VOfi. I ] CILUILOTTE, .X C. TrESIKil] FEninAEV H, 1825. [NO. 19. plHI.ISIirn U'KI'.KLY UrVCiUAM, HKC nOLLVUS A YKAIt, PAID I .V AUViNTK. \)|)ipcr will I)c discontinued, imk'ss at t!u' !.,*T-tion of tli^ editor, until all umaragcs arc- ' \!.\ Kii ri-^EMi.N'TS wHl 1)C inserted -it the usual fttiJ I’lrsons sent'lini^ in advertisements, arc P'j ii Atcil to nuu'f^in the niuuljer of , rtioiis or they w.ll be coiiliiuieil uiilil forbid, 11(1 clKirgrd accordjii,^^!}. "^^-*"1 tlijL* s|)rlnf^•sea- 'J h 'C «on, coniinencin,y;tiie 1st J Vcrkvilie every ^-'-thi r week ; and at Mai. Mor- \1 Y- A . . t . Sn!c. vV Th'ir'idiiv. 2rtli inst;iiit, will lie cxpo- 0 sed to itiiliiic sale, at llave’s Mdis, all ni\ itnck of (Hattie, Sliee;), lloffs, Corn, Wheat, vlour I-iini!)er, lloiiseliold and Kitclu n Turni- 1 iiv, iMilUuiul foity or fifty Stdl vessels. IVrins will be n\ude ktunvn cm tho dav of 1,^. .KHINSO.N. •■’ I hc a!)0vr Sale is p(ist|)oned until Thurs- Ij^v^thc r^lli 0*’ I'ebruan next. at I'i.’ivM i: sAi.n, tr.ct of :>!iout lUO aen s of land, laU ly .],p ,„.yj)irty of the iieirsof Mo.cs lluyes, di-e’ci. nil the nortii-uest side of I’av. ( n ek, be- tuci'’! tiie Cli irlotte and Steel Creek roads, on uhicli isa pri tty ^;i)od ducllin^-huuse, barn, ?■•.(;. Vliii, a tr.iet of F'-'' n acres of meadow land, Ivii!"'ui\ the same ere. k, a htth' In low tin- abovi' t.'ict. If not disnosi'd of pri vious to th ' !ay of liii- iibovc sal.', ii wdl then be rdfi red |)ublit!\ irsilcijvreiil. ‘ItTJ XWIOS w Coach, Si I'}}, ('hitir A’* Onnimfittdl IMIN’i'KIJ. ■f.UVrriiN''' li's.thanks to his friends and the 1 1 piil'lie, t'.)r the liberal riieoura>;i nn nt wliieh li - li:’.-. air adv receivi il, and res|)i. ctt'uily solieits n roiitiiinaiiee of |) itrona^^e. lie is j)re])ared to .! I :ul kinds of I'aint'iii;- in his line ; and eus- t iniors ni;\v depeiul on liavinj;' tiieir work ni at- ].■ cxecuti d, and with desputeh. ; V I’aii'tin}^ in the country will be done on short notice. \ n. Old chairs rc-paintcil and re-pnilt. Cluirlodv, iktolnrA, —Itf I'iK followin.i-- scheme is tlie resi'lt of a mectnifr of tlie Charlotte l^ncvol. nt Me- •hamcal Society, for the |nirpose of di-\isinjv v\a_\s and iiicans to exch.Tnj^e the lalior already - \pended in niannfaetiirinj--. for another stock o materials, tliat they may continue chcerfi lly [ rows, Mccklenhnr.;- eountv,' evu'v other”\\eek ; nt.K e\ereise of their ocer.,,.'.t,(n',, 1/v whicii , and so «:i alternuti ly, (piil.-lir .favs excepted) alone t.iey have been iiistnicted to make a sub- t.ll tiie i nd of the se’.tsyn, which \vlll be on the sistence. I he pvat want of vent for tlie labor Isl of .lulv next. ot the very limited maniifactorii s of the weo- IM) 'Mr.DJ.I'.Y will hr let to ni.ires, at the irn part ot .Norlli-Caioiina, is severely felt by inoder:it..' rate of Un t/i,!l„r.s the season—notes those who ,uive been tau|^lit to rely on tin ir will be reijiilr^d ut the same time, jiavable at j)rotession alone for tile .supi)Oit of their fami- the end of tlie season—»/.r the simple iics; and such indin-ence will doubthsskecp leap, to be paid at th«- time of service, or the every brancliof nK chanismth it labors under it, ni:.ve vull he coiisalcnd us p.it iiy the se ason— in an awkward and cramped condition, tiiat must Jiflfcu (hiUarx to insure a mare to be in ioai, to retard that enerj;-(.tic spirit, w itlioui v\hich it is I'e due as soon as it is discovered she is in fbal. imixissible for the ai t to lloiiri:,!)-. \ if the mare is parte d. v\ itii, th.e nnHu y to becouie I lie society (eels sanj^uine in the hope, tliat due the s,ame as thou^'-ii she had not been part- ’entlenien w luj.are not in t!ie liabit (if i iiibarl.- ed with. in},^ in lottery schemi s ^eiurallv, v\ill lie iniiu-. I'vt ry exe rtion will he used l>v the siibscri- eiiced iiy ciiaritable motives to i ncoi.ra'i'e mecli- her to prev eiit accidents, but lie \'\ ill not be ac- luiism at their (loor-., and thereby have an op- Oount.ilde fur any. porlunity of j)roiltiii,;^ tlieinselvVs '^juu tor l)F.SCI{I!''I'inx. in advance, and afiorelini;' tlieir countenance W'li.n Mkim.i.v is a heaiitifiiJ vhlh\ 15 hands for the eiicouraf^ement of t]ie best interest ot inehe-and a half liin-h, of line form and fig-ure, the \vi-stern p;,rt of the state. Aiul tor the se - ol' lari^'e boiie and fj,-ivat nmsi-ular power. iMirity of those who may embark iii this scheme, 1*KI)I(iIJl'.K. tliL society propose ai)pouitim>-several disinter- Wii.ii Miiu.rv v\ as g-ot hv the old imported steel persons to valu*j the work, n'ld see tlijtl it I Mendoza ; his dam b\ the iiii])orteel horse IVui- hali not he' impeised. on the- pee.]ile at e-\or-1 sacola ; his fjrand dam by I.imlsay’s Araliian ; bitant pnee s. 'l iie society lias siiccevded in 1 liis i^reat };raiid dam by oid rcnriuiiij^'ht, witli a prociiriiii': g't iith men to supermteiid the' eiraw- j cre>ss eif old IJockinghani and the Arabian Han- iiij;', in whom the pulilif has full eoniidencv, i.g'er. iiiiiwlioov names will give a characte r to tiu'; \. Pi. l ifty cents will be considered due to i.ottery. It is pn post li to draw the selu uie a, | tlie jrroMi) from eacli person at the time (jf put- snoii as the- tickets can be sold, which, it is ti’!^ a nuir like Iv, w ill tie ill Ke^iru.irv. Cilarlotte, .Ian. 11, A I5ur;;-a‘m. Any person desirous to settle ii the viilaj^e of Charlotte, .N. C • aiul save' the troul)K' and e.x|)e use- Jof buildini;', will do well to eall on tlio siiiiscnber, who oHens for sale liis house find lots on terms to please a pnrcha.ser, \'\7. :— three front lots and two bae k, lyinj;^ in the Sandy Hollow, anel adjoining William I,ucky’s land; also, two lots, the front on liroad stre e t, and biu'k lot, aeljoinin^' the Mi tluxlist Churc’).— Also, a two story dwellinp^diouse on Hroael-st. situnted a few rods north-east iVom tlie Court- House, with two lots. On the premises are-wn excfllent Cellar, Kitchen, Snu)ke--llonse, Harii, stal)les, aiul evcrv other lu cessarv out buildMit^'. ' KDW’l) .M.’liliONsON.' i)orr()i[T()\ I^i'.SF’F.CTl'l'Ll.V solicits .liose indebted to I him, to call immeeliately and make svttl meiit. Heini;- under the iuce s,-.ity of aitvndiiif^ to his possessions in the- we st.earlv in tlu' en-iii- intf sjirini^, such as disre);-ard ties re epie st loii^-- >r than the I'ebniary 'ourt, vv II lind their mites and accounts in the hanel;. of an oilicer atter th.-it time. .laiinarv 1’, 1S:5. -it 19 Notice. JFORFAVAHN' all persons whatsoever, from tru('iii(,'’for a ei'rtain note of iiaml, (dated in AiiPil, 18JJ,) pive n liy me, and niaeU p iv;i Oliver Simpson, of Kockin;;h:un cotinty, in this stati'; as the prope rty for w hieh sa.d note was giviii has proveel to In' unsound, and I am eh ti niiined not to [)av it, unless compelh'il li JOIJDA.V W II.I.i \\1S().\. _Nlccklenburp, ,lan. 9, 18.’5.—.'lUTtl') Look ll(‘rc! T ^HLI, prosecute, with all the' ri[,'T!r f)f the law, any person who shall cut. or bawl an\ tjnibe^r off the lands latelv be loii;^iiij^' to tin Iieirsof Niciiolas Giboiu v, liect us. d. witliou my permission. ('.rv .M.V\ W I'.i.L ■Ian. I'J, ISJj. 4tl9 •VoV\l*A'. TA'insT. Asnriir inte'n li le.’ivii'.-T CiKirlotfi ^ ui the montli of ,\pnl. .Ml p rsons tiu •j:‘'e ehiiiiis ,ij;'ainst me, w ill pK ase presi nt tlu i settlement a>,-;iiii^t the 1st da\ of Man li . 'nnsi; iridebtt d, will i-.,ve eovts and trouble, by ^iikiiifj jiayment m a tew veeeks. .lAMKS I’. A.sr.ri{Y. 'l>.irlotte, .Ian. 1, lUJJ There wdl be kejit a od as-- tmi r.t of l! ir- 's, .-jnd otin^^r I, m mv line. ' 1! the- lir.-^t eiiV ot April, and will be s.iM low I'or easli only, ^orlv^ilU* Hook liindcry. sii+)srribe r l)e'^s !i :iv>‘ to inte-rni the pe,! n-, '•'ipplied himself v\ itii the 1 I'or the benofU and cnrnirai'LUient of U1 the Western part of Ni rth-CaroIina. Tuc l/ioi'oup;}i hrcdaiul cckhntted /loi'.SC ^ms ilf (['laised by Capt. S;i-muel ^^'ashiIl'cton, of \'a.) vSCIiKME. iii.in '1'ic'Ki.Ts, at 5:2. i\o/ liL'o IJ/(/)t/iS to a Prize. DKSL L'l'OKV. ST.. PACi/s siiiFWin-.ci;. Letter from Mr. 'I'emple to a (icri;;-yman iti the vicinity of I’losteui. MALTA, .MAV 21, 182 I. iVy Dear Christian h'rothcr;—Voti will, |)i!i'li;ijis, tliiiik, il .straii^i* that 1 should reside more tliaii two cnlirc yours ill the island, williout vi.siliuu; Diico’, (Uiriiio; tlu* period, I hi'spot wluTf it is Mi])pose(l tlu; A public to llic (!en- tiU's was shipwrck('c(l. A low days :t40, fur the first time, I visited u hat is here railed “St. PauKs liay,” distant iVom Valetta, tho principal city in the island, ahoiit six miles. In readiu”; tho aocoinil of the A[)nslle’s shi])wrock, as it is re corded in the Arts of tho Apostles, 1 hav(' always encounte-red diOioiilties which 1 could ni'vor o^eicome. 'I’he diiliciilty of luulorstandin^ ihi.s a(’comi1, M’" ^hMu, hut was not ahlo. is much ”;reafer in oiir Knp;lish traiisla-l pi'i'lition, or a;atri tion than in the ori2;inal. In the 1the two aparlincntsjio lish wo hear of their “fallinr into a Saviour whom he atlored, I fear, is knowji and adored hiif by a very few, I remain you very allectionato brother, U. TKMPLt:. AXKCnOTK OF IA\ 0 KI.KPIIANTS. Not ItuiiJi; since two elephants were tak('n from tho mona}>;orio of the prince ol (hansje, at the house? in the Woods, near the IlaijiK'. 'f'he morninp; alter tiioir arrival in I’aris those auitnals wer« pn't in poss(>ssioii of theii now hai)ita- tion. 'I’he fust who- entered was the male, (llans,) whoscomt'd toetilt'r with a de^roi' ol sus|)icion, alter havinc; is sued with precaution from his ca«:^o. llis first care* was to .survi'y the place, lie examined every bar witli his trunk, and tried their solidity. '^^I'he larj>;e screws by which they arc held toircth- er, Were placed on tho outside ; those he son:;lit I'or, and bavin;; found them, place where the two seas m’t;”the orij>;inal is,‘. “ esiolopon dijhallassoii, ” a place washed on buth siiles- by the s‘ a. On the *\. W. side of St. I’aid's Hay, there is a toni^tie of land’oxtrcmo- ly rocky, that extends half a mile jier- haps or more into the se;i,in aliroction IoiuhI it was on!\ lixi d bv an. iron bar whirh rose porpiMidiiudarlv. lie raised it With his truiik, pushed up the door, and ontere‘d info the second apartment, where* he took his breaklast (piietly, and appeared to b(' perfect I v oasv. In th(' mean time the femab' (l\';2;y) was conducted into the lirst lodjijo. I'iie nuiliial attachment of these animals was from S. W. to N. J i. Tbi.s of ooin so, Tho-^e persons wlio choose to send the ir mares, and leave- them with t!ie subseribe r until tliev Tirove- with foal, can elo ^0 upon verv n.od- . nit, ■ i i er.ite terms. iio has a very plentiful supplv of; "’bich was anciently called I'.uroolydon, . . . • fori'nc, and has sown a ijocd quantity of small 1 but at present (»I’Oti^ali'. "I'lie sea, I tiieir de])arturtwrom the iIa«;uo jjra n tor pustur;r”'e'. F.. .TF.NNl.NGS. York District, Feb. 1, IJJ \ I.HI 1 . I ^ ^ is washed on both .sidt^s, as often as the •■'‘‘*'>h"c1ed, and lik('vviso the difliculty wind ble.ws from the. K. or N. K. .Ihcy were parted, and in- (luced to tra-vel sopaiattdy. Krom the 1 I’ri/e ■ of ;soUU (l’hn;ton ami Cotton 1 .Saw (i liiV) .... is ? ,)00 1 do ;JJOO (Family Coach) - is .)00 I elo '■3jU ((.,};-) ' . - is 250 , 1 do jslSO (do.) is 180 , 1 do 5^1J0 (do.) is l.'iO 1 ’2 eh) ^lUO (Siele Board St Cotton Saw (lin) is 200 2 do ?S0 (CifT .nnd Sociable) is KiO 'J do fJO ( Ite.l: lead.-^ is 40 ;5 do 11 (a set of Tallies) is 4J 2 do ^1.] (_ W indsor (diairs) is 2t do j'lU i_two l.aelies’ Work .Table -s and one I’embroke) - is oO 1 do (fU Hows t(.i) (.’radle ) is b 10 elo ^■0 ((i I’loiin'hs, 2 Mreet Lamps, nnd 2l.arelCaiis) is 10 do 5 (Ihits) is 50 1 do 51 (Candlestand) s 4 1 elo (lo) is ;> 20 do f', (elo) - - is 60 oOO do i2 (2.5 cast .steel .\xcs, ; and '21 '3 jiair shoe s) - . ii (5i.O ■;3 Ido ^>1 ( Fin Ware, Jevvelrv, Shoe s, .\c. isc.) - - -■ is 4.'.1 ;orj ' broujrht in bv this wind, daslies upon ! ‘''‘'V 5 not even the point of this t^npio of lard, is ,li^ where t hoy pa.ssetl the win- vided, and tlien .s^veeps aloni; on both !^'* I he joy they felt on soe- its sides. Upon this point, the m.tives 1 ‘"S ‘'•'J,' ' express- .say.the vessel struck, and its })res(Mit ! ‘ ben 1 ej;t«;y entered she uttered appcarance renders thc-opinioii bii!;hly cry denotmp; the ploasiu’e she exjjori- to muscnhir power and eletrance-, and as a foal 1 probable to my OWU mind, thou;;h f*'* bndinjr herscit atliboit}’: Slift ' ' - . • ! did not immediately observe llans, who CF.UTIFICATF,. We the undersigned, certify that Jrihi Mitl- If)/ has stood two seasons in Charlotte;—we consielcr him a horse of siipereu' form, both as vessel struck up.ra llie iccks pVolnWy. i^i'Diuel fhmhrson, J). JL I III nil. fi, ITmnu^ (1. 7'i~nintis li. Sumrtf, Itlllinni Smith, Capt.,/. Jiiilf rf!i»i, John fJnllnnf, Ksej. J. ^nuth. for I saw no sand near the jjlace, and 1 believe tiiere is none. Our translation infonns that tlu'y dis covered ‘ a eei'tain crei'k with a shore.’ This lan2;ua^(‘, tome, oonve>s no idea. cA».\niM-s COIN rv. icreek v.itliotil a shore Vxould b(i a ('oiirt of I'hiis (im! Quarter Smsion.i, Jamiar)j \ j)arai!o.\'. \\ ho ever saw a creek witb- Statc of Noi'lli (’iirolina, Joseph Youni^' vs. .Tames Means. Tinn, IbJo. j out two shn.-es ! 'I'he ori";inal ... , .1-1 , atJended bv this diHiciilty.—Thev dis- •Vttachmcnt levied on lands. . ,, . covercil kea(Mi d(‘ tina econt:i arjiia- lon,”a certain jj;ulf fir bay, liaviiifs; a that,'lames .Means, the del'eiielant in this ease, shore, or a convenient landing; j)laco. Such in reality is the i)ay of St. Paul, it can be distmctl’v ami easily seeii IT appearinjT to tho satisfaction of the court, that ,lames .Means, the deTeii is lUit an inhabitant of this state' orihrii/, tliat ptujlicatloii be made three month in the atavvlia .louriial, notifv iiii,'’said h fe nd- ant, that unh ss he appear at our next ('ourt of tl'JUl ^he OCeail that this bay has a £J00(l was feediiii; in tlu! inner lodj^e ; neither was he dirtu'tly aware th.it she was so near him ; but iIm' keejjor havina; called him he turned round, and on the in stant the 1 wo olo])hants riished into each olher's embraces and sent lorth criiis of joy, so animati'd and so loud that they shook tho whole hall. They breathed not ' through Iheir tnmks with such vio- ' lence, that the hinst re.sembb'd an im- pf-tubus o-ust of wind. The joy of Pef;2:y was the most iivo- ly ; she expressed it by quickly flap- pin;i; her ears, which she made to move with astonishinc; velocity, and drew her trunk over Hans with the utmost ten- dernes,>. She in particular put her fm- sii;-ne (l t'ommissioiu rs, by htii i-, pesinpc ])a.d, iiielosii,};- the' iiioiu V ; ov fri.iii thiir a[;ents in, Salisbur\, Statesville, ( oiicorii, 1 .uiei.lntoii, Vnrkviile or I.aiicasti r; who pie di^e-1 In-msi K es to p;i_\ the pl'l/is asset forth Ml the- se heme, th,rt_\ (lavs after the eh’awiii;;, or refund the nuiiu V to piirchasi r-. Ol tickets, provieletl the sclii-i.ic shall not be drawn. S Wl’i.. IIF.NDFWSO.V, (.lv’l.t,.\ lxF..\l)l{ICK, .l.\() UOVI). X. n. r.xpi.uiatcry liaiul l!il!.s can be h.ul ol tlur ('ommissioners. M,> (yT'AN'I'K ) ANAI. LO'I'I I.KV, OF \ lutd.MA —/ //’77/ r/„y.v,s. county, ;it the Court-1 louse thud Monday in April next, :;i or demur, jmli^^inent pro confesso a^^'ainst bun. DAN’I.. COLF.MAN, C .Irr.t,)!)—jirice adv. ■ "■ 'l>« Iii.iny oilier narls „l' lliu Islnml nn soiie , H'"'' -’xtrormly ol t.li(! trunk termin- o vili brv,ka; to llic .ipe.m I, l...l,l an.l.',|,|,allinssl„Mc, •' pi-ol'il-cr.-incc nh,cl, stretrlx.s where il «„ul(l I.e luOlly "PP'’''"> Hio lurm „f(i c. c. To be drawn t.'ic eighth (hn/ of Fibnutrj, 18C5 A. .M’l.N FMF,, MAXAC.Ki:. S( IlK.MK. lie in f;’! iuT,il, tliat he e.irrie s on tin Hen!.- ,V. m all its various lirancln s. ll:;\ ii;;^’ ‘-t of mafe-rd-'. In '■11 e\, ciitc work ill the neatest inunne r and on '''■ shortest notice. n. .Ml orders for lUaii!; aael Copy Itooks "''I he punctually attemh 1 t, '.ytf .loiiv It i)K c,\.:i ri IM F (apt, Doiij^^ahl Dahl^'ctty says, (of Druin Vjk n , thwaeke t.) Ol l f'ij fcr sale- i,iy lluu.= es :ind I.ot, ad- '■ft’ -*■ Irwin’s, on the iionii eoriu i' I’uhlie Siiiiare-. I’e rsoiit, dis!)osi d to piir- w-dl view the premises, th-'* ("ith all due d l‘e rcnce to superior co-nltioiis.’) j uouhl reniu-st, el.sire, insist, th. ' to call anel see me. li .teon 1 riil/.F. eif ■ ;>10,i.'00 IS $10,000 1 1 . fi.OoO (sO'iO ( I . 4,000 4,Ue;0 1 . o,0U0 .'),00vl 1 . 2,000 . ‘J.ddO I . 1,.V'.H . (i . 1,U0|/ 6,ouO t) . joo 3,000 h , 2m . l,-.’d'J l.Xi . 2 !■ - ;;.7i 4 .',i: . IJ - 3,71 ^ ti'S . K 3,711. 7 .-.oO - - •t • ol.JljO i-ai /.IS. lll .VS KS. ■Ji.iri'i TM tens. Tins IS ;i l.otti rv fo;tue l ly ■! 1 trrn-i-y combi- nation : iu«l p> Miintatii 11 III , number'- Onlei I’s tor I'll Ki.r-> and 1 \ IM ^ li '-. ;ve( I .it I’O.SIO!'!' l( i;, FAN v:r 1 ::\ ii.i.F, Who I,!'. Til K i. r ^ i- (ti) 1 (il iiiTi.its ;rl 00 lien J dO 1 I’:uk a,.^es of t e-n tieket e-n i'r.ie-iii^r tlv- 3i; Nos. Ol the- Foil ei-\, wh.el 1 II l|sl (,f |ie( : ■, s',1 \ dv.'iw ;i( ie:^s1 1.', fi.'. Ill tt, v\ ith so 111 I'lV eh.Ilea • for e.ip ilais ; or s .lial'cs of p: e k: e,''e i lli.iV i.e hail .it the ame I'ri/i in aii\ of the F'lt t rii ri of Vew Vi -:rl.. NeW-.li •rseV , I’el niisy l\ aii:a. Ma rvlaii'!, and \ ir. Slate ot* Nortli-(’ai‘oliiia, c V iiAnnrs eocstv. ('ovrt of Plfu.i mill (junrfn- Scusium, Junvanj '/'mil, Ih'J.). ill the ('at.iwba .lournal, notify inj;' said defeiid- tally impi'.n n.■ hie, if nut imnossihle hu„l, especial- I""**™''’ S™' ''' ffeo Iv .ImiiiR a slorn.. ia'"' •lextor.ly of that use- ■ . II 1 1 . 1- i I'll member) in bis oae, where she kept 1 here ,s a sn.a I eluuo , slan.hnp: on „ „ ,hes|,„l where ,t ,s su, Ihe A|M.sII« |aneetionat, ly over the whole ho.ly of /'S.tl.ere.llhelHlmlleo sUeks »,„l jml ^ ^^,Ui™l.,^v„!ai,l,UMO ou the .re wl.enee l,,« vq.er,„,„,,,|, Jbi.s ,li,l evaetUMhc same to ■ !v ( AUachmei.t IcMcdon I 1110 forth and lasteno( on bis hand. I t) I,ot 1.: . c C lands. I , i n e . • t • -i i i)ut liis dcasure was more con- .lames Mi'ans. ) lami.. j A bmullo ol stU'ks inI'^bt e;;-ily h(; iijath-| - 9T appe ariiiK'to the satisfiirtionof the court’ ,.,-,.d near the same spot iVoiii' the that .lan.es Menns the d.-femhnt n, tins case, , ^ the IS not an inlialutant ot tins state-; It is uri/nn/, ■ . i ^ tberefeire, th;it piildie:ition bemade tiu'e e uionths ' ne:;!;ln)onlip; l-llcl(>sUr(-S. Onr visit to this bay was by water, eoiitiated. 'I’liis he appeared to cx- |)ress by his tears, which fell from his eyes in abundance. — l.ondoa paper. ant, that nnle-'.s Ik- appear at our ne-xt cenirt of , i i ’ r" iMe.isaiidQmutu-Se^em.s.tobeh.ldfor said ^".l Ifom nearly the same (lirection in county, at tlu- Coun-llouse in Co.ieord, em the which the A|ioslh; was d! i\eii by tin r demur, jiidipiieiit pio conle.sso will be taken ;(ainst him DAN’I. COM'MAN, ('. ('. ('■ 3mt,)U—price- adv'. sj- Slafc of iSoilii-( aroliiia. N HI-II I \ ell 'I’his hay so well lanswersto the desci-iptIon L;i\’en in liie Acts, of the plat"' \\li(re Paid ua.s i • ■ , iwrecked, that 1 can ei,u ,i.iin no du:ht I "J,"made by Mr. -- ^Nathaniel I orkiiis ol this town, ’rhey From the Ncwburyport Ilcraki. YANKF.F, l\(,:-.NCrrV. Xire and //t ;cnioi/.\ irorkmanship. have seen sume specimens of un- cniniiKtnly nice ;ind iiiirenioiis w’orkman- tlu y will be kiiul ■T. I'OKUr.NCF,. \e ill b - ri cen e -I h III »■ 'i. I " ’ 1. A V juilcii. (il’NTI i^M V''. •>'bo e;m eon.'-i.vi !1 iiieiiili d tormoials and ('a|i.u-;1'', I! ')!o\ I I, "U bin r:d ti nil-, to t:>. e ch; r ^ V.' elid i-. i -I ill a ]U-i\ ;i!e I'lli/dv . M iii;.i|e to the I d *or ^ ,:.ia.a.-: 1''. - -11' M re K LI N III IK, Wiiriam;- and Clinton, I ()Mj;inal Attachment. Stcrlnu; h‘usse 1. j Kcturneel levied on oi|i; noj^ro man, the proper ty of the de teiidan'. TT ii order- d by tin- cmirt. tha' ae’.verii'-ement i'o iiKule for thre." iiu)nths in th - Ci.tni'-hii /niiriiiil, t.ir tin- defe-mlant to rippe--ii- ;.t t!ii- t’..-- iiriiary term of tliis court, in 1S2.'), and tin i-(' to p’.ew ami ph :ul to issue-, otiii rw ise-jud;;mi, nt .11 be enti rs-d a;;-.rnst him. ■Vv-*. 1^ \ AC Al.iA’AVnr.I?, ('hr/,-. ,1;. 1 . — pi-ice- P.dv. ^ I. N’otlCf'. I.T, work h't't V.idi tlif‘ siio‘.''r;I)e'.’ ♦o !v re- p:.u-id, ;n:d v. h'e h remains on hiinl 'tu- 1- ;it'e r if is liiiished, V il! be- sold al Fubl.i.- \U( tion, to delr.iv the co.-.t of vi-na'fs. .lows ((.'iir.x. ( hnvlettI-, T 1, 1^?.5.— 'rm: srr^.sciMiiijr y AS ('ii *i:ind at tlii, t inie, fVi/Ui T.) to old ( otlee |'(,1 .. I'.iii-,. F.iieke ts, Ir. 'uv. h f. in , •, shop to ri n.eir. Tiu- ou m i , i,t' th.e s.iiin \dl ple:i .'- caP, on (ir iK'for - Vie first (!:iy (it Vi.nl ne•^t.]l■.lv ehar;vv s t ike th'm av.,'t I tliat It IS thi- same. I tho priimiiieiil f \\ hei'o the pen ol ii 1 lie ship n liich bm brokt'ti in pii-ces u , wav(‘s. 11 \\ ■ rt-r.ecl on I sf'rvalion »d' I'r- i i.ll ilaci-, I Il ha', i-',‘i taiiri lii;-es (,r tlie 1 I'jiii.ition iiifdinis Us l!io Apnsilf was tliC violeiici; (jl'lh''! to per.'.n Ap;:] r.f;: i ije so'v'. t.) !!:■ r.T ►e, r. h.2^ 1 l)cll\{‘FV !jO!1iI , u‘ O'Vc r.r ■■ . s* b' '.del- iii tha' ,\1. ilKON.s'iN. 'I'i;.- ).oly A;m;.|! ■ i-d (■ inipan'oiis, !.:i- . 1 li'-i r li)!i^' h'in.e ; i i iiilr-'led tb.;- i^l.Mid. | ij|iie’i.'-( (1 ; !;'il ( ei \- ■ !ie lii'i'l real- oi' l 'i.- I .iiid t.'ie shijl'es !t t i 1 •!ie iiiouiit.'iii V..U' n'didu ; h';l iliin'uh .v-’i.!,'. st.ll bliiW , ;ird the •d ill iDa th.e siii)! • ( consist td apitir oi seissiiis citin[)let.t’ all their part-s, and of perl'ect construc tion and tiiiisli, precisely nne inch in ii-iM.^th land wbat'isstiil more curiou.s, another pair id se.issnrs eijii.illy complet£i iracuIoMs lire-1'""' '*•'‘‘'P''** "i'b the first, but. \'„t.,i,:niv ',,n i i l:''se last ha\(- a steel t;i‘ji; and an iv(M‘V bodkin ol the same l'-!i;>;tli, with tiieirj lo match. The wliolr s'-t biMiip when ^liown to iis, eonlaiiied in a needlehook i'orined one 1 tlu; nio't bf'aiitilnl ('(dh'etions fif miii- iiture w(iilviha!i>liip iniairirrihie. Wc lecdlh'ei (ii seeing!; a c.'ird oi Kiie-ci's, the ShellleM nianiifaeuii'er, whose pea- kni\ and ot h'T Ini'* cut b-r\' are so c(-lc- biated, ill uhieb iiieiilioii is made of a pairoi scisst,! s (i| fii-, own maiiiifacttire, wi itrhiii'; only liall’a ‘;rain, as \y ^rfnt cMnosit-». 'I l-.i* -^ei.sstirs in;i(U' by .Mr. Perkins :ne a still i';r> (ifn' cnriosit\-, as t!i(-y weiLch h S-. tlwiti h.-dl'a .;:ain. Mr. IV-i kins appeals lo h ive a l,ir:;e share of till' mreiiaiiifiil t.ili'iit 111 his faini!\' ;:ind is hi^iily (|( -.erviiii;-of i'neom'a':;ei;iciit. Ijfiard, aMKjniitiii w reeki'd in a t. i lit; .nluus stnriii epnn an unknown coa-t, tlic preservation of the AnosMi- iVoi.n ihe n 'jiJal bite (d the . .... viper,'a:,.I s’lecee,!:,-n,:. ,.ele v. Iiieh he [ allei wai d.-s \vr(u;.:ii' in the islaial, thus j fXeilini: tini\ er> i! . i.Mdii, it ser-m-, to I me lut;bl',’ proha!/!i', ■ linov; ee’ tain, ithiit t!i'- wlu-ic Ik- '.v'iis V,: cr keil. I w.diilii ie\-ei-ai'teiw.irii" well known. •'I.ipw ,"(•(• k- atij' S aLTo. |() w liieh t lien ii>- ' e IdMlC SUM a.;er he:i;-, stil! ■ I iroel\ don. 1’-rrii'!e ^hock ol v.liie'.i i! .srts ill t I'' same • aiiie oeeaii \v!li;-!i 1',,|;1 /iV .iJ'iti,)/!.—\( elilp’.rd if all IK)-, 11 :v win h,‘ !ic ob" i:'.i( le ever ar-* nvasi b»;

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