VOL. I.] Cll.lRLOTTE, .V. C. TVRSDAY. AVGVST S rrni.isiiED wet.klt Rv LEMUEL BIX(.TIAM, ,T rilltKE DOLLAIIS A YF.AH, PAID IX AHVAKCE. ?Co p:ipcr will he dlscontimird, unless at tht of the editor, until all arrcuragcs art p.iJ. AiivEnTisEMRSTs Will be inserted at the usual rites. Per.-ions .sendliij^ in advertisements, are -.jtiLsU d to note on the inar;'i;i the nunil;er of ^ Ttiop.y, or they will he continued until furbil, ;,iJ chart^ed accordingly. SlaVi.' tA* .VovU\-l!v\Yo\hvA, \n: f■ K!. K MU■ KG C () t' N r \. .M'prrior I'ourt of Law, Spring Tinn, ]R2j. 5 \M: I’EUKV r.v. (;ray Fi-rry.—Petition f>r.- iJ nivorce. —It ai)i)eariiit^ to the satisfaction ,.[■ tl,c court, tliat. th'- di.f'. ndant is not a resi- ,..-nt of tiiis state • Ordtrni, tliercforc, thi.t ud- • ,r‘;M nu*nt he made thri e months in the {.'a- ,Aba .luiynal, that t!ie dufi ivliui) '-oine forward ,.ii or l)i-t\irf tile next Superior Court of I,aw, ; . hclield for the count\ of N.’eekK nbuvj;-, at t'o ( ou’. t-ilouse in I'iuirhitte, on the 7th Mnn- ^,p.\ .i!'u r tile '1th Monda\ ill September next, i ph ad, ,.ns\\ er or demur, othcrw ise the pe- V oa will be taken pro coni'e;i50 and iieard ex i>;te. 'I’este, J. M. lirTtlllSON, i lk. a. c. —price adv. s-k toi' the benefit und enamragcmcnt of 3!K(IIAMs>1 in the V^ estcrn part of \orth-Carolina. SCIiKME. ^ I.'i.k; Ticiijyi-s, at 52. Kot tivo 1)1(1 iiic.s lo a Prize. 1 lii/.e jj U (I’liitr-n and Cotton f^aw 1 do 1 do 1 c!o 1 rlo - do 0 do 0 d) (h> 0 (!o 0 do 1 do 10 do 10 do 1 do I do 2'J do 3U0 do 1.31 do 70 ? (Kain;!-,-Coach) - - - ^l.>0 (do.) JS J.H.mJ is is 2M is 1 k.ij is J^lOU (Su.e Hr.anUc Cotton S.,\\ (.in) ?H0 ((,icr ;,„j Sorh.Lic) is loij (lu d.sf e;i(l^) - ^() fl'l (a set ot 'I'Mbi* s) j.; j (U indsor Ciinirs) is '2-t ' ;.i' (two M t,vk •lal/its and' 0!U- I*; i-.lbrok'e'j - is ! ^8 (j:-liov.s top Cr.iille) t> ^0 l'lo’.if;-iis, J Ml'e'-t F,a!11[ - I ;ird {. ..II,) . is i'5 C lilts) . . is >•1 (('ai.dlestar.,'I . ^ (do) ... iy Olf/) i'2 (25 east steel Axo Shoes) . I ?1 ('I'iii'Wiuv. Jev v'iy, Sluns, o. tic.) . - is PROPOSALS, , ron pi-nLisHiNu, wl, ki.t, in thi; To^rx or fat- KTTKVirLK, itELicnor.s r.i/’En, T(t UK, CALLEII TIIK ^ oyU\-L' v\A*oWnaT roMu c Tf.n isY KKV. KOUrUT. II. MOKinSOX, A.M. - importance of periodical publications ■ lius lo^ been lelt and acknoAv ledred. Ih them mtelii-ence is dillusi-d, error corrected, prejudice reniovul, vi. e r. sirained, and \irtue clierished, to an extent woithv of rejrard As nu n te-, a deep ii,tere.-t in wi.atr ver relates to t!.'-ir poht,r;,| r,,-htsand te.i.poral prosp.-ritv, \clncles,l wori(ii\ news have, in all eivihxt^l couj|-ies, be, ,1 soii-lit with e::i;a rne.ss and sii;)- Witil Iiber;ilit« ‘ 13 and ITj ipUvlc mV XuY\A\-i'uvuUi\a, M rrI.E\c I ur. c oi'nty. i'l'urf rf f>r Jfic/iienfjurg ccvnty. May Stsvons, 182.'. •initiil I’oacli, y 1 N this case it is ordered, f -I that ptiblieatioii be made ,\TK'iiTv Heron, ^ six v. eeks in the Catav. ba .I'.uies Moore. ' .Journal, that unless Andrew I . ieroii aiid.lame.s Moore, two of the defendants shall '1 this case, appear at the next Siipt rior Court rf Law and I’quity, lo he held for this county, on t!ie ‘-1. ventii Moiulay after the I'oinlh .Monday jn r't pteml'f r next, and answer, the hill will be tiken pro confesso and heard c\ parte as to Commissioners, lietii. ]). H. IJI NLAP, c. M. K 6U9.—]>rice adv. $2. poiWl With hberalittt liiit as the .la,ms of Jehovah, t!ie interest.sof i ine solemnities of r,terii;t\, far J., , Mirjiass ui niaj^n fude all o'lier thinp-s^ ii is rea- H ; SOI a .|e to expect that relipous publications' ^,,,1 . rise up, ^ainiPtr p;arona-e amonir men -V) I Nertini; a benefinal inthience in CorminK- i'O '•'j'''>:iel r,s. ll.ippilv, the pn-sent at-'e is 4 ; :'‘K-'>','im^- to a-swer tiiis expectation i.v a I anxiety for reh-ious kiiowle.l.-^, and fy , :i lo\. .y (hsplay of benevoh nt entirjiris . >\ c I'^- at a t;nie when pl.'uis for luiijbc i;ood are i holuiy roj,eeived anC fearles.-,lv executed. To ' '■c-.s et.nrsis beconihif;- the am',ilion of the I h,}« .i St and th( recoinjx nse of the lowest. To , ^!"l’ the ,[;ro\\ th of human misvfv bv opposiiiir ‘ I‘-orruption, is now at'empt- I ickct.-, can be had in Ch.irlotto of the uiuh r-i *’ ‘I'"'"''’ >■.' huid. 'Co Can v, “ tar as the sifii'.ed Conuiiis,ioners, bv htt.r. pos'at^- paid I'"found,” th.- tidin!;^s ot p,'i,ce and the HU'loc.infr- the money; or from -iieir a;i',nt:, in' '’M'urity, unites the str>-i;!!, of a thou- Sahsbniy, htate.sviile, Concord, I .ii.r(,|i,ti)n, ■■uul enj’ages the pr.ivers often \orkville or I.ancastu-; m iio |;lecit;e thems, Ivc s hearts. . to pay the jjr./.es as sit f;.rth in the scheme, 'I'l'ese chbrts are not without success. The ! liiirty days aittr llic draw(>r riiniul tlu- ti'iitli jji'ospcrs, ’ ict s. ’ „a;, .11111 mnnniibiV'Hl triMiu[)it‘, of tlic 1825. DESULTOKV. ^ Till' foilouin;^' ib itf/iing t.ikcn fi'um tlu- Connecticut Coui-aiil, atui oxtructod in llial paper iVorn tlu‘ S;ik*m (*a/etie :— ’ Deaths continue to take place in the .southern c:tit‘s, causcd by drinking’ coM v.ater. Me think these deaths are not n ccualed as the\ should he : they are held up a.s a r.u re cautioii apiipstdrinkiniccold water; hut thi\ arestricih solemn warninj^s to the intempirate. Theiv is no doubt that in nine-leiiths of the cases (.f drath by drinkin^,^ cold wati-r, the \ itals hal al ready ijeen ile.stroyed by diunkc nm ‘.s. (.'old watiM', it IS true, should be di'iihk w ith j;Teat caut.on ljy the most t. iiijii rate, \> hen overheat ed ; but Ihere can reall\ be but htth dan.uerof its‘eileyv.^i.\cei>t with the iMtempuate, v. hoin it easil" destroys. In Dover, N. II. a |.7reat number ofmen have been constantly employed dunng'the hottest (hiy.s on stone ied^es; but no lixfsbave iieeii lost: one ol' the nun drank tour or five fjuarts of cold v. ater, and v. as, of course, injurt d by his imprmleuei-, thoti;;b not mortally, because, perliaps, he was not alread) hall killed by exceiiii\e drinking’. ’ Sale III (uiz. Wt're wc to pi:l)Iish s'lcli an article as the above, withcuit coiTitnent, tlu'ii should we, ch'scrvedly, lit- utulcr the itiiptna!loti contained in it. Tht'rt’ is a feeiiti};^ atid a pride, which prrliaj's belniiL^s to our warnitli cl climato, that can ne\er siih- iiiit to c!er>-! ada'iion or fa! eliood. Oftlu' latler, wc un!M-.si(atiit_i;ly proiioiiticc tji- fiazette j^iiiiu. Proud as Nortl;('rn cdi- loi s seni) of iheii’ ov. ri capat itics—dis- tiiij‘'iiis!ied a.s they are in tlieir (jwn e-.ti- ni iiioti, aiul cc'eiirati-d fir a wanlon a . alter tne (H-auin,or nlnnd the ^‘‘"se oi trutn pro.spers. The k n-d.m. of rie!:• liuse of all :iint relates to •till,e.n purchasers ol tickc t.s,' pro;ided the '^w^ness advance s. The werks of darkness,,;. i,., ,1,,. Ii. dir , ' " dl not be drawn. , ^ive way. and unnuuiber.Hl nC SAM'!,. JIF.NDF.USdN, ; ;-C‘’-^pel ])roniise the approach of h, tt,-r times, (.wrr.x IJ.XDWICK, i Ihu tlie work is onlv lu-un. \iilhoiis of the JNO. liovi). I'""nan family .are yLt co\ev .l with davkncHS, ^‘^P]"‘»"-oi'y liand IJdls can be had of P‘>'! ution. Tiioii'-aiids in our own country know iiothinjj of the v. av of life. 15 ix\ t oV .X oyU\-V ‘AYo\iua, LINCOl.X COI XTV. Court of PkdH oM Qi/arfer Stssio?i9^ Jvhj} Sessions, 1825. ‘ A. k A. Hoyle r.i. ' I .TTDCMCXTS and Lattiinore, Admr. Executions g-ranted ''f Ceo. l.attiniore, de-I by .lusticea of the ic.ised;and the same ! Peace for s-,id ccninty, the same, .lames (levied on lands belon,tf- ;\riTistrong-nf. the same inpT to tlu* estate of Wni. Maclean rv. the t.eortre Lattimore, de same ; \\ III. Sc .1. D. ceased. -Maclean t'ft. the same. J Jt appearinp;’ to the satisfaction of the court, that Uobert Lattiniore, one ol the heirs of the :iid (ieorg-e I.attimore, dec asi-d, is not an in habitant of this state : It Is tiu refc-re ()r(krcd by tlic court, that publication be made four weeks successivtly in the C:ita\\ ha .lournal, 'hat the said Kobert appear .“it .the County Court (;f IMeas and Quarter sessions, to be held f"r T.incohi eount\, at the Court-Ilout.e in L'n- '■oli.ton, on the fourth Monday after the fourth 'fr, a lo Christians the ci'v for Ik !p must l,e rais ed. I hey are liie hunored in.stninients by wliich ( 1,1'lst \\;il set up lus kinpioni letn (iazctte, as the jiisi desert of its fui- siiy.— 'i'o ask for thei!* “ intcin jici ato au thority,” would he folly. I’.verv (,ne knows tiial it cannot he ffiven. No deaths —not even one, has occiirrccl in tlu- Southern cities, as recordeil hy the (la- zeUe. A flat defiance is given to prove ■.aui.ita.j unuer it without detcat, they | '‘‘ii’ii* 1 Me rMorthein blate.'-', I must art ur amcrrt. lo secure this they must! instead of progressing in the paths ol'vir- , know liien-iel.ai\e streiiLvth and movtnients. tue, are d'lilv tv*' hr>m-K- ■ ,u x>, »,ul. IM „ ,vdl.,„,r,,„i2,,a an„y tli. ro ,.,v .alcl.n.cn . „s, ’ I' I '' mil Ihr taR. i-, an.l i.ic,». nK,r, ,o re ! ! , “ “ of (hssi;>a,,un n « .listw.i set up lus kinpioin ! 1 [le •I'^serlion w,r,d. His sfand;ird t, ev are ])riv'ih ;i- (l .ind ^ retjruvd to f.dlow, and lo do. so without dis- 'iielanciiolv as it is, can- (For the hcnejl rf the (Kiford Jlcadciui.) ' '•■■‘j. under it without defeat, they! concealed. The Northern State.'-', SKCOND CLASS | uuist art ur amcrrt. To secure this they must 1 i To be drawn positive ly in j\ov( inlurnext coni'pIeUd in a I'cw miuutis, HIV lim 1 3 I U 1 C'- ■ , 1 • • r* , * j.ort t'le acts of each division, and ti.e success i ‘‘"X vi antinp; to siil)- >f ( i.ry att'inpt; so, in the iiost of the Cord' ^^i^'iDate this uiisertioti ?—'I’liey arc so a- thi re must be heralds to bear tidiii.^s'of w hat, onnddnt that blood >voiild drop from tlu* is d.on'f;-, and sentmels to pifird ap;,)ii.st.bo-t.le ^ quill iu druwinjij; tiie narration, invasions. The army of Christ .is not drawn up; in e-e field of battle. It is seatterc.l over the j ^ badiwl I wIk'Ic earth. Hence the iu m ssit\ and useful-1 L ^ of the Smtimt, in giviui^ ness of reliM-ious papers, by vNhich'cI.risiians in the He SO llatly to the Salem Gazette Ins ev,M-y country may know what is efleeted, w hat . . via/.euL, nas remains to be ilone, ami how to co-ojier ite w ith p‘‘l'Iiiitted iiiS zcal 10 run away with his each other in doin|.-it. There is no otiier way , (li.scretion. The (iazottc, we have no inViiichto ntakt; known tlu- wants ol vvtrv i i • • sr-ction of the Church, and to insure concentra- 1*1 USin.^f the phrase “soiithern I ted and vigorous exertions amonjr'lie fneiidH cities,” had veference prinrinallv, if not ! of Zion. Acconhiifrly, in all parts of t!ic' ' B. YATi:S e- A. MMNTYlJi:, sen KME. 1 Prize of 20,000 1 „l(»,Oo'0 lO.ooa 2 5,^jJ - 1 u^uoo 2 • 1,990 .',980 18 J.OCO 18,'jOO 18 5u0 9,.i(’0 18 loo l.M'iO 18G 50 y.ji-0 18ti 25 4,()50 i-;88 10 i-i.f-'uSU TSyoO 5 C9,r.)0 l.ijSFU l*ri;;es, 26,970 Blank.s, Cliurch, and ainont^ airdenoinluations fiiChris- Ne\v-'\ork and Philaflelpliia ; I tians, suclMiublicatioii« are rapidly multiplying and it wil! hardiv lie disputed, that these and cheeHulIv suptjorted. T-. . • • Cities he some distance south of Salem. ^ases above stated, and the laU'1 lev ieil (,n be :aide to be sold to satisf\ said ii.d.vnients. M’ituess, VAItDHY Kl\CY nuni AUKLXG. \\ H..1.IAM cn.^ r.iniorsK n.'.VINt, ccminieneed ilie above business in the tow n of 'h;U'lotte, n spectfully solicits ?hare of pulilic patrcmag'e. His work will lie ri'atly and dura'dy construct, d, and will be disposed of on lefommodatiirj;- terms. isETTfcK.s and \\ hitim; Cm i its, m.ule to or- ^.er, can h(!- had on sh,"'rt notice. •"h.irlotto, J\b. 5, 1.^:5. ,lytr3 i\~\u\V(rATis*. A T of Nei;rois, cor.si.'tin^’ of a fel- low. his w',10, and'St \eral ehiiiireii. would (hsp,-,M i! ct' unoii the iii>i'.t ac''oii,nioi!:.i I'ljc hrni", liv appiviiijT' to W. J. l\'ii, or to J)r. Samu, I ilc iid.erMui. -ulv —ti'. Mms~(ys EIL^ " Tailor cmd fjCidifs' Jldhit Maker, n.WlNt"; lieen solii- tod bv SOUK- (■ hr most respect iM" citi.-ensof t!ie \ ii!:,;je *0 ceiii- p''t'nne the ai nve biis!iieis ;n tl',s p!.,re. h is.it consente,! to their kin-! j v,,posaN. lit ^siiow fixed, and n ;iih' to do all kit'd oi'W( vk liis line, and wariMiits to pve entire ^'cn, as his evperienei; in most cftlie princ'oa -lU.s.'sin I jirone and Air.iT'f a. ffives I'jm t i « ' ■ ' f'lifid,'i!Ce Mi his ou 11 abilit,, s. lii'tenfhv . h ■ '^■■P' C»s to tile citi/eii.s of C'larl.itte am! U ''cmity, and hopes for a mode rate share ol '••‘■’ir patrona,n:e. He can be found, .at ;ill hours ( f *!ic d-.\ ■ ' ^pplyiiif,''ar Dr. Hemh-r.^on's T.i\et ii, .* CiLi’incnt.s rut out at the c.istomavy r.ite -‘■"..irust 20. is:5. 4-.810 Tickct North-(!arolina, containitip a populati(ui of Monday in September next, then and there to ;.lcadtoiss,ie .H^imI.c:ments willby:nterec^up Ixitery.lormcd hv the teriu.rv com- llourishinff Churches, has mt ovr yuch prnn- i , ' • • „ a^auist him, toK^. tier wuh the otiier heirs of Why this lamentable defxi. ncv No st^^tl-^n '“sonthern cUies,” 1, S.1HI In 01,-re i.a. .inorL. in T.ie , j^.t^rnnne the [M'izes tiierein, the .lb numbers the union, of equal imi.oitance and respecta-' the epithet is not inappropriate, for will be sevi ra!l_\ placed in a w hc( I on Mie dav bility, but s-ipports one or more. = tr. flu.m 1 • ot the draw ancl five ()!ihetii be (Irawn out ; 'riie experiment is now to be made, whether and that ticket havinK’ on it tl,c 1st, .\l and ild the people of our state :ire wilhne- to iKitronize ! '^diQS, litinihcrs have died from drawn Nos. in the oru.r .11 v, Inch drawn, v, dUie such a i)uldication. That they are richh able entitleil to the prize ,t >.,0,0t/U, and those five none will pri. tend to denv. other tickets which .shall have on tlu m the same Tlie editor of the Tki.’k(;h* rn will u.se every Nos. m the fo,lowmg- orders, s|,,l| be entithd to cy. rtion to i,i;d;o it a f.uthfui journal of relij.,i- “ f>d:o.!,mur nor u atitonlv al)ll- ou.i intelli^-eiifc. and an iui|i.^rtiul advo^’atc (.ri , 1 c' ■■■istian loi trino and vital pii’-y. He v.ill have j before him a_ choice selection, of the bt st pa-j i.wl sou.'. I ,i..i,^i,,,, ?K>//Atr/i city, atid to us it i Ijresi'iit an 111-Jn M 1( res*iiu!f a!,stra t of i;s [ill iiif iriiii.tion. ]h;l V il! als ) I ,■ :.i,i,^d by riri^inal 'oiiimiiii!(.ations more than six hundred thousand, iuul m.-.nyj^n ll'* Ne\v-l'n(;laiul slates tliey are fre- the iniprndent use of cold wal.-r, tin- edi tor oi tlu; (iazt tie has eonreniientlv as- j pers and magazines ill tills country, anil soinc I i .1,1 • , j lit the jdiles’. fi,re:[;-n JoiiriKils, from v.diieh hi I ' ; ho])es at idl timi s to in* aide to ijresent an iii- il jn the pri/.e;» al>ixedto them, re.'-;u cti\ t'y, m^;; The 1st, 3d anl 2d to ^in,',OQ 2d, 1st and od to 5,'IU'^) 2d, jd and L.t to 5,00/ ;-;d, 1st and :'d to Gf', 2d aiiil l;tto ],'J9J Tlic 18 other tickets wiiieh s’-. dl Inve on them three ol the dra -’n nnunr.rs, and those , . three the 2d, .Id and .ith. the 2d. .1th ami .Mb. d,stmf;ui.,hed yTi.tlcmen or the .id,-Itii ard .'jtl; iu f.on.e oii,‘ of Iheir-ev - , er.d orders of combi;! .ti.-i e - yer.nutati.uv, v. dl P'*"'}'*''* eaeii be entitled to a pri^e i t 1 Those IS other tK'i.i t.i v.'lii li sliall h;iV'> nri d'' ni tliree of tin' dr.iv.u 1 umbers, a-yl ,hM,e tliree, the 1st, 2d aii l 'I'li, the Is', 2:1 .'tl', or tiie 1st, and -itli, in some one of tiu ir s v\- i ral orders i>t' comliiii lion oi‘ pi rmuta'i ,>'i, w Hi each be t ntitled to a prize rtf r'.jOl;. 1 hose 1S other tickets wiiiili shall have on llu ni three of the dr.i'.\ 11 numheis, uHl taeh be er.titled to .1 |)rize of i-H/u. Those ISutiel.ets whii li -h.dl luivc two of the . dra'\n numbers on tin m, ai.,1 those t'.vo tlie 2d and lib, IP. eitlier ord^i', w iii ^a !i be r niitle:’ to a jirize ol ;'50. those IHutiekets wlucli sliall hue iwo of' the drawn muulier'- on tliem, ae.'! rhose tv o. the .')d ami Ub, in eith, r oroer, wiil each b( cnti- tied to a ],ri/e of ^25. I Al! etii'-r'-, beiiu;’ MS.'\ ha\lnc t'.vo of the | .iiawn iiunri'ei's (,n tlu 11,, v. ui i .tcii b • e:,'iu,.d ' !o a prize ot' j Aiul.ii! tl.ijse 1.5.950*'. !.:i\'i'i'; 1 i.t o- ^ '■f the iIk.hii i.i,in!ei s I 11 them, Uid i :e. li bi-1 . r.tide l to ;i j'r:zi ■'' >.). No t>ket wliich sli.di lia' e ,iravv-ii a pvl.-e rjf| • s.ip/i'ior denoiiiliiiitiiui, can be ei.tiilcu to ..,1 ' iod the south- f/i tiu* Polonii t'lal is, tlie country south . Here, v/o cull IMiila- earii other, and caii’iot be I' pariit'd w itlioi;t mi ti'atliiir hot!,, tlie eohimii> of the Teh !r:a[ h wdl be filleil in jiart with ,^el,■ct bt« r.uj(, res, ! '‘i(.";i ! to inilee i- the !■: liO'.\ led;^-e ;nid ; ly til,' t;e.t,’ of all its ;a. hT.s. Ai.d as ( nr'-,- ,1 aii-. ov. e iiiaiiv of 'lieir deareM |Hi\i!e,";i. s'to the iidiiiiraole ( onstitution ot (,iir w i-eanii bap- jiy po\> rii'iien‘, am' are de ply inteii t. ,1 in i*^ prosperit;,, a fai’htul ih t; d of puliiiciil and f. will at 'all times • \ > lit-., (.otnesl be >^iv I. Ai))iVopri-,.^e remarks on .'\g-ricuhur.d Ini- |-.ro\I tiieiiis and Domestic r.ccnoui}' willoera- i.lonally ■■ ir, erted. .•\iid '• i.;st. iiut u;if h.a^*," tin ini])roveuiei't, di;.;i,lty am! usefulness ol the 1 i.uiah- x wdl find a 'A ,11 n.u,' an ! siiici r,' a'l\ocatc. 'I h" p.iji'.-r will be l.ir.i,'-e. lu-atly print'-d, and with tile I est t} pe. No a(!\ert:.-M iiii nts v. id be a'li'.uU* d. The fr^t n’lnibf r will be ,'sue 1 as so(,n as a sulii'''>'i.t nuu.'ier ot ; 11!;. cv, ,( r. is oijt.tineii. . f'ii e, tlll'i-e doil.V. ii \ ..i)', (,r 1viol- I i.v, .and i.t'y Oei;’ -. it')'.;i 1 ;i. .id', ance. K.‘;i;fLriir. 1, * .• Snl'.'cri’'M.,i;s M cei\i fl thi'- (,.'ii,;c. \AVr^'V, the road h a,!in;j from ^-alislu r'v *o Ch , ^ T'dd lilli.As r i IN. An . p-. r ^ it, an 1 ieavin,r it at Dr. Her.;!, r >n's, v, a f;.>or on the uwiier. .loHN c. \vi;s r. 15, 1821.—.*51 19i- l'\r sale, al tliis .('clido:!; iiiei'.'.r pr I’n/tj.. al le ."1) days ;dt(’. ‘lie i!-''- ar.,i 1 C-cu c!i Tj’iinr.jirif;' n:inicy«; . ibjeel to 1 the UMi.il iled'.CU"!) ol h, . r cell'.. 1 ' W hol«. • Tickets, - - _ - - - .-j i.j 1 I -V« d 111. Half do. . -r> - . .'■J snl’scrilK-r h;.s o;. d a ;!;op for tie (i'la.rt. ■1 dl,-. . . - . . 1 .1 5 [ 8 a: o.f- I s-i in t'l, !.(!i:se ilo'j^- i. - 1 ieki.,i;, -, (,t j t’l k'.' -, e;ii 1 a'-lii,:.,' the ?>'> : W 1:- :::.e Spene. r y t aiia.iiM- M.ikiii;.', ■lU'.ll 1 V- 1 1 the I,ell, 1\ , hich ;i|Mst (,1 [■ i.eci s- : >h.-p, ■ a lu re he r.itent. - k( ■ ; i..'. 0;, ‘'-ii'iy (,h > • \ di’a\. ! it 1 -a.'' ■'.’1 ’> lief, w .'ii 0 11. .1 |l.and... i.'-diif'eil pn," fo:’o:.-^;i i,r ’ a t c;a ,l;t. . I'.tlK'es tor ■ 1 "nitid‘1 ; or idl i’ es of Jiacka: Ljes ' a!i an;. h in !i.s li'ie (.»' ,'ji, ,ui( • *s->t \ had -• t :ie s-.il.,.: ;,i1e, \ ./ ; anil .1 ’ 1 I'- y .i;;,.'i liai iK 11 I'm i ; 1‘.. 1 .a;,', s of V, inde, - - - ■) and ]‘i; ,t,'d ; wafia.n iiiel * oil •■I--, U':. , 1, ,h.s, 1 r. p,.,r > done at t,.' ami Oil 1: (),'■ ^;.i!’lcr-, ^ i .1 n.ovt .-:';-iiid,'le ti r.i,s. J'- '■ ; ■- 1' i.UT- I • . ' ■ V ' a' •'.'..S of- r.i.i '.V \T I T'.v;, !.C” 1 issaciiusc-tts, it is tc'rmerl a son'i.irn city, u!id witlicfiiuu propriety, “ Ask V here’s the north’—at York ’tis 011 the Twee.l ; In beotlai'ii at the Orcades , and fhere At (.reel,I.Hid, Zemlda, or the 1 ord kn.3Wi whtre.” i r»;it adinitliti'; that the Clu^ctU: alluiUt: i tociues suulh ol the I'olonia'', we cannot, I lor our lives, jierceive l!;e caM':!; (jf (,[. I letict.'. J lie ( ditor stated, v.Iiai p!i\si- i iaiis !,Mner;,lly admit to he liu; I’m I. that in iiKiSt fd' the it'.-!anc( ^ (d‘ death f.om driiiklni; co!.! -.v ater, tlie uniortuiu.'c per- uiis wei ’ t!;c vif liiH'i o! iiiteiiipi i aii( e ; )Ut !ie dre'7 n.) iiii‘ei.:ice ft om tiienci', a- i;'aitisl t!i(‘ s(jhi'i('l, oi the South, tujr (Kjt's his K'.nr,-ua;.;e admit >f' u(Ii ;■!» Inl'erenee. It was hut icc't.ll;,’ that li e IviiLir of tI.e !>oMo'i ?Iedi(a! Iiilellioa.ncer a'.serte>l, hat liie numeroi.s deatiis in thui i.ilv, he e.M cpte'd t.oiie.) ftom (li'inkiii;' t,o!d ■'at'f, v-i'ic th-' couse'jui'ui r' cd Ion!’’con- iiiii'.'d l:::hiL‘. oi ll[ i)!li.;^ ; y t the itilia');- '.'itils ei iJosion did Jiot ri‘-,e up aiic! ; husc !.'■ e-'it-)!,—I t!ic wii.d'- body .f phy- H K'T,'-. , r.a': v' was one,—a'l tlic slati- !i rer oi’ .olK'i! :y cl' i - tnt.i ii catr .'■itr; a', e ill t'.; : di M.e ^ k' Vh !;• ' ..y, or citize; ho'i'. t' '.In.' :.d lii.i a ) rel’ocliii';- jti t lie IS. 'I'hey iiad Just 'C,;\ in tlial ( !’■ r I eo_)!e of tl.i- Mjiilli 1 . iiM.e a', al'. 1:; [\0. 4H. norihtrn and southern states—w(> arc one people, and it ouglit to he the object of all, V. hu glory more in the natue o\'Jlmvr- irans, tiian in that u\' JXorHierneyit av South erners,continue ns so. There are hot- M’adi'd ze.ilots in lioth sections of the ci)iinlry ; Init these out^hl not to lie per- mitteil to disturb (he ;.;;enerai Iiarinony, 1^1(1 to cast the llre-brand of discord a- inon(!: the people. If some of the north ern editors puhlibh slanders on the south, we beiievc they are amply rejjuid in their own coin, l»y otii-souihern ktii!!;iils of tli« (juil! ; aiul sometimes, even a soiitherri Ko\ernor condescends to casiii-ate them, ol uhicli ue have a memorable instance in his i xcellency I'^overnor Troup. lJut this callinj;' hard names, and “ wanloti abuse” of each other, is but a sorry bu.si- ness, at the liest; and we trust that jLlie !^;oo(I sense of the community will ero Ion;.; put a stoj) lo it. It is esjjeciall}’- deservitii; of ct'nsnre, wdien it is com menced without provocation, as is Uic case in many insiances.] MCN(;o |»A|{K. I ii(’ nnceriatti la.e i/l me enterprising^ I’ark, reiuU-rs e\ery attempt to explore i’lose les^ions, where be is -.iitjie.sid to havt“ (li)',ed his life, peruliarlv 1. ' ,es'in;>-, Iroiii till; relleciit.ii th;it sf^iue inlorma- lion nia}-, by pos'dlmity, be 01 (aitied n-s- pectiii!^ him. i’ do nut kno'.v ib.a! tiui tale of iiis death has been eiihi'C .lep-a- li'ed or conliiined by .iceounts reeeuilv procun-d fromAIVii a; but ue • iiu-.e [t: on \('ry respectable authority, that .sotiu; iidbriiiiition relative to his last expedi tion will shortly jjralify (he literary world, \^’e had liitely lo annoinjce the retiM'ti of Lieut, l^lapperton, after suc cessfully exploiini,'' those wiM.s, wliicli have been the /;i ave of so many of our heroic countr\men. WC no^v under stand that, h«‘sides disco\erini'- walled towns, in places herelofore .sujiposed to be solitary deserts, peojih'd with iiili.d)i- tutits who were in the constant habit ol* ttsim;^ artii les furnished by the numufac- tiirint,^ industry of this country, he had the goovi f.jrtune to discover what, lo liie readinp-pulilic, will ajipeur an invahia- hle piiz.'—the .lournal, or part of the Journal, kej)t by .Muistv,, Park, wheii he last attempted to disover the .source of the Nif.;er. How this trea'jure was ob tained, we have uol heard ; but if we are correctly iiifornied, the .MS. has been j)reserved uilh ( ai-(', probably by those who wer - ii^norat.t of its (rue value, and who, it is to be feared, at a former period, I)y ihcir culpable rapacit\, or murderous resentment, i)revented liie autlior from brin^riti*!; it to that conclusion which lie ctmtemplated, and which science desi- led. A rclie so inteiesting' will be rc- tj^arded w ith no common anxiety ; and we irtisl little timtr will elapse before every thin;; which the }r;illant Lieutenant may have learned relative to his darinjr predo cessor, w ill be ptlblished. — English pap. i KMAi.K .n:i)(;r,s. In the reir>:n of Iviward III., his mis tress, Alicc Pierce, actually sat, on more than one occasion, in the Kin.^’s bench, nsurpinij his royal prerogative of “ ('o- 'lie time of Jlenry ih»; ram Nobis.’ vm. a speci.tl (ommisston was t^^rantt'd to lady .Anne lierkley, by virtue of which she sat on the l)eiich ;\t (ilruif ester se.s- ‘.ioiis, iinpaunelied a jury, aiu! reicived evidence 011 the tii.d of Sir .Vieliolas lor\nx, atid otiiers, for't iot and disorder ly conduct, w !io we;e c(jn\ic‘ed (/,' (hfi vain,'bi fori; iier iadysliip, 'J'|i(> l jur'ish iaui;ii at tlie od.Ii ios oi o'Ii'M’ eoUMlries, and h:i'.e indidi'ed ilieii; ,'|\es at onr cx- pvii'.e. It would lie very ea-y lo sit down, and id'iei' allo .vir.;; Uiem a!! thefr Heserved leputatio’i in ai ls and artiis-. to select sucli an o\'M v. lu'lii.iiii- mas-i r,\' odflities, ec- ' I'lili icities, a!r,urdi'i(;:;, lollies h crimes, as wouid ast(/t:idi the init/ls (d‘ “us na tives.” We n>'ver have ( (;iumit|i f!, and proir.ibiy never can, in lids day oi' diumi- nation, c(,nimit (>ne bundtedih p:,rt of the exc ise , V.b'cli crowd (lie liis''-;y of I'.tii land. ‘•And V( t i-.n-^and, wit,1 ail liei' I'lult'^-,” i:i an obj-'ct of a liniration itiid applause. — iJn'dj Jdr; 'I'lie 'w tri;;.'ite lin \•,',v,vtNr. dropped (lav down li'tjiii the Xa\ >' Yard ot' p .■Hid hes al present i.;;'(ii r; nleai ’s i-’oitii. .N'autical ni'Oi s,,y she i-, a Ijeaiitiful, dii;i. 'I’ba'. she v.ill lie a , ( ffu ienl as she i> braij'.iini, \'.e luni- iiO''.:)u!);. 'J'h*' iit ’loi’ d'coniMiundiii:,^ this siii'> atid (jf , ,,’i\e\ itif^ the (.ues! ol the iiuti./'i hi, lU'i'e counlry, has beeti cuider- K (I, it is s.iiii, ar. ! we have no doubt of liie 1 i,:i i'ajiiain .Mori'i , :.t ]; ■,Ti ‘o) tlie ('oi'.iini ,sion* I S oi’ tr.e Iii>plae‘ at 'lie A .1y i));'.ru, it is •M. vi!! es.’r,'. X a\ V bo :nc'‘