rnil.IKIlEH WKEKLt T!vl.r,.M( Kl, lilXciTAAr, „ th«bk udi.lahs i r»j» in I No j)aper will be discontinued, unless at the a,scr.tio)i of tlie editor, until all arrcai-ag-cs arc paid. Ai.vKTi rrsEMENTs will be Inserted at the usual r.itos. Persons soiiding- in advcilisemc-nts, arc :vij!icsti-d to note on llie rnargln the miniber of insL'rtloiis, or they will be continued until forhid, :iii(l cliarg'fd accordiiig'ly. pkoposalsT ;0!I rrntiRHi.NR, wejkly, in the towh or fat- r.TTKVILLE, .9 liELlG/Of'S TO ur, rAl,Ll,U THE X ov*W\-C uvmAiuu Te\cgTaYi\\, roNOlCTtI) IIV K1,V. KOr.EKT. II. MOKIMSOX, A. 51. mill': importance of p. nodical publications I ii.ts h;i bfi-n ti ll ;iiui know Icdj'cd. l!v IVORTII-CAROiJx^ © u* li :fi . (tor Me iemjit uf lUc 0.rfird .icadtm«.) ci.ass, To be .Wn positively in Nov. „,1 cr ncit r c-oniplcteU ui a few minutes. B. VATES U A. MM.NTVRK, il,„agcr,. .nd SCHEME. Prize of i20,UU{) .10,000 5.000 1,990 1.000 500 100 50 25 10 5 20,000 1U,000 10,u(K) o.yso 18,(;00 9,o(!0 1,800 i»,3uO 4,()o0 11,H80 09,750 5171,oGO J5,J70 Prizes, 2(',9rO HkiiKs, 4J,810 '|-icl:cts ?in,,3fiO '.-y*w-«y V ,, ,v,i „,iu K iCdl^Cd. J;V tht-m intri!;g'eiiri. Is diil'u>i ,1, cm:r corn, eti (L I i '• >111-ivi navv . pivju.iic- rcinov.'d, vice r.Mn.iiud, :.inl %irU.i-, dci^n.in'e tV-’Vn/'''*Vr” To .hcri^iu d, to Ml cMi iit wortliv ofreg;.rd. As! will lu' sevu-il v .‘l’' n.n.fetl a dicp interest in whatever relates to I cf tlie dnu 1,0 1 . liitir pol.tieifl ri^iit.', and turpcral I'rosperln-, MkI t'int V t k I' ,>e dri.wn out; ul.ieUs of woruily ne^^s hu^!, i„ all eilili.Jc! I t 1 io..r,tj-;es, !)(•( II son.i,ht vs ilh eagerness and sup. .i.tiiK •! t./u,,. Mri/I^'f T',’’ ijuiUd \siUi libind.iv. * ^ :‘‘id those fac >!ut as t!ie cl:.;ii;s t f .Tchovah. the r ,k 'hem the same l!ut as t!.e claliKs 1 f.Icdiovah, the interests of' >.os. ii,‘thc till* .■'(ltd, and II.e s(,! i)u,itie,s ot I'te rii,t\, f;.v ' the uri/cs'ih\- ii tf 1 i ' '■'‘I ,UV1 in nuifrrnt.Kh all otlu-; tlnn^-, it u-:-! ^ ’•‘•siKCt.vely, viZ: jonii' le to c.xpect that relii^nous pu'.dici-iio'is would rise uji, g-ainiii^- palnmnj^e amoni;- :..cn Mui excrtin}^ a heiu fieial iiifltience in turiniiig' fli(lr chitraelers. Happily, the proseiit ug-e is IX'inninj,'' to answer this ixpectution hv a The 1st, od and 2d to ?10,000 1st and od to 5,000 nl and Kt to 5,0o0 3i, Jstand 2d to 1,‘Jl/O ~M and 1 ,t to i^tjyy The 18 ollu-r tiek.ts si,all have on lul those hold'y coiiCeived and fe;n-Iessl\ executed. To ”> soine one of their sev- Ijl^fis others is becominj^- tiu- unibMion of tlie or pirnuitation, will 'Jiiglust and the recompense of the lowest. To eiitilk il to a prize of Sl,OoO. M'p the i^rowtli of human misery by opposinj^! ’ ^ othi.r-tiekets wliieli shall liave on the in.irch oi' human eorruption, is now attempt- i , three of the uraw n luinibers, and those e ! in almost every laml. 'I'o cany, “liir asthe '^d and 4th, the 1st, 2d and 5th, curse ia found,” the tidings of peace and the 1 ^ sev- nicans of purity, unites tiie strength of a thou-; ot con.bination or permutation, will sand hands, and cngajjci the prayers of ten ! ‘ to a prize of :>500. tlioiisaiul hearts. I 11'ose 18 other tickets uhith shall have on These ett'orts kre not witliout success. The I three ot tiie drawn nuji.bers, will each be i-r_ 'j'he kingdom of rig-h- i ‘'t ^lOu. )5r>/\\injf anxiety for n !ij;-ious know Icdjfo, and! The 18 olhiM- tiek>.ts wh.eh shall liai a lo\ely di play of bene\oleiit enterpris . c- tliree of thedr.avn numijcrs, and live at a time when plans for public pdod arc i'"'''-''- -'!» '^d and jih, the i.’d, ith am r/w»r: lvr fl ?iiu! 01* tljC^ o(l. 4t!l illUJ /jIIi ffi crtt-n/t * cavis" of truth prosjKTs, leotisness advances. The works of tUrkness ' * h'cii sliall have two of the give way, and uniminberid triumphs of the ' ‘ ^d jrcspel promise the a;)proaeh of better times. I (^I'der, «.11 caeh be entitled to ihit the work is only begun. Millions of the hlinian faiiid\’.;tre vr't rtivi-ri’tl ith i-lnrViifoo ' lnos(- 18t..iickcts w hich hliail hfivp two nf •i’huse l«6tiekit.^uii.cii sliall have two of the human faindy are yet covered with darkness^^ , *•^>1- i»v/ «n f;in!t, and pollution. 'I housands in our own 1 '‘“-'V’t!ie ctnntry know nothin)^ of the way of life. | , -K.cr, v, id c r,. ‘, , . I tied';o a pnze ol ^25. lo Christians the cry for help must be rais-' ^1 oll/ers, being- M88, having- two of the cd. 1 hey are the honored instrumenls bv . » unn.i.f-'-v , ti, n 1 1 viuch Christ will set up his king-dom in the jn,. a„d ,lsl,t „„.Ur it .U-IH,. .I,cy ‘jf,,:;,';,',';;': nlust ac eoncrrt. 1 o secure t ns they must, tcket wi.ich shall Lave drawn a prize of !nTi'\ve!Uori-lni/;ed Iniiv^thlre'arc‘watchmJMl Lfe\-!ol'0^-1/^'^“''“"''''''’ ..l o.ry in tl,- l,o,t of th. ■ ''VlV,^ Ti, ,,l 1. tin re jnust be lieraMs to bear tidini^-s of \\ hat I jj.j- .. i* doing-, and sentinels to g-uurd ag-a.iist hostile (JuLter do.’ ^ i o- in\asions. 'I'he army ot lirist is not drawn up | ,/ , »• n • i * i in on.- f.ehl of battle. It is scattered over tlil ' „„ f ,h V' .“i 'l ishole earth. lU nee the nec.essitv and useful- ’V -us., of religious papers, by wlfich'christians in ift, \ csery conntrv mav know what iS etkcted, w hat ''V' , I V ““O n u. ..Hi ww»i.i.'““V;;,!;',::’:; \ Ofhd\i.^, .'U OMaartii's, 15 ljj‘ Orileiitor '1ICKETS l ecc-ivcd at this of- t.'K-li other in (itjing- it. '1 lure is no otlu-r way in which to n .ike known the wants of every section ot t’-.e Church, and to insure concenira-, ^ ted and vigorous e\i riions among- the friends ' ff /u>n. Ai-cordtng-l}, in all p.trts of the * Inire.h, and auioiig- all dcnon>in..iions oi Chris- t ans, snrti iJuMicatK.ns are rapidly uiilltiply ing- and ell', t rfi.lly suj;t)urtcl. \(.'.ith-('w’ li-na, (•ont.:iji.’i.>’ff n popul.-ition «>f j tiiore than six hundred thuiuand, and many | ti')Mi-ishing- Churches, li:;s cuic H'c/.' r. l‘} t!.!.', lanii.ntable di i.cii ik-_\ ^ a\o stale in Jl'e uiiion, of c-rpial in pi.vt.n.ee anti rcsptcla- •'dity, blit siippprts one ur|.niore. 1 111't. \pciinier.t is new io '.na.Ic, wlielher die ])i. opK. ,,j ,)ui->.tatc a- '''v. ;il ■ ; U i.ali'(!ii-/i- sucii a pu!)l:cati();i. Tr.,ir'!iv\ .J’c r.cliiy able M-iiu w ,i| j)p, tend to deny. I lie editor of tbv Tri.r.'.’tArn v.'.l! uso e\i-y C m lo make it a fa.th.'iil jotirnal of reliyi- '’|n iiitcli.^^'-i iK->', ;ind an iuipaitial aiivo ale of I ^I'i'tian dll Irine and vil.d l'iil\. lie will have iHii,ro li.m ;i choice s. h ition of iIk- bi st [. a- and iiiag-a/.ini s ill '.his eoii!i'r_\, and : tune ''I tin anli '-t ft.reiji^n joiii-iials, froiii which he ' at all tiiiK-s to be aiile lo |'.risei'.t an in- •'ij'slini^- al).,!r,.ct of u» tul iiir(ii-:r,,it;on. fie I'i'l also I,c by irii;'ii-.al eoiiin uiihatioiis .' s(i;>ic (,t the n,o.si distln!!•ui^lled e'entlcmi-n 111 tl.is state. I'-.'t-iiMig- ;nd relinion pdorn and promote n xtlicr, and cannot be separat' d w itlioul ’"'itiiating- both, the c(dur.iiis of the Ti legT.ipli '■I; lie tilled in part w ith sch-ct hterar} ])ieecs. ^ '^f.ed to in.-reas.' tin' l.nowledg-e and g-rati- dir ta.itc (if all its t-eadei's, And as ( hris- '!»'• owe many (d‘ tlicrr dcai-est pii\drg'S to i‘diii;ra')lc constitution of (»iir w i-i- and liap- ' ' I nmeiil, and ;ire de( ply ini i-ri. sled in ' l'>'0'';n'i-ity, a laitliiul det.iil of politico! '''-i.ts, i;i)ii,e.-,tie and fon ii’u, will at ail tlnn.s ;Mvi.--t. ' PP'’'>i>'’i^e roniarlcs on A','-nVnl‘in-;d 1m- i'^^'ei'^eiits and IXnuestic Kconom',' wdlocca- VOtKoly!:ei„Scrtcil. And “list, but not least,” the in'provcnu :it. !'• N'liily :i .r| uMCulne.ss f the I'uiiale bex v. ill *‘'1' .1 v.'iliiiifi, ai,l sincere aihocate. paper will be l;irg-e, neatly prinfed, .md ]*! . tvpe. iSu advcrliseuKiits will be Foi' the. biuejti u)i(, ciicoindgi’iuoii of ‘ JiaiLVMSM" ill.the AVchtni part of Norlh-Carollna. 1.'I’jeivj/r.', i.t $'Z. Ntil iU'd Jj/nn/.-s in a Vrlzr. ^4nr.ito,_ ^ iirst number will bo issued as sr.on as a *^"^*ber of .subscribers is oblaitu d. 1 ^ three dollars a \ i ar, or tw o d(d- 's‘iiid fitly cents, if paid in ad^ a.ice. ^oyetkril/r, Juhf 1, 1825. * bubscripruj!isrcccivi.d at tl»i^ efikc^ n ( uirlolf-' of tilt nndi r- I'} letl. I-, jiostage paid, (.If lom their ai^ehis in ' ;ie(!i-i I, I, iicoiiilon, , V. i pieiiu'e tlu inseh i s i t i til ill the selii-me, draw ij:', (iV ri Innd the signei (.'onin issioiu r .iiclosing'- llii' n.oiu v ,'aliShili, Male-'. II \'ork V ille (.'I' 1 .alle..^ ti' lo p'.iy the pri/( s as tliii-t \ d.i\ ■■ alli r 1 li( ....... - ihoiiev lo ])iii(-|iasi 1-1 ot tie.cts, pro\idid the hciieUic sii.iil not be ilfawii. s \M'i..'ir,M)r.uso\, (.id ;:\ Ki .MlKKJK, i;(VD. N. 15. r.xplanntory lla.id L is can be liad o) ilie (.'oniiiiiiiitin!.i’. '15 Tj ntevtuVmwc v\t i MniHE sid)scriber having pnrcha'r-.ed A the well-known .stand in Char lotte, formerly occupied as a Public House by Mcssre. Cowan & VaiJ, in- torms the jiublic, that he will open the house, tor the reception of comjianv, durintf the last week in October, when he wilt be prepared to accommodate all who may please to call on him. KOUF.KT M ATSON. -Aug-nst 19, 1825.—f,t52 AMi\U.S01l AND F.LYCr ClUin .MMIXG.' H WILLIAM CLLVEKIIOUSK AA \SU commenced tlie above business in the town of Charlotte, respectfully solicits a share of ptddic patronage. His work will be neatly and durably constructed, and will be (lis])osed of on accommodatiiic' terms. Skttkks and Whitim; Cimns, made to or der, can he Inul on short notice. ’ Charlotte, I'ch. 5, 1H25. lvt?3 'Ihose 18u^ickcts wiiicirhhall have two of lv\ o, tiie h be ciiti- A KAimjWJs*. 4 FAMILY of Ncg-roes, consisting- of a fel- ^.1. lort, his w ife, and several chihh-en, would 'e disposed of upon the most accomr.iodutinc- terms, by applyinjr to W. J. Polk, or to liv. Sunmel IIcMidcrson. .Inly 9, 1825—tf. Coach Ti irnininj^ ^ Huriiess Mukin^. rnilE suhsoril.er has oiiened a sliop for the above I, .siness i«. the liouse one do(vr b'e- low Isaac 8pencc r k Co’s. Carriage AJakintf Miop, wlici-e he intends keeping constantiv on hand, at reduced prices for cash or a short credit, all articles in his line of Imsincss, viz ; Jioad and .tcrsey W agon Harness, ;i,.- Harness, plain and pl.iti (1; wagon and gig Collars, &c. &c.— Kepairs done at the shortest notice and on the m,ost reasonable terms. , ^-H|: .L\S WATI.INGTON. rharlot(c, Juv^\\\ 825.—JStf CABAURUS COUXTl'. Loutt oj Plcos and Qi/urle/' HcssionSj Juhj Ttnn, 1825. Joseph Young 1 Pri/.c ; of i-J'O (Pli.iton and Co;t( >n Saw . t .1,1) - . - is i-Mi'j ■' 1 do ’••.'O'O (!;imilv Ceu-li) - ' is oon 1 do is 2.')0 1 do M.;0 (d..) . - is i:m» 1 do ^i.:0(,di) is i.'.O 2 ilo t)li/0 (;.-iie Poavd CoUon • vv (iin) IS 2 do .S0 ((;ig Old Sociable) is It^U 2 do f>20 (Ikdtcads) is •iO 3 do ^1-1 (.1 selof T; hh s) is ■IJ 2 do ■^12 \\ in.sor ( hail .') is 24 J do (IWvi -adie.-.’ \\ ( t-k Taldes and one I’ lobroke) - is 1 do f f' r.i 'iovv lop Cradle) is 8 10 tlo ;sd (C) Plon.Jis, J .sirei 1 Lamps, and 2 1 .:iruCaii.->) is CO 10 h) ?5 (liat^) is 50 1 do i ((■anoh''-’iiid) s 4 1 (hi t'o (do) is ,j 20 do ■ j:5 (d(.) is Cl) .luu do t J (25 c..st :.';tl A\CS, ; and 2 r5 p:.n- Id.ec.-,,' is t„ ;j 431 do |1 (1 ill are Ji vvelrv, Slioi i s, .^C. i.e.) - - -■ is •1..1 7~y :1ur2 . C Scire Paci.is, 1 he heirs of John Jteid, clec’d. 3 IT appearing to the Court that Samuel Peid, Henry Held, and Sharp Heid, heirs at law of the said .lohn b’eid, deceased, are not inhabit ants ot this State : Ordered therefore, that pi''>- licalion be n.ade four weeks in the Catawi .lonrnat, notifying the said Samuel, Jfenrv an Sl'.arp IJeid. that unless they apptarat our next Court of Pleas and Quarter St.ssions, to be held for the county of Cabarrus, at the Court-House in Conconl, on the third Monday of October next, then and there to answer or plead to i.ssiie, judgment ex parte as to them will be rendered, according to scire facias. DAX’i-. COLEMAN, C. C. C. 4^15.1—Price adv. .51 75 FHO.H THE BAVriMonE PATllIOT. FAREWELL TO LAFAYETTE. The Muse that hail’d thy coming, And woo’d the fates for thcp; 'J'he Hard that sung thy welcome, In humble minstrelsy;— That saw the nation meet thee. And hail thee as its guest; And joyous millions greet thee, With welcome to the west. Now see the ship in waiting. Far down the sea-like ba\,— The last shore-boat api)roachin'g,— 'I’hat bears thee far aw ay : And now' they bid in sadness. While high their bo.soms sw’ell. To him they hailed in gladness, A long, a l ist farewell. With thee upon the ocean, A people’s blessings go. Like oil upon the waters. To smooth thy [)ath of wo j And since no more in gladness, I'heir guest with them can dwell. Their sighs, in silent sadness. Bid him a fond farewell. Our sires and sons shall hies# thee. Till time’s last sun shall set j Our little one’s first lesson Shall be lisp “ Fayette W'e welcoai’d thee in gladness, And bade the triumph swell j And now, in lovelorn sadness, Uid thee a long farewell. But hope, in secret whispers. Says we shall meet again ; That thou’it return, and with us Thy rest of life remain. O! be it so, ami ever W itii friends and fi’eemcn dwell j Uut if we part forever. Forever fare thee well. rYxniAt. DEPAK'IUHE OF liEN. l.AFAYIiTTE. felvUc oV XovUY-VttToWua, CAnAUltUS COI’iVTY. Court of Picas and Qi/ar/er Hessionsf July Ter 01, 1825. James Alli.son and Josepii Young / vs. > The heirs of Jolin Heid, dec’d. ) B T appearing to the ( ourt that Samuel Peid, Scire Facias. Ilenr\ !{ ui, and Sharp W^-id, heirs at lavv of, • lit- fn rUO.-M THJk MATIO.NAL l.VTELI-lOt.SCtH. Washington City, Sept. 9. This illustrious Friend uiul (liicst of jl oiir country, looii his departure IVoin llic Scat of Coyernmcnt on Wednesday, on i his return to his native country. All l)tl-! siness was suspended in the city during! the day; the shops and Banks were clos-. ed, and evei-y tliinjj indicated the deep leelintj which pervadrd tiie comiaunity on this interesting occasion. At an early hour, the Coi-ps of Marines, the Volunteer Companies of the I’irstl Brigade of the District, and tlio.se of tiie ; Alexandiia Brigade, were on the ground designated on the President’s Square, ' v\ liei-e tiiey were Joined by Goy. Sprigg’s ! and Capt. Dunloj)’s troops of Cuvuh y | “•om tiie State of Marvland j the uliole thesaid .lolin Reid, decea.scd, are not inhabit-, a.i.. , i.ic m m;ic antsot this State: Oi-dered thercfbre, that Duh- r 1 1 " lication be niade four weeks in tlu; Catawba ’ Waiting lo take Up tlie es- .le'urna), notif\ing the said Samuel, Hdiry and I eort. Kl I Board, of A IJ.-rmn, ami ,l« Com- for the county Of C.ibarni.s at tlu-rourt-Hoii.sf ' nion Councils of the thice cllics of the jii igiiietil ex ])arte as to them will be rendered,’ according to bcire fat-i.is. DAN’L. COI.EMAX, C. C. V. 4wl5."l—Price adv. 1 7J ui* CAl’AIt.'U'.s ('OIJNXV. Coini of I'll (.s a,id ^nm'ter iScsnions., Jvht Term. Jose])b Young, A.ssi. ^ . C Tlio heirs f;f .lohn Keid, dec’d.3 I' a])pi aring to the Court tliat S:4muel Ifeid, I President of l!ie L'niied Slates ap ^ Scire Facias. yurs, entered the J'lesidenl’.-, JIi.us*: at iuiif past eleven o’clock, 'l lic Marshals (;f the day liad asscmljjcd thei-e a shurt time pi-evious. The farewell addi-es.scs ol tliese several I\Iuhicij)al BihIh's lia\lng been coininunicatefl to the (ii-iici-ul by a nK'ssen;;(-r, aijoiit 12 o’l.lock they wi-re all suniiiioncd to tiic Ha!!, and liaving i)eeti arranged in at ircie by tlu; .Mur-jludv, Heiii \ l.'cid, and Sliai-]) h’eld, heir.s at law ol the sail! ,l( hn Ucid, decea.-.ed, are not iiiliabit- aiit> of t!,.s ."t.'df; Ordered therefore, that pn!)- lii-alioii !,'»■ in.'ide four weeks in IIk- Catawlia .ieunia', notir> ing the said Samuel, Henry and >liat-p i;e:d, tliat unless t Ik y appear at our next Cno'-t of Pleas and Ciir,.i-ter Seb.iioiis, to be held for the f-min1_\ of ( abarnis, at the Co'ii't-Ibnise in ( ur.cnrd, on the third Monda\'of Octoiicr next, tin n and there: to aiisw i r or plead to issue, iud;^-n.c iit e.\ p:iTte as to them w ill be reiuhred, according to seire facias. DA.N’J.. OLE.NLW, C.i'.C. } wtJ.l—I’lire adv. ^l ; 5 feUvlvi •X(iv\A\-i'‘aiHA\iui, Mr.CKl KMi' lid (,-OL '. rv. Win. J. Ale.\ander^ Origiiud Altachment, V levied in the handsot .las. David .Martin, j Kirk and W in. I,nek v. ]']' is ordered b} Court, that advi rtiserni nt be niadi- lor thn e montlis 'nthi Cataw ba .loiir- iial, for the ih tend.mt lo a[i])eai*at ih( Nmini- ber 'I't rm ( f this Ccurt, in 182,), and there lo ri pleA V and pl ad to i>s;ie, (jtlierw ise jii 'ginelit will be inteitd ag-aiiist hiin. 'i e.t, l>A AC AJ.I.XANDr.I,*, ( hrk. ."niK'O—Pri( e aU . ':^-l vn\ \VvV‘ #AUau‘\\\v\\V. 5^ '^ T puhl v|ic.!. and f«,r s.de at tir.s otlici-, I I'.ee 121 I.*,, “A Ml.■in r:n the Alone Ua :.j. C. C'Ai.i.i a. peared before the entrance wliich le.ids to the Drawing liuoni, suj)j)Oi-led on eacli side by the Heads of Deparlmenls, and Odi(u-rs, Civil and Miiiiary. Several .Members ol (Congress, at present in ihe District, and other dislingui.died citi/.i-ns, also, formed a part of ihis gi oup. 'i'he company Iiaving waited some mintile-s in silence, a siiie dour wasopejiecl, and (icn. L.\FAVKTii: entered tlic H.tll, atleiwled by the Mai shul ol’ tlie Di^li iet, uiid one «l the sons of the I’resldeiit, and jce.sei.icu liimself in the vacant space uitlnn ihe circle, and at a suitul>le distaiiee, K> rc- ct.-i\e the Addi-esii of the President. Tur. .\dains, then, with nitt'li dignity, b'U wiili evident emotion, d(ii\et-eil, in a dear, dislinrt, and very jmpres:>i\e man ner, the folluw in;,^ Af)i;UKSS: flKM.Ji.M, Lai A VI.I 11.:—It has be-n the good fortuiie f many (jT my dislingnish- I'd feilo\v-t i'i/,eiis. during tlic c(;urse of the year jvj'v fJ pv;d. yyur i:!ri\;;l at tlieir respective places of al)ode, to greet you with the welcoini-of the Na tion. 'I'he less pU'asing task now de volves upon me, of iniUling you, in the name of the Nation, Adieu. It were no lunger seasonalile, and would be superlltious, to recaiiittdale the re- markal)le incidents of youreaily life— incidents which iis-.n iate'd your name, loriunes, and reputation, in im[)erishal)le eonnt'xion witii the lndep*iuleiK-e and History »)f the North American Uni(n. I'iie part >shich you pei-formed at liiut imi)ortant junction was marked witlx cliarac lers so pecnliat, that, reaii’/.ing the lairest falile of anticinily, its p.ii allcl could scatcely be foumi in the unlkcnlic i-ecoi (Is (d‘ human hislory. \ou deliberately and porsevetingly preh-rred toil, danger, the eii iuraiu-e ol* every hat-dshi]!, and llu- pi-i\ution of t-\e- ry comfoi-i, in del'eiiee cd’ a h dy causc, >0 ini.;;loriuus ease, and tlie allMi-eiiients ol rank, alHuence, and iint esti atned youth, at the mo.,I splendid and fascinating Court of Kurope. 1 hat this choice was not less wise than magtianimous, the sanction of h df a cen- tiM), aiul the gratnlations of niiiiumber- ed voices, all unable to express tiie grati- liide ol the lieart with wiitcii your \isit N> thi-^ heniisj)iiei-e lias bcren vvelcoined, aliord am;de dt'monstr.'.tion. When the contest of freedom, to whicli you h.id j-ejjuiied as a yuluntary chatnp- ion, had closed, by ilrj C(jiii|)!rie ti-iiimpli oi her cause in this counti-y ofyour adop tion, you returned to fuitil liie duties of the philanthropibt and pa.riot in thi- ir.nd of your nativity. There, in a ronsislent and undeviating eaieer *!’ forly years, j'ou have mainiained, throngli cviry vi cissitude of alternate success and disap- pointmeiii, the same glorious cdise to which the litst years ui your active life had lieen devoted—ihe improvoinent of tne moral and political condition of man. Throughout that long snecession of time, the Peoj)lc of the United Stales, for whom, and wiih wiiuni, )ou hud fought the battles of libei iy, have boeu Tn ing in the lull possi ssion of its fruits, one ol the happiest among the family of natioiiSi Spreading in population; en larging in lerritoi y ; acting anti snlleriiij^ according t(» ilic eondiiiou of llieir na ture; and laying the found; tiijiis of l!ie gieatcst, and, we huinl>ly hope, iho uujst beneliceni power th.it ever legulated tho conc rns of man upon eartii. In tiiat la|)se ol loi-iy year.s,tlie genera tion ol men with whom ycni co-(;perated in the conflict of arms, has nearly pasatid away. (J| the (ienei'al' C)lli(-t;i s (jf tUii American army in that wai, you aioiio survive. Of he Sages wiuj guided our Cotinrils; ot llie Warriors who met the foe ill the lieid or upon the wa'wiili the ev.ception of a few, to whom un r ual length of (lays ha;> been allotled by Jeav- en, ail now sleep wiili their fa'ii-, is. A suc ceeding, and even a third geiieration, iuive arisen to lake liieir places; and iheir chiidren’s cmldien, while ri-.ing up lo call them blfssi d, liave been taught by ifiem, as well as admotiisued by iheii* ovvnconstiintenjoymeni .f freedom, to in clude in every lienison upon lli. ir fatIiers the name of him who came from afar,’ with them and in their cauie, lo coiKiner or to fall. '1 lie universal pi-evalenre of these Kenti- im-iilo was si;.;iially manifested by u Peso- lu.ioii ol' Coiig-es.s, reprcsemitig the whou; I’eoph', .,iid all iI'k- Mates of lliis Liiiniu'reipusling iIh- I'li-sldcnt of tlie Lulled ^)tates to eommii.-iH ate to\(,u i!ie as-.uiaiires of gratefil and uflec'tionalc atlucliment. ol Hus (lovei nment and Pro- ■ pie, and (lesiiing ili ,i a national ship i;iigbi i>e employed, at your c(ji,veniciirf, I'oi- your, passage to llic i>orders ofour coiiiury. 'i'iie invitation was transmillerl to v.)u bv my veiierabi.i !)reth;t(--.sor : him.seif bound to yon i>y the .strongest t ir.s ol'ji.-r ^onal IViendsbii) : biins.-lf one ofilio-,e whom the liigbest honors of bis cotuili y bad re warded lor blood early slied iii her cause, and lor a long lile ol devotion Ii(.|. wel- faie. I5y him the services of a national ■.hip were placed at yjur di ,;,osal. Voiir delicacy [jrelet-i-ed a tmj|-e jii iea’t; convey ance, and a Itill year his elapserl 5>iii('(i you landed upon our shoi-es. It vveri; scarcely an exaggeration to sav, that it has been, to the people (;fthe Union, a year of unitiu-i i iipied festivity and enjoy- ii,ri;t. insjiired by your pte.-eiiec. \(»u i,a\e tiavei-M d ihi- twenly-l'our States of tlii.i greal Coiifederacy. You iiave l)een received with raj/taie by t!,e sui-vivor. of >our earlie-.t coinpaniutis in arms. \'ou huv*- been hailed as a loti;; ab ,eni parent ijy their ciiiklri-n, the men and vvrmienof the present age. And a lisitij,'- genera tion, the hojie of ruiiirt' lime, iu numliers sill passing llie whole population d'that day when vou foiight at liie head and by Ihe side d‘Hieir Ibreraliers, have vied with the .scar.ty rrninants of'!kU botir of trial, in act lamatiori-; ofjuy at beholding tlie lae-e of him vviioni they fee! to be the voinuiou bcuclacioi- o[ all. You havo

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