VOi- I.] ciLiitLorric, ,x. v. tvesu.iy, j.ixr.iiiv n, is^s. [NO. 15. ' U’KMCTY r,r l.KMl AM, TJIiM-l- Il'iI.LVllS A YK.VH, 1’Vll> 1 \ AbVANCK. » >• \‘u ;ni;nT w I!) I)c (lisconfimii'tl, iiiiU ss at the ol Hiitor, I'.iitil all arrcurag’cs arc Ai'Vi.iiTisK-'iKNTS will be- inserted at the usual y ti-i. |’er-!oiis •seiKling' in ad\ ertisenieiits, are .to note on tlie niarffin tlu number of i;i,t rt'ons, or they will be continued until forbid, ;.iul ciiar^vd accoi’dinyly. I'iU'kcts for INiiliidolpliiu. 7TM1K subscriber ha\iu};- established a i l.ine of I’ACKL I'S between Philu- V* iliniiii,^ton, C. takes tliis method •ii.tcqu-iiiit thi.' public,that a vessel will leave \Vil- iiMiii'ton, N. ('. e\er_v ludays. Produce intended }i.rtliiscu!ivi \ance, w ill l)c receivedandf(»rwurd- t i i)\- Diiiieaii i’honipson, I’.sq. of I'ayetteville, .,n.l \li Sirs. Stuu Whittier, of ilriiihj4-t(iu, a) iheliiwe-nt rites lif freiffht, and least e\|)ense II.ivin^'-three ^-ooil vessels in tiie trade, t d !)y ( areful captains, well accpiainted V. iili ttie eoast, and cabins well iitted for tlie ac- , .nhiiiodation of passcnsfers, he trusts to meet v.'.'.l;iicn'irvi;j>-nient. I'lilladt.-lph'a, with its eti- vii'oiis. lus biConie su g'reat a manufacturing' that cotton can be sold to some extent, Ml,! advanta^^'c to the owners, the consumption b/iii^" at present about tweiitv liiousand bales j L^r uiiauiii, and will no douiit Ijc soon i^reatcr. JAMKS IWI ION, jun.. ('oiinn.y.'^lnii Mi rchunt, No.?!, Nortli Froiit-st. 1‘hiladelphia. Sip!e>iil‘ir 3U, 18J1.—onitll (^L AN'PK o TAX \L LO^ITKRY, OF \ ilU.IMA.-/7/’77/ CLuSX To be drawn the elirhih duij of I'tbrnnry, 1S25. A. M'lX rVKK, MAXAGEK. 1 1 1 1 1 1 G 6 6 156 3U 468 rsuu SCllKMK. riuzi: OF «lU,Uua 6,0'.,'U 4.000 r>,ouo i3,UUJ l,oo8 1.000 500 2M - - 24 - - 12 8 4 8rC)0 Fiir/.Ks. 15600 ULANKS. $10,000 6,U00 4.000 3.000 ■J,UOO 1,5. IS 6.0U0 3.000 1,JU0 O,/ 3,714. .S,74-t 31,'JOO sry.170 A. \VV\V.\^\A^VV, C(Kir/i. Sign. OrnaniC7ital\ i*AL\'ii:i{, I ~T~t F.TI'IJNS h's Ihaiiks t> his friends and the J ’ pn'-iV, for iibciyl eiK-t)UV.._n-eni Mt w iiicii i )u lias alivydv Ket'.vi tl, ;uul respeelfullv '-olicits i a (■•. it ii'.ui'iice of patruiia^e. lie is pre]5ared U) ’ ' .ill kill.Is (>t :ij;- in Ins line ; und cu.^-' to.iii-i'!) 11.a\ dei)eiid on liavinj;' tlieir work neat-' U i.Ni.eufi 1. and with ilespaUh. I’.iiiitiiij^ in tlic counti'v will be done on f.h'i'.'t ii'itiee. N. I? old chai'-s re-p'iinted onil re-g'':ilt. ( liiirhtfi, (Irli.hn- ISJ.*. —Itf 2^360 TICKKTS, 'I’his is a Lottery formed by a terinry combi- nution and permutation oi' o»> numbers’ Orders for TicKtrs und Sshauiis received at the POST-OFFICE, FAYETIKVILLE. Whole '1’ieKi.T ^4 00 I Qlautmis $1 00 Half 2 OU | Fackajjes of ten tickets, embracing' the GO Xos. ot tile J.ottei} , wh cli ir.ust (t' necessliy draw at le.tst >13 6 /. nett, « U|i so niun\ elumees tor capitals; >rshares of packages niay be had at the same rate. Frizes in any of the Lot.teries of New -York, New-.lerse\, I’ei.nsv 1\an.a, Mar\land, and \ jr- yinia, will be received in pavn.eiit. IkccniUr G, 1S24. Le'^uuviv K; S\v.vw \»\ uuela, UllOLF.SAU: AND UE l AIL. Just roccived and for Sale at J\'’or/)K'}7f'’s (irnvcry St ore j A frw dozen Old Port,T li. P. 'IVnn-ifle, and :• WINES. Sweet Malaya, ^ Noveau, Periect J.ovo, ( « Peppermint, and ^ «-UJkJJlAL&- Sweet Shruij, ) . Albany Ale, Old Jamaica Htim, Coj^'-nac Hrandy, London Miistanl, fresh and pfcnuine, l.oi^wood and (iround Ciinger, Codlish and Mackcn I, Soft Shelled Ahiiond.s, and A fresh supply of FKC'FIOXAKIES. Charlotte, Jan. 1, IHJ.i.—2U5 Y .1 k \ lilr I5ook liilldtM V. i^iil^ar, C'oflVo. t^v. / j^lIK subscriber has lately received the fol- ^ lowing- (.‘.(jODS, viz :-l ■ KKJAKS. 75 lihds. ])r!nic !St. Croix Snrr'ar 30 do do .lamaica ilo 150 bills. Mu.scovail') iMif^'ar, \ arion.s qualities 78 boxes white Havana Sug'ar, \er\ line (U do brown do bris^iit color 20 bbls. Loaf Sug’ar. ( OFF'KE. lOO ba»-s St. Doiniiif^o Codec 150 do J{io do 2i;U do Cuba do 15') do Jamaica do 75 tierces do do J;RA\!)Y. CO ])ipcs P.randy, Sei,^iu tti’s brand 1 » do tlo Otard, liupuy iiv Co. vei^' old 20 do do Arn.i.gnac. (IfV 25 pipes Holland (iin, of good tpiality 5 do do do V er\ suj)erior, import ed via 1 .ondon 50 bbls. best iialtjUiore Cin. 5 pipes I'-j-nuinc MaU ira Wino, Ci. M. N.-& S. liiaiid ; 2 butts >ld Siie! n, ni.jic.i’tcd % la London; j 1(J fp-. casks I vtra primi I'orf \\ me, of the mo.st ajiproved brand, warranti.d .u'eniiiiu-j lb do oi' fj'ood ipiality; jvJ (p'. casks I,. I’. 'l i neritVi W iiu 2lJ hall do do d-i; 50 (jr. ca-k-^ car^o do; 50 A lOMl’irTK ASSonTMr.VT OF nHl I'. sii!)scri!)er bt g-s leave to inform the pub- I c in g'l ner.d, tli;it he carries on tiie. /h,(j/:- Jl nl'ri/, 111 all its various i)ranc!ies. Ilavin^• siippliui himself w .th the bist «'f matvrials, he ' i>H'-rcd as low as can be bought in w.l! i \eeut'.- work in the lu atest manner and oi! Charleston, I’eti rsjjiiri;', or elsi wheri'. Faucif Ih'ij Goods, til' sho’i'te'*. not ee. \. It. .Ml onU IS for Plank and Cojiy Hooks Will lie punctiiaih attended to. i'lf joHN H. l)i: CAIM KUr/r. \*viwA \uv Su\e. &j‘HE subscrilur offers for sab.- a tract of l:ind, cunt >iiiji!>‘ 3t)0 atres, ujion'the waters of Siiij.ir ('ivek, 10111111" Dr. .lohnson's. It w ill be sciJ. litlicr i)\ hit.s of 12'J acres each, or the vihi.le, :is iliL purcbiiser may be inciinnl. 'I'liosc V 'li.iig’fo purchase, can apply to the suiiscriber, erti>aii\ oi'the neij^hbors adjoin n^'t!ie land. .IttilN DOW. Mt'dL.'ifturi' Co. yi)V. 22, 1 :2i.—‘jtf befcire Fcliruary it w '1 be sold at 40 casi s Leg-horn and Straw ilonnets, luu lu sts Hand lioxes, 2U doz. \\ (uil Hals, 15 do. Morocco do. 10 do. l,ookini>' (ilassos, •10 do. Kmvis ami 1 orks, &e. !ic. Countr_\ merchants are p..rtieul:iriy requested to call and examine tor tliemsilves. Uny-slrctl^ l-'itI/till ailt , > .\uv. 20, 18i4. S 10* If tile above laiul is ni't sc Conn'v ( omt bv ])ri\;(tt s.il Keeps Cfmstantly on hanl a complete as sortment of Laiiies’, Misst.s’and CMiildri n’s Lcg/toni and Straw JJonnrts. A!,so, I Gciitknuivs Lc't^honi Hats, tnd is ctmstantly rece.Miii;’'from Xew-York, by , do Sweet Malag-a do; 25 do > a’liga Sherry do i \ i r\ arrival, the latest and most a]iproved fash- JSl*\ l)l» I I’.S 500 pieces Cotton Hagn-ing-, best Haltic liemp 42 inch ; 100 ki gs best \\ bite Lead, jpHnind in Oil; S cast, s fn sh J.ondon Mustunl; .>U bags fresh (ling'er; 50 do Siiniatia I'epper; 20 bags Jamaica Pimento ; 20 casks Shot, assorttd ; 10 lo Lead ('o ; 10) ilo Nails and llrads, assorted 2v)0 Iron Pots, assort* d ; luO t( ns hwcdes Iron, assorteil; .lO do do do Ax- P.ar; .vO do do do .N'ew' Sable ; 5 tlo Plough .Moulds, made to j)at- tirn i Liverpool Salt in sacks and l>arrels. Jilinikcis iinil Ihnui'sdc Guoil.s, S^'C. on consign tn nit. 50 picces I.ondon DnRil lilankets; 10,000 I yards lirundy’s white Plains; 5,000 do do bine j (16 ; 5f»> do gTe} do 5-4; 5,000 do Donit stic .\e- I gro Cloth ; i,000 do do Satine1t.'>; 6 cases Steiim I Loom Shirting'; lU bales ilo ilo Sliei ting'; 5 do \RSCONDF.D from the subscriber, living- in 'l'icking; 50 bales brown Shirting-; 20 do do the t()w n of Concord, Cabarrus Cf.untv, on SlieetiiifT. made of Xt w-Orleans cotton ; 2() case.s the 12tli inst. my ajipreiitice boy, by the name do Plaid Homespuns; 2 cases Domestic Cover- of John rucini^ir, ujio, as 1 have understood, lets. w ent olf in company with two persons by the | The above Goods arc offered for sale at the Moj) ili(‘ It iiiiaw a>. . .1 , . I !• .1 names of and ./(//(/I y/(7;A///.v. 1 le verv lowi st market price, on long credit for ap- })Ul)l:e auction, on .Mon,.a\, tlie l.rst dav of the ■ i ■ i i. • i . ,n V-,,. r • i . •j said John I'aeinger is about 19 or 20 vears of proved notes. .VdWcv* I agr, five feet 8 or 10 nielies high, strop siioul-1 tiered, sallow complected, and speaks viry slow; I he has ;i downcast »!iee])ish coiintenanee, dull I ^ 1.1, persons !iavin;; business to tt-ansact witli l.i/y uppi ur.ince, and bends forward eonsldera-1 - \ iiH , are retjiii-jtrd ’n;i\ail tlunisehes ot bly w hen vvalkini;-. The under.^lgiied. is incliii-1 not ; a^ it is m\ intuition to leave tiii^ i-i[ to believt, that Jos.ah Siiiiin, (one of tiie a-| hove ii inied per.,oiis,) has seduced off said ap- , J prent'.ce, as he was skulking-aljout town for some ' lime p!-e\iuns, and at tliat time disajipearetl—| i Ix-id'.s aijout a d'>/' u or two oi' Hats out .>f my I H;itti. r Slio|5; whieh, moat likelv, fornn.dpart I ot tile comp.iiiy. ■ I The s:ud aiijn-entire had on a broadcloth coat, j aiul blown iiolhuid ]);int;.loons. JOS. T. WEVMAV, ConiPr V’udur Uitn'^c und East Bay. Charleston, S.C. Nov. 11—ItI3 on or bt fore tiie li/tb iIj',' oi' .lamiai'v lu. xt. JOHN t.i'niiiiE. • 'Iiarlotte, Dec. 17, ISJl.—otM Viiliiahli* liiiiids lur Sale. Sla(‘ ol* Norlli-’iti’olina. II I V 1 I K 1.1 N Ml uii I'm N i l 'Vililains and ( liiiioii, . ():i;.,ln;d .\tvi hnit lit. St( '-i n,.; Kusst I. ) lUtiiriietl b'v.t d (lii oiu II'gro >i' in. 'hi: j)rt>pt r- t\ ol (Ilf lit I." luhiiit. T r IS onleri'd ')\ ’lie foui't. tliat iidwrtlsi mi ll! ■ be in.ide for ’iH'ee i-Mi,:b.-. iil til' tor i'l.' di t'> il'!.ilil to ;■ .(I liii'-l’i'- i :-'i i:-y fi r::! of’ ibl- con;-!. In 1 :'.:iil tbci''.- to •' ' !■ ' an ! j)!f;.d til IS-..!.', othi r>\ i--'- Jii.l^cm'-'''' ■ I ■••I t r. .1 ii-;! Ii,..;. 1 I- \ \( \i.i.\ wpi'.::. r.'-.-/,-. __ — : 1. »! Nortii-^ 'apoiina. ■"'•I''! I't liii.iin I! V l i 'lv I r \ n kv ood. .\i 'u -v.i;, i: Y virtue of suntlry tie- crees from the Court of Equity, be;i.ring- date ‘■''/’•u- Xii\embir insl.tii there will lie sold, at Puidic Auction,' at llie I Coiirt-Hou->e in (diariotte, on the lli.it tlay of I January next, the follow ing’ valuabir Lands, \ i/.. 1 One traet of 2(y0 acn .s, moi’e or b ss, on Stet I A reward of t. n doilais will be ^iven for the ! >>".kiiis the elder to apprthtnsionandtUl.xtiy oflhesa'ilaiiprenlice,-'‘^l'“ Din.vUis, jun. now d.ceast tl. to me, or for his appri lu n^'t>n, and iiitoi ination j to me g-iven, so that 1 get lom ag-aui. I tlo hert;- j Aiiftlu r tract of 3o(J acre-;, ly'njr r>n tlie wa- I'V .i'.'.vw aril all l)e^■'.!.ll.^ again.^t harbt.,ring- said ‘ tt rs of Mig-.ir i\ ( k, 2 mik-. fr.;in ( liarlotte, on I (be roiid b.ading-lo tlie Old Nation !\;rd, ( ani- h; j two associates, tieii. Uc. I A er. di; will 1 ■i, rdiout r>n Ve;,rs of I on. ;iim1 two \ e:; M'.- is alicut h. t ' anti-approv eii .11 k e'ii!,|)li. etei! ; luis | rid tu-nrows. \ iraet t.'f tw i:.t\-^i\ aeit-s. ^yiii^' I’*'' j rt i-k. t ()i.t:,lii'.i;g a (irist and Si;ir Mi!!, ;ipnr> and T1 1 tin p 'lilie bev :>re i\ J,s:,.h Nn,. • lllMl 1-, prrli: I ag‘'. aiiii i'i a li.iU. r i)_\ tr:i' ; u ft e!,';!it inei^ s Ir.^ii ; da:; I laig’- i te dull I M s, s:inily e f'-iM-n on tnc- ■s, die p'ur. li.t-^t: urit V. love -s::!i s for ■. gi\ing- i.ond t'H Wa'Jiav. ■file s.lid ^illl:n l.ai'a iii'l'in'i nee ; ' iillUi ,.t 1 wl ill pi'It.il' , :mi 1 I'.is e '.M.- ri ■ t lit tl. ..1 I a V of \' n, dt t'd. II, I'l . !I ' ;,ir, t ‘ ‘ 1 1 ' I'' ■ I 1 ; I iii;- : I S. aiM ; ii , t.li..:-;irt ; .1...v,.,;,.I- t (>! 1 .'.i' riling- Its 1)11* a -llorl i'-'ib. lu r i'l. : III ; a'l 1 iVt «['. blit 1 le II ri til I'i.M 1. ;-;..inst i!, I' \ \ ( I aboil rftili; and \ .ir..', nil ('f till 1 l.ick p.'l".iri|l.il 1_\ ilistilij^'-ui'll- i.i ; .'.irii •> about no!n- 11 ': i II l|t. ol 1 lOl II st \ I li H'.s ;i. Till- ■'Mill >lrnn's in riirli lii!-in!j.,!i the t-n’ili- inr at a pli.rr ; ron» r:u t-- i l !i s oil' w ,t boat p..\ ■ j, 1-. t..i- a singb. Ill r'i 1. ® Vi !i III tile etn; It- kr\> ,! ll.‘/i!\ , lit. .lolilj I |i:j) X .11-^ be r- :i 1- t i.inp.ili'. ; liiil(-!i .'al .1 II, and wla n in iii'.'\e and ,;l-:ui.i,'i and equipping the whole botly of the mi- iiilii.” The nnnriber of Revolutionary Pension^ (•P5 is 1 3,034, that of Invalitl Pcnsioni-i-s, 3,73f>, and that of half-pu.y in liou of ht)un- ly land, 202. Of the first, class there died, in the three first (|iiartors of 1824, 441 ; tjf tlie second class, 73 ; of the 3d class, none. 'I'he annual anioimt of I’ensions the first class is ?1,3,"7,316, to the se cond ?29«,000, to the third f9,876. Tho nuiuhor of Military Hounty Land Warrants issued, uj) to the 22d of No vember, 182 I, is 2(1,761, covering 4,475,- 632 acres of land.—Xat. Journnl. mOM Till. llttSTO.N tOl Itltlt, THE “IXDLVX SU.MMEU.” KuUnr.—liisiorit ai truth is not to lie bacriiiced to sentiment, nor itsstenier features to be softened by mere vision of i’ancy. liut theorigin of names is frequent- iy so oI)scure, and \^e can so seldom re sort to umloubted authority to account for iheiii, that belween diirerent legemb, 1 would allow taste to exert even consid erable inllueiice in the decision of their reluiive value, 'i'o-day’s “Patriot” con tains ••an explanation of ilie term ‘Indian SuiuMcr,' from i)oddridy;e’s “noLej on the scttlemcnl anti iiulian wars of the west.” It is an explanation of the term which militates very miich with ihobe \\ Inch others have j^iven of it, and is iiiude UJ) of matter wnicii could entw iiu- witii the sound of il, lu absociutious thui utji.ld iujI larij^-iy partake of “horror’ and ihc most “pawifiil recollections.’' ’i lie tciiii has had mure lhau one or two accounli. g-;vcn ofu, and il.s real nieaniu|]- l',robaOi) reslb very much upon iradiiioii, aiwavs iiiore or icbs uiicerudii j but wuh- out comiecliuy il vviih evcuLs of truly i. crriiue cliaruoei, events loo, which i tuii.sitlci to have nolliiu|;- to do with ihe pi iiiiury H)^iiilieaiiuu ol a Lena of i'( all) iiuiuiu Ol ii^iii, aiiil u hicii doubtless havi a puce 111 li.e voeabulaiy of tlie abori- i_;iiie.s loiitj- ijci'ore oui ancestors invaded me wiidcineii, 1 luma \ou *an e,vpiana- uoii oi it, \kiiicli is piobubly ipiiie as ac* ou.ule aiui more pieasiu'^ llian thal.iu the 1 iiLiio.. Il i.'j in a beautiful note lu lac dla of U'i-. cVceiuan's Scriaous, p. 277. “iac souib-wcsl. is the pieasatUest u iiiu winch blows in Ncw-Engiaiid. In ilie inonlli of Uclobei , m pariicular, aftci tlie I'roolb, ihai commoiiiy take place at eminent sent an aulhorily lo Mr. Adtlinp;- the end of beiilember, it fretiuenlly pro- lo'b its char>;e de aflairs at \V'ashin|.;lon, tiiices two or three weeks of fair weather, to a};ree to the instrument with that a- la waich Xiie air is perfectly transpareni, j mendment. To this eflect Mr. Addinjc- anil the clouds which float "in a sky of ihe : Ion addressed to Mi\ Adams, in the eailyr purest azure, arc adorned with brilliunl] of la.st month, a letter. In the reply colors, if at this season a nuiii of eflec-|Ol Mr. Adams, he states the unaliated lioiiule heart and ardent imajjina ion | t"\niestncss of our i^overnment to accom- siiould \i-iil the tombs of his friends, the ■ plish the entire cxlinctiun of the odious souih-wesiern breezes, as the>- Ijicathe'^I'idlic in slaves, and slates that the Pres- tliiuui^a the i>-lowiii^^ trees, would seem to fident would refer the whole subject to the himaliaostarliculate. '1 hough he might;advisement of congress, will\ iioL.be so rapt in enliiusivism as to fancy '' that Ihe spirits of his ancestors were whispei-iiig iii his ear; yel he would at leasl imagine ih.a he heard the still an.all i T/ic Stare Tra(te.—In consociurnrc of ihe modification by the senate f>f the con vention betwec'U the United States and (ireal Hrilain for the suppression of th« •\frican slave trade, Mr. Secretary Ad ams, as soon as Congress adjourned last s|)ring, sent the ameniled treaty to Mr. liiish, oui‘ minister in London, with in structions to lay it before the British gov ernment, and to r-(piestits accejitance of the modifications projiosed. A corres pondence accordingly i»ok place !>et\veen .\lr. Hush and Mr. Canning, the JJritisli Secretary of State, on the sub';ect. The liiitibh Secretary, though his govern ment would have jm fern'-i the original treaty as submitted to the senate, acceded to all the modilieatiofis madt' in il by that body, except that -vvliieh excluded the right of searching- vessels suspected of stave-trading on the conal of. tmenca. Mr. ('iiiinir>g considered that while this right ifbCt.: ch was aulho'risetl to l)C practised in the W'est ladies, the principles of equality and mutual c(ad\d‘iice reiiuired it to i)e authorised on the American coast. Willing to ratify the treaty with ilie les- toiation of this provision, tlie Pritisli gov- lit I He 1.. i 1- oil' I'.e. k knowiMA \\ :i!kii|)'s Mil!-,. lii11a->t iM a errt!- it of 1 J and 1 iiioi.l li^ w ill l e ! II, i'.nd bom! I anti Mili.t-i' nl .ii.eiiritv r«.i(nirct.. i .M.-..I, j >;u' I *bt r tviiet. l\in;;- ;n ♦hr w a't ;-s f f, tl’i- C.it i'.ba Uivtr. ioiit:rii I'j 1') i aei'i ', liiiiin l'. I the |tl-i.jn rt \ I .lolia \\ ib.oii, I'oa il.— j ( Ml 'li.s :i el-' (lit (f 1 n.( ;it|i.-> v, I! iit ^ivc I., on 1 eoini.'ii.n oi' bond aiiU i;'t;od m ■ nril \. I Ail tin :'.''t.\r I'.I’d,-. :il-i- said to *.t- v: bi'ible, '.nd arr soM !or tlr or u !r i-f tlif b i;:iti I ->. il. i{. lit M,.\p, (. M. /; \i,r. 1'.. :S-'>! —ni ( tiia- whom il now I’ests. Juror a. IIEVENUK OF I HE CANALS, e are indebted to a friend i'or the voice of God. This cliai ming season h semi-onicial statement, of the called the Indian Summei-, a name which iind merchandize whicli have isderi\ed from the natives, who belive that l»'ansported upon t!ie Kric Canal du- it is causetl by a wind, v. hich comes im-'' season past: mediately from the court of their great |* and benevolent CickI Cautanlowwii, or the south-western tiod, the Cod who is superior lo all other beings, who send.'i them every blessing which they enjoy, und to whom ihe souls of their fathers g-o uficr their decease.” 1’. \\\\{ DEPAIM'MENT. The Documents which accompanied ihe 1 resitlenl’s Message relating lo ihc W ar Department, uilbrd a very gratifying view of the admiiiislration ol‘the concerns of that Department of the (jo\ernment. 'i'he acts of Congress for enlbrcing tin act ouiitability of public olVicers seeni to lia\e had a radical eilect, as in in.ricial as ilecisive, which has been ulilctl, uodoiilu, by the ell'icicMicy uilh wliit ii llieir j>ij\ is- ituis have beeu cari ied iiiU; e.-.'xuliun by the Set i eiar\ of \v'ar. Ther! are some particulars discKjsed, in the docuiiieiits whidi we hav*‘ nol ])ub- lislied at huge, uliich iaa\ be im'icM inj.' t(j onr If aders—sin h as the i’ollowitig : '1 lie wiioit.’ iininbtT d' men .eulislt d to 5662 boxt s (dasu 2.55 tons Chei'st* 127 tlo. Hops 102 dt). I’ur;' Peltrv 6'jL> dt). t.\p-,nm .'^2 tlo. Tallow SS.) tlo. lioiist hold (iootls 16.18 tlo. Iron east 160 tlo. )\ ^tt rs an I . lams. 3-1 1 tlo. Marble Mu'-. (•nndsloiu s 30‘1 tlo. Ainbo'. la"- 1701,; tlo. M. rehM/r reel uil the Seplrilliyfl .j'jtli little 'li.e aiiks Dr. \) 'I :itr o! .S Ii 1.1 1. LI ' ( ir. l‘b ' 11 « I' IS or In, 1 i,v ( ;> "I'i i,. t ,v .'v, » ■ the ' 'ill rf *' 1 pli-: V-t ". I if I'm ' ;n Ks, J, n ; ; 1; :. ; — li.s I iii;;iir i'rili r. Ill I-. -■i!. d. b.iiiiU d^ u;;- d. ii!-i ' I' lul l 'i 1 or \. I loj ■ 111;- I !'o:n ;i t ■ I , i- r!. ;inN Nl !it It, siv ;1 ■ , I'l I I iirr u ol-d', be I. 1' r a i.' i I f tv.-rni\ '■ 1, ,ii'l-ili.i! on ;:iid t \ h' il- • I I'l ' ■:! I if 1 be tl ■ '.II -It i;' I • I :i’ nn h.. / 'in:. ' ni ■ I • V. i'l' \ ','rl, Ml a.lnii'.d. iv 1 -/’I \ \ I \ I loll. . [iov!. ■d libii-,1 If in char- . nbii’-;;- roi.n^ v, n ■ ' H r- - I-' "' ^ ill thr 'lit i. > ;il'oi( -.siDii, lb :il:i III piri. I in d, I d, •'!’K , i-ni\-, lor llie yi-ar ending, liS,' was 2,.").')M. ,g!i'g;ilt; streiig'tii of f)Ur ti;e h^st relui II, w as .S,"?'.;. .i;.;',a:e ja i iiii;ii-d by law, if llie r 1 '!!. 'i'. i)ut 6,u..;. 'i be a; leniiaster (lenei-al ;in'! Cotii- 'nisiai _v ii-neral’s Deparlnn-iils appeal' t'l 'ii, \e Ijt-'-ii adinirabl}' iiiaiiaiiefl. and. as lo llie l'a\I'laalt I's 1 )epai I'.iieir., t iie hr ad td it s. \ in lii-i I rptJi 1, lliat lit: is ( oinWleiit, thr \\ hole ol ilir troops are now paid In ibr ill 'd' Sepiriiibi'i-, aiid a considrr- ;dde I (>riii)n to tbe firs' uf Noveinln'i-, and ;1kiI llie l'.t\ I ia-^lrj-s W ill i-riidri voat hers 1)(Tori' tr.e tlo-eof tlie yea;', whitli wib I'ldl)- at conn! ioi- all suiiis ad\aiui'd U) tla'iii wr.b.lliihe 1 lii-ec iil"'! qiiarlers. t.i.n.d e\[ use ol’ inedical sNires o|,i;li In: . . ! Ml.' I a n , Ai s I ni. I \ M l'^ a; '1 lir i'or till (Ielit'|-i'i ^ e . w, j„., in tl'.i- tui ',, I' ■.'iH'i)' ]o;i. ■| ill- rx: il! S-'; i:i; ■ ■ iiai) 1 tl >. I Iritli jrf a- n, ; rlli ia I ni- ;/or a](pr,il'S ll . bus iMjl ' T!te (!ea: •!i;j'ler- ol -f tin r.i Si '(■nil tor Sn •11 more l!r ' • ill '!;e a'nr lie \ '-.II- w l i t a; lioia ci^ii • N a i 11 a 1 loi- ll-|l- VI i.iLit td‘ toe kU V. t 1 I I \ rino'-v. :il- I....:. AI iiii,"' I 'i'K did- 387KH (b_). Salt 179S6 do. Provisions 277^30 do. Pot Jv, i'r’I. ihes 152! do. LinsM. Oil 267605 bush. M hi at 77.-17 tlo-. Flax Seetl 26396 tlo. W’tr. l.iiiie ,S.)8i‘J7 |,'-:»lls. >\ biski y 755 141 bbl->. Eii'lei- and T.arti 57B,'0 ^I.,. \Vo(d 1075 M. Shingiei lo77 ilo. Stave .s And many otli' r Mriirlr;, of less iinptii tancc. 1 he re\ eiiu‘, v, hi'.li has at, t rnetl I roni I hi : na\ igalion uj) to t he r.iidfllr jf last month. Oil the \\ eslcrn C ■inai alone, amounts i,> the .^utn of 25'),00'; (Iw’l.irs, whit ii at ., per ci.-ut. \\;,i'l pay the iul o-csl on a cu|;i- tal uf 1 ::(),00') d>llars. \dal to this !!;»• sum of 60/)00 dollai--, whi( !i u il' be a'o!- Iect'‘(! the pr»*s-i;t season on the Noriiiei u (,'aiial, ami tlu: total canal re\eime will a- tiiouiit to ihe snia of .> l(),'»')'i tloil.ir^'. and pa\ I'le interest ofmillioii', and a iia!) of thecau d debt. .Xnd liii-. bel’oi-r oni very'Jniioi'lant T.etljou i fine, |',i-;r ('atiai is finished. .As.v\e staled in tiie sumnicr, we l)eli«‘\e the tolls will be neiih, if mil (|uite, donbleil the lirsl \i»ir aficr tin- whfde lim* sliall lu\' l)eeri ciHiijdrleil. I;i Iw tj \i'a1-s mo! e, I hrrrl'di r, ue may e(»'i- lideiiily can n!.’!'' upon a t a’lal i-rvf nue n! lioia si:-. t 'SiMin l:iindied tiioiisanil pt :• aniiii;n, aiul ;a teii ' ea.rs a inif/inn ' X 1‘. Cl ■tl \V: a jipear A It’V llli m')i !-’ >!' t I': ,;Ti Tilt I't tloi > not iirnoii;; t he nii'ii.bi ot of thr aiijn-oaebii,}; i !■ n itlt r lit our v;OiiiU' le -.v to 1 pi t I. A11 \. boiii I I la- '-nbiret, t \pvi-^s 'r, i- la.ikr thr rhiilf' ; and l|-'i bmj.^'-ton, Dec. F, t'rnir. i-, Tiiucli exciti ni' iit; s Writ- tl r ee’i tlujiisatid • 11' I >'i'i d iiii'on ■'si 11 S ., ( .i.'id i e!-l 1' t'l. .1'^, r:: oiig;-r Si D!i till sill i ' ! tion oi pn ‘-id- ni, . •V ‘•,);i;i. i u onlil be b ,i brard sj)t al; tiii b iiij;- t .db d tt> :,t I li,i\ I ob^i r\ - 111 tlni'. I.i!', I aril led to bi lii \e tbal tin afia;r ■A II be ronduriid u t'l miii h inoi-e (piielin-.si and eoinpo.-iiire t.baii most pi uph untitapalei.L I'hi fJnlirh —’lb" tnnn-tijf of tin-Prit. isb \'i\y, in round iiiimbirs, n,a\ br t.ikcn ;it l,')|i,(.'a’I. 'Ibr t--,pii;-" el'biiihl iij,;-. t:ik in-' tilic M MS 1 w 'll aniitii, )■, |i. r to'i I n ibr- e\- )' nv I'! ibr IndU iiaist In nd lrd the cost of iii'iS's I.It-' i-da|;-i', a'ld i’i;ii\ otbi r ar’ i It ,s iitpi sfi ll.:- ri|'iipnent, 'j |im d'-idib - t ii- a- iiioiint, iieiki!';;- 1 ■'.‘((/o/JU!) niilbi.iis, irr.ttu i;'...i \ viuii 1,1.d out lai n'l n-'i!'..\ nr. i h 1 I I i III 11'■ sb i |) s Ml torr 111' III :n i b >';d- d i' I 1 } I .ir-—ill leiiii- of w: r, .i* 1 . . r Mr.- jvti-.i;;'!' at 12 --roii'.i i|oi i;l i\' i 1 .> >■ '■ a iaiiid'v r\;n ’i'."d ill kecpiia- \;;i.s-, 1 'd -r: • :n n; ', i!;. , pn-

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