VI r,. : • ‘I '.1. Jv'. —Mr. Van Hiiroii ■ til" •,>u-:i)oriLil of t!u‘ ('liainl't'r i M'.n'it:'- ,'i th' l i'.v ol’ Ncv. -^ oi'li, ilinj 1 luil, ii) co>;si'(|ii'.“UCC ol t!u- I .1 ul' i;up'!t',s .'tiid c\|>urts .a „ • . i ', of iiu>'. f'I.; , the iiK'iT.Iu'.nts huvi- j III'.', ".-)» 1 icricrd >c:iuus iiijui'V ! ••jla-'. ulrust()i'.i-!I(iiiso, occu- /: 1(1 '>y’i!io liiabilily i'any one person d -,v 1; .’L-' i!;'.’(!a !‘,'s ui Collcclor ol that 'Ah .I'l'l exp' Cl‘i:i* ’> ;!ltf iitl i1k‘ imjoi l -t ;iiti ■■. .Vw llial. 'pronijitiH'SS Ir, .'I. .n; - I intficsls ; and i.,,,.:/- -t'f tiio ■ ’ oi’ si-jjaralinj^ liii/.r 111 :i!'.r,hf>s of con.. ;(c‘, and jI‘ajj- an acldilional (^lliror, to n honi Ilia. i)c ill!' duly o}' a't'-ndiny; to Uc'.'iMitd lu the Sccrt’lury ol the '1 rt'.\SLn y. nUAWn U K os f'OT{T>\OF.. The* Si-nali* thin ;c'sMm*'d the rMnsidpr- a*icn (if the; hill ‘ alluv. inr^ a th'a\vl).ick. i>ti ihi‘ (*'\])Oi'lalion (>1 cordasjo inaniifac- IIred in ilu/States iVom l\;ri*i^n hcMi]^.” 'I’hc (|'ir iti'iM pendin.u:, “Sliall .,«• hid he oii'.^rosbt d, and read u third liinc;'” Mr. D’\V(,'fand Mr. I.loyd, of Muss. )iia.!c SdiiH- o!»s(‘i \ ations in favor of tlio hill, and >i'r. Jolinsoii cjf Ki-n. l-'.c!wards, iiid Mi'. Dit Lvrson, ai^ainst it. (jiK'stion was then taken on order- tlie hill to a th.ird veafiinp;, was il'.''L(;i inim‘d in the nej^utive. hy yeas and na'.', Hsfolluus ;—Yeas 11—Nays Cl. i.'.i.ANU riiADf: in.iur.i,\ missolui M KM CO. ■\Vf.i).\Ksi)AY, .(a.\. 2C). 'riie Senale then rcb'.iined the consideration of ilu; h;li to authorise tlic I’l'c.wdcnt. of ihi; L'nited Stales to cause a to Ik iiK'rked onl from tlie westorn fVonlicr of Missouri to the coniines of Mexico; and a'a . c o:iiid"rahlo debate, the (inestion M as taken I)V Yeas and Neus, aiid decided follows:—Yeas ;'>o—Nays 12. Hr)USK OF rfr.riJESFA'TATIVFS. \Vi.i)M-.sL'AY, Jan. 26. Mr, Wright, from tlu' c oniiniliee appointed to prepare atid report sncii rules as in their ojiinion may he jjroper to be observed in the elec- ti(,n of. I’re-sident and \’ice I’rcsidenl, loade the foilowins; repc^rt, vhic:h uub referred and ordereil to be pi inted ; 'i lie Coniniiltee appointed “to prepare and report buch rules as, in their onin- ioii, may be proper to be observed hy this Mouse, in tlu* choice ol' a I’l sidetii uf the United Slates, whose lerp.) (if service is to commence oti tlie fo.irth day of March next, if, on countinej the votes ;>i\en in tl.e seveial States, in tlie iii:-:inci’ presented in the (’onslitmioii of ihc l’nited States, it shall u])j)ear tiiv;‘ no j'orson has i-eeei\ed a majority of the votes of all the I’.lectors o!’Pres- irlent and \'ire President, appoiulcd in ll’.c iieveral States,”' KEPOilT: 'I’luii the followinf^ Uulos he ol)scrvcd b’. ihe Mouse in the choice of u I'lesident of tlu* Utiiied Siates, whose term is to ( onim^'iH C on the fourtli day of Maridi, if tlu* choice, shall constitulionally devolve iipf.n lhe House : isl. Ill the event of its appearin^^i', on openin!;; all the certificates and coiuuin).j the votes ijivcn l>y the Electors, of the •several Slute.i foi’ I’resident, that no pcr- ioti has a majority of the votes of llie w hole ninnher oi' I'lec.KM-s appointed, ;tiid Jie lesu!'. sh.dl have l>een declared, the •s:;iue sl'.all l)e entered on tlie Journals of this House. '• 2d. The roll of the 1 louse shall then he '■■.died, i-iu!, (Jii ils :i[)pearin}f that a nu-in- '>er or nieiuber.s, from t wo-lhit els of the Mates are ])resent, the House shall imme diately proceed, by ballot, to choose a I'resident from the pej'son*) h:ivir.j^ the ]!i,;^ numbers, not exceeiiiiifi; '.luee. on the list of those vot'd for as i'resideni: .?;id in case neither of those jjersons '^hall K'cei\e the \otes of a maioiitv of all the States on the first !)allot, the lioiise shall ' '/iiiinne t(j ballot for a I'resident, w ithoul '’•iLi'riijjtion by oilier bu •injss, unlil a J'.'fsident be elitr.en. ''/.I. 'rii-' doors'oi’i!i'“ Hal! sliall he clo • SI ! (hiriTi;; the h;il!otiti;^, c\cep‘. attains! Ti •iihi'Ts 'if the ScnrJe. and tie.: oliicns f:l' i;ie llousr: and the f;alle! ies shall he ( ' • •.(■'1 oil the r..' of t!i_‘ delei^-alion I ..ny (jne St;;!e. I'rom the coinmeiic,'ment cd’ the 1 -i 'ii.i,'; I n’.il thi' electicM'. t‘. made, no ! i’.; liici'::' !'. m .L*iue, ball'jt seive', in ordei' to asceitain l!;'* o >- ol the iMil tliey may, if neces>.ui y, appoint t. llvi s of their ballots ; After the volt* of each Stat«? is ascertairi- ed, ciup’ica’.e.s thtreof shall be niadt- out, and in cascr.u) one of the ])crsons- frohi whom the clioice is to be madi*. shall receive a. niajorily of the vot'-s given, on any ciie ballo'iny', by the He- preseu'.ativ'; ■, cd’ a State, the iH'iue ol tl'.at Tierson hull be wrilten on eai h ol the diiplici'.te;, : tind,' in case the vote'' S(j j;i\. n shall lie di'» ided, so ni-nii- er of s..;id persons shnil ha\e a majori ty of ihe v.!,(>le number t f\oies L;i\eii iiN 1 Cii‘i. M.v;-Youx, JAN. 29. vi:hy LA'I'K- i:.n;(;i.a.\d. Last-evenint^. the siiip la;!y-ho, Cilo- v'-r, arrived at thii port aftv*r a retriat'ku- !j!\’(jtii:.k passp;;‘ at this season, of i.’> (L.vs from lilt* Do'vvns, v, liif h she h it on the 5th iti>st. 'I'he rc'.nilar pneket ship John \Veih„ from i.iverpool. uIm) cumc up, l.ul havin.c; sailed on tl.e lOth .Decem ber, the contents jf oer files with her Iv.ive alre.,tly b. cii a:itiCli)aM''.l by tiie i*;i- ris papers rec.c iv(‘d by the H.'ivre packet. We> also received LIonu's Lists to iiv'lUCll unv .!!,(■ lKillurmt.v, tlu ’l UlC'JVd I1i.v OiuTi(T. ■,lu. WU..I •>,l,n.t,,r .i.JI b. writun I'- L...k1u> C hro.utic cad, U.I.; : » I'""' , r Si .tc slifiil rth, the 1 onienls ot wiit'-h, li tru(.,wou!( After the dei'-j^ iUon from each Slate shall have a .ecTtained the vol*j ol iheir Stale, the Clerk shall iuiiiie the Stales iti the order they aix- usiuiily named f(^r re- ceiv in,( i)etitions ; and as the nanu', oi each is culled, the Sei e;ea!it-at-Arms bhali |ire.vent t'> the dele;;ation of each two ballot-bo\("^, ineachofvi hie.h sliull he depo.sited, !>y some i!epiesentativc of the State, one of the duplicates made, as aforesaid, (.li the vote (f said State, in the pre .emf, liiel sul)j'‘ct to the ex- aniination, of all the mcm!)ei'> from s.lid Slate then present ; and, wlu.'re there is more than om* iiepresenialive from a State, the rluplieates shall not hciih I/I' depo'.ilpd i>y the same person: \\ hen till' vo'.es of ih;; States ar^ thus all taken in. ih»i S-jr^eanl-at-.Vrms shall curry (Hie jf the siid ballot-boxes to one table, and the olher to a sej>arate Lnd distinr.t tuble ; One perso!i fr«jm ern h State, represented !ves ember would seem lu warrant a belief that Spain Iceis \erv niuch disposed to (piarrel v.ith this country. 'I'he wrui'r suy.s :— “ In my last I mentioned the American Minister having sent of!’ his Secretary at a slioi't n.'.'tice with despatches to V\ ash- in:;ton—the cause now. comcs out. The kitii'-, in his wisdom, formally demands of the United Stales to recall the recof^- tiition of the indepemlence of the several Spanish countries in .\merica, uiuler])ain, in case of refusal, of issuing a royal de cree nrnkinc; the cession of the F/oridns.” Another London paper states that Mr. .\ppleton, of the American Legation to Spain, had embarked at Liverjiool for Ne\v-Yor!i. It ca’inot be long, therefore, ere this is clcvired t;p. 'i'lie deti'r'iiina- tiot) of our government to adopt, in com pliance with the V. ishes of thejj^iation, mf)re energetic measures than those hith erto employed, to root out the jiirates in the balloiin b- appointed by | shelter in the island of Cuba, :'i' . Kition to adjourn shall be received, I ii!i o’l til- motion of one State, second- ; ( 1 ! y anoth( r State ; and the (pu'^,iit;n ! i'lKili l." dec idl’d hv St ife-i. 'i'he sanu- I ill.'j shall b'(/b-er\ f| in rr;»-ai'd tc. any | iDotioii to chan;,'-’ M;" i';-i' h'.iur lor tiie ' v.ieeting jf tin' j .itii. In b.dioting- t!ie iollonii'.g mot'e ! .sliall be (jl)ser\ed, to \s it ; I 'I'he I'vejii i. set,»a;i\ '". f ea.'h S'r.’e f.r.ul! * b(* ai rarig'C.'d :uid s» .iti'd toi'cilu’r, b,'-j jVinnini: m ith t!ie seats ut t!'e I'ight hai;d ot'll,'' ^'peaker’'. ehuir, v.ilh tlu' mi :n- !)('is from the S’ati' of M tni*-, liu iici' ])!•()( I'eding v ith th‘.‘ niei;ii>i‘!'i iVoin the Slate'-, ill theoi'der tbi- .Stall.'' an-ii iii- r.llv named fur ri i'i \ in:;- petitions, a- •, ound the Hall of the.llousi., uafil ali ai'(' st'a’ed ; A l)allot-bcjX shall be pr >\iui d h r earli S'al. : The ’1’:.'i'State sh dl. its Hepresentatives to toil iiV said bal lots ; but, in case the Kepresentatives fail to appoint u Itliei, the Speaker shall appoint; 'I'he said tellers .1 all tlivic'e themselves into two sets, as iit'ai ly ecp;al in num ber as Cull he, and oie,' («f 'the said set of tellers shall jiioct'ed to count the votes of lioxes, and the olh er set the votes in the olher box; When the voles are c-.-unted hy diirerent sets of tollers, the result shall be re ported to the Jlou'-e, atid if the reports agree, the same sliall be accepted as the true \otes iif the Siatcsj but if the reports dis.igiee, the States shall pro ceed, in t:.c same manner as before, to a new ballot. ' Cth. Ail (luostions arising after the bal- loti'igs commence, recpiiring the decis ion of the House, w hich shall be decided by the House voting per capita, to be in cidental to the po’Aer of choosing a I’res- ideiit, shall be decidtd by States without (ii'I)ate; and in case of an ecpial division of the votes of Suile.s, the cjuestioii shall be lost. 7th. When either c.f tlie persons from V, liom tlie cl'.oi'c is lobe made, shall hu\e the majo' it} of all the States, the S|)eak- er shall declare the same, and that that person is elected I’resident of the United Slates. Sth. 'I'he result sliall be immediately communicated to the Senate hy message; and a committee of llirec persons shall be appoinled to inform the President of the I’niled States, and the President elect of his election. ‘ Mondw, Jw. I.—'I'Ik.' Speaker laid beiore the House a conununication from ll'.c* Secretary jf War, containing returns of the militia oi'the States and 'I'errito- ries, togeiher v itli an alislract of the an nual return') ')f aruis and accoutrenients —[)P'|)ared in (ourorniity witii the act of C!ong!'ess of Mjrcli 2d, iKfi.’>; which wa‘. referi'ed. and ordered to be printed. Mr. M‘LariCj from the committee of ^^'ays and M''.;.n‘-, to m was referred an act from the I-ien.ite ‘‘to secure the ac countability ofpuiilic oHicers and othc i s/’ reported the same, 'Aillioot umendmciit. Mr. I’oi's^ili, fi(jvn the committee on I’oreigti Uelatior.', iiuide a reiKJi t on so much of lie.' Pi ''sul' ut’s message us r'- hu.e., to ])iri.’,'y , nd outrages committed on our conii'iiercc !jy Soutii-;li vessels; v\h;ch w as ()rd'M'd t-) l-e pi'ii.ted. On motion uf Mr. i oisytli, it nas i;i >-'iii.vr.i, till' (•((’iini;1lro on 1iiili;iii .\f- t’.iii'' III' 1'lic’i'.' |(j •'•■ji'.iri'iiitu till'cNjici J !i- I V ii,:.kii ;>' :in ;'. M!(.jjri:itii)ii fur tiu' \;'m- gii;shiiu !it (,i’ llu' l:i tit!‘ to l uul l\:iig i;i ttic Mali' (.1 I v ■ I ;'.'t hii'.i tii'isr ('rick :iiu! ( iM i-.iiu (■ ImiiMis v. li.) ri iiid': v.i'.li- iii tiif • Ilf t!i>- v n.l'. Mr. I'oi s; th II l'''; ; t'd to the ui ssagr fi'-;ri the Pi'e ddc.i;' /i' ihe L nited >. \vhi':!i V. .1. j)’ i'S( i.ti d (.) the Ilcju e htsi ••'.eek. 'i i'.e iiiiormi'.tiijii whii'li he p e sevsed o:i the sn'rect, diu'ered t'ror.; that coii'aiiied in ti,. >He under- -tood th:!t soive . f lIi'* Cieckn ition v, i re .'•'.xiotis lo si'll tiu'ir h.nds to the United Stati"'^ V. itl'.out th the tribi . I;, ! 1 to sho'A Muit s;u !i !ial ’m'CU the ( ourse ol tl.e'-e i.ii’i.ii',*-, i:i a furmer treuiv : and exprefs d hi i v. r h to ’ the seiuie of tin II »'r ' on' tin: sn'ijri t. ^iI• i 'll ' \th 'ered tiie rolIo\\ing leso- lutii!!’., hie!' Ii.-' (M'e d.iy on the table : li i::'.ii 1,1 I '( li.i' t!' ■ Si Ilf tlu- Dcjiurt- I’U'Di Ol' \' ;ir It, :iit'l lie is !irri li\ (rircctii!. to i \ ! I'l 'i v 'dll' ;i l oni (it tin- rcpiirt nl 'lilt' coiii.iiiN .iir'ii ri'ir-pii !.!'. ■! !iy the I’rosidfiit toi'!ii \\iiiiti;f (‘ilk I III i:ii IS for tlu- i’\tin- l;'';':'li!l' ■III cl :’m ir i i'l s to !:ui(U I\lii'jf in tin’ w ill, probably, he as disjileasing to Fer dinand as our recogniition of the inde])en- denceof tiie South American States. Out Minister, Mr. Kush, is stated lo have iraiisacted business with '^Ir. Canning on the 21st Deceniber. Si'Aiv.—A new treaty is said to have been signed on the 10th Dec. between i'lante and Sjiain, relative to the coiitin- traiice of part of the troops of the former in the Peninsula. At Cadiz they were fortifying Caraca and Leon, and collect ing money to pay themselves. Madrid had been entirely evacuaieci by the inva ders'; and it was reported that the pious I’erdinand talked of abdicating the throne and retiring to the Escurial, where he coi’i'Miiplated devoting liimseli’entirely to religion. 'I'he arrests and j)unishnient of the opposers of. his tyranny continued with unabated rigor, 'i'he liukecf'l'ri- a-., Duke of Abjantes Count Altanuira, Marcpiis Ceralve, and Mur(jui« Alcan- izes, wlio had been banished i'rom Court for Constitutionality, w'ore carried into ^Lldrid, Dec. 16, and lodged in the com mon jail. A ji.irly of Constitutionalists had landed on the oast of V'alentia, but hearing of the approach of some troops, they ve-eml>arked, having jireviously kil led a few royalists that opposed thorn. * PouTra.M..—The king of Portugal is also said to have bccome tired of gover ning, and to have jiropor.ed to ,d)dicate. I'retich influence appears, to predoniiiiate at Lisbon, w hich had exciti rj a good deal of jealousy in England. It wns likewise rei)orted that the king of PtA'tugal had re fused to ratify a treaty concluded at Lon don between the Ministers of Brazil and i^ortugal, by which the latter were to ac knowledge the independence of the for mer. A'l Algerine 3(juadron had passed the Straits oi Cilirallar for the purpose of cruizing against Portuguese, com- moive, on learning which, two frigate's and a corvette were despatcheii from the Tagus in pursuit of them, fiui.;-er..'—Ihc CJreek.s had obtained another naval victory over t’lo 'I'ui ks a- boiit the middle of November, atul tin.' government^ had ofii-.-ially announced the blorkadc of Petras and Lepunto. 'Phe ■J’tirks were withdrawing iheir troops, and talked o.f forming a new armv for a- notiier cump2i_'';n in th.e spring. I t is ac knowledged, however, that they want the means. 1 h(; (irand Si ignior, dis.satis- iied nith th,‘ coikIu-.I riftin' I'acha of L- gypt, is said to ha^(! determined to send him a fii'iiKoi inviting him to have hi -, ii' ad taken od ; but no messenger could hr lound willing to carry ih*,' despatches, the Piiciia liuviu;]' lormt rlv resisteil simi lar orders. iu'.Nf'K.— I !i(' King of r'ranre had ojj.'iu'd the L('gislalive Chambers by a set s|,i'('r!i. 111-' (i,)iti('n»s (jf which are lur.vav i Miiai k;i!)!(‘. His corcjn'iMon will take phi'i' in ,\[.iv or .[line. M. Hydede Ncu- Mlle had Irtl I ..ishun for Paris. —'I'he Piritish Parlia- nient prorogued to tl.e :ld !’('i)ruary.— .Ii'isent oi the lest ol j 1 hr Lond'in Cotirier says Mr. St'rat- pi ec. di'tii j loi d Canuirg’:; mission to Hiissiahas sev eral objec t'.s : the settling the boundary liiK' on ih(‘ coa-.t of America, ■ he alV.iirs of (ii.vce and tho'-.e of S.;u',h .\i.m i'. a. On the two first, the most de sirable results were to hi' aiilicijiated: and uith re'j;atcl to the latter, (ireat Britain Iiad no inteniion of a'.lopting at ijrevent any new course of policy. ’(),i ii„> ri«- moi s wiiich had ;;Town out of rec('iit i’re- • tuent m'eetinr,. of the Cabinet Council, tlie same [):ipi'r remarks—“;it ni) pi riod (u.;r.i:.; Iftl ’ joM'-iMl, k;pt liv thr h as t lie as pcc I of p ii I, | i,- .1 i I s bcc II more » f)m'iijs>.'»ncrs, i\v,A t!u ,n \h\{ ih\- ivs- i.w,.. » . i p. Mil,.Mill .M.IS. , .h.'l, l,„.vr p/.vcMit.iltlirilJ H":,1 .lli-il-,g i!ir .ilij.ri .t' t'i,-,• .npnintiii. .e; ! nisp.,, J,,) iiiost_ s-in-;uine holies ol ii'.M , 'I r/.j,y .it .ill till' litti’.', urlnr’i to ihi. I ('o U 1111U ,i I'.i'' ol pl'o.'-pt roiis trail- * n ■ 1. Ir.ii;.'I : '’li di.'. trjiii tin-• M" ’^r" ; t ihisTiinin-nt n-i-oM'au-. C I. C-.-'ipVll to Ec-7 Jta, a3 i.iissioiH'is. _ . Distuib.inces continued among ttif Whitt I.-OV.S in Ireland : and tiiere h,yl lieen an Irish mob ;*t Edinburg, which, h wever, was attended with no serious consc(iucr.ces. At the Liverpool theatre a riot took iilace ; and Mathews, the ac tor, had been insulted at the Dublin the- A meeting was held iu London on the ]7th Decomber, to raise a fund for the Spanish and Italian refugees in and about Londoii, and l,K>u/. subscribed. 'i'he extreme wet weather in England, io . had'occasioned a scarcity ot hread- stutVs, and a considerable rise in price. A conipanv had been formed in I'.ng- lund, with a U'.pital of doosml. for work ing the mines in Peru. Mr. Day’s racing stud wns sold on the 14lh Dec. under tiie hammer at Irtter- sall’s. Hia chesnut colt Monticcilo, S years old, by Soothsaye;’, out ol Snow drop, a colt of grcatslze and power, sold for ojO guineas. A steam boiler, attached to a macliine shop at Manchester, burst, whihi i'll the workmen were busily employed in the factory. The explosion sliook the hou ses violently in its neigliboihood, and shattered the windows in all directions. 'I he whole of the building, which con tained the boiler, was blown up, and with it several workmen. A. number of dead bodies had been dug out of the ruins.— Six men, dreadfully woumled and scald ed, were taken to the, hospital, but no hopes were entertained of tht'ir recovery. Mr. Canning was confined w ith thi'gotJt at the Foreign olVuc. '1 he King was in his ordinary health. Co'fon.—.\t London, Dec. j;, there was an animated deiiK'.nd for cotton. 'I'he sale.i of the preceding week were f,230 bags, at an advance of 1-M te. { per l!i. 'I'iie sales ol' cotton at Liverpool, the week jii'ecediiig the Idtli, amounted to 21,800 bags, consisting of 8055 bowed, Hfil avl inferior t'j fair, i).j a 101 good fair to very g'o;! ; j7-l- Orh'ans 9j a 101 infet'ior fair, lo, l hi goo.l fair to good: lo07 Alabama a _‘)l ; '. Jl.s Sea Island 16] a 18.1 fair lo good fair, 19 a Jld gi^od to tine i.nd clioice; 17.! stained do. 9 a ll.'d. The Innndation.—We have given below «ome particulars resiiecting theleriible inundation w hich took place at St. i’eler.s- burg. 'I’he ollicial account of the loss of lives, makes the number only 500, altho’ report says it was as many thousands.— 'I'he emperor contributed 1,000,000 of rublesto the suH'erers ; the empress 50,- 000; the cor,’.inercl: 1 fund 1,000,000, Sec, The hurricane had been felt in almost ev ery !,ea p(H't on the continent of I'urope ; and in England, the gales continued to the latest dale.i. . “A'/. Pctersbiirc;^ Nov. 20, 1821. “ A most awful calamity has befallen our rity hy.the overllowing of the river Nev.I, to a height never known before. Our streets are at this moment filled w ith the wrecks ot houses, vessels, lirewood, timber and thousands of dead hodieii of men and domestic animals, which t'ound their death in the Hoods. Some of the neighbouring villages are intirely swept away, and iheir inha!)itaiits perished. The hei'ring warehouse, containing at least L>,OUo barrels herrings, has drifted away with its contents. All shop-keep ers goods and merchandise generiilly on the fust tloor, are rumcd, as well as tiie uimicnse (p.iantity ol merchandise stowed in the cuMoin-house waie-houses, situa ted on tlie low est grounds of the city ; the bakers are unable to bake, atul a tamine stares us in our taces. Commercial trans actions, or payments are not thougdit of. I he hcai'ts cl all are filled with pity and griel. I housands of lamilies,• which a few days since were in a!llueiu:e, are re duced to w ant. “\e.sterday, (19 Nov.; about 0 o’clock, the v.-ater iii diilerent canaN, whic.h are branrhe.s ol the Neva, anti intersect the city, began l » rise most rapicllv, so that at 2 o’chick the street of the'(laleehen- tuir, wliich is considered one of the high est part', was overllowed ten feel; conse- fi'.ienily no part of tfie ciiy r.-mained di'v. 'i'he inhabitants of small ii.jiises fled with tilt ir famili' the I'ools ; les.s res olute, who lu'siluted, (ir K- lly out ot doors, perished, or wei'e swot away, 'i'o incre.ise the aufulness of the scene, a hni ricane aro ,>', winch, togetiier witli the force of the v.ater. burit'open the stronfvest door-., window-shutter:;,a.nd floated oil'such hoi..a.', were biiik ol Moofl. 'I'he I'oofs of houses are general ly covered with sheot tin or coi>per^, which the force of the wind rolled up h!;e pa per, and can icd ;iwiv in the air to a great di.'tance iiom the original ' o'clork the \v;ite, '; began to full, and at 'J o’clock tiv'y had n-ivated to the hif.ii- est mark of fonra'.' ri:« so th,a o le coiihl wa.k the streets again ; i;ur. tlie darkness ol the nifjht, and the coTtimian'-c; of the stoi ni, mad'* it im}uj.,si!j!e lo pi of the seen.' of deslrurtion which w a:. cjJiibilJd at day-bri'ak this uiorniiig.’’ A h Uer f' om St. Pc t.'s'sli'irrli, of tlie .?Mh N-jv. say;-, il-.; principal scene of distress vj'i s al the liiiperiul Foundry, on the I eter.iofi ro.i d. Tiic works were slop- ]K'd. uiid the men ordered to go to sistanco oftlM-ir f....ii;':s. was imp'>ss- I'c'ieh tiinn, ;,.irl thry w^re onlv etiahh (1 to savf them.rlve';\\y regaini;i'- rodi r.j ♦;,. -.vrji-i;-;, v. lii'n^-e the’v mi ery of their hous.'s ui'h ih , ,i ,• -I • . . ■ . ■ w.iy by the nood—195 ladies h-O : found and 54 men have been inis^: ' Several villages have been carried 'I'hc Botanic Ciarden, enriched plants from every pan of the world' '.' ' destroyed—the principal director Fischer, saved himself in the i-arn., ; his house. ‘ Present state of Spahi The fojio extract, of aJetlcV from a gentle, t happy country. We will only add'^tu high standing in Madrid, to hiTco”''* pondont in this city, gives a melanch7 picture ot the state of affairs in this the iiiformation may be regarded as thentic. Thcietter is dated Madrid p'*' November. “It is. diflicult to hazard an opinio respecting the affairs of this country J' 'I'he, French troops are to leave this ' their return to France, on the Istof ne*'* month; but, turn(y-iwo Ihousandmen^', to remain at Cadiz, Barcelona, Fieuora^ Pampeluna, and St. Sebastian; hesiJe! which, the two regiments of Frcnch Swiss guards are to remain until such time as the Spanish royal guard is oro prrly organized. The'public papers will give you a pretty correct account of whi* passes. Ihv^ini', strangling, and shooring arc now become so frecpient, and peritl cut ions and arrests so general, that the state of I his unfortunate country can only be compared to that o.’France in the year 17‘J*\” T^is Tnamrnt w thj own—the tint it in tht nnmh of fu!u.rit;i—V.\^vy day’s occui. rences test the truth of this aphoriim, and a melancholy illustration of it occur red a few di.ys since. An aged, vener- able couple, whose children had emi.^rat- ed from Ireland to this country, stimuli, ted by that feeling which nature his implanted within every parent’s bteas;, spite of poverty and age, left theirnative soil to visit their only surviving child, who is engaged, as we understaiKl,ina thriving busitu'ss at New-York. Twoof their sons died in their adopted countm cause—one under (ien. Browv, theotlier under (ien. \V’i.vciikstku. The snows of more than eii;/iti/ winters had frosted the locks of each, but animated with the desire of seeing their child, they deter mined to visit New-Yoik—but in thei eagerness to come, or from w ant of ographical knowledge, they sailed i'o New-Orleans. They sufl’ered much from the climate and their indigence, bu through the kindness of indivduals, thty arrived a few days since, as far as tbs place, in prosecution of their intended journey. Sympathy is the .product of every soil, and here they were furnished with the means to reach Warrenton T/tcrCf kindness again alleviated their dei- titute condition, and they left Warrenton in comfort, with letters to another good Samaritan, who is ever willing to pourthe balm of consolation into the wounds of sufl’ering humanity. For some miles before the stage reached Maj. (iholson’s the old Lady appeared much exhaubled and had rested against her husband When the stage stopped, i.ife was r.x Ti'.er, and so merciful had been the dis pensation, that neither groan or motion had indicated the awful moment! 'I'he unfortunate survivor is named Montgomery, and the brave General oi that name, who fell at Quel)-c. paternal cousin. Raleigh HcgisUr. rvni?., (omo,) t*r.r. 18,13^^• Beat this irho can.—Wc are iiilormcd that a getuli'inan on Canotten, killed, a' a single shot, three Deers, and wounded the fourth in such a manner that ho ob tained it'. Another, iu Stocktowiiship killed tno at one shot- Another, i» same township, killed oxf., at a« shot, whilst his dog, who had caui^ht i’ was holding it. And another, who had come.from Jefferson county on a huntin[J expedition, and, whilst in the same town ship, he imw a deer, immediately his back against a sturdy oak (which he almfist caused to shake) presented his shut both eyes, fired, and frighteni'd t.i poor animal ^jrodigiousli/.—Tclcgrctpi. ijoi’.r.r.KV. Jn Washington, (iti 'I'htirsday the 'Joth inst. a citizen was assaulted •) llii-.'e whit'j men, in tlu; street south the cajiitol stpiare ; on^ of them held^ pistol at his breast, while the others ro.> bed him of his pocket book and watch.' After iiiling the jiocl.ei book of the sm- amount it contained, th* y threw it and ran oil'with the '.vatch, which th'^ inscription of “.S. 'I'rehar.e, Fap'*- No. 41IG.” It is an I'liglish silvern'”' itig watch,'with :iribb.')5i, gold l)r,'ss key. As the di-'covery of the may lea'i to the ai>'prehension of the .o^- iH'rs, it is hop.'il tlii-t 5.ilver-smithsand oihers. to whom it may be olh't’C'* sale, will bn vlo■i!aI'l^ '1 he our ( oiin.iunity recpilr.'* tliat these shoitlvl I (los louhl be dei'.'cted and punished ' -•serve. i\(/!ifj>ic:' I he Lcgislutitre of New I at their last session, pas- ed a la"> ij”^, \iding that ill.\gitim;ite children shall j ihe heirs of their niolher, she dviu,^ out If'avinjy legitimate i;;si:e; and i" ''- j ol th'' (b'l-.-a'-e of such child or ' ,tli‘'. !i(.‘ t'ni''of tlie nict!i.''r, h • i'su'\ secli lssne~; l*a'l i!.hi'‘T^ ;s:..i'.v of - n:m v ' '''