i i-^-r.f a :: j u'.. ,',pp:iri'ntly nn nnotr.cr nt iils ■ 111 your muMm .uf : | , i. 'I'jie ImnJ iiii'l or:n r;?ised for lf:r isll lo *>■ ip.o *.viv(*. a*' t ^ V 111 «;i' a! aiu! last!'. ii \ im M itll il:> es'y, t( !■ !i'H;|,i!U >•' , r')y! >! in rMi,u;,-y, \(,i, v.ill r-rUinih^'^is.- \oiii' f!..!c,iw)is i'» iiff the liii'ii': Mill .,r iho 111. .1:1 rn!i;!i;c’it cl ;u>(t t'•'irictii «•■ vi.i'/l’td- ijt'ciii(;ii ; l)v * \ i rv !i^o!'- IiO'ni :;i 111' ,' i; ^’.uitlly si'i.pli-j'! v. I’Ji ;* Lii;H'.s! scliMc!. ;mi'I ; Ii.-ii'Inuf. iis'wr!! :is in )h ‘! 1 licsfot h \ oil, !i I not i!,.' Ir.i;- r,f losiiv^ • iIcIkmi \ , .'iiid i ni.i v >■> V 1 i' '!■ nri‘;i- >0!M' j)h;(,'’s (lr‘c!- h'fjiii ( Aficis. ii' i:if III- ,iri'! (• ii'vc!! work v. illi llif yoiii- iMiliuMirt' OM li:i . inui'/i luif, Si.hjcct. I ;,! Icii,hM'I 'N of iliiit siirroiinil il, .'tc loi’t'cd. , />/ //■ ("j I;,!;ov(’ purposo M!jij)ork'd ():■(' ciid ( I’n u ot dit;, I.fj;i-j U iiilo l)o?;cs and r iiil,.;'!i> liun”; I'OMiid his ncck, and tin* pooj- siip- p:i('.int’s [tiick s'jrvi'd ;!s :i ^ood mm! lor ;i ■••ciidi'.M- niiitt !y clf'tiiincc liis I’U'P.ts ; nd liis pip;* ; itiiicM i’.s ! Iiiid d ii’iliis rc!fl>.Ml.cil it. -ir ("iC( ri ( \ 1 .-.ni C'iiivii'r'i'd it !u,>.-(K hut. a (i-;.; iiioci U'.t' i'lii (,!’ ui! ( I. sscs 111’so- I it”.\ : ;i!id (■■.(•II ‘i.'Miltl it. I-." i!k‘ >1' your l)i, ciiiii':'.;' prii'.'i-cliizinr;, 'on h.ivc lln* ;ipj)ro'> tlioi; nl tiuu 1 l;i.ss ol' u liosi- i,M/()(| or'i'iii.Mi i % oi'ihy the ainni- lioii id' ai'ic ininti-, w l'li ilic ifi'-; j uf liir. iii;>; (ton - a >)!■!• duty. A h'l.c'LLSj;. (;ooi) li' i.r.s loii r\Mii,ir:s. —'i Ik: liiiliiw iiii^ din ctioii':! nrc liiiou ii ;iiid prat li^cd !)_) iMiiiiy ; Ijii! hn ;i ^-inulc jirrsoii iii;iy do rnrrlcssiy Imi tlic jjrutifiico cd olh'-r.s (.•on iifillicr pi'(;vjiif nor remody, il ni:iy bo us urll to ii;ivc' iJu rn wlKil (•'!■( 111.Ui'Mi uor.iii. 1. NfVtT K'.-irc }oiir lire idoiifj for a (piarlcr ol an hour, w ilhont secui in^j it h\ a ffiidci’, (>)• taliii)"- the andiioii.s iVoui t!i(? wood, .All J.nou that an ah:;ctM'o (>1 ' j (riimitfc is iVi'-pifnlly ])rotnu'tcd to an j)('ur or ('Vi'n a d;i\'. 2. Ncv('r I'.'Wt.: wood hiM’nt or un- l>nrnt, stiuidintii; m f!>e f.orii'r wiicrc tlHTc i-; a lire ; nor Icarf wood nnd chips —nitirh less Lncii orc.otlon (doilius ncu' tht! or on or a'.f linst a :sio\ (• over lii'xhf,. 3. A cat should not he left in th^ houst'at n!j;I)t. _ '1 hr}' ha\(,^ ('Ifoii, hv gi'ttinir ill the. ashes, and h.Viiii«; coais 5tick to li-eni, coinn.unii alcd lii-e to thf liou^e. l);»«!;s li/ac hecn known to be rijiiallv iinpindi i,f. •1. i\ Iic.irlh .shotihl not ho swf'pi laloi' th.ni) I'Ao hdiii-.; !)ef(..'-C‘ heii-tinie. f). No one •'hon'd Ciirry a lijild, cx- ' rent in a laidhorn, into the ti^arj'i:;, cel lar, or an} rooni wheie theie an- loose coii.I.nstihlcs ; f«ii- il’ parenis tio so, th*- tddc.st ehil(;i'en v.'t/t,, and of con/y^ the y.Mino-f.si jri//. 'i he caiel'nl should he e.in’fiii how tiiey (!• what t.he (.iiei.:,s.s Wiiuld do c in II - -i’ f). Wooii that i •. lakrd up, should be _\\f!l humeri or'scaMu-ed, Ir-i the ;.ir in it .'i.oeI(i r;M il' .'‘i'tl “Mtap."’ I. A c.mJic or Ian:p .'•hoiiKI i)e •:;i!ili- c' ia' oif iii*: il lii'- !u'u-c '\c\rr jro to !.( d, w iihoul .1 p...’I of v\a!ei', ail a\e. am! a ca!;r;!e, an v\li(;re yon c;jn !ind Ihc'in. Ar.o l.i_\ \ our clot l.c> in ^U(di a nianner tlial vuu c:in ]/ul ihcui on in ihedarl:. f'. *\evcr «i;ive an alarm of lire, un less you he pretty Miie you cannot jiul it oul ill,out fiirll'er aNsislance ; fora i-ni.I' llii' u/.'iv lie r-asier exln)i;ui:.!ic(.! by one. than b_\ Iwei.tv nnn. 1'.). Ki i p liie du!rs and windows shiil in a rixnu lii.it is hiiruin^ ; ami in renio- \in-;- t'uiuiturc, l)e;--Mi nearest Ihe lire, .!iid in the Ujijur j/.iil uf tiu' );ouyc. II. I pon all sueli occasions, he. as 'onij)os'-il as p(j,ss!ij]e. iiibt I'ulc i? north all the re.si. /iiiiihni j'r^nrh- mhj ht\ le and cm eutiua ai (; d( i(.'cti\ I'. ” ('•ciimil I.d/ /i/'-lh\-—"We h.''d a I'f- por‘ !h;:t the iifT/i hr d h( -n (i( taii’.ed .>1 id I o.irl lloii''- l)A' :iii atli ck ol II:;- i:;,;i:. 15.il thv accianil ol'iiis r:- ccpl iwi ,•! I l.'f ( 'Mirl I pt ■)■,cs this i.> liiivc I'.'ccu a iiMM ii'.c. \\'c al'O nno'ei-- sl.nui hv piiviU II!tlud h'- arri v'd .'t 3[oillir(d'» III) ’rhui'>'lav—Ih.'t ihe ni' i i lii;;-h( : V. ,Tn .Mr. .Icih 1 •'on and hiinscir '-va.s \ riy ai!ecli''ij ; claspe.l in e'>cli oihfr’s ;;r..T-; t'oi‘ S' \ci.d iii!'>ule'; :d I I'al oil l-'r:'\ , Ihe ‘ .\iii i'-i-j's (I in I sen'atp:. FrliUiv^ xV-)/'. ]‘.\—'i'lu; Collowinf:^ pcr- I sons wore Ujjpolnted on l|n' .scv('ru! ;scloct ! commiitces (jid’-rcil oil the message of ! the (.(n eriu)!’ : I On Iiifcrni'l[i!ipi''V'i'nir‘i;l:i.—Messrs. For- I iiev. W'il^on, Davidsuii, Legrand, and t'llio.l.S ill fXiL !lt t'.H' Jiiffirinrni. Messrs. S('a\vcll. I’l'vui!, \'v'f!i)(.>i-ii, .Ifduison, and Jiaker. Oil li'f' Indian Hesvtr-ilidnx. Messrs. Sl;o')n-, IIo;-\iH, .M‘Leod, Montg(,mory, and H'.itlain. (J.t 'hr, c. Me.->sr“. 1’.arrir.t,^cr, L(j\c, Pool, i';Ia( k\.;'ll, and lihipinaii. On FaiIwHinm. — Messrs. Hi!!. C'aivion, ^Vi!Iiams, of Moore, Malhcws, and Niil- tall. O ) r,'tc l\-rsof)f! of Cofor.—Messrs. B;'y- aii. I5eili!.t;e, i';slu'r..(IlM)s, ;uid I’ai kc!’. Mr. li.u i iM'.;cr pri'senicd, ll'.e prlilioii ol siin.Iry inhalilanl.s of the C(Hiiily of(’a- h-u'riis, i.'i'ayiin.;' an act t> he pa'ised to re- t!i .' acts herelolui'c .pussod, iayiii';' on: a'.Kl as'.ahli-.irni;;-the Moi-ija.nl.'ii road, St) i’: ;' as I'e.-.pecls lliecuanty ofCuhiui’ie.. iliicrrcd to t!i(* ('oinniillee on l*rui)0.si- tioiis ..'.(I (Ii'ie\ uii(.‘."i. S'h.-. nfii/, iVor.'’i>.—,\ i'e])orl of the •.••:>s tu vi.Ml ('h.i-lol!-,, iih', lie.' I'nivcr-- eomniitfee a]>po!iiled t(. su.^-- it;,^c. 'lhevviloh■e.M„..r^, i.Aousai-l >n rule of cuilinK Hm- .1''.' aniniiit* (I, A slioi L ••cpoM- aiiWd th' cl::s.'ie lelrf als »d .''loniitadei niU',1 provf a iiK .it )-:'!i.' f to |!m' spii it of J,;ilayetlt . II. li.':s e\‘('ii !)':'conie neecs .;i;-y to him; •o|- his eu^rf•^ pondfie’e h.i'i .M) u;io’.vii upon hi-, hall ! , ih.'d. i) \\ il! re(|uir:* soioc escilioii lo | |'iivi!ii,li il. ili.i l';i;i;,; fioni llnrnpc .'iiifi v.irIou> parl-^ (d‘ l!..' I nited .St ill'-, h.id act''iiiiii;i;’;^d h) .ihout —and tv. o-thiid^ of liiL“jC \n ili n-- (|uir(; an.->wei j. At the capture uf Ran2;onn in Indiy by the ijniish, a jiart oi the soldiers ucrr lodired in tiie celehiahd tenijile of Shorda;;o;i or J.)a!;ouni^, and the innnni'r ^)t the hahiiation is thus de.scrihed in a lelier freu! an fdll.-’er.—Xt//. 6V/r. “On thij Kth. a p.nify pioi-'eoded to tak'“ (li 11),. P;i(-()(i:t^ ahoiil l\^vo Uiii'es Irr.jii tiie iou;i. am. toiuid .Ml. J!i;l. and others, co.’.l.ned il; a (ii-iP'Xi on, Irom \\'ii>h lli'-\ WCU' in.>la.,lly r.dia-ed. 'iwo i.,u.*s jd.llltj.'.i (f!l l!,,' lOD oi' the sl( t„- Mio- to l!ie i’.tu'ui'ii, 1 c |,c.ili idv filed . ; the j.ai'l;, , hii! With’ i;! clincl — Im l!,-; po,:;li'.d I'.ii idL-ii, 'J’iii'pa;;od:i and tin jTl'ouiid^ aluai' li. .ue c .i\v iit;d \.\i!h elanli'v ■ Clp. ! I ' i:.i:'i'i' t ill- a I I !i .•'!.d Ai lilii I V. In il'U illii ';! li..' I.,\-, il. .•lii' I’y Ik i!:c- 3!a.'- ihal now c.i'- '■ a-id i\''. ni.s ') I Trorn tlie Wa;-liingU)n N.itional .loiinnJ. LMra::t of a lcit( r lo a j^eiitlemaii in ^Vasi.;llr.';t(Jll, ('1». C.j dated I’arrataria, Or l(;her 8tli, 1 ,'i ? I. M'lilaiiic lt;n!.i(!r, the cx-Ki;ipres=. of .Mexico, haslneii donicstiratcil \vllhlis lor lilt' last ten il.n.s. Sli; landed on the Islam! from llie si liooner I nitcd ■States, in t\\» niy day.> !:oiii Solo de la .Mariati.u lioni w hich ()la(c si f v. r.s e(nn|;>'lled to nnd;e a prceipila;!’ ri:ti'( ..I, ai'ler llie cxe- eniioM ol her liii'.i)an(i, 1 iiie new spa])i r ao eoiihis of u ITn h are siinstan'Ja'ly C''r; ect.' i ill an ads uncei! si.i'.e ol’ pree'iian- cy. s.lv .s(!.-,i;die> !i'- i ei{’w i'.ii i^real iiim- tie's imdi p her nu I'lrtunes : and must l,.i c ();'.^l;h•; a')!e pretonsioii.s lo l-eaaiy wiieii yoiiii"'. Slu'has ei;,';ht ( h'l- dreii,s;\ in iaiinlo.i, ;ui i l\'. o, the vo'ini:'- C';|, \»iiii h.'!. 'Iir aMennanLs aiv', a pi’ll';i, a iiii.' -,e. a 1 I'ii- h cluiii.ii.’r-niaid, .i.‘'jM-iish a'ld .,ii Itai.an \ali l. Sh.e ’iUl!l!h•st^ a slroii'j' dedr' lo lua.k ' herst II aereeahle : hut he: utter i;;nora'ue ji' e\ery jt!ier, s.ive th.e Spani >!i laiij'iia^’-e, ((-i.npi.'ls us, in ai,n at iiiea ;ii;e, to take the will for the d^;'d.—She is so little in the liahii of adniiiiisterlnc;- lo her own wuiits, tiial il a lly (^r mu .qiiito resl o-i her hand, sh*‘M iil Ccdl a. si i^vaiitto dis- lod:^' it; atifl a eiear apDe.'ir > lj rank witli her anioiii-- the noces»anes r;f life. 1 said blie \\ as (lonu'stii ated with us; I should rathci’ ha\ e staied iha.t ;.he v. as the ol Mrs. l’atLers(;ii. (.'luumodore l*’s ljlv, who i, h»M-c to a\oid ihe jji e\adinj.;-fe\er ol the cin. Sh;; ;;oc3 to New-Oi lcans, hyway ol the l ike the tir.st v ind that sep e^; ; li^oni w h( iiee she is destined to Baltimore an.1 Ai .v-^ork. ^vhiclKdie will rea( h, by asecndini^ t!ie r'Iissi:;',ippi ijud eios iiij.;- the inounlaiiis. After h-r a.c- coiichnienl .she to f..ojidoii, w liere a yearly jjensioii, c.f «,OuO dollars, allowet! her by the Mexicans, is to he paid ; but names ludy us her ultimaie desiination.” mtvnihcri (if I he 1 w o 11 ouses loj'-t I her, w as reived Irom the Iloii'a; of ('ominous. 'I'hi'- rejxu’l rec Jinmcnds that tl’.e sitper- Inlendant of puhl'c hnildinj^s be insti act ed lo creel a hell on the Capital Sfjuarc !oi- tha.I purpose, on jr l.'ii’(,jo the nexi S'ion : w hich 1 cj.oi t v.as ordci’ed lo lie on ihe table. Air. Wellborn presented the i’oilowing- I e'.oiiif i( It, which was af;-re"d to: Jlc'inu>il, 'rl'.iit l!ie Comiiiliu-c on liilcrn.'i] Iin- pi’D^ rii.rl.ts ')e in:.t Mii lt. ii to ciKjuir • into the t \- jii ilifiH y (f ri.jiuilii;-,'-;i hili to tliis lloiisi' to (■a”.'\ inio elfiTi 1 in-oSject «ifllte lir.ard ofln- n ri' tl lm|,i'ovciiK nls, in rt roiimn r.iiiiif.;- tleil a roati siiouhl be ititi oi:t I'lotu tlic town (>f l';i\ - c1tc\ lllc, by w ;iy ot'.S-.ik iii. Stoki s coiml \, to the lO'.VM of V. ilk-bdivi’, so ;is to inti ivvct tln-luo Si:itc I (.a l^ l« iidiii”- from Tcihicsscl to Uic iuid tou ii of V\ ilksboro’. Mr. Davidson prcscnti'd abill to amend an act. passed'i?i IK’;'', to di\idc theiv.ili- lia .'f Iredell coumy into two JvcirimenLs: w hicli was read thre'* limes and ordered lo he enjjrossed. Aor. 22.—Mr. I?ryan present- he raised, to w-hcrr. shall iiand referred s>d much of the (iovernor’s messa^;e as re lates to the ( .timinal code of law s. Messrs. Folk, Staulv, Shepperd, Hill, of New’- Hanover, and John C. Taylor, form that committee. FriJoy, Nor. 19.—'Slv. Picott presented th; followinj^ Kesohition : WsoIjciI, 'i'liiit :i select joint coir.mittee he :ip- poir.toil tw iiu]iiire into tlic cxpi-dieiicy ot re- t.iin.ii^- in the t mi)loyiiu nt of the State, the pr«:-;i iit. Civil l-'.iiKniecV, and the propriety of koi pinj^ *jp atul siibtuiiiinpf the present Ijourilof Internal lnipr(jvcnicnt; and that tlay report ac- ct;rdiii”ly, Monihiij, Nov. 27. Mr. Whitehurst presented the memorial ol the Manumis sion Society of North-Carolina, for i>ro- molini; the gradual aholi'ion of slavery ; which was releri’cd U* the special ccun- miilee ap])ointed on so much ol the (iov- ernor’s messat^e as relates to the enii- y-r.t.nls fi-';ni th(.‘ island ol llayti. .Mr. Alston, of Halifax, presented tin' fidlouiii!> resohilion, which was laid oJi the ia!)le, and made ihe order of the day for Monday next : Iicst/lrerf, That cxpodient to repeal the act. pas'Cii ill the \ t-ar If'tcf, c iill'.Ud “ .\ii act conci rien.L,'- tiie Siiprenie-Coiirtand tiiat coiiiini;ti:e be appointed lo brin^" in a bill ac- cordiiijrly. Titcb-rJai/^ Nov. ).—On motion cf Mr. r>ain, Jtrsn'rrr], 'I'ha* a 9flt c‘ cov.niiltee b?’ npj''niiit- ed for (ill- pn'-pd^t; rf i ntpiiriiiic inti> tin-1 \pe- dK iiey of so a'lei'iti!;' or •.niudioratiiii^ tiie law rei^-ulatii'^'’ jaiblic ]H'illtin^^ so ;-s to ih tint! inoiv sp(.'cilically the clatii s of llie public i)rintcr; ;uid tle.t tin y report by bill or otherwise ; and also to iiKjuire whether t!\e extra jn-intipg'cannot he done on sernis more economical. Jiesnlcrd, 'I'liat Messrs. Smitb, P.;.in, niirns, IlaiTisay atid Singleta.-y foriu the said cominttlee. Mr. Hines presenletf a bill to repeal an act passed to j)romole a.q;:'icullure and family donu-slie maniifacliires within this state ; and an aet supplemental tjiereto, j)assed at the same session ; and also an act to amend and extend the provisions of in act, enitlled, “An acl to promote ,\trriciiUure and I'auiily Domc.slic Mau- ufaciure;> in this state.'’ layir.i^ the foundation of such fund, ■ formint;;. at least, a hopeful bej^iiii,;jj^,^’ 31uch and respectfully, (ientleiiicii * Your ob’t. serv’l. ’ JOHN IIAYWOOl). I'lihhr Trcnst,r(, »l" TrE.^DAY, nK( r.P.r.it r, ipo. TUF.A.SUUV Hf.POnT. The len^-th of this document, induces "s to ava.il ourselves of the following'con densed view of it, f()r w hirh v\ e are in debted lo the Uai'/ntto/j luporlcr. '1 he receipts of the ’I’reasiiry, for the ed a hill lo advaiu e the admini;>iru;ioii of | y‘‘ar endint;- the last day (d’Ocloher, ISJ l, iiis’.ifc ill ( oiii is of iMpiity, and to esiab- inehidiiie; sumlry arreara.tjes, collections, lish aCoiiri lor that purpose ; which wa'- ii oiri the .-ale of public laiuh, liank di\i- The finiihjhue.—A j;enlh*nian of int IH- lice and of liU'i ary a'.lainmetils, make'- in .111 aet iiiint (A' his li a\ els on the Conli- la iil, 1 he lt(Ili;',\ 111'.;' iiio-,! .■>inr;'iilar i'( marks • 111 an e.MH Ulion he \. il lu .-..sed, inwliie.h ■ he eiilju it w as bilieaded by ll;e-j^awllo- 1 inc. Il a]>pt ur‘..” says ]•(', “ to be ihe best of:d! ;'.v,r)K iii(,;i( s of iiiriic.iiu't- tl;c j)un- I'-hipeiil (d death : eortibiiiin?; ihe |';ieal- 1 'I iii.pi i pi( n I 11 .1.L' s| e( la'.i.T. A\ ith the It as: i t,-,sihie su i , 1 \ ielim. 1 i In.'.! I '•:.tj,iid iltjii’ii \>. helht'i d.e.f U.-c ;.|i\ . |,„f I'l,,,;, e\j.it SM.tiid Ih Titi ii.eiu.:ice,|ien ihec\. I ' 1 o.iiei held the 1 e-,, purpose read the first time, roinniilted to a com- niU'j'e (tf the whole Ionise, and made the order of l.he day for ^Monday next. I'lie.-ulfti!, Nor. '3,;..^—Ueceived from the otl.i'r House, a Messafp^ from the (!o\er- nor, in relation to the'vi.sit of (ieneral J.a l ayetie, acconi])anied w'ith a proposition '.o reler ilu' same u> a-select joint com- tnitfee, and appoiiiiin.r, ,jii the j)art of that House, Messr^. Jones, Stanly, Iredell, (.arsmi and 1 illelt. Theri^iipon Messrs. l)a\ids(ju, Seawell, \Vilson, Ihjgan, and Harijrase were appointed on the j)ai l of tLe Senate. ».Vlr. Hlackwell presented a bill to cotn- pel the Banks of this Slale to pay Spee.ie in cerlain cases; which j)ass''d its first readinj:;;, and w as referred to a select coih- miltee, consist in,1; of Messrs. I’orney, Jllackwell, llot--an, Peebles, and I.o-.e. Mr. IVI'Leary [)re.'.ented'a eertilioale of an allowance made iiy the County Court of .Meckleiiburgto Sarah JJeaty,” widow of jolm iJealy, a soldier (d’the revolunon: which -was rear!, counlersi;.pied by the Spe.iker, and s( nt lo the other Ilou’ie. On iHolion of .Mr, I’.arrin^er, Ji'Sulrcd, 'I’hat the Cnnmiitloc on t!ie .Jndiri.w be instructed to iiifjuire intt) the e^.Sf.-lieiicv di iv.'trletie.ir the povir of tiie «.oviriiiiie'.'t to i;r: nt pardons in ccrt.iin c-.i^es, w In :••,• the puii- isiinieiit is di-jcretionary with, tb ( 'oii/t. l\idnr:,dii>j,Noi\ 'j-i.—Un motion of Mr. lii illaiii, J{(X'.lri(f, Th.'tt Ihe foainiitree on the .ludi. ciiiiy be In^lruetid to iii(|uin- inti)the • k]k di.. 11- ey c;f anieiidiii'''oni- riiiriiitl |;t\\ s, tluit iit r- VHIS ch:.r-'ed with st:,!. oil. nc( s sjiull be eoni- pelh tl If) j^i\e M. itnly it,I- tin- p;i\in. ut of all eo:as :ilid eliMI-Ui-, i.i |’o|-, tb. y sh;,!! i;.- pel lllitU il to lib an ;i!ii,!‘.\it lor the .\inu\ul of their cause to liny oli.er etTmitv. .Mr. Mon;i;tuiiery presc.ncd the follow- iia: t-'e-,oh.;li(Ui, whieh was ordered lo lie on 1 he I able: f piibli (lends, ccc. amount to ^ll ljUjy ^9 'i’o this is added the.sum re- mainiiu^; in the Treasury at the time, of the l.isl re port to the Assembly 109,7':.! 21 From this, disbursements, itichidiii;.^ w(>rn Treasury note;, and other monies bill nl JJ24,362 60 37,321 5,> Leaving: in the Treasury on the 1st instant J 137,011 05 1 he sum oi i.''.,2 l4 13, belii'.^ a procced from certain sources, is by i.aw , Lo he aj)- propriaied lo the promoiion of Afrricul- ture. Leaving a nett balance, unappro priated, of j133,rye 9J Of this i’.niounl, there i,i in ' actual monies, dejjosiled ,in the princijnd Bank-, at J^aleii;'h, New bern k ^a^- etteville, the sum of 132,7.)1 57 .And the remainder in the Treasui vchest, cr>nsistint» in part of cash, and part in ; warrants and vouchers for disburseuK'tits, i made since the iirst day of tlie present ? ^'dema/ Improve,ua>fK—On this subject, v moinh. ’ **' " • '■ 'I'here is now on hand of the appropri ations for internal Impro\enient the sum I'RESIDE.NTIAL ELKCl'lox. ^ “The long: ai^ony is over,” as to X,.,, York, and the hopes and fears of all ties, as to the result, are now at an end^ the reality is before them. After a grt,. deal of shuniint*;, barii^aiuin!.;, kc. thetH-j houses of the Ieg;islalure, on Tuesdav the 16th ult. proceeded, by a joint hullu;' to the choice of electors, wdicn 25 of u,g candidates on the .\dams ticket, and 7 of the Crawford ticket, friendly lo Mr.Clav were elected : this result, so unexpected to, the friend;, of Mr. Crawford, caused no liule confusion, in consequeuce of tb conduct of Ll. (iov. Pioot, " ho iefiised to declare the 25 on. the Adams ticket elect, ed, anil, with a [)orllon of the “imnio-tjj seventeen,'’ witlidrc.v from iht; house to the Senate eluaober. This dis.q;!-acclV| scene terminated in the adjournmeiii of the houae. The next day, however, i];,; Senate passed a resolution tlerkirin" ili,> gentlemen chosen the day before, dub.'e. lecied, to wit: 25 lor Adams, and 7 fuj. iCIay ; and met the liouse attain to !j;,!ir,-^ for the remaininj!; 1, w hen four ^^emleuu;! on the Ci-awford ticket were elected.-. This triumph of principle in Xew-Yo;',; is as glorious as it was unex[)ected, m,] probably will prevent Mr. Craw ford tVo’n being returned to the House, by whom the President must now' be chosen. It is sij. led, however, in some of the papers, tha: the 7 persons chosen on the first, as wel! as the 1 on the second ballot, are in fe.or of .Mr. Craw ford ; if this bt* so, there isvit some chance of his getting to the lloun', ihougii rather a poor one. (J/uo.—'I'he election in this slate has re sulted in ihe fh(dce of electors favorable lo Mr. r.'/f/;/. 'I'he \ote for Mr. .\d;i!i;s is very respectable, and must he ing to his fri('nds in all piarlers'of the Ln- ion—and in w hat fpiailer, nolw ithsiuiid- ing the illiberal prejudices which have been excited, and the unmanly atuiiccs resorted to, has he not many and respt’ct^ abN' friends r ’I'he follow ing i.s the u'.,'- | gregale of voles received by each caiidi* dale : Tor Henry Clay, 19,2^5 (ieneral Jackson, l.s,ts'j John Q. .\daiU'o, 12,2b'0 The editors of the National Infeirr*r.- cer say, that upon the “result of ihetoi,- test in New-York, they forbear to morn!- icc.” ■\Ve do iu>t wonder at it; it is in deed no pleasant subject for //.cm to inof- '/.'V’cupon. But if tlu-y will, they ina/I d. iw a useful montf from it, which may I •- of .service lo-them hereafter. )l S'22,9.i6 4.S. Also, of the Agriciiltiiral fund, lliere is now cui hand S’',3.j 1 (i.i.— i hese Imik's, however, ctjiislitiiie a part of the general fund of the State Treasury. A\'e, and we doubt not that the citizefi^ ()f ihe state, leid sati^faction in liiidiiH.,^ such a. supj)ly d’ wealth, aurl such lino solvency in our j)iil)!ic cofl’ars. /Ijirrcniun Iii'poiirr. T!ie concliKling paragraph Vf the l^e- 1)0I^ is loo iniporl'.iiii, and loo honi;ra!)le to the venei'id>le 'i'reasun'r, to be omitted. \V e trust that jiis lecommendation, !oiiik1- ed as it is, on just and enlightt.'iied views’ of the imporlan( e, both to the moral and ar,\ o ,1 i. I; I .t!.i ^ or ,1 (1)1 — ; 1 ti , am. ' iiii'ii > (! to a'a.o r. hev'e lhat ill.iiil it>l . di; ’: j;, a.ion ftir a I '■ j I y I ! 111 .-ii.i t ol ( iK' iii \ ; 11- I ■I IC' i, 'III. 'I , (ijllT I I ■JIOI, .11 iaeki t. i,.ni'ii ' til I r;,ii..: e eai •- o! a lial (M- 11 n- i' i- > 1, ill ■■ pi L- 1 heir sliocldci' jt,;- a '.i,| J I) '!m i !. Ill \ i r '\ t, re a ■ >.'s t; iiK aidy piphr. i-d (If lie..'i d, 1 he In ;i ill ! .'1 ’ ! 11! 'I', h;'^ liis l..’uils iiiil of ht;;,- . ."..d I) .!.''ji ( ha; - of tdd Io| le, >. i j.i’i (ii::i’!',r- e(\(r'it'd \sitii (.,•,»■ lii;i.M' o; ' !ar;^f|' li.aii Idc, pn 1 :a i:.i e/'L'‘ r"j;.liuc lu u L-!e.- vUe . e;,.!. 1 am iiiclin- Cte.' a.iiil . 01 sci(jii -nesb ■h‘w >c( i.nds ai’ler tiie c}( s set Died io i-'l,iin lli01,!f|' or U'.t,, ;,iul '• as a look ill ill.' I',1:asi I' s!are w ; I! 1 iht y gh.red iipoii I hr i 1 d, v. hi( ii I lh.it li t- head \'. as a\'are d' il I ! ''I miuio'i , i.iiw ;t!o',i, /vik!. indeet!. ,\- j li'i.'i. (It.ij: y a. ili.s I.'ay ; ppe.,r, ihere i- [ 'othiit;: 1 iii.ro'udd.' in il;.^ .su|)posiliuti. !ej' in ad ill jiiri', (d'I iiv ''idtie.I'r'.'ehv a ( i’!)ii;iiiui'atioii \\ith th" sen-vfu'dim' is I j' ()|}, il i>, iii^ parts b. low theiiiiiii'. 'V hi' h are dr;n\ ed of 'a iisation, w hiii lilt se a! jM !(;..iii ibeir sensibility, ai;(! in th' t aM of di.xapiiai the lu r\e^ ol ihe I'.., e and eves may ‘ r- a short lim. 'outiin,' to (otivcy iiii!)i-c:,-.11,11, to thi hi ain. ill sjjiieid'the :-.epai ali'.'U iVom tin '.riiii.\. ”—Lou'ii. :i !\ He v.ho'^e hi.'-t eniolit.ti! on th*' a iew of ail exi ' ileiii pi' (!iie;i(ju. i- it> iiii'ler\ ,ihn I', w *1! never iu\ c one ot Jiij c'vu I'j iuyw iXpelUllUti’e ii.atk I'ii' int|',r()\ uijf 1' across b.iid I ! Ilniitvri!, 'Cliiit t!io r(,!iin:itteo on Intenvd pi.)\emer,t bf in-.InieUt! to infpilre :ii,t| pe- I't V ! at^ iiii|To\..!it, nt. (if ;.ny) have 1,. , n .‘!e ill the lia\iu'.-itlDii of ''ape ’ 1'f,.)’ i;j\ir ;.t , place (ui^ d 111.’ l'i;,t,, i,( :.i W ihiiii;;rioii, b\ j political c harac ter of the St ale, of the gen- ,i„. Ix-o;)le, -ivill not be disregarded by the l-egislature. Il is as follows : \\ ilh respect to the .stock to be piir- chased w ilh Ihe proeeefls of the Trea>^iirv le.sohed llialsomiich ol the notes issued and to be i-.siied and sold, messa.ire a.-, r. lai( slo Inierual tlie Public 'i'r-asiirer, sti'ietly sp.eakim^-! W(Mild. peihai',s, he more within the line d hi', oliieial diilv, w e:*« ()]■' COM MON 5^. 1 N(n. I,'-:.—On motion of Mr. i'oik, it V, ( o \ ei ii(,|' Im])r(m nieiii be releireil lo liie ( omniil- lee on llia' subieet. On nioti(ju of .Mr, Alston, it was re- 'o|\ed, that so uiiK h ol the (io\ernor's mes.,a'’e as relates to tiic emigrants lo 'lie i ht’id (d Ha\li. he referred Uj a •-pe- eial coiiimiiiee, viz; .Me-,-,i.s. \Ktcm, (ior- ion, .\. Ih .M‘.\liihtii, Weaver, and J. ■'•'mull ; that so nmch as itdulas to the C heiokee lauds, lie ri fei'rv'd to a special oint ( oiii'iiiitee, and (,n the part tif lliis i!oii-.e t(, M,Polk,, laliiiondson, .Mel- - lior. Pit ki IIS. and .\i:.ou : and tha' so iiiih h as r(dai''s Ui .\j;ri( Miti.fe, he lefer- ed lo the Ceuuinillce (,n that sidjjcct. It w as resol\ ed, on motion rd’Nlr. Polk, lii.u .. ael'At C''ium;!ll.mi '].t_ .ludlv’..'.rv i i lit- to renuiin si- huit. whilst this sHick would of course tall into the coiumtui mass of that which is alread) owned by t!u- Stau* : but bear- iiu^ in iiiiiid tii.'.t the (ieueial .Asseinblv has long and anxiouslv ;-^ou;;-ht the nieam oi creating a hind, w i^;\out resorting t(, taxation, uhi'.h mighl uhiniatelv ]U'o\e cmimensurate to the pro\ idim: th-' i,ieaie of ediK ation, liirfuigluei! the 'State, f.):- that j)ortio!i oi oua ci; i-/.-'t,>, v. )io nui' . Ii'oin lime to tniie, h.- Ituiitt! dr',!jii e (d’ then', lie \( ntiir.'s .jU the hl>c.-!v of i , pi'ctfidly sn’jurminj^^ w !;,•'!',•:• I'.’.s should it be liio'ii-hl e\i.., tliei-i ,s.) ’ ' '■ ’V.i • W( " ' *■ '-'t'. - .1 ‘ .now th:t there isiTiUc'.i dissi.tl.sfaction, no i.iisapprchension, and in some quuiter-, cdiiv,!- erable mifritndly fctdln;;-. 'I'hat .-.iich •.lion! !'■; the case, is not ittan;,o-, when we I k at luc sums stjiian.lerod in ii'ele.ss aiul ruin.t i-.rul jccts, in the first atti'iiipt-, ;i; inipro\inL,'' (mi.' ,;- t. rnal comlition , but in pp-, lur.tl, tb. •. w.-r' tic e>;ertion.s of individual^ am! tlu v v. n th' krers. The funds of t!ie ,i, •. :.i ,} !,i ternal im roveii.ent:,, have, ua !:, ll. in ii; * instances, been safely aii.l iis.',‘'idi\ .■;piiiie'I; .ii'. if tlie anticipations of the s.tu.'.'fiiinf have n.a > i realized, the iia iv just e\ju t i.dion, I :uitl reHectui;,'', who hx.ketl not for the p .'inc.' ol miracle'', iK'ne been nn.^wt reil. 'Ve i conridfiit, that Wen- t!ie people niilli'- initly ap- pri/eil of what hux b.,'. n done, ttiii h .-f tia poptd:irity V. hi, b nov.' rests t,n the .^iibj'11 : ternal iiiipro\. nients, v.ould b. rini.jv.ti; in'ii.'- ol the bo.-,lile fieliiij;- Vvoiild subsitlf , in.i Ifeiieial s Iitinir nt W(,id«l be, tb:.t ii.ti rn.il ■ provement shouhl be sustained, ami .. ptU'ticiU'; the surplus funds of the state devuleJ to important olijcct Tlie attention (,f the P.mml of I’lddir ha'i bi I'll j.riiicijjidly d:r« et'(!, (iuring t!i" p-*'’ ye ir, t«) li.-r''!jiov.il (,f the lli.ts bebiw W ili'.i';'' ton, ;.nd tt, the cl- ariiigout of th. ri'. i r b. t .M>' 1-:iy."+ti vdle and that place. .Vs !:> die f>'- "’ ol th •-(• (,bjeets, v e are eniJ.’e.'d, on uml'i’'' taaiable authority, to s.'iv, t!i,>t tin ‘tire.—i' Mr. I iilion, ill this iinj.nrtaiit iind. rl.ik'' now iKii-iIly a matter of doiiljt, even v. di 'i' iiiO-.r sceptical. '1 he ( oininiiisiiMier'i c'f I'.'''*’ and se\( I'll (il’ th'.' nujst inti l!i^''eiit iiti.-’"' ‘ ihiiii.i^ion, e'.amiiv d t!ie works oii/'e.- ' wei k t r l« II.since, ftiui.d tiiu’ t!;.” 1^'' j tbeil'ims whici, ha." ivtii ericu !, i-; ):' ' ! sut li '.AS \. as pr (iicud by tue en;: r* ei'—^ "i ; eii'itna 1 is fi,i-mi;'-:, v.'ii.;!;, ina-l.Mt '■ P''- I t.'^ive u/that tii'.\ !i ;.K tl.v uihan* e,'■■■:• bi'’-! '''' • •'; dv !V ' •; ■• n- ' i I