p i •> ■ 1 • n 'i;t!)f)\. Hitiiv;-. a Uir • ' I'l,' ,f \VhoA_' A (]i o\ t)l' lic';s I .!iji' j l' '•'* )i>ki'M I'. 1 a V, r: '-. M ;. .lU S'lVS, !.' ’Viv i'll i li^c.r . I'l ( ’ ;'c; t’nroufvJ'. th' l.’Mi fl- .t, !)Vf(l illj Ktlxv of "■■•. 1' ]>\\' (.fi' tili to-iui-rvov, tl ) t' —pooi H(i’n ; i ■ (HI Hi 11 ( ;jii a C'-i- ci' t In S'inpriihr q-.'/,’ T' /r ■/,■>.;>.— \ r. !n» 1.1s'lil ill i'i’s Mioni! n! f.' ' i: ■ I’.tvis. 'I he rity )i;ul ‘■•I'da riilinn oi' brinrr inillfcl w i'hit! lam Unie, Vi tji'M'ii' ilu’jhoiktI' p;i'oiiml. 'i !ir \vu:kni(‘!i cviployd in p'llliiij--it TldM ’i. foiinii ;i tir-’i ■ uft'( ( ti'(\,1 0(1 iii u;u‘ f’l the iill,'.. ] he il\’ n-jv,- ‘'l.)inis lliis ! i'c;i M'M , !)rrr!'Ht* it has 1U'\ci crlihccno be liir p: -);)' li'lor of the lm'oh’I'I: while tlu' |)tn'( li.i.vf) assorts his i i-'lsi, the ti-( asiiK' Mas nut IViinnl l-»r!o\v 'hr su:'- i’a't', I'.iit in t!i(‘ w ail bonr-lit hv him. 'I'hc hrii ki 'U‘", Uin. |)rcf«-;Ki it (o b'- !ii „ b* - tansr h»‘fniiii'! i : atvl. a il'ihi-; •■' as "»mi enoup:’ii, the aclmini'^trai r .of i!n- ci'nn. ins ronif fii’wuiil aU'l a'hnn thdt none .l pHi'lit's ha^('aI \ I ilk v. h;itt'vji-. lh«! co'Tis (iisrcn ci» (l ;ii e aucii nt, and ihf biiildiuK, bcf.iie tl-.c l{r\oluiii.n. be- loji!,ci| to a ton\ i i!i, it is li';r!\- ili.ii tin'■ V luilf will b(* fh I bii''-1 tin’ pi't)pci t\ ot th'.‘S‘att'. Titc .hi'iiM > \( ill I'iiid ii flil- ficiilt t(; rnak*' pcat t; ix imm n loui- conUMidiiif' ji'jucis. London Lilcrary ft met tv., Ji; I ffl our n.i' I't ! j '() ■ ’ll' 1 si II I'. i tt l'{ s: Ml'C ais '. * i!is( ri( (i i!i oi t !as I :r nislu' of A\ r,ln -:. :.! i l.a.s sii’iiai'/i d —I iji, of lli(‘ fMinr*'. 7 li.' inwi’i'I-i j V,” ( i)v,](i .1 .1 .lur is'if- I K S.!.! i i MN t ’ M. '.uTe drawn up in jVont ol’ilu-ir hott 1 to IVi- w iiii tlinii: but tiie iov\ n wustn.u- -irtt tho kliifv as h. pa^-cd. HisMajos- drd. a?id Mv.unp: Sheva ha thouj^hl ^ve iv reached the C’hamp dc Alars at noon, where he was recci\t'd hv lln' duke d( major j^en- lal. and a luinu'rou' slUiF. Tho'ki!!,^ pass' d t lii'oni;!) tlie \ a- rno'i r\'\ v movti. oa/.i.ti i.. l^y the park*:’ ship l’u_\':;rd. ari i\rfl ot Nt‘'\-\'irk. ti'i'ni Uavit, uc iiu'.•' rc( ('i\- 4. TfirSprniiL—“ \\’liat ajtinKii, fo\claim sn >hse!-\iii!; writer,', is more rnnninij: than a Sp.m c r" A df)fr (..ri iiis kinil w a - ‘traini'ij to (mitv nio'n-y lo !iis mustei-’s ii iends. (ii(’ruijjhiyd (;nthis ei'- rund, he ha I a r.'.-rcf .piarrel wtili sionw peiiihint (iirs, n|io iiiacic :i!i ar.a'.k iip-in liiin. I he Spaniel was !)ia\('. a'ul n-.. n\erse to tlir i «!iiba*, but a !i,!-eat diliic.nl- iy embarrassed him ; ho (-.jn-ied in his tno'.iih a cvow .) pM'ce • so lhal his assail ants hit him iei ri!)ly \vh*'ii he eoiild no' ret.il ale. l!is viui.t'.it.n w;;s a tr\in;; one : s.j j IiI'MU iiia'rdv in (fiiecal his croun. in a ii. i'^iibc! !!;;.;- '.vulk, he re turned, (it rc ciy, an.! loii’i-d t!ie’i«. Al'ler this scuilli'. oiii- ehaninifjii weni back, bi’eathie^s, to his nifjiiev ; but 5>onie oliicioiis knave had taken i awa\. 'I he di!;iri‘ssed .neature returned, dra.u- ginir hi.', lail between liis lei^s, and hoM- ini^ his ear to the s^ronnd. lie wa.. n a- vc!>iu,^ the Streets, sadly. wln*n he lieard the chinkini;- of siher : the clerk ol' a ri( h banker was ju't conntin.u: out the erni tejits of some hat^.s oi’-silver, in a hall on the !,'-roiind floor. 'J'he arch Ci'eainre profited by his i;ood lurtune, to i'e(rie\e his loss. In an ins.ti.iit he h apid thru’ Hie open ■\vind(n\, seizer) the ci o'\ n which "Was wanted, departed a.=5 quirkly us he ran.e, and .s'.icte«‘(h tl, in spite of the hlow' of tin; soi vanis. in per!'irniin;; his mi^sic-n. I'his is rrnTlii kablc enongh in ^ brute. It was Urns that the Spaniel avoided the punishment he would other- "wise have received. His master, howe- vci, being infornierl «'i the c irciinstanre, forgave him; but he took tare to mak*' him, the next da\-, cari’v lo the bankt'r another croun, in the ]>lacc of that he had tnkcn away. T/ie Bfdufiful,—Ask a tond wh?t is beauty, the (;i-eal In antv-, the To Kit/ou : he will answer that it is hi.s female, viih two j.’-reat round e\ s fynjint,^ uul of her little !;ead, her kir«;e 11;.t mouth, her \ d- low belly, and h-f Lm ow n hack. .\sk a negro o| (i!i:ii!'a: beauty is to him a black oily s’-.in, sunken ims, and a Ha' nuse. .Ask tin' I)e\ii: hi“ \till ieii \o'i that il'.j l)( air.iiiil ciip.si'.’s in a pair oi i.orn-:. four ciav, ai.d a C'.'I. 'I'iK-n c;)n- sidl ill!- p!i;!o'j«i>.hers ; il,; ’ v l!l ansuer you u ith ja; i'/’ : tliey nnr ' Iv.ue '■;,)!!«'- ihii.;^ coni .i ina'iic io i lu'.ai c! .-t' i f of tiie essence of i^u . i.'i’iful—w. /'u ha!.,,'. I V. as (>?i(e :;dii"r a tr. ■ i\. U'm:- ]>hi:o-(.jJiC!-: *'111 b( ..atir, 1 ;hl.s is I" .said h''. ‘"'A h^i do 'n'lfind be;Mtii'(i!.-' ask(! 1. ‘•Iiis. s;,ij.tir. that tlieau- )'. r hr.s d iii.s oiijt > u" 11 i’ nest ! 1} ll. I'! /!, hi-, liii iiii iu', V, hi'h di'; ‘UiU‘ trc Mi'. “ It luis ..iiaiia'd its. ' i . f. u I to iiirii. it is a I.'eauiil'nl '.it." He ctiUipirliciid' d [Iiat it could r’oi b*' said tiia! a medjrine is la ;'.uiii’ul : and lha! t) ajip'y u> .my lIiiiiL', t!v^‘ rpiii’ei ^i4‘aiuifiii. ii t;i !se aMiniiati'jn and ])it;.isiii'‘. !1 .Jiov.id lhal ii:e tea' (i>. havl i: spii’i d him with the'-' t u siiii- and ihai it m is *i'- '/i> A'f'fii, .l; bcunii;'!', r nia !(' a i'Jiii.i'v i > f.ui - laUtb TIm ‘•..imr j.i(.-.' u ;i , j it t r!, .■.ilhoi:i;Ii ub!_v ; rjU jiatfd, n mad'’ all ih- •.jiert-: (J| S \a\'.ii. '•'(•li, (>h I .'sa'.d !>'■' tin' T-> is i;f,; ti-.t sam- w'.ii th*- Jiui’iisli Its \\ iili thf' I V'-’( h. Ilf ( dit- I hu!'‘d. .till !• Ill ,M'. i-iPf. ’ ! hat: “'Ihe t!ia'.i'liii! ' is c.I'in ntiiidv nKi'i'e: ;is lliat M !ii b i:i d.'i i Mt a‘ .'.i;i..in. is iiv'.'- ccni at J»o*iie : aJid ih^i \'lii !i is ine Iiiou at r t".:-, !'. t.M at i'tl ^i’ and I>( a.s il,i're!;\' sp. f'd li,.' iiu'i.’.;,' l i tf.'Tii- I'l IS ill H' a. ll 'III,’- I n a'i ■■ on ' i.i be, >i'. .\i I — ;e I’ai'is .Lnirnu’ fl- i’l* r. Mr.s;' in i''i will'll it co;i'.,:i;s ate .■' >:! "i;i.>-. Ml ;!i-'ransla- ! b_v i !i-- \c\. -Voi K p'.p-, i'S i h irl- s X. (»r I riricc 1 hi I ' ii!i:i,;ii(',enii:n; ol iiis 1 acI (jf just ire to 1 h( I 'rc,"' 1’ I ( inO'. :.! of t he l rllso;-- lals. 'i'li-' i.i'jsl live'ix SSer! !i\ : lie 1 ';iris I'l 1- s ni I'lif''-.’e'l an iiicii- I’eil.i! ( 'iiis'itii; U)i.—;.l, ship f.oni llic i‘>ii ;;i atitudf I-, i :.j. I'll-. 'I'll.' kin;;- ! IM'.l.in lu be p'.piilai’. \\ hrn I lie s.-»M it at tin’ i\iiliiai'\ Si liool prt'sniied llieii' ii.’d^x I ts III ll.i' ( I'uiul at a (lis!aiie*“ IrorM his p-'i-.ii’i, he ii''d'iut ‘‘uu hal- btiis! n-) lu lir ris !’’ and the pe'-jde shouted in I' tui'u ‘'in a delii iiini of iov." ’1'Ih' J(ui’U;i1 i'i :> Debuts rnadt' iminerli- it'' use of the. liberty .f the peti t'» coiin- s!'l I'ei-die.und of Spain To execute his o/i- ■■i/'ff/fioiH//. proiii,s( i gn,.|, i„ iHl !, aiid OMidiU his iei:;n of terror. One of tin ni()st r-rof ions and (h'spu'iic public d»c- s( ’11, i.s a police t ir- unienls w e ha't e\! ciilar untltT the .Madrifl hr Se|)teinber. '1 he liberal d of the joth siiould I ’llicr l.'t' seized, or nn; permitted to e.nt r the godown. About I o’clock. I*; INI. the fleet came u]) to town, and re- ( ('ivt'fi a shot from the Hurmans.^ The\ ri(jus lifKS of the troops asscniljlcfl upt.'n jreViinid t\\ o li>r fA:;',’, and in a le:\ in't- llu' ncca'-ion. u hith were about) in Miieuts every s i.il i-) ^tlici Bunna’as took numb, r, an-.l ti’.ey afU;rwards dt'filed 1)c-I what they could and lied. 'lie iMr.vhsli fore his niuje.'jtv. 'i he dau])hiuess, the ! prisoners had ('ach an cxecuti.uier o\er diicliess of r.''rr>', th.e duke of l’>ourde.iu\. I ihi-m, who v. as ordered lo strike their •'?id Alaih iiioiseile. !',jllowed the kirit;- in j lie.tcl.s, m htui t.i'.e • first ].u;lish gun was aiahciie. ’I'he duke of Bordeaux v.dre i filed ; b'lt il;e\ Mere so lri:;'h'.PUed i hat liie uiiilorni of a cuii’assier. In ano‘.her 1 they ( rouched dov^’n in one crnncr oi the c.i.-ria;.^'-*' were the duchess and madenii/i-j room, expecting the vv hole root lo tall stile oi'Orleans. 'I'he king was occn-j ii{)on therii. and the third fire made iheni pied iwo houi's in passing the lines, aiiil i itii'ce tiie door and run away : tln‘y liow- I'le review v.as r.ot finished til! half ]>asl K ver l.isteneil it upon the nitside. Not I’oiir o’cloc k. ^\'he!’t ver the king i)assedi ) long afu r, the prisoners were taken out '.V as hailed, b''I he shoiits ()f the ])eoj)I(‘, i ti> l^e cNecuted. \oiir papa jn'oposetl aii'l in tlie C'iihmp de Mai's he was give- ■ p/olii!;; to the fleet fortermsol pe.ice. which led bv i:u“ uiianimnus ii( clanialions (4‘i the liurrnans were about ash.'nlin;.'; lo. ni:,-!,. all,] 1 rench jour- ii.'ils h ive begun to publish acc ounis id' iadayolle’*? recepiiMi iii tiijs rontitrv. 'I'iie e>:i! :ior.linar\ missjim of an ai.l de canii) c| i|ie 1 ,iMpe-i'.n-of 1{ussi.i lol.ondoii, vvas suppir ed to rel.itc to South A:neiican afi'.iirs. 'I he inlellif^eiice as to (ire«-c- is favor- ablr, bet doi's not bi'ar the ( haiTiCter oi peilect .Iiili ■■nil' i!\. 'i'he dei'eat of the I iii kisii C apiain I'a; ha lu his attempt on Samos, is p-.'iti\»dv as-i'i ted in pii- \ ate ll Mrl ' k--'-'. Ist'. liic is ; i val ol the I '.'.;ypt i( II e\o. ll uidu, opposile !;!u;des. uiuier ih.e ctt!iiriiai;d (d’the sou of the fa.- nif Us Pash.I of !,;';yp’. who is sa' = ! lo h .se told l im th.it he would cm i,IV his beard II he sliould learn that llulra iv.sisUxl iiiDi'e than ei'. hl lu^iirs. We ha’.f made some cMract tbv ah i|'ia pai'.er-, in our h iuds leiler oi the I'iran lady i:i ri lalion lo | lin.. Admiral’s shij)—and that a heroic the caplur.'* oi n‘iinruo/i. will excite con-j (imnted Canaris, succcedecl in de- l eiMi in the breuMv ,f ni.m\ moi’.' persons | stroying the ve.ssel, at the saciificc of his than her a. ijii: int.iiMc. I'he latest ad-' o^n life. ' i'es iiM ii^ii-ntd i)v the (’alciiita editors.'j r,,, *• -i.r. , I p / , . • (Tinnany.— 1 he King ot \\ irtcmhur!r h'ti tiie hiMiiiesr Irooi'A at Uatnoo. rsti- • • •• IVoni 'Ihc ;!ie ti‘ooj)s and the immen-:e coucoursr- ahic.h assembled. 15etvieen iho y'liuille- ries and th(*v('hanip- d' Mars many pe titions uere pre-seiiU'd to his majesty. I’he kiii'v returned lo his palace at a fjiiarti r lief'.re fivtr o'cltn k. 'I'lu- llordeaiix ])apersoJ‘ ihe ,?Tth Sept. mention that a courier had brought new s Irnm Sijuin of the arrival at Majorca of a I\iis'-ian scjuadron of. 2 j.OCK) men, from v\ hich an tjliicer w as desjjuiched lo A»Ia- drid.—;^doubiful.) Hespeeiing the (Jreeks and 1'urks, an account IVom I'lorence, dated Sept. l.Sih, is gi\(‘i!, sta/iug that an J’liglish brit wliich ai-; i\ed at Corfu on the 1st. con- fii'med the reports of the defeat of 'he I'lirks at Samos. One fi-iirate, thri'e br!'*;s, and twenty transports, f’ell into the hands of the (Ireek.s, ho also blew up the Admiral’s vessel. All the Turks w lio latideil, were killed or taken prisoners. A letler from Navarin, in the Alorea. of All!;-. Ji, says, tilt' 'I'urks lost a ship, frl;.*;ates, and 31) gun boats. A similar account from (’orfu. of S(>pt. ^d, saiti lo have been brought hv an I'lu;-- lish traveller^ from Missoloni'-lii. was re- c/'ived at 'i’rieste. This account add- tii.il the ("aptain I’acha was blown up in m.ill'll at IVfim 'J'hey do not api,e. an\ time' in j;re lO troop '■111 to lifiecn tho'' !• to ha\( and. r nnmiier. has issued an Ordounance, which sub- , I I , jects for five years to the censor.ship the ''^'^Tle'^^r-T' j)criodical pubrn'''ati(,ns, as ii. >' r .1 r,n.i r ' "'well as all works ha\ ing only 20 printed LUita '■S(onm,.n, ol the 2Rth .Tune, . , • ,• • , . , ■ - ‘-o’llonnity to the ast decision mniiions that ‘vn o-\ ci-w iu'hnin;’; forci was in prejni.ralion t'l art agajtist them, r.vfcpt rhe occu})ation of llaugo;;n, no impoiiant event h.ad been autln'iitii allv Matnl. In the .skirmishes between the Hiilishand ifit' eiiemv, the latter seems to have iu'.ei tcd, unif'uinly, th.e rule— “ II'-'s base thaf trusts his feel, vvhose liatids are armed.” Kangoon w as taken on the 1st of May. 1-roni Fr-.’iich papers in the 2.1 Octobrr. JHng Charles X. entered I’aris'on the 27th Seplemln’r, on wliicli occasion he was re.'ei'vCil with the utmostenihusia‘in, althouph the raiirf'11 iti torroiits. After Ills ariival at Nolri* Dame, he was ad- dress*d by the Archbishop, w ho ex])re‘is- ed his f;ri; Ton the th'a'hof the late Kini':. and congratulali'fl his M.i;'-ily on his ac cession to Ih.e throne. The King then In'ade the f.jilov .u"; rej.dv : ‘•.Sir—Mv iir.it duty, as it was my Hrst care on an (n'ca- ion so alllicting to mv l.eai-:, was to pr;.strati' m'self bt iore tlic la.'iri, K) solir-.t hiiii, llirou;':h the inlei- I rss!i,.|i ul the ihily \'ir;;in, the strength aial lotira'-ve mcessarv to t ?iable me lo !'.:!:il the impM"jni task lucli has bet n imi'i.sr-d ii;.'.uM me. iilirut him we are I'Cl! I iI”,;—w i, I 1;' 111 w r can dw e\ ei'V tl.iug. is' lilt'. ';rii'Ii'inrn, w iIIi \ oul |.iravi'i s: 1 si.’ It iii"i.i no' so !iii:ch for myseif a. io." !• i a!!' • , w iiti mv I rM her h.is i; irl ,'r- ed fob'ii;)' — It , la.i. iii;slantlij.;'; l!"' ’ri''i I f; k I aM t'ji'ii!l! Ill, lliat w oh tin- -.11 p IJ li i id 11., jt a..'-! 111 : i I, 1 sjiai I siir I I , 11, ili.'i in iii.ii.iuc'- \>;i I'.i 'i t !i,e It.as w l.irh 'I !;a'. a SH Maoii il. b'li ul ka^l in suil- ii".: V i’'' ''b ' I O' ”■ ! hi Ml 'ii;i iir u! '.h' t(/!)cr, pi,!)- llshi s tjc i ilMv.jii;' li, linae.cr, which be.ii'S liir dull- 1)1 S’ j>'{ tidn r au'l is I iiUilti’ISlji'iM'ii b\ til'.' ir.lUlMrr oi jli.-l'> i'. C. hai t.1 - r-Nol |ii.l; iir.;-' to be ioii;7‘!' nerf sarv a n,i 'Si';.'. w ini h w;:s a'l'ipieo in dUltH-u' ii" idnst.'iire , a- ' .ill^labuse ' I i,'■ lib* rt' of louiiKiI^, of the (iermanic diet. Accounts from Xureinberg state, that tin- construction ol'the Prussian fortress es of C'oblentz and Khrenbreitstein are so far advanced, that all the foriitTcations are alieady in a slate of defenee. The new fiji'ts constructed upon the, left bank t>f the lihine art' finished. These works, which are exceedingly substantial, have cost the Prussian (iovernment 40,000,000 of thalers (1 ri,0(K),(>00 francs.) Ihisaiii.—According to a census recent ly taken, St. Petersburg has a population of 300,OOo souls, besides 1000 English. U>, hen I'.ie fil ing commenced again, and the \’a\woon w'iih his oiVicers ran a\va\, dragging the pciorchaiaed jirisofiers .ifler lhi;ni. Voiir Papa ai\d Mr. Wade were cluiined to;>,'ether, stripped of all their clotht s, (!\cept ;?hirt and pantaloor.s,Mr. ade’s shirt was taken from him i nol even their hats were left. lh(‘irarms were ti^ht corded behind, and an executioner kcj)t hold of the ro])e. In this dreadi’ul siluai ion "Mrs. Wade .md mysclfsavv them from the window (,fa litile hu! to which we had ilei!, expecting every monitMit lo he bound and treated in the sair»e way.— (i'ore;e ran out after your Papa, who sent nim back. Th.e ]iri'’oner.s were taken .iliout half wav to the Pagoda w hen they released Mj'. 1 lough, and sent him to tin* i''.iit,dish ileet. thouKh nol w ithout his iirst promising to ]n-ocure terms of peace, lie went to the Commodore, on board II. M. ship LiiVey. w hose tt rnis .weit', that all the .vhile prisoners shfuild be imme.li- alely I'eh'ased. aiul if one iiiy[)"T{' ihrir blood were .«!pil . the. who-e countrv shoulfl b(' desolatrd !n fire and sword. 1 le went back with this ines agt': but nol beinv; ai)ie to fintl ('i'lier tiie \ a\ wi on o.- ihe Kiij;lish j)i isouers, he felui ui-d, an 1 in iht- evenin;.:: I saw him i'or the nrsi tiuu-, after he lel'i the house Mondav evenitu^ Mr. W'ade atid the oilier prisoners were released by the I'nglish the next day a- boiit noon. Mrs. Wade and myself suf- i'eretl evi'rv lliiiiij;, but imprisonment ami death ; atid the scene in the verandah of th.e Portuguese Cluircli to which we iirsl lied, was beyond all description. Mi's. Turner, Mrs. Snowball, and hundreds of the Portiiguese crowch'd toi^etiu'r. Mrs. ade a.ml in\ lOif jnit on liurman clothes and niiu^led with tiie rest. When the i'nglisli l.iuded v.e wetU out, and put our- seh, es imdrr their protection. They treated us with pitv and afVection, took us into town with tli.-'in, wh.ere we min your Papa in the eveuiii:;. and on ^^’ell- nesday retiinnd to ihe Mission I louse where we found (‘very thing nearly as we. left it. A few thirrj:,s were stolen from l!ie C(iok house, our horses were gone, and our cows we ex])ect to lose, as the\ have ii,)t yet reliirnod to tin house, whi-'h we expected to have fmiiid plundered of every thing, and feel tliankful to our nie;'- cii’ul I'ather, that he spared us thn^'e com forts of w hich so many are cleprived. “ 1 hus have 1 endeavored to give vou some idea of what we have siiflrred^ but this is written in the trreatcsi huiTy, atul >:f>esby n. M. ship r/iifey, t ) Madr.is.” Ai- ha>e oi'utic.l ami do older as nil Tl .11' hich I •! t‘ .s 7'A' in 110.1. nUiot: i:.u IS I' i"; ■“ 11 I'l.st sLiif.,! (iiii. (b) 'rjt •,'.se. noi' do I .i’':er ; liu ■ ■ tl.i'jn ■•''I •■ei'ii I.me ; ; 1..riii'o'i JU; • o!' 1, I jM 'I', ill ill end upon i; lli.li'lll. i' of t.'t: dilV'jK 1 .1. ,1 la^i, V I I I IV. s (d ih'- '■'th .bil\, I ' ii I.M ;i. I I. i-l iC) I !' s' .If .li'ii I' ri'! ri ,1' \ b,ir.;i 'b r,.i b iji w ' I I'l'..1' I'.’I 1/1 I >'■ / ' ■ r. ). — .MSs ill I If I bapei t'.. i.iii,^- i!. a;- ,:'..rri-d to tb*' C: i;.:b' of his ;ii..i ■! did inai!' e oi th*’ ] "iih of I Ills in lull opci .'I jf.ii ' iai . ij, I }'■. ai.d ibe 1 I' s '■ 1 1 I I J V ! ' :n ' I' ! . till' f-ea!‘. iiiiiii'''(•!■ I'.d lUS'.l' . , a!id ii!;r j r I iif' ii.;i i : 'I. ;.i I C j.U'I'I 1. , b.i I, w ii ii''M III or',.ID. m.r.' From :i Calcutta paper, of 30th .Unie. "W (' beg to direct tlie attention of our readers, to an intei'cstinj' letter, with ■which w(> have been favored, from Mrs. Hough, (the wife of the Aniericaji Mis sionary at H ingooti, who wasde])Uled bv th.e iiurniese to negotiate terms,Ji atldn's- ^~ ^ s.'d to her daughter, a young lady, at the | iH’oiin;) seminary of Mrs. La'uson and Mrs. I r-r—:= i’earce, in Cbdciuta. The afl'ecting vet “vLr.n.a, .n.ivi'iiikh 17. arliess simplicity of the detail cannot f'.li i 'v.is tr.-Misui.ltfd to the to iiiteie.t evci-y leader, and to carrv jtl**; Governor, ti.roug'li his nri- ( (nivicilon, that ihe horrors of the scene tar\ it doscj'ibes, ai'e failhfiilly dcjiicted. 1!, 18: l.—'J'lie r.n-- lisli !ur.e ta’.eii i^augoon. a.'u) iiiurh mercy, are si);.red to joyful news. I thoiigiit. three days ago, iiK'.t by this ’ime you would haveb('en all 0:'i ' f liil'ou'rh 11 ' ou t !.e au. r'.londa.y, l ub. news oi the ar- e !',n';!is!i Ihel at tl.e iiiouib of rl'.t .o l{an;.,'ooii, but it. n'lt I hat V. I tho'l ;! > .li ol th.e rive;-, -.v »,s hi'oa V. e CwiiId noi bellt ve i! ii'ijios'ibl. feiv'-d w lt!i I.lit w f ,.u\f ol'^ri) Ih'i'h de- d!'' rei)( I Is. and jilac'ti iio 'J'li l.'if U'Oionthlt the Gcnf.ral ^y>t\Lnihl;j nf 2\"rth-('(i,ultna • Ciiiler our admirable (,’onstitution. and the pre-ent wise ad;nInistra;lon of tlu' Ctou'i'a! (iuvernnieiu. v ■ c an sini-'-rlv I L.ngra‘.ubii,‘ one anotlicr in Ihe p!D .per il} and harmony of e'.ei'y part ol' onr .'.reat jiolili.'ai union. In rr.,..ud t.i our n..!ic!!v.i interests, f.ireign or ('.('me-!'C, liici'e is notk;in^ to improv.' and U'dii.n : to censi.rc. The '.ciu'ra! t 'jiil' iriK i' (/.u aii\ tliii;;;- We iieaii! l.v ‘!1 ibr !,!i;.'ii».h Infill I'i.u'ii v, .'I'l'dintn in )ains;j.'; > |a Span.di !;-e!;lifnrm •. ;.';.ti (■'11, and lier.jieihey had liiiished thei dinner, thry wri e con\evt ii to the kin;--' Lf'irli.w n and conliiit d in t bain.'-. W anot'o!) If 11, \ to 111; \ p: ion ol ich aU parties are ( f.-M- ‘ oi t!te pies. lit .\i!".r,iii- ist'.'atio’i. is I vidfine .i’ the wisvloni. aud a proud comiiK'nl (>n the jus.ice and inij).,i't i.dit) (,f our enli!;hteiifd ( hiei' Mai'isti'air. Ills ('ipiaiiimity aud libi rai I ll s, ha\ e i'('cou( il.'d ihe i v. u , 11 at t > n- I triidiiv.'; iiaiiies, di!';nsiii:; I !ii ou ;’;b'>';t ;!h* Ib'publi.-, mildness, c(.i,t',',ad a’i(’ b.i.’ii.'i- r.i.t.'d. liis sti lol adiiri'.; Ill • to and demo- era'ic (oiistriicti.in t,f llie I 'ederal C.ans;;. lutu;ii, iia.vt ,";i\et. aiiolhai'1;h:")\ eii'. h I'j I o'jressn e ;lia Oa_v ai ..if 1/1 ihoiii;ht that .Sir. !i )i!i';h aud Mr. Wa.de \' i^uid esrai'/C.bt iug Ah-.n ii ans: but w bile v.e were at tra, a kin ';'s In.t'ui ,l. wi’.ii a- boet 12 men. es( ortt d tii;m to the i.-od- owiis and pin tlifiii v, iili tin- olher f'.ir- td 'urrs. Our sri'vaiiis ik arlv all totdv i , i. ibeah.mi. aii'l Mrs. \Vai:e and mvs, li i ■ ,■ Mvnta weepies aud wretclu.d nighi in ' I";’;’*.'” l-’.'l'l''''’' ! - li.s bar Iplai'f, w iih onlv iour si'r\ ants | l^*' ’ ‘ I 111 the l.(>us(‘ .will! us. ' Mt.i;!!'.;• Sheva ba I . . brpt bv us, and prav'..! wiiii us. u|.i. h | ..bb!i la, Siuad ('on^.la'i: :,. The " r.!r r Chi istiaus u..„t oH'. Ti.esdav moi- I ‘'’''p ‘ our iilu;:. we sent Me. Wade a:ul M-. lb ’ es I ir.ay congr.aal '.be la. ^i.sl.,i the friends of Internal Imp.i-f) generally, in this State, that tl, in th.e Cape-Fear Kivei', both hrif)w above the town of ibnington, l.a\,. attended, so far. wiih signal siiccrs^.M sueeess 'which must fully equal tli« ,.V pectatioKs of the most sanicuine, wh« |, consider th(* dif:''\ities Vv hich have ’ j enc'jiinl'M'ed in t!u ir jjrt.-gress, mnl (j/J all works of the natm e of tlu>se at tM flats below Wilming'on. must huvctin J to ccmplete thoir eiiect. From the 1),.!’ ini'trinalion, it may be safely afliriueil all doubts of their ultimate sue.-es!, at an end. 'I'ln-re is at present, no cully in th‘ navi>;;at!on, to iiny ship.,;,| | whitli could come I'p to the port, p|.^ I vious to the erect ill!!;-of I lie embanknini;^ aud by tliein' ia' f.jrce of the current, oat tiie aid of drags wiii( h were intrn,l..(i lo be use.l, the channel Is evi(h‘iu|v j I'f.ed. The immense linporl;.uce cfii.'j woiktothe Siati'. and its ev ideiu pruc. ticabiiilv. is a str.n'g inducement to'Ic. tirmineus never to lose siijfhL id’, or a'jui.. don il, uutii I'iilly accomj)lished. Mr. l-'ulton. the State I'-ii'^^itieer, suc( ('(‘fh'd in rendering the Hiver, aljove Wilmitigton, nav igable for Steam ilo;.ts f')i' more than sixtv miles, at the loui^.’ water, and that loo. w itiiout the e\|)( of jetties: and there is no doubt, tli.a iii ihe cours(‘ of th.e tU'\t year, steani-b.,;,; nav i::.;atioii mav lie extended to t!u‘ toun (d* i'.iy('ltevilh‘. at the lowest suminir water. The uniiormity cd' price whi.n would result from the accomplishinnit i,f this lab(U', in th»' produce of the I'.irniir and in the necess.iry articles w hicli lie might want in rnurn for it, siu h as salt, iron, or olher inert hatuli/e, conducive to domestic comi'tH'l. rendi'rs these iin|)i'o\.;. imntsof the greatest im])ortance to t!,e people. II is also conHdeiitly ’>ellev«'d that tlie stale will bf aide, in the t (nirse of tv.o vear':, tocfl'ect the n ivigation of t!ie i'far, to the junction (jf the Haw unil l)c('p Hivi'i'. Mr. Fuhon. fur the present year, ha? been sob ly employed by thf Board of In ternal Im[)!'CiM'nie'it, on the vsaiers of the Caj)e Fear, to fu'iil a maxim, I believe a'.M'.-eiUon by everv oue, that'il is the luai |)o!icy to acii'^mjdish one in?j)ortaiil .-/v lect. before we b/e!,iii with anolh'’!'. TI;;s necessary c(.n .equer.ce ai ises i'roin t.hc sUit(‘of the funds: iherid'nie, liu‘ ol'ier f)u!die iioprt. \ ei.ients remain in at'.l'i qnc. liiit I most conlidently trust and bflievf, the lime is not f.M'di taiit, when the iin.iii- oke, that j)roiid monarch of sti'eaui^ iir this State, the ^'adkin, the Neu'^e, the '1 ar, and everv other ivivi-r of i espe( U’.bie magnilude, will receive the nec.essar\ ii;i- I'rovemenls, to render them coiii])!e..'ly navigable, and abimdantly prodtictive uf wealth to th.e Community, hut more cy peciallv to their immediate tenants. In order to render our nav i;/able streams ol more extensive and general us(', aiu! to Carry the works of im[n'ovenu'in lo ev(>ry man’s door, the Legislature will, I pri'siime, never neglect lliat objecl I'f universal inten .st, the improvemetil d' I'oads. Our l\iv«‘rs, Cr»‘cks, and (.'anab, are the grt'ai vi. ins and arteries of the .State j but th.ey aie ol’com[)aralive iuii- tility, it wr negle-,'t to keep open tli'»e lesser channels, onr Koacis, by whii hsns- tenaiicii is conveyed to every jiart of the great body. 'I'he facilities of interiKil commcrct', are so intimately alli(’d to tlic mor.d condition of thr |)eople, and liuvc so p;re.ii an intluerceo:i the personal com- iort, v\ealih and intclliger.ee of our citi- z.e:;s, and, consctpu'ti!ly, on our stale wf'uith and '.>;enei ;.l a!>,grandizeriient, ikat it has been witli the deejiest inte/est am!' '/.e.J that I hav(‘ uniformly invited iheu'- teiition (.f the ficiieral Ass inblv Kj th:;' subi"('l siti^f I h'.tvt' bee!) in (>n'ier. ihe (Ui'oiira.'remfnt wn.th t'le Le;;!'- hitUi'f h.as lately '.••Iveii to Ae-rit'.iliure. ..i'- !;'ii! s '.vrll iur it.s ad\ au( e;n('*!t :n this .Sta'C. ha'e numrrous ii. iiii'ir.d S'?- ! (ii-'i-ji \\ hiv a o •iiiej^U. ill . lne pedn'r ih.';" 1 lii'i" .\lre:.'l ( if'i» 1 been iwrmed ..lu! or;^ [iromisf iii’.icb !'.;!• i;s !n,i,r vo'.r dr libera'ions, iht'r.’^n ii...y ((uiiidently expect, tlial I’lis :;isi iiitfies'. tbr fomuL.tion of his seiV ill' hi " 1 I!'.' Oi’O'i'i nati'):. I:, 11i 1>- s Ilf ;; ( (iM'l'l d v\ ' 1 ll.e m .1 i;. !i ' li'Iu'. I iii Ui'iu i l.ui Ou t! ■.I'M.i'i 11.IP II' e. arc iiic -.(/iar hi ;'ak jt'ar bill tbev ill.. I'll! lls i.Masi. and ii'jpiai ei'f !;.')* jj.'rmitted iij riti . S;.l !.,s, br;,M';ln;.;' Iiila 1 in'iiii lu e I'h t(i'jM rnmf’.i! Il(ii,;;Ii un.l Mi'. W.ide rt !ta:-iii, I'.s ,'rev wue A tiierira ns. lie i". plud iliii I:-' ii iiii d ibr hinis. if. iJiai ]. b 1 d'sie ali ia.' ould. bi:( in \ aiii. . .iu.ii; ill w •’ miid t^o into iov«n. and ii 1 j \niiiie-- Ml. va !ia. a Mdivc {'In-isi .Ml s 'lai- "•ily- 'i'bb-. ilei.inr; V o! lae .\dministfal (.us Pi'"‘-i,'i’'Ut, iudu'. es ,i '.till V. ('. 11;r r !', i/I ; , (if ■' ^■''latid of il,.'_ lt,;.ai al-i, wi I'ls'ijpoii Ills s;,'. ;..".so,, ; .u'rili.'ii,,- (/.ir | Onr h'iscal !)epai !r. laii'.iiM. it;'.'-, aon ll'.-,' a-,')fi'lti(-'s id' pai ty i iug s;!nation : oi.m''I'l t th.- a!'; i'i.( f (»i ■.•nrd., and I'ratfr-i on 11-'. ..iro'l.Ki 11 I'U .lii iWCy'lsi ' V.e..:tb anil b ijjpi; I('s >, will be : e\ei pre- ■ :it : .11 tl that all voe !■ llV as! :: res. ill ..av .V ay rri ated l;> ji. will hu'. - .' a . V lev , cl' i'.’ or';l!i(jt. ion. ll n..' iKjt be ai ill-', , Cbntle nun. to say s.Miif u:! >at ou till' Mlb ,f r i d' I .itei i-aliii'- ll is III: ;f|i;t's! I'uv.d, ,‘I\’ ■■ i' \ ii: .1 ;ti![k ■r‘...tr'' to til.' , ’es;,r.''ablii ;v ■ !' tla' Si .ft'. . •IS v.e.l 1 as ir..ii \ i.Ia.d uaosj.i I I Iv a,; a'! hap j Lai 1 ll a^e ha.iMi's ! ./'I it .so (vl ten, ' i.U'l ! '-i'tr-t, 1 pifsun;.', I . a \ c '. oy i dece 1 tliai I i; o\v toiu 1; the (, I'OC, 1 , •.ilh alui'J^’ iiopeies s exp- ! t i;i o'ls i au ! f ii'. .id ;n ence. ib:! w 1;.; -t 1 -I e (,iii ' si isV'r SMt!'- '.i‘ ::s a: ■ri: ;Ofd ' ! 1 liut .an'l : l ai(! : b'.'. V 1 ■l! (i ’ S^inl - iiti I'b’’ C ■ i.Ur' .,f u'., ; "roud'v •Uv ti'.a; ii'’'i ■ ( '. fa / sr;:i an,! d.iu;: ■ ' CV C i’» ;nd V. !)y t !i" . • :it! -,t f’l ] f ’’.. y ft;I''.S ^ '■ '.il t... b' 1 I'. !,a l.t-i; I .i! .; il :'C' sisf., iy * '"o 1J. f' f; to i;iv:! •,'..;;i' aV' '■ TkUi to I be iiii'jrt.' it I.lv ■IV ot ■ ;! ;e i.ii ;v.!s c trising n.-; at .v^n . .i' J1. !'.-C . .oa..- iii/e V, 1 Kil art'ui'.j. !u ilflr.i, ' d ill A|.ri; .t-ii. I an. w :k> I oi . lie ( II I si!!' 11 i ( ;i I li I: Ilf (■(, I (• !'i'fi-!’',;- lu/’;«"‘, ' r;;tif;il' li. Ill i,rli( f, 1 iiat f.,e‘ ion. (,.] lb;i, lice. V. iii be cm lu h-.i , er;,'ikC couii( i!.s, a;i'! tb,-i '■OKI ei tr O' .•.i;;k: i”- ' V .due. C' • •t I!.' i mill's • \.'bo il pas lonaieii a( aoliir I’ tl la.:

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