost t\rry ar'K'U UMially kt pt in a riiin.tr\ stoia , and i'. iiiiH'li lafgi r tlian iisii.tl ; winch tm \ o*'- lef, at \i holt'-alf, to re.'.|jun."ii!jle coiintiy lUalers, (ill :i lii>t ral ci'fitit. l Utrili,, Oct. 1S2J.—8tl ,'! IL (i. m:i>(>\, ila-. just rcci i',ed liy tii I;i.,t a:ri\als from New- York and I’iiiladt l|/l.i;i, (liic l!ii/ti/r((f I'lick ■Hi'S I^A^^Ilools and siloes. ’V'v-ws\ve.^ nl-’ the rl;ai'l')t.l'- M.ii:- a>ul I'.'Uiale .\cadrn.\, i.re r'-ijiK ^ted ro att- nd ''i'- on.t-IIou ■ . i;i 'h;;! !.,!* •, o!> '»Joi.c!:r., ‘lie --.4 n' t. !_\ it ] U o'l lo' k. I.'OPI.Ui' ! T.-INKI.X'-;. \(>v. v:, :x:i. 100 Tllr eted lor tiiis iiiaik;.!. A ■’.0/. !‘o( kit l!cok.> and Vv ;,ll, t do. hl.in--,’ tl.'. cult nr'tl Nlorocco Skins, dc. I.:ii:ii;4' Skins, Vi ■•!l,s \\ i ll il’;.; l*:i jM r, i.ks U 1 li t , II ,1, dii, . Motoi ( bosi . \lusr:.t'd t>.,i-in-., ?■!’ • lie i.ltei'i d • t \. Ii. li^ jb', a ■ I'rt m ro\i. \!i >•( , 11. Il s|,icthil!y in%iti i; ttj e;di ;iiid i!s anil pru e-'. th t. “ i, r:j ! sn all ( f'lii,- .in..lie {■ ^»U•\\>\ V S ^ \\''i\ V V S ) I'or sale, at t!.;^ o'i'.ee. Present system of Gaming Houses at Paris. '1 here ai e al pre.sent nine public Ga ming houses at l‘aris, licensed by ti)c French (jovernmctU, and tiic holdei-s ot‘ them pay uiinually to the Government six millions ol' iVancs, £250,000 lor permis sion lo keep them. The capital daily ap propriated as a bank lor ihc whole, is about £30,000. The fust In consideration is the “Sa lon,” in tlie Hue Grange liatelliere. 'I'hc next “Fresciiti,” in the hue Richelieu, and subsequently Nos. 9154, and others in the Palais Hoyal, and diHei ent pans of Paris. The j^ames played are Rotis>;e et Noil', Houlelte, and Hazard. The deal er ol the cards, and those tviio oftu..iate al Houletle and Hazard, are not allowed to play themselve.s, but rcceive a najjoleon per day QGa-. 8rf.) as their pay. 'I’he ‘•“Salon” alone rctpiires an introdiiclion from one of the Members to the J-'re:ich Marcjuis, who presides, before a sli-ani^er can enter. When a straii,u;er has be n in troduced, there is usually an inviiaiion sent him to dine at the Salon, on 'i'hni s- day, o!j which day a ma^jniiiccui ditiner is given, gratis, n> ull the memlifi s—eve ry dellcucy of tlie season is jji’ovided, and the thoicesL n itii s, chatrti)aigii'.' In alitiii- dante, uhich i.s ('ruiik only in tuin!)!i'rs. 'J'oo many ha\louiid, to ihcir .sorrow, liial this dinai V, i.ominally t;-r:ilis, has (ost tlu iu matiy hiiiKlt-ed ;)Ou;uls. fu-r being o\er, t!ii‘. company adfoiirn I'l tiie laides Ih-iow, where ihe l)h'.y '^'ocj .> i i)i isl;jy. AI'k I- fiinin-r a inif.n is ii': s on Ills gititvd, and cliaTitpaif'r’o ii u sli'ui.- lus lo play wi;!i !Ve('(ioiii ;.ik1 resohil.f o. or this lilt- •* (.'h.ii t ” ol' t!io “ S’.ihjn” is u',‘jl auaie, and s'inu: of the )iHiK'.-ro!! i uaiujsln uUei'duti'aie rcatly to iiHjiu.'y lo lliJ.st- uli'i iiKiy ha\e all u'lii(h they hud aljoul. 'i'lu;. rangrtiifiil, which, at !ir->l, upji.-jrs liu/,. anions, is, inreuli'y, pro(!a>-,.!\(‘di' i;n- iiu-iiM- pi'tdil, foi- if l()>,t, uhi‘!i is too o!- it M l]ie ( use, lh(- m.ii.ey i*., in la- t, )iai(! I)urk to llie ( iJiKti ii, ;'!id if tin- Uo’-i-'-'a t-j- > lioiiUi V. in, he usually i-elnn(l.> tlif; Is ')»f’ote h-a\ ing tin- i ,-o;ii, and irtiT;s'!C' ';ss- I'mI, il remains ior liitii lo n p;iy the w a-' a (Itd)l tji “iK/iior,” 1.endin'.,' hhj;i''v lo a loMn;.;- ;.,nie'U'f is like ulleinptiii!;- to fill a li-iik} \e'’-el. This sysiem of 1 :.d- ing is j)i (id'll 1;m‘ ol i-nin in Miany v, ho pia\, I'li a iiuiii ( -..ii rt tii'c v. itlioul In-ini'- liiirl, aili r lo.sitig oii!\ i'h- iim'Hi-} v !iii !i he liuil in liis IhiI lie lua. lose lliousands il’ In- n.ntini.i- luijojrow. I'd; liicir il a flis[i{,si:ioii in g.'i-irsii-t s to pnr- siif a ; iia o!' i!l luck, and thr rri'lino.-, :u c a( i!:;ied !)V a s(;;-, t f [,lurn/y and spirit oi’ r \ I n; ,r. lo ,i t lu'.t u Inch ln'v li cl us il’ niijuTily dcpiived of. 1,,-! a ma'i w in, the i;:' ili!;. a' ioii Iii- I’l-cls rrndt-rs him ah.Kjsi iiic.,Mi.l)'i- d’ h'a\ing tiie ta- Mi's. i.-r il lit- iftiir, it is (.uly to rot:n- a- jj'-viii. ho llu;l 1,1 UiUSl I'jse lliv luci'c l;e play.s. It is like buying all ihc tickets in a lottery. A short time since, a foreign princc won at the Salon £10,000 ; wilh such a sum, many would have thought them selves content; but to win is productive ol nearly as much ill as to lose. This yoimg man was so intoxicated with suc cess, that he distressed himself, by not only losing that stun, but an additional £‘),000, At 2 o'clock in ihe morning, a supper is provided at the Salon; this hour is probably chosen, because few come to supper, cxcept to play, as th« opera-and theatre .shut much eai lict . and except the gamester, most jjersons have! retired. The Salon continues ojien until live or six o’clock in the moining. At the Salon, only Uouge et Noir and Hazard :.rt‘ played. An I'^nglish nnbleman, wi 11 known as a great frefiitenler of ihe Salon iiid I’rescali, lost, a short time since, l.’+i,0(H). At l"'rescati, Kotige et Noir and Koiileite are played, b(Hh day and" iiight. Here neither dinner nor supper IS pro\ided ; but a number of wonu-n of ihe town, ol superior ap|)earance, are al lowed to enter, and they attract numbers t.f persons. 'I'wiee or thrice in the \ear, a magnilicenl ball and supper are given -Cratis, and, to add to the splcTidor, seve ral of lh(‘ opera girls are hired to dance. It might be said, in refei-etu e lo the ruin .'ccasioned by play, aflei' dinner at tlio Salon, and the general bad Cons‘(|ucnces >'f a habit of playing, that a dinner al tho Salon operates as poison ; ami in the same way, the beauty met with at ihe I'rescali may be consideted as fatal. The number of suicides in Paris are. calculated at one per day, ami it is c. »i- sidcred that gaming is one of the I'lrst and most powerful causes for sin h de struction of human life. Before anyone embarks his fortune at play, let him con sider the impossibility of wiiming for a continuance, because the chances arc largely in favor of ihe tables. Were it otherwise, how could £250,000 be paid lo Government! How is champaigne, and a splendid dinner, for forty or more per sons, to be provided weekly, ut th« Salon; and the balls, suppers, and beauties of I'rescati, who oiler these to the public I The losers ! ! And who win ? Not one ! It is as reasona^jle to expect a cherry clock, veered by every wind, to maintain the same precision of movement as the wheel of a steam engine, as for any one to believe he can possibly win at any of ihe public gaming tables. Last year the principal holder of the gaming tables, af ter paying every expense, is said to have- netted £20,000. MECIL\NICS IN MASSACHU.SnTTS. On Thursday last, (.says the lioston Ga/ctlc ol the 1 llh insl.) the JSIusfiiich'ii- ac/ts Vfidrliable AlecitHnic 'i'^ocia(iou held their triennial meetlti2; in lliis city An address was delivered by iNIr. Al- pheus Cary, ono of tin; niejnhors of Ihc soeiety, which was eonsidcrod by pjood judges as a iniuily, s(.;nsih!t>. j-.iid nii ap- ])ropriat; eonijjo:^itioM, A ft* r I !ie se.rvi- ce-. al thfinu'eiiti;:; hoiise, lli»-sfif.ii ty din ed ol, Fiinuiel Hall, with a. ntnnbor of jj;ciil!eim-i) of distinction, u(»t of Ihc; .so ciety, u .ho v. ere iiiviied.lo pai'ake of iht-i j)loiis!in?s of tliiMhiy. ’I'Jii; both and volicilrf r, excellci’.t l.n; sorii;,'s \V)ilf('ii Ini' tlic oi.Uii'-ioii di?- eovci'cd a v;>ri(-!y of o'." The siilriiiii and iJic ointV'-inu; (a-.!, 'Jio whole w;i'? e(-iidi!'-tod !ii Lh" ino.'t \en',- plary iiii'uii!.' ; . 1 lic''i‘. a'-ociatioiij, iie,%!. »o our |ii;!'iit: vcl.oois—a!v\':iy'. llic Alph;: til' oiii r(>!,:i(li-;':J,!()!',.--a;,; il)»; priiU; and (jf’i.iiii'111. ol’ ',ii,ilJ; 11(1. 'r;,e s'lieial (‘Ih'c'. !l il" :!is’il'.ti’Hi"; ;u'Cnc- ki.’o'.'.ji'd'^cd !.y 'div'.lio h.i\i- I hi; leas', iid'crnij’Mill ol’ll'cii d( -';'ii, inniriii'fnieir; or Li'.c. M'i;'; nic.'i ho cM.i.i.)ihisns- Si.'C'i'M ..'JII, .111 1 tli.-'ii l('!lo’.-. s ilii'O'.i^Iioilt liie roiiii!)(jii\\ (-rdl It, nt i, l!r; hnu,- aiK^ '/’ nt ;i r-oninier( i^d i ni;'i-luinity.— ■|''r l';t; ariivp slack in jji'fjlic trade. Oh 'viiM il fh'- initid,- labor, .skill, and iti- ■'•eri'is'M r»i’ ;ij(livi(!'a;;!s ari.: i'ru!it;lit to hrM', Ic make il eonslanlly pri'iiucl ivr. 'riif-y :ir(! i.ol, i ontiiieil lo i'.;;;^ i(hi:i7 liifil'iiu s, ;doii‘, h.il sMi Il lii.ii eoiu po.‘c tin .sor^ tie-. ;.k- i,i ^leai. iinpor- ta’ice III :i iialnnK.i puin* ui' view. In siK il bodies tlicre i.'i a dr-'rcc d|’ sinrdv" \’irltie, and (d s(!i;iid cji’tiioii, wiiirb iiniiNe a stirl of ha Inure ii'iirrl in llu; pu- litie.id machine, iiHlI'-pt-iisahlv neeess.'i- r\ lor i'.s i-( rid:i!‘ niotioi'. ('!ici k'; ntid l):i!apfr> ail- tin' Irin- pl;;jt''.ii|)li \ of i-'- jitlbhca I i;'o\'rrilI!i til "I, aii'l willioiit ihcni, om;> emiid imt exist, hi I iii: on so (-xten^Ivt- ;i [>1 iii. Thest' pnhlic [mi'-iIcs, ill uliieh fin- piir-aiit ainl pMifi--.ii.Mi uf liieii a i'i‘ i list: lift! v a\.u\>i’, 'iit of it'ii- I'Oi'ta.. ill u'l v!t!;j; ic'| ((-\i!'.h;a: u i:)- lliieiice Id tl.i- wiinh- l);n! \ . 'i’lir n.o- ctiani?’ Mils ill this (-i;t!';t!\ :i;-( oi' vital c'jiii jqi'.cae',', an'Llhe pu;'>tiiL cl’ lliciu i'T iii ^

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