Si-f. IV -0 r.n !h r.f «'t:2 :u„l re ths nidkp of the Kci;. \oi.. 1.] ( UAltl.OTTE, C. TLLSn.iV, DKCKVllEK 21, 1834. [NO. 12.. IM 4! ISIIKU VVJ.KK LY I? T KMM'J. r,lN(.IIAM, , i,b iH.l-I.AUS A TfcUl, I'AllI IN ADVANCK. I m’ii t w.l! !jc {r.soontiniii'd, iinlcss .it tin /'oil ul until all umaragcs arc m\ KiiTist.v,KXT‘» Will he ii)Si'rt('d at the iisiial I'cr. i'll” in ailvi rtiscnu-iits, arc- vtid t>' no’t(. on the niarj^in llu- nunibt;r of 1-; 'ir.s, y vlll l)o contliiu.d until ibrbid, ■, .1 uciordinirh'. .\V.\V Ciiv VASn. illlf. ■'■lb-cri!". vs li:t\in^;‘ fntcred into part- r-.:i p ill tlic .'-Ii. I'cuiitdc lJusmcss, uiidtr .1 01 Sniillt (V/j'.sv*??, .'ntnriM tl>r piii'lic, tliat they will ii..ih t;i i-i to liic lotii oi‘ tliis niontli, :-.,l 'I'Miu nl '.'f auu V XV ill (lond: ;in*\ 1! low fi.r rash or proiUice t .1 t \|)v clcd out' ( f us w ill III.- a rtiuhid i :i nl' liu y af in ilic iua!'k.-t>. (4’ N'ru •I !.; V Ipii.a (ir i'ii I. k-Nton ; by tins ijK'ans r' i i oi'con^l i.ily w itli a n'cn- ' Mill! Ill of iK-w and hi-asonblc ^oc»ds; I,If luut.-''t ‘asii priCfS. iu,-k (.)•. (. !iOL i-lilhS u .11 hi-larpe and M M. >>!n il, M .M. C AUhUN. ). IS.'l.—5* •N'OTICV.. lTII.T, he exposed to sale, in the town o!’ ? Charlotte, on i-dnosday, the oth dav of .lannary next, all the cll'i.cts Ijtlonjyinp;’ to the late iirin of Covvav c"’ eousistini^(,f a lar^'c and elc.^-ant assoinmcnt of houselioUl and kiteii- en rnrnitnre, auion^f which are one lar{;v Sidi I!o:>nl, one set of Dinintjf 'I'ahles, one .set of C'anl I alih s, one 1 ot 'I'La 'I’ahh-s, all of the hnest mahogany and inost fashionable mechanism ;— also, one of the n.aho)jany cased ei^ht (lay I.ond(>n Clocks, one jiair of larj^e g-ilt franieil ])arlour i.ook iig' (.lassL-s; about twentv-live beds, bedsteads and fiirnitnre, composed of the finest and best piaterials; several sets of Wind sor ’!triir.‘i, and a variety of tea ware and table furniture. All kinds of kitchen furniuire in connnoii use, a good Horse, two .Milch Cow.s, the ()uantlt\ of corn, hay and foiiiUr, that may then In on hand, toj;-et!u r v. ilh a number of oth er articles too tedious to mention. 'I’lie sale w ill be on a credit of twelve months, lionds and aj)])roved security will be re(i\iire(l, for all sums over live dollar.s; for purcluuies un der that amouht, ('ns/i. JA.ML» COWAN, Sfrrh 'nL' Purlntr of’f'ie Jlr/ii Ilf ( incuii ^ rm'l. "S. TV The Sale u ill continue from day to day until all is !>olu. ‘/or S‘iMl:i(lc! i'lIK su')M‘i'll)er h.ixine; eslabh>lu-d a I l.iiu of l’.\( Ki-.fS lu tw eeii IMiiia- ' \\ liiini);'t.ii, . C. inkt s Ibis metiKHl At Pi’ivivte Sale. 'ril AT vahiaUle and well known ji]^, II»>use a;ul l.ot in the tow n of 'bar- ■ i; t lolte, occupied for the last six years hy Co\. an i’i \ ai), as a hou >e of en tertainment. Its central situation in the town and vicinity to the Court-Ilou^c ; its eomj>K te order and convenient arrang't nieiit for the enter- tainm' nt of travellers ami counlry custom ; its ca]).icions, w» 11 framed, two storied stable : its hif^'ldy inipro\fd garden ; its m at and convenii iif two storied kilcbeii ; its secure franted smoke house and lumber room, with its larfje ci liar, I secure and drv at all s asons of the \ear, tc g'l tb- I.; t.K-i)iiMif, a ve>)»el Will lea\e \\ il-. ,• » , ‘ n 1 • . I i.erwitb a neM r fadimr Well ot e\et lli nt \v ati . I M r\ I'Mlavs. Produce inteiKud ' - x ^ ..i i ii . i -h n- n.i e, w ill i)e reC'.’ivedand forw avd-1 -i - * i i i- t i » Thompson, Ksn. of l avctteville, ' >1>9 -.ovv NMi.ttiv^ of W :lnnn^•ton, »ot surpassed by .any u. the state A'.y per- ,, .,t r.U sof freight, and K e.x|7ense , ,7" f-. '> ,' k-w ll;a;^..;■tllreeJ;V;;,d^es,elsu,•lhe[raae,:''‘;;P^‘•^^^^^^ | 'I byeari fiil caplain.s, well aetjuainted | 1 iiast, aiid ealuns well ntti 1 for the ac- convi-iiient to the house andl%'tchen, will allbrd J. F. cS?.10liX LflMMTT, fVluflcHcile Grocei‘S^ llAV-riTHEKT, FaVKTTKVU-LV, N. C. OFFKU For. SAl-K FOK CASil OU PUODLCK, 15 hlids. ^ ciw \ u 5.5 bbl.s. > 10 do l.oaf do 65 hags CotVec, ‘JO bags l*ei)per, Alspice and Guig’cr, 20 hlids. .>rolasse.s, 23 bbls. N. K. Hum, 10 do Northern jin, 5 do Malaga Wine, [40f/. 200 kegs Cut .\ails A Brads, assortad, 4«'. to .)0 tons Swedes Iron, assoi'ted, loOO do Hooj) do 20UU do sheet do 1000 do (ierman Steel, 15aO do jJlistcred do >’jO do Cast do 2500 Share Moulds, loOO bushels l.ivi i-pool Salt, 700 do Sounil Sail, ‘S-0 boxes No. 10 CotUm Cards, 10 do No. 6 W ool do 10 ;lo 100 reams Wrapping, Paper, 25 do riting I’ajjer, 50 kegs i ri- Dupont's Powder, o do shot, assorlctl, 2 do liar Lead, 10 bbls. Tanners’ Oil, 20 do anil 20 half bbls. Mackerel, H crates Mune Jugs, asiorud, 150l» lbs. Salt Pelre, 5U0 do Alum, 500 do lirimstonc, bagging, liale Hepe and Twine; wrrii AN As^(iiirMK>T oi rainls, Oil aiid Jhje Stuffs. \ L.SO, A constant sujiply of Oclithu' Jf-', 18J1. htlJ TVvYKTTi:\ li.LK? lioin'iM J:illV;iy '5 (t>. Conner’s Kstute, Also, about forty arni r.f va^'uibl;’ laml ad- Huvc rccoivid llicir i'uil 1 inporlution of . 1 . . . . i the town lauds, tiiirlv of whicb are in-■ li I" /*/!/! liC r'";' ■d,„,-.Un.l«ciU,l»pt.,H.;tl,;;cuUur.ul-allU,.i i'OOIIS, |,r,„ii.ct, ..f till' n„ii,tpy. .-•SfWt IVom :,s- I am disposed to sell the above\es upon sortment inciudi s almo.'.t t\er> uriick- needed n asonable .'Viui aceommodat ng terms, w liic>\ can in a c luntry Store. bf known b\ appl\ing to ,lo!in Irwin, mereb'int, j Tli'\ nuite all responsibli' dialers to comc (if Charlotte-, or riioiuas 1.. Cow.m, of Salisbur\. , and buy on as liberal terms of endit a>. are gi\- .lAMKS CWWAN.’ Ch,r.-h>!h, Ihr. ?■>, lR:.k—jtU (j:; ' l l'.e editor of the \\ e>tern Ciin.linian w ill give tlieabine three inst-rtions in his paper, and for»^ard his account to this otlice. ;uiiie so great a manufa;turing . t ,it cott' U tai\ be sold to some evtnit, ..‘.■■I 1' ig',- to the ow’iKTs, tile consumjition ,.t j,ri ,v lit alioul t\\ i-nty tbousaiid l)ules anti w'11 n idoubl i)e soon gi'eater. J.VMi'.S P.VI' ro\, ju'n. ('mil in I ■’( '/i Ml I'll I nut, Ni,). r', \('rth l-’ront-st. Philadelphia. S'plfwh,. . lK2l.—inim en by any Inijxirter in tbe 1,'nited Stat. boiisi-s intiiistown have imjioi’ted so largely th’s >eason, tiiat the amount ol' (.ocds lure, at ])resent, far exceeds that of any former tiUie in oiu' experience. The slock of (.UOCKUIKS is (?(iually exten- Snj**ni% (’on\*e, ^Vines, S>\C. / Win-- subscrihfi* has lately rccclved llic fol- ^ lowing GOODS, viz • Sl(i\KS. 75 hlids. prime St. Croix Sugar 30 do do Jamaica do 150 bbls. Muscovado Sugar, vaiious qualities 7:i boxes white iluvana Sugar, very iine 61 do brown do bright color 20 bbls. Loaf Sugar. COFKrE. 100 bags St. Domingo (JofVec 150 do Hio do 200 h) tUiba do . 150 do Jamaica do 75 tierces do do HR \M)Y. 20 pipes Brandy, Seignt tte’s brand 15 do do 'otard, Diipuy &.Co. veryolcl 20 do do Arniagnac. (il\. 25 pipes Holland tlin, of good quality 5 do do do very superior, import ed via London 50 bbls. best IJaltimore G’n. AMNKS. 5 ])jl)ps gtMiuine Madeira Wine, G. M. Ji S. i)rand ; 2 butts oUl Sherry, imported via L(mdoji; 10 (|r. casks extra prime Port \\ ine, of tiie most approved brand, warranted genuine ; 10 do of good quality; 50 qr. cask'iJ.. P. Tenerille AN ine; 20 half do do do ; 50 (jr. casks cargo do; 50 do Sweet Malaga do; 25 do Malaga Sherry do. SlM)]^lb:S. 50(V pieces Cotton 15agjring, b( st llallic hemp, 4: mcb ; 100 ki gs best W h'lte Lt ad, gi;^ound in Oil; b cases fn-sli London Mustard; oO bags fresh tiinger; 50 do Sumatra Peppi r; 20 bags .laniaica I’imento ; 20 cask ■> Shot, assorted; 10 do Lead do ; 100 do Nails and Drads, assorted ; 2U0 Iron Pots, assorteil; 100 tons Swedes Iron, assorted; 3U ill) (h) ilo Axe l!ar; .lO do do do Ncv ’Sable ; 5 do Plough Moulds, maile to pat tern ; Liverpool Salt in sacks and barrels. Uhntkela and JJouic-sHc (luods, ^'C. on c(insi^nitu'7il. 50 pieces London Dufiil HlanTcets; 10,000 yards (irundv’s wli.te Plains; 5,000 do do bli.c ilo ; 5II.J do grey do 5-4; 5,0U0 (lo Domestic Ne- gro’ ; 1,UU0 I'.o do Satinetts ; (i cases Steam IJth No\ember instant^^Jjfc^ Loom Shirting; 10 bales do do Sheetmg; 5 io sold.'-ut Public Auction, at the Ticking; 50 bales brown Shirting; 20 do do (',^„„.t.i,^,use‘in Charlotte, on the hrst dav of Shei ting, n;ade of New-Orleans cotton ; 20 cases the follow mg xaiuable Lands, vi/ . do Plaid Homespuns; 2 cases Domestic Cover- . onetract of 2uO acres, more or less, on Steel rr> 1 r i ^ ' CrceW, ilivised by John Dinkins the elder to The above (.oods are ofTered for sale at the u'hikins, jun. now dece;csed. very low i st market price, on long credit torap- i>rovcd notes. JOS. T. AVr.YM.\N, Sale of Properly, hirini' of Xcp'ocs, and Iicnt of J.tnnlft. ON Monday, the .Id day of January next, at the late* residence of Henry ( onuer, sen. dece.ised, in Lincoln county, will be sold n number of Cattle, Horses and Hog’s ; a variety of farming im])leinents and gear, wagons, ^cr.; household and kitche-n furniture ; a large (jnan- tity of Cotton,.mostly in b;des ; Corn, and (^thev grain; ha\, fodder, ^^c. w ith many other arti cles too teiiions to enumerate. .\bout fifty negroes, many of tlu ni prinic hands, will bo hired until the 1st of January, 182G. Also, a number of excellent 'farrns will be rented for tbe ensuing cropping season. The sale, hiring, and renting, to continue from day to day until the same is completed. A credit of twelve months w dl be allow ed; other terms made known when the sale com- meiiccs. Due attendance will be given by JOHN F. HHKVAlfD,^ , )>ANL. M. Ft>KNl'Y,S Linrnlii Coviifi/, Dec. 1, IS24.—3tlo N. Ii. All those indebted to the said estate and who may still wish to make payment or re new their not* s ]>revious to their being brought into suit, will find tht-ir notes, after the above mentioned time, in the hands of Marilett Shipp, F.sq. who will have tin.- nectSiury iustructione how to proci;-d in the bcttlemi ntof the same. riihlic SjiIc. , WV. sh.il1 expose to sale, at the dwelling house of \vilow Sarah Carson, five ne groes, tile properly of part of the K g.iti es of John Carson, dece;ised, to v> t ; one woman ami four of her childri n—oiu-boy, aSuut .’1 yi aru of age; one mulatto giil, about Ij or It) of age ; two younger girls. 'I'weKe moiali* credit will be given, and good security require.l. S;.le lo be oh Saturdav, th.e 1st l'i\ of January, 1SJ5. J. A. SAMPLL,> ,, , .LC\MLN, Jhrrmhn- 7, 1324.—2112 " A'nluable Lunds lor Sjik*. I y \ irtuc of sundry de- crei s from tbe Court ^ creisiromiue ^ ' Equity, bearing date jtii No\ ember instant, «V. W i\ViViVjV*\l, j Valn!il>lt‘ rro|)(‘rfy. \CoCii/l, i louse ii' Ol'nuuicillill |\\ Momluv, the 20th of Detrmher next, will 1*A I N’l'KU. ! 1 * be soKl at PnMie Sah', at the late dwelling- t,ri i;\s b,s thanks ti, hi.-, friends and the '’i‘>use of I rederlck Dinkins, deceased, U n or 1 \ 111 'ii t.ji't u'iiht i\il i‘iiCoiir:*Li’i‘iiK‘Ul V* Iticli I vvc Ivc v:iUi:il)U- NI’-IiUOIjS, (Iisl n iiutl w . v/' *1 kJt- . ri. .x.!\ r- '.xiv a, and rcbp-i’liulh .solicits \vli:rh arc :i g-tioil blicksuiitli, two ?>h() , AuCtlOll i OlUIIIlSSlOII i.* ,t (it p He IS prt p; ’ ' ‘ Counlry dealers, therefore, have many more adxaiitages now, tlian heretofore, in tins maiket. J \ t/Jtnl/k, 25fh tJrt. ia2l.—HtL) il makers, andawea\er. Alr-o, all tlu' crop ot of Puint-ng in'his 1 ■; andcuv' J^oru, fodder and oats, a number of horses, hogs, ihu tlieir work neat- and cows, togetln r with all the liousehold turn- jt rjYiyrmrjLL/:, x c. IHI’ subscribers ha\c generally on hand a lirgo sujjply of Cnnirr VntHvt Jhmi:e aiirl Ltirt Biy- Charleston, S.C. Nov. 11—111.) Vvo'^\uuu it S\va\N ANuuutls, WllOLKSALi: AND KLTAIL. KFF.VS const.mtly on hand'a complcto .-is- sortment of Lacies’, Mi.sses’ and Chiku'cn’s H 1 con;I ■ \M • I 1 1 Iron I a!iy W iJ ?d by ’.h* T 1C (i> Jut i. the 1" ( a 1)' ■ ■■ N (.. • 1C oi:.'.' salV'.v id ;n'. lie ol : ■ ■J MM), ^ 1 ^ Ihe ■o.uN -H| V, T.m:'.! ie !)• ■' . 1 i !■(•(. M ■ [III pi' (.1 s hti;’ ), 1,..'/.: . ^ J i!d u !t il d. .-.p.iieli. itiire, w hich is \aluable. Sale to continue from _ - in tile countrv will he done m ‘l;»y today, until all is sold. , (ll'OCrrirSj J)n/ ItOOds, c\v. ’ ■ I Also, at the same I ml- and plnce, will he sold, I four Negroes, ahorse, bri.lle aud sa.Wlle, and ,.,i, ,,,.i„ced prices 1! I >1.1 ch.Ill s re-p liiited and re-guilt , i) i, 1'- 1. —Mf '1 he following articles -re at present in Store, other proptrly, b'. hniglng to the estate of John , I D.nkins, jr. dec’d., and at the close t f tlu sale, i I will he let tiie lind !tnd negroes, for ...V • ' V '.1 helonu-ing to the heirs hf Frederick Dinkins, W IS (. d s.olve,l t.;. ir .-o-par IK r.lnp m the an.l a reasonable credH t Pli\-.,c, ri turn tiie.r tiianks to .M Kin/ic s Caldwell. (h'c’d. i)ue attendance and a reasonable credit 1;.- i.T-,iK p.itroiiagi. wlreh tiny have J \MES DINKINS, .7^//hV. I. ami ri >pecttiillv retnu r>t those mdelit-1 . .In to come forward :.nd make setlle-. a: Tl*e editorof the Western Carolinian w,l 1,^ |,\ -|,(iii . ; gi\e the abo\e two in.urtions in h's pap r. and IL, A. r 1 ■'i, loJi. 8tl' I forward his account to this oilice for payment. A ^ I lilt- ml shortly to move out of this | \i'4» ii!l tiio> wlioiiri. indel'tKl to me * * . , , n .., • ,.U .siilie U d lo settle theiraecounts fAN Friday, the 21th n.stanl, at the late (hvell- A I ' 111 11 II u lit. i » iiig-lioiisv- lit lUnry Cadiy, 'f( c’d. u.II be | I?OliF!ir M'bl\'/H’.. UoKI, at public sale, all the personal ,\'l;ii:iiistiat'on were rrai'te*'. . I, t iiiiier rei'in, IMJ l, .!M' \ , llpOh Uu- I s*ati ot 1)1'. (■ I III of till- 'li •I'si I1-, b-\ ihg clam,s. ai'i- r-'- :t I'-' :li willlin tl;r I Jl'.- pr. - ,iu . or til ■> I 1.11 V. ill bi |-,|. 1.1 III . and .:ll iial' i'ti (!, are re- p,‘V in>. lit .iiun. di:j ■ l_\. ' \ \!l r.l. ilKNDl'.ii'O.N', ..'.//i(V. h'r 1, is:,.-, tl : — ' said deceased, consisting of four Nef^roi s, \i/: ! a ft I'.ow, a m gro woman and child, and a boy*; horses, and ho}is;-connii, eornand h»Kl. r; a pl.mtalion, w.igon, lanniiii''uleiisd:-, I.jhisl Loitl furi. tiire, J.e. iuie and plan', will be -aihl , and a cinaiitit' til Jo.iii r of A'Tibam > tl '■ ' 'i, : ’i d a ri ;'.'‘:u;i'il- i-i-eiht v.'II I i) M i)ON.Vl.l>, ..'i.'iii'r. * !o i.'cloi k ;i 1 Je 3 pipes superior Co^niac Hrandy, a hhds. and 15 (jbls. N. F-. Hum, 72 do. Suniuuii .\lolasse?>, 4 do. prune Muscovado Sugar, ' 15 bbls. country liin, 5 do. Copperas, ”4- do. Loaf Sugar, 35 lo. excellent lirown Sugar, 7 tp . casks Sw Cl t ii'.e, 10 boxes .Madiria and Slicrry Wine, lu Ca-iks Clu est, 2 do. Sad In.iis, (i5 bags Coi;; e, 2’J do. Pep])( r, 5 do. Piiii-. iito, [(Uass, L>') boAis and half boxes .'?'by 10 Window 5' I ier oi the t- p-i\ iiii lit iniiiu - s ,i.,.i!:i.t -i.iid 1\ ai.liii iitieati de. do. 10 i>\ IJ do. do. raiir\ t d; ss, Tuiiiiih-r-; .V Decanters do. l-'.i\vite\lile .Mould C.'Uidles, do. li.^r >oa'i, !o. rlub s, ^ ' . i'm. \!ii-1-i"i!, lo W !iit'nnor>' Cards, \|iu I'ieaii .i,s a-.-.ortt d >■' di .u\d J.Tiev Iron. A'--, a ■.'•I ;;rl..l as.,.|-tl.e,'!il i l \)\i\ (.0(H)S, ( I ! 1 : i;V, ;. •• w iLi.txiNt r- co. r,ii;.i-t':i>, X (If. IJ, —I- Another tract of 3uO .icres, lying on the w.v ters (if Sugar Creek, 2 mil's tmni Charlotte, ou ' the ro;ul leading to tl'.e Old Nation Ford, Cam- I den, fciC. ' A credit will h(? given on the above sales for one and two years, the purchaiers giving bond jiiid approveti security. AJ.SO, A tract of twenty-six acres, lying on Waxha\tf (.'reek, containing a V(iht(tftl(‘ (irisi, an.d Suw Mill, known by Walkirp’s Mill.i. In this case a cred it of«12 and 1» months will be given, and bond an.l suiVicii lit security re(piircd. A1.>0, One o*her 1r.nct, lying on the waters, of tho jAi'liorn and Sfraiu Bonnets. A, OcntlcnKTi’s Lei^liorn Hats, and is constanth receiving from N«.;\V-York, _ , eNcrv arrival, tlie latest and most approved fash- , Catawba l{iv-r, containmg lti4 acres, formerly till' property ot Jo'ri Wilson, lunv ileceased.— months nill bi. given, oia, A CUM I'l r.TF. ASSOIITMKNT OF raucif itrif (ioods^ which are otFereil as low as can be bought in Charleston, Peti rsbnrg, «')r elsi w he re. 40 cases I t'ghorn and Straw' lioniKts, 100 ni sts 15 Hid P.ieves, '^0 de/,. W ool Hats, 15 do. Morocco do. lU do. i.ooking (tiasses, 40 do. Kiiives .uid forks, S;c. Sec. Country merchants are ]);.rticu!.irly n quested to call and i xau.ine for theinsehe.->. Jlcij..'.!rPif, riii/(f/iriih, ^ ' Am-. 20, is::. s 10* prop. Ou thi ■; a civlit ot 12 condition of txuid anil g(.od si cui'ity . All the above Kinds are saiii to be valuable, and are sold for the benef.t of tiie legatee;.. D. U. DIM.AP, L . M. i:. Nov. 1824.—7i 14- I !ii’. ill !> (' riir.i- \ ( i>. i-^ii-cucU II. '!imi-I.iii.-.I"-*'': .i'-;' I iurdii'iiri and L a far!/, r.vcrt f.'om^ lati''. I U, ir p;-. '. ;e.- ortiUi n* c iiri'-!', II . i-ill} ki j;t il! s uiueh l.u gi'i' t Ikiu 11'.ua! ' -.v hull -.ah-, to re.>|)(.i\.-.i!)li l;li. ral credit. :UII: (>.t. 1M:|,- Ki 11 \V\\\ \!so. at n. -i-o rsons UVvl'iUW.WS. tl I \b I W M, .st ot , , , , amouiii ot ’ w .i;i of 1" ri'us ii'i pn in i\ of .Mai'cb ['loT' tot! I.ll-f ■ I w lil V.:\ piTsOil r tbre. r.iM 'lud \ II w I Di.'-ll.l W lil >o;ll.- liia. mo .It ni\ V ( I I M', I;..I »("> aid. ‘ r! 1, r \i A r! iii.i;. .UW IN n 1 Li.ia i't i of \i‘i\wA Vi>\‘ Su\v‘. / ji Iir. siibi^crib' r oll'i r.s for s.ih- a tract of land, ii.1, coiit-.ihinj.'- .ill'/ae.rcs, u]/on tbe waters of Sugar Cr»-i k, ieiniiig Dr. .{((In It w.ll be :,old eiUu r bv lots of 1-U acres i aCli, ijr the w hole, as ti-e piii'i'iiusi-r may iie iiu luied. Tlios._ w i-hiii}, to Miii i-baM-, caii apply Id {he suiiscriijer, tirtoanx ot lh» iieij.hljur.-i adjoinin;; the land. JOHN DOW. 'Mchh iil.vr'j: Co. ;V v. 2T, 1 ‘.'if If tlie a'.io. I- hiiiil is eoi sohl lu fore I'e'.ruary ('•lUii's oiirt ||\ jir,’ s.ile, i; V. ,11 be si.ld : t pi, >l'i- aii. iii il, uu .Mel,.''IV, fill- llr^l dav i.l' ihi e-,ut-.. ■ ‘j- D- w liieb tlu y ol oiint; \ lUakr; 1h il.,1 I'eh l)i cvu'^i-r. IfC!, d\\ I limi, li(;i-,e ot’ \\ ;lli..ui N'. Hit i'li'rii.-eu or liite. 11 ni'li-'. poiiii ■ M -, (ui til'' v\ .U I s of !.ii k s I la I. k, ling ;>ropi rt\, to v. it : tin- planu-.tioii I 1- iiv.-d, oi liw- biiuiiri (I aU'l liv e ais i t ( f 01.1 . t .'. o an 1 thiTi- \ V ;ii's. I (|ii il . Tli,' l.iii.l is ol' a ;.,oo!l i,."'!"'' I i,ngs, witlia ;;oo'! \,'ij in * i ' };'.i''.. I n,i .iilow of a'liMi* i;\(>r six aTi s. ;,t .1 I I^!' i: I !u st I 'ck o,' ho!-- , .1'.". -,:i • I . .\l II, a quantity ot . and lb-,!.I' \‘t, ii.;a,i;-. v ill I;'.- ■ n .\!AII!1I\N \!.l,I., S \ork\iiip Eiook S!iiKU‘i-v. r' 1 'li F, sub-( T,liif beL'"'' I a \ I 1., 11itorni t!:e pub- I I c iil gt lH-r,il, that he carries o,i tlu lln'i/,-- //,/,(•'///, in all ;ts various branelu s. H.i.mhi; supjihrd ii.insi h with- the In'! ..I' n.atv ri.iU, In w.ll e\; cute \\ (,fk in the lu ati st nianiu. r ain.1 o;i liie 'tiorti. -I not,ei-. N. P,. ,\ll or.!, rs f(U- I’dank and Copy P.ook- will be pnnciilal'v .i1' iiiK d to. ‘Ml 11. IW". C Mri'I'.HF.T In l?cal Mar!ie‘’>:l. '!T H.\N'F, already tiiosc in(le!tcd tr» ,1 me to make payment ; but M-ry few have, jiaid aiiv atti ntiou lo it. 'I hose who have mit, I wf'uUi inform, that I intend st.irtlngto Charles ton on the tiiird d.iy i *■ .l.innary, (w inl and viather permitiing,) and shmild la;l to see nie before tliat time, tlu v may call C/it WiHiuin Lucky, or .some otlu r‘otliccr; as I /jmifirdi/ nnist have money, ami shall be cou pelled tore- sc.rt to the law as the only n.rans i,i'gi Itliig it. Tlare are some w'.io think tlu y .-tn not .unong the number, to whom noti, i-s of i'ms kind aio dirLettd; b'll such lli.t' be lii':st;.-k t.CKi'.N KKNi)HICK Charlo'ti-, Dec. 11, L'-t. tl.> liM. BFTWLFN Tue ,.!av, th. Kt!’, (;f Xoven.bor, aiid Satur.ia', ’l.i -ilh ol l)i n i'- r, .'/.i/-,- jii'i ('iillrrf. iiiosllv in thne di ll.ii’ bilN. eu tlu' H iiis—tliere w.IS l.nt -a s,uglt- (,i.e iiili among them, 'lb'- iiioiny w.n v.r.ijipid iii a small -|iu (-.• of a new ^|.a[)el', and .s s'lpj te. have dfoppi-d f:om tb' poeki 1 licok it was placed, uln ii tbe book w ;is .j, reasonabii- e(>mpell^atil.n v% ill !u- r e one wboni;: ^ f()UI 11 or s|,,dl lin,! t rit irn it to ilu- subscriber; (,i’ to i; \ w ,11 i;ive him such inforn.i.vum us v.dl enai Iw him to gt t it again. .lOHN U \LKF.1?, fhno-' rS. — Stray lioi*^t‘. 'TU I'.D tVfi:n tie' sub-icribi-r. 1 w liichi :d. A to :mv Md ■.^ .i! ,e V. bo WvwAsuv V'\w\\v .Mvvk'ni;;, IJ.M 7V.\, ,\ (' .’ni:F. snbserilu r eont.ian s to t i.ny ou tl .1 a!,ov I b 1-im-ss, iii . 11 i'> \ :.v eiis bt-ou Ik and is eoii‘-!:iiitl' pri-jiari li to till ;;i,\ oide!s. I vv'.lli m itn- and b' b. Il- i , i' gtiit-. I,,I | :,ir til'- i Mi i.nfii',1 iiir:.' w bn-li liv- l.;i' il.. a!\ .• ■ | s iliat t V • • '.t. shall bi- iisi (I t' I,., I-, v.ill be s> ,i! tl Mii'ti s. W'tb n a i-er.- i\ ab.l t'l :ial . \p( I" N. i:. .liia:;- 0.1 short notiv.'. aiiv of tl uiai.l ■ e - il!' w; Ml . Me- ■ I. ' i n (i\ (' I'll.; i.i; ,11.-sr. rr.-.ION M^;.h

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