i'roiTi his cnvful ailvcnturc, jYsuys Ilf is clisim-bed tlurini? the ui^rlu in iVai AiJ dreams that he is slill in ihe ciiiiclH’s oi’ irsurrection-meii, and bound the horrid box! CMAIiKOTTK: Il'KSDVV, FKHRrAKY 1, \H25, "Ijv mails, wc rcccivi-d but ]wpffs north of this, the ff'cs/ern aii'l Xor/tfl/c Ilera/d, |!il' liittiT of which came by tiie way of ('aindc‘11. If oiir paper, therefore, is biineii of news, our readers can ho at no loss for the cause ; we trust, however, thev '' ill fiiul soinethinGj in it, jf not as iiUerostina:, vet i)erhai)S equally useful 1,;ul instructive. Tlic Season, thus far, has been un commonly wet—we have have had floods upon floods, until the roads have i)cconie ahiiost impassable.—Winter delayed his approach so long, we became aj)pre- hensive, that “Ttiroii’il ill liia palace of ccruloan ice,” lie had forgotten his aiinual visit to tiiis renujte pai t of liis dominions ; but we were ‘^oon undi ceived. On the evening of tlie '21'it idtiuKj he came, “ *!ull^n aiu! sad, u itli all liis risinp;’ train ; Vapors, uikI cIovkU, and storms.” ; The lielils “put on their winter robe of purest white and the whole face of ii:iliire i^ave evidence of the reij^n of WiNTKK. J5ut his visit was short ; he iU returned to his fastnesses in the no. tii, ;'ailinc; ai'ter him his “ ruilian bl:i'ti ’ more kindly gales succeeded, an 1 “ Sudden from tlic hills, OVr rocks .ind woofls, in hruad brow n cataracts, A tlioii->.intl snow-fed tom nts, shot iit once,” sweliin*:; the streams, and laying an in terdict on all communication between diti’crcnt paits of the country. This, we are aware, looks little like a descrip tion of a southern winter, with the ex ception of its short eontiiuiance j yet it i-i, however, (juite applicable to the wei^- thcr in this quarter during the past two ueek'f. A ;reater quantity of snou' fell in the nijht of the 21st January, and during thcbucceeding lay,than has fallen in any OIK' siMson, fv)r many years. On the 2.’ I, it snowed steadily the whol^ day, ;i!i(l until late in the evening; and had the ir(nmd been di-y, and well j)repar- Ci!, we might liave particij)ated in one of the winter amusements of our northern l)n'tliren—a “.v/f'/if/f though it 'vouhl have been in a veliicle bearing t)iii a flint reseml)lance to their light, flu t ci(//('rs." In a few' days, the snow Itad entirely (lisapj)oared, except .‘-niall bodies scattered Iumc and there, in places not exposed to tlie meltii g fiiys of the sun ; and tlit* w eather has now all the mildness and pleasantness f'f Spring. A letipp from l'ayi-tlc\ illc to ihe cditoi-, t' fiMM'd hy liu' (^unulcn mail, stales lliat ti't new ras('s ol’ ritrio'tniil had occurred ainl (iidy fmr wfi-e sick in the hos- .'\il d;uii;-(‘r, therefore, if any e\- is pr'.)!)u!d\ now removed. A iart^e 'iuuiiiity of Coffon was it» market on the '''diol Jatuiary—])rices, 1,1 and l;l.iCls.« iind pi'une lots were hidd al 11 cents. Pi'eaiilcnf's Jhronnls.— I'he messat^e oi I’resich'iit (jii tiiis siil>jt'ct, has been I'e- M'cd to a sele* t eoiumittee in tlie House •'1 I’vpresentatives, wil'j iiistruclioiis to from the President any esldencCM ‘'•'^phinations of his cluims which he ^"'*y tliiidv proper to ]irese!il, unil to fde ■'* '’anic in the (.n’lci' of the clerk ol the jhjiise, to he acted u])0!\ at t!ic next ses- ol Conjri rs.s. 'I'lu' nu»ti(jn lo refer '^'cssati;e tfj a seh'ct coininit'.ec, i;-a\«* to a lonir dehaie, many fd' the niem- •’'is pi'elerrint!;'to liave it assigned io ihe ^-"'ninittee of Claims ; the niolion, how- v/iis carried without a division.— ^ cominiltee consists of smen ; Imt we •••I'e not seen the names id' ihe niem!)ers ''■10 compose it, \\'e h.ave not learnt the ■'"tiire of the Prpsidenl’s claims i but it '■’ ■'talfd iti on»' ('f the Rirhinonfl papers ‘^l the coiinir-v is justly i?'! ’.'fc-l t'. !;iTn THE ?Roc;r.i:ss of oun coi*xt;}v. Mu. Editoh : The followiui^ extract from the “ American Annals,” describes the “ first .\merican C'onsiitulion,” allud ed lo in the Address before the Ntw-Eni'- hind .We/y,puhlishedon ihellrst pa^n• of Ihe Cuiira-r, on Tuesduy, the. 2\\th Ikr. atid establishes the uniicpiiiy of our Republic. I'indinrj ihe harbor to be in the North Lat. and iherelore bevond the ter- ri'oi-yoflhe South Virginia Company, they perceived that their charter, receiv ed froni that Company, had heeonie use less.—Symptoms of fartion, at the same lime, appearinfr umon^^ ll;e servants on board, who imagined, lliat wIkmi on shore, lh(*y should be under no {5'o^erimimt, ii was judged expedient, ihul belV)re disem- barkuliun, they sliould coin!)ine them selves into (I hodif politic, to be j^ovcrui^d hij the mnjorit}/. After solenui Prayer and 1 hanksgivint^, 'Airrittcn fnstn/)/ient,d''d'M\ lor that piM'pose, was according’ly sul>- scribed on board the ship, on tiie 1 lib day ot Nov’r 1 his solemn co/j.Vw/ was sii^ned by forty-one of their nundjei’, and they, wilh their families, amounted to one hundred and one ,persons. Mr. Jof'N Cahvku was now unanimously chos en their (iovernor for one year. Thus did these inteHi.q;eni Colonists find means to erect themselves into a liepnb'ir, even though they had commenced their enter prise under the sanction of a roynl char ter. A case that is rare in history, and can be eflecled only by thal perseveriinee which the true spirit of liberty inspires. See Unirersal His. xxxir. 275.” 'I'he above is the history of the endjryo of a Republic, which is now about to es tablish a Military Post at the moulh of the (Jrpiroii, i. e. “the River that runs lo the West. ” II. C/tas. Conner. TOW-BOAT SIJXK. On Monday last, us the Steam Boat Colund)iu was turnini^ a ])(dnt in the River a few miles below flodlVey’s ferry, wilh her two tow boats, one of ihcln struck ai;ainst a snai,s w hich had been placed there by the Lte freshet, and in a short lime sh’e was entirely under wa ter. 'I'he active exertions of tlie crew and passeni^ers in uidading her, enabled the captaiti to reach CJeorgetown in a few hours, wilh the lioat and the remainder of the cargo that was under deck, which was somewhat injured. The amount of damage is not yet as certained, and as it is probable that the Boat is rejjaired and reshijjped her load for Charleston by this time, she will no doubt he here in a few days, whc'n the captain can satisfy further inquiries. The coiion that v, as damaged, belong ed enlirely to Beers, Buiu'.el and Co. of this pliice. Pec Da Lkizette. unknown h^nd. Tlie pond was not ir/ore than filly yards dislant fro\u a mill road. Chilliiolhe Times, ./I Ihu'ins: Jil*e)n\tt.—l^'rom a gentlemat) just returned from Hri«lgetoii, Xew Jer sey, we rollert the following particulars of a most daring attempt to rob, if not to imirder a family in that vicinity. Early on Saturday night, ih»; liwelling house of a Mr. Daniel Wood, who resides belwetMi two and ihrce miles from Bridgeton, was eiu‘red by a while tnan and two negroes. —•! he family, which consisted of Mr. V* ood, his wife and daughter, had retired lo rest. The rulTians procured a lighl in the kitchen, and proceeded, as tlu'y sup posed, to the chamber of Mr. \\ ood,hul mistake entered that of his daiightei’. Sl'.e was excessively alarmed and scream ed out, when one of th.e fellows seized !i'm*, and compelled hei; to be silent. Mrs. . heard the noise, and awakened her husband. On 4Voing out of his room he perceived the light, and supposing thal the house was on lire, went lo the ciuor, and cried out lire, when he saw a man with an axe raised, w ho ihreateni^d if he made the least noise lo cut liim dov, n. He immedi;i'.ely relireil, closing the door after him, and pulled the string by which tlie dcjor coidd lie opened fron^ the outside.—He then threw hinii.eif head foremost out o{ a small w indow, i iid ran lo alarm his neighoours. The villains biirsliiig open the door, one of them re marked that ihe old man w as gone, and they must be o!V. 'I'liey accordingly left the house ; taking w ith them nothing hiit a small time picce, worth but a tew dullar'^; and proceech'd in iheir wagon to the Hotel at liridr.elon, here they had their horse pul iij) and re tired to rest. Some sno w lia i’lg fallen in the course of the evening, the Tieighb(jurs, w hen they collected, loimd no dillicidiy in tracing them lo Bridgeloti, where they were arrested. It appears, that induced by tlie repre sentation of one of the nee,-roes, that Mr. Wood had prol)al)ly a considerable sum of money at his house, they had left Cam den on Saturday morning, and had pro ceeded on that day to their destination, a distance of about forty miles. Otieofthem stated thal he had lived for some years at or near Horshani, and that his name is Williams : that another lives in Shipj)eti street, or Small street.—They were all committed lo prison to awaii their trial. Jhntrivan Sentinel. CINTINNATt, (0UT0,)DEe. Bohhen/ and attenrpt at Murder.—On the night of the 19th inst. a vilUin w ho as sumed ilie Jian’ie of William Wilson, Jr. but whose real name is supposed lo be Robert Whitaker, formerly a resident of * , »• M- • • .1 Lvcomitig countv, Pemisylvania, entered . A Slate census ot Missouri was taken , 7 „ ..\v. , * i, , • , . I - 1 • t ■ ..1 the btore boat ot V incent A. Bogue, lvm‘>- last vear. which u;i\es a iiopuutlion ol ; . . | , . . i o,-. «• 1 between Levanna and Augusta, on ilie 8U,^^r, ,, ot whom 13,3J0 are slaves. Lm • • i . T. • ,, ,, ’ , , I' TM , Ohio river, and attempted to assassinate .UmmlU 44,a- k. I-Icy.l, ^ oar to ol Noill.um.ilontomKy, \ a. i:as ,i„.„ ,„k|„.,i l,i„. „f nl„„„ sm raised a ca!)bage tiiis season weighing tiventy fu'o fjonndsand thrcv (/'/(triers. A Mi. Law, of X. r.. tovvnship, Erie country, Pa. having invited a Mr. .\bm. Fuller to sup w itli him, demanded of him afterwards two shillings for his s\ipper. which being treated as a jest by I'nller. he immediately received one or two blows from Law which killed him. Law gave himself up to justice. Mr. Sanders, of North Carolina, has moved ati amendment to the Constitution, on the siibiecl of the election of President and \'ice President. 'I’he dislitiguishin^ features of this amendment are as fol lows : 1. 'Phe choice of Electors of President and ^'ice President by ihe People, by dis tricts, and on the same day throughoul the L'nioii. 2. The election of a candidate by a plurality of Votes, if they amount to one ihird of the whole numbei- of Ejectors. ,>. In ("ase of no other candidate’s hav ing a third of all the votes, the House of Represenialives to choose IVom the two j)ersons having the highest numbers of votes. The contractors w ho h'fi Boston in Au- jrusl last for Ca|>e l lorida and the I)r\ 'i'orlu.na?, w ith the view of esiaMishitii;' li'.rht houses there,not ha\ ini;- l)cen heard of sincc, are supposed to have perished. 'I’beii' !)()ndsmen have obtained additional lime from t!\e go\erinnenl to comjjiete the con; ract. Murder. — A U'tler from a tViend in (;;d!i])tdis to the editor, wrilteii on Salii!-day last, ^i'^t's ati accoiuil of the m'ii'dcr of a yuiuig woman, ol Perrv T(jwi\shiji, (lallia count \. It ;ippears llial lii(‘ iiuforlu!iale person all'ided to—a Miss Polly (ireene—left hei- father's res- idtMicc aljoul two weeks since, for the purpose of \isiting a neiirhltour. 11'Ji' lailu’i’ to rftiini iioiiK' i-Asoi.n as sl’.e was e\pi‘cl(‘d. occasioned sotne alarm anion,';' her friends : and aftc'r diligi'iil scarch. her ho'lv was I'oimd in a janid, a short dislaiu (■ fVoiU I'.er father's hou>',', w ilh tlic heail tnucli l>i ui>ed, and a lo|r lyin;^' across her nt'( k. I wo or thice (.Itib', sn.''ari‘d wilh I)IoihI, liair, and sui)po'.el to h.' tlie weapons ust fl in the pM |!i'ti-alijn oi' the liori'id deed, Iny near the ]iI:kc w hcie the I remains w ri e fouiul ; but the mi.rchr' i'- I he.ve hilheno escapecl fh 'e.:iion. .\ cj!'o- iifi’s iniiue>.t has been !n hi ovc' me ooilv, ear, atul then robbed him of about After leavingthe boat, and no dotdil sup posing the victim of his murdero'ts heart was dead, he left the Ohio river, enijuiied for New-Market, and is expected to have made his way for Canada. We are hap py to learn that Mr. Bogtie is likely to recover, lie has offered a rew ard of 3100 fo/tlie arrest of the villain, to any person or persons who will secure him in either of the jails of Ilamillon or Clermont counties, in this stale. The whole com munity are interested in the detection of all such hunum tiionslers, and it is lio])ed that ev(‘ry ciiizen will feel himself bound lo aid and assist in his apprehension. .VKW-YOHK, JAN. 1 1. Ttinhrjlirnl Jltlempt.—On Sunday morn ing an allemj)t was made to poison a w hole family, consisting of seven ])ersons, by the name of Carroll, residing in Lau rence sti’eet, in this cily. A basket con- tainini;' cakes had been placed on the sto(jp, of which the whole partook, not suspecling any injury to follow.—Oiih a lew minutes after, the father w j.s sci/.- ed with syn>jiUjiiis of rather an alarming nature, anl bid’ore medical assistance, whicli was pi-omptly olitained, ar!'i\ed, his w ife and children were all’ecied in llie same mamiei-. ll was a.cerlained that arsenic had been mixed up with the cakes, and mea^'Ur‘s were immediately adojiled lo cause it lobe discharged Iron', the stomach. 'I'he father was soon oe.t of danger, hut we undersla’id that one (d' th(“ children expired in great agony last cM'iiing. llopt's are entertained (j1 the recovery of the rest. N’arioiis riports are in cirvula'ioti I’cspecling this affair: (;ne of w hich i^, lliai the attempt had been made l>y a pei-son who had been en;j;a'.''cd in a law suit w ith Carrol, w hich t!ie former lost, atid that enra;.’ed al his flel'eat, he had ado’pted this method to ;;ratil’v his rev( iH;e. 'I'he busket in w hich the cakes wi re foiiiid. is said to haM' l)een traceil to this sai'.ie |)e!son.—K. Pu-'d. In s'WiH? (jf the stales of (Jermany, the .lews are ireaied with as litlie liheralitv as in Russia, as may !>e jtulged fiv/ui an (ii'diirince cd’ the I^ir;';omasi( r and !i;’tiate (d’ I r.iiiUl' ji !. paSied in September la t. t)ne of tilt' re;-ulatioiis il presci l!)cs 11 the lollow in;^ etl'*ct : “ Oidy iil'iecH marriages shall be ( on- ti-acted i u: h yerr, anioie;- w liii h the;e it'.av i)e.t',\o where t>;ie of the pe.rties is a f irei:;!ier. If fiftectt mrirria!-,es ai e not contract! d in a \ear, the u'lioher neces V *') ccnipa'c ll»eia may he ve''!'-d that of th" foliw .vin.q; yp.;r. In criK r to ol)tai’n j)eniiission to contract m'arriage, a Jewish citizen must prove that he is able to support a family.” By another st-clion of ihe same ordi nance : “Jewish citizens are allowed lo |)Ui (diaso hoi.ses and r,ardens in the cily and environs, as w( II as to hire shoj)sand warehouses in the housi's (t* the rilv, and lo open shojvs ; but it(» on' is to,be pro prietor of more than one house and one garden ; and though lie may have apart ments in the city, it must bo lo live in them with his family.” , Eurther accounts iVom the same quar ter, dated September I,'., informs us, that by an ordinance of the (Jrand Duke of W'eimar, the Jews had been actually pro hibited from perfv)rming worship in the synagogue in their own language, in con- secpience (jf which the Jewish commimi- ty had petitionefl the (Government to be permitted to us(! the Hel>rew tongue at least in repeating certain of their prayers. At the Lord Mayor’s ditnier, in" Lon don, on the yih Nov., Mr; C!anning, the cabinet minister, made a speec h of which the following sentence is stiniewhat re markable. 'i'he counlry, ((ireat Britain) liaving been established in a state i>\' mi- Ijrenincy with regard to foreign nations, wl'iich no accidejil could shake, his Ma jesty’s Ministers were enabled to adopi ihose measures of liberal jjolicy w"hich his Right Hon. Erieml, the Lord Mayor, bad so kimlly adverleti to. [ap[)lause. J” “ I knoAv,” said a man of talent to an arrogant nobleman, “what is due to your rank, but I also know that it is much ea sier to be my superior thaii my eipial.” One "of ihe Genoese Dfj)uties becoming rather warm in a dispute will) the Ciieva- lier de Bouieville, an andiassador of France, the lalter haughtily exclaimed, “ Are yni aware that 1 am the repi esen- tativeof the king, my master.^” “ Are you aware,” re])iled the (ienoese, that I have no master, anil that I am the representa tive of my e(iuals?” ./? Happy The late Rev. M. Xeik one of the Ministers of the Wcsl Church, when taking a w alk in the after noon, saw an dd woman silling by ihe road-side, evidently much intoxicated, w ith her bundle lying before her in the mud.—He immediately recognised her to be one of his parishi(jiiers. “ Will you jus', help me up wilh my bundle, glide man ?” said she, as he slopped— Eie, lie, Janel,” said the j)astor, “ to see the like o’ you in sucii a plight.—Do you know where all drunkards go to ? “ Ay, sure,” said Janet, “ they just go whar a drap o’ gude drink is to be got. ' \^Scotch paper. A leading ,T(.*suit i;i I'ngland, was sent for by iNir. Secretary Peel, and introdu ced to him. ‘ 1 am told,' sir,’ said iMr. Peel, ‘that you have lately paid 70 or 80,000/. for an estate.’ ‘Ihave,’ said the clergyman. ‘Where did'you get the money ?’ fiskcd the Secretary. ‘ 1 don't think I ain bound to answer that (piestion,’ said the clergyman, ‘and if I am not bound by law to answer il, 1 had as soon keep the seals of m v own prop erty to mysidf.’ ‘ I am told,’ .said Mr. Peel, ‘you have a large sum of money ill the funds.’ ‘1 have,’ said the cler gyman. ‘Now',’ asked th(! Sc'eretary, ‘ what would you do if tin; (JovernmiMd, should lay iiold of it?’ ‘O,’ s.dd the Jesuit, ‘Lord Chatham has ,-’go set tled that (juestion.’ ‘I.(»rd ( 'i.ithnm said the Secretary. ‘ Ve>,' n [di-d tlie other, ‘ after the seven yeai^’V. a:’, tiie Dutch con'initted ^i.'ver.'d "o-i (>u'ira geous frautls upon t!:e Mi;riii>!i ; Lortl (,'hatham u^is advised ti se'Z" ujion l.Iie property of ibe Dut' !i ;Mrreii nts in tlie Knglisii fund^.. ‘N'),’ Slid ‘.lie distin- guished statesm::n, ‘ii'ii.r' ))ee:l 1miU'' Ii' had morn'y If.dged in |!h Mm ;!'Ii futids, it must rt'jf ther.; s-cwe''.’ ‘I humbly hope, thoreforf",’ s: i 1 tl;- clcry:y m.-ui. ‘that if thf' ii’onev id' t'"- i^cvil '.voMl.i be eoll^H:er'■d s funds, tin- niOM'i’y liitei’fered with.’ ,-eiiro in tin; !',t: of a .!es':il 'V’il i: irlishl h. ' f > ri I)])veiit ic( s, fV(>iii jt'l ( iVs (if tiikeil t(i til.- ( ii’i .sni> s>, it' !»•- Ill iC t all ( y (-11 ri-''(ui;n;i mh i i'.ivhisirv, V. lil lie-' t V i;r. r.t, lei ;i;)i)l', in;^' to tst- -ne .sIMAi I'.K’ ( Jd'H'i' ■ . ! SJ.i >,:■ Bm -> i.ii. Sue II :is ;.o|iiiri_v and C'it • li'-Olll.lgc- 1 KUKII.I.S. -..t JU Noi n i r.i, ’-ovk I A |,Vn-. 1, I, ft v\ it:> Ttic ■■i. IS'- ml '>!ii 11 ;u-r it IS lini 'lu .1, Ulll \urti.)ii, to Uifiay iIm- i., s' i .1 ( !M«. 1, - TIIK S( is:-,'. ii AS f.'U hand at tl>i • ' ii. t’ois l‘ oi- I'ei Ills . li'i;) ’m rep.ji’’. 'I ' ( u ill p)' as- c;.ll, n'l i ,- 1. t Xlll'.l !ie\t, [):i\ till V, 111 1j; ;-:ol(l t. II.- . .l.i\ . if liarli.*lie, I' l> 1, 1 I)rli\ ( I V • ;i>M ■ to he rc- ai:,;> Ull ll.Ul'l, OIH II.- :.e''l 3t !’ lljiic I iir^. i' A-> (;oi:i;.N. 5 iOTiT I", n 7d Ut too (iM fl in j rJIK foilowinij- valualtle HOOKS are for 9alc at this ofllcv, at reduced pr'.ccM ; Anierie-in St >‘^ I'apcrs, lOvol!,.; C.iHio’s Flis* tury of iiieeci', 3 do ; Marshall’s l.it'c of W’asii' inijton, D l(); ll'rj;l.iiurs \ iew of tl\r World, J do; r> rguson’s UiMiKin Ut piihlir, »!(»; Ital- lam’s Middle Age;*, -tdo, I'ox’s lli-.toriral Work; ttoliiil^hroke oil Histtjry; laimpe tVoin l8oJ t»> 1815; IIistory of North-( arolina, J vols.; .Me moirs of William I’itt, 2 ilo ; (.'ourt and ('al)il^( t it'.Lillies I. by Miss Aikin, ‘J do; lit-aiijour'j Ski'tclies of the U. States ; Cliati-riidirianirs I'ra\i-ls; I’ark's do ; 'I’nivi-ls of .-Vli lU-\, J\ol,s.; .MrKc-n/,ie'!> Vo\agcs; Hohhoiisc’s Allfania, 2 ols. ; Italy, l)v l.iidy .Morgiiii, J do; l/ife of Ma- y, (iuccn of Scotts, 2 vois.; M;td;uii Campan’fl Memoirs of .Mary Aiiti-inctte ; Memoirs of Mai'- "hioness do l.aroclu: .lactiueiino ; Hio>;T;iphical skelciu's ()f emiin'nt 1.aw vers. Statesmen and mi I) of litters; ('aj)t. 'I'uckey’s F.xpedition ff> Africa., O’Hiley’s (iivenlaud; (’aj>t. I’ortcr’s .lournal; .lounial of l.;is Cases, 8 vols. ; Napo leon in K\ile, 'J v»ls.; Life of I'iitr ck Itcni'y; f.ife of Vidton ; l.ife of I'l mu I ; MemoiVs of Napoleon; Nicltol’s lU-colIeetions; lli-iriott’s StruKj^-leS; »lo Truvels, J vot^. ; l/.fe ol' C«'W- pL-r, .J vols.; HalHc’s four ; 'i' n \ > urs’ I-^mI^j Ui-sources of the Hr.t'.ali f.ir.|,ire; I’lt- kin’s Statistics of tlio L'liio d S‘;it,.->.; ^Vilitary and Na'al l^ettirs; l')el:ipl.i;ti'''s U-p>i->itory, 3 Nos.; I’olice of tiie ( ity ol l.ondoa; dooftltf? riiames; Kmporiiim of Arts and Sc'm iiccs; Itrit- i^ll t’oels, i-legantly houtid. 2j vois.; Hritisli I’rost: NVritersj K vcds.; >>H Nos. Percy Anec dotes; .('.larkson on the Slave Trade, 'J\ols. i Coinersaiions on I’oiitieal Meoiiotny ; Erskine’s 'l)Lcch-s, i vols. ; S('iithe>'s l.ife of ^Vesley, 2 do ; l.ife of I'alvin ; do of Knox ; Hisho]) 'Cay- lor’s Sermons, ;>\o!s.; Chalnier’s do ; Chaim- er’s Commercial Discourses; Ciiristian Morals; Masonic Minstrel; Kretmason’s Maga;’.ine ; 1’io- liters! F.elio; Baltimore Conspiracy; Mayo’* 'Ivthologv; Wil-.on on (•rammiT; Art of prn- loiii^-iiKf life; Coltlxi’s Year’s residence in A- nu-i-iCii; Materu.il .Solicitude; Sporting Anec dotes; (Jrtnar ])i Ijdiini; Horace l)el|>hini; Uell's I.etti-rs ci'iicerniiijv the di.si-astr of tjie I’rethra; l.ovt sof the Ann’els, 'I'oni (iuih’s Memorial, No l-’ietion, 2 \ois. V'eK el Cushion, 'I'he I’rivatcer, 2 yol.s. Anastasius, Death bed Confessions of I.adv iiiurnst y, 'Sevi. nty-Si\, nannockbnrn, |*c- vfvii of the I’eak, King of tile Peak, (.'astlcs in the Air, I’cnOwen, Sir .\ndrew Wilie, The An tiquary, Fortunes of Ni),^el, Qiientin Durward, 'I'he Kntuil, Koniiig-sniarke, ora 'Fate of the New World, Tales of till- Manor, .lustinia, St. lionan’s Wi ll, Spectre of (he iVrest, Pirate, I.ojjan, Ken ilworth, The Cavaliei*, The W ildi rness, Tales of My Lanrllord, Tlic.Xiibot, Str. kc. Also, F.n^lish, Dutch, and Opaipie dressed Qudls, of a superior (luulity, Hlank Cards, lartjts and small, J^c. iVc. The thorough hredand celebrated run- u'nvji; 1 lor sc (Uuised by C.ipt. Samuel Washing'ton, of Va.) stand the spriiif*'se.i- f T bon, commeneiiii;’tile 1st 'i.'w •’* Miircli. at Vorkville every )lhi-r\M-ek; and at M-.ij. Mor rows, MccklenlMirLf county, e\ ery other wc( k j and so on alteriiatt-ly, (public days excepted) till the end of the sea.son, which will be on the 1st of July next. WII.D MF,DI,FY will he let to ni.ircs, .it tho moflerate rate of fcii ddtlar/i the season—noleit will be reijiiircd at the same time, ]ia}able at the end of the, season—.v/.c ditlltirs tlu; sintflo leap, to be j)aiil at the time of service, or the mare will be considered as put by tlifr season— fiflrrn doUurs to insure a iiiai-e to be in foal, to be due as soon as it is discovc red she is in foal. If the mare is p:irti‘d with, the mon( y to bccomti due the same as though she had not been part ed with. Kvery exertion will be iisrd by the subscri ber to prevent accidents, but he. will not be ac countable for anv. DF.SriMPFmN*. WiLit Mkt)i,*-y is a beautiful ivh't'', 1.5 h.inda 2 inches and :i half iiii^h, (jf Tine forj;i and (ij^un-, of larg'e bone and i^i'eat muscular power. • I'F.IlK.ltKF,. \Vir.n Mi;pi.kt was j^'ot by tlie old imported M-ndoza, his dam hy the imi^orti d horse Pen sacola ; his i^rand datn by l.ind.'^-iy’s Arabian ; his j^reat ffi'and dam by old I'earin'Uf^ht, with j. cro«s of old Kockinf^hani andtlo! Arahlan |{an- N. H. Fifty cents will be cons^deri-d due tr» '.’le f‘;room from each person at the t.me of put- tiiij;- a mare. '' Those p(>rsoiis wl'.o chonse to m-nd thi-ii* ni:er-s, and leave tli'-m wit li Hu* sulisi riber unlil :h-, \ pro\e wi‘.b foal, can d(* .o noon M-r\ mod- era'e terms. Me has a \e-v pl(-itiful .supply of i'ora^e, and has sown a j^oiul jnanti*_v ot' small i;-;-:o!i lor pasturage. I'. .tlAMNCS. lV:st"l^t, 1, -Ot J.; _ hlut(‘ of \ori!i ('su'oliiia, e A II .Mill I S eoi \ T V. I ' lr"' (>;' /‘ii'ifi ii'kI l^’Kirlrr Si.s.t'im.*, Jaiivary . .1 os.' [ ll Vounr ^ I-'. J Vt.tachmeiit levied on lands. M-car.'-. ) IT a[)i)( arin^f tu th'' satisf-iction of the court, tliat .l.uie-s M alls, tl-e il(-lei,d-,itil in this ase, is not an iiili:Jii’-iiit ^)!'tll,^ .si,it : it is iherefort:' imfr.-'il, J ii'dicition lie iiride tliri-e montlw III til-,- ( at.'v.'liu .loiiriia!, iiDiityii,-;-s.tid d( f( ad- .in', iliit uiil' ^s Im- :i)jne:;i- ut oi.r lu-xt Court of I'll as 'uid t^iiurtir Si. su'iis, to ije held for saul ty, at tlie ('uiii i-l luii>e iii ('i)!'iCi..d, on tlu^ third Moi.day I'l ,\|ir:l ii -\', a'ld j lerid, answer, or di"lour, jmhpnent pro euiii'e.^Mi *v dl !>e t.ik- n a-^.ons'L him. !)AN’I,. COL’.'.MAV, (' C. —prli I ad\. »’1 Sljifc ol* Noi'lli-('as‘olin;i, e \ II.UI Ml s (HI \ TT. ('nvrf of I'Iri.'s (ui'f Sif.sioii/i, Januurif Dri'i, \N lUii-ni I.. WeiMinn'ton ) i ' f .XMaehm'nt li-\led on J-’.mes Mean*!. ^ I.muU. For sal •.\C, . "• (.f *lii,- ;,-ii!ii. ti'fe t firs',, (t:,\ (,(■ ;-i t !.' tlii-ui au ay, or .,.;1i'. ■' ' i li'er on tluil I.. .U. I’.UONsON > .:t jo litimls, '■* '.he JfJMMial Dl cdi' for bdlf, III this Odi*' I T appi .i!-ii>;r !) ;*ie s-»tist'i-*ifiii ut' the COlir^, tliat ,l;imi-> Mi ;oi', the drt'i-lul.oil m this Ca.sc, is not an iiilia'iitan; i>t th’s : It is ardf rdf tbt n til it publ ' -.(tioii 'h nia.ir three moiitlof in the ( ui.iwl.a .loiirii.d, iK.tifv ^.lid d>. fend- an', ‘that unless lie a|)jjear at oiii next coiii-t of Pleas luid liiiailt r Sessions, to ti. ll. M lor said cnniitv, at the C. uiv*.l | ouse III Co.l urd, oil thi-; third Mondav in .\[inl next, and ine.t'l, aiisu.-r, ill iinir, jod';Tneiit pro coufe>-.u will be tukeii a_i;-ain»t !i;m DAN’L. Ctn.KMAN, V C. C- —pr'.er 'avl\ {-I