I'OI/I ilv. I r.»>J i 'i. J‘ .Hi* lOT.lO. n ho foi’.o i in;7 r li :m; !. ck si'viptiw', soncf is till- 1 t - f ( nr. r;i,ci. im, thi: p:tstoi;i! jjoi-t. Hill :i liter. s. rij,*;,,,, in llic-worl.-, of I !,c&ciitu.s (,r O’tr nKioi-laiuIs aiic iiujiiutauis, nult , ijaironand Lari', As V iliUr'd p.nd wcnvif'il I rfmin, A iilU.' youi!»- sli.'plH n’css t^et ■; my I’csrair, An ! leads irie o’t r la'.vns t'j htr home*: Vcllow sheave-;; from rich Ceres licr cottag-c had crov n*d, Grocii rubhcs wire ■^trow’d on the Poor; ^Icr cascnu'ut svcct woodbines crept wantonly roiMi'l, And deck’d the »od scats at her door. 1' sat oursulvos down to a cooling,'' repast I'rcsli fruits, and c’lJlM me the hest, T.ll, throw.i tnun niy guard by some glances blu- cri' t, ^ Love silly stole into my brc.-iot. 'I told my soft r* lies : slic sweetly replied, Ve virgins, her voice was ilivin>', t’ve ric !i on s in..f^K ctt d, and grt at ones ileiiied, lint take nw;, foud sli'jplard, I’m thine. Til r a'v was so modest, lirr a';pect so nitck, So simple,} (t s\\ re* werj htr clianiis, ^ kiss’d the ripe rost ,s tli;;t glow M on her cheelf, Ami loi-kM the Io\\l niaid in niy arms. 2Cow jucnnd tngi. tiu r we t' nd a few sheep, And if on tie, l unks of \iin stream, KerlinM on her I sink into sloep. Her image m,II sul'teiis mv dream, Togethi r wi' runp-e on lh‘ s'orv ri:>ing hills, DelighU'd W'th p'lstoial \ ic‘W3, Or rest on the roek u lienci the strtamlet distils, Ami point out new themes fi/i my Muse. To pomp f>r proud (itl. s she ne’er did aspire, 1 lie dauiM I’s o| li'imhle descent. The (’ottag, r T’e:ite is well known for her sire. And sliephm'-J have nam’d her Coxtk.nt. \AH ij: T~Y^ All pleasure consists In IWOM 1IL\CK W noil’s MAtiAZI.NE, HIR sun idt:. I’li llliliJi tic Mioro .lljOTlt It. I liavf closod t)ii‘ acooiijit, mikI brinj; jTiyscir ill dfl.loi' Jo (jpath. Ail that rrC anains to Ik* consi'Jerrd is, how 1 am t(» io the hiisi'if ss. I h,i\'o Ih'Cm I'cadiiji;' nil li'C suiciucN ! c'jiild pjllier, duriiiii- lliela.sl \Vf(‘k, and 1 do no! liiid oiniox- JiiMly cuuluruiablu lo :v.y ideas on tlu- Milijicf. Shall I l)!o\v niy hrn'ns o’.il ? It is M-fll iiiy iinel»* Nifiuil:!'; i> i!of j,rPM-iit, iur tiu! old fo»tio nst-'.l aluitvs tu lii.it 1 had noiic ; hit he \v;'> ncVLj 'a r.diiniiiialor. Nc, 1 .shall no! hhnv my iiraii.s Old, Lvoii su[iri()-ii!ir I h i\(> aii\\ !t is a dirty \v,i\ ; a n,;,ii‘s ctdhu- i.s • jiiitr dcvani>;('d, arid his sliiit iiKisf di>a- i,n-c;d)ly .siaiiifd wilh h.itli r and hlood. i hen yciii ju'(* a (ii'^irH'i in; devil. ac‘fii;;iiy a Ixiff to a .sciisii!\(■ roroMrraiid a 'yMip-.lliriie {‘oiirt al'pie dcr. lir'sidrs a!'(-r aii, \'oii ai’o tiot fi(i!)'■jiii't'i c, i()'‘ Iii>laiic('y as we i ll hriMW. fl.'-viiu-urf a hiiiivi ir awl’ulU, Mid yrt lived !imi:-c-: uim-li lu ;r;it;rv liir J'.iiid pcoide nl' |'.,::i. \vi*li a' -iiilhitihc \iiihiiioi), al j'n.u'ol ;,t jiis cxpcii.st. .il _\ o'l Dii^s, {lie nir'fd tfpori (d‘ the j.’Mol r,d;s in, fl,,' hoiji, !,,,[,I, Mc' ic^t 1 ailu.'d !)y ei\ i| iiitci lciuiK'c jnnn coihrn.'f!; il-- IIk* “r a'li ;icl and in any case on lilJ (hr lonni wiih fihliv fitidkf', stiii liiiiL-; nios! lial)uiic,illv d 41'11 )ii'Ifhi’i'i' is not a '■‘iK'k-inaid in i'ly k)l.:'!iPn, Iml wn-ild “A\, ;i\, jour ina-'tC! w as w anhd. snrc cm/uirh'— "'ild 'iin was l:.n|,ji,;r j;,,- W'li'Mi /ic (':dl- d, Ik' ciiidd i,(,f !|,.||) juil:, p(M)r ! thi jc w.is a • II jiii'-TCil ruT ji rr-.;i;!pj ihror.^ii your w'.nu- I' (>c. rill* ironi lhoui;hl is hid;-ous. li.i/or, avaiiiil ! IM not cut my throat f.T a thousand jjoiiiids i Shall I poison myself? What ! die I'll.' death oi'a rat ? Not [, I thank you. 1 h;it v,cro descendin:!: in thf .sca'e ol f'rention ri;o>t seandaiousiy, 'J’hcn what a PK t\v aoetHiiil Ilf niy {iei'j;oiial appear- anefo Inc tf; noidd he in the reports '! — ‘ 1 he hudy of the uniortui'.ate icentle- mau uas !,!(;\vn up like atiin, ;uid there were livid and pea-fijreen spots all over his cuunti'tiaiice. ilis ri”;ht i.'ve was drann down to his moiilh, anti !ii>j hit twisted Up ovfr his eye-hrow. ’ A jii'ef- ty, pn U.y pi.-tiirc in truth ! A?id Just take up a slio‘’t medirally desei iptive ol’ poisons, wilh their efl'ects, symplor.is-, ^:c. (iri|uni2; of the p;uts, liurniiiy; of th* sloniaoh, parphinjj; of the throat, shivrriiip: of the si'les, lollin'^; out of tiie toinrne, twisting of the nionlh, and ten thnusaiid other disa«;rceahle ahoiiiina- fiojis. IJesides, you would during; the linie of the operation, he wishinv; ^'o^lI•- Sf.'li all manner ol ill wishes forl.'eiii!^ so ffreat a ;-oo.se, and jjrayinu; the deed un done. llan^inL'’ i s ohviously not ('v'en to he named. ii dot's not accord with a i;-‘n- flenian's ideas. I have alwav'^ lived d-p.('ndei;t,‘:\nd iiave no laiicy for oi‘jleinknt on any tliiiip ’I'here must he a i;i'('at many disai;recal)!e scn.siitinns ahout i>eiii-- iiaiii^ed. I knew a man onec, who had (".catieI llie j;al)ov.'s alUM- hein;*; turiuMl off, and lu; told me lhal you fi'll as if a lump of s.uiielhiu':; edihh* stuck in your i;nilet, wliilr you wt're at tilt: sanu' time knocked with a chuck down an inh rininahlc |)recipic('. '^I’hen you sa'.v all kinds o( flashinj>; fii'e helore .\ oiir ej'e.', and afler you were at rest, a naming- fiolt apprared to enter each of lhesole> of y.ourfeel, and to make wav up lapidly l)ut ^xradually to your peri- cianium. \\ ho could tcei jileasure. in a jiostiirc of this kind ? J)rnwn mys« ll ? 'J'hc snn is shininj; hri^fht on the Thames, as I see it from on.' of my windows in the tem])le. It looks trtnjjtiiic». “ Says ijlie nv 'lear, the \\ ind sets fair, And }ou niaj have the tide.” So sun,2: Kaiiiai ine I .'ayes a hundred \earat::n—hi;f, so r,ini; not I. 'I'here are many -crave ohjections lo drowniniii: a man's self. Fii>t, you are ehoakcd with water, and [ nc'X'er could prevail on myself to swallow as much as hah' a f)ii:t of that liquid. “Had N'eptune \\heii fir^t lie took charge of the sea. ill- dy injr have dismissed, ns imprnctlcaole, shcol- iii", throat-euttiii2;, poisoninj;, uni)uwel- inp:, hai;«2.inci;, drowninc;, tiunhliiif!;, star- viner, sfahhint^. ' \\ hat remains? Softly a while. JNIy uncle Xicholas used al- v.'ays to .‘.a}-, that many a man killed Itimself hy drinking—and my uncle Nicholas was a man of ohs(>rvation.— l^( rhaps that would he an easy, comfor- (ahle, easy kind of v»ay of doiiis; tlie business, after all, witliout tuimdt or sluir. However, 1 h.ive no idea cf do- ni»- it at a u;Iass, and .’:oinf^ hcfore a cor oner slr(‘}(‘hed Uj)on a door, smellinjr like a rurn cask, and open to the opj)ro- I’rious veidict of ‘‘J)ied hy excessive drinkiii!^.” This is evidently lov/. I, on tiie contrary, shall lr\ if my uncle’s predictii^a of such suicile heinj^ slow l»ut sure, were rit',ht, and if it poisons me, let it oj)Ciale on nie like u slow jioison— “ So glides the meteor through the sky. And s])i'i'ads alontc K'ilded train, Ilutw lu'ii its short li\ed hi aiitii s die, Dissoh cs to common uiriig'ain.” Is not that very pretty and very poetic? ll(‘re, then, Anthony, :;et you down to the Kainhow, and fi'tcli me a stouj) of lii'uor, as the (1 ravedi-r^er in llanilct has it. J am heiit on death. •V^'i.rlhor h i.ACON’s uri'.niEs. It is known to some of ot'.r readers that Mr. Ctdton, the Kn>j;!ish writer, who has distin;j;uished himself hy the jiieces which he has j)ublished over the si;'ialure ol Lacoii, has been for some months in this countrv in disruisc. Du ring; his residence in Charleston, (S. C.) In; occasionally amused himself hy wi'i- liiiii; articles for the Charleslon Courier, and anioiiu; others, the following; list of (jueries. Some of them will he perused w ith interest h}’ those who are fond ol j>hilosophical sjiecukition. Whether the moderns are not wise hy-tlie i;^noi'ance, no less than the wis- lom of their foiefathers—aiul wliether their ej rors have not been unto us a bea con, and their discoveries as a lio-nt house—and whether the march of know- ledii'e, like the march of time, doth not progress in the dai kness no less than.in the lia;ht. VVhelher tliere are not three insur- mouiitable ineipialities amoiii^ men ; ine- fpialiiies ol phx'sical sti'i‘ii:;ih, wealth and li.'iit.—and whelhei’ talent he not the hiirbest ol the tiiree, inasmuch as it can eomniand the. one and acipiire tlieollu r. \\ lie(h(;r wealth does not he«;in to be the most dan>rTous of all jjowers the- inonient it ceases to be lo'Aest—and A\ould lr.\ef;llcd die vast ocean with generous I whether man, it placed in a society wIieiH' money can !o everv Ihine', is not TUmi as uise, or at h ast heen as merrv as we, have thought better on't and instead of his hriiiv. me. In that case there mip:ht have heen a dith .e .ce in my ideas ; but wale;'—and Thames water too—the t-hoiK^ht is intol erable. li' yon siiccecil, what a neat ar- licleyoii nre when > ou are found. In nine ilays 1 am lohl, a body ineviiablv ris.-s--and/‘o/r does it rise A colonV of p:iwns ;ui(l .shrimps h.ive lastened lliemselves on yon, and are makinuifree ill) ^ oui' person, in the niosfi^ourmand proverb, and iiiany have not failed li om tiie inactivity j)rothiced I>y the very 2;oodness of their cause—and whetiiei lie that defends'a had cause, is not obli g'd to do every tiling for it, because it can do nothin"; for itseii'. ^^'he.ther it he not fortunate that an ancient library which was j^;iven as fuel to the public baths, should have k'pf the ir;ood peoj)Ic of Alexandria in hot water for a season, J'ather than all pos terity in the same predicament for ever —and whetiiei' it be not better liiat men siiould j;tow wise by'reflectinu; on theii' own thou»;hts, tlian blindly poring over those of others. bet her Napoleon sincerely meant to have given liberty to France, the moment she was caj)able of enjoying it —ami wliethc'r the .single intention be not the only thing that is retjuired to stamp him the greatest man of any time, and of any place. Would not Napoleon, who succeeded in France, have failed in America, and wo'.dfl not Wasiiington who succeeded in America, have faik'd in France, and do not "reat men often follow events, yet fancy tliat they guide them. \\ he!her the greatest event.s of mod ern times did lu^t hingi* uj)on the merest t-iifle, and whether the French revolu tion did not result from the turn ol' a miitti)ii cliop. hethei-the cyii hono or ques tion so triumphantly asked !)vtho advo cate of desjxjtisni with r.,-gard to the French revolution, l)C nd a question as imi>(‘r!inent as it is ab'Urd. \\ hethei' all tiuise who were the vic tims ol the I’i i-'iich ri'Volution wouhl not have been wiiere they now are v.-iih- o'.it it—and whether the aliolition of titnes, and the law ol jirnunirenifure, be not fully worth the price of their re- ino\ a!—and if the establishnteiit of trial by jury, the Vmic. iSitpoleun, henotpos- ■tive andcxfi-nsivt' good, as certain of si'i'urity from their value, as of stability iVom 1h(*ir W(,>ight. Whether it i)e not the particular in terest of America tosujjport the g(*neral interest of freedom thro'out the world, and whelhiM' at the present ci'isis, the overwhelming brightness of her example be not lu'r sui'e.sj anrl her safest course. WhetiK-r he, th:it at everv step of his political career makes nne friend and on(" enemy, does not play a very losing game—and \\hether n.'\Vnge lie not al s'ronger jirinciple of action than {rrati-! lude. pliorl* acid, In'cO .sllvoi*; . expcrhncnts, which consis:r(i i'a arscnic willi volatile alkali. ;-.inl ■ calk'd the C’onstaniiiu' e;spi • ii^,,., . failed ; and he was ci.ilicii on t,, , some more ot‘his pov.ticr. . interrupted labor of si\ weeks,' his will, distilii'il for lilm.M lf a pun ,.i re! water, drank it and died 'in 1 ' hour, at the ap,i' of'J(>, a niurt\f ■„ htsion that, e\en v.ere ii tu iv- r, would have no \ alne, nor he i/i' , ty. He was a man of {;roat 1,; of c^reater anibilion, iind uimeii reputation of ilie great«'-t '■•■nii s i r ag-e. He was pussesscil of eonsi,;. ' properly, but wrecked.his !wipi,i,.,..\ lost his life by !)ciu(.r sf> rreduloiis believe the assertions of liio uiLim., A goose is very generally aco,, an exceedingly sttq>id creatuj-,., the ])roverbial e\[)ress|()it, ^ as a goose,” is fretpiently used tMi!.. the extrnTie of sti.i])idit v. 'I'ii .1 r goose is not extrenielv stupid, h;M the foil owing occurrence, wliic’i |, took place on a farm at the liea-j (,[' county, will testify. A h;niirht\ hill cock took a pnrticular aiitip.M'i', fine goose, tlie gnan.ian of a i u';;' brood, and, .accprdingly, uhtn\i: whenever they" met, the cncl ini,,, ately set upon his anl.a^-oi'jsi, goose, who had litth* c'lanr'c w nindiie and sharn heels of her o .; 0 ^ ;tnd wlio had .iecordiii2;lv s'11, 1. ■ verely in various reucoiiTre,. - 1 , asperated against her assndant. i! day during a se\ ere con'hut, . ed tlie neck of her foe wiih !,, r I,]]: dr;i«-c:ed him a!i»nt!; f)V in.-iin fun e,]iM2:ing him into an adjoi .ii.ix ki-jit his iiead, in spite of e\, r\ ‘,- uiuler water, and where ihc'ci;-!, iiave heen drowned, had noi a mu. who had witnessc'd the fn ’(Wee rescued the humbled foe . I'rnn . dav forward theo-oose received nn:i:i! troulde I’rom hi:i’enemy.—.V.//- I', /ant/ Farmer. J r.i-hi on. A era!) h.ris eaten f>l 1 )M . li ^11)1 )1 , '\'ou Id k!'III' k I II ii a i0 Coacl.ee Wd'iiii n tlrii'k. ,i\l o! i \ ; he iia s me I n Io \'. 1h re Ije w ill u'et em «'i iiMiiod li V .' * It i> till'll a r ' iV't bidw i:j\- lir.r Nil. Mad Uf't il n. »)i >' - 111 it the I il; |i 1 juysi II ill)! I I'e IT : h i!i .■) t( 1 I,'. -ri e ; •I' I'Oli.' r (|,,| " On V, ,,-1 “• diinbt nil' -'onr in ha’i.l, out your —-'I‘•'■f'd is la-.telling Ids sounds in the drums of yt,ur , ar's—and a liirbol ha., revenged him-elffor all the liber- t:es vou have taken n-ith his tribe, bv inakiig M.rir face- as Hat as liis oun Miine. As OIK ef onr poefs—[ f,,, his name—>,iys un “ 'I he poets—I 1,,,-p.t a simiiar occa>ion — dill percii IjLtween hisn!)s; tlic '■•r, fc e.teii on his nihhh-d jowl: Mas J)l.iCed V htre'er he pka.sed ; tjie 1 I’btil, v t la}' .levelled in ai. t to i.:b (;! ;h,.! nec jio,!' !:> ( ail. ( ' ;;!at :t I'"- . ;i V. I shall I hi o .it soli- i ’ ev I ll>. i>i !( j.iki Si'!'i''iU 1 s'nl i\ A liMlden I.:, h.l.ld, but sooth to s;;y, I in ;mii'i'.in'. inauk n v. .i;, a m'aaleii ra\ , J..C. 1 could iiev' r ai;i'ee u ith old D.'tno- na\ in j.tn .an, ii,ai ;t i nierel\- an act ui'.it ji nne lo to let th-'Ui ( at ;;!ier (ui ha\ e e;i'en so nian\' ol - I /// / //' W ;dl I sl.ih UM sel in a I’lUn.iii t', \ e \ (ini '. Mir ' ;-.i > ■ 1 l„i ' I - III' I, ; -1 !-\ • ■ .1- ibr I '.•> , j,., ' 111' inl'l 1 s Mi -I,,';! t\ ' ill'' I : I'm; ''1. 1' I (In i; ; Is ; .Mill i! j niih I hi |-i l^^ i;iu ] I rdn i' ne. ' iM' . *' ' ii'in I'l-:'1 11 r\ •I'.'’ 1 am, !i: '-I h:Mt a I I ( iiM-niiH ’ t»i ■ '.iidiiog I ” I'll, IiM'n. si ' sini I , ann i )n j nnm / hie you nii:-!. b( >id( ■,.1 .i.eaiIiii;g a d,i^-;;-( r i'- ol t.'ds i liL',' eli I Lnri'ci , ,(• j'. Ijj ng uniiis. It would be .‘! ind iMiiK.iilic. I 1 il.li I in d.'i \ Ilf j nios! cdiimiu r ihl\- i;iine i5\ •ss till' laet lionesih , 1 do not I.e IJ o i:d \ on j)i:i\ noun peuj : e- h;. . . t'.e m 1^ t'l- mi:; sin'^'i'i ' ' .i, 11 s iiu'rr I si ■! I he j id I'l'b- ; \ e 111. iiiid I a, ( ;l I'iii M.d .-I. th:i. It * lil'oat. li"w a sh:i\'i.':; I ni.i'A iidd hr -( !im' ■st, '.'''adx to ( n ■ 1 i n. !U'i.o\ I n! Mjiinin;), III,Ml :,1(|I_\ to cut hi- "i'C" ,n,oii ;> I’line pel I :i- I (>((|!i''s, the '■•'illil j 1 eonld ii., \'v iieri' I loiiiT sni! o I. ...1 ... 4 . ilii n. Ill IIIV bosom liio■ on my sword like ‘oiiM'ti.ii,:;- patln ti- ;nn ;ilr;nd, howc- lal lio> aiel rom;inc‘ 11 I IMII Hi) Cl orive .ni- I iiiid 111 r me, 1 kii nil- .ii'iK' w in! II) \ s. ,i.i t'f il 1' "K* .1'" n loh ■M iiiin (Im'-v I,. •k • .d' llie. I'll time-, wiii'se ':-l Ilunj. t. e.'i t ; '11 t'l. il.'V (,'i i i.' lUiiire ti 't( el iiiio luy bre.'i M ; is lalliiig on my ,s\\ ord, in ibe I'l "■*' i ii ivc Fiiil a sis-ord tu fall on, t 'v-'Uld I e (p;i!r absin'd to !)il\ one '■ '"'’b ;' pMipu^i' : ;.nd, in the second > d 1 b id Mil'', I ‘I'll perfecllv eer- i" ' ‘-"il I I'i'-s it, or make some i bluii'h'f—(mt’.I her sonle bliin- , '' i'! ‘ '1 I '■ :Id not be lata I—i f j ;it -1 ihn;;' ni;, sfif ,,n it. ’j'hen ! i.ike :i!i Unli.'i luiiiite c:ai.v I siiould too often temj)ted to ilo every thing I’or money. ^^ haf will he the lesultof the great tragi-comedy about to l>e acted on tiie s!;ig(! ol the world, and will tjic march ol th(' biiyoiM't be strong enough to .])Ut do'.\ 11 1 he mjirch of opinion. It is impossible to build ;t marble tem pi" of hriek maieriids—;ind are there u(>l many th;d could liefeiid'lheir liber- l\, but who 00 not deserve it—while I here :ire some who di'sei ve their liber ty, who can hardly defend it. A^'hether universal suH'riige be the best mode ol acconi|dishing ilu' bight st object (.)f;ijl governments, namely, lh;il the men ol' jirinciple in;ty be- nr'incijid men. \\hefh(ran Knglisb-man who conx's to Amt'rica ;i whig, has not t,, th:nik his "liilosonhy i-ilher ih;in liis b'eliiig.^ if h(> does not retiii 11 a torv. is no! h'' who prelers the su!)in!.ssiv;' s ici ty 01 shi\ e> tu the ri'iigh i;ieines . of freemen, mm'c to I,'.- pdie.'l ihiiii h I'linipkin lo 1 pine iippu-, |,,e- '•:inse llie uM-' h:is ;i snioolh ( o;il and Die otiier il iug‘.>;ed one. ball' enhglitimed popul.i- tioii, u lib the f.dlesi M'ope idlowi'.i them ol lhoU':ht, sj.eei II, ;ir,d pnid iciit Ion, be !:"t pie,'i-i iv the in;ife,'i:i,'s most liable liie diip. s of the deliiiigo-'iie. l'''"p' ''.v of !i,e iiinbitious, aiHfthe prey 01 I l;e by pocfit icid. ‘1^ ‘ iier iiH . ii’.i e.ninot olier this uileiniiiii lo ,'dl her iiL^ressois •* \i- lack me witii jew, iiiid 1 will ovei wiM'Ini \on—iiMaek iiie \\ii|, m;iiiy, i.nd you will o\ ,M \\ helm \ on I s( I vcs. " III tiiei' an union ,,| tmili jn t)„. ol n iison, be not as great ;i urm,, as iin union (d ei I'oi' in the bond of f.iith. •^Vli'’>ber ignoiiiiiee be not all that Cfi'tiMii populiir [ireiiehers dt'mand " theii congregat ions, and impuden tlrit they l( ly on in lliemsel\es. Whether tiie whoh' realm of hnman intellect be not under tiie 'ib;, i f di smu- !i''in of \\ ho i'( / Tnn'i Tiiv; i ii vitLi;sTo\ cochieti. Ktlilnr: Som‘ o!)scrvai’.',ns ni hy one of \oiir corrcs|-)on(iciits. imlm to state a few reasons whv I deem i: politic, as all must admit it is ilii'jfi,, coiilinue the distiiictif^ns ix twcen uin low-citizcns from the Nortli, ; iv, schcs. 'I'hose prcindires c.,n never ,1: a native, tab'nt or indiisti \ : and , Uuj},^ our childcn need fear no eo;: tition—we, thcri'forc', can ;uin lui.i by pi'i secuting t'.ilctit or iiKhist,\ ! XV! .1 . , , , "iher stale.—The field is ;.n i,i.,- Whether most duels are not f..n-:i,f ; State is not yt populated uiil,'nie f through ,ear--and whelher the in\i'-. s) 'is muny iirna!)iu;i,is as she can s, ol Us w .,'idd not gladly relu,^e a chidien.;-' ^ iniercst to en(.i.ti"C':-.' c; d he durst. ; tion. 1 he more popnlo:e- S' , ^^■h('ther the lav.' of opinion he not; value ,f k.a ''tiil it lyrar.t existinj- in the niidst of| bou.scs, tiieiu'" '• cedoni—and luMiiet', like all ,,tlier i the iri'ocei', the l)Utcher, tiie r/D;.^ he lawyer—;nui the better the '1 ■ lor the produce of the farmer. 1 is erone by, when an cniighieiie t_\ l iints,^ It be no! olten capricious, and i! idfen blind. ^ lietlu'r despotism and a free press be not I'Aii rhing.s that can bv no possi bility co-exist. Is it n.0t better thut a hail life should he ioined to a good doi'trini', than th.at a had doetriiie should he sii|)p.orted bv a goo(| life—and will not the sect surv'ive the lounder. Is not li»‘ that can mnke an opportu nity superior lo him that takss it ; and IS nol h(- ihiit strikes only when the iron hot, likely to be outdone by him that niiikes the inni hot li’.' stnki;-o-^ hetber it he mu ‘n;',fnriil that those who hold power shoidd i,>e most anxious to n'tiuii il ; and Avh-'tiier it Iv not lortunate thid the ri-ht .us,' of Jinjiie oi not alw.i\s the be-d, its eor.timi.'irici. \\ heliier man he not too easjl ti'd ; iiild ’.vlu'tlier ;i I dnu'ht n«'t to be nmr.' un- po\\-er is elh fling t-'mpt- 'vis(; lei;.>ia1;ire \\ ill! I ■ pl'ond ol ha v.i'tc ivn.ovi'd on.' I‘"i'plai;M!i, than of li;ivin»- punished twenly crimes. • V' hi't.'ier a kno'.vledg-' ('fiilhei pi-exent our dilild( i\i!o\\ ledg(' ol onrseK' tion. . \\ bet he oU!i'li! ‘iiee, and ii our piH'-.uni])- , It lie not l.ir more oiisy ■I'k the iibove quest,11s, iji;.. I neni. Ml to ;iii.s\ver u!'. ■inn ■ a'l -d , L;t 'Luj-t h;lc. J that ciiprii'ioiis t_\ rant, (loubi i-’ii" in tIu' breiist ‘.d idl of n I’.'i Ves sal i:>l lel if.n tu none of i:s- h( thei- we cm define on" of the iuiporliint things on whn h ;d! .'■nim^s depend--lire an. nid ''piic'w—nurtler and n s bni —iUid llie most oi;r re.i- '/’/■“ Last of l!:r . Vrhju, I'lillivated alehymy ;,nd as(i',| “S the iiiiler liidi m' 1 ht' l ist 1 "f our l eadci';, siioidd i I’I iuioi h''r 1';. hi'aled ahoiit the time i| ill', w e 1 hink it l i:. in to ^,,|.| j ‘-n'i;!!!. .nid ii ncnd:.'i' ol' il.c I' he |)i !))ieh- nn, he coidd n.ake ; ,i,j‘ Ih( pi',•■(•„( -D". fMiir-iinid i I ire - I.le fa's, Mil scve n ■,! Ti! person; ; ■'^on.c (d‘ !l to ij.,. o), id Sot iety. hoM c\ (• '!e!)i aied { h\ misi, .Mr. K. einniisi, \V n; 10. I dea! ooh’,'. i(, e\am:ii;' pi' tensions of the doe;!;-, and ol)ii|';ed to siif>niit to * I ' *' •''' d '..v I } -''l idl the |»>u,I,T in I ' iupi : bui was ‘■onn-,,-;!...; N I ■'"■"i" 'be task. In iM-. I i')!''-ook him : it!i !''d ■ I - It is tlie 'I- • ;(,nr. I'l h ■! -if/, , I'i'i) aie aaled in \ a'-^:i;dii;''( belies , of li.e , ( le- ! ■ ' r..a, ' I ei'i '■ al I I .V, ■ rt' ‘ i; '. '■ 'J pi'.' - j ;'i/ii I a'_ e • I .'"•ajr n -1 i , a. \'. I'i! 1 t’.ii I ;n-"i ", !r» i I j \> h ) ! i • veil I : 1 he j !o>,e ail I. i"d the ^ siaci.res; .n-l th mont impedes cmie,ratioii. K\erv u. .. habiiant cats, drinks, ;ind ist luiiK ;! a huhi'iiiion—in hict, becomes d to every class and professi(-n. Tin 1. ry, and ar(‘ t^ivcn in nuirriaei'. !) the heads of fimilies and pareM-.s'l' risini-- .-ifeiicration of /ia/irrs; ;.|ul the M atchfiil ivtiardians of iln'ir hes: i':: ests.. ^ It is plainly the of ■ Carolina to encoura.^e slratn,--!'! s to'e amon.g us and swell ih(' imiss ol'oiir;' ulati(jn—no wise man cun den\ ii. 1 to such an extent lias t!ie inieir.'1■ representations of cei'iain p.dl' ' U'ont', in ilelndiu!^ tie' people, iha'. :: nicn ol scuind nnders'ioidin ■. !,|'i 11 ■ nary topics, [,a\ e ;.,t :ti;di\ t..:l,e.l . led us ir tli(> real inn ves-s i,f ^ eliil'drcn (h'pendi'.l um..;i - com iirneh, .,iul 1 ('p-'iiiii!;,'!)v e . I , oi op,position, aii\ |,el sun 'V i, • - horti in South Cat'oMua. Th'.' ' lor a lime, .'a' ohscj'-ed, !),.( ,1 iiiidly p''i'\ail—lie' tinn' '• ■ u hen tins S';.ie wid u ei" ';'i'..nt ol i^ood (diiii'i,c‘‘ T, •'■■I'in.i'; till 111 t.dM' a li-.eli pnl)lic coit^-cn,'\ i;,i! ■■>0 ink:'Hit;C' 1 as to dis'riist e 11; /(■ 11 s o 1 o:! 1 e 1 • .s'i u! e, i ^ p ..fid! :,!s Mlia' I and ilii' liiU ;iia ;e ( >l!n:l /,u.\ '■"/( 1)1 fit ■tl.e s(ni'i I escain.'' ■ !ai' ■ hn-'i-l , •' uiiition . 11 I s o: I i ■m :o “CO ' >1 It, ■ ! Oiir N. t:,.' ' 11'. h I') I) II - h e h !il s! pi (I.e ' • bs : ndeii\, lr!".'.v thij _ 'Kr’i'-i !Voi- j ai-’.u'd 1 't' I ill's) I t l.-'i'ti nier, o 1 n I' d! i'.m;lv i' iii' In ^ C'.'IU.ei (io c(.ee ei I N'lli