'ii'i r'th. —'riiv' r.usi, i' I uniiiiunii'u'u'ii II ri hoil fVuiii llii' Svi Ui' V 11' It. ;.ti :;i ■ ( 1' i!i(‘ riiii's aiui icy-iiljtioiih I'.i- '!!'■ t cisr thv ukiIki'ii\ I’l s n!' ihf hi- l.iitiv, .iinl the iMMii-i'al I c'ftiiui i(ii;s ot ilir \v hic-!i an; oh^crxctl ami juacii'.cd ii; on liy il.(‘ Arm'-. 'riic Uill “ iur tiu- i>i r>-r!'v:t'ir)ii aiu! ( iv- jliz'.ition !»’ tlif I'kIi.iii liilx-s witliiii ilic L'liiUH! Stairs,” 'A as I rail llit“ lliird tinic, passi-il, aii'l to tlir House ijl Hcpi-i'- bcn'uli\c's IV.I- :i! "i;-roficurcciite. fi'.iitriu.wi) noM>. 'i'lic Sciiaif next iWDCCcdod lo ihr coJi- Kidri ali'iii ul’lhf l>ill ‘■•iup tiic cuiiliiuia- lioM ofilu* ('iinii)fi'laml lioad.” .Ml'. Uiowii, (j|'()!)i(», ulisfj'Ncd,t>u;( llw TTHMStiiT jU'oposcd l)v th*.* bill, iinolvfd solllilf ol'iMtvtlix in j)i iiici|)|{‘ ov policy, that iu‘ I oidil Ircspui.s on llif I inn->!'llii* Si'iuitc oid> tu n>al;i‘ a lew rcinarks. 11 is ])ro;)()Sfd, said Mi-. H. to ioiiliiiui' to liu’ '.liisUiiiLniiii llif l oad tlial now c(iti- iiccts I lie coiiiid y (III the Allaiilic (nisi ■svitli Uk“ coinitry "»i tut- wati-rs oi’ the Oliid. 'J’lif dislam (• ht'tvvccn Whci'liiiij; uiid /unrsvillf is aluHil civhiv niilc^, and is suDposcd t(i prcM’iil thf in(r>t din>cirlt^ jtai I (Jii tlu- w liolr liiii' »r road IVoiii W liceiIII.L|f lo the Mississippi, and the Si'iK'.k' is now a.skc'd to aj;n‘i to a?i ap- ialion !’ moderate aiiit>uiil to ( (mii- r.n nc.c its (.onstruclioii l)cl\\c»'ii llir points cuntcni|)hitfd h\ the bill. It wotild not l)f denied that the state of ()hio would he more iniei'esltd, in the lirst place, in the jirojiosed iniprovcnient. than her sis ter stall"-, I.'iit that state is not alone con- e.ernetl—se\cral of the western slates feel deep iiitei’cst in it. 'I'iie a])pro])riation ictjuired no sacrifice I'i oim the states east oi' tl\e iu(;iinlaiiis. It could he no j^ood jhie lijti lliat the uesifrn stales were to rcKive (iie most inimt^diali' heneiit. 'I'he L'niied States, as projji ietors, had a much ;:;realer ultimate interest in incroasini^- the Value of their millions cj|’ aores that w 'juld he aliiH ted hy iiiipro\ini^ tlie means j|' eoiuiiiuniccaions uiih iheir unsetllcd lands. Mr. cf CIeorjia. moved that the bill he indeliniiely postponed, atul sujj- poi ted his mol ion in a speech oTahoul an lioiii' and a half in leiii'th. Mr. I'ni^’-i.'U-s, ol'CMiio, replied to Mr. C(j!iI), in a seiies ol lemarks uijainst the iDolioH—when 'he (|nesti(»n was taken on till' motion, and decided iii the iiei^'alive, t!S follows :—\_\es jo, Noes 2!. So the Senate refused to post])oiic the bill. Auer s')nu‘ desultory conversation, the Senate ad'ourned. iioi;si: or i{i:i*hi:sk.\tativrs. The speaker laid before the llotiso a commtiniealion from tiu* Department of Slate, acc«jin|)anied hy a statemi'nt of pus- seni^ers h(» ari iv I (1 in the L’liiled Stales, from foj'eieii comitries, duriiit;- the year cndiiu>-ilie ,'.uth Septeml)er. l.s’1; wiiich ■was laid on the table, uiid ordered to be printed, 'I'lie Speaker laid before the House a- liother communication from the same de- ])artmcnt, transmiuiiiir a return of \ni*‘r- icaii seamen, as re,',istered by the ('olh'c- lurs of the Customs in the \ear 18.?4; uhii h u as l.ad on the table, and ordered to he printed. Mr. I’. IV JJarbonr mo\-ed the House to take up the Ijill to authoi'ise the pay- iiu'tit «»f interest due to the state of Vir- j.;inia, uliich was laitl on the fabh', on his motion. OI' .Monday, in (irdcr that Uu‘ Ih.use iniL.’-ht pioceed to the election of I’j'iiiti'r ; wliich motion '.vas susiained. 'I'he (piesiion recurred (.n the amend ment of the ;;enlleii',an from X’ew-Vork. to strike c.i.t “ slate of N'irj^inia,'’ and in- .sert “ s('\ cT.d stales. ” .Mr. Wood, fit \. sii])poitfM'i th(‘ a- inendiiieiit. It tiie jusiice of the ( !;iiiii V..S allcued in one state, it ou'vht t-j be allowed I > a!! : a:id a refusul lo allow wa^ di n:al jf justic*. in j)ri\ aie irunsac- l.iun^, a detii.il ol ihi-i i haracler would u\er u itii ini’amy the indi\idual wiuj le lii.ied lo renuv his f, ieiid whallhat friend iiad jiaii. bv!' iiMii. '1 iie claims of ,\ew- \ ork weie in i (oiir-e of set I leirieia ai »!ii‘'I'reasurx. and de!..;, \\v)iil(i !>e ;iro- d'.icT. e 1-1'■.;-re.v i'i’!r_\. lie l!n '‘.i!iri,(!uu-nt would lie i.doplrd. M ■ . Ij'.rl.'Mil’ lM'’,’;!’cd the l!i.-use I,, sul’- ler ;l'.e 'M;t ■ lion i" In- taken. Mr. ’ ^ I'bsl; I’. iiiC N eas and Na\ s \\e:e { :,d. d, '.s ;• l-,c(| to sla.'.e his \':ew.‘ ^ery bii. 'l\ In \;i!ll la-l a iiie-s;t>'r va-. receiM'd If.,in thi'j I'le .idi'iit. o;i wi. sah;e( 1 (,1 t'?is ( Liim ‘ and, at ihe s. me tii.'c. hi- I'ectanniendc l to make the r- Ik 1 vem i al. 1 Ins i;h‘ ’a.;;e recunimi'iii, jM " a !"i iie!’al law. \\ ,i ■. n I’erred lo tl'c -r.imillec o! ('laiins \\ iuit do liiev di;: 'i h' \ -ve-i,ommeiiil a | i idoi' 1,'ill I'm \'il;;iMi.;. 'Vle'y lonk"d o'.e'- ti.r N'if. iilia pi’i-urs. :ihl .ue s.;;,-,;icd ih;' •j!if ha', ni.ri'' oul he;- ( ,• ■■. I5t,l ih' Il'iiis'' 1j;, , 111,1, hjl'ked o'.i'i' 'd.f-e \\ .• are nov ;^hed l',' jia^s this la'A i'oi th'' beM' h' ol \ irc'ilir.i. i)eca'use the coii:- iiii'.’ti- h-\e l()')|-.'-d the Nir-’iui ehiMli. 1 I e Co!it( ndi 1 tjial we /l!!;-ht 'm ( \leiul I he same Mil" ti ■ ol hei- s'alfs. lit : ci'ci'i c'I to llie !):ll to ihal \'ii ;,;ini . ’T'' I!'.' h'i* \‘jv ’ .•••le.i ; c . r\ v'.h- previous r I ;>.im haii !a t t. ealisl.ed ; ih. , ( wa iio liiii!^ t Im' a;;a:irt liu* L'nlled Sia'es V'ld h«jv. do we pro|)osf to deal with liei' i!i this claim for interest." He read the hill to ;,how llie rule ado])ted, by which \’i!:>inia could receive no j)avmer.t lor ii!i l esi Mulillhe |)i incipal itself w as patil. I il was aiyain ])i'o\l'di (l ihul iri.ieii sl old) j - hould ht‘ pai(l op. sums on w hich she her* j t II had pai l interest. He »piest!uncd ■ihe (oiieitness this piinciple. Ihe whole bill is a i-ule lo re‘,''da!e tli(“ ac- cotinliiu'; olliv IS d’ihe tieu'Ury in their dlow ance (-•! t he claim ol \’ii |;inia. 'J his hill is repoi ted. instead (jf i* i;-eiier..l law lecommeinh d hy th'’; I'n'siilciil. He le- piifd l(j the ai giuiit nl that w !;e!» olh>‘r slates petitioned, they would !>e be.ud. \N ouId the House deal out |iistii e on |)e- iiticjiis.' if tlu; princi|de thus laid ch.wii l>e a.dopted. we shall ha\e to pass .is ma ny laws as there are slates, 'iie ajjjjr.'- heiidcd that the w liole armiiiienl was fouiuied in mistake. 1-t is supposed lhat the house knew somethiii;.;’ peculiarly la- vtjrahle in rei;ard to \’irniniu. 'i here was nothln^,^ hov\(‘V(‘r. in thisilaim, to make 'it dilVereiit trom the claims of (ilher states. The i ommillec' may ha\c, in this case, considei-.'d facts proved, which the accoun'-iiii; i>i’icers may not consider pro'/ed : and il mimlil then be considered lo pass a new law. 'I'he oi)jcl, and w hole intent of this law' is, that v\ hen S’iri^itrui ])!'oves that she has jiaid inter est on sums w iiich she has borrow eil for llip us(' of the United Slates, and which she lias rei’uiuled, then the inierest so paiil is to be i-efur,ded lo her. What oi)jec- tion could thei (' be to an txteii'-ioii of this |)iin( iple to other slates.^ Tlujse wlu) voted a:>;ainst t!u.* anu'iulmenl involved themselves in dill'icully, since il wasi^^iv- ini' I hat to \'ir!:;;inia, uhicli, on like (^^rounds, was to be rid'used to New-Vork. He dill not object to the hill, on any i^round of justice ; hr considered it just, ljut that itoui^ht to be extended. Mr. ^^'ickli^'e moved the (piestion—.Ayes 71, Noes 59. 'I'he Ayes and Noe.K were then ordered on the (juestioii “ Shall the muint|ueslion be now put The (jiu'stion was then put, when there appeared—\easKH, Nays 80. The main (jucslion was about to be |)Ut, when Mr. 'Webster nioved tliat the (jue.stion on the eni^rossmenl of the bill be taken Ijy Ayes and Noes, which was sustaineil. 'I'he (piestion on enj^rossnient was then taken by Ayes and Noes, when there ap peared—.Vyes i;)3, Noes 3G. 'I'he bill was th“ti ordered to be en- p;rossed and read a third time to-iliorrow. ATM'IlOi’UI.VnOX lUI.I.S. Mr. M'Lane moved the House to take up the amendments nuule i)y the Senate in tlu‘ Ap|)ro|)rialion liills, which, after all objection had been made by Mr. C'ocke, was neg'atiNed, us il dejjended on general consetit. Mr. M‘L:ine then moved to postpone the oilier orders of the day, with a view t(j take up these amendments.-—Ayes Noes ?.'■>. 'J’he House then resolved it'^elf into a committee of the whole, Mr. ^Vhiulosey in the rhair. 'I’he amendments were then read. On the (pK'slion to concui’ in the a- mendment makinj^ appropriation for the erection of a I'ort at lieaufort, North- Carolina, Mr. I'oot, of Connecticut, expressed his hope, that the House would, at this late ])eriod of the session, and before the i;eneral system of fortilicatloiis w as before il, rel’iiS(; its concurrence. Mr. Spai,i;hl explained, that this f.jrt was of ini|)orlance, and formed a part of the contemplated system of forli- IicLitioiis; and also, lhat a fort was erect ed there, during- the l^iesideiicy of Mr. JelVerson. Mr. Cocke objected to the appro]>ria- iion. It had been said, that a plan of a iM ueral system was to be laid before the House. He did not wish t(j act upon this system nntil it was bel'(jr(' us. indepeii- detil of this, the Secretary of War tells U'’, that there is no "other oITk er of the fii:;iueer corps who cairut jireseut be em- ji'..)\ed on this work. He should, there- ioie, object to any appropriation until I,ere e(;uld be spared skilful hands to e.irry it into exeeiitiftn. He had objecl- ■. (! to ll’.is a];proj)i iuti(jn. on a foi'iner oc- ; aslon. on the !;round t!uil the subjet. I Ir.id not ^ix 'Mi t \amined liy a commitiee. Thai ' li.iii hud been ]);irliai!v rt iiio- \i'd by llie (.Xaiiiina'ion which had lieen Ilia le I)} a I'lnmillee of the Senate ; imt le ihoueht, it' lITe subject were to l;() be- init* oiii o\ui m!!itu''y commi lee, we should have a full report oii ihe subject. .Ml-. S imiders, of N. C. rei)li('tl, that, :is lo iiiloi Illation (;:i this suljject, it had !ieeii ]>r('scmed to liu* commil’ee of the SeiKtie, wiio had repoi ti'd t!ie unieiKl- ■i;enl. .All'!, in n lation to tlie othei' oi)- '■eiion. lu- expi.uiu'd. tiu.t ihis as pari oi ilu* s\stem Ml ( essury to be ado])Ici ji.i- iur deb !Kc. He In lii ved that, if llie a;>- ii-.)priatii/ii weie now iiucle. some on'u i f )!' the en;nne(-rs w(,uld he i'ound in llie iOUi''e of the \ear to ivo on with the iNoik. If Hot, Uu- monev would be in he Trca'^ti!-;.. The work, is important, .iiid should be commem ed as ea.rly as jiOsSlblc, Ml'. rMt. (if ('onn. thoii:;;hl North- ( aioliiia sh(Mild l)e the last state to ask , l"i- a I'Il 1 itica'ion. He oiijectid to tlu* ;e as he id'1'ovti!’i_ ( ations as inci '-l • nt. .'■■li.'T and lheiiv;-(* you e.-.'ind ii.eiii, i-ie luuie you increase tiie iiidiueiuents to hostile forces to attack the I 'last. Mr. Cock'* ohiei'ed lo a fortific.ation b( i'l'j aiillujrized, bcloi'e a survey and p!a-i were made. Mr. Saunders *xplaiued, tliat a su'-vey had l)i.*en made. Mr. Cocke then continued l>is (>bjec- tions, contending that we have not inlor- malion sullicienl to justify the appropri ation. He did not k?iow lhal any enemy had been in North-Carolina. Ml-. Saunders ii'[)lied, tliut Admiral Cockbui-.i w as tlu*r('. Mr. Cocke answered, that Admiral Cockbuni was driven ihere by a slor:n, but'did not slav. Mr. M‘Lane'said, it was irow too late to nuke objecticjiis the general system of defence. The system was establish ed ; and lu* strongly, protested against these attempts lo cU'feat appropriulions, in. conformity with that system, ihe comuiiltee of the Senate had received the inbuination which wa:> necessary on the subject. We had it. even to the stone which would be necessary foi* its erec tion, and the streiiglh lo nian it. 'I’he survey had only just been completed ; and we have il in our ]»ossession. W hy then should we not proceed, atid round oil this svslem of defence. I’he gentleman Ironi 'i’eiinessec had staled, lhal il this money were aj)i)roprialefi, there was no onic(*r to use il. 'i’hal gentleman was mistaken, both as lo the fuel and the premises, li had been alw ays the |>raclice oi liu* House to make appropriations one year in ad vance ; and the appro|jrialion now asked, was to provide tlu* materials, and was in the usual course of legislaliun adoj)led by this House. Mr. Mangum, of North-Carolina, rose to defend the present appropriation. He could not, howevei*. avoid expressing his entire approbation lo the extreme vigi lance, the slei*])less eye, w ith w hich the gentleman from 'rennessee sils, like an incubus on i«lu''I'reasury chesl, guarding il with a drawn sword.. Nor could he hel|) comj)Iinieiilini,^ the gentleman from Coniieclicut, w ho had discovered that the general system was w rong, because I'orli- licalions are of no other use than lo ul- iract hostility. Your forlificalions have sprung up in the w ilderness, in the midst of swamps, through which enemy must march to attack thein, in the midst of nius(piitos and wild beasts; yet ihei^ is a vulnerable part of the coast where not a single pebble had been touched. He thought this retjuesl was not out of sea son. He should not endeavor to show the patriotism of North-Carolina. but would jjul the (jueslion on the simjjle giound of justice. Mr. Newton said a word or two on the importance of this pai l of ll;e coast, a- long vJii'.h all our productions had to pass in their transit from the ntji th lo the south, and rire rtmi, and the necessity of a forliticalion there. 'I’he (lueslion was then taken on con currence ;—Ayes 82. Noes 33. I'he Bill i‘(jr the Suppression of Pira cy, Avhich caused so much debate in ihe Senate, may be expected to come before the House of Hepresenlaliv es immediate ly after the j)i-ivate bills are gone through, 'riie e are about twe!\e of this class lo be actec) on : it is therefore prob able lhal this imp(jrtani imusure may b(* taken up in the course of this dav, or early to-morrow morning, 'i’he strong est sections in the bill, and those which called forth the spirited ojiposition whicii it encountered in tire Senate, having been stricken out, the discussion in the House will be much more limited, and much less warm, than il wijuld olherwise have been. Still we believe there will be some j)roposilion to amend il further, so .,s lo make it, in fact, simply a bill to authorize the building of ^ihe shjops A war. It is necesssry that, in some sliape. thrl bill should pass, 'i'he insults oli't-r- ed to our national charae.ter, and the injury done to our cominei ce ; the wan ton desU-uclioii of pi-(pei ly ; and, al)ove all, the cool and ( ruel murders of our v.d'.iable t iii/.eiis, ( ail loudly lor the ad- op'ion of Some measiirts lo check tlie dt*pred:uioiis w hich .ire daily coTiHiiitied: and ( onn-i e.'i.s can scarci ly 'perform an at l more aei epudih.- to the couniry than by I'losin;;- tlie session with some legis- l.tlive provisions wiii.h will give sccuri/ ty ulik'* to tlie speculatii;us of our mer- chan'.sand ihe eiiterprise ol our seamen. A(f/. Juurnal. yViiotli; r uii'-ueec^^itil .Ttti’inpl was made yesicrday, mi the lioii-^t' of l(c- j)re>eiita1 iV( to iiitrodiiec* into the bill iiiakiii”; appi (‘printloiis tor I’ortdieatums, n’i ap|iropriatioii bir a se|n»ol rd’ praeliee fur artillei V. 'I'li** milit.uy i'pjH-ojii ia- tion l)ill w.is l;.|d Oil the ial.'li*, to "'ivc the lioiisij linii* lo ( \amine certaiii aj- !»ropr.ations, iiilrodueed bv liie Senate, lor liu* pnrjiose of (-arr\ iti;j; into etl'eel soi;ie Indian !rr-aii('s which have !)('■■!! eonJiniK'd by that body siuee the hill pa.''S‘d the House oj liepreseiil ilives. I he bill, wliirh p-is>ed t!;e Senate on the jireeedii day, I'or the jjureha.se of liemhraiull j'(-;;!c's l!'ii!e>!!'i;in i'ortiait ol V\ .\siiin(;to\, was i- ei i'. ed in tiie House yesiei-day ; ;.i;d, alter be'n:;-1 ead, reet ivi.'ii its di ;,!l, blow, l,s- a siieccssl'ii! motion to postoour it ind!.'Vi:ii*'!\ ,'A, INrKi.i.Kii^NeK- i'roni a lute I.oiulon pnpcr. ('l!i:rXK AM) Ti:i!KKY. T/'tters b om Con aantinople of D(!cem- !)er J, aiiiiounce the evacuation ol Mol davia bv Ihe-Ulloman Porte. It is said that llie Sullan had considered exlruord- inary measures necessary lor the protec tion (d his person. “ .\ccounts from /.ante (jf the loth of December, say that Colocolroni (the son) who had excited some disturbances in opposition lo the Cireek ( (*ntral (lovern- meiil, had been executed, or, as others sav, bad been killed in an action with the iroops of the Government. Private lellers from Hydra of the 2d December, say, that since the naval action ioughtoH ('andia, there liad been another engage ment near lihodes, in which ati I’.gyplian frigate was burnt, and several ti-ansport.s taken. On the 2rth Nov. Constantine Piotzaris, informed that .lousse I'acha had just sent iwo thousand men I'rom Lepanio, Com manded by the celebrated .\chmel I’acha, left Siche'na himsell', I’or the purpose of encountering them. He came up with them on the plain of Xero Camj)os, beat them, killed Achmet I’acha, and look a- way from the 'i'urks the desire of giving further annoyaTice lo the besiegers. 1 he cai)lure, therefore, of the bji t ot I’ali as. may be considered very near.” SOUTH AMl’,niC.\. The London Courier in speaking oi the late act of the British govenimenl in re- cognizitig the independence oi Mexico ancl Colombia, says. “'I’he lir.sl coiuli- tion which his .Majesty’s government (juired, as a motive lo recognition, is lul- ly com])lelcd. 'I'Lese slates have made satisl'actory j)rogr*ss towards a regular and settled form of government, and liu* time has arrived w hen the recognition of their separate i>oliiical exislencvj could no longer be delayetl. In Mc>k o w e have seen an aiiomaluus and Kelcrogen- ous consliliition has l)een replaced by oru* which, in all its essential iorms. resem bles lhal (if the L'niied Slates.^” 'I’hc lime too has arrived (continues the Cou rier,) “ when the inierest of his Majesty’s subjects imperiously called for the mea sure. 'i'he commercial iransacliotis be tween England and South America gen- rraiiy, but more particularly with Buenos .\yres, Mexico, and Colombia at-e exten sive and ra])idly increasing. With res pect to liuenos.V yrcs, w e understand, that at a period anterior to the recent ca!)inei delilierations upon the subject of Mexico and Colombia, measures liad been ado])t- ed calculated to lead to similar results, and we should not he surjirised lo liud the commercial relations with the I.a Plata provinces ratified before tho'ie can be w Inch have been eniered into w ith Co lombia a!ul Mexico.” Some of the i’rench edi'.ors are dis pleased al the IJrilish goviriiine’it for le- cogiiising, as they term it, “ tlu* In.sitiytul Slates of South America.” 'i’he I’toile of tlu* fith January, remarks, lhal the Cabinet of (ireal lirilain must now be considered hostile, not only to the mon archy of Spain, but all the Cabinets of the oilier great l^owers of ]_lurope. lUKLA.M). Il is with extreme r(*gret that we ob serve the growing animosity between the C atholics and Protestants in the sister kingdom. e do not presume lo say which party is the most to blame, and the discussion (jf this (jiiestion would lend raiher to increase than alTa*- this irriui- lion. W e calinol avoid, however, e.\- pressing our sorrow that the f{omaii Ca tholic Clergy (jf.Irelatid should have liio'l it iheir duty to have address*d a pasto- tal letter lo their Hocks, in which the doc trines of the. iiomish C!hurch, which are the most ott'ensive to I’rolestants, are brought prominently forward, and ex pressed in terms which must shock nol only, every Protestant, biil'eve.y liberal and t nlighteiied nian, (jf whul.'Ve,' rt li- i^iou:-, lailh he may bi-. L’niler the j)te- 'eM of jjreserving ihcir llocks from hei— sy, tl'.ese pastors actiiaMv prohibii tliem Irom reading every religious work vvhic h i>. not slricilv Catholic. As to the 15ii)le. il is treated with a lontompt whi( h could not have be(*n ey.jjecled from Christi i!) iii.tn* ters.- 'I'he principles ope nly avow ed in this pastoral letter, v, hi: !i i-, lo be I'-ad in ad the C:;lhc>iic ( :iao-, is, are sucli as wo’ald have done di-,( ; cdii lo I'le da,s.- esl ages. 'I’liis documuil cl.iims I'or liu* Uoi;,ish church a submis-.ion anri pios- tration of ihe undersl:iiidiii;r wiiir li il,e -Almurht.y has nol.lhoii;;ht fu’t,; e:sacl i'o!- liimself, and which il i , eip,.d!v al)se d and imj)ioiis tt. r nder to a,iy l.uiuan u,i- thf.ritv, V heiher the ( iaiin be made m beiialf of liishops. Pop, s. C(>uiicils, S',- iiods, or the w lude b(j(l) (W' i].,. cinii ( h.' .... . •'^’‘■"-Vor.K, I'e!). 2C,. i he lir-tish line (d'batth' si,ip *l guns, arrived oH ihe ilook late he;l evening, m days I'nglaiid, aii.l sailed again uiimediaielv. '1 i-c gcni’e- men c omposing tl,e Ib.ard of Canadian *-and CoimiiissK.ners, , ;nne up in a pilot I hi- K..m.,,.v in-pi.Ttatice, wi-h tlu* (x.eption of t!ie sailing (d liie ship !',u!-ei-ia Irom i.n"’ifirl '»• South Anuri.a. having on b,,;,;! f "nnnr.s.on.':-^:,,, o'. ..... comrricrcc wiiii the I*.opi.}»lics o! and Colombia. * ‘ 'Phe President’s Message was ■ I at (ireepock by tlie sliip 0?/////„v iV" which arrived there on the 2d I•, ' from New-York, und on the rili\f?“'j it w as published at length in I’le I!' ’ ‘ ])ai)ers, accompanied by remurls p"' ' complimentary of the people unl r ■' ernment of this couniry. ' ' ■ From tjic New York Commercial Advf.; A Swindler.—'SWch exciteniciu 7' been created in the easiei*n pari of'H county of Otsego, in this stale, in the-last lew week‘-, by the^^i "’ atid ilight of C.ii.niuiT F. lishman, who, i'.ir two or three past, has been extensively engaged itiT wool manufarturing l3usi‘ness‘'i!rthc* tov' of Eaton. ‘‘ lie has absconded, savs ih'.‘ Hamilton Recorder, leaving debts bchini him to the amount of at least 55,odd d I lars; of which, ii is believed, 25’,(.M0(u'^ lars are papers endorsed by hi.s tVi,..„i'' and neighbors, whom lie has Ums cloned to certain ruin.” He had borrowed money, it appp^ to^ the extent of his credit, and by iiicm' of exhi!)iling the will of his father, 4'! had lately died, leaving him a Ic-acv^ol’ two thousand pounds sterlin.^s aiid\vhich it is believed was forged, was enabledi,, impose upon a great number ofcredulow victims. It is supposed he has g;)ut*to England with a large sum of money iu his pos.session. The Bank of Clienaiif^o we are told, suiTers several ihousandb ;’and an attempt was made to defraud un l„. siirance Company in Albany several ihon. sands moi-e, by lirst getting his facto.-i- insured, and then endeavoring to Ic^ money U])on the properly. He Ici'i uslI'- fering wife, who has since died, and sev- era! small childr«*n, to the mercv of strap., y-ei-s. AVe are informed that lie was in- dieted for swindling by the grand juty last week, and lhat he will be pursued’.) his native country.” event, the result off,-ov.duW. hrniknipfcit.—Benjamin Uush, the son of tliat distinguished citizen w!io acldeif'.o ihe stock of science by his labors, aiij reilecled honor ujjon his country bv Ins virtues as well as his genius, fell a vie- tim lo the arts of a villain w ho trici;c(i him out of about forty thousand dollars, the fruits of some years of successful cn- terprize. Unable to throw oiVfrom Li> | mind the consciousness of the depen dence to which he was thus reduced, he canu' lo the dreadful delerininatioii of seeking an ( iid lo his cares in a vo!uu!i- ry grave. Before he discL.treed the I'l- ‘.ul pistol, he addressed a sensible Ictar as to t!ie disposal of the little pruper’.y he possessed, to his friend in New Or- leans. He declared that his life had'e- conu* a burthen l(j liim, and thai ho coii'.d no longer sustain il. He was only a'loii; lweniy-fiv(* years of age, rcmarkaV.y I)o:iuliful in his person, very highlv ac complished, and of the most fusciiiu iivj manners and conv ersation. But tliis case, :dVectin;;-as it is, we cannot compare uitli instances of fatliers and mothers advanc ed in lif(*, and thev and their ciiildrrnse parated forever and cast upon the worldto seek a pi ecari(jiis subsistence, ard u!lllu> to feed, and suslain in proilig.u'y. '^otiir bankrupt old knave, who has iicillit" wii'e nor child. The cans und nni:'ihi> i.ijlk teil h\j .virli n villain do nut ,n'luni:( tv j'iHoir nf his hnrrc!} bed. I’very day bn.’i?'- to our knowledge* some ;iddiu»)!uil rea'uii for the call we have made iij)on ;Ui' W' low-citi/ens, lo discriminate brtwceiith*.; luMiest bankriijjt und the villain whntr:;:b fers the properly (>f his criditor to son?'^ ( ongenial rogiit,-. h,cks- up his i.ccoiiti!', and nol only laughs at the va*;t ruin n'’ has made, but seeks an extenuation ol I''-* treachery and his shame in the det.im.i- lion of liis victims I—A'. I'ork Papn'. Boi.ivvn has struck the last blow I''" freedom and his, couniry. rerdiii.i!t'l may now bite his own ( hain in lln‘dm:- geons of the I'scurial. His tv i;.tii'_y^''* the new world has ceasi'd foiever. I-'' bigotry wITkJi ui>lield il cainict hitin: vive its i'ate. 'i'iie rai'si*d miiuls p.-ople ;'.re V it'ldin;.;- to I lit* aii.t-Vi'i' supei lor V irUii s. 'I’he jjriesis dre.iU'.1“ imp'itiefice which their own int'd''''"’'' has provoked, and in ( verv direetioti ar»* living t.» e;ive in their ad!!'"-'''’' " liu* lu'u’ governmeiiis or lo i'> ' i ' ;hose dark cells wiu'ii- iloweis t.nd wiiere nothin;;- !';erminates. was t!iei-‘; a scv*ik' upon a st ale in''' .‘^r.'Uid, or of jov more u;)ti.i''ed : tu'’- "iH' llial more directly appeal'''! t'» ' h ':;rts of the lil)ei’;il and t be rood t" up tlie It ' iiiif'g I r(*a-.uri"-. ol its i.iat:- '' ' lo the ;.ri-e;i( -pd boiinlilul di v'il l)les:-in;>s. /^olivar d the So',it!' I' dov. ed tlu* ci]'ul;,;ent lieaecri '-I ' •North : i'e Iins a.dois'erl. i.iie al'i'r:.'' •. v ith filial cai e anrl devoti.ni- .il preli;^;iraiions oi' hi.. unn’.')ri:i! An'liii.'i lio:.iv Al', like our f)V, ;i \\ \siif"'''y • name known to the j)oor. loved " good. I’j.d adiiiired by the wise: a tK'-!'‘' “ Ilic h ev. ;-y V ir.d to ! !i iv. :i - la 11 nil ;i to .'jpca!., and i-j'.' f!en. 'uks, I’r-'.-it''- Senate cd’ Pc’iiisvlvaiiia, v. o'l I i'> !;■>*, el*r;:;ti, bv toe Legi^laUiiv "I t'- ‘■■’.ate, (,11 liii.* :.iii ball )t, to bt* ^eii.d '' t!ie ('oii!'i ( , (,f ihe L niied J-t.'ite-' \ M.,..; c...I ..(■ , 1... ' I , ' 'M