-i' ■ ; r^\\ flpiv' nrrd upon t’ne liorlzon—yf>t still lM)r/r[*Y. 1 tlu' ( T!m bell Was pLlnly to be lnnnl, wlillo nut a biealli oC >\ iml Vviis lo he I’rli- Noon canic, and still the (■:ilm ciMuiniicd, and tlie sound :ij)- nioaciieil lu-orer :mil nraicr, r/h(Mi on u LiM'.S. TVlion cnl ’nc?" ‘.' raps tin*; siiflt’vir.}^ cluv',, Ail, vlii’lu-r strnyr. the immortal mind? I-* r ;n!Kit uic, it raiinot stay, B’lt I ’.iv'f, it«! d irken’d clust behind. Then. niifm!>nditd, dot!i !t trnce Ey steps cuch planet’s hi avc iily way ? Or fill at oncc the realms of s]iacc , A tl.hig^ of cyt‘s, that all sum y ? Llcrnal, boun'-lless, tindecny’d, A thought iinsfcn, but siti-'.ff all, All, nil in earl II, or : kies di‘^pla_\'d, Shall it *!urv( y, sl.all itivcall; Each fainter trrvcc th:il memory hold#. So dar!:!y of (lej)artcd years, In one h’-oad glance the soul beholds, And a’.!, tiiut »\ as, at once appears- ncfrtrc Creation peopled envth, Its eye shall roll Ihrougli chaos back ; And w ill re the furthest hvavrn hadbirtii, 'I'lic spirit trace its rising' track. And where the Hituro mars ov makes, Its ^lancc diLte o’er all to be, M'hile sun is q'.icnch’d or system brcnk', 1‘ix’d in its o\s n elLrulty. Above or I.ovc', Hope, ll.'.tc, or Fear, It lives ai! p issinnicss and pure An age shaii fUet liki tarih!) yiar; Its yc:u'.'. .IS nu Du iil. sliall eiiilurc. Aw. y, au y, v, itl.u’it a win:j;, OVr .1'.!, tlirongh all, itsilioiujlits shall fly; A name’.' ,ss and etiniai tl.in;j^, Lors^ettin},' v.ln‘ it v a.sio die. IirDlirftf j II;-ir r-ul', i.ft v.-.re Vi-y in Keitir.s 0-,eir hats, puUlnf iVnZ to vc;.- .. har.1 b’oor. n,. tl.cir ?l-..vc.s, and opcmng thur pe v icni.iLUtol.i. with an apiwrent iMgerncss to sons ootidenmed \' l;cn he had finii'lK.d-i;.s tnr.c, livrij>- plicd lor work, nnc! •va.s rcnulsed on :W1 sides. Most of tho ninyors objected to his establishing: hir.i'*'-!! iiithcir di.strict^. suddci-, the Captain from the fop cried Not knowing wh.at to do with himseli, out, 1 see it iiuw, hut what it is., C5od lie built the colta^'c you observe on the II • » 1. I 1 1 ! . .».• ..C . cV I i-ic ill only l^p.(»\\ s : it cki;s not look like* nuy V.VIMF/I Y. All ]il'-asiive consisis in rr,-i(!y. I'ro;n lliu New-York fctatesman. "HIE MYS ri-.HIOt’S liKLL. A fKAOMtr. It was a (lend rahn : the .sun beamed Drii^ht and bea\ti.irul upon the ocean, in ^itt'n^ s;lo»'y» and all hie and animation had ^’iven jdace to that overpowerinj; jlstlos>5ness, whirh none can I’orm any eoneeption of, but they who have ex- perieneed a long continued calm at sea. I was loaning ap^ainht the taHrail, pi/- ^ ing; upon the dark waters below, in that state of apathy in whi^'h thoii2;lit itself becomes almost too threat an exertion, n'hcn suddenly a gentle breath of wind that swept alonp; so lightl}’ as to 'causO no ripple upon the glassy surface of the ivaveless deep, wafted to iny awakened sense a tinkling; sound, like the ringing of a small bell at an immense distance. The unusual circumstance aroused my dormant faculties, and I listened with breathless attention ; but the flaw' had passed, and all was again silent and death-like. I remained upon the same spot nearly an hour, but it came not again ; and at length, overcome with drowsiness, I retired to my birth. The next morn ing wlien I came upon deck, I found that the calm still continueti and the Captain was of oj)inion, that it would last some days. 1 mentioned to him the incident that had attracted my at tention ; but he laughed, and said I had been dreaming. He knew we were too far iVom land for any sound lo reach tis, and no ^vessel, he said, could have been near enough for me to hear the ringing of the bell, wilhout .'1I10 being in siglit. The mute agreed with him ; but 1 observed one u father beateij t;.r, who wf;s standing near, to shai.e his •K-ad doubtfully, and his rugged roun- teiiancc bctroyed great an\i'.ty ;■ but he said nothing, 'fhe morning passed a- way, and siill the sea v.-ns uniuiricd by r.ny breexc. After dinner, lo wliih' a- way the tedious hours, t!ic eaiitain a'ld I sat doun upon tii; |iiart>;r deck to c.u’ds. We had scarcely coianienci'd playing, when I w.ts startled i»y heai*- ingtlie same bell-likeiones, so fiiint and I'ar, that ‘Miothing lived ’iwixt them ai.(( silence.” 1 called to fiie cuptain to iii'ten ; he sat a nioment WlLhoui sjirak- iri'T, and then slartrd up, exfUtimii ' ‘ I hear it tor* ” 'i'he sailor:* seemed I ? have noticed it aho, for they weie husli- rd and listening. 'J’he (.'.iptain w( iit a- loft wit!) Iii.s 2;iass, r.nd looked in e\'cry direction. “ I 'leai'it,’’said he, “dis- tinftly, hill I ean see nothing ; it ean- iK.t !)0 Ti-om shore, lor we are more than Icas’ies iVom any land.” The at tention 'f nil on honid was now full}' swakf. 'I'he sailors stood uj)on the fwrec^istle in anxious gioupe^, all ’lie old n.anj tlie siiigolar e7,[;ression of Vv hose h.atures I ’;y(l remarked '•n the niorning. Me .sat aio:e* upon the wind- {a'''^, 'vitii his hands lolded, and his eves intei'tly nxed upon the deck—hwt still hr 5].oke not. Various eonjeetnrei) Vfre haziird^d among us, but ii'Te that r:;li ^rarlon! s' ;icf’ounted for the noise. The afltnioon [lassed, and the *sun a-r cuin set, w’.ile the 1'nkling : ound still (•am: noalin-:: over t‘,e walei\>. It n-as late bel’ore ^ier. p c!fsed my c}‘ s tha» ti^^-p.t. ^Vh^ ’l t!ie nicrning of the JH xt \ y (i.T’.v’H'd. ttif C.'ij'tain went ag;on to ^0 head >^'i’.!i hii. glas.s, b'J eraft that ever the hand of man fashion- imI.” \\’i' all rushed to the forecastle, ai'd in silencc awaited the apjiroaeh ol (his strange navigator. It came career ing ov'er the \^aters with a rnjjid jno- tiop, an(', as it drew near, exlnbited *0 our woniUirin*!: gaze a single hliick mast, rising from the cenlre of what seimed a «"|uare anti solid block fn wood, but without yard or sail; nor did any liv ing creature ap])ear up(»n it. I propos ed to take the Ijoat and board it; hut the s.'-ilors shook tbeir heads, and the. Capt.'iin was silent. Del.ermined to dis- pover the meaning of this ])heiionie!:on, I jumped into the boat, intending to scall towards it, when the old sailor, seeing my rf'S(>lution, fieclared that he would go %\ith me; ai.d the t’aptain, r.ftcr a monuMit's hesitation, also jointd us. AN’e, rowed swiitly on wards to mevt the of our curiosity, ^v•hiJh was now wi^'iin I'a!!';) luile o( the ship, and in a iVw mimiti s, were sufVicientU' near t.) peri’eive the hril, the ringiiig oi' wl.il h I'.nd ai.nounr’ed its coming, ;.t the top of tlie ni'!'t. It was green and rns- te, as if witli age, au'l tlu-sides of tlie fioiid(--(«r!pt ha:one were covered with !iarnae!es, and tai ghd e'.asses of sca- ueed. Imaii'!i:it('!} hene;ith tl'.e !)rll, wldch still swimu: iVon) .side t:j side \\ itli (leal’eiiinir di i, w '> ;i!taehed a ileep slm- borders^of two towii.sbips, in the hope tl.-at each of the two mayors would con- si(h‘r him as a resificnt in tiie tlistrici of of a neig’nbor. There he lived as v/ell as heeould, upon the little he gained by sltoeirig hor.ses and mending carriages ; but he was constantly in fear about his wretched residence. At last tlie poor devil w as so iniserahle that he regretted the gallies, and v.ithout any place of rcj.'ose, ho forged another fals«* key, broke into a 'iiouse, pretended that his oljject was robbery, and did in fact get pos session of i^ome unimportant article, and made tio ellbrt to conceid himself Irom the seajrhes of Justice. He was arrest ed, brought before ti’.e Court of Assizes, where he was regarded as a convict lor the second time. Jle confessed very frankly the ci ime and its motives, and w.is rondemncd for twelve months im prisonment : his punishment will ex pire ill about two months, and 1 have been told tbnt on Ids liberation the gov- ..rinn‘:!t w'ill oblige some one ol the mavors to rccei\e him ;n his district. Can } ou imagine a situation more de- s-rving of pity and' of interest ? “.\u,” said 1 to him: “ but since the administration ol justice is left to mari, he nmst have his !’;uilis ; his nature is nut the less divine.” liomc.—Tin»e, and the modern Ro mans, have luddy avenged the cause ol line, jja.' sing o\ t r t'te side and dehi^end- ('ju’thage. We sec!; for Rome in liome, ing into fix'. w;>t( r. 'I'he moment our boat touched thi'^ slranffe V('ss«l, iIm lieil ceas' il to toll, ai.d the fl.»atiiig niiss be- can!6 imnu)vable. e gazed uj on it, and U[)on each other in amazement: and at length the Capt. in a low anti tremu lous voice, ]>roposcd to return, but the sailor said “ no ! It was an evd hour when wc met this accursed” (his voice sunk, and I coidd not distinguish w hat he uttereil) “ but we /lave met it, and we must not leave it thus. Let us haul ujitm thi‘. line.'” W'e did so for nearly 20 minutes, but wdth great dif- iiculty, for it seemed as if some poml- rous hofly at the extremity, resistetl our e {Torts. ^Vt length the profound stillness that had hitherto prevrdled among us, was broken by the Captain, w'ho looked down into tliC water, and excl-iimed, “great God ! what have we here?” \Vc followed with our eyes the motion of his hand, and saw a large object glis tening while beneath the waves, and appearing like a gigantic corpse, wrap- ed in a white cloth, and bound with cords. “ Now may heaven shielfl us,” said the seaman, in a.huskey voice, “it i:3 the shrouded demon of the sea.” As he sj»oke he tirew^ his knife from his belt, and in an .instant severed the line. The body turned, its white sides -flashing through the lark waters, and with the rapitlity of lightning, disapj>eured from our view. J5. arid find it rmtliiiig 'but ruins. Jlov. oftea, after wandering about wilhout object or end, in the streets ol the City, have I returned lo my apartments satl- tleneil at tiie sight of so much ahject- ness, where oru^e there was so much grantieur ! It is in Rome more than a- ny w’here else that one is struck with the nothingness of human vanity, ll, in walking along the triumphal way, I tlio’t of that pomp, which once inves ted the consuls who had saved the re public, my reveries were constantly disturbed by some j»rocession of peni tents ; did the name and character of Cato pass upon -my recollections, it w as .-et out s-arcely concealed by a regard h,rde“^ncy. 'I’fie gate of Heaven, said he, is the place at which we should love to stav, and linger, rather than hurry uO’ I!ow little can they be sensible of the solemn import of the benediction \Ve were allectcd by the earnest and solemn manner in v. hich the old gentle man spoke. It appears to me, said I, that peoj)le ought to be willing to stay ujitil service is out, and careful not to disturb others, by coming in after it is There is one young man w ho has lately come to our meeting, who seems to make it a point to come in. just af’ter the congregation have got flill, and the services arc begun. I know who he is, but he appears as 11 he got up late, or else wanted lo be seen. That’s Dr. Camomile, said my wife.— } le has his patients to visit Sunday mor nings, vou know', said Miss Twitter, wdtli a shrewd look. ell, said I, un til he learns better manners, he shan't have me for a patient. I never mean to look abo!it, said my wile, but four or five Sunday.-; ago a young man and woman sat in a pew just before me, wno eoiiduetcd in a very silly manner, 'riial’s Mr. liitterstreet and his new wife, s.ud Mjss 'rwitter, but you must excuse it. It is ‘trnuge, said my wife, how many improp: it ties there arccom- miticd at church ; people take up a psalm ht>jtk, and n-nd while the minis ter addrcs‘^es them—a tiling they would i!uiik very iiuleceiit any where else ; tliev will whis])cr, anfl drum with their iMiri'ers, and in variou;-^v.lys disturb tho‘.e around them ; and people too who would not for the v/orld be thought impolitt,-. They ''ill suMIt their cdiildren to con duct in a nianner at chmvh v.’hich shows to the whole congregation that they are not governed at home—they—Alas, said I, I wi«li people had been better brought up.’ RKUr.lOT S. TIU)U SHAI.T TK\CI1 THEM DILM- I.LN I LV TO THY CHH.DREN. Many parents are too much tiisposcd to delay giving their children direct re- liiiious instruction—at an age when the sureto bedriven'thepce bythesightoi;^^‘'i’"> an abbe or a })riest making love to some . . pa^sing damsel ; the noble self mortifi cation of Mutius Sca'vola was con- r.\ 1 uAc'rs From a work entitU-d The Hermit in Italy, by .Mr .louy. “A Piedmonte'‘noi)leman, thecount de S——, was pointetl t)Ut to me as be ing a regular frequenter of tlie house.— Two of]ic(;rs oftbeTlh regiment of bus- s:’,rs, then stationed at 'i'lU'in, awart' of my .rccetit ari iMd from Paris, entered into.conversation, Ciiui toltl me who he was, iri ai'.iwt'r lo i/iy (juestions I'elat- iiig *0 tiii.s •strange aiil severe looking man. For uear'‘y ten years ll'.e_ Cuuni de—lias_spol'»en to r;o one. \\’ith the point of his k;dfe be iiulicates what he w ish('sto be served with. He n’erpicnt- ly rides on ht)rseb;ick, and r'ecpi^'ufs tb.epti’es anil j)ui)Hi' AVidks ; b-’.l nothing has e\rr herij aide to fi»rcp bhn into a breach of the oath of eternal silence u hich he swore at the age of twenty.— At that age he had the misfortuiK; to fommit r-ome indiscretion tlwit occaidtm- od a duel, in wliich his most inliiaale fru:nd fell, and he re.sOivetl from rhat moment never to utter another wttnl. and no etf'ovi, no persu.ision has Icen a- blc to break his resolution.” PoUcf'. — “About six years sincc; a but [robbery of .‘■onie nmgnil.ude tsasconi- rnillctj ftt Tut in. Two daring robl.ers, nd Avho h:.d not until that time |»asseti for rolthers, intioducefi themselves into th*' houso of a wealthy intlivuhial, throug'i tiiO means of a false key. The\ were arrested, tri'd, and eondemn'jd to ten years fjf hat d kdjor. 'i'hey art' now emph'} c(i in digging the earth about tJie I'oi lilicalions of Alexanih'ia, nor can a- ny thing be n.or-just ; but at tlie time of th‘'ii-trial, the lalst' key being sei'/.jd, it was risccrtained to hi' the f'abrie;ition of a y.oor d--vil of a lot ksmith, who in makrng it after a model, thought he was ?iM cu‘/r^g'-;d in iicT.oil hbcii foi’ honcbt pci- trastetl with the act of a ;»o])ish soldier holding an umbrella over his head to protect him froni the sun : a. quack re tails his poor tricks ou iho spot w-hete once stood the tribune, from which is> sueil an eloquence that av.cd the world ; some antiquated coquette trades in love, in the very mansion olLucretia ; shame less m»)thcrs improve the charms of their (laughters to their highest value, wliere the viituous crime of V’irginius rescued his child from the brutal lusts of Appius ; the people king is now' little else than a people mendicant, and prostitution has raised her thi one in the temple of Vesta. ble to be cnrrled away ly thingc; repeat and repe.-it the instruction add line upon line, precept upo>i cept, here a little and. there a carefully studying timr, place, anti t / cumstancos, th.at your labour be not vain.. Show it in its amiableness, ej citing attention by exciting inteies‘. show how' good, how useful, how bks sed, how ennobling, how glorious it ^ WlTet these things on their iiearts, i the keenest edge is raised on the strong est desire—till they can say, \ViioI have I in heaven but thee ? and thpie none on the earth I desire besides thee ^ *V. ' The folly of men tneaaurins thmstkts thcjimlvtit. •' It must be quite palpable to any nun v, b.o has seen much of iifc, and siillmorn if he ha> travelled cxtensivtlv, and wr. ncssed the varied complexioiirj of moral, ity that obtain in distant societies,-.!, must be quite obvious to such a how readily the moran'cclinj^-, in each if them, accommodates itself to tlie stttte of practice and ob.scrvation—iha, the practices of one country, forwhirli there is a most complaccni lolera. tion, would he shuddered at as so nia:!v atrocities in another country,—that u every given neighbourhood, tlie sense of rii^ht and of \rronr>, becomes jusi as or as obtuse as to square with its avfrj>e jiurilvo and its rvveraf;o humanity, atid;.; ;iveraji-c upri.^hliiesa,—that v.'hat v.oiill revolt ilie public feeling of a rciind pa> ish in Scotland as >;ross liceaiiousr.cbso; outrajjeous cruelty, might atiath imdi'. grace whatever to a residenter in soins colonial settlement,—that, neveriiiclo'!, in the more corrupt and degraded cf the two communities, there is a scalc t f of. ferences, a range of character, ul-j which are placed the comparative s;:.- tions of-the disreputalde, ai-d ihc jnib:;- ble, and the respectable, and the su;. excellent: and yel it is a very |.os!;i'j;e thing, that if a man in the last ol' these stations were to imj)ort ;dl liis ii:.bl > and all his proPiigacu s into his native haul, superexcellent as he may be ihvo'ii, at home lie would be banished fVoin the more dilTicult to subdue than they wonlil have been at an earlier period.-And this scnliment has so powerful an influence }^•eneral associution cf viriiious un;l v.u! even on the minds of some who claim to i ordered families. Now ad we ask cl’you be called chrintian parents, that relr-1 to transfer this consideration to tr.e gion in childhood ha.s hardly been ho- niaticr before us,—to thiuk howpossi- ped far, or rarely thouglit to be ncccfisa- ry. The unchristian maxim wdiich such persons adojjt, is, that “children ouglit not to be taught religion for fear of having their minds biassed by som.e ‘ particular creed ; but they should be left to themselves, till they arc cajjal'lo of making a choice or choesc to make one.” On thissubjcct Dr. A. Clarke, in All the perished wealth—all the rare t, • i .• 1 * 1 • 11.1 his observations tui the sixth chapter o ci’eations ol art anti genius—all the pa- | • laces and thoir j.roud soiitutle, bear less I^f^ideronomy, mak-j the following per- a witness t)f Roman grantle.ur than they carry an insult to Roman degradation. ” ItlN'lS TO CHUttCH fiOER.S. Son.e of our reatlers may susj;cct tlie following to have been partiCid.irly a- daptod for the meridian of Washington. To avoid the suspicion of ])ersonality, w e assure them that we have copietl it literally from “'I'he I.adies Garland,” where it appears as an ‘cxtract from a i^ondon pnper.’ Nat. [,!. ‘Said I, do you know’ what woman that was w ho went out of the ('hi'reh this evening, immediatidy after the last singing v.m's througli } .(), saicl my v.dfe, tbjit is Ml'S. Fitlgeti Well, s:aid I, i( seems to iiie, siie might as v.ell havt; staid anoiher minutej :>nd gone otil with the rest of the a.^sembly, it Vvould only hav(i ad.dctl one to the (‘ighty-nino min- uNis r'le dill stay ; she would then have sa’.i-d her rejmtn'iion with the audience, and have participated in the blessings so lerveiitl} invoked by the IMinister. ■^I’o be sure, sai 1 my wife, hut you know, one in'ght as well make a wihl- ( at sit still as c-r.e of liiat f:*mily, when tiicLimily blood be^^ins to operate.— \ ('s, ;..,id Miss Twitter, who is stnving at my luuisi., ami it ahvays o))ei‘ates, I think. It's ,t pity, said 1, that folios are not better brought up , but I his does not appear n(*ar so bad to me a.j it did to see Alt’. Hasty get up and 2:0 fuit Cv”itlent- ly in a rage, the otlu-r evening, because the sermon wms alii;!i too loV,g. Ah, said DiV good old fatiiei, v^ho is Visit ing nn, and sat with us by the lire, the house ol '.ii.tl is thcpl:;eeto be humble, .md meek, : nd j cnitmt. And, contin- iietl he, 1 coulti not but be grieved to see many of your congregation, who, hiic ‘Jjc bh’>;>i.!^ vvai pvoi'i.auioed. tinent remarks: “This maxim is in fiat opposition to the command of (lod : and those v. ho teach it show' how little they are affect ed by the religion they profess. If tiiey felt it to be good for any thing, tlu,*y would certainly v.dsh their children to possess it ; but they do not teach reli gion to thei.- chihlren bccaust^ they feel it to be of no use to themselves. Now the Ciiristian religion, projierly ajiplied, saves the soul—fills the heart with love to God and m.an : for the love of God is shed abroad in the heart of ble a tlunfj it i.s, that the moral |)rinc;- pie of the world at lurrc, may iikvc sunk to a peaccable and upprovin;; acijuies cencc in tht; exisiini;; practice of tii world al large, by the iud.>it of inexsurin'^ our.selves by oiirsehos, and conipa:;: ouisehes an:onf^-st ourselves, may there tore be a dehision altogeihc!-,—tiiat the very host member of society r.])on cart!!, n'.a;. be utterly unutforilic . cc’tt-oF!;»;jv cn, that tlie morality fihicli is cur here, may depend uj^on tola!!;’ ;inotr;'' set of princi])les from the merahty wliich ir. belli to be indispensnblc there v. hcnv/e ruthcr these ),rindp!t s fiomt.. Ijook of (iod’s revelation,—vdien wCui told tliat the lav,’ of the tv. o f;reat cr. maiidmeiits is, to love the Ltnd oiK'b.^J with all our streng’lii, and heart, mind, and to bear the same love toc^" nei.L^hbour that w'c do to oiirM'lvt"',— ar^^nmen■ advances from a conjectwre certainly, that every ii'.liahitaat e; ear'.r.. wher' brou'tht to the l;ar of Ileavoiisj-- dicature, is allo.gethcr v.aruin".: a.i'' ihal uniens some '^reat moral .'-cr.uvatiO' , , .1 a genuine j take efVect u [ion him, he can never be a: b(,lie.’cr by tlic iloly Ghost given to J milted v.itliin the limits of iliceiTipi"- him. These persons have no love, l>e- cause they have mjt the religion that ins))ires it; and spurious roligio.n, wliieh admits Ihe maxim above mentioned, is not the religion of God, and consetjuent- ly better untaught. l^Jt what can i)e said to those parents who, possessing a better faith, equally neglect the instruc tion of iheir chiltlren in the Things of God They are higiiiy criminJ ; and if their children perish through ncglect, which is very probable, what a dread ful account must tiioy give in the great day ’ Parents ! hear what the Lord saith unto you—Vc shall diligently teach ^our children that there is one Lord, Jehovah; Klohim; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; and that they must love him with all their soul iind w’itli all their might. And as their children are heedless, aiit to forgrt, Ua- ri.tjhteoiisness. ON Tiir, rsi: or moM-' - do—lavisli vw.ilth!—j.n-t'ns !y llow lifflt iw/J it li -ive'i t).' i'or, lik'.' tin: loiTi r.t, v. hero it w: nt. NoM,','-hi but its rava;;-eK jon fur.l. fio—hoard it!—lie a vi(»n'r(^ fojl, Heap jyold vvitli neve:’ccasiii.','’ "irc Yonrcoflers are a f.ta^^-nant pool, And noug-ht Init foulest v. ci ils ;;ro\v t! IV.it liis ovampi':; \vi-;r I dc'in, Who ;>’;d ta"c!'l •' AVho, like an >^trc.ani, Spreads fruifuLnvy, yclinvif Some ru-1 of n. scchidcd :»r.d stuiil'’“- have sent f,)rtli from thoir clos. t or tin.:* ler, rays cf intrlu etiial lij^ht tiiat court.s and rev olctionized kinpdoins I'*" moon -A^hii h, thoii);-li far removed frori >i'‘ and .shinin;.^ upon it witli a ser^iK’ ' li^V^i^ is the el.it.f eausc of all tiioii'^, flowing's whicli jji^'pp'smitlv cl''*"-’ ’ of >aO;r-

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