mm * \ ‘ \ \ VOL. 1] (UAniA)TTi:, X. c. TVKSJur, x(n HMnEU pyo, is2 i. y. Pt IM.tSIIKO WKFKLY lUv LE.Ml i:ii IlIXdllAM, TUI’* UOLLAUS VKAM, *^h I'All) IN AUVAKCK. Ko jjHpcr will bo (Tiscontinucd, unle ss at iho [i r»tioa i>f the editor, until all uri'carug'cs un ill. AllVFIlTISEMENTS Will 1)C inscTt( (l at the usual tcs. I’l rsoiis scuiliiijf in tulvertisoiiK nis, an [[iicsted to note on lie niiir^^in Iht- niinihcr oi ji itioii'!, or they will he coutlnuuil until i'orbiif, ,1 (.liargxu accordingly. as}/ lllll'i siihscribcrs hiivin}*' rnttVfd into part- [ nur.sliip in tiio Mercantile )», under }ina ol' Si.uil/i Carson, >.pccthdls inform the pul>llo, tiiat they will icive tVoni liie l.M to the loth of month, ti’iK-ral assortment ul' l':iiii*y 5111(1 St“as()un!)!‘‘ (Joixls. :h tlic v ^vill sell low. ftir i.t'-ii or jirodiie*- It IS e\jji ct» cl Ohi’ of us w ill he a con.sid- ai)lc ]>art «>f tli- \i ar in tlie markets of New ark. I'iiilaih lpltia or ('liailt sicju : ijy tiiis means \pcct to he eiinst n‘l\ sujjphed m ith a j^^en- 1,1 assortment of ueu and seasouhle lyoods, Iiij'-iil al llie lowest cash pl'iee^ Our stock of liUOtKKlK^ will he larpfc and the best ipiality. M. SMI I II, AVM. (;ARSON. 1^1824.-^* AVrK() C ANAL HHTEliV. I'oUhrn r/*.As.y. A. M'lNTYnr., MANAi.KR.. VX^VV wvw\ w fsCllK.Mt:. 1 riiiz.r, OK 19 $5000 S . . 2Ui)(J . HKKiO (3 . - luoo - r.'ii.u (, . . o(j!) - r.woo G -• . ;J10 - ‘2MU i;,S 1 . 50 - 6i>0U . . HJ - (V.hiO Co? 2 - - 5 - 3u3()0 ? 7U,2U0 (W21- pRizts. 7 ^ lutijf) llHNks. s' TIlKr.TS.^ h Ilib IS a Lotiiry formed l>\ a ternary comhi- It'.on and ])ei mutation of 27 uuml>ers. 'rill* drawing' \\illtak(' place on I'htti'aduj!, [e Jjlh day ot A'ot t mln r, or at a luiich earhi r IV, if llic sale of tickets will warrant it. h ii KLTs and Sm akks may be had on applica- bii at the I lM)s r-OI riCF,, r VYK T IT.MI I,K, Bu le explanations of tiiis SelK-n.e anil l.ottery, bil information g'enerallv, nia\ be had i,ov///.v. PiioLfc '1'icK.tT j-.i enj I Qi Aurtufci 23 M-k 3.v| I'ackai^esof 9 tickets, warranted to draw jvt ust :2j, less tlie 13 percent., ma_\ also by had Ir 4j dollars. —1»1 — aiul JiOt j'oii sjLi:. JAVlNti a desire to remove to my farm, 1 will .s II mj xahiaiile l>os- _ - j sessions in the tow n of _l'ha!'lolte, \ i/. : front and buck lot on t he south side of e ( i.iirt-llouse and on the we^t side of Trxou •et, s tuateil ive’ar the public square, :ont:iin- ' one acre of i^round, an i \ci llent {Iwelhni' jre, and nil m cessary out-liouses, and is a ile ■:d)le Situation for a prixati- I'ainil}, and an ex- lieiit stand for a store ; als , a nm i r failing- II of water, equal to any in tiie tov. n ; a ;;ood rden ; anvl on llu hack lot .i liiu- elo\ r p,\t( h ; I ill ^food >ider and ri pair. I wdl si ll iiiu, 1 s!i; or 1 will take three ot foi.r lu :;to ho\s, tween the agv of 12 and 2v \ i ar.-, m p.iri par ent, orj^^ood note son lieui iid. 'I he j’riee ea; known to ail} person wiionia\ wish to ))ur uise, hv applyini^’t'.i the suirseriijegj«',i the pre- .svs ■ ' SA.M'L. M'COMJ;. (h'hhcr 11, Formerhj of Jliclnnond, Is now ojiin'n.i^ in the lar;_;e l!;ick House f(r- nierly t)ceiipied by IItii;h (janiiib 'll, r.?(i. three hundred and ei^hty-nine paekn^j-es of Dry (loods, llnnlvvnn> (ii’oecvus, all of which will l>e oni.rcd wholesale am' letail, at \ery rtdiicid ]jriccs. A erustant sup ply of the inst CLO ! IIS. New j;-oods will be received e\ery arrival from Neu- W)rk. F( Ijrttrrllh , N. f\ Oct. 2T, 1824.—lt) Aul’lion i'y r(nnmis>i()i» JSton- .// r.iVKTnii jLLi:, .v. c. ^'TMIK suhserihi is have generally on hand a il lari^’e bujjpl} of (iron r.iris 1 J)n/ Gooih^ (JalU rij. I'lie foilowiiuf articles are at prt sent in Store, whicli tin s oliei’ fur sale at reduceil prices:— o ]i!pes superior ('of^ii.ue l!ra!u.\, hhd.s. and lo bbls. .\. K. lJum, 72 de. b'lrimiiii, ‘I do. Museovutlo oU"ar, 1.) b'jls. countn' (liii, 5 do. Copperas, C4 do. l.oaf Suijar, .35 do. excelli nt Uiowii Su;^':u% 7 «p'. casks Sw ret >\ iiif, 10 boxes Maderia and bherr> \MiiO, ll) Casks (‘he'^e, ‘2 di'. ^ad Irons, C:> l)M!.;s C'l lit e, L’O do. I'l pper, 'i do. I'im lilo, [(da«s, l.iJ boX' S aiKi h ilt bo\c? '> hy 10 Window 6U ilo. do. l' l)\ 12 do. V’.> do. Vane} (ilaiP,’rii!iiljh rs Dccaiiters, 'J.i tlo. I'ay Ueville .Mould Candles, 10 do. Uar Soap, 2 do. rhil) A\i s, 5 do. Mustard, 6 lo. NN iutl.uuiio r-.inl'i, 5 do. American Ci^’mi% lu tons assorted Sw eiUs and .I'-r'icy Iron. Also, a t^'eneral assortnu nt ot 1)II\ iiOODS, {'A I'LKli\, fxc. M II.J,KI.\(.S c.' CO. J'at/>ihv'lk. ;V. C. Ort. 12, KS2.^.— \\iWv\vv\ tNV. Sheet Iron, llras!, Copper* and Tin I i''(ire }‘tiniijaetnrerj ;C)lVrrWNS his n;ost sincere thanks to his ll 1 friemU and customers, for the liberal en couragement which he has n ceived in his lino. )t' huMiu ss, ami sidieits a continuance oi tiu ir t.nois; more pavtieularly at tliis st ason of the \. ar, wlien a stroll!^ ojijios.tion blows a heavy li’ale from «mr nortliern brethren. I liave a good •issortmcni of Tin >\ an- on hand at this time, coiisistinK' of the follow in},'- articles, viz:—Cups, Coliee I'ots, I’ans, Hu kets, l.anthorns, Meas ures, Scales and \Vei^hl!>, Wash Howls, Ulow Horns, Candle MouKU, Haller Tans, of e\ery deserlption, lleai'ts, lJiamoml.s, Scollops, itc.kc.^ I have a f 1. w eleg’ant Strei t Ulass l.anthorns, of all sizes; all of which I will sell on moderate terms tor cash or pnidu e ; iu( no crtdit. N. r.. I ha\ea few ^otes and Accounts on J.F. JOHN MIMMri', Jfh()l(ii(iIe (ivnvvi*.s, IIay-sthvkt, FAYHTTKvii.i-y, N. C. orFEK ^ou hAi.k roK ( ash oii vkudiu k, 1.-^ hhds. ^ 3;li bbls. 10 do I.oaf do fo hilJJ,-;. Cofitc, 20 bag-s Pepper, Alsjiiee and fiinp'-r, 20 hhds. Molassi'S, ?.5 bbls. N. K. Wnin, 10 do Northern Cin, 5 do Mala{;-a W in.', [10^/. 200 kef^s Cut Nulls lirnds, ns-’.ortod, ‘\d. to 30 tons Swedes Iron, assorted, 16o0 do Hoop do 2000 do Sheet do 1000 do tii-rman Stoel, l.i30 do mistered do 230 do Jast tlo 2300 Share Moulds, 1300 bushels Liverpool S dt, r'»0 do Sound Sah, 40 boxes No. 10 Cotton C:ud, 10 do No. 6 ool do r.O do 8j)vl0> , Vi 10 do 10 by 12 5 " 100 n ams Wrapping I’aper, 2S do ■\Vritin;'' I’aper, 30 kei's I’FF Dup:int\ Powder, 3 do Shot, assoiteil, 2 do l?ar Lead, 1(J bids. '1 aimers’ Oil. do and 20 half !il)ls. Mackerel, M crates Stone .Mig-s, assorted, 1300 lbs. Salt IVtre, 300 do Alum, 300 do Uriiiiston*', lia^yiny. Hair Itopr and Twir.c; WITH AN fir rainlti, Oil avd JJije Slvjfs. ALSO, A constant s'.i]i]dy of OcloUr2H, 182i. 8tl3 AOiiU T i;rrn\i. FAYE'rrEvn.i.i:. 166 Packages ol‘ Diiv C1oot)j=!, ban.I, v^hicii may bo taken up in the of' receive-d'bv the last aril v al s. an,I .re thirt\ (la\s, and be a disappointii.ent/(> 37r. 'I'om ollered at II liohi>alc -aud alasm.dl 'olliiis. 1 shall receive in a few da}s a considerable (jnantilv t>( 'i'm Flale and Sheet Iron. A liiier- al price will be n fi r old Cojiper, Hrass and l*ewter. EUWAKi) .NL IMiON.'-ON. 3* » I’iimliitiou, Mock, J'or Iff Puhlic , Lididu. J 'I'liursday, Ttli ('f Ij/* * '■ l’ t‘Uil)ir next, tlu* ' • ’ 11 sell, at fUa.>f Tin; Vll.l AliK HKIDIIU. TO 'I’lin CCWfOl'S. To those who us with Ihoir mi- niCfotis ([iU“itioiis, the liinls, altfMH.'il lo stiil I !k; nit'i idiiin ol ihisjdaci , iiKtV i-ol conu! :t!iiis.s. Il is s:ii»l ot' l.)r. Fronklln, lli.Tt lift (lro!'.«l('(l tlu‘ in(/nisilivrnvKs lotnlldnlM |o (K‘»;rc(' I hat lie tri'iiiblt'd ;it the of a sii^n pi)st-^nii»l to pnvei;! ri null iiu'of (]iirstion«, lie callod all “ i le host's” I’aniily toircthcr, nnd tuKI tluiu wlio Ik* \vl)(‘rt'*froiii, ico, \Vi‘ mention this to pi'oveiil the fol- lowin;; iVoiti txcitiiic; ihc risi!)ility or I’niu iis of those whom it m.iy euiu’eni. il is vinoerriy hoped tlial it may have i!ie infendrd ctrect—lor \vc lalxtr uiidei* serii'us dis.nlv .mtai^’es wiicii at 'vork hy' ^,’a^on of that, tliiistof Kiiowlodi^o Icit l)y visitors to (he Printiiej; Oll’iee—in or der to ol)vial(! which tlu^o answeis arc novv p;iven to iiiiestion.s generally put to us hv tlif- (•itfioiis. 1.* 'riie tvpt saro oast—niaclc out of a (’0t!i))0sili4)n of lead and aiitimuny—aiul ('list from 40 to '200 cents per pumid, ac- cordin" to the size. 1*. Wo never print nlmanacs, spollinr; hooks, testanu'nts nor hihles. Il would talvc^ ahoiit one tweivc-nionth to print hi!)le. o. We will print a sonp: for $2, when it, contains but six verses. No more will he chargeil for thirty eoj)ies titan one. 4. W'o sometimes make mistakes when settinw; types, 5. 'I’he printins; husiness Is j^rdty hard to learn. It would require four , y(!Mi's, more or less, (accordiny^ to the Coiisurno iu the latmly one j;allon P^‘'' tl,i(.|^ness of the learner’s slaill; (o j;;t't fr. day of f^ood rich milk, giviiui^ ahundancc eonijilet.e knowledj*;o of the ai l. of ereani for tea atul codee, and still you Wc wisli the people wotild not. would have six (itiarls per day for sale, meddle with the materials, whcu they inlo onr ojlicT, il lVo|.,onliy Llll» ivfw II iiii> w: iiiijjw I' 11 ^ . . 4' 11 Ul)IC l;ir|>vlv liiis season, tliut the niiicunt of (.uculs! ll»is would \)i\y llu! uholc of ine i ^ h;iblt ol’ that of any turmer; man s.'rvaut, to take care .,f the cow | ,^0 would men- and do all the \v'ork of the house hesiiles, ' pp;((|l(.(. is not aeeoiiling to and s’l't-* //’'■''’/ money in tlu* har^;Min!!— etifpit'tte or i>ropriety. lillt if instf'iul of loii'.j forair'i C/// hay, or Added by the Winchester Ucpuldlcan. rut sunuv. be u, may easily ''• '‘'Ilf Mualk-sl l,y|.e i^ .•..llcl Di.l- n,ilU aiKl f.rd ihc cow. Tl..- l.c.l way 10 ''*'= ''1 • . ,v. . ■ . i them. }/,Ne the hran or ship stull, is to moisten j „ it first—either one i^ulloii of ship stidl or two of hi an ; then pour on it a i 8. The worst things in an olTiro arc j^allon of/yft/Vwi,'-water,-and after stirriiiLy p/aii/ c/o(/As~-\\u'‘. cajies sW(‘( ji ofl’ the il well, add two or tluw fjallons of cold types Irom our hoards and f^allies hefurc wc know il. J>. like to see vi>ifnrs when ihey eome to jiay money, and tiy lu be i-i))!'-: in that easo put a little \sat-T ,|„,y rilK 'l TiO. AMr.lMCAN I .Mir Fit. ir.MAUKS ON KF,F.n\. CO^^ S. lo loi''H and on nh'tj. Manv famili>'"s in town are induced to forepfo econon^y rnd satisfaction to be derived from an thiindance of n/dk, »'s- pi'cially wlieve there are children, in the •tpprehensiori—first, of tlieir cow hi riii;- >i!nkn, by miscreant thieves who make a sort of liviiu^ between fear a-nd tremblini;', bv cow alfiilbn::; and secondly th('y think. erl•one()Us!^. iIkiL the expense of IxVij) is greater lliaii th(> income. 'I'he lialji'itv to ha^e oiire.ows sluh n by wrrtches w l;o ,ie on the uii'ch to take them from the ( ommons, *aiu.l se!! ibem in the coutitr\ for diif cows—or 1-. exclianr;i^ them for fresii oni‘S i-; a crvii.'^ nuisance, and a- n'ion'’"sl t!ie \ a'i. v;U'!* iv ot new lati^led oc;eti;'s, “.7 .s')cU!;j io hriiii; ai^r Ihitrcs t't rundii^ii inuii.'yhiiitnU" w iuld !?e more iisri’ul than sone- utlufs ; .1 iriist its bcjufil'i V. ;'dd \n'flit t''listen ucarci hot .1C. 'i’he'i as to l'ie {irrfi (in'il —a cow nt.'Cil ha\(‘ no b'Miei- Inod than the h)llow- \„n- lui" I litidt rst:'vl now sc liliijij at M‘> tci'., hiit'^-iy ''1. .u per hundred. that would In' I'ui- Foir’teen pounds pc r d:iv—an nn-.ple snpnU, o pdis, of sh’p stuir. or t) /’i>- ^■ii/ii bran. 10 cents. 17 IJdlicrt •lartVav tS* ( o. Have received their FaH Imi)ortation of Vu Id of mdk, at h ast lOtpians perday ' tlK \ car round, at 3 cts. ij r (iiiart, 30 cents. imv GOODS, dirccffrom Kngland and New-York. Their ns- Kortment includes almost every ar'.icle neeih d in a country Store. They invite all responsible dealers to come and buy on as liberal terms of credit as ;ive giv en by any Importer in tlie United St.ites. Ollu r houses in this town have ini])0'ti d so time in our experience 'I’he stock of GUOCKIMKS is ctpially exten sive. Counlry dealers, therefore, have many more adv an1aj;es now, than here tofore, in this marliet. Fujiiitcville, ‘23tli Oct. lB2t.—8tl3 \)\l\ ydvuncc from cost., 25 casks Straw Ponm ts, 100 nests IJand lloxes, 3 trunks Shell, h ory .'’.ml Imitation CoiTihs, Cotton ami Woul Canl-., .Wool Hats, &c. 5e. water and jjive it wartn to the cow—some i o\vs vi!I not eat slop well in lb(! be(;in-l water The a!)ove (loods are well «.( h'clcd for this lil'St and inciVdse il t^rathialh. 1 J thi.i market, and adapted to the sea'on. >!riciiants ,j, ,y th(.‘ slop of t'le kitch- I from tlie country are respi ctfiilly iii\ iti d to call ami e.xamine the goods and pr'.e* s. i:. K. l.LWIS. r,nj(ftt vilk, Oi t. 28, 1 1I.) I] Pa*k“1s lor'iMiihMlcijsiiia. /IIIIF, siihsniiu r huvii;;;' i :.t.ibi:.Jicd a J iL Line of I'AC'KI/i'S bctwie'i I’lui.i- ■iiiina and \\ ilmin;;ton, N. C. take' 11ns lii' 1 .i"il acipue.nt the puld (,tiiat a \ i ss^ 1 w ill h i \V il- iiiH'ton, \. C. (\ eiy 10 d:'_\ I' e iiiU iide.l rtli'sconveyance, w illiji n \i il ami f:)rvV' rd- 1 by Duncan Thompson, I'-'i- oi I'.i'' ili \id , id .Mrssrs. Stow Winliiir, r ilihiD -'iii'i. i'ti l(,\ ruti's r.r f■l ij.v’ii, aiid li.. ■ ! S'’ >1'.'. !la\ in,.;' thi'ie ;;iiod \ .! i-^ . l llie I1 '. unin.iinlcil !)_\ 1 Mi'i-liil « a|ii,i.!;-. w i 1! ;ie.|Hv.iil' I • til tile c(i;isl, jiiid eaiiii'i well litcil t- i' iln' iniiiioilation of pa'si n^a ! ■'. li_i- ti'ii.'.t-. i i ii. ■ iui I, ticoiira;;’enu i.t. I’hil.e.l- l^di i, v. ih ! n ulls, has lu eouii: so ■’ m:iili'.iri;; i'. m •; l.i'.'-. that eottOM . a'l he S; !.l to s ilii.- i. '.'.,'l!', Iiil ad\.Iiit.i,;'r to lllr oWii.T-., the e> i:iii,, ,•! i. in i;;' al pr^-.I 1,; iiIhhiI t'V'Mv 1 luair.uid h:..U S annum, ae.a \v .Il n.’> do.iNi !>'■ '.'ion i: i l .der. j A.Mi'.s i>.\ r n.N. piti. ( 'dill r ) )' No. ''.', I' l'onl->1. I*liila.di li'ii'a. ,V', K,: I —,.n,l 1 I j i;;i''rsid)seiiber v\ 'uPuhlie Auelion, his \alii-^-*'^Vry^ alili' 1*1 lotaii'Ui, cou.'':^‘i M;;‘of 2 10 ana s, ly.n,«; on the l,av^_^> rs’ I'oail, .iA mi!' s i-ast from Cliar- h.tte. 'I'he soil is ^a.nd. and Will adapted to I'le eul'ine (.f I'uru. roUmi, ?^e.; and a ]>art of ihe f M ill is lii'.e nu ado-.' la id Tie re is a jfood . . , 1 .\a l.i!i;;’-l:()!ise I'U t!ie jdi i,i:ilion, barn, aiwi "'b- j T T‘,, ,( ’' ' ‘ ‘ tr i-eces.,.rv oiK-Iiou..., an exc.lhnt sprin-, ! ^ i .Old a |.-ood well eoi.',--. niml to tlie harn h.t.- •V WiVV.V'.V.V.V ‘Si:'’//. list, •> VIV’I’Kj!. r) fVri'KNS h.- I'iar.k> '* ji'i' lie, for (he l.b;-r,ii n,-' lias a!i\ ad\ fi i-i i\ (1, nil, 1 |\ •''int'.nnane,' nC p ii; I'lM-a . '] U- i.., j‘ d'l ;d! kinds ( f I’a: .''it ■ ii^' ;ii h', > line; : o'lievs Ilia', .|i jieud mi li o'n/ liu-ir wei auii w 'ill ih ■; ;,.'eh. w dl also s^ !!. at the > due t na' and place, all hi.-'corn. !ia'. I-iddei'; • .. ~L ■’! S.y and tuiiv lii\. !y Ni'v ^. III. \ i.’. t\» (I I, l!ov ■;. a V. I 'l.' li and i' r ehdil i’l I'sol'S d' v'voi's fd 'taili n;" a \ la'd" pi'.-.'! ' ■ s'liii, ai d ol'm.ikln;’; ;.’'o«i.i bar;,.vns, \^dii'n \seli loaf.iiid. 1 •I'm., '.’.ill be i!i ulv- know i> ^i^ th.' dav of salt . .lAi i)li .11 l.ll.N. Orliln V ’!. ;> » t y i • 1 OI* lili: lio-. an.’ nov. r.;v^. I'.. C/nirh//'\ .\oV. s 1S2!.—.'I'./ iliH'Sr, Indilited to H'.' 1- '■ ]' «• Cllt. ,(ii V' ’i. !'i' "f. Staiiis \, M i;i, I'"irs of T)-v [From t!ie , of Foor Hoix it the-fVrihe.l " I iril! bii mill hif."—You may as well rcs(d.\(' you’il m vcM’do it ! 1 :iiii out of all |).tlieMce willi ihese ‘ by ;iud by’ folks. One hourcd tlu‘ piesenl U uLie is worth a. week in the future. Wli', I kti'iw a hacludiw as well calcn- ititi'd i'or malrimoniul filieity as every \ I l ine .11(1 e\ ery i.e oiiipli ^liinetu t .ut i ( n- der hini ; luith(‘. in eii |>i; H in idV ihe. Itapp) ti'uelVoiu (jiie \i .ir l(» .nioihei', nl- S{(l>}!(‘ llild I'aSiClf (tOads. ‘laved Ijy Uu U liiii i>y Hie Irani o\ H* as i eso! \ i:i t liii’ lie would ukmiv ‘ hy ni'!ie (•ar(d;nana,-kel,:ii!.llowhihtli-v Hiihaid !-a\s, ;uid “the I i/f ui' a u\.>- ’.'ii-i Oj111! the best letr\e;o-'’ '•!'his iife. an ntionof (ia- pnld.e, i-in^ uetL i’-1 ,^.1-w d! do llioi e v, ;rk I I'.an ijulh hi., build 11 c-d\im;', ..ud I . , .... ,,, . , l.^rwilldie the Same. II- woiiitl Vtii a'^l^^ 1 ^ o.t w ju he u ea iii'v, tiuiil; 1,1 • , ■ ’ 1 11 ‘ ' ' • •’ |i,i_iher Uie roses ol iiialiimony sliouhl Ml .sun 11^ .1 . eil ,;s e.eiiiii!';: “ tl'e 1 tidies | ^I;iy — j j' you >\ i',h only ha\e not iiieale Sj,ulU rich, beruuse. bei (Mii-; )e'i base heen ;;ia'aier than her iii- e()iu ’ 1 >(.)Kl.\ 1 1 [ 1! 11 1 \ • ro couNTjn ri v.\ i s. Sluai't. IVird-nll (’o. FAYF/n'r,'> IM ' ml are iid\.' openiiij;' ttieir iliil Si a.>oiiable iiooils, o! : n !;‘.i\> a-.ioia.ii. nt nl 1 coiisisliiii ih\iU-tl mini d lo SI II on tlie uii --t h'l' ; d r, ‘/iH!r:i! , (/■!. 1>-J 1.— ;t.» ,-n—( 1- s'.i,;v lie I iven to a and ill i-lve \ou .(.'O uei;.;hl t/f o;t)od meat in a \iMi'. 1 heiie arc auun "the ** sinall niat- .ipt to ihink bi-nealii his noiii e-^btil lu should I'l meiiibi'i’ ll'.at t!'U..r.i!\' loo i.M!( h to (jMier’s eaie i, ihe ruiii /l iiiaii}^ lor “ lu the aii'uirs of llii.s world, men .irc' no saved by fa’i h but by tlie uuad (jf ii*" as l)0(ji' liii hai d !-a\s, ;uid ‘‘the of a tiK.'— (ji'k tl'.an ljulh hi.-> bund I!A1JI)\\AI{{ Ct . I »;i\ i! n ( ’f:!!h* t > Co. II ivo jii-t rei'i ivi.'i! th' ir tall in pi rtalicui of Iliirdirnrc and Ch'Ift/'//, riii’t e’ ill ;u I'.ii'. I .nd. ■j'h. ir p!-i ..-m as-.,ii'tm'nt ron"'-‘ e%ei"\' ell ii'n;dl_. in a 'o’ .01 I 's ni u''i ' ‘ ‘ th r. al u 1 I a hbi i I'l.ijifl' •o !•(. ■ il ^ah lie-ad;*. 0-f. ifi2: of u!” r store, i'll h •il.ev (if. iiti > dealers, M.W Di.l'.'JM \ii:.\T. i- ils^^)'l| .i liial llK- |/r‘-.i !en1 wii], 1 I’l . iiie ■'ec.liur, 'SJ- I Vi' ,lV, ( 1 I . (1' I.'. i,;ir il' '.I ' iM'Mi., r.. e I I'l' I011V' '1 ll. -.l.'l a- I 'l:;a I' ind "1 .1' .'In 1- till' si in I liai'ii■! le, 1 e;e t ^ > (.1 1 ,'(it Ion, a'l t'ef Cl. ed m payni'.'iil. 'I ’ •II.(\ i M,:ld !e dieir a!- .lert, (w h'l ill \o'. ..ii'.^ ; lie il-ev I'.i'ki ow , '111111 • h Will ill:-. '1S7 ;a ell nie..l^. . ‘ j', v. 11 !'i' ri I,. ( V I’i’ii'.i.l , .1. Ill tlie eLiunt •»|.l , M,1 r (h.. , d. i-M. ‘ Nil.t ;, ,al p,r pa'll! -ll ill ‘irtJl, —1 11V oi' d 1-1, will tie > d re-^ .1*.. -Ml 1.. 1! .r 2 J, 1- . IT, 'in.; ii'i\, ./•iV/ (>-j C( }^!s ri' I, be ;\i d for'^11 ' die! ■ . i;■ !o 'in I.iren'ir..on, ni li !i;.h ll'. d, r. '-.jr,. nt ,-‘d'. in a' n n'e ri u'y a dm (fiji'i . ll.ii ~aid. I il .Moiir. ho r 111 a'v >\ ean'.io'l :dl pi 1': ■r.t'.'-e. .'■■lal l.ri.'i' .I-.. 1 .’iicuhi eonr,t\ . . n, 1'.-' .■.I'.'e if. (i. NKiZ-ON. ■reei i;.'il hv 'hi I e:* arr''. 1; h'om N; '.v \ 01k ..ial rllii.iili l,d.: 1, (l.ii: IJi'ni'nil /'• '',e , I d S'. w ;is i‘'(i> i I CldXJ IhJ! i'i- 1 etrU lor ti'is in;i A I.'.' d.o;;. P:i ];e* tloo ('o. (loat Sk i , (!'■, r 'ilouri 'l Vii do. I .iiiiep,' .'sk I 1" .iin^- \''i rit n;v l I : Iv 1 ooi 1 i .1’ ■ •) dr./. '>'oli',i C Oil' >.) s Mev.-ali 1 ; • ,,!i.)-, V' a;-e oll'i !' -I't ]( I.' iVr:'!! i'i>s. \J. 1 •' 1 , ^i)■ I'.folly invlt '■iO;l' ;i’\d jji'K I i.nd W.i!h recco Skiu", id the . s '.-'i'ei oi Ci'.'l'.:’! V, I'i'i'i ) ■; 1 - i '.(,nd 111!.' ( liildi,-l lliil lit 111 aiinllH'r p.'i !.:ie ■Id in oiii’ /^>;.i VI ij(::ll to bl.- eallvd Mile Depai 11 iii’i'.t of n on.eal if A!'- r:til >.' I'rcMoeiit , .M .uii a 111 l!'oii'j;l_\ re- coi.mmu I'lidt 1 llie e; i'!;1, 1 'r- u di '1 di'jC' ■ i • V i;' rlii'f 01 :n hi dl'V, r:i;' 1 '' r ll- e.'S- v.. '. ;K iio i 'I ■ 1'. I’i.e iiM '' • 01 .• ll! ■f i a lie'>'. Ill r-^i'ji r 01’ It (' e:''ii ;it !. ! It i i.i'lh'V , t''o '■'ll)' "ill sj 'iMil i i . 1 ( ,1 1 . , . . • • J .» M i ile- ] 1 i' i 1 ( .- ! iL'I I',l:.e!ll' i l!ie (\i!).' .1 1. the w itl’.ere( jioor lvo!>ei; li-a'es and ll'.o'ris, wliy, iHys, put it dV till Sejdepi- I ‘ I'rueia.sliHation is tin; ilii; f of Lime.’ 1 iii.ide a visit last winter to see my old iVirnd Jei'en.v Cireies^. Wlieii e ]>ol our liiii'M s i’llo ihe siahie he jnik t ie to his bel li lldii" Ik :,ee t>e,ue \\ he.ii he !uid j'lsl tLie-hed. I ( lisei'V'.'d to l.iiii uu ' oj'liie l.' iards to ihe i;arn was ne ii Iv rair!i':j; aed i:e ha.d In iler u lil it. I nil? ' l)\ and !)\,’ said he. 4’hin;;s a!)oia the I’e.i’oi iool.i'd as liuli? a -. the,i, .;-li ‘ hv i.ind by’ lidks live ibel'e. 1110: tiiU'^ liiC !,oys . ai.'i- I'liiiiiiiii^ in w’i!u''id hew-.. ,\n !)';ll bad Ito ;i uii the iiuaid : all '.111' I ...'tv' h.ui'.llplied and !>i'e,i!v|,isled c.u i!ie while in al : ;'i id'l le'n !•' tow in ihe d;'i\ e V. as lo'.ili il !'e liail', woi'tii ) mat 'ellHi , lie dit'd, a!i(l ti' C Tl'i' id il I •- dlv.o ///, •y !':> ’l'' : t- ' 'F'’ \V:in*:inl' dds oil'.' r,:-r le O/,/, il II ' I 7 dli(. 1 . . I -,eie'I'lliiu^l , j 1 Cl!,!'-!-. I i'l ; and 1 h..' ; !,(• '•.•iii'i .1 no I ; ub I'M' 1 ill i.'.i' .'.■i I'li'.ie. V. i.U hi iia . e ^.1 \ e-.l 'lie life. 1 i o'l ; ' ,:i. le : a,:.l ll;e V, ii;'..' V, I'l'ui in w iiai a li; • 1, 'A s! I'.., a 1 n 1.; lie sa e.s 1 'iiMI .” ■ onc'e.^ . I'.e i’l " bv m\ ■ nei|.jlr) r '■ 1,; >■ .'d!':. i/.l .'1 (h,/. 1 ■ IW 1 liiit h". V. i;e !; .;d made 1 ' ' * *' * a line ' I'UI'th ", iji.i li.‘ eu' Is j ,• . \'. 1 •hi e.)ii- 1 . 1 nIio.i : 1 ■; In r ei. ,i 111.*V a 10V1 1 ll ; I'waiid !ii‘ : .eid . 1 1. •' iier.'l'.'. }\\ *)'■'. '' ' ' i‘ i'' . 1 h'.'l" in ! (.. •■ 11’"' "I; 1 1 i' , v, '.' ■ h Vi. I 1 ...: '. . ' ’i.eud. . _\ 1' 1 ! Hi- i:i. ■ ii'j;; . ill 11.1 , \ 'i.iir • 1 d' "I I ! - d! 1, ,,.'i:' . ’ :' i ll-. 1. ■>: :■ ii'iii'.' tu