N;iifiCLiifclaturc*. I'^ni coNr.:t;;" skcond skssion. ' I'.NATi:. I'lK ns’)\'. J w. ir>. 'I'hf* wus (ii !'i\orcfl IVoui’the I’lvsi- ■ i' lit oi Hu; Uiiitfd Stules, b\ .Mr. Evcr- cu, liis ])i iviity s-crctary. Til the oj Iht I'ui'i/i -Sht/is : 111 gompliniict; uiiii tvo rrsolutions of t!u‘ Soimtf, tlir first of tlic J i ;uid llir becoiid cjf tlu' j:;d of I)c(niiljfr last, re- tiiicsiitui; infoiMiiatio?! ri spcf ihc injii- ri('s wliirli have Ijccii sustained I)v uur ilizi'iis by jjiratiral (lc];rc‘darn>iis, and i/cIuM- (IciaiU connected •Uicrcw itli, vUid rojMi'siin;,'-. also, iill\iniialion ol' iht- iiu-a- •.!irts wliicli I'.avo hrcii ackpicd lur thV iii|,j.ic'ssl(jn (i|‘ ])iracy, and w lictlicr, iti ill" iipinion f)l’ llie I'.xccutivc*. it will nui 'm tii c t.-ssui'V to adopl oiluT iTicatis lor ihf act,umplisliinciit of ihr (jbjoci, and in llial cvcvit. vv!i;i’ ;,tlicr ir.oaiis it will br Sabir tt. ircur lu, I iu'Tfwitli transmit a ttqiorl IVoin the Si-crciiAi-y of State, atid like-.vis- ;i i-e|)(,i'i from tlie Seri-etary oi the N’avy, v. iili the dociimcnls ii ferird tointuch. On llie very iin|)r)rtaJit fjiiestion siib- juitted l(j t!ie Mxecntive. as to the iieces- '.ity >l recjiiriii!;' to(jlher and nxjre efl'eo t.ii:'.l iiie.ins, liii- ih(‘ siij,|)ressi(jii of a prac tice SI) dr'lriiciive lo the lives and ])ro- jierty ol oiP' i iti/.ens, I liave observed that ihrci.' (\;)edieiits oci iir ; one, bv the ])iir- :;uil()f the ollendei-s to the st'illed as u(!ll as iiusetllod paits of the Island fronj iu.iicc iIk'v issiie ; another, by repri- '.al (jJi the liiujiiiv of t h(> iidiabitants ; ;pid the thii'i!, Ijy a blo( kade of the pbrls ol liio'.e K'.’.nds. It \vill l)e ol)\ioiis lhal jieithei’ d liiose me isiires can be resurlcd to, in a spirit oi amity u itii Spain, othcr- uise t!ian in :i f.rm belief that neither the ,!7)ven;me'U (/I’Spain, noi- the j^ovenininit ol ti‘i.!i( I’ o1 th*'se Islands, has the j)o\ver to suppress tlial ati’orioiis pi'atlicc, and that t.'ie Ltiited Stal:‘s iiitei pnsc their aid for I lie accomplishment ofati object which is uf equal impoi-tanc(' to tFieru as well . s to IIS. A( tin;;- on this principh*, tht; lads which jn.>tily tlie pi'oceeditii^ beiii^ iini ersalK known an:i felt, by tdl en^^u^'ed in commerce in that sea, it may {’airly be ])[-i' iumefl, that neither \v ill the >.joveni- mt :it oi Sj, in, nor liie 'government of eillier ol tho.se Islands coinj)iain of a re port to either of th'ise measures, or to all of iht'm, should such resort Ijo ne( essarv. Jt is, therefore, sii'rivesied, that a pov. >ji' (:t)mmeii‘urate wiih eillier resource, be f^ranied lo the l!.\ecuti\e, to be (‘\ercised accordin?;- to his disc ietion, and as ( ir- Mimslames may imperiously irquire. It I'l hoped that the manifestalion (d’a poli- vv so decisive, will pro(!uc(‘ tiu‘ happiest re'-ult; that it uiil rid the seas and this liemispiieiv of this practice. The hone is strenfjthened by the l>elief that the i;-uv- enimeut ol‘Spain, and tlie (rovernmeiW of the l^h.nds, parliciilarly oi’Ciiba, Av hose rh’cf is kiiowt) here, wiil faithliillv co- .|',irate in such measures as may be ne- (( .'lary lor the accomplishnient of tliis important ol)ject. 'I'o secure such co operation, will be the earnest desire, a?i. . ol course, tlu* zealous atid porsevo- (i;i:3M'iVorts of the Executive, .lAMES MONHOE 'Fhc Senate then adjourned. thercforo, l;o;v'vl tl-.c ' ili r ;..'.!-ve to f'uiiibei luiid i!oL-d v. oiilu b'j ;Jluv,td io | stand overtdl Mo>'lay. } DEl.AWAHK AM) Cll I.sA i’l'. VK V. CANL\T.- ST''.eK. ! 'I’he House then v/ei.t iiito couw uttie ; on tliC bill •‘autiiui ihiii;'ihe subsrriplio'i j of stock in the Dalauarv- and (Chesapeake (’anal Company,” by a vole ol ‘.2—.Mi'. | 'rrjmlinsoii iti th** (Ju.ir. | 1'lie 1/dl, wliirh authorises the Secre- | lary (d’the 'I’reasiiry to Miiis'I’ilie, in tlie name of tlie United Slates, for Uj j sliaics in this st(Kis. was liieii lead. Mr. lletni.liill s’.ateil, that the rmoinit of these 1 .'>1'O'shares, \\oiild b-* S,’i ' I le C()iisideri‘d the biii id snn''Cii lit. i;ii|'i)r- ti.tice to je.slify a lew remark';. A survey hid in en ip.ulle i.ii the route o' lli.s ca nal, b(dore tiie revoluiioi). '1 iie first le- t;islalive siep ou i!ie '.ubnc*. was taken by the lei;islatu i e of Mai y land. ,v. hich pro posed to co-oj'i-rrie ’vith !/elan are ajid I’ennsvh ania. l:i const qtieiu (' of the law \vhii:li was''iibM'tjueiilly passed, two c(^m- ])iinies weif for nil (I. The su!)jecl canti' before Coir^ress in lS».t'i; and i’av(ira!)le reports were made, in t!;e Senate at vai'i; oiis times', fi'oni IK'.ii) to i.';l'. Se\(r;i! f)ills also j,ai-ed the S- iiate. The House of Kepreseiitati\es had aiso had the Mib.- jecl iH’fore them iVom to DJi, a;id •Teveral reports ui favor c.f the canal v.'cre niade. Sevei al Ijills were aiso re[>oi ted in the House, to{ :'eat“ stock. TI.e Mat‘ of Maryland had ])assed a ( onflitioiial act on tlu; sui)je( t in IHl.:. and the state of I’ennsylvania had al^o a' led ; but rio law |)assed whi( h was efl'c-( ti\‘ in i's ciiarac- ter, iintil IKJ". Th‘ report siibse()uent- ly made by t!ie I'ni^ineer, v.as fully ap proved of by the I’resident. The canal IS lobe T)0 feet wide, I .S feet deep, and 1-1 mih's in len.t;tii. C'oJitiavls have* been ir.ade, the lands puir/hascd, and the work men commenced in A pril, !8J:. In one part of this canal called iIh‘ Deep Cut,- mui-e earth will be r(>moved than has ever bi-en removed, wiihin the same sjjace, in any j>art of the* world. The estiniute.-> Tor the whole canal, are about S1 , >'0,000; ol which S70()/)i)o have been subscrii)ed. Xothinij; is now wanted for the. c omple- tion of this work, but the eounteiuiiH e of the [^(.nei-al l’^oneinment. Many persons who are ready to i)urchase shares; are iearful lest the wor k should be attain sus pended. 'I’he countenance of th*- ,i;o\ em inent will renii)velhis ap])rehetision, and induce those persons to co-operate, in a 1 :t.j;i III; I i(Ar:.: .iiu:- cuciin a. J-'ron c Cijr:(:r.:.nd.:il — h’j t':i J rcyrlc?:'.] -vo.uc, .!A\. 1 7. S''ii’ictio?i.—L;'St eek oi*e (d‘ti’.c most ‘/uiinilar case;, (d‘ f.edi.clion w hitli i?'.‘r r.aiiie 'Dei'ore :my ii:i-y ]; rhaps in tliis ried Juds'-e !''d',, artls ti’(.n sit'iui; in the t ify . iblU. p:-i:tls . V ill already :j II n oil; !i :i'.‘ ot tlie I! ;.J. is adcfjha'" t ) I)i;n:,^ to tlii- ij!ce;)lif,n of the ab 'Oi’binj; llorSK OF KF.l'Rr.SKNTATIVES. Tm iisi-AV, Jan. 1:1. —Mr. Wright of fered liie follow iiig- i-esolution: lU'soh'c t\ That a committee be appoin- ••'d to prepare and r>p(j|-t such rules, as, in llieir o|>inion, may l>e proper to'be ol)- M r\e:! by this House in the choice of ; I’residenl of the Utiiled States, for th pe!-n (! of four \ i-ars, from the iilj day of .Mc.i-; h next—if, on countiiij; the votes gi'i ii in' ih(- several stal‘s, in ihenmnnei p c'sci-ibel in the constitution of the U- nite.l State"-, it shall ijipear that no per son has rec-ived a majority, of all the 1-;- lectors of I’rrsident and Vice-l'residcnt 'aj.jjulnied in the s(;\cral states. On motion of M-. Mallary, the rtsolu- tion was laid on the table. I'lMDw, J\N. 1 1. Speaker laid before the House a comniunit alion from ihe Pnst ()(licc 1)( pa’ tmt ni, contaiuin!^- a st-iJ-'ni'-nt ()l I hr e\;cnt ol i ai h jiost route in ' ne L niied States, tlie number oi’ miles th'- 'iiail i, ii ansj)i)i led annually on (M( h roule, vvith the atiiiiial expense of trans- po)-:.iliou ujider iMsiiu!;- conli ai Is. w hi( li A'as ri l.'i-?-ed i() the -()ininiitee on I’ost )flit O', and I’ost K’oads, and ordered to be I’riii'ed. Mr. iJeeeh-'i- nu,\ed'lhat the House 1'ike up tlir f^'llo-^^ in:; resolution, w hich b.id lieen on the table lor soun' lime, w ait- imj lor a report from t h ■ S.>ei ctarv of ar, which w as promi ned ni a fi w days, but had never yi.t been j)i't-M'iitrd: I hat liie j’r -sidciit of the U- nilefl States In' rc(ii;i'«,;c(l Io coiiiinunicate u> ihe Hoii-.e w ha! p!-o-.;-fss tl.e r.n-ineers niadein (\.ir\ini;- inio ellect the Ai t o!'Cor,->;re^s of the liu-;d ,,f .March, liiJ,-. •T.l:.le(i, •v\n at-! to ( !I^h a N'ational \i'lD',ry on the \ v'e,;rin Wa'a-rs." )e. OHM)- !(S f,l i" iin!in;.,!i, (l IIII bn nil I \v. s btinrr call- t.iti'i, . on !’.at the coinnii;- tlii- mol iofi (,f Ue' : > u a'i. ol ' onrse. I ha! i;enili-mai! e' '.-cl !)\ iiidi^pd- ' r 11, ii military point of view, a channel of ti-au:;- portation of stores atid troops, this canal is of the hii^hesl importance. 'I'lu* iliii’i- culty of transj)ortini' mercliaiidise a/\' oss the isthmus is very great. The comple tion of this work would be as beneru ial to. this ( ily as to any otiiei- piaic. The ves sels wliirli will pass thrau'h tlii. ca>!,-i are t!ie same as l!'.ose w hieli pass throui;!) the Dismal Swa.nij) (!anal. He had no doid)t lliat a j^-eneral system would be adopted by the I'nited Slates; but tin re were many particular objects which mii;-ht not be embraced in this ireneral S' stem. If a sum were distri!)uted amon.^- tlie states, in the ratio of their population, .Maryland, Delaware, am! I’ennsylvania would not derive an ecpial advantai;e from III is measure. He would riot attemi)t to name any sj)e( ific profitswlilch niav be anti( ij)ated from tliis canal. I'n.de'r all the circiimstanres, lie was satisfu'd that no loss would result from this purchase o! stock, on the j)arl ol liie i;o\ernment. ll may b(> asked w hy PennsvUania could not take the stock which yet remained of the ('anal.' Pennsylv.'inia had already (‘xpended a heavy sum on internal im provement. She had made a vast extent of tnrn|nke, and it was ik)1 to Ix; expect- ('d that she could i^o beyond the line she had marked out. He ‘concluded his ■emai ks (w hich were lelivered in such a low tone, that \w could jnly catch them imperfectly ' with callini- on the Hoiis»> to suil'ei’ a vote to be taken (n i his bill to-day. He repelled tiie id(’a that it w;>s not jri time to commeiu e w oi-ks ol'‘thjs charac ter, as inap|)lieable to a (nintry whose pojiulation vxceeds ten millions. Hr hoped the f';eneral ,^'-o\I'rriment woiik] ait in unison with the- spirit of the nalion, and make a ( onimeneemenl of a system U hich imo i be so eiiiinenily of ad vanlaee lo lie- w hide coiintrv. 'Xo a:iiendment i)ei-ir.-rjHVred. the com- niillee i-ose anil n-porti d the bill. On motion ol .\lr. ( oek*-, ihe (piesiion on the en:--i-o-sineni of the i)il!, was oi-- dered to be taken by \\es and .\oes. Was ilii n ( ailed, anil there aj>- j)e;ired—Ayrs s;.—\ors J he bill w a-s then ordered to be read a third time. On motion (d‘ Mr. \'an Hensselaer, ii was oi-dered, that v, he:i (he House ad journ. it adjmiiii to meet on Mondav. i\Ir. Stori’s ollered the lo'lowint'- reso lution. which liesoni- day m liir table: li'esn/rr'l, 'I'lial iht- I'r.'sidcnt of the L'- nited Slates !n- retjuesiet! lo coiiimunicale to this House sui h pai l>,of the corres pondence b( iween the ,^•o\eininents of llie United States and Sjjain, relative to liie |)iracies ((»niniii!ed in the vi. inltv oft!ie dominions ol Spain, in and near :!ie (iuif ol Mexico, as i! may not, in hi:-, ojdnion. Ijc iinjiriij^er to commutiica;'*. I i lir House ilien adjourned till MomI:iv. I '■I \i; \i! \ ( ’ I A' I i)M-,i>AA. J \v. I'.'.—A biii I'nri:-.! ;-to .^mnid tl.e ;w ; authori^in;,;- tlu- ])a'. iiKMit I'l-oiMTlv lost, ea])!urri| or (’r.-troved bv the enni.v w hi!,- in tlie mliitai \ '■1 Ihe U in'eil Stales, an; V', as It ad a I hii d ’ 1 , ,._A,-avs . ( ••UtlU V, V. .1' at Nisi I'rli Hall. '11,e have { n but no rep(i l:li!l'l a 1.111 iiilere^t which rei;’,iicd i'.i the- (.'oiirl Hou-e for two days, not I'ldy from the circuiii;-tancesof;I'.e ca.se, strai)K‘‘ they v.cre, l)iii also from the e;reat>di::]day. (;!' judicial ( loipience v. liicli lhal oi I'asion di-ew' forth. Jvm'. Mvtr.\n, liie yonii:,^ woman who lia.d been the oliject of the sedu' lion, w :is t!ie prineipal w itness in lh(> cauM'. It was an tu lion on the case b:(jup:l-.l by t!ie mollier a';’aiust tlie seilu- ce;-, \Vi[.1,1 \M I)\w r.s. ^\’hen tlie yotin;' woman ame forward to f.;ive in her evi- denei', (>very eye w as cast upon her, and she seemefl lo shrinl; irto ihc very earth liel'oi-'- t!>e t;-‘izi^f the crowd. She was dreoed in a becon!iiiL,H>lack crape .t^own, ''i’ll a moiirniiiL;- shawl thrown ovtr her s!n;!iiders. A simple j^reon veil from a common f-,traw hat, huii'.^ over her face, vviiich on lemoval, discovered a counte- n.nice wliich liad once been beautiful, but sorrow had stiatched ihe rose.s from her clueks. She is rather under the middle size, and betrays much frat^ilily in her form and shape. Diirin.^f her examina tion, which lasted over two hours, she sunk under the antjnislr of her feelin^-s, i)ai-liciilai ly when the cross-exaniiniiii;- couii'sel, put direct and pointed questions on the principal fact in iuestioii. When she iirst sat down in the chair a])pi-opri- ated I'or female witnesses, it was some time ijefore she could coni])ose herself to the critical nature of hea situation, but. bv de-.^rces she assumed a considerable por tion id’ I onlidence, w hich supported her very well until the cross-examination commt nci’fl. Slie showed every symp- ton\ (>f modesty and decorum on the irv- it.'!;; (jccasion. and diirinr these monii !iis of ovei-powerini,' sensibility, when burst* ins;- into Hoods of tears, many of the jii- roi-s eould not help brusiiinij sonieihin;.; away that irembled on iheii- ov. n chi eks.’ Will. Dawes,'the defendant, who had been the cause of her nnforlunate calami- Iv, was sitiiiMi; clokse by, and wi'.U a sini,ni- l;ir fleg-ree r>f ell’rontery, everv iu)w and then, w l)i.,]>erini.'; a new ijuest'on into his t oimsi I'-: eai'. He is a v(>r\ rc-.jiectaM'' lookin,^; man, of al)oui •!() years ol'ar^.-— •his hail- has assiimed that kind of iron ‘;;i\, whiih stoul, alhh lit; men wc si'en to jiossr^-; i-eai- his ai;'e. It apjiears that liL* s'lole int(^ lirr chambci-, one d;iv in .Mav. ;u;i! at conijilished his viliain- oils jnirpi'se, when no persor. was in the house but hersi'lf. Ii vv a:-. a!)0!:t mid-dav , and a severe looth-;i( lie had made licr |-e- tire to her o\vn i liaml'er for a little re pose. Dawes was vi-ry intimate in llie house, and w as riccived, ii apjiears, as a Irieiid oi I'le I'amily and a suitor lo the yonns,- 'voniaii in (jueslioi!, _Thc i^-rrat cloiiuence which this cauf.e eliciU'd was beyond all jiraise. ICach of the counsel shewed ip-eat ine,enuitv and power, but Mr. .Maxwell, the dislri'cl at torney, shot lar beyond all his associates. He closed the summini;- tip on the |)art of the pluintifl ; and never did I witness a i^^reater burst of eloipience than fell from’ his li|)s on lhal jccasion. It was not beautiiul ; it was sublime. It was not tinsel imat,dilation : it was the solemnity ofjiassion. Mr. Maxwell is apparently heavy in his jierception, but vvIk u some- ihim,^ that interests the deepei- fe(din;s of llie human bi-i'ast, and the I'ternal priiici- l)les of justice, comes with full force upon his mind, he then meets w ith an object that he can f.;;rapj)Ie, ;;nd l ises even be- yoiifl the wants d’ the occasion. Hr j)ou!'ed lorth the copious toirei;t (d' bis mdi;;-nati(jn af;aiiist ti-e drsirov er of .Iain- •Manran s ] ract' and hinor. He cani'hl each eireiMiistai-.i e in ihe ( onduet \,f D:iwcs. and r.d^ed upon il srMeiice by -cntenee. u:nil hr swrpt eve:v ivniainin’'- ira'mr!it id’ virtue that ajipearrd in hi^ ciiaracter, and e\hii/iU'd him toil;- (-onri .iiidjiirv in the (dors (>! a perfi'ci demon. Daw.", hud l;i-rn one of ih • pall-liearer., at lii'- liinrr: 1 id'the yoiin;;- i;;dy’s i'.ither, w ho hatl di( d a short lime pr( v ions to t '!■ s;;;tial e-.dr.ni!y vvlii.- h bi f 1 hi r. and li.r aeiidtnl v:; s i.st ovi rlooked bv (lieserii- tiiii/in-in:. Ilect , I’.Mr. M.>xwe!l. He le- p^res.Miied Dawes as avaiiin'i iiliu',,!!’ of 111'’ Iriendship he piVil'essr,! lo i!ie memo-1 ry o! ihi- de:id l.ii.ici-. lo ompliMi tlu-! riii-i and desiiov lion.i" of liu- livi-.;-! dai!!vl.;ei-. A: ihi-. ,,f t!i-- addir^^',1 w hicll w; S p. • 'UM.'-e-; i,v }]■.-: w liii a'li'i'ii' 111, ''oi . i' an lip tri-mided lo ir o\-i rvi i; ol I I'e spe.d, r, aiiti ('vr! v e-.- iiu !l liei'ore 1j (,'K-!Ce. Ill sl.oi !. it w the iint s' r j'C'i inien;. ( has bee.) v iia' ssi', li'iie ; and il no siisail [):-..i e i", '.■> ii'i ou*-',!;, rn diet (d' thi' ir lie • .•me 'i-urties a;e commenced bv the Da.'w*c.'-. ior a bie-.iih As il i.s jiioini- inlerestini^ I eniieavor von an acconnl jf such, portion', t.ol generally puhii;d;ed in j or. '-ca !1. i:i cu'.ice:i’.ed. i I'-’’ ' !;irl la r‘-ell', a-:iin-, 1 of |)!'ijV(iise ol le.ui r j bk it ’.V ill to s;-iv ef it IIS maji, wei-e ('••(is^-in.-;- ■ iii:r last, tlie la'. the newspapers. — \ i;iysteriuiis accont.t A'as puiiiid.ed a lew days sim cnder the sii- natiire « f one v iio ^l;.’;iied his name John Mi!iil;:;iii. Matia.'C ibal r/i he and anoliu r o: e !i.;me v as Tl'ci.ias K-erman, I’ .l' fr ITV (Ml i' i’lday e'. rll- ;er fell ov:)'.'::rd >.!ui v, as di OM :it'd. 11 v\ as I tI'-’d that > lea oi - ceased’ said he was lo i.e mar; led th.u ('venini^. and Iia'! e;:’!i’ !.:i-'.ua.i.'l li.jie.o-;; in his trunk, ai/O'it v.i i' ii I'.e e‘pres: ed some :in\ie.ty. 1 i'.e di i '..i‘- d v iso represenle:! as Ii;;\;a^;' eoPe.’ i .\r',v- ririiiis\vick. I'roM the nu.i'iier i;i y fin !; the accDiint was pid-i’.-lu!, M‘- p!'.;ofis were excited that ;di was net a > it "!ui:;!d be ; and the police ofiicers nnderto-.k :ui investi.L^alioii. '1 he I'ese.H -tr.'.y i,)e rr.thei- ed from the I’ollow in;.;- circiinistanres :— Several persons lu.ve been examined, and it appears'tliut a man «d' the same name as the supposed deceased, a !'ortde;iier. has been en:ai;-ed in llie distillint; biisi ness at New-IJriinswick. iie came to this city last wecd-i. with severad pipes ol whiski'v. and about forly iat hoii;*;, all ol ul'iich lie sidd, and roaliva'd t.he casli : and since the nis^ht spoken of i.bo'. e, he has not been seen. A clieck, howe\er, sitjned hy him, lias been piocuretl i'roni Xew-Brunswick, and tlu* si;natiiit' is a perfect ftic fimi'c of his name .as u i-itten in tl’.e hody of the letters sent to the Dai ly .\dv ertisei’and I'.vi-nin;;-I'ost, i;i\ini all account of his bein;; drowned. It aisi' a|ipears lhal I.e v as eni-aivei! to be mar ried. .And it has iiei-n fnrtlie!' ascertain ed that jiieviously to leavin..;-Xew-lii iins- wick, be tested liis creilit by borrowiiii" i’roni his friends as much nu,ney, in suni^ d’from to 1 .'(> didlars each, as he ceii- veniently could—to ilie amount, alread’, ascerlained, id’1 J lo 1 10t> dollar'.. Xor is this all. A man answerin;>- to this de') rijition, is ascerlained to have ^one oa Ij'jatvl the (.'orles, on i!iee\c oft‘-,e de- [larti'ro )f that ship i'or Li'- er])0(d. I’roni all these cirtiimslances. ihc conclusion is il ii-.sisliide that liie ft liow lias been play ill!;- liie ’part of a '.w indlir,;; knave,ai;d has sailed for ]-'n‘'-l;'.ri!l—leavin*'- an ac- ciMint (d liis o'.'.ii 'ieu’li to C(;nso!(‘ his be trothed. and satisfy the demand', fd' his luo-coiiiidiiiv- li'ieiids.—A. Com. .idf. Uj , ...iCr _ po-.ver le'.n.irid in U;e t.s-ui V- ' insj is i-aved by Mr. K. luiad-.’. ’- wiiic!! at the same timr n-.,?i,.’ and belter b(,ai(Is. About !'iC. !di ( have :dready be Kendal! i:i not jirerafed to ness of sawinij, till several"i"/' •• annexed to the ( iicular saws have Ion;;- j,,, apjienda.L';-es ai* Circular saws 1 the peculiar construction oV tliis I otiier parts of tlie machine, ;a.,| p" ’ -1 cation to heavy timber, ai'o wcil a i>ate!it. 'i'ke ardour in ui-jj j, I cii ;itil the skiil and i'l.i^enuiiy witj' he has persevered in this new • t. j'' Invention, ai-e worthy of c a.uu Iii-> f .. coinpleti- success -iviH ^ me and aiii;-menl his u;;ci'ui„ef'''- I reiM tl.e v.--V..:-k D-i'dv-Ad-c-- '!’he I'lrsident of the Mexican'p' St:,tes I,a:. adoptel the trulv ;n'a.Mreoip;r.in;>:pu!)lir audi.nc,s ‘: I ili/en.s. .vn o.Hk iai notiro, j,, Ij ' can p iper, mention;; that he wilfr ‘ in person, complaints, petitions, ' ;‘'" l^ dav in the week except W,,.;,:;; Salui'oav, ane. i.ie lestivai davs 'vp' in' iiHle tlie Sal;balh, ) belwccn'thV i,' ot one and half past two. it llu'.t the de;):,rtlire of t!,,. ' y pi... ■ PUJIC.-: /• mu-1,11)1, e/ 'Av////! .—'^'e.'.ierdav, a fall. p;ra\(' ioiil.in^;- hdlou. fioiii tiie IjTid of •Siea.dv Habits, made apj'dic;itifin in tli way of liuvin-'ss lo the ki * prof I’ouer - field, lo!• the piir basr o| i v\ o 1:ani;in '■ jects i’or di-,M,-cli(,n. He said he v- indiui'd by some Doctor!; in Coe.nectii to entei- into the specukilion. and e-.peet- (’d it w as a !/)od oiie. I he k'.'eper did not e::aetly leel himself autho.'-ized to trade w itli .lonalhan, so he told him he would introduce Iiini to se're.-bodv who ln'lter riiders-ood such inisiucss ai.’d witli whom he could drive his l>arf; dn lo ihe best ad\ aiitat;e, aiul aret.rdiik;I\ took him to the jiolice (dlice. He soon,' liO'.vever. discovei-ed, froni the inu rro'^atoi ic-i j.iit to him hy the jn;,tin-, that'tlierc v. erV doubts about liiis l.'ein:; ablj to accom- plish Ids object, anci t.^’ai lie ha l c ome on an uvikward eirand, wldch n.i^iit percliance, involve him in iserioiis dil'ic id ly In short, he was ';iven lo und-r-^atid. ihiit aithoii”;li this w,.sa ^re;it tradiir.- metropolis, where all kimU of uoodVand wares could be bouM-lit aiid s.dd, vet no one presumed to deal in dea 1 liniiian llesli. He then became exceediiudy a- larmed, br-;rrd pard:.n, an:! i>romi^ed if they would let him t;o, he n-ver would ‘■n!,^ai-;e in such another s])ecu!alion. In ' oiisidei-ation r.f jus i-norance and ai)- jiarenl smiphcily, I,e was acrordin.dv jx i milled !o drp;ii-l, aiifl made otf vv ith ■ 1! I'osMhle ha towards J,|. ,,alive Stale'.' i '. Hr. 'ire.—We ll;:’, (• ;:u ^ oi k. I |)per Ca.tiada desl; U'-ijoii of I he cenii 'lie I’arliaiiM hi tio-.M.,, liie broke out . ' c'-.tT'a ' liert __|’i-oni atinoiini ii:;- the ■ and !;ort h v, in.; ol ill tii It town. 'I'iir , loiit midIli11 oi ihc 'd'-indieiioi-:, V, in-'. ;mrl!,!irn. wiihsiirh iiii'y a^- to drfr.,1 ,,, 1 !!;■ b'ldy ( !' (hai i i lit- SO' :i \ i-v>- V. ■s ' i vrd b'M. not mail coil. .(I,,,, I I- ' d , :• Ti e I'.re oi i-eppr. ^'■m1 aa;l Iha ed to llr ' I • •ture of the coiui,.,.,. mai.'. on ednesday and Satiird-. vents Ills attendir.j^r ^ W'e may i’orm some iilea of til,. • d nn.miers and ).’:o\eminent i-i 1),^, v'' i.-an lel•^iU)ry, from the frdlowinv oi’en'-es and crimes comndtiKj’j,,'.i'^ caj)it;d, whicii we iitv.l siiccessivHv -' poiied in several of the luiest | have receivfd ; Oet. CO.—A man and a wonn;-,! carried to prisim wounded ; and m..n and worn .n lotlie hosp.it.dofsln \,'a I r;is lia\in.!>- beeti woniuied bv tlii |i- wlio intended to rob tliem!. Anod-I man w :,s arrested for atteni|)tini> (,j . iui oiiic-er w ith a da;-,-!;-er. .Anoihei- n'- was arrested for entering-a house i- beatiiu: a woman. Oct.::!. —man was carried to i' ho;^pital wiMinded, who did notkiiov\"^ person who had attacked him. Oct. C ).—A man was taken to prio'I for woundm- ar.othe:-, and iwo woum.:;| women were carried lo the ho'^pital. .Oct. 2;').—corpse was found in i. street, and a wounded man lyinjr ni.-ur who was taken to pri'ion, hav iiig hci,‘n i' lacked by an artilleryman. CVt. '26.— Two men vvert* coniiiiif.!>c to prison, one for strikiii- a sfiitiiie.l with his list, and the other for wound;:,1 a man. 'i'liese are specimens of the daily poi;:.' I reports in Mexico : so that the accuiiiP V, e lune oi’ten received, less oflicialh.j oi liir Ireijueticy id murders in that coi;:-| try, h;i\e too much foundation. It is 'i ije sincerely hojied that the new nii-nt will exert themselves to extend :i.. sei-tirily lo the lives of their citizi'!,-. I V. hi- h llie world has a ri;;ht to rx]ii'c; 1 Irom tlieni. II Uiey intend to iiitrw'iu'r | the arts iind improvements id’more ci\- ilizi d cf>untries, by encouragiiii'I’urrr.;:.- ers to live amonj;- lliem. a.fier tlu'ixair.- |)le el Coloiidiia, they wiil lind it iii'Civ s;iry to oiVt r ; (;me better j.;iiaraiilit' m their ],i-rs(>ns and projjeriy, lliuti sii'h (laiiy rc| oi t.s as the al>ove, or they c..:- r.o: e\p-'' t a ver;, i’ree e;ni|^-ralion. Jri/'i —,\ resolution (' the Senatr, p;;'sedatlhe last session :! (’(^ni'ii"-.'-., called upon the Preside’it i Lnitrd .Slates to transmit to lhal iiiforma.lion (d’li.e dl’ect pnuluced u!i' rekilioiis with Spain bv the reco;.;aiiioi; ol the Imlrpendenl South .\meriraii ernnients. Tlie diK'jiments alVorditr.;tlij' inlormation, il will be sri'n by refciTiu'e lo the Messa.fe (d’the I’resident, il'’.u his inti-uiion to have laid bidore (.imi- trress in comi. ciion w ith the '.Mes>j:>'f- 1 hat intention \v'a> accidentally not r4'- ried inloeiVect. On the ;>1 h of this nionlh- they v\cre transmilled to C’oii,i,M-c-‘ 'I'liey inal.e a volume of 1 !0 printni. iva'-rev. e have turned over the leaves ol lin' volume (d dociimenN. which we liiid a.l le.el as important a-.aiiv lhal h-''' 'lieen p’l sented lo eon:.,ress at ihe |il'' ‘' ‘ session. Idi! vi-onsist ol'leliers fruia H-('re'.ary of :d;iir. lo .Mr. I ousmh-'--' e:;r!ie%t ik.te (d'whiih is I.ith June, 1 ■>lid ;f .Ml-, i’o>;s\ 1 i;, t') I he Scci'e!al'\ ''Uite ; ji letters which p.isscd lu-lv'*"'’ If. '.Me. \ i;ist .Minisier I'lcaiji'' nda:-’. •.’-o.'. S:):;in, and the Sec'-el.iiy . I)etw eeii the Sccr; i-i' prc:,eiit ('l!a! ;f'‘ •i'"' lid (rf pio’.-e reeeill c"i'i''"" eo'heDei,; : !meni'■I '’'’"'' .^lln!^I'■ '! j rt-; 1 i;|P d.le 1" 1 111 lii;‘, I is V (.:■' 1 V'.' a p!;'ce v '1 , ■ervlee tor olhrr j)iil - ll ‘-o.j; lot.‘Il l i \ Ml i 'i ids .ei:t v. i.i ; 1 .- :;r. e. r oopi: lie ^T.,l r i I’veii • - r V • ; ■ ; I; • : 11 I • .dt'e. . p;,r! 11 1., '■o I; Ir rable S t a ■ e : of tette '■ '"i;i- of St; .-; :’i-l ll, ; iiw- i'..' "e:.: oi ;-ipaii]: lie ( i' :'di 1 iiCt W t ;.:’d :• !;•. N- : h«-ii. , : 1., I ■ elt.-d " •:d ' ' . . . j \\ 1 i:'f '.u do :o:,-, M , 1 ■, ' 1 1 ] ■•I" 'J*- Wi t ‘ ' 1 '■I'.-, I.oe 1 1 |.M- oidc"' w' I'-.im ' 1; :e.' e o' ;-)i ' .ll- 1 V, !• ■ dl ■ ;d. : ' 1 '! ll • ; ,, s ■ ■; ,-M 1 III ' e;. ■ U I rp'. 1 V. ) f , • ' 1 ■, . • . n;. ,it a-ld I'l.;* ( * i » • t '■•1 V .: ' e til* » -J , 1 til.,; 1 1 '. 1.. .1 .’v I p. lie,' p)i\-^eni !o S');dii. ^;t!l th.- know. : to 1.0 dorunicr.!''. I'o piihlish as(-lecli ’ Vveh .'•r, l):ii .eeo fe:,' l!-.e i.l rnn.'i'‘‘ . I.- :.n-l , l e: tliis t-i) !>-:l-. We k;:rn a V, e v-, ero t:o I oiidiiet of ■ s’-. r fi'om Spa lit ;-ed so O ' e si.l'jee > : . ; \-,-n