filial r.r/.-!-ip>tI,.n caTinot full to ^ive ' dition. ail !ilior>al seem iiv to lluit fi (Milirr, an i to ! ii ■ ■ ■ . - - di M^ny oT ,’,e ii-i1u‘s Iiavc luvccidv . . V. ‘‘" I toi ii-.afir proat pi-o^rcss in tiio uifs of ci^u- -nihish, pioi.u-lionaoiy the cxinnsc of i?xd lilV. Th ' dc.irablt* ir.ult has bcci It ,n the rv.'nt of war. . ^ bm;io-!u ul.out l.y tl.c huuianc and pcrso- 1 lit piOMSiotis ))) tlu sc\(Mul acts of \ciinL>- I'olirv of i!,/. . .^,1.1 . . - ul acts of l.oiiriTss, of ilu> last ‘^#^^i^Jn, fur ih,- Ini ].!>\Mi,cnt (,f the iui\ii^-utioT> of tlu- Mis- RisMi pi and tlie Ohio, of the harbor of I iv!(>, (,n Liikf i.i if, anti the n-pair of tlic Piyn)oiiih 15c; ch. uu' in a course c)l ict'ular t'Xfcuiiun : ;uul ilicit' is reason to b(*!ii'\c, tl'.iii the .(pproj).-!jlion, in each ii'.siancp, wi]i hr adeqnat.- to the oliject. locuirv llu’so inijii oA rnK'iiis fully into efT( f,l, ihi' si; j)ci inUMicienct'of tIiciii has bi‘»-n assi(;ncd to ofilcrs of the Corps of En!,''int*('r.s. Under the iict of ,10th Apri! last, aii- thori/i!i(r the I’residt'nl to a hiirvev'‘>, with tl;c necessary phuis and Cstiniaies, of siicii roads and r’at.als, as he niiLjht deem oi nulional iiiiporlance, in u cod-.rneicial point ,f 01 li.e trans- |)>i!.ilio7i of the ntdi!, a lioard !kis been inslltfiud, (; of Imo dis* i;):;!iisii- cd oflicersof ilie (.’01ns of I 'nt/ineris, and a distinrnishtd civiTJ‘.n;;iiu'.'i, vvith a .- sistants, wiio Ikim* ht'd, ae.i\(.'ly en>p!oy- fd, in carrying into rilect t!ie'objcet ot tlie actt J hey I a\e ca:',!,illv t':xai'iilM"d tlie route brt\,cen the rulonuic and ilie )li!ori\ers: liciuv - n tlie iatie" avd [.akc 1-rie ; l)et'\een t,re Alleghany and Lh Siis(;ne!uin?iidi ; atid lite I’ontes bclvw’i'ti the Delaware and the l.aritc.n, Bainr,ta ble and IJiJZ/arfi’s i3..y, and bciwft n J’.os ton ]’arI)or:!id N.ira^^-anset Jiuy. JSiirh portii ii (A' the eoijs ol'* 'l o;)()p;raphi'-al 1;,'.!.’ineer>, as e.cnld be spaicd litd'i ihe Shi >t*y of the coas;, !i. s Ixtti ti.ii,!o'.cd III .ui'\e'in;. I ! e \ cr\ impM t .r.t ro,;:'!>!>- twci'cn i!.( l*i,ion,-.i ..iiU :!.i-Oliio. C ( n- :dderu!)!e pri)„ri'ss ha^ l-fcu nsa.le in n, but I,! e siir\('y catitiui be t (jiiijih t'il ini'.ii the ri M .sev ion. It is ,^raLi;\ k’lt to ailu. Ii'oni the \ ir’.s aiieady iakt n, t!:at tIiTe i P'1,'d eanse to !)elii.'\e, iluit this ^•^e.,t n..- lirnal object niu\ i>e fuily aec;(;nipii->iif(i. It is euntei'i plated t>i eoinniencc eai Iv in the tiexi seas,,n, tlu' eM-rntion of thr oilit'r bianrii of the aet, that which vv- l;.les to roads, and wilh the s!n-. t \ of a ro./if fioni this C ity tl.i'oiM.^h tiie So-uh- ci!i Stales to Xeu-Orlean.s, the in.por- tance ol whu h catnujt be too iiir-hi) e-ui- All the (dhceisof boih the C(n-ps of i:n;;ineers, who could be Sj,>ared from otlier serxii es, have been eniploved in e\- I>Ioi inland sui \ eyiny ti-,e routes foi ca- :nals. To dii-rst a plan for both objects, fur the Ki-‘iit purposes specifn-d, will re quire a thol•on,^h Unowledj^eof e\ery part of oiir Union, and of the rehuion (.feach part to the others, and of ail to the seat of the (ienei ai Governnient. I'ui- such a dift-en it will be necesiary that the infor- ■niati(;n In full, minute, and precise. \\ ith a ’ iew to then* important ol)|e( is, I sul> Tiiit to the considei alien of ( 'on;,;ress the tjropi iety of eular^iny both the corps f.f i:n.LMne‘is, the Militaiy and 'I'opoirraph- ical. It need scarcely be remarked, that the more exunsiveiy i!ie‘;e coijjs are en- gai^-ed in the in'provement of their l oun- try, in the execution of the pow (1 s ol^Cun- gress and in aid of tlie states, in'such iri'])iovrments as lie beyc.nri that limit, ivhen such aid isdesiied.’ tlie hap'pier tlie cfiVct will be in njany \icws jf which the -subject issuscepti!)le'. D\ proiii'-n.-(jf their cri nee the wtJi ks w ill alwavs be^well ex- ecii’ed ; and by in;j^ to the oflieers such «rinj)l()\ment. our Union will deri'.eall the advanla^^-e in j;., ace asweilaswai, from ll:cir lalrnis and services, which th"y cun alltji cl. In this niooe. ai'^'u the TViiiitai y w dl be incorpo: uleti w nh ilu- ci\ - il, iiiiiounded an! iiipirioiis i.istinc- ti(-ns and prejiK.i* t s of e'.. | y kind, be tlone aw.iv. I'o (he ci.ips \ cs, thi. service Ci nnot fail to lie (.(juallv use- ^;I. siM( ( , b) the know icd_..'t* iht-y would thus iicijiii'e, tlicy w(,ii!d eii'.inen’lv bi'tU'!- (juaMlied, in tiif iM ut . f wai, l( i the ;';iea' puipo'CS for wliiclr they were ins’iiu ed. CJi.r ifijiions wi’h the Indian lri';e' V ithin oiM h. \e n..i i.ecn m 1 ally huiis'td d;.iU!';- l! f _\ ai. 1 l.r I o- tile disposition evini ed b; t>n the Mis >ouri du, iht C(;ntinues, and h tlso-e i^ii i!ie L \crinjj ])oiicy of the government; an:! particula'-ly, l)y means of the appropi !a- tion ftii'the ci\iliza»ion of the Indians. 1 lu're ha\e be(*n Vslal.dished, iinder the [)ro\i.sions t>i tliisact, thiity-two schools, coiiiaining nme lnr;dred and sixteen scholars, who are well i’l^triu ted in seve ral brandies oi‘ literumre and lik^'wise in ayriciilture, and the ordinary arts (>f life. L nder the appr.-jpriation to authorise ip'atlf's V. iih the Ci-'ek and Qua;)aw In- di'tns, coiinriissioners lune l)een appoin ted, and ne;(otiatio!is are jk,\v pendini.y, but ihe result is iKjt yet known. 1 or more full infornialion respectin;:^ the principle wiiich has been adopu'd for carrying- into ell'ect the act of Coii!jres;., authorizin,^-surveys, with plans .ina esti mates for canals and roads, and'(m e\crv other braiK h ofiluly incident to the De partment (>f War, 1 refer jou to the Ke- port ol’ the Seci'etai y. 'I'he scjUadron in the Mediterranean has been maintained in the extent w hich w'as projjosed in the l(epori of the Secre tary of die Navy of the last uai, and has alibi rird our coiiiiiici te the necessarv jjro- tvCiion iM ilu't .ea, Appieiienilin^:, l.ou- ever, that the unfriendly i-elations uhic h iia\e existed between Altpers and some oi the powers of laii-ope. laii^iu bi' exten ded lo us, it has l)i*en ih(;ii,t,^ht exj)eilier!t lo aii;;inent the force ihcie, and, in et.n- seqiience, the “ oi-ih-C..i oiiiia,’' a Mnp 'i the liiu', has i)een piei.ared, und.wtii sail in a few days to jOin il. i lie iorce empio\rd m the (lulf of Alexicu, and in tlie nei.Miboi in;.;- ?,eas, idr Ibr SIIJ j)ressi(,n of i i.acy, has likeuiM' b(cn pi eser\ed essentially in the state 111 uhichit was dui ni;^r ii,i. l)erse\eriii--idlort has been iiiaaV for the .xcomplisiinient (jf tliat objcct, and iiiut ii prom tiufi has tht i eijy Ix cn aliwi tu cl to oui coiHUieiee, but suli th(> pia-.t.eeis tar fiom ber.i-^-sui^press.-d. 1 l om e.MTy \ icu \\hich li.iS hei'ii taken td llu' subji-ci, it is ihoiii^ht thu. il w ill be net essur\ i lo augment than to (himnish our force in that (,iiar er. i here is reasoJi lo bflie>e that the piracit's now coiupk.incil oi’. are comniiued by buiids^of loiibers wiio in- liabit the isK.nd, and who, by presei \ ini^ good inieliii^tnce uiih ilie town, . n>i seizin.^-laxorabieopi.ortuniue-i, rusn foi tii and fail on iinprot. cted mercliant \essels, oi u hien I hey make an eas\ pre\. 'I’he j,illai;e ihus taken llit _\ can y to ii.eir hir- Kiiii^ jilates, and uisj)use ol'afiorw anis at price.', tetuunyio seiiuce ihO neii;bljoi mg popiiiaatyii. 1 Ills combination is under stood to be of ^reat exienl, and is the moie to be dej>recated Lit cause iheciime of piiacv is ol ten atlenut (1 uiih ilie mur- iiei of the crews, lliese roi^be.^ kiiouing, if an) sui \ i\e, iheir lurkini-- placebwoiud be exposed, and the) be cau;;hl and piin- iiiliefl. 1-I'.at '.hi.s; at t (n lou..) ]):\d tn (.•, slyjuld be carried to such iMent, caiise of equal siiipri'e and reijei. sunied that it must be aitrilmied to tin- rekiM'd and fcel>ie i>tate ol the local gov- einmcnis, since it is not doubled, from tilt hi;;h character of the j^ovciiior ol Cu ba. who is weli known and mucii lesj.-ec- tfd her*', that, if he had the powci he N'oiild promptly suppress it. \\ ln-iher these robbt'rs sliouia be pursued on the ioiifl, .the local authorities be made res ponsible for those atrocilie.s, or an) oii,cr measure be resor;eI tt>, tosiijipress them, is subuiitted lo the cousideraiion id'C(,u- c;rcss. In execution (,f the laws for the su pression t.f the slave trade, a \essel h bet'n occasionally si-ntfiom liie stiuaditin lo the roast of Af/ica. wi.h ortie-s lo re- liiin thence !\ tiie usual tr;.( k ol the slave ship and lo seize hn\ td gi\r:n to La Fayette to visit the United States, v ilh an assuraiice that a ship of war should attend aLatiy port cl France whicii lie might dcsii,nate, to rc- cei\e andcoiney hiiri’at ross the Atlantic, whorii'ver it niictht be convenient fv>r him to sail. IJe declined t!ie oJerof a public ship, from motives (;f di.licacy, but as sured me he J\ad long in'.ended, and would certainly visit our Uni'«n, in tlie c oui’se of the present yea!'. In August last he arrived in Xew-Vork, v,he:-e he was received w ith the warmth of att’ec- lion and gratitude to which his \ery ini- ])ortant anil disinter('sleil services and sacii.ices in our l«e\olulionary struggle, ';o ('min-'niiy entitle him. A corif'spon- duig seniiment has since been niaiiil’ested in his favor thi ougiiout every jioi lion /f our L nioii, ar.fl allcctionaie iinitations iiau' been given him ij extend his ^•i->ils to them, ’i’o i!iese lie has ) ieltled all the at ciMiiniodatioii in his power. At e’.t'ry tic‘s!i;uated (>( rt'iuie/voii ;, the whoU pt.piiialion oi tiie netj^hboriug country has been assembled lo grei t him, among w honi it has ext iled in a j)eciiliar manner the sensibility of all, to beholtl the sur- V i\ ing meniljers td tjur i'e\olulionary con test, civil and uiilitai), who had sharetl w iih hiiii in the tdls anti dangers of the war, many ol them in u dec.rej)id state. A mtire interes!in;'; sjjectacle, il is believ ed, vvasnevei- w iiiu.'.'.set!, because none couid be ftjunded on puier princi])Ies — iioiie jjroceeil from higlier or more ilisin- u-if '.ted nn>tive',. 'I'lial ll^e I’et.-lings cl iliose who iiad fo'ught anti Idetl with nim, • a a common c.jise, siio;ud luue l>e»-,, much ext'iietl, u as ii.iiural. 'riaieaie, !ie.\ve\ei circuiiistitiices attend tie;' liiese iiiierv iew s, w Iik h jjei vade ilie w huie et.i)i- nuiiiilv, aim touciied tiie breasts o’ever\ a;,e, even the youngest >.moiig u 5. 'i iiere vvi.snot an intlivid.iai ]>Uben'i, uhoiia'i ni/l some leialno wlio had part-i.ken in those St cues, nor an iid’aiii w iio hau not heai tl the relulion of ihem. lJut the eir- ciimslance winch was most sensiblv fell, anti w hich his presence brought forcibly lo ilie recoileclioii of all, was the great Ciiiise in which we were engaged, aiiu the blessings V, hich we have derived fiom our success in i;. 'i'iic strus-^ie was I’or j . ;i 1 independence and libei tv. ,v.; ne ..wi ov,n ^‘rni'nrnts Ii. . n dv''rlar"c]. and 'is to the world. Separated, as w v are, fiom L-urope by the great .\tlaiitu ocean, we can have nocont.t rn in the v» ars of t!ie Eiiro'pean governments, nor in tin causes which j'ir;diice them. 1 he bai- uncc of power btUween tht in, into whici ever scale it may turn in its various vl br:itions, cannot a'l'ect u.s. It is the in- leiest of tl»e United States to preserve the niGst fi'iendly relations vith everj power, and on coiu'i'ions fair, etpial, and applicable to all. i5ut, in re>gard to out neighbors, our situation is dill’erent. It is impossi!)Ie f’or tlie r.uropean govei’nments to interfere in their concerns, especially in thosy alluded to, wh'ch are vital, with out ati’ecting us; indeed, tlie motive wdiicb miglit induce such interference in the pre sent state of the war between the parties, if a war it may be called, woultl appeal to be Cfjually aj)plicable to us. It is grat ifying to know tiiat some of the j)o\vers w ith whom w e en joy a very friendly in tercourse, anti to whom these views have l)oen communicatetl, -have aj)peared to acijuiesce in them. 'I’he* augmentation of our population, with the ex|xansion of the Union, an l in creased numbt'r of States, have |ji'oduced ell’ects in cerlain branches of our system, vv'hit h merit the atti iition of Congress.— Some of our urra.ngemenls, and particu larly the Judiciary establishment, were made with a viev/ to the original thirteen st.ites only. .Since then the United Stale.- iiave accjuired a v a-i exieiii u[‘ ler; iiorv : eleven new stales Ivdve been admitted iiiLo the Union, and tenitories have b.-en lai. oil lor three others, wiiicU w ill, likc'use. iiC admitleil at no distant day. An 01 ganizctiijn i>l ihe •Supreme Couit, widen r.viry tJiiR ohj. rt h;(o .?ri ct, t-.i ot'uii Htli (|UHtc sum to IMcItt (»fii tVigati., \.itii :,ii t,;;-.. lit''.iu-t 1N, to tin , lllllllliil river :uul ti'e tn.rt to ClluiiK-the K\eciit';M' to ii ;iU - nient at ilie niost jioii.;^ ,, ■' I t.'l (•. assigns to tlie Judges any porti;n t>f t,i dulies V, hich belong to the lnf’e. it>r, le- tjiiii iiig th(dr passage over so v.,-1 a space, 'Jiide” any distributi^M of the slates i!i..t. ina) MOW be made, if not impracticable in the exec ill ion, must rentier it imptjssi l)ie for them to discliari-e the duties'of ei ther blanch vyith adv antage !o the Union. 1 be duties of the Sujjreme Court woiik, be of great imporianee, if its decision;- were Cor,fuv'd to the o.dinarv limits d’ iHllibeiiv, puV.iic itiul iHi-l'^V'V ‘'7.'“““^’ consih>r- sonal, and in this we mu t ceded. ’I’ne i '* decides, and in the last meeting with one who had borne so‘d is-ii>K'stions which tinguisiied a p.ari in that sti u>.y le, i h i“", involving and I’rom such lofty and (lisinleresied mo-' ' 0'’" tivc.s, cinild not-’ to aH’ecl, profoundly, : and ftm'ign il IS every indr. idiial, and ol every an uatiirid iliat wesiiould all take a'deep in terest in his falure widl’aif, as wc uo. lii~. hi;,di chiims on ;ur Union are fidl, and the sentiment universal,'tiiat they should be met in a geiien^us spirit. Under Uu--,e imj)ies.-ions, i invite voui- attention to tiie subject, with a view that, regarding ins \er\ imj)ortaiit services, losses, amrsac- powers, too high an estimate of their im- poi taiue cannot be formed. The gre i interests of the nation seem to letjuire tliat the Judges of the Supreme (,'ourt should be exem[)ted fiojn every other du- tv, than those which are incident to that high triis-. The organizalion of the in- H iior courts would, of course, be adapt ed to circumsiancrs. It is presumed that sut h an one might be formed, as would ^ stcure an able and faiihf’ul dischai-e oi their duties, and witht>ut any material i. 1 i.e ■ ! iri!)e^ iast i'ar Slii ex’eiKied in some tie- gree 10 tlso-e t.ii tlie Upper .M i ,.Vi sipp, and the u! j;-. r l.ake'. ?^e ,ei .d pai :ie:‘ .,! our ciii/eiis have bie-i [i.underetl inurfjcrrd by th'.se li iijes. In o, d,.,.. ,,, rsti’.!)!i h ii l.,ii(jns 1 l.itndship v. i;b tl'ei'i, Coi'i'iess a1 the las’ '.issi^,,i niadi ;iii iipji.'op, 1 ,u;i 11 tieaiiis wiihthein, and foi' the ( nvplov nient id’ a sidlab’e iiiiiilarv e^^o|■t to act oihjiaiiN a'hd iiMi ud iii;nis-,i.;iiers. ;.t tlii' pi.'cs ;,pi-o;i;- ■ lic.m.ll.nion:. 'Ibis td)M n eiVei ied. "i he sea'-oti vi till ted lias for Uol 1)1 too f '■ . (h ■•Viis man , JjeMhil i aiifl in i..\ d w hen ;iit) the di:,’ n easiii. ■ i’l II ( iiion .,nce have Imo !;real to been taki ii. •!is V. ill be I id an earlv t^iiipii- Jiei lod liie piepariili ted, lo atcoiiijdisli it 111 : he He \l seaiwii. ileiicv I’U' iliji 1 11'-hoslib • \ f/f I.he trilies, pitiiit idarl) tni tin i-ppei' A; ■ :,a!.t| tlieLidMS. is i>i ho sm.dl to ihe ,\ ai's u Irch are ca-i ied on be tween t:;e li i!n s I e-idin.L; in that i;na! ier, iiie;'Mi. .'s hav e been iid\eii 0 l;i in;;- uM.iiii u 1,'i’iiei'a! ],e;ie(' jtmciig 1 ei.;-y 1'.u I), i) ‘ iicics fill, w ill ))ol o;i]i I, I, i I,, 11,,, J.,,, our ves>el'i w liich niiL^hl be en!',ai;cd in lhal Iratie. .\'oni; ha\ e been found, and, iI is ixdieved, that non.' are liius em;)ljved. It is well I'.nowii, however, that the trade siill ex- i ■;s hnder oliier Hags. I lie he. 1th ol onr^s(juadror) wliile a; I hoiiij,son s KlantI, has (leeii much heller durin;>,' the present llian it was. the lasi reason. Some imj)rov eim nls have lieen m: de, ,nd oMu is „re ct.nieiepLded iheie, V hit!’ il is'ot liev ed w ill haV e a \ ery sahi- 'arv I'll. t ». Oil the I’acihc .,ur commeif e has 'hik h 'lit re;,sed: „iul 01, ii,al i oa-i. as wdl as on ibiii ‘-.ea, ihe I nneti Si.des have maiivjni- poi iaiM ititeu",!', vvlii' h leijiiire attention and proieelion. It i,-, liioii-|,t iljat ali ’he coir-i.ierai kjds v. hieh sii:.;.-esied liie t '.petlietii ) ( f pb.eing ;t stjUadioii (,n thui ca. i pei ale w ilh a’lj^nieiiled force, fui il liiei e al least m etpial cx- m.iiniaijiin ’t-n!. 1 ;r detailed inforrnafion re'^fu'cting the stale (d t,.i!' i"ari!;UK' foi' e, on tat h sea. "e improv eni.-n: 1 ■id, i. ,n I,.' oi'g nt i’"i Its be'i.ei- ; I lie r. p'ji L til 11 V^ !i !t II IS herew Jin i ev enu' 1 l''''lll Im , 1 et eiv t «" s>'i V lu hi. math' on '.li/atii.'n of the naval '.'■nei viliv. atul i f »|-,r law s >■' el niiieiil, 1 I'eh'r v on to ■(' Set 1 eiai y of ine N'av)', rilict's, a provision may be made and dered to him, which shall corresp wiili the setiiimenls, ami be worlhy the character, of i!ie Anieruan j.eople. ‘ j expense. in lurning our attention to ilie condi-' . ‘'"’i^lition of the Aborigines w ith- tion (d theciviTued worhl, in wuicii lue 1bnn's, :;nd especialiv those whi> United States have idwavi. taken a deep' ."'"lii" limits uf anv of the stales, inierest, il is giatifving to see how lai-e i jiarticnlar attention. Iv.' a portion of it is blessed u it!i pe.ce. The I I'*'* "• tluil unless the irilies t.uily wars w iiich iicw exist \utnin tiiat I "‘‘ver be inco: pora- limi', are those beuvitn I'lirkev aiul - tti an;> form wliatcv cr. (.irece, in I'.urtjpe ; aiul belween Sp.^in ! Hi.ew ise sh.-w n, that in ihe re.i-ular aiul ilienew ( nn ei n,,,eiiL^, our nei,;h!)oi-.,! ‘i"U''“t’'‘talion of our p j|)'daiion, with the ' extension of our '^eii.eincnls, their sitiia- iion will become’deplorable, if their ex- tnic.ion is not menaced. Some well di gested plan, which w ill rescue them from such c;damiue.„ istlue to their rights, t; the 11,;Ills of humanity, anti to the honor •'I the nation. 'I heir civiiizalion i; in- di'iH'iisable to ih.dr Safeiv ; anti this Can be ! accomplished only bv degret's. The pro- rer s must commence w ith the infant stute, ' hi ftigli w horn some etTet t mav lie wroiigbi' on li.e iiarental. Diifu ullies'.;f the most seiious character present tluMirxeh es 10 tiie aliainmenl of ihis very desirable re- siili, i.n tlie terriiorv on which theV lu.v rc-'ide. To remov e them from it by force even with a view to their own sV.-.r:-v' ami happiness, woultl lie revoltin.;- to hn- iii-tnilv, .1,(1 utterly linjiistdiable. iJeiween the li-.mts of our preseni siati's aiul ter- ntoiH-s, anti the liocky .M.Mintain anti •Mexico, lliere is a vast ten itorv, lo ^ hifK ihi y might be invited, u it!) i|,d„ "blchmi--ht be successful. 1 f il V 1 i oii;' CM /e!' >, Il vaiifige lo l!.e Indi-iiis ii!l I he ev ,•;» ion gi"at f lo, o'lr r . t,M ihe i M.‘ ; rl , me e;; eal ■ i: e m,kM ■ ■ 1,111.- n 1 :hi' Ii PS \v it h a I'ienoiN I' ll i r -I i(M .1) a-| . |;| ■.>' CiiK.a t' ibes refei'- 1 Mu“ oMiei :• ' 'I 111' ■, and i' !t,i .I'M, liia^ ,i|, , , ijI I lit il ( -Ml- '’I 'ommunifateil, i the l't;si ()li,ce Depai t- a covsidt.i ;d»le aiig- 'Mf'uiaiion. in the p-e'djt jear. 'J'he ' urrent ' e., eip's w Hi e:.(.eed the expendi- li'' , .dl h;,iii;ii tlie i I ansporiat ion of ll’.e I niaii, vyih.n the veai, has bet n iniicii in- I' H'port of the rosi) sl..h I . , . ’’ hit h is ti aiisniitted, w ill f),r- m Ibis hemi-piiere. In boiii thc4 wars I ihet aiis.' of intiepentlence, 01 libeity and I huniaiiitv, con inufb to jji evad. ’idie si,c- cess of (.reetf, when ihe reialive jM.jui- jlaiioii of the (.t,nleniling parties is coii- sidei etl, comiiK.nds our admicaiion „ml jpelaiise, aiul that it has had a similar eilect with the neighboring Powei-, is o:)vious. The feeling of ti.e whoie civ- nizeii w(,rltl isextiied, in a hii;h degiee, in llitdr lavtir. Aiay \i e nol ht/pi- ti;ai ihcM- seniimenls, w mnin^; on tiie lie-i'is of ib.eir resiieeiive goveiT.menIs, lUaV loa-i to a more det isivc rt.-adi that they 11;.,y protiucf an accord anioiijr them, lo ;e- Idace (.reece tm the ground which .,lie ioi iiierlv Ik Id. anti ttj w hit li herheituc exertions, at this dav, so emiueiitiv oiiliiie her.' U ith respect to the contest, to which our neighbors art a pa. ly, ii is i,.,-i,i iliat Spain, as a jiov»ei. is sra.-ceU felt ,n "• I’bt-e new s,.ate.s had compleulv a- c.iievftl llie.r iiulependence, b(d'.,ie it ^ ;,s ackliow letiv;ed b) Ilie I mi.d .,,^1 ihev have si.nce maMUai”.ed it, widi liiile rorei;rn pressure, 'i Ji"d isKirbaiiees w hi. h iwrf apjjeairti in certain poriions of ihai v;isi ter, .1.;!), ha-.o procteue.l fio.n in- '•■I'ual . aiov-s, w hit h hud their tH iL-iri in tbeir loi'iuer ;;neinmen‘N and havc not :.el ix'cii lh^r(;ii!;ldy removed. I, ilfsl thal ihese eaus.'s ale thtil) iosiV- ibeir efi’et and lhat i!,ese new stai- s art' '■•nhn':- ^>""i"inderg(Mernmenis, iiciiv,> Ii'i icpresenimi'.e in every biaiu h. Mr,,- '1 >1- to fiur own. Jn this course v e ar- h nlly w ish tlx'm to p'erst'vt ill 1.1 eonv iclion thal it w ih i:, ir that ement -> tiioii" hi. ,. . l'’''nit,iy should be tlivided init. di-.rnts, liy prev ions agrcemeni with the ii’siding ihei-e, ,.n.l civil ernmeni.s be esialilished sc bool,-, for e vei'v bran liierature and the ( tl to ( (Mlj^TeSS. It is t!u)iit;-iit ’iK't^i'ti^i.tlun is , iiiiproveiiit lit of tins c'lv. 'i ] ,■ ,, lit 1vv en till' piihlic hirid'n ther parts, aini tin- ltkhukI ,,k,. , ; ings, ntpiirc if. It is ,s; ■. conr]dt.t on of ilu- e;.:, d ti,,„ ,| “ ■! I'astern lirano';, %m iiKl 1 tect. ijre;.t i .\i ii:ons f ;.\i l i,| pense incurrtd iiv tie clt>1 n-.. m • of Mirioiis kinds; but tin.s, \. j. belong exclusiM ly to t>u ot'u nature tt> rctniire l Ajx mi n |. rcs(H,rei .s. 'I’he pnMic ki' ., \, |, j, , , sale, V. onld, it is tmt (!oiil,. J, equate to these [)urposi ;. from the view ;.ljo\e , that the situati(;n of t!ie I'u.Ui, >• higlu st dc,^Tee pio.^pcrons au.l is no ohjcel, which, as a w vvhicli vv e do not |j(.ss ss, ur u I, i' our reach, lilessed vvitli u' picstwhieh tin. wt rl.l i \ir ln, „ tinct orders in sficii tv, ir Ji\ i!,. iiy [)ortinn of tln' va -t t^ rriti r \ i,\, i tloiniiilon extemls, v\ e i u !• tfin’t tlur which (an an a.ati h \ ;vi l.glitened p.-oplr. 'I II.. St rvi' these l)K ssiiim>, ;iiid to It) the latt vf posh r.1_\ . (»• .• t |„ , to satihi v us, t il j1. ol!l’|)l'! Correct :.n pro\ iih i,' pt l'c •, v,';; froiii daii^' r. Out' iiis'.' , f, . t.'int epoeii in tlie lii- i i\ , / On the r pf si rv^t «n,’ .-ii; ! ii, *!i' • r ty, exi Tv tii'a;; wdl (!■ p-ii'l. |, our intcre>ti i!o. ti, ( \i r_\ ] ^■|o!)e, aiiil toeti’ v to ai\ ca::-i il b\ tla :f 'i. till) an- iiiV)t'il In thv •, and iiav e a r:.Lfht .to g.>, wv i,,M-t . ■ tin. Ill 111 the ■ ) jo\ iiiii,? ofdu r..: • ihein, in c-: rta.n e\ c i,is. t , • , I'lir afitu le IS II' .'li'v il ' '• .- I • jtiii. r po.'. ers, a., i p;ivt e • ne!^'hh,ir-. \'i t- !;■■' • (!i,t Sj)t-i to ali, tl) wi. f'l v’.i- 1:, 1 • ' i '.V, ry kiiiil ot I' u sla ! ' r 'iiriant ai;.| mu-i,.i- n;;’ alo .t ■ , e.iiHe u iu n j.r.iel c.iwh.. .uid i,i - ; it u ht n .nt ' i;.i)h-. ' Aj;-aiiv' for )-n (I.e,t' ; ; nfneriiiiK nt -( a.s to i.. •.] ' . rh" events ui‘ tin-,- >v.e- make our m.iiii'Mu- frurf., )• 1 • , . II d ,HVsti (I eh n ;frt i.c-! ' - ' llicu nt pniVetion t,> i;:iv c..ii .1 _mi-nting tmr N'.ivv t.j a I'ti’iln i'■ has he* n sOadd) rjur.'i; J. aia! v. . ciimhint npcii ii’s to co;;,!)!. u ,, . cuivistances w ,11 p( rniit. In 1!,.. is on the!' fn.ntii r tli: ■ v. . sailed. !t_is in t|uarier, tli., r !, sliotild he jji-i parid to iimttia tluTe that oiir vvlede I't.Vce \\ ill action, tt) pr. vent the dc-.striK n >; and the (!es(>l;it,on atjd p iiaift i,f ■|'t) give full ed'eet to tli,.s poj'o , ments v» il| Ix- inilis|)i iis;,lj|,. ' . works, hy every praet c;.h!c ei ,i' shf'idd he niadi ea.s\, and in e\,T-, I'he inteivoursc, also, lutwii ;, ; our I mon, should In- proinofi 1!, ;,i ■, hy the exercise of those piuii-. • ct.iiiport vv'.th a fa thfid npiVi principles (yf oar (’oiistM'it 01’-. W ! inlernnt causes, these g- ,t nr,; c out. w itli e(|ual cer»aint’. th,' pii. . ■sill (I. KiMing oa the pe..■)],■, i i nu uts do,,M:,'t( and Vation;'), u't], ■, powi rs, it is of tiiv' h.f^h.'.st n.,|)( v:, ^ sev; r.dly L. , p w h,|, then'. I-1 Itiil n.n'tliat s.a red d'.t', it in.poUai.ce, that till inov( nu 1 > 1 v lie iiariiik 1,1011s ,• und in ( (,( .'(ho'.dtl any snch oeeiir, tlad a inade to t!ie People ; and t!i:.,t tl, he.iT I, and pron ;-*'e ('!)'\(!. • ne nts lieirip; inst t'.it'i d (1 r I'l. . • ' vv cannot fail to presp. v. v. 1,::, 1; , - thf ir-. ar>’ at^cet \ i.- to (•(,;, ■ , pis SI I ta*:Ves. m:,i eMi;M-i)l t'' ' i the pnrsu t tif these yr, ;,| (.1, ■■■ nis s|) rit, .and nai ''i \ . w, . .. . indultr-i cl, .tiid h t t\iv p .r , cheriMi'n.u- that spirit, .'.n.i jr ticni of the t(th.( rs, m l-at i.'..t >■ fare, th • f^i u. ;-.d int. ri st II 1, ■ ■ moted, hut the loal .■idtan'ar' " hy all. ! cunrif.t conclude th IS ('OM'Tlii:!' f of the kind w h r|, I sli.Ji h,.- vvithont reeolit etin.c'. v. ifh ;,t\ ,f v hea-tfi !l ;;Tat.tud.-.'t!K in .:'\ • ' public ec.aldenc. , aad th. ‘-i n. ;■ - v''h'eh I hav:' receivid tiom \ I !' in the var.uus trii.,1 s « !t!i I . '1 I . iioiiored. flaviiig ('oniiin lU '. d - early youth, aiut (.out mud a i,t and shorf niK rta!-,. | w'ta. ; dilheultti s (n \\ h;i-;, 01,i- ; 1, i n i , ‘‘tl, an.I admin d th. \ ,rii,e a:i.! ■' I:- ■'illg lha! to ill tiUMe I'or .governriieni, whieh, in .U'Otjtl Ol! r nei t’liboi's, ; ne\ 1 s, and U) t!|(.j|. Jndi ‘ !;iiit ;i 1' tribes iiou gov ill each, with Il d instriie 1 ion i 11 , I, , arts ol civiiized life. Iliat all laeti ibcs now wii]r,i) jur limits. i'ii;;hl pc.itluallv b- tirawn there. The ‘M‘cuiion of this plan wouhl nee, ss.r;h ^'tiemlctl will, expense, am! i!,,i iiicon-Mderable ; bin ,1 i, doubted whelhei oiher can l;e tiev i e,.', wi,i, |i h'ss bal.'Ie lo that o!>jecliuii, ly lo '“Ut I t eti. Ill to thr ii;t( n sts v'Teh the [' 'I ‘ tlu l‘'.ll'.|;e ,1,^ t ■! di.s e,..j|tii,rnt, tin p.opr vvtjiild b' 'f ’diui.‘ iike • lie' p'l.-t II! d t.n of I: I id ihe ilie oece.s i j' V i, ! o! l:ial loll i alioti and preM nt ’ I b par'iiie;;r. iiiiv) " i; b a resnliKicnwd'Con- 1 ti.e 'j'jisi'jn, uii iiiv ii;;t a.i ! iiiit cr a mtde liiidr happiness. in this their ( a; eei, bowiv- '■r, we have not inlerfeied, heli* evei y people have a right tbillisidves (I’.e ili'.'ir judgment, mav suit them Inst, (.'iii t'xample is btd'ore lh:^m, td’ tht icct d’ V hit h» In ini. are competenl indi i ment w e leave il, ili the o' her pt.'wCI S w " i lie deep interest which we cj;,. lln ir I t"'dt Irulepentlence, which we aekiioM |-I ‘ b'’d. ;.Hil ill i li.i i. , .. . I liet'.t dll’ iMc.lie, and iiur t.-.xii .v .11 tlu; interiM'. on ; M.ui.taii'j wji.dJ >'•'•.".1., v> hi.di till \ w , rt. sii’-nii'iii.i, ,1. t nt prt.spi roils an.I haj [ \ • t t ilicat!iai v\ leeli I e.:iinoi \; r !di s.s'ii)^;^ iiiav I'll pi‘, , , ,i , " ill !)e thr (ihj, ( t nt' mv t'rI-M i)r;ivers to the .Supr. n.e' l.’ il r 1 .lAVil ItriiiilrrT, 1 . I I icr I'l l si, Imv '• air adv !n en t itI'sinan, to ni.> has 1)1 ( II rh eti il V of a i;i iitleinan i f s'rii lid till si isliK! I I('I• II' !i 'I s nei. Tl ciM L ■I,l itI' I I -i'n taaer st l\ III - p’.. tnd tit;''.I, ; nd ill tiudr ('ii;o\iu nl ol i;‘lils iiu ideni iherett , t'speeiall ery imporUiiit on.; of insiii.,'i'i: 'I -1 re. 11, or ;,t V ' I' n our ae;. VU' ('■ II i, v;i; ; i aviiHieii ;n- i , t!!,ii;j;-ht t!,;it j • u, gill n sort nniMii. tl -■ I ‘ ;‘ud hav pUt-.tu the same p.diev. j ai tiu' nl-, s to then, .s «. \tt n.sivc. It :ihh',hinent tif sii " '"ir west, rn m.o, ‘ ot ( vt I o! e.. ,.;,ii)i- t till leoudi ••■‘'iiu oil,I r po in II, tl,.,. , h, a:>, is "y-l ' 'Hls'Ve.,. ‘ S' :u tfu* I. an.! :,n un-r. i-.,,!.'-. jt , ‘ '" l'';ry pus* to uhi.'o o.'r .sh.p vv on 1.1 :. Ihii'. I j I "Ol' eiu'ii r ii'll-lll \ to I'l ,,( ,|i ■‘.Vi • I u aoiii (,ii: '■l-d'! a’ ti, il, h\ ■■!. • n uiO rci),,r-i I'.er. I j I; I I ■Vt'ah. It I 'ui'is'i r. I 1 i 'I iiv, ihe I- . ,it i;.e, pp.oe VO at tn. r r:n> JI\ ■o K r ().'0 .- r.i. nt. '.t V an: il \ t t'e a-;, an-1 f o , >vr l|.:i ■m ‘11111 r.i .in; a i; Jii' llnr, vv lee ■■ >' Ol, 1.1 nut. M III il. J h 1 s ’! r II rd ' .’'o il , i '’ii .tmi, r.ii.t liti far, nan,' si Us U) g. t !ii:, to iiu.nn m till il.-ii' i)\ o'ii' (.M :, ri-i, p'-M V siiilt,.,- I), ! ' rrit( ru", at>.i i ee.ehfr' , and -.i* >lu’ tr,h.- . iTsid- I in 111, ■ i > t the H.,el V I werhs, i s( ; r’li.vtv'l ‘'’i,, i' ••• . i