,e ou' qiuiiy .ill i‘‘' (luiiLOTTi:, .y. c. rrESh.ir, i>i:ii:.vm:n as, issi. [>o. ■priH I'iiiun \vr^'Ki.T R. T KMl r,l. .llli.:. lIlLLUtS A Vt.AH, i'VIlt 1> AIlVVNrr.. Lc;4*i‘‘!;>tuiv. I ^ I •[ f (' \ (I !i K ''I'cnNI) MoiuLr'. Di'i - ihc (lay prt.- !)\ fill'fo)‘t!ic nu'Cl- • -uf •. !'(’ ' . a (luoruni of liolli lu»usi*s ''ifi'u ''>> I'Hsuhu^^ (lav, ro- llli I’ollov, i?i j c'jniiuiiiucaliun iVoiii I.. l’rc>)iaciil :—• ■-rn'.-f /' V of the Si .'irifr, !j tht; II'. vat of Jii/jrt-srn'rifirr.^: T!a‘ \V. hich 1 h-ivt'How lo prt'Si'iit I i pi'!' I'Jla!:':--. Doiiics- sa)i'^'iii)U‘ ;.nlicipu- , . . V l.ir’.i haM l)cr;i fiitri’!uinod t»i’thc i;\ '.itv.iIf w look to the .i •s a iialicn, foiitimies i t Nai!i[iU' : if l(; ihi.' to in(l('niirny !Vr snoliations ■which vrrc coniniiUt'd on our roniniei'ce in llie laic wars. I (ji‘ those iniert'sls aiul claims, it was in the coiitoniplation of iho jjartics, to make ];rovision at lusubscciiu'tit day, hy a nioK* coniprclu nsivc and doiinitivr liraty. 1 la* ohj(>ct has been diilv atu n- dcd to since by the Kxccutive, but’as yel, it has n»t been m coiuplished. It is ho ped that a favo’ alile oppoi-tur.ity '\ill pre sent itself, i'oi- opening a tief.^ociation, which may cnibrace and ui’i'ani'^e all ex- istini^ diiirrences and e\ ei y other con- c('rn, in whicli ihev ha\e uconuiion intei'- ply to the lav', have be('n raised, v hich tiij;y deserve a reconsideration of liie wliole s'lbject, 1 ha\e thoiipht it ]>roper to siispejid the conclusion of a new ( bn- venti(.n, nntil the dcliiiili\e sentiment i of C'c«n;;i-ess may i)o. ascertained, 'i'he doc- (iments relalint^ to the ne^^otiation aie, nith that intent, subniittcd to yuiir con sideration. -% Our commerce M itli Swede?i has Ijce’i placed on a footinc^ of peilVcl reci[)rocity by treaiy, and, uiih Kiis'^ia, ilv* Nelher- h.nds, ]^i nssia, llie f;-c(' 1 lunseatic Oitic^. tlu; Dukedom of Olden’nii :.'-. and Sardin ia, by intei'tial rej^ukitions (,n each sid e>t, upon th(* accession of the present kin., ^ _ ol 1 I'ance, uii event w hich has occurred | founded on mntual a;’;tei'n;L'nl belM een I l>\ tlie parties to those wars, since the the close g1 the last Session ol | the respective (lovcDiments. att'5 i-f theii- res;-)eciive (Jt Con,!;Tess. ^ _ 'I'he jDriiicij^Ics upon v. hich ihc com- ^^i^h Creat I’ritain our rommercia! mercial j)olicy of the United Slates is in‘ercoursv rests on the same footin;;-that founded, arc to bi; traced to an early ]U’- it uid ut the last Session. I'y the (.^on- riod, I'iiey iiro esseiitiull/ ((•n!ie(,t(d vention of c ne thous?.!ul eii^ht luindi ed j v. it!i tht'se upon which t'leir indepeMtl'Mi'e and rtlteen, the commerce bi iwi en t'.u' I - , as (.leclai'e;!, aiul o',\ e tlieir ori;;in to the nited Slates and the iiriti-^h doniiniot!>, in j enli^'htcned nien who took the lead in our l.urope and the I'asflnilii’v, w a-j.uri".n;.;ed ati’air.-> at that important epoch. I'lu.'v I on a princ'i|)lc' of reci])rociiy, 'i’hutCon- j are develoj)ed in their first treutv of com- I y'litioji was c(;n!irmed iind cominucd in i mei-ce uiui Trance, of si\th l ebruaiy. w!tliout indicati!!!^ I force, with slii^hl e\cc])tions. I>y a subse-j otv.'thoits,.nd seven hundi-ed and seve.ity- ctioii-. Iror.i hich j (](,,.Ill treat\, for th.e term of ten )ears, j ei>5;l\t, i;n(! by a fornud (:onimissi(jii. w hiu\ the twentictli C)ctol)er, one lh.oLi-|\\ as insliiuted immediately after the co!i- ‘‘if-.'ht hundred I'.nd eiKhtfi' u’ thelchisicn of tlieir i evolutionary sti'u^;;ie. •I'l' i)upid;itii>:i ine'.ery 'j’uii'KM u ol the latter. 1 ii(> lrud‘ \\ith the for th.c {'Ui'jiose of nc.’^'otialin^'trea.ti* s of iilt’.i'- .i drxoied to (lur lui]'])y s\ stein j Hritlsii culi»!iies in the e‘U Indies, has ; copiiMerce with e\erv llui'o]Ha!i p(j\ver. sio!!, am! si.ltled to i!ie siitisfaction of niinc!.!, >U(i chf! i siiir.;.',-the Ijoiu! (if I ivjt, as \et. Ix'in arrani;(“d Ijy tivaly oi-‘'i he fir.il ti-eaiy (f tlie L ni'.t'd States v.it!\ parih's. l’ropoviii(;iis. hu\ insj; liii> (jbject ;i ',,it!i h.'.eniai ufireiK-ii. 1 Aperi-1 otiu rw ise. t(j our satisi’.itticjn. .\n aj)-1 ib ussia, uhiili was ne'.rotiated liy tluit { in viev.. b;* ve l)een maoe lo the (iuvern- liusahvud} siio Aii, tl'.at the diiit r-j pi h to th.'.t ! csult has been made by i c('iMii!ssioi\ afV a-ds a si;4irai i.!Iu.-)iration j mciils of (ireat r>i iu in, I’ratice, iiu’ssia, _ I,.. 1 J b.'U.ll' wliii !i c -nip' e !(, the sanu' ,;-i'ati- -|u'( . .I'll' l^ exhibi'ed. Our expan- ■ . r t';" vast icri'itorv v. itliin o'lr . Ii.; hi'ei! ^c at. ■ 11 ::e u ' in. Si’ se I has b) c’i con^pii u-1 |V(>m ^\ e iu;M-(h;ilv ;.’:aini'd slii tiMh bv | sand tin" to c> state of maritime war, irvolvinjj tlie i-elative rii’-hts of neutral and f)elli^- erent in Ku h wars. JSlost of the diHi- cuities which we have experienced, and of the losses which we Iwive sustained, since the establishment of (>ur Indepen- dv'nce, lun e proceeded fi'on* the unsettled state of iliose rii^h.ts, and the extent tu which the beilitjerent claim has been carried ai^ainst the neutral purty. It is im])ossibIe to look liack on the occurren ces of t'.ie late \. ars in Europe, and to behold the disrej^ard w hicli w as puid to our ri|*;hts, as a neutral power, and the waste which wiis made of our comnu“!'ce by various ,ict'5 i.f then- respecMve IJtAernments, atid under the pretext, by each, that the othei- had set the example, wit'aout j.jreat morliricatioii, and a li\ed purpose nevei lo submit to the like in* luture. An at tempt lo ri nujve thosi; cae.ses of po'siblc variance, ijy IViendiy nej;*oliation, and, an ju: t pi’in' iples whieli would !)e appiica- Me to all parlies, ccjuld. it >vas j)resunu-(l. b(! \ic'ved Ijy none, other tha!i as a [)roo! of an eainest desire lo preserve lho'>e re lations with evei'v pc>w(.r. In th.r late w ui beiueen I raMceand Spain, u crisis occur red in whicli i' seemed prol)al)le that al! the cotili-ovei tibie principles iiwolved in (■ cf«-linr.!'''. and ol ind:;si!-y procee-; ii,^. Icpi-.jatix e ucl.--, w liei-eby m-any si i-i- (,f those jjriiicijde-. 'I'lie act of C’on- i'mui that can've, itisepar'abh’ Irom'juus im p‘d i nu-nt s which ha(i been raised ‘ t--ress of the third of Ma>ch, 1« i adu]jt- va-t (lor,i./in:-. an>l which, umiei'()ih-| by the parties in defence d'ihclr resnec-' cd hi mediately ai'.er the reiuin of a fi- ■ -ici'.i, iiii;.;;l'.t jiav e a I epulsi\e tctiden-I u’, (• claim'^, were removed. An earnest cral i;eac'', was a ni'vv overlui'e to for- w h!c! ^ ^ An earnest Vahii'ul iVii to pi'oduee, w ith u--, nmh'r ! d'-slie exists, air! has Iirrn mauili sted on ' ei',n nati'jns to eslablish oui- commerv.ial !• n ! ulutii'n', tlie (j])posiie el’ect. I the j)ai t of this yo'ci nrnen!, to place iht'' rtdaliMns v. llli them on live basis of f;'ee l\ in' one jjorlion w ants, the otiier may : commei’ce w ith ihe colonies likewise on and Cjial leciprocitv. 'J'hat pnnci-)k' p'llv. ..lid thi^ v\ ill be most sensibly iv. It t a I’ootlni!; of i eciprocal ad vanu. .;e : and il ^ has j)er\ atled all tin- acts of CioUL’^res'-. dll' >>;iits must disla!iL f”om each oth-j is hoped that tiie liritisli j;-o. ei nment, ' and all tlie ne;^''utiali!H’.s of the ll.veculive .fuiUiiiii; tlieiel'.v , a domestic market, I sei in:^ the justice (;f the pr(j]josal, atid its on liie subject since, a .111 ;;r'iye • ' ’ ' ’ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ • - ' • -• - ■’i.i’'-. olid t llli'L'ni ••'!. . '1 has, by a ha]-)py dis'rilni- ji.ii of j)'.iw c!-Ijciv. een the National itnd ' ted for the adjitsliuenl of the boundary, i joidin,!; seas, was conchukd and sii;ned |tjti'{iw.e iiMiem-, ;^-overnmetits w hich ' bet\ve{'u the territoi'ies of the U. Stiites at St. Pctersbtir;,;, on the day f\( hi'i u'iv on llie so\ erei;,pity of the } and those of (it eat llritain specitied in the i hist, by the Miiiister I’lenipotentiai’y I - I i'.. II I . .' .. k.. i! I. ■ I . , r . I I’ / ' 1 1 ; .1 ai'.d d’ oilier INjwi'is, which !ia\e been re- ceivijtl in a frimdly manner by all, but as yet no ireatv has been funned w ilh either for its accoiiiplishmenl. '1 he policv will, it is presumed, be p-rscvered in, and in th(' hope tlial il ma) be successful. It wii’aiwavs bo recollcct''d, that wiih cr.e oi' ihe pai lie-, to those wars, and frcnn v.honi v/.e received those injuiie.s, we I'rom the' other. of . - . w so'.i|jhl ledress I)V v, ai interc'i irse ootueen the ex-1 importance to the c(donics, w ill, eie A convention for th(‘ sctlloment of im-i rei'^niiic^ lioverninent our oilsrlioul every jiortion (ji | accede to it. j portaiil (jueslions in relaiion lo the Xoi Lh-1 ^sei/' d in 'i)oi-l as well as at 'J'he C&mmissi(jiK'rs wh.o w.re appoin-i west Coast of this Continent, anti iis ad-' . y„,j [ijrii-car,^"oes couliscated, mdeni- joinini; seas, was concluded and signed ' has be-n e\}>ecied, but has not yet been I'eiidered. It was unucr the inlhi- ence of the l.tUer, lhal our vessels were III are fully aihMpiale to the tifih article ol the treaty ol CJ bent, havint^ the U.Stales, and l’lenipolentiar;es oi llie seized by the i^overiinients of ImperiaK.overnmeut o_C liussia. It wUI ^palii, Holluiid, Demaaik, Sweden, and immediately be laid before t!ie v^ipi,;s, -.nd fiom wlioui indemniiv has the exercise of the coustitutioaal author- .nj is Mill expected,' w ilh ity of that body, with reference lo its ra- of S|)a.n, l)y whom il has It is proper to add, lhal the rcu'dered. bo'ih parlies we 1 abund^nl cause of war, buUwe had nv ])'!! poses foi- w I'lich thev wm t' res-|'disa^;reed as lo their decision, an.i boih |iTuv(‘l\ ili^tilu^.ed, causes w hich iiiinht' t;o\ei nmenls hav ini^ a^^reed to establish kliiTw Im-lead to dlsmembernn'n!, oj)er-! that boundary by amicalile negolialion I puv\ el fully to draw us ( loser lot^cther. | belw('en them, il is hoped lhal it may be 1 iviM'v other circumstance, a c(}i‘rect satisfactorily adjusted in that mode, i'he I'.'w of the actual state (;f our Union, ' boundary specified by the si.vlh article till( aiion. It is [)roper to add, lhal uie manner in wh.ich this nei;-oiiati..n was lu st be ly irratif; In^-to (;ur consti- has been established by the decision ofi vited and concluctcd on the part of the ,,iiei'u ii ve but to resist that w liich was Ul'i! e'pia (>iir i t'iations with forel,:j;n pow-; the commissionei's. I'roiii the ])rogress i Emj)eror, has been very satisfactory, of a tiiemlly character, alllioueh ' niade in that provided lor lheseventli,| The f;-reat and extraordinary chani^es most ])ovi eilui at sea, i.iiil pi'csst'd u> near er there is j^ood cause to ])resume lhal it: of S|>ain aiith I’orluiyal, within the he.t c, : will be settled in the course of the ensu-; two vears, w ith(jut seriously atVeciinij the relations which. ..Ml niteicstin:,''dilVerences remain un- according- lo a rcjiorl recently received, | which have happened in the ijovei'umerus .''1 with some. Our revenue, under II- iMild svslrm of impost and Kmna!;e, : will be settled in tiiu course oi me ensu-, two /'iinir , to I)e adequat(,‘ lo all the pur-^ in;^ yeai’. ] fi ienrlly relations which, under ail ol (,!'i!ie (iovei-nment. Our at^-ricul-! it is a cansc (jf serious regret, that no them, have been maintained with those (u-nmerce, manufactii res, and navi-' arrangement has }et been linallv coiu iu- powei's by the United Stales, have l>eeu ‘1 I’irish. Our foi’tillcations are ded between the lw»j governments, to se- o!)stacles lo llu* adjustment of the partic- I .!v 111'.-; in a d('gr(‘e authorized by ex- cuie, by joint co-oper..lion, the suppres- lll^r subjects of discussion whicli havt ini/a'lijroorlalioii''', to maturltv"; and sion of liie slave trade. Il w as the oDjcet u ilii each. A resolution ol ihe !'■ piO 'T-'ss It made in the augmenta- (;!’ the IJrilish government, in the early ; Seu;Je, adijpted at their lust session, cail- to llie limit ])!escrlljed stager^ of the ne!;olialion, lo adopt a pl.ai ^.fi for Information as to theellect produ- blessings we lor the su j;presslon, which sliouid in- red upn our relations w ith S[)ain, l>ytiie I 'l 0*' tl.e N’a\ '.t le. e->L at iiomc. W'llu ibis, all diifei eiice.-> uere seiiU'd l)v a .reaty ■i'o'-inded on con dilioiis fair id honorable to both, and whicli hai beru so farexeculed with pel l\“ci good failh. it has been earnestly ho ped, iliat the other \.ould, (jf its own ac cord, am; Vi oui a sentiiiieni of justice and com liiauon, iiu.ke to our ciiizeiis the in- I deiniruy lo w iiich they are entitled, and I'or t hese ,1- ■'o A !r.ii;htv (iod. from whom w e ' clucie the C(jncession (d tlie mul.iial rii^hl !'o tlii'ni, ;.!ul With |)i'(dV)!!nd rever-1 of seau h, by the ships oi w ar ol euch (-III' most i;-ratei’ul and unceasing jj^r y, of the v esstd.. ol the other, loi su.->- i. ' iMl.Mnrnt'.' j ])i'cu'd oii'eiiders. 'I'his w as oi)jL'cted lo II ud.. r'i'i'/lo our relations vvilli for-'hy this i;ov ei ninent, (ii ihe priiu I'de, 'I 111’ : . \> are alvv avs an ob|i'ct that as the ligblol se.ii ch w a.~> a riv,hL'ol ' !-■ ' 'i 'u- 1 .ii.ipoii .iiic’, I have to i(‘- war of a i>eliu-Ci’ent low aid-i I . I'M' ( f I'-.e sub:ec',s w lihdi have ! d't in.') di^( iis'.i(^n w ith them l),i'-' iii adininisti ati(»n, some -.i! to' liv termiii.ilt'fl; olti- ir’ii 'viisjii'ii !(’d, lo he resumed' I'lidi ;' ( i- (■ >1 :ii -1.' Ill ‘ S mo: e la- Mi( , : a.i>! .jt'e'i ^ are s ill in tl(;n (d' the 'I'. idi ti.'- ii'ij.e ihev oiay ^ i’luinued (/U 1. with Ml,Mi, ! ;.C'o:iniiod'tti(jM ,j:o;e to tb( ■ ■•-!s ;,n i lo llie ■',•.1: f iClion (d'^ pedleiit w hli h woiil li'f' i;:,!!!e . It !i . fjeeii t!ie ol^jec 1 loll, ulld l!l.>i'‘ m.atral ])(jwer, it niie;Iit have an id en'ecl lo es.- leiid il, ,bv ti aiy, tJ an (dVe'nce w hu h h.id lieeii niade coiiijiaiMtiv idv mild, lo a Iiuk’ of i)i’ace. .\ii\ious, hov.e\er, lor lii-.' suppression (d’ihis ti'adc', it v\ as liiou!',iil adv'si-al)le, in coniidiuiH e v. idi a l>eiolu- reco.^iiilion on the part oi the L nij.cd Slates, of the imb'peiidem South /vmeri- can (io'ernmeii I’he pajiers contain ing the InfornKaion are now commuuica- leil to C'(Jiigress. A Cdiai i^e d’Aii'airs has been received ; froni ihe Indrpendmi- (lovei nmeui id"' i)ra:’.il. 'i'hai couii.rv, heretolore a co- i(;iiiul pos.scssioii ol I'oi'tiijya!, hiid, s(.Mne \ ea;'1 siii-'e, been procl.iiiiied b) the .'Sov ereign (d‘ l'oriu,;.d liMiiseii', an in.liiien- deiu\.i:i;vdom. ,Sl'ice his return lo Lis- !)ui:, a rcvolinioii in lh a/ii has esUJiiisli- tiieieljs remove liom our relations aiiv jti'-i cause of discjnlenl on our sid'*. Ills esiluKacd lhal the receipts into the 'i'rea.-ury dui ing tlie current \ear, exclu sive of loan-:, wi!i exceed eigiiteen mill ions five hundred lliousaiid dollar'-, which, with ihe sum remaiiiiiig in liie 'i're.tsurv, at ihe end of tiie last \ ear, aiuoanliug lu nine millions fuur luni'lred sixtv-liiree ihous.OKl nine humlred tweiilv-tivo oul- to the payment of tlic principal and inter est of’ the public (hdjt. The whole an'.ount of the public debt on the first of January next nmy be estimated at eighty-six millions (,'f dolhirs, inclusive of two millions live himdi ed thousand dol- lai's of the loan anthoi i/.erl by the act of the tvveniy-sixih of May last. In this esiimatc is inciuded a slock of seven millions dol lars issued lor the purchaseof that amount of the cajiital stock of the Bank of the I'nited States, and v. hich. as the stock ol the li it'k, still held by the (lovernment, V\ ill at least be full; equal lo its reimburse ment, ought not to be considered as consli- tuliiig a part of the public debt. Estimat*- ing then, the whole amount of the public dei)l at seventy-nine millions dollar‘s, and regai'ding the aniiuul receipts and expend- it'ires of ihe Ciovei nmem, a w ell founded hppe may.lie enteriain“d, that, should no iM'. xpected event occur, ihe whole public debt may be dis.chari;-ocl in tlie course of ti-n \ear.,, and the Cioxermnent be lei’t at lii)'.'i ty ihereal’ier, to apply such portion (ff the >'!.*venue as may n(jt be necessary for ( ucrei.l expen.'v.'s, to f-uch other objects as loav be m;;sl condiu ivo lo the public secu- l ily and weli irt-. I’hal ,he sum a])plicabltt to these obj -ctwill !)c very co’.siderbale, may be fairly conclude'.!, when il is recol- lecled, that a lari;-e amount of the public reveiuji' has been ap])IU(l 'ince the lai(i war, to the coniirucuon of the puldio !)uildings in thi > ciiy ; to the eicction of I’ortiiications along ilie coast, and of ar senals in diflerenl part‘d of the Union ; to the uutc"i''''iaiion cd’ the nav\,to the ex- tinguishim ni of the Indiy.n title to larg(J ii'acls of iV riile territory ; lo the accpii- sition of 1 i'irida; to pensions to revolu- ii(jnary oHicers and soldiers, and to inva lids of the late war. On many of these ()!>iecis the expense will annually dimin- i:di, and cease at no distant period oa mo^t (jr all. On the first of January,'one ibouvaiid eight hundred and seventeen^ the public debt amounted lo one hundred and twcnlN -rbrec millions for hundred and ninety-one thousand nine hundi-ed and sixty-iive (hillars and sixteen cents ; and notvv iihstandiiig the large sums wdiich lui've been applied to these objects, it has been reduced since that |;eriod, thirty- seven millions four hundreil and forty-six thousand nine hundred and sixty-one doU lars and sev en'.' -eii^bt cents. Th(; last ixjrlion of ih.e public debt will be re- (h'cinabie on the liist of Januarv, one tiK'iisand eigh.t hiitidred and thirty-five; and while tliere is l!ie best reason to be lieve rnal the resources of t!ic govern ment will be continually adequate to such portions ol‘‘ it as may become due i.-i the intiM-val, it is recomnu nded to Coni^-ess to s(>l7c ev eryo|)porti.nity w hich mav jve- sent itsell’, lo reduce the rale of interest on every ])art iheieof. The hig!i Stalc oi' i)u!)lic credit, and the great abandance of money, areal this lime veiy favorable; to such a result. It must be very grati- fyin.c to our l'el!»>vv-ci;i:'ons, to witness ibis llourisliini,'' slate (d‘ t!ie luiblic finan ces, w hen it is i('collected, that no bur then whatever has been lnij)osed upoii them. 'I'he MilitHry rstablishment, in all iis bram hc'-, in the |-.( id'oriiiance of the x a- rious duties a sijviicd to each, ju^lifKs 1..1S and eigiUv-oiie cents, wii!, Ilou all . ' ;-o\enimi'UL there, w i'ii , al ihi; I'ead of w!;i., !i, ini- pla- I) •, 111; ll'e th lit lie I ’ ')!’ thi'. :;-'i. I I iiinent, tn ' jeci, (St t'. i.T oy 1' !.;:! -n-i it!i , nnidi ;’id (.11 p;’i.iriji!e . .'.im eon-' pl. . e i il',;li; ’i'..'.e til' I'l pci-’ii:'-' uf lhe;r ;;0V e.' II),i* I' i '1.)l t h.iS 111 I I) iii;i'le I ! ion tj! M'a'i’i. I) 'I'111." I '- w it!i eac b D'.'W er, i'.ie i;-..l'.'e', ,1' p‘, rlVrl icclpi''M i',\ : lo i lg'h; . it. w !i, v.iili a, '-pirlt «'1 ( ai.diir I w t-iild Ciiiij'l ;d! r\isl!ii';‘ di':i.'rui(;f^. tlie \>'-’‘-e;s 'l it;' .Jid I eiii.iv e, I il' , ,i'..ii( ab!c, a!l (..'U-a •> ol in- ^ I ol I'.ej); rs(.'Ulati V e', i ( ^ a new I' ('on;;i I' .', lo pro- j j„.riul tit Hri.lsh !,ov I I iiiiii I!!, a.ii e'.- ced-tlie I'rim f', inv,b;iiithe iveg'-'iic) h.vd !)r"!i \ l bv'tbe Kiu"- a.l l!ie tune *t' his fiep,: I’l'1 re. 'I':u rc is rea.e.ei lo i ’.prcl Tim' 1i\ „;ii;e-ibb- le gKti'.i I'll'. i h'' ui'leji'.ii- of l;ri;;-.ii w ill, eie lo:ig, be leoo.- iv I'oi iU';a! In '' >eb- (. IlOl M. H ^■•bud^.: he li. .■ 1 I li. tIIal b . DM'..' il ,:b of ilu' (,ii; Ci'll o' t .iC 1 ■'Jill lhal r llie o!j- lu lual lv‘ W O' 11( i I o; !.*• all 1 i: Di’ o.i'.'’r ( u ' li ';el',i;ig 1 il.: l^ helievc'.l. ie!' .>‘1 jii;: eti I'oth It;.I lies. V o.'i '■ iio ( ' io;i l)ct' \\ ii il tlie I e:ir.iiiiiug l‘o • eisoi i.uroiVv ! w '.;ii iliU'^e on tlu' f"a->L oi !’..rliar'.', aiii • ] (i'. t !\\i"i all the new S .ut!i ,\r e ru\'.;i St.iti •- .b.", llial it I ivir 1; I.''',o:r. ; 1 :■ 111' a iriCio*} iti.jaeLv ; lie li'ado iii'Wr hav»' M'lii^tefs IMr.'iii■'.'"i’i;."v ilsi and !)v tlieii .u!)je. lioa; '•( '1 . ',li.;U l;':i ,1 V. Jnm', r., be' V. crn tb. ■ S ' N.viL-,. 'oiic!i;(let ierii l.U'ii le I . C.eivvi r iw (> \ ( en' Il . 1 i■ • 11 .11 ''.b^'. id' lei 1.1 . l’ !'i' UI V I-; j-ii'-.. U :■ b.i" i; 11 e\ I : 1i rud 11 ; and i:i liio-e ;> hopi !, ubv In a ( orres- bv iiii-.itis oie’ier. A com hi.led .llli. s 111 ‘ .ondo;i, (ill le.e day (d ■|il>' auiii(;r- l/.id l)V !);^:!i g'.vt r.inieias, to thi raiiii- it(n (d w bn n ( eri.iiii (d/'.t. i h'l iia'-e • ".'II, w iiiel; ai e m.t v i eu'.ii ' ly leeioved. 1 he. o 1 |iel'■ Ile.' b> t'..i:'ll .lie pa.l'wi'.s, :>.lii s'MiLouiii;", li.iS i,i;e;i retlm ed to a po i:’. (d oI ileI' po; s, \i u!i v\ hon 1 i I liat 11" odium w lo b w i.uld tl .itl.K h-’d I'l il, w '.>i,:d p;'(.e poiid't!.-; a; 1 .Ji,.,! r.u le . ami, tliei-r I. i','> ell!,re i XUi (. '(;liV ( 111i >:i, t.» III1 e'leei, . ,'■(1 111 • .ondo;i, (ill l!’.e il) Joci.i ii'/ti il' iai-.es !),^:!i !;•'iv t r.inieiiis t a iiol (d :iH (l, t 111 !ic lei ■lie iifl II. gniliuu', a il t/ (!(iVa ■11 'i.iaim '-d, 1 ,o near t'» ti.‘‘ i.i .;r 1 11 : dv an- I NO (K',-.i I'.d' ;e IO i. v ‘ III'' 1 ''- ■ l.l'iiUgiiultl ! b.’ lull Ion e. low 1 Vcr, t . ti.e pr Ill bill S' a‘. i\ ihe 11 ..u' e ' 1 1 ;ei-' , w I re lea ' ’II t I'l' ri,!i ■ Irvu; i'; ‘.'.U'! VLi.lcU IjOlll Ualli.'.^ M. ;-iuhs of !iiti;...iii' !. As (;bjv, tl.,..; ; !e re( (;i iiuei; itives, or ill I pal ab • ’■ •' \\ ■ ling v. i ;ii t lie llcpiii)ii. s td’ l,olombiaj V bill, am! h.a\ e rei mvi d Miul-tei s id' l ii'.'.e ixoik fi .»m C.'okiiibla, lb;, n -\yra-., ami .Mexico mei ial I'l lat I'-M'' \i 11 ii ail t inu'.u.dlv bi i'!.dic\al and im i' liie l!ei)iiid;c (d’ C'diiiii'yia, Comiuei'i e ha'' I'et n lo. ined ii.'py 1 I 1 r;;;.er!( d cl)ai j^iiig- lie.'i iirreni dishursaiueiits ol liie }cai, llie inleiesl on ihe public dei)t, and iiljiWi.rds oi' i leven millions h'e lium.ire'i liiousand doll.11 s of the pi im ip.d, leave a b.daie e of more loan lliree millions of d'iilars in the I'i'eaoUi v, on ihe lo'sl da\ o» Jaliuarv ni xl. A lai';.',ei- .iimuinl of lac dei)'. conM’actc 1 durin;;- t'.ie lat^' Wur, beall i;,' a'l tu’fi . . d' .U N. p r'.I. 111. ijt ? ijiuirg iedei ..i.i^oe ii. lie.- I. OKI' !«■ i>l_ ibc eii-.uiii,^ \ '.'al, til -ill Cold 11 uC' disch.J’L,eu 1 the ( .'•oiii..:-y levriiae, the ac' ol'' .1 I'. .I'llv-m\Ui ol '■ I..y iii.r- I'/.i'd l!;(. i■ '..a >.i 11'■ e ..uditjiis d.ir i at 1 r ,;iid a hall p"!' C’ ii . ''J I I'le s.iiiu i), ibis al i\ ii'ji iiK 111 an ..iiie.iv! su'. ill;; v\ oi a.i 'Tie; l .j li'.e pui)lic ( 1' ‘..uv el.') diV t thou sand dollar-;. (-■•ader ih" a( t of i!;e ]ib of May last, a h;..:i of "tl ve- mllii'm:. of d.’jllar’-, was a:i- the i'a’. ora!)!e v iev.- . hi'- li w .is presented Its or|';ani7.aiion, at the aj;i.>rc>p'ialions of the edicli. ncy (jf the la-,t session. All hav('bien ieg.ulailv applied to the ol)- ject'jniended Ijy Coiv.rress ; and, solar as thi'di'!)urscmeii’s !i.i\e iieen mad'’, the a(i'ouut's l'.;i'e bf. n reTidered and settli 'h: v. idio'.'t, loss to lliC p'dilic. 'i'lie C(^ndi- ti'Hi d' ihe a.rmy, itsidf, as rt'Iates to tiie id'(.eis ai.il men; in seieiice and di>-( Ij)- liia'. is > •g!dv r!‘s|,e.'ta!>U‘. Tlie Milita ry tad.i. i.iy, ti.ibv .(“.f-, I d( ^ I’m'- -h Ii;i w!.i( h 1 be arm v ("si'n- ..1 1 |> iviUe ■1 It. (iiialiiiKLhi. I.) .r co:n- ,e Slal'.' at e Sing. \'’itr> a Lit aty oi d' w hii h a rived, ai'd ibe origiiud daii; A n'goti:Uio!i fur a lil.e iiealv 1 ! h lei'.os d i'V t’u u and lamenti v! d> i o! Mr • Minister tie. .:!,! I'!.;v (' Iiei i; i,oloi'i!''iu\’d v> i res, lo'd il liol been p.' vi'i. iio; ■’.I o m o:'{,er to iin.i.' the ri,;:;da d'.e. v. W lib ll'.i .1 1' ol le.teri-' jjrovision t iiad suMab lio'i-,. ..ml !'i ^'1! -,1) Ion;.;' vv ii 'di. 1 cr the.ie .id\ i.dv I ('paid, a' bah' l)V ibe aw aid-', un i iiiv’d was ne'^'o d.(f ti.e I' i" ,'r (. ‘111. llie ! ed .illll-i iti (/Ul ... g,v.t .1 ! W lu;i.i il..i''l i. V ere i;m : : -.lh.' pa: I. I il l-,'. .;:.t d aei. I-v ll'i-, eilizi 11-, w ill,, bv sp'dia- i!!i' \ H '.(i iji'i"i iiio'.iy p.iid.— :ic -v ill i.'i.' ..ln- V. ’ \ ihv' sal.' ,e iiio 11 b_. .\l! r t. . ,‘.ciai 1 ■nt : and I* > V‘. ho:-.e i/f tl'ie Ivimi -.I'll lo .t'.i . t v'U'.b'll h.;-- e''. .lilta'^;'i.'s i r;.:;il im ■ 1. oiu ri nuieut oi i.iai id' 1 Iv tei'l'ltoi y III oda' ' i e. 'i)i;s ; 1 a'Ooli ill .11 e-)iloi. 'a c.iii.iol lie I'o.a as i.i en o leil It i-. • sllii'a'.-d t!., 1 the • 1 .'-.iflii; ;• tl.e' 1- : d'l I'a air;.. ciiriii,,- t!.e } V' . V ... M re- i" ir i'.iiii,1 .Iiui I'V' lit) l’.’ •’ca 1.1 lo iM' " t!ie (!; aiu ( . i.'.i'i-ii! ha ' r r. iiiid... Ibe'- ?!ie '-.'Hn i ’ ■ i: i ) (. b - wli':cb i.i annual . 1 . . . . ' , » . , _b''- ''. . .lUi't u’.' o, '.'.e .pii ..;u)i l(/'j lO. : I ) v\ hii !i II is much in- loi- '.h.is s'ate of im[)i ()\eniciit. has 1, in (dillpai is )!i vvltli anv c/du r 1 i"., (d il Ilia' hind, a, b’.'^li de;.,rei . '.ion. l'.\[ie''e'ii.1, !u(vvever, has '1.0'.'. n ! bal l!v' di-pe’ sei.1 ' i.ndi’ion (d' the I Ol p'. ol' A "tdli'i'., is unl‘..\Ol a.!)!e to tin; di',. .’pliiie ( f t''a‘ ill. port all' bix.iK h of ihc; .\! iiltai'y 1 .■t.Jdisliiiie;;’.. To l emed'. this im oiM ei'ieiice, eh'\i n CfJiHpaiiie'. h.ivc i;. a as-,em!)le(l at the I ■oitiliciliou ('rert- I'd it ()ld l‘oiii! Coiid'.'rt, .o a si !k;o1 for Arllll'-ry in ,t; uction, with i’T'-ntion. a‘> ,h--y sli. 11 be peri' L ted in ib(‘ v..'loas du- t i ■-> (1 t!ia! si.'i'v li v’, tw er p. ■. a:;d to ' ;pj • yiiH.r iiiip.i'ii:i , ior i.i.'.nii.T. In 11;is i.iovh . a (."Il,pieie kM-.iw I- edee ol ih'' 1. i.cc an;l oute ^ d' this x'r.'.di, .1 thr(>ll'^•houl ihc .rtdlerv. liu'., to cany iiiio ( dirt, w 11! reoulie ;. ; to v\ suOl..;f ord( llii'iii t(j olii- I'.eii' pia'.'.es v. lih i.;s.tfu. til'll in llk(‘. al .11. W V. li.de '■ tl; ii ob; il'.e aid ■ '(! tl.. hifii, i.ii con ‘Il ma'lK Mil .1 ;r. ot '111 (b ha.i.a ) Ine e.vii i>i ,h'i. t'U' i-rp '^ri iti i' -xi;. dr, I-;..’ ,-L ii^, I'e.- I i.ir iii.o'.tliiK" 1' !.;I I.ei ulC' 1. ’ b.' ( -.1 t n , ap- «.!' l! •• - 1 'v 1' !i I'.imii’U'. .' a.,';-riu;.

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