f 'OU l‘!(i N >.M' 'i (.Ml I la\ re. i t :’-!i!a. , '';i‘ (■ !)' vii i'l I. ( n '■'!• I ; '.'.lU i > 't'l!';;- ! WHS [••i'fl! I)\ (Klll- tO S( \ Cl .li I'lll—-i- liill iov ‘!'i(' s:i])j>rfs- 1, \ 1 ■■lOHK. Al.,'' 1). 11 t.1: ;i,c t.l:.. i ill '. I (.nUviii r. ) \ r: '1 !;c nu :>l r.t T., -ioi., ;\1 !i ‘ ■«'.! i.i. ii*' "> iliv !i \. .(s th »n ol' ill.! lii'.ih Vhla\’i'll Si I iclM-''. '.I his InH lo U;kf t iVi'i t li um tnc J'Mli. t!' J. 11. S'ii!ih'>ju'. I)r')tli('r t.l llic T'.'J i of Stunhnpr. \ih'>ii.''l !)t t”i /\ Hlt^- f’c-Ca-.v.-p loCicii. ‘^■r S’onyr. Ci *). (11 r.hu'iii. ;iml l!;(’ ’)nk*'ol V'll k, tl'v tiny- f d I’liin^ci! 'Ill *Jii' ^t!■l ol Mriit li, v.iiiU’ in a v fit o|‘ iiiMir.itv, by liaiu;iiir; 'T')V In.'•'"'.p' iiil' r'', ill n ? !inl v.car of till' I .iirl til Mai;sl'u'l(l. (■! jlVfi-il s-,'vf ii’ly at tiiiviVuin ;,:ui i’l t!ic' spiiu* t'rnn’. a vi apt' sl«oU '.!i A’.if' f.i'St. Sc!;u“'.iiUi,;‘iil l , 111-: wps ('n \Ii-' 9’!'. '>(■ .Miiu;!:, . ! iiu‘. l.ciit As- ‘■i?“s at A •» i; '',')urv, ranif oti i!v“ liia! o( ''l.’sl’M' a li'xaii'’fr Wonfl, atu! i.riV.ilUi u. hWf t Ih; i,uvcis ai Cl! I I|ii!i. i lit I.iSl \\i:i 'k aiin'U’ —j cd ;o i.liuut ;v.")0 halfs, \iz: liioJ i-c I -al , 7ld a I'i: KO') S'.ii.fts ut « Ul a K ’ ihf ]’''i ^ l\'i iia.niis IJ-U ii all in bond, inldli’v pall! : .'.''0 rtiiMinoii l’;v:'lial'i i : ; :i 1 ;'d. 'I'lii If V. I ic jui; -■ j r t lUiori iiu.i idi."-. i h'l Wi* ai’C ;iil; tlif tlc‘st,riicti'>ii id' '>''■■■• ’ S:‘a’li-I'out ] Ifiii y t'T"' i.f. i- \ c' Irrday iiiuriun' i with II \alual)le rar;^'(.'.' d:-\STJ-.K. • !’V l> atiin'ur.i (' - \v :;iul fV'i’iuit i:.S!.t* ari'ivt'd ,>••1 Cliai jid i)('ibre dis- •Slf i' fl., I lie : .1 ■- K'-L’ ■M ; 'I'l- Alr\. V.'clU's'-'v l.cilli. iil', l-.illin” llic Hull. 1'. As!i!f; .11 pi.r^ili^r.i- f'jiit;.i at I V l>i‘in'>; iMnpai iitdird, a.id ll.'- ])i i:.'jn('rs 1(1, iIm'V plL'd’d nut lynilty. \Vof'(! anjM'avrd U> !)'• 1 1- yi^'i.s oki. ,';iid ho' h Ills ( \ i‘s a_ : I ! lo ) ontii-cd. ’i ill’ w iiin.SM ■) Iw.” i' ( I; calii-d. not.v i t' ti ri I’d. ;:iid a \ I'rdicl ol' ih.m rrtiinicd. i 'oi'iniiUJdo 1)1 cpij allons • V ilif 'i'tirlvS lur ll'.c i anijia ;i.'”'i!!«l ’.lit.' (iVCt k‘‘.. A 1* 'ter of tin- ptli iilt. I'yoin 'I'liLStc. .’,M(iiiiict.'s tl'at :i v, as j)H \ all til, a! \ i ii’( > oi' the foiii'f 'I'c.s'’avin;;- % li'-rc i.di i'i'd lo llu; ;>v capiiid.Aio;!. .'.(■iti'V'’ IVfiii) Cadi/, 1/U‘iiiioM ! M 'n V (■;’ ;' I I’al’ S|;-n:ls| I'.ii I: uI'.l; Iv «d' i!ii; r.; iii d Zid'ja.^o ., ill /.ci'.v". dfvidc'dly t'fjior;!;' one ot't: (' liv lK's’. in all .\iiciaiir la. It isf’t av- ' d t!:.-' tluM iilair^lv liuM'.t " itli ihis IiOii'.c '.'i ill oi casit.ti tlic laiii’iic c! a i;rci.‘..Ui;U!y i.-;'.UT llOllSi'P. 'J lie mini-, ciial ] ajxTs s‘-.tc tiK't all ■ i I opt'j-, 'I'lll' iii- i.su Cil t,l 1':.- tlic iii- I I.Ul SCN. M V, >)H K. \ I’W I I .«•. \\ f '.Vc:t daV ( uid.i'.'d t.j i.^i \ c ai oiiiit ^ oT ! 'u' 1 • il - ilt)n and i.i\t'rj)jol iiiarlsfl^ i'> ilic '-'-d idt. 'I'iiis Morniiii; \\ t* luivit hri-ii lavon tl v. itii thf I'tdlowiii.u; copies td'Ifttcr.-. i'l-oiu ! ,ivri [)(iol. of the -'•Ith and ...tli I'.liirch. r(';'fi\t'd 1)V llio i'(h in!hiiU^ a:;d li tiiu wiiii.'i it v.ill Ix' sciiilliat 111.a'.i- ^an'■(' ill llu' pricc ct>u«;!i had taivfii jdatf. fyinrpnal df ?u'irc:i 2!.— 1 li(' salrs oC ( oUoii hisl v.ck anifj'iwl to '.‘DO l)a!;s, of wliii ’i !'l.oori, \v»:!-t.- f irudl\ j‘'{^y])tia'i. — 1 Ii*' ])i'in'ij)al hir ini's';, l.ow- iM'cr, Avas ill tlic fat ly pin ' ol w' 1'- and tlio inarkci, toward if. cio -.c. hcrainr !i( a\}, tlioii;.’]"! willi lii'.’.f \ a.ria.Ii(iii as to Since ilii r,, u very t^ood (Iciiiaiid appf'ari'd atriin a.t advaiK in;^ pi'ifc':, and tlic sales iij) !o la'^^t ni;.^'lii, sa_\^lroiii the l‘/ih ti* till' '.Md iiirlusivo, ntvior.iil •• 1 1,0'/') hap^s of all dcs'. i iy t ions. ()f ll;cs(\ idjoi.t !o,t)()() uc al ati ad\ ,mcc ul' I to ii;)lands. wliit li '•ou(..;hi al'lc:', i !)uck. L>r( -j-.ri,,;, Moi i/i. J C'tillon ut l!ic A'oi'iiiicnrt'iiifnt ot llir wi'ck w;;v, iimiti'd. '1 ilc s; li's .inionnt to j i)a,-;.s. Vcstcidiiy tli*' tii'nuiiid ir- [ vivt'd. and upwards of .S')wO ui t(‘ I sold, oi' wliii ll iOOM \v(‘t;(‘ uplands .u I .)d. land .".I) i)ar;-s at I. 'd. iiK'kint'- a gi iit'ral i advance (d‘ ,‘d. and on uplaiids -d, on the lowe.sl (lepression ol Monday. Sj'ci uLi- tors are al M’ork a'i;aiii. cind ,s(;me indi- \idnals aiT saninine id' seein;' Uplands at 2:s Iicl'ore Seplt'inlier next. 'I'lie jwcs- 'iil stork ill Liveipoid if. estimated at r.'^.OQi) l)ai';s rd'all dt'sei ipllons, and I'.oltl- :m-'. I'.re iiol otVeriiu-; frcjely. 'i’lie ;d;ove is d;',t»‘d March and is iiom a I'cspCi'taUli' iiii'iehanl in i.iver- 'Tjol. As the (^tfiiii'vliian is reporletl it.' lia\e saiieii in tin' ;ifiernoi.iti of the ‘Jltli, i it is possible ilic letter widter nuiy lia\e of it, sl'.e iUt a I - tn flay o ] j.c;- pound in t'ond ' '!;f ip.ialiii'v s ( l;i''l'iy lio!i!eis arc kit pin;.;: -Tiie rleinar. 1 for cT. rrr 5):-d berr. cor.'.niiitcd. tl 'vr tl..' .A»mplt IH- I.K..U- ! but Jn.l;r f.r vali^.ir, tiltrea- St 1 % V l’'t'l! he asiii'iicd, fletfnmncd tnul ii'H,oald I)ciuin:i-'dat Warrenton. r. a man ot color. o\ .lal- liaiMo d V, i:h the ji-ni der (d ’1 this tov. n, in Novt r.d »t ' -.hirh ,1-t I iviK h tnr;ps a; u to evacuate Spuiu , j,;, on tlie 1:.L (d A]i:'il. • r. i .i /■- ' ... I Qn lookin;; over our lues by the C.or- we l‘;nd t'.iat tliey rontaiu A ei } litlie jtoiilical nev>-.s in acldilioii to hat An elei^-ant ;^’'ar.!in spo* 1 r.s be('n’(''•(•(> j _ i.'d ai'uiii'.ti liie tomb -!’ N.ipoleon , at I inthiaii, St. Helena, at tlie expense td'the Iv.r.t In- f.ia C )nipan\, lo which straii^e.j's have I t ee ac'. e^s. 1 !ic I oronatioii of Charles X. \\ ill nt'"iitive!y take pliice on the 15th M;;y. iiv tlic ptu ke.ts Leeds and l*aeirie, Loti- ticn i^api Tb to iht' evenin;.'of the lHh» •.'i; 1 Liveipoolof tiic I'Jlh March li.ive been 1 ei ( i^■ed. In t!ie ilour.e of Commons, '\Tr, Iliis- ki.s^on had i iven notice lliat he v.tiuld Nubiiiit, on the 21st of Maii ii, rei-tain resolutions respeclinpf 1 hr rtdonial trade, and fi)r an’ordinr^ incieasetl facilities lo t oinnu rce and uavipatior. Mr.-i. liarhauld, .sister of the laN' Dr. Mkin, iiud who \vas wil known in the iiterarv v.orlil, lately died in London at ihc aclvanr-d a{;e of }!'. r>he otnnien- i cd her raieri-ris :v jdiblic mi iter, t)y a nli'iuc ol pcA’iir;, upward's oi' 50 )>.ars I.irerpnol CoUon .’’././/V.t', 'J'lu'-vhn/, March I 1.—Tlu' demand- for Cuiion, duriiK; tiie lani'.cr jjart, of hi.:it week, was very limi ted : but on .Sa'.tiiday aflenioon, some spet iilators api'fard in the markcl, aiid Ijok upwards t-f l,or.O bales at rather i;.;her rates. Du Monda\ this in(iuiry jDpoarcd i ather l:in;,;uid ; but at the close ( f'Clr.ui''", it w iis as( •■•rtainei', that one iioiii>‘ had pui't based ) T.ir;. pVian anti P.owi ;], Oil spec'lllatiun, wlili ii caus ed tl.ii uiorniiu^ ^.l)n!e e\;triSi\e buNin^-, e;rnetaliy at 'tl. ])ei'Ib. aii\on our ].revious (pio'ations. 'I’iie toial ■.•re ...oi 'i, ^ .\nu'V’can, C\0";) Diu/.d, eliir''!, I'l rnaiu-I ^ " !)uco : ] ■■>,.i''':) pti:'.!:, a'r. !.» > l’,.ist in- ilia. • we !;ave yesterday. The aceounts i'roni Cons'aid inople speak of t/lols, treasons, and execiitioiii in that city, which had cuus d ij-reat tdarm :'.inon;^ the inlial)i- tants ; wliilt: the cause (d’the Creeks con tinued lo wear lhemt.i!/L f.vvtiruble aspect. Letlers iVom ( o;Tu state that the cam- paii?n had bci^iin uus’picioiisly, and tliai in a naval ent^'ai^'cmeiit oH' 11 bodes, '2:^ transports of the Le-yptian fleet, ladeti with troops, liorsi's ami provisifjns, had been cai>tuted by ibe Creeks. Piint'* Metternic.h harl arrived at !’ar- is, and it was alVirined that llic' object (d' his journey was connected \\ith the af fairs of'I'urkey and (li'eecc. I'erdinand, who is said to be attain si'k, wasallacketl in his cai riat^e by an iiiflividnal who cricd out “Death to the Kintj^;” an.d on bcin;; iirresleil he decl ir- cd that iie would not I'etract his words, nor give iij) liif> intention of ]iuttiii:;' the nioiuiK h to death whenever iic had tin opptwluni'y. • Letters from say: y\ dteadfiillv unhe. ilia. Impiorl’. J, .J.tV.i ) .\iiicri> ’^iaran’iani, L,.;s pii;iii. !■ Croi L^ia, '>•. a ; 'JJ. : vi t a 1 s I d. : L pk.nil tin. ! ■. ,1. : rei:iu;>‘-t'C, 'Is. a ■ • ..('i. ';;ttis. ’s. ! Ai- ' iA>, -voi'.;:. .•.h.> c I 'or I til ■|;\\ 1) ])as- {';.;)’u:n .—Fn-„; )Ai i;s na.it,in;; in * dr. I'dlsNiM'tli. Oi;-^ ■)!' liie --’li Ml !" 1,. V. !iA I 'li'oi' lit' lie Xi'w-\ oi k 'I'^.-Cfuill-hil-n V ;k)o1 u he J Uli. \hr brsl in tla> It will be sr li 'i he J O'l f I I',: tl o|ii I V (II tr. W f. .1 It w; to ;-av uMolhfi' \ iv r Mfi' to .viii", i,d' ti.e ( a' 11 r. :;s bc(‘!i i ii iiitl i v. rvi' to 11.nr o! A)V, Ira' i'.;it . AI’Mt'A biera 1 ,t one, of I'eb. f.d ; savin;; this jihicc is lilliy ; and a' (’ape Coast S'/U cannot nio\e without st eiiirj; eillu-r deitil Ashaiitees unbuiirtl, or some I'an- tee [)ef'i)le, who had dirtl in the tow n left I'liiv bait' bulled.” 'I'he s:imc letter an- i.'-tinit -, that tlio w c'’.r with Liic Asliaiitecs ■is ( oiiipli.ti ly a! au « ud. \ 1 i!ir from an o!i',ct r of ihe Maid- sinrf that vessfd had I j iii i n . on tlio I o'lSt, iii’ariy 'jooo p(>iu' ..nd i I'died sl.!\es had been rcleaseil. ‘‘One 'xc'-m I t.f I JM toii.s, bad 'i'.'’. iii'-n and bo\s, j :.iid I ; t W(,n.ena'’id i.irls: the men's rt)om was i.uiv ;;!oiil .J' It .•! '^fjuare a.nd 3 i’cet r; it.' he' !ii:;'i : tin'. \i()nn n liatl a place ; .» ft ( t ; ft. I - tri't I'oi'vai'd, and ■! ft. bii'/n: 1 I bir , Tl. .(■) i.K',1 auilli.oxs were ciainnu'd j into a t.la!f I,!’ 2'' led 'i|iiare. \S hi ii ! t !'.e s'.'.l p V, .IS hoar, ie.'l. the women w ('re t.li |ibi''i'' knees i i \iii '- fi.r I'li'ti \ : and fd) d' [the ni'ii in ^ilc'uce a'.\ailiiig ti.iir final 1 f;ooni-'^•('r so the I’orlii'MiC'e tr;uler. had ' assared tliem :' but lien. b\ means of an I inii rpreter, they wt a'^ 'iiretl of prtjlec- I lion d' ila ir lives, aral of intended lot a- i tion in a ^.poi v. In re the'. oiiitl be, free, i the tra'i'itiou fjoni ile:-[iair to joy w r.s I i>\er'.\ hi'Imin;; : iliey kiieit down, they j V. t j)t. the', ki-sed the let t, the hautls, and j till' (in -r, (d e\f! \ !;y-slaii(li'i' ; the scene I Was t(,'!( h;.ti.'; ami o\t'l w lit liwiii.;/’ I >•, .wi) 'i i iJ.'Lr.v, lo a t (/iiees- ! '1 bt' b.e.i :n t miii!s I'l oin Corfu stale' that ,1 N e’l'. - v)i • • iC.J iKi': \.in 'i'l;.it I ll' n: :! on t i !t;b \ e to lilt ■\i''.’ »■ ■ 111 Li^,■r■ char; in;.'; an\ i onsulera'dt' pa.r was discC\ered r.Ij(>ul tlni'e o do' kin t.v.' af:eriioon, to lie on ti'c. On tht;aia.m l,ei!i..7 j;'iv(^n, our firemen atu! i iti/.eiis re- p.dntl with ;iicir aecustoiiied j)romi)ti- ttide to-the pl'd'-e of d:m-er—on n achiu''- the w hai f'they were informed thttl a (luan- tilv of powder v> as on b:)ai !l, am^i slowed aw'av not far fi'om v. here the fire was ra- I'ri'venied iberebire from rendeVliiL-; the assistance thev wish- t'li to alioid. and the lire pro(>r ssed till ilita.clied the po-.vder. which went off with a dieatMiil e\plt>.sion, and tore the upper I'.ai t of the boat to piece.';—ihe hulk soon alter sunk to liie liott.'im l>v the expii;sion of the powder. Captain Lub- lioi'k, who \sas standii!'4' on the \vhari. was kiiot.ked dtiwti, Init not, we are ly. alitu'd to learn, serioiHly in jured ; ano- ^t'her p( rs(;ii. we are told, had his arm 11—these weie tlie only pej'sotuii iu- i'lrics siiSt.'iiiK'd. Some pai t of the car- .(iuas blo'.vn i*ito the river, and many a.rticies have' been pM ked up b',’ the boals --r'.he lemaMidt'i', t.ud siicb asth'' lire had ■fiot reaLlied, no'.v lies under uaier. and \\il! |je'lu.p'il)e jr‘*' ''h.at iiijurv it is impossible it;! f ay. l he I)o;il is prol)a!)ly t(jla!ly'tleslroyed. tiiid w ith il jiiiiiaiis iicr valuable nmchiiiery. Ihe I'litire loss must be very coti'iderabli— V •' have- he;irtl the v-ar;'j estimated a'. S1.'),:/,iOl.'.—i'/iiOii. 2.'(i innl. DIsriJKSsLNt. VCCIDKN'r. I I .Ml!. .M'l'ii. M.—An accl- dciit of a more truly melanc ludy nature has never before fallen to our tiuly to rc- con', lliati the follow in:,^ Avhich happened t'u >!unda\ niornini:; last. A q;'eniieman I)V tlie nanu' of Ct.'Uiov, his lauiily. eonsistiiir;; ol his wife r.ud iivp childreii, w I I'e rt'movii!!^ from liie slate oi \ irp;iui.i to a farm in this county. 'I’hey lodged, (■n Siiiid.iy ni.^h;. near the shore oi p.ie ri\er, aiui, on ?donday mon!ins,%' whilst in the act of crossini; the Votoinac at .McLaiit^hliirs I'ordintr, on the South f5ranc!i, about three miles from Old 'I'own, Mr.i. Coiiroi/, and her Jh't chiidn'n, ifire (uoh'ukI. 'i'hey were in a w a.L^on, the body of which, peltintj: loose lV(»m the ruuniu!^-part, iloatei] olf, and so i a- pid was i'lie current, that, in a lew mo ments, all were lost. IVlr. Conroy, and a- uother !.';eiitli_man, wh.o were on the hor:;* s, l>y threat cxei lions, saved ther.i- sehesajid the team; but, by the time thev reached the sh(»re, they were so much t.'ihaubted that they wete unable to siaiid—!)Ul were ill ushort tiiiM' restored, i'he wa!;'0'.i, w ilh a consideraiile (juair.it;, wf I'urniinre, waslost. Tlic bod} of .Mis. C!onroy lias been iound, bul those of the cliildrcii iiave not yel been discovered. rrorn tlio .Miuiison fXew-York) Ob-crver. Suhide. — Mrs. Dodije wit'i' oi Ab'm Do.di^e, of SniilliUekl. in this county. ])Ul all end lo her cxislenco on Monday of Jas^ w eek bv siKiotinj-!; herself with a lillc.. Of the circumstances wliich jjroduced this melaiie.holy event we cannot speak with certainty; we have however been credi bly iiifornr'd, that some time pre^ioll^ilo her deatli,:die had been oppressed w ith a kind of religious melancholy, and bad repeatv'dly threutenefl to rid hei self of her iroubies, by commitiint;' suicide. In the absence of her husband, she directed her ( hildren to jl;o to the barn, and having- put her bouse in comjilete ordci', and lliiil UM) with more than common particulari ty, and haviiijj ( lolhcd herself in her best apparel, iihe delilierately shot her.sclf: t!ie ball passed obliquely through lur both, then lhroti;;h the (.haniber lloor, and litialiy lodj,n'd tn a barrel in the cham- iiet'. Her (,liK it son upon lieai iii}^ the re port of the ri-lle, ran directly lo the house, anil il', 1h> fipened the door heard his mo ther u’.'er her last and dyinf;-exclamation; “Oh dear.” Mr.s. Dodi'C sustained *a i^ood chai acter. and has lefl an imluslri- Miis hiisbaiul and five yoiim; children to himeiil her untimel’, deatli. ifa V coin^'v* ne._jro v\ d!. last, forfeited the reco;.;ni7.am'c !k' was boun! in a bi.nd oi !>>' in..'toa;.near!'ei;.rethe Court la^Mseek. We have't'ceeived a cennn.uiiici.tK^n up- ;;ii this subjtct, protesting a-ainst the power exercised bv ll'.e Judfe, in admii- tiu .^him to bad, as illoica] : .tr.d {urthcr iirn-iiif; ilKit i.U'otest, by statinv'; tl'-d aj)prehen iions are enterlained, that l.ie securities taken arc unable to ]uy me ^;lm. It certainly is lo be rc-retted tl.at aiiv ob-^tacle siiould arise u> l;ie cou: L-e of justice,/in any case-—b'ut if the has erred in tlii.i inslaiire, we are io'-ced to believe th.at it is attributable t>'>|i‘' best of i'eelins^s—to his known mcrcitul and lu.jnane di.spo>ition. and that bt' wiil similar li-.'if.u. I iiuve ill'; vepcrl ai ieiicii, • his charts and plan'; and estitnuics * V'' " aiitlsorized lo say that he wi.slu-5 an-aously lo superintend this irrcat and that it can be acconij»iish(‘d in a'sii,'*'! time, and ut a cost i'ar short of hi.," .'T' mail's, made sevei'al years sine,.- ’n"' wlude coVl and labor would not oceri tii.it c-f oO miles of your celcbrain] cm •' in my opinion. -Our ;,tate lepisdu^tu*^. will incorporate a coinjiatiy wiu’i \alu'*^ hie ]irivile.t;es, and take iVn’ni one to t-/! hundred thousand dollars worth ol’ .\s much., or more would !)e takr n Ijv . (ii\itlual-. in this Slate,-and the t)ai''urft .■i!:ohU be take:i by the citv of X. " alone. I'.very Insurance UfBce or'cotr!" pany in the' United Slates, should lake sliaies in s'lch s-toek. A>i lu’ti at tlj" /Ik',. d arrived : lis poi't. I 'v'r.'.cis, fliat . tI.e f ame slate, a* til.' kin;;' iiitenh'd to f i-i'!and. \'. !.i h, if allv L M.. iiis t i.e ! louse ( d' C . [,. :\:i. Ih'sl i . I in a ;i I'Ui d lli.it ti e I t \ Ii VI ; in ti e •■ei'-in- i laden tiaiiiiiii; and'bad i ' d I "il. (.11 ibi- ’ i .1 I i)I' a: ’ r! io> \', ; 1 'i ! ,i ,nl; ^ ■ 11, b; I i i,)i 11 , 1,' J, ■ !:i . and . I ird ■ r nil n blisi.Ma ll,'.' ; -n! ofi' Rlu'dt"-. twi'u- (d' t'.," 1 .;^\ pt ian lleet, , i;(;i- t's and provisKitis. d I y tiie (ireek sijiia- '•its I’Mini C(.i)sta:iiino- 'tb t,f I I ' raary. The sarii'S haM; a'tenipti 'ra t haiit',e in 'o \ ( riii'e!;'. 'I lie s! all - (jf’J'n rl;i'\ ■ iks i!ie 1, ou’ i' r. ‘'r-. m IIii leinl} K'i.s at the t'l'C' ent iii(»ni'iit.” .V ai eii;';a;':e; 11 a’.is])oi ts ev ith '! i-'it to ..IP-. !■ ,!(!e-s!.e-; !ii L-. \', 1 I’l r. ■ '• 'i I t' '. oin rrivr; M'ib :ew-Or- I'.e ^!eaP'.- w\KiiK\To.\, .\ruii. 2t').—'riie April Su- |',( rior Court i'or tiiis counly held its Session here dr,rincj the last week. Sen- ti-iiieof death w a:; pasi^ed Uj)on Olircr Lnrlit., who was at tlie last term convict ed of the murder (d'i Lnton ibi;;h—acase wliK h had been remo'.ed at the instau(.e (d'tl.e pristjiier, I’roin ^^'akc to 1-ranklin, and from i'ranklin to this ronntv. 'i'he Jnd|;e seamed dispose;! to older liii'i Miitence. which had !u en delayed iorsi v montb'^. by an appe;.! to the Supreme Couit, to lie eariifd into I'M-rutitui in a short tiiii.' : i'lit in coiiai tiui.v.re of a ])o-vV- erlul and ]i.it!i('tie anpetil in favor (d'ilit' I’risoner. Iiy I'^sip ratner as nuiK'nti r',,'-/'/( thtii', a., (-(uinsel, it was delajed iinlil ilie 'Jata day id’June next, at w hu h time, unless tht' Suprt'me Crjiii l sliall bav" ie\i'ew('tl and altered tb.eir |Utl';-nient. or the (ioMMur ijranted a pardon, the utduipijy to!.', it-i imist share llie late oi hi'> bi oiJier who h: s alit iidy beui ( .\t ei,t( il j,)t the sai.ie of- U'lu e. He w as bui';v in ike w here th.e t 1 iii.e was j;erpe!i I'ctl. ;.,tid a stroii loi't was mad.' to ha.e llie :,eiile)',ce ()!i ver i a; i ii. d iut(j i ‘b . t at t he piare. upnn 'h'- ';ior,.;! ihat wlii i'ui' the I’liliire i^iiard a'.^.inr.t proccetl'u:-—Vv’e tnust, tlierel'tjre, dti- ( line piibli'.hin!^ the commiiiiiaatifni al ii,di.,] to—thou;.^h .with di;c del'erence to the author. , • Juj^oncr. TIIK Mt'NDFd: ^ ■n’iie Le\in.,ioii, \'a. papt'i', ot the I'-'n. i’lst. states, on tlie authority oi men ol^ die fu st respeeta!).li:.. tluit ll'.e house d’ Dr. M''Chcsnt'y, in .Vui.usia cour.’y, V a. liad lieeii assailed with stones, of various ' i/es, some of them si; hot ;;s to hiss v\ lieu tlicv fell into water, in broad day li'-'lu. and lor several rui: '!.ssi\o oa^o. i iial “'I'he windows ofliic Dr"'., hou'^.e wei-e all broke!'.. Some fell oti t'v rooi and !;oiinded ofi’. other's i iitcred thru\'f.’;h a tiiick Tjlank. that had been used to chise up the brolven wiiidov.;, ; th.av Mi-s. M*- (dicsuey had been sf ut k by iw t', one Iv.id cul her head Sv \ereiv : the la.lies oi I'r. M'C!!iesnev's i’amiiy had hec.fiue so iiuu ii ala. ri'i'd as to leave the hou.v.'. At ir.ter- v,.ls tiie.-^e Slone V isilations are said stii! to be repealcvi. 'i'iic house is repres'aii:- t d as situated in an o])en spai e, v.lu're i; WDiild be impossible for any one lo aji- proach within stone llu-ow witliuiit de tection.” On republishing thi.s account the Lvnclibu!')^ \'ireMnian says. ‘•A ijentieirian, known lobe of strict veracity, was in this place a clay or two since, who iiol only coniirms the state ment made liy t^iat paper, l;ut loot's still furiher—declarin.i,^'that he himself was an )/t' iri/iv-'ss lo t’.ie events w iiich he re lates—that, not only atones, w hich are invisible till tliey strike, enter the house, and like the locusts i.f I'.f;-ypt, iniesl tlie \t 1 y‘* kneadini^ trou;;hs,” but articles d' rurnilure are suddenly dnshcfl from one end ( f the room to the other v, itii increil- ible forcc. 'riu' iamily after bclnj; an- iiM\ed in this manner for one or two da) s, removed i’roni the house ; but the evil i'tdlowcd them wherever liitty went: and we understand that they have attain re moved home It* aldde the issue. ?*lrs. ^^Clle^ney lias been injured, by one or two blow s on the head, and her comb has' been several limes knocked oil', without injury to her j)erson. Wiihmit intendiiii.'; to aceoiint i'or sostran;;e a circumstance, or to decide upon itstrutli, “we tell Uie taie as it was told tons,” and lea\e.our readers lo make their own conjecttnes.” Soine of our readers may ],erhaps re collect that well-attested accouiits of a similar occurrence in one of the we.stern counties of this State, (Chathanu'we be lies e,) were published twelve or iifteen years a;.!;o. In tills instance, houe\er,no in jut \ w as done, the !,tom's, some of them vt-rv large. i'..Ilin;.^ iiarmlessly at th;' feet of a yoiin^ lady, either in or out of doors. It is several years since we t-ead tliese ac counts, and we may not he very accurate ill lhe;.e particulars, hut the impression^ made by such marvellous stories are si‘1- dom etitlrely erased i’rom' the memorv. F(ii/^!leL'il!c OLjrrn r. A leiter, (says the X. V. I'veninc; Post oi ihe 2()th iiist.) has been placed in our hands for perusal this mtirning, that con tains the outlines ,if a preat jirojecl, w iruh, ll would apjiear. niay i)ecome so highly Interestin;; to ibis city, that we maki* the I’oilowinij extract and iietjiu- nieiid il to (»ii!' readers : “ i.iiri,*')!), N. ('. \I;ireh .1], (iruthrnrn : i'or some tin-.e pas. 1 have tbou!;ht ol'addressln;j you (;ii a \ I'V im- poi'lant sui) I'ct, whieh. by youi'exertion.-; and ctimmaiid cd ( apital, mii^^’it In; piii inU) .successful operation. 1 know the exii'til oi iim'iiiployed capital inyourci',v: I kiifjw the industry ;.nd enterjirise id' o"r citiziiis; and I know that ih.. place woidd i)ie\ent niuneious shi'. w recks, which happen atjiiualiy on oi'' coast, bet\.een Cape Henry and ILitteras. X’essels ca'aghtbetween those ca])es, ill heavy in-shore ir^aies, miist aiui (U> ;;-o on the beach: witli an inlet \ar,-’'5 1 lead, at le.^st four out of tivo cnnii* mai^c then a sui’o liaruor. Ali owv surpltis productions will goto New-York, and they will lie increase r.''vond ('alculatlon. It will brintr se. tit'll of the country, the Albeniiule Sound, and its tributaries, 2oo neaier to Ncu-'\'ork. 'I'he will samo wind wait a vessel irom the wuiers New-Voi k, with little di'vlatiun ofcourse in i'lom ."•(■) to .iK liours. IJtit lew cil'oits f ;.,e>;iiis atul cnterpi'isr, (save the «,uc- ces.-,ful t (unpletion of the (irand Kric Canal.'' will a.ibl more to the trade itiid w oalth of New -York. ” On 'i'ui',d;iy and Wednesday nii'hts la-.l we niidei'siand there w.is a ronsidfr- I able frost here, and a more severe otio in some jii’.its (d' liic co’.nitr\. .Much (f liie t ally co'.t')!i v.as cul oil' bv it. Oi- cotton plauriiiij; friends will not r.et'ii ;• liint from us on the subject of belli-c- ful of their cottvit pied—this article ha.s Iiecome scarce, and the want of r. will be seriously i'elt in manv jdriCf-:.-- We a;-t' inl'orm;'.! that a f,cntieinuti wli.-.e cotton ('11 hl.> i)lant;itlon near Louisviile, was killed by tiie fros'.'sent ye.-ilenl; I’rcan there to the nei;^^h!)'jrhooil id'this phu".'. i'or two Ol' tlirei; w ai.;-on luad'j (if seed to i f’jdant his fields, w hit ii a djvo/ two bei’iiie iiad a prcmlslni; apjicarat'.c We have hien told in some places cot-uu scetl will command by l!ie> bushel, nearly or quite double liie jx'ice of cm'ti. jhn^usla Vhronidt'. One of the greatest haul of rock ti;,h ever known on the Potomac, was iiualt al the Sycamoi e landlni^ on I'l iilay 1 At rZ/Y/i,'of the seine fo>;r J,iin(uri! thes(' fish were t.iki'ii— atid, wii.it Is .still more extraordinury, their arrni^c wi i'!;ht eould not ha'.f liftn less than •■i/.J'.';/ }>i’Vndy„ Many of them wei;.i:hed eii;;hty pounds. 'I'he present season has lieen reinaik.'’.- ble i'or the excellence of iish—!nil ih' fact which wt‘ i i'late, and id'which th'- credible sources (d’our iiii’onnatioti h dvt's no dou!>t (d‘ its correctness, exceeds uny ihint;; of the kind know n to the olde.stlish- ernian. Jih.i'indiua Jl rnh'. rC ' 1- UlKjil same eo'mpli'.hment of my d.'si;n would bene- .it Aew -\ ork, nearly as imu h as it wtuil ! this sictiotiof r,ur State, i know that the desif.;ii would be J)racii-;.;dc, ;;nd 1 fee! t'oiuinced that the -toek wo.iltl be jin/ilaljle. It is iio'Jiin;^ l,,'>-.s th.iii ihe o[)enli.}i' (d‘ In:n i'rom the Atlantic ocean, at Xaif., Head, into Allii'ma-.ie S'UMKi. near w here Joa:ioke Inlet roriiu:;-- '‘al'.ie ar.d in'iijortatice of siu ii a.:i :n:et has h/ii;;' i.reii kt.own t.) m.i’iy pet -oii^, both in autl out o!’ tiiis Stale. It has. lor man} \eai''--, Iic 'ii a f.i- vtjrj.e tiienie ol conversation and spii e.;- latii'ti; aiitl oei'an. an:! sti^.iids, ar.d coast'--, and islai.ds afijaeent, b.ave be;',i c ;r't'uilv sui '.eyed and "■ot.inded bv our SlaU'I'.n.ri. luTiiarlca})!!' I.nnt^cvll>;Jte I now living in (!hariotU’ county, Mrgi- iii.-i, near tlu: (’ampbcli line, two per sons, Ali'xaiiilrr 1 Berkley anil ins wile. Jjcrkicy is now in liis litindi'td ('iii'iitc'cnth year, aiui iiis wife in her hundred and seventh. Mr. 15i li-.lrv | was horn in Seo'tlaml, anil served ini!;'- IJiilish aii:.y uii(i.;r the Duke oi M.m** horoncrh, iti tiio rt'iqn oi (^ticeii Anne Ailcr the deatli ot llu' (^iieeii, lie iiratcd to Ann ri-ea, ;mu i-crvv'd .'^iiruin ii| | llie ariin- id l''.ii'j,-lniul uiu!rr (leiiet.u NN’olf, i.d was al l^;u Ii'T w!icn i!;oiiu‘ry iell. When th'e warol e';'.rtc\ • oltilion ('omnM-iU'C'd, lie' u as too o!''- bcooini' .'I soldifr ac^ain ; military eareor of cc.iirst; \\.i> '' minidcd. He h.Ts livetl " iili ln> in a oi' malrii.iony niiH-lV and h.-is liati sevt rai ehiklreii, hut !iav(! all ;;on(' fo IIk' 1:ii:ih beloie I It apjieais that lliis oit! niaii has ;u'\:'}'' been poor, and was eo!iS('f|iH'i.tIy the iK'f'essiiy ofliboriiit!; Ini’ | 'I'liis ins'anee id Ioii";.'.'Vity ;'• to allord us an instruelis ■ coir.iiu'iii‘|i.' j on our cliiiiatc. 1L must th.'it ll'ic period of hiimiiM lib,' issud'^'^ in Ainoriea than in Kni’tip*' ; J'''- wilii.^lanilina; ihe biekliiu'"' •'* mate in sotne jiarls oi the f | the (juosliitii oeeiirs. v,'!iPt!i(''' ol ot:r peojd..' d;) not prtuUu-i tl'j''^ !i"_>s of iifi: ? h i>. i.oL to h ' th:d 111." (|i:aiiii!y of animal Joo.l • • ardent, ^-jdrils eonsuniei! in and tiu' inaeii\ ity >f the I cotiipl 'te!V dcstruelivi! ol hea.i.i [)hy.--ieal ^lreii;',tli. .'\s unnt as 1 am f^r IIea'.''’H-v Ilisl-op Wai biii'ton.) I b.ad rata' ‘ ilic last tp.iinpet than a cltnti'>' i ' .'iiiit cfcliaucery. lit ver you M1 c II ae 1 A n ,^-e I ()'s Ln:> > J'tdf^mcn -V •here, in the ii.'',-ui-'' of tlie dt'vi.—;• ■ 1 ['..I'line; and !n;>-:;-inc’: rt a poor . H.iiii.liiin liillon, l',:.(p whose sci-j the true r(-;;rese!ilatlon ( I acli and l.uvi; no! b-.';) cp.,.' I v-. v,''.O hu'-- r;p J>. ..I >1' 1''^ ''''' -V

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