VOL. f ] CH.IRLOTTE, X. C. TUESDAY, .inGVST 16, 1825. [NO. 46. ri71IT.ISnf.Tt 'WEF.KtT H7 LEMIIKL niX(.IIAM, TIlil'Ll. DOLt\nS A TF.AR, PAID IN ADVAXCE. •)» •,|,ipcr\vlll be discontinucil, unless at the •r^tio:i of the editor, until’all an-caragcs arc 'i ^nvEETISEMEVT') Will !)C lUSCrtcd fit thc USUUI Tt rsons Bcndinp in advertisements, arc ;cstod to note on the inarg-i ti thc nuni))cr of trtiuns, or they will be continued until forbid, I charped according,-1y. late of rv*OYUv-l^‘avu\um, M r. c KI. r N R i: n c; c o i’ \ t y . ,,-)(rior Court of Law, ISpring Term, 18'25. VNBPKUIJY vs. (Jray I’crry.—I'tlition for IjivorcL-.—It appt aring to the- satisfaction dll' court, that the dcfi ndant is not a rcsi- • of this sUitc • Orn'frei/, there fore, that ad- "isiincnt be made three months in the Ca n Jo'jntal, that tlie defendant come forward ('ri)fi’ove tlic next Superior Court of Law, :>i,' iitld for the county of Mecklenburjr, at Cain-t-Housc in Charlotte, on the 7th Mon- vatur thc 4th M(>nday in SepttMnber next, 1 nlcatl, answer or demur, otlierwise the pe- 11 \\ill be taken pro confesso and heard ex c. Teste, J. M. HUTCHISON, Clk. S. C. i3l—price alv. $4. oV ^*OYU\-V'i\T^Au\a, .MtCICLF.NBrnO COUMY. v;t of Eqvitjf for Mccklenbvrg covnty^ May Sesdiona, 1825. Tael Roach, ■) f N this case it is ordered. 3 1 10 10 1 1 20 300 for the benefit and cncouragemcnt of 3ieciiams:m in thc 'Western part of North-Carolina. SCHEME. Tickkts, at ?2. Not two Pilanl's to a Prize. I Priae of ?5C0 (Pii.tton and Gotten Saw t»in) . . . . js ;j.50(.) 1 do $J00 (Family Coach) - is oOO do J250 ((iij;-) . - is 2JO SilSO (do.) - . is Ifc',) SIoO (do.) . - - is 130 ^lUO (Jsido Pioard &, Cotton Saw (iin) is JUO ?R0 ((,ip and Sociable)' i:i IGO ?,20 (U^•dl,^•ad^) - is 40 ?14 (a set of Tabl-s) is 42 !fl2 (^^■ind.^or Chairs) is .24 (two Ladi. s’ W ork Tables and one Pimbroke) - is 30 ?8 (Jkllows tnp Cni-.lle^ is 8 (6 Plnu;;iis, 2 Street Lamps, and 2 I>ard Cans) - is (i) $5' (Hats) - . is 50 (Can('.li:stand) - s 4 ¥3 (ilo) - - is 3 ?3 (do) - - is GO (25 cast steel Axc.s, and 275 pair .Shoes) - - is 6uO 431 do $1 (Tin M are, Jewelry, Shoes, &.c. 6tc.) . . . • is 451 PROPOSALS, ron POBLISBINU, Wtl.KLT, IN THE TOViy OP FAT- hTTKVU.LE, J UELirrfdL’s Til »»■ C.VLLtn THE o\’t\\-C v\\MA\i\a 'V ro.NDlCTJD UY RKV. ROBEKT. IL MORRISON, A. M. do do do do do do do do do (10 do do do do do The importance of periodie.il publications has Jonp been felt and acknowh dj;ed. Ry vMedh'incs, ranits, Oil, &c. DR. TTIOS. I. JOHNSON, n.\S just received from I’liiladtlphia and New-Vork a general assortment of articles in his line, warraiUt.'d fri?h and genuine, M'hieh he proposes to sell to Physicians and others, v' hrili sale anil relail, on as reasonable terms as can be purtlia;.cd in Charleston, viz :• 793 $3072 Tickets can be had in Charlotte of the nnder- sif^'ned Conmiissionevs, In k-itcr, postaj^e paid, ! ir.closinp: the money; or from their airents in I Salisbury, Stati's- iili;, Concord, Lineolnton, Yorkviile or Lancaster; vho pledj^-e themselves that publication be f r.irrw Heron, f six wee ks in the Catawba, days afte r the drawm^-, or refund the Moore. 3 Journal, that unless Amh-ew to purehasers of tickets, provided the Cardamon Seed, ; a^d Jamc. Moore, two of the defendants scheme shall not be drawn.^ hENDEKSON, ' ””” GRKr.N KENDRICK, ’ JNO. nOYD. Ahim, Alcohol, .\rro\v Root, .\rs.ii.ic, .\ci(l Nivric, Acid Murialir, .\iitiniunial Wine, VmU vson’s Pills, Ether Vitriol, Hark l?c d, 1)0. Yellow, 1)0. Palo, Do. Culisaya, UlUMX, Rrimstone Hoi. British Oil, Uateman’b Drops, Balsam ('opaiva, P>alsam 'rolu, Blue Vitriol, •‘'.is case, appear at thc next Superor Court Uw and Kfiuity, to be held f'lr this county, the seviMitli Mx>’nday after the f.nirth .NJnnilay >( ;)femDer next, and answer, the bill will be k-.n pro confesso and heard ex parte as to 1,11. 1). K. UUNLAF^c. ji.E. it49.—pricc adv. $2. .A C\\auce; \j‘av^uvus. HE subscriber has upwards of flve thousand dollars worth of stock on hand, consisting iippi r, sole, and harness leather, wa(r[r«)n iTs, of all descriptions, and coarse shoes, i of thc above articles he %\i!l sell low for or to approved customers, e>n a short . lit. Those who wish to purchase, will do cll to cull and examine his stock. CALEB M. NORWOOD, August 5, 1825.—jt47 N. R. Hides, .at thc crr.tomary pricrs. will be reived in payment for any of tiie above arti- Carbonas i'erri. Canella Alba. (,’alomel, Cant liar ides, N. n. F.xplan.'itorj- Hand Bills can be had of Castor Oil, the Conmiissioners, •IS Wowsfc anvV \iot ^HE subscriber ofTers for s.il^ his house and lot in Lincoln- ton, situated on Main-streiet, south |of the Court-House, and atljoininfj mlrew Ramsoiir’s. The lot is beautifully situ* .'.d, elevated and healthy, and will be sold low rcash, or on a short cre^lit. Any one wish* :gto purchase, can learn thc terms, on appli- ation to the subscriber, or to Martin C. iMiitor, ;ncolnton. WM. CUL\M^R110USE. Charlotte, A*ug;. 5, 1825.—3t.l7 NORTU CAROLINA IL, © te* M 'ji ‘jf a (For the bcncf.t of thc Oxford dcademy.) SECOND CLAS.S, To be dr.iwn positive ly in NovcnibeT next, and completed in a few minutes. , B. YATLS y A. MMNTYRE, Mavagers. SdlKME. T Prize of 520.000 20.noo 1 10,000 lU,!)l/0 2 5,U00 10,000 2 1,990 3.980 18 1,|jCiO Ifi 5u0 9,300 18 100 l.W'O 18G 50 9,.;oo 180 25 4.C50 14X8 10 14,880 13^50 i (i9,7 50 i5.«ro 26,970 Prizc.c, Blanks, fl71:360 42,«40 Tickets fl71.3tiO This is a Lottery formed hy the ternary c( Castor Russia, Cinnamon, Cochineal, Cohimbo H.id. Do. I’ulv. Cream Tartar, Cubeb.s, Cheltenham Salts, Calcined Mufrnesia, Camomile I'lowers, Car.tilo Soap, Carbon. Ammonia, Cori'osive Sublimate, Cannt lla .\i!i:i. D'.aics’ Hdwrler, Digitalis Puvpuiviu, Epsom Salt":, Glaubi r Salts, Elix. Vitriol, Ess. Pep])ermint, Ess. I!e;rp-amot, Ess. Li moil", rios. Ben«;oin, I Elos. Sulphur, f I'owlcr’s Solution, ‘ I (ientian Rad. lium Ammoniac, Gum Arabic, (.■um As.sat'a-tida, (;um Myrrh, (ium Aloes, m* ^ r>" him-tion and permutation of 36 numbers. To t-nn> Camphor, ’ deti nnine the pri7es therein, the 3l) numbers Opi”'”. will be sev.rallv placed in a wh. el on the day Guaiacum, (ium Kino, of the drawinL-, and five of them b( drawn out; j and that ticket haviii^r on it the 1st, 2d and 3il Henry s N.ri^esia, . . Ill 11 1 I'niv'. crk in the newest and most fashionable st\le. has made an cnpac;'ement with the most, flcl-rated 'i'ailors in piiilaiU ljihia, tor receiv- i; the fashions re {jularly'troin that emporium taste and fashion ; and he vill ut all tinn's ; it in his puwi r to comply with any orders ■it may be sent hiiii, at sluu-i notice. He will I ‘ pvi/.es athxed to tlieni, respe The 1st, 3d and 2d to i'-lU.i^OO 2d, 1st and 3(1 t(i 5,0UU 2!. 3d and 1st to 5.0.'0 3d, 1st and :..'d to 1,'J‘^O 3d, 2d and 1st to The 18 other tickets which sliall have on Lunar Caustic, Lee’s Pills, MagneMal.ump, >\rcurial Ointment, N ufmi fi's, (•jiiKleKloc, Ol. of Anis. Ol. Minthae Pip. Manna Flake, Pi arl l$arley, Phosphas bodat, Parc jjorir, iulck Silver, Quassia Kasj-.ed, lilmbarb Hoot, Do. I’owder, Reel Pn cip.tate, Seidletz Powders, Soda Powders, Senna, ^;^tl•^^s Potassx, Sulpli,:s Potassx, Powfiered .‘'avin, Seneca Snake Root, Serpentaria Vii ('•.niana, Secale Cornutum, Rad. Vakriani, Had. Scillx, Sarsaparilla, iyiilphate (^linine, Sa^o, Red Sealing Wax, Sug’ar Lead, Stouj^’hton's Ritters, Spt. l.i.vciider, ccnipd. Spt. Nitri, Dulci. Tartar Firietic, Salts 'I'artar, Creta Pn-parata, I’earl Ash, Mace, Rose W'atrr, L’\a I'rsi, I/ae Sulphuris, Enjilisli Mn>'ard, Turm r’s Ce rate, Basil iCon, Oil » lo-.es. Oil Cini.T.non, Spt. Mindcv. II, Spt. Hart^ii'Tii, Sf.iiniiiiany Ab-jipo, W afcr.s, ill boxes. r.njyrs, cc. Grouiid W hite Lead, Dry Yellov Ociire, Spanish Brown, Verdi^Tis. ^ em tian Red, Crome Yellow, Cliinese \ ermillion, Enj^llsh Umber, Itrse Pink, Terra Deseana, Red Lead, I’russian Blue, Stone Orhre, Lamp Black, (..um Copal, (ium Sliell.ic, ^ Spt. 'J'urpentine, Spani-di U hit'.njr, Mace;iuba Snufl, Ryppec do. Silver Leaf, (■old do. Bronze, Silver £t Gold, Oil, Shop Furniture, of cvc !•) description. cherished, to an extent worthy of re.ifaril. As men feel a deep interest in whateve r relates to their political rights anl temporal prosperity, vrhieh 8 of w'orldly news havi , in all civili/ed countries, be» n sou}.vht with eag-erness and sup* ported with liberality. But as thc claims of Jehovah, the intere sts of the Soul, and the solemnities of Eterii.ty, far urpass in maffiiitude all other thinp^s, it is rea sonable to expect that religious pu>)Iications would rise up, g-aining patroiiajjo anionp men and exerting a bent ficial influence in formiui( their charactersi. Happily, the presi nt is beginning to answer this expectation by a >,Towing anxiety for r li}>nous knowledge, and a lovely disjilay of benevolent enterprise. M e live at a time when plans for public good arc boldly conceiveel and fearlessly executed. To bless others is becoming the ambition of the highest and the recompense of the lowest. To stop the growth oi’human misery by opposiug the march of human corruption, is now att( injit- ed in almost even land. To carry, “ far as the curse is found,” the tidings ul jieace and the means of purity, unites the strength of a thou sand hnnds, find cngag'es the pruytrs of ten thousand hearts. These edVirts arc not without success. The cause of truth prospers. 'I'he kingdom of righ teousncss advances. The works of darkness give way, and unnumbered triumphs of the gospel promise the approach of better times. ■'0 reg^ularly receive the latest tasliions (,f l..v . the drawn numbers, and tho.sc | 'i he Doctor yet continuesthe practicc of I's’ dresses and habits, and v\ill be enabled at, ,■ il,e 2d, 3d and 5th, the 2el, -Ith and 5th, i j y time to cut, and if required, to make theni, a style equal to anv in this pait id the cnun- y. ' THO.MA.1 V. CANON. August 5, 1825,—3t‘l7i* rllE “Southern Pr;niier” has been ready for delive rv to the subsrnbi rs tor ■f.iC past—the subsiTil'ers are r. ([ue>ted tn j ''-inc. forward. b\ the C.ounty ('.ourt, and T'■-i '■'•VC their books. '1 he EdiUir is in debt tin- ■f printing and paper, and wl>hesto ttle his . 'counts, as soon as possible. '1 he books :uv at j Smith’s store. Those botiks whieh arc iii.t j ^'^en away by thc above tiiiie, w;ll be sold at j I’ublic Auction to the liigln st bidder, and '■nhers will beheld re^^poiisiole tor im b.d- incc on all sales under the snliseription pnee. Avigu.-t 5, lti25.—ot l7 AARON W}iKELEIi, Poachy iSi^n^ Chair OrnnhKnlal PAIN I'EI?, nETURNS his thanks tu his friends and the “ - puidic, for thc Imeral eiieouragenient whi- li -'has alreadv received, and respectliilly solint-. 1 '■ontiniianee of patronage. He is prepared all kinds of Painting in his line ; andeiis- ’■ii.vTs n,ay deijeiid on having iheir work iicat- ''- uiteil, and with debpateli. ,'o’Painting in the country wil! be done on • ’t notice. ' B. Old ciiairs r^’-painted and re-gilt. ^'hurloltr, •!, KJ4. —Df Just rulilislicjl, AND for sale at this Oflioe, in a I'amphlet t'orin, “ t^trictiiris on a piece v.riiteii b\ llavi.lH. id.el, .ntiUed lle..renly l lood nuivtion, or, Treati.'-' oirHoIy Mei"’,'.i, jT). M. I’rue, 2.’..'.’.'.'.s. or the .id, 4t!i and jib in some e'lie.of the ir sc\ ^ er .l orders of eombiiiation nr pt ruutation, will ■ each be entitled to a p.r;/e of ^l,tK^O. '1 hose liS oiinr tickets which shall have on them three of the drn\> n numbers, and those I tiu'ie. l!ie 1^', -d and 'tfh, tiie 1st, 2d and 5i|i, j (.r tiie I s', 3d and -It:!, uisonie one of tiu ir sev- . r;,| onleis of eo;nbin-t»ion or permutation, will' c.,ch be entitled to a pri/.e ot ^>00. 'I'bose It; otlier tickets w hieli shall have on i t’.iein three of tlie drawr. t',u;nbeii, will each he | i htitled to a pr'.’.c of Those 1 t;,ckets whii'ii shall have two of the drawn nninhi rs mi tin m, snu thoM- two the .-d ,iiid !rh. in either order, will l a'Ji be em.itledto u jiri/e of >.jO. ihii.se Ib'j tickets which .--ha!! have two of the drawn numiior^on tlie:’i, and those two, the ;?d and -I*.!’, in either order, will each be enti tled to a ])ii.’.e of ^>5. Allot!.-;., being ! iHR, having two of the 'diaun numlii rs on fhein, w dl each he e;ntiMed to a pri/e of f 10. .•Nndall thobc 13.050 ti. xe^n, havirg but on'- of the drawn ii’niil'i r^ on them, will each be entitled to'a pri/( of i-i. No tiekit which shall b.ave drawn a pr.*.> ... j ^ :i superior lienouiinatioii, tan be enti’ied to an j iiilerior prize. _ I Prl/.es payabb' 30 dnys af*e r the drawing, and ■ subji'i t to tile usii,.i deduction ol I.j p' r cent. ‘ W holcTickits, -^5 00 Half do. 2 50 C'lia’.tcr do. .... - 1 15 I'lckaj es of 12 tickets, eju r/aring t!ic v.’,,f the L-)lt n, v.hicli n,-i;t . f neres- v;t\ dr.iw at h-.i:' '^JI -'5 ni% with so m:in\ chances i'or .'aptt:d- : or.diares ot'jiackages ina\ be had at the >anie r..tr, vi^ ; l':K K.‘gi s of u iio!.;, * * • ()f hal\ es, >0 , Of (M.iv'crs, 15^ ■s lor 1 If KI. I S i’ ih.s of- MdUeiiK, as heretoiore. Charlotte, July 16, 1825.- ■4';tr Don .M ENTS. Reply of Gov’. Troup to tlie Letter of Gciirr;il Gaines, published in tlic Jour nal of the 2d instant. rXKrUTIVK DEPAnTMENT, ? Mi/le(l^cville,Jvly 17, li25.S SiK : I have only a moment ieit to _ say one word in answer to that part of them intelligence is difluscd, error correcteii,! yoiir letter I had ihe honor to recciv(5 prejudice removed, vicc restrained, and virtiie whie'h relates to the a.ssent i^iven hy McIntosh to th(‘ survev ol tlic poiintrv. The certit'icale oi Mai'^hall, no matter how pioetue'l, i- one oi the most (larinpc elliirt.s that (>ver was at tempted hy iiinii,tenant villany, to pahn a falsehood njion credidity. Nou , sir, that yon n^nv he at onee nndei’ci\eil with reirard t'») the triok which l;a.s hn-n plaid oll'hy soniehody, i have t.' assM •.> von, that iii(!e])('n(lently of the ;:s ‘ i.t cciven thr«^' times by Melnti sji u .'cr his own iinnd, which I have ii\ n._\ j os- session—th.is .‘^ame nuui j\?arsiiall, I'.as repeatedly def’larcd to iv.ethat then was not a dissentiei.t vmee Irom th(^ s'.ir\i y amon}! the lriMully ( hi‘t>;al'ithe (.ineis I have seen hove upil'orniiy declared the same, nnd so they have dtclared loedh- ers, hoth in .ond tuit of ('onueil, and lor this you have my word of honor, anii may have my oath. I very well know that from thc late events whieh have transpired tinder tiie eyes of the Tom- irissioners of Geonijia, that the oath even of a (lovernor of (Jeornia, may he per- But the work is only begun. Millions of thelniillod to pass (oi‘nothin}!, and that any human family arc yet cover, d with darkness, j yncabond of the Ini'I'in country, niav he Sntno^;'rz,oT^^r™v"ir''• rut •... -.luui.io,, u,-nut To thc cry for help mi.st h- r:,;,. 1 I ' ’‘I’’’ '' cd. 'i'hey are the honored instruments by weipch one feather Witll OUr ejovemment, which Christ will set up his kingdom in the jf will Wei_c;h with the people of this world. His standard they are privileged and ' who'so far as I havo knowlcd;;e required to follow, and to do so without ilis* r i • i • * i . f mal,and fight under it without elefeat, they'their hist.ry, have never yet lefuscd must act in c/tftccrt. To secure this they must eredencc to the word of their chiei ma- know their relative strength and menenients. g-Jsfrate, and I IjelieVC vvlll not tO the In a well*organized army there are watchmen. ' - unworthy as he may he. to look out for danger, and messengers to rc- t ’ • c ^ *i * r port the act*; of each elivision, and the succes*s 1 einiit me to say Ml Il’atiktiess, that 1 of every attiiiipt; so, in the host of the l.ord do not like the complexion of 1hin}i;.sat there rr.ust be heralds to bear tidings of what j^j] (Ijsclnscd hy the ('ommi.ssioners' is doing, and sent,nels to pard against ho.stde , j- , inv asions. I be anny ot hnst is not drawn up I ’ / in pne fiiId of battle. It is scattered over ihc hope, that yon may iiever have caus(? to whole earth. Hence the necessity and useful- re-let the part yon have laketi i.n them; ness of religitms papers, hy which'rhristiahs ill p,.,.posse.ssiuii here was in VOUP cvcrv country innv know ulnit is i th ric^l, \\liai /* • ' i i i i • "4. remains to bJ efon'e, and how to eo-operate vv ith T^'vor, and it would have ffiven me -re:^ each other in (loinj^ it. 'I'hcro ib no other Av:iy plcnsurii to cIhtisM it in beMiilli of an ol- in which to make known the wants of every h;,d rondt-rd si£>;nnl service to section oftheChureh, and to insure eonreutra. country, tiiron-h many a perilous and frying; scene. V'ery resiiectfully, your oht. servt. G. M. TUOUPr JMaj. Gen. E. P. Gainks. ted and vigorous exertions among the frie-nds of Zion. Accordingly, in all parts of the Church, and among all denoniinations’of (Jhris- tiar.B, such publications are rapidly multiplying and cheerfully supported. North-Carolina, containing a population of more than six hundred thousand, and many nourishing Churches, has ?u>t one such pt/per. Why this lamentable, deficiency? No state in the union, of equal importance; anel resj>ecta* bility, but supports one or more. Thc experiment is now to be made, whether HE.U) QUARTERS, K..\STI.H\ DI'.r.xrr.MKNT, ? Tiidinn Springs, May 28,, 1825, 5 Sir : 1 have to acknovvledjije the hon or of your Excellency’s Letter of the the people ofour state are vnllmg to patronize I month—hy which, it ati- such a publication, i hat they art richly able ' • . . none will pretend to deny. Thc editor of the 'rEi.i.o»«Arii will use every \\ INDSOR A.M> r.iyCY Cll.llti .^LUiTXG. ( L'i.vriiiiorsr, ■fl.WlMi eomincnceel the al ove bu-'ness -n 11 the town of Charlotte, r'.bpeetfull> vch. ,is ;i -hare of public patron .g' * If is woi k vmII br- neatly and durably com inictMi, and will Le disposed of on accomiuo;’iatiii|'- tern;s. Si.TTtis anil Wiirrr-.'. r. iiH«, n^adc to or der, can be had on short notice. charlotte, !'eh. 5, 1H25. ■* ON Tues.fbiy, t!.e :. ■(! d .y o* .\'!:nist next, at the Cciurtdlou-e in (.'li.M’lotti.. vi ill be stild a vahiabie tnn of LA.Vi), niw in the pos- session of Samu’1 P'.rter, lyn r on thf. wa’ers of I.oiig ’rei k, a'le '.t n nv ii:.!’s trein ( hai- iotte, eoiit i'V.ing about tl.n e l.undn .1 ru re-,. 'I his ir.it t IS nea'.'iy all v.'Ooiil.ind, th' V'-lielng i not more tlian Id’ty a'TCs f!i a;v d. It is vm II d to the ri.ituve i.f cotton, « '.ni, whea', ai.u i.-. remarkabl;. well t.niliered. One bait ,,f the pur lree mom y to be i>:.id in tin-. - IIior.*bs, and tii'' re->id'le in 1.(11 e;i ;ilohtii'' 1 rt in the ti:ne of the s.ilc ; tiie purchaser Jiivmg bund and secut Due atf* '.tion will !>e .rjvcn, 1 y .lOUN 1 iK, r.rmitnrs of M. I,. 1) II;.-5O'., ^ Iji.ciiI •Sn,ith. .Tunc 21, lb.-5.—9t l7 • of I dapt «! r I i.( A A\.?V\VV.A\.V. VF.^Mn.V of Negro.•>, consisting of a fel- lo'i', bis veite, and s. \ ,e dispo.sc fl of upon tie • enns, bv applv ing to W •'amm 1 Hi nd* r.-.on. Julv V. ln:’.r —'f. eiid'lrei!, V. oil!- .■■cei'iilliiodi’’.’';. !\.lk, or Di exertiOT’ to make it a faithful journal of religi ous intelligence, and an impartial advocate of Christian doctrine and vital piety. He will have befurc him a choice selection of the best pa pers and m;ig:i/.ines in this countn’, .'.nd some of the ahh st f-reign journals, from wh'ch he hopes at all tunes to be able to present an in teresting abstract of useful information. He will also be aided by original comiminications by some of the most distinguished gentlemen in this state. As learning .ind religion adorn and promote each other, and cannot lie separated without in'.tll.fting both, the e o'umns of the Ttlegriiph ■vill be (ilUd in p:irt uitb seb ct llteniry pii ccs, disii;ned to incve.isi- thi- knowledge and grati- v the taste of all its readi rs. .Xml as Chris tians .owe many f>f their dearest privileges to the admirable ciMistitution t (/ur ws" and hap py government, and an- deeply interest* d in It’s pro>uerity, a faithful detail of nolitic.ii evi:nt., doln^..^tic an 1 t.jreign, will ut all turns begivin. ,\ppropriate reniarl.s n;i Agrieul’ur.d Im- prov eineiils :iiid D(;me:.tic Lconom)' udlocca- sionallvM.e iiisi rted. .\nd “ la.t, init not b ;iit^*’ flu- i;nprov nu-nt, iligtutv ai.'l ii.ii f'.hi :-.s '•{ till fin i a will.11.; Mid sm -ere .tdvocate. ’I he paper will be l ifge, neatly jirintetl, and with the i.' '.t ty^e. -No advertn.ement.i will be iidliilltefi. ^ I be tir-t nuil'ber v\ill be issued as soon as a >-iithei« nt nuuit'er (,f siiii.icriliei-., is obt.tin 1. (; ; l'i .c. , tlin e dolhii-s a e;.r, or two dol- ,u) and fd''- I* ji.iiil in advance. .luhj 1, S'lbscrij^’l'ii's received at this ofTicc. (,'oMcli '1 Hiiniciss ?,"ib'-''ri!yt V b’is o| « neil a shop f;r the I noee e !,^lsine^^ i>i liie hiC.c-,; one dooj-b'- l(,w l.-.tac, Spi nei r J-: ( o’-, i arrivi'-e Mriking >liop, where be‘ intend-: keeplir^ eon-.tantly on leiiid. at reiima d jirlre . ibr '' ■'■h or ,i ,lr.r* dlt, :dlal tic!e', in li;> lin>' of iiii,'.;lK s vii ; Ko.id :ind .lersiy llirnew, (,;g I liirnes;,, plain .ind pl.ited ; wagon ai.d g),; C'dkir:-, ?-:c.— l!ej)air-. done at tlie sin;i'l«.sl notice and on the iiiir-t re.isonable tern..s. K;.I,\S M ATI f Jr.nt .'K, .i^t: pears that yon had “ only a moment to s:iy one word” in atiswer to mine of tho lOth. Your one word, comprehending, h-ow- ever, two pretty elosfly written paji;es, rr.minp; as it does, iVom the ('hief Ma gistrate of an enlij;litfned and patriotic n'.fmherof the United States, demands my attention. Not heinp; disposed, however, to follow your exaple as to* tirnCy I have permitted your letter to he on m}' table for a w’cek past, in the expectation that a little reflection would sin'.mest to you the propriety of correct ing >;rjm(! cxfiressions apparently h.tsty, and calctd itfd to cull foi th an answer par taking of the climate and heated atmo.s- jjiiere in wliich I find myself—against which, it has h(;en my constant [jurposc carefully to p;ti;ird. Ikit your letter havinn; made its .'ippe.arance in a newspa per just now liantlerl to me by a frienrl, i e;in no l')np;( rsee thc propriety of wilh- I'diiale Si .\ wili ho!lirio-;i reply. "V oti say “the cf'rtificate of Marshall, no matter liow pi-o-'tired, is one of f.he most darinp; en'orls tiiat ever v/as nt- t.'mpti d hy niali;^narit viilany, to p-alu a f'll'.cho'id on is;nor'»nt e^rt dniity '•'■No matter h,in procured,"—I will first state t.o yon thr; irianner in which that frijithihl ceitificate was ‘-procur ed,” and thi n proceed to show that Jts “ darinji;'’ character consist.s only in its truth, and it.s (iiiTCt tendrnry to expose in ])art,thc “ma];p;nant villany” Avhirh ha;, h('( 11 extensively practiced cin the cri'dtdiiy of many of the f!;ncd citizens of Goorp;ia and other st; tes, in refcrencf». lo the Indjnns and the tr#'aty. I'hc- f;iets containv'd in the ccrtificotc in qiics- tio!:, were voluntarily, and to me, un- cNiH'Ctedlv communicated, hy Mr. ^^'il' |i;iiu Edwards and J’seph iMarshali, whos'i sij^iialuics it hears. Of the char

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