VOL. ).] CIIM11.0TTE, JV. C. TUESVAY, JIWE 14, 1825. [NO. 87. PCBT.lSIIEn WEEKLY BINGILV3I, THHEE UOLLAHS a TEAH, paid lit ADVANCE, •fa jjo paper will be discontinued, unless at the ;:rwtioii of the cilitor, until all arrearages are /VnTERTisEMENTS wlll be insofted at the usual Persons sending in advei-tisenrifnts, are quested to note on the margin the number of . .rt'ion?, or they will be continued until forbid, j charged accordingly. Stale ot XoYUvi^aroVma. MNCOLN COUNTY. ''ourt cf Fleas and Quarter Sessions, Jipril Ttrm^ 1825. ERf-. I- Cliittim, to the use of Thomas .Ichiison rs. William Lattimore, Admr. of „.cr'-e Lattitnorc, deceased.—The same vs. the , ;^^>'^_Thnmas Johnson vs. the same.—The ijnc Vi. tlic same.—The same vs. the same. Iripinal Process, and Judgment and K.xecii- cn, ni’uiitfd liy a Justice of the Peacc for said Vmiy, levied on land belonging to the es- ;te of the Haid ('.corge Lattimore, deceased.— • appcnring to tlie satisfaction of tlie court, :,3t Robert Lattimore, one of the heirs of the iidCieorgf l.atlimorc, deceast-il, is not an in- ibitant of this State : It is thi rcfore Ordered, Sia\e. of Xort\i-CaTo\ina. LINCOLN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter isessionsf Jlpril Terrn^ 1825. David Ramsour vs. V\ illiam Lattimore, Admr. of George Lattimore, deceased.— —Orignal Process, and Judgment and Execu tion by a Justice of the Peace for said coiuity, and levied on land belonging to the estate of George Lattimore, deceased.—it appearing to the satisfaction of the court, that Kobert Latti- more, one of the heirs of the said George Latti more, is not an inhabitant of this State ; It is therefore Ordered, by Court, that publication be made six weeks successively in the Catawba Journal, that the said Kobert appear at the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for Lincoln county, at the Court-House in Lincolnton, on the third Monday in July next, then and there to plead to issue, or judgment will be entered up against him, togetlier wit)) the other heirs of the said (ieorge I-attiniore, deceased ; ;.*.id tlie land levied on subject to be sold to satisfy said judgment. TKST. VAHDUY M'BEE, C.C. Pnce adv. $2 62A. 6l39 LINCOLN COUNTY. U UoiitWf For the benefit and encouragement of MECHANISM in the Western part of North-Cirnllna. SCHEME. I'lCKETs, at 1^2. Not ttvn lilanh'S to a Pi izc. 1 Prize of $500 (Phi’ton and Cotton Saw Gin) .... is ?500 1 do jioUO (Family Coach) - is 3U0 1 do |2j() (Gig) . - is 250 1 do jl80 (do.) - - is 1X0 1 do $130 (do.) . - is ir>0 2 do $100 (Side Board 8i Cotton Saw Gin) is 200 2 do $80 (Gig and Sociable) is 160 "2 do if.’O (Hedsteiids) - is 40 3 do $14 (a set of 1'al)les) is 42 2 do $12 (Windsor Ch»irs) is 24 3 do $10 (two Ladies’ Work Tables smd one Pembroke) - is 30 1 do $8 (15ello\vs top Cradle) is 8 10 do $6 (G Ploughs, 2 Sti'eet Lamps, and 2 Lard Cans) - is 60 10 do $5 (Hals) - - is 50 1 do $4 (Candlestand) - s 4 1 do $3 (do) . . is 3 Court of Pleas and Quarter iscssions, April 1 20 do $3 (do) - - is 60 Term, 1825. (25 cast steel Axes, an»l 275 pair JAMES Marshall vs. M illi.im Lattimore, Ad ministrator of (leorgc l.attimorc.—Original Slioes) - - is 600 I 431 do $1 (Tin W are, Jewelry, Shoes, &c &.C.) - • • is 431 V court, that pubUcation be made six weeks [ I'rocess, and Judgments and Executions grant- accissivi iy in the Catawba Journal, that the ed by a Justice of Peace for said county, and aid Robert appear at the County Court of iMeus I levied on land belonging to tlie estate of the ctuurtcr Scs»iw.s, to W hold for I i„col„ ' said Georg, 1 sirncd tomm;s»„,uTS. l.y letter, postare p.id, 793 $3072 Tickcts can be had in Charlotte of the under- iuJli'meuts. T'hT. VAUDRY M'BEE, C. C. Price adv. $2 62j. j 6t39 . ol* ^»*ovt\\-^3avoWi\a. LINCOLN COUNTY. Ccurf of Picas and Quarter Sessions, Mpril Term, 1825. ISAAC Ifrion vs. Wm. Lattimore, Admr. of Geo. Laltiuiore, deed. The samera. the same. —Original Process—ju«ig’m nts and exccu'.icns jnanted b} a Justice of tlu Pi arc for said coun ty and levied on land belonging to tlie estate cf the said George Lattimore, cU ceased.—It ap- poiiring to the satisfaction of tl»e court, that }?nbeit Lattimore, one of the heirs ct the said Gtorgc Lattimore, deceased, is not an i'nhabi- t.int of this State ; It is thorefore Ordered, by Court, that publication be made six weeks suc cessively in tiie Catawba Journal, that tlie said Kobert apj)ear at the Coiinty Court ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for Lincoln cduntv, at the Court-House in Lincolnton, on the third Monday in July nc,\t, then and there to plead to issue', or judgments will be entered up against him, together with t!ie other heirs el'tlie s.ud Georgr Lattimore, deceased, in the casts as above stated; and tlie land levied on be libleto be sold to satisfy said judgments. TiCT. VAlibliY M'liEE, C. C. Price adv. $2 62^. islale. ol ^*0Yi\\-V:aYV)Vuva. LINCOLN COUNTY. Cmrt of Pleas and Quarler Sessions, Jpril Term, 1825. . Cimpbcll k Chittim,^ Original Process— r,v. I judgments aiul oxecu- ■'Vm. Lattimore, Adm. Vtion.i gr.uitLd by a Jus- Covirt-llouse in Lincolnton, on the third Mon day in July next, then and tliere to plead to is sue, or judgment will be entered up against hi™, tog’ether with the other heirs of the said George I>attimore, ikceaseil; and the land levi ed on be liable to be sold to satisfy said judg ment. test. VAHDUY M‘BEE, C. C. Price .adv. $2 62 J. 6t39 SAM’L. HENDERSON, GUEEN KENDRICK, JNO. BOYD. N. B. Explanatory Hand Bills can be had cf the Commissioners. •15 NORTH CAROLINA :L, © IB T s> (For the benefit of the Oxford Academy.) The First Class of which will be drawn at Raleigh, the 22d of June next, and com pleted in a few minutes. B. YATtS U A. M'lNTYRE, Managers. SCHEME. fjpHE subscriber wish- DESULTORY. ing to remove to Ten . nessee, will sell, on low (terms, the plantation on, I which he now lives, tw o miles west of Charlotte, I containing 416 ACRES OF LAMD, with two good dwelling-houses, kitchens, bam I and out-houses; above 20 acres of good mea- From the Hampshire Gazette. OLD STYLE AND NEW STYLE. All the nations of Kurope rcckon time by the new' style, cxceptinj>^ the Russians ami Greeks, who use the old style. Prince Mavrocordatos, in the date of his letter to Professor Everett, inserted in our last, used both styles, ihus-—Misso- 30 Nov. longhi, ■ ■ ■- 1824—the 30th of No- 11 Dec. vcmber in the old calendar correspondinp; to the 11th of December in the new. As there are probably many ot our readers who do not understand why there are two methods of reckoning time among Chris tian nations, we have prepared the fol lowing account of the old and new style from the Encyclopedia. About 46 years before Christy Julius Ctesar formed a new calendar which was much more perfect than those that pre ceded it. He made the year to consist of 365 days, and the annual excess of 6 hours, which amounted to one day in 4 years, was takeu into account by making every fourth year consist of 366 days. This year was called Bissu'tile by the Ro mans, but our English ancestors gJTe it the name of Leap year—very improperly, for instead of leaping {or skipping over) a day, one is added to the year. Caesar’s correction of the calendar was imperfect, being founded on th« supposition that the solar year consisted of 365 days,’6 hours, whereas the true solar year, or that period in which the sun performs its revolution in the ecliptic from any equinox or solstice to the same again, consists of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45d seconds. Thus the Julian year ex ceeded the solar 11 minutes 14i seconds, which amounted to a whole lay in 130 years. In consequence of this inacuracy, the Julian calendar, the vernal equinox, the time when the sun crosses the equi noctial line in the spring,) w hich happened on the 25th of March in the time of Ju lius Cxsar, had receded,to the 21st of March, in the year 325, and was fixed to that day by the council of Nice. At tempts were afterwards made at different tinipc in »*flbct some chanire in the calen- sonie time. At length, looking earnestly in the prisoner’s face, he enquired if h« had been induced to make that plea by the hope of pardon ? He replied that he hud done it deliberately. His lordship told him to consider a short time before he determined in that plea; the prisoner “shook his head, reclined on his hand, and again covered his face, agitated by grief.” Clerk of the Shall I entef the verdict, my lord ?” The Jierorder—“ Wait a short time.’* The prisoner was then removed } and on being brought buck, and on saying that he persisted in his plea, the judge* putting on his black cap, addressed hin^ in a very solemn manner, and, after urg ing him not to indulge the hope of a par don, proceeded to pronounce tl.e.sentence of death. The prisoner seemed to loso all power of breathing, and dropped down his head : Mi‘. Smith, one of the prose cutors, who had before attempted to ad dress the court, ‘made way through the crowd, by the witness box, and very agi- tatingly exclaimed : “ My lord, as the prosecutor, I recom mend him to merc.>« if mercy can be shown. The conse(iuences of his crime were limited ; the public have suffered nothing—haruJy any thing.” Lord CJifibrd le.iiit back in his seat, greatly afl'ected ; l)Ut made no reply. Tiic prisoner was then removed fiom the dock, amidst the deathly silence of a crowded court, many of the persons pre sent well knowing the prisoner and his father the banker. The number for March last, of Malte- Srun's Annals of Geography, published at Paris, contains the allowing esti mates : Square Milcf. litisssa, in Europe, out of Europe, England \n Europe, — out of Europe, Francc, in Europe, out uf Europe, 1 Prize of $10,000 10,000 1 6,000 6,000 1 4,000 4,000 1 3,000 3,000 1 2,000 2,U00 1 1,538 1,538 6 1,()U0 6,000 6 500 3,000 6 200 1,200 156 24 3,744 312 32 3,744 468 8 3,744 7,800 4 31,200 8,760 Prices. 15,60U Itlanks. $79,170 24,360 Ticket-, $79,170 dow, and about 150 acres of cleared land, all in 1 times to eflcct some change in the calen good repair. Any person wishing to purchase, I but a complete reformation was not may call and view the premises and know the ^^^je until 1582. Pope (iregory XHI 1 terms. May 27, 1825. JONAS CLAHK. 3t38 Prussiot 75,154 292,339 5,554 176,‘J71 10,086. 667 12,265 5,014 578,044 JnhahUanh, 47,660*000 11.714.000 21.400.000 30.749.000 '469,000 29.691.000 11,4(-O,000 268.124.000 invited to Rome the most learncvl astron omers of the age, and after the subject had been discussed 10 years, it was de creed in 1582 that the vernal equinox,! tants, then the five powets occupy more CROCKERY AND GLASSAVAHE. i w hich had receded 10 day.s since the i than three-fourths of the European terri- ■' '■ ’ — ‘— tory and populatiun. The five powers together,- have in Europe, 108,073 140,800,000 If the known world liavc 2,512,000 square miles, and 938,000,000 of inhabi tants, then the five powers occupy one quarter of the terrestrial surface, and reign over two-thirds of ihc human race. H Europe contain, U]>on 155,220 square miles, a population of 206,780,000 inhabi- I , ^ -1 1 1 council of Nice, and consequently hap- T HE subscriber has just received, and is now ! „ ». , „i,i i' . offering for sale, at his store four doors peni d on the 11th of March, should b I south of the Coui't-Ilouse, an tUgant assort- brought back to the 21st oi Mai^ch,^ and I nient of ’ ‘ ‘ ■ " '* * ' Crockery ami Glnss-Ware^ I together w'ith a general assortment of Groceries, Confectionaries, &c. Also, a choice collection of AVincs, Cordials, I and Spirituous Liquors, all of which ’he will The EmjMre of China, nevertheless, is more populous than all Europe together. COUNTERI'EITETIS. Extractor a letter from Mount Sterling, to • gentleman in this place, dated May 2, 1825. “Our citizens have beeji somewhat ex cited lately by the news of a pa. ty of I'hls Lottery is formed by the ternary combi- nation and pdmutation of 30 numbeis. PEARSALL THOMPSON, wm. Laltimore, Aum. ; uon.i , prizes payable 30 days after the drawing, and j charlotte. May 26, 1825. 6t40 ct George Lattimore, | ticc of ilie Peaoe for subject to tlit usual deduction of 15 per cent. ; dceased. J said county, and levied whole Tickcts, ------ $4 I V. \3 \v^ lOY naiC,. on land, belonging to the estate ol George Lat- 2 I prw^uE jmbscriber has for saje, at his plantation timore.deceasid. • • r » t^uarler do. 1 I J on the Yadkin river, eiglit miles east of IT appearing to the satisfaction ot the court, • ^ ^ yjcKKTS and SHAKES, in the above s^iij^ijurv, two thousand bushels of prime Corn. that Kobert l.attimore, one ot till-heirs ol I . , . a-^th,- rnfnu-hrt] ' K. MACNAMAKA. the said George Lattimore, deceased, is not an . Lottery , for sab; at tl:e office ot the CatauJa | iniiabitant of this hlatc : It is ili reton- Ordfr-, j^^rnal, where adventurers are mvitcd to call, ed, by Court, that publication be ; .,„,Uecurc a chance for Jl0,000, at the vciy | V XeSYOeS. weekssucce.ssively in the-Catawba Journal, that I .... , r. * * t!ie said Kobert appear at the County Court ot. low jir.Ge ot >4. I Saturday, the 18th of June next, at the Pleas and Quarter Soss.ons, to be In id tor l.in- j ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ that i’or this purpose 10 days should be taken from the month of October, 1582. To avoid future deviation it was deter mined that instead of ev.ery lOOih year (the last year ofeveiy century) being leap vear, every 400lh year only should be ieap year. Many oi our readers proba-j ^fj,jj,|prfeiters, carrying on iheir business ‘^oln county, ot the Couit-Mouse in l.mcoiiitoi., j on the third Monday in July next, \l>eu and i there to plead to issue, or juilgiiu nt will be en tered against him, togetlier w itli tlio utiu i I keirs of the t state of the said Georg.- Lattiinon-, deceased; and tlie land ievii tl on be liable to be sold to satisfy said jiulguu tit. TF.ST. VAKDUV M‘lii:r.,/ . c. Price adv. ?2 6ZL LINCOLN COU.ViV. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sibiion", April Term, Hoyle, son k Cox, r.^. ’VVlHia’.n T.^ttunorc, Admr. of Cu orge i.altlnu'iv, tUiv;i‘ird.— 'Hie same vi. the same.— The sanu- r*;. tiu- same. ^Original Process—judgments and e.M i utions, {,Tinted by a Juiitiee of the Peace tor saul coun- ^yi levied on l.and belonging to I hi; estate ot ' 'he said George Lattimore, deceased.—It ap- I'furing to the sati..i';'.etioii of tne eourt, that ivobcrt Lattimore, one of tlie i.eirs ol tlic sau - . 1 Court-House dorr in Charlotte, I .■'hall I'ro- . VjttOUS . cted to sell, agreeably to the directions of the IJl WE on hand a general assortment of hist will of Elizabeth King, tiie following ne- Drv tioods, Ilarvlvan-, Crockery and tiro- groes, viz Cloe, 'I'oney, and Katy. A credit cerii^ wb’ch I wdl sell low for cash, or on a uf six months will be g.ven to purchas'vr>, and creairuuti! tall, to i>ersons vhose punctuality due attendance bj^ * ^vcnV^^WK Fx’r can b.' r. lled on. TIiom; w ho may favor me . (-■ M COli-.HCIv, i.j r. ^ with t(:elr eastom, will be t’.uiikfully acknow- N. IV Sale to conimence precisely at U o leiltri.d. ■ As all my stock of goods was purchas- dock, cd tor caih, and ti.e greater i.i.rt ot them b‘fore | May 24, 182.. th- l itc rise ':n goods, I \pect to sell as low as 3t)7 Charlotte, May 12, 18JJ. \ NV person desirous to settle in S/'A the village of Charlotte, N. C. AARON \V]II:KJ.E]J, Coachy Sign, Chair Ornamcntn! VAINTKR, EF.TURNS hit. thanks to his fi icnds and t’.e . public, for the liberal encouragement which he has alrc.idy received, and respectfolly solicits continuance of patronage. He is pri pared , ,1(1 save the trouble and expense ^ ^ , - ■ • building, will do well to call on to do all kinds of IVinting in h\i line ; andcu'- IhT'.^iuiserloer, wiio oViers for sale his house t„niers may depend on having their v.orl; ni ..t- anil lots on t.frins to pU »se a purchaser, viz ly executed, and with desp;teli, \ liin'.- ti-unt lots and two l.ack, h ing in the Sandy Painting iu the country w iH be done u:. Hollow, and adjoininp: WiUunn Lucky’s land; short notice, also, two lots. {!k* tif-nt on Broad street, and | Wge’Lattimore, lecease.!, is nut an inbabi- l,;ick lot, adjoining the Methodist Church.— . . i*atiin.o.e, by I Also, a two story dwellinj-liou^e on Pmad-st K. K. Old chairs re-painted and re-gilt. ('harluUe, Odoh'rA, 1824 —Itt i*nt of this State : Court, that publ.eatloM be made six weeks 6'ircessively in t!ie Catawba Journal, that the *>‘»id Kobert appear at the t.ounty eomt ot i’leau and Quarter Sess'on", >o be held for l.in- 'jln countv, at the Court-Iloose n\ laneobiton, the tliird Mondav in July next, tiien and diereto plead to issue, or judgments w;ll be ' 1‘tered \ip again.>t him, together with the oth- heirt-of the said George Lattimove, deceased, the ca'jes as abov e stated; and the landlf“'i- ^'d on be liable to be sold to saLiit’y said judg- J-T!:tits. VARDIIY MT-EE, V. C. Price a'lv. f2 C2l. -Delivery Eonds, ro»- at Offa« of the Journal. situated a few rods noith-. a-.t from the Ccuit- HqUse, with two lots. Dii the premises are an excellent Cellar, Kitchen, Sii.oke-House, harn, StableBi and every other neces ;ary out bu'hding. EDW’I) IltJONSO^’. Notice, \I L those, w hose subscriptions for building the churrli in Charlotte are yet unpaid, ami thoi,e w ho took pews for the year ending Au gust, 1824, are earnestly called on for immedl- y', I • /• n ' I ate pavineiit. Al.^o, subscribe rs for enclosing iVindsOV CIWIT jMuHtni' JjU'IRCSS, J^fichurch-yard, andfortliepurrbase E subscriber having comnienctd t!ie above I j' nEIX, are requested to make payment, so I busini fs in the town ot ( liarlotfe, re?p( ct- j ^ pnr-'hajed a.nd put up witii fully soli' its a sh a-e of public patrrnnge. His ^^ay posi,ibk. work wi'! be neatly and durably constructed, j JOHN IR’W’IN, and will b-; disposed of on accommodating TreKsurer of the Board Corr.mio^ioiurs. blv recollect that the year 1800 was not a leap year, although 1796 was. By this diminution of the number of leap years, (a diminution of 3 days in 400 years) the error in the pi'csent calendar will not ex ceed a day and a half in 5000 years. The calendar thus reformed by Pope Gregory was imnu-diaiely introduced in to ail catholic countries, but the protes- tf.nl'i, ailiiatcd by an unworthy jealousy, declined to receive a measure which originated among the cath)lics. Their objectiuus, however, were gradually re moved, and in 1752, when the en or had increased to 11 days, the new style was intruduced into the B’ritish empire, (which included the present United Stales) by an act of parliament. Eleven days were .struck out of the calendar, the third of SepleiiiLer being reckoned the i‘fj\n-t'^enlh. All the other protestanl states have adopted the new style, but Itussia, where the established religion is that of the Greek church, and »he Chris tians attached to the Greek church in the varlo’fs provinces of Turkey, have to this day obstinately rejected the new calen- diir, and siill reckon by the old style. This has occasioned much confusion and anparent contradiction in the intelligence received from Greece, since the com- 'Tienrement of the pre.sent contest The 'iieeks, in their accounts of battles and other events, make use of the old style, V, hile the English, French, Americans, t:c. in that country, conform t,heir dates to tlie new calendar. terms. , ^ StTTi;ER and CiiAinP, maue to oj- der, can be had on sliort n'-itiee. . \S1IJJAM C l.\ EKHOT CharlQitc,-l\l:. ■>, 18^5. March 18, 182o.—2 Constables’ Kxt'cntio.n^. i ?■. rJ": ft* ♦‘ra Ci? I'rom the New -York IJaily Advertiser. A very afiecting trial for forgery re cently took place at Bristol, England. Mr. Savary, a young man, the son of a res pectable banker of that city, plead guilty at the bar to a charge of forging a bill of exchange, signed with a fictitious name. The plea of “guilty” was wholly unex pected by the court; and being delivered in a firm voice, produced a great cfTect, particubrly on Judge Gitlbrd, who at-d. r?nr.\ined siknt for about thirty miles fioin this place. A company of about fifteen left here on last Thursday, and came on their camp in a very remote and mountaneous part of the country. 'I'iiey had a small paper mill to go by water, and had n>ade about geooo, principally on the banks of Ten nessee, South-Carolina and New-Orleans. Two of the party were tuken and three made their csrape ; the two ringleaders, Sturdevant and Allen made their escape, but it is expected they will be taken. I have seen the money and do noi hesitate to say, that I should have considered it genuine. The information catne from a youfig man who had acted as tlieir clerk for some years, in filling up, See.” Leiinf'ton, K. Oaz, CANALS ny STEAM. The Cincinnati Eronorium informs that at the woollen manufactory in that city, there is a model of a machine for exca- valitig the earth for the formation of ca nals, the iHvention of Mr. Erench, Prac tical Engineer. It excavates, elevates, and places the earth on the side of the canal, at any given distiince from its mar gin, at one operation. 7'he great sim plicity of its construction and movements, the almost certainty of its great practical utility, will render its invention at this ])articular period a matter of congratu lation to the citizens of this coutitry, and we trust, of profit to its ingenious inven tor. We understand a machine of suf ficient magnitude is now building, and expect this season to see steam successful ly applied to digging canals. A case of extraordinary increase by transplantation is given in the British Philosophical 'I’ransactions, vol. Iviii. p. 203. “ Mr. Charles Miller, of Cambridge, sowed some wheat on the 2d of June, 1776, and on the 8th of August one plant was taken up, separated itUo 18 parts, and replanted ; these platits were again lalicn, and divided between the wiiddlc of

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