VOL. I.] CIlARLOTTli, X. e. TUESmr, nXE S8, 1825. [NO. 39. »’’MMSHED WtKKLT By LEMUEL lUXiULVM, ^ 'liilUfi DOLtAUS A TKAn, PXllt IN ADTAWCt. j:o paper will be discontinued, unlens at the ,;rtiticn of the editor, until all arrearages arc .'J. .\rrKRTrsr.Mr.NTS will be inserted at the usual .. Persons sending’ in r.dvcrtisements, are ^^uestc^l to note on the niarrin tlie number of ^.rtlons, or thej' will be continued until forbid, :.il charcced accordingly. Xovt\\-i2avo\ina. LINCOLN COUNTY. diii't cf r^cas mid Quarter Sessions, £pril Ttrm^ 1825. KHR- Chittim, to the use of TlionriM Ji.huson vs. William Latlimon, Admr. of ;L-(>rs;c Lattimorc, deceased.—The same i'.». the ’rln.)ma.s Jol'.ns'jn rs. th';: sanie.—The ,r.c vs. the same.—'I'he sunc r.;. the same. Uvi^'inal Process, and Judgment and Kxecu- i'!i. j-Tanted l)y a Justice uf the Peace for said .■>u'itv,.a;id levied on land belurging to the es- lit' tlie said (ieor£fe LMttiiiiore.flectased.— appf-aiiug’ to the satisfaction of the court, 'lat IKibert Lattimore, one of the heirs of the ml t-i-ovpe Lattimore, deceased, is not an in- ibitiint of this State ; It is tht-refore Ordcrtd, V court, that publication be made six weeks ::iMively in the C'atiiwba Jor.inal, that the ill Kobeit appear at tlio (’ounty (,\»nrt ot Pleas "J Quarter Sessions, to be held for Lincoln rar.tv, at the Court House in Liiicolnton, on ;t third Monday in July next, then and there „ riltud t > issue, or judj^nients will be entered p*3j^'iin>t him, tog'ethi r witli the other heirs f tiiC s:ud Georpe Lattimore, deceased, in the vewl eases as above stated ; and the land le nd on be liable to be sold to satisfy the said j>-nients. im. , VAIIDRY M'BEE, C. C. Price adv. $2 62^. 6x30 State of Xoi*t\\-Cai*oVina. LINCOLN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions^ Mpril Term, 1825. nAViD Ramsour r.v. AVilli.im Lattimore, Admr. of Geortjc Lattimore, deceased.— —Orignal Proi css, and Judg-ment and li.xecu- tion by a Justice of the Peace f(>r said county, and levied on land belonginj' to the estate of George LatUmore, deceased.—It appearinf*- to the satisfaction of the court, that Uobert Latti- more, one of the heirs of the said George Latti- more, is not an inhabitant of this State : It is therefore Oroend, by Court, that publication be made .six weeks succes.sively in the Catawba Journal, that tlie said Ilobert appear at the County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, to be held for Lincoln county, at tlie Court-House in Liucolnton, on the third Monday in Jvdy next, then and there to plead to issue, or jvulgment will he entered up against him, together with the other heirs of the said George Lattimore, deceased ; a^ld the land levied on subject to be sold to satisfy said judgment, ifsr. ‘VAPwUUY M‘BF.F., C. t'. Price adv. $2 62i. 6t 9 , LINCOLN COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, Jlpril Term, 1825. JAMIES Marshall vs. William Lattimore, Ad ministrator of George Lattiirore.—Original Proccss, and Judgments and Executions grant ed by a Justice of Peace for said county, and levied on land belonging to the estate of the said George Lattimore, dccc.ased. It appear ing to the satisfaction of the court, that liobert Lattimore, one of the heirs of the said George Lattimore, deceased, is not an inhabitant of this State: It is therefore OiderC'l, by Court, that publication be made six weess successively in tlie Catawba Jouriial, that the said Kobert ap pear, at the County Court of Pitas aiul Quarter Sessions, to be held for Lincoln county, at the Court-House in Lincolnton, on the tliird Mon day in July next, the n and there to plead to is sue, or judgment will l)e entered up against him, t0}>ether with the other heiis of the .‘aid George L;ittimore, deceased ; and the land k vi- ed on be liable to be sohl to s.vtisfy said judg ment. TKST. VAUDRY M‘IiKE, C. C. Price adv. 5?2 62^. 6t39 feXaie, of .VovtVv-V'avoVuva. LI.NCOLN COUNTY. ourt nf Picas and Quarter Sessions, Jpril Term, 1825. S.^Ar Hrron vs. \A m.,Lattimore, Admr. of G 'O. Lattin.ore, deed. 'I'hc aame iw. the same. (iriginal Pivocss—judgnvnts and executions Sc e'rj=crockery and glass-waee. ftlu said George ) .att-niure, deceased.—It ap- ri^HE subscriber has just received, and Is now ;.rinp to the siitisfaction of tlie court, that ^ X ollering for sale, at his store fovn- doors o!)ert Lattimore, one of the heiis of the .said | south of the Court-House, an elegant ussort- ecvi;c- Lattimore, deci ased, is not an inhabi-' ment of nt of this State: It is therefore (Jrdt red, by \ ^ , i ourt, that pul)lie;;lion I'.e made si\ w eeks sue-j vVOCn'CVy (tlUt/ GldfS-rrftlC^ cssively in the t.:itawba Journal, tliat tlie said ^ ^ojr(.ther with a general assortment of obcrt ai)pear at tlie Coiuitv (,;ourt ot Pleas, ° « . . « ■for Lincoln! broccrics, Loniectionarics, d'C. For Hit hcnt'fil ami cnoniragcmcnt of MECIIAMSM in the Western jiart of North-C.’irolina. SCHEME. Tickets, at S2. Nut tivo Jjlonka to a Prize. 1 Prize of #500 (Phaeton and Cotton Saw Gin) .... is ;k500 1 do ?;>00 (Family Coach) - is SOU 1 do ?250 (Gig) . . is 250 1 do $180 (do.) - . is 1«0 1 do $1jU (do.) . . is 130 2 do $100 (Side Bsard & Cotton Saw Gin) is 200 2 no $80 (Gig and Sociable) is 160 2 do $20 (Bedsteads) . is 40 3 do $14 (a set of Tables) is 42 2 do $12 (Windsor Chairs) is 24 3 do $10 (two Ladies’ Work Tables and one Pembroke) . is 30 do $8 (Bellows top Cradle) is 8 Uo $6 (6 Ploughs, 2 Street Lan)p.!, and 2 Lard Cans) . is 60 do $5 (Hats) - . is 50 do $4 (Candlcstand) - 4 4 do $3 (do) . . is 3 do $3 (do) - . is 60 300, «io $2 (25 cast steel Axes, and 275 pair Shovs) ■* . . is 600 431 do $1 (Tin Ware, Jewelry, Shoes, Stc &.C.) - - is 431 793 $3072 Tickets can be had in Charlotte of the under signed ConimisMoners, by letter, postage paid, inclosing the money; or from their agents in Salisbury, Statesville, Concord, l.incolnt(m, i , • u -m i- Yoikville or Lancaster; who pledge themselves tice with the pen is small. IhcLssajs are fir IVom bein(»- perfect, and above ^ lOR Tur. CATiWUA jouhhai,. ]\Ir. BiNc.iiAM : By the present convey ance, I senil yon three juvenile essays, which I cngaf;ed sotne of niy young friends to write. They have ulso been forwarded to another editor. Not that 1 think them so celebrated as to be difl'used far and wide. But it has occurrcd to me that some of your subscribers would peruse with interest the production of a youthful pen j and especially so, when some of those who will hold that pen, are the youth of Jilecklenburg, some of whoso progenitors recorded their name on the instrument which declared the Indepen dence of Mecklenburg. There are ma ny young men, within the sphere of your paper’s extent, vkho could write well, would they but make an efl'orti The number whom I have enlisted can alTord something for your paper, once in three or four 'weeks. I hope, however, that other writers, than the few to whom I have spoken, will volunteer, and fill a solid column of Juvenile Essays, unbroken by a single week’s intermission. The com- posuits already engaged, arc quite young none exceeding twenty: while their prac- *i>P r.d (iuurtor Se.s-.iun>, to l>e hel luiity, at the Court-House in Linco!ut(r., on he third MoiuIhn in Jul} next, tlu )i and tlK-re ' plead to i.ssue, or juugmeiits w ill be entered ag'sinst him, together w itii tlic other heirs , t'the said Gcor(|:e Lattinuire, deceased, in flie ! isesab above .stated ; and the land levied on be 1 a’)leti) be sold to s;itisfv said judgments. CEsr. VAltbllY M‘BEE, V. C. Price adv. $2 6:3. 6t39 Also, a choico collection of W ines. Cordials, and .Spirituous Liquors, all of which he will sell low for Cash. PEARSALL THOMPSON. Charlotte, May 25, 18J5. 3t-10 to pay the prizes as set forth in the schcmc, thirty lays after the drawing, or refuntl the money to purchasers of tickets, provided the scheme shull not be lrawn. SAM’L. HENDERSON, GREEN KENDRICK, JNO. BOYH. N. B. Explanatory Hand Bills can be had of the Commissioners. ♦1.5 C»\’i)ceYK‘S, &c. flLEAN Rice, at 6 dollars per cwt. J Refined table Salt in boxes, Kest Surinam Molasses, Good Cofiee, 3i lbs. tor 1 dollar. Brow n Suf;ar, 7 lbs. for 1 dollar, rayettevilk- mould Candles, I.emonadc, Punch, CoriHals, and I/upiors of various kinds, to be had at all hours ot tlie day, by applying at the subscriber’s Gructry Store. J. H. NOR MENT. Charlotte, June 18, 1825. 2t.>J COAIX for feaVc. j mnF. .u,,scrihc.. h.. for«!.,«P'-'-f o- ^ 'pH , Ji on the \adkin H'el, I 'gh 1 rlnne at thp sliovtest notice and on the Coach Triinmini^ lltirness TffE subscriber has openi il a shop for the above business in the house «>ne do(*r bi- lo’.v Isaac Spencer 8c Co’:j. Carriage Making Shop, where he intends keeping constantly on hand, at reduced prices for casli or a short credit, all articles in his line of bu.siness, viz; Road ; and Jersey Wagon Harness, Gig Harness, plain , , 11 11 Repairs done at the shortest notice and on the Salisbury, two most reasonable terms. Mav 18, 1825. 8t42 fetate- lil Xovl\i-V:avoVu\a. LINCOLN COU-NTY. oud of Picas and Quarter Sessions, Jlpril Avrrii? v i utj Term, 1825. AAllUjN W ainpbell & Chittim,"^ Original Process— | Qoach, Sign, Chair 4' Ornumcutal vs. I judipiieiits and execu-j i I V'I'F I? 'ni. Lattimore, Adm. Mions granted bv a Jus- * .'%,(*> 1 iGcorire Lattimore, | tice of the Pe'ace for p ETURNS his thanks to his friends and llie dJ e:;s (1. J saul countv, and levied 1 1 i pubhc, for the liberal encouragement which nland, belonging to the estate of*George Lat- i he has aliva.ly received, uiid respectlully solicits more, deceased. ' I ^ continuance of patronage. He prepared T appearing to the s.'itisfaction of the court, ’ to tlo all kinds ol Painting in his line ; amlcus- tluit Robert Lattimore, one of the heirs of | tomers may depend cii having their wui-ji. neat- sLi'id GLor;rc Lattimore, di'ft ased, is not an ly executed, and with desjiatc.i. criticism. Inileed, as entrusted with them, 1 shall let them appear very much as they first appeared in manuscript. I shall not prune them too closely. A writ ten copy will be sent simultaneously both to your ofiice, and the oflice of a neigh boring press ; and I iiope, that the terms of admission inio your columns will be as easy as possible. You and your patrons, would ^vish to stimulate our youth with the love of literary excellence. Then ad mit them to an arena, where emulation will wake them to distingitished effort. A rich vein of talent will thus be discov ered occasionally ; lor which you will not have paid too dear, by making one of your colutnns so easy of access, that mod esty, sensibility, embryo-talent, and me- diuui-rssays, would not be repelled. W'hen the essays shall appear, I hope tliat the frost of the ungenerous censor will not nip those budding eflbrts which the spring of liuraaa life is calling forth. A SUUSCIlICKll. patriotism; ELL\S WATLINGTON. Charhttc, June 28, 1825.—38tf FOR 8ALi:, VN elegant (iRAY MAIiE, very active and pleasant under the saddle Apply'to J. li. NORMENT. .Tune 15, 1825.—2t39 CASH PE] ibitaiit of this State : It tbcreibre Urd^r- by Court, that publication be made six cck? successively in the Cataw ba Journal, that said Robert appear at the County ('ourt of lc;is and Quarter Sessioi's, to be iield i'or I.in- i!n county, ot the Court-House in Lincol.iton, 11 the. third Monday in July next, then and lare to pk-:id to issue, or jiulginent will i>e en- 'id against Lni, together with the other '■lib vi the Cbtite of the said G.t-(>rge Lattimore, 'ccc.'isei!; and the land levied on bs habit to be cU to b.'itisly iaid indgnu nt. Tisr. 'VAUDRY M‘BEE, C. C. Iriceadv.$2 62^. Oto9 ' oJ' Painting in the country wil! be done on short notice. N. B. Old chairs re-painted and re-gilt. . Charlottr, October 4, 1821.—Itf VftViVtY. aid for any quantity of OI>D "“'ehvered within sixty dav.s: E. M. BRONSON. VS Xl^‘^\avl\. om the subscriber in Ch.'ir- the night of the I61I1 ultimo, a French WXTCH, with a second hand, day . T I I I 7^ ^ . * i hand., month haiul, beside the minute and hour VlOOaS . viOVHlS • VjV>OV\S . ! hand ; g(dd cliain, and a flat brass key. Any I HAVE on hand a general .assortment of| person delivering said Watch to Dr. Sannud l)rv (loods, Ilardvarc, Crock».ry and Gro-: IkVulerson in Charlotte, or to me, or will ;‘;ivi; ceries,"^ which 1 will sill low for e.ish, or on a j such information as .'tliall lead to its discovery, credit'until fall, to pi rsons v hose punctuality | sh;dl be entitled to a n ward of ten dollars. of ^>»’uYV\\A'av«j\iua. LINCOLN cnu.NTY. jdri of Fleas and Qimytcr Sessions, jlprii Term, 1825. IOYLE, Son li. Cox. vs. AVilliam T.attin'ore, Admr. of (leo/ge L.ittimore, deceased.— •'t:ia:iie j v. the saij’i'.—1 he same rs. t!i«,s.init. Anginal Process—judgnu'iita and i ;.i cutions, ■•■■kd by a Justice of trie Ik an. ior said co".n- ' levied on T.and belonging to tli- etlate ol suiii Gei>rn;e Latriir.Oie, dceea'i d.— It ap- 'iring TO the bati^tUctjon rf tiie court, th.it LatHn.o;-!', one cf the heirs .,f the s;;id Lattiuu/.-e, .liceasid, i.-; net an iniia -.i- , ot this St:ite : it s Uu retin c On.'ind, by *•': Court, tiiat pub!'. ation I'e ni.nie x week:, •‘•ccssivcly in the Calawha J.ierii.il, th:it tui: ,'•^1 Uober’t appear :.t the County «:ourt )t •t 's and Quarter Si ssions, to b». In hi (or Lin- '-;n County, at the Court-House in Lincolntsm, die third Mond.iy in July licxt, then and to plfad to is>uf, or jiid;''nients v.ill be '‘*‘-‘red up agiiinst hir:i. to;\i.\’.H r witn the lith- ^l'i;irsof the sidd C.eorge I.attunore, derc;isei!, - tlie casco us above stafi d ; and t!ie hind !t vi- liable to be s-okl to ^■•i■l.islV :;aidjudg- \AUL‘UV M'in.r., ('. c. ?2 62 k « . 'Hvl'py iioiuls, t on*.c ■ : Jet::-uJ, can be relied on. '1 hose who may luvor me with their custom, wdl be thanktully acknow ledged. As aU n.y fitock/il’ goods was purchas- ed tor cash, and tliC gri.itt r jjart i;i tlu iii betbre the late rise on goods, I expect to sell as low’ as anv merchant in the vdhure. ^^AMUEL M'COMB. Charlotte, May 12, 1HJ5. 33' yj\ per.son desirous to settle in '-Vf !i r ^1^village of Charlotte, N. (k ^-l*^anil save tlic trouble and xpi nse of budding, will do wdl V> eall on llie ^.ubserd-'cr, who oilers for sak his house und lots on terms to jile.ise a pureiiaser, vi/. :— three front lots and iwobnek, Ivin*;' in the Sandy Hollow, and adjjining ^\ ilhain J-iicUy’b land; idso, f,vo lotn, the front on Ik’oad stn et, aiid biiek lot, adjoining tlie M tlind;st Cliureh.— Ako. a two story dwi lling-iiouse (.11 t!road-.st. situated a few rods uortii-i a>t iiYini the Court- liuuse, wltli ivso hits. On the pn niises are an cNeelknt Ci llar, l-.itehen, >inioke-Ho'.ise, Harn, St.ihks, and e\ery ollu r m re.-s.ir\ out building. I-.DW •!>. S\. MilON'S'iN. ^York>ll!c Book iiiiulrry. To tuc ciUzen'i of Charlotte and its virinit// 'HE svibscriber lunliy j';i\es nctice, thut hi ccntlnues the bu-.inesj of l!0()k ll'N’T)- in all i's variety, and on reascnaiile tenns, ,\nv orders k it w.th the eiiiini- ut tlie CatauiJa Journal, kr binding, or I’dunk liooks, w dl be at- II ndeel t'. Jt'llN D Je: f \ 1?:5 k; ■j^r’ r' V 1>TP’> V'V N. B.—'i'he above hamisare i^old. ISUCKNER LANIER 1825.—nil ' ^late ol* XovU\-\Jai*oUua, Mr.( i; 1. KN H V11 (i c0V s r v. Superior ('nvrt Linr, S/,riii;' ’J\nn, 1825. JANE PEURV I'i. Aaron Perrv. — Iktiliuntor Divorce.—it apj)earing to ti.e satisiactien of the court, th.it the dul'eiidaiit ii nut a resi dent of this state • Ordtrid, thertd'ore, that ad vertisement be made tlirec months in the Ca tawba Journal, that the defend.uit eoiiic fcn'w ard on or before tl’.e next .Superior Conrt oi' I.aw , to be held for the county of Meckk nlnir;.;-, at the Court-House in Charlotte, on the 7th Mon- ihiv alter the 4‘.h .Mond.iv in Sei;tc;i.’'er next, anil plead, ansv. er or ill mur, utl,erv, i-H- tlie pe tition v.ill be taktn jiio confess') and l.( .iid u;. paite. Teste, .r. M. Hi:TCllIi;i)N, Clh. S. C. 3m51—price adv k •\o\lcu. The members of the Sclentilie Society are requesti'd to give their attendance at the house of Juliii D Smith, on the iir>t Halur- dayir'Julv . Bv order oi the President. A. CLARK, .i.c’y. June 11, 1325.—3to9 Just ^NI) for sale at this (Jilice, in a paniphh. ♦ ibr.n, ‘‘Strictures on a piece written iy Mr. l)a\i.I Henkel, cntitkd Hea'.eniy 1 lood /f ^ Ikg. neration, or, '1 reatise on Holy Jl.ijitijin.” 1 Ik Z’' LK I'r.te, j .“iV, Ol d. Duke et decorum cat pro pntria mori. It is sweet and glorious to die for our country. «“ i/ar. There is a land, of every land the pride, Beloved by heaven, o’er all the world besidci Where brighter suns diBpense serener light. And milder moons emparadise the night; A land of beauty, virtue, valor, truth, 'I’ime-tutor’d age, and love exalted youth, Where shall that land, that spot of earth be found ^ Art thou a .max, a patriot ’ look around ! O thou shtlt find, how’ e’er t!iy footsteps roam, That land thy country, and tliat spot thy home. MONTliOMtUr. V\’hen w’e contem|)late the nature of j man, we iind that he is a social and de { peii(lr:iL beitik'’. i’roin these two circtitn- ! stances, mankind have been formed in to national associations. Hut his sorial ;>nd (lepcndonl character has its liinits : livery ititli'. iiiual, of every nation, has a i,’-!eali-i‘ allectiun fur liis ou'n couiitiy, than uiy other, 'riiis alVet lioti or love is called jiatriotisni. If we take a view of the various euioiions in man, »ve pcr- ceive, that none, have a greater (fFect on liim tl'.an jjalriolisin. No oilier iitl'e; tio;i v.ill prompt him to engage in nK^re Iraz- arduus eiHei prises, or to sulVer any ad- v(.Tsi‘i j» of fortune, w ith more patience.— It is p'ttriolisjn, that prompts a man tp ri ,k l.is life in defence of his country. It is jmtriotivn, v. hich inspires the .soldier with couiage,an'l renders liim regardi of (“Very datijyer. It is prtrio>i.'>pi, tliat stimulates tiie Legislator to enact wise and viiluo’is laws, for the good and se- curitv of his country. \l patri'jtism, which excited our venerable lore-fathers, to defend their country against the cn- cr(-achnieiits of Hritish thraldom, Tho’ far inferior to their enemies in number, though de.stitute ol pxpe.i”ui'e in llie sci ence o! war; thongli toliiliy t;iipre]>arecl i'o!' it; yet their licarts w»'re inllamed wiiit tlic love of their counin, which enabled thcnv, ii/.the faro (A' esery obstacle, .0 acn'iii e tiieir indcjiondt tn e. It wm pat^ rii ltsm, that induced them to endure e.eir- ry e>-tr( ti)ity of distress, whether arising "ro’.u famine, ccrlil, pestilence, or the vitii'^kt ::.'])ii:l’.i;v’, or ul'trinj; a murmur. Patriotism is one of the no blest principles, jilantcd in the bre.isl ot* man. It is hy patriotism, that so inany men "have rendered themselves the most disfinguiihed and illujtrtous char- icters of the world. If we examine the faithful records of history, wc see at once the truth of this assertion. Thousands of instances might be found, to show the noble effects of patriotism. If we revert to ancient history, we there find «ome oL’ the noblest ])atriots. Among whom, we may enuiuerate Cicero and Demosthenes; tw'o of the, greatest patriots tlut fireecc and Rome ever saw. Though they per formed no iliutrious exjiloits as (lenerals, yet that detracts not from their greatness, as patriots. A man may he a dist ing'iished patriot, and yet never signalize himself, in one solitary action iti a military ca reer. The* man, w ho acts as a Legisla tor, the welfare of whose country lie;; nearest his heart, wliose welfare he pro motes, by enacting wise and salutary laws, for the good of his country, is a patriot. The man, who presides as chiet’ Magistrate of any nation, if his adminis tration incline to the good of his country^ is apntriot. The man who acts in any other publicstation,if it be In the capacity ofaiu Instructor, and if the object he lias in view, be to instruct youth, for the honor and support of his country, is a patriot. 'I'he indejiendent Kditorofu Republican Press, is a patriot. Since then, a man can be a patriot, without exposing his life in de fence of his couuiry, Demostheni s and Cicero, as noble patriots, are enrolled im the annals of history. We see them exert ing the whole ()ower of their eloquence, to preserve their countries. Particular ly Ciccro ; who, when Cataline had formed one of the most detestable and deep laid conspiracies against his coun try, by his prudence and watchfulness, at the risk of his own life, not only de feated all C-ataline’s attempts, but by the thunder of his elojuence drove him' from Home, For him tiie Roman Senate, to show tlir ^rcat respect, they had for this noble patriot, decreed a public thanks- ■ giving, in his name, to the (Jods. It was conceived in these words. “ Qnod urt),e>n incendiis, cnedc cii'c.% Jtatiam hello, li/jents"^ sem.”* Cicero, in his third oration against Catalitie, exjiresses himself in these beau tiful lines, “ Quibus pro (antis rchtis, Quiri- tcs, nullum ego a volns prenemium virtutis^ nullum iusifffte homris, nullum munumentum laudis postvtoy praeterquum hvju.s tiiei int-^ morvvu stiupUcrnmn.''i These lines give us a true sketch of his character aud ought to be the principle of every patriot. lUit let us return lo modern history, and we shall find men as great as Cicero, and Dcinosthenes, if not in oratory, at least in patriotism, and other noble qual ifications of the mind, which render man so dignified. In the first place, wc may enumerate the immortal VV.\6hivoto.s', Jackson, Fhankh.v« and LAKAyicTTE, whose patriotism, and glorious services, are so well known, that I need not at tempt a description. Suffice it to say* that without their aid, our independence might not have been acquired. We can find no nation on the globe, that has en dured nioi-e pl-ivations, and suffered more from devastations, than the ' United Stales. Ofitntimes her citizens have been massacred^ with the most unrelenting fury, and put to death by torture. Yet, in Spite of every obiitacle, they triumph ed over their enemies. What cause can we assign for their engaging with a na tion so rr.uch ,superior in strength, in population, and in experience ? Was it not tin love of liljtriy, and patriotism.^—- It appears almost envious to particularize, any of tlie patriots, who were engaged in the defence of their country. Yet I will mention a fevv who have signalized themsclv«-s in a very eminent degree.— May we not bring to out memory, the il- luijtrious I.,\vvi‘.ENCF,, who died gloriously fight ing for his country, and who left a mot to, that will laiit as long as one sjiark of lib erty remains. In his flyingrnomentsheex- claimed, 'Don’t give up the shipj let the flag wave while I live.” 'I'his illustrious patriot, thought within himself, wheij lighlfng for his country, Dulce et decorum e.'-t pro putrid mori. f Though his body be now consigned lo (he grave) yet his noble actions, and nairiotisin* live in the mem ory of his grak f’ul country. His exam ple is ever worthy of imitation, by every true jialriok It will be a stimulus for ages to coiue, to all who desire toacquirc f([Uul ])i-aise and fjlory. Commodore I’i.iiKY is another famous example, of the noble efrtu-,18 of patrioiism, and the ten dency w liiili it iias fo rentltred man re- gurdhjss of every (iangcr, and to make any sact ifice for the good of his country. •liecausc I hnd per.vwed the city from a confWgratioii, tlie ■'jiti/.cna from a nntssaere, Ita ly from a v .uv ~Cn •j I roi.. a!l the-n; important services, Romans, '■’ji^esire nodlher reward of niy.’ealj, no other '/fi.t>-k o! honor, no othir monument of praises, bui the perpetuAl I eiiieinbe rence of this day../^. t it i: swct*. aii'i jjl'jnyus ty die fei our QyUjj;.