.. li tl-o nritioii , iliat an cxporlenrc^l fsp- , vcvv iiitk-xitjif ill l‘is opinions, who liiis ilways ojiposccl to Mr. Fulton and the j.. ihc I'hits, uccompanicd the Hoard of ,!,|,c \Vorl*'s in their examination, and pointed ,t to them a river wliere it is now ifcn tl(.t(le» p, which, he stated, before tiu- -k'; v. cfc coinnieiiced, was uniformli/ dri/ at • w'itcr. operations of Mr. I'ulton in the viT between I’ajettevillo and AVilniins;toii, ■. 'ilso beer very fi’.icct.'ssriil, and no doiiljt is it-rt I'iiieil. tliat ho w ill succeed in rendering- . r'viv ii:ivif!;'uhlo at idl seasons of tlic ycnr. It to point out to any one, at all ac- iri " importance t! I- state of these improvements; und v.e Iu)pe V ;)i J.-0 f;ir to (or.vinco tli«; 'ncrcdiilous, and 1 vvlio eiit‘.i’^:*“’ fVi h«.;^tlle to the system iiter.i;.! inipro\ eniei'ts, tiuit .'■■nmff/ii’H', we '.u-lit jiistlv say, n gniit deal, has been (h)ne, i,l that tlie funds of the Ktato. have not been 'otoih operations on the Cape . now siisjiciKied, would be most unfortu- . tu the stat'.—a blow would be inflicted, 1 which't would riol rccover for years—the oi:rcitI/iu9 would be checked, id our wialth would fiov/, in a more ra])id vcani, into a!;oiril)i,s;’ states, who would profit (.m o'.irioll', aiid "'t {^tcw poor. \;.lolu)p tli; ti!K. people w ill not suder tlum- lii.:, tube delu'led by the clamor aliout ccono- j, . i-.r w hat in tli;s ease is rallnf economy, a .in./ '.tars woiihl ahov.- to be tlie most im- ! Xi'I!tr ^• 'H■ \\ ■ h.tve bren iiifur.ued,—and certain move- iiits ill tlie k i^'cslature eorroborate the infor- stroni>‘ell'orts are makiiii^ to abol- I’Miai'il of liiti nial l!ii|,'roveim nts. Should t Il'orts be s'.iecf >'fnl, v. e may then despair '.ng' an\ lliii';^ don'.’, for half a century to ,i;c, to call f vih ()iir resources, to improve hi*v rnal onil tioii (f t!ie st;fte, and to over- b\ art liiv' obstaeh s which nature has in- i-jjos. 1 to or.' con.nurc'al pni'-.pirity ; or at s', if int.’ ■' iinprovi'nifiits be :trrietl on, it 1)1 * ' ^ 1 exi'rtioiis (if iiid viduals, \\ho;e ■Misr r: Is can aecdmplisb but lillk, v. lu ll • V,Itb what tile int. i\ .-t and ri -])ec1a- ' tv et state ri (piii'f should l>e doiiv.-. II is r> i!s much to be rej,Ti tied, that a S( sbion of I, It ,s;.s'alure cannot pa-^saw a} , witlioul an at- ic'\ bi eii made on suine oJ‘o»ir most imporl.tiit I ijIic iii^t tutions or valuable laws; but this li! always hi tlu' case, not only in this .state, lit III e\ery other, so lonj;'as the. people jilace keir coiihdeiioi' in men who are incompetent Ithc (lut'.is which they uiukrtuketo peribrm, nd incapable of compiv heiuliiig’ the {j^eneral permaiKiit interests of the state. That Lre are S(.me such ini n in e\». ry k-j;’islatnre, in pn^^ress as \vi 11 as tin- lei^l>latun s of the dif- [»uit states, will not be drnied—men, who are Lr bus_\ to render themselvi s notorious, w!th- nt the ability to make tiiemsehes us(. ful; and li.i no k.'>s true, th.it men of this stamp fre- kki.tly acquire an influence, in public boilies, I proportioned to t l ir aitii.d merits, as it ;nK.rse to the enlarj^’cd views. lii'{ ral si r.'i- uit", and Tiiaiily 'ndependeiice of the ei.i ;;'h- iied slat I small. The lii>.tory ol cverv siato ir. I'niim .imply coiiliriiis the truth ■ /t^ie re- irk.s: and w' uidy wish tlie peop^Vouk! pro- by the h ssons of i \pi.rienct , ;.nl learn to tiiiouihli betwi 1 11 hollow ])roiV',sinus and real 'rth ; between fminnit/, whie!: is honorable as •11 as iiidisi)rii^:d3h; both to stat> s and indi- liials, ;uid piii'siniiiin/, which is low and des- ’able, w l;cre\tr'it is i’oiiiul. 'Mv. . j'.s!o/i lias bniiii';ht foi-’v. .iial a riv^o- lion in lh(“ House (yf Cotiiiiioiis to uliol- 1 the S'(|ir(Mnt‘ ('oiirt. 'I'his (^nith'nKtii I ms (lolcrniiiied to l etulei’ iiiiviseif coii- iciioii'.in sD.nii’ w;ie or otiiei s ii’ lie c uii- t hiiild up, lu' will pull fiuwi):—uiul we ‘dly hope !ie may Dot be iiis:ii)pnintc(l in a r.iiiie pci let liy cluii'uclcriblic Ills exiraoicliiiui y (iitalilies. "I’lu- editoi's of the II simmos. \e been re-('!'v'cte(l PuIjTu I'riiitors. We ml; I, rotalioii in ihisolViec as iieet'ssiiry, iiio'jicc-, inoi-e imj)(>rtant. 'I’!u' prin- dui'iuj^^ the year in wiiieli Me:,srs. 'II 1.aw { (Mice lu ld the appoiiuiKMit, iitiusiiaily well a!i(l j;a\c ih'imI V.,'isf.icfion; a:i(l we douhi not ie-a| jioiiiuiieiil wHild he c'l'rill) ti.d'.u. toi \, .Moiiduy last, Messrs. J. (.alr.s .V t! were re-elected public I’liiitiis of I'' M;.'le. T;-,,' V(/v(.‘s v.i-re a.s I’oliuws: J- 'ialeb 6s. Sot), 'J9; liell J.awreU'.'e, ^'e lake iliis npportiinity of '■ tiieiids 111 the Le;;iila'.i'.re, I'lal, ai- iinsueecshl’iil in tht' (‘ieetioii. v, e ly •‘pP>'- ‘iaic theii- iVieiiilly di' p'isi’ion ''■.U'ds Us, and teel e(|ualh as ^Taleful 'I'ein lor theii' siij-)port, as if ilic rebuit ‘I been iliiVerei11.--.Vr'i niui',i!;iv ibf! lion. Xi/hi!//ii! w as re-ch-c tvd Senator, to i i pre- 'I'is in ('on-'-ress I’ k- m\ jeafo ilh of Mur.ii ne>.l.— 1)111 And v.liut Is most cuiluus, in Mcndon, the honie of the lion. Jonathan Russel, Mr. Adams hud 16-1. and llussel und others hud Init 42. Speakincj of llu> ^’esidcnthil Eleriion, the 'V inc.hester Uoi.Miblicaii savs, “The result of the election for Klectors of Tre- sident and \ ire-Presirlent, in (his seel ion ol \ ir;inia, lias resulted in w hat, from tl\e character of our citizens, was to have oeen expecltv!. ']'hc caucus monsirr i^ stranc,ded. The liichniond plan to fore stall public Opinion, and coijtrol the vote ol tiie Slate, is prostrated. ^V'c kn-.'w it \youid he^ so.-—We prophesied it loni,^ since. The friends of Messrs. Jackson and Adams have an overwhehnin;^ ma- jorily. Neither of them were caucus Jiien ; and in votiu'j for either, the caucus ])rim:iplc \. as opjK.'sed. In many coun ties iheir trium|)h is triumphant. ' If Mr. C'. has been saved in any county, ii is as l)\ lire. 1 he papal see at Kiciimond is extinct. 1 he political pope must doll his rohes. And. that the I'.ichniond Mn- «]iiiier, and its Editor, are not iufallibl.- creatures, is now reduced to a coriaiir.y.” Confliisrrntion of (he. Capitol nf Kcnhirhf. —On 'I'hursfhiy morniiuc,-at half pa'it 7. tlie try ol lire was heard in the streets. The. S((t!c-l/oiinc U'ftson fn-c! A small bla^e was sc«.-n iiisuinp,- forth from near llu’ sum mit ol t!ie buikliii.L;-, sliootint,^ ii[) above tlie ball and vane aiul fast exi'-iidin:-- itself arouiul the cupola. In a few ni(jiiienls the cupola was wrapped in name;;, the roof and sides as yet untouched. I'or a moment this splendid editice stood, to compare .^-reat thiui;-s lo small, like a. vast lighted lamp—tlie hliizinjr cupola sliooi- iiit; its vivid ilame his;h in the. air. In the mean time, the devoui in;.j^ element was rajiidl) s}ireadin>>- amoii.; the coinhuslible m.iterials of the aliic story and beneath the roof, tiirougli which it bar.st in a luin- dreil pr,a‘( by Mr. De!any, V, hen Me:j->r&. Willlaiii.^ and Copes sprnng upon deck—The Ilob- her made a desperate defence, discharg-ed .a pistol at tliem, without ell'ect ; when he was bro!!j';ht to the deck by a blow };ive.i him over the head with a sabre by Mr. Co|;cs. ?.lv, ^V. had previously iii-ed a pistol at him, which missed, 'i'he assis tance of ihe C'ity (Juard was then obtain ed, und lie was safely secured until the morning;.—Charks!m Comicr. ^fn.ssa•hvsf-lts Slafc Prison.—I'rcni th.e late annual report of the Warden of the Slate Prison, ii appears t!u\t the present nundier f)f couv ids now in llie prison is 29;^ ol whom 8fi have been recei\ed with in the last year. I'hrM’e have been '.>r> dis- char.'^'cd within the year; t'> by death, lo l)v jjardon, and «(» in tlie compfelioti of their senteice. Of the present prisoners, 5 1 are blacks, and o'J white foreir,Miers— 2 have been con\ic!ed for-stove break- in.:^ and ihei’i, C»i of havin',^ eounlerleit money v. ilh intent to jiass il, ir> for im'r- f-dary, I 1 for fori;ery, and J.1 for otiieroi’- leiK.es—l'.M arc emphe.ed assume cul- tei-s, .)•,) as cabinet makers, 27 as luini>- eiT.. 11 as I'rush muk.*rs, he. 'I'he ('\penses of the year, iuchidin!^ 1 I, b!('. dollars, the ainounl of stock re mainin'^ liom llie last vear, dolh'rs I4);iid (dliecrs ;il tiie |)rison, dollai’s pr^id ollirei-s from '.be stat.' Ireas^ry, to- j;;el!ier wit.li exj)eiuiiliiri.’s i'or pr'j- visions, c!othitii(, medicines, atitl mate*- rials for laiior, amouuled to ;>r,(;22 dol lars. 'I'he receipts, ini hidin;;' 1 dol lars paid for sloiie,dollui s lor labor by contra' lors, and allowin';- li>,12!- dol lars lor slock on iii.m!. anv'unii'd to f)8,- 8,11 dollai’s. makiiii^-an aeee'S of reeeipls. or clear piajfil to tiie ('-immonwealtli, of IJll dollars.—/^/.s7o// Ihtihi .‘iflc. MAIiKl.lS. Fhi^tiU'vUu'.—Colton w as sellinr.;- in tliis in ks:, titan half i.n Injiir the tii,ihi.rsol hUes, at 10 and i:.] (lie root b;'i;'an to lall in. breaking’ thro' tlu' llotirs and c' ilinjjs and fallin!.|; i;ito I lie apartmenls bidov.. 'I'he uln.de interior soon resembled a roarin'!," furnace. In Ies. than iwo hours all lhal was combustible, with plasterins;, bricks and stones, was reduied to a j)ile of smokin;-- rubbish. 'Ihe walls, which were of bi'ick, the chimi eys, and the four cohimns of llie poriiio are left standing;. A small pari of the north wall, only v.dierc the win dows w('re ihick, fell (jow n. 'I’he I’ublic Oliices—the Auditor’s nnd 'I'reasurer's on the left—ihe Secretary's attd Ke^^ister’s on ihe rii^ht, ihou;>h very near the main buildini,^, were sa^ed and not injurc'i' cents. (Iroceries, in ;';ener:.l, abundanl, and at fair prices. Coflec', jji ime !ji;reen, 1>> lo-1 ceni'^; 2d and .Id (juality, 18 to 20. molasses, 2S to .10 ; sii;.;ar, prime, loi to 111: coninioii, 9 lo Chcran.—Cotlon, inferior to fair, 8 to 10 cents ; good primt', lol lo 12 ! ; cofi'ee, 22 lo 25 ; molasses, 35 lo 45 ; sugar, Ja maica, 10 to 1,3; New-Orleans, 9 lo 12; brow n, 8 to 11. C/ir/rhb'ton.—'I'lie Courier, of Nov. 22. says— ‘‘Some small sales of t^ood new Styi h/- amJn have been made at 25 cents, and Siin- A considerable portion of the furniture, i fo'n at 19 a 21. We do not altci- oiir|Uo- many books, and some pajiers and a quan tity ( f muslvels were destroyed. tations of Uplands, as then' bus 1k n no actual chan';e in l!ie market—,diliou.n'h This was amon,!!; the finest edifices in p(jine iery Hue old CoUons, and some of the W'estern'coinury. Its dimeni,ionr,— j ihe best of the new crop i.ave met pur- 100 feel lrt)nl by 65 deep, wiih a corres- chasers, to the extent of two or lliree hun- jKjiident heii'lil. llwasbnilliii 181fi, and cost about 3t',000 dollars, chieHy raised by the Mdmitary contributions of tlie citizens of i'rankfort and its vicinity. [('omnuntntor. In O % jit X''‘ttcv. tile home of J. (^. Adams, ^ ‘'.e ubiie '“b in. ibe liwine of T. J’k I,-i'.-;, .M-. ' "‘U' !m(1 • !), j'ii.Lcriiiy ..uj (^u;cr> I.hJ In Wateibnry, Salem society, about 10 days since, at a shoot in g- match, whilst a youn;.;-muti. ai.;ed 20, by the nameof ^^'ill- iam lit>ac!lv, jr. was t\ ing- a fowl, a riih' in the liaiuis of aiioliu'r person, pointed Itjwards the sjiot. aceidi uially wi ni otV, and the ball struck the \oun;;;man jusl above the hip as l;e was sloopin;;' down, and ]ni: sed lhr()u«h his liver. lli'livetl t w () (lav s a”. 1 ( \pired. blame is al ia' hed lo tlie ))erson in w iiose haii.ls ihe rille was. excejil tor cai i le^siiess. On such occ’.tslons too miii h cantlon cannol be exercised.—Xcir-Jhirt/i Jit:^i.slcr. IJdruci jlllvihpl. — A man caliin;i; him- sc'ii John Late, alias John Tardy, w as ar- i-eslcd bi'lvveen 9 a.iid in o’(_i(;ek on 'riiiirs- day evc'iiiii;':, in an a'lleii'jit to run aw av with the new pdu’t lioal (.'(im, and tlie N“- ivroe-. belon'4,'iii^’: to I.er ; e'.aniiii'-d llii^ mornin:^ bel’oi’e J. 11. Mileli. l', ilsq. ami (•ommiileii H’ jaii, lo t.d.e his u ial at the next Con rt o!' Se.sMons. ^^'e learn l!ie follow ini'; jiartieulars of his dariniravf—It ajipears ih.ii .Me-.si's. !).■- laiiv, Williams, aie! Corpes. bianeh |vi- lols, j)roprieiors f)'' ihe Ct)rn, aboul ten da.vs sinet', by some means became ac- ([uaint'-d with the la( t, that a man v, a. tamperini, v\i;l> the Ne}',ioe> conijx^siii;;- the rew (d'lhe lor llie purpoi.'' ol imluein:; lliem to join him in cariyin;'; her (dV—;ui![iliii;; tlu in w illi pi oiiiises cpf I'reedom, i-e. as a reward for llii ir Ireacli' t'rx lo theiri'wuei'S. 'I’he lu cessary sti'])s vvi !• jnit'K dia'ely taken by Uiese 'gentle men. vvliieb re'-ulled in a lull fliselosure ol the id in bv the Xe;yrors ihenHehes; and me iin w're taken for v.uU liiie;; lu‘. iiiiivcments, in order b) arresl him in the \erv-ait. Se\ei al ni''bts Ivid been fixed iii'oii lieiween him and iIkhc who weri lo assist him in earrvin'^ his villainy into eih'Cl : bt;l liuiu enr ei'iise oi’ anoil.er, it was delei’ied until Tlmr.-itiav eveniu;. hen a sii o;i>>; noi tliw aiai'y iiid lavona;;' his views liie aLlempl wa r.U'.de. .M.ss, ,. Xv’iHiaiiis and Co[’es b\d sn.reicd ti.ei'U-.il >i:i l!'.'' iioid ofil;.' jiiio'i l;i>a'. while Mr. > was'-t.iiione.l I'U board an adit/.v.ii;,:; ’.ci.el, to keep !i. ,\i the appoiiiled hour, lie as I I'oii >;lit i,''jii> an ,llier %> iKu i’, iiioiej; sidt- the pilot boat, in ti'e ^kllV, V. llli lii'^ tliilih', cii.a Ls. Ue. ..iii' inmii liateiy ;;a'>i' or,leis to loose l!ie fore-sai', .itiil ;.;i. t under w ,;,. _\l tliis niui’.ri .’• t! . '.'I,': -'.!'.I. 1 'I'-t; ! was ;\uuk died bale^;. al M l cents; but the pi ineipal sales of the week have been at 10 to IJ c'iits. Inkrioi- lots, of w h.ie.h description is a considt rable ])or'ion of tlial w b.ieh is no.' comin;^- in, is selliiiij as low as y or 9 cent.";." drorrric’}.'—Cofl’e', jn ime green. 19 els.* inferior to good, 15 to 17 ; molasses, .30 to 32 ; siig-ar, .Musco\ad(A 8 Uj 9l ; New- Orleain, 7 to 10 ; brovni. K to Kj. MAUlMi'.il. At the sc.'it e,f .losepb 'Vikoa, F'sq. U'.ar this ])’are, on ’i hursd.iy l.'.-,t, by tlie IJi'V. Mr. (’ahl- well, WiM.iA'i .1. Ai-kxa.M)i.!I, Lsip to Miss C.V rilAHlNK. I'. 11. .()V. D! KlJ, Ot Tvj)Inis fev i r, at the seat of ’ol. ,!ame 1‘orler, in tliis county, (;ii the Jiitii ultimo, .Mis!> Isvar.i.!. V 1! A H IT, daiij^hti r of du-late (iin. Da vid llartt, in the 17th vc.ir of In r :i,l;". in tb de.ii'i I !’ thii |;!ous an 1 «ort]iv \ oiin;.!,'1 uh, broliie.- ;iiultv,o sl>U rs, v\ilha iiiiiii' roiis and n speel.i'./ie coiaie.\l"ii acc bcrc.iv cd ot’ a mo>' fi'.iV ariii;,,'' \ oiiiv.j n. lati.f, and In.r a' lpiaiiitanec of a li".;!_\ aiiiiabk fi'ic iel. (ih! neiv sIk- sbiie- bi foi’e th;,’ tliron'', 1 n all tbv b(sMi1\, Lord, Aii'l til" .hort r.icc v\hicb she bus nn, ct .1 d!v iiu !'1 \v;ud. [rii^i-.n mi \ rf Ii. In ('Irii h's''1.1, on the (idobi r, at tlie acce of SI\l \ -sl.v, llie ! Ion. ( I! V ;i i.Ks I’i \ i. s i,v, a cit j.v. ii v\ lio diMi'td his liii to f iiin. improve, and su'lii.n di',- instiliiiioa-, ;'f his eoiiiilr\ . rofTco, Wines, Av. subscriber has lately rcccivcd the fol lowing UOUDS, viz SVdAFlS. 7~> Iihd;. prime St. Croi\ Su[var r>'J tio do .famaica do 1.50 bbh. Mu.'Covado Siii^ar, varioui qualities 7S boxes white 1 lavana .SUj^ar, very tine '61. do brown do bri^'lit color 20 bbls. l.oaf Suf^.ar. (’OFFKK. 100 b.i^s St. Dominj^’o Cofi'ee l.>9 (Itj Kio !(( 2l;0 do Cuba tlo 15') lo .lainaic.a do 75 liei’Ces do do IJHANDV. 20 pi|).s Draiidy, Sei!;nclti ’s brand 1’> 1«) do Otard, Hupuy N. Co. vcrv (dj 20 do do Ai'iiia,t*n;ie, (11\. 2.1 ]>ipes Holland (iin, of ji;ood cpnditv 5 do do do v,jry superior, import »l \ ia l.oinkjii 50 bbl.s. best Jlahiinoro Ciin. MJMIS. 5 pi])os p'enninc Madeira Winf*, O. M. X. ?■. S. brand; 2 butts old Shify, !ninori' dvi.i l.ondon; 10 (p’. casks e\lra priniv I'ort \\'iiie, of tbo mo' t ap|jroved brand, v\ arraiited t;'; nuine ; 1.0 do of i^’ood ipial.ly ; 50 ijr. casks L. I*. T n* rille \\ iiie; 2J h.df ilo (!o do; j;) ip-. r:e,!;s cai7;o do; 50 do Sweet Mala^va ilo ; 25 do .Malajja bhevry do. sr\i)inr:s. .500 ])i'.‘ecs Colton best Tialtir licrop, , 42 incii J loo k t;'s best \\ bite I,' ad, |''rouud in * oil; 8 casts (iv.-,h l.ondon Miislanl; 3o bail's fri-.h (iriif;-ei-; 5U il«> Snm.itra I’l pj)ir; 20 ba^s .laniaiea I’iinento ; 20 casks Shot, assorti d ; 10 do (,ead do; 100 du Nails ami ISrads, as--ortcd ; 2UU Iron |*(4.s assorted; IDU tons Swedes Iron, assortt.d; ,](; ib) do do A\e li.ir; 30 do tbi do New Sable; 5 do lMou';h .Mould.-), madv- to'jjat- tern ; 1,;-. •. rj)oul Salt in sacks and bin’vls. Ij/anLxts ni'.d Domcafir (tuoLh, on n() pli’res r ond.m Diiibl lilankf fs; 10,900 yards (inindy's ^^bi‘l• Plains; 5,OU0 flo do blue do; 5 KKlo i'.rcy do j-t; ilo DoiiKstie .Ne- t^ro ( lotii ; l,Ou'/' do dll S.itineits ; (i ci.st ?, -;teani I .oom Sli.rtiii;,'; K./ liales 'b> »'o Shea l.n:*'; 5 do 'I’iekin.u'; oo bah-s brown Sbiilin^'; 2o do do Sheetiiii;', made of !rlr;’n^ co;t()ii; 20 cases do rla'id lIonie-.pun-> ;■ 2 e;.:-.es Domestic Cover lets. The ;d)oye C.oods :ire ofl’ red for s.alo a* the ve ry hi\\-st market price, on lonii; credit forai) proved note.s. JOS. T. Wr.YMAV, Corvtr Jiani^e und Kait Tiay. Chaile.s'.on, S. (!. aov. 11—ttl.J .voTiev., subscribers will have in Charlotte, dur- J in;.,'' tlu- present week, a drove of 3 or 40() IIOCS, fiiit rati' pork, to be disposed if on fa- voralde ti riiis, probaldy at a credit of 30 or 60 days. 'I lu \ will aKo havi , darinf!; tbc s;une lime, m ar t d\’s sturi-, a di’o^ e iA' lou hc:id ; and the suiiie nuiiibi rat Coiieni d, on I'riday and Sat urday next. I’rfA .d'.d I he borrs :ue sild on .a i-r. (lit, notes', with fe‘«')d soeuritv, will be rctpiir- ed. DWID TAir,, s,\MUi;L m:\\ land. DiiTuihrr fi. J 82-).—I \. !• A':ilu:il»!c l*roj)(‘rtv. 0\ Monday, th>- !;Of}i of Oecembi r ne\i|kvill bt sold at I'ufdic Sa!i-, altb'.- h'le dwelbng'- house of l-'r« {k rick Duikins, lecea'.ed, ten or tu dve v;'.hi:djk \1'. .[{Oil's, n and women.) amon'.';sl v\ liioli are a:o)0'.l bla'.!'’^”:ili), two shoe- maki-rs, and a weaver. \l-o, ;i!l tlur crop" of corn, fod(k r;uid oats, a nniiioi r of I'ov.a s, lui^^s, and cows, loj^etber wldi ull the hon.s'b(dd fei ii- "itiire, v. bieh is valuaiile. Sale to continue from day today, until all is sold, .\lso, ;il til'.- same time and [dace, will be sold, four Ne^rors, ahorse, bridlr .and saddh-, anil other proj)i.rty, btJon!^in;v to the. cs1:i?«' of.lohn Dinkins, jr. dL-c'd., and i.t the close oflhe sale, will bv' lit the bind and m .'’roes, for one vear, belon;.,-ini^ lo tin heirs of l’r>.deriek Duilons, (ke’d. Due attendance and a n asonable ciedit will be i'’iveii. otlJ ' .IAMF.S niN’KIXS, ,'hhn'r. Q.J The edltorii die '.V. sti rn riirolininn will \ i- the ;d'ov;- 1\. o ins. 1-1 ions in li's jiaut r, au'l foru.ir.l Ills aceonii'. !o tbi!; olbei for p.., iiu'e.i. 8c S\v;w\ V»v»\\uv^Vs, \\ 1101,1.SAi !: \M) b*F/iAll.. liiliii;;’ Kr.riS roii'-talitly on b:'.i|d a eoinpb-te as- . •.uitMellt ol l.adii s’, Nos.v .s’.iiid 'hiMi-el.’s and Sh'iiiu HdhikIs, \ i.' fi, (irnl]( )Vi( n's I .c;i;li()i-n lf;its, ;ii!'l IS ri,!!/i.iii'U reci Miii., troiii \\ u-Voi l:, b_v i \e’ \ avriv.’.l, ill'. Lih.it ;unl mo.-,f .ijiprow d iiia-- Ai.'i'i, V ( o-iI'i.i T.". \‘ 'III r'!i. ■ r Ol /'a,',»/•// Ih'll dlHUl'-. '.'Mill ar;.- III!' ■! ;is!i,\ ,\s rui iie bouf'-ht ill i'.'-toii, I’eli :■ io :■ -I I.t ■ "I il si.s i! Ill ) ill W O' 1 I i! ). Movi n ,1". 1.0..;, •. .1 I..', k.l 1 'II!. e 111'. .'I b: -liiir,;, Morii .1 I li , (I. iliU « .Vv>\\eu. i W rrid:'y, tb.- 2 lib iii..t:int, th.e late (br.l!- i J mi,''-boiiS'‘ of lb arv-I’.ediy, dec’d. will Ik- ;.(dd, at public sde, ;ill lli- persoad f .tate (/i said deee;;.-,i d, i-nii: sliii.;' t i' four Ni r,r.». s, vi/.: a fellow, a iu;;To .'.oaiaii and el.dd, al;d a boy; borse>i, e.sttle and bo:;;-;; eiiM.ai, corn and fodik r; a pbiiitulio'i, wn;.';oii, fariiiin,; iiteii.sils, household iuriiitiire, Jkc. . ,Vlso, ;it >aine l.me and [)l.ice, v\ill b; sold a bkidy ne.n'ro boy, mid a (|nanlity of joiner’ tools, tile tsialeof Alir.ibain S. j|,i\es, d* e.M. .Vtteiul iiiee and a la'.i-.ona!ile eri-dil will I,.' Isivi n by 1). M’DONAl.l), Ju'in'r. Sail- to be;-ln al KJ o\ lock. 1, 18..;ti ji- .\ll pu-,oiis indi bt d to eltl'.ei- of ill.- ubove esl.iU s, ;ii'i i\ ipie.sU d to make pauin-lit iii.lhe- tb:-.i!_\ ; and :dl bavin;’' ( laiins ;ij'mii.-I said e-.- l;iti'to pr. sent tliem, propt riy aiilln iili( aicd. VViW nX Tbuv.vbis, IC.lb Dec mb r, l.'i21, at the b.te dv.t lillie-!lOUSe of \\l!!,:ill, \\:.!!ire. (b'(’(b aboe.’ f'ji;rie.-n or lil’ii en in !es iiori!i-i :i of CIk.i IoIU , on the wutei', >/f rlio k\ eri t k, ibe foil'iw iii;j prop 1'; , to vs:l : tiie plaiitui.on Oil V\ li'.'h be ia ed, of fiM- bllll'Ir' il ;ili'l liv e U( !'e.->, a' a ei’edit ol' ole', two ail'l ibree \i’.ir", e(|||:i! jj.iv iiiei t Tile 1 'lid is of a i.,'’jd ouub 1 v. v, i* b a i;’ood d\‘. i lblij;'di'ii|si- Iro n, i n 1 ;lb' •• I:. - i-( s,u!'' bilil;iuii.’;s, v.i.l.a j,nod \u !l in tl;'' vard, : 11 1 a j'ld iiie:Ml',-.v of ;i')oi;' i'.\i; or -.i'. ;ieri',. of iior e I I I ll Ov llMaii' It, .\b.o, the f(.!lo'.v iii'r |ir'iper1v. a’ ;i iiiondis:—one ne'.;ro hov, tiid 'dn' se , lion's, eov,and sliei A I ..o, cor:’ .«.!'.d toilte r. iid.oie w,ll M.\ I I lir.W W \l !, , . M.\ ri'iii.w r,. '■'''• I ' _ I I T r r'!'r.;i > of liien'.'.'i-i'.i'in v.-ev - (r-n.'ed. j I ' I l a i‘) V, a' ' .M i. I- ! ' 1.1,. I'.I, , 'I v;,.( 1 1 ;ibin\;'eoiii.S, np.;'i t‘' !• ■ ;;i-. | ; ^ ' ■. ‘.V.i'-. ■'•ee. !.,■ ■ ^i;/.- . ; ^ i :■ ')■ ^1 ii;, ! I ^I ■ e • ■. ili b :.e m! in j j .’.L'.l to ;.i .1. I. •' ir.ei.; iai: ■ '1 , : I — - \ M (.! ;'>!!» e ! ' ; r>' i> ' ' ■"'jrarn T. I)e exposed ♦o s d •. in ’’ ■ t' f 7 / Charlotte, on W-'d '- ' iT~-, tl;i; ,:t> ' .Tanuary lu \t, ail tbo e'iect- !•>’. n.';-'i ;• •‘I.-, late firm of (biw \ s c^N' .aii. ; coM,;iitln;ro( .. aud ek i^aiit. assi.’.’t.n'.'nt f t bon- -hol'l :i id. l.iTi l. en Furniture, amoniY w hi -b ;ire en*' L" • !.- I’o.ard, one set ot Dniiii,'T,>'d . fnic set uf t-'arti Tables, one set of l\;' ’! a'diall '.i ’lie fries!. niaho;^;uiy and most f I'bion dde v.e e:;.i!i;.j'n ;— aNn, one of the be-t niabop."i'i-. c' v■ ! ej^iu d.w I.ondi'ii Clocks, om'.' pair oi' ! i:u:v.; a parlour l.ookinf^- (d.isscs; .ibo"* iv-e”';. tiv,» beds, bed.stcads and f'lr'iitur.', conniosedof tin*, finest ni’.d be.st materials; st v ral se‘-;e.f Wind- Sf>r Chairs, .and a variety ef n x an.I tabb. furniture. All kir.u.; of kitein.n fnrnioiro in ciiiii:ifni use, a. ;,''ood Hor.-ie, t'.vii M:le!i Cov\ till' ([uaniity of corn, hay and fodih *, tint mav'' till II beor, liaiid, 1(>s’’etlu r with a number of oth er articles too t.-diou.s to meniion. The sale will b • on a eretlil of twelve inoiitIa‘. r. inds ami approv ed ;a eurily will be T'.'cpiired, forall sums ovir livi ibillars; for pui;,e bases un der tlr.it ani'inn', Ctn/r:-- JAMKS CDNVAX, / ),-r Pm-tnfr of f/t( Ji,-I/I f Ci.ICINI Cj/' /'(///. N. P. The S;i]o win continue from tl.i;- t'j d;iy until all i.S sold. At l^’ivjitc Sale. 'I'll \'r valuable and well known p. House aud I .ol in lie' town oi'« har- tiiil,AJ3 t 'i :!l?V bitte, oceupit d for Ihe btst six yeai-'i Co,van A ail, as;iboii' e (;fen- lei laiiitneiit. Its e'-nlral situatiun in ll;e town :U"1 vfciniiy to the Conrt-Ilouse ; its eompkt'; oicl'-r and conv enli at arrai:j;vn’eiil fiir tin- ent» r-. I.iii m lit of tiavelk rs and counlry custom ; its eapaeious, v/ell fVarned, two sOnied stabk ; it:; highly iniprov’erl j;;ivden ; its. n- at and convenient . 'wohioried kil'beii ; its secure lianieil Mitoki bo.i.se '.'nd lumber rooni, widi its larc^e cellar, ■' ecure and dry at ail .s asi.n ; of the ye;ir, to^elh- er v\ idi a never faibnj;’ wi II ( f exeellent water, com •..•nienl l(> the boiee and kitchen, will :il1bril to one isiiint;’ loli- ep . jjiddic house advanla- ^■es not surn;issed, by ;m;, in the sliite. Aiiv per son w ishin;,'’ lo pureiiase, is refjiiested to view the premise;;, that they miiy tpea' I'ur them- seb-s. AI..O, about forlyarr'tsof va.luablo land ad- j .briii,f the town land-., thirty oi vvbieb :ire in.*. ebi'eil and Well adjpled to the culture of all tho products of the roiintiy', I am disposed to sell the above premise'; upon i\ a'onable and iiccoiiiinodatin...’' terms, vvhicli cau l)e known by apidvin^;’ to .lohn Irwin, merchant, of Cdiarlotle, or 1 Ifjii.us J.. Cowan, of S.d stmrv. COWAN Chorl:H>, Dec.. 3, 1821.--5H1. (j J 'I'lie editor of tlii; NVe.slv.rn Carc lininn will f’ ivc llie L'bov e tliive in:.erlioiis ill bis paper, ami forwrrd liii account to i.hi*; olbee, (),'j (%‘llts ILL be {•■iven for apprehcndiii"' a runaway apprentice, named .lohn Mavweli, ami debvciiiifj him to the subscriber; but no i liar- j»es ])aid. All persons an? f'irbid h.irborm;^’or emplovinc^ him, uiukr penabv of tb- law. AI.I.IA JJALUWIN ('harfottc, Il'c. .S, lB.jl.—Jtl J Siloo ;nul (irocrrv, M^Quuifs old ,'^faml, hdow Mrr,. I'diTs Tui'ern. ITIIK subscriber h:is jm.t op' Pi'd a sm:dl i.sorl-l ment of SllOliS, II.VTS (jl{OCi:i.’IK.-i, S(decKdin I'ayelteville, exprevslv for retailing; purpose.s, and which hi now oilers for sale luii', for ( itsh. The fbllow'n^ arcick s comprise most of his pro* .sent stock : SID^KS, assort'd s'/es nnd rpiabties. .Morocco, Wool and \\ ;'ler I'roof 1LVT;^ T.oaf and I!rov\ n Siii^ar, ,!.-nia Cl .'Oil! si. Doniiiif^'o T'ofi'ee, New-I'.njrlaiid and .lamaica IJatii, r:rst (|ii dity '.!olasse.s, N'lrlli.-rii Cin, ('ot^ni.ie r.^andy, ■M d:ig'a W ine, J’rline Norlhern Cl.':osc, No..; \I:ick(r h il).son 'lea .Old Chocolate, Miiscali 1 I’lii^iiis, Sji;;ife-b Si M.'icctjbo} Sii'iltj Dupoiii’s I I r I’owder, D: r I.e id iiid Sliol, (,'ut ,\:ii!, :uid CoUoil Ca'.'tN, ,M 'inta' lur' d Tob;tt( o, S!i;^vin;7 r.ial !! ir Sonp, I'lVetN ville .Mould Candles, I'ijii;;’d !;ii!';j(), .\i,uld' r, C'!,^ Wh p', Doj; Sl.ln (.loves, lbi:d;I I '-•alt, oppi;.e , Liniiid Hla'd. mu', r.ollb- ■ and (;ort:s, COM- IX riO.NAKirS. he. .!oii.\ II. N'or,>iL’;r Chnrlitf, A:v. 2.7, 1JJ2-1 —.bll .S l l.AM liOAI S \\h‘. uuA ro b’CN HF.rWKIA’ (‘/irratv ant/ (j(-ar^(>'fon')i. OV. !!• IS of lluse li Ilts buve Ti s; li.Ct i VC- ly pt|> tlie;n ill the ln.tordir; tlnym-.i I imv.’ I 'iiiiiiie..^' til' ir lir^'t t rip', :i i.d v.-, II In .ifo;:-, :is l:ii- :e. is pr;.-tieiib|e, have t!i a''ov i; pi.ic, rej;''il;.:'ly and ab r.i.a'il e. a i'> unvve ..t, ;illd oin lole.i'.e e.,,!i |,!.e e ev i'_\ ‘lilee In !iv-^ d.i; I. I' ll Ho it V. li' IN iiiler to t!ie ilier, in e.i e (if ni l 11, e \ ( re ; 1 • i el! ^nru e \ d I |i M a;i'i .•.i' ty. r. 'I- r;eii''i has s:iiie'h'iied Hie ui.i.t- iin. tliai •• no b'lsiii'ss i., Vvorll. ;)Ui-''.i;>;, vb . will 111.' p:i\’ inair r.,.;.” To iM .-..il'i t il ,vpe'H'lou, ii’>-i'r:iece, \';ep,. cies a'l 1 I'oIhu's b ivf. l'.;-' 'i i-i .1 :it \ork, til'- i>- li' li'■ of wliK'li .il-'- ii.e;-i il '.o-,b:;i. P'.1>. b\ 0. ■'■ iloi'is, on die tl ilio\i! I ti I'ni. r.'e:;;b' (■! I n; l(.ii p' 7 . i" ■ , iiu';/.- ill"'' |i'''.. '.e : '. Ill e-e el b, tlii' I (,'I ,1, !,| il . v;d'i -l! '.I t' ■ p-l,; e,.,-;.;;:t „t ii;,y m.-u;, t iMi,. I p f.-'. V 1,1 il.' ; .1 ■.! e:,.. f, ;-*Ii o-’ one ]>( ;• i!. o:i ';■• \:ibi ■ 1 ■; i.i n,!i' , i, ' II,1'a-."•ene-n- I'-o.ub ,i> • i', .I- ,- Ibuiiii ( ■ .:u i old priee s ■''■■■ -id ralile r • br > hi'.- |.r.d ‘ I oil iii;.:;v o'!ier i-, ii, e i v.ali •bo'.'’ C I I I.ti,er ir. e'lii. V. 1 lb,' re ■ ivii , il.' 1(0; 1 to :i', , '•■■hi .i,-1','.' lei! I'