roKi LA\ • or '• Hi; r.AlM.V MAIM VKS. The Mitidni to hfr Jpostiitr L> icr. —ifthuu wilt (U‘ny tl>v (lod, ’I'hv pliglitit) hr'ule hi tr;t_', Ami troiu the path U>y (iitlai-s trod, A i'ccre:\iit l.unt :iua_v; Yc^—live—sitici' I’or a f v.' bliort years sorrow, toil, atnl c-.ivi, T.ioii i Hiwt torpi't » iiioilnr’s tears, A lalln-r’s iKirti:ij;-[iniv cr. I ccrir.'(' lirul v ; pi to scu tlioc boar 1 lie liooin Miy sires 1>um- Ijorne ; To fit: I'.ciith—and dying Tlic crowd's scorn ; Tlu-n hill a lew short liours were thiiic To biiw bcncatli tlic- rod, lill tliou halst won a wreath d';\inc, And readied the tlirone »if (.od. Liv* tlien~nor think of Ik r wlio dies— ■\\ hosc kt'C’.)e‘-t pang nnist hf, ’I'lujiigh p’liglited thini: hy ties, She in;'}' nyt die witli tliec ! Yes—h\e—bnt nr,I to ieel thy bnast With ho])i less riven ; Live, that thy i;inlt ina> be coiil'ossrd, Kcpented, and forgiven. ijisTomrAL. HATTl.i: AT IJA.MJjOrUS. FOU(iIIT ON THK 20tI1 JTNK, 1780. (c()\n.ini.n.) In piirsiiatici* jf tlio oi'dcrs t^iven to colotu! Lucl.c aiul oth*.'r oflicci's at Mal lard’s creek on the 1 Uh, llicy f.f-vct;!!!!} c' l!(.‘Ctc(l as iiK.tiy hm'ii us tlu-y could ; and on t!u-inurtiin;>: ol’ the ISlIi, major W.iisuii, witli 6:> nit'it, piisscil the Catau- Ii:i at 'I'ool’s Cord, and joined inaj'jr M‘- Dowell, with 25 men. Tlit'V passed up the I'ivor at right an;^l('s with the position ol' the lories, to join the ck'tuehmeMt (W ihc IVitMids wlio v. cre assemblinij at the upper lords. At M'l'wcn’s lord Ixin!.’- juitied by captain i'alls, with forty men under his cotnmiind, tlioy contiiiiKd ihcir maicii lip the side of ^Mountain cret k ; and on Monday, tlic 19tli, the\ joined colonel Locke, captain lirandon, ,ind otiier ullicers, m itii two hundred and soventy men. 'i he w hole force united a- mo'.nued to four hnndred. 'i'hey encanip- od m Mountain creek, sixteen miles lV(jm IIam.‘'.our's. 'i’he olVicers met, and they were nnanimotis in the oi)inion, lliat it would be unsafe to renuiiti in that position, as the lories could attack them aftei- a march of a few hours, and from Ihc infoiiority of their forcc, thry had no (lotibt the torios wonkl m:irch on them as soon as they learned where they were. It was first projoosed that they should rccross the ('atawl)a at Slien ill’s' ford, six. miles in tlieir rear, and wail for rein- foi'cements, I)elieving- that with their foici* they con Id preset.t tiie lories IVom cro.'^siii”-. To tl'.i.s it was objected, lhal ,a reii-oqrade movement Woukl embolden the tories, whose numbers were increas- itiq; as fast as prol)ably their ow ii iiumhers M'o lid encrease iifler they had recrossed ♦ he river, and no additional security could ihcirfore be oi)tained by such a move ment. Il was next proposed, that t.licy should march directly down the river and join general Uuiherford, uho was then dis tant from them about thirty-five mih's. Il was said this movement could be made i\ithoul risk, as in makin'^ it^ the) would not be nearer to Kitnisour’.s lhan -the\ Mf>r('. To this pruih'nl ])roposiiion it Ava', objected that iK'aily all t!ie eiVec live V hiii^s of that section (>f ih,; couniry wei’e fi'oni home, cithc:’ with them or !;('iieral Uuiherford, and sucli a movc.neiit would leave their families unprotei t*‘cl i.nd iheii ]lou^es e\poscil to pillai;-e ; tlu;l il v, (jiihl be al .o a dan_L;ero'is niover.u nt to iheni- M'lvi",, us llie to:-ies mii;hl he iii motion, und tl'..-y r.Hijli; ('iicounter thorn in theii march. I’ w as iii'-inuuted that these pi\>- ’.)0‘'itions prtK'ced";!, if m,t iVom i'ear. ♦ U least fi’oni an iinwilijnjrrtess lo mrol tlu •01 ies, und tiion fore, A third ])ro])osi!ion was rnaile, v. i-.ich •A as, iha* !ioi v. iilist.iutlin;;; tlii-ir disoai it\ offoice, '.licy slu;iil i niu;' li ihiriiii; the ni;^ht atul atlaf k the loi le.i la liicir cam]' •Mi-ly iie\t niorni-i,;-. Il wl- ‘-air’, the torie-, heln,;;- ieiioiant of their fon e :mi'1 -iiddi niy aU:t' ked. could be easily rui.:- ♦ d. 'I' le lii'jlC pI'IHliMll !llt'I,i!)c; s ( f ihe ro'incil ( o’lld !u,i ijie iii^i:iua‘’.ou of ro-.vardii e, and ^ru'itin:; to fii- tiine \vi,;fii sometimes ( ro'.v iis cxt n r;;sh 'ii'ss wi'h.viirri 'il \\ ai nrKifiinn.uslv re- ■■! >'- I iy • ■> mai cii, ami al i,;c.di alla-.k ihc toiic';. ‘1 oionel,- ton l)cin!j well ac(iua.inlcd v. illi the coiiii- trv, wa.-i instantly despatcheil to appi'ise jjcneral Hulherford ofthis re.-jolutio.i. the ovenin;; tbey commenced their march from Moiiiilaiti creek, and passint'- down the south sitie of t!ie ir.oun- taiii, ibey halted at the west end of it a- bout an hour in tl'*e nii^lu, and theonicers convened tf) determine oil the plan ol at tack. It was a'vreed that the':uin])a!iies commanded by captains Tall-., M‘Dow ell, and l>randoiu should I'cl on horseoaik and t;o in fionl: no (nher ai-ran:’;' nicnts were made, and il left to the otlicers to be i^o\erncd by circumstar.>’es alter they should reach tlie enemy. 1 hey re sumed their march, and arrived wilhin a mile of the cnemy^s camj) hi clay-!)reak. 'I'he tories wer' encamp'.'d on ii hill, three liiindred yai'ds cjmI ol Ranis(»ur s mill, and half a mile north of the present llourisbin,'^ villa;,;e ol l.incoln;ti. 1 he ridiift* slri’tclii'd neatly to tlie cast on th(' s(nith-side of tlu; mill pond, tind ll;e rciud leadintj tci the ruckas'‘i;e lord by the mill, crosses the poiiil of the r‘ ’i>;e in a tiorlii w t'slern direclioti. ’I'he toi ies occupied an exi elleiit posiTnni c i li'ie siimniit ol the I'idi^e ; iheir i’i";hi on th;.‘ road Iront- in;;; the south. 'I'he ndi^e has a veiy (gentle slojje, and w..s liuMi itKerspersed with (nly a few trees, and the lir'j ol the Lories had lull rake in iVoi.t for inoie than two hundred yards. '1 he loot ol the ridije was Ijouuded by a ;;lade, the side ol wl.ich was covend wit!i buslu's. '1 he road i)a.;sed the western end of the i;-’.»'.de, at ri^'lit ani'Ies; opposi’e the t\nire (d the line and on this road a fence extended IVom the ^lade to a jioitil opposite tiie ri^'ht of tlu' line—the pic(}tiet j.;nard. tvvehe in lu.mrer, v,t;re stationed on the road, tw o hundred anil til\\ yards south of the s'\ huiidi'.Hi yard.s IVfjr.i the encai)!j)menl. The c(;inpatiies of captains Falls. M‘- Dowell, and ijrv.mlon, beiii!;- mounted; tl’.e (..iher lr(;oj)s under colonel Lock',', were arrani’ed in the road, two dee]), be hind them, and witlujut any other oi’j^an- t'/ati(;n orlji der--, they w ere man bed to battle, ^^’h.en the hotsemen came wilh in si^lit (d' the ])ic(jiiet, they plainly ];er- ceived theii- a])|)roach had tml l'('en aiiticijiated. 'i'hi j>i( (]iiel fired and lied tow ards their t. ani]j. The horsenu ti |)ur- sued, and turnuii;- to tTiC rit'-lu out of the road, tliey i;de 'i|) within thirty stej)s of the line and filed al tin tories, who beiiit; in confusion, had not comjiletely formed theii- line ; but seeiiii; only u few men as- sailinj:;^ iheni, they .tjiiickly recovei-ed from their jianic and j)oured in a destruc tive file, which oblijyed the horsemen to n'treat. 'I'hey retreated in disorder, ; assiiifj thrcnii'h the infant! y, who were ad\ancino ; several of the infantry joined them and never came into action. Al a convenient distance ihe greater pat-l of th'' I'.orsemen i allied, and i eluruing to the light, exerted ihemsehes with sj)iril du ring its continuance. 'i’he infantry hur ried lo keep near the horsemen in luii-suil ol’the picquet, and their moveiuenls !>e- ing very ii-regular, their files were opeti- I d si>^ or eight siej)s. and w hen tlu- front ajti.i'oached liie lui ies, the rear was eigh ty jiok’s bach. 'i'he lories s.-eing- the efieci of their fire, came down the hill a little distance and were ill fair vievs. Tlu- iidaiitry of the whigs kejil the to the j\oint belaeen ill'- ;;i..d" and’ the corner of the fi nc.', oj)- I ])osiie t!ie I eiitr>“ of tlu- lories, llej-e the ■ction was n lu’v, rd ; tiie front lired seve ral times belore tiie rea." anie uj). 'I’he toiies biing'on their lell. ihev de])lov(-d to the ii,.;hl in fiont oi' the e;!ade, and tame into actimi witl-.out order or svs- lem. In some ]:hice-, tiiey wcie (.rowdcd logethrr in i-ach olhei-‘s way ; in othe; ])L;ces tli('re wi-re none. .\s thi' i-ear I ame Uj) llu-y (iccu]iii (l tiio.e ];lui e aiul 'he line gi iHliially eMepdin;;'. ilie ai tioii bi'( ame i^eiieial and olisiin .tc on bol!i '-ides, ill a few minutes the lories bi-g-aii to retire lo then- position on the toj) of the ridge, and s(on iVil Iia'k a little be- liind the ridge to siulter jiurt of iheir h'ldies fi om the lire (d the wliies who v.ere T.irlv exjiosed to their lire. In this sitiiaiion lln ir tire lieeaine so destructive, hat tl-,e w!iig^sl\‘!l bai k lo the bushes ui ..I- tlie idade, ;ii:d the ti/ries It-av iiig^ iheir '.d'- ],(.'^itiwi, jiursued tht'ui half way 'ow ;i ’!,i> 1 id: e. \t this m on ten I i an tain il;.:deii ivj :i !'a:tv tjl’ v. hi.r-' tnlo the HeLi, :;:ui utuier cover cf vho Icncc ! 'up a galling fi"e on ilie right ilci.. ol the loi ie.s : and some of the whigs di.^- covering lluit tlu- ground on their right was mure lo i,rotecl tdiem from the fire of the toiies, ohlitiued in that di rection towards the east end ol the g.ade. This movement gtive theii* line the]M'o])ei exlettsion. 'I'hey cotititiued to oblique until they turned the leit Hank of the to iies : and the contest l;eing well main tained in the centre, the lories beg-an to retreat up the l idge. They found part of iheir position occniiied by the whigs. In that (j'tarter the action became close, and the jiariii's mixed together in two instan ces, and having no bayonets, they struck alcach other with ll'.e butts of their guns.* In this strange contest several of the to ries were taken prisoners, and others ol llu-m divesting themselves of their mark of distinction, (which was a twig of green pine lop stuck in their hats) intei-mixed with the whigs, and all being in their common dress, they escaped unm^liced. 'I'he tories finding the left ol their posi tion iii ];0ssossion of ll'.e IVhigs. aiifl their centre being closely |)iessed. r;-lrealed down the ridge towards the mill. e\[)Osed to the fire (;f the cent re, and jf cupl iin Hardin’s company behind the feitces. The whigs jmrsued until tliey got entire ])ossession of the ridg-e, whe;i they ]n'r- ceived to their astonislinient lhal the lo ries had coh'ected in furce on the other side of the creek, beyond 'I'hey exp-''ted the light would i>e retu’.vi'd and altem|;ted lo I’oi iii a line : but only eighty- six men. could be ])a’’aded. Some vvere scaitered dm in.g the' at liuti, otiiers were attending to tlieif woiituled friends, and afie 1- repeated enbrts nol more than an hiiudrt-d and ten cinild be collected. Iiilhi> ])erilous sil'ialion (f things, it was resolved that major Wilson and cap tain William Alt xander, of Howan. should hasten to general Hulherford and urge him to ])ress forward to their assistance. KiitherfordI'.ac'marched early intlie mor ning. and al the distance of six or seven miles from Hamsoiii-’s. was met by Wil son and Alexander. - Major I'avis’ cav;*.l- j ry w t're started at full galk>p. and colonel Dav idson's infantry wei e ordered to has-i ten on w ith all |)OSbihle s];eed. Al the end of two miles thry met by olhei-s I from the battle, who infoinied them lhal tl-.e tories had retreated. Ti-.e mat-ch was eontinueil, and the arrived on th* ground two horrs afier the battle luul closed. 'I'lie dead and most of the woun ded were still lying v. here they fell. As soon as the action began, those of the tories who had m,> arms, and several who had t-eluriied across t’he creek. They w ere joined by others w hen they were first healen back U]> the ridge, and by two hundred that were v\-ell armed, who had arrived two days before from Lower creek, in IJurke county, under cap tains Whiston and Murray. Col. .Moore and major Welch soon joined them, and those of the lot-ies who continued the iighl to the last, crossed the creek and joined them as soon a;; the wliigs got pos session of the ridge. Believing lhal thev were com[)Jelely beaten, they formed a stratagem to secure their retreat. About the lime that ilson and Al'-xander w ere des[)alched to geiu ral litilherforcl, th.ey sent in a Hag under a ])i ete!i( e of proi)()s- ing a susjiension ol hostili;ies, to make ai'raiig-eim Ills lor;- care of tlu- woun- (h.'d and buryin;;- the ilead. 'J'o ])revent the Hag ollicer from jx-rcoiving. their small num!);-r, niajivr James Rutherfordt and aiuuher (dlii (-r ordt'red to meet iii'.n a short dislanci' in fi onl «jf the line. The proj)osition being made, m:ij. Uuih erford demanded that the tories should surrender as prisom-rs within ten min- iiti-s, and then tin; arratigemfms should he made which v, ere rei jncgi'd. In the meantime Miiorc; and elsh gavir orders, iliat su' h (d their men aswt-re on foot, or h;id iiili.'rioi’ horses, should mo\e olf sing- .\ (.1 riiiaii, in thi ranks of *:in toric.--, mi.'t- in;;- i jusi v.jtli ;i'i aeijiiaiiitanri' li. f(]|-e li'- di>,- I I 'i >Ti'd 111 III, M'l.iiiiii d, “ 111 . i’ll |\- ' w Ir , a re von Ini’c ' Will, I \w)iild nut hurt on liah-on voiir lii'ad, li. i ;tusi- I lias ncv ( r kiiuw n :iiiv iiarin ol' >on. .,id;, tli;,l ynii u:i. I.\-bi l.” liillv, w!;o via-, hot IjUltl- M) ^-1 IK -njd ’lOm' I inptv, made a stroke ; f j,i>. hi n:l u ith tin- lii|'f i/t it, I,111 nn-s. (I h.iii—“ lloh,” -lii! Ills aiifa-D- n.' t, " stoi)—sliil, — si(.!i—I i ,!i M if a L'oini;- lo stand still ;iiiil l„. kill, likr a d- i;, tool, 'm. ' and tin.! ■ a hlovv’ at |!illv, u),,, j,,. ; iiiit Ills c.iim.i;.-, wIiuM- ^iin \ i'lid' d. elap- p. .1 ill. nin//.h t l(iM to li'ini, and lidL n lli’e poor 1,'in I'niiaii. ' I I >1,11 i.t t!i(‘ i;i III I-.1.I, !!( V t.,;-!’, I .j I ot i'll Li.i. vis • ihev ccaK. and wl.on i‘eiu:-iH'd, nut more than hliy ro- ,v,-i-e i. 'I'licv immediately lied. -*Ioou wkh tbirtvmen reached the British army HiCamilen, u hen he was thre-atened *vt,h u trial by a court martial for disobedience of orders, in attempting' to embody the rovalists before the time appointed by the c.mmumdcr in chief. Jle was treated 'with disi-espect by the British on'icers, and held in a state oT disagreeable sus pense : l)ul it was at length deemed im- jjoliilc to order him beiore a court maf- tial. As there was no organization of either parlv, nor regular reltirns made alter the action, the loss could not bo ascertained with correctness. I'ifty-six lay dead on the side of the ridge where the heat of the action prevailed : numy lay scattered on the Hunks, and over the. ridge towards the mill. It is believed that seventy w'et-e killed, and that the loss on eadi side was nearly equal. About an hundred tneti on each side were wounded, and liliy tories were taken prisonei-s. The men l.:id no unilbrm and il could not be to!-d lo which party many of ihe dead belc;i:g^( ■!. Most oi’ the w higs woiv a piece of white j)aj)e!- (Ui tlieir hats in fi-ont, and nutiiy of (he men tn eacli side being exceilent i-ille- men, paper was a iiiark al which the tories often fircil, and several oi' tin- w higs w ere .slioi in the head. 'I he trecf- bidiind v.jiieh both whigs and lories oe- (-asiunally took slvlti'r, v.ere L^^-azed b\ the ball;. ; and one tree in i.-a ticuLr, on tiie lefl of the lory line, at the root ol wliich two bi-olhers lay d.-ad. was g-razed by lliiee balls one side, and hy two on tiie otl’.er. In, tl'.is bnttle neighboi-s. near relations, and jiersoiial frieiuls futtghl against each other, as the smoke would from linu- to time idow' oil', they could recognise each other. In the evening, and oti th.e next day, the l elations atid fi iends of the dead and woutnled came i;i, and a scene was wilne-s'^.ed truly aiilicting tci the feel ings of humanity. Ai'ier the action commenced, scarcely any orders were given by the ofiieers. They fought like common soldiers am! an’mated llu'ii' nijn by t'-.eir exam;;!e, and they suirered severely. C'aiVLaitis I'alls. Dobon, Siiiilli, Bowman and ,\r:r.- slrtJiig were killed; and cajUains Hous ton and M'Kissick wounded. Of liie to ries cajitains Cutn'iei land. Murrav and Worlock were kill'-d ; ami captain C’ar- ])enler vvou’id(-d. l ew either of the ofi'i- cei-s or men had ever bt;eii in-battle be fore. vnoM A i.atf. ldndon PAi’int. fl-Tdol’S I,1,(.AT. r\rT, ^v e do not recollect a more striking instance than the folio-,ving, id’ unset t!])ii- lousncss, (if we may use such a word,j assti.-ance atid ingenuity in an ad vocale. About seventy yeat s ago the celelji-a- “ Counsellor” Cosjello was in his zi nith at till* Irish Bar, where he was unrival- eld lor wit, acuteiii's;, and propen-iitv ol’ l)roguo. His j)ra(hiie lay considerablv in the criminal Coiirt>, ’ wlu i-e bv hi's ingenuity he enabled many desei’-ving- eul])rits to evade the well earned jmnisli- ment of the law. He wa one day sum moned lo N'ewgate in a threat Imri'v, aiid in a case ol ;;real emei ;;-eiiev. 'I'he safe or strong Ijox ofthel.Miik d'(Ilendou r k ('o. had been plundered to an imtm-nse amount. Siisj)i(;:on ha'.l falh'ti u])on the depiiiy c'.;ishier, v 1h) v> as in con.'v'iiuem r arrested and seiii to ])i ison, inside of the w alls (d whiehi lie had not been ten min utes. bei’ore he was advised by his fellow ])riso?!er (whom o;i his entrance he had eonciiiated !)y c/miiiig tiowu” iKiiulsome- !y)Lo send f'jr '• Counsellor” Coslelio. who would, if ativ man could, save his lile. Il was in (d^edienee to tliis s'immons that the‘C(;iins.'llor’ rt-jjaired to New gate—a i>rartice nol very general here, ])ernap',, bul nol al all iiiuisual in iJuh- iin. ‘I am told yon at-i* conmittted for liurloiniug 10,o0i> gninea-., niv dear said the Coiin:v.'!lor as In; en»i'red tlu- eril. ‘ I am.’ ‘ A re V on guilty ;’ ‘i r 1 ’ ‘ llavi* you the f/yc’f.'t//} ‘ I don’t tinde’.slaiid voii.’ ‘ Did yon do t!ie tliii'i;.- Sn, j (>u iiiiiilt |j\- Your fuisni- I ions.’ ■ ■ ■ ‘ ‘Then l)y .T—s vov’H be han-ed’- aiid the ( oiinsellor took hishal. •ilcdd. Sir.’ satd the prisoner—win :d;er a lit'le lu-siiuiioM co.d'essed that lu w as able to ],ay t!ie Counsellor a ihousum ! j.iieas li 111- should p,oi-iire lii.; aetjtiii '^^l—the barKain wa •. i.inick and th. I ounselh r took his h-ivi'. _rep:dred to tin ^'.^1 e, ! i I'e.vli-i, from 'vliiUi iiis v:lient had boon coivunittcd. -j Sitting M-igistrate was still on • iieiicli. ‘ CJood-morrow, Mr. Akicrmuii,’ the Counselior, as he entered—‘ [j,"' any thing new to-day—any thiu;r rintc in niy way ‘Ves, a most extraordinary cuse l- occurreil. One of Cilenduwr's elc ' abstracted from the strong box - the bank ten bags, each cont,i' ’ ' ^ till,' s;iN inuiiij ic guineas in gold. He was arrested iV,', morsiing: some of the pfo]KM-ty « ' fouiul on him. and has been swo' u to. ''i sent him to Newgate about half u„ since, and he’ll certainly swing after ti,', next commision,’ (C>kl Bailey Session,.) * 'I'he projierty swoi-n to ! , /A)unds, hovv' can that be? One is like anothei, and— ‘ 'I'rue, true ; b-at with the guiue-ds ihe f('l!ovv stole some foreign gold coins, c-. of which, a broad Dutch piece, found on him when he was arresteil • i* has been identified by ihe chief cashit-r; so you will admit he has no dunce oi’ es(*a])e. Here it is,’and he huaJcJ ih.. coin lo the Counsellor. Costello took the piece of money iiuj his hands, looked at il most atteniivciv turt^eil it in hishamh and, after cuiisiijc’r*. ing il w ith the air ol a virluoso, religiii'd it to the Alderman, with ‘ Upon mv con.-eieuce, as clear a case as ever 1 idc;’ .M’tersome unim])orlant con\,ersatioii h- wiilwltvw, w etU. home, and by the imrki*:, whieh Sailed that night, he despaithcd ^ trusty messenger to Amstenlani, v.iiii eeitain iirtruetions, and a strict inp.n^. lion to be bai k in Dtiblin wiiliin tbitj • the end of which the C>Jnllni^,. ioti of Oyei- and Terminer was tu cuii|. menee.— I'he man succeeded in the ob ject of his luis'.ioii, and relni-ned to Dub lin on the very mornhig of the duy ;j> ;)ointed for the ti-ial of his master's dien;, 'I'he prisoner was |mt upon trial.—Th; prim ipal Cashier (d' (ilvmlow r and Co. |)roveil the (d' the rob'iery as narr.i'ed by the .\ldeiinan to Cottfl- lo, addim; that the robber (who couli be none bul the pi-isoner ; had siihLuif.rcl ten l>a ;s of halfpence for those oi'.ffoi whieh lu- had stolen.—The Dutch jiute was tlu-n hatided lo the w iltu'ss hv the Coutjsel for the pro'.cciition : he identified il as the jiropeily of his em])luyers.— This (‘V idetice w as deemed coiichisivi'— the pi isoner's countenance chatr^ed—the .lury incIioal(-d by their gestures tlut thev wt're satisfied ; the witness was de* ! scj'tiding from Ihc LihL,* when Custciio «-X( lanu'd— I ‘Stoj). young man, a word with yo-i'. I I will thank for that gold pii-ce. Mr. j to tlu- (’ounstd for llie iiroseciitiuii. vihi ^ hatided it to him'^ he looked at it.rubV-J 1 il on the sleeve (d’hi.s well w orn coat, aiii ! then, tiirniiv.^: to ll’*' "iuiess, saiil, huidirg ; i!>.e piece of money in his fingers—•„! vou j)ositiv*‘lv swear this i> the idi’iiiitil jjiece of ;;okl w hiidi was in the stronjjbux of (Ilendowr '■ Co. } ‘ I do. ’ ‘Have a care, young man, look at it again.’ said C-ostello, oli'eriiig il to die witness, but. letting it fall itito his lut, whit h lay befote him on the table. ‘Hi'g yinii- [)krdon,’ said die, taking up handing the coin to ihewitn'ss— are sure that il is the identical picce ui monev ‘ 1 am. * Vou are positive .' Look at it a:rai!i.' ‘ 1 do ; and swear U is the identical jiiece.’ ‘ .\nd this ?' sAid the Counsellor, tak ing another and a similar piece Iroin hH ha;~ The witness was petrified. Costello had al the Crijwn OITirr in'.* ])i'essed ujxjn his mind the date atid >1' ligies (jf t‘!u' gohl pit 11- shown him. uml it was lo j)t-oeiii-e some similar coins ihuC he ‘had --ent to 1 Iidlaiid. ‘ And ////.?.-^’ continued he—‘and tlii^i-;" au I thi:.taking a ft-esli jjiece Irom li‘» hat at each (juestion. Till' v.'itness was sti tick diinib. fl’- ])i-ison.:r was immediately a'ciiiiitteil. * rlie wilnc'isrs in the l;-!'>h Courts |I'-- Iheir ev idi in;;- i: i)in tlu- table on " \, and not fi’ciii witness bo\es as in lijiintry. Burns was neve:- in (Jrernock hiito^i'^j and lhal was w ht-n about to take hi', i*'' sage to the Wi-s* liulies. Ou that"''” sioti, however, hi. satiri al s])irit s-' birth to one laustie reiiiark, w hidi is’ij' ;;"ood .to be lost, and' has not yet, as hn we reeolh'ct, aiqj'-ai-ed I'l .ew here- gone down lo the harbor, to \ievv tli“''‘p which lie iiad tlestii.edlo c.arrv him his native sh.ore., he ;ii-! ived just as a !-,i tletnati. e;oing (jii boat-d on the s.ini' , ' . tid. had the mi'ftjrluiie to i fall into th(‘ w u'ei-between ihe''hi[> and tilt- (|u.iy. i5y the intre])idi'.y 'i'”-' ertions of u seanuiti, who instant!} ]’■ !;ed in r him, le‘ was saveil (Irowning and bi'oiight on board >ll'.( I- injury save a scund dtickin i,’- rescii(>, how(-vei-, demanded a ‘ , ]d> y (;f his liberaliiv towards his v-i-. and turning lonnd. he. wi'|' ')su-iitation, lemlrred him theiiiigl'^' y /f .si.rj)>i^i f, as the reward ol his . lud humanity. 'I'he !)y-'luiid r.s .isto’iislied, and inveighed k)tifHy j -i ieh iin])aral!eled tncaiines^. j > in,lined silent, :vit whenpiessed ''! : li ■. ojiinion (d‘: e act—“■ \\’hy. "til" I,! iitlriii, a i, siirelv the bc.s‘J-“» ll.w C I'.lt/ C'f his O-.Vtl life." Yi