VOL. I.] P: ni.lsUKD WF.KKtT Rr LE-Ml KL niNdll \ >I, nif^" i'Ollaus a tkar, >>aid in a!iva\(f.. »h No [ripi r will be di.si f.iitiiui*d, unless rit tlu> ,s';r(rtion ul' till' CLlitor, until all are .1:11,1. ,1 rvKiiTi'sr.ME'JTs will I)e insovtcd :it tlv us-.i.il -r. s. I’l-r.-ions SL tullnp in Lrtisvniciits, aix- ...quested to note on the inarpin thr lumihtr of vl ons, or they will be coutinued lUitil forbid, i ‘ i lIi ii'g-ed a.ccurdini;ly. • ('iiAiii.OTTE, ,y. rnisii.iv, ai’uil is, is’:,. [X(». 28. for tiic bcncfil aiul cnroi/n/:^ei/unt oj' -MFXIIAMS.M in tiic ■\Vebtcni part of Nortli-Carolina. . THr. i'oKijwinf' schime is the result of a _ ;;ir”linir of llie c harlotte Dt nevoKiit Mc- r!;.inii.il :-i)i iely, for the purposi- of devising- v.-:.vi :'nd i!ieu!i; to exclr,ui),:e Mie labor :ilre;uly .' IMniled in inaiiuliH turm.. for unother s’oek. Of iii i'.’.’ thcil the}- niu_\ I'ontiniie cheeriiilly iji ti,: I \t_ rcs.se ot their oecu|M;ion, l-y whicli alo: i't^i\ 11 iM been in -lruetiil to make a miIj- 5:Tr-n'". 'I' l- i'Tl it \';uit (jf \ I lit I’cr tlie ial't.i- (t the xe.'V r anted ni;iiiiif;H-Tirli's "f tin' west- tr;i i.;ivt ot Noriii-Ca'-i'liii:!, is se> ei’(.'>' 'f'-’t by Lmcnln tftiriculijifa! Sncichj. \T a nu ( tin- and Cattle Show cf tb.e Socie- ty, at I incdlnlon. (ui the Qih No\ui.hcr l.»''t, it beint,- the r!r^t nievfino- of the kiiu! held by the Society, and the day vny t:i,f:.\orr.bli-, eonse(i;ii iitl\ fe\\ pcrson.s attended;—in \cr- tht. !T wt I'l: a It u urticlt s :uk1 c.\- iiiljitcd, untl prciu’uius aw.inK il, us' toliovvs : 1st. To Mi-v,, Ci.tlvirine Ild\ i'-, for t!ie best piece ot d('!i;c't.c (.’arpeting-, u pie- ininni of . . . _ ' _ qq 2(1. To Jacob Reiiihurd*, I'sii. ior the b( i?t Rull (.'ulf, .... 5 00 5d. To Major Lawson Hciuh rsoii, for the best Mule Colt, . . . 2 00 •5th. To To]. Daiiit 1 iioke, lur the best C horse ploiig-'li, . . . . 5 OO Tiie ne>;t meeting' of the Society, Cattle Show, yce. will be h Id ;.t l.iue-dnt )ii, on the second Tuesday in Mr\% n> xt. Pi-einiuii's will be aw arded to tlu; best (>\ thf“ lolhiwinc;' arti cles, p.rovided the Soc: ty adiudi,e lh ni'to be w ithin the re^ulutieii!-; obber\ed b_\ the Socletv, \\z : 1. I'or the l)c.st plough, drawn bv one • . . ‘ . ' 3 00 ~. Tor the be.st jiloupfh, drawn by two liorses, . . • . , ; 5 00 o. j'ortho best Colt, of tlie hors(“ or muie k ind, not lesstlian r>i.\, nor 11.ou than 18 nionth- old, .... 5 , I l or the best lJull, or Il.-lfer (\a!f, a\ebetn t uiijlit. to vi ly on 'hi. ir not h ss th.iii (i, nor iiUire than h"! months n ah'lie lor the sMpj'ort r)l' thi ir tiuiii*! old, . . , . ~ , ; i.lsMi b in i'--e!iri- u,!l unuhij >s keej) ] a. I'or the best leiar, or Sow I’l;r. rot 1 ..iiili ( t Ml I .laii.sij, ih.it l:i )(,! -, ir.uler it, U ss than ('), nor n>orr tiian 1H ii on;!i> oh I. : I aw Iw" c suL'. ' -1 i' ' ir i iiu II V. ho UV' 11 t 00 00 00 >■ h .'Ur. ■.{.'.•I .1,'.' . 1 ■tv 1.10,1 , '• in auvaiH'*', ;iini a'-,v ' i V di’j fnei-ur, till \u ni j> Ti 1 of t :,L- s ( u" ‘\ ’f i!io-.i- w 111, ir..\ I •'1- ‘ i'Vopi .e lij.i). I >'ij)i :soil•^ ic, \.d'li' til' f!rill II'.t. Ik- ini|x-M> d. i it h ' e • prii'i s. Tl'.e see ■. ; -.i.i ',;rin,u- ^i;nih iiK-n to iiH', III w lioiii the iiunbe a i.t \ liose I'laii es v. ill I. ;li :•} li i.s prop .srti S'l'xi a> Mie tickilv (,-a-i ( 11' tl;e 1 !lie 111' t r,l (,( 'a.. And t.ii-i!. li.’i.il k i.l li) . M 'U !iir, ' ■ 1 ;.d (iivir'. r- 'lit, J’-> I'h at c \4ir- ■l\ il .-- sllCi'i .1J iU siiperM.!' i,.t tii' 'irau - lia^ lull ennleieliee, a di.i;'a IT to tiie to I,:;.;, til'- s h' hk as be sold, which. I' ;a I.M M II !)(. in r bvii-.’-y. I. luirlof.e, Jan. li, lS..'j SC'fiKAJK. irir)(» ’rn K’r; i-. :t ':‘Z. Kof fv ft JUmtliS to n Prize S(ate of N(>rl!i-r:irolinn, e \!t A jyirs nn-NT\. f'ourt ('f J'trufi tiuti Qii.ifttr January 'J’lrin, lyJa. William L. WeddinQtou ) ., 11. • Attachment levied on Janies Mears. ^ hmds. IT a'j’inearini*- to the satisfaction of t! e court, that Jami's Means, tlie dcteiulant in tliisease, is not an iniiabitant f t!\is stale; It onitrtil, Pleas and (iuaiter sessions, to be held for saiJ count}, at the (.'oiirt-llousi- in CoiKurd, on the third .Mond .y in Apiil lu\(, aii!' [dead, answer, or dcniur, judg-nienl pro conu sso will be tukeii •i;;’’aiiibl hin;. DAX’I.. COLEMAX, C. C. C liiit.lU—price adv. 4 AAs\ Aa'Uv'Ys Iitmainins; in Iht l'c.st ([i/i(C til i''taj 'oiU\ on t'lV l.y.' Uau of ^ i-\ 1 L-J.i. A. Kev. \. Aiulerson, Joel 15. \h'\aiider \Ir;i. Jane ,\h xaiuii (Charles Alexander J, J. or ni. Jauii'-on. .l;Hi!b Julu n, Samuel .I..11 is'in. Is. 1 rri/^ ■ cf 0 (Fh.xt''u rtnd ( exalte' i' ;i 'V c .in) 1- ; 1 do f'oOO CFan.ilv Coai h) - !'t ,.'..0 ] do (L.ieA ' - ' - i's ‘.b'D . I do flHO (do.) ' is IW 1 do ?ldO (do.) i 1 l.bj 1 do iluU (Siut rioard Cote 1. n S:e •.c t.in) ir. 2i'0 *; do f'n (C.i.r: and. Social.le) is U'O ' do J20 (lied'ti ;uK\ is *,0 J da (a sel of 'l a .A is ■13 r do J1 2 (Windsor l : . ii',') IS i do ij-lO (two l.iii.iii.s' \'\u;k Tabh . s and on>- P' nibri..ke) - i.s JO 1 do fS (n. How . t(,’) t rii’.b ^ is 8 10 do (6 I’i--|.,;bs. J Mrnt Latrr ,S, .'-.nd 2 I .ir.i Cai.s) is f.,i I'l (!n fj (llut,i i.'-. 5J 1 do i^L'am'.k Uan.'._) s 4 1 do V..: ' (.iv) i.i .■> :o do (do) is Cu do jj (r.t c;e.t slot', .\-\es, ; and -a ’..lir Sl oe is ^..1 do $1 ( fin W :.ro, Jewidry, slioi '.. ,'.C. UC.J ■ is •l.'.l Tick'cts c.^n be h;id in f lia’.-i'.'‘f • .,i,:ifii t'om:iiis-.ioii ’ " 'Ii'mi.lt the nione\- J-iirjui-y, St;.te-\ii! ^ "-kv die or l.aiieast"' I'^y tin- pr ,•«. > ;s tJ'ny d.iv.s atl.r the ilr.i’. • i'.'.iu y to ’)'i)-4 h.i'-t I'-, of tir!; -••ur.e shall not bt i';-:iv. n. (.IJ i. n. r. post Iron. ’in. r V. liM • l'..r‘,ii ill ti'i- I, tlii.t ii;ii.-'t j (■), I lira ratio (»1 tlie ^'reati -.t )u:u.r.tv \vli,.i It ;t iS ; and bi -.t (juah'.\ oi u(>ol shorn troin fuc 'sbeq.. .'.... 200 !i..pi , lliat ' 7.for the li’st ('/jttoi! f'ov r!'. t, aivl ;.l I iiiiiiii'k- tortile bi-st ( ot'oii Hiid \\ oid ( o\tr!>1, 1 ''e 1,1.ill- , , ;;CU 2 00 ' a Il ■'1-i I'or tie best p'.rce (if Dciine.Stic ..n |.i- rl.'i'.iii 1. 110! h■^^ ih.iM lOx.ii'fis, . 2 00 t"r 1 or tIn.- b', s'.. |)ii ( e of lil.anKi tii.r, nil.'. i'M.ef not less fiiati \ ardj bin};-, nor (.iie- \aid iiiii r. r>'. (.( u (il , . . ■ . . 2 00 111. I'c.r the be'it piece ol‘ (';ivp( I'lipr, iiit hth.in lu }.iru3 ill leiijrth undone y, 1 ! V. ;.li 2 00 1!. I'or tin; best |)ieri' of |)lain (h'tnes- tic ( If.tb, iiii_xi d lit'cottoii and wool, not h ss ’ I'l.n II) \ anU : and for tin be.st ])\i-e iitTw.lh-d ( loth, iiiixeii as a‘io\ c im-ii- tioi.ed, and s;.nie cpiantity. e:ich . 2 00 The citi/'Mis of l,iiu-o!n eount^-, wluth r be- lonjjiii;.;- to the Soc,it\ as nie’iibers or not, will l;i t iititii vl to compete lur the aljove prenn- un.s. , The follow in.c: p' rsons, beiii;;^ l)in'ct( rs of the S.'ciet'-, are particiil.irlv solicited to ^i\e their .''.♦‘eiitl;.i,ee at the ni :-.t nut:li!,^ \: I,:.wson Me!idi r'-fin, Daniel lioke, IV'rtb t sliipp, IJol t. John-toii, .\ndrew I !o\ le. John I), (•raiuuii, O. V\. Holland, W ill, .hiliii'ton, .lolin Co'ilti.r. and At ,n. .1. W'll.sun. .Maj. l/iw-on IlLiuhrson is appointed lit to r. i i i\ i s|veinK 1 s t' n.iin - rals, fo-^s l-, kc. an.! to corr(.:.po\id with 1). tllii,- stcad. State (icol. ji-ist, ;it (.'Ir. ,it 1)1 11. on tiie .siibji ct. Therefore. ;dl jn't’siMis haviiir- g Fpecuiiens of tin- kiiu!, are iiiMli-d to diji'i'it tlie s;uiie with \ a_;..r liendcrson. I!\ order ut the hoc'. tv, \Ai!i)i.^ :dc!;i:r,, s.v’i/. rp, dtjs. _ JVlndsor C/it/ir J////.7’;/" JJii.siarss. r stib^icribi'riKU ill;;-co';.ivo:'>'i d tlie above I business in tin- town of Cle.M'lotti-, re.-pect- fiillv soli-'its ;i s!i;.ie oi' jiidilic pa;:-(jna;>;e. His v.orkwdi be n-..it!y aii.l d.ii'aidy co;istiucti d. :,:id will be iii.-p(jsed of (,,i aeioinniodatiii;^'' t; ' liiS. sr, l''l'T',T'.,=; and Ki I'lNi: ( H Vi’JS, niade to oi'(it.r, CMi il.' Iiad on sitoi'' ! Wild I..Wi Cl !, . I lMIorSK. Charlot'.e, I'cb.e, —.uii'.iJ. j r^UllV; lar";.', (le:;-aiit. air.l ' S V'-ll l'"'d _\(n:ii:;- hor.. w ill !.t;»i"l ibe’( lisuini- seas',11 /X^ >..V)l..V .M''-. klenbir':r coiiM'at the il !Iow iiiif ]d;ic.r, t> wit;—;.t Ko!u rt \' us'ni'’-., 1 .’,m'le-,":dio\e Ciuirlet’-. '.’.ond;i} . andTiie'- ea'..; in Cliiu-lotie, at Hr. 11 end'. 1'.on'-, s'a'.Ir, \\>wiusdi\s and ^be,l•^da^ ; I'r'da}and.Sit- . i;’tI'.\ ;.t’ h'olM V* i.’IMir:;'n'.-. 9 n.ih s b. low Miilf ol' INoi’lli (’itiuliiijj, c,vn^mn s coim v. Court cf Fl' .i; U'l’.l .S'iifions, Juvvcry 182J. Joseph Vount;-) f-. > Attachment levied on laiids. .lames Means. ) ^ ff I aj)iu :u'!n;..;'' to the satisKiction of tiie court, a tluit .l.'U.i s Mean.*;, the def'.udaiu in i‘i!-i»:ise. is lilt „i! .nia.'iitant of this vt.iti': It is tie relore irdi.ith that I nblication be made three iiionMis .11 ti.e ( iitawiia .lournal, n(.t,l\ in^'-said di it nd- :iiit, th.it unless he a|i.p( ar at (.ur next Court of I')..a- and (Juartir Ser.sions, t(j oe li. Id li r s:ii».i e6im-l;., at the (’ourtdloii.se in ( \.:i-',.ri!, on tin third Moiida} in .\pril next, and p.'i . d, aii'Wer, or demur, judf^nu lit pro coul’eSiio will be t:.ken af^ainsl him. DAN'l.. COl.r.MA?:, C r. V. "n.tno—pric* ad\. ^I Sliitr of Nords-ruidliiiM. Fihruin-',; 'J'ir-ti J' '’tchin,Lun; Lvvhty L'uurf^ 1,1. wis’ Adrti’rs. ^ John l.eWis. 5 Levied on Land. E is iK-t an iiilial/.tar.t of this st;i?e ; It d' p d, that pu!)licatioii be m.ade in the Catawba .ioiirii.d, for three nionths, that the ileh. nuant ajjp' iu'at the'iiext court of this eo(iiit\. on the •Itli Monday of ,\la} next, and reph \y and ph ail to.issue, otherwise Judgment wdl be enti.redby default a^-aiiist liiin., 7'.v/. ISA AC ALl'XANDI'dl, C. M. C. .‘5nit..l5.— I'rice ad\. f-J Sfal(‘ »t‘ X(>i‘(li-(*;Mo!iiif). r, > ,,, r I ' I / , A xiiiiaiii I i!jiii o. I crm of ^iH'hu:^!,vri>; ( oioitij icirl. jx,,t!,;iii Fitri'. raid, M'illiam-Sullers Or giic.il ,\tt'(chmer.t lev- !^::arab J. i’ri eman, Fr.inc'" .\le:»ander. Mrs. Sar;ili Kendrick, 1 Chas. \V. H. Alexander,Jjuncs K r!., I Paris Alexander, Lli.vabe'b Kno\„ 1 John Aliv n, Jbibt. Kirkpatrick, ' Uev, Ulibha Askew. M iiliani A. Karr 'J, n. L. .lolin I'arm tt V ilbam 1,1.1 s. St( pb n Helliie, Jioiit. .1. .\. l.owric. Joseph I’.hickwood, John 1 ittie. James lioy es. .Miss Lydia >L Lowric, .Mosc:> l’ieat\ ?, D;u 111 i-aw b.^;-. F.li/abetli lirr.dy, M. .loliii T’bair. r.ntbr.rine .M;irtln, John Itlai k. Dini' 1 M-Cilh Saiinu 1 Ki aiy, I'hib oii'oii M.,rr 3, Matthew F.:rni, Heurx M;irk;... Allen Ibdduiii, Dr ( h;is. M‘l\en;'ie, L pton F.\ r;iiii. .lames 'ibinteomery , (■1 er_'-e (■. I'..'.iin tt 2, lislow \1 i.’i e. •lo.^ejlh l!os!. F-. iii:.min M( rrow. ilham He'itv, Ja^ .' 11 M‘ |, l!:oul. Samuel I'.erry hill. K.ideriek M-C;.oU \ ('.’ S:iinilel Moiit^ii';i;i. ry, .IlUl.TS CoiiCli, Mr. .MM.inni-, \\ ill ;im (joX .|, John a' (Jii: \ , l'.r:i'tus Case ..\l' 'ae. hr M b’ec, .\:'.;iri;iii 'o'iiirii w.i’t.J;..„ Milkr, ’I lioma.s Cajip'-, .!• !in ,\i>( (ird, 1 Sar;.h C;ii',o|., .1 S. MM.'md, ! K'olit. II. Clark, f yi-i;-. Sl‘!.ur. , V. iilia.n; ( in av. s .'obii \i‘!.;o ■;l.)iu. i;, s r,b/ab..-tb Cov.an, (e.ii. Mici.s- 1 M‘L. a;;- .loim C;ii r. V Jonas ( lark. C ill b M. Nerwci.d. is:iac. ( ,.mj)ie 11, Jan.. s Now I-.", U ilbaiii Co(ik 2, Ji:,.-e C. N. 11. .hiliies Ci.iniiiiL’iiiir:, F, j David Cre-.s. T'iis!)a I’l’-ly I>. I mvf'.n' I’ascliall, ! J;.me.s iV'iikins, J. I‘(,ttr v», ' John A. 1 )a\ idson. James i’orJir. 1 W ilhiiin Dodd, . I.b .\iiilrtw 1!. Dunn, J(.s.[ih III id. M. Jliaiii Dew. /e. M n.. H.-dford. Ivobt. AV. Duckvi (.rth, F,'i kiel Kobir.ef-, Janies Dunv, od\, ' M b'ts .1. b’ol.'iiison, .lames Dill, S:uiiii' 1 F. I'iph-y, i Janies Dunn, .lohn liodgefs. 1 John Da\ IS. Kccd Da\;s. srA’l’F- or KN(II.AM). TIio ill!;- pasj.ii.rt' ot .i U'ttor from Mii”iiiml. of ri'ceiit was liatuled to us \c'ltci'dav. I h(' 1 ite;’ is a i^i'titlcniatl upon v, h(>''(' tcs'inioity roliatirr rr«ay ’)c phu-ed. Wr lu ilevo ih.d the iTUollccHiat iiupio\('ii'.ci\l oi uiiieh lie spoaks is dw- iniT, in c^ooi! 'part, to the (liiVision ot in* irnv.e;-i.!di' pci'iodical jiuh'tcalicTis in wiiich the sul),ri-ts tlud lie tuctuiuiis arc so keenly and iusu ueliv ci) iliscti .sod. A t. (inzrUc. E.Tlrni'1 of a !'fh r frnni i!n,j;/fn d- . 1 iKM-dly ‘ii. ('■! t..' say t.) \ou. who I'.car su tiiucli al oil! this (CiiiifN, that. \ ou wi'ul l with (lillii'ulty |-o( (^;n/e 1' ;ts tao ■;;)i!e. 'i lie itui'ea^fid its [ . i;;ii Ud •.mi, III the tiiaiiufariui ii!!,^ districis is su( ii. as to j'i'cseui III till.' i'\ ‘ d lli‘ tr.o oiii*. (iiUliiiiu'd li,-.vii. As ' ou ajilim.ii il l.ei-U'-, I M,,iit Ik s-ei, i Ii> iii; id, tl'* fiie j i.; \\ oiidei I'liMv sIiiKiii;',-. Niikktous niati- ! 111’..! toiies. iVmn ‘■i.'. t'l uit.e. s'oru**. iii^;b, aird p!-f!.entiii:v tides Iroin otie to liine liiiii(li( (l Iinlou , all lij'l\t‘‘l K-.-'* cati be iikeaed to ii'iihiiH.^- but a ^/'tii ral iilutiiiiialioH. 'l ilt iiidusli y, ti'o ai ii\ity of' tiie fi;,(d or n pu])ulali>n. f.ieet \','’i ( ’.ei v \\ li'Tc ; ;.1I aic eiiip'o\’l ; -..ml ; s I :)a'.;-,ed \ I K. ' John J. F.rw in. I I'. ' W illintii rlinn 3. Vied on 5 ne}^ris, Juh, Sam, Hu^-h Foibis. s. ) I'rank, .hide [ind ,\!-iM’. { ' t, Williiun IJoiiplass 5 r appe;uiii'.v tlie court, that the dt f. n.lant 1?cv. Ineic (iref r, is hot a') liiha-. tant of this state : It n >r- Siirn.K I • Iraii.itn, d( red, lle.t pu' be ition be made in the ( t.tawba James.F- olniorf, JoiiriKil, for thi-ei month'-, that the defeiidiiiit li.a.n (.ioto'th, a[i]K ;ir lit the next court «)t thi*; «-oiinlv, (,n tlu. I lnunas (.allow ay, •nil Monday in M;i} lu xt, ap.d replevy :,ud ph.id liintain (iinret to iKsii , oih. rwise jud^piieiit v.ill be eiit( red ijy dcfaul' ii^-aiiist him. r,. !. ISA AC AI^F.XAXOni, C.M.C. .''iritr^:).— Fi ii-e adiv. ^ I. II. ' ’I'nnis l'o(.d, Cul Henry Hnr.ver, Dr Sami Diiider oii J(.hn Hi iid I ..on. Til- lor lluichi'ion, Dini'l llyainr., , , , . I , ■ , I F.I.iin Il'iii'i r, the chui-eh III ( hrioite are yet unp.ud, and ,.,ja„,iii Ibui-rovc Samuel H..rri=, Ulliie’ e r .'li*'. i ell,*..I the V. I' the 1'. v;e r\( r V H e; S, Ul .N I'l.l'is. r, I • ; !:.■ ■ ..an i.c had of Cor/f//, A,{ ! ('•' i')' r T'; F.l Un\. I.--. ;hu-.k^ h;* ; ' pii'ii; '. !'o” i'i>' ' b. : .1 . ;.y'. ® ,1 i>.,‘ r '3 d.'i :dl ..f r ..;i^ii.,- .n ■ rs 11,av .i. • eiul on -> ( I'l I rhit I. , 'lii the ihl N.it. (!.i; . I ' e^ pt, d, w ben he , ;r..d V di I edi 1 .to lli'ir. : t ■ ( t N|\ Dolhiv.. til.' ; in;.;-le I ill ,■ -. I ~o|,. ;iMe tin 1 I..,i '• ■' -|.,l r l!i v II il.'i': .1' 1 I .,1 e..re :il..l [ > ‘ .! ;e-.-;.:!ellt' ; i’Mt I ' ! c. :iiii;e-;ce t!. 1 ’• .11 Fo ;.)iie be in 'Ik n,r.der:.t ■ l!|0,;...\ , I'li'. to iiiili the '•i.;i- :i m: re v. itli I .liid ell I loth Notice. ^ LI, tho'e, wh('se subs(; i]'jtions for buildlnr those who took pew s fnr-the year lubng' .\u- irnst, bsM, are e:iriK ;.tly called on for imiiiedi- :.;e p''Miieiit. Also, sidiscrilii r.i for ( uelosiiif;' the f;r;n e ;iml -liiiri li-y.'ii d, and for the purehasc ‘ of a HFI.L, are reiiiiestedto make |;..ynieiit, so that a bell m..y be jnirchascd and jmt i;p w itii a.^ little dJa\ as po.s.:ibh.'. JOHN iinvi.v, 7V'’r/.s,’.')T,-fi/'Boanl I'vi.nu.'^^ioiiirs. M.-.rch Id, IfiJo.—2.V‘ Vorlvvilk' l^fiok E'iiidcrv. .■’■jUi F, Mib.'.-criber be;.rs h ave to inform the piil^- i be ill ■;-i'aer;d, that l.e e.u-rii's on the /jVje/,- ill all it, vari..‘iis lir.iiiches. Havliij; h'lppiieil hllliself \»--it!' the b. st of inateriaN, he will ixe(-iite work iu the neatest man):.:r and in tlie ;-horti vt noti'-e. N. I’.. .Ml on'.ers fo;- F.!;ink and Copy Hooks will be puiictualb altended to. VUf .ioHN II. iii. C \IM'!'HF.7'. V‘ii'\NV\Ve U Ti ACtUi ViiritV. a-bas J'lr ol, M'1 ab. ab-eon 1 1..1 iVoui the. pkie.' oi, the - Slli ult I :.\ iii(;- b. bind li'm n.:iir> ■ reditei . aiei >.■ .•unt.i-,; bn' ■Ae are laip* v *.J :,t. i ;, thar be i . ol i b i-, as be j.',.'iier:d'} ..'i'-," ct ' ' (I a -eeo'.d 1 bii.’. H • i, '-i\ f. ’ I.t, retind sii'iii'i red. i:: '-o;-,. di. and tl'i.U .ai t i 'ei.i. i-.ilb . ’ .lobII I l.iy cs, .Maj. Thos. Ilarr^*, Alexander Ho;.;;';,, .laiie. s .M. H ii>T^on, •hir llfW'. ’ , .b.mes I!n'' hi!on. 'I'hoii.as il (list on, Caul. Hani^i'o'.e. 1 M ' S . Janu s Spears, J;ic()b Spaii , Mar\ Ann sn.art*. Sicl'y. Fledaii.x Lodjfe, Jcs-r’ Sci.tt. Jrdiii Stoi kln.^i r, (bitharin.' ' liiiiii, (.e..rt;-e \\ . ;ira, .\leilew ^prlll!• , l’.'iw;ir.l Miiitb, Sli'il. ot .vl- ekleiibarj^, i . Bala im Thon.a‘1, ‘■'iniiu I 'l';.\ lor, J;iiiii a Torri nee John M. riioiii:*':, 11 \ ram Tor;', r. \ . Mrs. .\bifail Vail ‘2. ■ W . John AV. . ks, Hobi I t \\ d'.(,n, hc( b'T, l.’i \. S;,m. Williamson, Join. , i!a'-e, !•. \\ . \v i’.son, Wii,. \\il^(,n. V. .^in !, . \k-xar..!' i ii. f.ic'o; I' s III tb I t'c to li\ ei.: pitiV I d, 1 V, i I h t lie I h ., 11 sci...-'' tills N\ as the tas. V. a ’, j./iod. been ,d‘ Hk; , .-cl llieir I ItO'l \VM. SMITH, /'. '.r li I. b(. J'i\en, f')’’tie- apprihen- sii- n :iiid di. b V ( .',1 (. !,.i ii'i:. ’•'> . SiM.iie^. ;ill ilid t,1( il ap;,!'' i:‘ •■' , v. lei dia . ai'.iin 'ihse'iiideil n-'iiii nhe:n.;- ) l)o;ii..l to tiie f.u-iiai.i- M;ikiie.'; F"..i- /^ IU 1 ; nd 1.0 (b;i,iit (.,11 ill- loll .I'l lu; k ■ !m( in tIII III '.''h'"'I'liood oi I nioi, ( .iui t , C. H e is a!;(.11* Jo •. I a’-'. ( ! ;• , sii(.''i , 1 -j'.i’- eve,, bidit li 'ir. • lid (l a fn s'-i couiit":ia:'it.'. !i . d;. ' , when l.e wa nt :iwa\. w:.i a I'bie bnadiioth '.,.,‘ee. b!i;e paiifileo'i , hat. a: c(.ile( • ■ 1 m:mv I d. r-A ( r I.t ( lotbiii;.; : o\ I- r .. ar.l tiji /I' I'lF.SC I iSI ri'i I- : I l.il.e, 1^- i;.o;-i,(;i:v '.i ‘Kirt not .. Iv tii; ;,ai w.tii li; --o . ’ in tbi I 'lUnt SI'TI ' .■ ... w.., -C 1 ' 111 \ ii'i.i; ,11. 11 ■> I ai.il Frd'/lf d ;e, e '.t b\ ' wl;o''-: da. f..n.' [ le or eei I le ■ him ■ •. ti;i. I’livr.';!! ‘iiiiic ol ibi* iai'ofst M:.ii( !ie,tri', wliei'C H-.mi iiiiiidi-cil «,r both sexes wcri; (oidil l-(d help Iteiu;;- sti 'r. k ii.li'ie". of tlicir a|tpi-.i! aiiee, and tl-.( ir sa' i'-ii' (1 lie alt lil'u I I'ouiretiam I’s. W hat pleaM 'i me ;i;osl w as, tbat up( ii en- ipii;\, 1 fi/iiiid the ;:;i»aler pail Ik. educated, pi iiu ip dlv b\ tuc-.us Suuuay and I,..in su- 'li-al %\ hel'.e\«'i’ lao! d ( liarui tr; “ lull uoul.i tii^.ke llii' (Irt pcsi iin- j.iessioti iip(,n a pel Him who had l)eeii ii.’U'- ab'-cid, i . ;he i/tk'.'rrlndl e.ieUllioL’ I in.- »oiiiil i-y. Nothing l)ni pei 'oiia! (dj- '-ci \ .r..i'.(i eatt t;i\ e \ on .in\ idi'u oi il. 1 ho. pcti wuiihl LmI iii iiif atl'-iiipi l>' desciilio it. 'Ilie; (■ i s ;•!! at nteliess ,111 1 i II I( 11 li;''Ut c. I i-l'\ a(i::i!’- c\fr\ -l.is"'. "a!.u b is tolaiI\ at vai ial'.c*' \\i:li v. hat I s.iu w lien la'-l ill l-'n;.-,!a'id. \tiioie; tl'.e i, ( r; liaiits ibeii; i.^ a \ .isi iiiiiirov eiiii'ii! — f.ii iiM rly ;di was trade; iiioiniii;-. le.oti, and ;iij;iit ; noa' il is ( (;iilincd ii> i!ie 1 It.iti ;e or ( oiinl- i!i;;- liOir.i'. 'I'Ih- :ii(.iiHi.t \on enter l!u*. (1 w ellinot liei' sid> .eeI ;ind I in.»se (d I lui iiiosl inlei!c( Iiiul kind, enij.Ioy t!-e aUeii- li(jll. rolllie.d (,ei|. i.tl p'duy, poor laws, iiuiioiuil (,ue*,(ions, (Jt* s(.iiK‘ iiiiri e-.t in;; literai y di', ii'sioii, are toe Dli.al.iiil ‘Ubjet's of ( otu ersa! ion ; and o v.'il ere they si iidicd, and ably li.'C.i'II' d, e\eii l)v no I! V. Iio scent to be o- tlieiwi:.'- etii|i!o)ed d'11 i n Kt lie fl :n, that '.iiih ‘'S a pei-'.ou i oiiie'. w itii bis mind lull ofni.'tner, lie niusl of necessity iiold his toi;r ue.” r.’-o:n the Norfolk Iler;dd. Ha', ini; promised to pnbli ,ii llie leftoi'* of Mr. Kreiiier in (onijjliaiKe v.itlilhc ref;u'";i. (d' snne (»t’ o'lr siib'.i i ibei s. w « ba , f accordin^lv done so. 11 any iliiiiLj v.i.;-'- v.aniiii:; lo jiIatcAir. l-w’s slaiidinf!^ as a p'ddit; man, !jebjw' /ero. this letler amply supplies it ; idr, however the cnc- ini' sfd’.Mr. ( I.;v uia', boast oflbc a!>ility wiih v.iii(h it was written, and the ••daninin;; 'I'a'-’s” Vvhih it dis( loses, ’!ie''- eon .ideiations rart avail but. little, ■e-;.iiii‘.t 1 he hnowiedf'-e the piibiiy niiisl; ha-.e, that the letter was not u ritieii by' I Mr. Ktfiner; and that, ari'orflin;,^ i«j liis o\\ n dei ia.r.ilion in presenre of .Messrs. I’reiit atid [.:"!(', (jf liK’ House of Ut'prc- s(-ii!yive^. i* as-er?s lhin;s ol’Mr. C'lay, w !iii h .’'‘I r. kreiMor himsi !ie\ e. '1 l:e il.l'ei f IK'e, I lu' tii.it Mr. Kr ’ (d' iiis ..ii'.iir . '.ir-.tfd ru-'.t^ir.;; I i;ioi..!i, a li.osl ot !!li 1 h.^a. •bin. » ■e’tcll, 1 • tf. t.i, I.t reiM.oi c'/r aler- hi's I.e I' * i:, tile . irt ' ■U.l- A \h VV ; tl.e •• > ’-'I 1 s,a\ e of bu.li! 'Il ' Sill; , ;M V Ij,, I' t , 1.1. l .il'. t . '■•-ffno;.- I , Hai:-,..,. , t - \ dv.'abn . ;i! a V. ,. ie,tv, r.ehp-e. ,N; ^ ;-.., d r ,.i" !• b'W . ' f-- Cl !■ ! r.. • il hor-e i a!'i,; lo r ' I'l'.- il'ini v;e. C' ’ b' • Doliilii'dli-.Kl. " bo \ .nade. Do'-.t-i.-'v I !.m ■-.'•e t,ir'. w .i ■. e: \ I r niP ill th.o -'.:*e u et h ,. hi ir.fj- .1 1 i et v.:is f-ot !'\' tiie runn 1' a pa;'tr;ir ar,.l 1 i c:i.\ i,j.i.N(.r fc'!';'-;r^'T has ' h ui a.i -t hiini. lf a le ., h '■ lO to rec(.tMi.e;'i . ree ; but if ;.ry ptrson v, ist - b ■ I'.iii oii‘-ru;i ■ ny s*;di-. n t'^ till .-t-re. fr-'irr, m. -iei.;-!i f 1 . c..rr’.'..',..r dic v . .c,a.t m le ■ on li. *or 'I'c am. ';i ' I ..u^^-ld(^■lb.:^. . 1, -m3] ,or'-( Dl/l'e s- at W as tiie ,o w;e He I t.un.i ; i n (.r.tb'-., ai.i ter’i bi; '... ’i;ic. H-s ! lota C(,;.l, i.i -.V I hi bor -i.t :a..’ p'-iis.oa i.'o;ii : c; b'. ^ 1 in tnia .' eet two or t.e ■r. ; ') ■vi, VL‘!\ Il It.: ^' 111'. : iiau ! 1 l;. o. ot !i,s !. iiL,! r e..iii Cte.l , bi-ii..v. t ; t tli'.Ne an i.iai. ) ] '.v. ,\Uii 'I hi.ftvsfJX. iMhi ;-! y, - I i.ia.iNo. li.W 11) I’ \b'K t I I L.ll-i.J,.d’li:. ■,/. I...... 'i: f . ! -pi eK--:'- ..t; M ri;, , j I,-.' '.V .11 1 ,.l 1 it, \ :Clir.t;. , I,u ',Tij r W .\l. H. W X. A id ne essdy bi out W he iias bt ' 11 u •■(' I I’m.I ibat. V. b ' e.-e asbar.i' In-h'ed, if o!);.!j\!(;li s t I ix'eme ^ tie\I •b'c!;',: j — V b. i, 11 b : , lifit bei.ev (lav had ! i: i'.M.er h i people bl j '•'» h«i'i(,i I ( (iii;,i (■' .hi-1 4 W) for toMi. ■ vir. il.i\ e! II , 1 e;e. ( I"!!)' 1 • 1 bei n 11 o, l\ . 1 ■ ll >',,i 1 Ml -le- I b.b.' ind 1 .V .■ V (.. k'.i tor lie 1 11 IM’l' ' *!;' 1 .1,1.',b :i ai'.d lb.,1 V V. - ■ p Ol;'. .1 I'-.ii,., j 1 'b ..oii;, I iie t|' , ,,e ! a-,t (i.i 1 '1’.. |i\ >1. ■. s - !...^ t'h i F,U (;!'l 11 '.n ' 'iilili'- licV)^ 1 ! 1 '.S 1 ■ 1., t.-i - e. Ill ;i p;.r:i])I.h * i’l'' ie -P.l 1 r.e-c'- V. ;-i*t' n ' li;^ 1 lo-al (■,; ■ (' 1 1 n ! ' ' . I'.p* s";.’' ' ■ . jk ‘ ", ...) e;.:.;. 1 f (b/es iKd b(‘- t fore, must of iii'T throni'lv .ii'.iir lt!i .Mr. i.tv, '■t e ;:r to t t- .iii'dlc him II iiiseK »'s:. ealitv hfeii ri.,e^ uliirW -V. iiiili in; . to support i';''d to siip- dured .,a\, if Mf. the \ile in- 1 to make ;hi*. , is it tiu.l the i\! mendu r, t-f lU n no: hiii.; of I V siio'id li.ivt'. lei-d'e i.nd liuni- ■b'e, that anioiii:; i:nin'!ed and tal- e in C’ont^reas at bf t'.iund oia*. ! know in;,' to spy . oi' r'jrrup'ioti.' oi* I jeiint il otit to the i/a.-b-, hid ftc.ni tll»'- to be revealed fo M!. KretriC’.' r-.tlhef assioti than otir re- .'\cr we I'll a V censiii'e . oluuU'Oi'cd to be hit>

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