VOL. 1.] CJLillLOrTE, C. TLESDAI, J.hXl AlSr 25, 1825. [NO. 17. prilI.FSIIF.D WEEKIT TJv LEMUKL BIX(.HAM, tiiuke i)(h,laus a teau, paid ijr iDVAscr,. Xo paper will be discontinued, unless at the vtioii of the editor, uiitil all uiTcarayes are p.:ia. AiivEnTisEMEVTS will bc inserttd at the usual Persons sendiiij? in advertisements, are requested to notii on the inarf,-in the number of insfrtions, or they will be continued until forl)id, and charjfed accordingljj Puhlic Sale. OV Thursday, 27th instant, will be expo sed to public sale, at llaye’s Mills, all niy Ftock of Cattle, Sheep, Hops, Corn, Wheat, l loiir. Lumber, Household and Kitchen I'urni- tiire, I'anniii^r I'ten.sils, &.C. &.c. Also, two Stills and forty or fifty Still vessels. Terms will bc made known on the dav of s^le, l,y HKNJA. JOHNSON. (^'Thc above Pale is postponed until Thurs- tbv, the lUth of February next. AT IMMVATK SALE, A tract of a!)out lUO acres of land, lately the property of tlu- heirs of Moses Hayes, dec’d. Iviiiffon the'north-west side of I’aw Creek, be tween the Clu'.rlotto and Steel Creek roads, on v. liich is a ]>retty j,'ood dwelling-house, barn, Stc. Also, a tract of seven acres of meatlow land, 1\on tlic sau^r creek, a little below the above If not disposed of previous to the day of tlif above sale, it will then bo offeri d publicly '■ .hiIr or rent. 4tl9 A. WUV.¥i\iVi\V, Coach, Slfi;n, llnKse Ornamental PAIM EIJ, Er/ri'IIXS his thanks to his frienls and the pul)ilr, for the liberal encouraj;'ement wliich lie lias alreaily received, and respectfully solicits H continuance of patrona}>e. He is j)repared to do all kinds of I’aintinj^ m his line ; andcus- lonu rs may d« pend on having; their work neat ly executed, and with despatch. lij'Taintinj; in the country will bc done on short notice. N. H. Old chairs re-painted and rc-j^uilt. C/iarlollf, October 4, 1824.—Itf 2436Q TICKETS. This is a I.ottery formed by a ternary combi nation and pennutation of 30 numbers'. Orders for Tickets and Siiauk.s received at the POST-OFFICE, FAYETTEVn^LE. \Vhoi,e Ticket ?4 00 I QfAiiTEiis $1 00 Hai.p 2 00 I Packag'cs of ten tickets, cmbracinp;' the 50 .Vos. of tiie I.ottery, whicli nuist of necessity draw at least U13 GO, nett, with so many chances for ca])itals ; or shares of packag'cs may be had at the same rate. Prizes in any of the Lotteries of Ncw-Yovk, \ew-,lcrse), Penns\i\ania, Maryland, and \ ir- pini.a, will bo received in pajment, JJeceiUber f>, 1824. A Bai»;ain. A NY person desirous to settle in the vilhi.cfe of CbajMotti', \. C. and save the trouble and expi use of building', will do well to eall on the subscriber, who offers for sale his house, and lots on terms to please a piirchaser, viz ; three front lots and two back, lyinp;' in the Sandy Hollow, and adjoining' William Lucky’s land; also, two lots, tiie front on Hroad street, ami luck lot, adjoining' the Methodist Church.— .\lso, a two story dweliiuf^rhouse on Uroad-st. situated a few rods north-east from the (-’ourt- liouse, with two lots. On the premises are an excellent Cellar. Kitchen, Smoke-House, Harn, Stables, and every other necessarv out i)u;liling'. M- I^IIE subscriber offers for sale a tract of land, wk containing :>60 acres, upon the waters of Sufjar Creek, joininj;;' Dr. .Johnson's. It will bc sold either by lots of 120 acres each, or the whole, as the purchaser may be inclined. Those wibhin;; to purcliase, can apply to tiie subscriber, or to any of the neighbors adjoining' the land, .K)ll\ UO\V. Mcckknhur" Co. JVuv. 22, 1821.—‘Jtf If the above land is not sold bef»)re February County Court by private sale, it will be solil a’t pulilic auction, on .Moiulav, tlie first day of the ^^oiirt. ■ 'j. I), "State of Noi’th-('aroliiia. MErKLKNUVHU roi VTT. ■'Vil’ii.inis aiyl Clinton, ^ vn. C Original Attachment. Sterling Hussel. 3 Rotiirneil levied on one negro man, tlie proper ty of the defendaiit. IT IS Ordered by the court, tliii^ advertisoment he.made ’fur tlire' months in tlie, ('nf.nrhit Jiinniiil, for tlic dul'endant to appciir at. tlie F«-- iciMry t( nil of this court, in 1S2.>. and tiu rc- to Ti pK vy and plead to issue, others ise judg'im iit Vill he entered against him. Te'.t. ^ IS.\AC ALK\A\I)i:W, C!,rl;. 3n\21.—price adv. 4. QUAXTICO CANAL liOTTERY, OF VlUCIXIA.-/7/’y// To be drawn the eighth day af February, 1825. A. MTXTYUE, MANAGER. VWWVVWVw SCHEME. prize of S10,000 is J10,000 6,000 . 6,000 4.000 . 4,000 3.000 - 3,000 2.000 - 2,000 - • - 1,5.58 1,000 - 6,000 500 - 3,000 • - 200 - 1,200 • - 24 . 3,744 12 - 3,744 H - 3,744 - - 4 . 31,200 1 1 * 1 1 1 1 6 6 6 156 312 468 7800 8760 pnizF.s, 15600 ULANKS. ?7'J,iro WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ahijah M inting 11^ EEPS constantly on hand a complete as- ilX soi-tment of Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Leghorn and Straw Bonnets, ALSO, Gcntlemen’’s Leghorn Hnts, and is constantly receiving from New-York, by every arrival, the latest and most approved fasli- ioi.s. ALSO, A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Ffwctf J)rif Goods, which are offered as low as can be boug'ht in Charleston, Petersburg, or elsev here. 40 cases Leg'horn and Straw Bonnets, 100 nests IJaiid lloxcs, 20 do/.. Wool Hats, 15 do. Morocco d«i. 10 do. Looking Glasses, 40. do. Knives and Forks, ?cc. ?cc. Country merchants are particularly requested to call and examine for themselves. llay-ntrcnf, Fayetteville, A'ov. 20, 1824. tl7 Dr. I). T. Caldwell, I WISHES to inform his friends, that he has moved his Medicines to ' the storc-house belonging'to the estate \ of W ill, ,\ilis(m, deceasetl, which he | now occu]iies as a slio]>. A dissolution of the partnershi]) between Ur. Me-, Keiizie and himself having taken place, he now i offers his services, in his individual capacity, to ! the citizens of Charlotte and its contiguous country, in the different departments of his pro- fe.ssion, and promises that his most faithful ex ertions shall l)e extended to all who may choose to employ him. Cliurloite, .Ian. 1, 1825,—5tl8 List of Letters Ikmuiniug hi the Po>>t-Offii'r at Charlotte, X. C. on litc lit January, 1823. A. K. .lames ,\, Alexander, Hugh C;. Kirkpatrick, Kev, ,\br’m .\nderson 2, Koliert Kirkpatrick, Silas ,\lexaii(kr, Marcus Kennedy, dial's W.lL.VK xaitder, l)a\id K.»th» r. E/.ekiel .Mexander, I.. Francis &. .M..Mexander, Secretary of Phalanx Maj. Thos. .\le\ander. Lodge. Churhfs Alexander. P. Samuel Peaty 2, Abraham ISivens, Kobert Parnett, Hyrani Paldwin, Rice C. Hallard, M. Philemon Morris, Nancy Mason, .lames H. .Morrison, Enork Morgan, Foster M’Cay, (leorsre Morrow, Hoot and Shoe Maker, I’.enjamin^ Morrow, Stiite ot‘ Nortli-(’arolina, MKTKI.KN !H !K; CiH'N TV- .Tosi'pl, nia''k\vo()d. .Xdni'r.'t Miiliam lirown, dee’d. I tv,'. I I’f‘.itii'U for sale «''!’('rt lirown, and ntliers. r Land. 'h ii-s ,it Law of M dluim | lli'own, dce.M. J I ^'ppeariii;^ to the satisfaction of the Court, 'hat Holicrt U atsoii and lin wife r,li/.a!>it! I''’') of the (lef.'ndants in this case, are not ii ''■‘H't.uits of this State : It is ltn ri f(.re ordi re 'bf eoui't, that ijiihlie.ition be niadi- for six ^^^cc-ks in the Catawba .lournal, tliat tlu > apjiear ■' thi' rchniary term of tb's court, in l.S2,i, and and tln re to ph ad. answer or demur to tlie j”'''i'>n, r>tli(Twi;ie judgment pro confi sso w ill tak^n a-..i,i.st them. *' • is A AC ,\ I, V. X XI) F, K, ('. M. C. ))rice adv. Slate of N(irth-(’afoliiia, MKtlCLL.MM IK; Cdt STV, , yuvtnilttr Si.';'ilon.i, 1S24. 'lohn Os'i'orn ciark and t' Atlaehment. (.oodnian. S J I ordered liy Court, that advprtisement be M\ Weeks in till* (■;i1:i\vl);i Journal, "dant.-, to appear at tlie I'ebniary .^■"1 ni tills court, in ISJ.i. and lliere to rep!r\y , *'• •)tlierv.ise judgment i>e “•V ^'gainst liiiii. Isaac ALr.\AXi)i:i;, r,’/-. t-'tlC—jn-ic’j adv. 2. M m. Pariicy, Nathan Peaty, .Joseph Post, John Piggam, Allen Paldwin, Wm. Prrryhill, Mr. Post'wick, ,M. Pryan, John pates 2. C. Christen N. (^ase, John Crowell, 'I’homan S. Cochran, Samui'l Cl. ('ooml)s, Sarah Cathey, Martha (’atliey, Moses Clay. SannK'I IL Cochran, Lewis 1). Collins. John Co\, Duiieaii Campbell. I). John N. Davis, Uobei't Duckworth, Jonathan Dev.cse, J.iniis Darnail. (■en. F.. Da\idsoii, John Davis 2, John Dancy, John Dulin; James Dinkins Obedience Dink'ias 2. I--,. John J. F,rw in 2. F. l{eu!)en l'r( email. (•raves Morris, James N. Melvin, Alexander M’Uae, John M’lilaiitlu'n 2, Hannah Mitchell, James Si Samuel Mont gomery, Dr. C. M’Kenzic. (;apt. Kobt,.M’Kinley, (ieii. Michael M’J^e.iry, Thomas Marks. N. Samuel New land, James Navv. ■p. John Patterson, Joseph Piir\iance, Col. T. ti. Polk, AVm. Patterson. Mrs. Wm. Polk. Lunsford I’aseliall, Isaac I’rice, Timothy I’arsohs, Aaron I’arker. Col. Charles I'liilips, Thomas J. I'olk. i;. Mrs. ,\mi lia lJuss, "W in. I.'ice, Milas .1. lii.liinson, .loh;i I.’eed, J .hn C. Koss, Jo„ ph l,\-r d, Hubert lioliiubon 2, S. J(jlin Stilluell, Will. Stfwart, Alt. ])crsons indebted to the estate of Archi bald Frew, deceased, for purchases made at the alministralor’s ‘♦•.tie, or otiierwise, will please come forward, without delay, and make payment. 'I'he situation of the estate will not admit of indulgence. 'I'hose who have demands against the estate, and have not yet presented them, are again re quested to do so foi'thw ith. On the old mercantile books of the deceased, are numerous and large accounts standing open: It b'ecomes the duty of the administrator to close them in some way. 1 should bc extreme ly glad that all those who have had dealing's witli Mr. Frew, would, as far as convenient, come forward and examine their old accounts ; by do ing so, much trouble and expense might be sa ved, 'I’o afibrd every opportunity to those in terested, I have appointed Messrs. Campbell and Rlake, my agents; so that the notes and books will at all times be found in town ready for examination and settlement, WM. DAMDSON, .‘Idm'r. Jan. 7, 1825. From a late I.ivcrpool paper. Mr. Pcfkim' e.iirnorUinnry ^tcarn Gun. A discovery has been made which will, in all probability, adjust the account be tween population and food in the nio.st satisfactory manner. We allude to the new Steam Clun of Mr. Perkins, \vhich promises very fair to send the whole racr qf heroes to their long homes in a very short time. According; to the following account, which we extract from the Lon don Mechanic’s Register, the efiects of this invention will leave every ]>lague or pestilence at an immeasurable distance behind in point of dcstructiveness. Ten of his guns, supposing one shot in twen ty only to tell, will sweep away 150,000 men in a single day! “ We were enabled on Wednesday, through the kindness of Mr. Perkins, to examinii minutely, at his manufactory in the Regent’s Park, the extraordinary pifce of mechanism called the Steam Clun. It is simply formed by introducing a barrel into the steam generator of an) engine, and by the addition of two pipes towards the chamber of the gun, intro ducing a quantity of balls ; which, by the action of a handle to the chamber, are dropped into the barrel and fired one*by one, at the rate of from four to five hun dred in the minute. 'I'he explosive force of the steam which rushes from the gen erator and expels the balls is al)out 700 lbs. to the square inch ; with this force a musket ball fired against an iron plate at the distance of 100 feet from the gun, is flattened; and when a force of 840 lbs. to the s(]uare inch is applied, the bull is actually driven to pieces in such away that hone of its fragments can be collected. As the gun is now fixed, ha\ing a direct commimication through a wall with one of Mr. Perkins’s engines, it cannotof course be removed frbm the spot, the barrel merely being susceptible of alternation; but in the event of the invention being of sculpture placed within reach of t' e populace, when most indecenliy a public path was made of the Poet’s ('onier to the Closiers. We ha^e there a gene al without a head surr>ndering his swoid to a conquering hero without legs! and .Mr. 'I'hynne silling noseless in his ( hai i- ot to bo shot at by assassins without at ms. The sj)ort of the vulgar cockney is mi.s- chief, destruction his delight, and the cn- ly way of providing salaries for ])ersons to protect our monuments of ai i. is by leaving a sum for admission, which slull at once produce sufiicient funds f(,r the purpo.se, and in some degree regulate the class of spectators to be admitted. John Bull. * At Vrivate Sale, About four hundred acres of good wood-land, fore M'ednesdav of February Court ne.xt, 1 will i Uneasy to attachaportablesteamengmeol then offer it at public sale. j Small dimensions, which could be remov- For rent, a part of the plantation whereon ; ed with as much- rapidity as any jiiece of Mrs. Fri'w lives. On the part for rent is a tol erable dwelling-house. M’.SL DAVIDSON. Jan, r, 1824.—r>tir I Gen. Martt’s House to Let. OFFEli the elegant two story House, bc- Thc late Gbvernor of Kentucky, f’.en- eral Adair, petitioned the Legisla ture of this slate to have his- salary, which had been paid to him in (-o/nrnon- u'calth money, made uj) to ihe ' alue of its nominal amount in gold and siher. 'riie Conimiltec to whom this peliiion was referred, have reported against allowing this claim, and as it seems to us, for about us good a rea^(Jn as any commilt(c gave, vi/. that the (iovernnr was mainly instrumental in bringing about the ini(|ni- tious relief system, of the ojieration of which he now com plains.-^iV. Y. Jlmn\ MOtUMNC;. \ French writer gives a neat sum- m.iry oftlic difTercnt observances aiiion^' mankind relative to motirninj; atid luue- 'ral ceremonies. All tlie world, sa}s he, is acquainted with the ni:ie;iii(iecMice of the l»oman obsequiq,s and funeral games. The Greeks also burnt the corpscs of distinguished individuals, with fimeral feasts and the lamentatioiis of hired weepers, though they general ly displayed a less sinnptuous grief, and a better regulated piety. The Persians huricl the bodies of the rlead, and the Scythians ate them; tln^ Indians envel- ojied them, for preservation’s sake, in a sort of lacker; and the Kgyptians em balmed and dried them, exliihited them on festival days, placed them at table among their guests, guarded them as a m.achine wotdd be comj)arativcly small; I their most pr(!cioiis f)()ss('ssioiis, and and as Mr. Perkins is about to construct j J,jut and boi’rowed mon(‘y tipon these a four pounder, which cun bc moved | j^trange pledges. In our tinn>, fhe ctis- about with great facility by two horses, . of dancing at finirrals is only prac- the pubhc win have a good_ opportunity ..'ntiors; prevail niong nt is ordnance now in use. The cost of such person wisiiing to rent the above for one year, can have it, on accommodating terms, by apply ing to WM. 1$. PORTER, iSteilCrtJc, 1st January, 1825,—3tl7 ATTENTION ! Charloile liepnbUcan J'oluulcers. '^7'OU are hereby notified 1o pa ll rade at tiie Court-House, on the 29th instant, precisely at 12 o’clock, for the purpose of drill, Stc. Py order of the Captain, JOHN H. .NOHMENT, 0. .S'. 8, 1H25.—3tl7 (ien. Cleorge (irahani, Nicholas Stanis, J Jolin (lodw in, The (iaoh r. John .1. (Jaii.-c, (.eorge M . tirimes, Jcs.ah l{. (irad^. Jolin N. (irailitli, .Varoii 11. linHith, II. Davitl Hark}, Thom.IS 1 louston 2, Pii'saiit Hoteiikis,', Elam Hunter, \ai'(m Hou^lon, Andrew Hunter, Miss ^al'ali . IlaiTis, Mr. Iloilu'ook'i. Mis^ M.iMha \ .K.Harris, Iward Sniitii I'.lii ih Siiih y, J.iines Spratt 2, .lolui Stinson, A (hull \. Spi'inp;*, F,'th ’' SpriiK;'s 2, .lolin .";)nng'., [2 Spvliig,', Dnikinirs 5^ Co. eoi'j^-' ' W ■ SpcaT', Slie. iil'of Meckleni)ur;^ 11.11. S. l'Ug.U’. 'rb.;iia.i Siiralt. 't. '\V\ att Temple 2. Pctliurl Tarlton. ill. '1 honipson. \\ . t,(or;ri- ■ Houston, Will. 1 liitcliison. J. Tlionns Joni ' , Juiiii .loiii-s. St 17 WoodviiiT New trin. Leandev V. \\ ilhuiiiion, ,Sii.sann:di L’ansom \\ al..o:i. .lohn McK. A, Wallace, UM SMI l'H. M. (’oHslaliles’ Kxecutions, For sale, ;it ihi^ Otiici". I)i*ed:5 lur Su)“. :it llii'^ OlViec. Mea paiipera rej^na, As Capt. Dougald Dablgetty says, (of Drum- thwaeket.) i‘|^ OFFER for sale my Houses and I,ot, ad- joining Mr, .1. Irwin's, ui the north cortier of tlie Public Square, Persons tlisposed to inir- cliase, will view the pnmisi-s. •I'o my debtors, (witliall due defi-rtnce to tlieir sujieriof cognitions,^ I wonld n qiu «rt, beseech, ilr.-ire, insist, t!;.it they w ill be kind i iioiij;h to call and see me. l.S .>frop J. TORRJACE. vMy.*". T. .-VsiifnT intends leaving fjliarlotti in the iiiontli of ,\pril. .-Ml [n rsons that have claims ajfainst me, will pU iisi' presi nt tlu in lor setthmriit against tiie 1 st day of Mareh ; thoM' lnU btcd, will sa\ (.' eo-,ts and troulile, b} iii.ikini,'' pa\ iiieiit in a few w( i ks. jAMi;s r. Asnruv. Clinriotte, Jan. 1, 18-5.—9t22 Tiiere will be kept a gnod assortment of Har ness, ruid (jtlier artieles in tiiy line, till the first li IV of Ajiri!. ;nid will lie sold low for ea^h only, Vork>ill(? Hook BinI(‘ry. jlll r, sul'sfi'ibi r beg^ h ave to inform the jmb- iie in g iiifal, tliaf he carries on llie /{uhl,- liiiift/■>/, ill all its \ »iious liraiu'lii s. Ha\ing siippli' J liiiiisi If wit!) til.' best of materials, he will \t cuii- wn-k in the neate.st nianni rand on tiic siii'l'test liot'.ce, N. Ii. .Ml orders fur lilank anil Copy Pooks \vi!! In- puiie*iiallV att.-iidi 1 U). . ‘Jtf ,K)1I N II. DK f .\TM rl!l'.T, I ni )' TO rr Ko \ I>V‘^Pr,rTI I 1 I V s.,li ;ut. A liim. to I'ali iii.meclK^t11_\ and iiiiiki' s( tih- I1K 111, I’m ing ui'di r th'- n: (cssit\ of aft( ndi'ig t ) his ]irc!'e‘sion in tht- wiV. c ,rU in tin- insii- iii;.; spnr'g", 'U'di as iliNt\ M-.iv(l tlils r jiii si lni;g- I !• tI.aii tii'“ I'l Iii'ii.ii'N ( (Mil !, l';l rnd I licii’ noti s aiiii acr'i'unt-. in th liai ( f aii .i.'i i :• afii r deceased, lumber house three third of the Jiam uiui «.UUI eiius. 11 i» uiii.- ui | ... — ^ ^ I "I . 1" I .11 the most desirable situations fora Mechanic (of part of the affair is the smallness of the I solcmu ami Silent, which, ne\ e tl (des--, any kind) in the county ; being situated in the | expense in charginc^ artillery of this na- U'f^cs not interfere with the wish that centre ot a r spectabie neigiil)orliood. Any t.ure, compared with that of the present j all m.iy be torgottcn as spt^edily as pos- system. In Mr. Perkins’s Steam tiun, siblo. W v observe more ostfMitatious one pound weight of coals is found to rites for persons of Cjonsequenee ; their prodiice the same rlVect as four pounds I carriages follow them to the grave, and weight of gunpowder, viz. one pound of, sometimes their horse is paraded, which coals will generate sun'.cient steam lo ox-1 pel, wuh e((ual lorce, as many bulls as' - • • - ibur pounds of powfler. Of the rapiiliiy, with which tiu' discharges are made, we say little after what we have observed of the mode in which the balls are ex pelled, but there is another great advan tage, which, on the score of humanity, deserves commendation. An exi)losioi» from this gun is next to impossible; fur the greater the ra[)idity of the firing, the less is the danger, as the steam or vapour rushes forward, witiiout check, and linds a vent in the open air. How many lives, (jii lh(! contrary, ha\e been lost by the luirstiiig of our coininon lield-pirces, and bow litth.* rt-jiance is to be placed u])(jn the greatest care iircleansing tlu-in in llir, beat of luiltle. ’I’en guns, upon this prin ciple, w ould, in a tield ofbuUlc, be uioie llian e(pial to 2(K) jti the present system; and a \essel of only six guns would be rendered nnjie than a match for a srven- ;y fotir. “If any two rulers of the earth were tf» 'kiiow, tiiat in the event of declaring war against each other, a plague or pi'stiieiice w oiiUl blast both armies, and sw i e|) them i'l'om the. face of the eartli, tlirv would pause !)ef(ji'e they made stieii a declara- lion ; but w hat jilague. wiiat iiestilenee, wrjiihl excei-d, in its eirect-, those (d’the Steam (Junr—!'i\e hundred bails fired every minute, uiul one out of twi'iity to reach its m u k—wliy, ten jf such ^iiir. u ould (Ie‘'troy I .V'.(ifM; (hdh . >1|-. I'epk THTlI r, sul'srrib( r begs leave to inform the jmb- ns considers stealii tliseoverv as in it*^ ;! lie in g IK ral, that he carri. s on ihe /W- itil’ancy, lor he says he is cou\inced tl'.a I steam eti!;iiie tiiight be made to throw a b;dl of a ton eight, from Do\er to Calais.” \otliitig can ijiorc clearlv prove the ini possibility (d‘ h-'tiiig a Londrm niob ap- pi'oae,b any oiijei t of art or taste, tliati the wutragi s w hich \m'have seen committed on the jiedestai J| the (Ji'een Mati.^' tlu Statue- of A iillles in the Park'—if West 'iiiiister .\hbey \\ ei'(! tiirown ujion t;rati' 'o the piildii . not a iiioniii^ient would re .naiii uiider.iced or undeiiled in u nioml —'iny, the I.k t h.e. been e\enijilifiecl I), V ;.n'0M I'.lih', hivf-> ‘O tlie piiM.e-, take of the ailliction of tiu; ticeasion. The Ori(Mitais, from whont wo borrow ed this custom, went farther;—they made the horses in funeral [iroeossions weep, by blowing particular powder up their nostrils ! In Italy, the motiKning was forhierly white lor women, and brown for men ; in China it is white- ; in'Purkev, Syria, and ^Anninia, it is blue ; in J*!gyi»t it is y(;ll()W ; in Kthiopi.i if is grey. Kaefi of these colours had oiigiiialiv ils in\s- nifieation. White is the. ein- hk-ni of j)tirily; celestial blue indicates liie s|iace whei’e tlx- soul ranges alter death; yellow, or the tinge ofdead h'aves, exhiijits deatli as the end of all huin.'tii liojie, and men falling lik* the leaf of autiimn'; grey presents tin* eoloiil-of the; earth, our eomnioji motlier; and black, tin; funeral eostiime now' adopted throughout Kurojx', is an allusion tf> the eternal night. In Mnglaml, tlu^ king never witars black, lie is elotlied ill red, as mourning. 'Pill tin* reign of ( hai les \ 111. w hiW; was the fMiii ra! ^arb ill Fiance.. TIk? ('inperor ht'o- pdhi, who died in 1 used ti) snilV-r liis heard to grow in fiisorder (iiiriiig the whole period of mmtriiing. In this he iinilale(l the Jews. 'I’he downger ' iiipresses nev«‘r left olf wn-ds, and their a|)artnieiits wen; hung with black till their (h'ath. I he, chancellor ot Fr;iiiee is tlic only person in the kingdom u lio never wears mourning, 'i'he brothers, neplu.'ws, :ind ’oiiNiiis of i’rjpes never wear it. The happiness of having a Pope in a I'amily, i.s loo great to allow theni to ho alllictfd even by his death. I’lUf the most remarkalile of all the.co nsage.s is perhaps tluil of the jx-ople of those ancient nations \\-ho drrsNed them- s(d\('s as women w hen flu v lost fheir '■rl.itions, in oiah-r, il is saitl. that thi* .idieiile aflached to thi-ir vestments luii^h’ ni'ike Mu m a i.aim. d of th-jir grief.

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