Satttrnal. CHAItLOTTK : TUKSDAV, MAIKMI 8, 1KJ5. \Vc have been requpsted, by a number of revolutionary worthies and others, to'tion, that it is in contemplation to , c^'brate the 2()th of May next, beinj^ the ersary of the Declaration of Inde- p.'iiilcnce by the citizens of Mecklenburg, the 20th of May, 1775. The cele- 1.ration will take place in this town ; and tht; revolutionai*}^ officers and soldiers ill other counties are particulary re- ciiL'sii'd to join with thei|^ compatriots liPrc, in the commemora^on of an event fo honorable to the pawBtism of North- Carolina in the “ times^mich tried nien’s ou!:;.'’ '* Capt. JoFiN Sloan’, of this town, was on Tuesday last elected Sheriff of this coun- t;, in the place of M.aj. Samuel M‘Comb, I Ksiijned. Co//on still keeps uj), and the probabil ity is, that the present prices will be maintained throughout the season. The last intelligence from Europe is quite fa- I vorablc. . , General Lafayette was expected to be in Raleigh on Thursday last, and in Fay- ('Uoville on Monday, the 7th. Prepara tions were making, in both places, to're- ccivo him in a manner worthy the charac ter of the bij.te. We shall probably be a')le, in our next paper, to give an account of his reception in Kaleigh. On Friday, the Uh instant, the inaugu ration of the new President took place. ]\Ir. ADAMb’ inaugural address, should no failure of the mails occur, will doubtless be received in season for our paper of the Jd. NEW cabinet. It seems to be pretty generally admit- Sled, that Mr.CHEVEs will be called into the Treasury Department, Mr. Crawford having determined on retiring. A more judicious selection could not be made— even the JVaahington City approves of it, and considers Mr. Cheves “ entitled 10 the confidence and approbation of "high-minded and distinguished men.” AVe do not mention this, because the ap probation of that paper is to be coveted— It should rather be shunned ; but to show that this print is at last obliged to ac knowledge, what, if we mistake not, it but recently denied, that a man may be honest and capable, and still accept an ofTice under Mr. Adams. As to the Department of War and State, all appears to be conjecture; three or four individuals are named for each office. Next mail will probably bring us something certain. Messrs. Gales 8c Seaton have been re- clccted public printers for the 19th Con gress. Their only competitor was Hcze- kiah iV(7cs, of liultimoi who received a- bout 40 votes. W’hen the time for which they have recently been elected, shall ex pire, they will have held the oflice for *;‘ght successive years, during which pe- |riocl they will probal)ly have received ?^'^0,000, or more, of the pul)lic money. I ^ A FAYETTC 1]AI,L and supper. ^ i ii'‘ volunteer (Ictachmcnt of Cavnlry ,1^‘oin Meckicninii'o; and (';ib:irrus emiii- ;^os. under eomitiMiid of Col. "I’honias , '• arrived in this town on Wcdncs- '.y List, on Ihcir way to Kaleijjh, &;c. E| ',|Oin the escort which will aeeonipany y'*^n. La Fayette whih; on his passnj^c |j‘ "’onc;h this state, "rhc j;cnticni(‘n of ^■''•'lisbiiry, elierishinp; a p,ratcfnl feelinc; 'the |)atri()lic st'r vior in which these ''i^.en-^ioldiers iiiiv(^ voluntecnMl, dc'ter- jYUied to honor them with a joilitafy ■ •’‘'/'/and Sirppor. f'apt. (liles, witli a P'‘'’t'irhmcnt from his company of Salis- p u!\ Lifriit Iiifatitry, marched out ■ih(nit M*' mile, met th(' troop, and eseoitecl them M‘'to town. In the evening;, pursuant '''*''‘i'^ements, Col. Polk and hi', troop ‘-’t' invited to a liall and Supper, F '^nshed hy M;,j. Yarbrou-h—\\l;icii, variety, anti tasteful ar- r'•■’•Tomeiif, we searccly over saw sur- |J ''M.'ij, cA’cn in more favored sections iTnion. Thursday niorninc:, the trnop, ■''in:; been joined hy a few patriotic Sali.shiiry and Ko- f took up the line of march t '**•,!: i’ ’ oarryinc; witli them the ‘••Lial go4j4 wi?hci of the citii!:^:u' ul aud th our hor-.c, of the whole The equipments, the discipline, and the gentlemanly deportment of th - troop of citixen soldiers, admire.l and applauded by all who had tlie plea^ urc ol Witnessing them. frcsU'ni Carolinian. De^srrading Pu7m/imeni.~ln flie ancient German empire sueh persons as endeavored to sow .sedition and disturb the public tran(iuillity, were condemne.l to become objects of public notoriety and derision, hy carrying; a doc; U])on’their shoulders from one tireat town to anoth er. The Kniperors Otho I. and Freder ick Rarhai-ossa inflicted this punishment on noblemen of the higiicst rank. Ap;.ra;rraph in tin? Phihnlelphia Gaz ette says, tli:it—“The Knowing u/ics had certain intelli;-encf', by haif past eit^ht o clock on 1 hui'riday (‘venin>', of the result ofthe Presidential Election, and that hy keeping it to tliemselves, they turned it to excellent account. One man i.s said to ha\'c lost Iwvnti) two t/iOLisiDul dollars L>y belting-” Rhode-hltnd Crnna.i.—A l.'eautiliil spc- cinifii of jjrintcd Cruvats or handk‘r- cliicfs has been left at ou-r oiTicc, the stock of which was niunulucturcd ;a ilu* mills )l the PhiLiiix Company, uiul the piim- ingdone at the establi.'.hMU'iii ijf i!u Ilujj- fu*l!l lllcaching and Calico I'rititingC')!!!- panv, in Pawtucket. 'I'he ioiprt",siun is uncommonly tine, ihc colours fast and brilliant, and unless chjscly \.unii!!C(l, u ])crsun would scarcely (li’stiiiguisli ili.; diflercnce between llu-sc handkrrtluefs, ^'ted silks of a simihir figure. Doinesiic manufaclures _ d at the pi-ospt‘ct thus tf successfully curi-yiiig on in inity an establishmnit of this kind, which by giving a new fonu to goods, will necessarily increase the de mand in the market, and if carried tolhi* perfection which we see no n*ason it may not attain, if propely encouraged,' will render us still more independent tiian we now arc ofthe labours of foi’cign work shops. -We believe the Cravat is the on ly article of a gentleman’s dress which might not heretofore be procured from oui- own manufactories, and this being added, furnishes a complete and hanc!- some wardi-obe for those who are dispos ed to give the preference to American fabricks. Providaicc Jour. PA TEN rs The Boston Medical Intelligencer, in noticing Williams’ patent lancet, has the following humorous hit at \\\Qputent cha racter of our countrymen : Balt. Pat. Patent trusses, patent teeth instrument, patent pills, and patent lancets, are in our opinion all of a piecc:—and when medical men countenance and even patronize such useless elToi-ts of human iiigenuity, thev cncourage artizans, who might be.l)etter employed, to labor entirely in vain.— What is there in this country that does not go by patent ? Wc were lately ac- quaitUed with a gentleman who wore a patent hat, bought patent boots w ith coi k soles, and daily besmeared his toes w'itli Conway’s patent corn plaster; not satis fied with this, he crawled into a paient doe-skin shirt, and kept up his small clothes with patient susjxMiders ; kept his chopped hands warm by patent spring back gloves, and finally falling sick of a fever, took forty dollars worth of patent phvsic from a patent doctor, and after languishing a while on one ofJenckes’ patent elevating bedsteads, he died, as all |)atent things geiicrally do—prema turely; was placed in a patent cedar wood colVui, borne on a patent swing hearse, to a patent air tight tond), u here he now lies—a striking emblem of the numer ous inveiitions w hich claim the protec tion of our American patcut la\*. s. Murderer Jippreliendcil.—A reward of two hundred atid lil'y dollars was oiVei'ed bv Ciovernor 'I'ronj), for the ap])reheii sioji of Pt'ler A. l'ai i\, accused of com mitting an agg’’av.;lel mui'der oti tlie bodv of Zacli.iiiah Ila’.'liii, of (iree.’u' County ill Ccor;.'ia. Wc uudersiantl that i'.arly has been apprelieiided in Limestone. ALi!'>ama, alter a desperate re^istaiii'e, in wliich lu' killed one indi vidual and mortally w ounded anotluM’, be fore he w as securetl. A Curacoa paper says the Atlantic can he iMii'.ed t(j the Pacifiu by a cutting ol ot. f niiks. j cm^jliry cliiistian. Kindnos':, prudcnC''- I -’n-.l iliM-ision, \v ctc coiispicuoui in Iut clia; i * r. In lur dcatii, socicty loit on-: i f I'lghit'vt ;iud most useful oi-ii.iiiit.nts, ,i w unn , -ikI d.cciJcd support of niorulity and r. li-ion. .''he kit a hiisbaml and nine ciiildn-n ti> mourn tlieir im-parabli; loss , but s,hc left in their me mory, “a name bettci dian prccious ointnn nt>. surviving' friends mourn, but “ not us tlu-y w'lo have no liope,” whije they justly ti'ust, that the.r loss wus her gain. “ Bk >sed arc the dead that die in tlie Lord. ” [ oMnvNTrATF.n. 1)1 I’D, In this county, on the J Itli ult Mri. Mvrv (.'H Kii, consc'H (if AirX ler (■!' s.i', r.;>q. n. th^ 4H1i year of her ag; V s])urious peripneii- nionv, and an inil.un; ai of thL- spl'.eij, :i'.- ten led with various ct'ier syni])tonis :md cir- r':;i.stances of a serious cliurartcr, in a ft w d i} -. r’,(i .I'd the su!lering'.s of tliis exci llci;‘won’.:'.:i. I'lr con.stitiition w as deiic:ite ; her fon,;:'liul . omprKa^cd, sevcri', and rr.jiid in i'. Mr'v'rosi. She l>orc her painful suirc rin^^s wit!- i ric!i p:i- tiencf!, and at/pvci:»('lul her deiith v. ti'. subm',s.sion, tonfidvnre, lunl coad I;, i'.er were found t'.ie h'\ in.v couu'.j.mju, t.., tirid a:. I vigibr.t, the disecn'.iii;,', l*r... an.l a;:Vc- Pluntatioii uiul Mills for sale. sale, a valuable jilantation, contain- JjKing' li.T acres, lying- on J!® the w aters of lUiti hman’s,i?;^j^s^ Creek, Lincoln county, about two miles from its mouth. T lie improvements consist of a jfood dwelling-diouse, jjarn, and the nece.ssary out houses, all under goodr t pair. 'I'here are, also, a Saw Mill and a l.rist Mdt, on the premises, in g-ood order, Persons dis])osed to piir«-hase tliese valuable possessions, will of coui»e call and jiulg-e lor themselves.'^ 'I’erins of sale, and any other information required, can be obtained, on application to the subscriber. H0I3ERT HF.ED. March 5, 1825.—3t‘2jp 'I'lic Sul)>i(n-il)i‘i* [AVINTi receivc’d tlie appointment of Auc tioneer ibr the town of ('harlotU', respect tail^ (;liei.', his sers lees, in tiiut capacity. Cons'gnments di’ goods will jje received and iold on the usual eonimission. JOHN II. NOUMENT. _Mar.di 5, 18:.5.—5tJ7 ON Tuesday, 22d Murcli, I will sell at the dweUing-house of the late Wilham l‘arks, one Neifro Hoy, aged fourteen, and oiie Negro (I'.rl, aged lih_v-li\e; a Cotton Gin, Screw, and nirnlng works, &c. the property of Wm. Parks. 'I'erms, notes, with approved security, payable 10th December, 1825. L. H. ALKXANDEK, 2t24 Jh*. Stmnirl Greer’s Eistate. \M. persons indebted, hy book account, to the late Dr. Sanuiel (iiver, will please to eall anil settle llie sauu', eitlu-r by note or otli- erwise, on or l>efore the 20th of M.u-ch, or their accounts will be indiscriininatelv put in hUit. THOMAS J. GWEEH, jidm’r. 5t25i’ State of Nortli-rsiroliua, February Ttrm of Mukknlur^ ('owtly Court. Lewis’ Adm’rs. vs. \ Levied on Land. John Lewis, j I T apjuaring to the court, that the defendant is not an inhabitant of this state ; li is or dered, that publication bi- made in the Catawba .lournal, for three months, that the defendant ni)pePl- at the next court of this eonnty, on thr •1th Monday of May next, and i-eplc \y and plead to issue, otherwise judg-nient w ill be entered by deiauU against him. 7V./. ISAAC Al.F.XANDER, 6' J/. f. 3mt35.—Price adv. ;f4. State of Nortli-(’aroliria. Fthniary Term of Mvckknhurs; Cuunti/ Court. William Salters ^ Origmal Att.-iehmcnt, h.v- vs. V led on 5 lu grcs, July, Sam, William Douglass.3 I'nnk, .lude and .Mary. I'l' appearing to tlie court, that the di fendant is not an inliahitant of lliis state .- It i>' or- deretl, that ])ublicution Ix- made in tlic (!atawba Journal, for diree months, that the defendant apjiear at I lie next court of this comity, on the 4th Monday in .May next, .'tnd replevy and ph ad to issue, otherwise judgment w ill be entereil by deiault against iiim. ' • ISAAC ALEXANDER, C.M.C. Jmtoj.— Price adv. f l. I'h't rads from the. prorecdi.nq.'i of the Charlotte Lafaj/cttetirtilleri/ Cum- jiant/., Feb. 22c/, 1^25. • Itenolvut, 'I’liat the constitution for the gov ernment of said company,be kept Ly the Str,- retary. h'lsdlred, 'I’hat Lieut. J. Spencer, Doct.J.D. Royil, A. .McGinn, J. It. Nornient and I). Camp bell, be a eomniittce to contract for a carriage to niouiit a held piece ; and that D. Campbell he authori/eil to receive contributions for the piirposi- of defraying ttie expenst s tliereof. iiisntvcd. That the Company meet again on the ihii'd Saturday in March n«. xt. Jii.Milrrd, ’1 liat tlie aliove extracts lie piil)lish- ed in the Catau ha Journal for tlirce Weeks. Mv ord( r, ."t-'4 1). CAMIMU.LL, >(rV/y. ly uin.i I I IK., I lUl I lu: :\K itUvTlN ^ d alter the surv«-y, they feel compdled twice a week, and ihe:e invite the attemi()n of the ptd)lic toihis ; alniost daily cominuriicatiuii5i lietueeu 'I'uD (^!irjK‘rU‘;*s (^A\ have work, bv applvingTit Dr. Hi nder- ' son’s. ■ ‘ .lACOH VOt KV. r-'b. Jt\ 1S2t.—3i2l Windsor I'huir 3Iakiuii* Jjuj?!- IK'S.S. THI' snb.srriher havinu'coiiiinencfd th.e above blisilu .^s in t!ic town ot Ciia; lolte,*r( speel- filly sohi'its a sliare nl' j)u!)hc |iatroiiag'e. llis wiiik will l)i: ne:,i|\ ami dur;dii_v ei/n.'trueted, and will be disjiosed >t on acciiiiin.udating teriiis. M'.rTKES .and \Vi:i ri\(. CllMIiS, made to oitl' !, ivn 1 '• 1 r> 1 on '~hi)Vt iK/tii e. U !1 LI AM ( t l.\ LKHOVSE. Apnrt'iilices ^^’}inlel. •'; * r.tic- s, from 15 to 17 yewr', of ag>;, r. v.;l! I e 1::l.rn to’he ('a ■•ri:i;;'e liu- : . . if ;i, ;,li a-i'iii Le n. td-'snon. ."ueh i...ii I )iiiC v ( 11 r’.i )i’im'-ndeil tor su!)ri(.\\ ,nul i;ui!JitV. ill iiie. t v. iiU .si;it:i')I - i;u:ourage- n;:.:/., ur. ap’;!'i;i^' to the S'li^.seriber'-. : iM;.\rr,R .\n:i;i;ii Ls. ’N'orlv^ille IJook J]iiulery. 7^1 Hi. sniis. ,-i!n r ’.-e'.s !■ i\e to inform t;i> J 1:-- ir. ;;-e!, tli.i' iit e.’irrii s on t!i>' /I" 'i- Il v.'j'’”, i.. all i'..i v.irious b'.inehes. il.iMi / ill; 1,1 ■ l:in;S' If V.i’l, i:ie 1, -.-.t „t' •iial'"i;i! I,- V il! i-.'veuv- \'. o: ; i:i ir ii.^nn' ai “a r-.\ 1!. Al! oi-di '.’.i f '" Ulai \n.] C iti'drc^s of the Trufftees of L.rnczcr I lea dr ni l/. 'I'he 'Prustecs of Kbeuezcr .\ci.demv, having been lately called toi,>'ether. •(> ;>p- poim, at the sugg.‘'sti(Mi of Kcv. I',. Har ris, another associate insli'ucter, mjt ac cordingly, and made the appointineit.-7- On this occasion they looked very iiin- utely into the interior of the Acaderiv ; and to invite the attention of the ptd)lic semirtary of learning. ’I'hey feel it t) he their duty to introduce F.!)ene/,er Acide- my to a mote extensive accjuaintance ihaii it has formerly enj»yed. It is evideiily in u very nourishing con lition ; uid, without some disitslroiis a»' I uiu-X|)ec‘.rd causes, must contimw; > ) tlourish. Sn all partial evils cannc '/*'utlect its prosj)cr.-.y, w hilst its government continues energy ir and just, and its teacher continues former assiduity in his station ; and w hi!st a discerning public cati discriminate, aid judge cori-ectly. 'I'o the teachers, ’/e would say, lei no trembling anxiety mak“ you vulnerable to evei-y liule evil coi- liected with the .\cademy. Some sm:. I festering evils will occasionally sprin^ into existence; but, if tht> health of tie •Academy be vigorous, it will expel then from its body. liut, let not the pid)!i: judge, by tliosv* appearances, of the sin- atioii of tiu.'AcaiU niy. \'ery few ha\ ' been developed here. Tew students havi! left us uttei-ing c j.rp'aiuls ; and the most of them hriA'• ’CvUw-imhU We hope, that any blast of?TefaHiation, which may spi 3.^ up, wii! find the piiblic mind unshaken lu ils conlldence in Kbenczer Academy. Its r-eputation us a literary institution is fir.n- ly bascii. I'he Hcv. I'. Harris, who will soon ’ti ter on thelifth year of his udministration here, we presented to the j)ublic when he conimenced his labors with us. At this pei-iod, we thitdv it proper, to introduce iiim more specially to our Southern cum- munily. H is recommendations How from various sources. Rev. Dr. Collin, Pi- si- dent of (ii-eenville College,'I'euii. hi iii- erary insti-ucter, thought Kt;.;hly ol his talents, and in\ iteil hinH aftei-graduating, to return to the college as an instruc ter. Rev. Dr. IMason, of Xcw-York, his theo logical instructer, has fretjuenlly s|)(;keu of his pupil in the most flattering terms, ilis fellow-students speak unhesitatingly in his jjraise. Since engagenieiu here, he has had several invitations else where as a t(>acher. 'fhere have also been j)i-esented to him, the invcstmeat of die degree of master of arts from on>’ college, and the otl'er from another. Mis plan of education also recommends Mr. Harris. It can be known best liy ..oming under its ojKM-ations; btit, ue irielly observe, that it lojks much to the • iisci])litiing of the intellect, and tends to 'vaken all its latent power. I'o piepare a student for future intellectual toils in his literary or professional studies, his mind is braced, not by the Ionics of pedanlrijy but by vigorous excf'citie. lie is disciplin ed into the jiovcr of tcachinc; hini.self, the most valuable of ail uilainmenls in edu cation. Thus, the stuch-nt, in the lan guage of the princi|)al of our Academy, ••like the steam-\essel, inoving with in- irard power, moves against wind and tide.” At Mbenezer the jdan of educa- lion is certainly original and happy, a.iul can be seen in all ita fcntorrs, only by ils dorile students. It should give celel)rity to its teacher, and involve him in such an extended sphere of action, w here he is now station-'d, as to preclude the po»i- sibiliiy ih -J lu would everdcsci t it. M;-.,iohii Loder, of Philadelphia, wliom we have appointed co-ordinale instructer of Mathematics and Xatiwal iMiiloso])hy in this Acadi'iny, stands very highly re commended also, 'i'lii;. gentleman i^rad- uated at Princeton College ; and his ex cellent scholarship is attesH'd by Rev. l)i-. (ireen, of Philadelphia, Rev. Di-. Lind say, President Cumberland C’ollege, Ten. Professor \’cthake, now of Dickinson College, and by I'rofessor M’Lean, of Princt ton. Professor \’etUak'e, whu i^a celeljraled Mathematician, s;i\.s tliat Lu- der was uii,H;ng the IIiSl of his h;."i in Mathematics V'hih- in colh-fjc. 11 is a- iiiiable di.-.posili(jii, tyotjd chai-actei- anl experience in leaching, arc sttjiporlcd In tiie most ^jnple te:-,*ini(jny. ’I'lie hwai'd would hope, tliat Mr. Har ris’ ''c; SI \ ei’uiH'e, will l;e I'udy i' wartied. He h:.s'-l;iuiself ih'- property (;f the puM; ■ : ])!-oj)erty the i e'-iilt of/V.e(7 \eai ‘. td’ literary research, a.nd now loi ated at. l'.i)enexe:- .’Xcacleii.y. Hi-. \ „rious h at-n- 111;;; his i>laii of educatii-n; the inildues-, and energy of his discipliie'; hii sncifss and (eli'hrity a i u teache.”; liij de\o'ijii to oui- inicie',1.-, u.'i Soutliern members of llie uni(/ti, his iiobh- r ' _ ;.a his da\s v.itliin the ^ ol sc.ien',1, in the ])ursu:t i,f the highest o!,jec's ol' nior- and phili/sojiliy, 1 he ibi...ltiincnt and (lili'iiMun 'd ktKiw h'dg'e o: iineii! d an.l us..ful, all invite ihe alien'ion, esteem, and pat!' niige of the p'.Idi'.;. .Mr. II. has enduied a pa'ient proba tion I'M' f'Mir years, in his de\(,tiun to the ii;'ere.-.t’, ot' this iiiMituil'n ; and he hUs n )W the j)h-asure (d' see’.!, ; i*. i:k\a'.e:} 011 .11 euiinenre. Judi'.in;;- by all that we ;i 1.*': t'A II .ok-. have known, v, iiu!d;c, that th.e I b'lM'ii, and , youtli, \. iy If. ’ lb' till' coMid' ptiy a;,«ure w hoiii w c U il'.;,tniClrrs of unv. eariei-i- I’l aparti.icnr (d ! Iti.' iisli ;,choiil I . con- Is in'u'i'.dc^f . .1. edu( at!on d’ tlu' 1 liiJ- dren i>l : m . ;hl)oi iiuod, and of llio w ho a; ■ not pre pared to eiiter tl.e ,\«.ad - emy. Its average numl)erof schjla/-s i.i uhout twenty. It is now l onducted l.»\ a. young man wi-11 (pialili'-d for his station. This is the otdy relation it sustains Iaj the .\caileniy. I he Vorkville I'eiual -Acad • emy is abotrt 12 miles froin l.ln'iiezer A- cademv. iietweeii the^e two pLiCi's t.ic are, ihi^ and KlxMie/ei-. W e lieliev ■ tliese, two pla( t‘s present 10 the families of gen- ilemeu iVom the low C(Uinir\, an advan tageous, and a delighifiiI suiiimer r-lieal. 'I’he [>rincipal nuitive with .Mr. Har i.‘i for suggesting to llie board the appoint ment of an as.-,->clate teachei-, was, hi'i w'ibh to narrow his ov\ u di-pai;nu nt, a*j an in.slrucLer, to the and o?ilj .sonit (.i{‘ the sciences, witli a '. iew lo it*! improvenuiil. And his views an- c(M-- laiiily jusl. .\s stall'd in iiis .Vcailemit al Keport, “the current of the mind, it: i ‘i activity, if not Caused to ilo.v «)\ei-.lot> large a surface, will run deep aiid stroru;. 'i'he narrowrr the channel, the dei per in© stream.”' (,)iir .\cadetny is most |,opu!ar, whevo it is best known, siu li nts have en tered under th.* pieseul adminislruli n\ ; and about tiurt!/ oi' iheiu are uf t .n- dian L,md sellleuicnl whcre-t* ,\va..einy is located. 'I’lu' luiigr'ss ■ . ' n- ‘-tudent.-i is very sattsfacUji v. 1 , v; i.timi:.i-i sun ;C the progress d‘ at studeii'.', giv.t jj a jusl view of ihe luumeiiUifu oi a s dent’s course al l'.henez;'r, under an ot-- tlmary impulse, was ma«!e, and all’jrd-i evidence, tha', though it is not . n i>i;ject. here lo propel students w ,'h gieat r.i]/' ]. ily, yet they advai;- ‘ v»ilii\ci'y s|)eet.y pio(';ress. '1 ' . /j siatuls high. At the h’.s' t ..aminaiioii, aii iniereslinij; exhibilioii of talenis and learning, vvafi i.iadi; by lassi s in the l.aiiguages, (!e')g- raphy, Matiiemaiic.-.. Nat. Phrio.sopliy» .Astronomy, Cheniisiry, an 1 Phrenology, in ('iiinjmiliuii and iiriitunj., tin- students have exhii)iled with honor lo themseive • aiul some in the most masterly in.tnn' 1/Uerary i.haracters have ackuowledi.- i soim'(jf these specimens lo be sup'ri d' to any thing of Academic growth in ihi'v sectiou of c 1)1111 try. 'I'his year .Mr. 11. commencerl a courst; of ^kiideniic tcctarcx^ (n sut)ii is connei t- e’d with tlu' haijjuness, u'cruhi'-.-'S, atul eniiiu“iice of ibc students in f'lUire df'- as piihlic cliutaciers. 'I'licse ai-e deliveicd vu'ehiv, and pi-oinise to Ix* highly useful. Ml. II aiut .Ml. Lodt-r, will .oso 'h'liver iecaires in their partic. dar !>'j.arliiieiits, in o!)eUience to a sialule ol I'.e inslilu- lion. A Debating'.ociety exists in ihe .\rad-, emy—it elic its the taients aii'.l Ic.iining of the studeiils ; and wiil no doobt, ha liighly advanfageoi: r i; lo those w h(j exiject (o I'e 'jiuh ir > -f,. A. Jii/jlf CliJfss has beeti formed, and ( tipi ..‘.s the lei.-'Ure hwurs of tin Sal )aih in a pi'o- I litable manner. I’ni-.tiii' m'o ei .cr ol' these is eotuiditn/, and ikjI !>y ij Hlaluti'. 'I'he in ilructers pi'es, !e ti; and though it i > a pccniiai'n v itli them, to toinmunicate lliat kiio whidi lord Veridam callsy/'7r, vf" i> their earnest wish, and C(;ti-.t >:i: ex- ertion, to throw around ih'- ciiarai lei of the student, thal mond,i(riuid>: r, u .r'U Dr. Young says, uili i.iake the i:ii.;l.hj man. 'i’he conliiiuance and ri^.e of ! '..■t’e/er •Vcademy amidst disru': a •■uient: and opj)osili(jii, assote us, luii. now in. ils prosperous condiiion, no lea's nei d be enie'-tained in regard lo its con'i:ri!'/i‘r. and r/.?c in fillui e. It h j.' '• . i. tely crea- led for itself m!i . l a, mierest ni certain *^1 ’■ 'i .1. ,'iicii will not soon seveiet! I' i,..i us, i'o our .\ca';i iiii 1 .i- hi cii'v ; iicrc will be, in a -.hoi‘t ume, an accession of 2u(» vulumcs. In llie midst of ciri'.ulaling health, men riKiy tlie ; and bO, in fleliaiH.e lo riie best regtdalioiis, a student may mai k'ou! a. comet’s coiii'.se in his cunduc t; yei,’ when gone, th>‘ system still n vulves in idl i'.yj order, and i . known i>y !ts i>rd(r., not by the (y/o7)/7/c/-Ilirj’.vn fn- a niom*‘nt 1:1 i's V. ay. 1 lu; oil'll that may U‘ directed tu us, -a ill he ipiardtd fj mu evil as mt. Ii a‘i Ijos.iible, by the close paternal iiispei lioii of the '1 ru.ilee':, the 1 Vacheis, and ihc l iiizet.s arwimd the Academv. I'.very thing whl'.h «, an be prudently d'l'ie, will b(; done, to prt. .i rve lln freshnes;. ot un- I onluiainaled voulh a > a grat'jful .iglii iheir atlct„ti',nale, welcomini.^ ]>aren's, V, hen the tine- demaiids I heir return, lu Mils setll'. iiit iit, pre-eniinenl fur hntfHif lieallh, (;!ir v(>'j'h, vvi- t!'U'-l, will ;d .o he; i/)hd 111 their l sonvil. in ' h' it vioi n’n^ olid cijrrL t iri th'-ir n in'Jituti dcixnifiicm.—■ .u USlir. a s' .'lent into ihe World as i!. ninn, the 'min,1^ and 1 iu'o( .'>/ //■, ih*; I 1: lend (d ini’/'', i’tir'iiXi.'Cit!^ and vviii be OUI' li li \ a; \ il : ,il in. ioi;i:trr n. avalkkk, .ItlllN I.At.I.AN I , .lon.v \M)r.i.',()V, l.DMlMt ,!LN\IM.'b , 'I Il')>. V. !!.!,! WI-, .Ir. r ' ICVM-OLi'H U I. M HCHS, ' .loit . ii, l(.\K‘ilV, .I'l.^IAll llAKM.^, T*. s. C0!!ur.u!ucatif(i' tIter oi’ tlie in -.triicters, ■‘jihe board, ..'id fora.i, I Ac.ideiiiy I’, alVJli'aol.. I'-l.T-.'.Z.MI KA^^i^':^,> 1.0!) 1.1,', s' tv'uiressed *o Ci ' ; n;. ii.e-r.'.’ r oL* hicel V ith [)i*!,>mpt