Ai! r- A Aini-rrv. ' , u’ i. f 'n J~ N;K. .'-I’l.’.Ma K/8 t»K'V'l lO.’s. ' 'I'hc f'.'lluv> ii'j; c.\ir;icts fro’/i nn ('•.■.•■.♦ion (\iiv- ' f-v il ;r. l'v:sto:'.o’l'V.i ni't nit, hy Cn.iiurs ^)ui'n’7 . V, q. V lil. \vc »!i'nl t no*, be {n'ru- . J with iiitiM-'t ’>'v cur I'tMcii.r'i ; •’ ' :i. A' iM-,. .vxu-:i oi t!i*' coii'iii.-i .ir IS c'Ji }ko iKM-k. “.As a racf, t!.ry liavc witiuTC-tl lVo:r. :! •' l:iii(l. 'J'lu ir ;irru\vs i\i\' !;rokcii, ih'.'ir s[)rinr;;s ;iic Ji iC'l up. liu’ij- caiiiiis air in the (iu-f. TIk.Ii- 'jcir.iic’i lire };as ioii!.'; sincn oul on l!’o '•licrd. aiu! wav-ci’v is f:i>t dvif;tr t! iIm* Ui'.- Slo.vlv n:ul sudiv' tlicv ‘•V.'iiY, on //i/,y oV/y, liii^rrs { clitii!) tlio (.li'^lant n'ounlain.-', a:u! roii'.l t;ifSC“ bai'l't'ii ■walls, flu; snirit-kiiKiliiii^-j !lu.-ir (i'0!n in tli.* .Siitiui;; s;i;!. I'cy !iy> on //V/v {/;y, v/ail-s tlu'| .'ire .shrinking i)i‘foro t!;c tuiv." I'.cjaM nl’God al U;r aha:, U. ultiT fo’ tii I v.-! is j)i f;ssiiij; liicio. ; \vay ; they hiS lioiy juaycr? ^VIly . on ('rn;, I n/.ist soon i)oar tin; rear ol tho la^l v. a'. c, 1 ono;i'fi;-tc hi ir the u i-*, nnd th.c ;i'o'k!, I v.-hif’h v ill .-5ft’l(.- over thfm i;)rc\ — a!iil't!a‘'l>cauti:iii ol ili" iaiu! ?—FatluTb. ! l.'cncc, t'l'i inqiii>iliv(' \\ iM;o:;!au i'l I it i t'lo SAiiitATJi l).\v or |''5 i.o stands Ly sor^c rro\\ inp; ci'y. %v:Ii ! 'riio ra;’C ot’ihr rari'iOinc't!, ] j/findi'r on th • sli-ucLur'j ('t their tIi^t^n l)- 'vil.H ;rati'l’ul hiartsaud '■^xi;ltii;ir voiccs, j od rfnMii;:-, aivi woiu’or lo wl^at nian- r..'V (.• a'xuin u;-), in lh(' MJiiii»;hL of' nor of j)'i .-on tiiey ijOhjr.pj!'-.!.— t has l,-ari\ to the Juhihjc ol’thi;;!- inj ”’i!! hvc o!;!y in tiio £on^;s and (dironi- 1 i cdcs of ihcir (‘\tc:inir;ato)s. l.ot ‘ ‘•'rh-j story of oiir counti-y*.', siifior-1 failhl.ii to their nulo virtiif- as nn n. v)i:r couiitiy’s t!'iunij»h‘-:, thn!it;-h ' i'-d J^i'V il'u; tnbuti? to tiicii' un!iaj)j)y I'lLoTj and cliujiH'iitly toul, issiiii a slo;} I ji’.'Ojdf. tiiat '••>nrio! tii'c. aru! imi.-Nt noi !)•'I’j; ; jt-' ••'I'o the Piors, v.'ho', iii this do'Crt t‘ ii. Voi; w ill ii«u-u to lt^ i-i i'il t!, j region huJt a city of rcfui;o, liltlo loss over U’;adon.''d , and 1 -..'iail liot l.’.tr. | tiian to the; HnAvi:, who round ihat city rh' i-ofox', ovjn l.'io jil ico v. hi;i(.-i reared an iirij)rep;nri!.'!e AVali of viinr ciio^r’i ones ii.ivo so Iona: sl«'od, j w ,.* owe the bles'-in^s (;f Liils day. 'I’o T ),deli;hl and oiilij::ht(:n, 1 .•'iuill not j (. r,joy, and to jfoi'pctuate rrii-jrions fj'co- I'eii' t'.t .id(Ifc.,s you. 'I 1 till yoM 1 dou). the sacred herald of civil iihoi'l}', r.o new ihini:;, 1 sjii-ak of that, whic!i | they deserted their nati\-e land, w here 0 in Ptovi'i' i'all e-)ldly on } onr ea!^,;. ou the foul sjti: it of pcr>ecutioa w ts uj) in will lislen, for you ar(? tiie .sons ami j its fur-,', aiid wliere r.KToy !iad loni;- (^hters of the hei o'i’I'lA-n, w !io li>rht-j wr^pt at the enormities jjerj.etr.ited i.i r>d the heai’on of ‘'rebelliein,*’ a.nd un- the abused names ol'.ieliovaii am! Jesn^. mrled, |jy itis hln/e, ll'.e triunipliant han- j “ Kesist unto hltioil!'" hlind alots had ner of liberty; ya;r o'a-ii blood v,ill I io^nd in the bihle, and lainontahiv in- s]»eak for ree. A I'eeide f( ^v ol’ that in- | deed did they fulfil the con.niand. Vv'illi ^rf'i'.id ij ind are :;o\v arnon;,'; yon, yet j “'I'hus s;iith the Ijord,"' ihe enirines of ^'l by tt (.' '^ravt' lor oui'ven(;i at!!)n; | crueb. V wei'e .set in motion, afid .nnny a •.i;e’,- wilt t'nr n;e. '''heir ,>:nkiris^ ! uiartyr spiiit, lil.e th.e aseeiidinu': jd fornis, tlieir b!> rud.ed huks th'ir hon-j ct iVom Jordan's bank_, eseapeil ('rabli; s: ar''.’ — t!u st> will, i.ndeed, speak forme. 'ri:d,unit;d rner^! ho\\' must vlu;ir eld hearts j:r('\v yu;n_u; with r:!p- t:ire, as tle y btok n.und on the happi ness ol'fhrir own rrea'ion. iiOna:niay tliey lema’in, ourfclad and frraU-ful i!;a/e, 10 trO'.'!i u-« a'.!, that we ntny ti'easurc all, of the liour oi doubt and dan^'or; and '.vlicn ti.eii' (lod shall sunirnon them to .•i pcioriou.' rcs^j m.;y tluy I'car to their • ieparted 'omrade‘^ tb‘j (.onfii ination of thr-ir country*'s, a:vd tiieir chil dren's felicity.’'' • ■.% > > *.’• - % r* ’‘Riill hank the t;de oftime:!)o\v pC'Werfelly tons applie^the firoinisi.: ‘*l '.vill i;ive thee tlie iu’atlieu fo'j- a'.i inlier- itance.-’ Not many crePiei-atioiis aj.’;o, 'vhei'i' 'veo. now sit, eiialrd v\ith all t!;at ex''lt'> anil einlH llishes ei\ !liz'(| lite, '.he lank tidsth’ iiodded in the wind, 'uid l! o A', ild I'c'X du:; his iicle i;n>'.'ar- ‘',d. I tere lived and loved arj>fh(">' J'aec* Ilf beinc;s. I’ene.Tth the sajiie sim tiiat ■(Vlls n\cr your hfiad*-. tlie Indian h’ui- 11 r ];ursued the panti;};; de(.T; i>;a/ini;- on the same moon that smiles for )'cu, the Indian lover \^■oo(.dMlis ilusky imite.— ller(! the wijrwani b!a;::e beamed on the tender nnd h.elple.^?, the eo!(r!'jil lire "larctl on t!ie v/ise am! (hudnp. Now thev dipped tlieir nol-’r^ limbs in your lu heaven. ‘‘It-was in this ni^^hd c.f tim.e, v.licii the incul)us of bigotry sat heus'. ou tht.: human soul :— \Vhcn cvuwn uivl rrosior ruled r. co\v;irtl world, Ai>*l iiu'iitiil »l;i’-knfs.s o’er tlu- iiutloiis (!i;rlLl — ^\ licii, wr:i;)t in bleep, e;irth's tor;jiJ eliiuhvn l.iy, Hutjijecl their viit chains, and drcallied tlieir u}'’e ;iw.ay,'— "rw;is liic.-n, by fuith impelled, I'y freodoiu fircil, }>y hope supported, itiul by (.('truispired,— ’Tvvus then the riigriins let'l th>.ir i'alhers' Kravos, To >(.ek II llumc It yondthe wailc of wiivc.s; Aad V,liere it ri'S-.-, nil r.'iij-'li and vintr}, here, 'l'i;ey sw ellM cU'votloa’.-, liong', uiui droppL'ddc- votiou’-i te:»r._ “Can v.'c suiHrif'ntly' admii'C thefii-m- ne;.s (d this littb' brotheriiood, thus .>e!l- banislu.'d from their country ? I'nliind and cruel, it was true, hut stdi (/u'tr cmtr^fry 'I'here tlfey were horn, and there, wdien; the lam]-) ('f life was liijlil- ed, tiiey had liope it would p;o out. 'I’here a hither’s hand iijid led them, a mother’s smile had warmed them. I’h.ere were the haimts r,f their b('yi>li days, tiieir kinsfolk, their friends, their recollections, their all. Vet all was left; even w bile theii- lieartstrinjrs bled at the K-diviikos, and nmv !!h-v ;i,V. i P='‘''‘"P' «■“ i >?>». '!rHi;.;r,.lcen!onc:v.,.,rro('kv ,h«n-.- » »l.l a twiul d.-tmv weie 4’ncountered—fur IIeavlx aud tor Yor.” % m ^ -s» Ot I'ear not party xeal, it is tlie salt of vour exi't^'nee. 'I' are no parties und(‘r’a desj)o!ism. 'There, no man liu- '.■;ers lound a b;d!ol-box ; no man drink> the]»'>iM)n of a Uccnf i(rus jjnsu; ikj man plots irr(,'6(/n at a dehatinp; society : no :-i:ui distracts hi.s liead ah'oLit the .Sc7>,’'.’ c I'f ;overnment. Ail there', is a ealni um unietl .-ea—even a (/'(/(/ ,sra o)' biac!. ;uid I '.tter \v..t‘:;-s. i'ut we mo’.e ejjon a livi:!^ str'.'am, forever j)ure, l'ore\er Jts mit^hty tide ‘cmetimes jnni.'fAV, . :i lorn!. j:lo\\ Wit n a. .‘ip.ij k c'thal tn a lei :,; i liU" fioer--'' lie be::', i;; !rumi>li., tnou;;!i idiM'i ad 'r:i‘'■ n. .'.i h;r. pn'-ed a ■. .ne tu.M.ihL': pe:iee, aroiiint^ up to declai’e t h>ii: no^u-. . “Aik: now, it :s no v:dn rpeeob, to I'■''.v, t!;'‘ eyes ol tlie ’.'.erld b:!\f‘l)( :n — I'um'Mij'on ’i--. i’or lii'tv ve;n> Ar--J i)r irii'5. 'i'h- 1 'r f>/!' id ih ■ lie oc'': r, .'■e seed* ,r ’V ve i V- o :n:iid. ■ (Ii.'tr;:v-fer ( i' c.iHie a p:ie.; im ('.'iri; e|' ]:)'■ ;.’,id d'\ill; - -0'"n Ifv \ oe, lie; r- )!- Ijii'lied for e\ he,';; I'l-.'idiar ])atli of t.*’! ' sii ■; i, 1' :’i' it" v» (di:in;:- a at I’rCitii.ei.T, r ti nm i*^ i;i( e .! /\i't I'.-'irn- rd t-ie ed .•h; ro'z. • ■;■ ^le;e : bu: h^ » a i/ie i:d- 0!, fi',e;"ie of the .!i -. a i !|■)\^'ers Oi r.a’".re. ; idren t'f e^h'.'.-i'i.'n I'ti; for ti'e ii'.d t iiM e. w i; ’ i-/-.''L;-enitf -,ill'e, ; (.l-thr- toi: 1 -’hr tir tlie firei ve b‘>e:i ' i I'lbe'-' ol !, a slnr'ket' >:* 77. e iid I'n l•e^ril'L^ ti. ba:!..d. tlu. her. f.ilv,' -o:,- ! nnd h! / w rei!'.,'.;., d. unl.'Cii- of ■-I ifT-' I !M’.\ 1 l.niCi I ill' '01 I we iiave run tl'.e jidorious i-aee of ein- jjii’-''. i'Vieiius !ia’-'e crii 'ed in feor, :intl lio' i i*i S(':i!'n ; li'.it tear is h)st in io\-, ! i.'ui s-i': n ;%turni!'.:i to v.nnder. ’The ^rjjr rirX'.tf lias siicevede h ^ beiadd liie sj.eeln ic of a land, i'wIh, >e I'l'iivn i-. xvl^doj", aiiil wdjO''.e ' is ;a ;'j!y,. wli>,^>' !, r.'ddiy is tal- ■ e; 1; a, wbei'' puidir sentir;ei.t i;: j ■:;[ :a i':':, :u.d here every man ma\' e- . rt I’! Th'e [i'Tamid. ut }i!'' ou ri !':di’ tame. I':!. '• ].• !ii)ld, tliey behcvr', iind f}ie\' , ’ill ’he.s can iiO lon;^' r : , i:i: 'bmei't r di.-., it i: ! ^\:si;.'r-e 1 aril • i-ali ■ in' rt I men. iii.i' ca!i .Uw' .r m dli'-ii'' ; thi M . ciimiiif.'., \\ !i(‘[i • sup])Oi!efl by nor a leaf ol' d by f/i/\ ,■ frail i- ].'•! p -bnvn e. dl r:-.'! thev /'.I' Here they warred ; tiie e du'imr whoop, the bloody t>;rappie, tl:e d'-fy ir.i; deal’i- .son^, all.were here; and \\hen theti:.;er uti if'i W.1S ov-jr, here C’.r.led ';.e ^moke ofjjeace. Here, too. l!:oy wr,r'-.bippi-d ; and from many a daik bes'."i 'venttU' a j)Ure prayer to tlie Great Spu ir, ]{c had not \vi itten Ifis laws lor tl im on tables of stone, luit lie had traced them un the t ibles of tie'll’ hieaT'fs. ’Th'^ jjoor » laid e!' l-atuie Kr.ew nr«t the (lodof revelatioTi. but the (iod ol th,c universe' ( e ai.dcnowjedcr'-d in i \ery tliii'u: around. "^Ii' l;Lheh.l i;im in the '^tar t::;'t I'Unk in i.'enety 1.-hind bis letiely d\'.( iiinn', in ... , r!ie :,icred orb tiia llam.^1 on him ii:)m jibe.vs iji;.:rer, and rushes faster th:-!) 'lis' bis mid-day tlironi'; in ti e iin-,ver tint j t, : I a.s it bounds, ai.d b.ams-, and >i,;-ip;;^(i nitiiemoi !iins: brer zr, in theh.f- ' aluh-. ^in sp;u klin;r^violenc.-, i» tv pii;e (b'lieil, a lhi:ii-.:ii>d v, j now and then tl.rnw ^ up its ideecy (doud ; v.di ds ; i.i the tindd >vai bier, th.;L ik \-er 1I'ise.i only to disapj ear, and a.s Icl't its t:iit!ve i:rove, in ihe Ir.'udess ra^le. | l i^'d’ore the si; of in- wrioseuntir 1 pinion ’.vas w. i in cf.i.:ds; I N'ili^ence and pa'.iioiiMii, you Ixdi.dd :>it..ewor 1. th;i1 iiis foi,.(, ,'i; d lu;ion i's bosom the -dniiow si-rnrd (d're- ' •• ^ 5 T“T1"C 1, ■•,1. Mt.; U .>0u; ■■ I*-- *■ » TiiKin;, ■ w Ill's-- ••albnnce '•■'as, I indeed, a. “hoiv' one, I'^r it met the j ai'provini!; snide oi a liuly iod!^ j “ Alany must ^!’.Iier tleJeat, ant.: .mim} I must tasie of death, but lii edeii.'s b:(t- jtle w:Il yet he foAi^!;! and \yon. As heaven unbinds the iiitidlect ol ''••'■p his own ri-^btarm will resc.ue l;i:,bcv'y. Liberty will vrl wJk abroad in [!,w trarders of Jbiro-v. Jler hand v ili pluck the -rap-s of the SouMi, !ier eye will w:ir;ii ill ' ^:!(.w-dl iiis ol \uv. 'i in: eie'.c'.nt uill i;o down in idcKv !V(jin tin; “ ’ni'iLriil clime d b'Ulle and ol sent;,’’ for ubieii in;died, liiat i-.dde I)i i;o'i, .iiid wari iol’-h;ird, Vvdio jai>ed ills t^eiu‘!'ou.5 arm 11ue jj \A v i! l., w ii' siruck Itis golden lyre to l^.d.iyitles !^-:-c:'t i-K \Pi:i:! “And to this '•oni'.u' land v.dll belonii; the pi;d.'e. ’ld:e stru;;-;;lin_i; nations j)oint lo (jur (.sample, and in iheir own^ ten;;ue:s I'cjieat the cheering: hinu;ua.;’,'e_ol our'sympathy.—Alread} . when a mas- I ter-.',pn iftov.’ers anuni^; them, tiiey call j him lln’ir i o.v.—Aion:::; the j foot of t!ie Andes, th.(j, breath.e in u'ra- jtituue the ii-;un(‘ (>l (’i •,v ;—hy the ivy hiuied ruiiiS of the Pai'thenon, th.ey I bless the (d.>fjuence i,f Wki'stkii ! I “ 1 would noi, !.>r i neci! not. use the ' Inn'i'uau’e id’ i' ti.-lipn ; but the decret' I has' 'i:on«.* I'oit.i : .'uid a*- sure as the blue hirrb ofeivi.'io!! is in beuuty above us, j -f) sure Vv'ill i! s^ an th(' mightiest dondn- idii tiiat ever i-book ll'.e t.:irth. 'im;!;;!- ! r.a!io:i c.Tniiot out^trij) reality, v,lien it j i-uiitemplates eur as a p',‘Ople. j \’* heie nat’:ie oiej/i in her ‘•■olit:’.r}' love- I iiness, \ ils, and cilie:'., ami stritc'-', have smiled into bi i;,_c:. A ii;i;::intic na- iion b;is beet; l)orn. Laiyor ;unl ail are adiU'nii'j.''. ;;!!(! S(iei.ce •>'‘, t;;e bind that tllit-ion saiiciihed., and h:..eri_\ ledeeint d. From the sho.''es t(j the j meuntiuiis, fiem the rer^'iuns of iVu ;l to tile \ aliies uf (tf’rmd spiioi'. myriads ul bol'i and tmdt i 'taui.iim.': mea ..r ■ nnitin',;’ lo htreniiiln n a ii;o\ ei’nme::l o: tneii'ov.':! ciiidi'.e, ami perpeiuale ilie iiisiitutiieis of their own ci cation. “ 'I’he c:erm wafted oyer the oeern, lia.s sirucJc its deep root in the eartii, and raised its h!j:;b head to tlie ( lo’.uis., Man looked in sconi, but Heave:', he'add, Liesscd Its hr.i!Khy jlories, rprea.’.ir~ o\-r tlu* '^\'eit. No si.inm».r |;':ai(.ie, thi- woadLr cf d.iy, Hovn 1)1,1* to hioriii, lu'.il tl'.en toi.idj a.^ay, A ,i;'.a:!t n.ik, it hits its lofty f'li ii], »,;-eeiis in tiio liui'., ai.d strci'4;'ih: ;:>'in tl:o s‘nri;,. I.'iiig- in its shaiv s>ii.\ii ehiiiuei •. iiiKhv-n roiiic, And w. ironie earth’s poor wan h irr.s :o lioai j. Lruf^- siiali it li'.e, and i '-v;. t!ri\, Till tiiiii ’s luit whirluiad ct.p.- thi; \aulted sk\.” [n:oM Tiir. n:,w->i)kiv ii.ui.v ^rvi.iiTistr j IL.'.tract of a letti'r troni (me nl'tlie proprietor', d.itcd London, Ma_\ Hth, 1SJ5. Liverpool is a beatifnl t(Avn. 'riie iloidvs are wondeii’iil ii.(ie'd, j.artieuhu'- ly the new (iock. 'i'he approach to Li\-erpooi is iiar.ardou^ in the estreme. 'I’hf'y want the* bay ef *'e\v-V jrk. 'j'iie Idxchanije in this t(n’,!i surpasses that of iniy in. i'^impe. \\ astojiished n;e mo>t, was the immense si-e of tiie cart horses, their cans, aial llie hjrut; thev draw. 'I'he, cart iisidi', I tiiuik, wei^dis nioio than a Xew-\ork carl, liorse, hhd. 01 s.iirn;', and th.e eartman in tlie b:u-ir;iii^, iiml on on.^' of thc'^e p/ondfTOUs \'ehic'les 1 counted t'.\ i*nt v-si\ lia!-s (;f cotlm'i, d)'a'."ii by t u o !ior:,^C‘S w iili «_;-i e'U ease, 'i'iic }jei!]d(' look veiy uMioh iike Xcw-'rorker-, aiid are rpnie s^jciabh'. Their ii- in^; i . twice th'" j'.rice of livini; in Xew-York : and v.dial I iiate above all tldn;:s i^;, rfu'.r jiavinj; paid tlie land-' lord douide lare, one is (I tf) jiay the serv;uits--for transiiMit pe,s,,i .s ;lie rule is nln('pe;,c.: a d.iy I'o-r the head waiter, SIX penci' a day for the chambei’ nuiid, and llirrr- pence a day i'or /'oo/y, as he his tej-nied. 'I'hen coriie. the ce:i(di( s—tlie u-r(> outsirle tVom Liver pool to Ibrmin-'hiiin is oiu; j^ouricl two —ihen cnnns/.he p;ur.rd, lu; must have his .slulbii,",' I'lr smdi a;;nce,-and tlie coatdnnau must have his--dl tiie ;t::ird^ or coa(dvni(:n are (drin^ed, you inust p;:\' tlie m;w ones. S.;rvai:t' jt-v their mas ter' larcre f !’iuont y, in seme cas- i Sy lo \'.aii uj,o!i p-enth ii.en in thepuhln.’ hn>es, ar.d tiiey be iemunen.tcd ijy j/’iSsfiiH'trs. (’oncbn'.en, p, lards, and all indeeil liv, not from v.T.t;cs, but iVeni f;!-esentv ; and one is bomui to I'ompl)- wiih their cu.stoni. dxKjrd is a i;e-tu!i!';d city. ’'J’he eol- le'ies, some of w bici) wi'rt; built in the l;;tb c' niury, hai-e ratiier an odd look —son.ewliai w.-iiik’ed and furrowed — but a;otliie and ma}';'dl!ceril in the hii;ii- esL d.e!j:reL-. Indeed, as the f'ollet'ies are scattered all over tiie city, it apjiears as th:iii"h there wrrt; no (Uher bi;:ldinc;s there , betvM'c!; i and .'.r,nO -UhU.vA- "t ['lre^e,nt arc ai lb..*-, ai.eifijt, j.Iaec id iLarn- i i rr. ~ " JohTi A'l.ti!','-. ri,;,rh r.irr; T'lf ri -.e 7 -f. *'■ i-'i !i - l!ie a , . ■ ' t •’ ' tb'r^ ; v: to't.V iionse in which Shak>i>eare was bom, in Stj-atforil upon A\(,)ii. Tht co..ol',m:m j>;ave us ba’.f an hour for din- litr at tills toun, mid although ([uite b;;m’’r\, i [iOdponed the dinner to ));'y a. LJthe birth ])lace of the celebia- I te.i t uid. 'i'he bouse is on tlu* main Istiee’t, tl.e lower part oecu]ded as a ' init-dier's .sliOj). It rs a look- >im;- rdave, very I.arrow and low, and \ ron'.\ii ( not:ub tor a sladile. Ihe lOom I i'l v, iii(di Sbakspe:ire ^vas btirn, is a-' i hot t 1 1 or 1 '> iet't squaie, low eeiiin*!;, anil built r's l!'n'Ui;b it iniiMuled the house should last forever, as most of ti.e 1'bic.lish hou.scs are i)uilt. i K.und the wails, siile.'; and over iiea(b written so full nf names, that it (juite dii’.cjll to iind a seaei; s'.i!b- (d.^ntl\ biri^e to jiut down mine. On pHssin':: thret;i:;h the butcher’s shop (he occupied the first .story) 1 lo(d.'il s'larp.- Iv at his meal‘d, for there seemed to be inusic in the very bones (d' the joint.s. Fcu' ten miles before you iret to Ibr- mincham. t'..e coal smoke suibic.'.tes one. I leive often hernd of their inventions iVjr constmiinc; I heir own smoke in Lnj;- land—they must mean by ibe inb.abi- tiuits, for each oiuv appeareil to me as tho-j:i'b he liad been as.sisiin^in the eon- simiption. lam delitidited with the appearance of the comdry. All J'n^bmd is like a I'ower p;arden—imleed it ;s so highly cultivated ami so beautit'ul, tliat one -ct' almost latigiied wdtb seeing sucli a ct.':;tinu(:d ‘^amenes.-, of beiaitiful lit bbs ;ind bed^ce ien.'es. iVbovv'* all, nothing Ciln romjjare with the nr-atnrss of the llnglisli rottages—Th'V liicdc so neat, aiul an; enii\ened in tiieir appe,iranc»‘ j by r.;ic!i a jUDlusion td' flowei.s, which ai(‘ to bo set'u in e\'(uy wimio\*.’, a.s in t!'..dr ';';u'ilens—-imd then, toe, tlu' smil- in:; a;iJ. b“!dth\’ eountenance.i of the Cuti:\ger and hi> tamily, ^\■ith (dieeks as red a.s thf; losi', nnd ('\-es as bright as a i;ew- spvereign—oiu; h:is littb'time for ariy tbir.^ but admiiMtion at such scenes as these, l-'ngland was ne\ er bO pros- )M !-ous as at' th.e prestuit moment, and the most ])erfect good will, and most friendly feelin.;-, e\i,4 towards Ar.uii- c.\ 'I’lie ])(,'Ople sj'eak of otn- country wdtb a imii'a'ion, and so I'.ir F have foimd tlu in agretablG, r.nd soeiril to such a degi-ee, t'uit a blush is coPi.staritly pu-t upon Amerleai'i maiiiiers. I n.'it vei'v nii’ch surpr’f'Cd at uiy thing 1 iiad seen until I iiad re:;.:.'ied Lmiilon. 1 emereil this world of a rne- tri-j oiis atiiyde Park corner, liic lonable an .1 Webt end of the town. To'ibi' to you my i'u lin';'s 1 car.r.ot. ii was at the moment wbui all the fash- ionahles gentry were .n metion. it aj»i)eared to me that what I ,s,iw ^va.> magic—th.-.t the whole woild had n-.ri in a siiu!;le street—thousands oi’ cania- 'jje.s, with servants in snlcmdiil icold and s:l\er livery, elegantly dress(>d with wdnteooat-, red jihisb breeche.s, 1 uc'Je.> in their shoes, cock'd !irit> bic(‘d with gold and silver, two servaiit, behind a carriage, with stails in their hands— then tin; beantiful iior;,es ; nd the glit tering b:irnesses—these earn.i2;es w( r' cominy; I'rom the various striM ts towards tin; !u;dn sti’eet, and ad.d lo these a thou- .'^.''.nd vehieb’s of dill'erent (lescrip'tions. men on hoisehack, and t!ie gre;it mas.-, of ioot iKissengers—my eoncicuice ! wdiat (l;d i expect but tlud ‘vrTy mo ment ;i tremendou' would be m.eide, and horses anil carria:j:es and ],'eople all be dashed to : tomr—_\ 11 tliey jiasscil eaeli other lil'.e Uii.gie w itbout ap.|)ai'ent- ly a tomd), altliougb tiie s'l’taee throuirh winch a carsdiige would p;4s.>, or a hea vy w':iu'on witii six horses t uid. in, ap peared tT) 1)^' not half bn'ge enough tor a wheebbarrow. Froai the S al> in fla/cUr'. (of. ,///,/} J/*A^/;/t'.--Am,ong tlie surviving heroi's y.dio witness,.ni the ceremonies ef hiving; tlie cmuer stone ot the Hunker-Ilill r\Ionument, no or.e was bi'tter er,titled to :!tteni;on li',:ui ( id. Allen Al‘Lai''e ot ])el iwa)'e, wdio is >s l yer-i-s old, :md is the father of the distim':uisbed niembrr of ron;j;i:o.‘-.p, Lou is M‘].ane. Wo take this occTuon to introiiiice ti'.e follow i' g extract, of which be i.s the suiiject, troin the woi k of a bde wril(;r oti the nevoliition ; it will give plea.'^nre lo all \.dio honor the val- nmt aiiil ciii valiavj.s : “'J'hie details ofMiis veteran’s eom- bats skirmishes and adventma .s, ;,re m) num-rous, as well hy s> :t as bv land ; they are so eonijdicnted and various, ami -o interwoven \vitb the ndlitarv opera tions imniftdiati !y unrler (b-nenil Wash ington's ord( !>', th.’it they would fe.misji interesting nvdter for tl.i^ hisKnmm ; ami I shrill at sonu Intnre day give then, to the puDije. !{,. ^va> .■;:lrao-,.,i, ai.d had men actmdly j.dled ai’ound hnn, at the baMie d Lo’ig l-dai.d, aiid evei v sue- ces.v;ve aciion in w iu'd. (b'jieral V\'.'sh-,!, fVf,o,. that oi the N' bui. I'iain-.; t , , I /-. . ■'1 vv ‘V-’'' I. . cial \\ asliiiisioci: fioi.i nieluding'i*u-nton, I'rincf;!,,:,' (^,7'^*"’ town, Stoncy lb,i,it, ami r,e,v!,.^ eighteen brisk skiiinisja.s, i.un.T ' fairs of jiiekets, and one ’ tain ol marines, on boa;d tin v’oi r ‘ in which tholiritisb sb)op of wu s age, ('aptain Stirling, was tid.eiw' rcvolutiomu'y-soldit.T, bavin-- sr,..7'^ patrimony in the service ,f ijs retireil lo the bosom of bis lel!u\w'; i'cns, content wiih t!ie‘result ul'biV-i. ils, sullbrlngs and sacrlib'es, he was rev,:;rdod l,.y an ajiproviu'-'i'^ science, liie jiiitronagj of Washington and .leilc^ison, aud ti;..',;y lowing ei'ederitials from tiie h;ndf r*f- lirist man in the world : " ‘•AiIcnM-L-,,,0 l:sq. Citptr.!!! in one ol the addiiior,.;.! ' ental reg'iments oldoi.t in .lanuarv l'“- and by his activity and in.lusirv, ji'iued the anny with a full cnnn;:i'i,- lie comim'.mded :i ; ;u ty c f ol^rr/iV, under m\ insti urtions, until Julv. ! ' wheti he w; s annexed, bv a r.'.o;-’,' I ol I'ne hono;able eon'inental (,'irii- I') Major Ji-e\s legion, li, evU;.'!! a:i' • disinounie l. J'riuii tiie certi;',,' which ’'‘I.ijor ;''i-L:meis p^’'-si ajipears that lie was very acii--,'.•' t!ie c'.'.se id bi> eountr\- ; ; i.d'fio-a time t f bis j.lining the oo e.i- ard .i’- • i tt'stify },o iias di^ti; -i; himsidf highly as a brave and vr;:!.;.,; ! ii!g (dlicer. “Previ-:jsto the siege of Yd’ ’• was eni])loye.l to ^v■tt(dl tnehiovti • of t!ie llniisb arniy at or i,(-,r• \ orb, as ^vcll as in ^'ir;^!i,i:;, ;r was ( iiti listed with desp,,i(.i,,.^ ,, . ^ lii'st inijiortance to bis excrllo;,!'-. de (Irasse, which commis^ieii },o cutod with great t eb.*rity, anl ’."a.i a;:,'r ward's \ e’ij- .serv.cealde in reof.^aaoi! :.;.r and gninint: inttdiigenci^ of the .in and disposiiion of the British arn v. “ “Given under my l/md mv.l sc.d, v ^vocky Ilill, near ridncttnn, Nov. l:i, oi:o. w ^slIJ^v.■^o^.■ Th.e follov.dng ancrdo'e of tli.5 im;. tlsan ollicer, te,r audacity nnd prc,-.. of mind l.;is been •eldom e(|ii;i!lc,!, , c:umot he sur]j isbtd,. iicr ^l.ould ii fur^'01 ten. . On the »)trj of June, 177'^. after (by breali, eaptian M-L;me, v. iili two goons, was nlO^■ing on tl.e Cus'lctowa, tiwvat'd rrankfoit, ;mii ne,ir villagi , fi 11 into an and-us, ade ofii fii;- try, who f:ird on him, ;.‘;d iMrrr! him into the fn id on thei iglt li! ih': Oxford r'.ad. where be eStawrica ,i pi.rty of Ibi'i. h dr'!-j:oons ward him. 'i’o lienee tiic inv ol t;.'> inf.u;try, be placed bin:.'i If bi' j tbim and tiie dra-ocns, and iipi rcriclui i the latter until \\ ilhin CO p'lcc.s, when i I;'- sudderlv wlie led to. tlu rnj;ht, ed them, and 2;:iiii';'.l the OxiL'rd read.— I 'I’wo dragoons werf; detrchu! in j 'jrs'.rt lofhin., and, to c^Ciij e tboin. he ' oil the road to his b it, a.nd ] rd;'d icr.i hriinch in lbs front, wbi. h l:c oros.-u:, nnd was o'^cending the tJppes’ti; la ii'!!!, when the dr'igoons caim i;n on hi' r;;!!.' :md left, and, believing I:/ b: d >uni:.(.!• , ered, drop})ial thi w o;-,.s m the >!i'..j ^ j M/l'/me bad a jcstol in ids il^''' j w ith which h(' iired into the r u' 1 I (if the (Irag0(in on liis lett. v. iio lidl; i:i* :it the same lime, se;/.ed the tu>.'el t'- the diagoon’s swoial on his I'igli*. -’■ * stiu(di him w ith bis pi^iol ;i hn(d;-;i;i; ed blow .icrijss bds I'f se, ;i 1^'' jjealed until lie tlisabli il :.i'd luxt:;.'''' iiim to tht' pummel of bis su’cli- then roile oliAvith a wound e;i i**- hand, wbii b be i'ecid\ed as the a!en)j)1f (i to draw liis >woi b ^ of which he b; d s( i;'.-’d. 'On ‘n'a ci.sion, the Mai';piis de la h ellc,''• * him tiie Ibliowing b'‘.t r : — ‘•I)ear Sii —I b.tvo r'-''in ed '•••' '’oncerning the Indians, :ind v. n* linn your desire to lii^ ( ;; ' 1’. :r y. - make no dotdjt but ll'.;it he v.dl i---- tlieni to join }ou, as seen as lh.c cM'“b take Uj) th'dr inti'iuled march tiiM'Hrj^- the .Ier.,eys; the Indian', v'll I with you in the jiim s. d for your esiMpe li-om the Ib it'-'n • I c.ide, and the elev«*rne"i r.itif', ;iuu Tht* iiu \ i'i III' ■» ^ ^ , you Inn 0 (bspnt(died tlu; "''''j. dr.'igoons; I have felt gre;d healing that your wound is o'' one. ^^’itb Hie n-iost sincere f" taidiment, I have the bonier t" h^', ■ sir, A our mobt obedient sf rv.n.'- ' LAl AVl.iiJ' It is tiow iindcrstond, t’la* V/, i ttc V. ill rctiirn to braiice in i /'/• ^ i-'iiir; ;uid that iic wdl pe'‘ji'^i partii r' t dl I he i ^iddh* (d oi’dcr to allcnd the cidebi ationi' ibwersary td' the Ibittle 1 i’ra' j ic is iiow en his u iv !o \ u! ' •fd.c piiss thru'ajjdi i iede n . I h; ri' i-iTi drawiiiir "f lii'' ., ■ .Mi.r I i!U. I' h'le..